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Electronic Publication (EPUB)
Filename extension
Internet media type
application/epub+zip (unofficial[1])
Developed byInternational Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)
Initial releaseSeptember 2007
Latest release
October 11, 2011[2]
Type of formate-book file format
Contained byOEBPS Container Format (OCF) (ZIP)
Extended fromOpen eBook, XHTML, CSS, DTBook
WebsiteIDPF Home Page

EPUB (short for electronic publication; alternatively capitalized as ePub, ePUB, EPub, or epub, with "EPUB" preferred by the vendor) is a free and open e-book standard by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Files have the extension .epub.

EPUB is designed for reflowable content, meaning that the text display can be optimized for the particular display device used by the reader of the EPUB-formatted book, although EPUB now also supports fixed-layout content. The format is meant to function as a single format that publishers and conversion houses can use in-house, as well as for distribution and sale. It supersedes the Open eBook standard.[3]


EPUB became an official standard of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) in September 2007, superseding the older Open eBook standard.[4]

In August 2009, the IDPF announced that they would begin work on maintenance tasks of the EPUB standard.[5] Two broad objectives were defined by this working group: "One set of activities governs maintenance of the current EPUB Standards (i.e. OCF, OPF, and OPS), while another set of activities addresses the need to keep the Standards current and up-to-date." The working group was expected to be active through 2010, publishing updated standards throughout its lifetime.[6] On April 6, 2010, it was announced that this working group would complete their update in April 2010. The result was to be a minor revision to EPUB 2.0.1 which "corrects errors and inconsistencies and does not change functionality".[7] On July 2, 2010, drafts of the version 2.0.1 standards appeared on the IDPF website.

On April 6, 2010, it was announced that a working group would be formed to revise the EPUB specification.[7] In the working group's charter draft, 14 main problems with EPUB are identified which the group will address. The group was chartered through May 2011, and was scheduled to submit a final draft on May 15, 2011.[8] An initial Editors Draft for EPUB3 was published on November 12, 2010,[9] and the first public draft was published on February 15, 2011.[10] On May 23, 2011, the IDPF released its proposed specification for final review.[11] On October 10, 2011, the IDPF announced that its membership had approved EPUB 3 as a final Recommended Specification.


  • Free and open
  • Reflowable (word wrap) and resizable text
  • Inline raster and vector images
  • Embedded metadata
  • DRM support
  • CSS styling
  • Support for alternative renditions in the same file
  • Use of out-of-line and inline XML islands to extend the functionality of EPUB

File format

Version 3.0 (current version)

EPUB 3 consists of a set of four specifications:[12]

  • EPUB Publications 3.0, which defines publication-level semantics and overarching conformance requirements for EPUB Publications.
  • EPUB Content Documents 3.0, which defines profiles of XHTML, SVG and CSS for use in the context of EPUB Publications.
  • EPUB Open Container Format (OCF) 3.0, which defines a file format and processing model for encapsulating a set of related resources into a single-file (ZIP) EPUB Container.
  • EPUB Media Overlays 3.0, which defines a format and a processing model for synchronization of text and audio.

Detailed descriptions of the differences between 3.0 and 2.0.1 can be found on the IDPF website.

The EPUB 3.0 format is intended to address the following criticisms:

  • While good for text-centric books, EPUB may be unsuitable for publications which require precise layout or specialized formatting, such as a comic book.[13]
  • A major issue hindering the use of EPUB for most technical publications is the lack of support for equations formatted as MathML. They are currently included as bitmap or SVG images, precluding proper handling by screen readers and interaction with computer algebra systems. Support for MathML is included in the EPUB 3.0 specification.
  • Another criticism of EPUB revolves around the specification's lack of detail on linking into, between, or within an EPUB book, as well as its lack of a specification for annotation. Such linking is hindered by the use of a ZIP file as the container for EPUB. Furthermore, it is unclear if it would be better to link by using EPUB's internal structural markup (the OPF specification mentioned above) or directly to files through the ZIP's file structure.[14] The lack of a standardized way to annotate EPUB books could lead to difficulty sharing and transferring annotations and therefore limit the use scenarios of EPUB, particularly in educational settings, because it cannot provide a level of interactivity comparable to the web.[15]

Version 2.0.1

EPUB version 2.0.1 consists of three specifications:

  • Open Publication Structure (OPS) 2.0.1, contains the formatting of its content.[16]
  • Open Packaging Format (OPF) 2.0.1, describes the structure of the .epub file in XML.[17]
  • Open Container Format (OCF) 2.0.1, collects all files as a ZIP archive.[18]

EPUB internally uses XHTML or DTBook (an XML standard provided by the DAISY Consortium) to represent the text and structure of the content document, and a subset of CSS to provide layout and formatting. XML is used to create the document manifest, table of contents, and EPUB metadata. Finally, the files are bundled in a zip file as a packaging format.

Open Publication Structure 2.0.1

An EPUB file uses XHTML 1.1 (or DTBook) to construct the content of a book as of version 2.0.1. This is different from previous versions (OEBPS 1.2 and earlier) which used a subset drawn from XHTML. There are, however, a few restrictions on certain elements. The mimetype for XHTML documents in EPUB is application/xhtml+xml.[16] For a table of the required XHTML modules and a description of the restrictions, see Section 2.2 of the specification.

Styling and layout are performed using a subset of CSS 2.0, referred to as OPS Style Sheets. This specialized syntax requires only a portion of CSS properties to be supported by reading systems and adds a few custom ones. Custom properties include oeb-page-head, oeb-page-foot, and oeb-column-number. Font-embedding can be accomplished using the @font-face property, as well as including the font file in the OPF's manifest (see below). The mimetype for CSS documents in EPUB is text/css.[16] For a table of supported properties and detailed information, see Section 3.0 of the specification.

EPUB also requires that PNG, JPEG, GIF, and SVG images be supported using the mimetypes image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/svg+xml. Other media types are allowed, but creators must include alternative renditions using supported types.[16] For a table of all required mimetypes, see Section 1.3.7 of the specification.

Unicode is required, and content producers must use either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding.[16] This is to support international and multilingual books. However, reading systems are not required to provide the fonts necessary to display every unicode character, though they are required to display at least a placeholder for characters that cannot be displayed fully.[16]

An example skeleton of an XHTML file for EPUB looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Pride and Prejudice</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" type="text/css" />

Open Packaging Format 2.0.1

The OPF specification's purpose is to "[define] the mechanism by which the various components of an OPS publication are tied together and provides additional structure and semantics to the electronic publication."[17] This is accomplished by two XML files with the extensions .opf and .ncx.

.opf file

The OPF file, traditionally named content.opf houses the EPUB book's metadata, file manifest, and linear reading order. This file has a root element package and four child elements: metadata, manifest, spine, and guide. All of these except guide are required. Furthermore, the package node must have the unique-identifier attribute. The .opf file's mimetype is application/oebps-package+xml.[17]

The metadata element contains all the metadata information for a particular EPUB file. Three metadata tags are required (though many more are available): title, language, and identifier. title contains the title of the book, language contains the language of the book's contents in RFC 3066 format or its successors, such as the newer RFC 4646 and identifier contains a unique identifier for the book, such as its ISBN or a URL. The identifier's id attribute should equal the unique-identifier attribute from the package element.[17] For a full listing of EPUB metadata, see Section 2.2 of the specification.

The manifest element lists all the files contained in the package. Each file is represented by an item element, and has the attributes id, href, media-type. All XHTML (content documents), stylesheets, images or other media, embedded fonts, and the NCX file should be listed here. Only the .opf file itself, the container.xml, and the mimetype files should not be included.[17] Note that in the example below, an arbitrary media-type is given to the included font file, even though no mimetype exists for fonts.

The spine element lists all the XHTML content documents in their linear reading order. Also, any content document that can be reached through linking or the table of contents must be listed as well. The toc attribute of spine must contain the id of the NCX file listed in the manifest. Each itemref element's idref is set to the id of its respective content document.[17]

The guide element is an optional element for the purpose of identifying fundamental structural components of the book. Each reference element has the attributes type, title, href. Files referenced in href must be listed in the manifest, and are allowed to have an element identifier (e.g. #figures in the example).[17] A list of possible values for type can be found in Section 2.6 of the specification.

An example OPF file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" unique-identifier="BookId">

  <metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf">
    <dc:title>Pride and Prejudice</dc:title>
    <dc:identifier id="BookId" opf:scheme="ISBN">123456789X</dc:identifier>
    <dc:creator opf:file-as="Austen, Jane" opf:role="aut">Jane Austen</dc:creator>

    <item id="chapter1" href="chapter1.xhtml" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
    <item id="stylesheet" href="style.css" media-type="text/css"/>
    <item id="ch1-pic" href="ch1-pic.png" media-type="image/png"/>
    <item id="myfont" href="css/myfont.otf" media-type="application/x-font-opentype"/>
    <item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>

  <spine toc="ncx">
    <itemref idref="chapter1" />

    <reference type="loi" title="List Of Illustrations" href="appendix.html#figures" />


.ncx file

The NCX file (Navigation Control file for XML), traditionally named toc.ncx, contains the hierarchical table of contents for the EPUB file. The specification for NCX was developed for Digital Talking Book (DTB), is maintained by the DAISY Consortium, and is not a part of the EPUB specification. The NCX file has a mimetype of application/x-dtbncx+xml.

Of note here is that the values for the docTitle, docAuthor, and meta name="dtb:uid" elements should match their analogs in the OPF file. Also, the meta name="dtb:depth" element is set equal to the depth of the navMap element. navPoint elements can be nested to create a hierarchical table of contents. navLabel's content is the text that will appear in the table of contents generated by reading systems that use the .ncx. navPoint's content element points to a content document listed in the manifest and can also include an element identifier (e.g. #section1).[17][19]

A description of certain exceptions to the NCX specification as used in EPUB can be found in Section 2.4.1 of the specification. The complete specification for NCX can be found in Section 8 of the Specifications for the Digital Talking Book.[19]

An example .ncx file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"

<ncx version="2005-1" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/">

<!-- The following four metadata items are required for all NCX documents,
including those conforming to the relaxed constraints of OPS 2.0 -->

    <meta name="dtb:uid" content="123456789X"/> <!-- same as in .opf -->
    <meta name="dtb:depth" content="1"/> <!-- 1 or higher -->
    <meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0"/> <!-- must be 0 -->
    <meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0"/> <!-- must be 0 -->

    <text>Pride and Prejudice</text>

    <text>Austen, Jane</text>

    <navPoint class="chapter" id="chapter1" playOrder="1">
      <navLabel><text>Chapter 1</text></navLabel>
      <content src="chapter1.xhtml"/>


Open Container Format 2.0.1

An EPUB file is a group of files conforming to the OPS/OPF standards that is wrapped in a ZIP file.[3] The OCF specifies how these files should be organized in the ZIP, and defines two additional files that must be included.

The mimetype file must be a text document in ASCII and must contain the string application/epub+zip. It must also be uncompressed, unencrypted, and the first file in the ZIP archive. The purpose of this file is to provide a more reliable way for applications to identify the mimetype of the file than just the .epub extension.[18]

Also, there must be a folder named META-INF which contains the required file container.xml. This XML file points to the file defining the contents of the book. This will be the OPF file, though additional alternative rootfile elements are allowed.[18]

Apart from mimetype and META-INF/container.xml, the other files (OPF, NCX, XHTML, CSS and images files) are traditionally put in a directory named OEBPS.

An example file structure:

--ZIP Container--

An example container.xml, given the above file structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
    <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>

Digital rights management

An EPUB file can optionally contain DRM as an additional layer, but it is not required by the specifications.[20] In addition, the specification does not name any particular DRM system to use, so publishers can choose a DRM scheme to their liking. However, future versions of EPUB (specifically OCF) may specify a format for DRM.[18]

The EPUB specification does not enforce or suggest a particular DRM scheme. This could affect the level of support for various DRM systems on devices and the portability of purchased e-books. Consequently, such DRM incompatibility may segment the EPUB format along the lines of DRM systems, undermining the advantages of a single standard format and confusing the consumer.[21][22][23][24][25][26]

When present, DRMed EPUB files must contain a file called rights.xml within the META-INF directory at the root level of the ZIP container.[18]


An open source tool called epubcheck exists for validating and detecting errors in the structural markup (OPS, OPF, OCF) as well as the XHTML and image files. The tool can be run from the command line, or used in webapps and applications as a library. A large part of the original work on the tool was done at Adobe Systems.[27]


Software reading systems

Software that reads, and presumably displays, EPUB files is called a reading system. An EPUB reading system is defined as:

“A combination of hardware and/or software that accepts OPS Publications and makes them available to consumers of content. Great variety is possible in the architecture of Reading Systems. A Reading System may be implemented entirely on one device, or it may be split among several computers....”[3]

Reading Systems and Software[3]
Software Platform DRM formats supported Notes
Adobe Digital Editions Windows, Mac OS X Adobe Content Server Requires online activation.
Aldiko Android Adobe Content Server Supports ePub for Android devices.
AZARDI Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux ? Supports ePub 3, ePub 2 and the secure AZD format.
BookGlutton Web ? Free online ePub reader focusing on the social aspects of reading.
calibre Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux None Primarily for library management, conversion, and transferring to devices, it includes a reader. "Calibre: About".
CoolReader Windows, GNU/Linux, Android None XML/CSS based E-Book reader for desktops and handheld devices. Supported formats: FB2, TXT, RTF, TCR, HTML, EPUB, CHM. Has GUI implementation for E Ink base devices. Most popular SourceForge epub application.[citation needed]
Dorian Symbian ? Free ePub reader.
EPUBReader Firefox add-on None Enables reading ePub-files from within Firefox.
FBReader Windows, GNU/Linux, PDAs None Incomplete ePub support.[28]
FBReaderJ Android ? Open source.
Google Books Web application, Android, iOS ? Supports downloading purchased books as ePub and/or PDF.
iBooks iOS FairPlay[29] Supports EPUB 2 and EPUB 3. Books not readable directly on computers (Mac or PC) yet.
IkuReader Nintendo DS ? EPUB, FB2 support.
Kitabu Mac OS X None Free lightweight ePub reader. Simple library management.
Lexcycle Stanza iOS, Windows, Mac OS X Yes Acquired by Amazon in 2009.
Mobipocket Windows, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile None Converts EPUB into .PRC on import.
Moon+ Reader Android ?
NOOK for Mac Mac OS X ? Barnes & Noble account required.
Okular KDE Platform ?
PageTurner Reader Android None Open Source (GPL) ePub Reader App with built-in synchronisation. Uses epublib.
readMe iOS ? EPUB, FB2 and PDF support.
sReader iOS ? EPUB support.
Stanzetta Windows Phone None Supports ePub on Windows Phones.

Editing systems

Creation Software
Software Platform Notes
ABBYY FineReader Windows Commercial license. Version 11 exports to EPUB format.
Adobe InDesign Windows, Mac OS X Commercial license. Exports to EPUB format. Note that versions prior to 5.5 create EPUBs that require significant editing in order to pass ePubCheck or ePubPreFlight. Plan on using Sigil or studying Liz Castro's EPub Straight to the Point book if you want to make EPUBs using Indesign 5.0.
Adobe RoboHelp Windows Online documentation tool that supports export to EPUB format
Apache OpenOffice 3.4 Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux ? EPUB creation.
Aquafadas Digital Publishing System Windows, Mac OS X Commercial license. Exports to epub3 Fixed Layout format since version 2.0. The publishing system proposes a rich toolset of enrichments for the InDesign documents. The following subset is preserved during the epub3 export : videos, slideshows, sounds, xhtml snippets, links, actions. The generated epub preserves the layout and styles by embedding the appropriate fonts. It does not require any manual editing to pass the epubcheck test.
Atlantis Word Processor Windows, Portable app Converts any document to EPUB; supports multilevel TOCs, font embedding, and batch conversion. Shareware.
Booktype Web Book production platform which outputs to many formats including ePub. Free Software under the GPL license. The platform also enables importing of content in various formats and collaborative editing.
calibre Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux Conversion software and e-book organizer. Free Software under the GPL license. Allows plugins, including for editing EPUB files; there is for instance a plugin to merge several EPUB files into one.[30]
eLML Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux The eLesson Markup Language is a platform-independent XML-based open source framework to create eLearning content. It supports various output formats like SCORM, HTML, PDF and also eBooks based on the ePub format.
Feedbooks Web Free cloud service for downloading public domain works and for self-publishing.
Folium Book Studio Web Convert Microsoft Word and other documents to the EPUB 3 format and convert manuscripts to typographically corrected proofs. Edit online, design cover art or upload from another source. Drop in images and align with text. Preview and export the EPUB or HTML for direct distribution to Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Lulu, or others.
Help & Manual Windows Single source publishing tool that generates ePUB amongst several other documentation formats. Commercial license.
HelpNDoc Windows Help authoring tool which can generate EPUB files amongst other formats. Free for personal use, commercial otherwise.
iBooks Author Mac OS X Desktop publishing and page layout application. Free from Apple. Can export .ibooks format, which is a proprietary format based on EPUB.[31] There are restrictions on the commercial distribution of works created with iBooks in the .ibooks format[32]. These restrictions apply to the .ibooks format only[33] and it can be argued that a file renamed to .epub is not distributed in the .ibooks format.
iStudio Publisher Mac OS X Desktop publishing and page layout application. Commercial license.
Jutoh Windows, Mac OS X, Linux WYSIWYG ebook editor-compiler. Exports to both ePUB and Mobipocket (Kindle) formats. Commercial license.
Lulu.com Web Upload and convert .doc, .docx, or PDF manuscripts to an ePub. Then choose a title, create a cover, describe your ePub, and pick a price. It's free to publish and sell.
Madcap Flare Windows Single source publishing tool that allows content to be exported in the ePUB format. Commercial license.
oXygen XML Editor Mac OS X, Windows, Linux XML Editor is the first tool which offers support for creating, transforming and validating documents composing the EPUB package. Commercial license.
Pandoc GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows Universal converter between many formats (even TeX -> EPUB). Free Software under the GPL license.
Pages Mac OS X Word processor (part of the iWork '09 suite) that can export to EPUB format (Pages '09 only, and only with the iWork 9.0.4 update).
QuarkXPress Mac OS X, Windows Desktop Publishing Tool, Page Layout Application. Exports also to the ePUB format. Commercial license.
Serif PagePlus X6 Windows Desktop Publishing Program. Exports also to the ePUB format. Commercial license.
Scrivener Windows, Mac OS X Commercial program for writers. Includes organization capabilities for fiction writers. Publishes to multiple formats.
Sigil Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X Free, Open source under GPLv3. Currently the only application that can also open and edit EPUB books, instead of just converting from other formats to EPUB. Does not currently support embedding video or audio in EPUB.

Hardware reading systems

The boundary between hardware and software is not clear cut. Some of these devices are dedicated to e-book tasks while others are platforms that include e-book readers or can have them added. See "Comparison of e-book readers" for details of dedicated devices (not all support EPUB).

See also


  1. ^ application/epub+zip has not been registered with IANA as of June 2010.
  2. ^ "Specifications". IDPF. Retrieved January 25, 2012.
  3. ^ a b c d Conboy, Garth (May 11, 2009). "EPUB 101" (PDF). IDPF. eBook Technologies.[dead link]
  4. ^ IDPF (Mon Oct 15, 2007). "OPS 2.0 Elevated to Official IDPF Standard". IDPF. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)[dead link]
  5. ^ "IDPF Launches EPUB Standards Maintenance Work". IDPF. August 16, 2009.[dead link]
  6. ^ "Charter for EPUB Standards Maintenance WG". IDPF. August 12, 2009.[dead link]
  7. ^ a b "Draft Charter for revision to EPUB Standard for IDPF Comment". IDPF. April 6, 2010.[dead link]
  8. ^ "EPUB 2.1 Working Group Charter – DRAFT 0.11". IDPF. May 7, 2010. Retrieved June 6, 2010.[dead link]
  9. ^ "EPUB3 Working Group". IDPF. November 12, 2010.
  10. ^ IPDF. "EPUB 3". Retrieved 21 February 2011.
  11. ^ "EPUB 3 Proposed Specification Released". IDPF. May 23, 2011. Retrieved 2 June 2011.[dead link]
  12. ^ EPUB 3 Working Group (11 October 2011). "EPUB 3 Overview Draft". IDPF. Retrieved 11 October 2011.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  13. ^ Rothman, David (July 27, 2008). "The ePub torture test: Starring 'Three Shadows,' a graphic novel". TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.
  14. ^ "Links, pointers, bookmarks, highlights: How should .epub do it?". FrontMatters. BookGlutton. March 29, 2008.
  15. ^ Rothman, David (November 5, 2007). "'Social annotation and the marketplace of ideas': Time for an IDPF annotation standard for books and other e-pubs!". TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.
  16. ^ a b c d e f IDPF (September 4, 2010). "Open Publication Structure (OPS) 2.0.1 - Recommended Specification". IDPF. Retrieved February 21, 2011.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h IDPF (September 4, 2010). "Open Packaging Format (OPF) 2.0.1 - Recommended Specification". IDPF. Retrieved February 21, 2011.
  18. ^ a b c d e IDPF (September 4, 2010). "Open Container Format (OCF) 2.0.1 - Recommended Specification". IDPF. Retrieved February 21, 2011.
  19. ^ a b "Specifications for the Digital Talking Book". April 21, 2005.
  20. ^ IDPF (November 20, 2006). "IDPF's Digital Book Standards FAQs". IDPF.
  21. ^ Gelles, David (January 29, 2010). "Walls close in on e-book garden". Financial Times.
  22. ^ Rothman, David (August 13, 2009). "Adobe-DRMed ePub isn't 'open': Why the New York Times urgently needs to clarify its Sony eBook Store article". TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.
  23. ^ Biba, Paul (December 21, 2009). "Does the Nook use its own incompatible DRM scheme?". TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.
  24. ^ Biba, Paul (January 28, 2010). "iPad adds to the DRM mess? Apple ebook DRM exclusive to Apple hardware". TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.
  25. ^ Kendrick, James (January 28, 2010). "Who Really Needs an iPad?". jkOnTheRun.
  26. ^ Dave Dickson (January 27, 2010). "EPUB, iPad and Content Interoperability". Digital Editions.
  27. ^ "epubcheck: Validation tool for Epub". Google Code. Retrieved January 29, 2010.
  28. ^ FBReader.org. "Electronic Book Formats (supported and unsupported)". Retrieved 19 July 2010.
  29. ^ Pham, Alex (February 15, 2010). "Apple to wrap digital books in FairPlay copy protection". Los Angeles Times.
  30. ^ JimmXinu. "GUI Plugin: EpubMerge". MobileRead Forums. Retrieved 24 February 2012.
  31. ^ Bott, Ed (January 22, 2012). "How Apple is sabotaging an open standard for digital books". ZDNet. Retrieved January 30, 2012.
  32. ^ Apple (March 23, 2012). "Apple iBooks Author FAQ". Apple. Retrieved April 26, 2012.
  33. ^ Apple (March 23, 2012). "Apple iBooks Author FAQ". Apple. Retrieved April 26, 2012.