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The following is an archive of the article "Herb usage" that has been deleted from Wikipedia. The purpose of this archive is to allow the information contained herein to be subsequently merged with existing articles on TCM.


Herb Usage


This article discusses the use of herbs for various physical needs in a very simplified way. As the use of herbs to treat diseases can be complicated, depending on the condition of the patient, the stage of treatment, as well as other herbs/drugs that are taken, this article is not to be used for self-prescription, and neither is it to be used for prescribing for others. This is especially true for large dosages, repeated or long-term use of herbs or herbal formulas.

An Introduction


Herbs [1] have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine [2] [3] [4] [5] to treat humans and animals. [6] [7] [8] [9] The usage of herbs is but one aspect in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), although it is probably the most important and extensive aspect. Herbs are so extensively used that many herbs are also used in everyday cooking, and these herbs include leaves, stems and roots (such as ginger or garlic), various parts of the lotus plant, many types of nuts and seeds (such as the ginkgo nut), as well as spices (such as "bo he" or peppermint).

Most "herbs" are plant-based, but a few are mineral-based, and some are even based on animal products. As many animals are facing imminent extinction, including large animals such as the tiger, the animal-based "herbs" listed here are for information purposes only, as it is no longer legal to buy or sell them. Some animal-based products are not only illegal, but are also likely to be fakes. In addition, it is relatively easy to find substitutes in the plant world, if these substitutes have not been banned or regulated. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Usage of some Chinese herbs




Some herbs may be used as tonics for different types of "energy" including "Qi" or 气 (air), "Xue" or 血 (blood), "Yang" or 阳 (positive energy), "Yin" or 阴 (negative energy), etc. In TCM terminology, "Yin" energy does not carry negative connotations. In fact, both Yin and Yang energies, in equal amounts, are just as essential to maintain health. "Qi" energy tonics are used to promote "Qi" when conditions known as "Qixu" or lack of "Qi", occur. Similarly, "Xue", "Yang" and "Yin" tonics are meant for conditions of "Xuexu", "Yangxu" and "Yinxu" respectively.

The converse of herbs used as tonics are herbs to reduce or inhibit the "evils", including "heat", "dampness", and "wind". Common symptoms of "heat" are boils, sore throats and mouth ulcers, although these are not exclusively symptoms of "heat". The "evils" can act together to form compound evils such as damp-heat and wind-heat. To diagnose and identify the root cause(s) from symptoms is not easy and should only be attempted by trained personnel. For example, the root cause for symptoms of "yinxu" could be "heat", and treating the symptoms without treating its root cause can exacerbate the problem in the long run, although in the short run the treatment seems to work. Tonics are therefore not a cure-all, and a little knowledge can indeed be a dangerous thing.

General Usage (Part 1)

Pinyin Name Chinese Name Latin Name Common Name Herb Usage
ren shen 人参 {21} (Tone)[16] radix Ginseng[17] [18] Ginseng. Lit:human valuable_herb. (Literally) [19] Qi Tonic
xi yang shen 西洋参 {121} Panax quinquefolium, Radix pancis quinquefolii American Ginseng. Lit:western ocean valuable_herb. Qi Tonic
ling zhi 灵芝 {21} Ganoderma lucidum Reishi mushroom [20] [21] [22] [23]

Lit:spiritual mushroom

Qi Tonic
dang shen 党参 {31} radix Codonopsis Pilosula [24] Bonnet Bellflower. Lit:party/group valuable_herb. Qi Tonic
bai zhu 白朮 {22} rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Atractylodes


Lit:white art/technique. Qi Tonic
gan cao 甘草 {13} radix Glycyrrhizae, Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Chinese Licorice Root [26] [27]

Lit:willing/sweet herb

Qi Tonic
Zhi Gan Cao 炙甘草 {413} Honey-fried Chinese Licorice Root [28] [29]

Lit:broil willing/sweet herb

Qi Tonic
Jing Mi (Geng Mi) 粳米 {13} Husked round-grained non-glutinous uncooked Rice, japonica rice. Qi Tonic
shan yao 山药 {14} rhizoma Dioscoreae [30] Lit:mountain medicine. Qi Tonic
da jao 大枣 {43} fructus Jujubae Jujube Lit:large date Qi Tonic
feng mi 峰蜜 {14} Mel Honey Qi Tonic
huang qi 黄芪, (黄耆) {22} radix Astragali, Astragalus propinquus [31] Lit:yellow 芪. Qi tonic. Rejuvenates aging cells. Treats breast cancer. [32]
Chao Huang Qi 炒黄芪, (炒黄耆) {322} radix Astragali, Scutellariae Baicalensis Fried Astragalus, Baical Skullcap Root, Dry Fried Scutellaria. Lit:fried yellow 芪. Qi Tonic
gui yuan rou, (long yen rou) 桂圆肉, (龙眼肉) {424} arillus Longan Dried Longan Pulp Blood Tonic
bai shao 白芍 {22} radix Paeoniae Alba [33] Lit:white peony. Blood Tonic
hu tao rou 胡桃肉 {224} semen Juglandis Lit:walnut meat Blood Tonic
shu di huang 熟地黄 {242} radix Rehmanniae Preparata Chinese Foxglove. Lit:cooked earth yellow Blood Tonic
he shou wu 何首乌 {231} radix Polygoni Multiflori, Polygonum_multiflorum [34] Fleeceflower Root [35]

Lit:"He"_surname main/first black

Treats hair loss
e jiao 阿胶 {11} Colla Corii Asini Donkey or Ass Hide Glue [36] Blood Tonic
Yang Qi Shi 阳起石 {232} Actinolitum Actinolite. Lit:positive initiate/rise stone. Yang Tonic
lu rong 鹿茸 {43} cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, Cervidae, [37] Lit:deer/antelope/moose fluff Yang Tonic
lu jiao 鹿角 {43} cornu Cervi Deer/Antelope Horn Yang Tonic
lu jiao jiao 鹿角胶 {431} colla Cornu Cervi Deer Horn Glue Yang Tonic
lu jiao shuang 鹿角霜 {431} cornu Cervi Degelatinatum Degelatinated Deer Horn. Lit:deer horn frost. Yang Tonic
rou cong rong 肉苁蓉, (肉蓯蓉) {412} herba Cistanches Lit:meat Boschniakia_glabra lotus. Yang tonic.
yin yang huo (cao) 淫羊霍(草) {224} herba Epimedii, Epimedium Horny Goat Weed. Lit:lascivious sheep unrestrained (herb). Yang Tonic
du zhong 杜仲 {44} cortex Eucommiae Lit:shut/out intermediary. Yang tonic. Treats lower back pain.
xu duan 续断 {44} radix Dipsaci Japanese Teasel Root. Lit:continue break. Yang tonic. Treats knee pain, bone injuries, osteoporosis.
bu gu zhi 补骨脂 {331} fructus Psoraleae [38] Lit:repair bone fat Yang tonic
gou ji 狗脊 {33} rhizoma Cibotii, Cibotium Lit:dog spine Yang tonic. Treats arthritis and weak knees.
dong chong xia cao 冬虫夏草 {1243} Cordyceps[39] Lit:winter worm summer herb Yang tonic
yi zhi ren 益智仁 {442} fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Lit:aid wisdom kernel Yang tonic
ge jie, bi hu 蛤蚧, (壁虎) {24} Gecko Gecko [40] Yang tonic. Kidney and lung tonic.
nan sha shen 南沙参 {211} radix Adenophorae [41] Lit:south sand valuable_herb Treats yin deficiency and dry cough. Nourishes stomach.
bei sha shen 北沙参 {311} radix Glehniae American Silvertop. Lit:north sand valuable_herb Treats yin deficiency and dry cough. Nourishes stomach.
tian men dong, (tian dong) 天门冬, (天冬) {121} radix Asparagi Asparagus Lit:heaven/sky gateway winter. Treats yin deficiency, nourishes kidney and lung. Treats dryness and cough.
mai men dong, (mai dong) 麦门冬, (麦冬) {421} radix Ophiopogonis [42][43] Lit:wheat/barley/oats gateway winter. Clears heat. Treats yin deficiency. Treats dryness and cough.
shi hu 石斛 {22} herba Dendrobii Dendrobium. Lit:stone a_unit_measure_of_weight. Clears heat. Treats yin deficiency and throat infection. Nourishes eyes, kidney and stomach.
huang jing 黄精 {21} rhizoma Polygonati Siberian Solomon Seal. Lit:yellow essence Treats yin deficiency, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, high blood sugar. Improves heart function.
yu zhu 玉竹 {42} rhizoma Polygonati Odorati, Solomon Seal Polygonatum [44] Lit:jade/topaz/jasper/corundum bamboo. Yin tonic. Treats dry throat.
shan zhu yu 山茱萸 {112} fructus Corni

[45] [46] [47] [48]

Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit, Cornus. Lit:mountain 茱萸. Antibiotic. Treats yin deficiency, hypertension, priaprism, impotence.
gou qi zi 枸杞子 {333} fructus Lycii Wolfberry. Lit:枸杞 seed. Anti-aging. Treats premature white hair. Increases testosterone.
nu zhen zi 女真子, (女贞子) {313} fructus Ligustri Lucidi [49] Privet Fruit. Lit:girl true seed. Treats eye problems, including floaters, poor vision and dry eyes. Treats premature white hair, weakness in the back and knees.
mo han lian, (han lian cao) 墨旱莲, (旱莲草) {44} herba Ecliptae, Eclipta alba Lit:dark/ink dry lotus. Nourishes liver and kidney yin. Treats yin deficiency and bleeding from external injuries. Strengthens immune system.
bie jia 鱉甲 {13} carapax Trionycis, Trionyx sinensis Wiegmann, Trionychidae Turtle carapace, Soft-shelled turtle shell Nourishes yin, ren meridian (ren mai) and chong meridian (chong mai). Clears heat. Liver tonic.
gui ban 龟板 {13} plastrum Testudinis, Testudinidae[50]

[51] [52]

Fresh-water Tortoise Plastron External: Treats non-healing sores. Internal: Nourishes yin, bones, kidney, liver, ren meridian (ren mai) and chong meridian (chong mai). Treats non-fusing of fontanel and jing deficiency.
nou dao gen, (nuo dao gen) 糯稻根 (檽稻根) {441} radix Oryzae Glutinosae Lit:glutinous rice root. Inhibits cough & bleeding
chi shi zhi 赤石脂 {421} halloysitum Rubrum Lit:red stone fat Inhibits cough & bleeding
jin ying zi 金樱子 {113} fructus Rosae Laevigatae Rose_Hip, [53] Lit:golden cherry seed. Inhibits cough & bleeding
chun bai pi, (chun geng pi) 椿白皮, (椿梗皮} {122} cortex Ailanthi Lit:tree_of_heaven white bark/skin. Inhibits cough & bleeding
wu wei zi 五味子 {343} fructus Schisandrae [54] Lit:five taste/smell seed. Kidney & Liver tonic
wu mei 乌梅 {12} fructus Mume, prunus Mume black Plum[55] Inhibits cough & bleeding
wu bei zi 五倍子 {343} galla Chinensis Chinese Gallnut. Lit:five times seed. Inhibits cough & bleeding
fu xiao mai 浮小麦 {234} fructus Tritici Levis, Triticum Aestivum unripe Wheat Grain. Lit:float small wheat. Inhibits cough & bleeding
he zi 訶子, (诃子) {13} fructus Chebulae, Terminalia_chebula Lit:scold/curse seed. Inhibits cough & bleeding
shi liu pi 石榴皮 {222} pericarpium Granati, Pomegranate skin Inhibits cough & bleeding
rou dou kou 肉豆蔻, (肉荳蔻 ) semen Myristicae, Nutmeg. Lit:meat nutmeg. External Sprains & Bruises
lian zi 莲子 {23} semen Nelumbinis, Nelumbo seed Lotus Seed Inhibits cough & bleeding
Lian Zi Xin 莲子心 (蓮子心) {231} Nelumbinis Plumula Lotus Plumule [56]. Lit:lotus heart. Inhibits cough & bleeding
Lian Xu 莲须 (蓮鬚) {21} Nelumbinis Stamen Lotus Stamen. Lit:lotus beard. Inhibits cough & bleeding
qian shi 芡实 {42} semen Euryales, Erebia_euryale Lit:gorgon_fruit true. Inhibits cough & bleeding
sang piao xiao 桑螵蛸 {111} ootheca Mantidis Mantis Egg Case. Lit:mulberry mantis_egg_case} Inhibits cough & bleeding
wu zei gu 乌贼骨 {123}, 海螵蛸 {311}, 墨鱼骨 {423} os Sepiae Cuttlefish bone. Lit:black thief bone. Inhibits cough & stops bleeding
zi su zi (紫)苏子 {311} fructus Perillae Lit:(purple/violet) revive/recover seed Inhibits Germs & Fungi
zi wan 紫菀 {33} radix Asteris, Asteraceae, Asteris Tatarici [57] Lit:purple 菀. Lung Tonic
bai bu 百步, (百部) {34} radix Stemonae, Stemona Lit:hundred steps. Lung Tonic
kuan dong hua 款冬花, 艾冬花 {311} flos Farfarae Coltsfoot Lit:cash winter flower. Lung Tonic
sang bai pi 桑白皮 {122} cortex Mori Radicis, Mori Cortex Radicis Mulberry White Bark Slows Diabetes
ma dou ling 马兜铃 {312} fructus Aristolochiae Lit:horse bag/pocket bell. Lung Tonic
ting li zi 葶苈子, (葶靂子) {243} semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae, Lepidium or Descurainia Lit:葶苈 seed. Treats pyloric infarction
bai guo, (yin xing) 白果, (銀杏) {23} Ginkgo Biloba Lit:white fruit. Alleviates Diarrhea
zung mei gou 中美高 {131} Tridax procumbens (tridax), Herba tridacis procumbentis Lantern Tridax, Coat Buttons, Tridax Daisy. Lit:center pretty high. Lung Tonic
san qi (tian qi) 三七, (田七) {12} radix Notoginseng, Panax_pseudoginseng [58]


Lit:three seven (field seven). Alleviates blood stasis and external impact injuries
qian cao 茜草 {43} radix Rubiae [60] Lit:madder/reed herb. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
hai gou bian, (hai gou bao), (hai gou shen) 海狗鞭, (海狗寶), (海狗肾) {331} Seal Testes/Penis, Otaria, Sea Lion [61] Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
lu bian 鹿鞭 {41} Deer Testes/Penis (Male Genitalia) Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
niu dan 牛胆 {23} Cow gallbladder/bile. [62] Treats diabetes. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
xiong dan 熊胆 {23} Vesica Fellea Ursi Bear gallbladder Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
xiong dan zhi 熊胆汁 {231} Bear bile Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
e yu dan 鳄鱼胆 {421} Crocodile Gallbladder [63] Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
hai ma 海马 {33} Hippocampus Sea Horse Treats impotence.[64]
hai long 海龙 {32} Syngnathus Pipe Fish. Lit:sea dragon. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
dang gui 当归 {11} radix Angelicae Sinensis [65] Lit: should return. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
zhi he che 紫河车 {321} Placenta Hominis [66]


Lit:purple river vehicle. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
qi dai 脐带 {24} Umbilical Cord Lit:navel strap. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
dan shen 丹参 {11} radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae,

Salvia, Miltiorrhiza [68] [69]

Lit:red valuable_herb Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
hong hua 红花 {21} flos Carthami, Carthamus_tinctorius Safflower [70]

Lit:red flower.

Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
chuan xiong 川芎 {11} rhizoma Chuanxiong, Ligusticum_wallichii, Szechuan Lovage Root[71] Lit:sichuan 芎. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
chi shao 赤芍 {42} radix Paeoniae Rubra [72]


Lit:red peony. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis

General Usage (Part 2)

Pinyin Name Chinese Name Latin Name Common Name Herb Usage
yu jin 郁金, (鬱金) {41} radix Curcumae, Curcuma [74],

Curcumin [75] Curcuma aromatica [76]

"Turmeric tuberous root". [77]

Lit:elegant/lush/strong_smelling gold. Hindi name: जंगली हळी (Jangalii haldi). [78]

Lowers blood lipids.
jiang xiang 降香 {41} Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae, Rosewood, Heartwood [79] Lit:drop/reduce fragrance. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
ju pi (chen pi) 橘皮,(桔皮), (陈皮) {22} pericarpium Citri Reticulatae [80] Lit:tangerine/orange peel. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
shui zhi 水蛭 {34} Hirudo, Hirudo_medicinalis[81] Leech Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
ru xiang 乳香 {31} Olibanum Frankincense. Breast fragrance. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
mo yao 没药 {44} Myrrha Myrrh. Lit:sink/overflow/disappear medicine. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
e zhu 莪朮 {22} rhizoma Zedoariae Lit:莪 art/technique. Hindi name: Kachur. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
san leng 三棱 {12} rhizoma Sparganii, Burreed tuber[82] Lit:three edges/ridges. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
hu zhang 虎杖 {34} rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati, Japanese_Knotweed [83] Lit:tiger walking_stick. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
yi mu cao 益母草 {433} herba Leonuri Motherwort. Lit:benefit mother herb. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
tao ren 桃仁 {22} semen Persicae Peach kernel. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
wu ling zhi 五灵脂 {321} faeces Trogopterorum, Pteropus [84] Lit:five soul/spirit fat. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
niu zhi, (niu xi) 牛膝 {21} radix Achyranthis Bidentatae Lit:cow knee. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
chuan shan jia 穿山甲 {113} Squama Manitis Pangolin scales Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
di bie chong 地鳖虫, (地蟞虫) {412} Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga Ground Beetle. Lit:earth soft_shelled_turtle worm. Promotes blood flow and alleviates blood stasis
Fu Hai Shi 浮海石 {232} Costaziae Os, constaziae skeleton/bone. Lit:float sea stone. Reduces phlegm
bai he 百合 {32} Bulbus Lilii Lily Bulb. Lit: hundred whole. Treats yin deficiency and insomnia
dan nan xing 胆南星 {321} Arisaema cum Bile Jack-in-the-Pulpit Rhizome & Bile. Lit:gall south star Reduces spasms, cramps, facial paralysis, and stroke
ban xia 半夏 {44} rhizoma Pinelliae, Pinellia [85] Lit:mid summer/grand. Lowers pressure in eyes, and reduces dampness
tian nan xing 天南星 {121} rhizoma Arisaematis Lit:sky south star. Reduces phlegm
bai jie zi 白芥子 {243} semen Sinapis Albae [86] Lit:white mustard seed. Reduces phlegm
xuan fu hua 旋复花, (旋覆花) {241} flos Inulae [87] Lit:revolve repeat flower. Reduces phlegm
jie geng 桔梗 {23} radix Platycodi,Platycodon grandiflorum[88] Lit:桔 stalk/stem Reduces phlegm
gua lou 瓜蔞 {12} fructus Trichosanthis Lit:melon 蔞. Reduces phlegm
qian hu 前胡 {22} radix Peucedani [89] Lit:front moustache. Reduces phlegm
bei mu 贝母 {43} bulbus Fritillariae Lit:shellfish mother Treats yin deficiency and stagnant phlegm
tian zhu huang 天竹黄 {122} Concretio Silicea Bambusae[90] Lit:sky bamboo yellow. Reduces phlegm
zhu ru 竹茹 {22} caulis Bambusae in Taeniam Lit:bamboo eat. Reduces phlegm
zhu li, (zhu yu) 竹沥 {24} succus Bambusae Lit:bamboo drip/drop. Reduces phlegm
meng shi 礞石 {22} lapis Chloriti Usta, Lit:礞 stone. Reduces phlegm
Duan Meng Shi 煅礞石 {422} Calcined Lapis Micae seu Chloriti Reduces phlegm
hai zao 海藻 {33} Sargassum Seaweed, Sargassum Fusiforme, Sargassum Pallidum Seaweed. Lit:sea algae. Reduces phlegm
ku xing ren 苦杏仁 {342} semen Armeniacae Amarum Lit:bitter apricot kernel. Expels phlegm
kun bu 昆布 {14} thallus Laminariae seu Eckloniae [91]


Kelp. Treats thyroid, and lymph glands
fo shou 佛手 {23} fructus Citri Sarcodactylis Lit:Buddha's hand/palm. Treats digestive system
mu xiang 木香 {41} radix Aucklandiae, Aucklandia Lappa [93] Lit:wood fragrance. Treats flatulence and lack of appetite
wu yao 乌药 {14} radix Linderae [94] [95] Lit:dark/black medicine. Treats bed-wetting, hernia, and irregular menses.
xiang fu 香附 {12} rhizoma Cyperi Lit:fragrance attach/depend_on. Treats digestive system
ju hong 橘红 {22} exocarpium Citri Rubrum Tangerine peel. Lit:tangerine red. Treats digestive system
qing pi 青皮 {12} pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride Peel of unripe orange. Lit:green skin. Treats digestive system
zhi ke 枳壳 {32} fructus Aurantii [96] Lit:trifoliate_orange husk/shell Treats digestive system
zhi shi 枳实 {32} fructus Aurantii Immaturus Lit:trifoliate_orange true Treats digestive system
chen xiang 沉香 {21} lignum Aquilariae Resinatum Agarwood. Lit:sinking/heavy frangrance. Treats digestive system
chuan lian zhi 川楝子 {143} fructus Toosendan Lit:sichuan/river/plain chinaberry seed. External : Treats fungi infections of scalp.
yan hu suo 延胡索 {223} rhizoma Corydalis Lit:extend beard rope Treats digestive system
xie bai 薤白 {42} bulbus Allii Macrostemi Lit:shallot/scallion white} Treats digestive system
shan zha 山楂 {11} fructus Crataegi Hawthorn, Shan zha [97] Treats blood stasis, improves coronary circulation. Lit:mountain hawthorn/quince
mai ya 麦芽 {42} fructus Hordei germinatus Malted Barley Lowers blood pressure. Treats coronary heart disease, indigestion and stomach distension.
gu ya 谷芽, (穀芽) {32} fructus Oryzae germinatus Malted Rice Helps digestion
lai fu zi 莱菔子 {223} semen Raphani Radish Seed. Treats digestive stagnation
ji nei jin 鸡内金 {141} endothelium corneum Gigeriae galli Membrane of a chicken's gizzard. Lit:chicken internal gold. Treats weak digestion, vomiting, and diarrhea
shen qu 神曲, (神麴) {23} massa Fermentata Medicinalis [98] Medicated leaven. Lit:divine melody. Helps digestion
Luo Shi Teng 絡石藤 {422} Caulis Trachelospermi Jasminoidis Lit:meridian/winding stone vine. Treats weak digestion, and stomachache.
du huo 独活, (獨活) {22} radix Angelicae Pubescentis Lit:alone/independent work/alive Alleviates wind-cold-dampness
wei ling xian 威灵仙, (威靈仙) {121} radix Clematidis Lit:power/authority soul/spirit immortal. Treats weak digestion, and stomachache.
fang ji 防己 {23} radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae Lit:protect self. Treats weak digestion, and stomachache.
qin jiao 秦艽 {21} radix Gentianae Macrophyllae Lit:"Qin"_dynasty 艽 Reduces inflammation
mu gua, fan mu gua 木瓜, (番木瓜) {141} fructus Chaenomelis [99] Lit:wood melon. Treats weak digestion, and stomachache
sang ji sheng 桑寄生 {141} ramulus Taxilli Parasitic loranthus. Lit:mulberry parasitic/depend_on growth. Treats weak digestion
wu jia pi 五加皮 {312} cortex Acanthopanacis (Wu Jia Pi Jiu) Lit:five plus/increase bark Alleviates rheumatism
bai hua she 白花蛇 {212} Agkistrodon seu Bungarus [100] Pitviper or Krait Treats weak digestion, and improves circulation
hu gu 虎骨 {33} os Tigris Tiger bone Treats weak digestion, and improves circulation
bao gu 豹骨 {43} Leopard/panther bone Treats weak digestion, and improves circulation
wu shao she 烏梢蛇 {112} Zaocys Black-tailed snake. Lit:black tip snake. Treats weak digestion, and improves circulation
cang shu, (cang zhu) 苍术, (蒼朮) {14} rhizoma Atractylodis Lit:blue/green/pale art/skill Improves night vision and diminishing vision
hou po (hou pu) 厚朴 (厚樸){44} cortex Magnoliae Officinalis [101] Lit:thick Celtis_sinensis_var._japonica Treats weak digestion, and stomachache
huo xiang 藿香 {41} herba Agastaches Lit:leaves_of_pulse_plants fragrance. Treats weak digestion, and stomachache
pei lan 佩兰, (佩蘭) {22} herba Eupatorii, Eupatorium Lit:wears orchid. Treats weak digestion, and stomachache
sha ren 砂仁 {12} fructus Amomi, Amomum xanthoides Cardamon. Lit:grit kernel. Treats vomiting, stomach bloat and nausea
bai dou kou 白豆蔻 {244} fructus Amomi Rotundus Cardamom. Lit:white bean 蔻.White Cardamon Treats weak digestion, and stomachache
cao guo 草果 {33} fructus Tsaoko[102] Lit:herb fruit. Treats weak digestion, and stomachache
Jiang Huang 姜黄,(薑黄) {12} Rhizoma Curcumae Longae, Curcumae longae Rhizoma turmeric rhizome [103]. Lit:ginger yellow. Hindi name: Haldii (Haldi). Reduces wind-cold. Also used in Ayurvedic medicine, and to treat cancer [1]. Used extensively as a spice. [104]
sheng jiang 生姜, (生薑) {11} rhizoma Zingiberis Recens Raw ginger Reduces body odor
zi su geng (紫)苏梗 {13} caulis Perillae Lit:(purple) revive/recover stalk/stem. Reduces wind-cold
zi su ye (紫)苏叶 {14} folium Perillae Lit:(purple) revive/recover leaf. Reduces wind-cold
sang ye 桑叶 {14} folium Mori Mulberry leaf Slows diabetes
xiang ru 香薷 {12} herba Elsholtziae Lit:fragrance 薷. Reduces wind-cold
jing jie 荆芥 {14} herba Schizonepetae Lit:cutting mustard. Reduces wind-cold
fang feng 防风 {21} radix Ledebouriellae [105] Lit:defend (against) wind. Reduces stiff neck and pain back
bai zhi 白芷 {23} radix Angelicae Dahuricae Lit:white 芷. Reduces wind-cold
jiang huo (qiang huo) 羌活, (薑活) {12} rhizoma seu radix Notopterygli Lit:An_ethnic_Chinese_group live/alive. Reduces wind-cold
cang er zi 苍耳子 {133} fructus Xanthii Lit:dark_green ear seed. Reduces wind-cold
xin yi hua 辛荑花 {121} flos Magnoliae Liliflora [106] Magnolia Flower. Lit:hot/laborious/bitter sprout flower. Reduces wind-cold
bo he 薄荷 {42} herba Menthae Peppermint. Reduces wind-cold
niu bang zi 牛蒡子 {243} fructus Arctii Burdock Lit: cow 蒡 seed. Reduces wind-cold
can tui 蝉蜕 {24} periostracum Cicadae, Cicada Molt Alleviates sore throat and red eyes
dan dou chi 淡豆豉 {443} semen Sojae preparatum Fermented Black Soybean. Lit:bland bean 豉 Reduces wind-cold
ju hua 菊花 {21} flos Chrysanthemi Chrysanthemum Flower [107] Improves eyesight and hearing
ge gen 葛根 {21} radix Puerariae Pea Root [108] [109]

Lit:Pueraria root.

Lowers blood pressure
chai hu 柴胡 {22} radix Bupleuri [110] Chinese thorowax. Lit:firewood beard/moustache. Reduces heat, fever, malaria, irregular menses
sheng ma 升麻 {12} rhizoma Cimicifugae Black Cohosh Rhizome. Lit:rise/promote hemp/flax/jute/sesame. Reduces sore throat, migraine, toothache
ma huang 麻黄 {22} radix Ephedrae. Ephedrine Lit:hemp/flax/jute/sesame yellow. Lowers appetite and controls weight. Antibiotic, treats asthma, promotes sweating.
gui zhi 桂枝 {41} ramulus Cinnamomi Cinnamon Twig [111] [112]

Lit:cassia twig.

Stomach Tonic
zong lu tan 棕榈炭 {121} vagina Trichycarpi Carbonisatus Lit:palm (tree) 榈 charcoal. Arrests bleeding
huai jiao 槐角 {23} fructus Sophorae Lit:Chinese_scholar_tree horn. Arrests bleeding
zi zhu 紫珠 {31} folium Callicarpae Lit:purple pearl/bead/drop Arrests bleeding
xue yu tan 血余炭 {424} crinis Carbonisatus Lit:blood extra/more_than charcoal. Arrests bleeding
zhu ma gen 苧麻根 (苎麻根) {421) radix Boehmeriae Lit:苎 hemp/flax root. Arrests bleeding
bai mao gen 白茅根 {221} rhizoma Imperatae Cogongrass rhizome. Lit:white thatch root. Arrests bleeding
ce bai ye 侧柏叶 {434} cacumen Biotae Oriental arborvitae leaf Arrests bleeding
huai hua 槐花 {23} flos Sophorae Lit:Chinese_scholar_tree flower. Arrests bleeding
da ji 大蓟 {24} herba seu Radix Cirsii Japonici Setose thistle. External: Arrests bleeding rapidly. Internal: Increases platelet count, promotes platelet coagulation, increases blood pressure
xiao ji 小蓟 {34} herba Cephalanoploris Field thistle. Arrests bleeding rapidly, increases platelet count, promotes platelet coagulation, increases blood pressure, treats insomnia
di yu 地榆 {42} radix Sanguisorbae [113] Salad burnet. Lit:earth elm. Arrests bleeding
xian he cao 仙鹤草 {143} herba Agrimoniae Lit:immortal crane herb. Arrests bleeding
bai ji 白及 {22} rhizoma Bletillae Lit:white reach(in time). Arrests bleeding
ai ye 艾叶 {44} folium Artemisiae Argyi Mugwort Leaf Antibiotic and Antivirus
pu huang 蒲黄 {22} pollen Typhae Lit:cattail/reed_mace/club_grass yellow. Lowers blood cholesterol

General Usage (Part 3)

Pinyin Name Chinese Name Latin Name Common Name Herb Usage
fu ling 茯苓 {22} Poria [114] Lit:茯苓. Anti-tumor, protects liver, kidney and bone marrow
zhu ling 豬苓 {12} Polyporus Umbellatus, Fungus Ramosissimus Lit:pig 苓. Treats boils and tumors
ze xie 泽泻, (澤瀉) {24} rhizoma Alismatis Alisma. Oriental water plantain. Lit:pool/glade pour_down. Inhibits hardening of arteries, lowers lipids and cholesterol, prevents fatty liver
yi yi ren 薏苡仁 {432} semen Coicis Lit:薏 Job's_tears kernel. Sedative, anti-cancer, treats urinary tract infections
che qian zi 车前子 {123} semen Plantaginis Plantain seed. Reduces damp-heat, treats sexual dysfunction
hua shi 滑石 {22} Talcum Lit:slippery stone. Reduces dryness
mu tong 木通 {41} caulis Akebiae Lit:wood connect_with/open. Antibiotic, promotes lactation, improves cardiac function, alleviates joint pain
jin qian cao 金钱草 {123} herba Lysimachiae Lit:gold money herb. Expels stones of urinary tract, improves circulation, anti-bacteria
tong cao 通草 {13} medulla Tetrapanacis Lit:connect_with/open herb. Treats typhoid, promotes lactation
shi wei 石苇 {23} folium Pyrrosiae Lit:stone reed. Reduces urinary tract infections
yin chen hao 茵陈蒿 {121} herba Artemisiae Scopariae Lit:mattress old wormwood_artemisia. Treats headache, jaundice, liver and gallbladder
bi xie 萆薢 {44} rhizoma Dioscoreae Septemlobae Lit:castor_seed woody_climbing_plant. Reduces inflammation, treats arthritis
Liu Huang 硫磺 {22} Sulphur[115] Reduces fire
shi gao 石膏 {21} gypsum Fibrosum Gypsum Antipyretic, treats diabetes and asthma
zhi mu 知母 {13} rhizoma Anemarrhenae[116] Wind-weed. Lit:know mother. Treats diabetes and yin deficiency
tian hua fen 天花粉 {113} radix Trichosanthis [117] Lit:sky flower powder/crumble Clears lung heat, expels pus and phlegm
lu gen 芦根 {21} rhizoma Phragmitis Lit:reed root. Suppurative, lung tonic
huang lian 黄莲 {22} rhizoma Coptidis [118] Lit:yellow lotus. External: Treats mouth ulcers, eye and ear infection, eczema. Internal: Clears heat, treats insomnia and diabetes.
huang qin 黄芩 {22} radix Scutellariae [119] Lit:yellow reed. Reduces heat, fire, dampness, hypertension. Treats prostate and breast cancers
huang bai, (huang bo) 黄柏 {23} cortex Phellodendri [120] Lit:yellow cypress. Lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. Antibiotic. Reduces damp-heat.
zhi zi 栀子, (梔子) {13} fructus Gardeniae [121] Cape jasmine. Lit:栀 seed. Reduces fire. Treats jaundice and insomnia. Antipyretic.
long dan cao 龙胆草 {233} radix Gentianae [122] Lit:dragon courage/gallbladder herb. Reduces heat. Treats hypertension, gastritis, conjunctivitis and malaria.
xia ku cao 夏枯草 {413} spica Prunellae Lit:summer withered herb. Treats hepatitis, goiter, breast cancer, hypertension, tuberculosis, and facial paralysis.
ku shen 苦参 {31} radix Sophorae Flavescentis [123]

[124] [125]

Lit:bitter valuable_herb Reduces fire. Treats infections, insomnia, tumor. Antibiotic. Antivirus.
jue ming zi 决明子 {223} semen Cassia Lit:decide/final bright/clear seed Reduces high blood pressure.
jin yin hua 金银花 {121} flos Lonicerae, Flox Lonicerae Japonicae Honeysuckle. Lit:gold silver flower. Dextoxifies. Treats influenza.
Xian Jin Yin Hua 鲜金银花 {1121} Flos Lonicerae Recens, Flox Lonicerae Japonicae Fresh Honeysuckle Flower Detoxifies. Reduces heat.
ren dong teng 忍冬藤 {312} caulis Lonicerae Lit:endure/tolerate winter vine/cane Detoxifies
lian qiao 连翘 {24} fructus Forsythiae Lit:connect raise/stick_up. Antibiotic. Treats retina hemorrhage, kidney and liver infections.
pu gong ying 蒲公英 {211} herba Taraxaci Lit:cattail/reed_mace/club_grass public/general flower/hero. Antibiotic. Treats boils, breast and lung cancer.
zi hua di ding 紫花地丁 {3141} herba Violae Lit:purple flower earth man. Treats snake bite, HIV/AIDS. Antibiotic.
da qing ye 大青叶 {414} folium Isatidis Woad. Lit:large green leaf. Treats mouth ulcers, hepatitis, herpes.
qing dai 青黛 {14} indigo Naturalis Lit:green black_dye. Treats infections, epilepsy, mouth inflammation, and nose bleed.
ban lan gen 板蓝根 {321} radix Isatidis Lit:board blue root. Treats colds, mouth ulcers, hepatitis, herpes, measles, psoriasis.
chuan xin lian 穿心莲 {112} herba Andrographitis Lit:pierce heart lotus. Reduces heat and mouth ulcers. Antibiotic, antiviral, and antipyretic.
yu xing cao 鱼腥草 {213} herba Houttuyniae fish raw_meat/fishy_smell herb. Reduces damp heat. Treats boils and HIV/AIDS.
shan dou gen 山豆根 {141} radix Sophorae Tonkinensis Lit:mountain bean root. Detoxifies
she gan 射干 {41} rhizoma Belamcandae, Belamcanda Chinensis Blackberry lily. Lit:shoot/emit dry. Treats cough, phlegm and sore throat.
ma chi xian 马齿莧 {334} herba Portulacae Lit:horse tooth amaranth. Antibiotic, antifungal. Treats parasites, appendicitis, dysentery, high blood pressure.
bai tou weng 白头翁 {221} radix Pulsatillae Lit:white head old_man. Antibiotic. Kills sperm and parasites.
hong teng 红藤 {22} caulis Sargentodoxae Lit:red vine/cane. Detoxifies
qin pi 秦皮 {22} cortex Fraxini Lit:"Qin"_Dynasty bark. Antibiotic. Reduces heat. Treats swollen eyes.
jun da cai 君达菜 {124} Beta vulgaris Beet. Lit:monarch reach vegetable. External: Treats boils.
bai hua she she cao 白花蛇舌草 {21223} Heydyotis Diffusa Lit:white flower snake tongue herb. Reduces heat. Antibiotic, antivirus, antitumor. Treats infections.
ban zhi lian 半枝蓮 {412} Herba Scutellriae Barbatae Lit:half branch lotus. Reduces heat. Treats sore throat, mouth ulcers. Inhibits tumor and cancer cells (alcohol extract only).
Deng Xin Cao 灯芯草 (燈芯草) {143} Medulla Junci Effusi Luncus pith, Rush pith . Lit:lamp core/center herb. Cools blood. Treats sore throat.
shui niu jiao 水牛角 cornu Bubali Treats manic behavior, sore throat. Sedative effect.
sheng di huang 生地黄 {142} radix Rehmanniae [126] Lit:raw earth yellow. Used as blood tonic in small doses. Reduces blood sugar. Not to be used in large doses.
xuan shen 玄参 {21} radix Scrophulariae Lit:deep valuable_herb. Antibiotic. Sedative effect. Treats sore throat and yin deficiency, cools blood.
xi jiao 犀角 {13} cornu Rhinocerotis Reduces high fever. Sedative.
bai jiang cao 败酱草 {443} herba Patriniae Lit:defeat/counteract sauce/paste herb. Treats conjunctivitis, appendicitis, flatulence, diarrhea.
mu dan pi 牡丹皮 {312} cortex Moutan Radicis [127][128] Lit:peony bark. Antibiotic. Reduces blood stasis, blood clots, and fire of yin deficiency.
zi cao 紫草 {33} radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi Groomwell root. Lit:purple herb. Reduces damp heat and toxins. Blood tonic. Treats constipation.
pang da hai 胖大海 {443} Sterculia Scaphigera Lit:plump large sea. Reduces heat. Treats dry and hard stools, conjunctivitis, sore throat, and nose bleed.
qing hao 青蒿 {11} herba Artemisiae Annuae Lit:green wormwood_artemisia Treats malaria and damp heat.
bai wei 白薇 {21}, 蔷薇 {21} radix Cynanchi Atrati[129] Lit:white 薇. Reduces damp heat. Treats sore throat and snake bite. Heart tonic.
di gu pi 地骨皮 {432} cortex Lycii Radicis Lit: earth bone bark. Treats premature white hair, diabetes, backache. Improves night vision. Liver and kidney tonic.
yin chai hu 银柴胡 {222} radix Stellariae Lit:silver firewood moustache/beard. Reduces damp heat. Treats yin deficiency.
da huang 大黃 {42} radix et rhizoma Rhei [130] Rhubarb [131]

Lit:large yellow.

External: Treats burns and scalding. Internal: Treats blood in stool, blood clots and tumors.
mang xiao 芒硝 {21} natrii Sulfas Sodium sulphate. Lit: awn nitre/saltpetre Treats mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis, sore throat, breast tumor.
fan xie ye 番泻叶, (番瀉葉) {144} folium Sennae Senna leaf. Reduces heat. Treats constipation and flatulence.
da ma ren 大麻仁 {422} fructus Cannabis [132] Lit:large cannabis/hemp kernel. Treats insomnia, menstrual pain, asthma, mania and itchy skin.
gan sui 甘遂 {14} radix Kansui [133] [134] Lit: sweet/fortunate/willing satisfy/succeed. External: Treats boils and sores.
yu li ren 郁李仁 {432} semen Pruni Lit:strong-smelling/lush plum kernel. Qi tonic.
da ji 大戟 {43} radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis Japanese thistle. Lit:large ancient_bladed_weapon. Cools blood.
yuan hua 芫花 {21} flos Genkwa Lit:芫 flower. External: Treats ringworm and head fungi. Internal: Treats parasites.
qian niu zi 牽牛子 {123} semen Pharbitidis Lit:pull cow seed. Treats asthma, phlegm, cough, flatulence and constipation.
rou gui 肉桂 {22} cortex Cinnamomi Chinese cinnamon tree. Lit:meat cinnamon. Treats impotence and stomach wind. Promotes circulation. Stomach and lung tonic. Reduces blood sugar.
wu zhu yu 吴茱萸 {212} fructus Evodiae, Tetradium Lit:"Wu"_Kingdom 茱萸. Lowers blood pressure. Reduces dampness and stomachache. Leads fire downwards. Warms stomach.
xi xin 细辛 {41} herba Asari Root of wild Chinese ginger. Lit:thin/fine hot_taste. External: Treats mouth ulcers. Internal: Antibiotic, anaesthetic, anti-histamine. Treats deafness.
hua jiao 花椒 {11} pericarpium Zanthoxyli[135][136] Lit:flower chilli/pepper. Treats asthma and bloated stomach. Lowers blood pressure.
ding xiang 丁香 {11} flos Caryophylli Clove [137]

Lit:man/population fragrance.

External: Fungal infection, lymphatic tumor. Internal: Stomach tonic.
gao liang jiang 高莨姜 {121} rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum Galanga, galangal. Lit:高莨 ginger. Antibiotic. Warms stomach, improves digestion.
xiao hui xiang 小茴香 {321} fructus Foeniculi Fennel. Lit:little 茴 fragrance. External: Abdominal pain. Internal: Treats colic pain, cholera, swollen testes. Promotes lactation.
fu zi 附子, (地肤子) {23} radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Aconite. Lit:attach/depend_on seed. Anticancer. Heart stimulant.
chuan wu tou 川乌头 {112} radix Aconiti Aconitum[138]

Lit:sichuan black head.

Anticancer. Heart stimulant.
cao wu tou 草乌头 {312} radix Aconiti Kusnezoffiae [139] Prepared wild aconite. Lit:herb black head. Anticancer. Heart stimulant.
gan jiang 干姜, (乾薑) {11} rhizoma Zingiberis

[140] [141]

Dry ginger. Warms interior (middle burner). Yang tonic. Treats lower back pain.
He Shi 鹤虱 {21} Carpesii abrotanoidis Fructus carpesium fruit. Lit:crane louse. Removes parasites
Ming Fan 明礬 {22} Alumen Alum, Aluminum potassium sulfate. Lit:bright vitriol. External: Sores and abcesses. Internal: Leukemia
bing lang, (bin lang) 槟榔, (檳榔) {12} semen Arecae, Areca_catechu seed [142] Lit:areca. Kills parasites. Removes food accumulation.
shi jun zi 使君子 {313} fructus Quisqualis Rangoon creeper. Lit:use monarch/mister seed. Kills parasites. Treats ear infection and cough.
da fu pi 大腹皮 {442} pericarpium Arecae Lit:large stomach/belly bark. Treats water retention in legs and fungal infection in digestive tract.
lei wan 雷丸 {22} Omphalia Lit:thunder pill. Removes parasites
ku lian pi 苦棟皮 {342} cortex Meliae [143] Lit:bitter 棟 bark. Expels parasites
nan gua zi 南瓜子 {213} semen Cucurbitae Southern melon seed. Removes parasites
he cao ya 鹤草牙 {432} gemma Agrimoniae Agrimony. Lit:crane herb sprout. Removes parasites
guan zhong 贯众, (贯眾, 贯仲){44} rhizoma Dryopteris Crassirhizomae [144] Lit:pass_through many(people). Removes parasites. Treats boils and Hepatitis B.
fei zi 榧子 {33} semen Torreyae Torreya seeds. Lit:榧 seed. Kills parasites
ci shi 磁石 {22} Magnetitum Magnetite Calms the mind
Duan Ci Shi 煅磁石 {422} Calcined Magnetitum Magnetite Calms the mind
long gu 龙骨 {23} os Draconis Dragon Bones, Large Bones External: Sores and boils. Internal: Treats premature ejaculation, poor memory, palpitations.
zhu sha 硃砂 {11} Cinnabaris Cinnabar. Settles the spirit.
suan zao ren 酸枣仁 {132} semen Ziziphi Spinosae[145] Lit:sour date kernel. Calms the mind. Promotes sleep. Lowers blood pressure. Yin tonic. Treats palpitation and poor memory.
yuan zhi 远志 {34} radix Polygalae [146] Lit:far-reaching ambition/will. Calms the mind. Promotes sleep. Treats boils, sores, breast tumor.
bai zi ren 柏子仁 {332} semen Biotae Lit:cypress seed kernel. Calms the mind. Treats palpitations and poor memory.
mu li 牡蛎, (牡蠣) {34} concha Ostreae, Ostreidae Lit:oyster shell Treats swollen lymph glands
Duan Mu Li 煅牡蠣 {434} Calcined Concha Ostreae Oyster Shell Neutralizes acidity in stomach
zhen zhu 珍珠 {11} Margarita Pearl Calms the mind.
zhen zhu mu 珍珠母 {113} concha Margaritifera Usta Mother of Pearl Sedative. Treats hypertension, cataract, night blindness, insomnia, palpitation, poor memory, ulcers.
dai zhe shi 代赭石 {232} Haematitum Hematite Promotes red blood cells.
ling yang jiao 羚羊角 {223} cornu Saigae Tataricae Antelope horn Reduces wind.
tian ma 天麻 {12} rhizoma Gastrodiae [147] Lit:sky/heaven hemp/flax/sesame Treats depression, epilepsy and migraine.
shi jue ming 石决明 {222} concha Haliotidis Abalone Shell Antibiotic, antipyretic and sedative. Treats hypertension.
shan yang jiao 山羊角 {123} cornu Naemorhedi Lit:mountain goat/sheep horn Reduces heat.
gou teng 钩藤, (鉤藤) {12} ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis [148] Lit:hooked cane. Sedative. Lowers platelet coagulation and lowers blood pressure.
quan xie 全蝎 {21} Scorpio [149] Scorpion. Reduces wind. Lowers blood pressure and platelet coagulation.
wu gong 蜈蚣 {21} Scolopendra, Centipede [150] Centipede Reduces wind. Lowers blood pressure and platelet coagulation.
bai jiang can 白僵蚕, (白殭蚕) {212} bombyx Batryticatus Silkworm larva with batrytis. Lit:white frozen silkworm. Antibiotic. Treats sore throat, epilepsy and itchy skin.
di long 地龙 {42} Lumbricus [151] Lit:earth dragon. Lower blood pressures. Sedative and anti-histamine. Treats asthma.
she xiang 麝香 {41} Moschus[152] Lit:musk_deer fragance. Treats coma or stroke symptoms
niu huang 牛黄 {22} calculus Bovis, Bezoar Bovis, [153] Bezoar. Lit:cow yellow. Treats coma or stroke symptoms
hou zao 猴枣 {23} calculus Macacae Mulattae Monkey Gallstone. Lit:monkey jujube/date. Treats coma or stroke symptoms
bing pian 冰片 {14} Borneolum Syntheticum Lit:ice slice. Treats coma or stroke symptoms
su he xiang 苏合香 {121} Storax Lit:revive/recover join fragrance. Treats coma or stroke symptoms. Opens orifices. [154]
shi chang pu 石菖蒲 {212} rhizoma Acori Graminei [155], Acorus [156] Lit:stone 菖 cattail/reed_mace/club_grass. Treats coma or stroke symptoms

Chinese-Japanese common herbs


The following herbs are common to both the Kampo herb list as well as the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese herbology:

  1. Astragali Radix , 黄芪 , オウギ
  2. Camelliae Folium , 茶叶 , チャヨウ
  3. Cannabis Fructus , 麻子仁 , マシニン
  4. Carthami Flos , 红花 , コウカ
  5. Cinnamomi Cortex , 桂皮 , ケイヒ
  6. Coptidis Rhizoma , 黄连 , オウレン
  7. Corydalis Rhizoma , 延胡索 , エンゴサク
  8. Crotonis Semen , 巴豆 , ハズ
  9. Ephedrae Herba , 麻黄 , マオウ
  10. Eucommiae Cortex , 杜仲 , トチュウ
  11. Forsythiae Fructus , 连翘 , レンギョウ
  12. Glycyrrhizae Radix , 甘草 , カンゾウ
  13. Leonuri Herba , 益母草 , ヤクモソウ
  14. Phellodendri Cortex , 黄柏 , オウバク
  15. Puerariae Radix , 葛根 , カッコン
  16. Rehmanniae Radix , 地黄 , ジオウ
  17. Saussureae Radix , 木香 , モッコウ
  18. Schisandrae Fructus , 五味子 , ゴミシ
  19. Scutellariae Radix , 黄芩 , オウゴン
  20. Trichosanthis Radix , 瓜蒌根 , カロコン



Formulas are herb combinations that may exhibit activity [157] that is shown by none of the individual herbs in a formula. The following formulas [158] use a combination of herbs to "balance" and improve on the strengths of the principal herbs. The principal herbs are listed first in a formula, and usually carry the most weight, that is, they are the heaviest in a formula. The most common way of using a herb combination is via an aqueous (hot-water) extract, known as "tang" or 汤, which may be called a soup. Alcohol [159] extracts are possible for some herbs, such as Ginseng, but the ginsenosides extracted via alcohol are different from that extracted with water. Herb combinations can also be ground into powder form, known as "san" or 散, and put into capsules, or mixed directly with water and ingested. Another common way, especially for patented TCM formulas, is via tablets, known as "wan" or 丸. Where not indicated otherwise, the formulas are meant for aqueous extraction (boiling). The dosages indicated refer to relative weights, and there may be rounding errors in converting qian/liang (in the Chinese weights system) to grams. As a host of variables are involved in a correct diagnosis, only a qualified physician may prescribe a formula for any particular individual. Hence the formulas should not be used for self-prescription.

  • Korean Heart Blood-Deficiency Formula, Cheonwangbosimdan(天王補心丹)[160]

桔梗 {18.75 g}, 丹蔘 {18.75 g}, 當歸 {37.5 g}, 麥門冬 {37.5 g}, 柏子仁 {37.5 g}, 茯苓 {18.75 g}, 酸棗仁 {37.5 g}, 生地黃 {150 g}, 五味子 {37.5 g}, 遠志 {18.75 g}, 人蔘 {18.75 g}, 天門冬 {37.5 g}, 玄蔘 {18.75 g}.

  • Koso-san. A Japanese Kampo Formula [161] for Depression and Chronic Fatigue Symptoms [162]

Cyperi rhizoma {4.0 g}, Perillae herba {2.0 g}, Aurantii nobilis pericarpium {3.0 g}, Glycyrrhizae radix {2.0 g}, Zingiberis rhizoma {0.5 g}.

  • Heart Dissipation/Clearing Formula[163]

dan shen 丹参 {24 g}, hong hua 红花 {10 g}, chuan xiong 川芎 {12 g}, dang gui 当归 {10 g}, chi shao 赤芍 {10 g}, yu jin 郁金 {10 g}, jiang xiang 降香 {10 g}, ju pi 陈皮 {12 g}.

  • Chronic Fatigue Formula (to reduce damp-heat, aching muscles)

黄莲 3g, 厚朴 3g, 栀子 9g, 淡豆豉 9g, 石菖蒲 3g, 半夏 3g, 芦根 15g.

  • Cold-Damp Formula (benefits liver)

nan sha shen 南沙参 {20 g}, mai men dong 麦门冬 {10 g}, tian hua fen 天花粉 {30 g}, cang shu 苍术 {10 g}, sheng di huang 生地黄 {30 g}, huang qi 黄芪 {6 g}, ge gen 葛根 {10 g}, xuan shen 玄参 {30 g}: Xianmin-Pg46.

  • Clarify Throat and Lung Formula

生地黄 12g, 玄参 9g, 麦冬 6g, 白芍 6g, 牡丹皮 6g, 川贝母 6g, 薄荷 3g, 甘草 3g.

  • Clear Heat and Nourish Yin Formula

青 蒿 6g, 鱉甲 15g, 生地黄 12g, 知母 6g, 牡丹皮 9g.

  • Bai Tou Weng Soup (detoxifies bowels)

bai tou weng 白头翁 {9 g}, huang lian 黄莲 {9 g}, huang bai 黄柏 {9 g}, qing pin 秦皮 {9 g}

  • Little Green Dragon Soup (cold/phlegm)

ma huang 麻黄 {12 g}, gui zhi 桂枝 {9 g}, gan jiang 乾姜 {9 g}, xi xin 细辛 {9 g}, wu wei zi 五味子 {9 g}, bai shao 白芍 {9 g}, ban xia 半夏 {9 g}, gan cao 甘草 {9 g}

  • Jade Female Formula (benefits yin)

tian men dong 天门冬 {20 g}, nan sha shen 南沙参 {12 g}, mai men dong 麦门冬 {10 g}, huang jing 黄精 {10 g}, gou qi zi 枸杞子 {10 g}, nu zhen zi 女贞子{10 g}, han lian cao 旱莲草 {6 g}, bie jia 鱉甲 {10 g}, gui ban 龟板 {10 g}.

  • Xue Fu Zhu Yu Soup (evening tidal fever and mood swings)

tao ren 桃仁 {12 g}, hong hua 红花 {9 g}, dang gui 当归 {9 g}, chuan xiong 川芎 {6 g}, chi shao 赤芍 {6 g}, niu xi 牛膝 {9 g}, chai hu 柴胡 {3 g}, jie geng 桔梗 {6 g}, zhe ke 枳壳 {6 g}, sheng di huang 生地黄 {9 g}, ga cao 甘草 {3 g}.

  • Xiao Yao Powder (benefits liver, spleen and blood)

chai hu 柴胡 {30 g}, dang gui 当归 {30 g}, bai shao 白芍 {30 g}, bai zhu 白朮 {30 g}, fu ling 伏苓 {30 g}, gan cao 甘草 {30 g}, (ingested in 10g doses in a ginger and mint aqueous extract/solution)

  • Kidney Essence Formula [164]

zi he che 紫河车 {1 ea}, shu di huang 熟地黄 {60 g}, sheng di huang 生地黄 {45 g}, gou qi zi 枸杞子 {45 g}, tian men dong 天门冬 {20 g}, wu wei zi 五味子 {20 g}, dang gui 当归 {20 g}, niu xi 牛膝 {20 g}, du zhong 杜仲 {30 g}, suo yang 锁阳 {20 g}, rou cong rong 肉苁蓉 {20 g}, huang bo 黄柏 {20 g}: Giovanni Maciocia:Page 498.

  • Liver-Kidney Formula[165]

dang shen 党参 {12g}, shu di huang 熟地黄 {12g}, shan yao 山药 {12g}, shan zhu yu 山茱萸 {9g}, yuan zhi 远志 {3g}, tu Si Zi 吐丝子 {9g}, xu duan 续断 {9g}, wu wei zhi 五味子 {3g}, zhi gan cao 甘草 {6g}

  • Alleviate Asthma

(1) Perilla Frutescens, Prunus Armeniaca, Glycyrrhiza Uralensis, Scutellaria Baicalensis, Coptis Chinesis, Tusilago Farfara, Stemona Sessilifolia, Fritillaria Cirrhosa, Pheretima Aspergillum, Psoralaea Corylifolia, Codonopsis Pilosula, Hordeum Vulgara, Massa Fermentata Medicalis, Schisandra Chinesis, and Gypsum. United States Patent 7255884

(2) Ma Huang, Xing Ren , Gan Cao, Huang Qin , Huang Lian , Huang Bai , Kuan Dong Hua , Bai Bu, Chuan Bei Mu (or Bei Mu) , Di Long, Bu Gu Zhi , Dang Shen , Shan Zha , Mai Ya , Shen Qu , Wu Wei Zi , Shi Gao, Su Zi, Zi Wan , Bai Shao, Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Jing Jie , Huang Qi , Fang Feng.

Ref: http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/7255884/description.html

  • Dia Da (Impact Injuries)

The term "Dia-Da" literally means "Fall-Hit" in Mandarin. The Cantonese equivalent is Dit_da_jow which alludes to the "wine" ("jow") or alcohol used to treat this form of injury. This term is a graphic way to describe impact injuries, namely injuries that probably result from falling down or being hit by something. In modern living, these injuries could conceivably be the result of colliding with a vehicle, or being hit by a ball, racket, stick or bat.

Main Function of Herb Group Herb Names
Anti-rheumatic herbs Du Huo, Qin Jiao, Wei Ling Xian
Herbs to stop bleeding San Qi, Pu Huang
Herbs to promote blood circulation Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Xue Jie
  • Herbs Used in Formulas for Diabetes [166]

Herbs that are frequently used in TCM formulas in the treatment of diabetes include:

Radix Astragali seu Hedysari , Radix Rehmanniae and Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata , Radix Trichosanthis , Radix Puerariae , Radix Ginseng , Radix Panacis Quinquefolii , Rhizoma Polygonati , Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati , Fructus Coini , Hirudo , Rhizoma Coptidis , Fructus Lycii and Cortex Lycii Radicis , Poria , Rhizoma Atractylodis , Rhizoma Anemarrhenae , Radix Ophiopogonis , Fructus Ligustri Lucidi , Fructus Mori, Folium Mori and Cortex Mori Radicis , Fructus Schisandrae , Gynostemmae Herba , Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae , Rhizoma Phragmitis , Rhizoma Alismatis , Semen Cuscutae , Herba Epimedii , Radix Clematidis , Radix Notoginseng , Herba Dendrobii , Concha Ostreae , Radix Lithospermi , Radix Aconiti and Radix Aconiti Praeparata , Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi , Radix Paeoniae Rubra and Radix Paeoniae Alba , Radix et Rhizoma Rhei , Rhizoma Pinelliae , Radix Polygalae , Fructus Hordei Germinatus , Cortex Phellodendri , Fructus Arctii , Fructus Xanthii , Bombyx Batryticatus , Gecko , Radix Stephaniae Tetradrae , Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidate , Radix Platycodi , Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae , Radix Scrophulariae , Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong , Radix Angelicae Sinensis , Fructus Balsampear , Rhizoma Dioscoreae , Stigma Maydis , Semen Fagopyri Cymosi , Semen Litchi , Pericarpium Granati , Semen Coicis , Allii Sativi Bulbus , Allii Cepa Bulbus , Radix Asparragi Officinalis , Cordyceps , Ganoderma Lucidum seu Japonicum , Tremellae, Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) Schult (Asclepiadaceae) , Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (Leguminosae) , Prunella vulgaris L. (Labiatae) , Ephedra sinica Stapf., and Ephedra distachya L. (Ephedraceae) , Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. (Rosaceae) , Anisodus tanguticus (Maxim.) Pascher (Solanaceae) , Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Apocynaceae) , Stevia rebaudina (Bert.) Hemsl. (Compositae) , Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae) , Aralia elta (Miq.) Seem. and Aralia decaisneana Hance (Araliaceae) , Caesalpinia sappan L. (Leguminosae) , Rhodiola sachalinensis A. (Crassulaceae) , Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. (Rosaceae) , Amorphophallus spp. (Araceae) , Oenothera erythrosepala Borb. (Oangraceae) , Tribuluks terrestris L. (Zygophyllaceae) , Euonyrnus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb. (Celastraceae) , Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Nymphaeaceae).

Herb Patents


Some herb patents [167] [168] [169][170] that contain the herb Glycyrrhiza Uralensis (Licorice, Liquorice, gan cao, 甘草):

US Patent Patent Name
7416747 Herbal composition for treatment of neurodegeneration and neuronal dysfunction
7118767 Pharmaceutical composition for increasing the production of nitric oxide and IFN-?,

and process for preparation thereof

7025993 Herbal composition PHY906 and its use in chemotherapy
6911221 Anti-neoplastic drug
6503542 Herbal compositions for treating immunological disorders (rheumatoid arthritis)
6641846 Pharmaceutical composition against type I allergy and the preparation thereof
5466452 Pharmaceutical compositions for the treatment of skin disorders
6039954 Herbal compositions for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders
5411733 Antiviral agent containing crude drug
6426098 Herbal compositions for hepatic disorders
6350476 Herbal chinese joint complex
6358540 Herbal composition for treatment of tinnitus
5908628 Compositions with analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory properties
5609875 Skin whitening composition
5589182 Compositions and method of treating cardio-, cerebro-vascular and alzheimer's

diseases and depression

4639466 3',6-diisopentenyl-2',4'-dihydroxy-5,7-dimethoxy-isoflavan and related compounds

useful as anxiolytic agents and avermectin antidotes

4618495 Preparation for reducing cancer symptoms without treating cancer
4613591 Adminiculum for antitumor agents
6103240 Herbal sweetening and preservative composition comprising licorice extract and

mogrosides obtained from plants belonging to cucurbitaceae and/or momordica

6093403 Sugar imbalance and diabetes treating herbal formulation
4501734 Promotion of absorption of drugs administered through the alimentary system
6319523 Composition and method for inhibiting oral bacteria
4528192 Process for preparing an antitoxic composition
6521269 Compositions and methods for enhancing therapeutic effects
6395311 Multicomponent biological vehicle
7083811 Herbal composition for the prevention and treatment of dementia
5744138 Process for separating organogermanium compounds and inorganogermanium compounds

from a germanium-containing pharmaceutical plant or its processed products

6280751 Essential oil composition
7452557 Preventive or therapeutic agent for pollen allergy, allergic rhinitis, atopic

dermatitis, asthma or urticaria, or health food for prevention or improvement or

reduction of symptoms thereof

5942233 Herbal composition for stimulating blood circulation
5985935 Treatment and prophylaxis of diseases caused by parasites, or bacteria
6576267 Composition and method for treating the effects of diseases and maladies
6630176 Herbal remedies for treating allergies and asthma
5874084 Using complex herbal formulations to treat hot flashes
5773004 Compositions for curing diabetes mellitus, processes for the preparation of same,

and usage of same

6455078 Medicinal herbal composition for treating liver diseases and HIV
6068845 Inhibition of abnormal accumulation of extra-cellular matrices
5891440 Phytoestrogen supplement prepared from pomegranate seeds and a herbal mixture or

coconut milk

7078064 Compositions and methods useful for treating and preventing chronic liver disease,

chronic HCV infection and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

5770217 Dietary supplement for hematological, immune and appetite enhancement
6872709 Therapeutic agent for mastitis of livestock and method for treating mastitis using

the same agent

5837257 Use of plant extracts for treatment of HIV, HCV and HBV infections
6432455 Symptomatic relief of allergic reactions
6083512 Multicomponent clostridial vaccines using saponin adjuvants
4537763 Products sweetened with ?-glycosyl glycyrrhizin
6652891 Co-enzyme Q10 dietary supplement
6685973 Method for inhibiting 15-lipoxygenase with fermented Glycine max (L.) extract
5882672 Crude drug-containing feed
6986906 Cranberry based dietary supplement and dental hygiene product
6989278 Method of identifying therapeutic compounds for a treatment of hepatic disorders
7147876 Compositions for removal of toxins
6123946 Hygienic bag and preparation thereof
4898890 Medicines for use in the therapy and prevention of kidney and liver diseases
6603046 Bis-aromatic a,ଲ-unsaturated ketones
6713091 Composition for lowering the concentration of alcohol in blood containing extracts

of pepino and method for producing the same

7384654 Anti-Allergy composition and related method

Ref: http://www.patentstorm.us/ and http://www.freepatentsonline.com/

    • Patent number: WO2008146955 (A1)
    • Source: European Patent Database [171]
    • Herbs used: Herba Ephedrae and Thallus Laminariae seu Eckloniae, or comprising Herba Ephedrae, Thallus Laminariae seu Eckloniae and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei.



TCM suppliers may "prepare" herbs to bring out different or enhanced properties:

  1. Chao 炒 Dry-fried [172]
  2. Zhi 炙 Honey-fried
  3. Jiu (Wine or Alcohol)
    1. Jiu Chao 酒炒 Wine Fried (Fried in Alcohol)[173]
    2. Jiu Zhi 酒炙 Wine Treated (Pre-soaked in alcohol and dried)
  4. Tan 炭 Charred
  5. Xian 鲜 Fresh (or raw)
  6. Duan 煅 Calcined (heated to oxidise or reduce to calx)
  7. Herb extracts. These may be in liquid or powder form, and may include the use of high temperatures (110-150° C) and pressures (3.50 kgf/cm2) over a period of days using different solvents, including vinegar.

-Examples of herbs that may be dry-fried: Chao Huang Bai 炒黄柏, Chao Shen Qu 炒神曲, Chao Mai Ya 炒麦芽, Chao Bai Zhu 炒白朮.

-An example of a herb that may be honey-fried: Zhi Gan Cao 炙甘草.

-Examples of herbs that may be fried in alcohol: Jiu Chao Zhi Mu 酒炒知母, Jiu Chao Huang Bai 酒炒黄柏, Jiu Chao Huang Lian 酒炒黄莲, Jiu Chao Huang Qi 酒炒黄耆, Jiu Chao Che Qian Zi 酒炒车前子, Jiu Chao Bai Shao 酒炒白芍, Jiu Gui Ban 酒龟板.

-An example of a herb that may be pre-soaked in alcohol: Jiu Zhi Da Huang 酒炙大黄.

-An example of a herb that may be charred: Xue Yu Tan 血餘炭.

-Herbs that may be specified as fresh (not dried) in a formula include: Xian Jin Yin Hua 鲜金银花

-Typically, the following may be calcined: Duan Mu Li 煅牡蠣, Duan Long Gu 煅龙骨, Duan Meng Shi 煅礞石, Duan Ci Shi 煅磁石, Duan Gui Ban 煅龟板.

Note: In TCM texts, "Wine" or "Jiu" does not usually refer to alcoholic drinks made from grapes. It may refer to solutions with a high alcohol content exceeding 40% of total volume, as some Chinese Wines, such as Kao Liang Jiu, has up to 60% alcohol content. In TCM terminology, "Jiu" is frequently translated as "Wine", although it is probably more accurate to translate it as "Alcohol", since it can refer to alcohol from any source, including rice, millet and sorghum.

Herbs with Anti-Oxidant Capacity



Herbs with some anti-oxidant capacity include the following (English Name - Latin Name):

Herb Group/ Family Herb Names

Mulberry Leaf - Folium mori , Mulberry Fruit - Fructus mori , Hemp Fruit - Fructus cannabis .


Lotus Seed - Semen nelumbinis, Lotus Leaf - Folium nelumbinis , Gordon Euryale Seed - Semen euryales .


Hawthorn Fruit - Fructus crataegi , Bitter Apricot Seed - Semen armeniacae amarum , Peach Kernel - Semen persicae, Dark Plum Fruit - Fructus mume, Chinese Flowering Quince Fruit - Fructus chaenomelis , Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed - Semen pruni , Chinese Raspberry - Fructus rubi.


Cassia Seed - Semen cassiae , Pagodatree Flower - Flos sophorae , White Hyacinth Bean - Semen lablab album , Adzuki Bean - Semen phaseoli , Fermented Soybean - Semen sojae preparatum , Kudzu Root - Radix puerariae , Liquoric Root - Radix glycyrrhizae.


Finger Citron fruit - Fructus citri sarcodactylis , Pricklyash Peel - Fructus zanthoxyli , Citron Fruit - Fructus citri , Tangerine Peel - Pericarpium citri reticulatae , Red Tangerine Peel - Exocarpium citri rubrum.


Chinese Date - Fructus jujubae, Spina Date Seed - Semen ziziphi spinosae, Raisin Tree Seed - Semen hoveniae .


Clove - Flos syzygii aromatic.


Dahurian Angelica Root - Radix angelicae dahuricae, Fennel - Fructus foeniculi .


Wrinkled Gianthyssop Herb - Herba agastaches, Perilla Leaf - Folium perillae , Peppermint - Herba menthae , Haichow Elsholtzia Herb - Herba moslae .


Barbary Wolfberry Fruit - Fructus lycii.


Cape Jasmine Fruit - Fructus gardeniae .


Honeysuckle Flower - Flos lonicerae .


Grosvenor Momordica Fruit - Fructus siraitiae grosvenorii .


Chrysanthemum - Flos chrysanthemi, Dandelion Herb - Herba taraxaci , Common Cephalanoplos Herb - Herba cephalanoploris.


Lalang Grass Rhizome - Rhizoma imperatae , Reed Rhizome - Rhizoma phragmitis , Coix Seed - Semen coicis , Bamboo leaves - Herba lophatheri , Malt - Fructus hordei germinatus .


Greenish Lily Bulb - Bulbus lilii , Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome - Rhizoma polygonati odorati , King Solomonseal Rhizome - Rhizoma polygonati, Longstamen Onion Bulb - Bulbus allii macrostemi .


Common Yam Rhizome - Rhizoma diosscoreae .


Ginger - Rhizoma zingiberis recens, Sharpleaf Galangal Fruit - Fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae , Lesser Galangal Rhizome - Rhizoma alpiniae officinarum , Villous Amomum Fruit - Fructus amomi .


Ginkgo Seed - Semen gingko.


Platycodon Root - Radix platycodi.


Dried Longan Pulp - Arillus longan .


Black Sesame - Semen sesami nigrum.


Black Pepper - Piper nigrum .


Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed - Semen scaphii lychnophori .


Nutmeg - Semen myristicae .


Chinese Star Anise - Fructus anisi stellati.


Parslane Herb - Herba portulacae .


Chinese White Olive - Fructus canarii .


Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb - Herba houttuyniae .


Grand Torreya Seed - Semen torreyae .

Herbs with Anti-Tumor Capacity



Herbs with some capacity to inhibit human tumour cell growth include:

  1. Psoralea corylifolia,
  2. Euphorbia grandidens,
  3. Dianthus sinensis,
  4. Phytolacca polyandra,
  5. Sophora flavescens,
  6. Cephalotaxus fortunei,
  7. Polygonatum odoratum,
  8. Coptis chinensis,
  9. Ganoderma lucidum
  10. Terminalia chebula,
  11. Atropa belladonna,
  12. Euphorbia grandicorni,
  13. Euphorbia latea.

Herbs with Anti-Cancer Capacity


[176] Six groups of herbs with some capacity to help prevent or treat cancers are:

Group 1: Sophora tonkinensis (Sophora subprostrata), Belamcanda chinensis, Scrophularia ningpoensis, Isatis tinctoria, Isatis indigotica, Baphicacanthus cusia;

Group 2: Polygonum bistorta, Polygonum lapidosum, Polygonum viviparum, Polygonum manshuriense, Polygonum alopecuroides, Polygonum sphaerostachyum, Andrographis paniculata, Taraxacum mongolicum, Chrysanthemun indicum;

Group 3: Prunella vulgaris, Artemissia capillaris, Gardenia jasminoides, Rosa rugosa, Lophatherum gracile;

Group 4: Sonchus brachyotus, Patrinia scabiosaefolia, Patrinia villosa, Sonchus arvensis, Thlaspi arvense, Portulaca oleracea, Pulsatilla chinensis;

Group 5: Dictamnus dasycarpus, Kochia scoparia, Sophora flavescens, Heydyotis diffusa;

Group 6: Dioscorea bulbifera, Panax notoginseng, Bletilla striata, Nelumbo nucifera, Polygonum bistorta, Cephalanoplos segetum, Cirsium japonicum, Sophora japonica, Typha angustifolia, Rubia cordifolia;

Herbs for Hyperlipidemia and Angina Pectoris



Herbs used for the treatment of hyperlipidemia and angina pectoris include:

Allium thumbergii, Trichosanthis semen, Angelicae gigantis radix, Salviae radix, Cinnamomi ramulus, Curcumae tuber, Paeoniae rubrae radix, Pinelliae rhizoma.

Herbs for Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular and Alzheimer's diseases and Depression



Herbs used in the treatment of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and alzheimer's diseases and depression include:

Asparagus cochinchinensis, Ophiopogon japonicus, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Angelica aeutiloba kitagawa, Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz, Poria cocos wolf, Schizandra chinensis, Biota orientalis, Pueraria pseudo-hirsuta, Panax ginseng, Codonopsis pilosula, Scrophularia ningpoensis, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Panax pseudo-ginseng, Ganoderma japonicum, Coptis chinensis, Chrysanthemum morifolium, Phellodendron amurense.


  1. ^ http://www.who.int/medicinedocs/collect/medicinedocs/pdf/whozip57e/whozip57e.pdf
  2. ^ Ameenah G.: "Medicinal plants: Traditions of yesterday and drugs of tomorrow": Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 27(1):1-93, February 2006
  3. ^ S. Natori: "Application of herbal drugs to health care in Japan", Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2(1):65-70, March 1980.
  4. ^ G.I. Stafford, P.D. Pedersen, A.K. Jäger, J. Van Staden: "Monoamine oxidase inhibition by southern African traditional medicinal plants", South African Journal of Botany, 73(3):384-390, July 2007.
  5. ^ Anita Jain, S.S. Katewa, P.K. Galav, Pallavi Sharma: "Medicinal plant diversity of Sitamata wildlife sanctuary, Rajasthan, India", Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 102(2):143-157, 14 November 2005.
  6. ^ US Patent 6872709 - Therapeutic agent for mastitis of livestock and method for treating mastitis using the same agent
  7. ^ Huisheng X., Liu H., A.M. Merritt, Ott E.A.: "Equine chronic diarrhea: Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine review", Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 17(12):667-674, December 1997.
  8. ^ M. S. Akhtar, Zafar Iqbal, M. N. Khan, Muhammad Lateef: "Anthelmintic activity of medicinal plants with particular reference to their use in animals in the Indo–Pakistan subcontinent", Small Ruminant Research, 38(2):99-107, 1 October 2000.
  9. ^ Snežana Jarić, Zorica Popović, Marina Mačukanović-Jocić, Lola Djurdjević, Miroslava Mijatović, Branko Karadžić, Miroslava Mitrović, Pavle Pavlović: "An ethnobotanical study on the usage of wild medicinal herbs from Kopaonik Mountain (Central Serbia)", Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 111(1):160-175, 20 April 2007.
  10. ^ Om P. G., Peter Berry O.: " Legislation relating to nutraceuticals in the European Union with a particular focus on botanical-sourced products": Toxicology, 221(1):75, 3 April 2006
  11. ^ Victor A. T., Boris P. S.: "The Legislative Regulation of Biologically Active Food Supplements Circulation in the Russian Federation": Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World, Page 305, 2008
  12. ^ Jonathan M., Jonathan F.: "Traditional and Alternative Medicines": Pharmacy Law and Practice (4th Edition), Pages 139-151, 2006
  13. ^ Graham D.: "Sources of Standards Specific to the Pharmaceutical Industry": The Law and Ethics of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Pages 85-133, 2006
  14. ^ http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2005/february/tradoc_111147.pdf
  15. ^ Shen-Kuan Y., Swee-Seng C., Yi-Min X., Peck-Lin C,: "Regulatory control of Chinese Proprietary Medicines in Singapore", Health Policy", 71(2):133-149, February 2005.
  16. ^ The digits within the braces {} represent the tones used to pronounce the term. There are 4 tones, so {21} means that the first character is pronounced in the 2nd tone, and the next character in the 1st tone. This differs from the standard way of representing the tones, namely, by incorporating the tone within the pinyin term itself, such as "ren2 shen1". The standard way of tonal representation (such as that found in CEDICT) makes it difficult to do a free-text search in a webpage, and is cumbersome when a term is repeated within a page. For example, it is easier and more consistent to search for "ren shen" rather than to search for "ren2 shen1". Another reason why this non-standard way of tonal representation is used is because Chinese characters are complex, so TCM pharmacists may write the herb names in "short-form", namely, by using similar-sounding characters with fewer strokes. Owing to this habit, the tone can become more important than the actual character itself. For example, the word 柴 is often written as 才, which sounds roughly the same, although they are completely different in meaning. This is similar to SMS (messaging or texting) convention, where "r" is used to represent "are", and "u" to represent "you", etc. The tones are generally obtained from the CEDICT project.
  17. ^ Eun-Joo S., Young Ho K., A-Young K., Seung-Yeoul N., Ji Hoon J., Jong-Seok C., Sun Cheol K., Tran Phi Hoang Y., Hyoung-Jong Y., Won-Ki K., Kwang-Ho K., Hyoung-Chun K.: "Ginsenosides attenuate kainic acid-induced synaptosomal oxidative stress via stimulation of adenosine A2A receptors in rat hippocampus", Behavioural Brain Research, 197(1):239-245
  18. ^ Wei Shi, Yutang Wang, Juan Li, Hanqi Zhang, Lan Ding: "Investigation of ginsenosides in different parts and ages of Panax ginseng", Food Chemistry, 102(3):664-668, 2007.
  19. ^ The term "Lit:" is used to indicate the literal meaning of each Chinese character. For example, 赤 can mean "red" or "naked" and 芍 means "peony", so for simplicity, under "Common Name" for 赤芍, it is indicated as "Lit:red peony". Although the translation of each character may or may not be equivalent to the meaning of the term as a whole, it may give depth to the understanding of the whole term. For example, 玉竹 is generally translated as "jade bamboo", but it does not look like jade at all. In fact, the character 玉 can also mean "jasper", so "jasper bamboo" is perhaps more accurate in terms of describing how the herb looks like. Where a character is never used alone, such as 艽 and 礞, the literal meaning is just a repetition of the character itself. For example, the literal meaning of 秦艽 is represented as "Lit:"Qin"_dynasty 艽". The underscore character is used to concatenate words that represent a single Chinese character. Note: Sometimes the translation of individual characters will have a very different meaning from that of the whole term. For example, in the term "黄莲", the two characters, when translated severally, mean "yellow lotus", but the term "黄莲" as a whole actually means "Coptidis Rhizoma".
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Meanings of Terms

  1. The meanings of some Latin/pharmaceutical terms as used in herb names:
    1. Bulbus - bulb
    2. Caulis - stem
    3. Colla - animal glue
    4. Concha - shell
    5. Cornu - animal horn
    6. Corrii - animal hide
    7. Cortex - bark
    8. Cum - with
    9. Degelatinum - degelatinated fragments
    10. Et - and
    11. Exocarpium - outer bark
    12. Extractae - extract
    13. Fermentata - fermented
    14. Flos - flower
    15. Folium - leaf
    16. Fructus - fruit
    17. Gelatina, Gelatinum - gelatin
    18. Herba - leaves and stems
    19. Lignum - woody parts
    20. Os - bone
    21. Pericarpium - seed husk
    22. Praeparata - prepared
    23. Pulvis - powder
    24. Radix - root
    25. Recens - raw
    26. Resinae - resin
    27. Ramus - branch
    28. Ramulus - twig
    29. Rhizoma - rhizome
    30. Semen - seed
    31. Seu - or
    32. Spora - spore
    33. Spp. - species
  2. The terms used in this article reflect typical TCM usage (as translated literally from individual Chinese characters), and may not reflect their meanings in TCM, namely, meanings that are normative, figurative or metaphorical when read in context. The meanings of these terms are therefore different from that in common English usage. In particular, they are not to be used for purposes of self-diagnosis, much less for self-medication. For example, "Xia Huo" means "To reduce fire", but "fire" here does not refer to combustion involving oxygen. Even within TCM, there are various meanings of "fire", and it can refer to "real" or "false" fire. The 3 herbs mentioned above cannot be used to reduce "false fire", or fires of yin deficiency in the zhang organs.
  3. An example of the non-literal use of transliterated characters is "long gu" which literally means "dragon bones". This term cannot possibly refer to Chinese or other dragons, since they do not exist. However, one can easily buy "long gu" from any TCM pharmacy. Another term that cannot be taken literally is "di long" which literally means "earth dragon".
  4. Although the above herbs are common in TCM prescriptions, they cannot be purchased if we refer only to their Latin names. One likely reason is that TCM pharmacists rarely, if ever, use the Latin names of the herbs. The Chinese names, or the transliterated names (pinyin) should be used instead. For example, if we ask for "flos Lonicerae" we will almost certainly get a blank look. However, if we ask for "jin yin hua" or 金银花 we will connect immediately, even though the pharmacist may speak any of the large number of Chinese dialects (such as Cantonese, where the herb is known as "kum gen fa", or Golden Silver Flower, in Hong Kong). Wherever possible, use the written form (金银花) to avoid miscommunication and/or mis-pronunciation, since there is no dialect form of the written language.
  5. There are a large number of synonyms of the herb names, in both Chinese, English and Latin. This makes it even more essential to use the written form of the Chinese names to ensure accuracy. For example, in a number of websites, "dong quai", "tang-kuei", "teng-kui" and "dang gui" are treated as different herbs, when in fact they refer to the same herb transliterated differently. "Dong quai" is the Cantonese form of "tang-kui" which, in proper pinyin, should be spelt as "dang qui", and "teng-kui" is simply a typographical error transmitted and repeated in cyberspace.
  6. Some herbs are prone to adulteration, substitution, or both. For example, Ling Zhi Cao (Cordyceps) can be substituted with an inactive form of the herb. If an extract is first made with water, the herb will be tasteless when dried and re-used/recycled. On the other hand, the genuine Ling Zhi tastes bitter, but few consumers would know the difference, especially if the herb is mixed in a prescription and boiled together with other herbs. The pharmacists themselves may not be aware, as some may trust their suppliers implicitly, and do not conduct regular testing. (Ref: Yoe-Ray K., Yuan-Shiun C., Kuo-Ching W., Li-Kang H., "Analysis and confirmation of synthetic anorexics in adulterated traditional Chinese medicines by high-performance capillary electrophoresis", Journal of Chromatography A, 848(1-2):537-543, 2 July 1999.)
  7. Animal-based "herbs" are prone to substitution or adulteration, including "xiong dan" (bear bile / gall bladder) which looks very much like "niu dan" (bovine bile /gall bladder) when the gall bladder is dried, although "niu dan" is far less bitter in taste. Some are simply unavailable because they are banned in many countries. These include tiger parts, such as "hu gu" (tiger bone) which is substituted by bobcat bone, and "chuan san jia" (scales of the pangolin) which has no animal-based substitute. "Niu huang (bovine gallstone) is unavailable in many Western countries and Singapore because of its potential impact on pregnant women, although "niu huang" pills with about 2% of "niu huang" are available in many Asian countries.
  8. Some herb names may be identical in the pinyin form but can be very different in their Chinese or Latin forms. An example is "da ji" which refers to two entirely different herbs with different applications. One reason is that many Chinese words have the same pronunciation, but have different meanings, and refer to different written characters. Some Chinese pharmacists will insist on the written form as a standard procedure to reduce prescription errors. If the written form is not sufficiently clear (eg. specifying how the herb is to be prepared), they will ask to speak to the TCM doctor.
  9. Alternative names (synonyms) are put in brackets. For example, "mo han lian" is sometimes called "han lian cao", so the Chinese names are 墨旱莲, (旱莲草). As some herbs have a large number of synonyms, only very common ones are listed above. Furthermore, variants of the herbs are not listed. For example, there are many types of ginseng, such as Korean Ginseng ("kao li shen", a prepared form of ginseng), American Ginseng ("xi yang shen" or "yang shen"), etc, and these are not listed above. Some "synonyms" may result from the different ways in which the terms are translated. For example, 羌活 may be transliterated as "jiang huo" or "qiang huo" in different texts, so both terms are included to facilitate searching and for easy reference. The purpose of this article is not prescriptive (to standardize the terminology used), but descriptive (to describe what is being used currently).
  10. Some "herb" names are used euphemistically, and thus may be misleading. For example, "Seal Testes/Penis" may be called "hai gou shen" (海狗肾) which literally means "Seal Kidney". Although euphemisms are found in some texts, practicing TCM pharmacists may not be familiar with their use.
  11. The terms used under "Formulas" reflect the terms used in the source text (book). For example, in the "Heart Dissipation Formula", pericarpium Citri Reticulatae is called 陈皮 (literally "old skin") in the text, whereas other texts refer to it as 橘皮 (tangerine skin).


  1. Patent Search [2]
  2. Patent Scope: World Intellectual Property Organization [3]
  3. European Patent Office [4] [5]
  4. United States Patent and Trademark Office [6]
  5. US Patent Search [7] [8] [9]
  6. Journal of Chinese Medicine [10]
  7. TCMcollege.com [11]
  8. SacredLotus.com [12]
  9. AlternativeHealing.org [13]
  10. TCM.Health-Info.org [14]
  11. Mamaherb.com [15]
  12. USpharmacist.com [16]
  13. Springerlink.com [17]
  14. National Center for Biotechnology Information, PubMed [18]
  15. ECDYsteriods [19]
  16. Institute of Traditional Medicine [20]
  17. Herbs & Formulas [21]
  18. Chinese Herb Names in Fanti (Traditional Chinese) [22]
  19. Chinese Herb Names in Pinyin (transliteration) [23]
  20. Herbasin herb names [24]
  21. Japanese Kampo Medicines, Kampo herb list, Kampo list of Formulas
  22. Indian Ayurveda Remedies [25]
  23. List of herbs and minerals in Ayurveda
  24. TCM Materia Medica Journal [26]
  25. Common Herbs [27] and Uncommon Herbs[28] in Chinese and English
  26. Learner's Chinese Medicine Dictionary [29]
  27. Pharmcast.com [30]
  28. Formula Names [31]

Translation/transliteration of herb names


Audio dictionary [32]

Comprehensive Korean/English/Chinese herb names [33]

Wiktionary [34]

Babelfish [35]

Chinese dictionary [36] and English-Chinese usage [37]

Creative Commons CEDICT Project for English-Chinese Translation [38]

Translation between traditional Chinese terms (fanti) and simplified Chinese terms (jianti) [39]

Combination (multi-character) Chinese Terms [40]

Chinese radical index [41]

Chinese radicals and strokes index [42]

Chinese Tools [43]

Pinyin (Pīnyīn,拼音) Online Tools [44]

Category:Traditional Chinese medicine Cottonball (talk) 02:36, 20 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]