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|The brilliant sun is far away; still, at dawn its soft glow makes the drooping lotus buds bloom. Similarly, O Jina ! Let alone the immeasurable powers of your eulog, mere utterance of your name with devotion destroys the sins of the mundane beings and purifies them.
|The brilliant sun is far away; still, at dawn its soft glow makes the drooping lotus buds bloom. Similarly, O Jina ! Let alone the immeasurable powers of your eulog, mere utterance of your name with devotion destroys the sins of the mundane beings and purifies them.

|10.नात्यद्-भुतं भुवन - भूषण ! भूूत-नाथ!
भूतैर्गुणैर्भुवि भवन्त - मभिष्टुवन्त:।
तुल्या भवन्ति भवतो ननु तेन किं वा
भूत्याश्रितं य इह नात्मसमं करोति}}
|Natyadbhutam bhuvana bhushana ! bhutanatha bhutairgunairbhuvi bhavantam abhishtuvantah. Tulya bhavanti bhavato nanu tena kim va bhutyashritam ya iha natmasamam karoti
|O Lord of the living ! O Eminence of the world ! It is not surprising that he who is engrossed in praise of your infinite virtues (assimilating the virtues in his conduct) attains your exalted position.It should not be surprising if a benevolent master makes his subjects his equals. In fact, what is the use of serving such a master who does not allow his dependents to prosper to an exalted position like his ?

|11.दृष्ट्वा भवन्त मनिमेष - विलोकनीयं,
नान्यत्र - तोष- मुपयाति जनस्य चक्षु:।
पीत्वा पय: शशिकर - द्युति - दुग्ध-सिन्धो:,
क्षारं जलं जलनिधेरसितुं क इच्छेत्?}}
|Drishtava bhavantam animesha vilokaniyam nanyatra toshamupayati janasya chakshuh.Pitva payah shashikaradyuti dugdha sindhohksharam jalam jalnidhe rasitum ka ichchhet?
|O Jina ! Your divine magnificence is spell-binding. After looking at your divine form nothing else please the eye. Obviously, who would like to taste the saline sea water after drinking fresh water of the divine milk-ocean, pure and soothing like moonlight?

|12यै: शान्त-राग-रुचिभि: परमाणुभिस्-त्वं,
निर्मापितस्- त्रि-भुवनैक - ललाम-भूत !
तावन्त एव खलु तेऽप्यणव: पृथिव्यां,
यत्ते समान- मपरं न हि रूप-मस्ति}}
|Yaih shantaragaruchibhih paramanubhistavam nirmapitastribhuvanaika lalamabhuta Tavanta eva khalu teapyanavah prithivyam yatte samanam aparam na hi rupam asti.
|O Crown of the three realms ! It appears as if the quiescence and harmony imparting ultimate particles became extinct after constituting your body, because I do not witness such out of the world magnificience other than yours.


Revision as of 17:07, 9 November 2015

Bhaktamara Stotra is one of the famous Jain sanskrit prayers. It is said to be composed by Manatunga. The name Bhaktamara comes from a combination of two sanskrit names, "Bhakta" (Devotee) and "Amar" (Immortal).

The prayer praises Rishabha (Adinath), the first Tirthankara of Jainism. There is some variation in the number of verses of the available manuscripts; some have 48 verses, while others have 44 verses. A few have 52 verses. The last verse gives the name of the author Manatunga.


Bhaktamar verses have been recited as a stotra (prayer), and sung as a stavan (hymn), somewhat interchangeably. Other Jain prayers have taken after these (such as the Kalyānamandira stotra, devoted to the twenty-third tirthankara, and the Svayambhu stotra, to all twenty-four); additional verses here praise the omniscience of Adinatha,[1][2] while devotionals are considered a source for lay understandings of Jain doctrine.[3]

See also, Jainpedia manuscript pages for Bhaktāmara-stotra (1762 & Later), a Sanskrit recording (with romanized text) of "Bhaktamar Stotra" on YouTube (by Gundecha Brothers), and translations of "Bhaktamar Stotra" Sloka 01-44 (Śvētāmbara), or 48 verses described (Digambara):

The Bhaktamar Legend

According to legends, the Jain monk Manatunga was chained and imprisoned by the local King Bhoja. Manatunga composed his stotra (hymn) in the prison. With the completion of each verse, a chain broke, or a door opened. Manatunga was free when all the verses were finished.


Mantunga Acharya Shrine, at Bhojpur, Madhya Pradesh

Legends associate Manatunga with a ruler named Bhoja. However Manatunga probably lived a few centuries before Raja Bhoja of Dhara (Dhar, MP). He is identified by some scholars as Kshapanaka, one of the Navaratnas in the court of legendary Vikramaditya. An unidentified Sanskrit poet Matanga, composer of "Brahaddeshi" on music theory, may also have been the same person. Bhaktamara stotra was composed sometime in the Gupta or the post-Gupta period, making Manatunga approximately contemporary with other navaratnas like Kalidasa and Varahamihira. Several spots near Bhopal and Dhar are traditionally associated with Manatunga.[4]

Bhaktamar Stotra

1.भक्तामर - प्रणत - मौलि - मणि -प्रभाणा-

मुद्योतकं दलित - पाप - तमो - वितानम्। सम्यक् -प्रणम्य जिन - पाद - युगं युगादा- वालम्बनं भव - जले पततां जनानाम्

Bhaktamara pranata maulimaniprabhanam uddyotakam dalita papa tamovitanam.Samyak pranamyajinapadayugam yugada- valambanam bhavajale patatam jananam. When the Gods bow down at the feet of Bhagavan Rishabhdeva divine glow of his nails increases shininess of jewels of their crowns. Mere touch of his feet absolves the beings from sins. He who submits himself at these feet is saved from taking birth again and again. I offer my reverential salutations at the feet of Bhagavan Rishabhadeva, the first Tirthankar, the propagator of religion at the beginning of this era.
2.य: संस्तुत: सकल - वाङ् मय - तत्त्व-बोधा-

दुद्भूत-बुद्धि - पटुभि: सुर - लोक - नाथै:। स्तोत्रैर्जगत्- त्रितय - चित्त - हरैरुदारै:, स्तोष्ये किलाहमपि तं प्रथमं जिनेन्द्रम्

Yah samstutah sakala vangmaya tatva bodhat udbhuta buddhi patubhih suraloka nathaih. Stotrairjagattritaya chittaharairudaraih stoshye kilahamapi tam prathamam jinendram. Wise celestial lords, who have acquired wisdom from all the canons, have eulogized Bhagavan Adinath with Hymns bringing joy to the audience of three realms (heaven, earth and hell) I(Matungacharya, an humble man with little wisdom) shall be steadfast in my endeavour to eulogize that first Tirthankar.
3.बुद्ध्या विनापि विबुधार्चित - पाद - पीठ!

स्तोतुं समुद्यत - मतिर्विगत - त्रपोऽहम्। बालं विहाय जल-संस्थित-मिन्दु-बिम्ब- मन्य: क इच्छति जन: सहसा ग्रहीतुम्

Buddhya vinaapi vibudharchita padapitha stotum samudyata matirvigata trapoaham. Balam vihaya jala samsthitam indu bimbam anyah ka ichchhati janah sahasa grahitum. O Jina! As an ignorant child takes up an impossible task of grabbing the reflection of moon in water, out of impudence alone, an ignorant man like me trying to eulogize a great soul like you.
4.वक्तुं गुणान्गुण -समुद्र ! शशाङ्क-कान्तान्,

कस्ते क्षम: सुर - गुरु-प्रतिमोऽपि बुद्ध ्या । कल्पान्त -काल - पवनोद्धत- नक्र- चक्रं , को वा तरीतुमलमम्बुनिधिं भुजाभ्याम्

Vaktum gunan gunasamudra shashankakantan kaste kshamah suraguru pratimoapi buddhya. Kalpanta kala pavanoddhata nakra hakram ko va taritum alam ambunidhim bhujabhyam. O Ocean of virtues! Can even Brihaspati, the guru of gods, with the help of his unlimited wisdom, narrate your virtues transparent and blissful as the moon? (certainly not.) Is it possible for a man to swim across the reptile infested ocean, lashed by gales of deluge? (certainly not).
5.सोऽहं तथापि तव भक्ति - वशान्मुनीश!

कर्तुं स्तवं विगत - शक्ति - रपि प्रवृत्त:। प्रीत्यात्म - वीर्य - मविचार्य मृगी मृगेन्द्रम् नाभ्येति किं निज-शिशो: परिपालनार्थम्

Soaham tathapitava bhakti vashanmunisha kartum stavam vigatashaktirapi pravrittah.Prityatma viryam avicharya mrigi mrigendram nabhyeti kim nijashishoh paripalanartham. O Apostle of apostles ! I am incapable of narrating your infinite virtues. Still, inspired by my devotion for you, I intend to compose a hymn in your praise. It is well known that to protect her fawn, even a doe puts her feet down and faces a lion, forgetting its own fraility. (Similarly, devotion is forcing me to face the great task of composing the hymn without assessing my own capacity).
6.अल्प- श्रुतं श्रुतवतां परिहास-धाम,

त्वद्-भक्तिरेव मुखरी-कुरुते बलान्माम् । यत्कोकिल: किल मधौ मधुरं विरौति, तच्चाम्र -चारु -कलिका-निकरैक -हेतु:

Alpashrutam shrutavatam parihasadhama tvadbhakti-reva mukhari kurute balanmam. Yat kokilah kila madhau madhuram virauti tachchamra charu kalika nikaraika-hetuh. O lord ! I am such an ignorant that I am an object of ridicule for the wise. Still, my devotion for you compels me to sing hymns in your praise, as the mango sprouts compel the cuckoo during the spring time to produce its melodious coo.
7.त्वत्संस्तवेन भव - सन्तति-सन्निबद्धं,

पापं क्षणात्क्षयमुपैति शरीरभाजाम् । आक्रान्त - लोक - मलि -नील-मशेष-माशु, सूर्यांशु- भिन्न-मिव शार्वर-मन्धकारम्

Tvat sanstavena bhavasantati sannibaddhampapam kshanat kshayamupaiti sharirabhajam. Akranta lokamalinilamasheshamashu suryamshu bhinnamiva sharvaram andhakaram Just as the bright sun rays remove darkness, the sins accumulated by living beings are wiped out by praying you.
8.मत्वेति नाथ! तव संस्तवनं मयेद, -

मारभ्यते तनु- धियापि तव प्रभावात् । चेतो हरिष्यति सतां नलिनी-दलेषु, मुक्ता-फल - द्युति-मुपैति ननूद-बिन्दु:

Matveti nath ! tava samstavanam mayedamam arabhyate tanudhiyapi tava prabhavat. Cheto harishyati satam nalinidaleshu muktaphala dyutim upaiti nanudabinduh I compose this panegyric with the belief that, though composed by an ignorant like me, it will certainly please noble people due to your divine influence. Indeed, when on lotus leaves, dew drops gleam like pearls presenting a pleasant sight.
9.आस्तां तव स्तवन- मस्त-समस्त-दोषं,

त्वत्सङ्कथाऽपि जगतां दुरितानि हन्ति । दूरे सहस्रकिरण: कुरुते प्रभैव, पद्माकरेषु जलजानि विकासभाञ्जि

Astam tava stavanam astasamasta dosham tvat samkathapi jagatam duritanihanti Dure sahasrakiranah kurute prabhaiva padmakareshu jalajani vikasha bhanji. The brilliant sun is far away; still, at dawn its soft glow makes the drooping lotus buds bloom. Similarly, O Jina ! Let alone the immeasurable powers of your eulog, mere utterance of your name with devotion destroys the sins of the mundane beings and purifies them.
10.नात्यद्-भुतं भुवन - भूषण ! भूूत-नाथ!

भूतैर्गुणैर्भुवि भवन्त - मभिष्टुवन्त:। तुल्या भवन्ति भवतो ननु तेन किं वा भूत्याश्रितं य इह नात्मसमं करोति

Natyadbhutam bhuvana bhushana ! bhutanatha bhutairgunairbhuvi bhavantam abhishtuvantah. Tulya bhavanti bhavato nanu tena kim va bhutyashritam ya iha natmasamam karoti O Lord of the living ! O Eminence of the world ! It is not surprising that he who is engrossed in praise of your infinite virtues (assimilating the virtues in his conduct) attains your exalted position.It should not be surprising if a benevolent master makes his subjects his equals. In fact, what is the use of serving such a master who does not allow his dependents to prosper to an exalted position like his ?
11.दृष्ट्वा भवन्त मनिमेष - विलोकनीयं,

नान्यत्र - तोष- मुपयाति जनस्य चक्षु:। पीत्वा पय: शशिकर - द्युति - दुग्ध-सिन्धो:, क्षारं जलं जलनिधेरसितुं क इच्छेत्?

Drishtava bhavantam animesha vilokaniyam nanyatra toshamupayati janasya chakshuh.Pitva payah shashikaradyuti dugdha sindhohksharam jalam jalnidhe rasitum ka ichchhet? O Jina ! Your divine magnificence is spell-binding. After looking at your divine form nothing else please the eye. Obviously, who would like to taste the saline sea water after drinking fresh water of the divine milk-ocean, pure and soothing like moonlight?
12यै: शान्त-राग-रुचिभि: परमाणुभिस्-त्वं,

निर्मापितस्- त्रि-भुवनैक - ललाम-भूत ! तावन्त एव खलु तेऽप्यणव: पृथिव्यां, यत्ते समान- मपरं न हि रूप-मस्ति

Yaih shantaragaruchibhih paramanubhistavam nirmapitastribhuvanaika lalamabhuta Tavanta eva khalu teapyanavah prithivyam yatte samanam aparam na hi rupam asti. O Crown of the three realms ! It appears as if the quiescence and harmony imparting ultimate particles became extinct after constituting your body, because I do not witness such out of the world magnificience other than yours.


Bhaktamara stotra is widely illustrated in paintings.[5][6] At the Sanghiji temple at Sanganer, there is a panel illustrating each verse.

The verses of Bhaktamar are thought to possess magical properties (tantra). A mystical diagram, yantra, is associated with each verse. "Sadhak Shivaanand Saraswati" (Udayraj Gadnis) has painted a number of yantras associated with Bhaktamar stotra.

There is a temple at Bharuch with a section dedicated to the Bhaktamar and its author Manatunga.[7]

The Bhaktamara Stotra is composed in the meter "Vasantatilka". All the fourteen syllables of this meter are equally divided between short and long syllables i.e. seven laghu and seven gurus and this belongs to sakvari group of meters. It is believed that such an equal division into short and long syllables will help an aspirant attain the state of equanimity quickly, the meter itself serving as a catalyst (mantra).[8]


  1. ^ The A to Z of Jainism, ISBN 0810868210
  2. ^ Svayambhu Stotra: Adoration of the Twenty-four Tirthankara, ISBN 8190363972
  3. ^ Singing to the Jinas, ISBN 0195140117
  4. ^ Team, jainasoft.com: hostmaster@jainasoft.com. "Shri Shantinath Atishaya Kshetra Bhojpur". Jainteerth.com. Retrieved 2012-04-21.
  5. ^ Bhaktamar Mantras
  6. ^ "Sumant Shah series of paintings". Greatindianarts.com. Retrieved 2012-04-21.
  7. ^ Shri Bharuch Teerth[dead link]
  8. ^ Bhaktamar Stotra: The Song of Salvation, ISBN 9788190082396