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The Trouble with Tribbles

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"The Trouble with Tribbles"

"The Trouble with Tribbles" is the 44th episode of the American science fiction television series, Star Trek, the 15th episode of the second season. It was first broadcast in the United States on December 29, 1967, on NBC. The episode was the first professional work of writer David Gerrold, and went through a variety of drafts before it reached the screen. Because of an error in the size of typeface, an approved version needed to be reduced by twenty pages before filming. Nichelle Nichols remarked that she had "never seen a script go through so many changes—and stay so much the same".[2] "The Trouble with Tribbles" was directed by Joseph Pevney, who was one of the most prolific directors of the series.

In this episode, the starship Enterprise arrives at Deep Space Station K7 to guard a consignment of grain bound for Sherman's Planet. On arrival, a trader named Cyrano Jones (Stanley Adams) gives Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) a tribble, with dramatic consequences. Captain James T. Kirk and the crew also have to deal with the arrival of Captain Koloth (William Campbell) and his Klingon battlecruiser, but the tribbles unexpectedly reveal a plot to poison the grain.

Around 1,500 tribbles were created for the episode, with special tribbles created for certain purposes with beanbags or surgical balloons inserted in them. Three additional sets were created for the episode, although there were problems with finding enough matching chairs for the trading post area. The chairs had to be pulled out of showrooms around Los Angeles County, and Pevney was warned to make sure they weren't damaged during the episode's brawl scene. William Campbell had previously appeared as Trelane in "The Squire of Gothos" and was intended to be a recurring villain as Koloth. Because of his other work commitments, these plans were not followed up on until he returned as Koloth in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Blood Oath" in 1994. William Schallert appeared as Nilz Baris, and later appeared as a Bajoran in the DS9 episode "Sanctuary".

While initial fan reaction to the episode was mixed, it was more popular with the general public. Critical response to the episode was positive, and it was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation which instead went to fellow Star Trek episode "The City on the Edge of Forever". It has since been included in several "best of" episode lists and features, including as part of the Best of DVD collection alongside three other episodes. It has also been released as part of the season two DVD box set.

"The Trouble with Tribbles" was intended to have a third-season follow-up episode, but it was not completed. The follow-up episode was developed for Star Trek: The Animated Series as "More Tribbles, More Troubles". Gerrold explained that the episode was almost uncut from the original premise. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Trek in 1996, the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Trials and Tribble-ations" used digital techniques to insert the Deep Space Nine actors into the events of "The Trouble with Tribbles". Gerrold appeared on-screen as an extra, and the episode was nominated for three Emmy Awards and also for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.


The Enterprise is called to Deep Space Station K7 by a distress call. It is near Sherman's Planet, a world whose ownership is under dispute between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. On arrival, Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) becomes furious when he finds out the reason for the distress call, which was made by Nilz Baris (William Schallert), the under-secretary of agriculture for the sector: Baris wants someone to guard the shipments of quadrotriticale (related to triticale) grain bound for Sherman's Planet, since quadrotriticale is the only Earth grain that would grow on Sherman's Planet and thus is required to resolve the ownership issue. Kirk assigns two crewmen to guard the grain, but afterwards he finds out the Starfleet Command share Baris' concerns. In addition, a Klingon ship commanded by Captain Koloth (William Campbell) arrives, who requests permission for his crew to board K7 for shore leave. Kirk agrees, but limits the number of Klingons at any one time and they must travel under Starfleet guard while on the station.

Meanwhile, an independent trader, Cyrano Jones (Stanley Adams), arrives on the station with some tribbles. He gives one to Lt. Uhura (Nichelle Nichols), who brings it on board the Enterprise, where it and its quickly produced offspring are treated as adorable pets. The animals purr a relaxing trill that the crew find soothing. Klingons, however, find tribbles annoying, and the feeling is mutual: tribbles hiss and shriek whenever they are near Klingons.

Doctor Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley) is concerned that the increasing numbers of tribbles threaten to consume all the onboard supplies. It is discovered that they are entering ship systems, interfering with their functions and consuming any edible contents present. Kirk realizes that if the tribbles are getting into the ship's stores, then they are a threat to the grain aboard the station. He examines the holds but learns that it is already too late: The tribbles have indeed eaten the quadrotriticale, and Kirk is literally buried in grain-gorged tribbles when he opens a grain hold with an overhead hatch. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and McCoy discover that about half the tribbles in the hold are dead and many of the rest are dying, alerting them that the grain has been poisoned.

Baris stubbornly holds Kirk responsible for this apparent fiasco, and Koloth additionally demands an apology from Kirk after some of the Enterprise crew were provoked into a brawl with the Klingons in the station's bar. However, the tribbles incidentally give away the identity of a Klingon agent surgically altered to resemble a human: Arne Darvin (Charlie Brill), Baris's own assistant. He had infected the grain with a virus that becomes an inert material in an organism's bloodstream which eventually prevents the organism from taking in enough nourishment to survive.

After Darvin's exposure and arrest, Cyrano Jones is ordered to remove the tribbles from the station (a task that Spock estimates will take 17.9 years) or he will be imprisoned for 20 years for transporting a dangerous life form off its native planet. Just before the Klingons depart, all the tribbles on the Enterprise are transported onto the Klingon vessel by Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) where, in his words, "they'll be no tribble at all."



"The Trouble with Tribbles" was the first sale of writer David Gerrold (photographed in 2010)

Writer David Gerrold had been a fan of science fiction since he was a child.[3] When Star Trek was first broadcast, he was concerned that it might turn into something similar to Lost in Space, which he described as "one full-color hour of trash reaching into millions of homes".[4] His first story outline was sent into Star Trek after his agent suggested that he waited until the shows started to air under the theory that the show might drop an existing episode in favor of a better script.[5] The story was entitled "Tomorrow is Yesterday" and was about the Enterprise coming across a generation ship which had descended into a two-tier class system.[5] His agent received a rejection letter from producer Gene L. Coon dated October 3, 1966. The letter stated that the "outline was by no means inadequate. It is, as a matter of fact, very adequate."[6] It went on to say that it would require a budget larger than that available to television, but would have made a good film treatment. Coon offered to meet with Gerrold and explain what they were looking for, because they were not purchasing scripts at that time.[6]

Coon suggested that Gerrold should wait until the following February to see if the show was renewed for a second season. They also discussed several story ideas, including some small furry creatures that bred too quickly. Coon thought it was a cute idea but would be too expensive as they'd have to build each creature.[7] In preparation for the second series submission, by January, Gerrold had put together five premises to pitch.[8] He had his best hopes on two treatments called "Bandi" and "The Protracted Man",[9] but decided to submit his fifth story despite Coon's earlier dismissal of the idea.[9] It was called "The Fuzzies".[10] The idea was based on the introduction of rabbits in Australia in 1859, who reproduced at a vastly increased rate owing to the lack of predators.[11]

The initial premise placed the story on a space station to avoid the ecological damage that the creatures would have on a planet. However, Gerrold's agent was concerned that requiring a miniature of the station to be built as well as the additional sets would cause it to be too expensive for a single episode.[12] Because of his agents comments, Gerrold modified the pitch to place the action on a colony planet instead.[13] This pitch included the plot points such as the creatures getting into a poisoned grain storage, but omitted the Klingons and Cyrano Jones was called Cyrano Smith.[14][15] The five pitches were submitted by Gerrold's agent in February 1967, and received a response in June. At the time the show had already purchased too many scripts for the second season but story editor D. C. Fontana suggested that they should purchase the story and assign it to a staff writer as it was better than some of the other stories they already had.[16]

At the time that Coon got in touch, Gerrold had just been employed at CBS as a typist working on scripts such as the pilot of Hawaii Five-O. As soon as he got the response, he quit the job.[17] Gerrold and Coon met once more,[18] and revealed that the network had recently made a request for more episodes based on other planets. Coon told Gerrold to work up a further pitch.[18] This version of the story added the Klingons,[19] and moved the action from planetside to a space station.[20] During a visit to the set, Gerrold had the opportunity to speak to Leonard Nimoy and ask his advice on how to write for Spock and was allowed to watch the dailies from each day's shoot of the episode "The Doomsday Machine" which was being filmed at the time.[21][22] This version of the story was entitled "A Fuzzy Thing Happened to Me...",[20] which was purchased by Coon as a plot outline.[23] He offered Gerrold a chance to write the script himself, by promising not to hand it to another writer for a month. But he made it clear that he was not offering Gerrold for a script, but giving him the option of submitting a draft.[24]

Gerrold turned around the first draft script in two and a half days.[25] Both Coon and Associate Producer Robert Justman gave feedback on the script, and pointed out a few gaps such as there needing to be some way in the plot for the crew to discover that Darvin was a Klingon agent.[26] The following draft had Cyrano Jones discover that Darvin was an agent, which Coon thought wasn't "punchy" enough.[27] It was then re-written so that the fuzzies were allergic to Klingons. Both Gerrold and Coon thought the idea was "trite... shtick... hokey" and "had been done before".[27] but Coon agreed that it was the direction the story should go.[27] The re-write of the script took a further week.[28]

Nichelle Nichols said that she had never seen a script changed so much but stay the same

On a further visit to the set, Gerrold was called into Coon's office. He was informed that he needed to change the name of the fuzzies as the legal department was concerned about similarities in the name with H. Beam Piper's 1962 novel Little Fuzzy.[29] He subsequently came up with a variety of alternative names. Through a process of elimination, he ended up with the name "tribble".[30] He took the name to Coon, who hated it. But after seeing the alternatives, he agreed to it.[31] Gerrold turned in the script on July 17, entitled "You Think You've Got Tribbles...?", which while despite Coon disliking the name, he bought it on behalf of the show.[31][32] Such was the volume of subsequent edits made to the script by Coon, that Gerrold thought he should have been given a co-credit.[33] The problems were caused by the 12 point Elite typeface (12 characters per inch) that Gerrold's typewriter had used. Coon had approved only the second re-write of the script after it was purchased, but when it was re-typed in the standard 10 point Pica typeface (10 characters per inch), it ballooned to eighty pages.[34] This meant that some twenty pages needed to be cut from the script.[34]

Scenes which were cut from the script included the Enterprise chasing after Jones in his vessel,[35] and resulted in the scene where Kirk has tribbles tumbling onto him while in the grain locker. Gerrold later explained that this process "tightened up the story and made for a better series of gags".[35] Nichelle Nichols said to Gerrold "I've never seen a script go through so many changes – and stay so much the same".[2] The proposed title "You Think You've Got Tribbles...?" had to be discarded after a Shulman short story was discovered with the title "You Think You've Got Troubles?" (upon which the third-season The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis episode "Dig, Dig, Dig" was based), which could possibly have presented a copyright infringement. The episode was then renamed "The Trouble with Tribbles".[36] The producers liked the result so much that Gerrold was later tasked with re-writing the script for "I, Mudd",[37] but didn't take any credit on the final script as he didn't want to take the credit from Stephen Kandel, the creator of Harry Mudd.[30]

Gerrold worked on "I, Mudd" before "The Trouble with Tribbles" began to film. He was surprised one morning when he was handed a copy of the tribbles script and told to sign it for Robert A. Heinlein. It turned out that the tribbles in the episode resembled the Martian flat cats in Heinlein's 1952 novel The Rolling Stones. Gerrold was concerned that he had inadvertently plagiarized the novel which he had read fifteen years before.[38] These concerns were brought up by a research team, who suggested that the rights to the novel should be purchased from Heinlein. One of the producers phoned Heinlein, who only asked for a signed copy of the script and later sent a note to Gerrold after it aired to thank him for the script.[39] The grain mentioned in the script, triticale, was a fairly new invention at the time of the episode. However, the expectations of the show in that it would be revolutionary were not realised and it was eventually used as animal feed only. This changed in 2009, the Canadian Government invested $15 million in research to find out if the grain had potential for use as a biofuel.[40]


During the course of filming, William Shatner was covered with five hundred tribbles on eight occasions

The use of live animals to represent the tribbles was immediately ruled out. The inspiration for the form of the tribble instead came from a fluffy keyring owned by Holly Sherman.[11] Sherman's Planet in this episode was subsequently named after her.[41] The design came from Wah Chang,[42] but they were individually sewn by Jacqueline Cumeré. She was paid $350 to sew five hundred tribbles from synthetic fur and stuff them with foam rubber.[11][43] Six special tribbles were made which were converted from toy dogs. Unfortunately the toys were quite noisy which required the sound track to be looped in during editing.[44] Other tribbles were created by Jim Rugg out of beanbags for when it was required for one to sit on a person or object, and the breathing tribbles were hollow with surgical balloons inserted.[11][44] In total, some 1,500 tribbles were created for the episode.[45] Some of these tribbles were later displayed at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. in 1992.[46] The sale at Christie's auction house in 2006 included tribbles from this episode as part of a larger Star Trek sale.[47] Because of the synthetic fur technology of the 1960s, relatively few original tribbles exist as of 2010 because the fur fell out over time and they went bald.[48] An original tribble was sold at auction in 2003 for $1,000.[49]

Filming began during the second week of August 1967.[50] Three temporary sets and a portion of corridor were constructed for specific use in this episode, which included the large trading post set.[51] The chairs in that set were a problem, as the set designers wanted 24 matching chairs and decided that folding ones wouldn't do. John M. Dwyer sourced them from a local company, but the numbers required meant that they had to be pulled out of showrooms from all over the county. When it came to the fight scene in the episode, Dwyer warned director Joseph Pevney not to damage the chairs.[52] That scene was filmed twice after a cameraman with a handheld camera wandered onto the set.[52] The scene where Kirk is covered with tribbles in the grain container needed to be filmed eight times, using all five hundred sewn tribbles.[53] Gerrold had expected that scene to be cut at some point during production, as he thought that William Shatner wouldn't agree to it. He said that Shatner was the "consummate professional and I believe he was eager to show off his comic abilities".[54]

Pevney was pleased with the outcome of the shoot, calling the episode "a delightful show from beginning to end".[1] In addition to directing, Pevney also sourced some of the parts to create the tribbles and was directly responsible for the casting of Stanley Adams.[1] He had pushed for the episode to be made as he recalled that there was some resistance at the time against making a comedy-style episode.[1] These types of episodes were unusual for the series, as only "The Trouble with Tribbles" and "A Piece of the Action" were considered to be comedic episodes from season two.[55] Pevney was one of the two most prolific Original Series directors alongside Marc Daniels, and directed fourteen episodes of the show.[56] The cast responded favorably to the script. Nichelle Nichols was particularly pleased as it allowed Uhura to be a woman and took her off the bridge.[44] It was one of her largest roles in any single episode in the series.[57]


William Campbell had previously appeared in the first season episode "The Squire of Gothos" as Trelane.[58] In "The Trouble with Tribbles", he portrayed the Klingon Captain Koloth. It was Gene Roddenberry's intention to bring back Koloth during the third season of The Original Series, as he felt that Kirk should have a recurring Klingon adversary. As Campbell was unavailable when the following Klingon-centric episode ("Day of the Dove") was filmed, the role was re-written and Michael Ansara was cast instead, with the idea ultimately being dropped.[51] Although Koloth returned in Star Trek: The Animated Series, Campbell did not voice the role.[59] He returned to the role in 1994 for an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,[58][60] entitled "Blood Oath", where the character dies in his final battle.[59]

At the time of casting, William Schallert had just finished filming the ABC sitcom The Patty Duke Show. He described himself not as a fan, and had not read any science fiction since 1948. He thought that the role of Nilz Baris was just another guest spot, and the role of a "rather stuffy bureaucrat... [was] not the most appealing character".[61] He did not remember the character's name, only recalling it when he first attended a Star Trek convention at a hotel near Los Angeles Airport, as the fans called it out when he entered the lobby.[61] He was later cast in the role of the Bajoran musician Varani in the DS9 episode "Sanctuary".[61]

Whit Bissell, who played the station manager, Lurry,[1] was better known at the time in the main cast role of Lt. Gen. Heywood Kirk in the ABC science fiction television series The Time Tunnel.[62] Michael Pataki, who portrayed the Klingon Korax, went on to play Karnas in Star Trek: The Next Generation first season episode "Too Short a Season".[63] Charlie Brill portrayed the Klingon agent Arne Darvin.[1] Brill has previously been a sketch comedy artist with his wife Mitzi McCall, and had appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show when The Beatles made their first appearance.[64]



"The Trouble with Tribbles" was first broadcast in the United States on December 29, 1967 on NBC.[65] The initial fan reaction was undecided, but the episode connected better with the mass market.[66] This effect was later explained in 2012 when Jordon Hoffman on StarTrek.com described the "The Trouble with Tribbles" as "quite possibly, the first episode of Star Trek you ever saw".[67] It entered popular culture and remained well known to the public outside of the Star Trek community.[68]

NBC cancelled the series at the end of the season, but it was renewed after a letter writing campaign by fans.[69] This campaign had origins in December 1967, and was initially organised by John and Bjo Trimble.[70] It was cancelled permanently after the third season and it went into broadcast syndication.[71] "The Trouble With Tribbles" was remastered and was aired again in broadcast syndication on November 4, 2006 as part of the remastered original series. It was the first time in sixteen years that the series had been syndicated in the United States, although it had been aired on cable during that period.[72]

Critical reception

Several reviewers re-watched the episodes after the end of the series. Zack Handlen reviewed the episode for The A.V. Club in July 2009. He said that Cyrano Jones was his least favorite part of the episode, and with the exception of that character, it was one of the better scripts seen in The Original Series. He thought that despite the lack of a sense of real danger, the plot all comes together neatly and praised the story's effects on Kirk, saying "The way the episode unfolds means Kirk's constantly dealing with things he doesn't really want to deal with, and there's a surprising amount of enjoyment to be had in seeing him complain about it to Spock."[73] He gave the episode a grade of A.[73] Michele Erica Green watched it for TrekNation in March 2006. She thought that the episode would have dated, but found it was "as funny as ever".[74] She thought that Scotty's lines were "unforgettable" and the scenes between McCoy and Spock were "priceless".[74]

Eugene Myers and Torie Atkinson reviewed it for Tor.com as part of their "tribbles week" in April 2010. They described it as "easily the most celebrated episode of the entire original series (if not the whole franchise)".[75] They went on to describe it as a "perfect episode", and both gave it maximum scores of six out of six.[75] Jamahl Epsicokhan at his website "Jammer's Reviews" said that the team behind Star Trek were "at the top of their game" with this episode.[76] He gave it a score of four out of four, saying that "'Tribbles' is perhaps the best, most enjoyable comic piece the franchise has ever put out."[76]

The New York Times described the scene with Kirk and the tribbles in the grain container as one of the "best-remembered moments" of the series.[43] Time magazine ranked "The Trouble with Tribbles" as the sixth best moment in Star Trek.[66] IGN ranked it as the fifth best episode of The Original Series,[77] while TechRepublic ranked it as the fourth best.[78] The A.V. Club included "The Trouble with Tribbles" in a list of ten must-see episodes,[79] and USA Today' listed as one of the three best.[80] In 1998, "The Trouble with Tribbles" was listed as the eighth best cult moment of all time by The Times newspaper.[81] In a list of the top 100 episodes of the Star Trek franchise, "The Trouble with Tribbles" was placed sixth by Charlie Jane Anders at io9.[82]

The episode was nominated for Best Dramatic Presentation at the 1968 Hugo Awards.[83] All of the nominees that year were episodes of Star Trek, with the award instead going to "The City on the Edge of Forever".[83] From the number of votes, "The Trouble with Tribbles" was placed second.[84]

Home media release

"The Trouble with Tribbles" was one of the first episodes to receive an official release by Paramount Home Entertainment. In 1980, it was released on VHS on a two episode tape alongside "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield".[85] It was re-released towards in 1991 as part of the first full season release on VHS.[86] This was re-released in 1993,[87] and was released on laserdisc.[88] In 1998, a "Talking Tribble Gift Set" was released which contained both "The Trouble with Tribbles and "Trials and Tribble-ations" on VHS.[89] The first DVD release was in 2000, when all of The Original Series episodes were released in individual releases of two episodes per disc.[90] The first season set that the episode was included in was as part of the season two DVD set released in the United States on November 2, 2004.[80]

In 2009, it was included in a best of collection with three other episodes of The Original Series alongside "Amok Time", "The City on the Edge of Forever" and "Balance of Terror".[91][92] The re-mastered DVD sets were also re-launched to coincide with the release of the film, Star Trek. The Blu ray release included the un-changed scenes as alternative angles. Disc five of each set contained only "The Trouble with Tribbles" from The Original Series but otherwise contained tribble related extras. These included both "More Tribbles, More Troubles" and "Trials and Tribble-ations".[93]


More Tribbles, More Troubles

"The Trouble with Tribbles" was originally intended to have a follow-up episode during season three, but after Gene Roddenberry stepped back from the production of the show after a time-slot change and further cuts in the budget, the idea was scrapped.[75][94] In 1973, Gerrold had become friends with D. C. Fontana from their time spent on the Star Trek convention circuit together. He had heard about Star Trek: The Animated Series, and offered to do an episode. Fontana responded that she wanted the tribble episode that was cut from season three.[94] This episode was entitled "More Tribbles, More Troubles".[74][75] The episode introduces the natural predator of the tribbles and genetically engineered tribbles which no longer reproduce but instead grow much larger.[95] As with his other Animated Series episode "Bem", he later explained that almost nothing was cut from the original pitches for the third season of The Original Series as animation played out quicker and so everything still fit into the episode despite the reduced running time.[96] Both of Gerrold's Animated Series episodes were novelised by Alan Dean Foster, and Gerrold later said that he thought that he did "a fine job".[96]

Trials and Tribble-ations

Actors such as Avery Brooks were digitally inserted into scenes from "The Trouble with Tribbles" for the DS9 episode

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Trek in 1996, producers of both Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine decided to incorporate elements of The Original Series into episodes. The Voyager episode "Flashback" showed events on board the Excelsior under Captain Hikaru Sulu during the period in which Kirk and McCoy were imprisoned in Rura Penthe in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.[97] However, the Deep Space Nine homage used the original footage from nineteen scenes in "The Trouble with Tribbles" and other episodes in order to digitally insert the actors into the events of the episode, entitled "Trials and Tribble-ations".[75][98] The episode was nominated for three Emmy Awards and as with the original episode, the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.[99][100]

As the 30th anniversary approached, Gerrold had heard rumors of a tribble-sequel in the works but had only heard denials from executive producer Rick Berman.[101] Following an interview request from The New York Times,[101] he telephoned Berman once more to ask what was happening as he didn't want to say he didn't know about the sequel episode and embarrass anyone if it actually was going to happen.[102] Gerrold suggested that an acknowledgement of the creator of the tribbles might be in order and asked if he could be an extra.[101] He was cast as a security redshirt.[103] While Gerrold was on set, he also advised director Jonathan West on the integration of new scenes into "The Trouble with Tribbles".[102] Gerrold later said that "Trials and Tribble-ations" "turned out beautiful. I think it was the best episode of Deep Space Nine ever and possibly the best episode of Star Trek after the Original Series."[102] Charlie Brill returned as Arne Darvin to film new scenes set in the DS9 timeframe.[104]

Further appearances and parodies

Tribbles have been further seen in other Star Trek episodes and films, including Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and the JJ Abrams-helmed films Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013).[75][105] While on a visit to the set of Star Trek, Gerrold was told by Abrams that the tribble had been deliberately "snuck in" to the scene.[101] It appears in the scene where Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock Prime (Leonard Nimoy) meet Scott (Simon Pegg) on the Vulcan moon.[106] "The Trouble with Tribbles" was also re-imagined in that timeline's comic book series by IDW Publishing and entitled "The Truth About Tribbles".[68][107]

In 2003, tribbles appeared in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "The Breach". In that episode, Doctor Phlox (John Billingsley) uses them as food for his medicinal pets in sickbay.[108]

Gerrold has been in discussions with the fan-created series Star Trek: New Voyages to bring back the tribbles for a further Original Series era episode.[101] Both his Original Series pitch "The Protracted Man" and his Star Trek: The Next Generation script Blood and Fire have been turned into episodes of New Voyages.[43][101]

Tribbles have been parodied in a variety of other television shows. Futurama featured a parody in the second season entitled "The Problem with Popplers", which included several Star Trek jokes. These include a reference to "Roddenberries" and features Zapp Brannigan, whom the Futurama staff have said is intended to be a parody of Captain Kirk.[109]

Merchandising and adaptations

Gerrold published a book describing his experiences in the creation of "The Trouble with Tribbles". Entitled The Trouble with Tribbles: The Birth, Sale and Final Production of One Episode, it was published in 1973. The book was well received by the former cast and crew of Star Trek and was used as a textbook for teaching screen-writing.[30]

A variety of tribble replicas have been made over the years,[45][47] with the most recent licensed product coming from QMx, released in 2013.[110] A plate to commemorate the episode was the first to be launched as part of an eight plate Star Trek: The Commemorative Collection in 1986. It featured an image of Kirk with the tribbles in the grain compartment created by artist Susie Morton.[111] The first Original Series expansion for the Star Trek Customizable Card Game was launched in 2000. It was entitled "The Trouble with Tribbles" and was based on this episode and the associated episode of Deep Space Nine. It also introduced the Tribbles game which used only tribble-related cards.[112]

In 2010, two movie posters for "The Trouble with Tribbles" featuring Uhura and Spock being slowly covered in tribbles were created by Justin Ishmael for the art boutique attached to the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Austin, Texas. It was a follow-up to earlier posters created for the episode "Space Seed".[113] Juan Ortiz later created a 1960s-retro style poster for each of the eighty episodes of Star Trek. The "Trouble with Tribbles" poster made it appear that the warp nacelles of the Enterprise were sprouting tribbles which then bred rapidly as the ship flew on, creating a cloud of them behind the ship.[114]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Gross; Altman (1993): p. 59
  2. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 184
  3. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 28
  4. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 39
  5. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 42
  6. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 45
  7. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 48
  8. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 49
  9. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 72
  10. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 73
  11. ^ a b c d Block; Erdmann (2010): p. 208
  12. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 74
  13. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 75
  14. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 85
  15. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 78
  16. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 88
  17. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 89
  18. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 91
  19. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 100
  20. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 96
  21. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 144
  22. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 145
  23. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 150
  24. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 151
  25. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 152
  26. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 153
  27. ^ a b c Gerrold (1973): p. 159
  28. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 166
  29. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 167
  30. ^ a b c "Trek Writer David Gerrold Looks Back - Part 1". Star Trek.com. January 24, 2011. Retrieved March 30, 2013.
  31. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 168
  32. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 169
  33. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 176
  34. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 179
  35. ^ a b Gerrold (1973): p. 183
  36. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 186
  37. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 269
  38. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 271
  39. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 274
  40. ^ Finlayson, David (March 14, 2009). "No Tribble Trouble for Triticale". Winnipeg Free Press. Retrieved March 30, 2013.
  41. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 272
  42. ^ Gerrold (1973): p. 264
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  • Palumbo, Donald (1986). Eros in the Mind's Eye. New York: Greenwood Press. ISBN 9780313241024. (subscription required)
  • Gross, Edward; Altman, Mark A. (1993). Captain's Logs: The Complete Trek Voyages. London: Boxtree. ISBN 978-1-85283-899-7.
  • Nemecek, Larry (2003). Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (3rd ed.). New York: Pocket Books. ISBN 0-7434-5798-6.
  • Gerrold, David (1973). The Trouble with Tribbles: The Birth, Sale and Final Production of one Episode (2004 BenBalla ed.). Dallas, TX: BenBalla Books.
  • Abbott, Stacey (2010). The Cult TV Book. London, New York: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781848850255.
  • Block, Paula M.; Erdmann, Terry J. (2010). Star Trek: The Original Series 365. New York: Abrams. ISBN 9780810991729.

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