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List of national and international statistical services

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Chenais (talk | contribs) at 12:28, 21 July 2018 (United Nations organisations: UNIDO chg name and link (no link to the Statistics division)). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

The following is a list of national and international statistical services.

Central national statistical services

Nearly every country in the world has set a central public sector unit entirely devoted to the production, harmonisation and dissemination of official statistics that the public sector and the national community need to run, monitor and evaluate their operations and policies. This central statistical organisation does not produce every official statistic as other public sector organisations, like the national central bank or ministries in charge of agriculture, education or health, may be charged with producing and disseminating sector policy oriented statistical data. The statistical legislation and regulation generally attribute responsibilities and authorities according to statistical domains or functions in addition to those of the central unit.

The table below lists these central statistical organisations by country. The United States has no central producing unit, but several units (also listed below) have been given responsibility over various federal statistics domains (see also: Federal Statistical System of the United States).


Country Organisation Website
 Algeria Office of National Statistics (Algeria) ons.dz
 Angola Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (Angola) ine.gov.ao
 Benin Institut National de la Statistique Benin (INSAE) insae-bj.org
 Botswana Central Statistics Office of Botswana gov.bw/en/Citizens/Topics/Statistics/
 Burkina Faso Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie (Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie) (INSD) Template:Fr icon insd.bf
 Burundi Institut de la Statistique et des Études Économiques du Burundi (ISEEBU) isteebu.bi
 Cameroon National Institute of Statistics (INS) statistics-cameroon.org
 Central African Republic Institut centrafricain des statistiques, des études économiques et sociales (ICASEES)
 Cape Verde Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Cape Verde) ine.cv
 Chad Institut national de la statistique, des études économiques et démographiques (Institut national de la statistique, des études économiques et démographiques) (INSEED) Template:Fr icon inseedtchad.com
 Comoros Direction de la Statistique [1]
 Côte d'Ivoire Institut National de la Statistique de Côte d'Ivoire (INS) ins.ci
 Democratic Republic of Congo Institut National de la Statistique (INS) ins-rdc.org
 Congo Centre national de la statistique et des études économiques (Centre national de la statistique et des études économiques) (CNSEE) Template:Fr icon cnsee.org
 Djibouti Direction des statistiques et des études démographiques (DISED) dised.dj
 Egypt CAPMAS capmas.gov.eg
 Equatorial Guinea Direction Générale des Statistiques dgecnstat-ge.org
 Eritrea National Statistics Office no website
 Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency (CSA) csa.gov.et
 Gabon Direction générale de la statistique et des études économiques (Direction générale de la statistique et des études économiques) (DGSEE) Template:Fr icon stat-gabon.org
 Gambia Central Statistics Department gbos.gov.gm/
 Ghana Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) statsghana.gov.gh
 Guinea Direction nationale de la statistique (Guinée) (Direction nationale de la statistique (Guinée)) (DNS) Template:Fr icon stat-guinee.org
 Guinea-Bissau Instituto Nacional de Estatistica e Censos (Guinea-Bissau) stat-guinebissau.com
 Kenya Kenya national bureau of statistics (KNBS) knbs.go.ke
 Lesotho Bureau of Statistics bos.gov.ls
 Liberia Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) lisgis.gov.lr
 Madagascar Institut national de la statistique (Madagascar) (Institut national de la statistique (Madagascar)) (INSTAT) Template:Fr icon instat.mg
 Malawi National Statistical Office nsomalawi.mw
 Maldives Ministry of Planning and National Development planning.gov.mv
 Mali Institut national de la statistique (Mali) (Institut national de la statistique (Mali)) (INSTAT) Template:Fr icon instat.gov.ml
 Mauritania Office national de la statistique (Office national de la statistique) (ONS) Template:Fr icon ons.mr
 Mauritius Statistics Mauritius statsmauritius.govmu.org
 Morocco Haut Commissariat au Plan hcp.ma
 Mozambique National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, INE) ine.gov.mz
 Namibia Namibia Statistics Authority (NSA) nsa.org.na
 Niger Institut National de la Statistique du Niger (INS) stat-niger.org
 Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics of Nigeria nigerianstat.gov.ng
 Rwanda National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) statistics.gov.rw
 Sao Tome and Principe Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (São Tomé e Príncipe) ine.st
 Senegal Agence nationale de la statistique et de la démographie (Agence nationale de la statistique et de la démographie) (ANSD) Template:Fr icon ansd.sn
 Seychelles National Statistics Bureau nsb.gov.sc
 Sierra Leone Statistics Sierra Leone statistics.sl
 Somalia Directorate of National Statistics dns
 South Africa Statistics South Africa statssa.gov.za
 South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) ssnb.org
 Sudan Central Bureau of Statistics of Sudan cbs.gov.sd
 Swaziland Central Statistics Office of Swaziland swazistats.org.sz
 Tanzania Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania) nbs.go.tz
 Togo Direction générale de la statistique et de la comptabilité nationale (Direction générale de la statistique et de la comptabilité nationale) (DGSCN) Template:Fr icon stat-togo.org
 Tunisia National Institute of Statistics (INS) ins.nat.tn
 Uganda Uganda Bureau of Statistics ubos.org
 Zambia Central Statistical Office of Zambia zamstats.gov.zm
 Zimbabwe Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe zimstat.co.zw


Country Organisation Website
 Antigua and Barbuda Statistics Division
 Argentina Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC) indec.gov.ar
 Aruba Central Bureau of Statistics (Aruba) www.cbs.aw
 Bahamas Department of Statistics (Bahamas) gov.bs/statistics
 Barbados Barbados Statistical Service barstats.gov.bb
 Belize Statistical Institute of Belize sib.org.bz
 Bolivia Instituto Nacional de Estadística ine.gob.bo
 Brazil Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) ibge.gov.br
 Canada Statistics Canada statcan.gc.ca
 Chile Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas ine.cl
 Colombia National Administrative Department of Statistics (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica) (DANE) dane.gov.co
 Costa Rica Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos inec.go.cr
 Cuba Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE) www.one.cu
 Curaçao Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao www.cbs.cw
 Dominican Republic Oficina Nacional de Estadistica one.gob.do
 Ecuador Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos inec.gob.ec
 El Salvador Dirección General de Estadística y Censos digestyc.gob.sv
 Guatemala Instituto Nacional de Estadística ine.gob.gt
 Guyana Guyana Bureau of Statistics statisticsguyana.gov.gy
 Haiti Institut haïtien de statistique et d’informatique (IHSI) ihsi.ht
 Honduras Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos ine.gob.hn
 Jamaica Statistical Institute of Jamaica statinja.gov.jm
 Mexico National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Data Processing (INEGI) inegi.org.mx
 Nicaragua National Institute of Information Development inide.gob.ni
 Panama Dirección de Estadística y Censo contraloria.gob.pa
 Paraguay Dirección General de Estadísticas, Encuestas y Censos dgeec.gov.py
 Peru Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática inei.gob.pe
 Saint Lucia Government Statistics Department stats.gov.lc
 Saint Kitts and Nevis Statistics Department mosd.gov.kn statistics
 Sint Maarten Central Bureau of Statistics [2]
 Suriname Foundation General Bureau of Statistical in Suriname statistics-suriname.org
 Trinidad and Tobago Central Statistical Office cso.gov.tt
 Uruguay Instituto Nacional de Estadística ine.gub.uy
 United States United States Census Bureau census.gov
 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) bls.gov
 United States National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) nces.ed.gov
 United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) eia.doe.gov
 United States National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) nass.usda.gov
 United States Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs
 United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) bea.gov
 United States National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) cdc.gov/nchs
 Venezuela Oficina Central de Estadística e Informática ine.gov.ve


Country Organisation Website
 Afghanistan Central Statistics Organization cso.gov.af
 Bahrain Central Informatics Organization cio.gov.bh
 Bangladesh Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics bbs.gov.bd
 Bhutan Department of Planning nsb.gov.bt
 Burma Central Statistical Organization (Burma) csostat.gov.mm
 Cambodia National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia nis.gov.kh
 People's Republic of China National Bureau of Statistics of China stats.gov.cn
 Republic of China (Taiwan) Statistics Bureau stat.gov.tw
 East Timor Direcção Nacional de Estatística dne.mof.gov.tl
 Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department censtatd.gov.hk
 India Central Statistical Office (India) mospi.nic.in
 Indonesia Statistics Indonesia bps.go.id
 Iraq Central organization for statistics and information technology (COSIT) cosit.gov.iq
 Iran Statistical Centre of Iran amar.org.ir
 Israel Israel Central Bureau of Statistics cbs.gov.il
 Japan Bureau of Statistics Template:Ja icon stat.go.jp
 Jordan The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan-Department of Statistics dos.gov.jo
 Kazakhstan Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on statistics eng.stat.kz
 North Korea Central Bureau of Statistics
 South Korea Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) kostat.go.kr
 Kyrgyzstan National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic stat.kg
 Lao People's Democratic Republic Lao Statistics Bureau lsb.gov.la
 Lebanon Central Administration for Statistics (CAS) cas.gov.lb
 Malaysia Department of Statistics (Malaysia) statistics.gov.my
 Mongolia National Statistical Office nso.mn
 Myanmar Central Statistical Organization mmsis.gov.mm
   Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics cbs.gov.np
 Oman Ministry of National Economy ncsi.gov.om/Pages/NCSI.aspx
 Palestinian Authority Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics pcbs.gov.ps
 Pakistan Pakistan Bureau of Statistics pbs.gov.pk
 Philippines Philippine Statistics Authority psa.gov.ph
 Saudi Arabia General Authority for Statistics stats.gov.sa/en/
 Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics statistics.gov.lk
 Syria Central Bureau of Statistics in Syria cbssyr.sy
 Tajikistan State Committee on Statistics of Tajikistan stat.tj
 Thailand National Statistical Office of Thailand (NSO) web.nso.go.th
 Turkmenistan State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics stat.gov.tm
 United Arab Emirates National Bureau of Statistics http://old.fcsa.gov.ae/[permanent dead link]
 Uzbekistan State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics stat.uz
 Vietnam General Statistics Office of Vietnam gso.gov.vn
 Yemen Central statistical organization (CSO) cso-yemen.org


(Institutions from countries marked with † are members of Eurostat's European Statistical System (ESS).)

Country English language name (Native language abbreviation) Website
 Albania Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) instat.gov.al
 Andorra Department of Statistics (DS) estadistica.ad
 Armenia National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia (ARMSTAT) armstat.am
 Austria Statistics Austria statistik.at
 Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic azstat.org
 Belarus National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (BELSTAT) belstat.gov.by
 Belgium Statistics Belgium statbel.fgov.be
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency of Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHAS) bhas.ba
 Bulgaria National Statistical Institute (NSI) nsi.bg
 Croatia Croatian Bureau of Statistics (DZS) dzs.hr
 Cyprus Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) cystat.gov.cy
 Czech Republic Czech Statistical Office (ČSU) czso.cz
 Denmark Statistics Denmark dst.dk
 Estonia Statistics Estonia stat.ee
 Faroe Islands Statistics Faroe Islands hagstova.fo
 Finland Statistics Finland stat.fi
 France National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) insee.fr
 Georgia National Statistics Office (GeoStat) geostat.ge
 Germany Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis) destatis.de
 Greece Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) statistics.gr
 Hungary Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) portal.ksh.hu
 Iceland Statistics Iceland statice.is
 Ireland Central Statistics Office (CSO) cso.ie
 Italy National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) istat.it
 Kosovo Kosovo Agency of Statistics (ASK) esk.rks-gov.net
 Latvia Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSP) csb.gov.lv
 Liechtenstein Office of Statistics (AS) as.llv.li
 Lithuania Department of Statistics (LSD) stat.gov.lt
 Luxembourg Central Service for Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) statistiques.public.lu
 Macedonia State Statistical Office (DZS) stat.gov.mk
 Malta National Statistics Office (NSO) nso.gov.mt
 Monaco Monaco Statistics (IMSEE) monacostatistics.mc
 Montenegro Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT) monstat.org
 Netherlands Statistics Netherlands (CBS) cbs.nl
 Norway Statistics Norway (SSB) ssb.no
 Poland Central Statistical Office (GUS) stat.gov.pl
 Portugal Statistics Portugal (INE) ine.pt
 Republic of Moldova National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova (BNS) statistica.md
 Romania National Institute of Statistics (INS) insse.ro
 Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) gks.ru
 San Marino Office of Economic Planning, Data Processing and Statistics (UPECEDS) statistica.sm
 Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (RZS) webrzs.stat.gov.rs
 Slovakia Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (SUSR) susr.sk
 Slovenia Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) stat.si
 Spain National Statistics Institute (INE) ine.es
 Sweden Statistics Sweden (SCB) scb.se
  Switzerland Federal Statistical Office (FSO) bfs.admin.ch
 Turkey Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) turkstat.gov.tr
 Ukraine State Statistics Service of Ukraine ukrstat.gov.ua
 United Kingdom Office for National Statistics (ONS) ons.gov.uk


Country Organisation Website
 Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) abs.gov.au
 Cook Islands Cook Islands Statistics Office mfem.gov.ck statistics
 Fiji Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics statsfiji.gov.fj
 Kiribati Kiribati Statistics Office spc.int/prism/kiribati
 Marshall Islands Office of Management and Statistics spc.int/prism/marshalls/
 Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia Division of Statistics fsmstatistics.fm/
 Nauru Nauru Bureau of Statistics spc.int/prism/nauru
 New Zealand Statistics New Zealand stats.govt.nz
 Niue Niue Statistics spc.int/prism/niue
 Palau Office of Planning and Statistics (OPS) palaugov.net/stats
 Papua New Guinea National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea nso.gov.pg
 Samoa Statistical Services Division sbs.gov.ws
 Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Statistics spc.int/prism/Solomons
 Tonga Government of Tonga-Statistics Department spc.int/to/
 Tuvalu Central Statistics Division (CSD) spc.int/prism/tuvalu
 Vanuatu Vanuatu National Statistics Office (VNSO) vnso.gov.vu

Autonomous statistical services at sub-national level

Some countries are politically organised as federations of states or of autonomous regions; also a specific territory might have been given a partial autonomy. Several of these sub-national regional units have set their own quasi-independent statistical department. A list is presented in Sub-national autonomous statistical services

International statistical services

United Nations organisations

Statistics Unit
Statistics Website
United Nations Secretariat
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) unstats
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) United Nations Population Division (UNPD) Population Information Network
United Nations specialized agencies and related organisations
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Statistics division Statistics
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (IAEA)
International Labour Organization (ILO) Department of Statistics (STAT) Statistics and databases
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Statistics Department Data and Statistics
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ICT Data and Statistics (IDS) ICT Data and Statistics
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Institut of statistics
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Directorate of External Relations and Policy Research (EPR)/Department of Policy Research and Statistics/Statistics Division (EPR/PRS/STA) Statistical Databases
Universal Postal Union (UPU) postal statistics
World Bank Group (World Bank) Development Economics Data Group (DECDG) Data
World Health Organization (WHO) Health Statistics and Information Systems (HSI) Data
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account Programme Statistics
World Trade Organization (WTO) Economic Research and Statistics Division Statistics
United Nations funds and programmes
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR) Field Information and Coordination Support section Statistics
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) statistics and monitoring
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Development Statistics and Information Branch Statistics
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Research & Publications
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (UNEP)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) Monitoring and Research division Data and publications
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Statistics
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Data for Development
United Nations Regional Commissions
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) African Centre for Statistics ACS
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Statistical Division Statistics
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Statistics division Data and statistics
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Statistics Division Statistics
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) Statistics Division Statistics Division
Statistical training institutions in United Nations System
Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) (SIAP)

Intergovernmental Development and Central Banks

Statistics Unit
Statistics Website
Intergovernmental Development Banks
African Development Bank (AfDB) Statistics Department Statistics
Asian Development Bank (ADB) Economics and Research Department (ERD) Data
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Economics Department Economics statistics
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Office of the Chief Economist Economic data
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Department of Research and Chief Economist Statistics and Databases
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Data Resource and Statistics Department
Intergovernmental Central Banks
Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Statistics and Research Support Statistics
Bank of Central African States (BEAC) Statistiques
Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Direction de la Recherche et de la Statistique Statistiques
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Statistics Department Statistics
European Central Bank (ECB) Statistics (Directorate general) Statistics

Regional intergovernmental organisations

Statistics Unit
Statistics Website
African Union (AU) Statistics Division Statistics
The Economic and Statistical Observatory of Sub-Saharan Africa (AFRISTAT) General Directorate afristat.org
Andean Community of Nations (CAN) Estadisticas
Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) Statistics
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Policy Support Unit StatsAPEC
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Statistics Division ASEANstats
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Statistics Sub-programme Caricomstats
Central American Integration System (SICA) Regional statistics
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Statistical program Comstat
Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Interstate Statistical Committee (CISSTAT) Cisstat
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Statistics
East African Community (EAC) Statistics
Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Research and Statistics Directorate Ecostat
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) EFTA Statistical Office Statistics
European Union (EU) Eurostat Eurostat
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
League of Arab states (LAS) Statistical Reports
Mercosur (MERCOSUR) Macroeconomic Monitoring Group (GMM) Statistics
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Statistics Directorate Statistics Directorate
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Statistics and data
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) see SESRIC below Department statistics
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Statistics for Development Division Statistics for Development
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) SAARCSTAT
Southern African Development Community (SADC) Statistics Statistics
West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) Direction des Études Statistiques et Économiques

Other organisations

Statistics Unit
Statistics Website
Regional training and research in statistics organisations
Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) General Directorate AITRS
Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) Statistics and Information Department Department statistics
Partnership in statistics
Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) PARIS21 Secretariat PARIS21

See also