Timeline of 1960s counterculture: Difference between revisions

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The following is a timeline of 1960s counterculture, with influencing events and milestones beginning decades ahead of the 1960s, with the core period stretching through the 1960s and several years after.




  • Methamphetamine is first developed in Japan. By the 1960s, "Meth" is a recreational drug, and the phrase "Speed Kills" becomes popular, even within the substance-friendly counterculture.[2][3]







  • Levittown: A model of post-war desire for quieter suburban life, and a signpost of the breakdown of the close-knit, urban family (where many generations all lived in cities under one roof), the first mass-produced housing subdvision breaks ground on a former potato farm in New York. Thousands of new homes are first rented (then later sold) virtually overnight, and the trend soon spreads nationwide. In the US, both the massive move from cities to the suburbs and the baby boom are underway.[15][16][17]



  • Jack Kerouac first uses the term "Beat Generation" in reference to the nascent intellectual culture that would ultimately give way to the so-called counterculture.[25][26]
  • Shelley v. Kraemer: The enforcement by states of deed restrictions prohibiting the transfer of real estate to non-Caucasians is deemed unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court, clearing the way for home ownership by Blacks and Jews in previously segregated communities.[27][28]


  • January: Cheap transportation for a new generation, the first Volkswagen Beetle arrives in the US. By 1970, over 4 million are on American roads, when annual US sales top out at 570,000. The "Bug" and VW "Bus", introduced in 1950, become closely associated with the hippie and counterculture eras.[29][30][31]
  • August 29: The USSR detonates its first atomic bomb with essential aid of atomic spies from the US, Great Britain, and Canada. The Cold War has commenced in earnest.[32]
  • October 1: Communist China: After a long and bloody civil war, Party Chairman Mao Zedong proclaims the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Mao rules China until his death in 1976.[33][34]



  • June 25: Prelude to Vietnam: Communist forces of North Korea invade democratic South Korea with support from Red China and the USSR. The US, UK, and a host of free UN states respond and hold back the incursion. In 1953 the conflict ends where it began with each side faced-off at the 38th parallel, and where the US remains on armed alert to the present. The UK counts over 1,100 war dead, the US over 36,000.[35][36]
  • Sep 3: The first US military advisors arrive in South Vietnam.[37]



  • August: Mad Magazine debuts as a comic book before switching to standard magazine format in 1955.[40][41]
  • The National Security Agency is established, bringing most civilian US communications and technical intelligence collection under one roof. Intended as a tool against foreign enemies, the later use of the agency's extensive resources by bureaucrats and politicians against domestic, anti-war counterculture radicals is revealed and debated in congress in the 1970s.[42][43]
  • Invisible Man: Ralph Ellison's highly acclaimed novel of Black life in 20th Century America is published.[44]


  • April 13: Project MKULTRA, the CIA's mind control research program which grew to include testing LSD on both volunteer and unsuspecting subjects into the 1960s, commences.[45]
  • June 19: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg are executed at Sing Sing Prison, NY, after conviction on espionage charges for their role in the communist spy ring which gave the USSR the atomic bomb and thereby initiated the nuclear arms race.[46][47][48]
  • August 15–19: The democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran is overthrown by intelligence operatives of the UK and US. The Shah of Iran is reinstalled as absolute monarch. The success of the operation begins a pattern of CIA-fomented coups and assassinations in the global fight against expansion of the political, economic, and military interests of the USSR, utlimately culminating in the fiasco of US combat involvement in Vietnam.[49]
  • December: Marilyn Monroe centerfold: the first issue of Playboy appears. Publisher Hugh Hefner becomes an early player in the coming Sexual Revolution.[50][51]


  • April 6: On the floor of the US Senate, Senator John F. Kennedy proclaims that to "pour money, material, and men into the jungles of Indochina without at least a remote prospect of victory would be dangerously futile and self-destructive."[52]
  • April 27: The Geneva Accords grant independence to French Indochina, establishing Vietnam as a unified, independent nation in name only. The US is not a signatory to the treaty. The French are officially out of Southeast Asia, leaving a people, and a raging civil war, behind.[53]
  • May 17: Brown vs. Board of Ed: The US Supreme Court rules unanimously that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional. The doctrine of "Separate but equal" as a legal and moral pretext for segregation is no longer enforceable by governments, and true racial integration begins in schools in the US.[54][55]


  • February: The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) is formally activated, nominally obligating the US to intervene as part of collective action in case of military conflagration in the region. The non-binding SEATO commitment, however, is only invoked as justification for involvement in Vietnam by President Johnson after later escalation of hostilities there prove unpopular.[56]
  • July 9: Bill Haley's version of "Rock Around the Clock" begins an eight-week run at #1 on Billboard. The Rock & Roll era begins.[57]
  • August 28: Emmett Till Murder: A black teen is brutally slain in Mississippi after allegedly flirting with a white woman. The incident becomes a pivotal event in the growing Civil Rights movement after Till's mother allows the boy's mutilated body to be viewed, and after two white men (who later confess to the murder) are acquitted by an all-white, all-male jury.[58]
  • October 26: Village Voice: One of the earliest and most enduring alternative newspapers is launched by Ed Fancher, Dan Wolf, John Wilcock and Norman Mailer in New York City.[59]
  • December 1: Activist Rosa Parks refuses to cede her seat on a public bus in Montgomery, AL, and is arrested. The ACLU takes on and wins her case.[60]


  • April 21: "Heartbreak Hotel", Elvis Presley's first #1 hit, tops the charts for 8 weeks as Elvis creates teenage pandemonium in households across the western world.[61]
  • August: The FBI's COINTELPRO domestic counterintelligence program commences. The surveillance effort is initially directed against stateside communist activities, but grows to include illegal invasions of privacy targeting civil rights and anti-war activists.[62][63]


  • British psychiatrist Humphry Osmond coins the word "psychedelic" from the Greek words psyche ("mind") and delos ("manifest"), intended as an alternative to "hallucinogenic" in LSD parlance.[64]
  • Masters and Johnson begin scientific research into human sexual response in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Washington University in St. Louis.
  • January 10: The Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC) is formed in Atlanta, GA.[65]
  • September 5: On The Road: Years in the works, a somewhat tamed version of Jack Kerouac's seminal novel of the Beat Generation is published.[66][67]
  • September 23: President Eisenhower signs an executive order sending Federal troops to maintain peace and order during the racial integration of Central High School in Little Rock, AR.[68]
  • October 4: The western world is shocked and deeply fearful when the USSR launches Sputnik 1, the first artificial space satellite.[69][70]
  • November 15: Albert Schweitzer, Coretta Scott King, and Benjamin Spock post an ad in The New York Times calling for an end to the nuclear arms race. SANE is later formed.[71]





  • The Student League for Industrial Democracy has changed their name to Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and first meet in Ann Arbor, MI. SDS dissassociates with LID in 1965.[90][91]
  • A beatnik community in Cornwall, UK noted for wearing their hair past their shoulders, and including a young Wizz Jones, is interviewed by Alan Whicker for BBC TV.[92]
  • Harvard professors Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert begin experimenting with hallucinogens at Cambridge, MA.[93][94]
  • February 1: The first of the Greensboro sit-ins sparks a wave of similar protests against segregation at Woolworth and other retail store lunch counters across the American South.[95]
  • March 26: Governor Buford Ellington of Tennessee orders an investigation into a CBS news crew for filming a Nashville sit-in.[96]
  • April: The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) is organized by Ella Baker at Shaw University.[97]
  • May 1: U-2 Incident: a US spy plane searching for Soviet nuclear installations is shot down deep within the USSR. The CIA pilot is captured alive and paraded in the Russian press after the White House enlists NASA in a botched cover story claiming the plane went missing during a weather flight.[98][99]
  • May 9: The Pill: The US Food & Drug Administration approves the use of the first reliable form of birth control: a 99%-effective pill. The Sexual Revolution commences, first in the bedrooms of married couples.[37][100]
  • May 13: Black Friday: 400 police using firehoses force a student "mob" out of a HUAC meeting at City Hall in San Francisco. The counterculture era of student protest begins.[101][102][103]
  • May 19: SANE holds an anti-arms race rally at Madison Square Garden in New York, NY. 20,000 attend.[71]
  • November 8: John F. Kennedy is elected 35th President of the US, defeating sitting Vice President Richard M. Nixon in what is considered to be the closest and most intellectually-charged US presidential election since 1916.[104][105][106] Nearly 70 million ballots are cast, but the margin of victory is just slightly more than 100,000 votes.[107]


  • January: Look Magazine journalist George Leonard writes about "Youth of the Sixties: The Explosive Generation," and predicts that the "quiet generation" of the 1950s "is rumbling and is going to explode…"[108][109]
  • January 17: US President Eisenhower gives his farewell address to the nation, and uses much of his time to warn of the undue influence of the "Military Industrial Complex."[110]
  • January 20: In a powerful inaugural address, new US President Kennedy calls upon citizens to "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."[111][112]
  • March 1: JFK signs an executive order creating the Peace Corps.[113]
  • March 28: JFK orders final cancellation of the oft-resurrected USAF B-70 Bomber program in a significant rollback of the nuclear arms race.[114]
  • March 30: The UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs is signed in New York City, tightening controls on international trade in opiates.[115]
  • April 12: Vostok: Man in Space: The western world is again shocked when Cold War foe the USSR follows its Sputnik triumph, putting the first human in space.[116]
  • April 17: A CIA-led invasion force intent on the overthrow of Fidel Castro lands at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba. Anti-Castro Cuban expatriates and CIA mercenaries are overtaken and captured by Cuban forces. JFK, who inherited the operation planned under the previous administration, attempts to cut losses and denies US air support.[117][118]
  • May 4: Freedom Riders: Civil Rights activists travel on public buses and trains across the American South to personally confront and challenge segregation.[119]
  • June 4: JFK meets with Soviet Premier Khrushchev in Vienna, and reports no progress on issues concerning partitioned Germany. Another Berlin Crisis ensues.[120][121]
  • August 13: Berlin Wall: To stem the massive tide of emigration from the communist east into the free west, the construction of a wall dividing the city of Berlin begins under Soviet direction.[122]
  • October 25: US and Soviet tanks face off at Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin.[123][124]
  • November 1: Women Strike for Peace: 50,000 women march in 60 cities in the US to demonstrate against nuclear weapons.[125][126]
  • November 30: Cuban Project: aggressive covert operations against Fidel Castro's revolutionary government in Cuba are authorized by JFK.[127][128]
  • December 14: JFK signs an executive order establishing the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women.[129][130]


  • January 18: Operation Ranch Hand: The US military begins the use of extremely toxic and carcinogenic defoliants in Vietnam. Use of the dioxin-containing Agent Orange begins in 1965.[131]
  • February 4: US helicopters assist the South Vietnamese army in the capture of Hung My.
  • February 26: Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin warns the UN that the Americans "are getting bogged down in a very disadvantageous and politically unjustified war (in Vietnam) which will entail very unpleasant consequences for them."[132]
  • March 16: US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara reveals that US troops in Vietnam have engaged in ground combat.
  • March 19: Bob Dylan's first album Bob Dylan is released. It reaches #13 in the UK, but does not chart on the Billboard 200 in the US.
  • March 31: Cesar Chavez begins organizing migrant farm workers in California.[133]
  • June 15: The SDS completes the Port Huron Statement.[134]
  • July–August: Dr. King's Albany Movement civil rights protest against segregation is active in Albany, GA.
  • August 5: Film star Marilyn Monroe dies of a barbiturate overdose under suspicious circumstances in Los Angeles. Monroe's death is a precursor to an explosion of recreational use of highly addictive prescription drugs (and thousands of accidental pill overdose deaths) during the counterculture era, even as legitimate use of these drugs is already in decline.[135][136]
  • September 12: JFK speaks at Rice: "... we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard ..."[137]
  • September 27: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is published. The modern environmental movement begins.[138]
  • October 1: James Meredith is the first African-American student to enter "Ole Miss".[139][140]
  • October 5: "Love Me Do": The Beatles' first single is released.[141]
  • October: The Cuban Missile Crisis brings the world to the brink of nuclear war after the USSR attempts to station nuclear missiles in Cuba, thereby directly threatening the US.[142]
  • December: The USAF Skybolt cruise missile program is cancelled by President Kennedy.[143]
  • Inspired by Aldous Huxley's Human Potential Movement, Michael Murphy and Dick Price found the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California.[144]
  • Helen Gurley Brown's post-pill dating manual Sex and the Single Girl becomes a best-seller. Brown's attempt to have the book banned for marketing purposes fails.
  • The Other America: Michael Harrington's compelling study of the intractable plight of the poor in the US is published. The book is credited with inspiring LBJ's "War on Poverty."[145]
  • Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is published.[146]
  • Seven Days in May, a novel depicting a foiled military coup in the US, is published. A movie follows and reaches theater screens in 1964 with an all-star cast.[147]



  • January: The Holy Modal Rounders' version of "Hesitation Blues" marks the first reference to the term psychedelic in music.[166]
  • January 8: LBJ's State of the Union address features a declaration of "War on Poverty".[167][168]
  • January 23: 24th Amendment ratified: US Congress and states are prohibited from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of poll or other forms of tax.[169]
  • January 27: Defense Secretary Robert McNamara states that there are now 15,000 US troops in South Vietnam, and that most will be withdrawn by the end of 1965.
  • February 1: "I Want to Hold Your Hand:" The Beatles achieve their first hit #1 on Billboard with a 7 week run on top. Beatlemania has spread to the US, and the monumental British Invasion of UK music begins.[170][171]
  • February 7–22: The Beatles make their first US visit and appear on The Ed Sullivan Show. The February 9 telecast is seen by over 73 million, the largest TV audience to date in the US.[172]
  • February 21–24: Students at Maryland State College protesting a segregated restaurant are fought by police.
  • February 25–26: Tens of thousands of school students in Boston and Chicago skip classes in protest of segregation.
  • March 16: 25% of school students in New York City strike to protest segregation.
  • April 4: Beatles singles occupy the top 5 slots on the Billboard Hot 100. It's an unprecedented, and never repeated, chart achievement.[173]
  • April 20: 86% of black students in Cleveland boycott classes to protest segregation.
  • May: Appearance of the Faire Free Press (later the Los Angeles Free Press), earliest of many "underground" US newspapers of the counterculture era.
  • May: San Francisco Sheraton Palace Hotel sit-ins result in arrests of University of California, Berkeley students protesting racially discriminatory Bay area hiring practices.[174]
  • May 7: President Johnson first refers to "the Great Society" in a speech in Athens, OH.
  • May 12: The first public draft-card burning is reported in New York City.
  • June 14: Ken Kesey and the drug-drenched Merry Pranksters depart California in the repurposed school bus "Further" en route to the 1964 World's Fair in Queens, NY.
  • June 22: "I Know it When I See it": The US Supreme Court overturns the obscenity conviction of an Ohio theater operator. Although local obscenity battles continue to the present, the decision clears the way for the commercial exhibition of sexually-explicit film material in the US.[175][176][177]
  • July 2: The Civil Rights Act is signed by President Johnson. Racial segregation in public places and race-based employment discrimination are now banned under federal law.
  • July: The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopts radio non-duplication rules: FM must broadcast original content, not simply simulcasts of AM sister stations. Soon, FM DJs are free to play the music of the generation without regard to chart status.[178][179]
  • August 2: War Dance: the spurious Gulf of Tonkin Incidents off the coast of Vietnam lead to the nearly unanimous passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by the US Congress on August 7, giving the president unprecedented broad authority to engage in full "conventional" military escalation in Southeast Asia without a formal declaration of war.[180]
  • October 1: The Free Speech Movement begins with a student sit-in at the University of California, Berkeley.[181][182][183]
  • October 14: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wins the Nobel Peace Prize.[184]
  • November 3: Sitting President Lyndon B. Johnson is elected President of the US in his own right, defeating Republican Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater in a landslide.[185]
  • November 4: Comedian Lenny Bruce is convicted on obscenity charges in New York City. Bruce is soon sentenced to a workhouse.[186]
  • December 2: In a now-famous speech during another Berkeley sit-in, student Mario Savio tells supporters of the Free Speech Movement to "put your bodies upon the gears."[187][188]


  • February 8: Aerial bombing of North Vietnam by the US commences.
  • February 9–15: Thousands demonstrate against the US attacks on North Vietnam at the US Embassies in Moscow, Budapest, Jakarta, and Sofia.
  • February 21: Malcolm X is assassinated in New York City.
  • March: The "Filthy Speech Rally" at Berkeley.[79][189]
  • March 6: Regular US troops engage in combat in Vietnam for the first time.
  • March 7–25: The SCLC stages the watershed Selma to Montgomery marches, initiated and initially organized by James Bevel.
  • March 16: Alice Herz, age 82, self-immolates in Detroit, MI in protest of Vietnam escalation. Herz dies 10 days later.[190]
  • March 24–25: The first major "Teach-in" is held by the SDS in Ann Arbor, MI. 3000 attend.
  • Spring: "Never trust anyone over 30": UC, Berkeley grad student and Free Speech activist Jack Weinberg's quip is quoted in paraphrase, inadvertently creating a key catchphrase of the generation.[191]
  • April: Beatles John Lennon and George Harrison are given LSD without their knowledge by their dentist at a UK dinner party.[192]
  • April: US combat troops in Vietnam total 25,000.
  • April 17: The first major anti-Vietnam War rally in the US is organized by the SDS in Washington, DC. 25,000 attend. Joan Baez, Judy Collins, and Phil Ochs perform.
  • May: Owsley Stanley returns to the Bay Area with the first large batch of LSD for sale as a recreational drug.[193][194]
  • May 17: Hunter S. Thompson's article The Motorcycle Gangs: Losers and Outsiders appears in The Nation. A book soon follows.
  • May: Draft card burnings take place at University of California, Berkeley. A coffin is marched to the Berkeley draft board, and President Johnson is hanged in effigy. Jerry Rubin forms the Vietnam Day Committee[195] with Abbie Hoffman and others during these events.[196]
  • June–August: Red Dog Experience comes into full flower at Virginia City, Nevada's Red Dog Saloon - full-fledged "hippie" identity takes shape.
  • June 7: Griswold v. Connecticut: The US Supreme Court rules that Constitutional privacy guarantees trump a Connecticut statute banning use of contraceptives by married couples. "Comstock-era" laws are likewise now moot in other states. In 1972, the court rules that protections apply to unmarried couples as well.[197][198][199]
  • June 11: International Poetry Incarnation: Notables including Allen Ginsburg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Michael Horovitz and William S. Burroughs participate in a breakthrough event for the UK Underground, Royal Albert Hall, London.[200]
  • June 11: The Beatles are awarded as Members of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) by the Queen for their contributions to British commerce.
  • July 25: Bob Dylan "goes electric" and is booed at the Newport Folk Festival.
  • July 30: Medicare is signed into law in the US, giving seniors a healthcare safety net.
  • August 6: The Voting Rights Act is signed into law in the US; "Literacy tests", poll taxes and other local schemes to prevent voting by blacks are newly or further banned under federal law.
  • August 11: 6 days of massive race riots erupt in the Watts section of Los Angeles: 35 dead, 1000 buildings damaged or destroyed. Meanwhile, smaller riots occur in Chicago.
  • August 31: The ban on the burning of draft cards is signed into law in the US.
  • September 5: The word hippie is used in print by San Francisco writer Michael Fallon, helping popularise use of the term in the media, although the tag was seen earlier in a passing remark about pot cookies in journalist Dorothy Kilgallen's June 11, 1963 column.[201][202]
  • September 15: I-Spy: Comedian Bill Cosby becomes the first African-American to star in a dramatic American television series. (Amanda Randolph had starred in the comedy The Laytons on the short-lived DuMont Network in the late 1940s.)[203]
  • September 25: Debut of The Beatles Saturday morning cartoon series.
  • September 25: Barry McGuire's "Eve of Destruction" becomes the first protest song to hit #1 in the charts, while drawing heavy criticism and being banned by many stations.
  • October: The Yardbirds featuring Jeff Beck release the single Shapes of Things with the B-side "Still I'm Sad." Psychedelic music first makes the charts.
  • October 15–16: Vietnam War protests in cities across the US draw 100,000.
  • October 16: "A Tribute to Dr. Strange": 1,000 original San Francisco "hippies" first party en masse at Longshoreman's Hall. Owsley's "White Lightning" acid is available to all.
  • November 2: Quaker leader Norman Morrison self-immolates at the Pentagon to protest the war.
  • November 5: My Generation: The Who speak to the new youth. "This is my generation!" and "I hope I die before I get old" become mantras of the rising counterculture.[204][205]
  • November 9: Catholic activist Roger Allen LaPorte self-immolates at the UN building in New York City.
  • November 20: 8,000 anti-war protesters march from Berkeley to Oakland in CA.
  • November 27: Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters hold the first "Acid Test" at Soquel, CA.
  • November 27: Up to 35,000 anti-war protesters march on the White House.
  • December: Clarion call "California Dreamin'" is first released by The Mamas and the Papas.[206]
  • December 3: The Beatles' Rubber Soul is released in the UK with a visually distorted image of the group on the cover. The single "Day Tripper" is also released. Paul McCartney later states that the song was about drugs, but the lyrics are about a female Sunday tourist.[207]
  • December 25: Timothy Leary is arrested for drug possession at the Mexican border.
  • December: The Pretty Things release Get the Picture?. The album includes a song entitled £.S.D.[208]
  • Phil Ochs releases the satirical "Draft Dodger Rag." He later performs the song on the CBS News Special Avoiding the Draft. Pete Seeger's version appears in 1966.
  • The East Village Other begins publication in New York City.
  • Early commune Drop City is founded in Colorado.
  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X is published posthumously. Derived from interviews of the slain civil rights activist by writer Alex Haley, it is considered to be one of the most influential works of non-fiction of the 20th century. Doubleday's cancellation of their original contract for the bestseller is later called the biggest mistake in publishing history.[209][210]
  • Unsafe at Any Speed: Activist attorney Ralph Nader's wake-up call concerning automotive safety is published and fuels the modern Consumer Movement. Nader's ongoing work leads to the passage of the US National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966. In 1972, annual US highway deaths peak at 54,589, approaching the total number of war dead during the 10-year US combat involvement in Vietnam.[211][212][213]



  • January: The "Human Be-In," "the joyful, face-to-face beginning of the new epoch" is held in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. 20,000 attend.[236][237][238]
  • January 12: US TV on LSD: Acid is the subject of the debut "Blue Boy" episode of the topical, but square and sermon-laden police drama Dragnet '67.[239][240]
  • January 29: Ultimate High: Mantra-Rock Dance at the Avalon Ballroom in San Francisco. Hare Krishna is promoted, and the Grateful Dead, Big Brother and the Holding Company and Moby Grape perform. Ginsberg, Leary and Owsley attend.[241][242]
  • February: Surrealistic Pillow by Jefferson Airplane is released. Grace Slick becomes the first female rock star. Psilocybin mushrooms are visible on the album cover. Tracks include "D.C.B.A.-25," referring to the song's chords and LSD-25.[243][244][245]
  • February: Quagmire: Noam Chomsky's anti-Vietnam essay The Responsibility of Intellectuals is published in The New York Review of Books.[246]
  • February 5: The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour debuts on CBS and soon pushes the boundaries of acceptable TV content to the limit.[247]
  • February 11: Human Fly-In: New York DJ Bob Fass uses the airwaves to inspire an impromtu gathering of thousands at Kennedy Airport, in what was later called a "prehistoric flash mob".[248][249][250]
  • February 12: Stones Bust: Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are arrested for drugs at Richards' UK mansion. In June they are tried and convicted, but soon freed on appeal.[251]
  • February 13: The Beatles issue Lennon's "Strawberry Fields Forever" as B-side to Paul's hit "Penny Lane." "Cranberry sauce" is heard after the song fades-out. Or is it "I buried Paul"?[252]
  • February 17: The cover of Life Magazine features Ed Sanders of The Fugs below "HAPPENINGS - The worldwide underground of the arts creates - THE OTHER CULTURE."[253][254]
  • February 22: MacBird! opens at the Village Gate in New York City and runs for 386 performances. The controversial play compares Lyndon Johnson to Shakespeare's Macbeth, who caused the death of his predecessor.[255]
  • March 26: 10,000 attend the New York City "Be-In" in Central Park.[256]
  • March 31: In an early and detailed report on the Haight in Life Magazine, Loudon Wainwright predicts that "the hour of the hippie...is coming."[257]
  • April 4: Beyond Vietnam: Dr. King delivers a monumental anti-war speech.[258]
  • April 7: The cover of TIME features the birth control pill.[259]
  • April 8–10: Race riots break out in Nashville, TN. Activist Stokely Carmichael and Allen Ginsburg are present.[260]
  • April 15: National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam: an estimated 400,000 protest the escalating Vietnam War in New York City, marching from Central Park to UN Headquarters. Dr. King and Stokely Carmichael speak. 75,000 assemble in San Francisco.[261]
  • April 28: Boxing Champ Muhammad Ali refuses induction into the US Army in Houston, TX, on the grounds that he is a conscientious objector to the war in Vietnam.[262]
  • April 29: The 14 Hour Technicolor Dream: Pink Floyd headlines for 7,000 attending a groundbreaking televised psychedelic rave to promote love and peace at Alexandra Palace, London.[263]
  • May 2: Armed Black Panthers led by Bobby Seale enter the California State Assembly, protesting a bill to outlaw open carry of loaded firearms. Seale and five others are arrested.[264]
  • May 5: Mr. Natural, Robert Crumb's soon to be ubiquitous underground comix counterculture icon, makes his first appearance in the premiere issue of Yarrowstalks.[265]
  • May 10: Rolling Stone Brian Jones is arrested for drug possession. He is arrested again in 1968. Jones' arrest record leaves him unable to tour outside of the UK.[266]
  • May 14: Police fire on student protesters at Jackson State College, MS, killing two, including James Earl Green.[267][268]
  • May 15–17: Student protesters confront police at Texas Southern University, resulting in the death of a police officer, and over 400 arrests.[269][270]
  • May 20–21: The Spring Mobilization Conference is held in Washington, D.C. 700 anti-war activists gather to discuss the April 15 protests, and to plan future demonstrations.[271]
  • June: Vietnam Veterans Against the War is formed in New York City.[272][273]
  • June–July: Race riots create upheaval in cities across the US.[274]
  • June–September: The "Summer of Love" in the Haight Ashbury district of San Francisco and recognition of the Hippie movement. Runaways inundate, TV crews visit, Gray Line sells bus tours.[275]
  • June 1: The Beatles' Sgt Pepper is released and widely recognised as the high-water mark of the brief psychedelic music era. It is also later rated as the greatest rock album of all time.[276][277]
  • June 10–11: Fantasy Fair and Magic Mountain Music Festival: The Summer of Love kicks off at Mount Tamalpais, Marin County, California. Over 30,000 see the Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Country Joe & the Fish, and many other acts perform in the first rock festival gathering of its kind.[278][279]
  • June 16–18: The Monterey Pop Festival in California draws 200,000 and is the first large extended festival of the rock era. Jimi Hendrix returns from the UK and makes his US "debut." David Crosby uses microphone time to brashly condemn the Warren Report.[280][281]
  • June 20: Muhammad Ali is found guilty of draft evasion. The US Supreme Court eventually hears Ali's legal appeal.[282]
  • June 25: All You Need Is Love: The BBC's live satellite broadcast of the Beatles' summer UK hit breaks records, reaching an estimated 200-400 million worldwide.[283][284]
  • June 30: US military forces in Vietnam total 448,000.
  • July 7: The cover of Time features hippies.
  • July 16: Hyde Park Rally: 5,000 gather in London to protest "immoral in principle and unworkable in practice" UK marijuana laws. A petition signed by many notables is published.[285][286]
  • July 23–27: The worst riots of the century to date erupt in Detroit, MI: 43 deaths, 467 injuries, over 7,200 arrests, and the burning of over 2,000 buildings to the ground.[287][288]
  • August 22: Look Magazine runs a cover story on "The Hippies".
  • August 27: Beatles manager Brian Epstein dies of a prescription drug overdose in London at age 32.[289]
  • September 30: Pirates No More: Hip Radio 1 commences broadcast over the legitimate airwaves of the BBC following the UK ban on offshore "pirate" radio transmissions.
  • October 6: "Guerrilla theater" group The Diggers stage a mock funeral for the "Death of Hippie" in San Francisco. The demonstration is intended to discourage more youngsters from descending upon the overcrowded, under-equipped Haight.[290]
  • October 8: Groovy Murders: James "Groovy" Hutchinson and Linda Fitzpatrick are murdered in New York City in a drug deal gone bad. Two drifters plead guilty.[291]
  • October 9: Death of Che Guevara: The Cuban ex-patriot, international revolutionary, and icon of revolt, is executed in Bolivia.[292]
  • October 17: Stop the Draft Week: Demonstrators mob the US Army Induction Center in Oakland, CA. Joan Baez is among those arrested. Some are charged with sedition.[79][293][294]
  • October 17: The rock musical Hair, featuring controversial full frontal nudity, premieres off-Broadway in New York City. The play becomes a Broadway smash in 1968.
  • October 19: Thousands of students clash with police at Brooklyn College in New York after two military recruiters appear on campus. Students strike the following day.
  • October 20–21: The "Mobe" Redux: 100,000 protest the war in Washington, DC. Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman and others lead attempts at "exorcism" and levitation of the Pentagon.[295][296]
  • October 27: "Baltimore Four": Catholic priest Philip Berrigan and three others are jailed after pouring blood on draft files in the SSS office, protesting bloodshed in Vietnam. Berrigan is later convicted.[297]
  • October 28: Black Panther leader Huey Newton is stopped by Oakland police. A shootout resulting in the death of an officer leads to Newton's conviction, which is later overturned.[298][299]
  • November: The activity at the Diggers' Free Store is the impetus for an anti-hippie turf war with local thugs in New York City.[300]
  • November 9: The first issue of Rolling Stone Magazine features a photo of John Lennon from the film How I Won The War.
  • November 20: Police using teargas charge a large student demonstration against recruiters for Dow Chemical (napalm manufacturer) at San Jose State College.
  • November 24: The Beatles release John Lennon's psychedelic coda "I Am the Walrus" The album Magical Mystery Tour arrives November 27.
  • December 4–8: Anti-war groups all across the US attempt to shut down draft board centers; Dr. Benjamin Spock and poet Allen Ginsburg are among the 585 arrested.
  • December 10: Monterey Pop Fest standout and soon-to-be soul legend Otis Redding dies in a plane crash at age 26.
  • December 22: Owsley Stanley is found in possession of 350,000 doses of LSD and 1,500 doses of STP, arrested, and sentenced to 3 years.
  • December 31: The term "Yippie" is coined by Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Dick Gregory, Paul Krassner and others. The Youth International Party is formed the following month.
  • December: The Moody Blues' masterpiece Days of Future Passed, featuring psychedelic themes and the London Festival Orchestra, is released.
  • December: US troops in Vietnam total 486,000. US war dead total 15,000.
  • Chemist Alexander Shulgin first ingests the MDMA (Ecstasy) he's been synthesizing in his Dow Chemical lab, and discovers mind-altering properties unknown since patent of the compound by Merck in 1912.[301]


  • Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test is published.[302]
  • January: Owsley-inspired pioneer Heavy Metal band Blue Cheer release Vincebus Eruptum.[303]
  • January 22: Laugh-In: The sketch comedy "phenomenon that both reflected and mocked the era's counterculture," and brought it into "mainstream living rooms" debuts on US TV.[304][305]
  • January 31: The Tet Offensive is launched by the NVA and Vietcong. Western forces are victorious on the battlefield, but not in the press.[306][307]
  • February 1: Following the free-form programming experimentations at KFRC-FM in San Francisco, WABX-FM in Detroit and other stations nationwide begin officially changing format. FM playlists and other content are now chosen by local DJs, not corporate executives or record companies. The Progressive Rock format takes hold.[308]
  • February 8: Police fire on and kill 3 protesting segregation at a South Carolina bowling alley, in what is known as the Orangeburg Massacre.[309]
  • February 15: The Beatles in India: All four Beatles, along with a coterie including Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithfull, Cilla Black and Mia Farrow travel by rail to join musicians Mike Love, Donovan and many others at Rishikesh for Transcendental Meditation training with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, amid widespread publicity.[310][311]
  • February 27: CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite, the "most trusted man in America", publicly expresses personal doubts regarding the possibility of ultimate victory in Vietnam.[312][313][314]
  • February 29: Kerner Report: The Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders is released after seven months of investigation into US urban rioting, and states that "our nation is moving towards two societies, one black, one white - separate and unequal."[315][316]
  • March 16: My Lai Massacre in Vietnam. Apparent wanton rape and murder of innocents by US GIs creates enormous new anti-war outcry when news leaks in 1969.[317][318][319]
  • March 17: London police stop 10,000 anti-war marchers from storming the US Embassy. 200 are arrested.[320]
  • March 18: Senator Robert F. Kennedy, a long-time supporter of US policy in Vietnam, speaks out against the war for the first time, and announces his candidacy for President.[321]
  • March 22: 3,000 Yippies take over Grand Central Station in New York City, staging a "Yip-In" that ultimately results in an "extraordinary display of unprovoked police brutality" and 61 arrests.[322][323][324]
  • March 31: President Johnson addresses the US public about Vietnam on TV, and shocks the nation with his closing remark that he will not seek a second term as President.[325]
  • Spring: Reggae: "Nanny Goat" by Larry Marshall, and Do the Reggay by Toots and the Maytals mark the arrival of a new musical genre.[326][327] Johnny Nash ("Hold Me Tight"), and Paul McCartney ("Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da") are inspired by the Jamaican sound.[328]
  • March–May: Columbia University protests, New York, NY. Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers becomes a protest slogan at this time, as well as the name of a radical activist group.[329]
  • April: The US Department of Defense begins calling-up reservists for duty in Vietnam. The US Supreme Court turns down a challenge to the mobilization in October.[330]
  • April: The US Bureau of Narcotics (from Treasury) and Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (from the Food and Drug Administration) merge, substantially ramping-up anti-drug efforts.[331]
  • April 4: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated in Memphis, TN. Drifter James Earl Ray is soon arrested for the murder. The King family later expresses complete doubt as to Ray's guilt.[332] Violence erupts in cities across the US, with thousands of Federal guardsman dispatched. Memphis, TN, Chicago, IL, Baltimore, MD, Kansas City, MO, and Washington, DC are hotspots.[333]
  • April 6: Oakland Shootout: Black Panther Bobby Hutton is killed and Eldridge Cleaver is wounded in a gun battle with police. Cleaver later claims that Hutton was murdered while in police custody.[334]
  • April 5: A Yippie plot to disrupt the upcoming August Democratic Convention in Chicago is published in Time.[335]
  • April 14: The Easter Sunday "Love-In" is held in Malibu Canyon, CA.[336]
  • April 27: Anti-war protesters march in several US cities, including 87,000 in Central Park, NYC.
  • May: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers first appear in The Rag, an Austin TX underground paper.[337][338]
  • May 2: Student protests erupt in France, which spread, escalate and lead to a general strike and widespread unrest during May and June, bringing the country to a virtual standstill.[339]
  • May 10: The Paris Peace Talks commence in France. The war in Southeast Asia is the subject of the negotiations.[340][341][342]
  • May 12: Dr. King's Poor People's Campaign establishes "Resurrection City", a shanty town on the National Mall in Washington D.C., with around 5,000 protesters.
  • May 17: Catonsville Nine: Catholic priests opposed to the war destroy draft records in a Maryland draft office.[343]
  • May 24–27: Louisville Riots: After a claim of police brutality, police and thousands of National Guard confront rioting protesters and looters. Two black teens die before order is restored.[344]
  • June 3: Artist Andy Warhol shot and wounded by a "radical feminist" writer.[345][346]
  • June 5: Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, winner of the California primary, and presumed presidential front-runner, is assassinated in Los Angeles. RFK dies June 6.[347]
  • June 19: "Solidarity Day" protest at Resurrection City draws 55,000 participants.
  • June 24: Remnants of "Resurrection City", with only about 300 protesters still remaining, razed by riot police.
  • July 17: The Beatles' post-psychedelic, pop-art animated film Yellow Submarine is released in the UK (November 13 in the US).[348][349]
  • July 28–30: University of California, Berkeley campus shut down by protests.
  • August 21: Communist tanks roll in Czechoslovakia and crush the popular "Prague Spring" uprising.[350]
  • August 25–29: Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The proceedings are overshadowed by massive protests staged by thousands of demonstrators of every stripe.[351] Mayor Daley's desire to enforce order in the city results in egregious police brutality, televised on national airwaves. On the third night, police indiscriminately attack protesters and bystanders, including journalists such as Mike Wallace, Dan Rather and Hugh Hefner. The spectacle is a turning point for both supporters and critics of the larger movement.
  • August 26: Revolution?: Lennon's B-side to McCartney's smash Hey Jude is released. Its eschewing of violent protest is seen as a betrayal by some on the left. A version recorded earlier was released in November and suggests indecision as to Lennon's stance on violence.[352]
  • August 31: First Isle of Wight Festival featuring Jefferson Airplane, Arthur Brown, The Move, Tyrannosaurus Rex and The Pretty Things.
  • September 7: At the Miss America protest, feminists demonstrate against what they call "The Degrading Mindless-Boob-Girlie Symbol", filling a "freedom trash can" with items including mops, pots and pans, Cosmopolitan and Playboy magazines, false eyelashes, high-heeled shoes, curlers, hairspray, makeup, girdles, corsets, and bras.
  • September 28: 10,000 in Chicago protest on one-month anniversary of the convention violence.
  • Fall: Stewart Brand begins publication of The Whole Earth Catalog.[353][354]
  • October 2: Tlatelolco massacre: Students and police violently clash in Mexico City.[355]
  • October 16: Mexico '68: Medal-winning American sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos raise their gloved hands on the Olympic award podium to protest global human rights shortcomings. Their demonstration is met with both international praise and death threats alike.[356]
  • October 18: John Lennon and Yoko Ono are arrested for drug possession in London. Lennon is only fined for his first offence, and more serious obstruction charges against the pair are dropped, but the arrest will later serve as the pretext for the politically-motivated attempted deportation of Lennon from the US in the 1970s.[357][358]
  • October 25: Emile de Antonio's highly controversial and Oscar nominated anti-war documentary In the Year of the Pig (per the Chinese "Year of the Pig") is released. de Antonio later earns a spot on President Nixon's Enemies List.[345][359]
  • October 27: 25,000 march in London against the Vietnam war.[360]
  • October 31: President Johnson orders a halt to the aerial bombing of North Vietnam.[361][362]
  • November 5: Former Vice President Richard M. Nixon defeats sitting VP Hubert Humphrey, and the Wallace/Lemay ticket in a close race. Nixon in January becomes the 37th President of the US, ending 8 years of democrat control of the White House.[363][364]
  • November 6: Students demanding minority studies courses begin a strike at San Francisco State College, where demonstrations and clashes occur into March 1969, making it the longest student strike in US history.[365][366][367]
  • November 11: Two Virgins: John Lennon & Yoko Ono's experimental album is released. Beatles' labels EMI and Capitol (US) refuse distribution, as the cover features the couple in shocking full frontal nudity. Lennon later describes the cover as a depiction of two slightly overweight ex-junkies.[368][369][370]
  • November 22: The Beatles' White Album is released. The band's hair is very long, and the musical content is not psychedelic.[371]
  • December 24: Earthrise, a photograph of the Earth, is taken from Moon orbit. "The most influential environmental photograph ever taken."[372]


  • January 8–18: Students at Brandeis University take over Ford and Sydeman Halls, demanding creation of an Afro-American Dept., which is approved by the University on April 24.[373]
  • January 29: Sir George Williams Computer Riot: the largest student campus occupation in Canadian history results in millions in damage in Montreal.[374]
  • January 30 – February 15: Administration building of University of Chicago taken over by around 400 student protesters in a "sit-in".
  • February 13: National Guard with teargas and riot sticks crush a pro-black demonstration at University of Wisconsin
  • February 16: After 3 days of clashes between police and Duke University students, the school agrees to establish a Black Studies program.
  • February 24: Tinker v. Des Moines: The US Supreme court affirms public school students' First Amendment rights to protest the war.[375]
  • March 1: Arrest warrants are issued for Doors frontman Jim Morrison after he allegedly simulates masturbation and threatens to expose himself at a concert in Miami, FL.
  • March 22: President Nixon condemns trend of campus takeovers and violence.
  • March 25–31: Following their wedding at Gibraltar, John Lennon & Yoko Ono hold a "Bed-In" peace event in Amsterdam.[376]
  • April: US troop strength in Vietnam peaks at over 543,000.[377][378]
  • April 3–4: National Guard called into Chicago, and Memphis placed on curfew on anniversary of Dr. King's assassination.
  • April 4: Smothered: CBS Chairman William S. Paley personally cancels the highly controversial Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.
  • April 9: 300 students "sit-in" at offices of Harvard protesting the ROTC. 400 police restore order April 10. The college makes ROTC extracurricular April 19.
  • April 19: Armed black students take over Willard Straight Hall at Cornell. The University accedes to their demands the following day, promising an Afro-American studies program.
  • April 25–28: Activist students takeover Merrill House at Colgate University demanding Afro-American studies programs.
  • May 7: Students at Howard University occupy 8 buildings. They are cleared by US Marshals May 9.
  • May 8: City College of New York closes following a 14-day-long student takeover demanding minority studies; riots among students break out when CCNY tries to reopen.
  • May 9–11: 3000 college students flock to the "Zip to Zap" event in rural North Dakota, degenerating into a riot dispersed by the National Guard.
  • May 15: Bloody Thursday: Alameda County Sheriffs sent in by governor Ronald Reagan to eject flower children from People's Park in Berkeley, CA open fire with buckshot-loaded shotguns, mortally wounding student James Rector, permanently blinding carpenter Alan Blanchard, and inflicting lesser wounds on hundreds of other Berkeley residents.
  • May 21–25: 1969 Greensboro uprising: student protesters battle police for five days on campus of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; one student killed May 22. National Guard assault the campus using teargas, even dropping it by helicopter.
  • May 23: Tommy: The Who's Rock Opera is a smash.[379]
  • May 26 – June 2: Celebrities gather as John & Yoko conduct their second Bed-In in Montreal, where the anti-war anthem "Give Peace a Chance" is recorded live.[380]
  • June 18: SDS convenes in Chicago; they oust the Progressive Labour faction June 28, which sets up its own rival convention.
  • June 28: The Stonewall Riots in New York City are the first major gay-rights uprisings in the US.
  • July 3: Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones, dies "by misadventure" in his swimming pool in East Sussex, UK, under mysterious circumstances at age 27.[381]
  • July 5: The Stones in the Park: Shocked by the overdose death of former bandmate Brian Jones, the grieving Rolling Stones continue with their much-anticipated free concert before a massive crowd at Hyde Park, London.[382][383]
  • July 14: The low-budget film Easy Rider is released and becomes a de facto cultural landmark. The film's success helps open doors for independent film makers of the 1970s.
  • July 15: Cover story on LOOK: "How Hippies Raise their Children."
  • July 18: The cover of LIFE Magazine features "hippie communes."
  • July 20: Apollo 11 lands. Humans walk on the moon. A tablet with the inscription "We Came in Peace for All Mankind" is left on the lunar surface.[384]
  • July 25: Vietnamization: RMN's Nixon Doctrine calls on Asian regional allies formerly guaranteed protection under treaty to fend for themselves in non-nuclear conflicts.
  • August 9–10: Helter Skelter: Actress Sharon Tate, Tate's unborn baby, and five others are viciously murdered at knifepoint by cult members acting under the direction of psychopath Charles Manson during a 2-day killing spree in California. The events shock the nation. For many, the crimes and Manson's "family" are seen as products of the counterculture.[385][386][387]
  • August 15–17: Woodstock: An estimated total of 300,000-500,000 people gather in upstate New York for "3 Days of Peace & Music" at the watershed event in counterculture history.[388][389]
  • August 19: Immediately following Woodstock, David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Joni Mitchell and Jefferson Airplane appear on the Dick Cavett Show. The Airplane's lyric "Up against the wall, motherfuckers!" in the performance of "We Can Be Together" slips past the censors and airs on national television.[390]
  • August 30–31: Second Isle of Wight Festival attracts 150,000 people to see acts including Bob Dylan and The Band, The Who, Free, Joe Cocker and The Moody Blues
  • September: First US issue of Penthouse Magazine is published by Robert Guccione.
  • September 1–2: Race rioting in Hartford, CT and Camden, NJ.
  • September 2: Ho Chi Minh, President of communist North Vietnam, dies.[391]
  • September 6: First broadcast of H.R. Pufnstuf.
  • September 24: The Chicago Eight trial commences. Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, et al., face charges including conspiracy to incite riots at the 1968 DNC Convention. They become the Chicago Seven November 5 after defendant Bobby Seale is bound, gagged, and severed from the proceedings.
  • October 4: TV star Art Linkletter's daughter Diane, 20, jumps to her death from her 6th story apartment. Linkletter claims Timothy Leary and LSD are responsible.[392]
  • October 8–11: Days of Rage: Elements of the SDS and the Weather Underground faction continue radical efforts to "bring the war home" in Chicago, and exchange brutalities with Chicago Police.[393]
  • October 15: Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam: massive anti-war demonstrations across the US and world.
  • October 21: Jack Kerouac dies from complications of alcoholism at age 47.
  • October 29: "login": The first message on the ARPANET - precursor to the internet and WWW - is sent by UCLA student programmer Charley Kline.[394]
  • November 13: Vice President Agnew publicly criticizes the three mainstream television networks for their lack of favorable coverage.
  • November 15: Moratorium redux: over 500,000 march in Washington, DC. It is the largest anti-war demonstration in US history.[395]
  • November 20: Native American protesters begin the Occupation of Alcatraz; occupation continues 19 months until June 11, 1971.
  • December: Total US casualties (dead & seriously wounded) in Vietnam total 100,000.
  • December 1: The first draft lottery in the US since World War II is held in New York City. Later statistical analysis indicates the lottery method was flawed.
  • December 4: Black Panther Fred Hampton is killed by combined elements of Federal, Illinois State, and Chicago law enforcement under circumstances which to some suggest political assassination.
  • December 6: Altamont: the Rolling Stones help organize and headline at a free concert attended by 300,000. The event devolves into chaos and violent death at a speedway between Tracy and Livermore, CA.[396][397]
  • December 27–31: Flint War Council, Michigan. SDS is abolished, the Weathermen break off, and one of the most significant seditious revolts since the US Civil War emerges.
  • Wavy Gravy's Hog Farm Hippie commune is established near Llano, NM.
  • Friends of the Earth is founded in the US. It becomes an international network in 1971.
  • Making of a Counter Culture: Theodore Roszak's Reflections on the Technocratic Society is published. Roszak is later credited with coining the term "counterculture" in print.[398]



  • President Nixon establishes the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The agency is activated in December 1970.
  • January 1: Voting age in Britain lowered from 21 to 18.
  • February: Weather Underground bombings and arsons in US states of NY, CA, WA, MD, & MI.
  • February 18: Chicago 7 verdicts are handed down: 2 are exonerated, 5 are soon sentenced for "crossing state lines with intent to incite a riot".
  • February 23–26: Students riot at University of California-Santa Barbara.
  • February 25–28: Students riot, occupy campus buildings, etc. at SUNY Buffalo, NY.
  • March 6: Greenwich Village townhouse explosion: 3 members of the Weather Underground are killed while assembling a bomb in New York City.
  • March 26: The documentary film Woodstock is released.
  • April 1: Jerry Rubin guest appears the Phil Donahue Show and lambastes Donahue for his conservative appearance.
  • April 7: California Governor Ronald Reagan is quoted on college campus student unrest: "If it takes a blood bath, let's get it over with."
  • April 7: X-Rated Midnight Cowboy wins 3 Oscars including Best Picture in Hollywood.[399][400]
  • April 10: Paul McCartney, when promoting his first solo album, announces that the Beatles have disbanded.
  • April 15: 100,000 gather on Boston Common to protest Vietnam War; about 500 radicals attempt to seize microphone, disrupting meeting.
  • April 22: The first Earth Day is held.
  • April 30: President Nixon reveals secret US military operations in Cambodia.
  • May 1–3: 13,000 people take part in peaceful demonstrations at Yale University in support of defendants in the New Haven Black Panther trials.
  • May 2: Students at Kent State University protesting the spread of the war into Cambodia burn the ROTC building to the ground. Ohio Governor Jim Rhodes calls in the National Guard at the request of Kent's Mayor.[401]
  • May 4: In what is perhaps the greatest tragedy of the stateside anti-war protest movement, poorly-trained soldiers of the Ohio National Guard are set loose into confrontation with - and open fire on - unarmed students at Kent State University leaving 4 dead and nine wounded, including Dean Kahler, who was paralyzed.[402]
  • May 5: The International Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty takes effect.
  • May 6: Student Strike of 1970: Many colleges across the US shut down in protest of the war and Kent State events.
  • May 8: Hard Hat Riot: Construction workers confront anti-war demonstrators, Wall St., New York City. They march again May 11. On May 20, 100,000 construction workers and longshoremen demonstrate in favor of administration war policy at New York City Hall.
  • May 9: 100,000 rally against war in Washington, DC. At 4:15am, President Nixon defies Secret Service security, and leaves the White House to meet and chat with astonished protesters camping out at the Lincoln Memorial.[403][404][405]
  • May 14: Jackson State killings: Police kill two and injure 11 during violent student demonstrations at Jackson State College, MS. This is two days after six African-American men were fatally shot in the back for violating curfew in Augusta by the Georgia National Guard.
  • May 19: Student riot at Fresno State University.
  • May 21: 5,000 National Guard troops occupy Ohio State University following violence.
  • June 11: Daniel Berrigan is arrested by the FBI for kidnapping/bombing conspiracy.
  • June 12: Major League Baseball pitching star Dock Ellis takes LSD and throws a no-hitter. Ellis later quits drugs, becomes a recovery counselor, and expresses deep regret over drug abuse during his entire playing career.[406][407]
  • June 13: President Nixon appoints the President's Commission on Campus Unrest. The report issued in September finds a direct correlation between the unrest and the level of US military involvement in Indochina.
  • June 15: The US Supreme Court confirms conscientious objector protection on moral grounds.
  • June 22: The US voting age is lowered to 18. This is soon challenged and overturned in the Supreme Court, leading to the swift adoption of the 26th Amendment on June 1, 1971 guaranteeing suffrage at 18.
  • June 27–28: Bath Festival of Blues and Progressive Music, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, UK, featuring Hot Tuna, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and many more.
  • July: Huston Plan: A broad, cross-agency scheme for illegal domestic surveillance of anti-war figures is concocted by a White House staffer, and accepted but then quickly quashed by President Nixon. Elements of the plan were, however, allegedly implemented in any event.[408][409][410]
  • August 6: Riot police evacuate Disneyland in Anaheim, CA after a few hundred Yippies stage a protest.
  • August 17: Communist activist Angela Davis appears on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list after a firearm purchased in her name is linked to a murder plot involving a judge.
  • August 24: The Sterling Hall Bombing at the University of Wisconsin in Madison by anti-war activists kills physics researcher Robert Fassnacht. Four others are severely injured, and millions of dollars in damages occur.[411]
  • August 26: Women's Strike for Equality: 50 years after US women's suffrage, 20,000 celebrate and march in New York City, demanding true equality for women in American life.[412]
  • August 26–31: 600,000+ attend Third Isle of Wight Festival. Over fifty acts including The Who, Hendrix, Miles Davis, The Doors, Ten Years After, ELP, Joni Mitchell, and Jethro Tull.
  • August 29–30: Rioting and violence erupts at Chicano Moratorium anti-war rally in Los Angeles; reporter Rubén Salazar is killed by a teargas shell.
  • September: Jesus Christ Superstar: The Christian Rock Opera debuts as an album. It later becomes a smash on Broadway and on film.[413]
  • September 12: Timothy Leary escapes prison with help from the Weather Underground, and joins Eldridge Cleaver in Algiers.
  • September 16: London: Apolitical hard rock act Led Zeppelin end the Beatles' 8-year run as Melody Maker's world #1 group of the year.
  • September 18: Exceptionally influential musician Jimi Hendrix dies from complications of a probable drug overdose at age 27 in London.
  • September 19: Pilton Pop, Blues & Folk Festival, the first ever Glastonbury Festival, features T-Rex and is attended by 1,500 people.
  • October: The Female Eunuch: Germaine Greer's pro-feminist bestseller is published.[414]
  • October: Keith Stroup founds NORML, a group working to end marijuana prohibition, in Washington, DC.
  • October 4: Janis Joplin, rock's first female superstar, dies as the result of an apparent accidental heroin overdose at age 27 in Los Angeles.
  • October 13: Political activist Angela Davis is arrested on kidnapping, murder, and conspiracy charges.
  • October 26: Doonesbury debuts as a syndicated comic strip, acknowledges the counterculture, and continues to chronicle events into the 21st century.[415]
  • October 29: President Nixon is pelted with eggs by an unfriendly crowd of 2000 after giving a speech in San Jose, CA.
  • November 7: Jerry Rubin appears live on The David Frost Show and tries to pass a joint to the talkshow host, the signal for Yippies in the audience to rush the stage and protest.
  • December 6: The Maysles Brothers release their film documentary of Altamont: Gimme Shelter.
  • December 21: Elvis Presley arrives unannounced at the White House. The King meets and is photographed with President Nixon. They discuss patriotism, hippies, and the war on drugs.[416][417]
  • December: Paul McCartney sues to dissolve the Beatles.


  • January 2: The ban on cigarette advertising on US TV and radio takes effect.[418]
  • January 12: Styled after the UK TV hit Till Death Us Do Part, the long-running US smash All in the Family debuts with Rob Reiner as Michael Stivic, the counterculture's college-educated answer to the working-class Archie Bunker.[419][420]
  • January 31: Police fire on a peace march in Los Angeles, killing one.
  • February 4: A military induction center in Oakland, CA is bombed.
  • February 4–8: Rioting in Wilmington, NC leaves 2 dead.
  • February 13: An induction center in Atlanta, GA is bombed.
  • February 21: The UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances is signed in Vienna, with the intention of controlling psychoactive drugs such as amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and psychedelics at the international level.[115]
  • March 1: The US Capitol building is bombed by war protesters; no injuries, but extensive damage results.
  • March 5: The FCC says that it can penalize radio stations for playing music that seems to glorify or promote illegal drug usage.
  • March 8: The Fight of the Century: Conscientious Objector and counterculture hero Muhammad Ali loses to default symbol of the pro-war right Joe Frazier at Madison Square Garden, NYC, in what is widely considered to be the greatest heavyweight fight in boxing history.[421][422][423]
  • March 11: Rioting at University of Puerto Rico leaves 3 dead.
  • April 23: Vietnam veterans protest against the war at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, throw their medals on the steps, and testify to US war crimes.
  • April 24: 500,000 protesters rally at US Capitol to petition for an end to the war; 200,000 rally against the war in San Francisco.
  • May 3: Over 12,000 anti-war protesters are arrested on the third day of the 1971 May Day Protests in Washington, DC.
  • May 10: Attorney General John N. Mitchell compares the anti-war protesters to Nazis, and on May 13, calls them Communists.
  • May 17: The play Godspell opens in New York, depicting Jesus and his disciples in a contemporary, countercultural milieu.
  • May 31: US military personnel in London petition at US Embassy against the Vietnam War.
  • June 13: Pentagon Papers: The New York Times publishes the first excerpt of illegally leaked secret US military documents detailing US intervention in Indochina since 1945. A Federal Court injunction on June 15 temporarily stops the releases.[424]
  • June 18: The Washington Post publishes excerpts from the Pentagon Papers, halted by court order the following day.
  • June 20–24 : 'Glastonbury Fayre', the second Glastonbury Festival, features David Bowie, Traffic, Fairport Convention, and the first incarnation of the "Pyramid Stage".
  • June 22: The Boston Globe publishes Pentagon Papers excerpts; this is halted by injunction on the 23rd and the newspapers are impounded.
  • June 28: Muhammad Ali's conviction for draft resistance is unanimously overturned by the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC.
  • June 28: President Nixon releases all 47 volumes of Pentagon Papers to Congress.
  • June 30: Supreme Court rules 6-3 that newspapers have a right to publish the Pentagon Papers. The Times and Post resume publication the following day.
  • July 3: Jim Morrison, founding member of The Doors, dies of a probable heroin overdose at age 27 in Paris.
  • August 1: Concert for Bangladesh: George Harrison and friends including Ravi Shankar, Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton, Leon Russell, Billy Preston and Bob Dylan stage a landmark charity event in New York. Popular albums and a film follow, and the shows become a model for huge rock benefits such as Live Aid.[425]
  • August 18: Attorney General Mitchell announces there will be no Federal investigation of the 1970 Kent State shootings.
  • August: Cheech & Chong's eponymous first album is released.
  • September 3: Burglars operating under the direction of White House officials break in to the office of Daniel Ellsburg's psychiatrist in a botched attempt to find files to discredit the Pentagon Papers leaker.[426]
  • September 9: Attica: Prisoners take control, hold hostages, and riot at Attica State Prison, NY. 39 die before prisoner demands are met and order is restored.
  • September 15: Greenpeace is founded in Vancouver, BC.
  • October: est, the controversial self-improvement training program holds its first conference in San Francisco.[427]
  • October 8: Three FBI informants reveal on PBS that they were paid to infiltrate anti-war groups and instigate them to commit violent acts which could be prosecuted.
  • October 19–23: Rioting in Memphis leaves one dead.
  • October 29: Guitar phenomenon Duane Allman of the Allman Brothers Band is killed in a motorcycle accident in Macon, GA at age 24.
  • November 10: Berkeley, CA City Council votes to provide sanctuary to all military deserters.
  • November: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson's drug-drenched indictment of 1960s counterculture, is published in Rolling Stone in 2 parts.
  • December 10: John Lennon and others perform at the John Sinclair Freedom Rally at Crisler Arena, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • December 26–28: 15 Vietnam veterans occupy the Statue of Liberty to protest the war.
  • December 28: Anti-war veterans attempt takeover of Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. 80 are arrested.
  • December: Feminism comes of age: Gloria Steinem's Ms. Magazine is first published as an insert in New York Magazine. The first standalone issue arrives the following month.
  • Stephen Gaskin establishes "The Farm" hippie commune in Tennessee.
  • Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is published.[428]
  • Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book is published.
  • The Anarchist Cookbook is published.
  • Our Bodies, Ourselves is published.[429]


  • March: The Nixon administration begins deportation proceedings against John Lennon, on the pretext of his 1968 marijuana charge in London.[430]
  • March 22: The National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, appointed by President Nixon, finds "little danger" in cannabis, recommending abolition of all criminal penalties for possession.
  • April 16: Facing heavy ground losses, US forces resume the bombing of Northern Vietnam.
  • April 17–18: Students at University of Maryland protesting the bombing battle with police and National Guard are sent in.
  • April 22: Large anti-war marches in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
  • May 2: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover dies at 77, after nearly 50 years as the top US law enforcement official.[431]
  • May 19: Weather Underground bomb at the Pentagon causes damage but no injuries.
  • May 21–22: 15,000 demonstrate in Washington against the war.
  • June 4: Angela Davis is acquitted on all counts in her weapons trial.
  • June 12: John Lennon's Plastic Ono Band releases the politically charged double album Some Time in New York City.
  • June 17: The Watergate burglars are arrested in Washington, DC.
  • July 28: Actress Jane Fonda visits North Vietnam. Fonda's return incites outrage when a photograph[432] of her seated on an enemy anti-aircraft gun is published, and she insists that POWs held captive have not been tortured or brainwashed by the communists.[433][434]
  • July: The first Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes is held over 4 days in Colorado, US.
  • October 26: October Surprise?: US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger tells a White House press conference that "we believe that peace is at hand."[435]
  • November 2–8: About 500 protesters from the American Indian Movement take over the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington.
  • November 7: Republican Richard Nixon is re-elected in a landslide over progressive democrat Senator George McGovern.
  • November 16: Police kill 2 students during campus rioting at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • November 21: A Federal Appeals Court overturns the conviction of the "Chicago 7" members.
  • December 18–29: US Operation Linebacker II becomes most intensive bombing campaign of the war.
  • The Joy of Sex: Unthinkable a decade earlier, the widely read sex manual for the liberated 1970s is published and openly displayed in mainstream bookstores.
  • Michael X, a self-styled black revolutionary and civil rights activist in 1960s London, is convicted of murder. He was executed by hanging in Spain in 1975.


  • January 1: Bangladeshis burn down the US Information Service in Dacca in protest of the bombing of North Vietnam.
  • January 2: Aerial bombing of North Vietnam resumes after a 36-hour New Year's truce.
  • January 4: Forty neutral member nations of the UN formally protest the US bombing campaign.
  • January 5: Canada's Parliament votes unanimously to condemn US bombing actions and calls for them to cease.
  • January 10: Anti-war demonstrators attack US consulate in Lyons, France, and burn down the library of America House in Frankfurt, West Germany.
  • January 15: Anti-war protesters occupy US consulate in Amsterdam.
  • January 15: President Nixon suspends the bombing, citing progress in the Peace talks with Hanoi. West German Chancellor Willy Brandt warns Nixon that US relations with Western Europe are at risk.[436]
  • January 22: Former US President Lyndon B. Johnson dies of cancer at his Texas ranch.
  • January 22: The US Supreme Court rules on Roe v. Wade, effectively legalizing abortion.[437][438]
  • January 28: US combat military involvement in Vietnam ends with a ceasefire, and commencement of withdrawal as called for under the Paris Peace Accords.[439]
  • February 27 – May 8: Wounded Knee incident: Native American activists occupy the town of Wounded Knee, SD; 2 protesters and 1 US Marshal are killed during a lengthy standoff.[440]
  • March: The first military draftees who are not subsequently called to service are selected, unceremoniously ending the Vietnam era of conscription in the US.
  • March 8: Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, a founding member of the Grateful Dead, dies of a gastrointestinal hemorrhage at age 27 in Corte Madera, CA.[441]
  • March 29: Last US combat troops leave Vietnam as US POWs have been released.
  • May 17: The Senate Watergate Committee begins televised hearings on the ever-growing Watergate scandal implicating the President for gross abuses of power.
  • July 1: The Drug Enforcement Administration supplants the BNDD.[442]
  • July 28: Summer Jam at Watkins Glen, NY draws 600,000 to see the Grateful Dead, the Band, and the Allman Brothers - the largest such gathering in the US since Woodstock.[443]
  • August 15: All US military involvement in Indochina conflict officially ends under the Case–Church Amendment.
  • October 10: Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns. President Nixon names Congressman Gerald R. Ford of Michigan to replace Agnew on October 12.[444]
  • October 23: Congress begins to consider articles of impeachment against Nixon.
  • November 14: Greece: Students at Athens Polytechnic strike against the military junta. Tanks roll the 17th and at least 24 die.[445]
  • November 17: At a session with 400 AP editors, President Nixon states, "People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got."[446]


  • January 3: A Federal judge dismisses charges against 12 members of the Weathermen involved in the October 1969 "Days of Rage".
  • February 5: Patty Hearst is kidnapped by extremist group Symbionese Liberation Army and joins them, possibly after becoming a victim of Stockholm Syndrome.
  • March–April: Short-lived fad of "streaking" is at its height in the US.[447][448]
  • April 20: Disco music, following the success of "Love Train" a year earlier, again hits number one on the Billboard charts with "TSOP", a clear sign that the post-"sixties counterculture" era is now at hand. The punk rock subculture also traces its genesis to around this time, with groups like Ramones and Television playing the CBGB club in NYC.
  • May 17: Six SLA members are killed fighting police in Los Angeles.
  • Summer: First issue of High Times is published.
  • July 29: Singing star "Mama" Cass Elliot, age 32, dies from heart failure in Mayfair, London.[449]
  • August 8: Facing imminent impeachment, Richard Nixon announces he will resign as President of the United States. Vice President Gerald Ford is sworn in as president on August 9 and declares "our long national nightmare is over."
  • September–December: Police repeatedly quell unrest as desegregation comes to Boston high schools.
  • September 8: President Ford fully pardons former president Nixon.
  • September 16: President Ford offers conditional amnesty to military deserters and evaders of the Vietnam era draft, creating a path for re-entry into the US.[450]
  • December 13: President Ford invites George Harrison to luncheon at the White House.[451]
  • December 21: The New York Times reports that the CIA illegally spied on 10,000 anti-war dissidents under Nixon's presidency.[452][453]


  • January 1: John Mitchell and three other Watergate conspirators are found guilty and sentenced to prison Feb. 21.
  • January 27: Church Committee: The US Senate votes to begin unprecedented investigation into US intelligence activities, including illegal spying on domestic radicals.[454]
  • January 29: Weather Underground bomb at the US State Department, none injured.
  • April 30: Operation Frequent Wind: The last remaining US military and intelligence personnel escape Saigon as South Vietnam is invaded by communist forces, in direct violation of the Peace Accords.[455]
  • September 5 & 22: President Ford survives assassination attempts by two women in one month.[456]
  • September 18: Patty Hearst is arrested by the FBI.[457]
  • October 7: A New York State Supreme Court judge reverses the deportation order against John Lennon, allowing Lennon to legally remain in the US.[458]
  • October 11: Saturday Night Live: The counterculture comes of age as George Carlin hosts the first episode of the mainstream TV revue. The long-running series soon features many notable American TV firsts, including open depiction of marijuana use in comedy sketches.[459][460][461]


  • January 21: Newly inaugurated US President Jimmy Carter unconditionally pardons thousands of Vietnam draft evaders, allowing them to re-enter the US, mostly from Canada.[462]
  • August 16: Elvis Presley, the most significant progenitor of the rock era and an early critic of the counterculture, dies at age 42 from complications of prescription drug abuse in Memphis, TN.[463][464]


  • November 27: Gay rights acitvist and member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors from District 5 Harvey Milk and San Francisco Mayor George Moscone are assassinated by Dan White.


  • December 8: John Lennon, founding member of the Beatles, is murdered by a deranged fan in New York, triggering an outpouring of grief around the world.[465]

See also


  1. ^ "NAACP: 100 Years of History". naacp.org. NAACP. Retrieved September 21, 2014. Founded Feb. 12. 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. Its more than half-million members and supporters throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, campaigning for equal opportunity and conducting voter mobilization.
  2. ^ "A Brief History of Methamphetamine - Methamphetamine Prevention in Vermont". healthvermont.gov. Vermont Department of Health. Retrieved September 21, 2014. 1960s: Doctors in San Francisco drug clinics prescribe injections of methamphetamine to treat heroin addiction. Illegal abuse occurs in subcultures such as outlaw biker gangs and students, which cook and use the drug. {{cite web}}: horizontal tab character in |quote= at position 7 (help)
  3. ^ Philip Jenkins (1999). Synthetic Panics: The Symbolic Politics of Designer Drugs. NYU Press. pp. 29–. ISBN 978-0-8147-4244-0.
  4. ^ "ACLU History". www.aclu.org. American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved April 25, 2014.
  5. ^ "Obituary: Albert Hoffman". telegraph.co.uk. Telegraph Media Group Ltd. April 29, 2008. Retrieved May 21, 2014.
  6. ^ "The History of CORE". core-online.org. Congress of Racial Equality. Retrieved September 21, 2014. The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was founded in 1942 as the Committee of Racial Equality by an interracial group of students in Chicago-Bernice Fisher, James R. Robinson, James L. Farmer, Jr., Joe Guinn, George Houser, and Homer Jack.. Many of these students were members of the Chicago branch of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), a pacifist organization seeking to change racist attitudes. The founders of CORE were deeply influenced by Mahatma Gandhi's teachings of nonviolent resistance.
  7. ^ Larry Birnbaum (2013). Before Elvis: The Prehistory of Rock 'n' Roll. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 172–. ISBN 978-0-8108-8638-4.
  8. ^ Lamont, Lansing (1965). Day of Trinity (2nd printing ed.). New York: Atheneum. p. 235. ISBN 978-0689706868. A pinprick of brilliant light punctured the darkness, spurted upward in a flaming jet, then spilled into a dazzling cloche of fire that bleached the desert to a ghastly white. It was precisely 5:29:45 A.M.
  9. ^ File:Trinity Test Fireball 16ms.jpg
  10. ^ File:Manhattan Project US Canada Map 2.svg
  11. ^ "Hiroshima Totally Ruined, Life is Wiped Out, Say Japanese". news.google.com/newspapers. AP via The Spokane Chronicle. August 8, 1945. Retrieved May 27, 2014.
  12. ^ Feinsilber, Mike (August 9, 1995). "Nagasaki's Laegacy: After Hiroshima, was it necessary to drop 2nd A-bomb?". http://news.google.com/newspapers. AP via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved May 27, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  13. ^ Truman, Harry (1955). Memoirs, Vol. I: Year of Decisions. New York: Doubleday & Co.
  14. ^ Njølstad, Olav (June 19, 2003). "The Development and Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons". nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB.
  15. ^ Halberstam, David (1993). The Fifties (First (pbk) ed.). New York: Willard Books (Random House). pp. 134–143. ISBN 0-679-41559-9. In 1944 there had been only 114,000 new houses started; by 1946 that figure had jumped to 937,000: to 1,118,000 in 1948; and 1.7 million in 1950.
  16. ^ William H. Young; Nancy K. Young (2010). World War II and the Postwar Years in America: A Historical and Cultural Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. pp. 458–. ISBN 978-0-313-35652-0.
  17. ^ "A Brief History of Levittown, New York". levittownhistoricalsociety.org. Levittown Historical Society. Retrieved July 30, 2014.
  18. ^ "HUAC (Text & Multi-Media Resources)". history.com. A&E Networks. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  19. ^ Ceplair, Larry; Englund, Steven (1979). The Inquisiton in Hollywood: Politics in the Film Community 1930-1960. Berkeley, CA, etal: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-04886-5.
  20. ^ "The Kinsey Institute: Chronology of Events and Landmark Publications". kinseyinstitute.org. The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Inc. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
  21. ^ Committee on Armed Services, U.S. House of Representatives (July 26, 1947). National Security Act of 1947 (1973-10 ed.). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Public lAw 253, 80th Congress, July 26, 1947 (61 Stat. 495)
  22. ^ "Milestones: 1945–1952 - National Security Act of 1947". history.state.gov. US Department of State. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  23. ^ "A Look Back … The National Security Act of 1947". cia.gov. US Central Intelligence Agency. April 30, 2013. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  24. ^ "USAF ESTABLISHED". nationalmuseum.af.mil. National Museum of the United States Air Force. October 22, 2013. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  25. ^ Kurt Hemmer (January 1, 2009). Encyclopedia of Beat Literature. Infobase Publishing. pp. 176–. ISBN 978-1-4381-0908-4.
  26. ^ Lelyveld, Joseph (October 22, 1969). "Jack Kerouac, Novelist, Dead; Father of the Beat Generation". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  27. ^ "1948: Shelley v. Kraemer". bostonfairhousing.org. Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston. Retrieved July 16, 2014. The Supreme Court found that while racially-based restrictive covenants are not themselves unconstitutional, enforcement of the covenants is: *Private parties may voluntarily adhere to racially-based restrictive covenants. *State enforcement of racially-based restrictive covenants, however, is discriminatory as it violates the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment
  28. ^ Rosen, Mark D. (April 2007). "Was Shelley v. Kraemer Incorrectly Decided-Some New Answers". Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository. BerkeleyLaw - University of California. Retrieved January 14, 2015. Shelley's attribution logic threatened to dissolve the distinction between state action, to which Fourteenth Amendment limitations apply, and private action, which falls outside the Fourteenth Amendment.
  29. ^ Lanz, Peter (1985). Das große Käfer-Buch (The Big Book on Beetles). Munich and Bergisch-Gladbach, 1985. ISBN 3-404-60141-6.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link) CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  30. ^ Flink, James (1975). The Car Culture. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. p. 197. ISBN 0-262-56015-1.
  31. ^ Hirsch, Jerry (January 31, 2014). "First Volkswagen Beetle arrived in a U.S. showroom 65 years ago". latimes.com. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved July 31, 2014. They were so adaptable, you could turn them into a dune buggy, you could hop it up, you could paint it wildly," he said. "It was the car of the hippie movement and of the counterculture - Leslie Kendall, curator of the Petersen Automotive Museum
  32. ^ "People & Events: First Soviet Test". pbs.org. PBS (US). Retrieved June 23, 2014. Multi-Media Resources from "the American Experience"
  33. ^ Christopher R. Lew (March 30, 2009). The Third Chinese Revolutionary Civil War, 1945–49: An Analysis of Communist Strategy and Leadership. Routledge. pp. 1–. ISBN 978-1-135-96973-8.
  34. ^ Rudolph J. Rummel (January 1, 1991). China's Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900. Transaction Publishers. pp. 171–. ISBN 978-0-88738-417-2.
  35. ^ "Brief history of the Korean War". bbc.com. The BBC. May 26, 2010. Retrieved September 21, 2014. When a ceasefire was eventually signed, on 27 July 1953, no-one could have guessed that 50 years later, the two Koreas would remain technically at war. A peace treaty has never been signed, and the border continues to bristle with mines, artillery and hundreds of troops.
  36. ^ "U.S. Military Casualties - Korean War Casualty Summary". www.dmdc.osd.mil. US Department of Defense. Retrieved September 21, 2014. TOTAL IN-THEATER DEATHS: 36,574 (updated as of 2014-09-19).
  37. ^ a b "This Day in History". History Channel. Cite error: The named reference "History.com" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  38. ^ Hoffer, Eric (1951). The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements. New York: Harper & Brothers. ISBN 0-060-50591-5.
  39. ^ Dirda, Michael (May 9, 2012). "Book World: Blue-collar Intellectual by 'Eric Hoffer: The Longshoreman Philosopher'". The Washington Post. Washington Post. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  40. ^ Rothstein, Edward (April 13, 2009). "MAD Magazine". topics.nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved July 7, 2014. Adapted from Is It Still a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World?" by Edward Rothstein, The Times, Sept. 18, 1999, and other Times articles
  41. ^ Larry E. Sullivan (August 31, 2009). The SAGE Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. SAGE Publications. pp. 156–. ISBN 978-1-4522-6151-5.
  42. ^ Burns, Thomas. "The Origins of the National Security Agency -1940-1952 (U)" (PDF). nsa.gov. US National Security Agency. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  43. ^ The National Security Agency and Fourth Amendment Rights: Hearings before the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities of The US Senate (Volume 5 ed.). Washington, DC: US Senate, 94th Congress, 1st Session. 1975.
  44. ^ "National Book Awards - 1953". nationalbook.org. National Book Foundation. Retrieved June 27, 2014. Winner: Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man
  45. ^ US Senate (August 3, 1977). Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification. Washington, DC: US Senate. p. 70. Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence, etal, 95 Congress, 1st Session. Includes testimony, appendices, and copies of documents.
  46. ^ "Execution of the Rosenbergs: "Enemies of Democracy"". theguardian.com. Guardian News and Media Limited. June 20, 1953. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  47. ^ "Secrets, Lies, & Atomic Spies: The September 21, 1944 cable: The Rosenbergs and the Greenglasses". pbs.org. WGBH Boston. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  48. ^ "Venona". nsa.gov. US National Security Agemcy. Retrieved June 23, 2014. The VENONA files are most famous for exposing Julius (code named LIBERAL) and Ethel Rosenberg and help give indisputable evidence of their involvement with the Soviet spy ring.
  49. ^ Risen, James (April 16, 2000). "Secrets of History: The CIA in Iran". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved September 21, 2014. NYT Editorial Note on PDF attached to web article: The C.I.A.'s history of the 1953 coup in Iran is made up of the following documents: a historian's note, a summary introduction, a lengthy narrative account written by Dr. Donald N. Wilber, and, as appendices, five planning documents he attached. On April 16, 2000, The New York Times on the Web published the introduction and several of the appendices. (from: http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/iran-cia-intro.pdf) {{cite web}}: External link in |quote= (help)
  50. ^ "Playboy re-releases iconic Marilyn Monroe first issue 60 years later (Text & Photos)". nydailynews.com. The New York Daily News. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  51. ^ Douglas Brode (January 27, 2009). Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment. University of Texas Press. pp. 132–. ISBN 978-0-292-78330-0.
  52. ^ "Truth About Indochina". PBS.org.
  53. ^ Moise, Edwin E. (1998). "The Vietnam Wars, Section 4: The Geneva Accords". clemson.edu. Retrieved July 7, 2014. The Geneva Accords stated that Vietnam was to become an independent nation. Elections were to be held in July 1956, under international supervision, to choose a government for Vietnam. During the two-year interval until the elections, the country would be split into two parts; the North and the South. The dividing line chosen, at the seventeenth parallel a little north of the city of Hue, was quite close to the line that had separated the two halves of Vietnam in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but this was purely a coincidence. This line no longer corresponded to any natural division in Vietnamese society, in economy, political structure, religion, or dialect. It was an arbitrary compromise between French proposals for a line further north and Viet Minh proposals for a line further south.
  54. ^ "Brown v. Board of Education (1954)". ourdocuments.gov. The National Archives and Records Administration, et al (US). Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  55. ^ "Brown v. Board of Education". civilrights.org. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights/The Leadership Conference Education Fund. 2014. Retrieved October 18, 2014. On May 17, 1954, the Court unanimously ruled that "separate but equal" public schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional. The Brown case served as a catalyst for the modern civil rights movement, inspiring education reform everywhere and forming the legal means of challenging segregation in all areas of society. After Brown, the nation made great strides toward opening the doors of education to all students. With court orders and active enforcement of federal civil rights laws, progress toward integrated schools continued through the late 1980s. Since then, many states have been resegregating and educational achievement and opportunity have been falling for minorities.
  56. ^ Krock, Arthur (1968). Memoirs: Sixty Years on the Firing Line. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. p. 411. ISBN 978-1122260817. Arthur Krock, three-time Pulitzer Prize winner, was for more than 30 years Washington Correspondent at the New York Times
  57. ^ Bronson, Fred (1988). The Billboard Book of Number One Hits (2 ed.). New York: Billboard Publications. p. 1. ISBN 0-8230-7545-1.
  58. ^ Callard, Abby (November 1, 2009). "Emmett Till's Casket Goes to the Smithsonian: Simeon Wright recalls the events surrounding his cousin's murder and the importance of having the casket on public display". http://www.smithsonianmag.com. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved November 21, 2014. In 1955, Emmett Till—a 14-year-old African-American visiting Mississippi from Chicago—was murdered after whistling at a white woman. His mother insisted that her son be displayed in a glass-topped casket, so the world could see his beaten body. Till's murder became a rallying point for the civil rights movement, and his family recently donated the casket in which he was buried to the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  59. ^ Walljasper, Jay (September–October 1996). "The Father of Alternative Journalism Remembering Dan Wolf, the cofounder and original editor of The Village Voice". utne.com. Ogden Publications, Inc. Retrieved May 22, 2014.
  60. ^ Corley, Cheryl (October 25, 2005). "Audio: Civil Rights Icon Rosa Parks Dies, A Remembrance". npr.org. National Public Radio. Retrieved May 27, 2014.
  61. ^ Max Décharné (December 9, 2010). A Rocket in My Pocket: The Hipster's Guide to Rockabilly Music. Profile Books. pp. 56–. ISBN 1-84765-241-7.
  62. ^ Wesley K. Wark (September 13, 2013). Twenty-First Century Intelligence. Routledge. pp. 121–. ISBN 978-1-135-17540-5.
  63. ^ Churchill, Ward; Vander Wall, Jim (1990), The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Domestic Dissent, Boston: South End Press.
  64. ^ Hopkins Tanne, Janice (March 20, 2004). "Humphry Osmond". British Medical Journal. 328 (328(7441): 713.). BMJ via US National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health: 713. PMC 381240. Short abstract Psychiatrist who investigated LSD, "turned on" Aldous Huxley, and coined the word "psychedelic"
  65. ^ "SCLC:Our History". sclcnational.org. Southern Christian Leadership Council. Retrieved May 16, 2014.
  66. ^ Andito (September 5, 2012). ""On the Road" Published 55 Years Ago Today". gvshp.org. Greenwich Village Society for Historical Preservation. Retrieved July 15, 2014. Reference contains: Blog Text, Links, & Photos
  67. ^ Jack Kerouac (August 16, 2007). On the Road: The Original Scroll: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition). Penguin Group US. ISBN 978-1-101-20157-2.
  68. ^ "Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School (1957)". ourdocuments.gov. The National Archives and Records Administration, et al (US). Retrieved June 5, 2014.
  69. ^ Garber, Steve (October 10, 2007). "Sputnik and The Dawn of the Space Age". nasa.gov. US National Aeronautics & Space Administration. Retrieved May 26, 2014.
  70. ^ Bergaust, Erik; Beller, William (1957). Satellite! (Bantam, 1957-11 ed.). New York: Doubleday.
  71. ^ a b "History". Peace Action. Cite error: The named reference "Peace-Action" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  72. ^ Abbe A. Debolt; James S. Baugess (December 12, 2011). Encyclopedia of the Sixties: A Decade of Culture and Counterculture [2 volumes]: A Decade of Culture and Counterculture. ABC-CLIO. pp. 504–. ISBN 978-1-4408-0102-0.
  73. ^ "Elvis Presley is inducted into the U.S. Army". History.com. History Channel/A&E Networks. Retrieved May 3, 2014.
  74. ^ Hamlin, Jesse (November 26, 1995). "How Herb Caen Named a Generation". sfgate.com. San Fransciso Chronicle/Hearst. Retrieved July 31, 2014. Chronicle columnist Herb Caen coined the word "beatnik" on April 2, 1958, six months after the Soviets launched the Sputnik satellite into space.
  75. ^ John Hostettler (2012). Dissenters, Radicals, Heretics and Blasphemers: The Flame of Revolt that Shines Through English History. Waterside Press. pp. 239–. ISBN 978-1-904380-82-5.
  76. ^ "Early defections in march to Aldermaston". theguardian.com. April 5, 1958. Retrieved July 31, 2014. The march bore the signs of careful planning. The column with its banners - "Which is to be banned, the H-bomb or the human race?" - got off on time, and the long snake that slid down Piccadilly, Kensington High Street, and Chiswick High Road, managed with only discreet help from the police, not to obstruct what little traffic there was.
  77. ^ "Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle: National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE)". stanford.edu. The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. Retrieved August 16, 2014. On 15 November 1957, SANE ran a full-page advertisement in the New York Times warning Americans: We are facing a danger unlike any danger that has ever existed. Inspired by the enthusiastic response to its Times advertisement, SANE redefined itself as a mass membership organization, gaining 130 chapters and 25,000 members by the following summer.
  78. ^ "SLATE Digital Archives". SLATE Archives Committee. Retrieved July 31, 2014. SLATE officially organizes. Temporary SLATE Coordinating Committee includes Charleen Rains, Owen Hill Pat Hallinan, Peter Franck, Fritjof Thygeson and Mike Miller.
  79. ^ a b c W.J. Rorabaugh Professor of History University of Washington (May 4, 1989). Berkeley at War : The 1960s: The 1960s. Oxford University Press. pp. 15–. ISBN 978-0-19-802252-7. Cite error: The named reference "Washington1989" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  80. ^ Randall Balmer (May 13, 2014). Redeemer: The Life of Jimmy Carter. Basic Books. pp. 95–. ISBN 978-0-465-02958-7.
  81. ^ Robert B. Ekelund, Jr.; Robert F. Hébert (August 30, 2013). A History of Economic Theory and Method: Sixth Edition. Waveland Press. pp. 499–. ISBN 978-1-4786-1106-6.
  82. ^ "Fidel Castro- Fulgencio Batista (1901-1973)". pbs.org. PBS Online/WGBH/The American Experience. December 21, 2004. Retrieved July 9, 2014. He was called El Hombre, "the Man," and for three decades he was one of Cuba's most controversial leaders. It would take Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution to unseat him.
  83. ^ "CUBA'S REPRESSIVE MACHINERY: Human Rights Forty Years After the Revolution". hrw.org. Human Rights Watch. 1999. Retrieved July 9, 2014. ISBN 1-56432-234-3 ; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-63561
  84. ^ Kemp, Susan. "Human Rights in Cuba" (PDF). Human Rights & Human Welfare (University of Denver). Retrieved July 9, 2014. This section provides General Background information on the recent human rights situation in Cuba. The subcategory of Spanish Resources includes eight books on human rights in Cuba. The Socialism subcategory includes sources discussing the changing political environment in Cuba since the Cold War and the impact of the instability of Cuba's socialist system.
  85. ^ Suddath, Claire (February 3, 2009). "The Day the Music Died (A Brief History)". content.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved May 28, 2014.
  86. ^ "George Reeves Biography". nytimes.com. All Movie Guide via New York Times. Retrieved June 2, 2014.
  87. ^ Patterson, John (November 17, 2006). "Who killed Superman?". theguardian.com. Guardian News and Media Limited. Retrieved June 2, 2014.
  88. ^ Reid, Jefferson (September–October 2002). "The Revolution Will Be Televised: The top 10 counterculture characters in TV history". utne.com. Ogden Publications, Inc.,. Retrieved May 23, 2014.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  89. ^ Kim Howard Johnson (April 1, 2008). The Funniest One in the Room: The Lives and Legends of Del Close. Chicago Review Press. pp. 262–. ISBN 978-1-56976-436-7.
  90. ^ Drury, Jeffrey P. (2006). "Paul Potter, "The Incredible War" (17 April 1965)". http://archive.vod.umd.edu. JP Drury via Central Michigan University. Retrieved September 22, 2014. Although the beginnings of the 1965 March on Washington can be located in a number of places, it is perhaps best to begin with the origins of the chief organization behind the march: the Students for a Democratic Society. As a social movement organization, the SDS grew out of a parent group founded in 1905 called the League for Industrial Democracy (LID). The LID embraced a largely socialist orientation toward democratic governance; the organization was initially called the Intercollegiate Socialist Society before changing its name in 1921. Many prominent political thinkers were members of the LID, including Upton Sinclair, Walter Lippmann, Michael Harrington, and John Dewey (who was president for a short time). Growing out of the larger organization, the student section of the LID--aptly titled the Student League for Industrial Democracy, or SLID--existed in early 1960 on only three campuses: Yale, Columbia, and the University of Michigan. As SDS historian Kirkpatrick Sale notes, the chapters at Columbia and Yale called themselves the "John Dewey Discussion Club," and all three existed with minimal recognition. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  91. ^ Walker, Jack (June 1983). "The Origins and Maintenance of Interest Groups in America". unc.edu. American Political Science Association. Archived from the original (pdf) on July 20, 2008. Retrieved January 14, 2015. From: The American Political Science Review, Vol. 77, No. 2, (Jun., 1983), pp. 390-406
  92. ^ Whicker, Alan; Jones, Wizz; et al. (1960). "(Nominal) BBC Interview". youtube.com. BBC. Retrieved September 22, 2014. The original broacast air date of the report has not been verified. {{cite web}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first2= (help)
  93. ^ Thompson, Nathan (June 8, 2014). "True secrets of psychedelics: Are they everything they're cracked up to be?". salon.com. Salon Media Group. Retrieved July 1, 2014.
  94. ^ Sigel, Efrem (December 12, 1962). "Psilocybin Expert Raps Leary, Alpert on Drugs". thecrimson.com. The Harvard Crimson, Inc. Retrieved July 1, 2014. Original article was updated on 2014-01-27
  95. ^ "Freedom Struggle - Sitting for Justice: Woolworth's Lunch Counter". http://americanhistory.si.edu. A collective effort of the staff of the National Museum of American History, Behring Center via Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved September 22, 2014. On February 1, 1960, four African American college students sat down at a lunch counter at Woolworth's in Greensboro, North Carolina, and politely asked for service. Their request was refused. When asked to leave, they remained in their seats. Their passive resistance and peaceful sit-down demand helped ignite a youth-led movement to challenge racial inequality throughout the South. (text and photos) {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  96. ^ "Investigation is Ordered in Sit-In Demonstration" (PDF). http://www.greensboro-nc.gov. via wire service. March 26, 1960. Retrieved September 22, 2014. Governor Buford Ellington ordered today a full investigation into the activities of a television network camera crew... {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  97. ^ "SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)". northcarolinahistory.org. North Carolina History Project via John Locke Foundation. Retrieved September 22, 2014. SNCC evolved out of that Easter weekend at Shaw University. Students in the SCLC had wished, for some time, for a student-led organization. (There were student chapters within the SCLC, but Martin Luther King, Jr. had not been pushing for an official student organization). Students wanted leadership opportunities and had different strategies than the SCLC leadership, which they believed moved toward progress at a glacial speed. At the 1960 Shaw meeting, students also expressed a fear that a strong centralized organization (even if student-led) would be a foe of democracy. Therefore, Baker and others established SNCC as a decentralized organization, with the national headquarters providing support and literature, including a newspaper, but not the strategy and leadership.
  98. ^ "Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Volume X, Part 1, Eastern Europe Region, Soviet Union, Cyprus May–July 1960: The U–2 Airplane Incident". history.state.gov. US Department of State. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
  99. ^ Wise, David; Ross, Thomas (1962). The U-2 Affair (Bantam, 1962-11 ed.). New York: Random House / Bantam. Here, told for the first time, is the remarkable story behind the most explosive espionage case of the 20th century...
  100. ^ Fink, Brenda (September 29, 2011). "The pill and the marriage revolution". http://gender.stanford.edu. Clayman Institute / Stanford University. Retrieved November 26, 2014. The birth control pill arrived on the market in 1960. Within two years, 1.2 million American women were "on the pill." By 1964, it was the most popular contraceptive in the country. Looking back, Americans credit—or blame—the pill with unleashing the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. The pill is widely believed to have loosened sexual mores, including the double standard that sanctioned premarital sex for men but not for women. But, according to historian Elaine Tyler May, this idea is largely a myth. As May explained to a Stanford audience, the pill's impact on the sexual revolution is unclear. What is clear is that the drug had a far greater impact within marriage itself. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  101. ^ "The Sixties: House Un-American Activities Committee" at PBS.org
  102. ^ Carl Nolte (May 13, 2010). "'Black Friday,' birth of U.S. protest movement". San Francisco Chronicle.
  103. ^ Stack, Barbara. "HUAC Black Friday Police Riot - May 13, 1960 (Archival Material: Free Speech Movement)". btstack.com. Barbara Toby Stack. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  104. ^ Wooley, John; Peters, Gerhard. "Election of 1960". presidency.ucsb.edu. Gerhard Peters - The American Presidency Project via University of California-Santa Barbara. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  105. ^ "Key Counties May Indicate Closest Election Since 1916". AP via The Milwaukee Journal (Google capture). October 20, 1960. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  106. ^ Shribman, David (October 24, 2010). "Nixon v. Kennedy: 50 years ago America chose between two men who were dramatically different -- and eerily similar". post-gazette.com. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/PG Publishing Co. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  107. ^ White, Theodore H. (1961). The Making of the President 1960 (First ed.). New York: Atheneum House. p. 386. ISBN 9780689708039.
  108. ^ Jones, Carolyn (January 7, 2010). "Human potential pioneer George Leonard dies". sfgate.com. San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst. Retrieved May 20, 2014.
  109. ^ Martin, Douglas (January 18, 2010). "George Leonard, Voice of '60s Counterculture, Dies at 86". nytimes.com. The New York Times Co. Retrieved May 20, 2014.
  110. ^ "President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961): On January 17, 1961, in this farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the establishment of a "military-industrial complex."". ourdocuments.gov. The National Archives and Records Administration, et al (US). Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  111. ^ "President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address (1961)". ourdocuments.gov. The National Archives and Records Administration, et al (US). Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  112. ^ Kennedy, John. "John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address". Transcription as posted by University of California, Santa Barbara.
  113. ^ "Executive Order 10924: Establishment of the Peace Corps. (1961)". Ourdocuments.gov. Retrieved October 16, 2011.
  114. ^ Gunston, Bill (1973). Bombers of the West. New York: Scribner. p. 254. ISBN 978-0684136233.
  115. ^ a b "International Drug Control Conventions". unodc.org. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  116. ^ Glines, Jr., Carroll V (1963). The Compact History of the United States Air Force (New & Revised, May 1973 ed.). New York: Hawthorn Books. pp. 319–320. ISBN 0-405-12169-5.
  117. ^ "The Bay of Pigs". jfklibrary.org. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum. Retrieved September 22, 2014. Before his inauguration, John F. Kennedy was briefed on a plan by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) developed during the Eisenhower administration to train Cuban exiles for an invasion of their homeland. The plan anticipated that the Cuban people and elements of the Cuban military would support the invasion. The ultimate goal was the overthrow of Castro and the establishment of a non-communist government friendly to the United States.
  118. ^ Cia History Office Staff; Jack B. Pfeiffer (September 2011). CIA Official History of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Volume IV: The Taylor Committee Investigation of the Bay of Pigs. Military Bookshop. ISBN 978-1-78039-476-3.
  119. ^ "The Freedom Rides: CORE Volunteers Put Their Lives on the Road". core-online.org. Congress of Racial Equality. Retrieved September 22, 2014. In 1961 CORE undertook a new tactic aimed at desegregating public transportation throughout the south. These tactics became known as the "Freedom Rides". The first Freedom Ride took place on May 4, 1961 when seven blacks and six whites left Washington, D.C., on two public buses bound for the Deep South. They intended to test the Supreme Court's ruling in Boynton v. Virginia (1960), which declared segregation in interstate bus and rail stations unconstitutional. In the first few days, the riders encountered only minor hostility, but in the second week the riders were severely beaten. Outside Anniston, Alabama, one of their buses was burned, and in Birmingham several dozen whites attacked the riders only two blocks from the sheriff's office. With the intervention of the U.S. Justice Department, most of CORE's Freedom Riders were evacuated from Birmingham, Alabama to New Orleans. John Lewis, a former seminary student who would later lead SNCC and become a US congressman, stayed in Birmingham. CORE Leaders decided that letting violence end the trip would send the wrong signal to the country. They reinforced the pair of remaining riders with volunteers, and the trip continued. The group traveled from Birmingham to Montgomery without incident, but on their arrival in Montgomery they were savagely attacked by a mob of more than 1000 whites. The extreme violence and the indifference of local police prompted a national outcry of support for the riders, putting pressure on President Kennedy to end the violence. The riders continued to Mississippi, where they endured further brutality and jail terms but generated more publicity and inspired dozens more Freedom Rides. By the end of the summer, the protests had spread to train stations and airports across the South, and in November, the Interstate Commerce Commission issued rules prohibiting segregated transportation facilities.
  120. ^ "Berlin Crises". http://future.state.gov. US Department of State. Retrieved September 22, 2014. At the Vienna Summit in June 1961, Khrushchev reiterated his threat to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany if the West did not come to terms over Berlin by the end of the year. Rather than submit to such pressure, President John F. Kennedy replied that it would be a "cold winter." When he returned to the United States, Kennedy faced instead a summer of decision. On July 25 he announced plans to meet the Soviet challenge in Berlin, including a dramatic buildup of American conventional forces and drawing the line on interference with Allied access to West Berlin. This warning, in fact, contained the basis for resolving the crisis. On August 13 the East German Government, supported by Khrushchev, finally closed the border between East and West Berlin by erecting what eventually became the most concrete symbol of the Cold War: the Berlin Wall. Although the citizens of Berlin reacted to the wall with outrage, many in the West--certainly within the Kennedy administration--reacted with relief. The wall interfered with the personal lives of the people but not with the political position of the Allies in Berlin. The result was a "satisfactory" stalemate--the Soviets did not challenge the legality of Allied rights, and the Allies did not challenge the reality of Soviet power. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  121. ^ Kennedy, John F. "Report on the Berlin Crisis (July 25, 1961) by John F. Kennedy". millercenter.org. Miller Center / University of Virginia. Retrieved September 22, 2014. So long as the Communists insist that they are preparing to end by themselves unilaterally our rights in West Berlin and our commitments to its people, we must be prepared to defend those rights and those commitments. We will at all times be ready to talk, if talk will help. But we must also be ready to resist with force, if force is used upon us. Either alone would fail. Together, they can serve the cause of freedom and peace.
  122. ^ "The construction of the Berlin Wall". berlin.de. Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery. Retrieved May 13, 2014. {{cite web}}: line feed character in |publisher= at position 26 (help)
  123. ^ Brian J. Collins (January 2011). NATO: A Guide to the Issues. ABC-CLIO. pp. 73–. ISBN 978-0-313-35491-5.
  124. ^ File:EUCOM Checkpoint Charlie Standoff 1961.jpg
  125. ^ "Women Strike foir Peace". jwa.org. Jewish Women's Archive. Retrieved September 22, 2014. On November 1, 1961, Women Strike For Peace (WSP) was inaugurated with a day-long strike by an estimated 50,000 women in 60 cities, all pressing for nuclear disarmament. The organization was composed primarily of mothers who feared the effects of nuclear proliferation on the short- and long-term health of their children. They were particularly concerned with levels of irradiation in milk and the increase in nuclear testing. WSP had the slogan "End the Arms Race – Not the Human Race," as well as "Pure Milk, Not Poison." Bella Abzug joined the group in its early organizational stages as an active participant in the New York contingent and as creator and chairperson of WSP's legislative committee. By pushing the organization to incorporate legislative lobbying into its efforts, she helped it to become an effective political force. By 1964, the emphasis of Women Strike for Peace had shifted to focus as much on the Vietnam War as on disarmament, protesting against the draft and the war's effects on Vietnamese children. Abzug remained active in WSP until she was elected to Congress in 1970.
  126. ^ Marder, Dorothy. "Photographs of Dorothy Marder - Women Strike for Peace, 1961-1975". swarthmore.edu. Elizabeth Matlock and Wendy Chmielewski via Swarthmore College (Swarthmore College Peace Collection). Retrieved September 22, 2014. Women Strike for Peace (WSP) was formed in 1961 after over 50,000 women across the country marched for peace and against above ground testing of nuclear weapons. By the mid 1960s the focus of the organization shifted to working against the Vietnam war. Dorothy Marder took photographs at many WSP demonstrations on the East Coast and her images appeared in WSP publications. Her photographs show the women behind WSP who wanted to protect their families from nuclear testing and a male-dominated militarism. Leaders of the organization include Dagmar Wilson, Bella Abzug, Amy Swerdlow, Cora Weiss, and many more are featured in Dorothy Marder's photography.
  127. ^ "Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation and Associated Documents" (PDF). http://www2.gwu.edu. US Government via George Washington University. February 16, 1962. Retrieved November 26, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  128. ^ Lansdale (February 20, 1962). "[Internal Memo] The Cuba Project". http://www2.gwu.edu. US Government via George Washington University. p. 1. Retrieved November 26, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  129. ^ "Betty Friedan and the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women". http://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study / Harvard University. November 20, 2013. Retrieved November 26, 2014. Text & Video {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  130. ^ "American Women: Report of The President's Commission on the Status of Women. 1963" (PDF). US Government via University of Michigan via Hathitrust.org. 1963. Retrieved November 26, 2014. Google digitized pdf from U-M library
  131. ^ Buckingham, Jr., William (1983). "Operation Ranch Hand: Herbicides In Southeast Asia". http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil. Air University Review. Retrieved June 17, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  132. ^ "UN Session Seen as Help to U.S., Red Space Ties". news.google.com/newspapers. AP via Schenectady Gazette. February 27, 1962. Retrieved June 3, 2014.
  133. ^ "The Official Web Page of the United Farm Workers of America". UFW. Retrieved August 31, 2013.
  134. ^ "The Statement". http://www.lsa.umich.edu. University of Michigan Department of History. 2012. Retrieved November 21, 2014. The Port Huron Statement was the declaration of principles issued June 15, 1962, by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a major radical student organization in the United States during the 1960s. Having only a few hundred members across the country at the time the Statement was drafted, SDS drew tens of thousands of students into its ranks as the movement against the Vietnam War grew—before a deep factional split destroyed the organization in 1969. During SDS's history of activism, 60,000 copies of the Statement were distributed. It has become a historical landmark of American leftwing radicalism and a widely influential discourse on the meaning of democracy in modern society. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  135. ^ Lopez-Munoz, Francisco; Ucha-Udabe, Ronaldo; Alamo, Cecilio (December 2005). "The History of Barbiturates a Century after their Clinical Introduction". Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 1 (4). Dove Press via US National Institutes of Health: 329–343. PMC 2424120. PMID 18568113. In relation to the frequent cases of death by overdose, given the small therapeutic margin of these substances, it should be pointed out that this was a common method in suicide attempts. It suffices to recall, in this regard, the famous case of Marilyn Monroe, on whose death certificate it clearly states "acute poisoning by overdose of barbiturates" (Figure 7). The lethal effect of these compounds was such that a mixture of barbiturates with other substances was even employed in some USA states for the execution of prisoners sentenced to death. Furthermore, there are classic reports of fatal overdose due to the "automatism phenomenon", whereby the patient would take his or her dose, only to forget that he or she had already taken it, given the amnesic effect of the drug, and take it again, this process being repeated several times (Richards 1934). Figure 8 shows the evolution of number of deaths (accidental or suicide) by barbiturate overdose in England and Wales for the period 1905–1960. In this regard, and in the city of New York alone, in the period 1957–1963, there were 8469 cases of barbiturate overdose, with 1165 deaths (Sharpless 1970), whilst in the United Kingdom, between 1965 and 1970, there were 12 354 deaths attributed directly to barbiturates (Barraclough 1974). These data should not surprise us, since in a period of just one year (1968), 24.7 million prescriptions for barbiturates were issued in the United Kingdom (Plant 1981). In view of these data, the Advisory Council Campaign in Britain took measures restricting the prescription of these drugs. Meanwhile, the prescription of prolonged-acting sedative barbiturates was strongly opposed through citizens' action campaigns such as CURB (Campaign on the Use and Restrictions of Barbiturates), especially active during the 1970s.
  136. ^ "Top 10 Mistresses: #4, Marilyn Monroe". content.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved September 25, 2014. Monroe died later in 1962 of a drug overdose, but tales about her alleged fling with the President grew increasingly tall. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover tried to prove that the man on a secret FBI sex tape of Monroe was Kennedy, but he lacked definitive proof. Others claim Kennedy was involved in her death. Needless to say, the rumors are even less substantiated than the affair itself.
  137. ^ Kennedy, John. "John F. Kennedy Moon Speech - Rice Stadium". US National Aeronautical & Space Administration.
  138. ^ Griswold, Eliza (September 21, 2012). "How 'Silent Spring' Ignited the Environmental Movement". nytimes.com. The New York Times Co. Retrieved June 3, 2014.
  139. ^ James Meredith (August 7, 2012). A Mission from God: A Memoir and Challenge for America. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-4516-7474-3.
  140. ^ "The Integration of Ole Miss (Historical video and text resources)". history.com. A&E Television Networks, LLC. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
  141. ^ "The Beatles' 'Love Me Do' Hits the Public Domain in Europe". Rolling Stone. January 12, 2013.
  142. ^ "Aerial Photograph of Missiles in Cuba (1962)". ourdocuments.gov. The National Archives and Records Administration, et al (US). Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  143. ^ Schwartz, Stephen (August 1998). "Skybolt Air-Launched Ballistic Missile (AGM-48A) (Archive Document)". brookings.edu. The Brookings Institution. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  144. ^ Anderson, Walter Truett. The Upstart Spring: Esalen and the American Awakening, Addison Wesley Publishing Company (1983, 2004) p. 64
  145. ^ Isserman, Maurice (June 19, 2009). "Essay Michael Harrington: Warrior on Poverty". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved July 13, 2014. Among the book's readers, reputedly, was John F. Kennedy, who in the fall of 1963 began thinking about proposing antipoverty legislation. After Kennedy's assassination, Lyndon Johnson took up the issue, calling in his 1964 State of the Union address for an "unconditional war on poverty." Sargent Shriver headed the task force charged with drawing up the legislation, and invited Harrington to Washington as a consultant.
  146. ^ Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher (November 11, 2001). "Ken Kesey, Author of 'Cuckoo's Nest,' Who Defined the Psychedelic Era, Dies at 66". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved July 7, 2014. Ken Kesey, the Pied Piper of the psychedelic era, who was best known as the author of the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, died yesterday in a hospital in Eugene, Ore., said his wife, Faye. He was 66 and lived in Pleasant Hill, Ore.
  147. ^ Dunlap, David (January 4, 2012). "Charles W. Bailey, Journalist and Political Novelist, Dies at 82". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved February 7, 2015. Written with Fletcher Knebel and published in 1962, "Seven Days in May" tells of an attempted coup by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in May 1974 after the president negotiates a disarmament treaty with Russia. It was at the top of The New York Times's best-seller list in early 1963 and was made into a movie, with Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas and Fredric March, in 1964.
  148. ^ a b Cochrane, Kira (May 6, 2013). "1963: the beginning of the feminist movement - Fifty years on, we look back at the year that signalled the beginning of the modern era". theguardian.com. Guardian News and Media Limited. Retrieved June 3, 2014.
  149. ^ Jesse Walker (June 1, 2004). Rebels on the Air: An Alternative History of Radio in America. NYU Press. pp. 91–. ISBN 978-0-8147-8477-8.
  150. ^ Hinckley, David (September 20, 2012). "Documentary 'Radio Unnameable' captures the wee-hour WBAI broadcasts of Bob Fass". nydailynews.com. The New York Daily News. Retrieved July 24, 2014. Legendary jock entertained and informed New Yorkers in the '60s and '70s by bringing on guests like Bob Dylan and Abbie Hoffman.
  151. ^ Paul Lovelace & Jessica Wolfson (2012). Radio Unnameable (Film Documentary). New York: Lost Footage Films.
  152. ^ File:President Kennedy American University Commencement Address June 10, 1963.jpg
  153. ^ "The Burning Monk: A defining moment photographed by AP's Malcolm Browne". ap.org. Associated Press. 2013. Retrieved March 1, 2015. Nevertheless, it was that picture which shocked President John F. Kennedy, who immediately ordered a review of his administration's Vietnam policy. The review led to more troops, not fewer.
  154. ^ Schudel, Matt (August 28, 2012). "Malcolm W. Browne, Pulitzer-winning journalist who captured indelible Vietnam image, dies at 81". washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post. Retrieved March 1, 2015. He chronicled the regime of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem and the homegrown opposition led by Buddhist monks. On June 11, 1963, Mr. Browne was present when an elderly monk named Thich Quang Duc, wearing sandals and a robe, calmly sat cross-legged on a cushion in the center of an intersection in Saigon. Other monks poured fuel over him, and the monk struck a match and was immediately engulfed in flames. Mr. Browne shot roll after roll of film, documenting the self-immolation.
  155. ^ Cosgrove, Ben; Loengard, John. "Behind the Picture: Medgar Evers' Funeral, June 1963 (Story and Photos)". life.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved June 25, 2014. In its June 28, 1963, issue, LIFE confronted the assassination with a combination of scorn (for the Klan and for white supremacists in general), anger (at the waste of such a life as Evers') and an occasionally sardonic venom.
  156. ^ "School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania v. Schempp". Cornell University Law School / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved February 27, 2015. Syllabus: Because of the prohibition of the First Amendment against the enactment by Congress of any law "respecting an establishment of religion," which is made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth Amendment, no state law or school board may require that passages from the Bible be read or that the Lord's Prayer be recited in the public schools of a State at the beginning of each school day -- even if individual students may be excused from attending or participating in such exercises upon written request of their parents.
  157. ^ "God in America - People & Ideas: Madalyn Murray O'Hair". US PBS. Retrieved February 27, 2015. Madalyn Murray O'Hair was an outspoken advocate of atheism and the founder of the organization American Atheists. In 1960 O'Hair gained notoriety when she sued Baltimore public schools for requiring students to read from the Bible and to recite the Lord's Prayer at school exercises.
  158. ^ Scherman, Rowland (July 31, 2009). "Dylan In Pictures: Newport 1963". npr.org. US National Public Radio. Retrieved February 27, 2015. That seminal moment at the 1963 Newport Folk Festival, Dylan went from zero to hero in the course of a weekend.
  159. ^ Ulrich Adelt (2010). Blues Music in the Sixties: A Story in Black and White. Rutgers University Press. pp. 38–. ISBN 978-0-8135-4750-3.
  160. ^ Suarez, Ray. "Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Remembered". pbs.org. Public Broadcasting Service (US). Retrieved May 16, 2014.
  161. ^ "Test Ban Treaty (1963):On August 5, 1963, the Limited Test Ban Treaty was signed by the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. After Senate approval, the treaty that went into effect on October 10, 1963, banned nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under water". ourdocuments.gov. The National Archives and Records Administration, et al (US). Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  162. ^ Richard A. Reuss (2000). American Folk Music and Left-wing Politics, 1927-1957. Scarecrow Press. pp. 2–. ISBN 978-0-8108-3684-6.
  163. ^ Robert S. McNamara; James Blight; Robert K. Brigham; Thomas J. Biersteker; Col. Herbert Schandler (2 November 2007). Argument Without End: In Search of Answers to the Vietnam Tragedy. PublicAffairs. pp. 328–. ISBN 1-58648-621-7.
  164. ^ Lane, Mark (1966). Rush to Judgment (Paperback, 1992 ed.). New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. p. 7. ISBN 1-56025-043-7.
  165. ^ Marrs, Jim (1989). "Preface". Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (1st Paperback, 1990 ed.). New York: Carroll & Graf. ISBN 0-88184-648-1.
  166. ^ Jeanette Leech (2010). Seasons They Change: The Story of Acid and Psychedelic Folk. Jawbone Press. pp. 37–. ISBN 978-1-906002-32-9.
  167. ^ Johnson, Lyndon Baines. "Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union. January 8, 1964". .presidency.ucsb.edu. Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley - The American Presidency Project via UCSB. Retrieved February 12, 2015. Let this session of Congress be known as the session which did more for civil rights than the last hundred sessions combined; as the session which enacted the most far-reaching tax cut of our time; as the session which declared all-out war on human poverty and unemployment in these United States; as the session which finally recognized the health needs of all our older citizens; as the session which reformed our tangled transportation and transit policies; as the session which achieved the most effective, efficient foreign aid program ever; and as the session which helped to build more homes, more schools, more libraries, and more hospitals than any single session of Congress in the history of our Republic.
  168. ^ "For LBJ, The War On Poverty Was Personal". npr.org. NPR. January 8, 2014. Retrieved February 12, 2015. President Lyndon Johnson stood in the Capitol on Jan. 8, 1964, and, in his first State of the Union address, committed the nation to a war on poverty. "We shall not rest until that war is won," Johnson said. "The richest nation on Earth can afford to win it. We cannot afford to lose it." It was an effort that had been explored under President Kennedy, but it firmly — and quickly — took shape under Johnson.
  169. ^ "Historical Highlights: The 24th Amendment". http://history.house.gov. U.S. House of Representatives (History, Art & Archives). Retrieved March 1, 2015. On this date in 1962, the House passed the 24th Amendment, outlawing the poll tax as a voting requirement in federal elections, by a vote of 295 to 86. At the time, five states maintained poll taxes which disproportionately affected African-American voters: Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas. The poll tax exemplified "Jim Crow" laws, developed in the post-Reconstruction South, which aimed to disenfranchise black voters and institute segregation. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  170. ^ "Beatlemania Comes to the United States". rockhall.com. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. February 3, 2015. Retrieved March 1, 2015. In Britain, "I Want to Hold Your Hand" saw its official release on December 5, 1963, reaching Number One the following week. It held the position for five weeks. Soon thereafter, American DJs began spinning the import single and the immediate, positive response prompted Capitol to not only bump up the release date to December 26, but also increase the press run from 200,000 copies to one million. A media blitz followed, as reporters from the Associated Press, CBS, Life, New York Times and more were assigned to cover the Beatles. "I Want to Hold Your Hand" reached Number One on the Billboard charts on February 1, 1964, and remained on the Billboard Hot 100 for seven weeks.
  171. ^ Barry Miles (2009). The British Invasion. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4027-6976-4.
  172. ^ "The Beatles". edsullivan.com. SOFA Entertainment. 2010. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
  173. ^ Bronson, p. 145.
  174. ^ Enfield, Robert. "Photographs:Sheraton Palace Demonstration, May 1964". cdlib.org. University of California. Retrieved May 7, 2014.
  175. ^ Green; Nicholas J. Karolides (January 1, 2009). Encyclopedia of Censorship. Infobase Publishing. pp. 301–. ISBN 978-1-4381-1001-1.
  176. ^ "Jacobellis v. Ohio - 378 U.S. 184 (1964)". supreme.justia.com. justia.com. Retrieved July 9, 2014.
  177. ^ Stafford, Katrease (July 22, 2014). "Grosse Pointe attorneys to look at legality of Metro Times ban". freep.com. The Detroit Free Press. Retrieved July 22, 2014.
  178. ^ Comoratta, Len (May 15, 2011). "Rock History 101: Freeform Radio". http://consequenceofsound.net. Consequence of Sound • A Member of Townsquare Music. Retrieved March 1, 2015. In the early days of FM, broadcasts were principally educational programming and classical music aimed at a more "upmarket listenership." AM stations simply duplicated their programming onto the FM band, widening their audience with little effort. In 1965, the Federal Communications Commission enacted the FM Non-Duplication Rule. Until this law, AM stations were allowed to rebroadcast the majority of their programming on their FM stations. However, with the passage of the FM Non-Duplication Rule, as of January 1, 1967, FM stations would have to broadcast original content over 50% of their broadcast day. Station programmers and owners now faced with having to create original content were forced to exit the box that was the Top 40 format and begin experimenting. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  179. ^ Jim Cox (16 September 2013). Radio After the Golden Age: The Evolution of American Broadcasting Since 1960. McFarland. pp. 59–. ISBN 978-0-7864-7434-9.
  180. ^ Krock, p.411
  181. ^ "Visual History: Free Speech Movement, 1964-Mario Savio addresses the crowd". http://fsm.berkeley.edu. University of California Regents. Retrieved March 1, 2015. Mario Savio addresses the crowd Mario Savio climbs on top of the police car containing Jack Weinberg to address the crowd of demonstrators. Savio demands Weinberg's release and the lifting of University prohibitions against political activity on campus. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  182. ^ Robert Cohen (30 July 2009). Freedom's Orator: Mario Savio and the Radical Legacy of the 1960s. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-976634-5.
  183. ^ Seth Rosenfeld (21 August 2012). Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals, and Reagan's Rise to Power. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 978-1-4299-6932-1.
  184. ^ "The Nobel Peace Prize 1964". nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB. Retrieved March 1, 2015. He is the first person in the Western world to have shown us that a struggle can be waged without violence. He is the first to make the message of brotherly love a reality in the course of his struggle, and he has brought this message to all men, to all nations and races.Today we pay tribute to Martin Luther King, the man who has never abandoned his faith in the unarmed struggle he is waging, who has suffered for his faith, who has been imprisoned on many occasions, whose home has been subject to bomb attacks, whose life and the lives of his family have been threatened, and who nevertheless has never faltered.
  185. ^ "Election of 1964". http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu. University of California, Santa Barbara / American Presidency Project. Retrieved March 1, 2015. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  186. ^ Moylan, Brian (December 22, 2014). "'Offensive' Is the New 'Obscene'". time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved March 1, 2015. On Dec. 21, 1964, Bruce was sentenced to four months in a workhouse for a set he did in a New York comedy club that included a bit about Eleanor Roosevelt's "nice tits..."
  187. ^ Robert Cohen; Reginald E. Zelnik (2002). The Free Speech Movement: Reflections on Berkeley in the 1960s. University of California Press. pp. 534–. ISBN 978-0-520-23354-6.
  188. ^ Jackman, Michael (December 1, 2014). "Mario Savio's 'bodies upon the gears' speech — 50 years later". metrotimes.com. Detroit Metro Times. Retrieved March 1, 2015. It's a short but bold and defiant oration that says free human beings aren't going to be pushed around by anybody, from lawmakers and police to liberals and labor leaders. Standing in front of a crowd of 4,000 people, Savio described his meeting with university officials, who compared the president of the university to the president of a corporation.
  189. ^ Enfield, Robert. "Photographs:Filthy Speech Rally, Spring, 1965". cdlib.org. University of California. Retrieved May 7, 2014.
  190. ^ Spencer C. Tucker (May 20, 2011). The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History [4 volumes]: A Political, Social, and Military History. ABC-CLIO. pp. 775–. ISBN 978-1-85109-961-0.
  191. ^ Raasch, Chuck (May 16, 2014). "Never trust anyone over 30? A second thought". stltoday.com. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Retrieved May 26, 2014.
  192. ^ Andy Roberts (September 30, 2008). Albion Dreaming: A popular history of LSD in Britain (Revised Edition with a new foreword by Dr. Sue Blackmore). Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte Ltd. pp. 98–. ISBN 978-981-4328-97-5.
  193. ^ Greenfield, Robert (March 14, 2011). "Owsley Stanley: The King of LSD". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone. Retrieved February 6, 2015. By May 1965, he was back in the Bay Area with 3,600 capsules of extraordinarily pure LSD, dubbed "Owsley" by a pot-dealing folk guitarist friend. "I never set out to 'turn on the world,' as has been claimed by many," Owsley says.
  194. ^ McGee, Rosie (1969). "Owsley Stanley, left, with Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead in a 1969 publicity photograph". nytimes.com. Reuters via New York Times. Retrieved February 6, 2015.
  195. ^ Enfield, Robert. "Photographs:Vietnam Day, Spring, 1965". cdlib.org. University of California. Retrieved May 7, 2014.
  196. ^ "Unforgettable Change: 1960s: 1960s in Vietnam and in Berkeley (Text and Audio Content)". http://museumca.org. Oakland Museum of California. Retrieved June 20, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  197. ^ William E. Hudson (December 28, 2007). The Libertarian Illusion: Ideology, Public Policy and the Assault on the Common Good. SAGE Publications. pp. 191–. ISBN 978-1-4833-0122-8.
  198. ^ "Margaret Sanger (1879–1966)". http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu. Harvard University Library. Retrieved August 13, 2014. In 1965, the Supreme Court decision in Griswold v. Connecticut legalized contraception for married couples. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  199. ^ CNN (August 7, 2014). "The Times they are a Changin'". The Sixties (Documentary Series). CNN. {{cite episode}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  200. ^ Hodgkinson, Will (June 13, 2005). "Snapshot: Allen Ginsberg at the Albert Hall". theguardian.com. Guardian News and Media Limited. Retrieved June 19, 2014.
  201. ^ Howard Smead (November 1, 2000). Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty: The First Four Decades of the Baby Boom. iUniverse. pp. 155–. ISBN 978-0-595-12393-3.
  202. ^ Kilgallen, Dorothy (June 11, 1963). "Dorothy Kilgallen's Voice of Broadway". Syndicated column via The Montreal Gazette. Retrieved July 10, 2014. New York hippies have a new kick - baking marijuana in cookies...
  203. ^ Kathleen Fearn-Banks (November 15, 2005). Historical Dictionary of African-American Television. Scarecrow Press. pp. 90–. ISBN 978-0-8108-6522-8.
  204. ^ Donna E. Alvermann (2002). Adolescents and Literacies in a Digital World. Peter Lang. pp. 68–. ISBN 978-0-8204-5573-0.
  205. ^ "The Who and the New Generation". historyengine.richmond.edu. University of Richmond (Digital Scholarship Lab). Retrieved July 26, 2014. "Things they do look awful c-cold," Daltry continued stuttering, "Hope I die before I get old." Daltry then screamed, drilling the purpose of the song into everyone's heads, "This is my generation!" And this truly was the youths' generation. All the years of old men from bygone eras had to pave way to Roger Daltry's generation, for the young men and women of the Western world were finally speaking up and letting their voices be heard. "It's my generation, baby," Daltry repeated his mantra. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  206. ^ "The Mamas and the Papas, 'California Dreamin". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone Magazine. Retrieved July 11, 2014. #89 of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time
  207. ^ Miles, Barry (1997). Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now. New York: Henry Holt & Company. ISBN 0-8050-5249-6. {{cite book}}: Invalid |ref=harv (help)
  208. ^ Alan Clayson (2002). The Yardbirds: The Band that Launched Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page. Backbeat Books. pp. 107–. ISBN 978-0-87930-724-0.
  209. ^ Gray, Madison (August 11, 2011). "All-TIME 100 Nonfiction Books: #13, The Autobiography of Malcolm X". entertainment.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved September 21, 2014. Malcolm X predicted that he would not live to see its publication, a prophecy fulfilled as friction between himself and the Nation of Islam, and a subsequent falling-out culminated in his 1965 assassination. But the pages chronicling the years leading up to it reveal the world of a man who had gone from being a hustler to being one of history's most controversial civil rights icons.
  210. ^ Manning, Marable; Goodman, Amy (May 21, 2007). "Manning Marable on "Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention" (transcribed from radio program)". democracynow.org. Retrieved September 21, 2014. But what we do know that is true is that when Malcolm is assassinated on February 21, 1965, within two-and-a-half weeks the original publisher, Doubleday, exes the deal on the book. And in early March '65, they cancel the contract. That's why the book is published at the end of the year by Grove, not Doubleday. It was the most disastrous decision in corporate publishing history. They lost millions of dollars on this.
  211. ^ Hyde, Justin. "June 24: Ralph Nader wins Senate passage of Highway Safety Act on this date in 1966". autos.yahoo.com. Yahoo News / Motoramic. Retrieved June 25, 2014. Article includes video of Nader reflecting on auto safety legislation.
  212. ^ Nader, Ralph (1965). Unsafe at Any Speed. New York: Grossman Publishers. ISBN 978-1561290505.
  213. ^ US NHTSA. "Highway Safety Act of 1966, 23 USC Chapter 4, As Amended by SAFETEA-LU Technical Corrections Act of 2008, Revision June 2008". nhtsa.gov. US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Retrieved June 25, 2014.
  214. ^ E .F. Schumacher: His Life and Thought by Barbara Wood. Harper & Row, 1984. ISBN 0-06-015356-3, (p. 348–349).
  215. ^ William S. McConnell (May 14, 2004). The Counterculture Movement of the 1960s. Greenhaven Press. ISBN 978-0-7377-1819-5.
  216. ^ "Archived: Grateful Dead Live at Fillmore Auditorium on 1966-01-08". archive.org. 1967. Retrieved June 19, 2014.
  217. ^ Tom Wolfe (August 19, 2008). The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. pp. 353–. ISBN 978-1-4299-6114-1.
  218. ^ William McKeen (2000). Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: An Anthology. Norton. pp. 173–. ISBN 978-0-393-04700-4.
  219. ^ R. Serge Denisoff (January 1, 1975). Solid Gold: The Popular Record Industry. Transaction Publishers. pp. 339–. ISBN 978-1-4128-3479-7.
  220. ^ "Song Stories: Eight Miles High". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone. Retrieved June 19, 2014.
  221. ^ Richie Unterberger (2003). Eight Miles High: Folk-rock's Flight from Haight-Ashbury to Woodstock. Backbeat Books. ISBN 978-0-87930-743-1.
  222. ^ Shapiro, Fred (2006). Yale Book of Quotations. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-10798-2.
  223. ^ Bronson, p. 201
  224. ^ "Miranda v. Arizona; et al, Facts and Case Summary". uscourts.gov. Administrative Office of the US Courts. Retrieved May 23, 2014.
  225. ^ Richie Unterberger (2002). Turn! Turn! Turn!: The '60s Folk-rock Revolution. Backbeat Books. pp. 234–. ISBN 978-0-87930-703-5.
  226. ^ "Lenny Bruce, Uninhibited Comic, Found Dead in Hollywood Home". nytimes.com. AP via New York Times Co. August 3, 1966. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  227. ^ Matier, Phillip; Ross, Andrew (April 24, 2014). "Paul McCartney to play Candlestick's final show (with photo album including 1966 show)". sfgate.com. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  228. ^ Ghosh, Palash (August 29, 2012). "Beatles Last Concert At Candlestick Park: The Dream Is Over (Analysis)". ibtimes.com. International Business Times/IBT Media. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  229. ^ "Love Pageant". pbs.org. American Experience/PBS. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  230. ^ Caswell, Tasha (September 14, 2014). ""Free Bobby, Free Ericka": The New Haven Black Panther Trials". wnpr.org. WNPR / Connecticut Public Broacasting. Retrieved October 6, 2014. The Black Panther Party, formed in 1966 in Oakland, California by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, was a revolutionary socialist organization that strove to end the oppression of black people in the United States. It adopted a ten-point plan that called for autonomy, employment, free healthcare, decent housing, financial reparations for slavery, the end of police brutality against black people, the release of black prisoners from jails, fair trials, and black nationalism. In practice, the Panthers focused much of their attention on policing the police, often resorting to violence. The FBI had taken notice. J. Edgar Hoover said in 1968 that the Black Panther Party was "the greatest threat to the internal security of the country." By 1969, the Black Panther Party was well known nationally and had spread across the country.
  231. ^ United States. Congress. House. Committee on Internal Security (1970). The Black Panther Party, its origin and development as reflected in its official weekly newspaper, the Black panther: black community news service; staff study, Ninety-first Congress, second session. U.S. Government Printing Office.
  232. ^ "On this day in 1966: John meets Yoko". pbs.org/newshour. MacNeil / Lehrer Productions. Retrieved May 5, 2014.
  233. ^ Rasmussen, Cecilia (August 5, 2007). "Closing of club ignited the 'Sunset Strip riots'". latimes.com. The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved October 6, 2014. Young rock fans take to the streets after the shuttering of Pandora's Box in 1966. The unrest inspired Stephen Stills' landmark anthem.
  234. ^ John Einarson (January 1, 2004). For What It's Worth: The Story of Buffalo Springfield. Cooper Square Press. pp. 125–. ISBN 978-0-8154-1281-6.
  235. ^ "Film Censorship: Noteworthy Moments in History". aclu.org. American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved August 11, 2014. Rather than cut nude scenes from Blow-Up, Michelangelo Antonioni chooses to release it without an MPAA seal.
  236. ^ "The Year of the Hippie/Summer of Love". pbs.org. American Experience/PBS. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  237. ^ Sanking, Aaron (September 11, 2012). "Human Be-In Planned In Golden Gate Park This Weekend (PHOTOS)". huffingtonpost.com. TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  238. ^ "Human Be-In". youtube.com. Amateur Footage Uploaded to Youtube by Author. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  239. ^ Wheeler Winston Dixon (December 1, 2013). Cinema at the Margins. Anthem Press. pp. 36–. ISBN 978-1-78308-016-8.
  240. ^ David Marc (January 1, 2011). Demographic Vistas: Television in American Culture. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 78–. ISBN 0-8122-0271-6.
  241. ^ Haripada Adhikary (2012). Unifying Force of Hinduism: The Harekrsna Movement. AuthorHouse. pp. 213–. ISBN 978-1-4685-0393-7.
  242. ^ File:1967 Mantra-Rock Dance Avalon poster.jpg
  243. ^ Jerome L. Rodnitzky (January 1, 1999). Feminist Phoenix: The Rise and Fall of a Feminist Counterculture. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 73–. ISBN 978-0-275-96575-4.
  244. ^ "Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone. August 27, 1987. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  245. ^ Mushrooms are clearly visible between Grace Slick and Marty Balin's heads
  246. ^ Chomsky, Noam (February 23, 1967). "A Special Supplement: The Responsibility of Intellectuals". nybooks.com. NYREV, Inc. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  247. ^ Bodroghkozy, Aniko. "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour". museum.tv. The Museum of Broadcast Communications. Retrieved May 17, 2014.
  248. ^ Jeff Land (1999). Active Radio: Pacifica's Brash Experiment. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 118–. ISBN 978-1-4529-0372-9.
  249. ^ Scott, A.O. (September 18, 2012). "Rekindling the Spirit of the '60s, Even for Those Who Can't Remember". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved July 26, 2014. On the night of Feb. 11, 1967, hundreds — maybe thousands — of people congregated in the international terminal of Kennedy Airport, not to embark on flights to far-flung places but rather, well, it isn't entirely clear or relevant. The gathering was an impromptu party, a nonpolitical demonstration, a happening named, in the spirit of the times, a fly-in. Now we might be inclined to see it as a prehistoric flash mob, an example of the power of communication technology to create instantaneous, ephemeral but nonetheless meaningful communities.
  250. ^ Christopher H. Sterling; Cary O'Dell (February 9, 2011). The Concise Encyclopedia of American Radio. Routledge. pp. 311–. ISBN 978-1-135-17684-6.
  251. ^ Greenfield, Robert (August 19, 1971). "Keith Richard: The Rolling Stone Interview". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone. Retrieved July 3, 2014. From the Archives
  252. ^ Sheila Whiteley (September 2, 2003). The Space Between the Notes: Rock and the Counter-Culture. Routledge. pp. 66–. ISBN 978-1-134-91662-7.
  253. ^ "Life Magazine Cover February 17, 1967". Life Magazine. Retrieved May 6, 2014.
  254. ^ Ratliff, Ben (January 11, 2012). "Present at the Counterculture's Creation". nytimes.com. The New York Times Co. Retrieved May 6, 2014.
  255. ^ Horwitz, Jane (September 5, 2006). "Backstage: She Hopes 'MacBird' Flies in a New Era". washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post. Retrieved May 17, 2014.
  256. ^ McNeill, Don (March 30, 1967). "The 1967 Central Park Be-In: A 'Medieval Pageant'". villagevoice.com. Village Voice. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  257. ^ Wainwright, Loudon (March 31, 1967). The Strange New Love Land of the Hippies. Time, Inc. (original article). pp. 15–16. Retrieved October 5, 2014. Life Magazine via Google Books {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)
  258. ^ "Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle (sourced)". stanford.edu. Martin Luther King, Jr. Research & Education Center. Retrieved May 3, 2014.
  259. ^ "TIME Magazine Cover: The Pill". Time.com. April 7, 1967. Retrieved March 20, 2010.
  260. ^ "Photos: Nashville race riots 1967". tennessean.com. Gannett (archive.tennessean.com). February 29, 2008. Retrieved May 17, 2014.
  261. ^ "The MOBE: "What are we waiting for?"". pbs.org. PBS / Independent Television Service (ITVS). Retrieved August 11, 2014. After the elections, the committee became the Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, which organized major anti-war demonstrations that took place in April 1967. In New York City, 400,000 protesters marched from Central Park to the United Nations, with speakers including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Stokely Carmichael. 75,000 gathered for a similar rally in San Francisco.
  262. ^ Hlavaty, Craig (April 28, 2014). "47 years ago today, Muhammad Ali refused the draft in Houston". chron.com. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved October 5, 2014. (Report with photos) Forty-seven years ago today, Muhammad Ali made headlines for refusing to be drafted into the U.S. Army on the grounds of being a conscientious objector, and it all happened here in Houston. It would set off a chain of events that wouldn't cease until a 1971 Supreme Court decision reversed his conviction.
  263. ^ Barry Miles (March 1, 2010). London Calling: A Countercultural History of London since 1945. Atlantic Books, Limited. pp. 142–. ISBN 978-1-84887-554-8.
  264. ^ Winkler, Adam (July 24, 2011). "The Secret History of Guns". theatlantic.com. The Atlantic Monthly Group. Retrieved October 10, 2014. It was May 2, 1967, and the Black Panthers' invasion of the California statehouse launched the modern gun-rights movement.
  265. ^ "Yarrowstalks Archives". library.temple.edu. Temple University. 1977. Retrieved October 14, 2014. Twelve issues of Yarrowstalks were published in Philadelphia from 1967 until 1975. Most of the activity was concentrated at the beginning of the period, in the heyday of underground press activity. The "summer of love" in 1967 saw the birth of about 100 underground publications nationwide, and Yarrowstalks was one of the first. It was the most physically appealing of the first wave in its creative use of color and artwork. In contrast to the other Philadelphia papers, Yarrowstalks leaned away from the politics. Like New York's East Village Other and the San Francisco Oracle, Yarrowstalks was among the first underground paper to explore the graphic possibilities of cold-type offset printing. Color was splashed over pages with sketches and text. The Oracle, particularly, was responsible for making newspaper graphics an art form, and it published some of the most beautiful and trend-setting psychedelic art of the 1960s.Yarrowstalks was Philadelphia's Oracle. It was the first of the undergrounds to publish the cartoons of Robert Crumb, an ex-Hallmark illustrator who has become the leading artist of underground "commix." In his character, Mr. Natural, he captured the feeling of the movement. Mr. Natural graced Yarrowstalks that summer and subsequently appeared in most of the alternative publications in the country.
  266. ^ Peter Hitchens (January 3, 2013). The War We Never Fought: The British Establishment's Surrender to Drugs. A&C Black. pp. 107–. ISBN 978-1-4411-7331-7.
  267. ^ Reeves, Jay (September 21, 2014). "Civil rights death investigations seem stalled". clarionledger.com. Clarion Ledger / Gannett. Retrieved October 14, 2014. An unknown number of slayings haven't gotten a look because the law doesn't cover any killings after 1969. That saddens people like Gloria Green-McCray, whose brother James Earl Green was shot to death on May 14, 1970, by police during a student demonstration at Jackson State University. The family never learned the name of the shooter, and no one was ever prosecuted. "We've never really got any closure because of the investigation not being thorough and everything just being kicked out," said Green-McCray. "It was like, 'Just another black person dead. I mean, so what?' "
  268. ^ Tim Spofford (January 1988). Lynch Street: The May 1970 Slayings at Jackson State College. Kent State University Press. pp. 214–. ISBN 978-0-87338-371-4.
  269. ^ Bryson, William (May 22, 1967). "Texas Southern University: Born in Sin, A College Finally Makes Houston Listen". thecrimson.com. The Harvard Crimson, Inc. Retrieved October 15, 2014. Since this article was written, the situation at Texas Southern has become even worse. A policeman was killed in rioting last week, and 488 people were arrested.
  270. ^ Zoch, Louis (May 2010). "Fallen Officers Remembered: Louis Kuba". hpou.org. Houston Police Officers' Union. Retrieved January 14, 2015. At 2:20 a.m., a group of officers were near the northwest corner of the University Center, lined up along a wall awaiting directions from supervisors at the scene. Chief Short, like all of the other officers, took cover wherever possible. The chief directed officers to fire only when fired upon and only above the building or directly at a known source of the gunfire. Reporters Charley Schneider of The Houston Post and Nick Gearhardt of KHOU-TV (Channel 11), were with this group of officers. Schneider said that there were two officers and a TV newsman in front of him. He said that Officer Louis Kuba was directly behind him with his hand on Schneider's shoulder. Heavy fire continued from the dorm and Schneider suddenly felt Kuba's hand become limp. Turning, he saw the officer slumping backward into Gearhardt's outstretched arms, an expressionless look on his face and blood pouring from his forehead. Schneider reported in a Post article the following day, "There was no riot at TSU. It was war." An ambulance rushed the wounded officer to Ben Taub General Hospital. He died at 8:38 a.m. from a bullet wound above his right eye. Quiet, easy-going, even-tempered, Officer Louis Raymond Kuba, only thirty-four days out of Class No. 34, was only twenty-five.
  271. ^ Crane, Ralph (April 1967). "1967: Pictures from a Pivotal Year". life.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved January 14, 2015.
  272. ^ Andrew E. Hunt (May 1, 2001). The Turning: A History of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. NYU Press. pp. 11–12. ISBN 978-0-8147-3635-7.
  273. ^ "VVAW / FAQ / Who founded Vietnam Veterans Against the War?". vvaw.org. Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Retrieved October 15, 2014. On June 1, 1967, six Vietnam veterans gathered in Barry's apartment to form VVAW. Another vet associated with the early days of VVAW is Carl Rogers. Rogers held a press conference upon his return from his Vietnam service as a chaplain's assistant announcing his opposition to the war. Barry recruited him and at some point he became "vice president" of VVAW. Other early influential members who are mentioned are David Braum, John Talbot, and Art Blank. Jan Barry also lists Steve Greene and Frank (Rocky) Rocks
  274. ^ Walter C. Rucker; James N. Upton (2007). Encyclopedia of American Race Riots. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-313-33302-6.
  275. ^ Weller, Sheila (July 2012). "Suddenly That Summer". Vanity Fair / Conde Nast. Vanity Fair. Retrieved January 14, 2015. It was billed as "the Summer of Love," a blast of glamour, ecstasy, and Utopianism that drew some 75,000 young people to the San Francisco streets in 1967. Who were the true movers behind the Haight-Ashbury happening that turned America on to a whole new age?
  276. ^ "500 Greatest Albums of All Time: #1- The Beatles, 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone. Retrieved October 18, 2014. At the same time, Sgt. Pepper formally ushered in an unforgettable season of hope, upheaval and achievement: the late 1960s and, in particular, 1967's Summer of Love. In its iridescent instrumentation, lyric fantasias and eye-popping packaging, Sgt. Pepper defined the opulent revolutionary optimism of psychedelia and instantly spread the gospel of love, acid, Eastern spirituality and electric guitars around the globe. No other pop record of that era, or since, has had such an immediate, titanic impact. This music documents the world's biggest rock band at the very height of its influence and ambition.
  277. ^ The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature. Oxford University Press. pp. 139–. ISBN 978-0-19-516921-8.
  278. ^ Paul Hegarty; Martin Halliwell (June 23, 2011). Beyond and Before: Progressive Rock since the 1960s. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 30–. ISBN 978-1-4411-1480-8.
  279. ^ "Photos: KFRC Fantasy Fair 1967 and Mountain Music Festival". jeffersonairplane.com. Jefferson Airplane, Inc. June 1967. Retrieved January 14, 2015.
  280. ^ Barney Hoskyns (December 9, 2010). Hotel California: The True-Life Adventures of Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Mitchell, Taylor, Browne, Ronstadt, Geffen, the Eagles, and Their Many Friends. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 17–. ISBN 978-1-118-04050-8.
  281. ^ David S. Kidder; Noah D. Oppenheim (October 14, 2008). The Intellectual Devotional Modern Culture: Revive Your Mind, Complete Your Education, and Converse Confidently with the Culturati. Rodale. pp. 248–. ISBN 978-1-60529-793-4.
  282. ^ Johnson Publishing Company (October 1995). Ebony. Johnson Publishing Company. pp. 136–. ISSN 0012-9011.
  283. ^ Roger Beebe; Jason Middleton (September 5, 2007). Medium Cool: Music Videos from Soundies to Cellphones. Duke University Press. pp. 256–. ISBN 0-8223-9020-5.
  284. ^ George Martin (October 15, 1994). All You Need Is Ears: The Inside Personal Story of the Genius who Created The Beatles. St. Martin's Press. pp. 193–. ISBN 978-0-312-11482-4.
  285. ^ Cullen, Tom A. (September 14, 1967). "Americans in London - England is Hippie Heaven". http://news.google.com/newspapers. Retrieved October 18, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  286. ^ "Photos: Pot Rally at Hyde Park, London (July 16th, 1967)". herbmuseum.ca. The Herb Museum. Retrieved October 18, 2014. "July 1967: A 'Legalise Pot' rally is held in London's Hyde Park; an advertisement in The Times, sponsored by SOMA, a drug research organisation, states: 'The law against marijuana is immoral in principle and unworkable in practice.' Signatories include the Beatles, RD Laing and Graham Greene." - from 100 Years of Altered States, The Guardian Newspaper (July 21, 2002)
  287. ^ "Photos and Detroit News page image captures". detroitnews.mycapture.com. The Detroit News. July 1967. Retrieved May 27, 2014.
  288. ^ McGee, Frank (1967). "1967 NBC News Special Report: Summer '67 "What We Learned"". youtube.com. NBC News. Retrieved June 6, 2014.
  289. ^ "Beatles' manager Epstein dies". bbc.co.uk. BBC. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  290. ^ Daniels, Maria; et al. (1997). "OCTOBER 6, 1967 Death of the Hippie". pbs.org. PBS / American Experience (US). Retrieved October 24, 2014. Hippies stage a mock funeral to signal the end of San Francisco's overhyped, overattended hippie scene. As Mary Ellen Kasper will later recall, the message was, "Stay where you are! Bring the revolution to where you live." {{cite web}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |first1= (help)
  291. ^ Goldstein, Richard (October 19, 1967). "Love: A Groovy Idea While He Lasted". villagevoice.com. Village Voice, LLC. Retrieved May 1, 2014.
  292. ^ Bourne, Richard (October 10, 1967). "Che Guevara, Marxist architect of revolution". guardian.com. Guardian News and Media. Retrieved October 18, 2014. Rumours of disagreements with Castro grew. After months of mystery Castro announced that Guevara, who was known to have a garibaldian yearning to liberate the entire Latin American land mass, had resigned Cuban citizenship and left for "a new field of battle in the struggle against imperialism". [web story is reprint of original article]
  293. ^ Richards, Harvey; Richards, Paul. "Stop the Draft, December, 1967 - Draft Cards Burning, Sit ins, Stop the Draft Week". http://hrmediaarchive.estuarypress.com. Harvey Richards Media Archive / Paul Richards. Retrieved October 18, 2014. Photos & Text: top the Draft Week in December, 1967 at the Oakland Army Induction Center on Clay Street in downtown Oakland, California had many of the same actions that happened in October, 1967, just two months earlier. There was civil disobedience. Protesters blocked the doorway of the Center and were arrested. This time, protesters also sat down in front of the buses full of draftees. Draft eligible protesters publicly burned their draft cards in an open show of defiance against the draft and the laws that made it illegal to burn your draft card. Noticeably different in these photos is moderation of the police response. The streets were not cleared of protesters. Police did not stand with billy clubs at the ready. In the end, the draftees went into the center and the war machine continued. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  294. ^ "1967: Joan Baez arrested in Vietnam protest". http://news.bbc.co.uk. BBC. Retrieved October 18, 2014. Rallies across America have taken place in 30 US cities, from Boston to Atlanta, to protest against the continuing war in Vietnam. In Oakland, California, at least 40 anti-war protesters, including the folk singer Joan Baez, were arrested for taking part in a sit-in at a military induction centre. As many as 250 demonstrators had gathered to try and prevent conscripts from entering the building when the arrests were made. The 'Stop the Draft Week' protests are forming part of a nationwide initiative organised by a group calling itself 'the Resistance'. Accompanied by singing from Ms Baez and others, the sitting protesters forced draftees to climb over them in order to get inside the building. As they entered they were handed leaflets asking them to change their minds, refuse induction and join the protests. Human barricade Police formed a human barricade to enable inductees to pass and then made their arrests. In New York, around 500 demonstrators marched to protest against the draft. Young men placed draft cards into boxes marked 'Resisters'. 181 draft cards and several hundred protest cards were presented to a US Marshal but he refused to accept them. The group then marched to a post office and posted them directly to the Attorney General in Washington. The anti-war movement took on an added gravity yesterday when Florence Beaumont, mother of two, burned herself to death. After soaking herself in petrol she set herself alight in front of the Federal Building, Los Angeles. Counter-demonstrations have been planned by the National Committee for Responsible Patriotism, based in New York. Parades have been scheduled for the weekend in support of "our boys in Vietnam". {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  295. ^ Sharin N. Elkholy (March 22, 2012). The Philosophy of the Beats. University Press of Kentucky. pp. 239–. ISBN 0-8131-4058-7.
  296. ^ Leen, Jeff (September 27, 1999). "The Vietnam Protests: When Worlds Collided". washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post. Retrieved August 11, 2014. The Pentagon march was the culmination of five days of nationwide anti-draft protests organized by the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam -- "the Mobe." But a singular spark was provided by the Youth International Party (Yippies), a fringe group whose leaders, Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, had announced that they planned an "exorcism" of the Pentagon. They would encircle the building, chant incantations, "levitate" the structure and drive out the evil war spirits.
  297. ^ Ron Chepesiuk (January 1, 1995). Sixties Radicals, Then and Now: Candid Conversations with Those Who Shaped the Era. McFarland. pp. 303–. ISBN 978-0-7864-3732-0.
  298. ^ "Huey P. Newton Biography: Civil Rights Activist (1942–1989)". biography.com. A&E Television Networks, LLC. Retrieved August 11, 2014. Newton himself was arrested in 1967 for allegedly killing an Oakland police officer during a traffic stop. He was later convicted of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to two to 15 years in prison. But public pressure—"Free Huey" became a popular slogan of the day—helped Newton's cause. The case was eventually dismissed after two retrials ended with hung juries.
  299. ^ Huey P. Newton (September 29, 2009). Revolutionary Suicide: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition). Penguin Group US. ISBN 978-1-101-14047-5.
  300. ^ Wetzteon, Ross; Ortega, Tony (November 16, 1967). "Not Everyone Loves You For Giving Things Away". villagevoice.com. The Village Voice. Retrieved August 15, 2014. Hippies' Free Store Not So Popular With Thugs (headline from Ortega's excerpt of original article, published by Village Voice 2010-03-24)
  301. ^ Karch, Steven (2011). "A Historical Review of MDMA" (PDF). benthamscience.com. Open Forensic Science Journal via Bentham Science. Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  302. ^ Gross, Terry (October 29, 1987). "Tom Wolfe: Chronicling Counterculture's 'Acid Test'". npr.org. National Public Radio (US). Retrieved July 9, 2014. Fresh Air: Text & Audio of Interview w/Wolfe
  303. ^ "Blue Cheer Biography". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone Magazine. 2001. Retrieved July 9, 2014. Blue Cheer appeared in spring 1968 with a thunderously loud remake of Eddie Cochran's "Summertime Blues" that many regard as the first true heavy-metal record. One of the first hard-rock power trios, the group was named for an especially high-quality strain of LSD. Its manager, Gut, was an ex-Hell's Angel. (This biography originally appeared in The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll (Simon & Schuster, 2001))
  304. ^ "'Laugh-In' Comic Alan Sues Dies At 85". sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com. CBS/AP. December 4, 2011. Retrieved June 17, 2014.
  305. ^ Cheng, Jim (May 26, 2008). "'Laugh-in' comic Dick Martin dies at 86". usatoday.com. USA Today/Gannett. Retrieved June 17, 2014.
  306. ^ Oberdorfer, Don (November 2004). "TET: Who Won?; A North Vietnamese battlefield defeat that led to victory, the Tet Offensive still triggers debate nearly four decades later". smithsonianmag.com. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved January 13, 2015.
  307. ^ James Arnold (September 20, 2012). Tet Offensive 1968: Turning point in Vietnam. Osprey Publishing. pp. 88–. ISBN 978-1-78200-428-8.
  308. ^ Nielsen Business Media, Inc. (March 30, 1968). Billboard. Nielsen Business Media, Inc. pp. 35–. ISSN 0006-2510. {{cite book}}: |author= has generic name (help)
  309. ^ Bass, Jack (2003). "Documenting the Orangeburg Massacre". http://www.nieman.harvard.edu. Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard / Harvard University. Retrieved July 9, 2014. Campus killings of black students received little news coverage in 1968, but a book about them keeps their memory alive. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  310. ^ Hunter Davies (1985). The Beatles. W.W. Norton. pp. 234–. ISBN 978-0-393-31571-4.
  311. ^ Saxena, Shivani (November 28, 2014). "On Harrison's death anniv, Beatles ashram glory lost in Rajaji wilderness". http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com. Times of India. Retrieved December 12, 2014. Situated by the Ganga, the 'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram' of Rishikesh — known the world over as the Beatles ashram — is where the "band more famous than Jesus Christ" dabbled in transcendental meditation under the tutelage of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the spring of 1968. More famously, the Beatles ashram in Uttarakhand is where the iconic 'White Album' was born. The album sold 9.5 million copies in the United States alone. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  312. ^ Raz, Guy (July 18, 2009). "Final Words: Cronkite's Vietnam Commentary (Parting words from Walter Cronkite: His famous Vietnam commentary, originally aired on a special CBS News broadcast Feb. 27, 1968.)". npr.org. NPR (US). Retrieved June 19, 2014.
  313. ^ Stephen L. Vaughn (September 12, 2007). Encyclopedia of American Journalism. Routledge. pp. 127–. ISBN 978-1-135-88020-0.
  314. ^ Franklin, Charles (July 17, 2009). "Walter Cronkite, Most Trusted Man in America". pollster.com. Pollster.com. Retrieved June 19, 2014.
  315. ^ Moyers, Bill (March 28, 2008). "The Kerner Commission — 40 Years Later". pbs.org. Bill Moyers Journal / Public Affairs Television. Retrieved July 10, 2014. ...the Kerner Report, with its stark conclusion that "Our nation is moving towards two societies — one white, one black — separate and unequal" — was a best-seller. It was also the source of great controversy and remains so today.
  316. ^ Thernstrom, Stephan; Siegel, Fred; Woodson, Robert (June 24, 1998). "The Kerner Commission Report". heritage.org. Heritage Foundation. Retrieved July 10, 2014. This lecture was held at The Heritage Foundation on March 13, 1998.
  317. ^ "3 Honored for Saving Lives at My Lai". nytimes.com. The New York Times. March 7, 1998. Retrieved July 10, 2014. Thirty years after one of the darkest moments in United States military history, three soldiers who happened upon the My Lai massacre and risked their lives to save Vietnamese civilians by aiming their weapons at fellow Americans were proclaimed heroes today by the Army.
  318. ^ William Thomas Allison (July 21, 2012). My Lai: An American Atrocity in the Vietnam War. JHU Press. pp. 10–. ISBN 978-1-4214-0706-7.
  319. ^ "Report of the Department of the Army Review of the Preliminary Investigations into the My Lai Incident: Vol. 1, the Report of the Investigation" (PDF). loc.gov. United States Army. March 14, 1970. Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  320. ^ "1968: Anti-Vietnam demo turns violent". bbc.co.uk. BBC (UK). 2008. Retrieved July 10, 2014. The trouble followed a big rally in Trafalgar square, when an estimated 10,000 demonstrated against American action in Vietnam and British support for the United States.
  321. ^ Kennedy, Robert Francis (March 18, 1968). "Robert F. Kennedy Speeches: Remarks at the University of Kansas, March 18, 1968". jfklibrary.org. John F. Kennedy Library & Museum. Retrieved July 10, 2014. I don't want to be part of a government, I don't want to be part of the United States, I don't want to be part of the American people, and have them write of us as they wrote of Rome: "They made a desert and they called it peace."
  322. ^ McNeill, Don; Ortega, Tony (March 28, 1968). "The Grand Central Riot: Yippies Meet the Man". villagevoice.com. The Village Voice. Retrieved July 27, 2014. Clip Job: Yip-In Turns Into Bloody Mess as Police Riot at Grand Central (headline from archived article published 2010-04-10)
  323. ^ Peter Knight (2003). Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. pp. 752–. ISBN 978-1-57607-812-9.
  324. ^ Boxer, Tim. "Photo: Yippies In Grand Central Station". gettyimages.com. Getty Images. Retrieved July 10, 2014. Caption:Members of the Youth International Party, or Yippies, gathering Grand Central Station for a sit-down demonstration New York, New York, March 22, 1968. (Photo by Tim Boxer/Pictorial Parade/Getty Images)
  325. ^ Johnson, Lyndon Baines (March 31, 1968). "Presidential Johnson's Address to the Nation, 3/31/68". lbjlibrary.net. The Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library (video via Youtube). Retrieved July 10, 2014. I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.
  326. ^ Campbell, Howard (September 12, 2012). "Larry Marshall makes sweet Nanny Goat". Jamaica Observer. Retrieved July 11, 2014. The song he recorded at Dodd's Studio One was Nanny Goat which some musicologists and reggae historians say is the first reggae song. Others argue that Toots and the Maytals' Do The Reggay, also done in 1968, and Games People Play by Bob Andy the following year, marked the transition from rocksteady to reggae. But for most, Nanny Goat was the game-changer.
  327. ^ Kevin O'Brien Chang; Wayne Chen (1998). Reggae Routes: The Story of Jamaican Music. Temple University Press. pp. 129–. ISBN 978-1-56639-629-5.
  328. ^ Don Voorhees (October 4, 2011). The Super Book of Useless Information: The Most Powerfully Unnecessary Things You Never Need to Know. Penguin. pp. 123–. ISBN 978-1-101-54513-3.
  329. ^ Cox Commission (1968). Crisis at Columbia (Cox Commission Report) (Paperback). Random House / First Vintage Press. p. 222. Report of the Fact Finding Commission Appointed to Investigate the Disturbances at Columbia University in April and May 1968
  330. ^ "Reservists Lose Plea, High Court OK's Vietnam Duty". AP via Milwaukee Journal. October 28, 1968. Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  331. ^ Pear, Robert (July 12, 1981). "Plan to Merge FBI and Drug Agency Pressed (Special to the NY Times)". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved July 11, 2014. The Bureau of Narcotics, a Treasury Department agency established in 1930, was combined in 1968 with the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control, a unit of the Food and Drug Administration, to form the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, within the Justice Department. Then, with the transfer of more than 500 narcotics investigators from the Treasury's old Bureau of Customs, the Drug Enforcement Administration was created in 1973.
  332. ^ "Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial" (PDF). thekingcenter.org. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. Retrieved July 9, 2014.
  333. ^ Flock, Elizabeth (April 12, 2012). "Martin Luther King assassination in 1968 a 'cruel and wanton act'". washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post. Retrieved July 9, 2014. After King's death, riots spread through Memphis. Some 4,000 National Guard troops were ordered into the city, and a curfew was imposed on the city...The riots soon spread across the nation— to Chicago, Baltimore, Kansas City and Washington, D.C.
  334. ^ "Interview: Eldridge Cleaver". PBS / Frontline (US). Retrieved July 10, 2014. Bobby Hutton didn't get wounded during the shootout, but they murdered him after we were in custody.
  335. ^ "Youth: The Politics of YIP". No. April 5, 1968. Time Magazine. April 5, 1968. Vol. 91 No. 41
  336. ^ Law, Lisa. "Photo: Easter Sunday Love-In, Malibu Canyon, California, 1968. This was a celebration of the counterculture movement". nwhistorycourse.org. Lisa Law. Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  337. ^ Emmis Communications (November 1991). Texas Monthly. Emmis Communications. pp. 118–. ISSN 0148-7736.
  338. ^ Alverson, Brigid. "Felix Dennis, defendant in Rupert Bear obscenity case, dies". comicbookresources.com. Comic Book Resources. Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  339. ^ Poggioli, Sylvia (May 13, 2008). "Marking the French Social Revolution of '68". npr.org. Morning Edition /National Public Radio (US). Retrieved July 10, 2014. Audio, Text & Photos
  340. ^ "People & Events: Paris Peace Talks". pbs.org. PBS/WGBH/American Experience (US). Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  341. ^ Robert Dallek (March 19, 1998). Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961-1973. Oxford University Press. pp. 738–. ISBN 978-0-19-977190-5.
  342. ^ Christine Bragg (2005). Vietnam, Korea and US Foreign Policy 1945-75. Heinemann. pp. 153–. ISBN 978-0-435-32708-8.
  343. ^ ""Catonsville 9" All Get Prison". AP via Milwaikee Journal. November 8, 1968. Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  344. ^ "Rioting in Louisville, KY (1968)". http://nkaa.uky.edu. University of Kentucky. 2003–2014. Retrieved July 11, 2014. The skirmish escalated, growing into a full-fledged riot in the West End, lasting for almost a week. Six units of the national guard, over 2,000 guardsmen, were ordered to Louisville. Looting and shooting occurred, buildings were burned, two teens were killed, and 472 people were arrested {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  345. ^ a b Robert Niemi (January 1, 2006). History in the Media: Film and Television. ABC-CLIO. pp. 305–. ISBN 978-1-57607-952-2. Cite error: The named reference "Niemi2006" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  346. ^ Smith, Jack (June 3, 1968). "Photo: Andy Warhol being lifted into an ambulance after he was shot, June 3, 1968". warhol.org. The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; Founding Collection, Contribution The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  347. ^ Granberry, Michael (June 5, 2014). "Forty-six years ago today, an assassin shot Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, stamping 1968 as the year that forever changed America". dallasnews.com. The Dallas Morning News Inc. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  348. ^ Christopher P. Lehman (October 26, 2006). American Animated Cartoons of the Vietnam Era: A Study of Social Commentary in Films and Television Programs, 1961-1973. McFarland. pp. 116–. ISBN 978-0-7864-5142-5.
  349. ^ "The Beatles' 1968 Pop Art masterpiece Yellow Submarine has been digitally restored and re-released to huge acclaim". thebeatles.com. Apple Corps. June 22, 2012. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  350. ^ Günter Bischof; Stefan Karner; Peter Ruggenthaler (2010). The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-0-7391-4304-9.
  351. ^ "The 1968 Democratic National Convention: At the height of a stormy year, Chicago streets become nightly battle zones". chicagotribune.com. Chicago Tribune. August 26, 1968. Retrieved June 5, 2014.
  352. ^ Kenneth Womack; Todd F. Davis (February 1, 2012). Reading the Beatles: Cultural Studies, Literary Criticism, and the Fab Four. SUNY Press. pp. 149–. ISBN 978-0-7914-8196-7.
  353. ^ "Whole Earth History: 1968 to 1988". wholeearth.com. New Whole Earth LLC. Retrieved July 12, 2014. 1968: Stewart Brand initiates The Whole Earth Catalog as "a Low Maintenance, High Yield, Self Sustaining, Critical Information Service." Self-published, with no advertising, it sold 1000 copies at $5 each.
  354. ^ Stern, Jane; Stern, Michael (December 9, 2007). "Access to Tools (Book Review: Counterculture Green)". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved March 8, 2015. Kirk's book uses the genesis and evolution of Whole Earth as an opportunity to survey the sea change in environmental and design attitudes that emerged in the 1960s counterculture but, he notes emphatically, eventually outgrew it.
  355. ^ Richman, Joe; Diaz-Cortes, Anayansi (December 1, 2008). "Mexico's 1968 Massacre: What Really Happened? (Text, Audio, & Photo Gallery)". npr.org. Radio Diaries / All Things Considered / US National Public Radio. Retrieved March 8, 2015. Government sources originally reported that four people had been killed and 20 wounded, while eyewitnesses described the bodies of hundreds of young people being trucked away. Thousands of students were beaten and jailed, and many disappeared. Forty years later, the final death toll remains a mystery, but documents recently released by the U.S. and Mexican governments give a better picture of what may have triggered the massacre.
  356. ^ Cosgrove, Ben; Dominis, John. "The Black Power Salute that Rocked the 1968 Olympics". http://life.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved January 1, 2015. When Olympic sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos stood atop the medal podium at the 1968 Summer Games in Mexico City, bowed their heads and raised black-gloved fists during the playing of the national anthem, millions of their fellow Americans were outraged. But countless millions more around the globe thrilled to the sight of two men standing before the world, unafraid, expressing disillusionment with a nation that so often fell, and still falls, so short of its promise. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  357. ^ "Oct 18, 1968: John Lennon and Yoko Ono arrested for drug possession". history.com. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
  358. ^ Burley, Leo (March 9, 2008). "Jagger vs Lennon: London's riots of 1968 provided the backdrop to a rock'n'roll battle royale". independent.co.uk. The Independent (UK). Retrieved July 11, 2014. Forty years ago, the world was on the brink of revolution. But while Mick was urging insurrection on the streets of London, John was preaching peace and love. In a series of incendiary, rediscovered interviews, Jagger and Lennon reveal themselves as never before or since: battling one another for the soul of rock'n'roll
  359. ^ "Cold War Chronicles: The Films of Emile de Antonio". harvard.edu. Harvard Film Archive. Retrieved May 5, 2014.
  360. ^ "On This Day: 27 October". http://news.bbc.co.uk. BBC. 2008. Retrieved March 8, 2015. The turnout for the march was around 25,000, half the number predicted by police and organisers. But, far from being disappointed at the low turnout Mr Ali said; "This is not the end. This is the beginning of the campaign." {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  361. ^ "Oct 31, 1968: President Johnson announces bombing halt". A&E Television Networks. Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  362. ^ "Material at the LBJ Library Pertaining to the October 31, 1968 Bombing Halt" (PDF). lbjlibrary.net. Lyndon Baines Johnson Library & Museum. Retrieved July 10, 2014. This list highlights several key files that contain material on the October 31, 1968, bombing halt.
  363. ^ "Nixon wins heated battle". Walker County Messager via Google News. November 6, 1968. Retrieved July 10, 2014. 25 years ago...
  364. ^ "Political Roundup: Humphrey, Nixon, Wallace". http://news.google.com. AP via Washington Observer-Reporter. October 19, 1968. Retrieved July 10, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  365. ^ Springer, Denize (September 22, 2008). "Campus commemorates 1968 student-led strike". sfsu.edu. SF State News (University Communications). Retrieved July 11, 2014. The five-month event defined the University's core values of equity and social justice, laid the groundwork for establishment of the College of Ethnic Studies...
  366. ^ Schevitz, Tanya (October 26, 2008). "S.F. State to mark 40th anniversary of strike". sfgate.com. San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst. Retrieved July 11, 2014. Pioneer in ethnic studies: Early in 1969, the university agreed to many of the student demands, including the establishment of the nation's first and only college of ethnic studies. The strike ended March 20.
  367. ^ "Archival Videos". www.diva.sfsu.edu. San Francisco Bay Area Television Archive. Retrieved December 30, 2014.
  368. ^ Linda Martin; Kerry Segrave (1993). Anti-rock: The Opposition to Rock 'n' Roll. Perseus Books Group. pp. 187–188. ISBN 978-0-306-80502-8.
  369. ^ John Lennon (October 1, 2013). Skywriting by Word of Mouth. HarperCollins. pp. 18–. ISBN 978-0-06-231986-9.
  370. ^ File:TwoVCover.jpg
  371. ^ "The Beatles (White Album): Releases". allmusic.com. All Music. Retrieved July 11, 2014. Release Date: November 22, 1968
  372. ^ "The Earthrise Photograph". Abc.net.au. December 24, 1968. Retrieved August 31, 2013.
  373. ^ "Remembering Ford & Sydeman Halls - The Student Occupation of Ford Hall, January 1969". http://lts.brandeis.edu. Brandeis University Archives & Special Collections. Retrieved December 31, 2014. On January 8, 1969, approximately seventy African American students took control of Ford and Sydeman Halls. The students quickly presented the administration with a list of ten demands for better minority representation on campus. Although the administration did not come to an agreement on all ten demands, the students left Ford and Sydeman Halls on January 18th, eleven days after the occupation began. The administration did grant most of the students amnesty, and President Morris Abram stated that every legitimate demand would be met in good faith. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  374. ^ Lindeman, Tracey (February 15, 2014). "A look back at Montreal's race-related 1969 Computer Riot". http://www.cbc.ca. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved December 31, 2014. Forty-five years ago this week, violent protests and a 14-day sit-in over racism at Sir George Williams University exploded, causing $2 million in damage for the school. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  375. ^ "ACLU History". ACLU.org. American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved April 25, 2014.
  376. ^ Fawcett, Anthony (1976). "THE PEACE POLITICIAN – THE BED-INS-AMSTERDAM AND MONTREAL". imaginepeace.com. Grove Press via Imagine Peace. Retrieved July 16, 2014. From the (Anthony Fawcett) book One Day at a Time
  377. ^ Marc Jason Gilbert (2001). The Vietnam War on Campus: Other Voices, More Distant Drums. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 121–. ISBN 978-0-275-96909-7.
  378. ^ "This Day in History. Vietnam War:Westmoreland requests more troops". history.com. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved August 13, 2014. Gen. William Westmoreland, senior U.S. military commander in Vietnam, sends a new troop request to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Westmoreland stated that he needed 542,588 troops for the war in Vietnam in 1967--an increase of 111,588 men to the number already serving there. In the end, President Johnson acceded to Westmoreland's wishes and dispatched the additional troops to South Vietnam, but the increases were done in an incremental fashion. The highest number of U.S. troops in South Vietnam was 543,500, which was reached in 1969.
  379. ^ Elizabeth L. Wollman (November 6, 2006). The Theater Will Rock: A History of the Rock Musical, from Hair to Hedwig. University of Michigan Press. pp. 77–. ISBN 0-472-11576-6.
  380. ^ Lennon, John; Lennon, Yoko Ono (May 1969). "Bed Peace". imaginepeace.com. Bag Productions / Yoko Ono Lennon. Retrieved January 14, 2015. In 1969, John and I were so naïve to think that doing the Bed-In would help change the world. Well, it might have. But at the time, we didn't know. It was good that we filmed it, though. The film is powerful now. What we said then could have been said now...-Yoko Ono Lennon, 2014.(Film hosted on Youtube.)
  381. ^ "Brian Jones: Sympathy for the Devil". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone. August 9, 1969. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
  382. ^ Helmut Staubmann (June 3, 2013). The Rolling Stones: Sociological Perspectives. Lexington Books. pp. 123–. ISBN 978-0-7391-7672-6.
  383. ^ "Rolling Stones to return to Hyde Park". bbc.com. BBC. April 3, 2003. Retrieved October 22, 2014. The Rolling Stones are to perform in London's Hyde Park for the first time since a legendary free concert for an estimated 250,000 people in 1969. The outdoor gig will take place on 6 July, a week after the group's first appearance at the Glastonbury festival. The rock legends famously played in the park just two days after death of guitarist Brian Jones in July 1969.
  384. ^ Wilford, John Noble (1969). We Reach the Moon. New York: New York Times / Bantam. p. XV. ISBN 9780552082051. The Story of Man's Greatest Adventure
  385. ^ "Charles Manson Biography: Charles Manson is an American cult leader whose followers carried out several notorious murders in the late 1960s and inspired the book Helter Skelter". biography.com. A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2014. Retrieved June 5, 2014.
  386. ^ Woods, William Crawford (August 8, 2013). "From the Stacks (January 4, 1975): "Demon in the Counterculture"". newrepublic.com. The New Republic. Retrieved June 5, 2014.
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  388. ^ Christopher Gair (2007). The American Counterculture. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 205–. ISBN 978-0-7486-1989-4.
  389. ^ "Volunteers". 1969. Retrieved December 30, 2014.
  390. ^ "The Dick Cavett Show". August 19, 1969. Retrieved December 30, 2014.
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  394. ^ Savio, Jessica (April 1, 2011). "Browsing history: A heritage site is being set up in Boelter Hall 3420, the room the first Internet message originated in". dailybruin.com. The Daily Bruin. Retrieved May 1, 2014.
  395. ^ Skarda, Erin (June 28, 2011). "Moratorium Against the Vietnam War, Nov. 15, 1969". http://content.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved July 16, 2014. In the frigid fall of 1969, more than 500,000 people marched on Washington to protest U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. It remains the largest political rally in the nation's history. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  396. ^ Ian Inglis; Norma Coates (2006). "Chapter 6". Performance and Popular Music: History, Place and Time. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. pp. 58–. ISBN 978-0-7546-4057-8.
  397. ^ Buckley, Jr., William F. (December 10, 1970). "Altamont was Funeral for the Woodstock Nation". news.google.com. The Milwaukee Journal. Retrieved July 3, 2014. Re: release of 'Gimme Shelter'
  398. ^ Martin, Douglas (July 12, 2011). "Theodore Roszak, '60s Expert, Dies at 77". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved February 10, 2015. Theodore Roszak, who three weeks after the Woodstock Festival in 1969 not only published a pivotal book about a young generation's drug-fueled revolt against authority but also gave it a name — "counterculture" — died on July 5 at his home in Berkeley, Calif. He was 77.
  399. ^ "Midnight Cowboy". tcm.com. Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved July 27, 2014. 1969 was an interesting turning point in American cinema and no film better reflects that than Midnight Cowboy. Not only was it the first X-rated film to win the Best Picture Oscar but it presented a view of New York City that was the most bleak and depressing portrait since Ray Milland hit every seedy Manhattan bar in The Lost Weekend (1945).
  400. ^ Keith M. Booker (March 17, 2011). Historical Dictionary of American Cinema. Scarecrow Press. pp. 25–. ISBN 978-0-8108-7459-6.
  401. ^ "May 4 Sequence of Events". www.kentwired.com. kentwired. May 4, 2010. Retrieved April 30, 2014.
  402. ^ Bhatia, Kabir (May 3, 2013). "Dean Kahler: visitors' Center helps him move past May 4, 1970". wksu.org. WKSU Public Radio. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
  403. ^ Jennings, Peter; Jarriel, Tom (May 9, 1970). "5/9/1970: Nationwide Student Strike". abcnews.go.com. ABC News Internet Ventures. Retrieved September 26, 2014. Students gather to protest the invasion of Cambodia and the Kent State massacre. (Archival footage including speeches by Benjamin Spock, Jane Fonda, and Ron Young).
  404. ^ McNichol, Tom (November 14, 2011). "I Am Not a Kook: Richard Nixon's Bizarre Visit to the Lincoln Memorial". theatlantic.com. The Atlantic Monthly Group. Retrieved June 5, 2014.
  405. ^ Suarez, Ray (November 25, 2011). "New Nixon Tapes Reveal Details of Meeting With Anti-War Activists (Text & Video)". pbs.org. PBS Newshour. Retrieved June 5, 2014.
  406. ^ Getlen, Larry (August 31, 2014). "How Dock Ellis Dropped Acid and Threw a Ho-Hitter". nypost.com. The New York Post. Retrieved September 4, 2014. Later in life, Ellis, who ultimately got straight and became a drug counselor, expressed shame about what he had done. While the LSD no-hitter kept him in the public eye, he came to see it not as a point of pride, but as a sign that his drug use might have robbed him of his greatest professional memory.
  407. ^ Witz, Billy (September 4, 2010). "For Ellis, a Long, Strange Trip to a No-Hitter". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved September 21, 2014. But it was Ellis's claim, after he retired, that he threw his no-hitter while under the influence of LSD that cemented his standing as an icon of the sport's counterculture era, making him an intriguing figure to artists, musicians, filmmakers and journalists — even after his death.
  408. ^ Michael Howard Holzman (2008). James Jesus Angleton, the CIA, and the Craft of Counterintelligence. Univ of Massachusetts Press. pp. 273–. ISBN 1-55849-650-5.
  409. ^ Loch K. Johnson (1989). America's Secret Power. Oxford University Press. pp. 155–. ISBN 978-0-19-536153-7.
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  414. ^ Christine Wallace (July 1, 2013). Germaine Greer: Untamed Shrew. Pan Macmillan Australia. pp. 184–. ISBN 978-1-74334-189-6.
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  417. ^ File:Elvis-nixon.jpg
  418. ^ Jordan Goodman. Tobacco in History and Culture: An Encyclopedia. Granite Hill Publishers. pp. 676–. ISBN 978-0-684-31453-2.
  419. ^ Ray Broadus Browne; Pat Browne (2001). The Guide to United States Popular Culture. Popular Press. pp. 744–. ISBN 978-0-87972-821-2.
  420. ^ Gardella, Kay (January 11, 2015). "'All in the Family' introduces the world to foul-mouthed Archie Bunker in 1971". nydailynews.com. New York Daily News. Retrieved January 13, 2015. [Archived/Reprinted.Originally published by the Daily News on Jan. 13, 1971] CBS Gambles on Reality with New Comedy Series
  421. ^ Silver, Michael (November 19, 2003). "Where Were You on March 8, 1971?". espn.go.com. ESPN Classic. Retrieved June 27, 2014. The country was split between those supporting our efforts in Vietnam and those opposed to the war. Hawks, doves, hard hats, flower children, black power, Woodstock, Kent State and the silent majority were bywords for the most divisive American decade since the American Civil War some 100 years earlier.
  422. ^ Fitzpatrick, Frank (April 14, 2014). "When politics enter the playing field". philly.com. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved June 27, 2014. People forget the intensity of opposing passions in 1971. No one was neutral. Friends and families were bitterly divided. If you supported the Vietnam War, you supported Frazier. And if you opposed it, you were in the corner of Ali, who had forfeited his title for refusing military induction in 1967.
  423. ^ Cosgrove, Ben; Shearer, John. "Ali, Frazier and the 'Fight of the Century': A Photographer Remembers Read more: Ali-Frazier: Rare and Classic Photos From the 'Fight of the Century' (w/Text)". life.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved June 27, 2014. Long before the first bell of their March 1971 fight sounded, the contest was billed as "The Fight of the Century" and, amazingly, it lived up to the hype. That night, a star-studded crowd watched two of the greatest fighters who ever lived battle for supremacy in the world's premier sports arena. Read more: Ali-Frazier: Rare and Classic Photos From the 'Fight of the Century'
  424. ^ Sheehan, Neil; Smith, Hedrick; Kenworthy, E.W.; Butterfield, Fox (1971). The Pentagon Papers. New York: New York Times/Bantam. The Secret History of the Vietnam War. The Complete and Unabridged Series as Published in the New York Times. With key documents and 64 page of photographs
  425. ^ Mitchell K. Hall (September 29, 2005). Crossroads: American Popular Culture and the Vietnam Generation. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 166–. ISBN 978-0-7425-7586-8.
  426. ^ Krogh, Egil (June 30, 2007). "The Break-In That History Forgot". nytimes.com. The New York Times. Retrieved July 28, 2014. The premise of our action was the strongly held view within certain precincts of the White House that the president and those functioning on his behalf could carry out illegal acts with impunity if they were convinced that the nation's security demanded it. As President Nixon himself said to David Frost during an interview six years later, "When the president does it, that means it is not illegal." To this day the implications of this statement are staggering.
  427. ^ "Est History Is Short but Successful". latimes.com. Los Angeles Times. April 27, 1986. Retrieved May 23, 2014.
  428. ^ Alinsky, Saul D. (1971). Rules for Radicals (A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals) (Vintage Books Edition, March 1972 ed.). New York: Random House/Vintage. ISBN 0-394-71736-8.
  429. ^ "OBOS Timeline: 1969-Present". ourbodiesourselves.org. Our Bodies Ourselves. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
  430. ^ Jon Wiener (December 22, 1999). Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files. University of California Press. pp. 24–. ISBN 978-0-520-92454-3.
  431. ^ Gentry, Curt (1991). J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets (First Plume, 1992-09 ed.). New York: Norton/Penguin/Plume. p. 33. ISBN 0-452-26904-0.
  432. ^ File:Hanoi Jane.jpg
  433. ^ Nguyen Anh Tuan (December 23, 2008). America Coming to Terms: The Vietnam Legacy. Xlibris Corporation. pp. 657–. ISBN 978-1-4628-1270-7.
  434. ^ Jones, Paige (January 17, 2015). "Jane Fonda met with protest in Frederick; hopes for open dialogue with Vietnam-era veterans". fredericknewspost.com. Frederick News-Post. Retrieved January 21, 2015.
  435. ^ Henry Kissinger (February 11, 2003). Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America's Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War. Simon and Schuster. pp. 591–. ISBN 978-0-7432-4577-7.
  436. ^ Edward W. Knappman, ed. South Vietnam: Volume 7, US-Communist Confrontation in Southeast Asia 1972–1973. p. 226.
  437. ^ McBride, Alex (December 2006). "Roe v. Wade (1973)". pbs.org. Educational Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved January 14, 2015.
  438. ^ Donald E. Lively; Russell L. Weaver (January 1, 2006). Contemporary Supreme Court Cases: Landmark Decisions Since Roe V. Wade. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-313-33514-3.
  439. ^ "On This Day: Paris Peace Accords Signed, Ending American Involvement in Vietnam War". Finding Dulcinea. Jan 27, 2012. Retrieved February 9, 2015.
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  443. ^ Michael J. Fitzgerald (Aug 4, 2013). "Watkins Glen Summer Jam rock concert drew 600,000 in 1973". Democrat and Chronicle. Retrieved February 9, 2015.
  444. ^ "Nixon Announces New Vice President (Video)". www.c-span.org. C-SPAN / National Cable Satellite Corporation. Retrieved March 2, 2015. President Nixon announced House Minority Leader Gerald Ford as his choice for vice president to replace Nixon's first vice president, Spiro Agnew, who had resigned. President Nixon also talked about a new outbreak of war in the Middle East and about inflation in the U.S. Mr. Ford also spoke briefly.
  445. ^ "Greece Marks '73 Student Uprising". Athens News. Athens, Greece. November 17, 1999. Archived from the original on March 13, 2007. Retrieved April 23, 2014. The Polytechnic Uprising, as it has come to be known, dealt a blow to the self-confidence of the junta leaders and led directly to the toppling of the dictator and chief putschist of the April 21, 1967, coup d'etat that brought the junta to power, Colonel George Papadopoulos. {{cite news}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; June 17, 2008 suggested (help); Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  446. ^ Kilpatrick, Carroll (November 18, 1973). "Nixon Tells Editors, 'I'm Not a Crook'". washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post Co. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  447. ^ Andy Pearson (March 5, 2004). "1974: University 'Cracks' Streaking Record". Red & Black. Retrieved February 8, 2015.
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  451. ^ File:George Harrison 1974 edited.jpg
  452. ^ Seymour M. Hersh (Dec 22, 1974). "Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years". Good Times. The New York Times. Retrieved February 8, 2015.
  453. ^ "Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years". Muckraker Farm. Dec 21, 1974. Retrieved February 8, 2015.
  454. ^ "January 27, 1975 Church Committee Created". www.senate.gov. US Senate. Retrieved April 25, 2014.
  455. ^ "Operation Frequent Wind: April 29-30, 1975". http://www.usni.org. U.S. Naval Institute. April 29, 2010. Retrieved March 2, 2015. For 125,000 Vietnamese-Americans and their descendants, April 30, 1975 marks the day their lives changed forever. On that date, Saigon fell to the forces of North Vietnam and thousands of "at risk" Vietnamese joined the dwindling number of Americans still left in Vietnam to be evacuated by Operation Frequent Wind a massive assembly of aircraft and ships that became the largest helicopter evacuation in history. With the fall of Saigon imminent, the United States Navy formed Task Force 76 off the coast of South Vietnam in anticipation of removing those "at risk" Vietnamese who had ardently supported our efforts to stop the Communist takeover of South Vietnam. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  456. ^ Lee, Vic (January 2, 2007). "Interview: Woman Who Tried To Assassinate Ford". San Francisco: KGO-TV. Retrieved January 3, 2007.
  457. ^ "Patti's Twisted Journey". Time. September 29, 1975.
  458. ^ "New York Judge Reverses John Lennon's Deportation order". History Channel/A&E Networks.
  459. ^ Zoglin, Richard (June 23, 2008). "How George Carlin Changed Comedy". content.time.com. Time, Inc. Retrieved February 25, 2015. When NBC introduced a new late-night comedy show in 1975 called Saturday Night Live, Carlin was the comedian they turned to as the first guest host.
  460. ^ Ulster, Laurie (February 13, 2015). "Live from New York – 40 Years Ago – It's Saturday Night!". biography.com. A&E Television Networks. Retrieved February 25, 2015. But to really understand the beginnings of what is now Saturday Night Live, you first have to forget what it has become. Now it's an institution. Back in 1975, it was pure counterculture. There had been nothing like it before, not really, and Lorne Michaels had to do battle with conventional network thinking to make it what he knew it had to be: a show full of amateurs doing comedy for people the TV industry didn't yet understand.
  461. ^ Doug Hill; Jeff Weingrad (15 December 2011). Saturday Night: A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live. Untreed Reads. pp. 132–. ISBN 978-1-61187-218-7.
  462. ^ Glass, Andrew (January 21, 2008). "Carter pardons draft dodgers Jan. 21, 1977". politico.com. The Politico/Allbritton Communications Company. Retrieved May 21, 2014.
  463. ^ Wattenberg, Ben; Wattenberg, Daniel (August 19, 1997). "The Social Revolutionary who Rejected his Progeny". baltimoresun.com. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved September 4, 2014. More than any other man, Elvis Presley has been assigned ultimate paternity for the children of the '60s. He introduced the beat to everything and changed everything -- music, language, clothes; it's a whole new social revolution -- the '60s come from it, said composer Leonard Bernstein. Before Elvis, there was nothing, the decade's most representative child, John Lennon, once said. But Elvis repudiated his progeny. Religious, anti-communist, unconflicted capitalist to the end, he neither aligned himself with the Woodstock generation's politics nor joined their countercultural party.
  464. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. (October 1, 2008). Britannica Guide to 100 Most Influential Americans. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. pp. 435–. ISBN 978-1-59339-857-6.
  465. ^ "John Lennon Biography". rollingstone.com. Rolling Stone. Retrieved August 11, 2014. But on December 8, 1980, Lennon, returning with Ono to their Dakota apartment on New York City's Upper West Side, was shot seven times by a 25-year-old drifter and Beatles fan to whom Lennon had given an autograph a few hours earlier. Lennon was pronounced dead on arrival at Roosevelt Hospital. On December 14, at Ono's request, a 10-minute silent vigil was held at 2 p.m. EST in which millions around the world participated.


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