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This is an alphabetical list of empires that stretched far beyond their geographical and cultural limits to govern other parts of the world. The list includes empires that may only have had cultural and economic influences. Some historians may consider some of the empires listed below as dynasties instead.


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Abbasid Modern-day Iraq Baghdad 750 1517 See also Umayyad Empire
Achaemenid Persia (Iran) Anshan 650 BC 330 BC aka Persian Empire
Akkadian Sumer Akkad 2350 BC 2150 BC
Almohad Morocco Marrakech and later on Seville, Spain 1147 1262 See also Almoravids
Almoravid Morocco Marrakech 1073 1147 See also Almohads
Armenian modern day Armenia Tigranakert 95 BC 60 BC Tigranes was named as the king of kings.
Assyrian Mesopotamia Assur 1920 BC 609 BC Exact origin at Upper Tigris river
Athenian Ancient Greece Delos island 477 BC 431 BC Also known as Delian League. It was an association of Greek city-states
Austrian Modern day Austria Vienna 1804 1867 Replaced the Holy Roman Empire
Austro-Hungarian Central Europe Vienna 1867 1918 Replaced the Austrian Empire File:Austria-Hungary flag 1869-1918.svg
Aztec Mesoamerica Tenochtitlan 1375 1521 The capital of Mexico, Mexico City, is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan.


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Babylonian Mesopotamia Babylon 1900 BC 1600 BC See also Neo-Babylonian Empire
Belgian Belgium Brussels 1901 1962 overseas possessions were referred to as "the colonies" rather than as an empire
Brazilian Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1822 1889 Established by the Portuguese royal family went into exile in Brazil after Napoleonic occupation of Portugal
British Britain London 1583 - It refers to economic and cultural influence, and holds many overseas territories. Largest Empire in the world's history.
First Bulgarian Empire Danube delta Pliska, Preslav, Ohrid 681 1018 Founded by the Bulgar ruler Asparukh. Under Tsar Simeon I became the first powerful Slavic Empire. Falls to the Byzantine Empire under Basil the Bulgar-Slayer
Second Bulgarian Empire Veliko Tarnovo Veliko Tarnovo 1185 1396 Successor of the First Bulgarian Empire. Under the Tsars Kaloyan and Ivan Asen II became the most powerful state on the Balkans. Falls to the Ottoman Empire
Byzantine Asia Minor Constantinople 395 1453 Term conventionally used since the 19th century to describe the Greek-speaking Roman Empire during the Middle Ages


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Central African Central African Republic Bangui 1977 1979 Jean-Bédel Bokassa declared himself Emperor Bokassa in 1977
Chalukya India Vatapi 600 1200 see Chalukya dynasty
Chera Southern India Vanchi Muthur B.C. 15th century A Tamil empire
Chinese China Depends on the era and dynasties 221 BC 1911 See Qin Dynasty and Qing Dynasty
Chola Southern India Thanjavur and later Gangaikonda Cholapuram 9th century 13th century A Tamil empire


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Danish Denmark Copenhagen 13th century 1953 The colonial status of Greenland was removed in 1953
Dutch Netherlands Amsterdam 1620 - See also Dutch East India Company


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Elamite Ilam Province, Persia (Iran), Anshan (Persia or Iran) and Susa, (Khuzestan) 2700 BC 539 BC
Egyptian Empire Egypt, Africa Memphis 3150 BC 31 BC


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Fatimid Egypt Cairo 910 1171
First French Empire France Paris 1804 1814
First Colonial French France Paris 1605 1803
Second French Empire France Paris 1852 1870
Second Colonial French France Paris 1830 -
Frankish Gaul Aachen, (Aix-la-Chapelle) 5th century 10th century


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Gallic Rhineland-Palatinate Augusta Treverorum 260 274 In Latin, Imperium Galliarum
German Germany Berlin 1871 1918
Ghanian West of Sahel, Africa Koumbi Saleh 750 1068 The Empire became known in Europe and Arabia as the "Ghana Empire" by the title of its ruler (meaning "Warrior King")
Ghaznavid Empire Greater Iran Ghazni 963 1187 See also Persian Empire
Golden Horde Central Asia Sarai 1378 1502 Broke up of the Mongol Empire
Great Moravia Mitteleuropa/Central Europe Morava 833 900 The word "Moravia" did not refer only to present-day Moravia
Gupta Empire Indian subcontinent Ujjain 240 550


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Haitian North America Port-au-Prince 1804 1806 Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared himself Emperor
Harsha India Kannauj 606 647
Hebrew Israel Jerusalem 1050 BC 920 BC aka "United Kingdom of Israel and Judah" later divided to Kingdom of Israel until 720 BC and Kingdom of Judah until 586 BC.
Hittite Anatolia Hattusa, now named Boğazkale, Turkey 1460 BC 1180 BC See also Neo-Hittite
Hoysala India Belur 1000 1400
Hungarian Central Europe 1000 1918 '


Empire Place of origin Capital From To Note Flag
Incan Peru Cusco 1438 1533
Indus Valley spread over present India,Pakistan,Afghanistan Mohenjo-Daro,Harappa,Lothal 3300 BC 1700 BC See Indus Valley Civilisation
Irish Ireland Armagh 1005 1014
Italian Modern day Italy Rome 1885 1941 Italy was united too late to rival the major European powers in establishing significant colonies


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Japanese Japan Tokyo 1871 1945 See also Meiji Era, Taisho Era and Showa Era

File:Flag of Japan - variant.svg


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Khmer Nowadays Cambodia Angkor 802 1462 seceded from the kingdom of Chenla
Kongo Southwest Africa Mbanza Kongo 1400 1888 BaKongo kingdom that dominated West Central Africa and included parts of modern day Angola, Republic of the Congo, and the western portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Korean Korean Peninsula 1897 1910 See also Goguryeo

Khwar Afghanistan 11th Century 1220


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Latin Asia Minor Constantinople 1204 1261 See also Crusader states


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Macedonian Greece Pella 338 BC 309 BC Founded by Alexander the Great
Magadhan Ancient India Rajagriha (modern Rajgir) 684 BC 26 BC See also Mahajanapadas and Maurya Empire
Mali West Africa Niani 1235 1645 A Mandinka empire founded by Sundiata Keita
Maratha Indian subcontinent Satara 1674 1818 Also known as the Maratha Confederacy.
Mauryan Ancient India Pataliputra 321 BC 185 BC Founded by Chandragupta Maurya. Ashoka the Great transformed it into the first Buddhist empire
First Mexican Empire Modern-day Mexico 1822 1823 Preceded the Second Mexican Empire which was short lived (1864-1867). See also Mexican Imperial Orders File:Bandera de Iturbide.gif
Second Mexican Empire Modern-day Mexico 1864 1867 Succeeded the First Mexican Empire which was short lived (1822-1823). See also Mexican Imperial Orders File:Flag of Mexico 1864.png
Micronesian Empire Micronesia, Pacific Ocean Yap unknown unknown
Ming China Beijing 1368 1644 The builder of the Great Wall of China
Mitanni Southern Asia Taite and Washshukanni (Khabur River) c. 1500 BC c. 1200 BC Founded by Indo-Aryans
Mongol Mongolia Karakorum 1206 1368 split into four parts (Yuan Dynasty, Il-Khanate, Chagatai Khanate and Golden Horde)
Mughal India,Pakistan Agra and Delhi 1526 1857 Founded by Babur. "Mughal" is a Persian word for the Mongols.


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Nicaean Anatolia Nicaea 1204 1261


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Ottoman Anatolia Depends on the period 1299 1923 Capitals were Söğüt, Bursa, Edirne and lastly Istanbul


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Pala Bengal Pataliputra 750 1174
Palmyrene Syria (Roman province) Palmyra 260 273 broke off the Roman Empire during the Crisis of the Third Century
Pandyan India Madurai 1st century AD 14th century Considered by contemporary historians as being the richest country in the world
Parthian Persia Ctesiphon 200 BC 224 See Persian Empire
Portuguese Portugal Lisbon 1415 1999 Was the earliest and longest lived of the colonial Western European empires. Portugal


Empire Place of origin Capital From To Note Flag
Qing China Beijing 1636 1912 "Last dyansty of the Imperial Period"


Empire Place of origin Capital From To Note Flag
Rashidun Saudi Arabia Riyadh 632 661
Holy Roman Central Europe None 843 1806 Also known as The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. See also Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire
Roman Modern Italy Rome 509BC/[1]27 BC 476(West)/1453(East) See also Byzantine Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Roman Republic and Imperium
Russian Russia Saint Petersburg 1721 1917 formed from the powerful medieval state of Muscovy Russia


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Sassanid Persia (Iran) Ctesiphon 224 642 Second Persian Empire
Satavahana India Paithan(Pune) 230 BC 199 Indian Middle Kingdoms Middle kingdoms of India
Seleucid Persia (Iran) Seleucia, then Antioch 323 BC 60 BC
Seljuk Aral Sea, Asia Minor Ray, Iran and later on Isfahan 1037 1194
Serbian Serbian Kingdom Skopje 1345 1371 fell into feudal disarray File:Serbian Empire Flag.svg
Serbian Modern-day northern Vojvodina, Serbia Subotica 1526 1527 state of a mercenary, Jovan Nenad
Siam Thailand Ayutthaya ,Thonburi and Bangkok 1345 1909
Sikh Punjab region Lahore 1801 1849 Preceded the British Empire in the Indian subcontinent
Songhai West Africa Gao 15th century 16th century one of the largest African empires in history. Replaced Mali Empire
Soviet Russia Moscow 1922 1991 Not a de jure empire. It referred to economic and cultural influence
Spanish Iberian peninsula Madrid 1492 - Was the first truly global empire, Spain still holds territories and administrative divisions in North Africa and according to the UN has administrative power on Western Sahara.]]
Swedish Scandinavia Stockholm 1611 1718


Empire Origin Capital From To Note
Teotihuacano Mesoamerica Teotihuacán 300 BC 600/700 BC Teotihuacán translated as "city where men become gods"
Third Reich Germany Berlin 1933 1945 Nazi Germany signed a treaty (Tripartite Pact) with the Japanese and Italian Empires
Tibetan Tibet Lhasa 7th century 11th century
Timurid Persia and Central Asia Samarkand and later on Herat 1401 1505 Persianized form of the Mongolian word kürügän
Trebizond Black Sea Trebizond - modern name Trabzon 1204 1461 Successor state of the Byzantine Empire
Tu'i Tongan Tonga, Pacific Ocean Mu'a 950 AD 1500 AD See History of Tonga


Empire Place of origin Capital From To Note
Umayyad Syria Damascus and later on Cordoba, Spain 661 1492 Descendants of Prophet Muhammad
Ur III Sumer Ur 2100 BC 2000 BC The dynasty/empire is also known as the Sumerian Renaissance


Empire Origin Capital From To Note Flag
Vedic India Various over many dynasties 600 BC 1200 See Kingdoms of ancient India and Mahajanapadas
Venetian Northeast Italy Venice 9th century 1797 More a republic than an empire. Also known as The Most Serene Republic of Venice
Vijayanagara South India Deccan 1336 1660 The founding of the original kingdom was based on the principality of Anegondi


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See also