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Timeline of programming languages

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This is a timeline of historically important programming languages.


( Entry ) means a non-universal programming language
* means a unique language (no direct predecessor)


Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)
~1837 Analytical Engine order code Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace *
1943-5 Plankalkül (concept) Konrad Zuse *
1943-6 ENIAC coding system John von Neumann, John Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert, Herman Goldstine after Alan Turing *
1946 ENIAC Short Code Richard Clippinger, John von Neumann after Alan Turing ENIAC coding system
1946 Von Neumann and Goldstine graphing system (Notation) John von Neumann and Herman Goldstine ENIAC coding system
1947 ARC Assembly Kathleen Booth ENIAC coding system
1948 CPC Coding scheme Howard H. Aiken Analytical Engine order code
1948 Curry notation system Haskell Curry ENIAC coding system
1949 Brief Code John Mauchly and William F. Schmitt ENIAC Short Code
1949 C-10 Betty Holberton ENIAC Short Code
1949 Seeber coding scheme (concept) Robert Seeber CPC Coding scheme
Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)


Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)
1950 Short Code William F Schmidt, A.B. Tonik[1], J.R. Logan Brief Code
1950 Birkbeck Assembler Kathleen Booth ARC
1951 Superplan Heinz Rutishauser Plankalkül
1951 ALGAE Edward A Voorhees and Karl Balke *
1951 Intermediate Programming Language Arthur Burks Short Code
1951 Regional Assembly Language Maurice Wilkes EDSAC
1951 Boehm unnamed coding system Corrado Böhm Aiken CPC system
1951 Klammerausdrücke Konrad Zuse Plankalkül
1951 OMNIBAC Symbolic Assembler Charles Katz Short Code
1951 Stanislaus (Notation) Fritz Bauer *
1951 Whirlwind assembler Charles Adams and Jack Gilmore at MIT Project Whirlwind EDSAC
1951 Rochester assembler Nat Rochester EDSAC
1951 Sort Merge Generator Betty Holberton *
1952 A-0 Grace Hopper C-10 and Short Code
1952 Autocode Alick Glennie after Alan Turing Aiken CPC
1952 Editing Generator Milly Koss SORT/MERGE
1953 Speedcoding John W. Backus *
1953 READ/PRINT Don Harroff, James Fishman, George Ryckman *
1954 Laning and Zierler system Laning, Zierler, Adams at MIT Project Whirlwind *
1954 Mark I Autocode Tony Brooker Glennie Autocode
1954-1955 FORTRAN (concept) Team led by John W. Backus at IBM Speedcoding
1954 ARITH-MATIC Team led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC A-0
1954 MATH-MATIC Team led by Charles Katz A-0
1954 MATRIX MATH H G Kahrimanian *
1954 IPL I (concept) Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon *
1955 FLOW-MATIC Team led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC A-0
1955 BACAIC M. Grems and R. Porter
1955-6 Sequentielle Formelübersetzung Fritz Bauer and Karl Samelson Boehm
1955-6 IT Team led by Alan Perlis Laning and Zerler
1958 IPL II (implementation) Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon IPL I
1956-1958 LISP (concept) John McCarthy IPL
1957 FORTRAN "I" (implementation) John W. Backus at IBM FORTRAN 0
1957-1958 UNICODE Remington Rand UNIVAC MATH-MATIC
1957 COMIT (concept) *
1958 FORTRAN II Team led by John W. Backus at IBM FORTRAN I
1958 ALGOL 58 (IAL) ACM/GAMM FORTRAN, IT and Sequentielle Formelübersetzung
1958 IPL V Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon IPL II
1959 FACT Fletcher R. Jones, Roy Nutt, Robert L. Patrick *
1959 COBOL (concept) The CODASYL Committee FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN, FACT
1959 JOVIAL Jules Schwartz at SDC ALGOL 58
1959 LISP (implementation) John McCarthy IPL
1959 TRAC (concept) Mooers
Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)


Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)
1960 ALGOL 60 ALGOL 58
1960 COBOL 61 (implementation) The CODASYL Committee FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN
1961 COMIT (implementation) *
1962 APL (concept) Iverson *
1962 MAD Arden, et al. ALGOL 58
1962 SIMULA (concept) ALGOL 60
1962 SNOBOL Griswold, et al. FORTRAN II, COMIT
1963 CPL Barron, Strachey, et al. ALGOL 60
1963 SNOBOL3 Griswold, et al. SNOBOL
1963 ALGOL 68 (concept) van Wijngaarden, et al. ALGOL 60
1963 JOSS I Cliff Shaw, RAND ALGOL 58
1964 MIMIC H. E. Petersen, et al. MIDAS
1964 COWSEL Burstall, Popplestone CPL, LISP
1964 PL/I (concept) IBM ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN
1964 BASIC Kemeny and Kurtz FORTRAN II, JOSS
1964 Mark-IV Informatics
1964 Speakeasy-2 Stanley Cohen at Argonne National Laboratory Speakeasy
1964 TRAC (implementation) Mooers
1964? IITRAN
1966 JOSS II Chuck Baker, RAND JOSS I
1966 ALGOL W Niklaus Wirth, C. A. R. Hoare ALGOL 60
1966 ISWIM (Concept) Landin LISP
1966 CORAL66 ALGOL 60
1967 BCPL Richards CPL
1967 MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital FORTRAN, TELCOMP
1967 APL (implementation) Iverson *
1967 SIMULA 67 (implementation) Dahl, Myhrhaug, Nygaard at Norsk Regnesentral ALGOL 60
1967 InterLisp D.G. Bobrow and D.L. Murphy Lisp
1967 SNOBOL4 Griswold, et al. SNOBOL3
1967 XPL W. M. McKeeman, et al. at University of California Santa Cruz, California
J. J. Horning, et al. at Stanford University
1968 ALGOL 68 (UNESCO/IFIP standard) A. van Wijngaarden, B.J. Mailloux, J.E.L. Peck and Cornelis H. A. Koster, et al. ALGOL 60
1968 POP-1 Burstall, Popplestone COWSEL
1968 FORTH (concept) Moore
1968 LOGO Papert LISP
1968 MAPPER Unisys CRT RPS
1968 REFAL (implementation) Valentin Turchin *
1969 PL/I (implementation) IBM ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN
1969 B Ken Thompson, with contributions from Dennis Ritchie BCPL
1969 PPL Thomas A. Standish at Harvard University
1969 SETL Jack Schwartz at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
1969 TUTOR University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)


Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)
1970? FORTH (implementation) Moore
1970 POP-2 POP-1
1970 Pascal Wirth, Jensen ALGOL 60, ALGOL W
1971 Sue Holt et al. at University of Toronto Pascal, XPL
1972 Smalltalk Xerox PARC SIMULA 67
1972 PL/M Kildall at Digital Research PL/I, ALGOL, XPL
1972 C Dennis Ritchie B, BCPL, ALGOL 68
1972 INTERCAL Don Woods and James M. Lyon *
1972 Prolog Colmerauer 2-level W-Grammar
1973 COMAL Christensen, Løfstedt Pascal, BASIC
1973 ML Robin Milner
1973 LIS Ichbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull Pascal, Sue
1973 Speakeasy-3 Stanley Cohen, Steven Pieper at Argonne National Laboratory Speakeasy-2
1974 GRASS DeFanti BASIC
1974 BASIC FOUR MAI BASIC Four Inc. Business BASIC
1975 ABC Leo Geurts and Lambert Meertens SETL
1975 Scheme Sussman, Steele LISP
1975 Altair BASIC Gates, Allen BASIC
1975 CS-4 Miller, Brosgol et al. at Intermetrics ALGOL 68, BLISS, ECL, HAL
1975 Modula Wirth Pascal
1976 Smalltalk-76 Xerox PARC Smalltalk-72
1976 Ratfor Kernighan C, FORTRAN
1976 S John Chambers at Bell Labs APL, PPL, Scheme
1977 FP John Backus *
1977 Bourne Shell (sh) Bourne *
1977 IDL David Stern of Research Systems Inc Fortran
1977 Standard MUMPS MUMPS
1977 Icon (concept) Griswold SNOBOL
1977 Green Ichbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull for US Dept of Defense ALGOL 68, LIS
1977 Red Brosgol et al. at Intermetrics for US Dept of Defense ALGOL 68, CS-4
1977 Blue Goodenough et al. at SofTech for US Dept of Defense ALGOL 68,
1977 Yellow Spitzen et al. at SRI International for US Dept of Defense ALGOL 68,
1978? MATLAB Moler at the University of New Mexico *
1978? SMALL Brownlee at the University of Auckland Algol60
1978 SQL aka structured query language IBM Ingres
1978 VisiCalc Bricklin, Frankston marketed by VisiCorp *
1979 Modula-2 Wirth Modula
1979 REXX Cowlishaw PL/I, BASIC, EXEC 2
1979 AWK Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan C, SNOBOL
1979 Icon (implementation) Griswold SNOBOL
1979 Vulcan dBase-II Ratliff *
Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)


Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)
1980 Ada MIL-STD-1815 Ichbiah at CII Honeywell Bull Green
1980 C with classes Stroustrup C, SIMULA 67
1980-1981 CBASIC Gordon Eubanks BASIC, Compiler Systems, Digital Research
1982? Speakeasy-IV Stanley Cohen, et al. at Speakeasy Computing Corporation Speakeasy-3
1982 Objective-C Brad Cox Smalltalk, C
1983 GW-BASIC Microsoft IBM BASICA
1983 Ada ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A Ichbiah at Alsys Green
1983 C++ Stroustrup C with Classes
1983 True BASIC Kemeny, Kurtz at Dartmouth College BASIC
1983 occam David May EPL
1984? Korn Shell (ksh) David Korn sh
1984 RPL Hewlett-Packard Forth, Lisp
1984 Standard ML ML
1984 CLIPPER Nantucket dBase
1984 Common Lisp Guy L. Steele, Jr. and many others LISP
1984 Redcode Alexander Dewdney and D.G. Jones
1985 Object Pascal Apple Computer Pascal
1985 PARADOX Borland dBase
1985 PostScript Warnock InterPress
1985 QuickBASIC Microsoft BASIC
1986 GFA BASIC Frank Ostrowski BASIC
1986 Miranda David Turner at University of Kent
1986 LabVIEW National Instruments
1986 Eiffel Meyer SIMULA 67
1986 Informix-4GL Informix
1986 CorVision Cortex INFORM
1987 Ada ISO 8652:1987 ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A unchanged Ada 83
1987 Self (concept) Sun Microsystems Inc. Smalltalk
1987 occam 2 David May and INMOS occam
1987 HyperTalk Apple *
1987 Perl Wall C, sed, awk, sh
1987 Oberon Wirth Modula-2
1987 Erlang Joe Armstrong and others in Ericsson Prolog
1987 Mathematica Wolfram Research *
1987 Turbo Basic Robert 'Bob' Zale BASIC/Z
1988 Octave MATLAB
1988 Tcl Ousterhout Awk, Lisp
1988 STOS BASIC François Lionet and Constantin Sotiropoulos BASIC
1988 Object REXX Simon C. Nash REXX
1988 SPARK Bernard A. Carré Ada
1988 A+ Arthur Whitney APL
1989 Turbo Pascal OOP Hejlsberg at Borland Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal
1989 Modula-3 Cardeli, et al. DEC and Olivetti Modula-2
1989 PowerBASIC Robert 'Bob' Zale Turbo Basic
1989 VisSim Peter Darnell, Visual Solutions
Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)


Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)
1990 AMOS BASIC François Lionet and Constantin Sotiropoulos STOS BASIC
1990 Object Oberon H Mössenböck, J Templ, R Griesemer Oberon
1990 J Iverson, R. Hui at Iverson Software APL, FP
1990 Haskell Miranda
1990 EuLisp Common Lisp, Scheme
1991 Oberon-2 Hanspeter Mössenböck, Wirth Object Oberon
1991 Python Van Rossum ABC, ALGOL 68[2], Icon, Modula-3
1991 Oz Gert Smolka and his students Prolog
1991 Q Albert Gräf
1991 Visual Basic Alan Cooper, sold to Microsoft QuickBASIC
1992 Borland Pascal Turbo Pascal OOP
1992 Dylan many people at Apple Computer Common Lisp, Scheme
1993? Z Shell (zsh) ksh
1993? Self (implementation) Sun Microsystems Inc. Smalltalk
1993 Brainfuck Urban Müller *
1993 FALSE Wouter van Oortmerssen Forth
1993 Revolution Transcript HyperTalk
1993 AppleScript Apple HyperTalk
1993 K Arthur Whitney APL, Lisp
1993 Ruby Yukihiro Matsumoto Smalltalk, Perl
1993 Lua Roberto Ierusalimschy et al. at Tecgraf, PUC-Rio Lua
1993 ZPL Chamberlain et al. at University of Washington C
1993 NewtonScript Walter Smith Self, Dylan
1994 ANSI Common Lisp Common Lisp
1994 PHP Rasmus Lerdorf Perl
1994 Pike Fredrik Hübinette et al. at Linköping University LPC, C, µLPC
1994 ANS Forth Elizabeth Rather, et al. Forth
1995 Ada 95 Simon Tucker Taft Ada 83
1995 Borland Delphi Anders Hejlsberg at Borland Borland Pascal
1995 ColdFusion (CFML) Allaire
1995 Java James Gosling at Sun Microsystems C, SIMULA67 OR C++, Smalltalk, Ada 83, Objective-C
1995 LiveScript Brendan Eich at Netscape Self, C
1995 MySQL Michael Widenius and David Axmark C, C++
1996 Curl David Kranz, Steve Ward, Chris Terman at MIT Lisp, C++, Tcl/Tk, TeX, HTML
1996 JavaScript Brendan Eich at Netscape LiveScript
1996 Perl Data Language (PDL) Karl Glazebrook, Jarle Brinchmann, Tuomas Lukka, and Christian Soeller APL, Perl
1996 R Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka S
1996 NetRexx Cowlishaw REXX
1996 Lasso Blue World Communication
1997 Component Pascal Oberon microsystems, Inc Oberon-2
1997 E Mark S. Miller Joule, Original-E
1997 Pico Free University of Brussels Scheme
1997 Squeak Smalltalk Alan Kay, et al. at Apple Computer Smalltalk-80, Self
1997 ECMAScript ECMA TC39-TG1 JavaScript
1997 F-Script Philippe Mougin Smalltalk, APL, Objective-C
1997 ISLISP ISO Standard ISLISP Common Lisp
1997 Tea Jorge Nunes Java, Scheme, Tcl
1997 REBOL Carl Sassenrath, Rebol Technologies Self, Forth, Lisp, Logo
1998 Standard C++ ANSI/ISO Standard C++ C++, Standard C
1998 Open Source Erlang Ericsson Erlang
1998 Pikt Robert Osterlund (then at University of Chicago) AWK, Perl, Unix shell
1999 XSLT (+ XPath) W3C, James Clark DSSSL
1999 Game Maker Language (GML) Mark Overmars Game Maker
Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)


Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)
2000 Join Java G Stewart von Itzstein Java
2000 Joy von Thun FP, Forth
2000 D Walter Bright at Digital Mars C, C++, C#, Java
2000 XL Christophe de Dinechin Ada, C++, Lisp
2000 C# Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft (ECMA) C, C++, Java, Delphi, Modula-2
2000 Ferite Chris Ross C, C++, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme
2001 AspectJ Xerox PARC Java
2001 Visual Basic .NET Microsoft Visual Basic
2002 Io Steve Dekorte Self, NewtonScript
2003 Nemerle University of Wrocław C#, ML, MetaHaskell
2003 Factor Slava Pestov Joy, Forth, Lisp
2003 Scala Martin Odersky Smalltalk, Java, Haskell, Standard ML, OCaml
2003 Squirrel Alberto Demichelis Lua
2004 Subtext Jonathan Edwards *
2004 Boo Rodrigo B. de Oliveira Python, C#
2004 Groovy James Strachan Java
2005 F# Don Syme at Microsoft Research Objective Caml, C#, Haskell
2006 Links Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh Haskell
2006 Kite Mooneer Salem *
2006 Windows PowerShell Microsoft C#, ksh, Perl, CL, DCL, SQL
2007 Ada 2005 Ada 95
2007 Fan Brian Frank, Andy Frank C#, Scala, Ruby, Erlang
2007 Vala GNOME C#
2007 Clojure Rich Hickey Lisp, ML, Haskell, Erlang
2007 Oberon-07 Wirth [1] Oberon
2008 Nimrod Andreas Rumpf Lisp, Python, C
2009 Go Google C, Oberon, Limbo
Year Name Chief developer, Company Predecessor(s)

See also


  1. ^ UNIVAC conference, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. 171-page transcript of oral history with computer pioneers, including Albert B. Tonik, involved with the Univac computer, held on 17-18 May 1990.
  2. ^ "Interview with Guido van Rossum". 1998. Retrieved 28 2008. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |dateformat= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)