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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics/Organizations

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Mkench17 (talk | contribs) at 09:34, 17 March 2019. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This page is for requests for new articles about non-profit Organizations, Charities, and Trade Groups.

Add your request in the most appropriate place below.

Before adding a request please:

Also, when adding a request, please include as much information as possible (such as webpages, articles, or other reference material) so editors can find and distinguish your request from an already-created article.


  • Alberta Equestrian Federation - The Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) (http://www.albertaequestrian.com) was established in 1978 as a non-profit organization to support equestrian sport and recreational activities within the province of Alberta. AEF programs and services cover a wide range of equestrian activities for beginners to experts in a multitude of disciplines. Services range from the provision of reasonable cost insurance for all members to services in the areas of recreation, sport, education, breeds and industry. The federation provides provincial support and administration for the National English, Western, and Driving Coach Certification Programs and the English and Western Rider Development programs. It established and supports the Wild Rose competitions program across the province. The AEF is the only equestrian body recognized by Alberta Sport Connection, thereby having a voice within the Alberta Government. (http://www.albertaequestrian.com)(https://www.equestrian.ca/about/governance/provincial-territorial-partners)
  • All India Online Vendors Association (AIOVA) - All India Online Vendors Association , www.aiova,org is a group of ecommerce sellers selling on Ecommerce marketplaces in India such as Flipkart , Amazon, Snapdeal etc. The group is demanding reforms against the predatory practices and mismanagement being done by such companies. The Association has been covered extensively by media in relation to its demand for a regulatory body to regulate the ecommerce marketplace ecosystem. www.aiova.org/forum is an open to all knowledge sharing platform for vendors to share their views, suggestions, problems and grievances to make business better.
  • American Amish Association Call me Coach Z if you have personal subject matter expert information on my proposed Wiki project. Hello my name is John zarlino my user ID on this website is coach zarlino all caps I am currently looking for any Wikipedia editor that has first-hand information on social settlements in the community in which you serve please add your information to my talk page thank you.
  • American College of Healthcare Executives - The American College of Healthcare Executives (http://www.ache.org) is an international professional society of 40,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations. ACHE's mission is to advance its members and healthcare management excellence. The ACHE offers certification in a Fellowship program through qualifying management experience criteria and passing of the Board of Governors Exam. In the exam, there are 230 questions—200 are scored and 30 are "trial", unscored questions. Candidates will have up to six (6) hours to complete the exam. (http://www.ache.org/mbership/credentialing/EXAM/exam.cfm) ACHE has a longstanding relationship with military services, which should be clarified in the Wikipedia article. For example, membership registration offers "Title" as a field, and every military rank is listed, but none for Doctor. Under 8% of members are associated with military service according to ACHE-published membership information. (http://www.ache.org/abt_ache/member_demographics.cfm)
  • American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics - The American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT) (http://www.ascpt.org) is an international society of over 2,300 professionals whose primary interest is to advance the science and practice of clinical pharamcology and translational medicine for the therapeutic benefit of patients and society. At 2,300 members it is the largest scientific and professional organization serving the field of clinical pharmacology and translational medicine. ASCPT owns three academic journals (https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/), one hybrid print and online open acces journal: Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, and two online, open access journals: CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, and Clinical and Translational Science. ASCPT holds an Annual Meeting every spring where researchers present scientific discoveries, and well as professional lessons to attendees. ASCPT also holds regular webinars for members on the topics within the fields of clinical pharmacology and translational medicine as well as topics specific to career development.
  • Animal Help Now - Animal Help Now is a non-profit digital platform connecting people who encounter wildlife conflicts or emergencies with professional assistance. Search results are filtered by location and time, resulting in contact listings that are nearby and available to assist. Its database has over 3500 helpers (including wildlife rehabilitators, rescues, hotline, and veterinarians that treat wildlife). Users access Animal Help Now through a website (www.ahnow.org) and free app (available on Apple and Android devices). Service is currently available within the United States. Animal Help Now was created in 2011 and assisted with wildlife and domestic animal emergencies in Colorado and Texas. It expanded to provide support throughout the U.S. for wildlife conflicts and emergencies but no longer assists with domestic animal emergencies or conflicts. (https://ahnow.org/)
  • Artisanal Gold Council - The Artisanal Gold Council (AGC) www.artisanalgold.org is a not-for-profit dedicated to improving the opportunities, environment, and health of the millions of people involved in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in the developing world. Their projects aim to improve the health and safety of miners and their families as well as decrease the environmental impact of the global gold sector. With their main office in Victoria, BC, Canada, the Artisanal Gold Council (AGC) also works in Latin America, South East Asia, and Western Africa. Currently they have three main projects operating out of Peru, Indonesia, and Fracophone West Africa...
  • cicCartuja - Centro de Investigaciones Cientificas Isla de la Cartuja (es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isla_de_la_Cartuja) www.ciccartuja.es is a non-profit, EU and government funded scientific research company based in Sevilla España. cicCartuja is a research centre, founded by the Regional Government of Andalusia, the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Seville (US), and is located in the Cartuja Science and Technology Park (PCT Cartuja). The cicCartuja is comprised of three joint institutes:

Institute of Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis (IBVF) Institute of Materials Science of Seville (ICMSE) Institute of Chemical Research (IIQ) cicCartuja resarchers work in scientific fields at the interface between biology, chemistry and physics. cicCartuja provides training, research and public engagement. (http://www.csic.es/buscar?p_p_state=maximized&p_p_lifecycle=1&_contentviewerservice_WAR_alfresco_packportlet_struts_action=%2Fcontentviewer%2Fview&p_p_id=contentviewerservice_WAR_alfresco_packportlet&_contentviewerservice_WAR_alfresco_packportlet_nodeRef=workspace%3A%2F%2FSpacesStore%2F3828a804-4917-413e-bd17-e6c461ca99b5&p_p_mode=view&contentType=article) (http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2804935/0/investigadores-ciccartuja-proponen-nueva-arquitectura-celda-solar/) (http://cadenaser.com/emisora/2016/03/01/radio_sevilla/1456836315_242497.html)

  • Arthakranti This is an organization from India who had proposed demonetization and had consulted prime minister of India on other issues related to it. The article was deleted but now it is being strongly recommended to create it. Interested editors can create it. Thank you. -- Abhijeet Safai (talk) 10:38, 16 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  • Australia-China Youth Dialogue The Australia-China Youth Dialogue (ACYD) Is The Pre-Eminent Inter-Disciplinary Early To Mid-Career Leaders Forum Between Australia And Greater China. Each year, ACYD brings together 30 outstanding Australian and Greater Chinese citizens between 25-40 years of age to participate in ACYD: a powerful platform that identifies, then meaningfully connects, high potential leaders in Australia-Greater China affairs.The absence of, and a need for, more institutionalised dialogue between Australia and China through both governmental and non-governmental organisations, as outlined in a 2009 article by Australia’s first ambassador to China, Dr. Stephen Fitzgerald, has created the foundations for organisations like the ACYD to exist and indeed thrive. The ACYD was founded to promote more sophisticated cross-cultural understanding among Australian and Chinese youth. The ACYD seeks to enhance Sino-Australian relations by bringing together key people from both sides to forge deeper connections for the future.

The ATA’s members include major logistics companies, transport industry associations and businesses with leading expertise in truck technology. The ATA was established to improve the trucking industry’s safety, professionalism and viability after the Grafton truck and bus crash in October 1989. The accident claimed 21 lives and was the worst accident in Australian road transport history at the time. The ATA has an impressive record of achievement on behalf of its members. The ATA’s current priorities are set out in its strategic plan, which is updated each year. Under its 2014-2016 strategic plan, the Australian Trucking Association is focusing on increasing the trucking industry’s safety, professionalism and viability. As a peak body, the ATA has three tools to achieve its goals: member advocacy to governments, parliaments and regulators; research and the development of best practice standards; and communication with the industry and the community.

  • Anti Corruption International Anti-Corruption International is a global youth-led organization, founded and co-ordinated by a group of young students from around the world with a vision to show that young people can not only play a part in eradicate a global problem, but can take the lead. Sources:

http://nyheter24.se/debatt/816764-10-000-fotbollsplaner-skog-brinner-dags-att-gora-nagot http://nyheter24.se/debatt/792704-det-ar-dags-att-resa-sig-och-saga-nej-till-korruption-i-varlden http://www.solocheck.ie/Irish-Company/Anti-Corruption-International-571621 https://europeanstudentthinktank.com/2016/02/18/pitching-europe-introducing-anti-corruption-international/ https://www.modernghana.com/news/606187/anti-corruption-international-launch-day.html http://one-europe.info/corruption-an-incurable-tumor-that-kills-our-societies http://16iacc.org/blog/2015/09/17/student-activism-egyptian-healthcare-and-gorillas/ http://www.businessanddevelopment.org/2015/10/31/what-happens-when-you-get-1200-anti-corruption-activists-in-a-room/

  • Appalachian College Association The Appalachian College Association is a non-profit consortium of 35 private four-year liberal arts institutions spread across the central Appalachian Mountains in Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Collectively these higher education institutions serve over 54,000 students.

The Association helps develop and share ideas, information, programs and resources to achieve its goals, which include promoting cooperation and collaboration among its member institutions to serve the people of Appalachia through higher education and related services. The ACA functions independently of any one institution to serve all its members.

More important than who we are is what we have done and what we expect to do. Our primary efforts are directed toward strengthening our faculty by helping them stay current in their subject matter through graduate and post-graduate study and research; giving students research experiences that supplement their basic academic courses; and encouraging each institution to reach out in service to its community and region through a variety of programs.

The ACA developed from a grant-funded project at the University of Kentucky over a 10-year period between 1980-1989. In 1990, the ACA became an independent organization, and in 1993 became its own tax-exempt classification under Section 501(c)(3) of the 1986 Internal Revenue Service Code. The ACA's purpose is exclusively educational under this designation. Governance is by a board comprised of member institutions presidents and an executive committee, which is elected by the board each year.

Six research universities in the region (University of Kentucky, University of North Carolina, University of Tennessee, West Virginia University, University of Virginia, and Virginia Tech) are affiliated with the ACA. These institutions assist the ACA in reviewing grant and fellowship applications, conducting workshops and providing technical assistance.

The assets of the ACA have grown from less than $1 million to over $30 million due primarily to the generosity of the foundations that have continued to fund its programs to benefit central Appalachia.

Sources http://www.acaweb.org/about/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consortium https://www.facebook.com/Appalachian-College-Association-188232611221501/ http://mountainx.com/blogwire/warren-wilson-college-professor-featured-on-tlcs-who-do-you-think-you-are/

[13] [14] [aebrus.ru] [15] [16] [17] [18]

  • Association of Management Consulting Firms - The global trade association for the management consulting industry - 501(c)(6). About AMCF: [19] | List of member firms: [20] | Board of Directors: [21] | Bylaws: [22] | Code of Ethics: [23] | Affinity Groups: [24] | Article mentions: [25], [26], [27], [28].
  • ASTUTE Wales - Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies Improving competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in West Wales and the Valleys.http://www.astutewales.com
  • Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) - AIVL is the national peak organisation representing the state and territory drug user organisations and issues of national significance for people who use or have used illicit drugs and people on medicated assisted treatment. They advocate for changes to current illicit drug policy at a national level. As a member-based organisation, AIVL also supports State and Territory peer-based organisations to strengthen their internal governance structures, their capacity to provide services to illicit drug users and assists member-based organisations to develop advocacy strategies for engaging in localized drug-related policy issues. [29] [30] [31][32] [33][34]
  • Autism Spectrum Australia - (Aspect) Public benevolent instution that operates eight autism specific schools, early intervention and other services for people with autism and their families.
  • Aids for Women, Adolescents, and Children International Organization (AWACIO) - is a non-profit organization established in Nigeria in 2011 via registration with the Nigerian Corporate affairs Commission. AWACIO exists to improve the wellbeing of women, children, and adolescents to affordable and secure levels, and to ensure that decent standards of living are maintained through the establishment of skills development, empowerment, and training/education programs. References: User:AWACIO2010/sanbox - wilkipedia, the free encyclopedia, [35]
  • Alltnacriche - Alltnacriche is an Outdoor Activity [36] Centre run by Scripture Union Scotland, a part of the worldwide family of Scripture Union movements [37]. Alltnacriche is located just outside Aviemore [38].

Alltnacriche hosts school residential and activity breaks under the banner of Classroom Outdoors [39], and SU Holiday events [40] during the term holidays. The centre also hosts a wide variety of weekend groups [41] such as youth, student and church groups.

Alltnacriche holds an Adventure Activities Licencing Authority licence [42] are members of the Association of Heads of Outdoor Centres [43] and have been had a presence at outdoor learning events such as Wild in the Park in June 2014 [44] hosted by YouthLink Scotland [45] at the Scottish Parliament [46].


  • Baby2Baby, Baby2Baby is a non-profit that provides low income children, ages 0-12, with diapers, clothing and all the basic necessities that every child deserves. To find out more about Baby2Baby, please visit http://www.baby2baby.org
  • Berghof Foundation, Berlin-based independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation that supports efforts to prevent political and social violence, and to achieve sustainable peace through conflict transformation, [47], [48]
  • Board of Certified Safety Professionals, BCSP sets and certifies technical competency criteria for safety, health and environmental (SH&E) practitioners. Established in 1969, they operate a variety of accredited safety certifications. Over 58,000 persons that work in SH&E have held a BCSP certification since their establishment. As of 2014, BCSP an organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. http://www.bcsp.org
  • Bish and Bash, Bish and Bash is a Nonprofit organization that sells Christmas ornaments to buy toys for sick children at Helen Devos Childrens Hospital. It was founded by Eli Kersey when he was 9 years old. https://www.facebook.com/Bish-and-Bash-462320637124147/
  • Balkan Economic Forum, Nonprofit committed to stimulating Balkan economic growth through private-public sector collaboration.. http://www.balkaneconomicforum.org
  • Better Markets, non-profit, non-partisan, and independent organization founded in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis to promote the public interest in the financial markets, support the financial reform of Wall Street and make our financial system work for all Americans again. https://www.bettermarkets.com/about-us
  • Boston Foundation For Sight, Nonprofit eye health care organization. http://www.bostonsight.org
  • Backpack Basics, an non-profit organization founded in 2010 by students in the Oxford School District. It's a program that focuses on makeing sure that underprivalaged children in Connecticut get a backpack full of everything they need to go to school and succeed. These children are usually in urban areas where school supplies cannot be afforded. Backpack Basics sponsors these children and gives them school supplies throughout the year, so they may be able to prosper in school. See www.backpackbasics.org
  • Bolton Barbershop Harmony Club, A charitable non profit organisation with the following activities 1. Advance the education of members and the public in all aspects of music in the barbershop style of unaccompanied four part close harmony, in both chorus and quartet. 2. Further any other charitable purpose recognised as exclusively charitable in accordance with the law in England and Wales. Also Known as the Cottontown Chorus. Charity Commission

Listing[1]. More information can be found on its website [49]

  • Bus Stop Films - a Sydney (Australia) based, not-for-profit company that makes films with people in the disability community. Bus Stop films advocates inclusive filmmaking and runs weekly film classes. Bus Stop films was founded by film director Genevieve Clay Smith and Eleanor Winkler. [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79]
  • Bank Information Center, A non profit organization that partners with civil society in developing and transition countries to influence the World Bank and other international financial institutions to promote social and economic justice and ecological sustainability. For examples of BIC's work see [80], [81], [82], [83], [84].
  • Bajaj Avenger Club, a non profit organization founded in 2012 to increase awareness about motorcycling and entice people to hon their passion to ride. Started in Bengaluru, India as Bajaj Avenger Club, Bengaluru. The club now hosts around 500 members all across India. See [85], [86], [87], [88],
  • Barrelrollman Organization, an organization founded in 2010, they are dedicated to rolling around the world in search of world records while rocking out to good music and raising money for the Nurses For Newborns [89], a 501(c)(3) organization that helps disadvantaged babies and families. The Barrelrollman Organization holds a Guinness World Record for "Most People to Somersault" [90] and have been featured in many publications including The Miami Herald, Boston Globe, International Business Times, Travel Weekly, Newsday and the Los Angeles Daily News among many others. See [91].
  • The Baton Exchange is a Christian nonprofit that provides career mentoring and leadership training for college students and postgrads to integrate their faith and vocation in the global marketplace. The Baton Exchange is based out of Columbus, Ohio, and is a 501(c)(3) organization. More information can be found at its website, [92].
  • Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture Torture treatment center founded in 1995 located in Bellevue Hospital, New York City, see [93]; List_of_International_Rehabilitation_Council_for_Torture_Victims_members; Katherine_Porterfield; Ahmed_Omar_Abu_Ali
  • The Bengali Kids of Princeton Area is nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to help children learn about Bengali language, culture, and heritage in a fun way [94]
  • Bish and Bash, Bish and Bash is a Nonprofit organization that sells Christmas ornaments to buy toys for sick children at Helen Devos Childrens Hospital. It was founded by Eli Kersey when he was 9 years old. https://www.facebook.com/Bish-and-Bash-462320637124147/* Bernardo Kohler Center - Nonprofit organization based in Austin, Texas providing assistance to abused, abandoned, neglected juveniles, victims of crime, human trafficking victims, and asylum seekers
  • Beyond Boobs! - is a non-profit breast health organization that supports young women diagnosed with breast cancer survivor through support networks that help create positive change while dealing with the unique challenges the disease presents this population.
  • BiD Network - Business in Development Network: Preparing emerging market entrepreneurs for investors
  • Biodegradable Products Institute - BPI (A not-for profit, 501c-6 licensing and certification company based in the United States that provides 3rd party review of test reports to verify that products comply with ASTM D6400 or D 6868 standards for aerobically compostable plastics and plastic-laminated paper products.) (http://bpiworld.org)
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas - BBBS Central Texas' mission is to provide children with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Serving Austin, Travis County, Hays County and Williamson County. (Possibly a section rather than a whole article?)
  • Blumenthal Foundation - Foundation started by I.D. Blumenthal in Charlotte, North Carolina that gives grants to different organizations in the community http://blumenthalfoundation.org/index.htm
  • Boca Raton Synagogue - Synagogue in Palm Beach County, Florida; see http://www.brsonline.org
  • Bangladeshism Project - Chittagong Bangladesh - A non-profit organisation to build social awareness for environmental disaster and inspire patriotism, Bangladesh; see http://www.bangladeshism.com
  • Brad's Kids Pediactric Cancer Foundation - IL non-profit that donates toys and books to children diagnosed with cancer.
  • BOCS Foundation - A Hungarian non-profit organization working on "sustainable development" issues under the categories of peace, justice, women's rights, family planning, and environment. http://www.bocs.hu In the interest of full disclosure, I would like to state that this article request has been made by an individual affiliated with the BOCS Foundation.
  • Bogaziçi University Civil Engineering Club - BUYAP(native)
  • Bright Hope International - A Charity Navigator Four Star Non Profit Organization focused on serving the poorest people in the world—those living on less than one dollar a day.
  • Bizdom - A non-profit startup accelerator based in Detroit, MI. Bizdom is one of the most connected startup accelerators in the world! Bizdom was founded by serial entrepreneur Dan Gilbert, Founder and Chairman of Quicken Loans and Rock Ventures. See http://bizdom.com/
  • Bulldozer Health - Bulldozer Health Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Our Mission Statement: Bulldozer Health empowers individuals through a variety of holistic healing methods: acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, herbal treatment, aroma therapy, reiki, hands on healing, reflexology and more.
  • Baan Dek Foundation - A Thai-registered NGO based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Founded in 2002, Baan Dek Foundation provides Children's access to essential services in education, health, and safety. Baan Dek Foundation was founded by Nicola Crosta (Executive Director of Epic Foundation and Founder of Baan Dek Foundation), Acha Sripurya (Chairwoman), and Magali Crosta (Executive Director and Co-Founder). Baan Dek Foundation is a part of the Kids Home Development Network, a network of charitable entities in: US, UK, Italy and France providing fundraising and strategic support to Baan Dek Foundation's activities on the field. In 2017, 1,349 children in total were supported, and 98% of school-age kids enrolled in local public Thai schools. Baan Dek Foundation won the MIT Solve challenge in Youth, Skills and the Workforce of the Future Challenge in 2017. Baan Dek Foundation has partnered with MIT Solve and DFAT (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs) again in 2018 for the Digital Superheroes Academy (DSHA), providing essential life-skills in the region through a digital interactive web-based application. In March 2018, Baan Dek Foundation also launched its joint research publication with UNICEF entitled "Building Futures in Thailand", providing a needs based assessment for migrant construction workers in the Thai construction sector and a 12 step framework for action. See: [95][96][97][98][99][100][101] [102][103] [104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111]


https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/support-the-carbon-tax-center http://www.usnews.com/debate-club/is-a-carbon-tax-a-good-idea http://grist.org/climate-energy/in-defense-of-a-carbon-tax/ http://civicpolicy.com/journalwatch/?p=6877#more-6877 http://www.carbontax.org/blog/2014/06/02/next-to-nothing-for-climate-in-obama-plan/ http://home.marfadialogues.org/news/tomorrow-dont-miss-the-carbon-tax-centers-panel-how-will-a-carbon-tax-change-our-lives/ http://ezing.pro/a-carbon-tax-is-not-a-tax-increase-how/ http://ezing.pro/what-is-a-carbon-tax/ http://www.komanoff.net/fossil/Komanoff_Matthiessen_NYS_Carbon_Tax.pdf http://citizensclimatelobby.org/files/images/CCL-CTaxquestions.pdf

  • Career & College Clubs - non-profit program to help middle school students prepare to succeed in high school, college, and life. [www.careerandcollegeclubs.org] [116] [117] [118] [119]
  • Caring Minds C.I.C. - A Community Interest Company who supports Young People with family mental illness. [www.caringminds.co.uk]
  • The Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning The Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning is a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit in Lexington, KY dedicated to literacy and the literary arts.[120] The building was the Lexington Public Library's main branch from 1905 until 1989; it was one of 2,500 public libraries built by Andrew Carnegie between 1883 and 1929. The building reopened as the Carnegie Center in 1992. [121] In 2013, the Carnegie Center began the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame, and on January 24, 2013 inducted Harriette Arnow, William Wells Brown, Harry Caudill, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, James Still, and Robert Penn Warren for the inaugural class. [122] In 2014, they inducted Rebecca Caudill, Thomas D. Clark, Janice Holt Giles, James Baker Hall, Etheridge Knight, Thomas Merton, and Jesse Stuart[123]. In 2015, they inducted Guy Davenport, Elizabeth Hardwick, Jim Wayne Miller, Effie Waller Smith, Hunter S. Thompson, and the first living writer into the Hall of Fame, Wendell Berry. [124] In 2014, the Carnegie Center won the Kentucky Foundation for Women's award in education for "two decades of activities focused on promoting literacy and literary arts in Kentucky". [125] In 1993, Phyllis MacAdam started the Carnegie Center's tutoring program[126], which has since won Lexington Family magazine's award for Favorite Tutoring/Learning Center in 2011, 2012, and 2015.[127][128][129] Official Website[130]
  • Center for Creative Leadership Not-for-profit Leadership Training and Development Organization established in Greensboro, NC in 1970. [131] [132]. Research partnerships: [133] Rankings in Training Industry [134]
  • The Center for Gifted Studies Located on the Western Kentucky University campus in Bowling Green, Kentucky, The Center for Gifted Studies has been serving children who are gifted and talented, their educators, and their parents for more than 30 years. The Center provides educational opportunities for gifted young people, professional development for teachers, and support for parents of gifted young people. Under the direction of Dr. Julia Roberts, The Center has become a national advocate for gifted education in the United States. Gifted encyclopedia: [135] USA Today: [136] Lane Report: [137] Bowling Green Daily News: [138] Organization website: [139] *Request for a page to be made.
  • The Center for Health Affairs A non-profit hospital association in Northeast Ohio dating back to 1916. [140]
  • Center for Communication (The Center for Communication is a nonprofit supported by major media companies to bring more diversity to the media industry and give students access to influential figures who can speak about the business today. The Center’s mission is to better prepare students for careers in media by connecting them with the best minds in media and offering free seminars, featuring outstanding media leaders, who join with us to better inform college students on the ever-evolving media industry. Center seminars cover all aspects and all fields of media, including journalism, television production, documentary and feature filmmaking, social media, magazine and book publishing, advertising, PR and marketing, First Amendment issues, ethics and standards. Past speakers include: Edward Albee, Jeff Marks, Bill Keller, Sebastian Junger, Lee Daniels, Mike Francesa, Anna Deavere Smith, Pete Hamill, Sir Harry Evans, David Chase, Oliver Stone, Sydney Pollack, Todd Haynes, Sidney Lumet, Jeff Bezos, Jon Stewart, Doug Liman, Barbara Walters, Dennis Crowley, Jonah Peretti, Malcolm Gladwell, Tim Gunn, Bill Moyers, Sy Hersh, Al Gore, Charlie Rose, Bob Costas, Brian Williams, Stephen Colbert, and many thousands more. Annually, up to 4,500 of the best and the brightest students from over 185 colleges and universities in the Tri-State area attend our panels and on-location seminars. Center for Communication is an independent organization with 501(c )(3) status. The Center is supported by the media industry and the academic community. All events are presented free to students.) (http://www.niemanlab.org/2016/01/vice-launches-a-paid-summer-internship-for-underrepresented-communities/)
(http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fred-armisen-eddie-huang-roast-840965) (http://www.broadcastingcable.com/news/fates-and-fortunes/center-communication-lines-landgraf-stanton-award/157388) (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/amc-networks-ceo-josh-sapan-245138) (http://observer.com/2010/10/jeff-zucker-unemployed-man-to-receive-award-at-starstudded-center-for-communication-luncheon/) (https://www.mediavillage.com/article/stuart-elliott-the-extreme-roast-of-vice-ceo-shane-smith/) (http://www.thedailybeast.com/jeff-zucker-roasted-by-katie-couric) (http://www.niemanlab.org/2016/01/vice-launches-a-paid-summer-internship-for-underrepresented-communities/) 
  • Constitutional Accountability Center (CAC) - A nonprofit law firm and think tank that files progressive briefs for the United States Supreme Court. Its predecessor organization was the Community Rights Council, which has a Wikipedia page: [223]

References: New Republic article discusses the organization at length: [224] Legal Times profile of the organization upon founding: [225] New York Times article focuses on a CAC study: [226] Wall Street Journal article on the organization: [227] Organization site: [228]

  • Contact the Elderly "Contact the Elderly organises volunteer-led monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for older people across England, Scotland and Wales who live alone." [3]
  • Corporate Research Foundation - crf.com - awards the TOP-Employers of the year title
  • Council of Development Finance Agencies - organization representing the interests of the development finance industry with 260 members coming from the pubic, private and non-profit sectors.
  • Createquity "A unique virtual think tank exploring the intersection of the arts with a wide range of topics including politics, economics, philanthropy, leadership, research, and urban planning, Createquity is a hub for next-generation ideas on the role of the arts in a creative society." www.createquity.com
  • Crime Stoppers PEI - is a Prince Edward Island based non-profit organization, encompassing the community, the media and law enforcement agencies, established to assist in crime prevention and promotion of safer communities.
  • CollegeSpring - Each year, CollegeSpring helps thousands of students from low-income backgrounds in CA and NY prepare for the SAT and measurably increase college access. CollegeSpring twice participated in the White House College Opportunity Day of Action and has been recognized in Forbes Magazine's 30 Under 30 - Education list and at the Goldman Sach's Builders + Innovators Conference. [229]
  • Cordell Marine Sanctuary Foundation - is a California based non-profit organization established to support scientific research, marine education, and community connections to the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. organization page: http://cordellfoundation.org/, recent research supported: http://www.sfbaynerr.org/uploads/files/Proceedings_Final_2011_PDF.pdf, link from the marine sanctuary it supports: http://cordellbank.noaa.gov/involved/welcome.html, Sanctuary Advisory Council minutes noting attendance by Cordell Marine Sanctuary president: http://cordellbank.noaa.gov/council/sacminutes111810.pdf.
  • Council of International Schools - is an international, non-profit educational organization - a membership community committed to high-quality international education. Provides services to primary and secondary schools, as well as higher education institutions. Currently, the community includes 711 schools and 512 colleges, representing 112 countries.
  • CPR Institute - The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR Institute) is an independent non-profit organization based in New York City that helps global businesses and their counsel prevent and resolve commercial disputes more effectively—both directly, by enhancing their capabilities, and indirectly, by improving ADR capacity worldwide. https://www.cpradr.org
  • Creative Migration - Non-profit arts organization based in Los Angeles. Focuses on public art, social engagement, and sustainable futures. https://www.creativemigration.org
  • Crowther Lab (Research group and geospatial mapping specialists based at ETH Zürich studying the ecological processes that influence the climate to predict and combat anthropogenic climate change.) (https://crowtherlab.com) (https://www.forbes.com/sites/esri/2018/07/09/shifting-how-we-deal-with-change-using-location-intelligence/#36884c9159c5)
  • Cultural Council of Palm Beach County - The Cultural Council is the official support agency for arts and culture in Palm Beach County serving non-profit organizations, individual artists and arts districts. [230][231]
  • Cures Without Cages - An animal testing charity that donates money directly to research projects that do not test on animals, thus removing monetary support for animal testing.
  • CINVU - or COMSTECH Inter Islamic Network on Virtual Universities, one of the networks of COMSTECH that is a Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation established by the Third Islamic Summit of OIC held at Makah, Saudi Arabia in January 1981. Its mission is to help strengthen the individual and collective capacity of OIC member states in science and technology through mutual cooperation, collaboration, and networking of resources. The aim of CINVU proposal is to strengthen the relations and improve the scientific, instructional, academic research and technological collaborations among the Organization of the Islamic cooperation (OIC) members.[232][233][234][235]


(http://dejusticia.org/en. For external independent sources documenting the organizations's work, see: http://lasillavacia.com/silla-llena/red-lider/historia/serie-liderazgo-colectivo-los-dejusticia-60100, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/andes-to-the-amazon/2015/mar/26/colombian-tribe-scores-historic-victory-versus-big-gas, http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/latin-americas-transgender-rights-leadership, https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/07/21/ecuador-courts-stalling-protester-appeals, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/andes-to-the-amazon/2016/feb/21/colombia-bans-oil-gas-mining-paramos, http://earthfirstjournal.org/newswire/2015/02/27/victory-gas-project-in-uwa-territory-dismantled/, http://www.eltiempo.com/politica/justicia/adopcion-gay-en-colombia-ponencia-da-via-libre/15109592, http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/se-calienta-el-debate-sobre-adopcion-parte-de-homosexua-articulo-538606, http://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/adopcion-entre-parejas-del-mismo-sexo-un-paso/416476-3, http://www.washingtonblade.com/2015/07/30/colombia-high-court-holds-same-sex-marriage-hearing/, http://business-humanrights.org/en/ngos-propose-recommendations-to-enhance-independence-of-un-working-group-mandate-holders#c120036 http://media.wix.com/ugd/5a5f52_8023ebdf40dc4679b07504d4a3158204.pdf)

I acknowledge my conflict of interest by mentioning here that I work at Dejusticia.

  1. [236] - Wikipedia article on DRI International's most prominent certification.


  • Eco-Club, Aligarh Muslim University- [240] [241] A non profit body engaged in the environmental protection based at Aigarh
  • East Africa Mission Orphanage - Vegetarian orphanage in East Africa run by volunteers, looking after orphans with HIV/AIDS
  • Elder Financial Protection Network - A non profit Organization based in San Francisco that is the primary provider of elder financial protective services in California.
  • Eco-Congregation - International movement of churches addressing environmental issues. [242]
  • Eco-Cycle - [243] One of the largest non-profit recyclers in the US with an international reputation as a pioneer and innovator in resource conservation; servicing Boulder County, CO since 1976.
  • E-Collaborative for Civic Education - Non-profit organization based in Bethesda, Maryland which created the Tavaana: E-Learning Institute for Iranian Civil Society. It has a "mission to leverage technology to promote civic learning and democratic political life internationally."[244]
  • Economic Research Council - [245] Britain's oldest Economics-based think tank and a registered charity with a focus on supporting education in Economics.
  • EcoWatch - [246] a nonprofit with the mission to "unite the voice of the grassroots environmental movement and mobilize millions of people to engage in democracy to protect human health and the environment", news-service[247][248] [249][250]
  • Edinburgh City Centre Churches Together also known as ECCCT and TOGETHER a local ecumenical partnership of 3 churches in Central Edinburgh, working on a number of outreach projects.Refs:[251]
  • East-West Institute [252]
  • eLearning Network also known as the eLN, a Community Interest Company (not for profit) with a focus on the best practice use of eLearning in Business and campaigning against ineffective eLearning. .See:[253]
  • Elemental Impact also known as Ei, is a national nonprofit located in Atlanta, Georgia dedicated to bringing sustainable operating practices to the corporate community. See: [254]
  • Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity, Inc. - Elie Wiesel and his wife, Marion, established The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity soon after he was awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize for Peace. The Foundation's mission, rooted in the memory of the Holocaust, is to combat indifference, intolerance and injustice through international dialogue and youth-focused programs that promote acceptance, understanding and equality. Organization's website is available at http://www.eliewieselfoundation.org
  • Ethics & Compliance Officer Association (ECOA) - A non-profit, member-driven association exclusively for individuals responsible for their organization's ethics, compliance, and business conduct programs. mentions: [255][256]
  • Episcopal Charities of New York - Episcopal Charities serves as the outreach arm of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. Our mission is to help parish-based programs provide assistance and opportunities to children and adults in need. Website: http://episcopalcharities-newyork.org
  • Equal Payback Project - The Equal Payback Project is a TILT (The National Women’s Law Center) campaign to raise funds to fight for "equal pay through legislation, education and advocacy." (see http://www.equalpaybackproject.com/) American comedian and author Sarah Silverman has made a video for the project stating that due to the gender wage gap (and the gender wage gap for women of color), she is going to undergo the medical procedures to become a man (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/sarah-silverman-equal-pay-wage-gap-video?cid=sm_m_main_1_20141008_33120886).
  • Emerald Isle Immigration Center - The Emerald Isle Immigration Center (EIIC) is a not for profit entity created to exercise and protect the privileges and interests of the community; to foster a healthy interest in the civic affairs of the community, to help immigrants acquire U.S. citizenship, and to inquire into civic abuses and seek reformation thereof [257]. [www.eiic.org]
  • END IT Movement A movement started through Passion International to help spread awareness about modern day slavery. This organization is the mediator between the people who want to donate money and learn more about slavery and the organizations that need the money to keep doing their work to end modern day slavery. Their main goal is to just spread awareness right now. Awareness that slavery DOES still exist and that is still a huge problem. In fact, bigger than it ever was before. http://enditmovement.com/ https://www.facebook.com/EndItMovementUnofficial https://twitter.com/enditmovement
  • e-Yantra - e-yantra.org An initiative by IIT Bombay that aims to create the next generation of embedded systems engineers with a practical outlook to help provide practical solutions to some of the real world problems.
  • EyePAT - A Community Interest Company based in the UK that offers training in Internet Safety and Anti-bullying.
  • Exponent Philanthropy (Exponent Philanthropy [258] is the country’s largest association of funders—nearly 2,200 members strong—and the only one dedicated to serving foundations with few or no staff, philanthropic families, and individual donors. It's vibrant network has in common lean operations and a style of philanthropy motivated by personal passion, community needs, and the strong desire for better outcomes. The organization provides high-quality and cost-effective programs, resources, and connections that maximize members’ dollars and time for the benefit of diverse communities and causes. Exponent Philanthropy's blog, PhilanthroFiles [259], engages philanthropists, philanthropic support organizations, philanthropic advisors, and others in rich dialogue about philanthropy with few or no staff; informs and inspires their work; and, ultimately, helps them find greater fulfillment and achieve even more. In 2016, Exponent Philanthropy launched Philanthropy Lessons, a video series and campaign produced by Exponent Philanthropy, funded by the Fund for Shared Insight [260], and released in partnership with The Chronicle of Philanthropy [261]. Together, to help others be more effective and efficient in creating the change they want to see in the world, we are sharing words of wisdom from some of our industry’s most inspirational funders about what they have learned throughout their philanthropic careers. Exponent Philanthropy was originally founded as the Association of Small Foundations and rebranded in March 2014.) (http://www.exponentphilanthropy.org/about, http://philanthrofiles.org/about/, http://philanthropylessons.org/about/, https://philanthropy.com/article/Foundation-Group-Expands-to/153345, https://www.thenonprofittimes.com%2Fnews-articles%2Fassn-of-small-foundations-becomes-exponent-philanthropy%2F, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philanthropy)
  • Equi Foundation A foundation created by Equi Quansah to help car victims in Ghana, as that is a very common reason of death there.
  • The European Medicines Verification System (EMVS). In order to counter the threat of falsified medicines entering the legal supply chain, the European Parliament and Council have released a Directive on Falsified Medicines (2011/62/EU) (amending Directive 2001/83/EC). It aims at improving patient safety by mandating the Marketing Authorisation Holders and manufacturers to put a system in place that prevents falsified medicines from entering the legal supply chain, the European Medicines Verification System. From February, 9th 2019 every pack of medicine in the EU will have to be checked against the EMVS before it can be dispensed to a patient. The system's European hub is being developed in the UK with different national hubs being developed by companies in Germany and the UK. [262] [263]


  • First Nations Technical Services Advisory Group Inc - a non-profit organization providing a variety of services as well as educational opportunities for Treaty 6, 7, and 8 First Nations communities in the Canadian province of Alberta.[www.tsag.net] [264][www.atg.net] [265]
  • Field Foundation of Illinois - a private non-profit foundation that seeks to support organizations working in the areas of justice, art and leadership investment. [www.fieldfoundation.org] [266]
  • Field Ready - a non-profit organization that meets humanitarian and reconstruction aid by transforming logistics through technology, design and engaging people in new ways. [www.fieldready.org] [267]
  • Fairbanks Light Opera Theater - (FLOT) is Interior Alaska's premiere community theater production company, as well as a 501c(3) nonprofit arts organization established in 1970. [www.flot.org]
  • Family Reunion USA - a national non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating public awareness through educational programs, videos, media, social networking campaigns, and advocacy programs outlining the issues created by destructive family laws and policies and the current adversarial court system that discounts one parent. [268]
  • Feeding Children Everywhere - A hunger non-profit in based out of Longwood, FL, that coordinates "hunger projects" to package meals for domestic and international distribution. [www.feedingchildreneverywhere.com] [269] [270]
  • Fidelity Charitable a public charity started in 1991 to further the American tradition of philanthropy by providing donor-advised programs that make charitable giving simple, effective, and accessible. [271]
  • Fifth Avenue Committee - an organization in South Brooklyn that advances economic and social justice by building vibrant, diverse communities where residents have genuine opportunities to achieve their goals, as well as the power to shape the community’s future. FAC is a nationally-recognized nonprofit community development corporation formed in 1978 that works to transform the lives of over 5,000 low- and moderate-income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect while making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive, and just. To achieve our mission, FAC develops and manages affordable housing and community facilities, creates economic opportunities and ensures access to economic stability, organizes residents and workers, offers student-centered adult education, and combats displacement caused by gentrification. [272][273]
  • Find My Recycler - [274] A free to use United Kingdom based worldwide website recycler & refurbisher search service initiated and sponsored by Allsorts of Deeside, UK. Find My Recycler enables individuals and businesses to search for a recycler of the items they need to dispose of, in a manner befitting the needs of a person or entity that is concerned with green issues and the environment.
  • Fiscal Sponsorship
  • Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation - a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1995 to fund Alzheimer’s research, awareness and education. [275] [276] [277] [278] [279] [280]/spotlight.jhtml;jsessionid=ENIIHJJESJERTLAQBQ4CGXD5AAAACI2F?id=273900022]
  • FLMK A non-profit job vacancy services that you can found at FLMK and Lowongan Kerja
  • Florida Marine Research -
  • Florida Keys Forever - a national non-profit organization that focuses on protecting, preserving and promoting the Florida Keys and Key West. Organization's website is available at http://www.floridakeysforever.org
  • Fondazione Bruno Keseler - A research organization that is dedicated to keep the province of Trento (Italy) in the mainstream of European and international research. [281]
  • FoodPool - Gardeners helping people in need - A not-for-profit organization (currently unincorporated) promoting the formation of neighborhood groups to collect backyard garden produce for donation to local food banks, food pantries, and other centers that distribute food to people in need. [282] mentions: [283][284]
  • Forever Manchester - A non-profit organization that is dedicated to raising, managing and distributing money to support local people and groups trying to make a positive change in neighbourhoods throughout Greater Manchester. Organization's website is available at http://forevermanchester.com/
  • Founders' Place Historical District A non-profit organization guiding a locally-designated historic neighborhood in Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA.
  • The Francis E Low Foundation A non-profit dedicated to funding research into renewable energy
  • Fraser of Allander Institute The Fraser of Allander Institute, founded in 1975, is an economic research institute based in the University of Strathclyde.[285] The institute regularly publishes the Fraser of Allander Institute Economic Commentary[286], Labour Market Trends [287], and Scotland's Economy [288].
  • The Free Network Foundation Vuilders and advocates of distributed and decentralized communication systems
  • FreePoverty – a website/organization that donates water to those in need
  • Friends Health Connection - A non-profit website focused on 'support and education' for members with illnesses. This includes lectures, conferences, workshops, and a social networking site. Named the 268th Daily Point of Light by former President Bush.
  • The Friends of Israel - A non-profit organization dedicated to the witness of the Messiah to the nation to which he first came and to the fostering of solidarity with the Jewish people. [289]

FARMERS FRIEND ORGANISATION - FARMERS FRIEND ORGANISATION -Farmers Friend Organization (FFO) is a development non-governmental organization that was established by a group of young committed people in 2003. Its initiation was a response to the increasing poverty and injustice prevailing in the society by its founder members. The primary purpose and the basic cross-cutting theme of the organization is Community Development through an integrated approach. Following the same, it is working to facilitate the community development initiatives at grass roots level in rural as well as low profile urban areas of Sheikhupura, Nankana and Muzaffargarh Districts of Pakistan .



  • Hawai'i Appleseed Foundation for Law and Economic Justice Policy organization that conducts policy research and legislative and judicial advocacy in order to improve the lives of low-income people in the state of Hawai'i. References: [[317]]
  • Hopecam -Connects children who are unable to attend school while undergoing treatment for a life-threatening illness with their friends at school using technology. References:[[318]] [[319]] [[320]]
  • Hamilton/Burlington SPCA [[321]]
  • Heartfelt Foundation - found by Shaun and Vanessa Bonett in 2005 to assist charities and people under stress. The Heartfelt Foundation has supported Pathways, Youth Insearch, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, Oncology Children’s Foundation, Ardoch Youth Foundation, Gawler Foundation, Bear Cottage and School Aid. Reference:[[322]]
  • Heirs To Our Oceans - (from website) Heirs to Our Oceans is a rising tide of young leaders around the globe who are taking the ocean crisis into their own hands, educating themselves and others, bringing hope and solutions to the surface, and creating waves of change that will ensure the health of our blue planet for their generation and for future generations. [[323]]
  • Heshima Kenya - Heshima Kenya specializes in identifying and protecting unaccompanied and separated refugee children and youth, especially girls, young women and their children living in Nairobi, Kenya. Our shelter, education and community outreach services, coupled with local resources and the refugee community, empower this population to live healthy lives. By providing resources for long-term support, these girls and young women become catalysts for strengthening networks creating sustainable change within the local and global communities. References [[324]]
  • Hello Sunday Morning - A non-profit organization that provides a platform for individuals to create meaningful change in their lives by taking a short break from alcohol. 20,000 users have now taken a 3-month break from alcohol. References [[325]] [[326]] [[327]]
  • Help Desk Institute - A professional organization and certification body for the Service and Support industry founded in 1989.
  • Helping Services for Northeast Iowa -Working to support families, end domestic violence and child abuse, prevent substance abuse and connect youth with caring adults. References: [[328]]
  • HELPS International - An organization that funds programs to eradicate poverty in Latin America. References: [[329]] [[330]] [[331]] [[332]] [[333]] [[334]]
  • Hepatitis B Foundation - The only non-profit organization that funds hepatitis b research and advocacy internationally. Dr. Barusch Blumberg was an original supporter. References: [335]
  • Haileybury Youth Trust - A charity based in Jinja, Uganda, helping to alleviate poverty and improve education and sanity through sustainable and considered building, education and training. References: HYT Uganda website, Charities Commission, Attain News - HYT building program, Africa Science News - sustainable buildings/Ashden award (detailed), Book on Appropriate Earth Technologies pp24-25
  • High School Association of Medical Engineers & Scientists - A New Jersey nonprofit volunteer organization founded, operated, and run by students that seeks to match high school students with interest in medical science, engineering, and healthcare with volunteer opportunities that further their understanding of healthcare specialties [336]
  • Highlights for Highschool - In 2007, MIT OpenCourseWare introduced a site called Highlights for High School that indexes resources on the OCW applicable to advances high school study in biology, chemistry, calculus and physics in an effort to support US STEM education at the secondary school level. References [[337]] [[338]]
  • History Of The Hollywood Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce) in Hollywood, CA.
  • Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus - A charitable entity set up in 2011 by a group of volunteers under the founder of Wan Sze Chung. The entity was established under the laws of Hong Kong in China, with a view of training up volunteer leaders through Caring Magic and Caring Education.
  • HopeAbides - Hope Abides is a U.S. based organization whose mission is to provide help and hope to orphaned and destitute children in India. Not only is their ultimate goal to help these children with their immediate needs, but to work towards providing them the ability to grow into independent and productive adults. An education is the best tool a child can have to escape poverty; however, in order to get an education a child first needs the necessities of life such as shelter and food. Hope Abides works with established orphanages and organizations in India to make sure that basic needs are provided and children have the opportunity to attend school. Poverty, hunger and illiteracy are not limited by gender or religion – therefore, Hope Abides helps children regardless of their gender or religious background, and seeks help and participation from all faiths.

References:[[339]] [[340]]

  • Horological Society of New York - America's oldest horological society, founded 1866. Pursuing the art & science of watchmaking. A 501(c)(6) organization. [341] [342] [343]
  • Hyogo International Association -Promotes international exchange activities of residents and principals society Multicultural, contributes to the creation of a society rich international character living with people around the world, public interest Hyogo International Association, the county It is a public benefit corporation, which was established as a wholly-Shutsuen. http://www.hyogo-ip.or.jp/
  • Household Cavalry Foundation -The Household Cavalry Foundation (HCF) was set up in January 2013 to raise much needed funds to care for the Casualties, Soldiers, Veterans, Families, Heritage and Horses of the Household Cavalry. [[344]]
  • Human Security Centre- The Human Security Centre is a non-profit, non-partisan international affairs think-tank based in London, with interests in foreign, defence and security policy.Founded in 2014, the purpose of the HSC is to address, and to formulate solutions to, current and emerging threats to human security. To further its aims, the HSC undertakes analysis and research into key elements of human security – with a particular focus on international terrorist, political extremism, interstate armed conflict, human rights violation and international law. [[345]] [[346]]
  • Human Services Council- The Human Services Council is a non profit organization based in Norwalk, Connecticut. Founded in 1944, the HSCCT has been actively involved in the progression of this community for over seven decades. Each year the Human Services Council aids around 8,000 families and individuals, providing them with the means to reach their needs and goals. HSCCT runs around six programs that span from student health to aid for the homeless, all of which have been covered by news agencies. [[347]] [[348]] [[349]] [[350]] [[351]] [[352]] [[353]] [[354]]


  • International Business Innovation Association (InBIA)- InBIA, formerly known as the National Business Incubation Association, is a 30 year old membership association that strives to further enhance the global entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing thought leadership, education, resources and networking to help members better serve their communities and regions. As a global organization, InBIA has over 2,000 members across over 60 countries. [355], [356], [357], [358], [359],[360]
  • International Youth Society of Eco friendly and renewable technology(IYSERT) -International Youth Society of Eco Friendly and Renewable technology is a non-commercial, non-governmental, non-political organization founded on 2012 in India , Presently working in 8 countries and Mobilizing more than 2000 Youth across the world.



  • The Judicial Office An Arms-Length Body of the UK Ministry of Justice, answerable to the Lord Chief Justice and Senior President of Tribunals, created following the Constitutional Reform Act 2005]] [[408]]
  • Jalsonic secure - jalsonic secure is a non-profit organization. where people manage there passwords and use one email address or password for every website.

jalsonic network make this technology more secure and current working how to make more save passwords. kinldy check this link for more extenal referese: [[409]]

  • Jana's Campaign, Inc. - In honor of the late Jana Mackey and other victims of domestic violence, a committed group of activists created Jana’s Campaign, Inc. with the single mission of reducing gender and relationship violence. “We believe it is our responsibility to use the story of Jana’s life and the story of her death to help reduce violence against women.” Through our program activities, Jana’s Campaign aims to play a significant role in breaking the cycle of domestic and dating violence and be a catalyst for social change. More information can be found at www.janascampaign.org, www.janasstory.org, www.heartlandsummit.org, and www.1100torches.org. The organization is registered with the GuideStar Exchange. Additional affiliations include GoodSearch.
  • JASCAP - Jeet Association for support to cancer patients
  • Jennings Do-Dads Association A non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the youth of the Jennings, Missouri area. [[410]]
  • Jerusalem Business Networking Forum was founded in 2006 to facilitate the growth and advocacy for Jerusalem-based businesses, http://jbnf.org/
  • John L. Grove College of Business
  • JSOU Foundation
  • JCA - Japan Chess Association - FIDE Chess governing association in Japan.http://www.jca-chess.com/
  • JMBACC - Japan MBA Case Competition - The JMBACC is the first MBA business case competition in Tokyo, organized under the leadership of students from the McGill MBA Japan Program, Hitotsubashi University, Aoyama University and other prominent business schools in Japan. The purpose of the event is to highlight the capabilities of MBA students in Japan, and to bring students together for a friendly competition. All of the presentations are delivered in English. The first annual JMBACC event took place in 17th Nov 2013. The McGill MBA Japan Team, of the Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University won the first championship. The second JMBCC event is planned to take place in 30th Nov 2014, in Aoyama University.

more information about us and last year's event [[411]] [[412]] External Reference: [[413]] [[414]] [[415]] [[416]]

  • JVMI - Jewish Voice Ministries International - JVMI's mission is two-fold: Proclaim the Gospel to the Jew first, and also to the Nations (Romans 1:16), and equip the Church to reach the Jewish People by providing education about the Hebraic Roots of Christianity and how to share Messiah with the Jewish People. www.jvmi.org


  • KartRocket - KartRocket is an end-to-end SaaS based ecommerce platform provider that offers end to end eCommerce solution, right from your website creation to payment, marketing and logistics. [417]

[418] [419] [420] [421] [422]

  • Karuna Expedition - Guinness World Record attempt " Longest Journey in a Scooter with a sidecar " while raising funds for the World Scout Foundation. http://karunaexpedition.weebly.com
  • Katie Caples Foundation - Committed to increasing the number of registered organ donors through educational and awareness raising campaigns. Incorporated in 1998 in Fernandina Beach, Florida, the KCF has delivered organ donor education programs since 2005 in North Florida high schools. Hosts the Katie Ride for Life and other awareness raising events. www.katiecaples.org
  • Kentuckiana Pride Foundation - LGBT organization incorporated in 2008 in Louisville, Kentucky; hosts Kentuckiana Pride Festival and other LGBT pride related events. kypride.com
  • Khel Planet Foundation - Play based innovation in life-skills education for children. [423]
  • Kick It Forward Foundation - Nonprofit anti-bullying organization http://www.kickitforward.foundation
  • Kids Code Jeunesse - A Canadian National Nonprofit empowering youth and teachers to code - (kidscodejeunesse.org)
  • Kids Defense Team - Helping children. Collect Clothes for the Homeless. Give Internet and Chatroom Safety Seminars in Northeastern Maryland.
  • Kids On The Move - Non-profit organization that serves children and families in three areas: Early Head Start for low-income families, Early Invervention for developmental delays, and Bridges for autism. [424]
  • Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning & Development District (-first regional economic development district chartered in Louisiana by the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration, enabled by the Louisiana State Legislature as the 6th State Planning District and originally organized by local government, operating as a 501(c)4. Kisatchie-Delta serves the region comprised of Avoyelles, Catahoula, Concordia, Grant, LaSalle, Rapides, Vernon, and Winn Parishes. The focus is on creating and retaining jobs and bettering the quality of life by helping local governments seek resources, funding, and opportunity; communities develop projects, compete for State and Federal grants, and find solutions; and leadership with economic development consulting and support to enhance small business development. Kisatchie-Delta serves the region as analyst, strategist, catalyst and convener, recognizing that regionalism means partnership, collaboration, and identity as a competitive, economic identity. ) (http://www.kdelta.org)
  • Kokomo Pride - LGBT pride organization. Does local charity work, and LGBT resource, along with other events. In Kokomo, Indiana [425]
  • Konfirmed - Helping artists find progress in all their fields of work with the help of their expanding community.
  • Kampung Halaman Foundation - Youth Organization. For the national youth-led network to produce multimedia digital content, conduct online media campaigns, and strengthen youth leadership in local decision-making processes. In Yogyakarta, Indonesia Halaman

Lorton Volunteer Fire Dept


  • Living with Reflux - The Uk's national charity supporting families with babies, children and young adults suffering with Gastro-oesophageal Reflux (GOR/GER) and Reflux Disease (GORD/GERD) -Charity Number:1132614. In conjunction with a specialist medical advisory board the charity works to provide vital information and resources for health clinics and hospitals and the general public at large. [436] [437] [438]



  • MultiCaf, http://www.multicaf.org/En/Staff.html A Community Cafeteria and Food Bank coordinated by private millionaire capitalist, Iranian immigrant to Canada, Fred Mehrabi. This organization is important as part of a network of government and donation-financed non-governmental organisms in the area of Cote-des-Neiges in Montreal whose aim is to socially restructure the formerly French and English Founding ethnic communities into Communitarian polyethnic communities practising multiculturalism to replace the Confederation of Canada. MultiCaf, with its community kitchen, food bank, computer center, free wireless Internet subsidized by the federal government of Canada, and its vast array of activities is a key to integrating immigrants. In the past 30 years, over 200 foreign races and cultures have been literally poured into the neighborhood, apparently under U.N. "diversity" auspices, to create socialist Communitarianism by mass immigration. MultiCaf and the organizations of which it is a part, including the Cote-des-Neiges Community Development Corporation at the hub of the rapid ongoing transformation, is essential to the process of transforming the neighborhood to replace Canada's founding peoples and the lawful Confederation of 1867. Mehrabi and fellow staff are apparently on substantial salaries from an anonymous board of directors.
  • Music for All - Music for All is one of the largest and most influential national music education organizations in support of active music making. Music for All is unique in that it combines programming at a national level with arts education advocacy. Bands of America (BOA) and Orchestra America are programs of Music for All, first founded in 1975, with a heritage in providing spectacular educational experiences and performance events for instrumental music programs and students. [466], [467]
  • Mutuelle Jeunesse Active, A community organized humanitarian organization in Uvira, Congo-Kinshasa.
  • My Broken Palace - A non-profit organization that exists to meet others in their time of brokenness. [468] mentions: [469]
  • Military Warriors Support Foundation - A San Antonio, Texas based non-profit organization dedicated to assisting combat-wounded veterans transition to civilian life. They currently have four programs to assist veterans with; CEOs4Heroes to help veterans and spouses of military to find jobs, Homes4WoundedHeroes which awards mortgage-free homes to combat-wounded veterans or surviving unmarried spouses, Education4Heroes which provides college tuition assistance to veterans, and Skills4Life which provides outdoor recreation for severely disabled veterans. References: [470], [471], [472] Main webpage [473]
  • Mount Saint Vincent - Mount Saint Vincent is a Denver, Colorado-based treatment center for children aged 5 to 12 who face severe behavioral and emotional challenges due to trauma, mental illness, abuse, or neglect. ["Mount Saint Vincent" -site:http://www.msvhome.org]
  • MLK Community Mural Project - Moving the Lives of Kids Community Mural Project (MLK Mural), is a US 501(c)3 charitable organization, that focuses on empowering youth through public art education. (sources can be found on our press page) (a draft of post can be provided to aid in completion)
  • McKees Rocks Community Development Corporation - The McKees Rocks Community Development Corporation is a non-profit organization based in McKees Rocks in Pittsburgh, PA and focuses on community and economic development in McKees Rocks.
  • Montgomery Lodge AF&AM - Freemason Lodge in Milford, Massachusetts chartered in 1797 by Paul Revere. [474]
  • Media Policy Center - is a groundbreaking and award-winning media foundation dedicated to building better communities through creative content and localized outreach. [475]
  • Mozilla Community Indore - Part of Mozilla India Community, Focusing on regional promotion and contribution of Open source projects under Mozilla Foundation.. [476]
  • MyDeal Australia - Australia's fastest growing one stop retailer for thousands of essentials & in demand products at discount prices online from leading brands. [477]





  • The Queens Council on the Arts - The Queens Council on the Arts (QCA) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1966. QCA is part of the Kaufman Arts District. This space is an exciting intersection of arts, commerce, media, advocacy and strategic networking for Queens arts and cultural institutions. [www.queenscouncilarts.org] [514]


In 2014, Sydnie and Lance Rouleau founded the Rouleau Foundation in an effort to bring awareness to and improve issues related to military families. The foundation focuses on three strategic areas: creating education opportunities, improving military families, and encouraging holistic family health.

Staff Includes Sydnie Rouleau, Lance Rouleau, Nelson Rouleau, Lisa Strickland-Rouleau, and Eric Flynn.

([524] [525] [526])
  • Rajshri Foundation, www.rajshri.org, Rajshri Foundation is the non-profit arm of the 66 year-old Rajshri group, India’s leading film, TV, music and digital entertainment studio.
  • Royal British Legion Scotland - The Royal British Legion Scotland or RBLS as it is sometimes referred now has a new trading name of Legion Scotland. The charity is a separate one from the RBL (Royal British Legion) which also exists. The Royal British Legion Scotland was set up on 18th June 1921 in Edinburgh's Usher Hall when more than 100 existing veteran support organisations joined together and formed the British Legion - Scotland was added later on when the RBL formed in England. The charity still exists today under its new trading name to stand for and provide support to veterans. Ref: www.legionscotland.org.uk
  • Rho Eta Xi, [527], A midwestern co-ed professional fraternity focused on cinema and the art of entertainment .
  • Reach Out WorldWide, [[528]],ROWW is a network of professionals with first responder skill-sets who augment local expertise when natural disasters strike in order to accelerate relief efforts. (also founded by Paul Walker)

  • San Diego Police Officers Association (was incorporated in 1953 to assist San Diego police officers in issues related to wages, hours, and working conditions. The SDPOA also aids members and their families in sickness, distress and death, and strives to improve social relations and welfare among the members.The precursor to the San Diego Police Officers Association was officially incorporated on August 5, 1953 as the San Diego Police Relief Association after having been originally established in 1912. In 1953, the purpose of the Relief Association was to “create and maintain a Police Relief Fund for the protection, care and relief of its members in distress through injury, sickness or death; to promote and maintain a feeling of friendship and fraternity among its members; to promote the individual and collective welfare of the members and to defend and preserve the rights of the members to a fair and secure retirement and pension system.” The Police Relief Association Articles of Incorporation were amended in 1962 to re-name the association to the San Diego Police Officers Association, Inc. as it is known today.
  • Shreshth Bharat Foundation /; Shreshth Bharat Foundation is a Non Government Organisation dedicated for the environmental conservaton and public awareness on different social issues. This was Founded on 16th July 2013 by Social activist Arunesh Tiwari. Panchvati vikas karyakram (पंचवटी विकास कार्यक्रम) is a major project of Shreshth Bharat Fondation, under this project plantation of five different plants takes place in a scientific order. We plant Panchvati at Public places such as school, colleges, hospitals, police stations and government offices. The Idea of PANCHVATI is taken from RAMAYANA. During his exile Lord RAMA had made to move the Panchvati in NASHIK (Maharashtra). As described in the Ramayana, Panchvati was the place where five different trees (पीपल, बरगद, बेल, आंवला व अशोक) were placed in order. The scientists of CDRI researched on it and found PANCHVATI very Beneficial to human health. Shresth Bharat Foundation is also working for public awareness on different social issues such as Dowry system and female foeticide. Shreshth Bharat foundation strongly support and is involved in Beti bachao - beti padhao and Swachh Bharat mission programmes of government of India.

Mr. Arunesh Tiwari, social activist (founder)


  • San Juan County Land Bank A non-profit organization in Washington State with a mandate to preserve in perpetuity areas in the county that have environmental, agricultural, aesthetic, cultural, scientific, historic, scenic or low-intensity recreational value and to protect existing and future sources of potable water. http://sjclandbank.org/
  • Savannah Pride - 501C-3 in Savannah, GA, responsible for raising tolerance and awareness for the LGBT community through annual events and outreach including its annual Savannah Pride Festival. [531]. [532]. mentions: [533]
  • Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Foundation - Raises funds for Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital and our local community thru donations, special events and Children's Miracle Network radio-thons and events. http://www.svmhfoundation.org. http://www.svmh.com. http://www.cherrysjubilee.org/cause_history.html. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Salinas-Valley-Memorial-Hospital-Foundation/103232979635
  • SARC(Harford County) - SARC aids victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse and stalking in Harford County Maryland. Programs include a 24-hour helpline, counseling, crisis intervention, hospital companions, legal advocacy and representation, a confidentially located, 28-bed safehouse, outreach, trainings, presentations and community education. Website, facebook, references.
  • Scottish Adoption - Scottish Adoption are a Scottish based Adoption Agency which was set up in 1923 with the aim of delivering a holistic range of high quality placement and adoption services. They work in partnership with other key agencies and organisations such as Local Authorities. Scottish Adoption are committed to delivering a child centred service and they strive to build on their reputation as the best value provider in all aspects of Adoption. Website Facebook Twitter
  • Sea Shepherd UK - Direct Action Marine Conservation Charity registered in England and Wales (Incorporated 2005). Sea Shepherd UK's mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife around the UK's coastline and across the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. Sea Shepherd UK uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities committed against marine wildlife and habitats. [534] [535]
  • Seattle Globalist--Seattle-based online publication covering international connections and global diversity in the Pacific Northwest. [536], [537], [538], [539], [540]
  • Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders - Long Island - a home where GLBT seniors can access supportive services, create rich social networks and share their legacy
  • Science For All Foundation - The Science for All Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). SFAF is specifically focused on encouraging young women to pursue education and careers in science. [541]
  • Science Schools Initiative - A Not-For-Profit that has a SHSAT test prep program that has recieved great praise among schools,parents,and students. [542]
  • Scientific Exploration Society UK Charity [543]
  • Screening for Mental Health, Inc. The premier provider of mental health screening programs. SMH's mission is to provide innovative mental health and substance abuse resources, linking those in need to quality treatment options. [544], [545], [546], [547], [548], [549], [550],
  • Sea Crest School - An independent K-8 school established in 1996 in Half Moon Bay, California with a focus on innovation. http://seacrestschool.org
  • Shareholder Association for Research and Education - A Canadian not-for-profit organization working with institutional investors to promote responsible investment practices through active ownership, research and education. Since it was founded in 2000, SHARE has supported many religious investors, foundations, pension funds, universities, indigenous trusts and asset managers to engage with companies, file shareholder proposals and proxy voting services. SHARE’s clients are 30 Canadian institutional investors with more than $22 billion in assets under management clients include the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, OceanRock Investments Inc., the United Church of Canada and the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland. On engages with companies on environmental, social and governance issues, on behalf of its clients who are invested in these companies. SHARE has filed shareholder proposals with many large companies including SNC-Lavalin, Bombardier, Imperial Oil, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Royal Bank of Canada and Alimentation Couch Tard. http://share.ca, [551],

[552], [553], [554], [555]

  • Shattemuc Yacht Club (New York) - A not for profit yacht club located in Ossining, New York. Information at http://www.shattemucyc.org
  • Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum (A 501(c)3 organization based in Winchester, VA providing experiental educational opportunities to the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding regions) [556],
  • Simon Communities of Ireland - Charitable organization that aims to end homelessness and influence government policy and public opinion in Ireland.
  • Singapore Bullion Market Association (SBMA) - Singapore Bullion Market Association (SBMA) is a non-profit organisation established in 1993 for the purposes of representing key stakeholders from the precious metals industry, including bullion banks, exchanges, refineries, bullion merchants and secured logistics support companies. SBMA plays a pivotal role in the development of Singapore as an Asian precious metals hub and also as one of the most global centres of connectivity for precious metals. SBMA participates in many activities such as engagement with industry, governmental and non-governmental agencies, publishing industry-based articles, and marketing and advertising, but its focus remains in creating and ensuring collaboration between its members. [www.sbma.org.sg/], [557], [558]
  • Singapore Medical Society of the United Kingdom - Student-led organisation founded in 1994 to represent the interests of Singaporean students in medical and dental schools across the UK [559], [560], [561], [562]
  • Sister Song - An organization focused on reproductive justice for women of color, minorities, trans for the complete well-being of all women and girls. Formed in 1997, based out of Georgia, and often credited with the creation of reproductive justice as a framework for change. [563], [564]
  • Skillshare International - British international development organisation employing professional people in Africa and Asia.
  • Small Business Advocacy Council (SBAC) - Illinois-based 501(c)(6) not-for-profit, non-partisan, member driven organization which promotes small business success through political advocacy, support services and educational programs. [565]
  • Social Media Emergency Management (SMEM) - Social Media Emergency Management, stylized as #SMEM, is a disaster-response methodology developed in 2011 for disseminating crowd-sourced information via social media channels and low-bandwidth localized websites. SMEM groups consist of volunteer-run local response teams that collect and vet information about disasters, and senior "veteran" facilitators who disseminate updates through organized social media channels. SMEM projects include creating "official" hashtag topologies for disasters, fact-checking rumors, and assisting with logistics and allocation of emergency resources. SMEM projects include Joplin Tornado Info [566](2011 Mashable Awards Finalist), Rockaways Hurricane Sandy News [567], Ebola Virus Info [568], Measles Info [569], and Philippines Typhoon Aid. [570]. Sources: [571], [572], [573],
  • The Society of St. Yves The Society of St. Yves is an ecclesiastical NGO based in Jerusalem. Based on canonical law and as a registered Catholic lay organization, it is the Catholic human rights organization in the Holy Land. The association was established in 1991 by the then Patriarch Michel Sabbah founded. (German WP has an article) [574]
  • Socorro Gomes - President of the World Peace Council
  • Solar United Neighbors - A 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Washington, D.C., that helps electricity consumers get their power through solar energy. Solar United Neighbors does this by organizing co-ops to help groups of people in a community save money on their rooftop solar installations and advocating for pro-solar policy at the state level. [575], [576], [577], [578], [579]
  • Solicitor Search Engine - A new project set up in the UK to make it easier to search for SRA regulated solicitors [580].
  • Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute- Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing scientific research, education and resources to encourage safe, moral, pro-life medicines and therapeutics.


  • South Australian State Emergency Service - The South Australian State Emergency Service (SA SES) is a volunteer based organisation responding to natural disasters and working to ensure the safety of communities around South Australia, Australia. Each State and territory of Australia has its own independent State Emergency Service, and the SA SES is only one of these services spread across Australia. At times of great need or catastrophic disaster, it is common that assistance be sought from other states. The SA SES comprises approximately 1700 volunteers spread across 68 units and responds to around 6000 – 7000 tasks and requests for assistance each year. These tasks primarily involve: Responding to floods, storms, road accidents and emergencies requiring both general rescue and technical rescue services (vertical rescue, confined space rescue, swift water rescue, road crash rescue). Supporting land, sea and air searches for missing persons and vessels. Providing blue water marine and brown water riverine rescue services.

Photos: SA SES logo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Emergency_Service#/media/File:SA_SES_Logo.png SA SES rescue vehicle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Emergency_Service#/media/File:SA_SES_Ford_F250.gif

Links: South Australian State Emergency Service South Australian State Emergency Service Volunteers Association South Australian Fire and Emergency Commission

Categories: Emergency services in South Australia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Emergency_services_in_South_Australia

References: Carr, J, 2015. In times of need : the story of the South Australian State Emergency Service . 1st ed. Australia: Openbook Howden Design and Print.

  • SparkCon an annual creative conference and showcase of local talent in Raleigh, NC, USA
  • Speedy Publishing LLC (Speedy Publishing Provides Video Training Courses, Access to Software, eBook and Print Templates, Book Cover Creation and Much More) (http://www.speedypublishing.com)
  • Spinal Research - Charity funding medical research around the world to develop reliable treatments for paralysis caused by a broken back or neck [582], [583], [584], [585], [586], [587].
  • Standards for Excellence - A national institute that certifies the efficiency of nonprofit organizations in order to maintain a high standard for ethics and accountability. [588], [589], [590], [591]
  • Stages of Learning - NYC based nonprofit organization that existed between 1994-2010. Its mission was to restore drama instruction to public schools and was home to the Chekhov Theatre Ensemble, an award-winning company of teaching actors.
  • Steuben County Literacy Coalition - Offers comprehensive programming to increase the literacy rate of Steuben County, IN, community members of all ages.
  • Styleta - Styleta is a rapidly expanding nonprofit organization that uses fashion to nurture the next generation of young social entrepreneurs by creating sponsored student organizations on campuses nationwide that allow students to take on leadership positions and gain hands-on experience in the world of business while bettering their community. Styleta collects gently used clothing, sells them online and on university campuses, and donates the proceeds to charity. Sources: Glamour, InStyle, People
  • St. Nicks Alliance - The St. Nicks Alliance is a nonprofit, nonsectarian community-based organization founded in 1975 with a mission to serve as a catalyst to improve the quality of life of Williamsburg-Greenpoint (Brooklyn, NY) residents by addressing economic, educational, health, housing and social needs while preserving the vibrant and diverse character of the entire community, particularly for low- and moderate-income residents. [592], [593], [594]
  • Sudbury Community Foundation AKA SCF. Public Foundation in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada since 1996. [595]
  • Secure Borders Initiative -
  • Social Aid & Pleasure Club
  • Stichting Tripod Foundation - A Netherlands based charity. [596]
  • St. Mary's Hospital (Langata) - Requested via OTRS, ticket:2014022710010515. [597]
  • streetfootballworld - An international NGO that uses football (soccer) for positive social change. [598]. Based in Berlin, Germany with offices in South Africa, Brazil, the U.S. and Colombia, and a network of 120 community organisations around the world--all of which place football at the heart of sustainable social change in their communities. [599] [600] [601] [602][603] [604] [605] [606] [607] [608] [609] [610] [611] [612]
  • Swiss Network for International Studies - A Swiss funding agency for academic research funded in 2008 with the mission to promotes academic research in the interdisciplinary area of International Studies, cited on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_International_Academic_Network. [613]
  • Startup Canada - A volunteer-driven and grassroots network of entrepreneurs working together to cultivate a culture of entrepreneurship in Canada and around the globe.
  • Startup Stir - A Boston-based non-profit organization providing enrichment-oriented event programming in Boston, Philadelphia and New York. [614] [615] [616]
  • Scripture Union Scotland - The vision of SU Scotland is to see the children and young people of Scotland exploring the Bible and responding to the significance of Jesus. Scripture Union Scotland is part of the worldwide family of Scripture Union movements [617] that began in the nineteenth century and now operate in over 130 countries across the world. We are a Christian charity working in partnership with local churches. More than 2,000 volunteers are involved in helping run our activities, together with around 100 staff and associate workers. We work in schools running SU Groups and supporting Curriculum for Excellence. Our two activity centres accommodate school groups and weekends away during term-time and during the school holidays we run an extensive programme of SU Holidays and SU Missions. We also run discipleship and training programmes, prayer events and online discipleship for young people. In all that we do we seek to ensure that we are prioritising the disadvantaged, working in partnership with churches and recognising the family context that young people come from. We are also committed to promoting prayer support for all schools in Scotland. ]
  • Synthetic Turf Council (STC) - Founded in 2003, the Synthetic Turf Council is a 501(c)6 non-profit trade association dedicated to serving as a resource for trustworthy information about synthetic turf. Their objective is to encourage, promote and facilitate better understanding among all parties involved in the manufacture, selection, delivery and use of today's synthetic turf systems. To that end, they make every attempt to dispense information that is neutral, objective and validated by independent, science-based, current and credible research.

As an action-oriented organization, STC promotes high standards and high quality in the synthetic turf industry through a respected member certification program and strict code of ethics. Their semi-annual membership meetings provide a forum for cooperative learning and issue resolution, while outreach initiatives encourage cooperative relationships between industry and end-user organizations. Their Mission Statement is "Committed to community wellness and environmental responsibility through the use of synthetic turf, the Synthetic Turf Council is the industry's voice for promoting the highest ethical and professional standards, education, legislative and community advocacy."

As the voice of the industry, the STC has been cited often in the media, especially in response to the controversy over the use of crumb rubber used as an infill for synthetic turf in many sports fields and play parks. Some of these references include the following: http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/artificial-turf-debate/feds-finally-take-action-crumb-rubber-turf-n517726; http://triblive.com/news/neighborhoods/carlynton/10529478-74/turf-playing-surface; http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-bears-turf-lawsuit-0527-biz-20160526-story.html; http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/264708-turf-industry-lobbies-up-in-rubber-safety-fight; http://www.law360.com/articles/737107/turf-wars-the-attack-on-crumb-rubber-synthetic-turf; https://chemicalwatch.com/43099/us-congressman-calls-for-synthetic-turf-safety-review; http://www.wuft.org/news/2015/12/04/synthetic-turf-studies-inconclusive-on-health-concerns/; http://www.bendbulletin.com/localstate/education/4107000-151/rubber-in-artificial-turf-causes-health-concerns; http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/artificial-turf-debate/feds-wont-say-if-artificial-turf-safe-kids-n435731; http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/technology/273927-applauding-agency-action-on-recycled-rubber-and-artificial; and many more.

·Stand for Courage (The Stand for Courage Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to changing the conversation and cultural reaction around bullying. Instead of identifying as another bullying prevention program, Stand for Courage focuses on creating a new culture (within youth, their school environment, and community) which allows each of us the room to grow into our best selves.) (http://www.standforcourage.org)

The STC is also occasionally misquoted in the media: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/howard/laurel/ph-ll-mccullough-field-improvements-1008-20150930-story.html.

STC Certification: This program delivers peace of mind to buyers and end-users of synthetic turf by recognizing qualified companies whose products and/or services come highly recommended by their customers. The Certification program is an exclusive benefit of STC members. The eligibility requirements are listed here: http://www.syntheticturfcouncil.org/page/Certification. The fulfillment of the certification criteria and awarding of their certificate is a newsworthy event for STC Certified Members: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20140108006085/en/Aplix-Achieves-Synthetic-Turf-Council-Certification.


  • tnAchieves (tnAchieves is the partnering non-profit to Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam's Tennessee Promise scholarship program. The organization provides the administration of the program which offers students the opportunity to attend two years of community or technical college free of tuition and mandatory fees. Students must contribute community service hours and participate in the mentoring program to be eligible.) ([620] [621] [622] [623] [624] [625])
  • Tackle Kids Cancer - (Tackle Kids Cancer raises funds to benefit essential clinical care, unique support services and groundbreaking cancer research needed to find a cure at the Children’s Cancer Institute at HackensackUMC. Founded in September 2015 in partnership with New York Giants and Eli Manning, Tackle Kids Cancer has raised over $3 million to date. In addition, Tackle Kids Cancer has partnerships with New York Red Bulls, PGA Tour, Modell's Sporting Goods, New York Knicks, New York Liberty, Madison Square Garden, and PepsiCo) Site [www.TackleKidsCancer.org] Sources [626] [627] [628] [629] [630] [631] [632]
  • Takis Shelter (The Takis Shelter have been set up 4 years ago with the primary objective to rescue the stray and abandoned animals of Crete. The shelter takes care for over 175 dogs and 13 cats. It is situated in Ierapetra, south of Crete. Most of animals of the shelter are neutered (except few due to age or health). The Takis Shelter has been funding exclusively by donations since its establishment.) ([633] [634] [635] [636] [637] [638] [639] [640] [641])
  • Taos Launchpad (Taos Launchpad is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide opportunities through programs designed to foster education, vocational access, and creativity. Our primary focus is on the youth, but we encourage the involvement of all ages.The goal is to stimulate innovation and provide the facilities needed for our future generation's minds to be enlightened and inspired.)

Taos Launchpad References:

Taos Launchpad Website
Satellite view of the Taos Launchpad Facility

Tapestries of Life Ministries - (Tapestries of Life is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) public Ministry based both in the United States and as "Tapestries de Mexico in Chihuahua, Mexico as an international Orphanage and Adoption Agency exclusively for charitable purposes. (http://www.tapestriesoflife.com) Tapestries of Life (TLM) considers the Christian Mandate to take care of widows and orphans very seriously and in order to do this TLM has focused on 2 specific tasks. Firstly Steve & Cathy Brewer have envisioned and created an orphanage in Guadalupe Mexico, the largest such creation in all of Latin America. Much needs to be done in order to complete this endeavor, however when completed this orphanage will house over 400 children and the Government of Mexico has promised to fill it when it's doors finally open. This orphanage is being built with the proceeds of churches in the United States and around the World on 27 acres of property that was donated to Tapestries of Life. They have named this orphanage "Casa de las Gemas"--House of Gems. It includes, among other buildings, a two-story dormitory in the shape of a cross which will house 400 of the 7000 children so desperately needing such a facility in the area. The orphanage also contains a Clinic, a cafeteria, housing for staff, a warehouse for storage, and very importantly an elementary school.)
Some References concerning Tapestries of Life Ministries:

Listing of Orphanages at Orphanage.org,
(Aerial View of Orphanage with Google Maps)
April 2003 Mission Trip to Guadalupe, Mexico by a group from Wyoming Methodist Church)
(Tapestries of Life Local Newscast on ABC-KVIA Channel 7)
Interview of Steven Brewer, Founder and director of Tapestris of Life, 2014, Borderzine.com(c))
(Tapestries of Life YouTube Channel),
(Tapestries of Life Page @ MissionFinder)
Tapestries of Life Ministries in Fabens, Texas information at NonProfitFacts.com)

  • Texas Home School Coalition (Texas Home School Coalition is the authority in Texas on home schooling. The coalition of three organizations impacts the lives of more than 100,000 home schooling families in Texas. Since 1986, THSC has been working to secure and maintain the liberties of Texas families through advocacy and service as well as influencing the political processes that determines law and policy relative to home schooling families and parental rights in Texas.) [653] [654] [655] [656] [657] [658] [http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/texas-family-battles-judge-over-homeschooling/] [659] [660]
  • The Boys Initiative - A non-profit organization with the mission shedding light on underachievement among boys and young men, to foster dialogue and debate about it, and collaborate on solutions with those who are committed to the futures of our nation's youth. [661]
  • The Electronic Security Association - A United States non profit trade association for the electronic security and life safety industry. [662]
  • The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation - The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation is dedicated to funding basic science research to find answers that will lead to the prevention, clinical treatment programs and a potential cure for Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) Spectrum Disease. [663]
  • The International Legal Foundation (ILF) - "Created in 2001, the ILF is an international nongovernmental organization that assists post-conflict and transitional countries in establishing public defender systems that provide effective, quality criminal defense services for the poor. It is guided by two fundamental principles: that laws must be drafted with an appreciation of the cultural realities of the country in which they will function; and that defense lawyers—as guardians of due process—are indispensable to any fair system of justice and must be provided to anyone accused of a crime. In 2003, the ILF opened Afghanistan’s first independent public defender office in Kabul, and has since established public defender offices in Nepal and the West Bank." [664] [665] Mentions: [666] [667] [668]
  • The Nature Trust of British Columbia -The Nature Trust of British Columbia is a leading land conservation organization based in British Columbia, Canada. They acquire ecologically significant land through purchase, donation, covenant and lease. Then they care for this land in order to protect the natural diversity of wildlife and plants, and their critical habitats. [669]
  • The Nordic International Support Foundation (NIS) - The Nordic International Support Foundation (NIS) is a Norwegian-registered non-profit non-governmental organisation engaged in stabilisation and reconciliation initiatives in conflict and post-conflict areas. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, NIS has finalised a project in Sri Lanka and currently implements projects in Somalia, Myanmar, and the Sahel. [670] Mentions: [671] [672] [673] [674] [675] [676] [677] [678] [679] [680] [681] [682] [683] [684]
  • The Reinvestment Fund - A community investment group that specializes in financing low-wealth neighborhood revitalization in the Mid-Atlantic region [685]
  • The Syria Institute - A non-profit organization founded in 2015 in response to the growing need for informed research and analysis of the situation in Syria. The Syria institute is a registered 501(c)(3) based in Washington, DC. The executive director is Valerie Szybala. This organization is also involved in the Siege Watch project, which is a joint initiative with "PAX for Peace", a Dutch humanitarian aid organization, to publish quarterly reports on the besieged communities of Syria, presently affected by the war.

[686] [687] [688] [689]

  • The Yoga Project - (A charitable project offering an introduction to yoga to Australian soldiers, as a means of fitness and well-being training. Brisbane (Australia) yoga studios, Raw Power Yoga and Flex Hot Yoga, invited soldiers to participate in unlimited classes during May 2016, for a $10 donation for the whole month. Funds raised were donated to Wounded Heroes, a non-profit organization, to provide emergency support payments to soldiers and their families. Yoga instructors from these studios also donated their time to conduct lunch-break classes for soldiers at Gallipoli Barracks in Brisbane, Australia.)

(https://www.facebook.com/The-Yoga-Project-1675520462702108/) (http://www.woundedheroesshop.org.au/c/4554926/1/the-yoga-project.html) (http://rawpoweryoga.com.au/) (http://flexhotyoga.com.au/)

  • Thirst Relief International - A non-profit organization founded in 2005 dedicated to providing water to 9 countries throughout the world, so far impacting over 200,000 lives. [690] mentions: [691]
  • Three Rings (UK-based website) A non-profit online company providing rota management and other related online resources to charity helplines in the United Kingdom, mainly for Samaritans branches and Nightline organisations. Three Rings is run by volunteers who previously volunteered for Nightlines and/or Samaritans, or still do. [692]
  • Through the Heart - The mission of Through the Heart is to educate and support anyone who is experiencing a pregnancy loss either directly or indirectly. Through the Heart is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. [693] [694]
  • Tinogona "It is achievable", organization founded by Tererai Trent, also a consulting organization.
  • Triblox nonprofit Game Studios - Created in 2007 by Voho. Currently working on Halo: Out With a Whimper, [695] mentions: [696]
  • Tobacco Free CA (The organization dedicated to banning smoking in the state of California. There doesn't seem to be any information about them on the web, but their sponsored TV adds are ubiquitous in California.) ([697])
  • Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative - a UK charity which works with African leaders and their governments on public service delivery,currently in Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Liberia [698] mentions: [699][700][701][702]
  • Top Employers Institute - The Top Employers Institute globally certifies excellence in the conditions that employers create for their people. Optimal employee conditions ensure that people develop themselves personally and professionally. This in turn enables companies to grow and to develop, always. Website.
  • TransCelerate BioPharma Inc. - was launched in 2012 by several pharma companies to simplify and enhance the research and development of new medicines. Through several initiatives that develop practical solutions to overcome inefficiencies in clinical trials and are drawn from the combined expertise of member organizations and industry collaborators. [703] Mentions: [704], [705], [706]
  • Tree Angels for Haiti - Nonprofit started in 2011 focusing on deforestation in Haiti. Incorportated in the state of Virgina, USA. Sandra Romulus is Founder and Executive Director. Current focus is planting and distributing trees around the Leogane region. Site: [707] Mentions: [708][709][710]
  • Treehouse (nonprofit) (Treehouse envisions – and strives to create – a world where every child that has experienced foster care has the opportunities and support they need to pursue their dreams and become productive members of our community. The organization wants all youth in foster care to graduate from high school at the same rate as their peers with a plan for the future.) (http://www.treehouseforkids.org/)
  • Truth About Money - Truth About Money provides financial education courses, debt management and estate planning services to successful online applicants. Through these courses and services, as well as the online blog and tools section, Truth About Money strives to help South Africans take control of their finances and make informed financial decisions that can change their lives, one step at a time. Truth About Money is a 1Life initiative. http://www.truthaboutmoney.co.za/about/
  • TurboVote - a tech start-up that allows people to fill out voter registration forms online and get subscribed to text and email reminders about upcoming elections. TurboVote has already helped more than 200,000 people register to vote and has been written about by the New York Times, the Journal of Higher Education, and other publications. Mentions: [711][712][713][714][715][716][717][718]
  • Total Child Development, part of TCD Kids Foundation, a non-profit that provides tutoring, mentoring, service learning, and community awareness events for kids. [719],[720]


  • UCP of Sacramento and Northern California (In 1955, UCP of Sacramento and Northern California started as a group of parents who worked to ensure their children, born with cerebral palsy, had the support and services they needed to live a full life, free from institutions. As a result of their early efforts, UCP programs and services have expanded to serve a wider population. Now, after more than 60 years in Sacramento, UCP’s programs have continued to grow. UCP now serves a wider variety of individuals with disabilities including autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, intellectual disabilities, learning disorders and sensory impairments.) ([721])
  • U.S. Center for SafeSport (The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit committed to ending all forms of abuse in sport. This includes bullying, harassment, hazing, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual misconduct and abuse. The Center is the first and only national organization of its kind. The Center provides services to sport entities on abuse prevention techniques, policies and programs and provides a safe, professional and confidential place for individuals to report sexual abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movements.) ([722]) ([723]) ([724]) ([725]) ([726]) ([727]) ([728])([729]) ([730])([731])
  • United Warrior Services, Inc. (A Texas based, 501c3 non-profit organization, committed to reducing and preventing Veteran Suicide. Founded in 2017, UWS is an all volunteer group dedicated to bringing 22 veterans a day taking their own lives, down to zero.) ([735])
  • United Policyholders (A non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California that works to provide information, advocacy, and recovery resources to insurance consumers in all 50 states.)([736])
  • UI LABS (UI LABS is an innovation accelerator that leverages a network of hundreds of partners from university + industry (represented by the “UI” in their name), along with startups, government, and community groups, to address problems too big for any one organization to solve on its own.) ([737] [738])
  • Up2Us (doing business as Up2Us Sports, is a sports-based youth development non-profit organization founded in 2010 dedicated to supporting young people through sport.[18] [19] Through their national coach program, Up2Us identifies, trains and supports coaches, many of whom serve as AmeriCorps members, to work with young people in underserved communities around the country.[20] [21] Their training teaches strategies for coaches to work with young people who have dealt with trauma.[22] [23]
  • UKCRC - The UK Clinical Research Collaboration (The UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) was established in 2004 with the aim of re-engineering the clinical research environment in the UK, to benefit the public and patients by improving national health and increasing national wealth.

The Partnership brings together the major stakeholders that influence clinical research in the UK. It includes the main UK research funding bodies; academia; the NHS; regulatory bodies; the bioscience, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries; and patients.

The UKCRC represents a new way of working in which complex long-standing issues are tackled by key stakeholders working together. Strategic direction and oversight is provided by the UKCRC Board with broad stakeholder input into key issues. Activities are led and administered by individual Partners on behalf of the Partnership.

The UKCRC was established to address the challenge that conducting research in the UK was much harder than it needed to be, despite the NHS providing the perfect environment in which to carry out high quality research for the benefit of patients.

The issues that need to be addressed in order to strengthen clinical research in the UK were highlighted in key reports from the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) and from the Bioscience Innovation and Growth Team (BIGT). The Government recognised the need for further investment and the importance of a collaborative approach through the Research for Patient Benefit Working Party and from this the UK Clinical Research Collaboration was created.) ([739])

  • UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre (The UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre was set up to support the work of UK biobanks by improving access to their human tissue samples for research purposes. The centre has four main work areas, which have been designed to support biobanks in maximising the use of their existing and new human tissues sample collections through a tissue directory, harmonisation and engagement.

The UKCRC Tissue Directory and and Coordination Centre was established through the recommendation of the UK funders of experimental medicine, who discussed and agreed a common vision for their investment of in human tissue resources in 2010/2011. The Centre seeks to support the work of biobanks by improving visibility to human tissue under their custody and shall do this through the creation of an online Directory of Biobanks wihich will increase the visibility of sample and data collections in the UK and facilitate opportunities to particiapte in European projects as the National Node of BBMRI-ERIC (BBMRI.uk).) ([740] [741] [742])

  • UCare (UCare is an independent, nonprofit health plan providing health coverage and services to more than 500,000 members in Minnesota and western Wisconsin. UCare serves more people from diverse cultures and more people with disabilities enrolled in Medical Assistance than any other health plan in Minnesota. Working in partnership with health care providers and community organizations, UCare serves:
Individuals and families choosing health coverage through MNsure, the new insurance marketplace

Medicare-eligible individuals Individuals and families enrolled in Minnesota Health Care Programs, such as MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance Adults with disabilities

Was among the first Minnesota health plans to offer coverage through MNsure.

Has the fourth-largest health plan enrollment in Minnesota, serving more than 500,000 members across Minnesota and 26 counties in western Wisconsin. Provides health coverage to nearly 100,000 Medicare-eligible individuals through its Medicare health plans and 10,000 Minnesotans enrolled in individual and family UCare Choices plans.

Provides health coverage to more than 300,000 individuals and families enrolled in Minnesota Health Care Programs, such as MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance, and has the largest and most diverse Prepaid Medical Assistance Program membership of any health plan in Minnesota.
Works with thousands of health care providers across Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Members have access to more than 43,000 physicians at thousands of locations.

Was the first health plan in Minnesota to own and operate a mobile dental clinic. Was the first health plan in Minnesota to offer health care programs for people with disabilities, and currently serves the most members with disabilities of any health plan in Minnesota.

Was created in 1984 by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Today, UCare is an independent, nonprofit organization offering health coverage plans in Minnesota and western Wisconsin.
Offers a 4.5 Medicare Star plan, UCare for Seniors, with a satisfaction score (Consumer Assessment of Health Care Providers and Systems) higher than the national and state average.
Is led by Jim Eppel, President and Chief Executive Officer, who brings several decades of health care experience and executive leadership to his role.

Is a 2015 Star Tribune Top 150 Workplace.) ([743])

  • Unyts - A non-profit organization headquartered in Buffalo and serving Western New York. Founded in 1981, Unyts (formerly known as Upstate New York Transplant Services) is the federal and state authorized organ, eye and tissue procurement organization for Alleghany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and Wyoming counties. Unyts Community Blood Service began in 2007 at the request of local hospitals. It is the primary supplier of blood products to Kaleida Health, ECMC and all hospitals in Niagara and Wyoming counties. Official site: [744]. Mentions: [745], [746], [747]
  • United Neighborhood Houses - United Neighborhood Houses of New York (UNH) is a 501(c) nonprofit membership organization of 38 independent community centers and settlement houses in New York City. Rooted in the history and values of the settlement house movement, UNH provides a collective voice for member agencies, performing advocacy to support policies and funding as well as participating in collaborations to benefit the settlement houses in the areas of children, youth, adult literacy and immigrant services, older adults, housing stability, and healthy food. UNH was founded in 1919 and Martin Luther King, Jr., addressed the organization in 1966. UNH is already mentioned in the Wikipedia articles for Settlement Houses [748] and several of our member agencies. [disclaimer: I am a UNH employee] Official site: [749]. Third-party sources: WNYC story on UNH annual fall conference, 1966 [750], Text of MLK Jr.’s speech to UNH 1966, [751], Spearheads for Reform, The Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement 1890-1914 (book, pg 239), by Allen F. Davis. Articles: New York Times [752], New York Daily News, 2015 [753], Quoted in a press release issued by Mayor de Blasio [754], New York Post, 2014 [755], Newsday 2014 [756],Daily News 2013 [757].
  • Urban Uprising is a not-for-profit organisation that funds climbing programmes for at risk young people in Brazil and Scotland [758]. It was originally founded in August 2013 [759] by Stuart Green, Tom Ray and Matt Ray to provide funding for Centro de Escalada Urbana (in English, Urban Climbing Centre) a grass roots climbing programme for disadvantaged youths from Rio de Janeiro's Rochina favela [760]. In 2016 Urban Uprising co-funded the build of an indoor climbing wall in Rochina [761]. Due to significant interest for this programme in the UK the first Scottish project was launched in Feb 2016 in Glasgow with support from The Climbing Academy Glasgow [762]. The next Scottish project is due to be launched in Edinburgh in 2017. The charity has support in the form of Ambassadors from some of the UK's top climbers [763], including Dave Macleod [764] [765], Natalie Berry [766] [767], James Pearson [768] [769] and Robbie Phillips [770] [771] to name a few. In the UK so far the charity has delivered climbing taster sessions to 60 young people and have taken 14 young people through a 6 week climbing development programme where they got the chance to achieve a NIBAS award [772]. *Request for a page to be made.


  • Veterans in Global Leadership - non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C, which runs a 12-month fellowship program to help student veterans build their leadership and networking skills in their fields. A Guide Star Platinum participant - https://www.guidestar.org/profile/81-0889803 Since 2016, Veterans of Global Leadership (VGL) has trained fellows who have earned distinguished awards (George Mitchell Scholarship, Boren Fellowship, and Presidential Management Fellowship, etc.). More info about VGL - https://www.vetsgl.org
  • Veterans of America - non-profit organization that builds tiny houses for homeless Veterans in needs. A gold star rating with Guide Star - https://www.guidestar.org/profile/81-4288752 Veterans of America has been featured in several articles thoughout the nation as a up and coming non profit that is making a difference in the Homeless Veteran Community. More info on website page - http://veteransofamerica.vet - http://facebook.com/veteransofamericavet
  • Verbattle Foundation - non-profit organization that promotes democratic values and culture of debates and leadership. The organisation is based out of bengaluru, India and has operations in many countries through its partners and associates. Verbattle's internationally acclaimed debate format is the only unique format from the developing world. - http://verbattle.com/
  • Virtual Enterprises International - Also referred to as (VEI), is a non-profit organization which runs an in-school entrepreneurship and global business program preparing students for college and career through hands-on, workplace simulations. The program got its start in 1994 when the New York City Department of Education implemented "Virtual Enterprises" in seven New York City public high schools. Virtual Enterprises International, Inc. was formed in 2011 to support and guide the growth of this program, which is now in 500 secondary and post-secondary schools across America, serving over 10,000 students annually. [773]
  • VOKI INTERNATIONAL - child relief organisation with projects in India, Nepal, Switzerland, Thailand. [774] - [775] - [776] - [777] - [778]. External links: [779] (German link) - [780] re-tweet of VOKI INTERNATIONAL - [781] CEO of organisation - [782] Acknowledged and taxdeductable in Switzerland - [783] - [784] other references. video clip of the organization. [785] - Press-report on Project VOKI India [786], [787], [788] - Press-report on VOKI INTERNATIONAL [789] - Radio-News-report on VOKI INTERNATIONAL [790] - Report's on WorldNews [791], [792], [793]
  • Vibe 107.6FM - Also referred to as Vibe 107.6, is a licensed non-profit community radio station based in Watford, Hertfordshire. Music selection includes contemporary music ranging from chart and indie to hip hop and R&B, old skool and pop, with features on local unsigned bands. Music is broadcasted to Watford and its surrounding areas, such as Hemel, Harpenden, St Albans. It was launched in August 2011, and works closely with community businesses to promote the work of local people. [794], [795], [796], [797], [798]


* Warrior Women United (Warrior Women United (WWU), a national certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, addresses the mental and emotional struggles of women from all branches of the military, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and emergency organizations.

Founded by US Army Veteran, Teresa Rivera, WWU combines both in-person and online learning modules using an experiential and peer support approach to healing. Warrior Women United offers Retreats (4 days Thu-Sun) and Workshops (1 or ½ day) that are held in California, Florida, and Kentucky, with other locations in development. A sisterhood of local, regional and national networks of WWU members host casual meet-ups, an annual conference, online community, and virtual training to ensure continued support. The nonprofit operates with an all-volunteer staff and receives no government funding. It operates on donations and grants. Their Mission is to help the women who serve live their best lives. ) [799]

  • WeRobotics (WeRobotics is a Swiss/US non-profit that is committed to spreading the knowledge and expertise in using robotics solutions for social good applications across the developing world. WeRobotics does this by establishing innovation labs, called "Flying Labs", that train local individuals, organizations, and governments, and carry out out disaster recovery, nature conservation, development, or other types of missions. WeRobotics currently has projects ongoing in Peru, Tanzania, and Nepal ranging from landslide mapping in Nepal to cargo delivery in the remote reaches of the Amazon Rain-forest.) (http://werobotics.org/media/ http://werobotics.org/blog/)
  • William G. McGowan Charitable Fund - William G. McGowan Charitable Fund Inc. is a not-for-profit foundation with over $145 million in assets under management. The foundation focuses its grants on scholastic assistance to students and medical research. It was established in 1992 and is based in Washington, District of Columbia. Third party: [803] [804]
  • William O. Douglas Trail Foundation A non-profit founded in 2005 with the mission of establishing the William O. Douglas Trail as "a statewide significant heritage trail that links the City of Yakima to Mount Rainier." [805] mentions: [806]
  • Window Coverings Association of America -
  • We Love Reading Non-Profit Organization located in Amman, Jordan, founded in 2006 by Dr. Rana Dajani. An NGO about fostering a love of reading in children around the world, and especially the Middle East where such a culture is lacking, through promoting reading aloud to children and creating libraries in neighborhoods around the country and the region. The NGO has workshops and training programs teaching people to read aloud to children and having reading sessions with children, creating a self sustainable community of readers and people who love books. They publish and distribute children's books aimed at enhancing environmental consciousness and empathy in children. They organize reading sessions and set up libraries in neighborhoods as well as refugee camps around the country. The NGO and the idea has spread to many countries in the Middle East as well as other areas, such as Europe, Africa, North America and Southeast Asia. We Love Reading has been nominated as a finalist for the WISE award for supporting the development and replication of cutting-edge practices. The founder, Dr. Rana Dajani, has been ranked 13 in CEO Middle East Magazine's list of 100 most powerful Arab women and named one of the most influential women scientists of the Islamic world in 2014 by UK based Muslim Science magazine. She was also awarded the 2009 Arab World Social Innovator award by Synegros for the project We Love Reading, and nominated as one of Ahel Al-Himmeh (an initiative by Queen Rania of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to recognize individuals who do volunteer work for the Jordanian community). [807] [808] [809] [810] [811] [812] [813] [814] [815] [816]
  • Whangarei Growers Market A Growers Market formed in 1998 which is the largest and oldest market of its kind in New Zealand and which came about as a direct result of the supermarket duopoly causing the auction system to fail. Radio New Zealand report, The Social and Economic Impact of Whangarei Growers Market, Whangarei Growers Market to supply produce to Auckland, [TVNZ Country Calendar episode|http://tvnz.co.nz/country-calendar/episode-23-growing-strong-3642619], Transition Towns - Whangarei Growers Market talk, Grower, Sep 2002; v.57 n.8:p.10-12; issn:1175-2742, Lifestyle farmer, Nov/Dec 2003; v.4 n.5:p.24-27; issn:1175-3390, North and South (Online), Oct 2009; n.283:p.58-65; issn:0112-9023, Tree cropper, Jun 2015; n.82:p.30-40; issn:1173-3292New Zealand Growing Today, Jul 2001; v.15 n.7:p.38-41; issn:1171-7033
  • Western Federal Credit Union "Western is classified as a multiple common bond, primarily transportation equipment credit union. Western Federal Credit Union is now [Unify Financial Federal Credit Union].
  • Woloso "World Lottery for Social Development" - http://www.woloso.com - A non-profit organization located in Quebec promoting life before profit.
  • Women Winemakers of California - A non-profit educational project whose stated goal is to promote equity for women winemakers. It was established in 2011. https://webpages.scu.edu/womenwinemakers/
  • World Book Night U.S. - Inspired by the U.K. organization, World Book Night U.S. is a non-profit organization where Givers give half a million free World Book Night paperbacks to light and non-readers on April 23 (also known as World Book Day). http://www.us.worldbooknight.org/
  • World Energy Forum - A non-profit organization that actively facilitate strategic relationships, opportunities, and translates ideas into a global marketplace. The organization was founded in 2008 by Dr. Harold HyunSuk Oh with a mission to provide energy and water for all and to promote clean and safe energy and sustainable development across the globe. The organization has many reputable sources and is notable. The article has previously existed but was bias. A proper article for this organization should be created. http://www.worldenergyforum.com/ Source 1 source 2Source 3 Source 4 source 5 video 1video 2video 3 ]
  • World Leisure Organization (WLO) - A worldwide, non-governmental association of persons and organizations dedicated to discovering and fostering the conditions that best permit leisure to serve as a force for human growth, development and wellbeing. The organization was incorporated in 1956 in New York City. It is the belief of the World Leisure Organization that well selected leisure experiences improve one's quality of life. The World Leisure Organization works toward its mission by hosting forums and events that allow for the formal and informal dissemination of knowledge and information; engaging in informed advocacy surrounding conditions that optimize leisure experiences in regards to legislation, infrastructure, leadership and programming; and fostering inquiry through research and scholarship to allow for the discovery of personal and social potentialities of leisure experiences. Today, the organization hosts numerous events throughout the world that aim to advocate for and educate on the importance of leisure in communities while also highlighting places that have elevated leisure to a prominent standing. The World Leisure Organization includes a membership and is governed by a Board of Directors with guidance from an Executive Committee. [817] [818]
  • World Villages for Children - A non-profit organization working to reduce global poverty by providing food, healthcare, vocational training, and education to more than 20,000 children in Brazil, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, South Korea, and the Philippines. In the Boystowns and Girlstowns, the children are provided with an in-house education program from kindergarten to high school, with the majority of programs focused on middle school and high school. High school students also receive vocational training. As a result of this training, graduates have been very successful in securing jobs after completing their education. To date, World Villages for Children has helped more than 150,000 children and their families break free from a life of poverty. The Sisters of Mary, who operate the schools, choose students based on economic need and educational prerequisites. [819]
  • World Public Forum - international nongovernmental European-based organization which supports and develops dialogue among civilizations since 2003 [820]
  • Women Against Paternity Fraud - A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that educates the public, media, and policy makers on issues relating to paternity fraud. [821]
  • Women’s Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) A non-profit organization working in Nepal, founded by Women Right Activists in 1991 in order to address the issue of human trafficking. Its actively engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, campaigning on violence against women and trafficking of women as well as economic social and cultural rights (ESCR).[822]
  • Women's Enterprise Initiative (WEI) - A non-profit initiative established by Western Economic Diversification Canada to help women in Western Canada successfully start, grow and operate their businesses. The WEI is comprised of centres in the four western provinces: Women's Enterprise Centre of BC, Alberta Women Entrepreneurs, Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan, and Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba. In addition to providing three core services: business financing, training and advising, the centres also provide networking opportunities, coaching and mentoring to support women at various business stages. [823] [824] [825] [826] [827][828] [829]
  • Williamsburg Health Foundation - A non-profit 501(c)(3) private foundation that promotes health and mobilizes resources in the greater Williamsburg, Virginia community. Previously named the Williamsburg Community Health Foundation, est. 1996. [830]
  • Wounded Warrior Homes - Wounded Warrior Homes provides affordable long term transitional housing, hands on resources and a defined path for homeless service members with Post Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury to transition from active-duty military service to independent living. [831]



[845] [846] [847] [848]

Across the world, YMCA works to bring social justice and peace to young people and their communities, regardless of religion, race, gender or culture.

In Scotland the YMCA operates in over 100 local communities through 32 local YMCA organisations working with the most vulnerable children, young people and families. Often based in the heart of a community, YMCA supports young people to achieve their fullest potential.) (https://www.ymcascotland.org/about-us/)


Zindagi Trust Zindagi Trust is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that strives to improve the quality of education available to the average Pakistani. Areas of work include reforming public schools, educating working children and lobbying the government to improve education policy.


The Ziegfeld Club The Ziegfeld Club Inc. is a historic, non-profit organization based in New York City working to help women create new work in musical theatre. Today the Ziegfeld Club is expanding its legacy of helping women in the theatre by establishing The Billie Burke Ziegfeld Award which is given to an emerging, female composer-lyricist who compellingly demonstrates financial need, professional initiative, and outstanding artistic promise in musical theatre composition. The grant which aims to celebrate an emerging female composer, or composer/lyricist who compellingly demonstrates outstanding artistic promise in musical theater composing was inspired by a noticeable lack of female composers being produced on Broadway today. The Ziegfeld Club enables the recipient to put the grant to the best use possible to help further the composer’s creative endeavors. Past recipients of the Billie Burke Ziegfeld Award are composer/lyricists Masi Asare (2015), Anna Jacobs (2016), and Shaina Taub (2017).

In 2016 following the passing of NYU Professor and theatre director Elizabeth Swados, the Ziegfeld Club launched The Liz Swados Inspiration Grant. The Liz Swados Inspiration Grant seeks to honor the late composer, writer, and director by recognizing an influential female music educator in New York City. This $5,000 fellowship is underwritten by actress Diane Lane in partnership with the Ziegfeld Club Inc. The award was previously presented to Rebecca Steinberg (2018), Laura Borgwardt (2017), and Cecilia Smith (2016).


  1. ^ http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithoutPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1099928&SubsidiaryNumber=0
  2. ^ Davies, Sally (9 May 2014). Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/0bef5d18-d755-11e3-a47c-00144feabdc0. Retrieved 5 October 2016. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  3. ^ www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk/
  4. ^ https://www.escr-net.org/
  5. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic,_social_and_cultural_rights
  6. ^ http://glendoracitynews.com/
  7. ^ http://search.enableimpact.com/ventures/guildance-community-development-foundationhttp://search.enableimpact.com/ventures/guildance-community-development-foundation
  8. ^ http://www.netzkraft.net/mitglied.php?teilnehmer=3164&lang=espan
  9. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterAcademy_Panel
  10. ^ http://www.idung.org/
  11. ^ http://skytrendnews.com/2016/05/02/iwoland-development-coalition/
  12. ^ http://www.imedianigeria.net/article.php?artid=72
  13. ^ http://sahelstandard.com/index.php/2016/01/23/idc-restates-commitment-to-development-of-iwoland/
  14. ^ http://sahelstandard.com/index.php/2017/04/08/2018-osun-west-is-overdue-to-produce-next-governor-group-insists/
  15. ^ http://africanfootball.com/news/542589/Iwoland-group-assists-World-Cup-star-Opabunmi
  16. ^ https://swiftreporters.com/ngo-partner-foundations-to-empower-widows/
  17. ^ https://escobablog.wordpress.com/2017/08/29/where-do-we-go-next-by-adisa-kabiru-kulukulu-fca/
  18. ^ Dixon, Lance. "Coaches teach kids life lessons". Miami Herald. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  19. ^ Hill, Shannen. "Up2Us Sports Holds Panel on Youth Violence Prevention". Los Angeles Sentinel. Retrieved 26 April 2017.
  20. ^ Mcnulty, Ian. "Community Impact Series: Up2Us". WWNO. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  21. ^ Forman, Ross. "Nonprofit pushes sports as a safe space for youth". Windy City Times. Retrieved 26 April 2017.
  22. ^ Given, Karen. "Operation Coach Pairs Veterans With At-Risk Youth To Help Both". Huffington Post. Retrieved 26 April 2017.
  23. ^ McCalmont, Lucy. "Trauma-Sensitive Coaching Transforms Violent Neighborhoods". WBUR. Retrieved 31 March 2017.