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===Resurgent English nationalism===
===Resurgent English nationalism===

The late 1990s saw a resurgence of English national identity, spurred by [[devolution]] in the 1990s of some powers to the [[Scottish Parliament]], [[National Assembly for Wales]], [[Northern Ireland Assembly]] and the [[Mayor of London]] and [[London Assembly]]. As England lacks its own devolved parliament, its laws are created only in the UK parliament, giving rise to the "[[West Lothian question]]", a hypothetical situation in which a law affecting only England could be voted for or against by a Scottish MP.<ref>[http://www.thecep.org.uk/introduction.shtml An English Parliament...]</ref> Consequently, groups such as the [[Campaign for an English Parliament]] are calling for the creation of a [[Devolved English parliament|devolved English Parliament]], claiming that there is now a discriminative democratic deficit against the English. A rise in English self-consciousness has resulted, with increased use of the [[English flag]].<ref>Krishan Kumar, ''The Rise of English National Identity'' (Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 262-290.</ref>
The late 1990s saw a resurgence of English national identity, spurred by [[devolution]] in the 1990s of some powers to the [[Scottish Parliament]], [[National Assembly for Wales]] and the [[Northern Ireland Assembly]]. As England lacks its own devolved parliament, its laws are created only in the UK parliament, giving rise to the "[[West Lothian question]]", a hypothetical situation in which a law affecting only England could be voted for or against by a Scottish MP.<ref>[http://www.thecep.org.uk/introduction.shtml An English Parliament...]</ref> Consequently, groups such as the [[Campaign for an English Parliament]] are calling for the creation of a [[Devolved English parliament|devolved English Parliament]], claiming that there is now a discriminative democratic deficit against the English. A rise in English self-consciousness has resulted, with increased use of the [[English flag]].<ref>Krishan Kumar, ''The Rise of English National Identity'' (Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 262-290.</ref>

The English nationalist movement has had mixed results. When given a [[Northern England devolution referendums, 2004|referendum on devolution in Northern England]] the electorate overwhelmingly rejected it.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/3984387.stm North East votes 'no' to assembly]. The Guardian, 5 November 2004.</ref> However, opinion polls show support for a devolved English parliament from about two thirds of the residents of England as well as support from both Welsh and Scottish nationalists.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardianpolitics/story/0,,1991145,00.html Poll shows support for English parliament] The Guardian, 16 January 2007</ref><ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/6081130.stm Fresh call for English Parliament] BBC 24 October 2006.</ref><ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/6197143.stm Welsh nod for English Parliament] BBC 20 December 2006</ref> Conversely, the [[English Democrats]] gained just 14,506 votes in the [[Results of the United Kingdom general election, 2005|2005 UK general election]].
The English nationalist movement has had mixed results. Opinion polls show support for a devolved English parliament from about two thirds of the residents of England as well as support from both Welsh and Scottish nationalists.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardianpolitics/story/0,,1991145,00.html Poll shows support for English parliament] The Guardian, 16 January 2007</ref><ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/6081130.stm Fresh call for English Parliament] BBC 24 October 2006.</ref><ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/6197143.stm Welsh nod for English Parliament] BBC 20 December 2006</ref> Conversely, the [[English Democrats]] gained just 14,506 votes in the [[Results of the United Kingdom general election, 2005|2005 UK general election]].

==Geographic distribution==
==Geographic distribution==

Revision as of 20:59, 16 June 2008

Template:English populations The English people (from the adjective in Old English: Englisc) are a nation and ethnic group native to England who speak English. The English identity as a people is of early origin, when they were known in Old English as the Anglecynn. The largest single population of English people reside in England, a constituent country of the United Kingdom. As an ethnic group, they are normally presumed to be an admixture of different groups that have settled in England throughout history, such as the Brythons (including Romano-Britons), Anglo-Saxons, Danish Vikings, Bretons [1] and Normans. As a nation, they include a large minority of more recent migrants and their descendants, from a variety of different countries/regions. They are sometimes referred to as Anglos, although this can also refer to other English-speaking whites (such as Germans and Irish in Australia and the US, for more information see Anglo-Celtic Australian and European American).


Writing about the "English people" is complicated because England has historically been settled by waves of invaders and immigrants at different periods in history, and has also spread its influence, and its populace, worldwide. Hence, some writers use the term to refer to an English ethnic group that shares a belief in their common descent from a mass migration of Germanic peoples (usually referred to as Anglo-Saxons) during the sub-Roman period. Historian Catherine Hills describes what she calls the "national origin myth" of the English:

The arrival of the Anglo-Saxons ... is still perceived as an important and interesting event because it is believed to have been a key factor in the identity of the present inhabitants of the British Isles, involving migration on such a scale as to permanently change the population of south-east Britain, and making the English a distinct and different people from the Celtic Irish, Welsh and Scots.....this is an example of a national origin myth... and shows why there are seldom simple answers to questions about origins.[2]

Others use it more broadly to refer to the 'English nation', which can have various meanings but generally comprises anyone who considers themselves English and are considered English by most other people.[3]

English nationality

See also: Multiculturalism

Although there is no longer any official definition of English nationality, the term "the English people" can be used to discuss the English as a "nation", using the OED's definition of "nation" as a group united by factors that include "language, culture, history, or occupation of the same territory", rather than ancestral ties alone.[4]

The concept of an 'English nation' is older than that of the 'British nation' and the 1990s witnessed a revival in English self-consciousness.[5] This is linked to the expressions of national self-awareness of the other British nations of Wales and Scotland — which take their most solid form in the new devolved political arrangements within the United Kingdom — and the waning of a shared British national identity as the British Empire fades into history.[6][7][3]

While there can be an ethnic component to expressions of English national identity, most political English nationalists do not consider Englishness to be a form of kinship. For example, the English Democrats Party states that "We do not claim Englishness to be purely ethnic or purely cultural, but it is a complex mix of the two. We firmly believe Englishness is a state of mind",[8] while the Campaign for an English Parliament says, "The people of England includes everyone who considers this ancient land to be their home and future regardless of ethnicity, race, religion or culture".[9] In an article for The Guardian, novelist Andrea Levy (born in London to Jamaican parents) calls England a separate country "without any doubt" and asserts that she is "English. Born and bred, as the saying goes. (As far as I can remember, it is born and bred and not born-and-bred-with-a-very-long-line-of-white-ancestors-directly-descended-from-Anglo-Saxons.)" Arguing that "England has never been an exclusive club, but rather a hybrid nation", she writes that "Englishness must never be allowed to attach itself to ethnicity. The majority of English people are white, but some are not ... Let England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland be nations that are plural and inclusive."[10]

However, this use of the word "English" is complicated by the fact that most non-white people in England identify as British rather than English. In their 2004 Annual Population Survey, the Office of National Statistics compared the ethnic identities of British people with their perceived national identity. They found that while 58% of white people described their nationality as "English", the vast majority of non-white people called themselves "British". For example, "78 per cent of Bangladeshis said they were British, while only 5 per cent said they were English, Scottish or Welsh", and the largest percentage of non-whites to identify as English were the people who described their ethnicity as "Mixed" (37%).[11]

English ethnicity

It may be difficult to clearly define English ethnicity, owing to the close interactions between the English and their neighbours in the British Isles, and the waves of immigration that have added to England's gene pool at different periods. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) states that the earliest recorded sense of the word 'English' is "Of or belonging to the group of Teutonic peoples collectively known as the Angelcynn [...] comprising the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, who settled in Britain during the 5th c.". However, the OED continues that "With the incorporation of the Celtic and Scandinavian elements of the population into the ‘English’ people, the adj. came in the 11th c. to be applied to all natives of ‘England’, whatever their ancestry." The only exception was the period following the Norman Conquest, when "English" was "for a time restricted to those whose ancestors were settled in England before the Conquest".[12]

Thus, according to the OED's definition, "English" today simply means anyone born in England. However, this inclusive definition contrasts with the views of those who see important ethnic differences between people with long-standing English ancestry and people whose ancestors arrived much more recently, an attitude expressed succinctly by a character in Sarah Kane's play Blasted who boasts "I'm not an import", contrasting himself with the children of immigrants: "they have their kids, call them English, they're not English, born in England don't make you English".[13]

It is unclear how many people in the UK consider themselves ethnically English. In the 2001 UK census, respondents were invited to state their ethnicity, but while there were tick boxes for 'Irish' and for 'Scottish', there were none for 'English' or 'Welsh', who were subsumed into the general heading 'White British'.[14] Following complaints about this, the 2011 census will "allow respondents to record their English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, Irish or other identity."[15]

A further complication is England's dominant position within the United Kingdom, which has resulted in the terms 'English' and 'British' often being used interchangeably.[16] Relatedly, studies of people with English ancestry have shown that they tend not to regard themselves as an ethnic group, even when they live in other countries. Patricia Greenhill studied people in Canada with English heritage, and found that they did not think of themselves as "ethnic", but rather as "normal" or "mainstream", an attitude Greenhill attributes to the cultural dominance of the English in Canada.[17] Writer Paul Johnson has suggested that like most dominant groups, the English have only demonstrated interest in their self-definition when they were feeling oppressed.[18]

Scientists and sociologists have investigated the ethnic distinctiveness of the English, but their complex results have often been simplified in newspaper reports. In 2002, the BBC used the headline "English and Welsh are races apart" to report a genetic survey of test subjects from market towns in England and Wales,[19] while in September 2006, The Sunday Times reported that a survey of first names and surnames in the UK had identified Ripley as "the 'most English' place in England with 88.58% of residents having an English ethnic background".[20] The Daily Mail printed an article with the headline "We're all Germans! (and we have been for 1,600 years)".[21] In all these cases, the conclusions of these studies have been exaggerated or misinterpreted, and the language of race and ethnicity used only by the journalists.[22]

History of English identity


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term "English" was not originally used to refer to the earliest inhabitants of England - Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers, Celtic Britons, and Roman colonists. Instead, it referred to a heritage that began with the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in the 5th century, who settled lands already inhabited by Romano-British tribes. That heritage then comes to include later arrivals, including Scandinavians, Normans, as well as those Romano-Britons who still lived in England.[23]

Romano-Britons and Anglo-Saxons

The first people to be called 'English' were the Anglo-Saxons, a group of closely related Germanic tribes that migrated to England from southern Denmark and northern Germany in the 5th century AD after the Romans retreated from Britain. The Anglo-Saxons gave their name to England (Angle-land) and to the English people.

However, the Anglo-Saxons arrived in a land that was already populated by people commonly referred to as the 'Romano-British', the descendants of the native Brythonic-speaking Celtic population that lived in the area of Britain under Roman rule during the 1st-5th centuries AD. Furthermore, the multi-ethnic nature of the Roman Empire meant that other peoples were also present in England before the Anglo-Saxons arrived: for example, archaeological discoveries suggest that North Africans may have had a limited presence.[24][25]

The exact nature of the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons and their relationship with the Romano-British is a matter of debate. Traditionally, it was believed that a mass invasion by various Anglo-Saxon tribes largely displaced the indigenous British population in southern and eastern Great Britain (modern day England with the exception of Cornwall). This was supported by the writings of Gildas, the only contemporary historical account of the period, describing slaughter and starvation of native Britons by invading peoples (adventus Saxonum).[26] Added to this was the fact that the English language contains no more than a handful of words borrowed from Brythonic sources (although the names of some towns, cities, rivers etc do have Brythonic or pre-Brythonic origins, becoming more frequent towards the west of Britain).[27] However, this view has been re-evaluated in recent times with archaeologists and historians finding minimal evidence for mass displacement: archaeologist Francis Pryor has stated that he "can't see any evidence for bona fide mass migrations after the Neolithic."[28] Historian Malcolm Todd writes

"It is much more likely that a large proportion of the British population remained in place and was progressively dominated by a Germanic aristocracy, in some cases marrying into it and leaving Celtic names in the, admittedly very dubious, early lists of Anglo-Saxon dynasties. But how we identify the surviving Britons in areas of predominantly Anglo-Saxon settlement, either archaeologically or linguistically, is still one of the deepest problems of early English history."[29]

Geneticists have explored the relationship between Anglo-Saxons and Britons by studying the Y-chromosomes of men in present day English towns. In 2002, a study by Weale et al found genetic differences between test subjects from market towns in central England and Wales, and that the English subjects were, on average closer genetically to the Frisians of the Netherlands than they were to their Welsh neighbours. This study hypothesised that an Anglo-Saxon invasion had replaced 50-100% of "indigenous" men. A 2006 study led by Mark Thomas used computer simulations to find a possible reason for the divergence between these finds and the archaeological record, which does not show evidence of mass immigration. They postulate that a small Anglo-Saxon elite could have operated an apartheid-like system, preventing intermarriage between male Britons and female Anglo-Saxons (therefore increasing the proportion of "Anglo-Saxon" Y chromosomes in certain regions), depriving indigenous Britons of essential resources (leading to higher population growth rates for the elite), and asserting political dominance. Eventually the dominant group would have grown too large to be an effective elite, and the "indigenous" group would have been assimilated.[30]

Reconstruction of an Anglo-Saxon burial chamber at Sutton Hoo, East Anglia
Y chromosome distribution from Capelli et al. shows that Y chromosomes display isolation by distance and not a sharp discontinuity between English and Welsh samples.

Other geneticists tell a different story. A more comprehensive follow-up study to Weale et al in 2003 by Christian Capelli et al, which analyzed Y chromosome samples across a wider range of the British Isles, complicated the picture and indicated that different parts of England may have received different levels of intrusion: they theorise that while central and eastern England experienced a high level of intrusion from continental Europe (the study could not significantly distinguish Germans of Schleswig-Holstein from Danes or Frisians although Frisians were slightly closer to the British samples), southern and western England did not, and the population there appears to be largely descended from the indigenous Britons (the scientists acknowledge that this conclusion is "startling"). The 2003 study also noted that the transition between England and Wales is more gradual than the earlier study suggested.[31]

In The Origins of the British, Stephen Oppenheimer suggests, based on a meta-analysis of the data collected during both the 2002 and 2003 studies, and data from other sources, that the majority of English people, much like the other populations within the British Isles, have some genetic relationship to the original hunter-gatherers who settled Britain between 15,000 and 7,500 years ago, after the last Ice Age.[32] He also suggests that the relatively high levels of northern European Y chromosomes (mainly I1a and R1a, "Anglo-Saxon" and "Viking" markers) detected in eastern Great Britain (both Scotland and England) have a far older signature than they would have if they had been introduced during an "Anglo-Saxon" invasion, they appear to have been in Great Britain much longer. He concludes that there may have been ongoing migrations between North Sea regions (eastern Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, Northern Germany) as far back as the palaeolithic, and that it is not conclusive that all Y chromosome types usually associated with Anglo-Saxon invasions actually derive from colonisation during this period, since many may have come to Great Britain during the initial colonisation of the land after the Last Glacial Maximum. Thus he theorises that there is no necessity to postulate either a mass "Anglo-Saxon" migration or an "apartheid-like" system to explain the differences between the far east and far west of Great Britain, the differences in Y chromosome frequencies vary gradually and are not clearly defined, he concludes that they have always been there. Oppenheimer also postulates that the arrival of Germanic languages in England may be considerably earlier than previously thought, and that both mainland and English Belgae (from Gaul) may have been Germanic-speaking peoples and represented closely related ethnic groups (or a single cross channel ethnic group).[33] Oxford geneticist Bryan Sykes has argued from DNA evidence that English genetic heritage is derived mainly from the Iberian Peninsula; according to him, the Anglo-Saxons played a rather insignificant role in English genetic composition.[34]

Danish Vikings

From about AD 800 waves of Danish Viking assaults on the coastlines of the British Isles were gradually followed by a succession of Danish settlers in England. At first, the Vikings were very much considered a separate people from the English. This separation was enshrined when Alfred the Great signed the Treaty of Alfred and Guthrum to establish the Danelaw, a division of England between English and Danish rule, with the Danes occupying northern and eastern England.[35] However, Alfred's successors subsequently won military victories against the Danes, incorporating much of the Danelaw into the nascent kingdom of England. Danish invasions continued into the 11th century, and there were both English and Danish kings in the period following the unification of England (for example, Ethelred the Unready was English but Canute the Great was Danish).

Gradually, the Danes in England came to be seen as 'English'. They had a noticeable impact on the English language: many English words, such as dream are of Old Norse origin,[36] and place names that end in -thwaite and -by are Scandinavian in origin.[37]

The unification of England

Southern Great Britain in AD 600 after the Anglo-Saxon settlement, showing England's division into multiple petty kingdoms.

The English population was not politically unified until the 10th century. Before then, it consisted of a number of petty kingdoms which gradually coalesced into a Heptarchy of seven powerful states, the most powerful of which were Mercia and Wessex. The English nation state began to form when the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms united against Danish Viking invasions, which began around 800 AD. Over the following century and a half England was for the most part a politically unified entity, and remained permanently so after 959.[citation needed]

The nation of England was formed in 937 by Athelstan of Wessex after the Battle of Brunanburh,[38][39] as Wessex grew from a relatively small kingdom in the South West to become the founder of the Kingdom of the English, incorporating all Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and the Danelaw.[40]

Normans and Angevins

King Harold II of England (right) at the Norman court, from the Bayeux Tapestry

The Norman Conquest of 1066 brought Anglo-Saxon and Danish rule of England to an end, as the new Norman elite almost universally replaced the Anglo-Saxon aristocracy and church leaders. After the conquest, the term "English people" normally included all natives of England, whether they were of Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian or Celtic ancestry, to distinguish them from the Norman invaders, who were regarded as "French" even if born in England, for a generation or two after the Conquest.[41] The Norman dynasty ruled England for 87 years until the death of King Stephen in 1154, when the succession passed to Henry II, of the French House of Plantagenet, and England became part of the Angevin Empire until 1399.

The Norman aristocracy used Anglo-Norman as the language of the court, law and administration. It continued to be used by the Plantagenet kings until Edward I came to the throne.[42] Over time the English language became more important even in the court, and the French were gradually assimilated into the English people, until, by the 14th Century, both rulers and subjects regarded themselves as English and spoke the English language.[43]

Despite the assimilation of the French, the distinction between 'English' and 'French' survived in official documents long after it had fallen out of common use, in particular in the legal phrase Presentment of Englishry (a rule by which a hundred had to prove an unidentified murdered body found on their soil to be that of an Englishman, rather than a Norman, if they wanted to avoid a fine). This law was abolished in 1340.[44]

The English and Britain

Since the 16th century, England has been one part of a wider political entity covering all or part of the British Isles, which is today called the United Kingdom. Wales was annexed by England by the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542, which incorporated Wales into the English state.[45] A new British identity was subsequently developed when James VI of Scotland became James I of England as well and expressed the desire to be known as the monarch of Britain.[46] In 1707, England formed a union with Scotland by the passage of the Acts of Union 1707 in both the Scottish and English parliaments, creating the Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1801 another Act of Union formed a union between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. About two thirds of Irish population, (those who lived in 26 of the 34 counties of Ireland) left the United Kingdom in 1922 to form the Irish Free State, and the remainder became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Throughout the history of the UK, the English have been dominant in terms of population and political weight. As a consequence, notions of 'Englishness' and 'Britishness' are often very similar. At the same time, after the 1707 Union, the English, along with the other peoples of the British Isles, have been encouraged to think of themselves as British rather than identifying themselves by the smaller constituent nations.[47]

Later migrants

See also: Historical immigration to Great Britain, Immigration to the United Kingdom (1922-present day), Demographics of England, British Asian, Black British.

Although England has not been successfully conquered since the Norman conquest or extensively settled since prior to that, it has been the destination of varied numbers of migrants at different periods from the seventeenth century. While some members of these groups maintain a separate ethnic identity, others have assimilated and intermarried with the English. Since Oliver Cromwell's resettlement of the Jews in 1656, there have been waves of Jewish immigration from persecution in Russia in the nineteenth century and from Germany in the twentieth.[48] After the French king Louis XIV declared Protestantism illegal in 1685 with the Edict of Fontainebleau, an estimated 50,000 Protestant Huguenots fled to England.[49] Due to sustained and sometimes mass emigration from Ireland, current estimates indicate that around 6 million people in the UK have at least one grandparent born in the Republic of Ireland.[50]

There has been a black presence in England since at least the 16th century due to the slave trade and an Indian presence since the mid 19th century because of the British Raj.[51] Black and Asian proportions have grown in England as immigration from the British Empire and the subsequent Commonwealth of Nations was encouraged due to labour shortages during post-war rebuilding.[52] While one result of this immigration has been incidents of racial tension and/or hatred, such as the Brixton and Bradford riots, there has also been considerable intermarriage; the 2001 census recorded that 1.31% of England's population call themselves "Mixed",[53] and The Sunday Times reported in 2007 that mixed race people are likely to be the largest ethnic minority in the UK by 2020.[54]

Resurgent English nationalism

The late 1990s saw a resurgence of English national identity, spurred by devolution in the 1990s of some powers to the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Assembly. As England lacks its own devolved parliament, its laws are created only in the UK parliament, giving rise to the "West Lothian question", a hypothetical situation in which a law affecting only England could be voted for or against by a Scottish MP.[55] Consequently, groups such as the Campaign for an English Parliament are calling for the creation of a devolved English Parliament, claiming that there is now a discriminative democratic deficit against the English. A rise in English self-consciousness has resulted, with increased use of the English flag.[56]

The English nationalist movement has had mixed results. Opinion polls show support for a devolved English parliament from about two thirds of the residents of England as well as support from both Welsh and Scottish nationalists.[57][58][59] Conversely, the English Democrats gained just 14,506 votes in the 2005 UK general election.

Geographic distribution

From the earliest times English people have left England to settle in other parts of the British Isles, but it is not possible to identify their numbers, as British censuses have historically not invited respondents to identify themselves as English.[60] However, the census does record place of birth, revealing that 8.08% of Scotland's population,[61] 3.66% of the population of Northern Ireland[62] and 20% of the Welsh population were born in England.[63] Similarly, the census of the Republic of Ireland does not collect information on ethnicity, but it does record that there are over 200,000 people living in Ireland who were born in England and Wales.[2]

Map showing the population density of United States citizens who claim some English ancestry in the census. Dark red and brown colours indicate a higher density: highest in the northeast as well as Utah and surrounding areas. (see also Maps of American ancestries).

English emigrant and descent communities are found across the world, and in some places, settled in significant numbers. In the 2000 United States Census, 24,509,692 Americans described their ancestry as wholly or partly English. In addition, the 1,035,133 who recorded British ancestry and the 20,188,305 who simply called themselves 'American' doubtless contain many people with English ancestry.[64]

In the 2006 Canadian Census, 'English' was the commonest ancestry recorded by respondents; 5,202,890 people described themselves as wholly or partly English, 16% of the population.[65]

In Australia, the 2006 Australian Census recorded 6,298,945 people who described their ancestry as 'English'. 1,425,559 of these people recorded that both their parents were born overseas.

Other countries with significant numbers of people of English ancestry or ethnic origin include South Africa and New Zealand.

Since the 1980s there have been increasingly large numbers of English people, estimated at over 3 million, permanently or semi-permanently living in Spain and France, drawn there by the climate and cheaper house prices.[66][67][68][69]


The culture of England is sometimes difficult to separate clearly from the culture of the United Kingdom,[citation needed] so influential has English culture been on the cultures of the British Isles and, on the other hand, given the extent to which other cultures have influenced life in England.

See also

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  1. ^ Brittany and the Angevins: Province and Empire, 1158-1203 [1]
  2. ^ Hills, Catherine (2003) "The Origins of the English" p. 18. Duckworth Debates in Archaeology. Duckworth. London. ISBN 0 7156 3191 8
  3. ^ a b Krishan Kumar. The Making of English National Identity, Cambridge University Press, 2003
  4. ^ "Nation", sense 1. The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edtn., 1989'.
  5. ^ Krishan Kumar, The Rise of English National Identity (Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 262-290.
  6. ^ English nationalism 'threat to UK', BBC, Sunday, 9 January, 2000
  7. ^ The English question Handle with care, the Economist 1 November 2007
  8. ^ English Democrats FAQ
  9. ^ 'Introduction', The Campaign for an English Parliament
  10. ^ Andrea Levy, [http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/politicsphilosophyandsociety/story/0,6000,138282,00.html "This is my England", The Guardian, February 19, 2000.
  11. ^ 'Identity', National Statistics, 21 Feb, 2006
  12. ^ The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd. edtn (1989).
  13. ^ Sarah Kane, Complete Plays (19**), p. 41.
  14. ^ Scotland's Census 2001: Supporting Information (PDF; see p. 43); see also Philip Johnston, "Tory MP leads English protest over census", Daily Telegraph 15 June, 2006.
  15. ^ 'Developing the Questionnaires', National Statistics Office.
  16. ^ In The Isles, Norman Davies lists numerous examples in history books of 'British' being used to mean 'English' and vice versa.[page reference needed]
  17. ^ Pauline Greenhill, Ethnicity in the Mainstream: Three Studies of English Canadian Culture in Ontario (McGill-Queens, 1994) - page reference needed
  18. ^ Quoted by Kumar, Making [page reference needed]
  19. ^ "English and Welsh are Races Apart", BBC, 30 June, 2002
  20. ^ "Found: Migrants with the Mostest", Robert Winnett and Holly Watt, The Sunday Times, 10 June, 2006
  21. ^ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=396406&in_page_id=1770&in_page_id=1770&expand=true#StartComments
  22. ^ The BBC article claims a 50-100% "wipeout" of "indigenous British" by Anglo-Saxon "invaders", while the original article (Y Chromosome Evidence for Anglo-Saxon Mass Migration Michael E. Weale et al., in Molecular Biology and Evolution 19 [2002]) claims only a 50-100% "contribution" of "Anglo-Saxons" to the current Central English male population, with samples deriving only from central England; the conclusions of this study have been questioned in Cristian Capelli, et al, A Y Chromosome Census of the British Isles Current Biology, 13 (2003). The Times article reports Richard Webber's OriginsInfo database, which does not use the term 'ethnic' and acknowledges that its conclusions are unsafe for many groups; see "Investigating Customers Origins", OriginsInfo.
  23. ^ Simpson, John (1989-03-30). The Oxford English Dictionary: second edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. English. ISBN 0198611862. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  24. ^ The Black Romans: BBC culture website. Retrieved 21 July 2006.
  25. ^ The archaeology of black Britain: Channel 4 history website. Retrieved 21 July 2006.
  26. ^ Gildas, The Ruin of Britain &c. (1899). pp. 4-252. The Ruin of Britain
  27. ^ celtpn
  28. ^ Britain BC: Life in Britain and Ireland before the Romans by Francis Pryor, p. 122. Harper Perennial. ISBN 0-00-712693-X.
  29. ^ Anglo-Saxon Origins: The Reality of the Myth by Malcolm Todd. Retrieved 1 October 2006.
  30. ^ Mark G. Thomas, et al, "Evidence for an Apartheid-like Social Structure in Anglo-Saxon England", Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2006.. For a summary, see "'Apartheid' society gave edge to Anglo-Saxons, study suggests" , CBC, July 19, 2006.
  31. ^ A Y Chromosome Census of the British Isles; Cristian Capelli, Nicola Redhead, Julia K. Abernethy, Fiona Gratrix, James F. Wilson, Torolf Moen, Tor Hervig, Martin Richards, Michael P. H. Stumpf, Peter A. Underhill, Paul Bradshaw, Alom Shaha, Mark G. Thomas, Neal Bradman, and David B. Goldstein Current Biology, Volume 13, Issue 11, Pages 979-984 (2003). Retrieved 6 December 2005.
  32. ^ Oppenheimer, Stephen (2006). "Myths of British Ancestry". Prospect Magazine (127). Retrieved 2007-07-30. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  33. ^ Oppenheimer 2006, pp268–307.
  34. ^ Bryan Sykes (2006). Saxons, Vikings, and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland. W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN-13:978-0-393-06268-7.
  35. ^ The Age of Athelstan by Paul Hill (2004), Tempus Publishing. ISBN 0-7524-2566-8
  36. ^ Online Etymology Dictionary by Douglas Harper (2001), List of sources used. Retrieved 10 July 2006.
  37. ^ The Adventure of English, Melvyn Bragg, 2003. Pg 22
  38. ^ Athelstan (c.895 - 939): Historic Figures: BBC - History. Retrieved 30 October 2006.
  39. ^ The Battle of Brunanburh, 937AD by h2g2, BBC website. Retrieved 30 October 2006.
  40. ^ A. L. Rowse, The Story of Britain, Artus 1979 ISBN 0-297-83311-1
  41. ^ OED, 2nd edition, s.v. 'English'.
  42. ^ England—Plantagenet Kings
  43. ^ BBC - The Resurgence of English 1200 - 1400
  44. ^ OED, s.v. 'Englishry'.
  45. ^ Liberation of Ireland: Ireland on the Net Website. Retrieved 23 June 2006.
  46. ^ A History of Britain: The British Wars 1603-1776 by Simon Schama, BBC Worldwide. ISBN 0-563-53747-7.
  47. ^ The English, Jeremy Paxman 1998
  48. ^ EJP looks back on 350 years of history of Jews in the UK: European Jewish Press. Retrieved 21 July 2006.
  49. ^ Meredith on the Guillet-Thoreau Genealogy
  50. ^ More Britons applying for Irish passports by Owen Bowcott The Guardian, 13 September 2006. Retrieved 9 January 2006.
  51. ^ Black Presence, Asian and Black History in Britain, 1500-1850: UK government website. Retrieved 21 July 2006.
  52. ^ Postwar immigration The National Archives Accessed October 2006
  53. ^ Resident population: by ethnic group, 2001: Regional Trends 38, National Statistics.
  54. ^ Jack Grimston, "Mixed-race Britons to become biggest minority", The Sunday Times, 21 January, 2007.
  55. ^ An English Parliament...
  56. ^ Krishan Kumar, The Rise of English National Identity (Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 262-290.
  57. ^ Poll shows support for English parliament The Guardian, 16 January 2007
  58. ^ Fresh call for English Parliament BBC 24 October 2006.
  59. ^ Welsh nod for English Parliament BBC 20 December 2006
  60. ^ Scotland's Census 2001: Supporting Information (PDF; see p. 43)
  61. ^ Scottish Census Results Online Browser, accessed November 16, 2007.
  62. ^ Key Statistics Report, p. 10.
  63. ^ Country of Birth: Proportion Born in Wales Falling, National Statistics, 8 January, 2004.
  64. ^ US Census 2000 data, table PHC-T-43.
  65. ^ http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census06/data/highlights/ethnic/pages/Page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo=PR&Code=01&Table=2&Data=Count&StartRec=1&Sort=7&Display=All Ethnic origins, 2006 counts, for Canada, provinces and territories - 20% sample data], Statistics Canada, 2006.
  66. ^ "British People in Spain: An X-ray" (PDF). University of Navarra. April 2007. Retrieved 2007-04-25. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help) This source does not differentiate between British and English residents so the exact number of English people is unknown.
  67. ^ Ford, Richard (20 April 2007). "Thousands more Britons join the exodus to live and work abroad". The Times. Retrieved 2007-04-25. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help) Article talks about Britain rather than England so precise number of English involved is not clear.
  68. ^ Casciani, Dominic (11 December 2006). "5.5m Britons 'opt to live abroad'". BBC News. Retrieved 2007-05-25. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help) Although this talks of numbers of British a rule of thumb would put English numbers at 75% of these figures or higher.
  69. ^ "France faces a 'rosbif' invasion". Daily Telegraph. 20 January 2007. Retrieved 2007-06-13. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)


  • Kate Fox (2004). Watching the English. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN-10 0340818867.
  • Krishan Kumar (2003). The Making of English National Identity. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521777364.
  • Jeremy Paxman (1999). The English. Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN-10 0140267239.