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cinty le penica
Created byRoue Rays Langua
Date8, 2023
Users5 (2024)
Constructed Languages
  • Priori
    • Posteriori
      • International auxiliary languages
        • Worldwide Vocabularic Conlangs
          • Cincaen
Early form
  • Toki Sinkan (?)
Latin script
SourcesEnglish, Spanish, Chinese, French, Toki Pona, Indonesian, Toki Ma, etc.
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Cincaen (English IPA: /ˈsɪn.kein/ or /sɪn.kɪn/, Cincaen IPA: /sin.ka(e)n/ ) is a posteriori made by Roue Rays Langua. The name "Cincaen" is derived from the Cincaen words "cinty" meaning pencil and "penica" meanig image or drawing. The script used in Cincaen employs the Latin alphabet. Cincaen draws linguistic influences from English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Toki Pona, Indonesian, Toki Ma, among others, and fulfills functions such as constructed languages, international auxiliary languages, and worldwide vocabularic conlangs.




Place Labial Coronal Dorsal
Manner Bi­labial Alveolar Palatal-Velar
Nasal m n ɲ
Plosive p t k
Sibilant fricative f s (h)
Approximant w l j


Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid e ə o
Open a

Information about the Orthography


The language utilizes the following letters: a, c, e, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, ph, r, s, t, u, w, and y. Each letter has its own distinct sound and is used to form words and sentences in Cincaen. The alphabet plays a crucial role in the written representation of the language, allowing users to communicate effectively.

The alphabet of Cincaen.



Standard Orthography

Letter a c e i j k l m n o p ph r s t u w y
Name a ci e i jo ke el mo no o pe pha ar se te u u tu y
IPA a k/s e i j / h k l m n o p f l s t u w ə



This section only lists digraphs with unregulated IPA phonemes.

Digraph cc nj rl sc
IPA "Cc" digraph /ɲ/ /l/ "Cc" digraph
Example accin /aksin/ anjea /aɲ(e)a/ atarly /atalə/ eryscien /eləsien/

Linguistic properties


Sample texts


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


" anta lys pi pasa con an lys a'contasia en sasa in amo en jeses y anceni. anceni pi ken y pi amo con namas en poca en pinka kalins lys in cin a'pujaca. "

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article I

Simple phrases


Listed below are some useful Cincaen words and phrases along with IPA transcriptions:

English Cincaen IPA
Hello o a / noy a [o a] [noə a]
Yes ja [ja]
No ke [ke]
Good morning tia a'ku pona [tia a.ku pona]
Good day tia pona [tia pona]
Good afternoon tia coisa pona [tia koisa pona]
Good evening nia ino pona [nia ino pona]
Good night nia pona [nia pona]
Goodbye (if you're leaving) m accin [maksin]
Goodbye (if someone else

is leaving)

c accin [saksin]
What is your name? jencema pi nama c? [jensema pi namas]
My name is Marco. nama m pi ly Marco. [namam pi malko]
How are you? jencema cin pi cen? [jensema sin pi sen]
I am well. me pi pona [me pi pona]
Do you speak Cincaen? kalins cen noy Cincaen? [kalins sen noə sinkan]
I don't understand you me ke kalins tona jencema cen pi noy [me ke kalins tona jensema sen pi noə]
All right pasila pona [pasila pona]
Thank you me kilin pona [me kilin pona]
You're welcome cen pi pona [sen pi pona]
Please a'pakor [a.pakol]
Forgive me/Excuse me me kie ina [me kie ina]
Congratulations cen kilin pona [sen kilin pona]
I love you me amo cen [me amo sen]
One beer, please wan ike, a'pakor [wan ike a.pakor]
What is that? jencema pi ka [jensema pi ka]
That is a dog ka pi okasi a'maile [ka pi okasi a.mai.le]
We will love intensa puncy amo [intensa punsə amo]
Peace acil [asil]
I am a beginner in Cincaen. me pi an kuwan in Cincaen [me pi an kuwan in sinkan]


1 wan, 2 tu, 3 tuli, 4 pelan, 5 kie, 6 oisine, 7 kate, 8 coin, 9 noen, 10 koile
11 wan koile wan, 12 wan koile tu
20 tu koile, 21 tu koile wan, ... 30 tuli koile, 40 pelan koile
100 ensa / anta, 1000 nona

Spanish Influence


Cincaen has had a lot of Spanish influence over the course of Cincaen's history, mainly with newer words.

Cincaen Spanish English
acer hacer to ask
larko largo large
real real royalty
notion noción notion / idea
apimar afirmar to claim
lojo rojo red
esporlar explorar to explore
macy mas more

[citation needed]

"Cc" digraph


The cc digraph is present in the words "accin" and "pucca," where it represents the sounds /ks/ and /k/ respectively. Additionally, the sc digraph can be found in "eryscien" and "escupin," denoting the phonetic values /s/ and /sk/ in that order. Notably, the phonemic value changes in all four words, with "accin" pronounced as /aksin/, "pucca" as /puka/, "eryscien" as /eləsien/, and "escupin" as /eskupin/. These phonetic representations are equivalent to the sounds x, k, s, and sk in the English orthography.

Toki Sinkan


Toki Sinkan (or Tonkan) s a dialect of Cincaen that inflicts Toki Pona rules.

Cincaen Rule Toki Sinkan
jinsu ji -> i insu
kilka lC -> l(last V)C kilika
okel l final -> l(last V) okele
phoka ph -> p poka
acil c -> k/s asili

(dipthongs where the second vowel is an a)

Va -> Vja kujan

(when the first rule interferes with the fifth rule)

Vji -> Vki sukijan
skaja / nophella CC -> CiC sikaja / nopelija
noy y -> a noja
loens nC -> nC(last V) lojense
osle / osline sl -> s(first V)l osole / osoline
(when a rule makes a word overlaps with a word already in the lexicon and doesn't need changing) -- -> -ne noja / nojane

unsafe / talk



Cincan grammar is easy with a SVO word order, head-initial, and adjectives go after nouns, collective adjectives are listed first.

Linguistic Features


The Cincaen language stands out for its official orthography, incorporating the letters <c> and <y>. The use of <y> to represent the sound /ə/ is a rare feature not commonly found in natural languages, adding to the unique character of Cincaen among linguistic systems.

Table of Correlatives

interrogative demonstrative quantifier
proximal medial assertive




universal negatory positive


determiner jencema ka soile anta ke plus
pronoun human jencema ly soile ly anta ly ke ly plus / soile ly
nonhuman jencema soile pansa anta pansa ke pansa plus
out of two


jencema pansa ka pansa soile anta wan anta ke
out of many


pro-adverb location j' okoce ka okoce soile okoce anta okoce ke okoce plus okoce
time jencema tilyn ka tilyn ka pas tilyn soile tilyn anta tilyn ke tilyn plus tilyn
manner jencema cin ka cin soile cin anta cin ke cin plus cin
reason a' jencema a' ka a' soile p' anta


Current flag of Cincaen

New flag


The new flag of Cincaen is a simplification of the old flag. The dark blue represents the posteriori aspect of Cincaen. The white signifies fluency of people worldwide and understanding. The light blue signifies uniqueness and culture. The dove is just for decoration. The colors consist of #219fff  , #fff  , and #2150ff  .

Old flag of Cincaen

Old flag


The flag of Cincaen consists of a spiral representing how it's unique, the blue background for Viossa inspiration and idea for Cincaen, the navy triangle represents English influence and finally, the dark blue smaller triangle represents the Toki Pona influence. The colors consist of #00bbff  , #fff  , #003087  , and #005bbb  

Alternative flag

Alternative flag made by Roue

The alternate flag of Cincaen consists of a globe showing how anyone can learn this language, the 'Greenland Type' background for the different Cincaen has with other languages, and the text "NOY PIJESA ANTA LYS NOY KA LYS PIJESA ANTA OKOCES MAY KEN TONA" which translates to "Language of everyone, Language that people of any place can learn".