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| style="background:#99f;" | <span style="display:none">1</span> free
| style="background:#99f;" | <span style="display:none">1</span> free
| style="background:#9f9;" | <span style="display:none">2</span> mostly free
| style="background:#9f9;" | <span style="display:none">2</span> mostly free
| style="background:#99f;" | <span style="display:none">1</span> satisfactory situation
| style="background:#99f;" | <span style="display:none">1</span> good situation
| style="background:#99f;" | <span style="display:none">1</span> full democracy
| style="background:#99f;" | <span style="display:none">1</span> full democracy

Revision as of 03:26, 7 October 2012

There are several non-governmental organizations that publish and maintain assessments of the state of freedom in the world, according to their own various definitions of the term, and rank countries as being free, partly free, or unfree using various measures of freedom, including political rights, economic rights, and civil liberties.

Listings by country

UK Based

  • The Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index is an assessment of countries' democracy. Countries are rated to be either Full Democracies, Flawed Democracies, Hybrid Regimes, or Authoritarian regimes. Full democracies, flawed democracies, and hybrid regimes are considered to be democracies, and the authoritarian nations are considered to be dictatorial. The Economist bases its ratings based on: civil liberties, conduct of elections, media freedom, participation, public opinion, functioning government, corruption, and stability.[1]

US Based

  • The Economic Freedom of the World Report, published by the Cato Institute and the (Canadian) Fraser Institute in conjunction with other liberal organizations around the world, measures the consistency of the institutions and policies of various countries with voluntary exchange and the other dimensions of economic freedom.
  • Freedom in the World published by Freedom House (which receives about 66% of its budget from the U.S. government,[2]) ranks countries by political rights and civil liberties that are derived in large measure from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Countries are assessed as free, partly free, or unfree.
  • The Index of Economic Freedom is an annual report published by The Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation. Countries are assessed as free, mostly free, moderately free, mostly unfree, and repressed.
  • The Polity data series is a widely used data series in political science research. It contains coded annual information on regime authority characteristics and transitions for all independent states with greater than 500,000 total population and covers the years 1800–2006. Polity's conclusions about a state's level of democracy are based on an evaluation of that state's elections for competitiveness, openness and level of participation.

The Free Existence

  • The Free Existence Drug Freedom Index is a quantitative index which rates the legality of drug usage, possession, and sales in most countries across the world. As it is the first attempt to quantify worldwide drug laws of its kind, there is presently some reliance on anecdotal evidence in lieu of direct legal analysis due to lack of access to primary sources (i.e., the actual written laws of some nations).[3]
  • The Free Existence Gun Rights Index is a quantitative index which rates the legality of gun ownership and use in most countries across the world. As it is the first attempt to quantify worldwide gun laws of its kind, there is presently some reliance on anecdotal evidence and news reports in lieu of direct legal analysis due to lack of access to primary sources (i.e., the actual written laws of some nations).[4]
  • The Free Existence Freedom Meta-Index is a meta-index which incorporates several other freedom indices (e.g., Index of Economic Freedom, Freedom in the World, Corruption Perceptions Index, etc.) into a single ranking web interface. Users can weight the liberties they value most, and these preferences are used to prioritize or exclude individual freedom index values and produce a final score reflecting the most free country given the user's set of values.[5] This weight-value multiplication approach can be used to selectively rank only values from a specific subset of freedom indices, or to enable a user to identify the country or countries that best match his or her philosophical preferences.[6]

France based

Canada based

Current assessments

Here is a table of the assessments in each index for most countries of the world. For exact rankings rather than assessments, refer to the individual index articles.

Country ratings from Freedom House's Freedom in the World 2011 survey, concerning the state of world freedom in 2010.
  Free (87)   Partly Free (60)   Not Free (47)
The 2012 Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom.
2010 press freedom rankings according to Reporters Without Borders
The Economist Intelligence Unit's 2010 Democracy Index map: lighter colours represent more democracy
Index Scale
Freedom in the World free partly free not free
Index of Economic Freedom free mostly free moderately free mostly unfree repressed
Press Freedom Index good situation satisfactory situation noticeable problems difficult situation very serious situation
Democracy Index full democracy flawed democracy hybrid regime authoritarian regime

A star next to the Freedom House ranking means that the country is rated as a liberal democracy.

List by country

Country Freedom House 2011 Economic Freedom 2011 Press Freedom 2011 Democracy Index 2011
 Afghanistan 5 not free n/a 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Albania 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Algeria 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Andorra 1 free n/a 1 good situation n/a
 Angola 5 not free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Argentina 1 free 5 repressed 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Armenia 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Australia 1 free 1 free 2 satisfactory situation 1 full democracy
 Austria 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Azerbaijan 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Bahamas 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Bahrain 5 not free 2 mostly free 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Bangladesh 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Barbados 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Belarus 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Belgium 1 free 3 moderately free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Belize 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Benin 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Bhutan 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Bolivia 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Botswana 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Brazil 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Brunei 5 not free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Bulgaria 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Burkina Faso 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Burundi 3 partly free 5 repressed 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Cambodia 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Cameroon 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Canada 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Cape Verde 1 free 3 moderately free 1 good situation 2 flawed democracy
 Central African Republic 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Chad 5 not free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Chile 1 free 2 mostly free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 People's Republic of China 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Colombia 3 partly free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 2 flawed democracy
 Comoros 3 partly free 5 repressed 2 satisfactory situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Costa Rica 1 free 3 moderately free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Côte d'Ivoire 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Republic of the Congo 5 not free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 5 not free 5 repressed 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Croatia 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Cuba 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Cyprus 1 free 2 mostly free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Czech Republic 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 1 full democracy
 Denmark 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Djibouti 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Dominica 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Dominican Republic 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 East Timor 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Ecuador 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Egypt 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 hybrid regime
 El Salvador 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Equatorial Guinea 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Eritrea 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Estonia 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 2 flawed democracy
 Ethiopia 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Fiji 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Finland 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 France 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Gabon 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Gambia 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Georgia 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Germany 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Ghana 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Greece 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Grenada 1 free 2 mostly free 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Guatemala 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 hybrid regime
 Guinea 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Guinea-Bissau 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Guyana 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Haiti 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 2 satisfactory situation 4 hybrid regime
 Honduras 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Hong Kong 3 partly free 1 free 2 satisfactory situation 4 hybrid regime
 Hungary 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Iceland 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 India 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Indonesia 1 free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 2 flawed democracy
 Iran 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Iraq 5 not free n/a 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Ireland 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Israel 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Italy 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Jamaica 1 free 3 moderately free 1 good situation 2 flawed democracy
 Japan 1 free 2 mostly free 2 satisfactory situation 1 full democracy
 Jordan 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Kazakhstan 5 not free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Kenya 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Kiribati 1 free 5 repressed n/a n/a
 Korea, North 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Korea, South 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 1 full democracy
 Kosovo 3 partly free n/a 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Kuwait 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Kyrgyzstan 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Laos 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Latvia 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Lebanon 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Lesotho 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Liberia 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Libya 5 not free 5 repressed 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Liechtenstein 1 free n/a n/a n/a
 Lithuania 1 free 2 mostly free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Luxembourg 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Macedonia 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Madagascar 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Malawi 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Malaysia 3 partly free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 2 flawed democracy
 Maldives 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Mali 1 free 4 mostly unfree 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Malta 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 1 full democracy
 Mauritania 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 5 hybrid regime
 Mauritius 1 free 2 mostly free 3 noticeable problems 1 full democracy
 Myanmar (Burma) 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Mexico 2 mostly free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 2 flawed democracy
 Federated States of Micronesia 1 free 4 mostly unfree n/a n/a
 Moldova 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Monaco 1 free n/a n/a n/a
 Mongolia 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Montenegro 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Morocco 5 not free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Mozambique 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Namibia 1 free 3 moderately free 1 good situation 2 flawed democracy
 Nauru 1 free n/a n/a n/a
   Nepal 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Netherlands 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 New Zealand 1 free 1 free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Nicaragua 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Niger 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 2 satisfactory situation 5 hybrid regime
 Nigeria 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Northern Cyprus 1 free n/a 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Norway 1 free 3 moderately free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Oman 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Pakistan 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Palestinian National Authority 3 partly free n/a 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Panama 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Papua New Guinea 1 free 4 mostly unfree 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Paraguay 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Peru 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Philippines 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 2 flawed democracy
 Poland 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Portugal 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Puerto Rico 1 free n/a 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Qatar 3 partly free 2 mostly free 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Romania 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Russia 5 not free 5 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Rwanda 5 not free 3 moderately free 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Saint Lucia 1 free 2 mostly free 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Samoa 1 free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems n/a
 São Tomé and Príncipe 1 free 4 mostly unfree 2 satisfactory situation n/a
 Saudi Arabia 5 not free 3 moderately free 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Senegal 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Serbia 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 2 flawed democracy
 Seychelles 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Sierra Leone 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Singapore 3 partly free 1 free 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Slovakia 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Slovenia 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Solomon Islands 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Somalia 5 not free n/a 5 very serious situation n/a
 Somaliland 3 partly free n/a n/a n/a
 South Africa 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 South Sudan 5 not free n/a 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Spain 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 1 full democracy
 Sri Lanka 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 5 very serious situation 4 hybrid regime
 Sudan 5 not free n/a 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Suriname 1 free 4 mostly unfree 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Swaziland 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Sweden 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
  Switzerland 1 free 1 free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Syria 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Taiwan 1 free 2 mostly free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Tajikistan 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Tanzania 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 2 satisfactory situation 4 hybrid regime
 Thailand 3 partly free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 2 flawed democracy
 Togo 5 not free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 Tonga 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Trinidad and Tobago 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 2 flawed democracy
 Tunisia 3 partly free 4 mostly unfree 4 difficult situation 5 hybrid regime
 Turkey 3 partly free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Turkmenistan 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Uganda 3 partly free 3 moderately free 4 difficult situation 4 hybrid regime
 Ukraine 3 partly free 5 repressed 4 difficult situation 2 hybrid regime
 United Arab Emirates 3 partly free 3 moderately free 3 noticeable problems 5 authoritarian regime
 United Kingdom 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 United States 1 free 2 mostly free 1 good situation 1 full democracy
 Uruguay 1 free 3 moderately free 2 satisfactory situation 1 full democracy
 Uzbekistan 5 not free 5 repressed 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Vanuatu 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems n/a
 Venezuela 3 partly free 5 repressed 3 noticeable problems 4 hybrid regime
 Vietnam 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Yemen 5 not free 4 mostly unfree 5 very serious situation 5 authoritarian regime
 Zambia 1 free 4 mostly unfree 3 noticeable problems 4 flawed democracy
 Zimbabwe 5 not free 5 repressed 4 difficult situation 5 authoritarian regime

See also


  1. ^ Democracy index 2010
  2. ^ 2007 Freedom House Financial Statement
  3. ^ FreeExistence Index of Worldwide Drug Freedom (2011)
  4. ^ FreeExistence Index of Worldwide Gun Rights (2011)
  5. ^ Waldman, Katy (April 21, 2011). "Let X Units of Freedom Ring". Slate.
  6. ^ Freedom Index FreeExistence.Org
  7. ^ Press Freedom Index 2010 Reporters Without Borders