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Lithuanian order of precedence

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The Lithuanian order of precedence is a nominal and symbolic hierarchy of important positions within the Government of Lithuania. Administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs[1], the hierarchy does not determine the order of succession for the office of President of the Republic of Lithuania, which is instead specified by the Constitution of Lithuania.

Lithuanian order of precedence

  1. President of Lithuania (Dalia Grybauskaitė)
  2. Speaker of the Seimas (Viktoras Pranckietis)
  3. Prime Minister of Lithuania (Saulius Skvernelis)
  4. President of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania (Dainius Žalimas)
  5. Former Presidents of Lithuania:
    1. Vytautas Landsbergis
    2. Valdas Adamkus
    3. Rolandas Paksas
    4. Artūras Paulauskas
  6. Signatories of the Act of Independence of Lithuania, including:
    1. Chair of Liberal Movement Political Group Eugenijus Gentvilas
    2. MEP Laima Andrikienė
    3. MEP Algirdas Saudargas
    4. Member of the Seimas Kęstutis Glaveckas
    5. Member of the Seimas Rasa Juknevičienė
    6. Member of the Seimas Emanuelis Zingeris
    7. Former Speaker of the Seimas Česlovas Juršėnas
    8. Former Prime Minister Kazimira Prunskienė
    9. Former Prime Minister Albertas Šimėnas
    10. Former Prime Minister Gediminas Vagnorius
    11. Former Prime Minister Aleksandras Abišala
  7. First Deputy Speaker of the Seimas (Rima Baškienė)
  8. Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania:
    1. Minister of Environment (Kęstutis Navickas)
    2. Minister of Energy (Žygimantas Vaičiūnas)
    3. Minister of Finance (Vilius Šapoka)
    4. Minister of National Defence (Raimondas Karoblis)
    5. Minister of Culture (Liana Ruokytė-Jonsson)
    6. Minister of Social Security and Labour (Linas Kukuraitis)
    7. Minister of Transport and Communications (Rokas Masiulis)
    8. Minister of Health (Aurelijus Veryga)
    9. Minister of Education and Science (Jurgita Petrauskienė)
    10. Minister of Justice (Elvinas Jankevičius)
    11. Minister of Economy (Virginijus Sinkevičius)
    12. Minister of Foreign Affairs (Linas Linkevičius)
    13. Minister of the Interior (Eimutis Misiūnas)
    14. Minister of Agriculture (Giedrius Surplys)
  9. Foreign Ambassadors, accredited to the Republic of Lithuania (by date of presentation of credentials except Nuncio who is first)
    1. Holy See (Pedro López Quintana)
    2. Sweden (Maria Christina Lundqvist)
    3. Germany (Angelika Viets)
    4. France (Philippe Jeantaud)
    5. Latvia (Einars Semanis)
    6. Denmark (Dan E. Frederiksen)
    7. Canada (Alain Hausser)
    8. United Kingdom (Claire Lawrence)
    9. Italy (Francesco Fransoni)
    10. Norway (Karsten Klepsvik)
    11. Finland (Christer Michelsson)
    12. Turkey (Aydan Yamancan)
    13. Czech Republic (Bohumil Mazánek)
    14. United States (Anne Hall)
    15. China (Shen Zhifei)
    16. Poland (Urszula Doroszewska)
    17. Estonia (Jana Vanaveski)
    18. Russia (Alexander Udaltsov)
    19. Romania (Dan Adrian Bălănescu)
    20. Ukraine (Volodymyr Yatsenkivskyi)
    21. Belarus (Aleksandr Korol)
    22. Kazakhstan (Baurzhan Mukhamejanov)
    23. Georgia (Khatuna Salukvadze)
    24. Japan (Toyoei Shigeeda)
    25. Netherlands (Bert van der Lingen)
    26. Hungary (Kátai Ildikó)
    27. Spain (Miguel Arias Estevez)
    28. Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Manfred Leo Mautner Markhof)
    29. Greece (Vassiliki Dicopoulou)
    30. Ireland (David Noonan)
    31. Moldova (Serghei Mihov)
    32. Azerbaijan (vacant)
    33. Armenia (Tigran Mkrtchyan)
    34. Croatia (Krešimir Kedmenec)
    35. Israel (Amir Maimon)
  10. President of the Supreme Court of Lithuania (Rimvydas Norkus)
  11. President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Gintaras Kryževičius)
  12. Deputy Speakers of the Seimas:
    1. Irena Degutienė
    2. Gediminas Kirkilas
    3. Arvydas Nekrošius
    4. Irena Šiaulienė
  13. Leader of the Opposition of the Seimas (vacant)
  14. Chairs of the Committees of the Seimas:
    1. Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (Juozas Bernatonis)
    2. Chair of the Committee on Audit (Ingrida Šimonytė)
    3. Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance (Stasys Jakeliūnas)
    4. Chair of the Committee on Economics (Rimantas Sinkevičius)
    5. Chair of the Committee on Rural Affairs (Andriejus Stančikas)
    6. Chair of the Committee on Culture (Ramūnas Karbauskis)
    7. Chair of the Committee on National Security and Defence (Vytautas Bakas)
    8. Chair of the Committee on Social Affairs and Labour (Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė)
    9. Chair of the Committee on Health Affairs (Asta Kubilienė)
    10. Chair of the Committee on Education and Science (Eugenijus Jovaiša)
    11. Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs (Agnė Širinskienė)
    12. Chair of the Committee on State Administration and Local Authorities (Guoda Burokienė)
    13. Chair of the Committee on Human Rights (Valerijus Simulik)
  15. Chairs of the Political Groups of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania:
    1. Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats Political Group (Gabrielius Landsbergis)
    2. ithuanian Social Democratic Labour Political Group (Andrius Palionis)
    3. Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance Political Group (Rita Tamašunienė)
    4. Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Political Group (Juozas Olekas)
    5. Non-attached Members (Bronislovas Matelis
    6. Order and Justice Political Group (Vytautas Kamblevičius)
  16. Members of the Seimas
  17. Members of the European Parliament representing Lithuania:
    1. Petras Auštrevičius
    2. Zigmantas Balčytis
    3. Vilija Blinkevičiūtė
    4. Antanas Guoga
    5. Valentinas Mazuronis
    6. Bronis Ropė
    7. Valdemar Tomaševski
    8. Viktor Uspaskich
  18. The Seimas Ombudsman (Augustinas Normantas)
  19. The highest hierarch of the Catholic Church in Lithuania (Cardinal Audrys Juozas Bačkis)
  20. Chief of Defence of Lithuania (gen. ltn. Jonas Vytautas Žukas)
  21. Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania (Vitas Vasiliauskas)
  22. Prosecutor General of Lithuania (Evaldas Pašilis)
  23. Auditor General at National Audit Office of Lithuania (Arūnas Dulkys)
  24. Members of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania:
    1. Elvyra Baltutytė
    2. Gintaras Goda
    3. Vytautas Greičius
    4. Danutė Jočienė
    5. Gediminas Mesonis
    6. Vytas Milius
    7. Daiva Petrylaitė
    8. Janina Stripeikienė
  25. Judges of the Supreme Court of Lithuania
    1. Armanas Abramavičius
    2. Rima Ažubalytė
    3. Dalia Bajerčiūtė
    4. Danguolė Bublienė
    5. Alė Bukavinienė
    6. Gražina Davidonienė
    7. Olegas Fedosiukas
    8. Eligijus Gladutis
    9. Virgilijus Grabinskas
    10. Gabrielė Juodkaitė-Granskienė
    11. Aurelijus Gutauskas
    12. Birutė Janavičiūtė
    13. Janina Januškienė
    14. Sigita Jokimaitė
    15. Audronė Kartanienė
    16. Pranas Kuconis
    17. Egidijus Laužikas
    18. Andžej Maciejevski
    19. Vytautas Masiokas
    20. Rimvydas Norkus
    21. Algis Norkūnas
    22. Artūras Pažarskis
    23. Alvydas Pikelis
    24. Aldona Rakauskienė
    25. Artūras Ridikas
    26. Sigita Rudėnaitė
    27. Gediminas Sagatys
    28. Antanas Simniškis
    29. Donatas Šernas
    30. Tomas Šeškauskas
    31. Algirdas Taminskas
    32. Dalia Vasarienė
    33. Vincas Verseckas
  26. Chancellor of the Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania (Giedrius Krasauskas)
  27. Chancellor of the Seimas (Daiva Raudonienė)
  28. Chancellor of the Government (Algirdas Stončaitis)
  29. Director of the State Security Department of Lithuania (Darius Jauniškis)
  30. Director of the Special Investigation Service (Žydrūnas Bartkus)
  31. Chairman of the Court of Appeal of Lithuania (Algimantas Valantinas)
  32. Vice-Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania
  33. Chancellors of the ministries of the Republic of Lithuania
  34. City Mayor (at city event)
  35. President of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Jūras Banys)
  36. President of Lithuanian Bishops' Conference (Gintaras Grušas)
  37. Highest Authorities of traditional religious confessions:
    1. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lithuania (Mindaugas Sabutis)
    2. Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church (Tomas Šernas)
    3. Greek Catholic Church (Pavel Jachimec)
    4. Jewish Religious Community) (Sholom Ber Krinsky)
    5. Karaite Religious Community) (Jurij Špakovski)
    6. Sunni Muftiate of Lithuania (Ramazanas Jakubauskas)
    7. Eastern Orthodoxy (Inokentijus, Metropolitan of Vilnius and Lithuania)
    8. Religious Community of Old Believers (Grigorij Bojarov)
  38. Ambassadors of the Republic of Lithuania
  39. Police Commissioner General of Lithuania (Linas Pernavas)
  40. Head of the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service (gen. Renatas Požėla)
  41. Director of the VIP Protection Department of Lithuania (gen. Rymantas Mockevičius)
  42. Head of the Public Security Service (gen. Ričardas Pocius)
  43. Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson of Lithuania (Agneta Skardžiuvienė)
  44. Children's rights Ombudsperson of Lithuania (Edita Žiobienė)
  45. Former Speakers of the Seimas:
    1. Viktoras Muntianas
    2. Arūnas Valinskas
    3. Vydas Gedvilas
    4. Loreta Graužinienė
  46. Former Prime Ministers of the Republic of Lithuania:
    1. Adolfas Šleževičius
  47. Chairman of the Lithuanian Central Electoral Commission (Laura Matjošaitytė)
  48. Chairman of the Chief Official Ethics Commission of the Republic of Lithuania (Edmundas Sakalauskas)
  49. Rectors of the High Schools – Graduate Universities
  50. Advisers to the President of the Republic of Lithuania
  51. Advisers to the Speaker of the Seimas
  52. Advisers to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania
  53. Chiefs of the main branches of the Lithuanian Armed Forces:
    1. Commander of the Lithuanian Land Force (brig. gen. Valdemaras Rupšys)
    2. Commander of the Lithuanian Air Force (plk. Dainius Guzas)
    3. Commander of the Lithuanian Navy (jūrų kpt. Arūnas Mockus)
  54. Chief of the Joint Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces (gen. mjr. Vitalijus Vaikšnoras)
  55. Representative of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Court of Human Rights (Karolina Bubnytė)
  56. Director of the Department of State and Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Neilas Tankevičius)
  57. President of the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (Ričardas Malinauskas)
  58. Mayors of other cities of Lithuania
  59. Government representatives in the counties
  60. Chargé d‘Affaires of foreign states
