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Le Mali

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Le Mali
English: Mali

National anthem of  Mali
LyricsSeydou Badian Kouyaté
MusicBanzumana Sissoko

Le Mali (popularly known as Pour l'Afrique et pour toi, Mali – French: For Africa and for you, Mali or A ton appel Mali – French: At your call, Mali) is the national anthem of Mali. The words were written by Seydou Badian Kouyaté and the music was by Banzumana Sissoko. Adopted as the national anthem in 1962, its themes are patriotism, national, and African unity. It states the willingness of the people of Mali to lay down their lives for their nation and for liberty. A common theme throughout the song is the desire to strive for a united Africa. Its music is a traditional European style military march.[citation needed]

It was officially adopted less than a year after independence, by loi n° 62-72 du 9 août 1962. It is traditionally played at state ceremonies by the band of the Garde Républicaine of the Armed Forces of Mali. The Malian Young Pioneer movement of the 1960s translated the anthem in the Bambara language for its rallies.


French lyrics English translation
First verse
A ton appel Mali
Pour ta prospérité
Fidèle à ton destin
Nous serons tous unis
Un Peuple un But une Foi
Pour une Afrique Unie
Si l’ennemi découvre son front
Au dedans ou au dehors
Debout sur les remparts
Nous sommes résolus de mourir
At your call, Mali
For your prosperity
Loyal towards your destiny
We will be all united,
One people, one goal, one faith,
For a united Africa
If the enemy should show himself
Inside or outside,
Standing on the ramparts,
We are ready to die.
Pour l'Afrique et pour toi, Mali,
Notre drapeau sera liberté.
Pour l'Afrique et pour toi, Mali,
Notre combat sera unité.
Ô Mali d'aujourd'hui
Ô Mali de demain
Les champs fleurissent d'espérance
Les cœurs vibrent de confiance
For Africa and for you, Mali,
Our banner shall be liberty.
For Africa and for you, Mali,
Our fight shall be for unity.
Oh, Mali of today,
Oh, Mali of tomorrow,
The fields are flowering with hope
Hearts are thrilling with confidence.
Second verse
L'Afrique se lève enfin
Saluons ce jour nouveau
Saluons la liberté
Marchons vers l'unité
Dignité retrouvée
Soutient notre combat
Fidèle à notre serment
De faire l'Afrique unie
Ensemble debout mes frères
Tous au rendez-vous de l'honneur
Africa finally rises
Let us welcome this new day
Let us welcome liberty
Let us march towards unity
New found dignity
Support our fight
True to our oath
Of making Africa united
My brothers standing together
All at the appointment of honour
Third verse
Debout villes et campagnes
Debout femmes, jeunes et vieux
Pour la patrie en marche
Vers l'avenir radieux
Pour notre dignité
Renforçons bien nos rangs
Pour le salut public
Forgeons le bien commun
Ensemble au coude à coude
Faisons le sentier du bonheur
Standing town and country
Standing women, young and old
For the country moving
Towards a bright future
For our dignity
Let us strengthen our ranks well
For the public salvation
Let us forge the common good
Together shoulder to shoulder
Let us make the path of happiness
Fourth verse
La voie est dure très dure
Qui mène au bonheur commun
Courage et dévouement
Vigilance à tout moment
Vérité des temps anciens
Vérité de tous les jours
Le bonheur par le labeur
Fera le Mali de demain
The path is hard very hard
Which leads to common happiness
Courage and dedication
Vigilance at all times
Truth of ancient times
Truth everyday
Happiness through labour
Will make the Mali of tomorrow
