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Feminism in the United States

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Women's suffrage parade in New York City, May 6, 1912.

Feminism in the United States refers to the collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending a state of equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women in the United States.[1][2] Feminism in the United States is often divided chronologically into first-wave, second-wave, and third-wave feminism.[3]

As of the most recent Gender Gap Index measurement of countries by the World Economic Forum in 2014, the United States is ranked 20th on gender equality.[4]

First-wave feminism

The first wave of feminism in the United States began with the Seneca Falls Convention, the first women's rights convention, held at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, New York, on July 19 and 20, 1848.[5]

This Convention was inspired by the fact that in 1840, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton met Lucretia Mott at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London, the conference refused to seat Mott and other women delegates from America because of their gender.[6] Stanton, the young bride of an antislavery agent, and Mott, a Quaker preacher and veteran of reform, talked then of calling a convention to address the condition of women.[6]

An estimated three hundred people attended the convention, including notables Lucretia Mott and Frederick Douglass.[6] At the conclusion, 68 women and 32 men signed the Declaration of Sentiments, which was written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the M'Clintock family.[6]

The style and format of the Declaration of Sentiments was that of the Declaration of Independence. For example, the Declaration of Sentiments stated, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and women are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."[7] The Declaration further stated, "The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man towards woman."[7]

The declaration went on to specify female grievances in regard to the laws denying married women ownership of wages, money, and property (all of which they were required to turn over to their husbands; laws requiring this, in effect throughout America, were called coverture laws), women's lack of access to education and professional careers, and the lowly status accorded women in most churches.[7] Furthermore, the Declaration declared that women should have the right to vote.[7]

Some of the participants at Seneca Falls organized the Rochester Women's Rights Convention two weeks later on August 2 in Rochester, New York.[8] It was followed by other state and local conventions in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.[8] The first National Woman's Rights Convention was held in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1850.[8] Women's rights conventions were held regularly from 1850 until the start of the Civil War.[9]

The women's suffrage movement began with the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention; many of the activists became politically aware during the abolitionist movement. The movement reorganized after the Civil War, gaining experienced campaigners, many of who had worked for prohibition in the Women's Christian Temperance Union. By the end of the 19th century only a few western states had granted women full voting rights,[10] though women had made significant legal victories, gaining rights in areas such as property and child custody.[11]

In 1866, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony formed the American Equal Rights Association, an organization for white and black women and men dedicated to the goal of suffrage for all.[12] In 1868 the Fourteenth Amendment was passed, this was the first Amendment to ever specify the voting population as "male".[12] In 1869 the women's rights movement split into two factions as a result of disagreements over the Fourteenth and soon-to-be-passed Fifteenth Amendments, with the two factions not reuniting until 1890.[12] Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony formed the more radical, New York-based National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA).[12] Lucy Stone, Henry Blackwell, and Julia Ward Howe organized the more conservative American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA), which was centered in Boston.[12] In 1870 the Fifteenth Amendment enfranchised black men.[12] NWSA refused to work for its ratification, arguing, instead, that it be "scrapped" in favor of a Sixteenth Amendment providing universal suffrage.[12] Frederick Douglass broke with Stanton and Anthony over NWSA's position.[12]

In 1869 Wyoming became the first territory or state in America to grant women suffrage.[13] In 1870 Louisa Ann Swain became the first woman in the United States to vote in a general election. She cast her ballot on September 6, 1870, in Laramie, Wyoming.[14][15]

From 1870 to 1875 several women, including Virginia Louisa Minor, Victoria Woodhull, and Myra Bradwell, attempted to use the Fourteenth Amendment in the courts to secure the vote (Minor and Woodhull) or the right to practice law (Bradwell), but they were all unsuccessful.[12] In 1872 Susan B. Anthony was arrested and brought to trial in Rochester, New York, for attempting to vote for Ulysses S. Grant in the presidential election; she was convicted and fined $100 and the costs of her prosecution but refused to pay.[12][16] At the same time, Sojourner Truth appeared at a polling booth in Battle Creek, Michigan, demanding a ballot; she was turned away.[12] Also in 1872, Victoria Woodhull became the first woman to run for president, although she could not vote and only received a few votes, losing to Ulysses S. Grant.[17] She was nominated to run by the Equal Rights Party, and advocated the 8-hour work day, graduated income tax, social welfare programs, and profit sharing, among other positions.[18] In 1874 the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was founded by Annie Wittenmyer to work for the prohibition of alcohol; with Frances Willard at its head (starting in 1876), the WCTU also became an important force in the fight for women's suffrage.[12] In 1878 a woman suffrage amendment was first introduced in the United States Congress, but it did not pass.[12][19] In 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, giving women the right to vote; the first wave of feminism is considered to have ended with that victory.[3]

Margaret Higgins Sanger, was one of the first American birth control activists. She was also a sex educator, writer, and nurse. She popularized the term "birth control", opened the first birth control clinic in the United States in 1916, and established organizations that evolved into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Second-wave feminism

Second-wave feminism in the United States began in the early 1960s.[20] In 1963 Betty Friedan, influenced by The Second Sex, wrote the bestselling book The Feminine Mystique in which she explicitly objected to the mainstream media image of women, stating that placing women at home limited their possibilities, and wasted talent and potential. The perfect nuclear family image depicted and strongly marketed at the time, she wrote, did not reflect happiness and was rather degrading for women.[21] This book is widely credited with having begun second-wave feminism.[22]

Also in 1963, freelance journalist Gloria Steinem gained widespread popularity among feminists after a diary she authored while working undercover as a Playboy Bunny waitress at the Playboy Club was published as a two-part feature in the May and June issues of Show.[23] The feature was "A Bunny's Tale" (Part I and Part II.) Steinem alleged the club was mistreating its waitresses in order to gain male customers and exploited the Playboy Bunnies as symbols of male chauvinism, noting that the club's manual instructed the Bunnies that "there are many pleasing ways they can employ to stimulate the club's liquor volume."[23] By 1968, Steinem had become arguably the most influential figure in the movement and support for legalized abortion and free daycares had become the two leading objectives for feminists.[24]

The movement grew with legal victories such as the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which banned sex discrimination in employment), and the Griswold v. Connecticut Supreme Court ruling of 1965 (which legalized birth control for married couples.) [25][26] [27] In 1966 Betty Friedan joined other women and men to found the National Organization for Women (NOW); Friedan would be named as the organization's first president.[28] Amongst the most significant legal victories of the movement in the 1960s after the formation of NOW were a 1967 Executive Order extending full affirmative action rights to women, a 1968 EEOC decision ruling illegal sex-segregated help wanted ads, and the legalization of no-fault divorce (although not legalized in all states until 2010).

The movement picked up more victories in the 1970s. The Title X Family Planning Program, officially known as Public Law 91-572 or “Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs” was enacted under President Richard Nixon in 1970 as part of the Public Health Service Act; it is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. The Supreme Court case Reed v. Reed (1971), was the case in which the Supreme Court for the first time applied the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to strike down a law that discriminated against women.[26][29] Also, while the Equal Pay Act of 1963 did not originally cover executives, administrators, outside salespeople, and professionals, the Education Amendments of 1972 amended it so that it does.[30][31] Also in 1972, the Supreme Court case Eisenstadt v Baird legalized birth control for unmarried people.[32] Also that year Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 illegalized sex discrimination in public schools and public colleges.[33] In 1973 the Roe v Wade Supreme Court case legalized abortion.[34] In 1974 the Equal Credit Opportunity Act illegalized sex discrimination by creditors against credit applicants.[35][36] Also in 1974 sex was added as a protected class under the Fair Housing Act, thus illegalizing sex discrimination in housing.[37] Also in 1974 the Women's Educational Equity Act was enacted. The criminalization of marital rape in the United States started in the mid-1970s and by 1993 marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes. In 1978 the Pregnancy Discrimination Act was enacted; it is a United States federal statute which amended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to "prohibit sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy."[38]

A major disappointment of the second-wave feminist movement in the United States was President Nixon's 1972 veto of the Comprehensive Child Development Bill of 1972, which would have provided a multibillion-dollar national day care system.[39][40][41]

The feminist movement in the late 1970s, led by NOW, briefly attempted a program to help older divorced and widowed women. Many widows were ineligible for Social Security benefits, few divorcees actually received any alimony, and after a career as a housewife, few had skills to enter the labor force. The program, however, encountered sharp criticism from young activists who gave priority to poor minority women rather than the middle class. By 1980, NOW downplayed the program as it focused almost exclusively on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Phyllis Schlafly, the conservative leader, moved into the vacuum. She denounced the feminists for abandoning older middle-class widows and divorcees in need, and warned that ERA would equalize the laws for the benefit of men, stripping protections that older women urgently needed.[42]

The main disappointment of the second wave feminist movement in the United States was the failure to ratify the federal Equal Rights Amendment. It states, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."[43][44] The deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment expired in 1982.[45]

Many historians view the second wave feminist era in America as ending in the early 1980s with the Feminist Sex Wars, a split within the movement over issues such as sexuality and pornography. These disputes ushered in the era of third-wave feminism in the early 1990s.[46][47][48][49][50]

Third-wave feminism

Third-wave feminism in the United States began in the early 1990s.[51][52] In 1991, Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas, a man nominated to the United States Supreme Court, of sexual harassment. Thomas denied the accusations and, after extensive debate, the United States Senate voted 52–48 in favor of Thomas.[53][54][55] In 1992, in response to the Anita Hill sexual harassment case, American feminist Rebecca Walker published an article in Ms. Magazine entitled "Becoming the Third Wave" in which she stated, "I am not a post-feminism feminist. I am the third-wave," which coined the term "third wave".[52][56] Also in 1992 Third Wave Direct Action Corporation was founded by the American feminists Rebecca Walker and Shannon Liss as a multiracial, multicultural, multi-issue organization to support young activists. The organization’s initial mission was to fill a void in young women’s leadership and to mobilize young people to become more involved socially and politically in their communities.[57]

Also in the early 1990s, the riot grrrl movement began in Olympia, Washington and Washington, D.C.; it sought to give women the power to control their voices and artistic expressions.[58] However, Riot grrrl's emphasis on universal female identity and separatism often appears more closely allied with second-wave feminism than with the third wave.[59] Third-wave feminists sought to question, reclaim, and redefine the ideas, words, and media that have transmitted ideas about gender, gender roles, womanhood, beauty, and sexuality, among other things.[60] Third-wave feminism saw many new feminist icons such as Madonna, Queen Latifah, Angelina Jolie, Emma Watson, Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga, as well as fictional characters such as Buffy and Mulan.[60] Third-wave feminists have recently utilized the Internet and other modern technology to enhance their movement, which has allowed for information and organization to reach a larger audience. This larger audience has also expanded to many male celebrities such as Aziz Ansari and Leonardo DiCaprio.

The increasing ease of publishing on the Internet meant that e-zines (electronic magazines) and blogs became ubiquitous. Many serious independent writers, not to mention organizations, found that the Internet offered a forum for the exchange of information and the publication of essays and videos that made their point to a potentially huge audience. The Internet radically democratized the content of the feminist movement with respect to participants, aesthetics, and issues.

— Laura Brunell, 2008 Britannica Book of the Year[61]

Through the 1980s and 1990s, this trend continued as musicologists like Susan McClary, Marcia Citron and Ruth Solie began to consider the cultural reasons for the marginalizing of women from the received body of work. Concepts such as music as gendered discourse; professionalism; reception of women's music; examination of the sites of music production; relative wealth and education of women; popular music studies in relation to women's identity; patriarchal ideas in music analysis; and notions of gender and difference are among the themes examined during this time.[160]


Critics of mainstream feminist discourse point to the white-washed historical narrative that omits and/or minimizes the roles played by women of color within and without the feminist movement, as well as the differing obstacles faced by women of color. Audre Lorde, Caribbean-American feminist and essayist, stated: "What woman here is so enamored of her own oppression that she cannot see her heel print upon another woman's face? What woman’s terms of oppression have become precious and necessary to her as a ticket into the fold of the righteous, away from the cold winds of self-scrutiny? . . . We welcome all women who can meet us, face to face, beyond objectification and beyond guilt."[62]

These historical omissions are particularly evident in accounts on First-Wave feminism which often ignores the roles played by fundamental activists such as Ida Bell Wells-Barnett. Wells-Barnett was a key figure in the early feminist movement, her form of radical protest politics "recognized the limits of racial uplift and acknowledged the power of political action in the form of direct protest."[63] For most of her career, Wells-Barnett faced opposition from white feminist leaders such as Rebecca Latimer Felton and Frances Willard, the first woman to serve in the United States Senate and a former president of the WCTU respectively, who saw the feminist movement as an Anglo Saxon pursuit and built their rhetoric on the ideology of white supremacy: "The Anglo-Saxon race," Willard wrote, "will never submit to be dominated by the Negro so long as his altitude reaches no higher than the personal liberty of the saloon."[64] Wells-Barnett's radical activist tactics were later adopted by women's organizations and feminist movements of the early period who recognized the utility of radicalism in achieving legislative change. However, Wells-Barnett's achievements and influences on the First-Wave of the feminist movement are absent in mainstream discussions.

These criticisms stretch into second- and third-wave feminism, which is dominated by narratives minimizing the role of women of color while celebrating achievements as a whole through the gaze of white female leaders. Consequently, by the 1970s and 1980s, African-American women, such as bell hooks, developed a social consciousness by publicly voicing dissatisfaction with black women's representation in feminist discourse.[65]

See also


  1. ^ "Feminism – Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary". merriam-webster.com. Retrieved 12 June 2011.
  2. ^ "Definition of feminism noun from Cambridge Dictionary Online: Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus". dictionary.cambridge.org. Retrieved 12 June 2011.
  3. ^ a b Engel, Kerilynn. "What Are the Three Waves of Feminism?". Answers. Retrieved June 30, 2014.
  4. ^ "India Slides, US Gains in Gender Equality Ranking". ABC News.
  5. ^ Encyclopedia of women and religion ... – Google Books. Books.google.com. 2006. ISBN 9780253346865. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  6. ^ a b c d "seneca falls". Npg.si.edu. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  7. ^ a b c d "The Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership :: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton". Rochester.edu. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  8. ^ a b c "Women's Rights National Historical Park – Women's Rights Movement (U.S. National Park Service)". Nps.gov. August 17, 2010. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  9. ^ "Legacy '98: A Short History of the Movement". Legacy98.org. September 19, 2001. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  10. ^ Rebecca J. Mead, How the Vote Was Won: Woman Suffrage in the Western United States, 1868–1914 (2006)
  11. ^ Glenda Riley, Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History (2001)
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "Votes for Women: Timeline". Memory.loc.gov. August 26, 1920. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  13. ^ Wyoming grants women the vote — History.com This Day in History — 12/10/1869
  14. ^ Women vote in the West: the Woman Suffrage Movement, 1869–1896. New York: Garland Science. 1986. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-8240-8251-2. {{cite book}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  15. ^ Danilov, Victor J. (2005). Women and museums: a comprehensive guide. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press. p. 68. ISBN 978-0-7591-0854-7.
  16. ^ Doug Linder. "The Susan B. Anthony Trial: A Chronology". Law.umkc.edu. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  17. ^ "The LOC.GOV Wise Guide : The First Woman to Run for President . . . 50 Years Ago?". Loc.gov. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  18. ^ "Who Is Victoria Woodhull?". Victoria-woodhull.com. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  19. ^ "Featured Document: The 19th Amendment". Archives.gov. Retrieved June 29, 2011.
  20. ^ "Second Wave Feminist". Association of Women Professionals. Association of Women Professionals. Jan 2014. Retrieved June 30, 2014.
  21. ^ Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. 1988. Deceptive Distinctions: Sex, Gender, and the Social Order. New Haven: Yale University Press
  22. ^ Sweet, Corinne (February 7, 2006). "Betty Friedan". The Independent. London.
  23. ^ a b David Farber (2004). The Sixties Chronicle. Legacy Publishing. p. 150. ISBN 141271009X.
  24. ^ David Farber (2004). The Sixties Chronicle. Legacy Publishing. p. 377. ISBN 141271009X.
  25. ^ Hornig, Lilli S. (Jan 1, 1979). Climbing the Academic Ladder: Doctoral Women Scientists in Academe : a Report to the Office of Science and Technology Policy from the Committee on the Education and Employment of Women in Science and Engineering, Commission on Human Resources, National Research Council. Washington DC: National Academy of Sciences. p. 135. ISBN 0309028809.
  26. ^ a b "Teaching With Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission". National Archives and Records Administration Website. National Archives and Records Administration. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  27. ^ "Griswold v. Connecticut, The Impact of Legal Birth Control and the Challenges that Remain". Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Katharine Dexter McCormick Library. May 2000. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  28. ^ David Farber (2004). The Sixties Chronicle. Legacy Publishing. p. 256. ISBN 141271009X.
  29. ^ McCarthy, Angie (November 14, 2011). "Reed v. Reed at 40: A Landmark Decision". National Women's Law Center (NWLC). National Women's Law Center (NWLC). Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  30. ^ U.S. News and World Report, Vol. 73, p. 69
  31. ^ Climbing the Academic Ladder: Doctoral Women Scientists in Academe, a Report to the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Washington DC: National Academies and The Committee on the Education and Employment of Women in Science and Engineering, Commission on Human Resources, National Research Council. 1979. p. 135. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  32. ^ Dunlap, Bridgette (March 22, 2013). "Eisenstadt v. Baird: The 41st Anniversary of Legal Contraception for Single People". RH Reality Check. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  33. ^ Greenhouse, Linda (February 27, 1992). "COURT OPENS PATH FOR STUDENT SUITS IN SEX-BIAS CASES". http://www.nytimes.com/. The New York Times. Retrieved July 12, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  34. ^ "Abortion Rate in 1994 Hit a 20-Year Low". The New York Times. The New York Times Company. January 5, 1997. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  35. ^ "President Ford '76 Fact Book, Women". Gerald R. Ford Library. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  36. ^ "The Equal Credit Opportunity Act, by the United States Department of Justice". United States Department of Justice. United States Department of Justice. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  37. ^ "1968: Federal Fair Housing Act". bostonfairhousing.org. The Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston. Retrieved July 12, 2014.
  38. ^ Text of the Act from the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  39. ^ Nancy L. Cohen. "Child Care: America was very close to universal day care - New Republic". New Republic. Retrieved 28 November 2014.
  40. ^ Roth, William. The Politics of Daycare: The Comprehensive Child Development Act of 1971. Discussion Papers 369-76. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, DC., 1976.
  41. ^ Rosenberg, Rosalind. Divided Lives: American Women in the Twentieth Century. New York: Hill and Wang, 1992.
  42. ^ Lisa Levenstein, "'Don't Agonize, Organize!': The Displaced Homemakers Campaign and the Contested Goals of Postwar Feminism." 'Journal of American History (2014) 100#4: 1114-1138. online
  43. ^ "The 1960s-70s American Feminist Movement: Breaking Down Barriers for Women". https://tavaana.org. E-Collaborative for Civic Education. Retrieved July 12, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  44. ^ "The Equal Rights Amendment Unfinished Business for the Constitution". http://www.equalrightsamendment.org/. Retrieved July 12, 2014. {{cite web}}: External link in |website= (help)
  45. ^ "Social Revolution and the Equal Rights Amendment". Retrieved 27 November 2014.
  46. ^ Duggan, Lisa; Hunter, Nan D. (1995). Sex wars: sexual dissent and political culture. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-91036-6.
  47. ^ Hansen, Karen Tranberg; Philipson, Ilene J. (1990). Women, class, and the feminist imagination: a socialist-feminist reader. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN 0-87722-630-X.
  48. ^ Gerhard, Jane F. (2001). Desiring revolution: second-wave feminism and the rewriting of American sexual thought, 1920 to 1982. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-11204-1.
  49. ^ Leidholdt, Dorchen; Raymond, Janice G (1990). The Sexual liberals and the attack on feminism. New York: Pergamon Press. ISBN 0-08-037457-3.
  50. ^ Vance, Carole S. Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality. Thorsons Publishers. ISBN 0-04-440593-6.
  51. ^ Dicker, Rory (2008). A History of U.S. Feminisms. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press. ASIN B004KPLWGM.
  52. ^ a b Dicker, Piepmeier; Rory, Alison, eds. (2003). Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century. Boston, MA: Northeastern. ISBN 978-1555535704.
  53. ^ Walker, Rebecca (1995). To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism. New York: Anchor Books. ISBN 978-0-385-47262-3. OCLC 32274323.
  54. ^ Heywood, Leslie; Drake, Jennifer, eds. (1997). Third Wave Agenda: Being Feminist, Doing Feminism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-3005-9. OCLC 36876149.
  55. ^ Gillis, Stacy; Howie, Gillian; Munford, Rebecca (2004). Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4039-1821-5. OCLC 54454680.
  56. ^ Rebecca, Walker (January 1992). "Becoming the Third Wave". Ms. New York: Liberty Media for Women: 39–41. ISSN 0047-8318. OCLC 194419734.
  57. ^ Third Wave Foundation. "History". Third Wave Foundation. Retrieved 2012-10-31.
  58. ^ Rowe-Finkbeiner, Kristin (2004). The F-Word. Emeryville: Seal Press. ISBN 978-1-58005-114-9. OCLC 55504351.
  59. ^ Rosenberg, Jessica; Garofalo, Gitana (1998). "Riot Grrrl: Revolutions from Within". Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 23 (3: Feminisms and Youth Cultures). University of Chicago Press: 809–841. doi:10.1086/495289. ISSN 0097-9740. OCLC 486795617.
  60. ^ a b Laura Brunell (May 13, 2007). "Feminism (sociology)". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved August 24, 2013.
  61. ^ Brunell, Laura (2008). "Feminism Re-Imagined: The Third Wave." 2008 Britannica Book of the Year. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
  62. ^ Mariana Ortega, "Being Lovingly, Knowingly Ignorant: White Feminism and Women of Color," Hypatia 1/23 (2006): 56
  63. ^ Crystal N. Feimster, Southern Horrors (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009),212
  64. ^ Crystal N.Feimster, Southern Horrors (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009), 82
  65. ^ Patricia Hill Collins, "What's In A Name? Womanism, Black Feminism, and Beyond," The Black Scholar 21/6 (Winter/Spring 1996): 9

Further reading

  • Century of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement in the United States, by Eleanor Flexner (1996)
  • Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967–1975, by Alice Echols (1990)
  • The World Split Open: How the Modern Women's Movement Changed America, by Ruth Rosen (2006)