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Dawoodi Bohra

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Dawoodi Bohras (Arabic: داؤدی بوہرہ, Hindi: दवूदि बोह्रा) are the main branch of the Bohras, a Mustaˤlī subsect of Ismā'īlī Shīˤa Islām, and are based in India. Their spiritual leader is Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin. He is known as the Dāˤī l-Mutlaq and is the 52nd Dāˤī in an unbroken chain of du'aat mutla'qeen.

Bohras believe that the 21st Imām, Tayyab Abu l-Qāsim, believed to be a direct descendant of Muħammad via his daughter Fātimatu z-Zahra ("Fatema"), went into seclusion and established the offices of the Dāˤī l-Mutlaq (داعي المطلفق), Ma'ðūn (مأذون) and Mukasir (مكاسر). The Dāˤī l-Mutlaq is the Imām's vicegerent, with full authority to govern the Dawoodi Bohra community in all matters both spiritual and temporal.

During the Imam's seclusion, the Dāˤī l-Mutlaq is appointed by his predecessor in office. The Madhun and Mukasir are in turn appointed by the Dāˤī l-Mutlaq. A fundamental belief of the Dawoodi Bohras is that the presence of the secluded Imām is guaranteed by the presence of the Dāˤī l-Mutlaq.

Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin has appointed Syedi Khuzaima Qutbuddin as his Ma'ðūn and Syedi Husain Husamuddin as his Mukasir.

Fatimid origins

Al-Hurra Al-Malika of Yemen appointed the first Dāˤī in Yemen in the mid-twelfth century A.D. The Fatimid Dāˤwat (state) was to remain headquartered in Yemen, India and Pakistan (Sindh) under the leadership of the Dāˤī l-Mutlaq.

After acute persecution from the Sunnī majority in Yemen, the Dāˤwat shifted to India and some followers also relocated. However, a large population of Dawoodi Bohras remained in Yemen and do so today.

Some Bohras' ancestors were converts from Hinduism to Islam in Gujarat, India. Their conversion was the result of the work of some Fatimid missionaries from Egypt and Yemen, which took place before the seclusion of the 21st Fatimid Imām, some time during the caliphate of Imām al-Mustansir. The converted were largely from the Hindu higher castes, many of whom were engaged in trade and commerce. Later, indigenous converts undertook the missionary activities in other regions such as the areas that today constitute Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

The word Bohra itself is derived from the Gujarati word Vehwahar, which is interpreted as "trading". Even today, the community indulges mostly in business and trade.

Contemporary Dawoodi Bohras

The Dawoodi Bohras are a very closely-knit community who seek advice from the Dāˤī on spiritual and temporal matters.

While the majority of Dawoodi Bohras have traditionally been traders, it is becoming increasingly common for them to become professionals. Within South Asia many choose to become Doctors, and in the Far East and the West, a large number now work as consultants or analysts as well as a large contingent of medical professionals. Dawoodi Bohras are encouraged to educate themselves in both religious and secular knowledge, and as a result, the number of professionals in the community is rapidly increasing. Dawoodi Bohras believe that the education of women is equally important to that of men, and many Dawoodi Bohra women choose to enter the workforce. Al Jamea tus Saifiyah (The Arabic Academy) in Surat and Karachi is a sign to the educational importance in the Bohra community. The Academy has an advanced curriculum which encompasses religious and secular education for both men and women.

Today there are approximately one million Dawoodi Bohras. The majority of these reside in India and Pakistan, but there is also a significant diaspora resident in the Middle East, East Africa, Europe, North America and the Far East.

The ordinary Bohra is highly conscious of his identity and this is especially demonstrated at religious and traditional occasions by the appearance and attire of the participants. Dawoodi Bohra men wear a traditional white three piece outfit, plus a white and gold cap (called a topi), and women wear the rida, a distinctive form of the commonly known burqa which is distinguished from other forms of the veil due to it often being in colour and decorated with patterns and lace. Young girls wear a simple 2 piece suit with a collar and shalwaar called a Jabloo Izaar. They wear this with a girl's topi, decorated with sequins and sometimes lace.

Besides speaking the local languages, the Bohras have their own language called Lisānu l-Dāˤwat "The language of the Dāˤwat". This is written in Arabic script but is derived from Urdu, Gujarati and Arabic.

Remembrance of the martyrdom of Haðrat Imām Husayn, grandson of Muħammed, is an essential part of every Bohra community activity. Every year, the head of the community, Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin delivers religious discourses for ten days during the days of Āshūrā and these are attended by a large number of community members.

Contributions to the Community at Large

The Bohras originated from Fatimid Egypt and thus their cultural mores are based on the practices of the Fatimid Imāms. This is further found in the myriad constructions that the Bohras have carried out around the world, all of which feature Fatimid influences from the mosques and buildings of Cairo.

Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin undertook the complete renovation and restoration of the Mosque of Imām al-Hakīm in Cairo, a project UNESCO had considered but did not undertake. Some of the most important Fatimid-era mosques were also renovated by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin in Cairo as a tribute to the vast and beautiful legacy of the Fatimid Imams. Al Aqmar: A Living Testomony to the Fatemiyeen (ISBN 0-9539270-0-8) and Al Juyushi: A vision of the Fatemiyeen (ISBN 0-9539270-1-6) are a few to name.

Currently, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin has taken up the task of renovation of the Masjid al-ˤAzam in Kūfa, Iraq. This place is of historical significance to both the Islamic and the Pre-Islamic era. The mosque is also primarily significant to the Shiates as it is the place of Martyrdom of Amīru l-Muminīn ˤAlī ibn Abī Tālib. Another significant contribution in Iraq at the moment is the renovation of the shrines of Imām Husayn in Karbala and the shrine of Haðrat ˤAlī in Najaf.

In June 2005, the Dawoodi Bohra community built Saifee Hospital in Mumbai, India. The hospital is one of the most technologically advanced hospitals in the entire country, and was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh on June 4 2005. At the inauguration, the Dawoodi Bohra community was commended by the Prime Minister during a speech delivered by him.

Current notable official events

The first Dawoodi Bohra masjid in the West, was built in Farmington Hills, Michigan in 1988.

In August 2005, the Dāī l-Mutlaq inaugurated another new mosque in the United States in Fremont, California (metropolitan San Francisco) and was congratulated by various officials and dignitaries from local, state and the United States governments. President George W. Bush also congratulated His Holiness in a letter from the White House [1].

On July 8th 2007, Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin inaugurated a new mosque in Paris, France. [2]
