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Space Race

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Alternative meaning: Space Race (disambiguation)
The July 15 1975 link-up of the Apollo and Soyuz space modules marks the traditional end of the space race.

The space race was the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to advance in space exploration and technology between 1957 and 1975, most notably in relation to their efforts to land a human being on the Moon and return him to Earth.


Titan II rockets launched U.S. spacecraft from the 1960s through the 1980s.

The term "space race" was coined by analogy to the arms race, and is considered an important part of the cultural and technological rivalry of the USSR and the U.S. during the Cold War. Space technology was a particularly important arena for this conflict, because of its psychological effects in raising morale and its military applications.

It started after World War II, when the scientists from the V-2 rocket program were absorbed by both the United States and the Soviet Union to work on their national rocketry programs. The U.S. policy of importing German scientists (even those with strong Nazi ties) to prevent the knowledge from falling into the "wrong" hands was known as Operation Paperclip. These scientists formed the core of the U.S. team, led by Wernher von Braun, which began the development of ballistic missiles during the V-2 program decades earlier.

By the mid-1950s, both countries announced intentions to include space as part of their plans for the future. As the first satellites and living payloads began launching, the stated goal was scientific advancement. The current interpretation is that both countries were using their space programs to showcase the strength of their ideologies. The Soviets used their early successes to sway undecided countries to join the Eastern Bloc; the USA followed suit.

As of 2004, some people have suggested that another space race is taking place between the People's Republic of China and other nations. The PRC announced plans to send a mission to the Moon by 2020. A major restructuring of NASA is proposed, which would focus on a manned return trip to the Moon.

Military origin

Though rockets were of interest to scientists and amateurs since 300 BCE, they were unable to reach altitudes high enough for space travel until the early 20th century. The space race itself is inextricably linked to military ambitions of the countries involved, despite its often scientific character and peaceful rhetoric. In the 1910s and 1920s the American Robert Goddard performed his work on rocketry in obscurity. Even the New York Times scoffed at Goddard; it took war to catapult rocketry into notoriety.


German V-2 test launch.

In the mid-1920s, German scientists had begun experimenting with rockets which used liquid propellants capable of reaching relatively high altitudes and distances. A team of amateur rocket engineers had formed the German Rocket Society (VfR) in 1927, and in 1931 launched a liquid propellant rocket (using oxygen and gasoline).

In 1932, the Reichswehr (which in 1935 became the Wehrmacht) began to take an interest in rocketry, seeing the possibility of using rockets as long-range artillery fire. The Wehrmacht initially funded the VfR team, but seeing that their focus was strictly scientific, created its own research team. At the behest of military leaders, Wernher von Braun, at the time a young aspiring rocket scientist, joined the military (followed by two former VfR members) and developed long-range weapons for use in World War II by Nazi Germany, notably the A series of rockets, which led to the infamous V-2 rocket (initially called A4).

In 1943, production of the V-2 rocket began. The V-2 had an operational range of 300 km (185 miles) and carried a 1000 kg (2204 lb) warhead, with an amatol explosive charge. Thousands were fired at various Allied nations, mainly England, as well as Belgium and France. Because of its velocity and angle of attack, the V-2 could not be intercepted, and its effects were devastating, killing 2,754 people in England alone, and wounding another 6,523 until the termination of the launches.

At the end of the war, competing Russian, British, and U.S. military and scientific crews raced to capture technology and trained personnel from the German rocket program at Peenemünde. Russia and Britain had some success, but the United States benefited most, taking a large number of German rocket scientists — many of whom were members of the Nazi party, including von Braun — from Germany to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip. There the same rockets which would have been destined to rain down on Great Britain had the war continued were used by scientists for other uses.

After the war, rockets were used to study high-altitude conditions, by radio telemetry of temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, detection of cosmic rays, and further research. This continued under von Braun and the others, who were destined to become part of the U.S. scientific complex.

The Cold War

After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a bitter Cold War of espionage and propaganda.

Space exploration and satellite technology fed into the cold war on both fronts. Artificial Earth satellites could spy on other countries while space-faring accomplishments could be used as propaganda to tout a country's scientific prowess and military potential. The same rockets that could send a human into orbit or hit a specific spot on the Moon could send an atom bomb to a specific enemy city.

Cold War escalation

Soviet Soyuz rockets like the one pictured above were the first reliable means to transport objects into Earth orbit.
In the eyes of the world, first in space means first, period; second in space is second in everything.
Lyndon B. Johnson writing to then-President John F. Kennedy, April 28, 1961.

When the Russians launched the Sputnik 1 satellite in 1957, the United States was highly troubled. This singular event shocked the nation, causing Americans to believe that they might no longer be the most powerful country.

At the time, the notion of the Soviets beating the Americans into space, looking down and watching over America (Sputnik was visible as it passed over America) was frightening to some. This fear was exacerbated due to Cold War tension.

Once American efforts began in earnest, a race (akin to a "peaceful war") was inevitable. In America, Sputnik was seen as the USA losing out to a scientifically superior USSR.

It spurred a movement to improve scientific education and resulted in an influx of physicists into the American work force and government. It also provoked greater support for expenditures in military funding for scientific research.

The space race served two primary functions for both sides in the Cold War. First, there was an important element of propaganda and publicity to it. Along with other aspects of the arms race (such as the development of nuclear weapons), priority in space was seen as an indicator of technological and economic prowess, which served the function of justifying and proving the superiority of the ideology of the country in question.

Second, pursuing civilian, scientific, and otherwise "peaceful" applications in space allowed for pursuing military goals as well, as much of the technological development required for space travel applied equally well to wartime rockets, such as ICBMs. In other words, space research was a dual-use technology: It could be used for peaceful means, but could also contribute to military goals.


The huge expenditures and bureaucracy needed to organize successful space exploration led to the creation of national and international space agencies. In addition to the achievements of the Unites States and the Soviet Union, many other countries developed their own space programs for scientific, militaristic and nationalistic reasons.

RKA insignia
RKA insignia

The Russian Aviation and Space Agency (RKA) (in Russian: Российское авиационно-космическое агентство) is the current government agency responsible for Russia's space science program and general aerospace research. It was formed after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Soviet space program.

NASA insignia
NASA insignia

On July 29 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). When it began operations on October 1 1958, NASA consisted mainly of the four laboratories and some 8,000 employees of the government's 46-year-old research agency for aeronautics, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).

Scientific achievement

The technology of the space race involved:

The USSR was the undisputed leader in rocketry, even up to the end of the Cold War. The U.S. was superior in electronics, remote sensing, vehicle guidance, and robotic control. Even during the Apollo program, debate continued on the cost-effectiveness of manned space flight, compared to robotic exploration. However, the political symbolism of a human in space won over robotic exploration. After the end of the Apollo program, robotic exploration has continued as of 2004, and is set to culminate (for now) with autonomous van-sized robot landers in 2009.

The U.S. explicitly disclaimed the right to ownership of any part of the Moon, after the successful landings on the Moon.

Timeline (1957-1975)

Date First Success Country Mission Name
1946 Animal in space (fruit flies) File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-Army V2
August 21 1957 ICBM File:Sovetunio.gif USSR R-7/SS-6 Sapwood
October 4 1957 Artificial satellite File:Sovetunio.gif USSR Sputnik 1
November 3 1957 Animal in orbit (dog) File:Sovetunio.gif USSR Sputnik 2
January 31 1958 Detection of Van Allen belts File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-Army Explorer I
December 18 1958 Communications satellite File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-Army Project SCORE
September 14 1959 Probe to Moon File:Sovetunio.gif USSR Luna 2
February 17 1959 Weather satellite File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA Vanguard 2
August 7 1959 Photo of Earth from space File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA Explorer 6
August 18 1960 Reconnaissance satellite File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-Air Force KH-1 9009
April 12 1961 Human in orbit File:Sovetunio.gif USSR Vostok 1
March 18 1965 Extra-vehicular activity File:Sovetunio.gif USSR Voskhod 2
December 15 1965 Orbital rendezvous1 File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA Gemini 6A/Gemini 7
March 1 1966 Probe to another planet File:Sovetunio.gif USSR Venera 3
July 21 1969 Human on the Moon File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA Apollo 11
April 23 1971 Space station File:Sovetunio.gif USSR Salyut 1
July 15 1975 First U.S.-USSR joint mission File:Sovetunio.gif USSR File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA Apollo-Soyuz Test Project

1 The Soviet Union had attempted an earlier rendezvous on August 12, 1962; However, Vostok 3 and Vostok 4 were only within five kilometers of one another, and were in different orbital planes. Pravda, however, did not mention this information and indicated that rendezvous had been accomplished.

Artificial satellites

First artificial satellite

Sputnik 1 weighed less than 90 kg and orbited the Earth for less than three months. Its launch began the space race.

Sputnik 1, launched by the USSR on October 4 1957, was the first artificial satellite in orbit.

Sputnik caused fear and stirred political debate in the United States because of its military and economic implications. Before Sputnik, the average American citizen simply assumed that the U.S. was superior in all fields of technology. After Sputnik, a huge effort to regain technological supremacy was launched, even to the extent of revamping the school curriculum of the U.S.

Nearly four months after the first Russian satellite was sent into orbit, the first U.S. satellite was launched. In the interim, there were a number of embarrassing launch failures at Cape Canaveral. But on January 31 1958, Explorer I discovered the Van Allen radiation belt. More importantly, Explorer I was the first satellite to actually perform a function.

Satellite communications

The first communications satellite was Project SCORE, launched December 18 1958, which relayed a Christmas message from President Eisenhower to the world.

  • 1972: Anik 1: first Domestic Communications Satellite (Canada)
  • 1974: WESTAR: first U.S. Domestic Communications Satellite
  • 1976: MARISAT: first mobile communications satellite

See also: Communications Satellites article by NASA

Other noteworthy satellites

The first geosynchronous satellite was Syncom-2, launched on July 26 1963, by the U.S. This class of satellite meant that a simple satellite dish no longer needed to track the orbit of the satellite, as it was geostationary; hence ordinary citizens could use the communications transmissions for television broadcasts, after a one-time setup.

Living creatures in space

Animals in space

File:Laika first living being in space.jpg
Laika became the first living being in orbit on Sputnik 2

The first animals in space were fruit flies launched by the U.S. on captured German V-2 rockets in 1946.

The first animal in orbit, was a dog, Laika, sent up in Sputnik 2 in 1957 by the USSR. She did not return to Earth, because technology was not advanced enough.

The first animals to successfully return from orbit were Russian dogs Belka and Strelka, in 1960. The first animals to fly around the Moon were Soviet turtles on Zond 5.

Humans in space

On April 12 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first successful cosmonaut when he entered orbit on Russia's Vostok 1. This day is still celebrated as a holiday in Russia and other countries from the former USSR, along with some other European and Asian countries.

The first dual manned flight was also by the USSR, August 11-15, 1962. The first flight with more than one crew member was the USSR's Voskhod 1, launched on October 12 1964. That was also the first flight in which the crew did not wear spacesuits.

Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space on June 16 1963, on a flight launched by the USSR.

The first spacewalk was performed by Aleksei Leonov from Voskhod 2, which was launched by the USSR on March 18 1965.

Lunar missions

The Moon as photographed by the Galileo probe.

Though the achievements made by the US and the USSR brought great pride to their respective nations, the space race would continue until the first human walked on the moon.

Luna 1 was the first spacecraft to fly by the moon. It was launched by the USSR on January 4 1959.

It was also the first artificial satellite of the sun. Its successor, Luna 2, was the first spacecraft on the moon. Luna 3 took the first photos of the far side of the moon on October 7 1959.

The first soft landing on the moon was by Luna 9, launched by the USSR on February 3 1966, and the first spacecraft that orbited the moon was Luna 10 on April 3 1966.

The robotic Surveyor program was part of the effort to determine where it was safe for a human to land on the moon; five of the seven missions attempted were successful, and helped determine where the Apollo astronauts could land.

The first manned orbit of the moon was Apollo 8 by the U.S. on December 27 1968, and the first human landing on the moon was by Apollo 11 on July 20 1969.

First human on the moon

While the Soviets beat the Americans in most firsts, they did not manage to beat them to the moon.

After so many early Soviet successes, especially Gagarin's flight, President John F. Kennedy was keen to find an American project that could capture the public imagination. The idea of the Apollo program was developed during the Eisenhower administration, but discarded because the President thought the operation was too expensive and had little scientific or military reward.

However, Kennedy seized upon the project as the ideal focus for American efforts in space. He ensured continuing funding, shielding space spending from the 1963 tax cut and diverting money from other NASA projects. This dismayed its leader, James E. Webb, who urged support for scientific work.

In conversation with Webb, Kennedy said:

Buzz Aldrin poses on the moon allowing Neil Armstrong to photograph both of them using the visor reflection. (NASA)
Everything we do ought to really be tied in to getting on to the moon ahead of the Russians [...] otherwise we shouldn't be spending that kind of money, because I'm not interested in space [...] The only justification for [the cost] is because we hope to beat [the USSR] to demonstrate that instead of being behind by a couple of years, by God, we passed them.
(From a tape recording in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library.)

Whatever was said in private, it was clear that a different message was needed to gain public support. Later in 1963, Kennedy asked Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the possible technological and scientific benefits of a moon mission.

For the program to succeed, it would have to defeat criticism from politicians of the left, who wanted money spent on social programs instead; and of the right, who favored a more military project. By emphasising the scientific payoff, and playing on fears of Soviet space dominance, Kennedy and Johnson managed to swing public opinion: By 1965, 58 percent of Americans were in favor of Apollo, up from 33 percent two years earlier.

Once Johnson was President, his continuing defense of the program allowed it to succeed in 1969, as Kennedy had originally hoped.

Meanwhile, the USSR was much more ambivalent about going to the moon. Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev was unwilling to be "defeated" by any other power, but equally unwilling to be drawn into such an expensive project. In October 1963, he said that the USSR was "not at present planning flight by cosmonauts to the moon", though this statement was qualified by his insistence that they had not dropped out of the race. It would be another year before the nation would fully commit to a moon landing attempt.

At the same time, various joint programs had been suggested by Kennedy, including a possible moon landing by Soviet and American astronauts, and the development of better weather-monitoring satellites. Krushchev, sensing an attempt to steal superior Russian space technology, rejected the idea: If the USSR went to the moon, it would go alone.

Earthrise, Dec 22, 1968 (NASA)

While unmanned Soviet probes did reach the moon before any American craft, the American Neil Armstrong was the first person to tread the surface of the moon, landing in July of 1969. Armstrong was the commander of the Apollo 11 mission and was accompanied by command module pilot Michael Collins and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin in an event watched by millions of people around the world. This has become widely recognised as one of the defining moments of the 20th century.

That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.
Neil Armstrong

Some people allege that the landing was a hoax; see Apollo moon landing hoax accusations. This is an example of a conspiracy theory.

Other successes

Missions to other planets

Venus was the first planet flown past by a spacecraft in December 14 1962.

The first spacecraft to fly by Venus was the Mariner 2, sent by the U.S. on December 14 1962. The first spacecraft to fly by Mars was Mariner 4 launched in 1965 by the U.S. The first flyby of Jupiter was Pioneer 10, launched in 1973 by the U.S. The first, and so far only, spacecraft to fly by Mercury was Mariner 10, launched in 1974 by the U.S. The first flyby of Saturn was Pioneer 11 launched in 1979 by the U.S. The first and only flybys of Uranus and Neptune were by Voyager 2.

The first spacecraft to land on Venus was the USSR's Venera 7, launched in 1971. It was only one in the long Venera series; several other previous Venera spacecraft performed flyby and attempted landing missions. Seven other Venera landers followed.

The first spacecraft on Mars was Mars 3, also launched in 1971 by the USSR.

Launches and docking

The first space rendezvous was between Gemini 6 and Gemini 7, both U.S. craft, on December 15 1965. Their successor, Gemini 8 performed the first space docking on March 16 1968. The first automatic space docking, however, was performed by the USSR's Cosmos-186 and Cosmos-188 on October 30 1967.

The first launch from the sea was Scout B, on April 26 1967, by the U.S.

The first space station was Salyut 1, on June 7 1971, by the USSR. The first modular space station was the USSR's Mir, in 1986.

Technological progress

Technology and especially aerospace engineering advanced greatly during this period. In the sense that it was contested during the 1960s, the space race is usually considered to have been ended by the joint Apollo-Soyuz mission in 1975.


In the United States, three astronauts for Apollo 1 died in a fire during a ground test on January 27, 1967. They were Command Pilot Virgil Grissom, Senior Pilot Edward White, and Pilot Roger Chaffee.

The Soviet Union's Soyuz 1 and Soyuz 11 resulted in cosmonaut deaths. American telemetry has recorded other deaths (loss of their telemetered vital signs, in spaceflight) which were unannounced by the Soviet Union.

Soyuz 1 was part of the Soviet Union's space program and was launched into orbit on April 23 1967, carrying a single cosmonaut, Colonel Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov, who was killed when the spacecraft crashed after return to Earth.

In 1971, Soyuz 11's cosmonauts Georgi Dobrovolski, Viktor Patsayev, and Vladislav Volkov were asphyxiated during re-entry.

Notable scientists

Wernher von Braun, who moved to the United States after World War II, became the best known and the most important designer in the NASA space program. His counterpart in the Soviet Union was Sergei Korolev, the chief engineer whose designs included the R-7 rocket which sent Sputnik 1 into orbit, and the N-1 designed to launch cosmonauts to the Moon.

The Avro team typifies the entire aerospace industry's effort during the space race. California, in particular, hosted this industry; Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in the Los Angeles, California area, still manages space missions.

See also: List of spacecraft manufacturers

Recent Developments

Recent timeline

Date First Success Country Mission Name
April 12 1981 Reusable manned spacecraft File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA STS-1
June 13 1983 Extra-solar system spacecraft File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA Pioneer 10
September 11 1985 Comet probe File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-NASA International Cometary Explorer
April 28 2001 Space tourist File:Russia flag large.png Russia File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA Soyuz TM-32
June 21 2004 Privately developed manned spacecraft File:Wikipedia flag united states large.png USA-MAV SpaceShipOne 15P

Reusable spacecraft

The Space Shuttle Columbia seconds after engine ignition, 1981 (NASA)

The first reusable spacecraft (space shuttle) was launched by the USA, on the 20th anniversary of Gagarin's flight, April 12 1981. The first (and so far only) automatic reusable spacecraft was Buran, launched by the USSR on November 15 1988.

Space tourism

The second major "space race" was to run the first commercial trips into orbit. On April 28 2001 Dennis Tito became the first fee-paying space tourist when he visited the International Space Station on board Soyuz TM-32.

In recent times there have been numerous companies looking into the viability of sending further tourists into space, realising the potential for a whole new area of tourism. However, since the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster of February 1 2003 both public and commercial interest has lessened, concerned over the safety of space flight.

The new space race

File:China (223).jpg
The UN and PRC flags in orbit during the Shenzhou 5 mission.

In 2003, with the successful manned space flight of Shenzhou 5 on behalf of the People's Republic of China, there has been speculation of a new space race with the United States considering creating a permanent base on the Moon, a manned mission to Mars, or both.

The Ansari X Prize, a competition for private suborbital spaceships, has also been called the new space race, which will undoubtedly ensure a wider interest in space travel.

See also


  • An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963, Robert Dallek (2003). ISBN 0-316172-38-3
  • Arrows to the Moon: Avro's Engineers and the Space Race , Chris Gainor (2001). ISBN 1-896522-83-1
  • Fallen Astronauts: Heroes Who Died Reaching for the Moon, Colin Burgess, Kate Doolan, Bert Vis (2003). ISBN 0803262124
  • Light This Candle : The Life & Times of Alan Shepard--America's First Spaceman, Neal Thompson (2004). ISBN 0609610015
  • The Right Stuff, Tom Wolfe (pbk ed. 2001). ISBN 0553381350 ISBN 0613916670
  • Russia in Space: The Failed Frontier?, Brian Harvey (2001). ISBN 1852332034
  • The Soviet Space Race With Apollo, Asif A. Siddiqi (2003). ISBN 0813026288
  • Soyuz: A Universal Spacecraft, Rex Hall, David J. Shayler (2003). ISBN 1852336579
  • Space for Women: A History of Women With the Right Stuff, Pamela Freni (2002). ISBN 1931643121
  • Sputnik and the Soviet Space Challenge, Asif A. Siddiqi (2003). ISBN 081302627X
  • Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles, Roger E. Bilstein (2003). ISBN 0813026911
  • Yeager: An Autobiography, Chuck Yeager (1986). ISBN 0553256742

External links