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===Accusation of being militant organization===
Gerald James Larson, professor of Indian Cultures and Civiliztion and Director of Indian Studies at [[Indiana University]] described the RSS as a [[militant]] organization and a "right-wing religious movement which combined a communalist Hindu nationailsm with the rigid disciplene of the old militant Naga mendicant orders".<ref name="IAR"/> Robert L. Hardgrave in his book ''India Under Pressure: Prospects for Political Stability'' also labelled the RSS as a militant organization.<ref name="IUPPPS">{{cite book
|author= Robert L. Hardgrave
|title= India Under Pressure: Prospects for Political Stability
|publisher= Westview Press
|year= 1984
|pages= p67
|isbn= 0865318603


Revision as of 06:51, 5 July 2008

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (Hindi: राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ, English: National Volunteers' Organisation), also known as the Sangh or the RSS, is a Hindu nationalist organization in India. It was founded in 1925 by Dr. K.B. Hedgewar. The RSS is active throughout India, whilst it operates abroad by many names. In Myanmar it is Sanatan Dharma Swayamsevak Sangh (SDSS), in Mauritius the Mauritius Swayamsevak Sangh (MSS) and elsewhere through the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh.

Their general philosophical outlook is cultural nationalism known as integral humanism, aimed at revitalizing the spiritual and moral traditions of India.[1] RSS believes that Hinduism is not simply a religion but a way of life.[2] The proclaimed purpose of the organization is "serving the nation and its people in the form of - Bharata Mata (Mother India) and protecting the interests of the People who treat India as their motherland".

RSS has never directly contested elections. But they support parties that support its outlook on key issues of of swadeshi and cultural nationalism. They have generally supported Bharatiya Janata Party led NDA. Although they have also supported congrss party in pre-independance era. Even though RSS has supported Bharatiya Janata Party it has at times refused to support it due to difference of opinion with the party. [3],[4]. They are well-organized and have a hierarchical structure to their organization, with the sarsanghchalak being the highest rank.

The RSS was banned in India thrice during periods in which the government of the time considered them a threat to the state: in 1948 after Mahatma Gandhi's assassination, during the 1975 Emergency in India, and after the 1992 Babri Masjid demolition, in order. The bans were subsequently lifted after the Supreme Court of India declined to uphold the bans due to lack of evidence of their involvement in the alleged activities.[5]


In 1925, Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, a Nagpur doctor after analysing history and recent developments, formed the Rashtriya Swayemsevak Sangh aiming to unite Hindus by organizing together.[6] Hedgewar proposed that Hindus must be united to face the challenges and protect the freedom and diversity of Indian civilization. The RSS was developed all over the country because of its nationalistic ideology and sacrifices of selfless karyakartas. The "pracharaks" or "full-time workers", who were spread all over the country and karyakartas who had got trained, made RSS as world's biggest social welfare organisation.[7] During the Indian independence movement, the RSS workers participated in all national moments called upon by INC. Though some Congress leaders tried to subsume RSS into the Congress and urged the RSS leaders to dismantle the organization, they slowly diverged away from the Congress.

Partition activities

The Partition of India was a very traumatic event in the young nation's history. Millions of people, Sikh, Hindu and Muslim, attempted to migrate from India and Pakistan/East-Pakistan through the violence and the death toll was considerable.[8]

The organization gained considerable strength and support because of its various relief activities, organized for the migrating Hindus and successful protection of Hindus and Sikhs in the Hindu-Muslim riots during the time of the partition'

Gandhi's Assassination and Ban

After Mahatma Gandhi's assassination in 1948 by Nathuram Godse, some RSS members were jailed. Godse's connection with the RSS was investigated[9]; the RSS was suspected of involvement in or incitement towards Gandhi's assassination and was banned on February 4, 1948.

Direct connection between Godse and the RSS was never proved.[10] RSS Leaders were acquitted of the conspiracy charge by the Supreme Court of India and following an intervention by the Court, the Indian Government agreed to lift the ban with condition that the RSS adopt a formal constitution. The second sarsanghchalak, Golwalkar began drafting a constitution for the RSS which he sent to the government in March 1949. In July of the same year, after many negotiations over the constitution and its acceptance, the ban on RSS was lifted.[6]


The RSS has an estimated 4.5 million active members.[11] The RSS organises itself hierarchically.


The Sarsanghchalak is the family head of the RSS organization. The individuals who have been Sarsanghchalkas are:

The position is decided by nomination followed with elections held at the annual "Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha" meeting. The current sarsanghachalak of RSS is K. S. Sudarshan.


"Shakhas" means "branch" in Sanskrit.

Most of the organisational work of the RSS is done through the coordination of shakhas, or branches. These shakhas are run every morning (prabhat shakha), evening (sayam shakha) or night (ratri shakha) for 1 hour in public places and are open to people of all castes, creeds or social and economic status. Currently more than 60,000 shakhas are run throughout India. Apart from 42,000 daily gatherings, there are about 5,000 weekly and 2,000 monthly gatherings conducted throughout the length and breadth of the country.[12]

These shakhas are usually operated in playing grounds without any offices. At the end of the shakha the prayer "Namaste Sadaa Vatsale Matrubhoome" (which means "My salutation to you forever, loving motherland") is recited.

These shakhas are the core building blocks of RSS structure. During a Shakha, the activities consist of yoga, games, discussions on broad range of social topics, prayer to Bharat Mata and an inspirational session (baudhik). The RSS uniform consists of a black cap, white shirt and khaki-coloured shorts. On the day of 'Guru Poornima' the RSS volunteers pay tributes to the 'Bhagwa Dhwaj' - the saffron flag, which has considerable symbolic importance.

An RSS volunteer who attends shakha is referred to as a "Swayamsevak". A Swayamsevak is sometimes appointed as a Mukhya Shikshak, meaning group administrator, and is given the task of leading and organizing the Shaka's events.


According to RSS its primarily goal is the "revival of national consciousness" or "national renaissance" because it feeels that centuries of foriegn rule has led to self-oblivion overtaking the society. RSS believes in a "burning devotion to the Motherland (India), a feeling of fraternity among all citizens, intense awareness of a common national life derived from a common culture and shared history and heritage", as well as to "activise the dormant Hindu society (of India), realise its past mistakes, to instill in it a firm determination to set them right, and finally to make it bestir itself to reassert its honour and self-respect".[13] RSS claims that its core ideology is based on Integral humanism and Cultural Nationalism.

Other Religions

The Sangh has declared publicly that its Hindutva philosophy states that Hindutva supports the philosophy Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (translated to Truth is One, Sages Call it by Many Names. The Whole Universe is one Family).[14] However, it feels this society has been threatened by repeated persecution of Hindus, especially by Muslims.

The RSS entirely agrees with Gandhiji's formulations that "There is in Hinduism room enough for Jesus, as there is for Mohammed, Zoroster and Moses" and that "majority of the Muslims of India are converts to that faith from Hinduism through force of circumstances."

With regards to claims of having an anti-Muslim stance, RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav has stated that such claims are a "distortion of RSS ideology". He asserts that the RSS "believes in the oneness of our culture and the country", and that "any opposition to this view could lead to disintegration as it in fact happened with the Partition. This accent against divisiveness should therefore not be seen as hatred towards any particular religion.[15].

The RSS denies that they are intolerant of any other religion, citing examples of RSS-dominated communities in India that have lived in relative peace with adherents of other religions.

Caste System

RSS rejects the caste system and believes in equality of all Hindus. Historically, the RSS has had several Dalit and middle caste members in their fold, several of whom are in key positions along their rank-and-file.[16]. An RSS sarsanghchalak quotes:"All our best attended shakhas are in the poor areas, not in the alienated middle class or rich upper caste suburbs or cities or towns. In simple words, the new Sangh Swayamsevak is mostly a backward caste or Dalit".[7]

The RSS has recently expressed concern over caste-based political and social conflicts, they have urged Hindus to "get rid of this evil at the earliest".[17]Their resolution adopted at a national executive meeting said:

"Hindu society should take all necessary measures to ensure entry and access to every Hindu, irrespective of his caste, to their homes, temples, religious places, public wells, ponds, and other public places. Hindu society will have to get rid of this evil at the earliest.[17]"

The organisation further contends that "caste-based untouchability" and "feelings of high caste and low caste" were the main evils haunting the Hindu society and aims to eradicate Casteism from Indian society. To that end, the RSS has tried to reach out to prominent Dalit (traditionally the "Untouchable" Caste) leaders in India, such as poet and leader of the Dalit activist group "Dalit Panthers" Namdeo Dhasal.[18] The Dalit Panthers have been traditional adversaries of the R.S.S and peceived them as an "upper-caste" dominated party. However, negotiations with RSS chief K.Sudarshan on August 2006 led to reconciliations, when Sudarshan declared that the RSS categorically rejects all forms of caste discrimination in the organization. He further said:

The Dalits are our own flesh and blood, but because of some ill practices and social evils the practice of untouchability has brought havoc on those who were an integral part and defenders of Dharma. This has to be corrected through our deeds and actions.[18]"

Namadeo Dhasal said at the meeting with the RSS, "Yes, I do feel that the fight to eradicate caste has to be fought by Dalits and caste Hindus together carrying forward the tradition of Adi Sankara, which got broken somewhere in between."

Sudarshan then said, "I fully agree with what you have said here today".

In addition, the RSS has advocated for training Dalits and other backward classes to be temple high priests (a position traditionally reserved for Caste Brahmins and denied to lower castes). They argue that the social divisiveness of the Caste system is responsible for the lack of adherence to Hindu values and traditions and reaching out to the lower castes in this manner will be a remedy to the problem.[19]

Appealing for social harmony and Hindu brotherhood, the organisation warned the community against the political parties, which it said had been drawing "political benefits" out of casteism and "Inventing caste based new conflicts in the Hindu society for the sake of political benefits [which has] has become a trend of many politicians these days.[17]"

Votebank Politics

The RSS has spoken out against votebank politics of politicians who encourage caste based rivalries and have urged political parties to keep away from caste based politics and give an Indian culture to democracy.

"No religion or sect is inferior to others. The whole society should be aware that every sect and caste of Bharat has a glorious history. The entire society should fully realize the essence of 'Na Hinduh Patito Bhavet' (No Hindu shall ever come to grief)"[17]

Islamic Terrorism

The RSS has spoken out against Islamic Fundamentalism and acts of Islamic terrorism carried out in various parts of India in recent years.[20] A Senior RSS leader Madan Das has said that there should be "no hesitation whatsoever in fighting against those who do not want peace and added that the world communities should fight terrorism together". They have labeled Islamists as "anti-national elements" and have alleged Pakistani involvement in the various terrorist acts.[21] In addition, the Islamist terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba is suspected for carrying out an unsuccessful attack on the headquarters of the RSS in Nagpur on June 1,2006,[22][23] inviting condemnation of the outfit from politicians across the spectrum.[24]


RSS welcomed the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to India in 2003 although Sharon's visit was condemned by the leaders of the Communist Party of India and Janata Dal for his stance on the Oslo Accords.[25] The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh unilaterally condemned these protests and statements.[26]. RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav said:

The entire world acknowledges that Israel has effectively and ruthlessly countered terror in the Middle East. Since India and Israel are both fighting a proxy war against terrorism, therefore, we should learn a lesson or two from them. We need to have close cooperation with them in this field[26]

Political influence

Template:Hindu politics In 1973, Golwalkar passed away and Balasaheb Deoras took over the leadership, and continued until 1993, when Dr. Rajendra Singh took over from him. During this period, came the rise of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, the political front of the RSS. Between 1975 and 1977, the RSS, along with socialists like Jayprakash Narayan launched a civil disobedience movement, to reject the national emergency and postponement of elections by Prime Minister and Congress President Indira Gandhi. The Jana Sangh was an integral part of the Janata Party coalition that defeated Indira Gandhi's Congress in a landslide in 1977.

During recent time, people who share RSS's ideology, many of whom have been swayamsevaks or former swayamsevaks have gone on to achieve the highest political positions in the Indian Politics. These leaders include Atal Behari Vajpayee, Lal Krishna Advani, Narendra Modi, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Pramod Mahajan, Gopinath Munde, Ram Prakash Gupta, Uma Bharathi, Ananth Kumar and B.S. Yeddyurappa.

It was in fact the close relationship between the Jan Sangh and the RSS that proved to be the Janata coalition's undoing, as non-Sangh constituents of the coalition insisted that all members of the Union Cabinet distance themselves from the RSS, as they were now members of the Janata Party. When Vajpayee and Advani in particular refused to do so, the coalition collapsed over what came to be known as the 'dual membership' issue.

The RSS saw its stock rise as the BJP thrived upon the disenchantment of the masses with the Congress-led governments. By 1988, the BJP had 88 seats in the Lok Sabha, lower house of Parliament, and by 1996 it was the single-largest party. In 1998 it went on to head a coalition government that survived six years and another election in 1999.

Sangh Parivar

Organizations which are inspired by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's ideology refer themselves as the members of the Sangh Parivar. In most of the cases Pracharaks (Full time volunteers of the RSS) were deputed to start and manage these organizations. The largest organizations within the Sangh are the Bharatiya Janata Party, Vishva Hindu Parishad, Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad and Bajrang Dal. Numerous other Hindutva organizations take inspiration from the RSS's actions.

Social Activity

The RSS was instrumental in relief efforts after the 1971 Orissa Cyclone and the 1977 Andhra Pradesh Cyclone.[27]

Khushwant Singh credits members of the RSS with helping and protecting Sikhs who were being targeted be members of the Congress(I) political party during the 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots.[28] He said:

"It was the Congress(I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days”[28]

The RSS has also participated in relief efforts in the Indian State of Kashmir, which has been besieged by Islamic terrorism (see Terrorism in Kashmir). An RSS-affiliated NGO, Seva Bharati, has adopted 100 children, most of them Muslims, from militancy affected areas of the region to provide them education at least up to Higher Secondary level.[29] They have also taken care of many victims of the Kargil War of 1999.[30]

The RSS assisted in relief efforts quite extensively during the 2001 Gujarat earthquake. They helped rebuild villages.[31] They "earned kudos" from many varied agencies and sources for their actions.[27]

Sewa Bharati has also collaborated with several relief groups, such as the Catholics Bishops Conference of India to conduct relief operations in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Activities included building shelters for the victims, providing food, clothes and medical necessities.[32] They raised over one crore rupees for the effort in one week after the tsunami.[33] The RSS assisted relief efforts during the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the subsequent Tsunami.[34].

Criticism and Controversies

Accusations of Fascism

The RSS has been accused by its opponents as a "reactionary group of Hindu fanatics with Fascist tendencies."[6].

Other academics, such as David James Smith, Professor of Indian Religions at Lancaster University, writes that despite the organization's past links with fascist ideologies, its decentralized nature and lack of emphasis with a supreme leader, and the central position that it awards to social system (rather than race), means that describing them as "fascist" is inappropriate.[35]

In addition, accusations of "fascism" have been critiqued as overly simplistic by Jyotirmaya Sharma as inappropriate, calling them a "simplistic transference has done great injustice to our knowledge of Hindu nationalist politics".[36] Noted Indologist Dr. Koenraad Elst says:

"Western liberal and Indian Marxist responses to the BJP/RSS are not only propagandistic but also based on patently incorrect and even manufactured data. Yet, browse through almost any book on the RSS, or read what is on innumerable internet sites maintained and supported by "Left/secular" academics, and you will not see one fellow academic or intellectual question the false premises, the manufactured theses, and the patently vile caricatures of the movement and its leaders. These academics and their camp followers proclaim they are fighting obscurantism, when they themselves employ obscurantist and devious methods to discredit their Hindu-centric rivals, whom they always label as right-wing fascists, the opposite to their enlightened leftist school of thought. You will be amazed at their double-standards and even more amazed that they are either not aware of them or that they will contort their "intellectual" positions even more than a Chinese acrobat can bend her body."



  1. ^ Christophe Jaffrelot, The Hindu nationalist Movement in India, Columbia University Press, 1998
  2. ^ Q & A: Ram Madhav The Hindu - April 14, 2004
  3. ^ http://www.infoahmedabad.com/2007/10/rss-unhappy-with-infighting-in-guj-bjp.html
  4. ^ http://www.indianexpress.com/res/web/pIe/ie/daily/19981215/34950194.html
  5. ^ Analysis: RSS aims for a Hindu nation BBC - March 10, 2003
  6. ^ a b c Curran, Jean A. Jr. The RSS: Militant Hinduism Far Eastern Survey, Vol. 19, No. 10. (May 17, 1950), pp. 93-98.
  7. ^ a b K R Malkani: The RSS Story
  8. ^ #India
  9. ^ Jeevan Lal Kapur, Report of Commission of Inquiry Into Conspiracy to Murder Mahatma Gandhi, Home Ministry, 1971: pp 236, 243.
  10. ^ Gerald James Larson (1995). India's Agony Over Religion. SUNY Press. pp. p132. ISBN 079142412X. {{cite book}}: |pages= has extra text (help)
  11. ^ BBC NEWS | South Asia | Analysis: RSS aims for a Hindu nation
  12. ^ RSS might get trendy uniform next year Rediff - July 23, 2004
  13. ^ Mission & Vision,RSS Web Page
  14. ^ BJP Philosophy - Hindutva
  15. ^ Q&A: Ram Madhav,The Hindu
  16. ^ Sunday Mail, December 23, 1990
  17. ^ a b c d India's RSS urges war against 'evil' of casteism, The Times of India
  18. ^ a b Dalit leader buries the hatchet with RSS,Times of India
  19. ^ RSS for Dalit head priests in temples,Times of India
  20. ^ Double Jeopardy Rediff - March 14, 2000
  21. ^ Be vigilant against ‘jehadis’: RSS leader,The Tribune
  22. ^ Lashkar-e-Toiba,South Asia Terrorism Portal
  23. ^ Lashkar attack on RSS HQ foiled; 3 ultras shot,The Tribune
  24. ^ Terror attack on RSS HQ foiled, 3 Lashkar men shot dead,Times of India
  25. ^ Left wants 'killer' Sharon to go home,Rediff.com, September 09, 2003
  26. ^ a b RSS slams Left for opposing Sharon's visit
  27. ^ a b Ensuring transparency The Hindu - February 18, 2001
  28. ^ a b K. Singh: “Congress (I) is the Most Communal Party”, Publik Asia, 16-11-1989.
  29. ^ JK: RSS adopts militancy hit Muslim children,oneindia.in
  30. ^ Fund of Controversy Times of India - December 14, 2002
  31. ^ Goa rebuilds quake-hit Gujarat village Times of India - June 19, 2002
  32. ^ Relief missions from Delhi,The Hindu
  33. ^ Gestures shift to rehabilitation The Hindu - January 01, 2005
  34. ^ Tsunami toll in TN, Pondy touches 7,000 Rediff - December 29, 2004
  35. ^ Smith, David James, Hinduism and Modernity P188, Blackwell Publishing ISBN 0-631-20862-3
  36. ^ Hindu Nationalist Politics The Hindu - September 24, 2005
  37. ^ http://www.indiastar.com/rameshrao.html



  • Anderson, Walter K. (1987). The Brotherhood in Saffron. Delhi, India: Vistaar Publishers. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Anand, Adeesh (2007). Shree Guruji And His R.S.S. Delhi, India: MD Publication Pvt. Ltd.

See also

External links