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Archive 1Archive 2


The picture of karna on TV justs seems plain wrong, so I put a better one there. samphex 15:33, 22 July 2006 (UTC)

I had difficulty finding Links. Would anyone else add links to this article?


Please make change in para "King of Anga and Friendship with Duryodhana". Guru "Dronacharya" refused to 'Karna' for playing dual with 'Arjuna', not 'Kripacharya'. Please let me know if I m wrong.:- VIJAY L —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:51, 23 April 2008 (UTC)

all the information regarding karna's life is truly appreciable while we would like to know more about karna's curses.it is a real pity that the person who deserved the most received the least and was constantly insulted through out his life based on caste despite of the fact that he was even more talented than the pandavas and actually a better bowman than arjuna.i am still not sure about his participation in killing of abhimanyu and would like to know more about this subject...

i shall also appreciate writer's effort to inform us about arjuna's and karna's final combat with details...... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:12, 25 June 2008 (UTC)

karna my hero

all the information regarding karna's life is truly appreciable while we would like to know more about karna's curses.it is a real pity that the person who deserved the most received the least and was constantly insulted through out his life based on caste despite of the fact that he was even more talented than the pandavas and actually a better bowman than arjuna.i am still not sure about his participation in killing of abhimanyu and would like to know more about this subject...

i shall also appreciate writer's effort to inform us about arjuna's and karna's final combat with details...... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:15, 25 June 2008 (UTC)

Done, and done :) Into the Cosmic Void (talk) 19:52, 11 October 2008 (UTC)

Statement needs explaining

"A deeper connection lies in the fact that the two felt strong ties to the Kaurava side, both through friendship and through blood." is tha author referring to Bhishma nd Drona who Arjuna loved? because Arjuna was very angry with the rest.~~  —Preceding unsigned comment added by Satyask (talkcontribs) 14:03, 2 January 2009 (UTC) 

Is 'Immaculate Conception' the right phrase, or should it rather be "Miraculous conception" or "Virgin birth"?

Firstly, there is significant confusion over whether this conception was indeed immaculate or if Kunti is described as virgin in the original Vyasa's [i.e Krishna Dwaipayana's] Mahabharat. Sanitised versions are definitely necessary though, given that the Mahabharat may be used to provide moral values to early readers - the wikipedia stance should make it clear that different sources targetting different readers [and in the case of the TV serial source, viewers] vary in regard to Kuntis virginity.

Secondly, in Christian theology, a common misconception is that the Immaculate conception refers to the conception of Jesus within the womb of the Virgin Mary. It doesn't, but rather refers to the conception of Mary herself within the womb of her mother taking place without sin (so that she would be a sinless vessel for the conception and gestation of Jesus.)

Alan Canon (talk) 13:01, 12 March 2009 (UTC) (I am an ethnic Christian with a great respect, interest and love for Hindu mythology.)

Article basis

The article is based on popular folklore and movies, I have heard most of the anecdotes listed from one source or the other. (None of them have been "made up".) It has not been whetted against Vyasa's Mahabharatha. An excellent translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli is available at scared-texts.com if someone has the time.~~

Karna was never the son of Kunti. Just as Krishna had created Ashwathama, he created the story of birth of Karn to Kunti. The whole purpose was to have the Pandavas victorious. Please read stambh.com/blog for further details on this matter. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Stambh (talkcontribs) 10:25, 8 October 2009 (UTC)

ARADEA (Karna) is The Best Warrior

Once Drona's revenge had been exacted, he decided to hold an exhibition of his students for the benefit of King Dhritarashtra. Dhitarashtra had pavilions and walls built around a clearing for the exhibition.

When the king and queen arrived at the grounds, the exhibition was inagurated by Wishma. Wishma was the original guru of the Pandavas and the Kauravas - Drona came by later. So, Wishma asked King Dhritarashtra for permission to start the exhibition and when that was given, Drona entered the grounds. Following him were Ashwattama, the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

Nakula and Sahadeva, the Pandava sons of Madri, proved to be the best swordsmen in the group. Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava and the wisest of them all, proved to be the best chariot driver in the group. It was then that Bhima and Duryodhana competed in a heavy mace competition.

It was a close match with both Bhima and Duryodhana aiming and hitting all their targets. The roar of the crowd, their evenly matched skill, and the history of animosity between the two men, it was only a matter of time before they forgot the targets and started going at each other.

But Drona was having none of that, he made Aswattama stop the two of them. Aswattama swiftly pulled the maces from their hands, threw the heavy maces to the ground and brought the brawl to a stop. When Aswattama threw the maces to the ground, the earth tremored.

Meanwhile, Arjuna had entered the grounds and was amazing the crowd with his feats of archery. Arjuna performed the most amazing feats - he hid himself in a cloud, shot fire and water from his arrows even while streaming across the field in a chariot. Arjuna surpassed Nakula and Sahadeva in his swordsmanship, he surpassed Yudhishthira in his chariot, and even Bhima and Duryodhana with his mace. He surpassed every one who had gone before him. The crowd roared its awe and approval and the blind king, hearing the crowd, thanked heavens for Pandu's sons.

On this note of Arjuna's feat, Drona started to bring the exhibition to an end. But before Drona could end the competition came the sound of a Kshatriya challenge from outside the walls of the ground. Hearing the sound a cupped hand makes with an armpit, Drona ordered that the challenge be accepted. In came Aradea, half-brother of the Pandavas, but son of a charioteer.

Aradea, son of the sun-god himself, came in his golden armor. He was handsome and awe-inspiring. He bowed to Drona and then facing Arjuna, informed Arjuna that he would match every deed of Arjuna's.

Aradea then proceeded to do everything that Arjuna had done before him, only he did with greater ease and poise. Aradea's performance was so gracious and his skill so apparent, that everyone agreed that Aradea was the greatest warrior that they had seen that day. And Wishma and Drona and Arjuna could only marvel at the warrior they saw that day.

Just who was he? Wishma went over to Aradea, and asked him who he was. "Which royal family do you belong to?", he asked. At the phrasing of that question, Aradea turned pale. Duryodhana, noticing this, chastised Wishma for forgetting his own roots. Duryodhana asked Aradea, after taking him aside, where he was from. "Anga," replied Aradea, the half-brother of the Pandavas who had been abandoned by his mother soon after his birth. Duryodhana immediately proclaimed the great warrior, greater than even Arjuna, king of Anga.

Aradea was tremendously grateful. "What do I have to give to you in return," he asked Duryodhana. Not only had Duryodhana treated him kindly without inquiring into his origins, he was offering to make him a king. "All I want," said Duryodhana, "is your friendship."

So it was that on the field that was meant to showcase the deeds of Arjuna, that Aradea was anointed the king of Anga. Seeing his son anointed a king, the charioteer Adhiratha with pride approached Aradea. And Aradea, his son, his hair still wet from the anointing oil, knelt before Adhiratha.

Seeing that Aradea was the son of a charioteer, Bhima ridiculed the scene. "What is the use," he asked Duryodhana, "of making this charioteer a king? He is not a warrior; he should stick to driving chariots!" But Aradea faced Bhima down. "This is my father," he told Bhima, "Adhiratha taught me all the weapons you saw me use today. I have always looked for a home, and Duryodhana here has given me his friendship."

Thus it was that Aradea became the loyal friend of Duryodhana, in return for Duryodhana's kindness on the exhibition fields. And everyone there knew that the greatest warrior of them all, greater than even the much-talked-about Arjuna, was Aradea, king of Anga and friend of Duryodhana. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:47, 2 October 2010 (UTC)

Edit request from, 10 January 2011

{{edit semi-protected}} Add films... There is a recent film in Indosiar (Indonesia) that portrays Karna and Arjuna.. (talk) 13:47, 10 January 2011 (UTC) Not done: You need to provide the exact details of what you want to add--in this case, the names and details of the films, along with reliable sources that verify that those films show Karna. Edit requests are basically just like you editing the article yourself--that is, you need to tell us the exact words that should go in the article, not just provide general info. Qwyrxian (talk) 11:58, 11 January 2011 (UTC)


Richard asr (talk) 13:44, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

I have standardized the spelling to British English wherever I have spotted a US variant, since the article seemed to use predominantly British English throughout. I hope this is correct. Very interesting article. I have added some red links on interesting terms that may be unfamiliar to a Western reader – again, I hope this is okay. A few more inline citations are needed, especially towards the end of the article, but maybe also some chapter-and-verse refs for the main story, possibly from books in the Bibliography. Since this is the English Wikipedia, for the general reader, I have included a mention of Homer and the Irish warrior hero (and sun deity?) Cú Chulaind, for background and comparison. Richard asr (talk) 13:57, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

Edit request from Tejasomina, 14 April 2011

This is about the Brahmana's curse on Karna. According to the translation of the original sanskrit scripture by KM Ganguli,

At that time, when the hour of Karna's death had come, Kala, approaching invisibly, and alluding to the Brahmana's curse, and desirous of informing Karna that his death was near, told him, "The Earth is devouring thy wheel!" Indeed, O foremost of men, when the hour of Karna's death came, the high brahmastra that the illustrious Bhargava had imparted unto him, escaped from his memory. And the earth also began to devour the left wheel of his car. Then in consequence of the curse of that foremost of Brahmanas, Karna's car began to reel, having sunk deep into the earth and having been transfixed at that spot like a sacred tree with its load of flowers standing upon an elevated platform. When his car began to reel from the curse of the Brahmana, and when the high weapon he had obtained from Rama no longer shone in him through inward light, and when his terrible snake-mouthed shaft also had been cut off by Partha, Karna became filled with melancholy.

Source: http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08090.htm

Looks like Karna's chariot wheel sinking into mud is due to the Brahmana's curse. I think we can find more references in the same translation to support this

Also, the earth's goddess curse on Karna is not mentioned in Rajagopalachari's (Rajaji's) Mahabharata. Though this version is a very concise one, Rajaji would at least mention an incident that happened between Karna and earth goddess

Source: http://www.gita-society.com/pdf2011/mahabharata.pdf

I could not find any incident about earth goddess curse on Karna in KM Ganguli's version either. I tried searching from the sacred texts website. Couldn't find any relevant results.

So, summarizing this, the second paragraph of "More curses" part can be modified to this way (The exact lines from Rajaji's version pg 190)

One day, when Karna was practising with his bow in the forest near Parasurama's ashrama, a brahmana's cow was accidentally hit and killed. The brahmana was angry and uttered a curse on Karna: "In battle, your chariot wheels will stick in the mud and you will be done to death, even like this innocent cow which you have killed."

Tejasomina (talk) 18:29, 14 April 2011 (UTC)

 Not done A specific edit request is needed with what needs changed and with a source to back up the change. It should not be a direct copy of the source text per the copyright and plagiarism issues involved. Please reactivate the template when this information is added. Woody (talk) 19:51, 15 April 2011 (UTC)

Addition after comments from Woody. Content to be changed is

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karna#More_curses The lines "Karna was cursed also by the Earth goddess, and by a Brahmin. The story is this: Departing from Parashurama's ashram, Karna wandered for some time. On his way, he slayed a cow that was rushing at him by shooting an arrow. Incensed by this incident, the Brahmin who owned the cow cursed him, stating that as he had killed a helpless animal, Karna too would be killed in the same way when he was most helpless with his concentration being diverted away from his enemy at a crucial moment."

It should be changed to "According to the original scripture written by Vyasa, Karna was cursed by a Brahmin for killing his cow. One day, Karna was practising his skills with bow and arrows near the ashram of Sage Parashurama. One of his arrows accidentally killed a cow. The cow belonged to a poor Brahmana who had been making his living from the cow. The Brahmana got angry due to Karna's deed and cursed him that he would become helpless in the same way the innocent cow had become, by his chariot wheels getting stuck to his ground"

The line "Thus, Karna was cursed on three separate and independent occasions. and each of these curses came true at the same crucial moment in the Kurukshetra war, leaving him weaponless and without a chariot."

It should be changed to "These two curses play a prominent role in Karna's defeat in the Kurukshetra war. Though Karna is shown as an extremely competent warrior, sometimes more skillful than Arjuna, the timing of his curses in crucial moments of his battle with Arjuna brought him doom"

Sources are the ones mentioned above

 Not done you appear to be able to edit the article yourself at this point. No need for a edit-semi request. Monty845 03:33, 8 May 2011 (UTC)

File:Mahabalikarna.jpg Nominated for speedy Deletion

An image used in this article, File:Mahabalikarna.jpg, has been nominated for speedy deletion at Wikimedia Commons for the following reason: Copyright violations
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Solving issues

Karna was said to be the best warrior of Mahabharata

But that cannot be true

Since Arjuna had defeated Karna before,Arjuna must be better

However Krishna praised Karna,but only to make Arjuna more careful

Bhisma was undefeated in the war or anywhere else,even Arjuna had to take help of Shikandhi to take him down

Also Bhisma had beaten Parshurama so he muste be the best,his father's boon to die at his will also helped

And yes Karna did have three curses working simultaneously as well as Indra's plan to weaken him He was a great warrior but not the greatest

The Mahabharata is not something to be talked about details that much,but to learn the Gita and the lesson that righteousness[Dharma] always wins,somehow — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:56, 12 July 2011 (UTC)

Edit request on 7 December 2011

On the topic ( Karna ) and the Sub topic - Sixteenth day: Defeating and sparing the lives of all Pandavas The following passage has not been cited. I have found the source. The passage is: "Hear in brief, O son of Pandu! I regard the mighty car-warrior Karna as thy equal, or perhaps, thy superior! With the greatest care and resolution shouldst thou slay him in great battle. In energy he is equal to Agni. As regards speed, he is equal to the impetuosity of the wind. In wrath, he resembles the Destroyer himself. Endued with might, he resembles a lion in the formation of his body. He is eight ratnis in stature. His arms are large. His chest is broad. He is invincible. He is sensitive. He is a hero. He is, indeed, the foremost of heroes."

The source is: http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08072.htm Please cite it now. Thank You. (talk) 11:43, 7 December 2011 (UTC)

Done --Jnorton7558 (talk) 19:35, 12 December 2011 (UTC)

Edit request on 14 Jan 2011

This line is incorrect in the article on Karna. "Karna pleaded that any student would have acted in the same way and that he was the son of Vasusena"

Karna would've said to Parashurama that he was the son of Adhiratha. I believe one of Karna's names is Vasusena as mentioned in the article somewhere. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:29, 14 January 2012 (UTC)

Khraghesh (talk) 04:43, 19 December 2011 (UTC)

Edit request on 26 February 2012

There are errors on this page not sourced.

Thamara2012 (talk) 07:50, 26 February 2012 (UTC)

Please point out the errors. So that necessary corrections can be made. --Redtigerxyz Talk 08:17, 26 February 2012 (UTC)

File:Death of Karna.jpg Nominated for Deletion

An image used in this article, File:Death of Karna.jpg, has been nominated for deletion at Wikimedia Commons in the following category: Deletion requests April 2012
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File:Ghatotkach and karna.jpg Nominated for Deletion

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Was he acknowledged as Karna or Vasusena?

This writing is questioning Karna's recognition during his life. As we know that Karna was the name given by his biological mother, Kunti, for he had been born with a pair of earings. Another source said that name Karna was given because Karna had been born from Kunti's ear. disregarding the reason name Karna was given, it is a common sense that name Karna was recognized only by his true mother, Kunti. name Karna remained a secret untill Karna's death and Kunti's revealed the true identity of Karna. The important thing to be questioned is why the whole writing on the article uses name Karna. I think it is much better to introduce the main subject of this writing as Vasusena, as his foster parents named him.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:42, 16 June 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 17 July 2012

Please provide information on Karna based on scholarly and verifiable sources and not fictional works, TV shows, etc.

Thamaragirl (talk) 20:59, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 17 July 2012

"But the close of the day spared Arjuna's life, since both sides observed the codes of war and stopped fighting." This is definitely not there in the Mahabharata at least not in any scholarly versions of the great epic. It's an addition in the TV show made up (artistic licence if you will) by the show's creators.

Thamaragirl (talk) 21:05, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 17 July 2012

"Arjuna shot many arrows at the helpless Karna, severely wounding him, but was curiously unable to kill him. Lord Krishna told him that the great Dharma of noble charity that Karna had performed during his lifetime was protecting him. Lord Krishna ordered Arjuna to redouble his efforts. Arjuna complied and Karna was killed." I am getting tired of pointing out all the fictional aspects of this piece. Please to the editor of this article; provide information that is true to the great epic not later fictional versions of it. In the epic Arjuna kills (decapitates) Karna with a single arrow and there is no mention of him surviving after the fact.

Thamaragirl (talk) 21:08, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 17 July 2012

"Last Donation As Karna lay dying on the battlefield, his father Surya and Arjuna's father Indra fell into a debate as to who among their son's was superior. Indra was convinced that Arjuna was the better while Surya said otherwise, stressing on Karna's charitable attitude. Both of them decided to test Karna's generosity and appeared before him as Brahmins asking for alms. Karna said that at this point he had nothing to give them while one of the Brahmins remark that he has some gold in his teeth which could be of use to them. Karna on realizing this promptly takes a stone and breaks his teeth handing them over to the Brahmins and thus proving his superiority.[11] In other versions of the epic, the Brahmin is said to be Krishna who asks for Karna's punya or merit and when Karna does so he is rewarded by sighting of Krishna's Vishwaroopa. A play is staged in South India known as Kattaikkuttu which is based on the events that occurred in Karna's life on the day of his death"


Thamaragirl (talk) 21:12, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 17 July 2012

"And it was Lord Indra, in fact, who, in the form of a giant bee, stung Karna's thigh and caused the guru Parasurama to curse Karna with such a significant curse, for lying about his caste. It was later revealed that Parasurama knew about the impending massacre at Kurukshetra; he explained to Karna in a dream, on the night before Karna's battle with Arjuna, that he purposely cursed him in that way so as to ensure the defeat of the Kauravas. In this dream, he blesses Karna with everlasting glory after his death, because of his humble acceptance of the curse."

Indra did not come in the form of a giant bee. "It was later revealed that Parasurama knew about the impending massacre at Kurukshetra; he explained to Karna in a dream, on the night before Karna's battle with Arjuna, that he purposely cursed him in that way so as to ensure the defeat of the Kauravas. In this dream, he blesses Karna with everlasting glory after his death, because of his humble acceptance of the curse." Again, taken from the TV show and not from the critical edition of the text.

Thamaragirl (talk) 21:15, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 18 July 2012

To the editor/authors: Overall this piece of Karna is full of factual errors. I agree, that there are many interpretations and extrapolations of the Mahabharata. Buy I suggest you source your information based on scholarly work of the epic. The best source is the Pune edition which is also referred to as the critical edition. Scholars undertook a massive organization of Vyasa's epic based on the time period it was written and the narrative prose. There are so many recent novels, fictions, TV shows and comics on the epic. Please don't use these as sources. I am sorry to find that this is what the writers of this piece has done. Also don't use later folk stories. Try and keep your facts based on Vyasa's Mahabharata. The Pune edition is in Sanskrit but there are scholarly translations of it. Referencing these sources you will have a more accurate picture of the character of Karna.

Thamaragirl (talk) 01:00, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 18 July 2012

"Last Donation As Karna lay dying on the battlefield, his father Surya and Arjuna's father Indra fell into a debate as to who among their son's was superior. Indra was convinced that Arjuna was the better while Surya said otherwise, stressing on Karna's charitable attitude. Both of them decided to test Karna's generosity and appeared before him as Brahmins asking for alms. Karna said that at this point he had nothing to give them while one of the Brahmins remark that he has some gold in his teeth which could be of use to them. Karna on realizing this promptly takes a stone and breaks his teeth handing them over to the Brahmins and thus proving his superiority.[11] In other versions of the epic, the Brahmin is said to be Krishna who asks for Karna's punya or merit and when Karna does so he is rewarded by sighting of Krishna's Vishwaroopa. A play is staged in South India known as Kattaikkuttu which is based on the events that occurred in Karna's life on the day of his death.[12]"


Thamaragirl (talk) 01:07, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 18 July 2012

Please DELETE this section too.

"According to Karna's dying wish, Karna's Antim Sanskar was performed by none other than Lord Krishna himself. This was the honour given to him by Lord Krishna. Karna is the only person in the Mahābhārata epic who receives this great honour.[13]"

It's completely nonsensical and fabricated. This is not mentioned in the original, but is a popular addition made by later authors. The author had the nerve to even provide a citation to Ganguly's translation of the Mahabharata. This is nowhere to be found in Ganguly's text.

Thamaragirl (talk) 01:10, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

Note: In response to all nine (!) of the above edit requests:
  • please seek consensus for your changes;
  • please provide reliable sources to support what you say;
  • please understand that the editors who respond here didn't necessarily have any involvement with writing the article;
  • please use the Edit Request template only to ask for highly specific changes, not to draw attention to numerous errors or to question the overall accuracy of the article; and
  • please don't bombard the page with edit requests—it's disruptive.
My suggestion is that you take it one or two points at a time. Begin a new section on this page, keep it short and simple, don't SHOUT, and wait for other editors to respond to what you say. If no one responds, consider posting a query at the talk page of WikiProject India and asking for help there. Good luck. Rivertorch (talk) 04:11, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

Edit request on 12 July 2013

Please add at the end of the page:

Karna in Popular Literature The life of Karna is the source of inspiration of the epic poem Rashmirathi "one who is riding the chariot of light" written by famous Hindi Poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar. Ashish the great (talk) 09:29, 12 July 2013 (UTC)

Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. NiciVampireHeart 11:13, 12 July 2013 (UTC)

Poor state of the Article

Much of the article seems to be very poorly written, and needs an editor who is willing to retranslate either Ganguly or Dutt's version. The administrator should be unbiased and logical in content delivery, and have above all a sound footing in English grammar. Thank you.

The article is hardly based on Mahabharata itself. It is almost totally based on the TV serial and the Mritunjay book, these two sorces differ greatly from the original and are definitely not canon. I have made some edits on points that are grossly different from the Epic, but article still needs a lot of improvement.Astavakra 06:43, 24 December 2006 (UTC)

Well you could always make the changes yourself, as long as you make proper citations —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:07, 16 March 2007 (UTC).

It would be good if there was someone knowledgeable about the subject

I dont seem to understand why the Curse of Bhoo Devi (Earth) is not stated. I am not convinced about the sources of the curse by the Brahmin in fact —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:57, 24 October 2007 (UTC)

Addition to the above:

I understand the concerns of author of 'poor state of the article'.

People interested in the facts kindly read Mahabharata as a book than reading Fiction based on Karna's life. Since the only source of ANY information regarding the entire history/epic (as it may turn out post-archaeological findings ) is Muni Vyasa's writings, it will be a seemly thing to consider HIS views about the characters of Mahabharat than those of writers of popular fiction. The Mahabharat is freely available at stores to those interested enough to find the reality. Kindly DO NOT post articles based on Indian mythology with reference material as 'Mrityunjay'.

In Mahabharata itself Karna has been very frequently displayed as the chief trouble-maker beside Shakuni, hardly heroic and praiseworthy except for his charitable ways. He has been defeated by Arjuna on numerous accounts directly and indirectly. Examples being: stealing King virat's herd with the Kauravas, At Draupadi Svayamvara when the Pandavas in the disguise of Brahmins are attacked, By the Gandharvas when rescuing Duryodhana (whom Arjun did manage to set free) and such other incidences. I am sorry that I do not have the Mahabharata right with me to provide instances with the references of the khanda.

to the uploader of this post; i will state:::::::::::::::::::::::: in all stories/novels/epics/film-plots etc., never ever iz a flagbearer from a deprived or suppresed caste/race/religion/community/backward section etc. shown to be a villain or a devil --------- he iz always 1 amongst the gr8 heroes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Yajna93 WITCH-KINGG (talkcontribs) 10:09, 12 October 2013 (UTC)

Edit request on 17 July 2012

"Many believe that he was the greatest warrior of Mahabharata since he was only able to be defeated by Arjuna along with a combination of 3 curses, Indra's efforts and Kunti's request."

This information is not accurate. Scholars on the epic and the critical edition of the epic do not consider him the the greatest warrior of Mahabharata. Besides Arjuna defeated him several times prior to the Kurushethra war and none of that is mentioned. It seems like this piece on Wikipedia is written by a person(s) biased towards Karna and is not objective or an accurate description of Veda Vyasa's Mahabharat. Please someone should take the time to read the Pune (critical edition) and then post the information on Karna.

Thamaragirl (talk) 20:50, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

I deleted a long block of incoherent spam text that began "No gr8 epic/literary work...". It makes the Talk page hard to read and added nothing to the discussion. RedDog (talk) 23:30, 19 November 2013 (UTC)

Cutting short

Are parts of this article too long? I feel that some users want to remove information in order to shorten he article. I do not mind rephrasing, but complete removal has me worried. What say you all? Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 09:36, 20 November 2013 (UTC)

Yes! They are boringly long. No meaningful information was removed. It was simply stripped for oratory riches which are not necessary. Also i have removed, and intend to remove remaining ones, the quotes which have been ascribed to Karna or other mythological characters as one doesn't know what they exactly spoke. (& that's if we believe they ever existed to speak.) §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 10:06, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
if something is boring, it should not be on Wikipedia? You remove lines that provide context. For example, when you say that "later, it was revealed that karna was a sutaputra", what does later mean? The context of it being revealed at the tournament itself is important. I would agree that the quotes are a bit much, but it isn't like the Wikipedia pages on Greek mythology and Christianity do not use quotes. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 15:50, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
The article needs drastic pruning from the in-universe mess that it currently is (On a quick look, sections 2-7 need to be combined into a single 2-4 paragraph summary.) The aim of an encyclopedic article such is this one is not to to provide a cliffs note version of Mahabharata, but rather to concentrate on what modern scholars have had to say about the subject; his portrayal; possible inspirations and archetypes; cultural, literary and religious significance etc. Quotes and paraphrases from Mahabharata should be very limited, comparable to say a plot section of a well developed movie or book article (I don't wish to start a debate on fiction vs mythology vs history here, but am simply giving an example that would be easiest to understand) Abecedare (talk) 15:34, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
For reference, look at the Wikipedia article on Hercules. While the article itself is not too long, there are many sub articles that tie in to the main article which are huge. There are huge blocks of text simply devoted to the plot of what happened. Considering the sheer length of the mahabharatha, I think something similar is required. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 15:50, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
Pink, you arent helping in cleaning by simply reverting my edits and adding crap like "Karna crashed the tournament", "Stunned, Karna asked Duryodhana how he could repay him", "Duryodhana again leaped to his humiliated friend's defense", "Karna told her that the Pandavas were like sesame seeds removed from a kernel" and more. If you wish to receive templated warning on your talk page, we will have it that way. You have reverted me plenty times breaking WP:3RR already. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 18:24, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
Dharmadyaksha, you have reverted my edits as much as I have yours. I also took to the courtesy of 'combining' our edits, taking into your issue of brevity and my issue of completeness, and starting this talk page contribution. As opposed to you, who just blindly reverted my edits. I mean, you literally reverted my edits that fixed grammar, clarified tense, removed quotes, and SHORTENED the story. Look for yourself....you actually did this. "Karna crashed the tournament" was the only succinct way I could find to say that "Karna suddenly appeared at the tournament, uninvited". Karna being there was unusual; it wasn't an open tournament and he wasn't invited to showcase his skills. He 'surprised' people with his appearance. "Stunned, Karna asked Duyodhana how he could repay him" is not verbatim from the text, but is meant to convey Karna's surprise at Duryodhana's gesture. The surprise Karna shows is clear from many different sources, although perhaps the word "stunned" does not appear. "Duryodhana again leaped to his humiliated friend's defense". Well, Karna was humiliated in open court. Duryodhana defended him. That is clear from a reading of the literature. The exact phrase "Duryodhana leaped to his humiliated friend's defense" is not there, but I provided and then deleted the quote of Karna expressing his anger at Draupadi before sitting down in humiliation. The quote "Karna told her that the Pandavas were like sesame seeds removed from a kernel" is a contribution that has long been there and is a 'direct quote' from the provided reference according to the author of said contribution.
Moreover, your issue with the contributions you deleted was not their adherence to Wikipedia standards, vandalism, etc. It was simply "you think the article should be a certain way". That is fine and that distinction can be made. But that is precisely the type of issue you have to bring up in the talk page, generate consensus, and THEN delete/edit. Not just delete before discussion and generation of that consensus. It would have been different if I had plagiarized, used terrible grammar, broke copyright, vandalized, didn't use sources(although there the proper thing would be to request citation, fix the grammar, etc.), etc. I hope for a response from you within the next few days, or I will go ahead and 1) revert your first 600-character edit and 2) combine your second edit with the original version. Pending the reaching of consensus on the talk page or elsewhere, I will have no issue removing referenced quotes and information deemed irrelevant. However, I believe it is against wikipedia policy for a member to delete sourced and accepted information because he or she "thinks it is too much". I will sign off by saying that referring to comments as "crap" is hardly constructive. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 18:46, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
You speak a lot and no wonder why your preferred version of article is such lengthy. We can sit and write a new long article on how he came to the tournament, how various authors old and contemporary, Indian and foreigners, have described him come in, his demeanour, his stance, his actions reactions, sit and compare them and create a huge mess. But yes, on a different article space, not here where his whole biography is to be covered. We can also sit and "discuss" here but as said, you talk a lot and am not interested in that. If you want me out, say so and you can continue on your way. and say that in a line and not an essay. Am fine with messy articles in Wiki. In such a situation any +bytes will not be welcome by me.§§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 19:04, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
Remember, no personal attacks and etiquette (ie, "crap"). Per wikipedia's standards Wikipedia:Article size, that is in fact the correct thing to do: do not delete information, but move it around, make a new article, etc. You may be correct that a wikipedia article on the Kuru tournament may be necessary; in there, we can include Karna's reaction. However, make that article. I don't want anyone's contributions and ideas that follow guidelines to not be heard. So no, I do not "want you out". But if you are not interested in discussing and just want your way, yes, you should be out. If you agree, say so and I will revert your edits. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 19:16, 20 November 2013 (UTC)
I see no point in discussing with you. (You actually are saying there should be an article about that tournament.) Thereby i have no other way than to be out. Have it your way. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 03:34, 21 November 2013 (UTC)

Pinkfloyd, Having reviewed the edits by Dharmadhyaskha, he was definitely moving in the right direction, although perhaps not as "drastically" as this article required, and I'm disappointed that your reverted his edits even after approaching me on my talk page. Frankly, I'd suggest that the article be stubbed so that it can be built from scratch using secondary sources (see below). Any useful content will of course be accessible in the article history. Abecedare (talk) 09:22, 21 November 2013 (UTC)

If you looked up, you would see that we came to the agreement that I would revert his edits. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 16:58, 21 November 2013 (UTC)
I have reverted the article to its November 10th version, before the current wave of expansion started. Here is the link to the maximally expanded version, which preserves all the additional content, be it needed anytimein the future. Note that the version I reverted to is hardly ideal or even good, since it too is unduly focused on retelling Karna's story from Mahabharata, and has lengthy unsourced/OR sections. But it should provide a better starting point for clean-up than the recent version. Abecedare (talk) 09:41, 21 November 2013 (UTC)
Absolute nonsense. If you disagree with the content, fine. However, many of the edits you reversed were edits that fixed grammar problems, added sources, fixed tense, clean-up, etc. Those should 100% be back in. If you disagree with the content, take the time to go-in and remove the content you disagree with. Don't just blindly remove content. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 16:58, 21 November 2013 (UTC)
I just wanted to voice my opinion as well. I've been following the changes to this page for about a week since noticing it was mentioned in the Teahouse, I just started to lurk. I agree absolutely with Abecedare about the direction it should be going. I think the main problem right now is that it really needs to move away from the Wikipedia:IN-UNIVERSE style to be based on objective third party sources. Also, I noticed that at times people have used arguments such as "consdier article X, it does it this way" which IMO is not a strong argument since article X may also have similar problems. We should be basing our arguments on wikipedia policies not by citing random articles as definitive examples. I think the idea of starting from a stub is the way to go, perhaps someone could develop a proposed starting stub in their sandbox and people can comment on it and reach a consensus before we make further changes to the actual article? I don't know anything about the topic and when I have time to edit work on other areas but if needed I'm willing to help out by looking at alternative proposed changes and giving the opinion of a novice reader. RedDog (talk) 17:04, 21 November 2013 (UTC)
Well, this is a fair point IMO about in-universe style. But that isn't about the content-per-say, but how the content was phrased. The content should be changed to using the historical present tense, given more weight to spin-off material. Otherwise, the 'content' itself is not a violation of Wikipedia:IN-UNIVERSE. Based on the numerous other types of content in the article, it is not a violation of Wikipedia:Plot-only description of fictional works. In fact, I would contend that Abecedare's edits specifically undermine Wikipedia:How_to_write_a_plot_summary#Length, as he's removing important information and confusing the readers. The reason I referenced other articles like Hercules and Achilles, is that an issue of article length is not one that is strictly mandated by Wikipedia standards...there is no hard limit, obviously. Looking at those fictional works of article, you can see that they are long, well-sourced, and descriptive and include analysis and secondary sources. That signifies to me that the Karna article should be the same given his relative weight in the Mahabharatha story. You still could say, well, maybe those articles are too long and too descriptive. But there is no hard limit, so tell me what specifically in the Karna article is too much. I am willing to say why I included the descriptions that I did. The things I included shored up the character of Karna as it is portrayed in the Mahabhartha. Specifically, a major, major theme of the Mahabharata is Karna's loyalty to Duryodhana, his hate for the Pandavas, and his conflicts of interest. These are all shored up. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 17:30, 21 November 2013 (UTC)

@Pinkfloyd11: Several points:

  • The central problem with the content you added was not verifiability, sourcing or grammar. It was mainly that the character biography was unduly lengthy for an encyclopedia as has now been pointed to you by several editors here.
  • This is true even for the current version, in which the character biography again needs shortening. If you can help edit it to improve the grammar, tighten the prose, and better summarize the content, that will be most welcome.
  • Most importantly, the article needs to focus more on character analysis and explaining its historical (literary, social and religious) significance, reflecting what sources like the one listed below have to say and move away from simply being a paraphrase of sections of the Mahabharata.

Abecedare (talk) 22:51, 21 November 2013 (UTC)


  • My point is that you unilaterally removed '17000+' characters because of your views. From my interpretation, you can do that for vandalism, or verifiability, not because you disagree with content. Moreover, many of the edits you reverted included improvements to the article, like grammar, sourcing, prose, and even content. But instead of using a scalpel, you use a hacksaw and leave it up to others to put back the baby (which you've thrown out with the bath water.) Moreover, your contention that it is too lengthy is understood, but it's not hard Wikipedia policy. The proper length should be discussed.
  • Many of my edits specifically were fulfilling the wiki guideline of providing clarity to the reader. 'Why' are karna and duryodhana friends. 'Why was he undefeatable in battle'. What is the cause of his friction with the pandavas? This then ties in to the analysis below.
  • Frankly, I sympathize with your desire to shorten the article. However, a major issue is going to be that Karnas biography itself has numerous different versions. This is why I didn't remove many of the edits of authors. Their contribution may be a minority view of the character of Karna, but it is a verified version. For the sake of brevity, I can't simply discount any minority view. How many parts of the biography are lengthy because of a section that begins with "in other versions"? Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 23:44, 21 November 2013 (UTC)
I and others have explained the reason for why we think the character bio part of the article needs shortening (from even the current version), and I am not sure what will be gained by my simply repeating the same points. If you don't find our reasons convincing or compliant with wikipedia norms, perhaps you can try one the dispute resolution processes, although obviously I would prefer if you would give our opinions greater credit. Abecedare (talk) 00:05, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
Like you've given my opinion greater credit by simply reverting all of my edits? :) I've actually tried to take Dharma's edits into consideration when "reverted" them...I literally did not include back some of the parts that he reverted. That I think is much more in line with wikipedia guidelines. Again, from my POV, the edit of yours is simple vandalism. I've said throughout this talk page that your desire to shorten the article has merit, and I've mentioned several of my edits that were meeting wikipedia standards and are necessary. You, on the other hand, haven't properly defended the removal of the specific content. It looks like you are defending the edits based on the fact that an encyclopedia shouldn't have primary sources; that simply isn't accurate. It doesn't fit in with the wikipedia guides I mentioned above and in the "Sources" section. Wikipedia recommends that, in a character sketch, motivation, goals, conflict, minor irritations, epiphany, "detailed actions in the story from the character's POV", and relationships with others in the story. This is from the MOS. The Mahabharatha is 1.8 million words long; Karna is a major character in that story. I think that that he deserves more than a short summary. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 01:12, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
OK, but I propose some guidelines:
  • Start the pruning from the version before Abecedare's major reversal (as it is, the reversal is vandalism)
  • If you are going to leave something in (in regards to plot), you have to leave in all other viewpoints of that plot (respecting minority view)
  • Do your edits section-by-section, with an explanation of why you made any significant changes.
  • Keep in mind, that per wikipedia's guidelines, content in the biography should support the character's theme, which is further expounded upon by secondary sources elsewhere in the article. Try not to remove any content pursuant to that point. For example, the little info about Vyasa bringing the dead back would be acceptable to remove. But content meant to show his friendship with Duryodhana should remain, as that is a major part of Karna's theme.
  • No removal of information for lack of in-line citation (as this has been the policy I have been following). Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 08:34, 22 November 2013 (UTC)

Neutral POV

This was one of my concerns when you started editing this story (without coming to a consensus, by the way. I am resisting reverting what is simply vandalism, and trying to be civil. You are not at all helping).

  • You are violating neutral POV. For example, in the section about Karna's death, there are many different versions of how it happened. If they are sourced, which they were, you have to keep them in order to respect minority view, unless you can prove that it is fringe.
  • You deleted part of Karna's analysis by secondary sources, which is exactly what wikipedia is for according to your guys' own definitions!
  • The sections you deleted in the "biography" about Karna's actions...those actions serve to show how Karna is powerful, charitable, and conflicted. That is the major theme of Karna, which according to wikipedia standards is supposed to be adhered to.

As aforementioned, I agreed to your proposal as long as you are not violating the above (I can even let the 3rd bullet point slide for now). I'm not going to look at the edits and only revert sections that violate the above, since you'll just keep on doing it. Please fix, or I will have to revert. Please, no more edits until we have resolved this point, or I will have to revert and report you in adherence to Vandalism. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 17:28, 22 November 2013 (UTC)

Can you specify what sourced minority view was removed in DD's recent clean-up? Here is the diff of his changes. Abecedare (talk) 17:49, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
Why is that I have to make those specifications, but you don't when you remove thousands of characters of material? :) Since the version that you carelessly edited, here is a brief list:
  • Karna's background is revealed at the tournament (King of Anga section)
  • Karna's death
  • Final fight with Arjuna
  • Cobra-king story
  • Karna's fight with Bhima (day it happened, how it happened
  • Why Karna spared Bhima
  • Reason for Karna's disinclination to use Shakti removed
  • Many versions of the initial fight between Karna and Arjuna when Karna "spares" Arjuna's life
  • Reasons for above sparing of life
  • Yudhishthira's different reactions to Karna's death
  • Karna's cremation (Pandavas vs. Krishna vs. Duryodhana)
  • When Karna's death is revealed (to be fair, I also had removed the minority view)
  • Analysis of Karna in the "similarities with Arjuna" section

Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 18:10, 22 November 2013 (UTC)

Again. can you back your claim that DD removed sourced minority views or "deleted part of Karna's analysis by secondary sources" ? Frankly, I would highly recommend that you consider getting a wiki-mentor or pursue one the of WP:DR processes, since your lengthy, increasing aggressive, and ill-considered claims of POV violations and vandalism are getting disruptive. Abecedare (talk) 18:22, 22 November 2013 (UTC)
I'm not the one's whose resorted to personal attacks and rudeness. What I have been seeing from you, is this kind of logic: 1. the article is too long, it must be shortened. 2. I come in and point to wikipedia guidelines that don't have hard length-limits and have recommendations about how characters should be described. 3. You simply say: I told you, the article is too long and you aren't listening. This "the article is too long because the article is too long" is nonsense.
In any case, I think I am done with contributing. You're clearly holding yourselves to different standards, reverting all mine and other's works and warning me for even wanting to discuss your changes in length. I'm trying to be patient and not revert your vandalism (a -17,000 character edit?). Heck, I had to initiate BRD. Congratulations, you've successfully bit the newcomer. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 18:32, 22 November 2013 (UTC)


The bulk of the current version of the article is based upon and sourced to Ganguly and some other translations of the primary source, Mahabharata.This is completely inappropriate for an encylopedic article which per policy (see WP:DUE, WP:PSTS and WP:IRS) needs to be summarizing secondary sources on the topic. Some such sources would be

  • The Sanskrit Hero: Karṇa in Epic Mahābhārata, Kevin McGrath, BRILL, 2004
  • Karna Within the Net of the Mahabharata: Reading the Itihasa as Literature, Patricia Greer, PhD Thesis (Univ of Virginia), 2002
  • Karna in the Mahabharata, Aditya Agarkar, PhD Thesis (U.Chicago), 2001
  • Essays on the Mahābhārata, Arvind Sharma (ed), Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2007
  • Many articles and books on Karna in drama, theater, and literature including on Karna's Death by Pukalentirrulavar, Karnabhooshanam by Ulloor S. Parameswara Aiyer, Karnabhara by Bhasa etc.
  • Krishna in the Mahabharata: The death of Karna, Alf Hiltebeitel, in Krishna: A Sourcebook, Edwin Francis Bryant, Oxford University Press, 2007

As discussed in the above section, the primary sourced content of the article needs to be shortened/stubbed, and article essentially rewritten based on secondary literature. Abecedare (talk) 09:22, 21 November 2013 (UTC)

You probably should read the wiki policies you referenced. Primary sources are not frowned upon. It is 'analysis' of primary sources that is frowned upon, because the analysis posted should be the analysis done by secondary sources (or tertiary sources if certain sources disagree). To quote: "For example, an article about a novel may cite passages to describe the plot, but any interpretation needs a secondary source. Do not analyze, synthesize, interpret, or evaluate material found in a primary source yourself; instead, refer to reliable secondary sources that do so." If that has been done, yes, feel free to correct. But it is completely incorrect to say it is against wikipedia policy. What you did constitutes a good-faith edit that was misplaced. I think that the sensible thing to do would be to revert your edits, while minimizing the amount of primary-sourced information and adding secondary sources where needed. There are probably places where the plot information is duplicated and can also be deleted.Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 17:03, 21 November 2013 (UTC)
FYI, "Karna in Epic Mahabarata" probably could have sourced 80% of the material you removed. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 17:41, 21 November 2013 (UTC)
Before I take off, I thought I would point out Wikipedia on primary sources. To quote:

"article about a novel: The novel itself is an acceptable primary source for information about the plot, the names of the characters, the number of chapters, or other contents in the book: Any educated person can read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and discover that the main character's name is Elizabeth or that there are 61 chapters. It is not an acceptable source for claims about book's style, themes, foreshadowing, symbolic meaning, values, importance, or other matters of critical analysis, interpretation, or evaluation: No one will find a direct statement of this material in the book." Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 19:16, 22 November 2013 (UTC)

Kavacha & Kundala (Links)

Kavacha = Armor Kundala = Earrings — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:38, 24 November 2013 (UTC)

Moving ahead after pruning

I think i am done with cutting short all the plot elements to include only the major ones. Its and bits are excluded out for a very good reason. Now am confused on one thing. Should the scholarly analysis of this character be included within the story line or be written outside in different sections. For example, his armour has been compared with that of Achilles's Styx-coated body and with Ferdiad's horny skin that could not be pierced. Should this be mixed with where we mention his birth with kavach? Or should we have a separate section of his analogies with other mythologies? He does have some analogies within Hindu myths as well. What say you @Abecedare: and @Mdebellis:? §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 05:26, 25 November 2013 (UTC)

I am sure that could be included; however, I wonder what the relevance will be. I think it is best to include things like analogies outside the story-line. Else, in each section of the plot you will have some lines like "in this way, he can be compared to X (source)". Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 07:20, 25 November 2013 (UTC)
You would never understand the relevance because your concept of "encyclopedia" is quite off-track and doesn't match with the mainstream view of "encyclopedia". This revert is like digging a grave for oneself. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 11:19, 25 November 2013 (UTC)
I think it would be better to keep the plain narrative ("character bio") separate from secondary analysis and literature. For example, the Achilles et al bit could go in a sub-section discussing "parallels, archetypes and potential influences" ((will need a better title and I haven't checked, but am hoping that the sources above will provide enough material on such a topic for at least 4 -5 sentences) Another obvious sub-section would be later literary sources (and Karna's portrayal and development in them). Will again have to look the sources for more ideas about additional sections, but that should at least get us started... Abecedare (talk) 12:47, 25 November 2013 (UTC)
See the (empty) section titles I added as suggestions for organisation. Obviously tentative etc. Abecedare (talk) 13:00, 25 November 2013 (UTC)

Karna DRN closed

So the Karna DRN was closed with no resolution. Per wikipedia's guidelines, that means that with no consensus having been reached, the article should revert to the form it was before the issue was raised? Am I wrong in this? Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 17:31, 9 December 2013 (UTC)

Yes, your understanding is wrong. Just because you disagree with the consensus does not mean that it does not exist. As I suggested before please consider getting a wiki-mentor you trust, so that you can run such questions by them and perhaps get suggestions on how to proceed. (Personally, my suggestion would be be to take up some of the secondary sources listed above and use them to help improve the article from the current version... but I can imagine that that same advice would be better received coming from someone else). Abecedare (talk) 17:38, 9 December 2013 (UTC)
Your implication is that because it is 2 against 1, there is consensus. Consensus is not formed with majority opinion. Moreover, since the article had existed in the "long, primary-sourced form" since its creation 4+ years ago, the argument can be made that *that* is the consensus which you are now trying to overturn. I see this new development as a lack of consensus, which means that all of your guys reverts should be changed. FYI, on the DRN, it even says "no consensus".Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 20:28, 9 December 2013 (UTC)


From direct sound translation...its Karrna, a three syllabic...rolling vocalized R...so heading changed to Karrna120.51.214.121 (talk) 02:07, 2 March 2014 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 2 June 2014

Rabindranath Tagore wrote a poem, "Karna Kunti Sangbad" based on the meeting of Karna and Kunti before the war. Karna also has been topic of various contemporary literary works. The Marathi books of Radheya (1973) authored by Ranjit Desai and Mrityunjay (1967) authored by Shivaji Sawant bring forth Karna's private and personal life on paper.[15] Sawant also received Moortidevi Award, instituted by Bharatiya Jnanpith, for his work[16] and was translated into nine languages.[17] here,in literature section please add a book on karna by national poet of india RAMDHARI SINGH DINKAR .the book's name is RASHMIRATHI.it was published by lokbharti publications . Aayush.dangwal (talk) 17:56, 2 June 2014 (UTC)

Not done for now: I'll gladly do that, Aayush.dangwal, if you come up with a good wording for the addition, and if you provide a source. (Off-topic question, if you don't mind: I frequently notice Indian editors omitting spaces after or adding spaces before punctuation. Has that to do with how you write Devanagari? I'm just being curious.) Best, Sam Sailor Sing 05:59, 3 June 2014 (UTC) Sam Sailor Sing 05:59, 3 June 2014 (UTC)

question about sanskrit font

can someone help me with the sanskrit fonts that are used on wikipedia. what font needs to be downloaded to be able to view and type words?Kshah223 (talk)

Signing to add date to enable auto-archiving. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 06:55, 26 September 2014 (UTC)

Parasuram's Curse

After a momentory rage in which great Soumalya gave karna the curse ,after when he pacify he regrets about his act but the once the curse is given it can't be taken back its irrevocable so to reward Karna's respect toward his master Parshuram give him the bhargavaashtra & Vijaya Dhanush the bow which belongs to his own Guru (Lord Shiva)this is the greatest gift given by a great master to his obedient & worthy student that the Karna was.The ever magnanimous blessed karna despite his lies about his ancestry .

Signing to add date to enable auto-archiving. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 06:55, 26 September 2014 (UTC)

Edit request on 19 December 2011

"Duryodhana, the oldest of the one-hundred sons of the blind king Dhritarashtra"

Even though technically the above sentence is correct, i strongly feel the we have to use "eldest" here.


  1. He is the eldest of Kauravas.
  2. The fact that he is alive when this took place does make him oldest. But it does makes one ( at least made me ) think he was not the eldest.
  3. Eldest is more appropriate to emphasize rank and seniority, which in this context is very much valid.
Signing to add date to enable auto-archiving. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 06:55, 26 September 2014 (UTC)

Euro Centric Section of the Article

Section of Mahabharta seems quite euro centric. Author has mentioned, ancient greece and rome, which are not related to mahabharta and are off topic. Same is for the mentioned anicient greek lieterature. Please suggest the changes for the same.

Signing to add date to enable auto-archiving. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {T/C} 06:55, 26 September 2014 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 26 November 2014

"He used Nagastra in an attempt to kill Arjuna,but Krishna saves Arjuna by lowering their chariot wheel into the earth."

This Line is wrong interpretation, please do the required changes to this that "Karna refuted to use a Naga as a weapon on Arjun because it was unethical."

Naga Ashwasena requests Karna to use him as a weapon on Arjun but Karna refuses saying it is unethical for him to use a Serpant on a man and he says that his own prowess and Arrows are enough for him to fight Arjun. Then He asks the snake to leave. Nagastra myth is smearing the prowess of Karna. If possible do go through the texts and make the reqd. changes.

Ref : http://nyktrivedi.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/mahabharata-sanskrit-hindi-02-gitapress.pdf Page no. 4083 (talk) 05:48, 26 November 2014 (UTC)

Change made but I can't verify the source (I don't read Sanskrit). If you can describe it (I'm guessing it's the Mahābhārata), we can include it with the page number for future reference. That tends to cut down the interpretations. -- Ricky81682 (talk) 03:00, 30 November 2014 (UTC)

Hello Ricky, I apologize because the last change that I had recommended to you was not absolutely correct, however, this reality was discovered by me a little later than posting my request. I re-read the text and found that indeed Karna used Nagastra on Arjun, and I found that the current standing of the article is flawless. Thank you.

Semi-protected edit request on 2 August 2015

Karna, the hero in the Hindu epic, the Mahābhārata - Demystified Karna is an ‘enigma wrapped in mystery’, as they say. I have wondered why Vyasa introduced him at all, as a character in the Mahabharata, he serves no ostensible purpose in the plot, but then, Vyasa was no ordinary genius, he must have had a purpose, a grand one at that.

To my mind, it appears Karna is meant to be an object-lesson for mankind, to learn that possession of the highest level of skills, intelligence, chivalry, charitable disposition, personality etc. would still make man incomplete without ‘divinity’ or ‘spirituality’ inside. In fact, Vyasa makes Kunti herself say this, while she was blessing Draupati after her marriage to the Pandavas. Says she, ‘ Bhaagyavantham prasooyedhaah, Maa sooram maa cha panditham – Sooraah cha pandithaah cha eva Mamah putrah vanam gathaah’ meaning ‘ Give birth to blessed children, not just warriors and scholars, my children who were these were loitering in the jungles all the while’. The Swetaswara Upanishad also says, in the Rishi’s concluding verse, Yadhaa charmavath aakaasam -Veshtayishyanthi manavaah – thadhaa Deam avignaaya – Dukhasyantho bhavishyathi, meaning, ‘ Man may roll up the skies, like a piece of leather, even then, without ‘Divinity’ ( spirituality) he will only reap endless sorrows.

Karma does not help the story move forward at all. He is a captive appendage to the Duryodhana-Dussasana-Sakuni trio of mischief-mangers, intent on harassing the Pandavas. Reason, Duryodhana was jealous of them, feared for his own survival. Sakuni and Dussasana were of same blood and could justify their action, why did Karna not debate the issue and bring around Duryodhana to his proper senses. He claims indebtedness for an excuse, because Dury. Gave him an identity in a crisis situation, where he was repulsed from competiting with the Pandavas for being only a ‘sutaputra’. Being grateful for favour received should not have blinded his eyes to hound innocent people, even after he knew they were his blood brothers.

Vyasa also makes him acknowledge that he was jealous of Arjuna for his skills and being a favourite of both Drona and Bhishma, he had the temerity to tell his mother Kunti – when she confessed to Karna being her son and the eldest Pandava, and begged him to spare her sons – he refused saying either he would kill Arjuna or Arjuna would kill him, no third choice and shut the door. On the contrary, Arjuna, along with his chivalry, also carried a high level of spirituality, evidenced by his closeness to both Bhishma and Sri Krishna himself. He was no iconoclast like Karna. When Bhishma was made the C-inC for the battle, Karna had expected this rank all the while, he declared that ‘ as long as Bishma led the battle, he would neither fight nor take arms’. This goes for poor, very poor team-work on his part.

I recall my degree class Medieval Indian History book by Stanley Lanepool, where, speaking of Humayun, he said ‘ if there was an opportunity of falling, Humayun was not the one to miss it’ and again ‘ He tumbled through life and out of it’.

Sri Krishna almost says similar things to Karna when he is about to be killed by Arjuna. Karna was retrieving his chariot which had got stuck in the mud, Krishna asks Arjuna to aim an arrow at him and finish off. Karna overhears this, asks Krishna how unfair it was of him to do this while he was unarmed and retrieving his chariot. He says it is ‘Adharma’, Krishna reminds him that he had long forfeited his right to speak on Dharma, asks where his awareness of Dharma was, while plotting to burn down the Pandavas in the lac house, while Draupati was being dis-robed, while they were fraudulently thrown out of the kingdom, denied their legitimate rights etc. Karna had no answer.

In my view, Karna was a fool to stake so much to be with a rascal like Duryodhana and unconditionally support all stupid actions. They tried to imprison Krishnan, who went to negotiate peace. Kunti, though a child of twelve or so, when she delivered Karna, should also take much of the blame for the failure of Karna to justify his being the son of the Sun God. She ought not to have abandoned him the way she did and make him a suspect all his life.

Karna’s is a great character study in the Epics, I doubt if there is any other similar character in the literature of the World, perhaps, Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a remote like. His problem was ‘ to be or not to be, that’s the question’, the similarity might end there.


Mohan Murti 16:52, 2 August 2015 (UTC)

 Not done That is a PoV, a discussion, or original researchnot facts, suitable for an encyclopedia entry.
We do not use phrases such as "I have wondered why", "To my mind", "Reason", "I recall my degree class Medieval Indian History book", "in my view", "I doubt if there is any other similar character in the literature of the World" and other phrases you have used.
If an expert has written their opinion, which has then been discussed by other experts, this might be acceptable, but Wikipedia does not report random, unpublished opinions. - Arjayay (talk) 17:05, 2 August 2015 (UTC) We do not use have

Removal of unrelated contents

I have seen many data in the current page is repeated many times and lot of unwanted data,information,personal opinions and data from TV serial (star plus mahabratha in 2014) which is absolutely absurd,Most of the data has absolutely no reference to back up!!!.Many parts of the page is directly copy-paste from some blogs and i am going to delete it.If anyone has references that can back up the claims please provide it

Arjunkrishna90 (talk) 10:46, 7 March 2015 (UTC)


Other versions claim Kunthi and Karna's foster mother Radha become aware that he is dying and rush to his side.His birth is then revealed to the Pandavas and Kauravas and the Pandavas perform Karna's final rites.(In this version,no boon is requested by anyone as Karna lies dying)

Arjunkrishna90 (talk) 11:28, 7 March 2015 (UTC)

Thank you. Can you please clean up this article because it contain too much unwanted informations.If possible please add datas regarding karna after the war and the fight between Jarasandha?

Adityakiran77 (talk) 13:41, 7 March 2015 (UTC)

Also, I don't think you can just dismiss the TV-series as not being a source. The Mahabharat story has evolved and changed constantly over time; who's to say that the TV show's take on it is any less relevant? You can easily attribute the source to the TV series or make a new sub-section under it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Pinkfloyd11 (talkcontribs) 04:51, 11 August 2015 (UTC)

As long us you cannot provide authentic verifiable references you cannot simply add whatever you want . see WP:HISTRS

Arjunkrishna90 (talk) 06:44, 12 August 2015 (UTC)

Except that the Mahabharata is not history, per Wikipedia (and even your comments in the Duryodhana talk page). It is a story. How can the TV show not be an authentic verifiable reference? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Pinkfloyd11 (talkcontribs) 09:21, 12 August 2015 (UTC)

Conquering the World

I really wonder about the source material...it makes no sense. The Panchal army was a massive army that had defeated the entire Kuru force just years before. The Vrishini army was supposed to never have been defeated...but Karna was able to do so? Then all these conquered armies fight for the Pandavas in the war...including Chedi and Avanti. Doesn't make sense. Conflicting sources...Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 04:48, 11 August 2015 (UTC)

I believe you haven't checked the references in the article!!!

Go through it and verify yourself (http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03252.htm)

You cannot delete most of the article bcoz simply you dont like it. All the references are in the article itself and you simply chose to cut down the entire article. Make consensus in the TALK page before deleting the contribution of others work.

Arjunkrishna90 (talk) 06:44, 12 August 2015 (UTC)

The reference you provide is just one reference, with one author, with his own thoughts and opinions interwoven into the work (See this book: https://books.google.com/books?id=C1uXah12nHgC&pg=PA889&lpg=PA889&dq=ganguli+translation+mahabharata+faithful&source=bl&ots=im6C41jt_E&sig=9DG_SQPzXtgHXpNILIyzU4JoMXM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDgQ6AEwBGoVChMIv9_zpu-pxwIVCtCACh304QXy#v=onepage&q=ganguli%20translation%20mahabharata%20faithful&f=false). There are many different versions of the Mahabharata. You can look at the Pune edition of the Mahabharata, which doesn't have any of this stuff about Duryodhana conquering the entire world (which makes complete sense, because if he had done so, there would have been no one left to fight for the Pandavas). And both books are based off of a version written in the 1600s in India by Neelakantha Chaturdhara, with his own additions and modifications.Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 01:32, 15 August 2015 (UTC)

Karna's name

It looks like multiple sources have different stories of how Karna got his name. Some say Parasurama, some say Drona, some say Surya, some say Adiratha, and others say Indra. I think the proper thing to do is mention all of them, while also mentioning how different versions say different things. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 20:37, 26 August 2015 (UTC)


There is no mention in this article of him being a tirthankara (Jainism) in future. -- Pankaj Jain Capankajsmilyo (talk · contribs · count) 21:42, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 1 October 2015


 Not done This is not the right page to request additional user rights.
If you want to suggest a change, please request this in the form "Please replace XXX with YYY" or "Please add ZZZ between PPP and QQQ".
Please also cite reliable sources to back up your request, without which no information should be added to, or changed in, any article. - Arjayay (talk) 15:29, 1 October 2015 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 8 October 2015

Dear Friends, Good Morning,Hope you are fine. I am new to Wikipedia and I have a humble request for you.

I have read the below information on Wiki and Just want to know if you have any reliable source for this information or not? If not then kindly remove it as it seems to put dirt on a great lady of Indian History,Who is very well respected and status close to Goddess,and this info can hurts the sentiments of millions of people. [Source::http://www.namadwaar.org/children/stories/virtueoftruth.html]

with regards. surinder Surinder.rathord (talk) 14:46, 7 October 2015 (UTC)07oct2015

I have found this in the text:: At last, Draupadi professes her love for the Pandavas, and reveals her own faults in their situation. However, the fruit doesn't move, and Krishna surmises that she is hiding something. With great trepidation, Draupadi looked into the eyes of her husbands and said: “ I love five of you. But I love a sixth too. I love Karna . I regret not marrying him on account of his caste. If i had married Karna, then i would never have to experience any of these bitter events in my life. If I had married him, I would not have been gambled away, publicly humiliated and called a whore. For he has all the qualities possessed by my 5 husbands. This was a shock to all the husbands, but none said anything.[49] The fruit went back on the branch of the tree and all was well. The Pandavas got the message that in spite of five brave husbands, they had failed their wife when she needed them the most.[47] When Draupadi was being disrobed after she was lost in the dice-game, none of the husbands could come to her rescue. It brought out the weakness amongst each one of them, and that Draupadi had a soft corner for someone who was more a man than the five of them.

As per my suggestion it should be replaced with:: At last, Draupadi professes her love and dedication for the Pandavas, and reveals her own faults in their situation. “I have five husbands like the five senses, namely, eyes, ears, nose, mouth and body. Though I have five husbands, I am being the cause of agony for all. I feel penitent for having acted thoughtlessly inspite of being well educated.” Just as she completed her statement, the gooseberry moved up and stuck to the tree.

Surinder.rathord (talk) 09:03, 8 October 2015 (UTC)

 Done Deleted the whole section sourced to blogs and self published crap like http://www.namadwaar.org/children/stories/virtueoftruth.html, http://devdutt.com/articles/modern-mythmaking/stains-of-the-jambul.html and http://lonelyphilosopher.com/draupadi-karna-fate/ §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {Talk / Edits} 09:22, 8 October 2015 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 29 November 2015

In the section 6.4.2 Seventeenth_Day section, there is a reference of anjalika weapon but the hyperlink redirects it towards one film.As I have searched in wikipedia the page describing anjalika weapon doesn't exists (or has been removed). So, I request to remove hyperlink (referring to film and not the weapon) from anjalika. 

NipunChoubey (talk) 18:08, 29 November 2015 (UTC)

Already done Sam Sailor Talk! 13:26, 30 November 2015 (UTC)

Hello fellow Wikipedians,

I have just added archive links to one external link on Karna. Please take a moment to review my edit. You may add {{cbignore}} after the link to keep me from modifying it, if I keep adding bad data, but formatting bugs should be reported instead. Alternatively, you can add {{nobots|deny=InternetArchiveBot}} to keep me off the page altogether, but should be used as a last resort. I made the following changes:

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Semi-protected edit request on 9 April 2016

Karna = Radhye Karna RADHEY KARNA (talk) 08:16, 9 April 2016 (UTC)

 Not done as edit request is not clear. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {Talk / Edits} 10:20, 9 April 2016 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 14 June 2016

All the Kauvarva's and Pandava's cheered there side and awaited the eagerly for witnessing the battle between Karna and Arjuna. As the battle started, the warriors on the battlefield and

On the line above instead of 'there side' it should be 'their side' ShankarSivasamy (talk) 06:40, 14 June 2016 (UTC)

Done, Changed there to their. INVISIBLEknock! 06:47, 14 June 2016 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 18 July 2016

The citations provided for the Draupadi's secret section are to magazine articles and not texts of the versions the author is referring to. SO, either place delete the section or provide source reference. These are revered characters from religious texts we are talking about. Please do not insult them. 'Bold text

Darthvaderdeathstar (talk) 05:23, 18 July 2016 (UTC)

Done VarunFEB2003 (talk) 13:29, 29 July 2016 (UTC)

Huge parts of this article are copied from other sources; direct textual copy with huge block quotes. We need to fix this. Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 05:53, 12 August 2016 (UTC)

Proposed merge with Vrushali

Vrushali finds little mention in original Mahabharata by Vyas. The elaborate article present here is a result of unsourced and/or non-reliably sourced fictional recounting of Vrushali in novels, tv shows and films. With undue importance given to her in this complete article, I suggest merging it to Karna which might actually result in a small para when properly sourced. §§Dharmadhyaksha§§ {Talk / Edits} 05:19, 19 August 2016 (UTC)

Yeah, the original Vrushali article isn't worth the bytes of data. No real sources not much relevance.Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 02:45, 21 August 2016 (UTC)


According to padma puran, Once during a quarrel between Shiva and Brahma, the former nipped off Brahma’s head. Some drops of sweat appeared on the forehead of the angry Brahma, and from the sweat which Brahma wiped with his hand arose a legendary fierce archer wearing a thousand shields, bow and quiver. That person was Svedaja. He asked Brahma what he should, do and the former granted him permission to destroy Shiva. He then approached Siva with bow drawn and the shiva went to Vishnu and sought refuge. Svedaja followed Shiva and when Vishnu, seeing him, raised a loud noise `Hum’ and svedja fell unconsious. Shiva prostrated at Visnu’s feet. Shiva extended the skull in his hand towards Vishnu requesting something to be given to him. Mahavishnu, who had nothing else to give Shiva, put his right hand into the skull as alms, Shiva wounded the hand with his Sala (three-pronged weapon) and pure red blood began flowing from the hand into the skull. The blood continued flowing for a thousand years in a length of fifty yojanas and thickness of ten yojanas. At the end of the period, Vishnu asked whether the skull was not filled yet, and looking into the skull with his three eyes Shiva answered that it was full. Then Vishnu stopped the flow of blood, and Shiva, in the presence of Vishnu, looked into the blood for a thousand years and stirred it with his hand. The blood gradually turned into bubble and a person possessing thousands of hands arose and as growing as fire appeared in skull. He had crown on his head and he held in his thousands hands many bows and a quiver. He wore gloves on his thousands hands. That was Raktaja. Incarnated as Nara. Looking at Raktaja, Shiva told Vishnu thus: “This master in archery is Nara. You spoke Nara, and let his name, therefore be Nara. Oh Narayana, you both will be called Naranarayarras. This Nara will be of help to you on behalf of the Dev as and also in the sustenance and protection of the world. He will further help you to kill the Asuras. Nara, the great intellectual that he is, will become a Muni, of surpassing wisdom. Brahma’s divine fifth head possesses so much of effulgence. Nara is created from that effulgence and also from the blood from your hands and my look at it. He will annihilate all enemies in war. He will be a terror to those persons who cannot be conquered by you, Indra and the other Devas. While Vishnu stood there amazed Raktaja praised him and Shiva with folded hands and asked from the skull what he should do. Then Shiva ordered him thus - "You kill Svedaja created by Brahma with his own effulgcnce." And Shiva led Raktaja out of the skull by his hands and told him again:- “Look, here lies the terrible person I spoke about made unconscious by the cry of “Hum’ by Vishnu. Awake him immediately.” After having said this Siva disappeared. Nara, in the presence of Narayana, kicked the unconscious Svedaja with his left foot, and he came out of his unconscious state. Following sanskrit quote from padma puran has depicted fierce battle between Svedaja and Raktaja

ततोयुद्धंसमभवत्स्वेद­रक्तजयोर्महत्‌ ॥ विस्फारिधनु:शब्दंनाद­िताशेषभूतलम्‌

कवचंस्वेदजस्यैकंरक्त­जेनत्वपाकूतम्‌ ॥ 

एवंसमेतयोर्युध्देदिव­्यंवर्षद्रयंतयो: युध्यतो:समतीतंचस्वेद­ररक्तजयोर्नृप ॥ रक्तजंद्रिभुजंदृष्ट्­वास्वेदअंचैवसंगतो

विविन्त्यवासुदेवगोगा­द्‌ब्रह्मख:सदनंपरम्‌­ ॥ 

ससंभ्रमुवायेदंब्रह्म­ाखंमधुसूदन: रक्तजेनाद्यभोब्रह्मन­्स्वेदजोयंनिपातित: ॥ श्रृत्वेतदाकुलोब्रह्­माबभाषेमधुसूदन्‌

हरेद्यजन्मंनिनरोमदीय­ौजीववादयम्‌ ॥ 


गत्वातयोरसषिनीवार्याहवतावभो ।। 


संघौमहारखेजातेतजाहयोजयाभिवा ।। 


उक्तविमौनरोभन्द्रोपालनोयौममाज्ञया ।। 


द्वापरतिवतार्योयदेवानाकार्यसिद्धवे ।। 

The fierce fight that happened between Svedaja and Raktaja continued for two years. By then Svedaja lost nine hundred ninty nine shield except the last one but possessed bow in hand whereas Raktaja had lost everything including nine hundred ninty eight arms, bows, quiver, crown and left with his two bare arms to fight with. Raktaja was in a situation of great peril, because he was standing unarmed before his armed adversary. At this stage beholding superiority of Svedaja over Raktaja, Vishnu in great alarm went to bramha and told him " Raktaja will never be able to kill Svedaja. Bramha answered that in the next birth Raktaja (Nara) will be able to kill Svedaja in certain conditions. Saying 'Right, let that be so', Vishnu returned to the battlefield and made them withdraw from fighting with the assurance that they would be given an opportunity to fight again during the period of Kali and Dwapar Yuga. Afterwards Vishnu directed Aditya (Sun) and Akhandala (Indra) to look after Raktaja and Svedaja. He told further: — "At the end of the Dvapara Yuga you should see that Svedaja is reborn, in the interests of the Devas, as your son. In the Yadu dynasty will be born a very powerful fellow called Sura and he will have a very beautiful daughter named Pritha. Durvasa will advise her some Mantras as a boon and she will have some sons from the Devas whom she will invoke with the Mantras. With that object in view, while in her periods, she would, at the time of dawn gaze at you with love. Then he (Svedaja) will be born as the son called Vasusena of Kunti, the virgin."The Sun-God agreed to obey the above instructions of Vishnu and told him further, "I shall procreate in the virgin Kunti a very powerful and valiant son who will become well-known in the world as Karna. He will gift away all wealth to the Bramhanas." After saying this Surya disappeared. After this Visnu told Indra as follows:- "You should, at the end of the Dwapara Yuga see that this Nara, born from blood, is reborn as an aspect of yours on earth. King Pandu will one day go into the forest with his wives, Kunti and Madri, and he will then become the object of an animal’s curse. He will therefore, in a spirit of renunciation, go to mount Sata~:raga where he would ask Kunti to become a mother by another man. Unwilling to do so Kunti will desire to have sons by Devas, and when she prays to you, you should favour her with this Nara as son. Devendra raised a legal objection to the above injunction of Visnu as follows:- "You, who incarnated yourself as Rama in the twenty-seventh Yuga of the last Manvantara for the purpose of killing Ravana, killed my son Bali. Therefore I do not wish to procreate Nara as my son." To this objection of Indra, Vishnu assured him that as a penalty for the mistake of killing Bali, he would be a companion of Nara (Arjuna) who would be born as lndra’s son.

SPKSONYTV (talk) 12:44, 30 November 2016 (UTC)



According to padma puran, Once during a quarrel between Shiva and Brahma, the former nipped off Brahma’s head. Some drops of sweat appeared on the forehead of the angry Brahma, and from the sweat which Brahma wiped with his hand arose a legendary fierce archer wearing a thousand shields, bow and quiver. That person was Svedaja. He asked Brahma what he should, do and the former granted him permission to destroy Shiva. He then approached Siva with bow drawn and the shiva went to Vishnu and sought refuge. Svedaja followed Shiva and when Vishnu, seeing him, raised a loud noise `Hum’ and svedja fell unconsious. Shiva prostrated at Visnu’s feet. Shiva extended the skull in his hand towards Vishnu requesting something to be given to him. Mahavishnu, who had nothing else to give Shiva, put his right hand into the skull as alms, Shiva wounded the hand with his Sala (three-pronged weapon) and pure red blood began flowing from the hand into the skull. The blood continued flowing for a thousand years in a length of fifty yojanas and thickness of ten yojanas. At the end of the period, Vishnu asked whether the skull was not filled yet, and looking into the skull with his three eyes Shiva answered that it was full. Then Vishnu stopped the flow of blood, and Shiva, in the presence of Vishnu, looked into the blood for a thousand years and stirred it with his hand. The blood gradually turned into bubble and a person possessing thousands of hands arose and as growing as fire appeared in skull. He had crown on his head and he held in his thousands hands many bows and a quiver. He wore gloves on his thousands hands. That was Raktaja. Incarnated as Nara. Looking at Raktaja, Shiva told Vishnu thus: “This master in archery is Nara. You spoke Nara, and let his name, therefore be Nara. Oh Narayana, you both will be called Naranarayarras. This Nara will be of help to you on behalf of the Dev as and also in the sustenance and protection of the world. He will further help you to kill the Asuras. Nara, the great intellectual that he is, will become a Muni, of surpassing wisdom. Brahma’s divine fifth head possesses so much of effulgence. Nara is created from that effulgence and also from the blood from your hands and my look at it. He will annihilate all enemies in war. He will be a terror to those persons who cannot be conquered by you, Indra and the other Devas. While Vishnu stood there amazed Raktaja praised him and Shiva with folded hands and asked from the skull what he should do. Then Shiva ordered him thus - "You kill Svedaja created by Brahma with his own effulgcnce." And Shiva led Raktaja out of the skull by his hands and told him again:- “Look, here lies the terrible person I spoke about made unconscious by the cry of “Hum’ by Vishnu. Awake him immediately.” After having said this Siva disappeared. Nara, in the presence of Narayana, kicked the unconscious Svedaja with his left foot, and he came out of his unconscious state. Following sanskrit quote from padma puran has depicted fierce battle between Svedaja and Raktaja

ततोयुद्धंसमभवत्स्वेद­रक्तजयोर्महत्‌ ॥ विस्फारिधनु:शब्दंनाद­िताशेषभूतलम्‌

कवचंस्वेदजस्यैकंरक्त­जेनत्वपाकूतम्‌ ॥ 

एवंसमेतयोर्युध्देदिव­्यंवर्षद्रयंतयो: युध्यतो:समतीतंचस्वेद­ररक्तजयोर्नृप ॥ रक्तजंद्रिभुजंदृष्ट्­वास्वेदअंचैवसंगतो

विविन्त्यवासुदेवगोगा­द्‌ब्रह्मख:सदनंपरम्‌­ ॥ 

ससंभ्रमुवायेदंब्रह्म­ाखंमधुसूदन: रक्तजेनाद्यभोब्रह्मन­्स्वेदजोयंनिपातित: ॥ श्रृत्वेतदाकुलोब्रह्­माबभाषेमधुसूदन्‌

हरेद्यजन्मंनिनरोमदीय­ौजीववादयम्‌ ॥ 


गत्वातयोरसषिनीवार्याहवतावभो ।। 


संघौमहारखेजातेतजाहयोजयाभिवा ।। 


उक्तविमौनरोभन्द्रोपालनोयौममाज्ञया ।। 


द्वापरतिवतार्योयदेवानाकार्यसिद्धवे ।। 

The fierce fight that happened between Svedaja and Raktaja continued for two years. By then Svedaja lost nine hundred ninty nine shield except the last one but possessed bow in hand whereas Raktaja had lost everything including nine hundred ninty eight arms, bows, quiver, crown and left with his two bare arms to fight with. Raktaja was in a situation of great peril, because he was standing unarmed before his armed adversary. At this stage beholding superiority of Svedaja over Raktaja, Vishnu in great alarm went to bramha and told him " Raktaja will never be able to kill Svedaja. Bramha answered that in the next birth Raktaja (Nara) will be able to kill Svedaja in certain conditions. Saying 'Right, let that be so', Vishnu returned to the battlefield and made them withdraw from fighting with the assurance that they would be given an opportunity to fight again during the period of Kali and Dwapar Yuga. Afterwards Vishnu directed Aditya (Sun) and Akhandala (Indra) to look after Raktaja and Svedaja. He told further: — "At the end of the Dvapara Yuga you should see that Svedaja is reborn, in the interests of the Devas, as your son. In the Yadu dynasty will be born a very powerful fellow called Sura and he will have a very beautiful daughter named Pritha. Durvasa will advise her some Mantras as a boon and she will have some sons from the Devas whom she will invoke with the Mantras. With that object in view, while in her periods, she would, at the time of dawn gaze at you with love. Then he (Svedaja) will be born as the son called Vasusena of Kunti, the virgin."The Sun-God agreed to obey the above instructions of Vishnu and told him further, "I shall procreate in the virgin Kunti a very powerful and valiant son who will become well-known in the world as Karna. He will gift away all wealth to the Bramhanas." After saying this Surya disappeared. After this Visnu told Indra as follows:- "You should, at the end of the Dwapara Yuga see that this Nara, born from blood, is reborn as an aspect of yours on earth. King Pandu will one day go into the forest with his wives, Kunti and Madri, and he will then become the object of an animal’s curse. He will therefore, in a spirit of renunciation, go to mount Sata~:raga where he would ask Kunti to become a mother by another man. Unwilling to do so Kunti will desire to have sons by Devas, and when she prays to you, you should favour her with this Nara as son. Devendra raised a legal objection to the above injunction of Visnu as follows:- "You, who incarnated yourself as Rama in the twenty-seventh Yuga of the last Manvantara for the purpose of killing Ravana, killed my son Bali. Therefore I do not wish to procreate Nara as my son." To this objection of Indra, Vishnu assured him that as a penalty for the mistake of killing Bali, he would be a companion of Nara (Arjuna) who would be born as lndra’s son.

SPKSONYTV (talk) 13:03, 30 November 2016 (UTC)

Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). — Preceding unsigned comment added by Sreeram Sree (talkcontribs) 22:38, 26 April 2017 (UTC)


  1. ^ Padma Puran, Shrishti Khanda, Page 135-140

Karna's Digvijaya according to BORI Critical Edition Mahabharata

According to BORI Critical Edition of Mahabharatha, Karna's Digvijaya is an interpolation.BORI removed it from Vana Parva in their Critical Edition of Mahabharatha. But if we read BORI CE carefully , we can see some important narrations of Karna's digvijaya by Bhimshma, Dhritharashtra, Narada etc in more than over 7 places. Thus it is sure that , Karna's Digvijaya was not an interpolation , but a really happened one.Here are some examples.

According to BORI Critical Edition Mahabharatha, Dronaparva, chaper 4, Slogans 4,5,6,7 Bhishma says , Oh Karna , you went to mountains and conquered Nagnajith and other kings. You had conquered Ambashta, Videhas, and Gandharas. You had defeated Kiratas in the valleys of Himalayas, who are cruel in the battle and made them under Duryodhana. Like that , you had won so many other kings for the prosperity of Duryodhana.[1][2]

According to BORI Critical Edition Mahabharatha, Karnaparva, chaper 5, Slogans 18 , 19 ,20 King Dhritharashtra says , That hero Karna had defeated the most powerfull kings such as Gandharas, Madrakas, Malsyas, Trigarthas, Angas, shakas, Panchalas, Videhas, Kulindas, King of Kashi, Kosala,Suhmas, Pundras, Nishadas, Vanga, Keechakas, Kingdom of Vatsa, Kalinga , Ashmakas, Rishikas etc , for his friend , who were most powerfull and not easy to win.[3]

According to BORI Critical Edition Mahabharatha, Karnaparva, chaper 5, Slogan 57 King Dhritharashtra says , Inorder to increase the prosperity of Duryodhana , Karna had conquered the entire world . Then how he got defeated by pandavas?[3]

Considering these slogans from BORI Critical Edition Mahabharatha, it is clear that Digvijaya of Karna is not an interpolation , but a really happened one. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Sreeram Sree (talkcontribs) 22:38, 26 April 2017 (UTC)

Number of Akshauhinis destroyed by Karna

Karna destroyed One and a half (1.5)Akshauhinis of Pandavas in a single day

According to Karna Parva , Chapter 5, Sanjaya says to King Dhritharashtra that , Karna had slaughtered the half of remaining Akshauhinis of Pandavas that had left by Bhishma and Drona.[1]

According to Ashwamedha Parva , Chapter 60 , Bhagavan Krishna says to his father Vasudeva that , there remained 3 Akshauhinis for Pandavas , when Karna was crowned as Army chief in 16-th day of war.[2]

When Karna became Army chief , there remained 3 Akshauhinis for Pandavas. So, It is clear that Karna Slaughtered One and a Half (1.5) Akshauhinis on Pandava side in a single day .

NB: But actually this is not the number . The total number of warriors killed in Kurukshethra war was about 166 Crores and twenty thousand (1660020000), according to the words of Yudhishtira to Dhritharashtra. This is narrated in Stree Parva Chaper 26 .[3] This is because , so many other persons , who are not human also , participated in Kurukshethra war. There were so many werstern warriors, demons like Rakshasas etc Participated in that war . That is why, the number became 1660020000. In Ghatolkacha badha Parva in Drona Parva , It is narrated that Karna killed over 100 Akashauhinis of powerfull demons (Rakshasas) , who were the warriors in Ghatolkacha's Army. Then the number will reach to 101.5 Akshauhinis. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Sreeram Sree (talkcontribs) 10:07, 27 April 2017 (UTC)


  1. ^ KMG Translation of Mahabharatha Karna Parva Chapter 5 Number of Akshauhinis killed by Karna in 17 th day of Kurukshethra war
  2. ^ KMG Translation of Mahabharatha Ashwamedha Parva Chapter 60 , Number of Akshauhis remained on Pandava side when Karna became army chief
  3. ^ KMG Translation of Mahabharatha Stree Parva Chapter 26; Number of people killed in Kurukshethra war

his other names sections has typos

Angaraja Daanaveera Daanshoora

these are the corrections, can an admin change? — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2601:c4:c001:bba6:4190:88b2:f53d:d10 (talk) 06:57, 20 June 2017 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 18 October 2017

I bet that Karna did not conqured the world, but I don't have source to prove myself Abhishek tiwari 2107 (talk) 07:59, 18 October 2017 (UTC)

Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format. —KuyaBriBriTalk 16:02, 18 October 2017 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 10 November 2017

Family According to the Mahabharata, Karna was married to Vrushali. He had ten sons: Vrishasena, Sudama, Vrishaketu, Chitrasena, Satyasena, Sushena, Shatrunjaya, Dvipata, Banasena, and Prasena; eight of them took part in the Kurukshetra war. Prasena was killed by Satyaki. Shatrunjaya, Vrishasena, and Dvipata were slain by Arjuna. Bhima killed Banasena; Nakula killed Chitrasena, Satyasena, and Sushena.[52][53] Vrishakethu was his only son who survived the war.After the war when Pandavas were made aware of Karna's lineage, Vrishakethu was under the patronage of Arjuna and took part in various battles that preceded the Ashvamedha yagna. Vrishakethu was killed by Arjuna's son Babruvahana during the battle fought during Ashvamedha Yagna.[54] Arjuna takes an oath to kill him or immolate himself if he is defeated by Babruvahana, to avenge Vrishtaketu's death. Arjuna loved Vrishtaketu more than he loved his own son. King Babhruvahana kills his father Arjuna with an arrow, a Boon given to him from Ganga, Bhisma's mother. Repenting of his deed after knowing Arjuna's identity, he determined to kill himself, but from an obtained gem called Nagmani, from the Naga princess Uloopi, his stepmother, Babruvahana restored Arjuna back to life with the help of Krishna. Arjuna repents he won't be able to live even when revived by Krishna, thinking Vrishtaketu, his elder brother Karna's son got killed because he sent Vrishtaketu to fight with Babruvahana. Krishna's informs that he will restore Vrishtaketu's life. After Vrishtaketu is revived by Krishna, Babruvahana asks Vrishtaketu to forgive him (which he does). Vrishtaketu applaudes Babruvahana of being an amazing warrior. Everyone return to Hastinapura including Vrishtaketu, Chitrangada, Babruvahana and Ulupi. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babruvahana)

In addition, in the original sentence is described as "bhāryāś", which is plural, meaning "wives" (Mahābhārata: Udyogaparvan/05139010c).[55] Amit Sangle (talk) 07:55, 10 November 2017 (UTC)

Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format.  — Ammarpad (talk) 08:17, 10 November 2017 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 18 December 2017

In the initial paragraph, please state that Karna was "one of the main protagonists". He was one of the greatest warriors, one of the greatest archers and so on instead of mentioning that he is the greatest. Moreover, the line that states he defeated and made Arjuna run off the battlefield is totally wrong. Please remove that. Agastya Shankar (talk) 02:38, 18 December 2017 (UTC)

Done Crawford88 (talk) 05:27, 18 December 2017 (UTC)

To change the article

I had edited 60% article of this topic because those all story were false according to original Mahabharat. some frustrated person added those false story by giving the unauthentic source or wrong link. LINK OF ORIGINAL MAHABHARAT:- http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/maha/index.htm

So please accept my long edit and dont change them Nangu karna (talk) 02:57, 20 January 2018 (UTC)

@Nangu karna: Wikipedia articles cannot be based upon primary sources alone, and sacred texts are primary sources. The articles should also cite secondary sources, like scholarly research done on the subject. —C.Fred (talk) 03:03, 20 January 2018 (UTC)

By allowing all those false stuff on wiki, you are unnecessary degrading/insulting other hero of Mahabharat. Nangu karna (talk) 03:10, 20 January 2018 (UTC)

@Nangu karna: According to what secondary sources is the information false? —C.Fred (talk) 03:18, 20 January 2018 (UTC)

there is no any authenticity of secondary source overall i want to say that adding false story on wiki is not wrong but adding false story on wiki to degrade other hero is wrong Nangu karna (talk) 03:26, 20 January 2018 (UTC)

@Nangu karna: With all due respect, then you need to familiarize yourself with how Wikipedia works. All articles need to be based on reliable, secondary sources. Wikipedia cannot, in its own voice, interpret sacred texts. We may provide direct quotes, but any commentary on what they mean must come from reliable independent sources—and usually that means scholarly sources. —C.Fred (talk) 03:33, 20 January 2018 (UTC)

@Nangu karna: It is wrong to put wrong info in wiki aswell. Please put only authentic information. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs)

Request for full-protection of the page

Greetings. I want to request full protection of Karna's page, as I see some people constantly making edits to the page that are wrong, even though the page they cite as the source states otherwise.

Perhaps this is due to malicious intents or simple frustration, because the character overshadows many other characters, which might include some of their favourites. Rhilus (talk) 12:38, 25 January 2018 (UTC)

Not done: requests for increases to the page protection level should be made at Wikipedia:Requests for page protection. — Martin (MSGJ · talk) 13:01, 25 January 2018 (UTC)


@Bops123 why do you not read original Mahabharat before editing any Mahabharat related page. It is just a popular folklore that Draupadi stopped Karna from participating in Syamwara but in reality he was failed in Syamwara as per original Mahabharat. Adi parva-section 179(From most authentic Bori Mahabahrat) यत कर्ण शल्य परमुखैः पार्थिवैर लॊकविश्रुतैः       नानृतं बलवद्भिर हि धनुर्वेदा परायणैः   5 तत कथं तव अकृतास्त्रेण पराणतॊ दुर्बलीयसा       बटु मात्रेण शक्यं हि सज्यं कर्तुं धनुर दविजाः


Word to word translation:-

यत = If

कर्ण = Karna

शल्य = Shalya

परमुखै : = foremost

पार्थिवै = King

लॊकविश्रुतैः = who are famous in the world

नानृतं = could not

बलवद्भिर = have great strength

धनुर्वेदा = archery

परायणैः = well versed

तत = that/ this

कथं = how

तव अकृतास्त्रेण = No knowledge of weapon

पराणतॊ = suceed

दुर्बलीयसा = weakling

बटु मात्रेण = Brahmana

शक्यं = can

साज्यं कर्तु धनुर = string the bow

दवीजा: = O Brahmanas

Misconception about the meaning of पार्थिवै :-

i). Proof from Sanskrit dictionary :-

पार्थिव = King


Cross reference :-

King = पार्थिव



“O Brahmanas! If foremost of kings like Karna and Shalya, who are famous in the world, have great strength and are well versed in Dhanur Veda, could not string the bow, how can this weakling Brahmana, with no knowledge of weapons, succeed?

हे द्विजगण ! जो धनुष धनुर्वेद में पंडित, बलवान् , कर्ण और शल्य आदि लोको में प्रशंसित राजाओ के द्वारा नहीं झुकाया जा सका | अस्त्रविद्या को न जाननेवाले , शक्ति में दुर्बल एक बटु उस धनुष पर डोरी कैसे चढ़ा सकेगा



Arjuna was superior than Karna because he defeated Karna multiple times in war( Virat war, 14th day of Kuru war, 14 night of Kuru war) but Karna never defeated Arjuna

First chapter of Mahabharat says that Karna is trunk of Passion(fury) and Arjuna is trunk of Dharma. So it clear that Karna was one of the main villains in Mahabharat Nangu karna (talk) 14:42, 31 January 2018 (UTC)

@Nangu Karna: As you have mentioned in this talk section you have edited 60% of this page and by doing so you have completely vandalized this article. You have put only one source throughout the article. Where are the the secondary sources to justify it?
And you have mentioned in this talk section "adding false story on wiki is not wrong", Nangu Sharma are you really serious? Do you know the wiki guidelines?? It is wrong to put false information in it. This is not your personal blog to put whatever you want , this is intended for public Learning.
It seems like you did not read my statement fully.You have taken all the content from the website "http://www.sacred-texts.com" . Below is the page from the very same website which you used as primary source and as per it Karna strings the bow successfully and you have mentioned he did not. Please go through the below link.
And You have pasted the verses , in it where it is mentioned karna did not string the bow?
Also if you go throughout the link Karna was not defeated by Arjuna and flee, infact Karna fell back, deeming it is vain to oppose the power of a holy man.
Most of the article does not even have source link. Since you have edited 60% of the article, please justify your editing with by updating multiple source links. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs) 18:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)
  • Comment:sacred-texts.com is not a WP:RS and, from what I can see, is a WP:PRIMARY source. I've removed some of the places where it is a reference but someone needs to comb through the text and remove every entry and to check the cited content to see if it needs to be removed. --regentspark (comment) 23:27, 1 February 2018 (UTC)
@RegentsPark, I completely agree with your comment, Thanks. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs) 08:42, 2 February 2018 (UTC)

@Bops123 you said that in your verses, nowhere written that Karna could not string the bow

ARE YOU BLIND? My verses clearly says that "Karna could not string the bow"

2) And you are providing the proof from same Website(but not from unabridged versison of Mahabharat), if same website provides many version of Mahabharat including authentic and unauthentic, that does not mean all are authentic

Failure of Karna from another authentic version(from Rajagopalachari Mahabharat)

When Karna came forward, all the assemblage expected that he would be successful but he failed by just a hair's breadth and the string slid back flashing and the mighty bow jumped out of his hands like a thing of life. There was great clamor and angry talk, some even saying that it was an impossible test put up to shame the kings. Then all noises were hushed, for there arose from among the group of brahmanas a youth who advanced towards the bow.

http://en.krishnakosh.org/krishna/Mahabharata_-Rajagopalachari_55 साभार krishnakosh.org

3) i had edited 60% article of wikipedia but Wiki Admin reverted my edits, Also if adding false story on wiki is false then 60% article of Karna topic is wrong as per original Mahabharat

4) If Arjuna had not defeated Karna at Draupadi syamwara then why did Karna retreat from battle? Nangu karna (talk) 01:42, 2 February 2018 (UTC)

@ Nangu Karna, I think you are always drunk, you have pasted incomplete set of verses and claiming Karna did not string the bow. The link what I gave you is "unabridged" version only. Don't you see the click through buttons which says "Previous and Next" in the webpage. I paste the link again, please go through it and see yourself again.
If you are not aware of Karna's greatness go through the below video in which Krishna speaks how great Karna is.It also has English subtitles.
Karna retreated because he did not want to fight a holy man(http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/iml/iml18.htm). Unlike Arjuna Karna was not only archer he was good in many other warfare skills. He had a Kavacha and Kundala which can protect him against any of the weapons even against the divine weapons.
I think you should do more research on Karna , watch the serial Suryaputra Karna and all the other serials on Mahabharata which is there in youtube, watch some movies on him, read some books and scholarly articles on him. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs) 06:15, 2 February 2018 (UTC)


I ask all editors involved in this discussion to confine their remarks to WP:CIVIL discussion of how best to improve the article, and refrain from making personal attacks on other editors. Thank you. The Mighty Glen (talk) 11:04, 2 February 2018 (UTC)

Re-posting from archived discussion

(Redacted) @King Alexander123: I have removed your paste of three archived discussion posts by another editor. What point are you trying to make here? Thanks, The Mighty Glen (talk) 11:56, 2 February 2018 (UTC)

Ok sir . I had seen some fraud edits done by a person named KINGPORUS in Karna Page . It had decreased the page size and removed some material facts . Please restore the Karna Page as on May - June 2017 . thank you .King Alexander123 (talk) 12:12, 2 February 2018 (UTC)

Admins Intervention needed

I need Admins intervention on this, I want the user "Nangu karna" to be blocked. User Nangu karna is a Karna abuser, as his user name says, The word Nangu means "Naked or Nude" in Hindi. His user name giving the meaning "Naked Karna". It is clear by this that he is intended to abuse and defame Karna.

He has edited 60% of the content of the article without discussing on the talk and the content he put does not match with the content of the primary source of the article. He has degraded karna and shown him only on the negative side. He has completely vandalized the entire article, and there are no secondary sources in the article. As "regentspark" has commented "http://www.sacred-texts.com" is not a reliable source.

In his conversation with "C.Fred" in the talk section user "Nangu karna" claims that "adding false story on wiki is not wrong", this this alone is enough reason to block him. Hence I request admins intervention on this dispute and block the user and revert the article to previous state before the edit of Nangu Karna or assign someone to reconstruct the damaged article.

I again request the admin to block the user "Nangu Karna" — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs)

@Bop@123,I think that you are not able to understand what am i saying
1)First of all i never removed 60% article from Karna page, i said that 60% stuff on Karna page is false.
2) why do you not learn the diffrence between abridged version and unabridged version before commenting
YOU ARE GIVING THE PROOF FROM ABRIDGE VERSION(NOT FROM UNABRIDGE VERSION), Sacred-texts provides many version of Mahabharat including ABRIDGE and Unabridged... that does not mean all version are same
3) I gave the proof from Most authentic Mahabharat that Karna failed to string the bow in Syamwara but you rejected Bori Mahabharat and said that it is false
Know about Bori Mahabharat
4) you even rejected C.Rajagolachari version... do you even know who was C. Rajgopalachari Nangu karna (talk) 08:50, 2 February 2018 (UTC)
@Nangu karna, I know the meaning of abriged and unabriged. I think its you who need to understand the meaning , if you think everything writtern in Sanskrit unabridged then you are wrong. For your kind information we don't have any unabriged version of Mahabahratha. To be more specific we don't have the original Mahabharatha manuscript writtern by Veda Vyasa( Krishna Dvaipāyana). Mahabharatha has been passed from mouth to mouth eventually took form of book.And I do know who is C Rajagopalchari, just beacause he was Bharat Ratna it does not mean we have to agree on everything he has written.
Below are my sources to justify my claim that Karna strings the bow but Draupadi stopped stopped Karna from participating in the war, also Karna withdrew from his battle against Arjuna and he was not defeated.
Source 1
“The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa ” writtern by Krishna Mohana Ganguli (Very famous book on Mahabharatha)
See under the section : CLXXXIX of the below link
Source 2
Misc (Mahabharata), The Ramayana and the Mahabharata [1917] by Romesh C. Dutt
source 3
source 4
Source 5
http://ritsin.com/draupadi-swayamvara.html/ (Bops123 (talk) 13:39, 3 February 2018 (UTC))
@Bops123, Same Krishna Mohana Ganguly Mahabharat says that Karna failed to string the bow in Draupadi syamwara
( Radha's son means Karna)
Narr:- And that bow which Rukma, Sunitha, Vakra, Radha's son, Duryodhana, Salya, and many other kings accomplished in the science and practice of arms, could not even with great exertion, string, Arjuna, the son of Indra, that foremost of all persons endued with energy and like unto the younger brother of Indra (Vishnu) in might, strung in the twinkling of an eye. 
2) As per BORI after 60 years of research and removing interpolations based on oldest manuscripts there is mention of karna’s failure. Draupadi rejecting him has to be found an interpolation and a fake story. it is given in KMG though but same KMG also mentions Karna failed.
KNOW ABOUT BORI MAHABHARAT:- http://www.bori.ac.in/mahabharata_project.html
ततो वैकर्तनः कर्णो वृषा वै सूतनन्दनः।
धनुरभ्याशमागम्य तोलयामास तद्धनुः॥ 1-202-34
तं चाप्यारोप्यमाणं तद्रोममात्रेऽभ्यताडयत्।
त्रैलोक्यविजयी कर्णः सत्वे त्रैलोक्यविश्रुतः॥ 1-202-35
धनुषा सोऽपि निर्धूत इति सर्वे भयाकुलाः।
एवं कर्णे विनिर्धूते धनुषा च नृपोत्तमाः॥ 1-202-36
चक्षुर्भिरपि नापश्यन्विनम्रमुखपङ्कजाः।
दृष्ट्वा कर्णं विनिर्धूतं लोके वीरा नृपोत्तमाः॥ 1-202-37
निराशा धनुरुद्धारे द्रौपदीसंगमेऽपि च॥ 1-202-38
Then the exultant Karna, the son of sun and also the son of suta, came to the vicinity of the bow, strung and mounted the arrow and discharged and missed by one hair-width. Karna, who is famous for strength in three worlds, was also vanquished by this test of
bow. All the kings were frightened by this defeat of Karna in the test of bow.
4) M.A mehandale is one of the best Mahabharat Scholar, he himself accepted in his book that Draupadi rejecting Karna is false story, in reality Karna was failed in Syamwara.
5) And your other link/proof(except Kmg Mahabharat) is based on folklore and Interpolation story, even do you know that who is owner of RITSIN.COM
MY close friend is owner of this Website and do you think that my friend is better than BORI SCHOLARS.
6) Karna desisted Fight in Syamwara because he thought that Arjuna's energy is invicible in battle, it means Arjuna had defeated at syamwara fight
Even 2nd chapter of Adi parva says that Arjuna vanquished Karna in Syamwara fight
Narr:- This parva treats of the journey of the Pandavas towards Panchala, the acquisition of Draupadi in the midst of all the Rajas, by Arjuna, after having successfully pierced the mark; and in the ensuing fight, the defeat of Salya, #Kama, and all the other crowned heads at the hands of Bhima and Arjuna of great prowess
Note:- Kama was the another name of Karna in Mahabharat(Narr:- If thou, O Kama, givest away thy beautiful ear-rings born with thee, thy life being shortened, thou wilt meet with death http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03298.htm ) Nangu karna (talk) 03:50, 8 February 2018 (UTC)

This article on Karna needs improvement

In the article it has been mentioned that Karna is far more inferior to Arjuna, nowhere in the Mahabharata it has been mentioned like this. In fact Karna was more superior to Arjuna. As Krishna himself says he is had the quality of all 5 Pandavas. If Arjuna was superior to Karna, he would have killed Karna by fair means but this is not the case Krishna knew Arjuna cant kill Karna in a fair battle so he told him to kill him by going against the rules of the war.

This article has very little info about Karna, Also Karna is not Villain, please remove that from the article. This article does not justify many of the things with reliable sources, and this article needs lot of improvement. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs)

Can you please be more specific, and can you please cite your sources for the requested change? Thanks, The Mighty Glen (talk) 09:49, 30 January 2018 (UTC)

@ The Mighty Glen, In the article it is mentioned "Karna was one of the greatest archers of the Mahabharat but far inferior than Arjuna" , This has to be removed orelse please show the original Mahabharat sources which says he is inferior to Arjuna. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs) 15:13, 30 January 2018 (UTC)

And what are the sources please for the assertion that one is superior to the other? And what does superior or inferior mean in this case? The Mighty Glen (talk) 15:33, 30 January 2018 (UTC)

@ The Mighty Glen: I am asking you the source since it is mentioned in the article show the source to justify that statement.

Well the sentence is both vague and unsourced so I've removed it from the lede. The Mighty Glen (talk) 15:52, 30 January 2018 (UTC)

@ The Mighty Glen: Thanks for the edit.

Under the section "Hostilities with the Pandavas" it is mentioned in the article that "Karna was a suitor for Draupadi at her Swayamvara. like most other contenders, he also failed to string the bow and got defeated in task". Below has been found in the same website which has been taken has primary source for this article and it shows the content is wrong, please go through the below link.


In the above link it shows the statement "he also failed to string the bow and got defeated in task" is wrong. As per the link he strings the Bow successfully and he was not defeated by Arjuna and flee, Karna fell back, deeming it vain to oppose the power of a holy man.Hence please modify the section Hostilities with the Pandavas as per the link.

Also most of this article has been written based on http://www.sacred-texts.com and I feel entire article needs secondary sources to justify the content. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bops123 (talkcontribs) 10:26, 31 January 2018 (UTC)

I'm happy to help with reverting vandalism and prevent edit warring, but I don't have the expertise necessary for a content dispute like this. I think we should ask for help at WP:WikiProject Hinduism/Mythology. The Mighty Glen (talk) 10:47, 31 January 2018 (UTC)

Karna neither failed in the condust nor defeated by Arjuna during Draupadi swayamwar. In this article, Karna is shown too much inferior to Arjuna, which is not true. Also, the last sentence about Bhargavastra is not too clear. So this article need an immediate edit based on the true facts. Kachar Membreen (talk) 02:05, 14 February 2018 (UTC)

Majority of Mahabharat(version) say that Karna was failed in Draupadi Syamwara, only few version say that Karna succeed to string the bow. If i will say that according to original Mahabharat Arjuna was a far better archer than Karna then you will say that i am a biased person towards Arjuna so i will not say anything about Arjuna's superiorty over Karna. Bori Mahabharat says that Karna was bathing in blood due to Arjuna's arrow in final battle, Also Arjuna broke Karna's armour into many parts thats why someone edited that Arjuna used Karna for his archery practice MICKYVIRUS (talk) 13:05, 16 February 2018 (UTC)

Page protected

I've temporarily protected the page. Some of the large amount of text being added appears to be in violation of copyright laws. If there are other pieces of text that anyone would like to add, please use the talk page. --regentspark (comment) 14:45, 12 July 2018 (UTC)

Youtube etc as sources

@MKS Harsha: Welcome to wikipedia. You added back youtube.com and other questionable sources. Please review WP:RS guidelines and do not add any content to this (or other) articles relying on unreliable sources such as youtube, blogs or other questionable sources. You are welcome to add content based on peer-reviewed scholarly publications or equivalent. If you have other concerns, please share and let us discuss them on this talk page. Ms Sarah Welch (talk) 08:26, 13 July 2018 (UTC)

Don't call disruptive editing.

Hey! "First Light", if you want you delete my edit. But dont call it disruptive editing. I've been searched a lot for this. In youtube i got it. But told me youtube is not acceptable. Thats why i didnt cite the source. — Preceding unsigned comment added by MKS Harsha (talkcontribs) 03:31, 20 July 2018 (UTC)

Let me edit

I've lot of points about the hero Karna. How can I edit Super star Karna (talk) 08:34, 20 July 2018 (UTC)


Chitrasena is a gandharva but not son of Karna. Also there is no virat yudh and fight with gandharva in this article. Sry to say this Wikipedia is worst and some other small websites are better in providing good information and bad, ill qualities of Karna. There is no mention of Sahasra kavacha in this article. If I mention that u r saying disruptive editing. What is an editing then. U bloody Karna lovers. — Preceding unsigned comment added by MKS Harsha (talkcontribs) 11:17, 18 July 2018 (UTC)

The user "first light" is to be blocked because he/she is half-knowledge as he provided half information. Also plz provide the wars in which Karna lost to Arjuna. Not only positives but also negatives of Karna need to be mentioned. He lost many times to Arjuna and flew away from battlefield. Karna even flew away from Abhimanyu That's why legendary Bhishma called him artharathi (half-a warrior). You mentioned that Bhishma already knew Karna was son of Kunti. How is this possible. Plz think over it. I also want all half-knowledge people to be blocked. They are like their hero Karna who is artha-rathi. Plz open your eyes and know about the superiority of Arjuna. — Preceding unsigned comment added by MKS Harsha (talkcontribs) 11:31, 18 July 2018 (UTC)

These Admins(First Light, AnomieBOT and shellwood etc) are the official Admins of Wikipedia then it is my humble request that, don't say anything to those official Admins. Also those officials admin are not the Karna lovers. Bhisma knew that Karna is son of Kunti because Narada had told Bhisma about this secret facts(Read the last chapter of Bhisma parva).

In Original Mahabharat, there is no any Shahastrakawach story...this story belongs to any Puran

Nasaalpha (talk) 17:21, 20 July 2018 (UTC)

remove template

how to remove template. It is said that the page is having multiple issues. how can one try to remove the templates — Preceding unsigned comment added by SHM198 (talkcontribs) 05:10, 25 August 2018 (UTC)

Click the edit button at the top of the article then look for the template you want to remove (templates are surrounded by pairs of curly braces). When removing a template such as "multiple issues", you should explain on the talk page why you think it is no longer necessary. --regentspark (comment) 14:34, 25 August 2018 (UTC)
I can confirm that all the issues are still present, and there is no question of removing the template. -- Kautilya3 (talk) 17:51, 25 August 2018 (UTC)

Proper linking

I'm just adding & subtracting links wherever it is improper. This article seems to have improper linking in many areas. Just trying to correct it. SHM198 (talk) 12:06, 1 September 2018 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 7 October 2018

AbhishkSingh97 (talk) 10:02, 7 October 2018 (UTC)

Information regarding Karna in Swayamvara of Draupadi is wronf in this page under tag 'Hostilities with Pandavas"

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. ♪♫Alucard 16♫♪ 10:47, 7 October 2018 (UTC)

Review and update

@Abecedare: and Talk-page watchers: This article is now next on my list to review and update. Thanks, Abecedare, for the sources on Karna in July (sorry, my progress with my to-do list has been slow). I have read through the article, the edit history, and the talk page archive. Since July, as before, there has been much unconstructive sockpuppetry and vandalism in this article. I will begin by re-removing unsourced OR, with the request that anyone wishing to restore old content should do so only with cites to WP:RS, preferably peer-reviewed scholarship. If someone wishes to view the extant pre-update version, please see this.

As initial steps, I will also add harv sources including those that Abecedare emailed me. I welcome others to review these, with me, and contribute summary from these or other WP:RS to improve this article if they would like to. Comments and suggestions as I make progress would also be most welcome. I hope to complete the update in the next couple of weeks. Ms Sarah Welch (talk) 01:15, 18 October 2018 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 17 February 2019

Once when Kunti was young, she was deputed by her father to render her services to the great sage Dhurvasa. Kunti was highly dutiful and sincere in her offering and could therefore please the sage beyond compare. At the end of her stay with the sage, the sage saw through his clairvoyance that she would not have any issues through her husband in future. Therefore, the sage blessed her with a powerful mantra that would help her get a son from anyone she wished. Kunti was very innocent at that age and therefore wanted to have some fun testing the mantra. She looked at sun god moving in the sky and chanted the mantra in all her devotion. At once, the sun god appeared before her in all his splendour. Kunti could not bear the radiance and effulgence of sun god and prayed that he left the scene. But, the sun god said due to the power of the mantra, he had to bless her with a son and she at once gave birth to Karna. However, due to the boon given by the sun god, her virginity remained untainted. Kunti is afraid of social stigma

Kunti was highly frightened due to the possible doubts that the people might have regarding her son and was afraid of the social stigma connected with a virgin girl giving birth to a boy child at a very young age. Therefore, she decided to abandon the child. She covered the baby in nice garments and floated him on the waters of a river. The child was received by a charioteer called Athirath and was raised by him in his home. (talk) 16:09, 17 February 2019 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 18 February 2019

Please change "Teenage Pritha after her first menstruation became curious, " to "The impatient curiosity of youth made Kunti test then and there the efficacy of the mantra by repeating it and invoking the Sun whom she saw shining in the heavens." The above is from https://www.gita-society.com/pdf2011/mahabharata.pdf . McGrath's version depicts as if Kunti wanted to have sex which is not true. Kunti wanted to know whether the mantra actually worked.

Please change the following : "She is reluctant about having sex, felt confused yet interested, while Surya knew her deeper desires. They talk. Before "agreeing to make love to Surya, Pritha makes Surya promise that the son born of the union would be a hero with earrings and breast-plate", states McGrath.[17][note 4] She falls on the bed in confusion, Surya enters her and impregnates her.[39][40] Karna is thus the love child of the passion between the princess and the Surya. After their consummation, the god Surya grants her the wish that after Karna's birth she will regain her virginity. "

to the following:

Kunti, overpowered by the glorious vision of her divine visitor, asked: "O god, who art thou?" The Sun replied: "Dear maiden, I am the Sun. I have been drawn to you by the spell of the son-giving mantra that you have uttered." Kunti was aghast and said: "I am an unwedded girl dependent on my father. I am not fit for motherhood and do not desire it. I merely wished to test the power of the boon granted by the sage Durvasa. Go back and forgive this childish folly of mine." But the Sun god could not thus return because the power of the mantra held him. She for her part was mortally afraid of being blamed by the world. The Sun god however reassured her: "No blame shall attach to you. After bearing my son, you will regain virginity. (https://www.gita-society.com/pdf2011/mahabharata.pdf)

Moreover, no where on the epic it is written that Gods had physical sexual union with Kunti or Madri. Hindus epics mention 'Manas Putra' which is child born from the mind(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manasputra). 'After their consummation' is not verified because the epics do not mention a sexual intercourse. HelloBuddha (talk) 17:07, 18 February 2019 (UTC)

 Not done: Please post the change in your own words rather than paraphrasing. RhinosF1(chat)(status)(contribs) 08:53, 20 February 2019 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 7 September 2019

(A copy-paste of the entire article removed) – Thjarkur (talk) 19:00, 8 September 2019 (UTC)

Karna fan club talk 05:57, 7 September 2019 (UTC)

Karna fan club, please make a request on the form "Change X to Y". – Thjarkur (talk) 19:00, 8 September 2019 (UTC)

Is Shalya a South Indian?

The article mentions Shalya as a south indian king. Is it correct? - Karthi.dr (talk) 13:27, 24 August 2019 (UTC)

He isn't. Madra clearly isn't a Southern kingdom. But, the source for some reason says that he is. This is an interesting case of a source being dead-ass wrong...but it still being the source! Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 05:16, 25 September 2019 (UTC)

Biography needs to be re-done

I appreciate all the work being done to make a concise and succinct biography, but I think it needs to be re-done. Frankly, the reliance on secondary sources ruins it...for example, you'll see something like "according to McGrath" or "states McGrath" in a way that comes off as deceptive, because they are describing McGrath merely translating or citing the text, rather than analyzing the text. For example "In section 5.138 of the epic, according to McGrath, Krishna states, 'by law, Karna should be considered as the eldest born of Pandavas'" McGrath isn't doing any analysis; he's just translating from the sanksrit text. One might be better off applying the actual interpretations and analysis of McGrath in some of the "themes and symbolism" section.

At other times, the descriptions in the biography do go into analysis and would be better off as its own section. For example, the "Relationship with Duryodhana" section has both the descriptions of the relationship and the analysis. My suggestiong would be small section for the biography with the main points (Duryodhana defending Karna at the competition, gifting him Anga, Duryodhana defending Karna's status against attacks from others, and Karna participating in the dice game and other plots/generally sharing Duryodhana's hatred for the Pandavas) and a different section with the analysis of their relationship.Pinkfloyd11 (talk) 05:34, 25 September 2019 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 25 October 2019

The article on Karna seems to be missing the three curses that were placed on him: see https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/three-curses-on-karna Groucho777 (talk) 09:33, 25 October 2019 (UTC)

 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Eggishorn (talk) (contrib) 22:47, 30 October 2019 (UTC)
edited to add: The given link in the request appears to go to a self-published source. That is, "The Speaking Tree" appears to be a site that relies solely on user-generated content and has no editorial independence or oversight. Eggishorn (talk) (contrib) 22:51, 30 October 2019 (UTC)

Repeated line

i am very new to wikipedia editing and dont thnow if this is the right place to mention any typing errors. but inside Titile "Joining the battle" the line " Drona took the commander-in-chief position" is repeated. pls rectify it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Krsingh.shubham (talkcontribs) 08:24, 30 December 2019 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 15 February 2020

There are some certain mis interpolations and false facts regarding this article which needs to be corrected and some important facts seem to be missing like Karna's worldwide military campaign and facts about his charity etc . Maharudrasingh1 (talk) 06:27, 15 February 2020 (UTC)

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. MadGuy7023 (talk) 10:45, 15 February 2020 (UTC)

Some more sub topics must be added

Sub topics like Ghosha Yatra & Virata war are missing. Also Karna's previous birth section is not there. Sri Harsha 191817 (talk) 03:03, 14 March 2020 (UTC)

Regarding additional biography.

This article is supposed to be about Karna but someone has given additional biography which is completely fake information which doesn't coincide with the references given and is mostly about greatness of Arjuna which should not have any place in Karna. Kindly see that it doesn't get posted. (Dinesh2069 (talk) 14:34, 27 March 2020 (UTC))

@(Dinesh2069 (talk)..... it is you who is adding fake information since 21/03/2020. Not some body else. I think you are not suppose to add discussion like this. Administrators will look into the content and they will decide which is correct and which is wrong. Arjuna is not glorified in any discussion. It is all your perception. In some instances, Karna lost to Arjuna. Infact in many instances. But Karna never defeated Arjuna. It is a fact. Karna also lost to Bhima, Drupada and Pradyumna. Those are facts. Even sources are provided. Fan of Mahabharat (talk) 02:11, 28 March 2020 (UTC)

Dear admins, Like I said people are posting biased things like the ones given in additional biography, when I pointed it out some Arjuna follower who is named 'fan of mahabharata' was quick to respond and again proclaim the greatness of this unknown person Arjuna. Kindly see to it that the additional biography doesn't get posted since the references doesn't coincide with what's written and it only boasts of Arjuna's greatness which is false unnecessary and irrelevant in Karna page. Thank you (Dinesh2069 (talk) 05:30, 28 March 2020 (UTC))

@(Dinesh2069 (talk), I'm neither Arjuna follower nor Karna follower. I like Mahabharata; hence I named myself as 'Fan of Mahabharat'. One more thing, I'm neutral and edit according to Mahabharata. I don't publish false content. Please understand this and don't edit as you wish. Thank you.

That’s not how Wikipedia works. See WP:CONSENSUS. Wikipedia is a collaborative effort, so please collaborate. Thanks. Kleuske (talk) 08:56, 28 March 2020 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 22 April 2020

The word Mythology needs to be replaced with History Tbanil (talk) 15:32, 22 April 2020 (UTC)

 Not done please provide reliable sources--regentspark (comment) 16:45, 22 April 2020 (UTC)

What are examples of reliable sources for Mahabharatha?

Hi fellow contributors, there seem to be multiple good faith edits in this article that were wrong due to unreliable sources. I want examples of reliable sources for Mahabharatha so that users can refer to them between the conflicts that may arise due to multiple unreliable sources. Can any regular contributors help?Vinay84 (talk) 12:35, 25 April 2020 (UTC)

Wait why karna's page is nearly absolutely protected

So hmm did some karn fanboys edited some misleading stuff so that Admins had to make sure that this page is nearly absolutely protected? Weeabo-kun2198 (talk) 17:20, 25 December 2020 (UTC)

@Weeabo-kun2198: Yes .💠245CMR💠.👥📜 15:33, 4 January 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 6 January 2021

I would like to edit Karna's infobox. Kindly request you to grant me permission for the same. Karnasurya02 (talk) 13:38, 6 January 2021 (UTC)

 Not done: this is not the right page to request additional user rights. You may reopen this request with the specific changes to be made and someone will add them for you. --Paultalk15:20, 6 January 2021 (UTC)

@Karnasurya02: Please share what you want to change .💠245CMR💠.👥📜 15:06, 6 January 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 20 January 2021

Change " He was appointed the king of Anga (Bengal)[8] by Duryodhana." to " He was appointed the king of Anga (Bihar)[8] by Duryodhana."

The Kingdom of Anga that was ruled by Karna is mostly in modern-day Bihar, not Bengal, as the article says in the brackets.

Source: https://books.google.com/books?id=w9pmo51lRnYC&q=Bali+Kalinga+Vanga&pg=PA18

The source states that Malini, the capital of Anga was close to Bhagalpur in Bihar.

Besides, that region consisting of the districts of Munger, Jamui, Khagaria, Lakhisarai, Begusarai, Sheikhpura, Bhagalpur and Banka, all in Bihar, is still known as Anga and the people still call themselves Angika.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anga even says that Anga centered around Munger and Bhagalpur in Bihar. Pruccer (talk) 10:19, 20 January 2021 (UTC)

 Done Elliot321 (talk | contribs) 06:46, 21 January 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 19 February 2021

change Vasusena – Original name of Karna. to Vasusena – Original name of Karna which means born with wealth as he was born with the armor and earrings.[1] Virsimha28 (talk) 05:44, 19 February 2021 (UTC)

 Not done for now: Please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Reactivate your request by setting the answered parameter in the {{edit extended-protected}} template back to no once you've provided reliable sources to support this change here. Regards, DesertPipeline (talk) 09:11, 19 February 2021 (UTC)
 Note: The requester has now provided a source for this. Setting answered to no to relist the request. Thank you for providing a source, Virismha28. Someone will hopefully be along shortly who can review this. DesertPipeline (talk) 04:19, 21 February 2021 (UTC)


  1. ^ PC Roy Translation of Mahabharata, Adi Parva, Page 264, Sambhava Parva, Link: http://www.holybooks.com/mahabharata-all-volumes-in-12-pdf-files/
 Done - thanks!  A S U K I T E  05:38, 21 February 2021 (UTC)

Foster brothers of Karna

In some Mahabharat texts other sons of Adhiratha are mentioned:

Kisari Mohan Ganguli English Translation Virata Parva Section LIV mentions Samgranjit, brother of Karna being killed by Arjuna.

Kisari Mohan Ganguli English Translation Drona Parv Section XXX mentions three brothers of Karna, including Vipata and Satrunjaya being killed by Arjuna on the 11th day of the war. This article mentions them as Karna's sons.

Kisari Mohan Ganguli English Translation Drona Parv Section XXXIX mentions Bhima klling Vrikratha, a brother of Karna.

Kisari Mohan Ganguli English Translation Drona Parv Section CLVI mentions Abhimanyu killing a unnamed brother of Karna on the 13th day of the war.

Kisari Mohan Ganguli English TranslationKarna Parva Section 5 mentions other unnamed brothers of Karna being slain by Arjuna. In total Adhiratha had at least six sons other than Karna... Bori critical Edition Sanskrit version Karna Parva ch 4 also mentions Karna's brothers... The article might include these also.Maglorbd (talk) 09:53, 31 March 2021 (UTC)

@Maglorbd: This WP:OR, you need a secondary sources (Encyclopaedia, Scholarly research, reliable journal, etc.) .245CMR.👥📜 15:35, 1 April 2021 (UTC)

He's also featured in the Fate franchise, at least titles: Fate/Apocrypha as "Lancer of Red" (because all summoned heroes hide their true names until later), Fate/Extra CCC, and Fate/Grand Order. Source:https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Karna

Not done, non reliable site as well as it is not notable..245CMR.👥📜 05:08, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 2 July 2021

Hi Wikipedia This article lacks the references and is little biased . I guess this has been done from the last 20 to 30 days

Thank you 2409:4064:81A:1A70:69B9:BB24:A6D6:53A3 (talk) 15:42, 2 July 2021 (UTC)

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. Also, the article has more than 150 reliable sources, so it doesn't lack references..245CMR.👥📜 15:45, 2 July 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 27 August 2021

I want to contribute to Wikipedia (talk) 02:59, 27 August 2021 (UTC)

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. ScottishFinnishRadish (talk) 09:10, 27 August 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 2 September 2021 (talk) 15:31, 2 September 2021 (UTC)

The information is wrong at many point and especially at the minor war topic.

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. ScottishFinnishRadish (talk) 15:36, 2 September 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 8 September 2021

There is a wrong information.I want to change it Yashthakurkamail (talk) 15:21, 8 September 2021 (UTC)

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. ScottishFinnishRadish (talk) 20:39, 8 September 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 20 October 2021

Karna never ran away from the battle against Chitrasen. That information is wrong and its written to appease Hindu bhakts of Arjun and Lord Krishna. Infact, if it were Arjuna who saved Kauravas and Duryodhana, it was Karna who saved all of them. The only person to defeat Karna in battle and that too honourably was Jarasen. (talk) 18:18, 20 October 2021 (UTC)

 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. ScottishFinnishRadish (talk) 18:28, 20 October 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 3 November 2021

Please change the intro of Karna .Please make the introduction as Karna is the central hero of Mahabharata Goldilocks25 (talk) 18:09, 3 November 2021 (UTC)

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. – Jonesey95 (talk) 18:59, 3 November 2021 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 24 November 2021

Please change the initial description of Karna. Change it to "He is the central protagonist of the Hindu epic Mahabharata." Viratyuddh24 (talk) 15:11, 24 November 2021 (UTC)

 Not done for now: please establish a consensus for this alteration before using the {{edit extended-protected}} template. ScottishFinnishRadish (talk) 15:13, 24 November 2021 (UTC)

Karna's digvijay yatra

Please describe karna's digvijay yatra. How karna done it for duryodhana. 2409:4043:2285:2375:0:0:43A:C8B1 (talk) 16:30, 8 December 2021 (UTC)

A Commons file used on this page or its Wikidata item has been nominated for deletion

The following Wikimedia Commons file used on this page or its Wikidata item has been nominated for deletion:

Participate in the deletion discussion at the nomination page. —Community Tech bot (talk) 12:58, 1 March 2023 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 23 April 2023

Change 1:

Previous: Kunti was granted the boon to bear a child with desired divine qualities from the gods and without much knowledge, Kunti invoked the sun god to confirm it if it was true indeed.

Wanted to update as: Kunti was granted the boon by sage Durvasa to bear a child with desired divine qualities from the gods and without much knowledge, Kunti invoked the sun god to confirm it if it was true indeed.

Change 2:

Previous: The basket is discovered, and Karna is adopted and raised by foster Sūta parents named Radha and Adhiratha Nandana of the charioteer and poet profession working for king Dhritarashtra.

Wanted to update as: The basket is discovered, and Karna is adopted and raised by foster Sūta parents named Radha and Adhiratha Nandana who is charioteer of Bheeshma and poet profession working for king Dhritarashtra.

Change 3:

Previous: Karna grows up to be an accomplished warrior of extraordinary abilities, a gifted speaker and becomes a loyal friend of Duryodhana.

Wanted to update as: Karna grows up, trained by his guru Parashurama and became an accomplished warrior of extraordinary abilities, a gifted speaker and becomes a loyal friend of Duryodhana.

Change 4:

Previous: The Kauravas, accompanied by Karna, attacked first, but were defeated by Drupada.

Wanted to update as: The Kauravas, accompanied by Karna, attacked first, but were defeated by Drupada. Guru Drona denied Karna to participate in the war with Drupada, since Karna is not his student.


For change 1:


For change 2:


For change 3:


For change 4:


Please find the above references for the four changes I requested for. Thanks in advance. Sri41297 (talk) 02:50, 23 April 2023 (UTC)

 Note: Links to Wikipedia are not used as sources, and links to blogs are not reliable. DreamRimmer (talk) 21:36, 27 April 2023 (UTC)
 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Mattdaviesfsic (talk) 07:03, 28 April 2023 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 3 April 2023

Change 1:

Previous: Kunti was granted the boon to bear a child with desired divine qualities from the gods and without much knowledge, Kunti invoked the sun god to confirm it if it was true indeed.

Wanted to update as: Kunti was granted the boon by sage Durvasa to bear a child with desired divine qualities from the gods and without much knowledge, Kunti invoked the sun god to confirm it if it was true indeed.

Change 2:

Previous: The basket is discovered, and Karna is adopted and raised by foster Sūta parents named Radha and Adhiratha Nandana of the charioteer and poet profession working for king Dhritarashtra.

Wanted to update as: The basket is discovered, and Karna is adopted and raised by foster Sūta parents named Radha and Adhiratha Nandana who is charioteer of Bheeshma and poet profession working for king Dhritarashtra.

Change 3:

Previous: Karna grows up to be an accomplished warrior of extraordinary abilities, a gifted speaker and becomes a loyal friend of Duryodhana.

Wanted to update as: Karna grows up, trained by his guru Parashurama and became an accomplished warrior of extraordinary abilities, a gifted speaker and becomes a loyal friend of Duryodhana.

Change 4:

Previous: The Kauravas, accompanied by Karna, attacked first, but were defeated by Drupada.

Wanted to update as: The Kauravas, accompanied by Karna, attacked first, but were defeated by Drupada. Guru Drona denied Karna to participate in the war with Drupada, since Karna is not his student. Sri41297 (talk) 22:46, 3 April 2023 (UTC)

 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Actualcpscm (talk) 19:17, 4 April 2023 (UTC)
For change 1
For change 2:
For change 3:
For change 4:
Please find the above references for the four changes I requested for. Thanks in advance. Sri41297 (talk) 19:36, 5 April 2023 (UTC)
Dear Maintainer,
I have provided the resources supporting my requested changes on April 5th. I still see the changes requested by me were not reflected in the original page. Please let me know, if anything else needs to be done from my side. I request you to let me know, whether the changes were accepted or not. Sri41297 (talk) 19:24, 19 April 2023 (UTC)
True (talk) 02:48, 16 May 2023 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 16 May 2023

Many things are written wrong about,especially his battles. He is shown as 3rd rate warrior but in reality he greatest of all warriors, it is like people are degrading his image by spreading false rumours. (talk) 02:47, 16 May 2023 (UTC)

 Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format and provide a reliable source if appropriate. DreamRimmer (talk) 03:32, 16 May 2023 (UTC)

Extended-confirmed-protected edit request on 4 July 2022


Karna joined the Duryodhana's side in the Kurukshetra war. He was a key warrior who aimed to kill 3rd Pandava Arjuna but dies in a battle with him during the war.[1][2]


Karna joined Duryodhana's side in the Kurukshetra war. He was a key warrior who aimed to kill the third Pandava, Arjuna, but he died in a battle with him during the war.[1][2]

GrandEscogriffe (talk) 12:53, 4 July 2022 (UTC)

 Done Page was protected almost 4 years (mainly socking). Will ask the protecting admin if reducing the level may be appropriate. SWinxy (talk) 03:34, 21 July 2022 (UTC)
Killed through deceit. (talk) 03:22, 25 May 2023 (UTC)


  1. ^ a b McGrath 2004, pp. 1–3.
  2. ^ a b Lemming 2005.