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Japji Sahib

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Japji is a universal song of God composed by Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of the Sikh faith.

Japji Sahib consists of the Mool Mantra as the beginning followed by 38 hymns and a final Salok at the end of this composition. The Japji appears at the very beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Book of the Sikhs. It is regarded as the most important Bani or 'set of verses' by the Sikhs and is recited every morning by all practising faithful of this religion. The word ‘Jap’ means to ‘recite’ or ‘to ‘chant’. ‘Ji’ is a word that is used to show respect as is the word ‘Sahib’. 'Ji' can also be used to refer to one's own soul.

This Bani was composed by the founder of the faith, Sri Guru Nanak Dev, who was the first of ten Sikh Gurus. The Ten Gurus of Sikhism were responsible for the creation of this faith which took place over period 1469 to 1708 – a period of about 239 years. At the point when the last of these Gurus departed this Earth, the Guruship was passed to the Sikh Holy Book, the Guru Granth Sahib. The Sikh treat the Guru Granth Sahib as a living Guru and the respect shown for the Shabad or ‘Message of the Gurus’ is unique in the religion.

English Translation

Mool Mantra

Attention : The English translation of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is as per a normal human thinking and will not be believed as the absolute meaning of it. This translation is just for a quick meaning . However, the exact meaning cannot be written or spoken in words, it can only be felt by the one who knows the gurmukhi Punjabi language.

Ek onkaar

HE (GOD)is one

The Truth is One (Waheguruji is One [God is One])
                   ("The Truth" is - The Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer.  There are      
                   (no other gods or beings but the One. 
                   (All beings, All forces, good, evil, order, chaos, serve the Will of One God,
                   (All are born and die playing their role in God's Play.)
Satnaam Whose Name Is Truth
                                          (Literally Sat means Truth and Naam means name)
Kartapurkh Only The Truth can give Creation existence
                                          (Life is created by Waheguruji's Will) 
Nirbhau Without Fear
                                          (There is Only One, no equal, Fear does not exist.)
Nirvair Without Hatred
                                          (There is Only One, no equal that exists, 
                                          (no one that can challenge.)
Akalmoorat The Truth is a Timeless/shapeless Form
                                          (Waheguru is 'form' which is Timeless)
Ajooni The Truth does not go through the cycle of birth and death
                                          (Everything goes through a cycle of birth/death 
                                          (Waheguru does not go through reincarnation.)
Saihbhang The Truth is Self Existent
                                          (There is none that Created the Almighty,)
                                          (Waheguru[Truth, God]is Self Existent)
Gurparsad By The Guru’s Grace The Truth is Obtained
                                          (Grace is Given by The Truth, the Guru [Divine Teacher]
                                          (is within all, as well as everywhere.
                                          (By taking a step on a journey to seek The Truth,
                                          (we ask for Salvation, Salvation can only be bestowed
                                          (upon us by the Truth.) 
Jap Recite
Aad such Waheguruji [Truth, God] was True in the beginning
Jugad such Waheguruji was True in the Primal Age
Haibee such Waheguruji is True now Also
Nanak hosi bee such O Nanak [Says Nanak] True Shall Waheguruji be Forever.

1st Pauri.

soche soch na hovai je sochi lakh vaar chopai chup na hovai je lae raha lev taar bhokia bhok na utree je banna puria paar sehas sian pa lakh hoe ta ek na chale naal kiv sachira hovie kiv koore tute paal hukam rajai chalna nanak likhia naal ||1||

By taking bath in holy river a hundred thousand times,

one cannot be pious.

True Silence cannot be attained,

Even by perpetual meditation.

The avarice of the greedy is not satiated

Even though loaded with world's riches.

A thousand, a million feats of wisdom

Bring not emancipation

How then to become spiritually pure?

How then to pierce the veil of illusion?

Through willing obedience to Waheguruji's Command and Will;

O Nanak, The Will that is pre-ordained

2nd Pauri.

By Waheguruji's Divine Will are entities manifested;

Inexpressible is Waheguru's Will.

By Waheguruji's Will are souls infused in them;

By Waheguru's Will is greatness achieved.

By Waheguruji's Will are some high and some low;

By Waheguruji's Will are pre-writ pains and pleasures obtained.

By Waheguruji's Will some are Graced;

By Waheguruji's Will others must ever wander in transmigration.

All are subject to Waheguruji's Order;

Nothing is exempt from Waheguruji's Will.

Nanak, if one were to understand Waheguruji's Will;

One would not talk egotistically.

3rd Pauri.

Some bestowed with power, praise Waheguruji's might;

Some chant Waheguruji for genoristy, taking them as signs;

Some praise Waheguruji's noble attributes, and works of Great excellence;

Some praise Waheguruji through philosophical intricacies and rationality.

Some sing that Waheguru creates the body and reduces it to dust;

Some sing that Waheguruji takes away the soul, and again restores it.

Some sing that Waheguruji appears distant and remote;

Some sing that Waheguruji, the All-seeing, is the nearest of the near.

In describing Waheguruji there is no end;

Millions have described million descriptions of the Almighty.

The Giver gives;the receivers grow weary of receiving,

Through ages they subsist by Waheguru's bounties.

The Commanders(Waheguruji's) Will directs the way of the world.

Nanak, the Ever fulfilled(Waheguruji), rejoices blissfully.

4th Pauri.

The Everlasting Lord, has an Everlasting Name;

Whose language is of love and infinite.

All creations seeks boons of Waheguruji;

Endlessly does Waheguruji bestow gifts

What to offer Waheguruji

To seek union with the Almighty.

What words should be uttered from our lips

That will invoke Waheguruji's Love?

In the ambrosial hour of the morning,

Meditate on the True Name and the Almighty's Greatness.

By Waheguruji's Grace is acquired the vesture of human life;

And by Waheguruji's Grace, we obtain salvation from egoism.

Nanak, thus do we comprehend;

The True One to be all pervading.

5th Pauri.

Neither can god be installed nor created;

The Pure One is self existent.

One who meditates on Waheguruji, gets true honor.

Nanak, sing the praises of Waheguruji, the treasure-house of virtues.

Sing and listen to Waheguruji's virtues, and keep Waheguruji's Love in heart,

This sheds misery and ushers one to the abode of bliss.

Guru's word is the eternal song, Guru's word is Divine knowledge;

And Guru's word is all-pervavise.

The Guru is Shiva, the Guru is Vishnu and Brahma

The Guru is Parvati, Lakshmi and Sarsvati.

Were I to attain some understanding of Waheguruji, how do I describe Waheguruji?

For Waheguruji cannot be narrated by words.

The Guru has enlightened me thus.

There is but One Bestower on all living beings;

May I never forget Waheguruji!

6th Pauri.

If I please Waheguruji, that is my place of pilgrimage to bathe in;

But if I please Waheguruji not what use are the ablutions?

In all the created world that I behold,

No one obtains fulfillment without Waheguruji's Grace.

One will find gems, jewels, and rubies of mind,

If one were to hearken to even one instruction of the Guru.

The Guru has enlightened me thus:

There is but One Bestower on all living beings;

May I never forget Waheguruji!

7th Pauri.

If a man's span of life was equal to four yugas,

And was further increased ten times;

If he were known in the nine continents of the world,

And all were to obey and follow him

If he were to obtain a good name,

Praise and renown in the world;

But if Waheguruji's Glance of Grace did not reach him,

None would care for him;

He would be considered a worm among worms,

And even sinners would impute sin to him.

Nanak, Waheguruji bestows virtue on the non-virtuous,

And more virtues on the pious.

But no such person is conceivable

As can bestow virtue upon Waheguruji.

8th Pauri.

By listening the Name of Waheguruji a mortal becomes a perfect saint,

A religious guide, a spiritual leader, and a great yogi.

By listening the Name of Waheguruji a mortal understands the real nature of

Earth, and its support system.

By listening the Name of Waheguruji mortals obtain knowledge of the

Continents, of the worlds, and the nether regions.

By listening the Name of Waheguruji death does not affect them.

Nanak, the devotees are always blissful,

By hearing the Name of Waheguruji sorrow and sin are annulled.

9th Pauri.

By absorbing Waheguruji's Name mortals obtain status of Shiva, Brahma, and Indra.

By absorbing Waheguruji's Name even the wicked utter Waheguruji's praises and get enlightened.

By absorbing Waheguruji's Name the way of realizing Waheguruji

And the mysteries of human body become known.

By absorbing Waheguruji's Name the mind is invested with spiritual knowledge.

Nanak, the devotees are always blissful.

By hearing the Name of Waheguruji sorrow and sin are annulled.

10th Pauri.

By hearing Waheguruji's Name, Truth, contentment and knowledge are obtained.

By hearing Waheguruji' Name, merit equal to bathing

At the sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage is obtained.

Absorbing and study of Waheguruji's Name bring true honor

Absorption of Waheguru's Name bring a state of mental repose.

Nanak, the devotees are always blissful.

By hearing the Name of Waheguruji sorrow and sin are annulled.

11th Pauri.

By hearing Waheguruji's Name one gets virtues of deep spiritual knowledge;

By hearing Waheguruji's Name one attains the status of scholar,

Spiritual leader and a monarch.

By hearing Waheguruji's Name even the blind(spiritually) find the way.

By hearing Waheguruji's Name unfathomable becomes fathomable.

Nanak, the devotees are always blissful.

By hearing the Name of Waheguruji sorrow and sin are annulled.

12th Pauri.

Inexpressible is the blissful state of mind of a devotee who obeys Waheguruji.

Whoever tries to describe it repents afterwards.

There is neither the paper, pen nor the writer,

To reflect and describe a devotee's bliss who obeys Waheguruji.

Such is the Name Immaculate!

One who truly believes, only they know the bliss of Waheguruji's Name.

13th Pauri.

Through True Faith the mind soars high into enlightenment.

Through inner faith knowledge of the Universe stands self-revealed.

Through True Faith one suffers not punishment (hereafter).

Through inner faith one fears not death.

Such is the Name Immaculate!

One who truly believes, alone knows the bliss of Waheguruji's Name.

14th Pauri.

One with True Faith encounters no obstacles in one's path.

One with True Faith departs(the world) with honor and distinction.

By obeying Waheguruji one proceeds by broad, not narrow path.

By obeying Waheguruji one forms an alliance with virtue.

Such is the Name Immaculate!

One who truly believes, alone knows the bliss of Waheguruji's Name.

15th Pauri.

Through true faith one finds the Door of Liberation:

And even one's kith and kin attain Liberation.

Through true faith both preceptor and the disciple are liberated.

Nanak, one with faith does not wander in quest of Divine Grace.

Such is the Name Immaculate!

One who truly believes, alone know the bliss of Waheguruji's Name.

16th Pauri.

The elect are Waheguruji's saints: the elect are distinguished.

Honored are the elect in the Court of the Almighty.

The elect adorn the council of Kings.

The elect concentrate on the Guru alone.

One may ponder deep on Waheguruji in an attempt to narrate Waheguruji;

But Waheguruji's doings are beyond enumeration.

They mythical Bull is Righteousness the offspring of mercy;

((Guru Nanak rejects the puranic belief that a mythical bull upholds the earth)

Through patience upholds harmony.

One who understands this, shall be enlightened:

Can one tell how much load is there on the Bull?

(Guru Nanak Sahib ji is stating that it is not a mythical bull)

(but Waheguruji's law that holds the earth and Universe in equipose and balance.)

Beyond this earth there are other worlds, more and more;

Which is the power that sustains their weight?

The names of living creatures, their species, and colors,

Have all been written with Waheguruji's flowing pen.

Does anyone know how to write an account of them?

If indeed such a narration was possible how Great would it be indeed!

How great is Waheguruji's Power and how striking Waheguruji's Resplendent Form.

Who has the ability to know how great are Waheguruji's gifts?

Waheguruji created the throbbing universe through a single Command.

From that emerged hundreds of thousands of rivers (of life).

What power have I to express the wonders of Waheguruji's creation?

I am unworthy even once to be made a sacrifice unto the Almighty.

Whatever pleases Waheguruji, is good for all.

Waheguruji the Formless, alone endures forever.

17th Pauri.

Countless are the ways of recitation, and countless the ways of devotion;

Countless are the ways of worship, and countless the ways of penance.

Countless are the holy Books, and countless the reciter of the Veda;

Countless are the yogis who have no attachment with the world.

Countless are the saints who ponder on Waheguruji's Virtues and Divine knowledge;

Countless are the righteous and countless are the philanthropists.

Countless are the warriors who face the steel of their enemies;

Countless are vowed to silence, in unbroken contemplation.

What power have I to express the wonders of Waheguruji's creation?

I am unworthy even once to be made a sacrifice to Waheguruji.

Whatever pleases Waheguruji, is good for all.

Waheguruji, the Formless, alone endures forever.

18th Pauri.

Countless are the fools, appallingly ignorant;

Countless are the thieves, who devour others possessions;

Countless are the despots who rule by brute force;

Countless are the cut-throats who commit murders.

Countless are the sinners who go on committing vices;

Countless are the liars who wander in falsehood.

Countless are the impious who eat (speak) filth;

Countless are the slanderers who carry on their head loads of calumny.

Nanak, the lowly and insignificant, describes thus:

I am unworthy even once to be made a sacrifice to Waheguruji.

Whatever pleases Waheguruji, is good for all.

Waheguruji, the Formless, alone endures forever.

19th Pauri.

Countless are the names of Waheguruji's creations, and countles are their places.

Countless are the regions inaccessible and inscrutable.

Even the 'countless' does not truly describe Waheguruji's creation.

By Word we repeat Waheguruji's Name and by Word we express Waheguruji's praise;

By Word we acquire divine knowledge and sing Waheguruji's praises and attributes.

By Word we write and utter holy hymns.

By Word is recorded our destiny.

But Waheguruji who gave the Divine Order is not bound by the same.

As Waheguruji ordains, so shall we obtain.

What ever is created is Waheguruji's manifestation;

And there is no place without Waheguruji's name.

What power have I to express wonders of Waheguruji's creation?

I am unworthy even once to be made a sacrifice to Waheguruji.

Whatever pleases Waheguruji, is good for all.

Waheguruji, the Formless, alone endures forever.

20th Pauri.

Soiled hands, feet and body.

May be cleaned by washing with water.

Garments fouled with impurity.

May be rinsed clean with soap.

So when the mind is defiled with sin,

It is cleaned by the love of Waheguruji's name.

We do not become sinners and saints merely by words.

It is our actions that are recorded for here-after.

Man reaps what he sows.

Nanak, by Waheguruji's order, man traverses birth and death cycle.

21st Pauri to 37th Pauri.

By going to church, by acting good, By giving gifts, by sharing food, Just a small bit of honor is won. Listen..., agree..., and let love fill your mind; Wash away all dirt of the inner kind. All virtues are Thine. I have none. Without inner virtue there's no real devotion. Hail to the primal Word! Creator! Beautiful Truth! Happy mind! What is the hour, what is the time? What is the day, the month, the season In which this whole cosmos appeared? If the wise men knew, It would be written in the scriptures. If the teachers knew, It would be written in their books. Even the yogis have puzzled looks. As the Creator creates, He understands when… How can I speak? How can I praise? How can I imagine? How can I know? O Nanak! Everyone talks, and talks, and talks, Each more clever than the last. God is great! His hand is True. There's nothing anyone else can do. O Nanak! If you think you can do it all alone you'll never look bright in your One True Home. || 21 ||

There are thousands of worlds and underworlds Both solid and etheric. Searching through them all, In the end will only make you tired. The Torah, the Bible and the Koran say That there are 18,000 worlds. But at the root of them all, there is only the One. If all this could be written, And one were to try, While trying to write it, He surely would die. O Nanak! All say that God is great, But only He knows how great! || 22 || The praisers sing God's praises, But they have no power to hear. The rivers and streams flow into the ocean And lose themselves in its vastness. Even kings, who own oceans, And mountains and treasure, Are not equal to an ant, Which forgets not its Maker. || 23 ||

There is no end of praising God; No end to what is said. No end of doing, no end of giving, No end of seeing, hearing and living. There is no end in sight. What mantra lies within God's mind? See the structure of the universe... There is no end in sight. See its endless expansion... There is no end in sight. Many wail in frustration, Because there is no end in sight. No one can find the end. The more you try to tell, The more there is to say. God is high. The Name is high. You must get that high to see. God knows how high He is, O Nanak! One glance can set you free. || 24 ||

There is so much karma, You can't write it all down, But the great Giver has not one bit of greed. Not even as little as a sesame seed. Many soldier saints are begging. Many people are meditating. There are many unrighteous, broken wretches. Many take and take, and are never thankful. There are many fools. The eaters keep eating. Hunger and pain give so many a beating! But these too are Thy gifts. O, Giver of all! Liberation and slavery are also Thy gifts. No one else has any say about this. If anyone's foolish enough to speak, He will feel the effects of his folly. God gives... God knows... But only a few people speak of these things. The one whom He blesses to praise Him and love Him, O, Nanak, is king among kings! || 25 ||

Priceless Thy virtues; priceless Thy dealings. Priceless Thy traders; priceless Thy treasures. Priceless the weights and priceless the weighers. Priceless they come and priceless they go. Priceless the lovers, lost in Thy embrace. Priceless the Dharma; priceless Thy court. Priceless Thy gifts; priceless Thy signs; Priceless Thy actions; priceless Thy orders. Priceless... priceless beyond speaking. But speaking and speaking, many long to belong. They recite the scriptures from memory. They recite so many descriptions of Thee. Brahmas speak and Indras speak. Many Gopis and Krishnas speak. Shivas speak and siddhas speak. Many, many Buddhas speak. Demons speak and gods speak. Saints and Jains and servants speak. Many, many, many speak. And in the middle of speaking... They die and depart. And even if Thou created Twice as many speakers, Thou art still beyond description. God is simply as great as He pleases. O Nanak! The True One knows! If anyone disagrees with this He's a fool, Wherever he goes! || 26 ||

In what house, behind what door, Who sit and remember the One? How many musicians play how many tunes? How many enchanting songs are sung? How many singers are singing? The winds, waters, and fire—Vibrating, sing Thy praises. The king of the Dharma sings at the door. The angels of the conscious and unconscious minds, Who write the records of our actions, sing, As the king of Dharma reflects on that record. Shivas, Brahmas, and Devis sing. Their beauty is beyond compare. Sings Indra seated on his throne, And all the boddhisattvas there. The siddhas sing in deep samadhi. The saddhus sing in deep reflection. The patient, chaste, and true ones sing. The great and fearless warriors sing. The pundits and the ancient sages Sing and sing through all the ages. The mind bewitching beauties sing On earth, in hells and heavens. Those of gem-like consciousness sing At all the holy places. The brave and mighty warriors sing. The soldiers sing along. The four wellsprings of life Constantly sing Thy song. The planets, solar systems and galaxies sing As they rotate in their places. They sing of Thee, who please Thee, With shining, loving faces. So many others sing Thy song, who never cross my mind. O Nanak! How can I tell this tale? That One True God is always True—Gracious, loving, kind. He is Now, And shall always be. He does not come and go. Creating the countless colors Of all hues and sorts and kinds. Great Master of illusions, Made, and seen within His Mind. He does whatever pleases Him. No one tells Him what to do. He is the King! The King of kings, O Nanak! Live ever in His Will. || 27 ||

Wear the earrings of patience. Carry the begging bowl and wallet of humility, And smear the ashes of meditation on your body. Let your patchwork coat be remembrance of death. Follow the path of purity, With the walking stick of faith. Let your sect be the family of man. Conquer your own mind And be victorious in the world. Hail! Hail! Hail! unto Him—Primal, Pure, and equal to none. There is no beginning and no end. Through all ages only the One. || 28 ||

Take your pleasure in wisdom. Make kindness your servant. In every heart plays one sound current. He is the Master, with mastery of all Magic powers and wealth, and every pleasure. Both Union and loneliness come from Him… Your actions write your great destiny. Hail! Hail! Hail! unto Him. Primal, Pure, and equal to none. There is no beginning and no end. Through all ages only the One. || 29 ||

Out of the marriage of God and Maya Three worthy students are born. The Generator, Organizer and Destroyer Of all life and worldly forms. As He pleases, all things move According to His order. He sees it all, but none see Him, And all are filled with wonder. Hail! Hail! Hail! unto Him. Primal, Pure, and equal to none. There is no beginning and no end. Through all ages only the One. || 30 ||

Within the Light of every heart—One Soul, the house of treasure. Placed there once, and for all time: The Watcher and the Actor. O Nanak! The actions of Truth are True. Hail! Hail! Hail! unto Him. Primal, Pure, and equal to none. There is no beginning and no end. Through all ages only the One. || 31 ||

From one tongue there came thousands more, And millions came from them. Millions of tongues are turning and churning, Repeating the One Lord's Name. On the Master's Path are many steps. Climb them, and come back Home. Even worms who hear of heavenly things Are longing to come back Home. O Nanak! We get to come back Home Only by the One God's Grace. But the liars all boast, "I did it myself!" || 32 ||

No power to be silent. No power to speak. No power to beg. No power to give. No power to die. No power to live. No power lies in worldly might. No power lies in earthly treasure. They only increase your mental chatter. No power to meditate or know the unknown. No power to leave this world and go home. One Power. One Actor. One Doer. One Knower. O Nanak! No one is higher or lower. || 33 ||

Nights... days... weeks... seasons... winds… Water and fire... all earthly regions... Here live souls of countless colors and names, For this planet earth is the Realm of Dharma, And here is where we reflect on our Karma. True is He, and True is His Court. There all are beautiful—perfect equals. Grace covers their Karmas. They see the sign. Even those whose fruits aren't yet ripe can see it. O Nanak! When you go Home you shall see it. || 34 ||

Such is life in the Realm of Dharma, But now let us speak of the Realm of Wisdom. So many waters, winds and fires! So many Krishnas! So many Shivas! So many Brahmas creating colors Shapes and forms of countless kinds! So many planets, mountains and actions! So many ways to learn devotion! So many Indras, suns and moons! So many galaxies! So many places! So many souls of power and wisdom! So many goddesses! So many yogis! So many gods and demons and sages! So many jewels! So many oceans! So many sources and manners of speaking! So many kingdoms! So many kings! So many ways to tune in and to serve! O Nanak! So many things! || 35 ||

True Knowledge gains strength in the Realm of Wisdom, Where there are so many joyful sounds and sights. In the Realm of Realization the word is Beauty! To speak of this, no one has any might. So incredibly beautiful is this realm, That to speak of it just sounds trite. From here comes all power to listen and know. From here the saints come. To here the saints go. || 36 ||

In the Realm of Action the word is Power! Here are the warriors. Men of the Hour! Full of God's strength! Completely fulfilled! And here are the cool and graceful ladies Whose beauty is beyond compare. They live far beyond deception and death. Their minds full of God—Aware! And here live God's lovers. Full of Light! Full of Joy! Full of His might! In the Realm of Truth lives the Formless One! He watches and blesses everyone. Planets... stars... galaxies spinning... Far beyond speech... No end... No beginning. Here all things are filled with Light! As His command comes forth, all things are born. Reflecting deeply, He sees and rejoices! O Nanak! I can't describe it! || 37 ||

38th Pauri.

Let Continence be the Forge, Patience the Goldsmith, understanding the anvil

and Divine Knowledge the hammer.

Let Waheguruji's fear be your bellows, and Austerities the heat and fire,

Let Loving Devotion to Waheguruji be the Crucible and Melt Waheguruji Name there in.

In such a true mint the word the Divine Name is coined.

Such is the practice of those on whom Waheguruji casts a Gracious Glance.

Nanak, By the Grace of the Kind one,Waheguruji's Glance Grants them Bliss.


Air is the Guru, Water the Father,

the Great Earth the mother of all.

Day and night are male and female nurses,

in whose lap the entire world plays about.

Deeds good and bad shall be reviewed

in the presence of the righteous judge.

According to their actions, some shall be nearer

and others distant from Waheguruji.

Those who have pondered on the Name

have earned Merit through hard endeavor.

Nanak, their faces radiant with Divine Light,

many shall be emancipated in company with them. ||1||



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