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User:SB Johnny/List of fictional expletives

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This list of fictional expletives contains expletives invented by writers of fiction—often science fiction or fantasy—to add nuance to the fictional cultures in their work, and sometimes as a form of censorship.


  • —ing and ing - from Terry Pratchett's The Truth, used by Mr. Tulip at least once a sentence. The reader assumes that the word "fuck" is being censored, but it is revealed that Mr. Tulip is actually leaving a gap followed by "ing." The character Sacharissa Cripslock, a genteel woman, eventually adopts the word, although mispronouncing it by omitting the gap. Terry Pratchett described the effect in a stage performance as resembling an African Click dialect.


  • aardvark used on the Douglas Adams Continuum to replace the "C" word so as not to offend the sensibilities of Moongoddess
  • arsegike from the British comic 2000 AD, a corruption of arsehole (coined accidentally by Simon Spurrier when using usenet and used in his comic strips ever since - if you attempt to write the letters HOL with your fingers shifted one letter to the left on a QWERTY keyboard, the result is GIK.).
  • ASCII from ReBoot, used by Matrix to Ray Tracer. Used in the same way as "ass", as in "Cover my ASCII, what are you?"
  • ass-tard From Andy Weir's webcomic Casey and Andy, a portmanteau of "bastard," "ass" and "retard," and used in the same way as its source words.
  • ass-candle From Chris Morriss Brass Eye
  • ass-clown From Office Space. Also frequently used by Chris Jericho.
  • ass-gard From an episode of Stargate SG-1, as Daniel Jackson refers to Loki, a renegade Asgard genetecist who kidnaps Jack O'Neill and produces a defective teenage clone of him.
  • atrocities - From the original Battlestar Galactica - a profane insult used by Lt. Boomer in the episode "The Magnificent Warriors," when he got carjacked on the planet Sektar. As the robbers drive away in his vehicle, he screams various insults after them, the final (And apparently most severe) of which is when he accuses them of being "Filthy Atrocities!"


  • b'zugda hiara From Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. A scathing insult in dwarfish, which translates to "lawn ornament"
  • backbirth - from Firefly, meaning one born on a primitive or outer planet. It can also be used to imply someone is naive or stupid.
  • bags - from Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series
  • barnacles - from Spongebob Squarepants (general expletive); also "dirty barnacles" (Ms. Puff) and "blistering barnacles" (Captain Haddock from Tintin)
  • Barbra Streisand - from South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut where Cartman unleashes a string of profanities to activate his V-chip and attack Saddam Hussein. This is also commonly used by conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh as a euphemism for a different sort of B. S..
  • Bastard's Demons - from Lois McMaster Bujold's Chalion universe. General expletive referring to the one of five Gods who runs hell.
  • baste - from Richard Adams' Maia and Shardik. Used as a replacement for fuck or sex. Severity changes dependent upon context.
  • bastich - from 2000AD's Judge Dredd, Lobo, and the film Johnny Dangerously, a portmanteau of "bastard" and "bitch", and used in the same way as its source words. (Also used in the Oddworld video game anthology)
  • basdit - supplants "bastard" when referring to clay people ("dittos"), from David Brin's novel Kiln People
  • Belgium - from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "The concept it embodies is so revolting that the publication or broadcast of the word is utterly forbidden in all parts of the galaxy except one, where they don't know what it means." The word first appeared in the radio series, and later replaced "fuck" in the censored American edition of the novel Life, the Universe and Everything. The character of Stingray Timmins on the soap opera Neighbours has also adopted this term. Also from the British TV comedy series, Monty Python's Flying Circus (Episode 37, 'Prejudice'), where in a game show, viewers are asked to send in suggestions for a derogatory term for Belgians. The winner was 'Miserable fat Belgian bastards.' A runner-up was 'I can't think of anything more derogatory than Belgians.' As Douglas Adams worked with Monty Python late in the series, it is possible that his usage of "Belgium" was inspired by the Pythons.
  • bibble - as in 'Who gives a bibble?' from The Simpsons, spoken by Marge Simpson.
  • Biff - from Shadowrun, a derogatory term implying the subject is pretty but stupid/useless.
  • Billions of blue blistering barnacles! - A favourite curse of Captain Haddock from the Tintin series of comics (see list of exclamations used by Captain Haddock).
  • bippie - from Laugh-In, comical term for "ass" "You bet your sweet bippie." Also spelled "bippy".
  • birdseed - from The Oscar, a trashy 1963 novel. An obvious euphemism for "bullshit."
  • Bitchcakes - from NewsRadio, an all-purpose swearword that can mean crazy ("this is bitchcakes"), over excited ("why is everyone so bitchcakes?") or a general expletive ("aww, bitchcakes").
  • bitca - from Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series, curse word for a malevolent entity (coined by Xander Harris, by misunderstanding when Willow Rosenberg delicately spelled out "b-i-t-c-h")
  • bleep - from Larry Niven's Known Space stories; the bleep used to censor profanity eventually turned into a swearword itself.
  • Blitznak - from Disney's Lilo & Stitch: The Series. Curse used by Gantu, meaning similar to "shit" or "dammit".
  • Blood and (bloody) Ashes - from The Wheel of Time series. Similar meaning to "damn" or "damn it".
  • Blood and Martyrs - from David Drake's Hammer's Slammers series. Similar meaning to "damn" or "damn it".
  • Bob Saget - From www.tourettesguy.com. The main character Danny used this when chased by some bees. This word represents no other profanity, it is merely a name Danny recalled from television.
  • boll-yotz - from Farscape; same meaning as "bullshit"
  • borays - From the original Battlestar Galactica - the Borays were a porcine alien race, sentient but filthy and none-too bright. They lived alongside a small human outpost on the planet Sektar in the episode "The Magnificent Warriors," but were evidently known to live on other planets as well, as their species name had become a general insult. In "Saga of a Star World" one of the refugees from The Colonies comments on how he's been "Cast out and forced to live among the borays of humanity." Context seems to imply something like "Dirtbags" or perhaps even "White Trash"
  • bowb - from Harry Harrison's Bill, the Galactic Hero series. All-purpose military obscenity meaning, among other things, "to screw" or "to shaft". In the novel "it's always bowb-your-buddy week." A character is known as Bowb Brown because "he was a thoat herder, and everyone knew what thoat herders did with their thoats."
  • breeder - From Shadowrun, derogoratory term used by orks and trolls towards humans.
  • bromp - from Viz comic. Specifically an exclamation of surprise used by the character Norman in the strip 'Norman's Knob'.
  • Brownmillers - from Robert Anton Wilson's Schrödinger's Cat trilogy; same meaning as "tits". Is a derogatory reference to the feminist of the same name.
  • buck - from That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis
  • Burger - from Robert Anton Wilson's Schrödinger's Cat trilogy, meaning shit. Coined from the name of the Supreme Court justice. For values of Robert Anton Wilson equal to Gore Vidal, whose Myron used this conceit in 1974 - see this summary.
  • butt-munch From Beavis and Butt-head.


  • cagal - all purpose military expletive used in Harry Harrison's "The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted". EG "What a bunch of cagal-kopfs"; "You are now really in deep cagal".
  • cake taker - expletive used towards a person on Neighbours
  • cakesniffer - A favorite expletive of Carmelita Spats in her appearances in A Series of Unfortunate Events. Used as an insult, generally directed against the protagonists of that series: "You cakesniffer!" (Also featured on a spin-off t-shirt bearing the legend "I am not a cakesniffer.")
  • canner - from the movie I, Robot, a racial epithet used against robots, particularly by the protagonist.
  • Cardies - from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a racial epithet used against Cardassians (most commonly used by Miles O'Brien)
  • censored - from Larry Niven's Known Space stories; like bleep, the word used to censor profanity in written texts turned into a swearword itself.
  • chelt - from Viz comic. Specifically an exclamation of surprise used by the character Norman in the strip 'Norman's Knob'.
  • Chongo-longo!- all-purpose insult and exclamation from the cartoon series The Pirates of Dark Water
  • Chrome All-purpose insult from the Ralph Bakshi animated film Wizards. Since technology gone mad was the reason the world was destroyed, it is viewed in a very negative light. Chrome's meaning has been reduced to and is used in the same way as 'shit'. Example: "Holy Chrome!"
  • ch'rowl - from Larry Niven's Known Space stories, specifically the Man-Kzin Wars series; a Kzinti word for the mating act, roughly equivalent to "fuck".
  • chisel - from BBC Brush Strokes, used by pub landlord Elmo every time he made a mistake.
  • clicker - from Alan Moore's Top Ten, a strong epithet used to refer to robots and other mechanical life forms. Equivalent in severity to "nigger," which it is a clear reference to. Also used as a term of endearment between fellow "ferro-americans." The term was previously used as an insulting term for robots in the 1962 film "Creation of the Humanoids", although Moore apparently developed the term independently.
  • clinton - from Neighbours, used by Stingray Timmins.
  • clones - From the original Battlestar Galactica - a large colony of human clones are encountered on the planet Arcta in the episode "The Gun on Ice Planet Zero." Evidently the phrase "Clone" as aquired negative connotations, because the clones themselves bristle when addressed as such. One of them says, "We prefer to be called 'Theta-Class Lifeforms.'
  • cockadoodie, used by malevolent Annie Wilkes as a substitue for cursing in Stephen King's novel Misery
  • cockbite - from online serial Red vs. Blue, as in "you cockbite!"
  • connect - an odd replacement for "fuck" used in K.W. Jeter's NOIR, as in "Connect you, mother-connector."
  • crackers! - usually replacing "damn" by Theodore Normal in Michael Jante's comic strip The Norm.
  • cracks in the Orb - expletive used by Dragaerans in Steven Brust's "Khaavren Romances". The Orb symbolizes the Emperor's authority and is the source of Dragaeran magical power.
  • corksucker - from the film "Johnny Dangerously", self explanatory
  • Crom - used in Conan the Barbarian comics; the name of a god, used as an exclamation.
  • crot* - from "House of the Scorpion" mean "crap" or "shit" or "zombie"
  • cruk - in Doctor Who: The New Adventures spin-off novels; same meaning as "fuck" (Happy Endings by Paul Cornell claims it originally came from a mid-21st century kids' TV show, in which "crukked" meant "tired")
  • crumbum - from "The Adventures of Pete & Pete" used by little Pete as a derogatory term for an adult or enemy.


  • Dapsen from Animorphs. Yeerk expletive.
  • Dark, Dark take it - from The Seventh Tower Series by Garth Nix. Similar meaning to "damn" or "damn it".
  • D' Arvit - from Artemis Fowl Gnommish swear word. It is explained by the author as being so severe when translated that it would need to be censored.
  • deadhead - from Joan D. Vinge's Catspaw. A derogatory term used by psions to describe non-psions.
  • DELETED BY(SAYBURR) from the forum boards at KENZERCOs' KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE, self censored expletive used by the poster to replace whatever curse word he knew would get deleted by a moderator (Sayburr, Hi Sayburr!!).
  • demon dogs - from Thundarr the Barbarian, equivalent of "damn" or "what the hell".
  • dillweed - from Beavis and Butt-head, likely derived from "dickweed". Also a spice. A variant of "dillweed" is "dillhole", a term also used by Chandler Bing in the sitcom 'Friends'. The terms were also used somewhat anachronistically on That 70's Show .
  • Dingo Kidneys - from Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, as in "Most leading theologians claim that this argument is a load of dingo's kidneys, but that didn't stop Oolon Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best- selling book Well That About Wraps It Up For God."
  • Donut- from the live action role playing game N.E.R.O., used to insult someone, typically a new player who is showing ignorance of the rules. Often used after a character has done something truly stupid. You're a donut. alternately I eat donuts like you for breakfast!
  • DOS - from the novel The Plutonium Blonde, the equivalent to the word "damn" or "hell" in the year 2057.
  • d'oh - famous phrase coined by Homer Simpson from the popular series The Simpsons
  • drakh - from the book Sten by Allan Cole and Chris Bunch, a book of military science fiction. Seems to mean shit as in "When the drakh comes down." Probably influenced by German/Yiddish Dreck
  • drannit - from Farscape
  • dren - from Farscape; same meaning as "shit"; possibly modification of German Dreck
  • drek - from Shadowrun means crap or shit probably from the German Dreck
  • drok/drokk - from 2000AD's Judge Dredd; used as a general expletive; likely modification of German/Yiddish Dreck
  • drown - from the Dream Park series by Larry Niven et al.; especially the third book, The California Voodoo Game. (In a near-future California, a devastating earthquake has caused parts of LA to sink under water.)
  • dust - from Starsiege, used by the martian colonists.



  • fahrbot - from Farscape; meaning insane or mentally deficient.
  • farathoom - from Tanith Lee's Don't Bite the Sun; meaning "Bloody, fucking hell."
  • fardles;fardling - from Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern novels; multi-purpose curse word (nb fardles is used by Shakespeare in Hamlet..."who would fardles bear?")
  • fargin' iceholes - from the film Johnny Dangerously; self explanatory.
  • fauk - from the game [[Runescape}}; self explanatory.
  • feed the tree - From Larry Niven's novels The Integral Trees and The Smoke Ring, meaning to defecate, vomit or speak nonsense. "Feed it to the tree!" means "that's a load of crap".
  • felgercarb - from Battlestar Galactica (also seen spelled feldergarb, feldercarb, or felgergarb) usage context appears to be similar to "bullshit" / also a term for garbage and/or mechanical sludge in more polite usage. Once it was used as an interjection (as in "damn"). Although not seen in the series, according to series creator Glen Larson, a 'felger' was a bovine-like animal with six legs and multifaceted eyes that was written into several of the early Battlestar Galactica scripts.
  • feth - from Dan Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts novels, derivative of an ancient tree spirit. Multipurpose. See also 'gak' below. Also used instead of 'fuck' in the webgame Alleria
  • fetcher - from Morrowind, uttered by certain NPCs. The complete threat is "Die, Fetcher!" (also used by Mormons in Salt Lake City as a substitue for 'Fuck')
  • fewmets - from Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern novels; meaning "dragon droppings". From English word meaning "deer droppings". Used as a general expletive.
  • fez - from The Fairly Odd Parents. said by Norm the Genie; similar usage to "crap", as in "Oh fez!". variation: fez dispenser.
  • ficky-fick - from Joseph Heller's Catch-22. A substitute for "fuck".
  • fight - from This Perfect Day by Ira Levin. Set in the future, the population of the planet live in a time of sexual promiscuity, but abhor violence. Thus "fight" becomes an unacceptable swearword, but "fuck" is used casually - the opposite to how we use the words today.
  • finick-sa tert - from Alien Nation A command issued by Newcomers, meaning roughly "Eat shit Terran or Earther!"
  • fish paste - from SpongeBob Squarepants.
  • fierfek A swear word generally used by the clone army in Star Wars. It is Hutt slang for "Poison".
  • FIRK DING BLAST ! from the gamer comic KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE generic curse, can mean whatever the user whats it to mean, but generally assumed to be FUCK GAWD-DAMN.
  • flatscan A nickname generally used by mutants in X-Men. It is used to call humans.
  • flaming - from The Wheel of Time series. Similar meaning to "fucking". Also used in Marvel Comics by characters such as Wolverine
  • floop - from Tanith Lee's Don't Bite the Sun; meaning "cunt."
  • floppy disks - from The Young Ones (TV series). Used by Neil -"oh, floppy disks"
  • flup - from Larry Niven's Known Space stories (specifically the "Ringworld" stories); used as "fuck" or "shit" but is revealed to mean the substance which pools at the bottom of rivers near the "spill mountains" on the ringworld due to the ringworld's construction
  • focacciad - used by Stingray Timmins on Neighbours, means "fucked" or "screwed"
  • frack - from Battlestar Galactica. Similar meaning to "fuck", but the usage by children in a 1978 TV show might suggest that it doesn't carry more social weight than "rats" or "darn" in the universe of Battlestar Galactica.
  • frag - from Shadowrun. Similar meaning to "fuck", derived from the use of fragmentation weapons (i.e. - "Frag Grenades"). Due to the connection to the weapon type, it is more violent / negative and less sexual in connotation. Also frequently used in Lobo.
  • frak - new spelling for "frack" used in the new Battlestar Galactica. (Same meaning as "fuck"). Same usage as the original series, but greatly expanded, and it also seems to carry the same "social weight" as fuck, as characters sometimes apologise for their language after using it. This expletive also appears in the roleplaying game Cyberpunk 2020. In an early-1980s game on the BBC Micro called Frak! a caveman called 'Trogg' would utter this word in a speech bubble when "killed". Presumably same meaning as "fuck". Hacked versions of the game substituted "fuck".
    • frak-head - from new Battlestar Galactica miniseries, derived from "frak", substitution for "asshole" or "fuck-head": when the miniseries originally aired on SciFi channel the phrase "superior asshole" was used by Starbuck (Kara Thrace) - when later aired on NBC the phrase became "superior frak-head".
    • motherfrakker - derived from "frak" in parallel to "motherfucker". Used first by Specialist Cally in Season 2 and later by Lieutenant Kat and Starbuck, but apparently not standard usage, as Chief Tyrol finds Cally's usage quite amusing, though this may also be because Cally rarely (if ever) curses.
    • toasterfrakker - by extension, someone, like Helo, who's had sexual congress with a human-model Cylon.
  • frankie - from ZBS's Ruby the Galactic Gumshoe, A derogatory terms for an "Android" derived from "Frankenstein".
  • fraz - from David Feintuch's Seafort Saga, similar usage to "fuck"
  • freebirth - from Battletech, used by genetically engineered Clan warriors to insult natural-born ones.
  • freg - used briefly in the Sluggy Freelance Oceans Unmoving storyline
  • frek - from Farscape; same meaning as "fuck", but not as harsh as "frell" - but possibly the Luxembourg word "freck" used as the equivalent of "perish it"
  • frell - from Farscape; same meaning as "fuck"
  • frelnik - from Farscape
  • frick - from Austin Powers; also similarly used by Elliot (Sarah Chalke) in Scrubs (TV series)'; censor-bypassing version of "fuck"; Elliot is extremely uncomfortable with cursing, but uses extended variations on the word for emphasis. ("Holy Frick on a Stick!")
  • frimp - from the Robert A. Heinlein novel I Will Fear No Evil; same meaning as "fuck", but supposedly more obscene. Supposed to refer to all possible sex acts simultaneously.
  • frinx - from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; probably has same meaning as "fuck"
  • Frith - name of the Sun in Richard Adams's Watership Down; Frith! and Frithrah! ("Lord Frith!") are general purpose expletives, and as a attention-getting blasphemy, "O embleer Frith!"
  • fucktard - from B3ta; contraction of "fucking" and "retard"; meaning a fucking retard.
  • fug - from The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer; used as a substitute for "fuck". See also The Fugs.
  • func - from F.U.N.C., a futuristic urban combat RPG by Ewen Cluney; used as a substitute for "fuck".
  • funt - from 2000AD (Sinister and Dexter; possibly other strips as well). Presumably a substitute for "fuck" and "cunt", capable of being used in the same way as both (e.g., "What the funt?" or "I look like a funtin' prat!"). Variant term: "smugfunt".
  • fup - from Father Ted, Episode 4 - The Old Grey Whistle Theft. Used as a substitute for "fuck" (or even "feck") in a picnic area where no swearing is allowed. Also "fupping" as in "fup off you fupping paedophile".
  • furgle - from Joseph Heller's Catch-22. A substitute for "fuck".


  • galaxy - from Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series; used as a replacement for "God!" by the people of the Foundation. "Ponyets grunted hollowly, 'Oh Galaxy!'"
  • gak - from Dan Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts novels, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. It appears to be fairly generic, but is generally used (rather sparingly) as an exclamation. Examples: "What the gakking hell was that?", "Oh, gak! Incoming!" etc. See also 'feth' - mentioned above. 'Gak' is used by many planetary poulations within Warhammer 40,000, but within the Gaunt's Ghosts series of novels, it is widely used by the populace of Vervunhive.
  • GAK! - (exact spelling) from the parodies at FiveMinute.net, "GAK!" is used to denote a character's usually abrupt, often mid-sentence demise.
  • gall-monging - From the original Battlestar Galactica, yet another profanity used by Commander Cain in the episode "The Living Legend." At several points in the story, Cain refers to the "Gall-monging Cylons". "Monging" would appear to be a corrupted version of "Mongering", and "Gall" obviously means the same thing in the Colonies that it does in modern English: Bile. Therefore the overall sense of the insult is something like "Bile-spewing" or "Shit-pitching" or perhaps simply "Venomous".
  • Ghent - from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Substitute for 'cunt' as in 'you stupid Ghent' and clever link to the use of Belgium
  • ghuy'cha - from Klingon a generalized invective meaning literally "calculating machine",used by the assassins of DuraS or Duras against Kurn in the TNG episode Sins of the Father.
  • gimboid - from Red Dwarf; one who is stupid or clumsy; possibly an adaptation of the word gimp
  • glitch - from the PC Game Starsiege; a pejorative reference to the sentient robotic race known as cybrids.
  • globbits - from The Trap Door; "Oh, globbits!"
  • godshit - from China Miéville's Bas-Lag universe in the novels Perdido Street Station, The Scar and Iron Council
  • godspit - from China Miéville's Bas-Lag universe, possibly a euphemism for the above
  • goit - from Red Dwarf; same meaning as "git", possibly from goitre
  • goofjuice - from David Feintuch's Seafort Saga, name of a highly addictive drug; mild expletive with similar usage to "nonsense" or "bullshit"
  • goohulog - from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, a Troll's swear-word, probably equivalent to "bloody" ("I'll kick your goohulog head!")
  • Goomba-stomping - from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door; presumably refers to the 'stomping' of Goombas (a species of Mushroom person which can be easily squashed and killed)
  • gorramn - from Firefly; after the slurred English dialect pronounciation of "goddamn" - Pronounced "Gorr-am"
  • Great Goomba's ghost - from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door; used to express surprise. Presumably the name 'Great Goomba' holds some significance within the Mario universe.
  • great Zot! - from the B.C. comic strip; same as "Good God!"
  • greebol - from Farscape; same meaning as "idiot"
  • green-blooded - from Star Trek, a racial epithet commonly used by Leonard McCoy against Spock, a Vulcan
  • grexnix - from Tharg the Mighty, editor of 2000 AD, a churlish person.
  • grife - from the Legion of Super Heroes comics. Used mainly as a substitute for religious imprecations, such as "God" or "Damn". Also used as a variant spelling for "grief" in the sense of "hard time". Also used as a general invective by both Lando Calrissian and Kyle Katarn in the Star Wars PC games Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
  • gris - from the GameFAQs Terms of Service, used in place of "fuck".
  • grode - from David Feintuch's Seafort Saga, similar usage to "jerk" or "asshole"
  • grock - An idea that you really understand and buy into. Grock first appeared in Robert Heinlein's 1961 science fiction masterpiece, Stranger in a Strange Land.
  • grok - from DC Comics' L.E.G.I.O.N. series and other comics, similar usage to "God!" or "fuck"; also grok-bokker and grok-bokking. Not related to grok in from Robert Heinlein's novel, Stranger In A Strange Land; more likely just a sound-alike for "fuck".
  • groophar - Troll swearword from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, similar to "fucking" - described as "when a daddy troll an' a mummy troll—"
  • Grozit - from Peter David's Star Trek: New Frontier novel series and Captain Marvel comics; similar meaning to 'dammit' or possibly 'fuckit'. Originally created by Bill Mumy for the show Space Cases.
  • grud - from 2000AD's Judge Dredd A general expletive, though also used as a substitute for "God"
  • Grox-raping - From several Warhammer 40,000 novels. A Grox is a large, cow-like creature; "You Grox-raping idiot"


  • Hab SoSlI' Quch! - from Klingon "Your Mother has a smooth forehead." Worst curse/insult in Klingon language.
  • hades hole - from the original Battlestar Galactica, used in the episode "The Living Legend" by Commander Cain. From context, it appears to be an exclamation, similar to "aw, hell" or "dammit to hell!" ("Hades hole, Adama!")
  • hangdown - from The Gamblers Fortune by Juliett Mckenns, it refers to the genitalia.
  • hamburgers - from South Park, used by Leopold 'Butters' Stotch to express frustration.
  • hassak/hashak - from Stargate, Goa'uld derogatory term, meaning weakling.
  • hataaka- from Stargate, Goa'uld derogatory term of uncertain meaning.
  • helleshin - from James Blish's Cities In Flight; Vegan word of unknown meaning, used as a general curse.
  • hercules - from Fungus the Bogeyman
  • hezmana - from Farscape; same meaning as "Hell"
  • hippikaloric - from Ozma of Oz by Frank Baum - "which must be a dreadful word because we don't know what it means".
  • holy flerking shnit - Phrase used by Kang of The Simpsons in one of the "Treehouse of Horror" episodes. Derived from "holy fucking shit."
  • holy shrimp - from Spongebob Squarepants. Uttered by Squidward and Spongebob. Bears an obvious resemblance to "holy shit." Also said as "oh, shrimp" and "shrimp."
  • holy spit - A "randomly generated" movie name on Lionhead Studios' game The Movies Thought to mean "holy shit"
  • hoolies - from Jennifer Roberson's Sword-Dancer Saga, same meaning as hell.
  • hoop - from the Shadowrun roleplaying game; replaces "ass."
  • horse hockey - from M*A*S*H, a Colonel Potter-ism, substitute for "bullshit".
  • house cat - from Elder Scrolls VI: Oblivion, a degrating term used to refer to Kajiit.
  • hu-mon - a Ferengi racial epithet directed towards humans.
  • hraka - from Richard Adams's Watership Down; a Lapine noun referring to excretion. Only an expletive if used in such context.
  • hunchin' - Adjective used for emphasis instead of "fucking", from the Tribes universe.


  • Icehole - From Johnny Dangerously. Character Roman's ability to "Murder the English language, and anyone else in his way."



  • karakh - from Wing Commander; the Kilrathi word for "shit".
  • kark - from Robert A. Heinlein's I Will Fear No Evil; same meaning as "shit"; the protagonist is "so rich he karks on a gold pot."
  • karkfum - from TV comedy show Fridays, sketch where little boy discovers new curse word
  • keed - One of serveral trademark sayings of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog as seen on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"
  • Khadassa - from Katherine Kurtz's Deryni fantasy series; name of an evil bishop used as a general curse word
  • khest - from John M. Ford's The Final Reflection; same meaning as "screw"
  • kink - from The Door into Summer by Robert A. Heinlein. In context, apparently had the same meaning as "fuck", but stronger than today's usage, more with the strength of "fuck" at the time the novel was written, half a century ago, as the narrator (a time traveller from the past through suspended animation) is almost punched by a man for innocently using the word in the presence of his (the man's) wife.
  • kirie - from David Gerrold's Space Skimmer; the novel states that the word is 'a curse, pure and simple.'
  • k'clow - from Traffic Department 2192, similar in meaning to "cunt"
  • k'la - from Traffic Department 2192, similar in meaning to "faggot"
  • klat - from James Bibby's Midworld series of books. Means "fuck" (as in both the expletive and the activity).
  • knee-biter - from Douglas Adams's Life, the Universe and Everything. Used as a substitution for jerk. Suggests a person is stuck in a fetal position so it could also replace thumb-sucker.
  • knucklehead mister spazzatron - from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. In context like an idiot or a klutz.
  • Kraken - from Arthur C. Clarke's The Songs of Distant Earth; named after a large volcano on Thalassa, it's the only swear word on that planet
  • Kree! - from Stargate SG-1, a Jeffa word of various meanings depending on inflection, but typically a word of command along the lines of "Hey Shithead, do _____!!!"
  • krip - from Steve Meretzky's Infocom games Planetfall and Stationfall
  • k'r'roc - from Traffic Department 2192, similar in meaning to "fuck"
  • krunk - from Late Night with Conan O'Brien. Multipurpose. It was coined around 1994, before the slang term (which is spelled crunk), which is not an expletive.
  • krutz - from Nodwick. Uttering the word as an expletive whilst angered or in response to an injury magically caused the speaker to feel emotionally better.



  • malf - from Battletech, used by residents of the Inner Sphere to insult. Derived from the word "malfunctioning", and when taken in the historical context, becomes similar in severity and usage as "fuck".
  • mamacrusta - from Lilo & Stitch - a nasty curse word
  • ma'qui - from the syndicated series War of the Worlds - A phrase of exasperation translated as "I hate this."
  • Marco blessed Polo - used by Col. Sherman T. Potter as a substitute for "Jesus fucking Christ" on M*A*S*H.
  • meb/mep - from Coneheads; a generic expletive
  • meecrob - from South Park; a Thai food that Cartman claims is so disgusting it must be a curse word. Meekrob is one of the strange foods that Fillerbunny had to eat in the Jhonen Vasquez Comic Fillerbunny. It is also the name of the alien species that gave Dib his super-powers in a dream sequence in the short-lived cartoon Invader Zim.
  • meega na la kweesta - from Lilo & Stitch - a shockingly vile expression.
  • melon farmer(s) - Director Alex Cox used this to provide a TV-friendly alternative to motherfucker(s) when asked to provide an alternative dub for mainstream broadcasting. The term has been adopted by a British censorship-watch website
  • mibs/mips - from Coneheads general purpose expletive
  • mik'ta - from an episode of Stargate SG-1; it is implied that it has same meaning as "ass"
  • mivonks - from Farscape; same meaning as "testicles"
  • monkey-boy - from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. A derogatory way of referring to earthlings, used by the Red Lectroid aliens.
  • mother-hater - from Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People." This phrase is used in place of "motherfucker" in broadcast versions of the song. ("There's no time to discriminate/hate every mother-hater who is in your way")
  • motherlover - from Joan D. Vinge's The Snow Queen. Ethnic slur reffering to inhabitants of Tiamat, who worship the Sea Mother.
  • mudblood - From Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, this is a vulgar word for someone whose parent or Parents are non-magical (e.g. Hermione)
  • mud-sucker- From A-Team, a phrase most often used to describe Mr. T by Murdoch. Censor-friendly paraphrase of 'motherfucker', as in "You're one bad mud-sucker."
  • mule fritters - From M*A*S*H, a Colonel Potter-ism, substitute for "bullshit".
  • munch - from the mid 90s children's puppet show "Mr. Potatohead," used in the same context as "bites." E.G. "Yeah, this really munches."


  • naff - used in the same way as fuck off in the 1970's BBC comedy Porridge ie: "Naff off."
  • Narfle the Garthok - From Coneheads - A criminal punishment on the planet of Remulak typically meted out for spectacular failure,the condemned is given a hook and a short staff and is sent to defeat if possible a coneheaded vaguely mammalian hexapaod called a Garthok, Beldar defeated the beast by employing methods learned from the Terran sport of golf.
  • nass - from the Legion of Super Heroes comics. Used mainly as a subsitute for "shit", or sometimes "ass"
  • nerfherder - Used in Star Wars as a relatively un-offensive curse word. Similar to calling someone a pig farmer, for Han Solo it suggests that he is a bad pilot or a "Ground-pounder".
  • nerk - same meaning as idiot or jerk (e.g. "charmless nerk"); used in the BBC comedy Porridge; considered an extremely mild insult for decades.
  • nimnul - from Mork & Mindy, an idiot.
  • noi jitat - from The Pirates of Dark Water; more severe version of "jitat" (see above)
  • nutbunnies - from Freakazoid the animated series from Kids' WB wherein the superhero Freakazoid uses it in frustration.
  • nutty fudgekins - from The Simpsons, spoken by Marge Simpson.
  • n'wah - from Morrowind, uttered by certain NPCs. The complete threat is "You n'wah!" Likely used by the Dunmer (dark elves) as a derogatory term for all other species or outlanders.




  • QI'yaH - from Klingon, one of the strongest, most foul Klingon expressions, it defies translation. Used to express disgust or repulsion with a thing or situation.
  • Qu'vatlh - from Klingon, a strong expletive, exclaimed in moments of extreme anger.
  • Quaequam Blag - from Tharg the Mighty, editor of 2000 AD, a strong expletive, exclaimed in moments of extreme anger or surprise.



  • Sa - The Tenctonese word for excrement generally regarded as equivalent to the Terran English "shit".
  • sagahog - general expletive from The Wind on Fire trilogy
  • sandstone - Dwarvish curse in the Forgotten Realms
  • Satan - from "Evil Inc.," a Fancomic on the Bob and George website. Used in the same way as "God." ex: "Oh, Satan."
  • savashri - from Battletech, used by members of the Clans
  • scav - from Black Library's Kal Jerico comic strip, used as a general expletive. Possibly refers to "scavvies" who are a group of unintelligent, cannibalistic humanoids from Kal's fictitious homeplanet of Necromunda.
  • schnike - from Tommy Boy, used as a subsitute for the word shit in the expression "holy shit".
  • scrof - An insult from Tribes, perhaps derived from "scrofulous".
  • Scorch it! - An expletive from Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series
  • Scut pango! - expletive from The Pirates of Dark Water.
  • Scuzzpuck - A generally dislikeable person. From "Sinister and Dexter", a cyberpunk comic strip published in the UK science fiction comic 2000ad.
  • semprini - from Monty Python's Flying Circus television show. Never exactly defined, this is one of the words supposedly banned from the show. Used to refer to a part of the body, but is also the name of an aftershave.
  • shards - from Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern novels. Used as a substitute for "shit", but apparently refers to the shell of a broken dragon egg.
  • shavit - from various novels about the characters in Star Wars. Roughly translates to "shit".
  • shazbot - from Mork & Mindy and later, the popular computer game series "Tribes" (Probably influenced by "shit") Also used by Kang and Kodos in The Simpsons
  • sheka - from the Shin'a'in language of Mercedes Lackey; substitute for "shit"
  • shell - from 2003 animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series; used in place of "shit" or "hell," eg. "What the shell?" or "Oh, shell!"
  • shen - from Jacqueline Lichtenberg's Sime - Gen Universe; denotes the frustration experienced by a Sime when transfer of selyn from a Gen is interrupted; more severe forms are "shenshay" and "shenshid," and "Shen and shid!" is heard once.
  • shifter - from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a highly offensive racial epithet for Changelings (comes from shape-shifter, the word Odo used to describe himself before he found his people).
  • Shisno - from Red vs Blue - A word with no direct English translation, Shisno is used by an ancient alien race to refer to humans. Shisno literally means the excrement of the defecation of the foulest-smelling animal on their planet.
  • shitake mushrooms - from Spy Kids series; Carmen substitutes this for "shit."
  • shrimp - from Spongebob Squarepants. Uttered by Squidward and Spongebob. Bears an obvious resemblance to "holy shit." Also said as "holy shrimp" and "oh, shrimp."
  • shock - from Marvel 2099 comics. Used mainly as a substitute for "fuck"
  • Shol'vah - from Stargate SG-1 - traitor (also heretic, as to betray the Goa'uld is to betray one's gods)
  • shpadoinkle - from Cannibal! The Musical by Trey Parker. The word is used as a curse, a general exclamation and a shout of joy. The word was originally invented by Trey Parker as a 'filler' word for the song which now bears its name. It was also used by Xander in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • shrok - From Babylon Five - A Narn word roughly equivalent to the Terran shit or crap!
  • Silas - from Alleria, used instead of 'bastard'
  • sithspit - from various novels and other works about the characters in Star Wars. Refers to the Sith. Most likely a substitute for "shit."
  • sithspawn - from various novels and other works about the characters in Star Wars. Refers to the Sith. Most likely a substitute for "fuck." No -ing needs to be added, and can be used as an expression as well.
  • sketi - from the Kaled'a'in language of Mercedes Lackey; used as a substitute for "shit."
  • skev - from comic 2000AD's Rogue Trooper strip. Mostly used as an exclamation.
  • slag - from Alien Nation, a racial slur against the "newcomers" (aliens). Also from Beast Wars, most likely as a substitute for "shit". There are also real uses of the word slag, both legitimate and as a British slang word.
  • slit - from John Brunner's novel The Shockwave Rider; a derogatory term for woman. The word's usage and severity is probably equivalent to "cunt" in English, as slit is also a crude (although somewhat dated) real-world term for "vagina." The variant slittie also appears in the novel.
  • slitch - from Robert A. Heinlein's novel Friday. A portmanteau of "slut" and "bitch," and used in the same way as its source words.
  • slot - from several works by Spider Robinson; used in the same way as "slut", but possibly also a derogatory reference to the female anatomy as receptacle.
  • smeg - from Red Dwarf, also "smeghead," allegedly rooted from smegma, although denied by the writers of the show. Also credited to the original Monty Python episodes. Unclear whether "art imitated life" or "life imitated art". Amusingly, there is also a Modern Kitchen Appliance company Named Smeg.
  • smoo - from Dinosaurs, called a "dirty word" because it means the bottom of a foot.
  • smoof - from The Fairly Oddparents, only used occasionally
  • smuck - from a Saturday Night Live sketch, used as a Smurfish term for fornication.
  • smurf and derivatives - from The Smurfs, can be used as pretty much any word, including swear words.
  • snakehead - coined by Jack O'Neill in Stargate SG-1 describing Goa'uld
  • sneck - from Strontium Dog comic in 2000AD, a universal expletive.
  • snork - from Singing the Dogstar Blues by Alison Goodman. Similar in meaning to "fuck".
  • Snu-Snu - from the animated series Futurama, term for sexual intercourse on the planet of amazon women
  • soaking cork - from a Saturday Night Live winery sketch, self explanatory.
  • socialator - From the original Battlestar Galactica, a Socialator is very clearly defined as a prostitute. Prostitution appears to be mostly legal in colonial society, and even accepted by most religious groups, but it is looked down on by some segments of soceity (Much the same way that Companions are treated in Firefly). In "The Saga of a Star World," Cassiopia is repeatedly called "A filthy socialator."
  • socktucker - from The Oscar, a trashy 1963 novel. An obvious euphemism for "cocksucker."
  • somanumbatch, from the film "Johnny Dangerously", a mispronounication by Roman Moroni an Italian that was deported to Sweden.
  • soyashit - from The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. Used similarly to "bullshit", but suggesting an even greater level of artificiality.
  • Spast - Uttered at least once by the character Kyle Katarn in the Star Wars computer game Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. Used in a similar context to "fuck" (as an exclamation).
  • spiggen - Neighbours, originally used by Stingray Timmins but since used by other characters on the show as well, means "fucking" or "frigging", ie. "spiggen hell"
  • spongehead - racial epithet for the Tenctonese used by humans on Alien Nation
  • spoonhead - from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a highly offensive racial epithet towards Cardassians
  • spoot - from the Angry Beavers animated cartoons, meaning something close to "crap" (spoot-head another frequent usage)
  • sprock - from the Legion of Super Heroes comics. Mainly as a substitute for "fuck"
  • Staber - used in numerous science fiction novels. Meaning is unknown.
  • stang - general expression of discontent from novels and comics set in the Star Wars universe, including the X-Wing and Dark Empire series.
  • stravag - from Battletech, used by members of the Clans. Likely derived from the Russian words stran and vagon, meaning "independent" and "birthing", respectively. 'Stravaig' is also a Scots verb meaning 'wander aimlessly'
  • stomm - from 2000AD's Mega-City One, meaning "shit"
  • Sugar Honey Iced Tea - from the movie Madagascar. A reverse acronym of shit, although it is not entirely fictional, as it’s use in certain areas of the US predates that movie by many years.
  • surat - from Battletech, used by members of the Clans, and refers to the fictional Surat, which is a cute bat-like animal.
  • swit - from Morrowind, uttered by certain NPCs. Bears the same meaning as 'fetcher'.
  • swut - from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; "I just want to be swutting well rescued"
  • swunt - Invented by Matthew Parry in his science fiction adaptation of the Kama Sutra, The Kama Futra. Refers to sweat infused female genitalia.
  • sykes - from movie and TV series Alien Nation; literally translates as "Excrement cranium" from the Tenctonese sa - excrement + iks - skull or cranium and by extension head.



  • Universe - From the Earthsearch episode New Blood. This is used by the underpeople, such as the character Lenart, as a form of blasphemy.


  • veruul - Romulan expletive from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Defector." It is said that only a veruul would use profanity in public.
  • Via - from David Drake's Hammer's Slammers series. Similar meaning to "My God!" or "Christ!", or possibly Jesus. Derived from the Latin word for "The Way", refers to a religious discipline.
  • Vixaxn - from Tanith Lee's Don't Bite the Sun; meaning never fully explained, but is the worst expletive in the book.
  • vondruke - from a Saturday Night Live sketch featuring Will Ferrell and Chris Parnell. Most likely a substitute for "bitch". Parnell is aggravated, exclaiming "You...vondruke!" causing Ferrell to incredulously reply, "Is that a real curse word?" Ferrell later states "..and son of a vondruke if I didn't leave it on the bus."
  • vulk - from C.S. Friedman's Coldfire Trilogy; derived from "vulcanism"/"volcano", to which the planet in question is prone.


  • Wankel Rotary Engine - from a Monty Python sketch. The phrase is used as an example of an embarrassing sound, in order to sell a mail-order course. Presumably it's embarrassing because the word "wank" is contained within.
  • welfare checks - used as an expletive in Stardance by Spider & Jeanne Robinson. "Oh, welfare checks!"
  • wonker - from Discworld; same usage as "wanker", possibly just misspelled graffiti. Also appears in BBC sitcom The Young Ones in much the same way and with the same presumed derivation.
  • wrinklies - testicles/balls; from Buffy the Vampire Slayer t.v. series, episode School Hard
  • Whomp - From Recess, created by T. J. so that he won't get in trouble for swearing e.g. "This Whomps!"


  • yarbles or yarblockos - from A Clockwork Orange, Nadsat slang for testicles
  • yinko - from Viz comic. Specifically an exclamation of surprise used by the character Norman in the strip 'Norman's Knob'.
  • yotz - from Farscape; "What the yotz!", an exclamation of unpleasant surprise; same usage as "hell".


  • zark - from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; seems to be a substitute for "fuck"; almost certainley a blasphemy on the Great Prophet Zarquon. The full Zarquon is also commonly used.
    • zarking fardwarks - from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "What in the name of zarking fardwarks is the old fool doing?" spoken by Ford Prefect, about Slartibartfast, originally in Life, the Universe and Everything and also in the third radio series. Also spoken as just "Zarking fardwarks!" by Arthur Dent when that character misses a telephone call in the fourth radio series. Approximate meaning: "fuckin' hell."
    • Holy Zarquon's singing fish - said by Zaphod Beeblebrox in the second radio series (Fit the Tenth) while hanging from a cave mouth thirteen miles in the air. A parody of nonsensical exclamations whose meanings have been forgotten.
  • Zlorfik - used by the aliens in the computer game Zak McKracken.
  • Zoggin - Expletive used by the Orks of Warhammer 40,000. "Waagh! Those zoggin' Space Marines blew up our bunker!"

See also