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==Serbian Air Force History==
==Serbian Air Force History==

[[Image:Saricavion.jpg|thumb|right|200 px|Sarić-1, the first Serbian airplane.]]
The idea to form air forces in the [[Serbian Army]] was first mentioned in the General Army Formation Act from August 2 [[1893]]. This act envisioned that within each division of the Army of the [[Kingdom of Serbia]] be formed one air force balloon company.
The idea to form air forces in the [[Serbian Army]] was first mentioned in the General Army Formation Act from August 2 [[1893]]. This act envisioned that within each division of the Army of the [[Kingdom of Serbia]] be formed one air force balloon company.

Revision as of 18:56, 20 May 2008


Medieval Serbian army

Medieval Serbian Knight Armor

The Serbian army during this period was primarily consisted of light cavalry and infantry force armed with spear, javelin or bows. With the increasing wealth from mining , mercenary knights were recruited to complement noble cavalry armed with bow and lance. This enabled the Serbs to fight effectively outwith their mountain strongholds. The core of the army consisted of noble cavalry (vlastela) armed with lance and bow in the Byzantine style in early medevial time. These were increasingly supplemented by western style knights. Mostly Germans in Dušan's reign. Dušan's military tactics consisted of wedge shaped heavy cavalry attacks with horse archers on the flanks. Many foreign mercenaries were in the Serbian army, mostly Germans as cavalry and Spaniards as infantry. He also had personal mercenary guards, mainly German knights. A knight named Palman was the commander of this unit and was the leader of all German mercenaries . Light horse were provided by Hungarian and Cuman mercenaries. Later in the period Serbian lance armed Hussars took over this role. The infantry still included lightly armed javelin troops although the bow and crossbow became the most important infantry weapon in the 14th century. A western style charge by the armoured cavalry and knights was the main tactic with the infantry used to follow up .especially in Bulgarian disaster Battle of Velbazhd in 1330.Serbian tactic was perfect,Serb teritories rapidly increased defeating neighbour states especially Byzantine Empire. The crumbling of the Serbian empire happened after Emperor Dusan's death.In 1371 a Serbian army led by Vukašin advanced on Adrianople only to be surprised in a dawn attack by an inferior Ottoman force commanded by Lala Şahin.

House of Branković Coat of Arms

The Serbian leaders were killed and Serbian lands were grabbed by various independent nobles as well as the Ottomans.A decade later ,Serbs defeated Ottomans in Battle of Pločnik in 1386. As the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 is generally considered as temporeraly the end of the medieval Serbian state until 1402. Despotovina, the successor of the Serbian Empire and the state of prince Lazar survived for 70 more years, experiencing a cultural and political renaissance in the first half of the XV century before it was conquered by the Ottomans in 1459. The state was led by Despot Stefan and the House of Branković. Despot Stefan widely armed knights with light firearms .He also introduced Europe style knight tournaments. Even then, Serbian state continued to last in the Hungarian exile until the mid 1500s and the autonomous Serbian principality fell only in 1540.

The core of independence and statehood

During 18th century, Serbs had fought the Turks jointly with the Austrian army on both sides of the Turkish border, and imprinted in their memory lay the 20-year Austro-Hungarian rule over Belgrade and the northern parts of Serbia. Neither had paled the memory of the promise made after the Treaty of Swistowa between Austria and Turkey that the Belgrade pashaluk would be divided into 12 nachia/regional principalities, with one supreme principle as a guarantee of autonomy, all this being the same the Serbs had been used to during the Austrian rule. Numerous demands and complaints made by Serbs of Turkish usurpations and were filed to the Sultan. Fearing new uprisings, Porta ordered reforms and administrative revision in Bosnia; however, it did not succeed in imposing these fermans upon agas and janissary corps in Serbia. Serbs on different occasions made a total of 33 requests, five of which pertaining to relations with spachias (landowners) and obligations on land. The Serbs demanded autonomy just like their fellow patriots made the directed the same requests to the Austrian Emperor at the Timişoara Council in 1790. The Serbs in Temisvar emphasized that a nation without autonomy is no nation. As for the European powers, they tried to see their own strategic interests and then strike.

File:Zastava 1ustanak.jpg
Flag of the First Serbian Uprising

As the armed struggle progressed at the territories where Serbs lived, they gradually became aware of the core of their statehood. The idea of Serbia would emerge only as a result of uprisings and the transformation of struggle for autonomy within Turkish domains into a struggle for independence. This transformation occurred in 1806 following great Serbia victories: namely the victories over the Turkish army at Ivankovac, Misar and Deligrad as well as the siege of Belgrade gave the uprising an international tone as it then became a front line for the great powers of those times. The rebels not only defeated the Turkish army, but also inadvertently Napoleon himself who equipped and instructed the Turkish army to strike from three sides, and who saw every withdrawing of the Turkish army as the advancement of Russia. Though allies in ideology, Austrians also fear Russian intentions. Russia preferred to see the Balkan peninsula divided and the Serbian uprising as an incentive to Greek Liberation Movement. Unaware of the rules of top politics, as early as February 1806 Serbs appealed to the Russian Tzar to support their right to the national state in the Balkan provinces where they could rise the army of up to 200.000 men. Though almost illiterate and uneducated in military profession, Serbian leaders recognized the importance of strategic factors, the role of the army and security challenges of those times while making decisions.


After their refusal to accept the terms of Russian-Turkish Treaty, the Serbian army suffered defeat in 1813. Russia, which was in expectation of another invasion of Napoleon, signed an agreement in Bucharest, which was rather indefinite for the Serbs.

It was up to them now to agree with the Turks on tax rates and the sale of weapons. The Turks were to reestablish the former garrisons. The hajduks (outlaws also freedom fighters) were allowed to flee to Russia and Germany, while Russia designated Austria as the protector of Serbia’s autonomy, the country whose Chancellor supported the Ottoman Empire. At the national assembly in Kragujevac, where the elders refused this offer, it was stressed that “this land belonged to our forefathers and that we have redeemed it with our blood”. If a Russian has promised the Turks fortifications, he will have to deliver them some other fortifications”.

The commitment of soldiers and the commanders till the last moment, their bearing in face of a much more numerous enemy, the Turks would remember well. The very thought of this and the possibility of seeing this again made the Turks yield later on. When the new uprising broke out in 1815, they were readier to yield.

During the uprisings the Serbian army was of the national character. The leaders of the Serbian army drafted farmers only when a battle was ahead. They provided equipment and weapons themselves. In addition to this mass of fighters drafted on call, during the first Serbian revolutionary statehood there were standing regiments of skilled and armed lads who were paid for their service. They were called becari or lads, and thy served as some sort of security for the Duke Kardjordje and other dukes. They protected fortifications and secured borders.

Prince Miloš following the Second Serbian Uprising disbanded the army but it was not disarmed. Though it was not until King Milan cancelled this Swiss system of armed reserve corps, the peasants of Timok Krajina refuse to lay down the arms and start an uprising which the standing army would soon suppress.

Russia's Influence

Infantry uniform in 1845

Vožd Karađorđe 19 century was a century marked by upgrading the system of national but also of the standing army in the autonomous Principality and later Kingdom of Serbia. The army kept abreast of times with the then current European experiences, economical powers.

The Serbian effort to organize an adequate standing army will be opposed by Austria and the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand, the already attained autonomy was not certain, and without the armed forces and military organization, the idea of further struggle for independence was inconceivable.

With the Yedren Treaty (1827-1829), Russia gained patronage over the Serbian Army, so and thus had its impact on the Serbian Army. A small army after its won army was organized by Russia, active officers were from Russia, Russian laws and exercises were introduced. In the period 1830-1835 an infantry battalion, equine squadron and a gun battery were formed. The first group of 12 youths was sent to Russia to be educated as officers. The first Law on the Establishment of Garrison Army was adopted in 1838. The army fell under the competencies of the Ministry of Interior Affairs.

By the end of 1847 the standing army of Serbia barely totaled 2.438 officers, professional military members and soldiers. The infantry was augmented by another battalion consisting of four companies.

Austria did not favor Serbia’s growing statehood and its Army’s. In 1860 junior Serbian officers came from the Austro Hungarian Army into Serbian Army. Also other civilians, mostly Slovenians, doctors, engineers, musicians and branch officers, came into Serbian Army. In 1867, Serbia adopted the Law on Accepting foreign Officers.

But it was France that had a predominant influence on the growth of the Serbian Army, while Prussia had less influence following its victory over Napoleon III. As to the military theory it was based on the thoughts of German military writers, who still kept Napoleon’s military thought alive.

Modernization after the French Model

It was no longer possible to improvise with infantry and artillery. An idea of a modernized army was promoted by the most distinguished Serbian politicians and soldiers of those times. All these ideas as well as his experience gained in his later education in France and Vienna general Milivoje Blaznavac passed on to Ilija Garašanin as well as the idea of opening the Artillery School ( Military Academy). On the other hand, the vested interests of France in Serbian Army because of the Crimea War led to close cooperation on building a gun factory and on staff education. Then created relations would lead to appointing a Frenchman Hippolyte Monden (1861-1865) Minister of the Army Ministry, who was charged with making a complete study on Serbia. However, it should be noted, that the idea of military professional leading the army followed the death of Prince Miloš as in his exodus of the Karađorđević dynasty he banished the most distinguished modernization promoters, Blaznavac being among them.

New Ministry

It was Monden who actually established the Army Ministry, and under his competences fell the Ministry of Civil Engineering as bridges, roads, water supply systems and later railway system were a prerequisite in all European countries for mobilization and military operations. Monden’s right hand was Blaznavac. Russian Laws and Regulations were substituted with French or were somewhat tailored to suit Serbian circumstances. Pension funds for officers and NCOs were established, health care service was reorganized, and horse breeding as a prerequisite for raising the army was improved. The Serbian Assembly adopted a Law on National Army. Only the French posit their trust in this army of 100-150.000 soldiers who had reports from Monden as well as experiences in Crimea wars and Garribaldy’s operations. The national army, now equipped with numerous artillery weapons, made visible progress thanks to nation’s zeal.

The Serbian officers’ complaints of the Russian command and of armaments, and of the lack in professionally trained active NCOs and active commanding officers, resulted in an increase in the number of cadets in schools, in establishing a wider peace keeping formation. Following an imposed war on Bulgaria in 1885, King Milan became the military commander in chief and initiated the most important reform which will set foundations for future liberation wars in the period 1912-1918.

In all periods, it was of paramount importance for the strengthening of the Serbian Army for the ruling dynasty and the most prominent political factors to agree. In the periods marked by the domination of political factors over the army and its needs it was sometimes difficult to make even the crucial demands pertaining to army.

A prominent place in the tradition of the Serbian Army the following leaders had: Karađorđe, Prince Miloš, Hajduk-Veljko, Tanasko Rajić. The units which bore the names of these champions of Serbian people on their flags never disgraced them.

Serbian Air Force History

The idea to form air forces in the Serbian Army was first mentioned in the General Army Formation Act from August 2 1893. This act envisioned that within each division of the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia be formed one air force balloon company.

Twenty years later, in 1912, a group of Kingdom of Serbia officers were sent abroad to school- to a Pilot Training Program in France. At the same time aircraft were purchased and by the Act of the Minister of War Marshal Radomir Putnik, on 24 September 1912 an Air Force Command was established in Niš. This places Serbia as one the first 15 states in the world to have had military air force at those times. A year later, during the siege of the town of Shkodra, Serbian Air Force had their baptism of fire.

Anti-aircraft field gun "Schneider" m-907,75mm, near Belgrade July 21st – August 3rd 1915

The pilots soon applied the experience gained in the Balkan wars to the World War I battles, thus becoming a worthy opponent to the stronger enemy forces. On 17 September 1915, according to the Julian calendar, that is 30 September in Gregorian calendar, Serbian Air Defense members shot down the first of many enemy airplanes over Kragujevac. This day was by the Act of king Aleksandar I proclaimed the Air Defense Artillery Division’s day. At the Thessaloniki front line, with the support of the Allied force, Serbian Air Forces were reorganized. First, Serbian-French joint escadrilles were formed, and by the end of 1916 a Nieuport division, while at the beginning and in mid 1918 the First and Second Serbian Fighter Escadrilles were formed.

The period between two world wars was marked by a significant growth of our Air Forces, accompanied by the production of modern and sophisticated aircraft, with then ongoing organizational-formation changes within the Air Force. As of 1924, 2 August, the Saint Elijah day was observed as the patron saint day of Serbian Air Forces, with the Saint Elijah the Lightning Bearer as a patron saint of military and other pilots of then existing Yugoslavian Kingdom.

During the April War in 1941, in 9 war days, 145 pilots died in air combats, while 576 members of the Air Force perished on ground. In that period 1416 combat flights were performed, downing 60 enemy aircraft. Especially, the 5. and 6. Fighter regiment pilots showed exceptional their bravery, and also bombers pilots, causing significant casualties to the enemy at airbases in Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria.

After World War II the Air Force underwent several developmental stages, the first major air force modernization being performed from 1953 to 1959. Aircraft made in the West are introduced thus broaching the era of jet aviation. With the forming of first helicopter escadrille in 1954 the chopper units were also incorporated within the Air Forces branch. At the beginning of 60's supersonic fighters were introduced, followed by intensive growth of Serbian aviation industry in that period. A number of jet planes prototypes were constructed, which served as basis for the development of training fighters and fighter aircraft, such as ”Galeb” and “Jastreb”, “G-4” and “Orao” and the most advanced fighter aircraft MiG-29 was introduced in mid 80's.

Since its establishment, the Air and Air Defense Forces has numbered tens of thousands of pilots, more than 5000 aircraft, and four types of missile launching mid-range systems, a number of small-range missile launching systems and 15 radar types.

Serbian Aviation in December 1912

Graphic reconstruction of Balloon "Srbija", made in German factory “Ridinger” from Augsburg
Mihajlo Petrović

Serbian Air force (Serbian Aviation - Srpska Avijatika) was the fifth ever air force founded in the world in 1912. Serbian Military Aviation was created when the aviation as vital part of the ground units was the question of the prestige under the military commands of the world. When we see what was Serbian position into the account, it was really hard to form the air force knowing that Serbia was very small and poor at the beginning of 20th century. The real reason why Serbia hurried to form the Aviation unit was the growing tension between the Kingdom of Serbia and Austria-Hungary. Also, it was the question of preparing the Balkan countries for the final driving out of Turkish forces from Europe. Serbia was not only aware of all these problems but was also forced to equip Serbian military with the aircraft and the balloons (of course with a great material renunciation). Serbia had purchased the first two balloons in 1909 from Augsburg; the same place where almost 30 years later the Royal Yugoslav Air Force had purchased the Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 in 1937. The time of purchasing these balloons was the time of the growing crisis about annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina under Austria-Hungary, which could have easily caused the war with this great military force. The first six military pilots were trained in France. They finished the course in the beginning of the First Balkan war. On the December 24, 1912, the head of the military Minister Radomir Putnik signed the papers about forming the Aviation Command situated in Niš which included : the Aircraft squad which counted 11 military aircraft, the Balloon squad, the Pigeon post and the Base. This date is the date of forming the Military Aviation of Serbia and as well as the whole Yugoslavia. Its first combat experience, Serbian Aviation had experienced in March 1913 over Shkodra which was in the Central Force hands. On the first combat flight, sergeant-pilot Mihajlo Petrović was killed as the second victim of World Military Aviation. The first victim of military aviation was a Bulgarian pilot Topradzijev who was killed in 1912 when he was flying back from the reconnaissance mission over Edirne, Turkey.

Mihajlo Petrović was the first trained Serbian airplane pilot. He completed his training and exams at the famous Farman pilot school in France and was awarded the international FAI license #979 in June 1912. His Serbian pilot's license carried the number 1.

Balkan wars and operations around Shkodra

The First Balkan War broke out in October 1912. Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, and Bulgaria waged it against the Ottoman Empire in a final attempt to liberate the last of the territories that the Turks still occupied in Europe. The Serbian army advanced south through Kosovo into Macedonia, then turned west toward the Adriatic coast, through central Albania. At the same time, the Montenegrin army advanced into Albania from the north and laid siege to the historic fortified city of Shkodra.

In February 1913, the Serbian Army High Command formed a separate Coastal (Primorski) Army Corps in order to assist the Montenegrin army on the Shkodra front. Air support for this formation was assigned to the newly established "Coastal Airplane Squad", the first Serbian air combat unit, with 3 airplanes and 4 pilots under the command of major Kosta Miletić.

Serbian Blériot XI airplane named "Oluj" during the Balkan Wars

First World War

World War I started with Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia on June 28, 1914. The S.A.F (Serbian Air Force) saw action from day one. At the beginning of the World War I, Serbian pilots who were actually skilled and experienced from the Balkan Wars had succeeded to give the valuable information about the number, the movements, and the position of the enemy troops. They contributed to early Serbian victories in 1914 at Cer Mountain, Kolubara and Drina river. At the beginning of 1915, armed with machine guns and bombs, Serbian pilots succeeded to fight back the enemy by attacking their aircraft flying over the Serbian sovereign territory or by bombing the important targets in the background positions.

Serbia formed one of first truly powerful air defense units in Europe. This is due the massive onslaught of German and Austro-Hungarian aircraft. Serbian air defense units and air warning units were formed officially on June 8, 1915. The first airplane shot down by ground fire unit in WWI happened over skies of Serbia. During the German air attack on city of Kragujevac on September 30, 1915, air defense artillerist Radivoje "Raka" Lutovac - from regiment "Tanasko Rajić", shot his first hit, by his artillery modified gun, a Farman airplane with two crew members. Without any sophisticated cannon sights, he was aiming through the bore of his gun. This day is also a holiday of Serbian air defense. But the full control of the Serbian sky had been established in April 1915 when one well equipped and armed French squadron arrived as help from the allied forces to Serbian Aviation. Until the beginning of "Mekenzen" offensive in October 1915, French and Serbian pilots had succeeded to establish dominance in the air and to follow the enemy movements over the rivers Drina, Sava and Danube. They were also constantly bombing the hinder, the traffic and concentration of the enemy.

During the time of 1914-1915, the first Serbian-made planes were produced. They had been made mostly by craftsmen in various furniture factories. These early Serbian planes were used for training, since they were underpowered. While construction was Serbian, airplane motors were French-made. This aircraft design had the name 'PINGVIN', or 'Penguin class'. Only few of these were ever made. Although modest, this domestic design was inspiration for creating Serbian air industry after the First World War.

In the course of the Austro-Hungarian offensive and the retreating of the Serbian military, the French and Serbian pilots succeeded to stop the movements and intentions of the enemy. This information was very valuable to Serbian Military Command, who were retreating under the constant and strong pressure of the enemy who also was helped by the Bulgarian Army. The plan for retreating was that the soldiers together with the civilians would go through Albania and Montenegro, all the way to the Adriatic Sea. In the course of the retreat, the French and Serbian pilots did the first operation of carrying the injured soldiers with aircraft. The French-Serbian pilots had also organized the maintenance of the connection with the units retreating through Albanian coast to Durrës and Vlorë.

Evacuation of wounded Serbian soldiers by airplanes of the S.A.F and French Air Force (Armée de l'Air) represented first air-lift of injured soldiers in history.

Although Serbia was occupied in late 1915, by German, Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian armies, the Serbian government and armed force refused surrender. The entire Serbian army withdrew through Albania, into Greece, where they together with French and British forces created the Thessaloniki front.

Mors Farman plane 1916 at Thessaloniki front line
Serbian Air mechanics in March 1916

French pilots had left the Shkodra area in December 1915. When the last aircraft was destroyed, Serbian pilots together with the Serbian Army had crossed to Corfu Island. In the period of WWI, Serbian pilots had succeeded to show the importance of the military aviation to all ministers and to secure the place of aviation in its modernized version. The French squadron has improved the opinion about the Air Force because it has represented the secure collaborator in all phases of battle. In the second part of World War I on the Thessaloniki front line, the Air Force had played a big part for it was equipped and armored with modern weapons and modern aircraft. As the war industry grew really fast, the Serbian Aviation obtained modern aircraft. After the re-organization in Corfu, the Serbian Aviation squadron had been moved to Mikra; not far away from the Thessaloniki. The material conditions of the Serbian Army caused that all available, trained, and capable aviation staff be referenced to five French squadrons. These squadrons were added to Serbia on the Allied Forces Conference in Paris. The Serbian Command wanted to have certain level of independence over its own Air Force and it secured the independence under Command of the Serbian squadron in Mikra. There was also a strong will for the formation of an independent Serbian Aviation Squadron. These five Serbian-French squadrons formed the "Serbian Aviation" which was working as an integral part with the ground troops. Allied forces squadrons such as British, Italian and Greek forces who actually had their own aviation units, also helped the formation. In the certain phases of WWI, the Central Force Air Forces succeeded to establish the dominance in the air, but at the end of WWI (especially at the time of breaking out the Thessaloniki's front line), allied forces commands had realized the value of this course, and the Serbian-French units, together with the allied forces Air Forces, had succeeded to beat the enemy in everything. The year 1918 in the summer was a year of the absolute control of the sky over this area by the allied forces. Successive and strong break up which Serbian Armies did as well as their break up in the River Vardar Valley, caused the Bulgarian capitulation when the Serbian Army after only 45 days had succeeded to move the enemy lines for 600 kilometers, to be the winner for the third time in this, Austria-Hungary was defeated. The German Army was very exhausted and lost its great supporter. They had been actually forced to sign the armistice. On the Thessaloniki's front Serbian Aviation did 3,000 combat flights, participated at all main operations and receipted the end of the WWI in the associated unit which counted 60 modern aircraft. The staff of this unit consisted of 70 pilots, 40 reconnaissance pilots, and other aviation specialists. This aviation had staff and equipment with enormous experience.

Serbian Aviation in September 12th 1918

Serbian aviation was a part of rebuilt Serbian Army, a part of the allied Eastern Army (consisted of French, Great Britain, Greece and Italian soldiers). Supreme commander of the eastern Army was a French general named Franshe D'Epere. The Air Force commanders were French officers and squadrons were staffed with French and Serbian personnel.

First Serbian squadron in 1928

By the order dated January 17, 1918, the two Serbian squadrons were to be formed and staffed with Serbian personnel. In April 1918 Prva Srpska Eskadrila (First Serbian Squadron) became operational with 12 Dorand AR type I A2 and 3 Nieuport XXIV C1 from French-Serbian composite Squadron AR 521 and commanded by French officer (Serb national) lieutenant Mihajlo Marinković. During May and June, the French-Serbian composite Squadron AR 525 Druga Srpska Eskadrila (Second Serbian Squadron) became operational. Captain Branko Vukosavljević was the first Serbian squadron commander who was appointed to lead to Prva Srpska Eskadrila (First Serbian Squadron) in August 1918.

Below is an order of squadrons attached to Serbian Army for the September offensive.

Commander: Major Du Perier De Larsan Order of battle

Squadron Aircraft Type

Prvi vazduhoplovni odsek (subordinated to I Serbian Army) Druga Srpska Eskadrila [Former AR 99/399/ 525 Squadron] 12 Dorand AR type I A2, 7 Nieuport XXIV C1, 5 Breguet 14 A2

Drugi vazduhoplovni odsek (subordinated to II Serbian Army) Prva Srpska Eskadrila [Former AR 82/382/521 Squadron] 6 Dorand AR type I A2, 3 Nieuport XXIV C1, 3 Breguet 14 A2

523 Escadrille [Former 87/387 Sq] 5 Breguet 14 A2, 11 SPAD S VII C1

No 502 Squadron 4 Dorand AR type I A2, 3 Nieuport XXIV C1, 3 Breguet 14

No 503 Squadron 4 Dorand AR type I A2, 3 Nieuport XXIV C1, 1 Breguet 14

No 507 Squadron 11 SPAD

Airfields: Vertekop, Lembet, Jenidže Vardar

Technical depot: Vertekop [previously in Mikra]

Total of 81 airplanes.

Serbian Aviation after the WWI

File:Ik-2 fighter.jpg
IK-2 Fighter
Pilots of 51st fighter group at Zemun airport in 1940, behind the pilots is a IK3 fighter.

With the establishment of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Kingdom of SHS), an Army Aviation Department was formed with Serbian and ex-Austro-Hungarian (Croatian and Slovenian) personnel. In 1923, a major initiative was launched to replace the WWI era aircraft still in service with more modern designs. Contracts were placed abroad and with newly established local factories. Later in 1923 the Aviation Department was renamed the Aviation Command and placed directly under the control of the Ministarstvo vojske i mornarice (Ministry of War and Marine). In 1930, the Aviation Command was renamed the Jugoslovensko Kraljevsko Ratno Vazduhoplovsto (JKRV) which translated is the Yugoslav Royal Air Force. The air arm was also known as the Vazduhoplovsto vojske kraljevine Jugoslavije (Air Force of the Army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) - VVKJ.

Air Force of the Army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (before the WWII)

During 1940 Britain supplied significant military aid to the JKRV, to strengthen its forces against the increasing German threat. In early March 1941, the Luftwaffe forces started arriving in neighboring Bulgaria. On March 12, 1941, JKRV units began to deploy to their wartime airfields. The overthrow of the pro-German government in Belgrade on March 27 brought an end to hopes of a settlement with Germany. On April 6, 1941, Luftwaffe units in Bulgaria and Romania attacked Yugoslavia in what was known as the Bombing of Belgrade. Equipped with a combination of obsolete equipment and new aircraft still being introduced into service, the JKRV was forced to defend the country's long borders against multiple attacks from many directions. The dubious loyalty of some military personnel did not help matters. Yugoslav fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft artillery brought down about 90-100 enemy aircraft, but defending forces were unable to make any significant impact on the enemy advance. On April 17, 1941 the Yugoslav government surrendered. Several JKRV aircraft escaped to Egypt via Greece, and the crews then served with the RAF.

Day of the Serbian Armed Forces

Sretenje (Encounter) or Candelmas (Presentation of Jesus at the Temple) in Western Christianity, 15/02 February-The Independence Day of Serbia is a date which was in 2001 taken as a Day of the Serbian Armed Forces. This day was taken as a starting day for the establishment of the modern Serbian state and as a national holiday as a remembrance day on Candlemas Day in 1804 when the First Serbian Uprising began in Orašac, and on the same day in 1835 Prince Miloš proclaimed the First Serbian Constitution, which was regarded as one of the most liberal and modern constitutions in Europe.

Today once again, Serbia has its own army, which failed to exist to on 1 December 1918.

See also

References and sources

1. Konstantin Jiriček. Istorija Srba. ( 1864 ), knjiga I, str. 211 - 236.

2. Vladimir Ćorović. Istorija Srba ( 1921 ), str. 201 - 215.

3. Momir Jović, Kosta Radić. Srpske zemlje i vladari ( 1955 ), str. 68 - 80.

4. Radoš Ljušić. Srpske Dinastije ( 2001 ), 46 – 49.

5. John Matthews, Bob Stewart. Warriors of Christendom ( 1998 ), Chapters I and II.

6. Đorđe Radojčić. Antologija stare srpske književnosti ( 1960 ), str. 90 – 92.

7. Rastko project