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LaRouche movement

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The LaRouche Movement is an international political and cultural movement which promotes Lyndon LaRouche and his ideas, including a number of conspiracy theories. The organization includes interlocking think tanks, magazines and newspapers, national political organizations, a political action committee, and youth cadre. Although the LaRouche movement is widely seen as a fringe political cult (or a cult of personality), the movement itself proclaims that Lyndon LaRouche is a central figure of international political and cultural importance, and that the movement is a necessary response to save the world from an ongoing and imminent global crisis. One critic has accused LaRouche of creating a cult of personality rivaling that of Joseph Stalin.[1]

This article covers the current structure and key persons related to the LaRouche organization. For more history of the formation of the LaRouche organization, see his biography, Lyndon LaRouche. For more on the political, economic, and cultural philosophies of the LaRouche organization, see Political views of Lyndon LaRouche.

Political organizations

LaRouche-affiliated political parties have nominated dozens, perhaps hundreds, of candidates for national and regional offices in the U.S., Canada, Sweden, Australia and France, for almost thirty years without electoral success.


The Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees (ICLC) are international umbrella organizations that mobilize on behalf of the LaRouche Movement. Schiller Institute conferences have been held across the world. The ICLC is affiliated to minor parties in France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Mexico, and several South American countries. Lyndon LaRouche, who is based in Loudoun County, Virginia, United States, and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is based in Wiesbaden, Germany, regularly attend these international conferences and have met with foreign politicians, bureaucrats, and academicians.

United States

LaRouche himself has been a candidate for U.S. president eight times, and has stood in every election since 1976. The first was with his own party, the U.S. Labor Party. In the next seven campaigns he campaigned for the Democratic Party nomination. In support of those efforts he has created campaign committees and a PAC, and has attempted to gain entrance to caucuses, debates, and conventions for himself and supporters. He was a successful fundraiser in 2004 by some measures, and received federal matching funds. See Lyndon LaRouche U.S. Presidential campaigns.

Despite this degree of organization the candidacies of LaRouche and followers receive little attention, even conscious omission by the media. For example, the Los Angeles Times reportedly clipped LaRouche's name off a graphic of a ballot. The LaRouche supporters have employed direct action to circumvent blocked channels. In 2004 there were reports, from the Kerry, Dean, and Nader campaigns, of disruptions by LaRouche supporters of other candidates' meetings.[2]. A Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored debate in Baltimore amongst Democratic candidates for president was repeatedly interrupted.[3] A county Democratic chairman (in central California) reported that LaRouche followers regularly tried to get on county party committees. There are other reports of gangs of youths gathering for pickets of Washington offices. Candidates for federal office in South Dakota were arrested for disorderly conduct at a Democratic fundraiser.[4]

In 1986, two LaRouche supporters received Democratic Party nominations for state-wide offices in Illinois, but their candidacy split that party and the Republicans swept in. In 1986 the LaRouche movement placed its AIDS initiative, Proposition 64, on the California ballot, which lost by a 4-1 margin. It was re-introduced in 1988 and lost again by the same margin.

In 2001, a "national citizen-candidates' movement" was created, advancing candidates for a number of elective offices across the country.


The North American Labour Party (NALP) nominated candidates in federal elections in the 1970s. Its candidates only had 297 votes nationwide in 1979. LaRouche himself offered a draft constitution for the commonwealth of Canada in 1981, which was not adopted.[5] The NALP later became the Party for the Commonwealth of Canada and that ran candidates in the 1984, 1988 and 1993 elections. Those were more successful, gaining as many as 7,502 votes in 1993, but no seats. The Parti pour la république du Canada (Québec) nominated candidates for provincial elections in the 1980s under various party titles. The LaRouche affiliate now operates as the Committee for the Republic of Canada. [6]

Latin America

Brazil's Party for Rebuilding of National Order (PRONA) is described as a "LaRouche friend" and one of its members has been quoted in the Executive Intelligence Review as saying "We associate ourselves with the wave of ideas which flow from Mr. LaRouche's prodigious mind". [7] PRONA gained six seats in the Chamber of Deputies in 2002 [8] However there is no independent evidence that the PRONA or its leader recognize LaRouche as an influence on their policies.


CEC members campaigning for Aaron Isherwood (center)

LaRouche supporters gained control of the far-right Citizens Electoral Council in the mid-1990s. Craig Isherwood and his spouse Noelene Isherwood are the leaders of the party. The CEC has opposed politician Michael Danby and the Australian anti-terrorism legislation, 2004. For the 2004 federal election, it nominated people for ninety-five seats, collected millions of dollars in contributions, and earned 34,177 votes.

The CEC is particularly concerned with Hamiltonian economics and development ideas for Australia. It has been critical of Queen Elizabeth II's ownership of an Australian zinc mine and believes that she exerts control over Australian politics. It has been in an antagonistic relationship with the B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation Commission, which has been critical of the CEC for perceived anti-semitism. It has propagandised that the Liberal Party is a descendant of the New Guard and other purported fascists such as Sir Wilfrid Kent Hughes and Sir Robert Menzies. The CEC also claims to be fighting for "real" Labor policies (from the 1930-40s socialist leanings).

The CEC publishes an irregular newspaper, The New Citizen, the latest of which (June 2005) outlines the "Looming Hedge Fund Bubble".


The LaRouche Movement has a major center in Germany. The political party, Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (Civil Rights Movement Solidarity) is headed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and has nominated candidates for elective office. Its newpspaper is Neue Solidarität. Zepp-LaRouche is also the head of the German-based Schiller Institute.

Solidarité et Progrès, headed by Jacques Cheminade, is the LaRouche party in France. Newspaper is Nouvelle Solidarité. [9] The French LaRouche Youth Movement is headed by Elodie Viennot.

Polish newspapers have reported that Andrzej Lepper, who leads the populist Samoobrona party, was trained at the Schiller Institute and has received funding from LaRouche, though both Lepper and LaRouche deny the connection. [10][11]

In Denmark there are two candidates for parliament on the LaRouche platform: Feride Istogu Gillesberg and Janus Kramer Møller. [12] [13]

Sweden has an office of the Schiller Institute: Schillerinstitutet/EAP in Sweden [14], and the political party European Worker's Party (EAP).

The Movimento Solidarietà - Associazione di LaRouche in Italia, the MSA, is an Italian political party headed by Paolo Raimondi that supports the LaRouche platform.

Ortrun Cramer of the Schiller Institute became a delegate of the Austrian International Progress Organization in the 1990s, but there is no sign of ongoing relationship.

Ukraine's Progressive Socialist Party is led by Nataliya Vitrenko. Ms. Vitrenko's philosophy has been called a "post-Soviet Bolshevism, a histrionic concoction of Marx, Lenin and Lyndon LaRouche animated by an anger bordering on hatred for the new bourgeoisie and for multilateral international financial institutions." [15] She won 11% in the 1999 presidential election and 3% in the 2002 parliamentary elections.

Asia and Middle East

The Philippines LaRouche Society calls for fixed exchange rates, US/Philippine withdrawal from Iraq, denunciation of Dick Cheney, and withdrawal of U.S. military advisors from Mindanao. It has an office in Manila, operates radio show and says on its website, "Lyndon LaRouche is our civilization's last chance at world peace and development. May God help us." On the matter of internal politics, LaRouche operative Mike Billington has said, "The Philippines Catholic Church, too, is divided at the top over the crisis. The Church under Jaime Cardinal Sin, who is now retired, had given its full support to the 'people's power' charade for the overthrow of Marcos and Estrada, but other voices are heard today." Philippine Elections Show No Solution Ahead

The Malayasian LaRouche Society has a minor presence. [16]

Latin America and Africa

Strong opponents to perceived neo-colonialism, including IMF, Falklands War/Malvinas, etc. Advocates of Monroe Doctrine.

Cultural, economic, and scientific initiatives

  • New Bretton Woods. Advocates the abandonment of floating exchange rates and the return to Bretton Woods-style fixed rates, backed by gold.
  • American System. Espouses a new "American System" of big government infrastructure projects and national banks. Named for the historical American System of Henry Clay, but owing more to the expansive American School.
  • Eurasian land-bridge. Lectures and writes on behalf of a "Eurasian land-bridge", a massive high-speed maglev railway project to span continents and re-invigorate industry and commerce.
  • Verdi tuning. Agitates in favor of the so-called "Verdi tuning", in which A=432Hz, as opposed to the common practice today of tuning to A=440 Hz.
  • Colonize Mars. Recommends colonization of the planet Mars (on similar basis as many others in the field, that human survivability depends on territorial diversification).
  • War on AIDS carriers. Demands identification and isolation of HIV carriers (en leu of the virus's swift adaptibility, which he argues could mutate into a lethal, possibly airborn pandemic), and proposes use of directed energy beams for cure.[17]
  • SDI. Supported directed beam weapons for use against ICBMs, and claims credit as the first to propose this to Ronald Reagan. (Does not support rocket-based defense such as anti-ballistic missiles).



Current Organizations:

U.S. Businesses:

Defunct organizations:

Periodicals and news agencies

  • Executive Information Review, (U.S.), weekly newsmagazine
  • The New Federalist, (U.S.), weekly newspaper
  • New Solidarity
  • Nouvelle Solidarité, French news agency
  • Neue Solidarität, published by Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität in German
  • Fidelio, a "Journal of Poetry, Science, and Statecraft," published quarterly by Schiller Institute
  • Fusion, published by Fusion Energy Foundation, now defunct
  • 21st Century Science and Technology

Books and pamphlets

  • LaRouche, Lyndon, The Power of Reason (1980) (autobiography)
  • LaRouche, Lyndon, There Are No Limits to Growth (1983)
  • LaRouche, Lyndon, So, You Wish To Learn All About Economics, (1984)
  • LaRouche, Lyndon, The Power of Reason 1988. (1988)
  • LaRouche, Lyndon, The Science of Christian Economy (1991)


Associates and managers


  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, wife, head of Schiller Institute and Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität
  • Ramsey Clark, lawyer, former United States Attorney General
  • Michael Billington, fundraiser *
  • William Wertz, chief fundraiser *
  • Edward W. Spannaus, legal adviser *
  • Dennis Small, fundraising operative *
  • Paul Greenberg, fundraising operative *
  • Joyce Rubinstein, fundraising operative *
  • Paul Gallagher *
  • Anita Gallagher, born Anita Gretz, [1947- ] grew up in Dundalk, a community in Baltimore County,Maryland, and attended Catholic schools, including St. Rita's parochial school,Dundalk, and Mercy High School, Baltimore. She graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1969 with a B.A. in Philosophy. Before she became involved with La Rouche's Labor Committee (a group that broke away from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in 1969)in the late 1960's, she was largely apolitical--an outstanding tennis player, playing on the Bryn Mawr varsity team and excelling in many competitions. She married fellow LaRouchite Paul Gallagher in the mid -1970's. A proficient writer who is fluent in German, she authors many articles and translations for Larouche's publications in print and online. Friends from college and earlier have observed that she experienced a radical conversion to LaRouche's political views around 1969, and has long been a member of his inner circle. In the 1990's, she served time in a Virginia state prison for her conviction, resulting from her role in what mainstream media termed a credit card scam of the elderly. *
  • Laurence Hecht *
  • Donald Phau *
  • Robert Primack *
  • Ortrum Cramer
  • Debra Freeman, national spokeswoman, LaRouche 2004
  • Stanley I. Dale, political consultant/signature gatherer[citation needed] (Prop. 64) *
  • Ulf Sandmark, leader of European Workers Party, the Swedish section of the LaRouche Movement.

Political candidates

Collaborators and Supporters

Researchers, writers, spokespersons

  • Jeffrey Steinberg, Director of Counterintelligence, EIR
  • Allen Salisbury, author of The Civil War and the American System
  • Anton Chaitkin, co-author of The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush
  • Jonathan Tennenbaum
  • Harley Schlanger, U.S. West Coast Spokesman
  • Marsha Freeman, writer
  • Richard Freeman, senior economics staff, EIR
  • John Hoefle, banking columnist, EIR
  • Marcia Merry-Baker
  • Tony Papert
  • Kathy Wolfe, economist, EIR
  • Robert Dreyfuss, Middle East intelligence correspondent


Current villains

  • Felix Rohatyn, the man sodomising the democratic party.
  • Lynne Cheney a vile lesbian creature, who began to know torture when Dick got horny, and later trained him in rage-ball art of political seduction of retarded texans.
  • Dick Cheney President of Vice.
  • Tony Blair A man who gets turned on when spanked by the british queen, while her impotent nazi husband watches with perverted glee.
  • Henry Kissinger This man had sex with little boys. We don't know if the viagra still works.
  • Zbigniew Brzezinski likes to masturbate in public.
  • Walter Mondale This guy is a piece of shit.
  • Chip Berlet, Its known that he is on prescription drugs for his mental emnacies
  • Dennis King, Cocaine addict caught red-handed foaming at the mouth, screaming "LaRouche" on mainstream TV.
  • Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
  • Mira Lansky Boland of the ADL
  • American Family Foundation
  • Richard Mellon Scaife
  • George Soros, This guy gave new meaning to having a small penis. He went to work for the nazis in his youth, probably to give himself a sense of sexual power, wheré he was clearly lacking.
  • Michael Ledeen Nazi
  • John Rees, journalist
  • Patricia Lynch, journalist
  • Roy Godson, academic
  • John Train, investment banker
  • Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and the British royal household
  • WWF (World Wildlife Fund), "one of the most important British Crown resources"
  • Elizabeth Symons, Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean, British minister of state, political whore, trained by Lord Cashpoint.
  • Club of Rome. They promote a small world population and the idea that man is nothing different than a monkey.
  • The Tooth Fairy A mystical creature, accused of stealing teeth to finance a secret empire.
  • The Black Man accused of having sex with impotent white mens daughters.
  • Santa Claus. Supposedly created by Coca-Cola. Chip Berlet has fantasies about this guy.
  • Jesus Christ. Well, why not, the accusation about anti-semitism means that LaRouche must hate Jesus. Jesus was also Black, so this must be a great sin in the eyes of the LaRouche supporters.

Ideological persons

Historical heroes

Historical villains

  • Aristotle
  • Euclid - LaRouche disagrees with his form of geometry, stating that it does not reflect 3-Dimensional reality.
  • Arnold Schoenberg
  • Antonio Vivaldi (According to LaRouche critic Tim Page, LaRouche activists "had some petition to ban Vivaldi from the concert halls." [23] However, the LaRouche organization has performed Vivaldi at their cultural events.[24])
  • Bertrand Russell - LaRouche pamphlets feature the point of view that his philosopical ideas are satanic
  • Queen Victoria (Specifically, LaRouche accuses her of overseeing massive drug-running operations in a similar fashion to the Opium trades to China)
  • Isaac Newton - LaRouche claims that Newton was a warlock, and that his study methods where unsound.
  • David Hume (LaRouche objects to his support of Feudal/Fascist dictatorship, and the moral relativism he used to back it up).
  • John Locke (LaRouche, consistent with a Federalist mindset, states that John Locke's philosophy encourages social anarchy, the aftermath of such leaving the groundworks for a Fascist Government to take control, just as ideological sibling, David Hume, had desired)
  • Tomás de Torquemada
  • Arthur Schopenhauer - LaRouche believes his pessimism leads to nihilism and subsequent social decay, and that his Romanticism influenced Fascism.
  • Richard Wagner (LaRouche considers Wagner to be a Satanist, and that his dramatic and visceral musical style was a precursor to Jazz, Country and Rock and Roll, all of which he consideres thought-stopping and ultimately pornographic tools of social manipulation)
  • Olof Palme, prime minister of Sweden, assassinated in 1986. The LaRouche movement claimed that Olof Palme was a CIA and a KGB agent, that he was involved in global drug business, and that he struggled for Sweden to join the Soviet Union. Several members of the Swedish branch of the movement, the European Workers Party, were interrogated in the police investigation of the murder.
  • Jimmy Carter, though Larouche has spoken favorably about some of his recent activities.