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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/Esperanto

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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/header

Article list[edit]

Article list of "Wikipedia:good articles" in Esperanto
# Articles in Esperanto instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Japanio country, island country, sovereign state Japan 401
2 Eŭropo continent, part of the world Europe 388
3 Francio country, republic, sovereign state France 388
4 Vikipedio online encyclopedia, specialty, open content Wikipedia 381
5 Afriko continent, geographic region, geographic location Africa 380
6 Ĉinio country, dictatorship of the proletariat, people's republic China 379
7 Azio continent, geographic region, part of the world Asia 377
8 Pollando country, sovereign state, country bordering the Baltic Sea Poland 375
9 Svislando country, state, federation Switzerland 366
10 Israelo country, geographic region, sovereign state Israel 360
11 Aŭstrio country, republic, state Austria 356
12 Kolombio country, republic, secular state Colombia 355
13 Nederlando country, country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands 353
14 Belgio country, federation, member state of the European Union Belgium 352
15 Svedio country, sovereign state Sweden 350
16 Portugalio country, sovereign state, colonial power Portugal 346
17 Estonio country, republic, unitary state Estonia 342
18 Ĉeĥio country, republic, landlocked country Czech Republic 341
19 Londono city, megacity, metropolis London 341
20 Unuiĝintaj Nacioj organization, intergovernmental organization, international organization United Nations 341
21 Hungario country, landlocked country, sovereign state Hungary 340
22 Islando country, island country, sovereign state Iceland 339
23 Moskvo megacity, federal city of Russia, big city Moscow 330
24 Nov-Zelando country, island country, Commonwealth realm New Zealand 326
25 Berlino city-state, metropolis, Hanseatic city Berlin 317
26 Akvo type of chemical entity Water 313
27 Nepalo country, geographic region, landlocked country Nepal 311
28 Hundo organisms known by a particular common name Dog 309
29 Albert Einstein human Albert Einstein 308
30 Biologio branch of science, academic major, academic discipline Biology 297
31 Bestoj taxon, first-order class Animal 294
32 Platono human Plato 292
33 Pekino city, megacity, metropolis Beijing 290
34 Isaac Newton human Isaac Newton 290
35 Marso superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars 289
36 Futbalo type of sport, Olympic sport, team sport Association football 283
37 Honduro country, sovereign state Honduras 283
38 Lenin human Vladimir Lenin 283
39 Literaturo class, group of works, type of arts Literature 282
40 Sporto Sport 282
41 Arto essentially contested concept, field of work, economic sector Art 281
42 Abraham Lincoln human Abraham Lincoln 280
43 Julio Cezaro human Julius Caesar 277
44 Dua Mondmilito world war, historical period World War II 272
45 Ateno city-state, metropolis, big city Athens 269
46 Ĉevalo taxon Horse 269
47 Napoleono Bonaparte human Napoleon 269
48 Bogoto capital district or territory, human settlement, direct-controlled municipality Bogotá 265
49 Mohamedo human Muhammad 265
50 Amsterdamo city, cycling city, big city Amsterdam 264
51 Charles Darwin human Charles Darwin 264
52 Oro chemical element, allergen, precious metal Gold 262
53 Plantoj taxon Plant 261
54 Skotlando country, nation, constituent country of the United Kingdom Scotland 261
55 Pacifiko sea, ocean Pacific Ocean 260
56 Sankt-Peterburgo federal subject of Russia, federal city of Russia, big city Saint Petersburg 260
57 Ludwig van Beethoven human Ludwig van Beethoven 259
58 Budho Gotamo human The Buddha 259
59 Dante Alighieri human Dante Alighieri 257
60 Hinduismo religion, culture, lifestyle Hinduism 256
61 Virino Woman 256
62 Pablo Picasso human Pablo Picasso 253
63 Rivero ecosystem type River 253
64 Saturno outer planet, gas giant Saturn 252
65 Unua Mondmilito world war, historical period World War I 252
66 Mikelanĝelo human Michelangelo 251
67 Winston Churchill human Winston Churchill 247
68 Pluvo type of meteorological phenomenon Rain 245
69 Milito type of conflict War 244
70 Lakto class of anatomical entity Milk 241
71 Friedrich Nietzsche human Friedrich Nietzsche 240
72 Sigmund Freud human Sigmund Freud 240
73 Sano goods, need, specialty Health 238
74 Fero chemical element, metal Iron 238
75 Oceano Ocean 238
76 Pano type of food or dish Bread 237
77 Immanuel Kant human Immanuel Kant 237
78 Marteno Lutero human Martin Luther 237
79 Hans Christian Andersen human Hans Christian Andersen 236
80 Monto Mountain 235
81 Miguel de Cervantes human Miguel de Cervantes 234
82 Aŭgusto Cezaro human Augustus 232
83 Fajro Fire 232
84 Amo theme, advanced emotion Love 232
85 Salvador Dalí human Salvador Dalí 231
86 Agrikulturo field of work, economic sector Agriculture 230
87 6-a de marto point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe March 6 228
88 Koko taxon, model organism, organisms known by a particular common name Chicken 225
89 Nigra maro drainage basin, adjacent sea Black Sea 224
90 Aleksandr Puŝkin human Alexander Pushkin 223
91 Franz Kafka human Franz Kafka 223
92 Marie Curie human Marie Curie 223
93 Maizo cereal grain, taxon, model organism Maize 221
94 Pomo product Apple 219
95 Mekko tourist attraction, holy city, holy city of Islam Mecca 219
96 Milano city, metropolis, commune of Italy Milan 219
97 Ĉomolungmo mountain, tourist attraction Mount Everest 219
98 Bovo organisms known by a particular common name, paraphyletic group Cattle 218
99 Jean-Jacques Rousseau human Jean-Jacques Rousseau 218
100 Kupro chemical element, chalcophile element, simple substance Copper 216
101 Mamuloj taxon Mammal 216
102 Aŭgusteno de Hipono human Augustine of Hippo 214
103 Olimpiaj ludoj recurring sporting event Olympic Games 214
104 Naturo phenomenon Nature 212
105 Molière human Molière 211
106 Rizo Rice 210
107 George Byron human Lord Byron 206
108 Porko taxon Pig 206
109 Telefono product Telephone 205
110 Karolo Lineo human Carl Linnaeus 204
111 Fondaĵo Vikimedio nonprofit organization, charitable organization Wikimedia Foundation 204
112 Benjamin Franklin human Benjamin Franklin 202
113 Alpoj mountain range Alps 201
114 Sofoklo human Sophocles 200
115 Respubliko form of state, form of government Republic 199
116 Kamelo taxon Camel 198
117 Delhio megacity, metropolis, largest city Delhi 198
118 Biciklo mode of transport, individual means of transport Bicycle 197
119 Registaro Government 196
120 Louis Pasteur human Louis Pasteur 195
121 Legomo food group Vegetable 193
122 James Joyce human James Joyce 192
123 Mezepoko historical period, age Middle Ages 192
124 Rembrandt human Rembrandt 192
125 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien human J. R. R. Tolkien 191
126 Jane Austen human Jane Austen 190
127 Otomana Imperio historical country Ottoman Empire 190
128 Ponto building, geographic location Bridge 189
129 Monarkio form of government Monarchy 189
130 Galaksio astronomical object type Galaxy 187
131 Ovidio human Ovid 187
132 Frédéric Chopin human Frédéric Chopin 186
133 Le Corbusier human Le Corbusier 186
134 Frida Kahlo human Frida Kahlo 183
135 Jorge Luis Borges human Jorge Luis Borges 183
136 Aviceno human Avicenna 182
137 Fernão de Magalhães human Ferdinand Magellan 181
138 Okcidentalo constructed language, international auxiliary language, Euroclone Interlingue 181
139 Rafaelo human Raphael 181
140 Abraham human biblical figure Abraham 180
141 Jawaharlal Nehru human Jawaharlal Nehru 180
142 Granda Ĉina Muro tourist attraction, fortified line Great Wall of China 179
143 Marcel Proust human Marcel Proust 179
144 Rejno river, main stream, national waterways in Germany Rhine 178
145 Kanto genre, literary form, type of musical work/composition Song 178
146 Johano Keplero human Johannes Kepler 177
147 Karolo la Granda human Charlemagne 176
148 Eiffel-Turo tourist attraction, observation tower, lattice tower Eiffel Tower 176
149 Naciismo Nationalism 176
150 Renesanco art movement, cultural movement Renaissance 175
151 Roza Luksemburg human Rosa Luxemburg 175
152 Animo religious concept Soul 175
153 Kariba Maro sea Caribbean Sea 173
154 James Cook human James Cook 173
155 Citrono taxon Lemon 173
156 Sevilo municipality of Spain Seville 173
157 Romano literary form Novel 172
158 Mitologio genre, type of world view Mythology 171
159 Reptilioj taxon Reptile 171
160 Simone de Beauvoir human Simone de Beauvoir 169
161 Francisco de Goya human Francisco Goya 168
162 Armilo weapon functional class Weapon 167
163 Geoffrey Chaucer human Geoffrey Chaucer 166
164 Harry Potter canon, heptalogy, novel series Harry Potter 164
165 Nazia Germanio historical country Nazi Germany 163
166 Roterdamo city, human settlement, big city Rotterdam 163
167 Afrika Unio international organization, continental union, regional organization African Union 162
168 Diplomatio academic discipline Diplomacy 162
169 Max Weber human Max Weber 162
170 Ligno Wood 162
171 Skribo skill Writing 162
172 Kurosawa Akira human Akira Kurosawa 161
173 Amaskomuniko industry, specialty, academic discipline Mass media 159
174 Abelo clade Bee 157
175 Bonn major regional center, federal city, college town Bonn 157
176 Diamanto mineral species Diamond 156
177 Oceanio continent, geographic region, part of the world Oceania 155
178 Roka Montaro non-geologically related mountain range Rocky Mountains 154
179 Panama kanalo ship canal Panama Canal 152
180 Pandemio Pandemic 152
181 Timur human Timur 152
182 Modo Fashion 151
183 Brita imperio historical country British Empire 150
184 Federico Fellini human Federico Fellini 150
185 Mil kaj unu noktoj literary work One Thousand and One Nights 150
186 Johannes Brahms human Johannes Brahms 149
187 Monoteismo religious belief Monotheism 149
188 RMS Titanic shipwreck, four funnel liner Titanic 149
189 Bildliteraturo literary genre, literary form, type of arts Comics 148
190 Stanley Kubrick human Stanley Kubrick 148
191 Santiago-de-Kompostelo municipality of Galicia Santiago de Compostela 147
192 Interna milito type of war Civil war 144
193 Reformacio subject heading, schism from the Catholic Church Reformation 144
194 Sojfabo taxon Soybean 144
195 Struto taxon Common ostrich 143
196 Piramido type of structure Pyramid 140
197 Samarkando city, big city Samarkand 140
198 Brno statutory city in Czechia, big city, municipality of the Czech Republic Brno 139
199 Kastilio kaj Leono autonomous community of Spain Castile and León 139
200 Federico García Lorca human Federico García Lorca 139
201 Imperiismo ideology, concept, activity Imperialism 139
202 Antonín Dvořák human Antonín Dvořák 138
203 L. L. Zamenhof human L. L. Zamenhof 138
204 Diana Spencer human Diana, Princess of Wales 137
205 Tacito human Tacitus 137
206 Goo mind sport Go (game) 135
207 Dompasero taxon House sparrow 135
208 Aztekoj civilization, culture, historical ethnic group Aztecs 134
209 Propagando genre, human activity, manipulation Propaganda 134
210 Teoremo de Pitagoro theorem Pythagorean theorem 133
211 Indianoj ethnic group, population group, group of humans Indigenous peoples of the Americas 132
212 Platbeka anaso taxon Mallard 131
213 Eŭropa Parlamento institution of the European Union, international parliament European Parliament 129
214 Majaoj civilization, culture, pre-Columbian era Maya civilization 129
215 Bluso music genre Blues 128
216 Partenono ancient Greek temple, tourist attraction, Ancient Greek archaeological site Parthenon 128
217 Internacia Kortumo international court, principal organ of the United Nations International Court of Justice 127
218 Pink Floyd rock band Pink Floyd 127
219 Traktato de Versajlo peace treaty, multilateral treaty Treaty of Versailles 127
220 Vegetarismo diet, dietary restriction Vegetarianism 127
221 Baŝkira lingvo natural language, language, modern language Bashkir language 125
222 Claude Debussy human Claude Debussy 125
223 Faraono noble title, historical position Pharaoh 123
224 Centjara milito war Hundred Years' War 122
225 Nuklea akcidento de Ĉernobilo environmental disaster, nuclear disaster Chernobyl disaster 121
226 Legoscio concept Literacy 121
227 Baziliko Sankta Petro church building, major basilica, parish church St. Peter's Basilica 119
228 Penicilino structural class of chemical entities Penicillin 110
229 Malsovaĝigo Domestication 108
230 Pozidono water deity, Greek deity, Olympian god Poseidon 108
231 Tajdo Tide 104
232 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina human Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 103
233 Griza ansero taxon Greylag goose 102
234 Lamo taxon Llama 102
235 Kampopasero taxon Eurasian tree sparrow 100
236 Scienca metodo Scientific method 100
237 Kosmoteleskopo James Webb space telescope James Webb Space Telescope 99
238 Flamengo taxon Phoenicopterus 99
239 Aleksandr Blok human Alexander Blok 98
240 Barata pavo taxon Indian peafowl 97
241 Muta cigno taxon Mute swan 95
242 Isabel Allende human Isabel Allende 92
243 Kivio taxon Kiwi (bird) 91
244 Kadavrogrifo taxon Egyptian vulture 88
245 Wilhelm Ostwald human Wilhelm Ostwald 88
246 Blanka pelikano taxon Great white pelican 87
247 Blankkapa maraglo taxon Bald eagle 84
248 Ruanda genocido genocide, conflict Rwandan genocide 83
249 Verda kardelo taxon Eurasian siskin 80
250 Premchand human Premchand 80
251 Batalo apud Hastings battle Battle of Hastings 79
252 Marteno de Tours human Martin of Tours 79
253 Ordeno de germanaj kavaliroj religious military order, hospitaller order Teutonic Order 79
254 Humboldt-Universitato en Berlino comprehensive university, open-access publisher, public research university Humboldt University of Berlin 78
255 Interregistara Spertularo pri Klimata Ŝanĝiĝo intergovernmental organization, environmental organization, organization established by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 78
256 Metroo de Parizo rapid transit Paris Métro 78
257 Antarkta traktato treaty Antarctic Treaty System 76
258 Koptoj ethnoreligious group Copts 76
259 Isabel la 2-a human Isabella II 74
260 Bobado type of sport Bobsleigh 73
261 Sendependeca tago de Usono federal holiday in the United States, independence day Independence Day (United States) 72
262 Matematika indukto proof technique Mathematical induction 72
263 Klasifiko Internacia de Malsanoj reference work, series, medical classification International Classification of Diseases 71
264 Reĝa pingveno taxon King penguin 70
265 John James Audubon human John James Audubon 69
266 Ĉagataja lingvo historical language Chagatai language 68
267 Johanna Spyri human Johanna Spyri 68
268 Aŭstroj nation, human population Austrians 67
269 Kablo Electrical cable 66
270 Tinamo taxon Tinamou 66
271 Insulo Alexander island, disputed territory Alexander Island 65
272 Olivier Messiaen human Olivier Messiaen 65
273 Samuel Hahnemann human Samuel Hahnemann 65
274 Kontinenta drivo superseded scientific theory Continental drift 64
275 Kurona duoninsulo spit Curonian Spit 64
276 Migrokolombo taxon, extinct taxon Passenger pigeon 64
277 Antequera city, municipality of Spain Antequera 62
278 Tapiŝo de Bayeux embroidery Bayeux Tapestry 62
279 Metropolis film Metropolis (1927 film) 62
280 Thann commune of France Thann, Haut-Rhin 58
281 Marienburg castle, Ordensburg Malbork Castle 55
282 Robert Delaunay human Robert Delaunay 55
283 San-Bernarda hundo dog breed St. Bernard (dog breed) 55
284 Howard Zinn human Howard Zinn 54
285 Rysy mountain, tourist attraction, tourist destination Rysy 54
286 Zajid bin Sultan Al Nahjan human Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan 54
287 Nicholas Winton human Nicholas Winton 53
288 Norda senharibiso taxon Northern bald ibis 52
289 El Lisickij human El Lissitzky 51
290 Krotalo taxon Crotalus 49
291 Montesoria pedagogio teaching method, study skill Montessori education 49
292 Baltrum island, coastal spa, car-free place Baltrum 47
293 Transskribado Hepburn romanization of Japanese Hepburn romanization 46
294 Sarah Vaughan human Sarah Vaughan 46
295 Amerika blanka ibiso taxon American white ibis 44
296 Monaĥejo Lorsch museum, monastery, abbey Lorsch Abbey 43
297 Vipsania Agrippina human Agrippina the Elder 42
298 Bubastiso tell, archaeological site Bubastis 42
299 Ĉieldisko de Nebra archaeological artifact, archaeological find Nebra sky disc 42
300 Versioj de la Biblio literary genre Bible translations 41
301 Masaryk-Universitato public university, publisher, open-access publisher Masaryk University 41
302 Vidaro Norse deity Víðarr 41
303 Dirndelo traditional costume Dirndl 40
304 Tonlingvo type of language Tonal language 40
305 Aristeo Greek deity Aristaeus 39
306 Festivalo de Bayreuth music festival, opera festival Bayreuth Festival 38
307 Ekzamensistemo en la ĉina imperio civil service examination Imperial examination 38
308 Paul Gerhardt human Paul Gerhardt 36
309 William Auld human William Auld 32
310 Japana dolĉaĵo Wagashi 31
311 Senrubeco political movement, environmentalism Zero waste 31
312 Nova sinagogo de Berlino synagogue New Synagogue (Berlin) 30
313 Weihnachts-Oratorium musical work/composition Christmas Oratorio 28
314 Lope de Aguirre human Lope de Aguirre 28
315 Sento Sentō 28
316 Linotipo Linotype machine 27
317 Lomnický štít mountain Lomnický štít 27
318 Romuva religious organization, religious movement Romuva (religion) 27
319 Sigmundo Báthori human Sigismund Báthory 27
320 Tibeta spanielo dog breed Tibetan spaniel 27
321 Natria citrato type of chemical entity Trisodium citrate 27
322 Kompoŝtiga necesejo Composting toilet 25
323 Henri Désiré Landru human Henri Désiré Landru 25
324 Esperanto-kulturo culture Esperanto culture 24
325 Amikzono concept Friend zone 24
326 Nauranoj human population Nauruans 24
327 Malnova Novgoroda dialekto dead language Old Novgorod dialect 24
328 Nutrado en antikva Grekujo cuisine Ancient Greek cuisine 22
329 Oraj kornoj drinking horn, archaeological artifact, archaeological find Golden Horns of Gallehus 22
330 Eŭropo - Demokratio - Esperanto political party Europe–Democracy–Esperanto 21
331 Laterano building complex Lateran 20
332 Grandduklando Flandrensis micronation Grand Duchy of Flandrensis 19
333 Hernani literary work Hernani (drama) 19
334 Historio de Bretonio aspect of history History of Brittany 17
335 Natria telurito type of chemical entity Sodium tellurite 17
336 Adiro Akanye 15
337 Internacia vorto Internationalism (linguistics) 15
338 Juda tombejo de Worms Jewish cemetery Jewish Cemetery, Worms 15
339 Natria heksafluoro-fosfato type of chemical entity Sodium hexafluorophosphate 15
340 Historio de judoj en Nederlando aspect of history History of the Jews in the Netherlands 14
341 Sinagogo de Worms synagogue Worms Synagogue 14
342 Austin FX4 automobile model Austin FX4 12
343 Bauhaus Dessau museum, building complex Bauhaus Dessau 12
344 Dunatria citrato type of chemical entity Disodium citrate 12
345 Historio de Pitkarna Insularo aspect of history History of the Pitcairn Islands 12
346 Pedofilia movado Pedophile movement 12
347 Schuhplattler music genre, type of dance Schuhplattler 12
348 Oto-Matilda-Kruco processional cross Cross of Otto and Mathilde 11
349 Karnavalo en Salvador de Bahio aspect in a geographic region Bahian Carnival 10
350 Benno Elkan human Benno Elkan 10
351 Junulara E-Semajno recurring event, Esperanto meeting Esperanto Youth Week 10
352 Bohemiaj lumoj literary work Bohemian Lights 9
353 Hispana literaturo de la Romantismo Romanticism in Spanish literature 9
354 Berlina orĉapelo golden hat Berlin Gold Hat 8
355 Eskaja lingvo constructed language, language, sacred language Eskayan language 8
356 Nova sinagogo de Majenco synagogue New Synagogue (Mainz) 8
357 Glutbildetoj Devotional pictures for swallowing 7
358 Litertabulo Hornbook 7
359 Libro pri la naskiĝo de Maria Biblical apocrypha Libellus de Nativitate Sanctae Mariae 7
360 Kruco kun la grandaj mallevaĵo-emajloj processional cross Essen cross with large enamels 6
361 Geedziĝdokumento de imperiestrino Teofano illuminated manuscript, deed Marriage Charter of Empress Theophanu 6
362 Germana Esperanto-Asocio national section of UEA German Esperanto Association (d:Q354166) 5
363 Tablada neighborhood Tablada (d:Q2386552) 5
364 Ŝablono:EqmL Wikimedia template Template:EqmL 5
365 Incendio de Santandero de 1941 city fire 1941 Santander fire 4
366 Kastelo de Léhon château Chateau Léhon (d:Q10988605) 4
367 Kastelo de Magny-en-Bessin château Château de Magny-en-Bessin 4
368 Eŭska toponimio ✗ (d:Q1558015) 3
369 Historio de la templanoj aspect of history History of the Knights Templar 3
370 Preĝejo Sankta Marteno church building Église Saint-Martin de Laives (d:Q22965803) 3
371 Historio de valdorfaj lernejoj aspect of history History of Waldorf schools 2
372 Historio de UEA aspect of history history of the Universal Esperanto Association (d:Q630920) 2
373 Landaj asocioj de UEA national section of UEA (d:Q12351401) 2
374 Rekordoj de mamuloj ✗ (d:Q12354447) 1
375 IJK 2009 International Youth Congress of Esperanto 65th International Youth Congress of Esperanto (d:Q11085749) 1
376 Esperanto-movado en Burundo aspect in a geographic region Esperanto movement in Burundi (d:Q12347339) 1
Average With English: en/eo (Esperanto) = 366/376 (97.3%) 147.6
Sum No article or article with the same title: 8
No label: 2

See also[edit]