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List of date formats by country

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Stepho-wrs (talk | contribs) at 06:49, 4 December 2016 (Revert. Look at the top of almost any Australian newspaper to see MDY. A surprising number of TV commercials also use MDY. FYI, I am Australian and I think MDY is stupid but I can't deny reality.). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This page gives an overview of date formats by country, for the Gregorian calendar (see other calendars in use). (For time as well, see Date and time representation by country.)


All examples use example date 1996-04-22 / 22 April 1996 / April 22, 1996 – except where a single-digit day is illustrated.

Basic components of a calendar date for the most common calendar systems:

Y – year
M – month
D – day

Order of the basic components:

Bbig-endian (year, month, day), e.g. 1996-04-22
Llittle-endian (day, month, year), e.g. 22.04.96 or 22/04/96 or 22 April 1996
Mmiddle-endian (month, day, year), e.g. 04/22/96 or April 22, 1996

Specific formats for the basic components:

yy – two-digit year, e.g. 96
yyyy – four-digit year, e.g. 1996
m – one-digit month for months below 10, e.g. 4
mm – two-digit month, e.g. 04
mmm – three-letter abbreviation for month, e.g. Apr
mmmm – month spelled out in full, e.g. April
d – one-digit day for days below 10, e.g. 2
dd – two-digit day, e.g. 02

Separators of the components:

"/" – slash
"." – dots or full stops
"-" – hyphens or dashes
" " – spaces


Color      Order styles Main regions and countries (approximate population of each region in millions) Approximate population in millions
DMY Asia (Central, SE, West), Australia (24), New Zealand (5), parts of Europe (ca. 675), Latin America (570), North Africa; India (1240), Indonesia (250), Nigeria (170), Bangladesh (150), Russia (140) 3295
YMD China (1360), Koreas (75), Taiwan (23), Hungary (10), Iran (80), Japan (130), Lithuania. Known in other countries due to ISO 8601. 1660
MDY Federated States of Micronesia, United States (320) 320
DMY, MDY Philippines (100), Saudi Arabia (30) 130
DMY, YMD Albania (3), Austria (9), Croatia (4), Czech Republic (11), Denmark (6),[1] Germany (81),[2] [failed verification] Hong Kong (9), Kenya (45), Latvia (2), Macau (1), Nepal (50), South Africa (54), Slovenia (2), Sweden (10)[3] 290
DMY, MDY, YMD Canada (40) 40


Country Format Details ISO 8601
Afghanistan Yes No No [4]
Albania Yes Yes No dd/mm/yyyy
Some YMD[5][6][7]
Algeria No Yes No [8] (dd/mm/yyyy)[9]
Argentina No Yes No [10]
Armenia No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[11][12]
Australia Yes Yes Yes MDY is sometimes, but very rarely, seen in reference to established US culture, for instance the September 11 World Trade Centre attacks are still referred as "9/11", not "11/9". TV Commercials/News(occasionally) and Newspapers use MDY[13] AS 3802:1997
Austria Yes Yes No (Using dots (which denote ordinal numbering) as in “d.m.(yy)yy” or sometimes "d. month (yy)yy")[14][15] ÖNORM EN 28601
Azerbaijan No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[16]
Bahrain No Yes No [17]
Bangladesh Yes Yes No Not officially Standardized. (In Georgian calendar dates, Century digits may be omitted, e.g., dd-mm-yy or yy-mm-dd) and in, (Bengali calendar dates = বববব-মম-দদ or দদ-মম-বববব)
Barbados No Yes No BNS 50:2000[18]
Belarus No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[19][20]
Belgium No Yes No (dd/mm/yyyy)[21][22] NBN EN 28601
Belize No Yes No [23][24]
Bolivia No Yes No [25]
Bosnia and Herzegovina No Yes No (d. m. yyyy. or d. month yyyy.)
Brazil No Yes No (dd/mm/yyyy)[26][27]
Brunei No Yes No [28]
Bulgaria No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[29][30]
Cambodia Yes Yes No Short format: yyyy-mm-dd
Long format: dd-mm-yyyy[31]
Canada Yes Yes Yes All three main types are used in Canada – in French and in English.[32][33]

Social Insurance applications for Canada use DMY format.[34]

Passport applications[35] and tax returns[36] use YYYY MM DD.

Immigration Canada Stamps use DD/MM/YYYY and Canada Customs Stamps use MMM/DD/YYYY.

Nearly all English newspapers use MDY (MMM[M] D, YYYY).[37]

Cape Verde No Yes No
Chile No Yes No [38]
China, People's Republic of Yes No No yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy年m月d日 (with no leading zeroes)[39] (See Dates in Chinese.) GB/T 7408-2005
Colombia No Yes No [40]
Costa Rica No Yes No [41]
Croatia No Yes No (d. m. yyyy. or d. month yyyy.)[42][43]
Cuba No Yes No [44]
Cyprus No Yes No dd/mm/yyyy [45]
Czech Republic No Yes No (d. m. yyyy or d. month yyyy)[46][47] ČSN ISO 8601
Denmark Yes Yes No Examples: Long date: 07 juni 1994 Long date with weekday: onsdag den 21. december 1994 Numeric date: 1994-06-07[48]

(The format dd-mm-(yy)yy is the traditional Danish date format.[49] The international format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd is also accepted. There are no official standard for numeric date format, although the traditional format is the most widely used. The formats d. 'month name' yyyy and in handwriting d/m-yy or d/m yyyy are also acceptable.[50])

DS/ISO 8601:2005[51]
Dominica No Yes No
Dominican Republic No Yes No [52]
Ecuador No Yes No [53]
Egypt No Yes No [54][55]
El Salvador No Yes No [56]
Estonia No Yes No (d.m.yyyy or d. mmmm yyyy)[57]
Ethiopia No Yes No [58]
Federated States of Micronesia No No Yes [59][citation needed]
Finland No Yes No (d.m.yyyy or d. month yyyy)[60] SFS-EN 28601
France No Yes No (dd-mm-yyyy)[61][62] NF EN 28601
Georgia No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)
Germany Yes Yes No The format dd.mm.yyyy using dots (which denote ordinal numbering) is the traditional German date format.[63] Since 1996-05-01, the international format yyyy-mm-dd has become the official standard date format, but the handwritten form d. 'month name' yyyy is also accepted (see DIN 5008). Standardization applies to all applications in the scope of the standard including uses in government, education, engineering and sciences. Since 2006, the old format (d)d.(m)m.(yy)yy is allowed again as alternative to the yyyy-mm-dd format in areas where there is no risk of ambiguation. DIN ISO 8601, used in DIN 5008[64]
Greece No Yes No [65][66] ELOT EN 28601
Greenland No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[67][68]
Grenada No Yes No
Guatemala No Yes No [69]
Guyana No Yes No
Hong Kong Yes Yes No (yy)yy年m月d日 (with no leading zeros) for Chinese[70] and (d)d/(m)m/(yy)yy for English
Honduras No Yes No [71]
Hungary Yes No No yyyy. mm. (d)d.

The year is always written with Arabic numerals. The number of the month is usually written with Arabic numerals but it also can be written with Roman numerals, or the month's full name can be written out, the first letter not being capitalized. The day is also written with Arabic numerals.[72][73][74][75]

MSZ ISO 8601:2003
Iceland No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[76][77] IST EN 28601:1992
India Yes Yes No In India, the DD-MM-YY is the predominant short form of the numeric date usage. Almost all government documents need to be filled up in the DD-MM-YYYY format. An example of DD-MM-YYYY usage is the passport application form.[78][79][80] Though not yet a common practice, the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) of the Government of India introduced the standard named "IS 7900:2001 (Revised in 2006) Data Elements And Interchange Formats - Information Interchange - Representation Of Dates And Times" which officially recommends use of the date format YYYYMMDD, for example, 20130910 or 2013 09 10, or 2013-09-10 for the date 10 September 2013 IS 7900:2001
Indonesia No Yes No
Iran Yes Yes No Short format: yyyy/mm/dd[81] in Persian Calendar system ("yy/m/d" is a common alternative). Gregorian dates follow the same rules in Persian literature but tend to be written in the dd/mm/yyyy format in official English documents.[82]

Long format: YYYY MMMM D (Day first, full month name, and year in right-to-left writing direction)[81]

Iraq No Yes No Short format: (dd/mm/yyyy)[83]
Ireland No Yes No (dd-mm-yyyy). dd/mm/yyyy is also in common use[84][85] IS/EN 28601:1993
Israel No Yes No (dd/mm/yyyy)[86][87]
Italy No Yes No (dd/mm/yyyy)[88] UNI EN 28601
Jamaica Yes Yes No [89]
Japan Yes No No Often in the form yyyy年mm月dd日;[90] sometimes Japanese era year is used, e.g. 平成18年12月30日.[91] JIS X 0301:2002
Jordan No Yes No [92][93]
Kazakhstan No Yes No (yyyy.dd.mm) in Kazakh and (dd.mm.(yy)yy) in Russian[94]
Kenya Yes Yes Yes (yy/mm/dd)[95]


(m/d/yyyy) for Swahili[96]

Korea Yes No No (yyyy년 mm월 dd일, yyyy.mm.dd, yyyy/mm/dd)[97]
Kuwait No Yes No [98]
Kyrgyzstan No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[99]
Laos No Yes No [100]
Latvia Yes Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy;[101] yyyy.mm.dd is also used[102])
Lebanon No Yes No [103]
Libya No Yes No [104]
Liechtenstein No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[105]
Lithuania Yes No No (yyyy-mm-dd)[106]

yyyy <m.> <month in genitive> d <d.>

LST ISO 8601:1997 (obsolete) LST ISO 8601:2006 (current)[107]
Luxembourg No Yes No dd.mm.yyyy [108]) ITM-EN 28601
Macau Yes Yes No YMD (same as Hong Kong)[109]

DMY (in Portuguese & English)

Macedonia No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[110]
Malaysia No Yes Yes In Malaysian English, however, the American-style MDY is also sometimes used, example includes New Straits Times, The Sun and The Edge. The Malay Mail originally uses MDY before it changed to DMY due to the change of ownership.
Maldives No Yes No [111] In The Maldives, the date format usually used is dd(th) of mmm, yyyy. E.g.: "01st of January, 2015". Other common formats include: dd.mm.(yy)yy, dd/mm/(yy)yy, and dd-mm-(yy)yy.
Malta No Yes No
Moldova No Yes No
Mexico No Yes No [112] NOM-008-SCFI-2002
Monaco No Yes No [113]
Mongolia Yes No No (yyyy.mm.dd)[114]
Montenegro No Yes No (d.m.yyyy)[115]
Morocco No Yes No [116]
Myanmar Yes Yes No YMD for Burmese calendar. DMY for Gregorian or Julian calendar.
Namibia Yes Yes No DMY[117]
Nepal Yes Yes No DMY,[citation needed] YMD in official Nepali Vikram Samvat calendar (also see Nepal Sambat which is also in use); Month first in Nepali newspaper (English language version)[1]
Netherlands No Yes No (Using hyphens as in “dd-mm-yyyy”) [118] NEN ISO 8601 & NEN EN 28601 & NEN 2772
New Zealand No Yes No [119]
Nicaragua No Yes No [120]
Nigeria No Yes No dd/mm/yy[121]
Norway Yes Yes No dd.mm.yyyy; leading zeroes and century digits may be omitted, e.g., 10.02.15; ddmmyy (six figures, no century digits, no delimiters) allowed in tables. ISO dates yyyy-mm-dd can be used for "technical" purposes. The fraction form d/m-y is incorrect, but is common and considered passable in handwriting.[122] NS-ISO 8601[123]
Oman No Yes No [124]
Pakistan No Yes No [125][126] (dd/mm/(yy)yy)
Palau No Yes No
Panama No Yes No [127]
Paraguay No Yes No [128]
Peru No Yes No [129]
Philippines No Yes Yes English: mmmm dd, yyyy
DMY is also used in some other instances such as on the data page of passports and immigration and customs forms.
Filipino: ika-dd ng mmmm, yyyy[130]
(Note: Month and year can be shortened.)
Poland No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy,[131] often with dots as separators; more official is d <month in genitive> yyyy, or, less frequently, d <month in Roman numerals> yyyy)[132][133] PN-90/N-01204
Portugal No Yes No Mostly (dd/mm/yyyy) and (dd-mm-yyyy); some newer documents use (yyyy-mm-dd).[134] NP EN 28601
Qatar No Yes No [135]
Romania No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[136][137] Also widely used: (d)d-Mmm[3 letters of month name with the notable exception of Nov for November, which would otherwise be Noiembrie]-yyyy and (d)d-XII-yyyy (month number as a Roman numeral with lines above AND below, slowly deprecating)
Russia No Yes No (dd.mm.(yy)yy);[138] more official is d <month in genitive> yyyy <г. (= g., short for goda, i.e. year in genitive)> ГОСТ ИСО 8601-2001
Saint Kitts and Nevis No Yes No
Saint Lucia No Yes No
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines No Yes No
Saudi Arabia No Yes Yes (dd/mm/yyyy in Islamic and Gregorian calendar systems,[139][140] except for major companies, which conventionally use the American mm/dd/yyyy format.[citation needed])
Serbia No Yes No (d.m.yyyy or d. month yyyy.)[141][142][143][144]
Singapore Yes Yes No (Chinese representation: yyyy年m月d日, no leading zeroes)[145]

DMY in English[146]

Slovakia No Yes No (d. m. yyyy)[147]
Slovenia Yes Yes No YMD[148]

(d.m.yyyy or d. mmmm yyyy)[149]

South Africa Yes Yes No (yyyy-mm-dd;[150][151] "d/m/yy" is a common alternative.[citation needed]) ARP 010:1989
Spain No Yes No (dd/mm/(yy)yy)[152] UNE EN 28601
Sri Lanka Yes Yes No yyyy-mm-dd format is the most common out of these.
Sudan No Yes No
Suriname No Yes No
Sweden Yes Yes No National standard format is yyyy-mm-dd;[153] casually many people use d/m yyyy or d/m -yy. Another possible format is d.m.yyyy.[154] SS-EN 28601
Switzerland No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[155][156] SN ISO 8601:2005-08
Syria No Yes No [157]
Taiwan, Republic of China Yes No No (yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy年m月d日 with no leading zeroes,[39] year might be represented using ROC era system: 民國95年12月30日.[158])
Tajikistan No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[159]
Thailand No Yes No dd/mm/yyyy (with Buddhist Era years instead of Common Era)[160] TIS 1111:2535 in 1992
Trinidad and Tobago No Yes No [161]
Tunisia No Yes No [162]
Turkey No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy)[163][164]
Turkmenistan No Yes No (dd.mm.(yy)yy)[165][166]
Ukraine No Yes No (dd.mm.(yy)yy;[167][168] some cases of dd/mm/yyyy[169])
United Arab Emirates No Yes No [170][171]
United Kingdom Yes Yes Yes Most style guides follow the DMY convention by recommending d mmmm yyyy (sometimes written dd/mm/yyyy) format in articles (e.g. The Guardian's).[172]

However, some newspapers remain using the traditional historical[citation needed] MDY (e.g. mmmm d, yyyy – or similar) specifically in their banner print date only but use DMY in articles,[173] some use MDY for both the banner and articles,[174] while others stick to DMY for both.[175]

Also, YMD is used increasingly especially in applications associated with computers, and per British standard BS ISO 8601:2004,[176] avoiding the ambiguity of the numerical versions of the DMY/MDY formats.

BS ISO 8601:2004
United States of America Yes Yes Yes (Civilian vernacular: mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy;[177][178] other formats, including dd mmm(m) yyyy and yyyy-mm-dd, are common or prescribed—particularly in military, academic, scientific, computing, industrial, or governmental contexts. See Date and time notation in the United States.) ANSI INCITS 30-1997 (R2008) and NIST FIPS PUB 4-2
Uruguay No Yes No [179][180]
Uzbekistan No Yes No (dd.mm.yyyy Cyrillic, dd/mm yyyy Latin)[181][182][183]
Venezuela No Yes No [184][185][186]
Vietnam No Yes No [187]
Yemen No Yes No [188][189]
Zimbabwe No Yes No [190]

See also


  1. ^ Danish Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Interior (2015). "ØIMs Kommunale Nøgletal".
  2. ^ Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder. "Bevölkerung Deutschland 2013". Retrieved 2014-05-29.
  3. ^ "Population Statistics". Statistics Sweden. Retrieved 2015-02-07.
  4. ^ "NLS Information for Afghanistan". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  5. ^ "NLS information page – Albanian (Albania)". Microsoft. Archived from the original on 2009-01-12. Retrieved 2008-10-21.
  6. ^ Template:Sq icon Municipality of Tirana (Bashkia e Tiranës)
  7. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Albania" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  8. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Algeria" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  9. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Algeria)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  10. ^ "NLS information page – Spanish (Argentina)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2016-07-11.
  11. ^ Template:Hy icon National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
  12. ^ "NLS information page – Armenian (Armenia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  13. ^ Sutton, Ron. "September 11: The Australian stories". SBS News. SBS. Retrieved 5 May 2016.
  14. ^ Template:De icon Federal Chancellery of Austria (Bundeskanzleramt)
  15. ^ "NLS information page – German (Austria)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  16. ^ "NLS information page – Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link], also NLS information page – Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)
  17. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Bahrain" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  18. ^ "The International system of units (SI) and its practical application including the designation of times and dates". Metrication Board. Barbados National Standard Institute (BNSI). 2000. Archived from the original on 2012-04-25. Retrieved 2011-10-16. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  19. ^ Template:Be icon President of the Republic of Belarus (Прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь)
  20. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Belarus" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  21. ^ Belgian Federal Government – Portal
  22. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Belgium (Dutch, English, French)". IBM. Retrieved 2016-03-17.
  23. ^ "Belize". Global Sourcebook for International Data Management. Retrieved 2015-07-20.
  24. ^ "National Language Support (NLS) API Reference -- Belize". Microsoft. Retrieved 2015-05-11.
  25. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Bolivia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  26. ^ Template:Pt icon Government of Brazil – Notícias (News)
  27. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Brazil" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  28. ^ "NLS Information for Brunei Darussalam". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  29. ^ Template:Bg icon Parliament of Bulgaria
  30. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Bulgaria" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  31. ^ "NLS Information for Cambodia". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  32. ^ "Cheque Specifications". Canadian Payments Association. Retrieved 2012-03-17. Canadian cheques must include date field indicators showing which of the three formats is being used. Either spaces or dashes are permitted as separators on cheques, but not slashes.
  33. ^ "TBITS 36: All-Numeric Representation of Dates and Times – Implementation Criteria". Treasury Board of Canada. 18 December 1997. Retrieved 2012-03-17.
  34. ^ "Canadian SIN Application" (PDF). Retrieved 2012-03-17.
  35. ^ "Canadian passport renewal application" (PDF). Retrieved 2012-03-17.
  36. ^ "Canadian Income Tax Form" (PDF). Retrieved 2012-03-17.
  37. ^ "canada.com website, with links to newspapers in many Canadian cities". Retrieved 2012-03-17.
  38. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Chile" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  39. ^ a b "Global Development and Computing Portal – Locale Data: China (People's Republic)". Archived from the original on 2009-01-13. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  40. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Colombia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  41. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Costa Rica" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  42. ^ Template:Hr icon Government of the Republic of Croatia
  43. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Croatia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  44. ^ "Inicio". Cuban News Agency. Retrieved 2016-03-20.
  45. ^ "tax department". Cyprus Tax department. Retrieved 2016-03-23.
  46. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Czech Republic" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  47. ^ Radio Praha (Radio Prague)
  48. ^ http://std.dkuug.dk/cultreg/registrations/narrative/da_DK,_4.3.html
  49. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Denmark" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  50. ^ The Danish language advisory committee
  51. ^ "DS/ISO 8601:2005". Denmark: Dansk Standard. 2005-10-26. Retrieved 2016-11-12.
  52. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Dominican Republic" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  53. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Ecuador" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  54. ^ Template:Ar icon [Arab Republic of Egypt: Cabinet/Office of the Prime Minister]
  55. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Egypt" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  56. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: El Salvador" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  57. ^ "Õigekirjutus. Numbrite kirjutamine" (in Estonian). Eesti Keele Instituut. Retrieved 2013-11-10.
  58. ^ "NLS Information for Ethiopia". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  59. ^ "Welcome to the Federated States of Micronesia". Government of the Federated States of Micronesia. Retrieved 2008-10-21.
  60. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Finland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  61. ^ Template:Fr icon Government of France – Prime Minister
  62. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: France" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  63. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Germany" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  64. ^ de:Datumsformat#ISO 8601 und EN 28 601, Retrieved 2010-03-10 [better source needed]
  65. ^ Template:El icon Hellenic Parliament (Greece)
  66. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Greece" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  67. ^ Oqaasileriffik/Greenlandic Language Secretariat
  68. ^ "NLS information page – Greenlandic (Greenland)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  69. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Guatemala" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  70. ^ "Globalization Library – Chinese (Traditional Han, Hong Kong SAR China) (zh-Hant-HK)". IBM. Retrieved 2012-03-29.
  71. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Honduras" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  72. ^ "A magyar helyesírás szabályai" (pdf). MTA. Retrieved 2012-01-06.
  73. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Hungary" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  74. ^ "NLS information page – Hungarian (Hungary)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-03. [dead link]
  75. ^ A magyar helyesírás szabályai, 2005 (ISBN 963-218-980-9)[dead link]
  76. ^ Template:Is icon Government of Iceland (Stjórnarráðið))
  77. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Iceland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  78. ^ "Standards Published". Bureau of Indian Standards. Retrieved 2008-09-20.
  79. ^ President of India
  80. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data (Pacific Region)". IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  81. ^ a b بانک مرکزی ایران (in Persian). The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Retrieved 2009-04-30.
  82. ^ "Iranian Passport Datapage". Retrieved 2016-10-01.
  83. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Iraq)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link]
  84. ^ Department of the Taoiseach
  85. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Ireland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  86. ^ Template:He icon Israel Government Portal
  87. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Israel" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  88. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Italy" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  89. ^ US Commercial Service (2008-12-23). "Doing Business in JAMAICA: A Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies" (PDF). Organization of American States. p. 25. Retrieved 2014-04-01.
  90. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Japan" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  91. ^ "Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet". Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  92. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Jordan" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  93. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Jordan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  94. ^ "Official rules of documenting in governmental authorities". Government of Kazakhstan (in Kazakh and Russian).
  95. ^ "Date Time Local". Retrieved 2009-08-31. [dead link]
  96. ^ "NLS Information for Windows 7 - Kiswahili (Kenya)". National Language Support (NLS) API Reference. Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-04-01.
  97. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Korea (Simplified Chinese)". IBM. Archived from the original (pdf) on 2009-01-12. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  98. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Kuwait" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  99. ^ "NLS information page – Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  100. ^ "NLS Information for Laos". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  101. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Latvia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  102. ^ "NLS information page – Latvian (Latvia)". Microsoft. Archived from the original on 2009-01-13. Retrieved 2009-02-08.
  103. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Lebanon" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  104. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Libya)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  105. ^ "NLS Information for Liechtenstein". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  106. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Lithuania" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  107. ^ "Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentas - el. parduotuvė". Retrieved 2015-12-15.
  108. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Luxembourg (German)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  109. ^ "Government News" (in Chinese). Macao SAR Government Portal. Retrieved 2008-10-13.
  110. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Macedonia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  111. ^ "NLS Information for Maldives". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  112. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Mexico" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  113. ^ "NLS Information for Monaco". Microsoft. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  114. ^ "Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч" (in Mongolian). President of Mongolia. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  115. ^ "Vlada Crne Gore (Government of Montenegro)" (in Montenegrin). Retrieved 2009-02-08.
  116. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Morocco" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  117. ^ http://www.gov.na/documents/10181/12843/Namibian_Citizenship_Act_No.pdf/d5541c06-16de-4410-8c5a-4b7e2c945a0f
  118. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Netherlands" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  119. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: New Zealand" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  120. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Nicaragua" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  121. ^ "OTHER LINKS ON NIGERIA". Retrieved 2014-02-14.
  122. ^ http://www.sprakradet.no/sprakhjelp/Skriveregler/Dato/. Retrieved 2016-11-24. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  123. ^ "Internasjonal datostandard". Retrieved 2016-02-01.
  124. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Oman" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  125. ^ "Ministry of Foreign Affairs". Government of Pakistan. Retrieved 2008-10-21.
  126. ^ "NLS information page – Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08. [dead link]
  127. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Panama" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  128. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Paraguay" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  129. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Peru" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  130. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Philippines" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  131. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Poland" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  132. ^ Template:Pl icon Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów (Republic of Poland – The Chancellery of the Prime Minister)
  133. ^ Zagórska Brooks, Maria (1975). Polish Reference Grammar. Walter de Gruyter. p. 35. ISBN 90-279-3313-8.
  134. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Portugal" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  135. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Qatar" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  136. ^ Template:Ro icon Guvernul României (Government of Romania)
  137. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Romania" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  138. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Russia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  139. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Saudi Arabia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  140. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Saudi Arabia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  141. ^ Serbian Wikipedia, bottom of the page
  142. ^ Template:Sr icon Влада Републике Србије (Serbian Government)
  143. ^ "NLS information page – Serbian (Cyrillic)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-11-16. [dead link]
  144. ^ "NLS information page – Serbian (Latin)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-11-16. [dead link]
  145. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Singapore (Simplified Chinese)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  146. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Singapore (English)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  147. ^ "Slovak Grammar" (pdf). Veda. Retrieved 2014-06-13.
  148. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Slovenia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  149. ^ "NLS information page – Slovenian (Slovenia)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29. [dead link]
  150. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: South Africa" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  151. ^ "NLS information page – Afrikaans (South Africa)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-21. [dead link][dead link]
  152. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Spain" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12. Catalan language locale for Spain also indicates dd/mm/yyyy for Common Date format.[dead link]
  153. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Sweden" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  154. ^ "Hur skriver man datum med siffror?" (in Swedish). Swedish Language Council. Retrieved 2012-08-10. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)
  155. ^ Switzerland Federal Administration – Press releases and speeches dd.mm.yyyy format seen in all languages.
  156. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Switzerland (French, German, Italian)". IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  157. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Syria" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  158. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Taiwan (Simplified Chinese)" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  159. ^ "NLS information page – Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29.[dead link]
  160. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Thailand" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  161. ^ "NLS information page – English (Trinidad and Tobago)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29.[dead link]
  162. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Tunisia" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  163. ^ Template:Tr icon Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı (Presidency of the Republic of Turkey)
  164. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Turkey" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  165. ^ Template:Tk icon Government of Turkmenistan
  166. ^ "NLS information page – Turkmen (Turkmenistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08.[dead link]
  167. ^ Template:Uk icon Government of the Ukraine
  168. ^ "NLS information page – Ukrainian (Ukraine)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08.[dead link]
  169. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Ukraine" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  170. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: United Arab Emirates" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  171. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (U.A.E.)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08.[dead link]
  172. ^ "The Guardian Style Guide – dates". The Guardian. Retrieved 2013-11-25.
  173. ^ "Daily Mail frontpage". Daily Mail. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  174. ^ "The Times frontpage". The Times. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  175. ^ "The Guardian frontpage". The Guardian. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  176. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: United States" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  177. ^ "NLS information page – English (United States)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08.[dead link]
  178. ^ Template:Es icon Government of Uruguay: Documentos de Interés (documents of interest)
  179. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Uruguay" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  180. ^ Template:Uz icon Government of Uzbekistan
  181. ^ "NLS information page – Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29.[dead link]
  182. ^ "NLS information page – Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29.[dead link]
  183. ^ Template:Es icon Government of Venezuela: Noticias (News)
  184. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Venezuela" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  185. ^ "NLS information page – Spanish (Venezuela)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-02-08.[dead link]
  186. ^ "NLS information page – Vietnamese (Vietnam)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29.[dead link]
  187. ^ "Globalization Library – Locale Data: Yemen" (pdf). IBM. Retrieved 2008-10-12.[dead link]
  188. ^ "NLS information page – Arabic (Yemen)". Microsoft. Retrieved 2008-10-29.[dead link]
  189. ^ "ICU Locale "English (Zimbabwe)" (en_ZW)". Locale Planet. Retrieved 2016-09-09.
  • Index of NLS information page Global Development and Computing Portal, published by Microsoft. Links on page lead to individual country date formats.