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Hindustani grammar

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Hindustani, the lingua franca of Northern India and Pakistan, has two standardised registers: Hindi and Urdu. Grammatical differences between the two standards are minor but each uses its own script: Hindi uses Devanagari while Urdu uses an extended form of the Perso-Arabic script, typically in the Nastaʿlīq style.

On this grammar page Hindustani is written in "standard orientalist" transcription as outlined in Masica (1991:xv). Being "primarily a system of transliteration from the Indian scripts, [and] based in turn upon Sanskrit" (cf. IAST), these are its salient features: subscript dots for retroflex consonants; macrons for etymologically, contrastively long vowels; h for aspirated plosives; and tildes for nasalised vowels.



Hindustani natively possesses a symmetrical ten-vowel system. The vowels [ə], [ɪ], [ʊ] are always short in length, while the vowels [ɑː], [iː], [uː], [eː], [oː], [ɛː], [ɔː] are always considered long, in addition to an eleventh vowel /æː/ which is found in English loanwords.

Vowels [ɛ], [ɛː]

[ɛ] occurs as a conditioned allophone of /ə/ (schwa) in proximity to /ɦ/, if and only if the /ɦ/ is surrounded on both sides by two schwas.[1] and is realised as separate vowel. For example, in kahanā /kəɦ(ə)naː/ (कहनाکَہنا 'to say'), the /ɦ/ is surrounded on both sides by schwa, hence both the schwas will become fronted to short [ɛ], giving the pronunciation [kɛɦɛnaː]. Syncopation of phonemic middle schwa can further occur to give [kɛɦ.naː].


Vowels in Hindustani
Front Central Back
long short short long
Close ɪ u
Close mid
Open mid ɛː (ɛ) ə ɔː
Open (æː) ɑː

Hindustani has a core set of 28 consonants inherited from earlier Indo-Aryan. Supplementing these are two consonants that are internal developments in specific word-medial contexts,[2] and seven consonants originally found in loan words, whose expression is dependent on factors such as status (class, education, etc.) and cultural register (Modern Standard Hindi vs Urdu).

Allophony of [v] and [w]

[v] and [w] are allophones in Hindustani. These are distinct phonemes in English, but both are allophones of the phoneme /ʋ/ in Hindustani (written in Hindi or و in Urdu), including loanwords of Arabic and Persian origin. More specifically, they are conditional allophones, i.e. rules apply on whether is pronounced as [v] or [w] depending on context. Native Hindi speakers pronounce as [v] in vrat (व्रतورت, 'vow') and [w] in pakwān (पकवानپکوان 'food dish'), treating them as a single phoneme and without being aware of the allophonic distinctions, though these are apparent to native English speakers. The rule is that the consonant is pronounced as semivowel [w] in onglide position, i.e. between an onset consonant and a following vowel.[3]

Consonants and vowels are outlined in the table below.[4][5][6] Hovering the mouse cursor over them will reveal the appropriate IPA information, while in the rest of the article hovering the mouse cursor over forms will reveal the appropriate English translation. More information about phonology of Hindustani can be read on Hindustani phonology.

Consonants in Hindustani
Labial Dental/


Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n ɳ (ɲ) ŋ


voiceless p ʈ k (q)
voiceless aspirated ʈʰ tʃʰ
voiced b ɖ ɡ
voiced aspirated ɖʱ dʒʱ ɡʱ
Flap and trill plain r ɽ
voiced aspirated ɽʱ
Fricative voiceless f s ʂ ʃ (x) ɦ
voiced ʋ z (ʒ) (ɣ)
Approximant l j (w)



Hindustani distinguishes two genders (masculine and feminine), two noun types (count and non-count), two numbers (singular and plural), and three cases (direct, oblique, and vocative).[7]: 43  Nouns may be further divided into two classes based on declension, called type-I (marked) and type-II (unmarked). The basic difference between the two categories is that the former has characteristic terminations in the direct singular while the latter does not.[8]

The table below displays the suffix paradigms. A hyphen symbol (for the marked type-I) denotes change from the original termination to another (for example laṛkā to laṛke in the masculine singular oblique), whereas a plus sign (for the unmarked type-II) denotes an ending which should be added (seb to sebõ in the masculine plural oblique).

Singular Plural
Direct Oblique Vocative Direct Oblique Vocative
Masculine I -e -o
II +õ

+yõ (if the stem ends in a vowel) [9]


+yo (if the stem ends in a vowel) [9]

Feminine I
-iyā̃ -iyõ -iyo
II +ẽ +o

The next table of noun declensions, mostly adapted from Shapiro (2003:263), shows the above suffix paradigms in action. Words: laṛkā ('boy'), kū̃ā ('well'), seb ('apple'), vālid ('father'), cāqū ('penknife'), ādmī ('man'), mitr ('friend'), laṛkī ('girl'), ciṛiyā ('finch'), kitāb ('book'), bhāṣā ('language'), and aurat ('woman').

Singular Plural
Direct Oblique Vocative Direct Oblique Vocative
Masculine I laṛkā


II seb
Feminine I laṛkī


II kitāb

Notes for noun declension:

  • ^1 This is also the ending used for the vocative masculine singular.
  • ^2 A small number of marked masculines like kuā̃ display nasalization of all terminations.[10]
  • ^3 Some masculines ending in ā don't change in the direct plural and fall in the unmarked category. i.e. vālid "father", cācā "uncle", rājā "king".[11]
  • ^4 Unmarked nouns ending in ū and ī generally shorten this to u and i before the oblique (and vocative) plural termination(s), with the latter also inserting the semivowel y.[11][12][13]
  • ^5 Many feminine Sanskrit loanwords such as bhāṣā ('language') and mātā (mother) end in ā, therefore the ā is not a reliable indicator of noun gender.[11]
  • The iyā ending is also not a reliable indicator of gender or noun type. Some words such as pahiyā ('wheel') and Persian takiyā ('pillow') are masculine type-I: pahiye ('wheels'), takiye ('pillows'). Feminine loanwords such as Arabic duniyā ('world') and Sanskrit kriyā ('action') use feminine type-II endings: duniyāẽ ('worlds'), kriyāẽ ('actions').
  • In Urdu, many Arabic words retain their Arabic plurals.
  • Perso-Arabic loans ending in final unpronounced h are handled as masculine marked nouns.[14] Hence bacca(h)baccā. The former is the Urdu spelling, the latter the Hindi.
  • Some Arabic loans may use their original dual and plural markings. i.e. vālid "father" → vālidain "parents".


Adjectives may be divided into declinable, and indeclinable categories.[15][16] Declinables are marked, through termination, for the gender, number, case of the nouns they qualify. The set of declinable adjective terminations is similar but greatly simplified in comparison to that of noun terminations —

Singular Plural
Direct Oblique Vocative Direct Obique Vocative
Declinable I Masc. -e
Fem. -ī or -ī̃ (-ī being more common)
II Masc. -yā -ye
Fem. -yā
III Masc. -yā̃ -yẽ
Fem. -yī̃

Indeclinable adjectives are completely invariable, and can end in either consonants or vowels (including ā and ī ). A number of declinables display nasalisation of all terminations.[15] Dir. masc. sg. () is the citation form.

  • Examples of declinable (type-1) adjectives: baṛā "big", choṭā "small", moṭā "fat", acchā "good", burā "bad", kālā "black", ṭhaṇḍā "cold".
  • Examples of declinable (type-2) adjectives: baṛhiyā "great/awesome", ghatiyā "of bad quality or nature", cūtiyā "idiot"/ "asshole".
  • Examples of declinable (type-3) adjectives: dāyā̃ "right (direction)", bāyā̃ "left (direction)"
  • Examples of indeclinable adjectives: xarāb "bad", sāf "clean", bhārī "heavy", murdā "dead", sundar "beautiful", pāgal "crazy/mad", lāl "red".

Declinable adjectives

Declinable adjective (type-1) baṛā "big" in attributive use
Singular Plural Translation
Direct Oblique Vocative Direct Oblique Vocative
M I baṛā laṛkā
baṛā kuā̃
baṛe laṛke
baṛe kuẽ
baṛe laṛkõ
baṛe kuõ
baṛe laṛko
baṛe kuo
big boy(s)

big well(s)

II baṛā seb
baṛā pitā
baṛā cākū
baṛā ādmī
baṛā mitra
baṛe seb
baṛe pitā
baṛe cākū
baṛe ādmī
baṛe mitra
baṛe sebõ
baṛe pitāõ
baṛe cākuõ
baṛe ādmiyõ
baṛe mitrõ
baṛe sebo
baṛe pitāo
baṛe cākuo
baṛe ādmiyo
baṛe mitro
big apple(s)

big father(s)

big knife(s)

big man/men

big friend(s)

F I baṛī laṛkī
baṛī śakti
baṛī ciṛiyā
baṛī̃ laṛkiyā̃
baṛī̃ śaktiyā̃
baṛī̃ ciṛiyā̃
baṛī̃ laṛkiyõ
baṛī̃ śaktiyõ
baṛī̃ ciṛiyõ
baṛī̃ laṛkiyo
baṛī̃ śaktiyo
baṛī̃ ciṛiyo
big girl(s)

big power(s)

big bird(s)

II baṛī kitāb
baṛī bhāṣā
baṛī aurat
baṛī̃ kitābẽ
baṛī̃ bhāṣāẽ
baṛī̃ aurtẽ
baṛī̃ kitābõ
baṛī̃ bhāṣāõ
baṛī̃ aurtõ
baṛī̃ kitābo
baṛī̃ bhāṣāo
baṛī̃ aurto
big book(s)

big language(s)

big woman/women

Declinable adjective (type-2) baṛhiyā "great" in attributive use
Singular Plural Translation
Direct Oblique Vocative Direct Oblique Vocative
M I baṛhiyā laṛkā
baṛhiyā kuā̃
baṛhiye laṛke
baṛhiye kuẽ
baṛhiye laṛkõ
baṛhiye kuõ
baṛhiye laṛko
baṛhiye kuo
great boy(s)

great well(s)

II baṛhiyā seb
baṛhiyā pitā
baṛhiyā cākū
baṛhiyā ādmī
baṛhiyā mitr
baṛhiyā seb
baṛhiyā pitā
baṛhiyā cākū
baṛhiyā ādmī
baṛhiyā mitr
baṛhiye sebõ
baṛhiye pitāõ
baṛhiye cākuõ
baṛhiye ādmiyõ
baṛhiye mitrõ
baṛhiye sebo
baṛhiye pitāo
baṛhiye cākuo
baṛhiye ādmiyo
baṛhiye mitro
great apple(s)

great father(s)

great knife(s)

great man/men

great friend(s)

F I baṛhiyā laṛkī
baṛhiyā śakti
baṛhiyā ciṛiyā
baṛhiyā laṛkiyā̃
baṛhiyā śaktiyā̃
baṛhiyā ciṛiyā̃
baṛhiyā laṛkiyõ
baṛhiyā śaktiyõ
baṛhiyā ciṛiyõ
baṛhiyā laṛkiyo
baṛhiyā śaktiyo
baṛhiyā ciṛiyo
great girl(s)

great power(s)

great bird(s)

II baṛhiyā kitāb
baṛhiyā bhāṣā
baṛhiyā aurat
baṛhiyā kitābẽ
baṛhiyā bhāṣāẽ
baṛhiyā auratẽ
baṛhiyā kitābõ
baṛhiyā bhāṣāõ
baṛhiyā auratõ
baṛhiyā kitābo
baṛhiyā bhāṣāo
baṛhiyā aurato
great book(s)

great language(s)

great woman/women

Declinable adjective (type-3) dāyā̃ "on-the-right-side" in attributive use
Singular Plural Translation
Direct Oblique Vocative Direct Oblique Vocative
M I dāyā̃ laṛkā
dāyā̃ kuā̃
dāyẽ laṛke
dāyẽ kuẽ
dāyẽ laṛkõ
dāyẽ kuõ
dāyẽ laṛko
dāyẽ kuo
the on-the-right-side boy(s)

the on-the-right-side well(s)

II dāyā̃ seb
dāyā̃ pitā
dāyā̃ cākū
dāyā̃ ādmī
dāyā̃ mitr
dāyā̃ seb
dāyā̃ pitā
dāyā̃ cākū
dāyā̃ ādmī
dāyā̃ mitr
dāyẽ sebõ
dāyẽ pitāõ
dāyẽ cākuõ
dāyẽ ādmiyõ
dāyẽ mitrõ
dāyẽ sebo
dāyẽ pitāo
dāyẽ cākuo
dāyẽ ādmiyo
dāyẽ mitro
the on-the-right-side apple(s)

the on-the-right-side father(s)

the on-the-right-side knife(s)

the on-the-right-side man/men

the on-the-right-side friend(s)

F I dāyī̃ laṛkī
dāyī̃ ciṛiyā
dāyī̃ laṛkiyā̃
dāyī̃ ciṛiyā̃
dāyī̃ laṛkiyõ
dāyī̃ ciṛiyõ
dāyī̃ laṛkiyo
dāyī̃ ciṛiyo
the on-the-right-side girl(s)

the on-the-right-side bird(s)

II dāyī̃ kitāb
dāyī̃ aurat
dāyī̃ kitābẽ
dāyī̃ auratẽ
dāyī̃ kitābõ
dāyī̃ auratõ
dāyī̃ kitābo
dāyī̃ aurato
the on-the-right-side book(s)

the on-the-right-side woman/women

Indeclinable adjectives

Indeclinable adjective xarāb "bad" in attributive use
Singular Plural Translation
Direct Oblique Vocative Direct Oblique Vocative
M I xarāb laṛkā
xarāb kuā̃
xarāb laṛke
xarāb kuẽ
xarāb laṛkõ
xarāb kuõ
xarāb laṛko
xarāb kuo
bad boy(s)

bad well(s)

II xarāb seb
xarāb pitā
xarāb cākū
xarāb ādmī
xarāb mitra
xarāb sebõ
xarāb pitāõ
xarāb cākuõ
xarāb ādmiyõ
xarāb mitrõ
xarāb sebo
xarāb pitāo
xarāb cākuo
xarāb ādmiyo
xarāb mitro
bad apple(s)

bad father(s)

bad knife(s)

bad man/men

bad friend(s)

F I xarāb laṛkī
xarāb śakti
xarāb ciṛiyā
xarāb laṛkiyā̃
xarāb śaktiyā̃
xarāb ciṛiyā̃
xarāb laṛkiyõ
xarāb śaktiyõ
xarāb ciṛiyõ
xarāb laṛkiyo
xarāb śaktiyo
xarāb ciṛiyo
bad girl(s)

bad power(s)

bad bird(s)

II xarāb kitāb
xarāb bhāṣā
xarāb aurat
xarāb kitābẽ
xarāb bhāṣāẽ
xarāb auratẽ
xarāb kitābõ
xarāb bhāṣāõ
xarāb auratõ
xarāb kitābo
xarāb bhāṣāo
xarāb aurato
bad book(s)

bad language(s)

bad woman/women

All adjectives can be used either attributively, predicatively, or substantively. Substantively they are declined as nouns rather than adjectives.

(~ se ~ ) is a suffix for adjectives, modifying or lightening their meaning; giving them an "-ish" or "quite" sense. e.g. nīlā "blue" → nīlā-sā "bluish". Its emphasis is rather ambiguous, sometimes enhancing, sometimes toning down, the sense of the adjective.[17]

Comparatives and superlatives

Comparisons are made by using "than" (the postposition se; see below), "more" (aur, zyādā), and "less" (kam). The word for "more" is optional, while "less" is required, so that in the absence of either "more" will be inferred.

Hindustani Word order Meaning
Gītā Gautam se lambī hai [gita] [gautam] [than] [tall] [is] Gita is taller than Gautam.
Gītā Gautam se zyādā lambī hai [gita] [gautam] [than] [more] [tall] [is] Gita is taller than Gautam. (emphasised)
Gītā Gautam se aur lambī hai
Gītā Gautam jitnī lambī hai [gita] [gautam] [as much] [tall] [is] Gita is as tall as Gautam.
Gītā Gautam se kam lambī hai [gita] [gautam] [than] [less] [tall] [is] Gita is less tall than Gautam.

In the absence of an object of comparison ("more" of course is now no longer optional):

Hindustani Word order Meaning
baccā zyādā baṛā hai [kid] [more] [big] [is] The kid is bigger.
baccā utnā hi lambā hai [kid] [just as much] [tall/long] [is] The kid is just as tall (as someone else).
baccā kam baṛā hai [kid] [less] [big] [is] The kid is less big.
Hindustani Word order Meaning
zyādā baṛā baccā [more] [big] [kid] The bigger kid.
utnā hī baṛā baccā [just as much] [big] [kid] The just as big kid.
kam baṛā baccā [less] [big] [kid] The shorter kid.

Superlatives are made through comparisons with "all" (sab). Comparisons using "least" are rare; it is more common to use an antonym.

Hindustani Word order Meaning
kamrā sabse sāf hai [room] [than all] [clean] [is] The room is the cleanest
kamrā sabse kam sāf hai [room] [than all] [less] [clean] [is] The room is the least clean
kamrā sabse gandā hai [room] [than all] [dirty] [is] The room is the dirtiest
Hindustani Word order Meaning
sabse sāf kamrā [than all] [clean] [room] The cleanest room.
sabse kam sāf kamrā [than all] [less] [clean] [room] The least clean room
sabse gandā kamrā [than all] [dirty] [room] The dirtiest room.

In Sanskritised and Persianised registers of Hindustani, comparative and superlative adjectival forms using suffixes derived from those languages can be found.[18]

Sanskrit Persian
Comp. ("-er") -tar
Sup. ("-est") -tam -tarīn


The numeral systems of several of the Indo-Aryan languages, including Hindustani and Nepali, are typical decimal systems, but contracted to the extent that nearly every number 1–99 is irregular. The first four ordinal numbers are also irregular. The suffix -vā̃ marks ordinals beginning at the number five. The ordinals decline in the same way as the declinable adjectives.

Hindustani Numbers
English Hindustani Cardinals Hindustani Ordinals
zero śūnya, sifar śūnyavā̃
one ek pehlā, avval
two do dūsrā, dom
three tīn tīsrā
four cār cauthā
five pā̃c pā̃cvā̃
six chah/cheh chathā
seven sāt sātvā̃
eight āṭh āṭhvā̃
nine nau nauvā̃
ten das dasvā̃
hundred sau sauvā̃
thousand hazār hazārvā̃


The aforementioned inflectional case system only goes so far on its own, and rather serves as that upon which is built a system of agglutinative suffixes or particles known as postpositions, which parallel English's prepositions. It is their use with a noun or verb that necessitates the noun or verb taking the oblique case (though the bare oblique is also sometimes used adverbially[19]), and it is with them that the locus of grammatical function or "case-marking" then lies. There are seven such one-word primary postpositions.

Primary Postpositions



genitive marker; variably declinable in the manner of an adjective. X kā/ke/kī Y has the sense "X's Y", with kā/ke/kī agreeing with Y.[15]
ko dative and the accusative marker; ko has dual function and can mark both the indirect object or the direct object.[20][21]
ne ergative marker; applied to subjects of transitive perfective verbs.
se ablative, elative, perlative and instrumental marker; has other very wide range of uses and meanings:
  • "from"; dillī se "from Delhi".
  • "from, of"; tumse ḍarnā "to fear you".
  • "since"; itvār se "since Sunday".
  • "by, with, using"; instrumental marker.
  • "by, with, -ly"; adverbial marker.
  • "than"; for comparatives.
  • a minority of verbs also use se along with ko to mark their patients.
mẽ locative marker; "in", "inside".
par/pe superessive marker; "on", "at".
tak terminative marker "until, up to".
  • Some verbs like bolnā (to speak/say) when used, the patient in the sentence can use both the instrumental and the accusative marker. For example, rāhul se bolo and rāhul ko bolo translate to the same "Say (it) to Rahul".
  • Beyond these above there are a large range of compound postpositions, constructed majoritarily from the genitive primary postposition in the oblique form (ke, ) plus an adverb. When using with pronouns, these all the compound postpositions can only be used with the Genitive Oblique case pronouns and the genitive kī/ke must be omitted before attaching them with the genitive oblique case.

Secondary Postpositions

Compound Postpositions = Primary Postposition + Secondary Postposition


Explanation Compound


kī taraf orientative marker; "towards", ke bāre "concerning (something)"
ke andar inessive marker; "inside", ke bād antessive marker; "after"
ke bāhar elative marker "outside" ke pās adessive marker; "near"
ke bagal adessive marker "adjacent" ke jaisā/jaise/jaisi semblative marker, "like"
ke āge apudessive marker; "in front of, ahead of", ke liye benefactive marker; "for"
ke ūpar superessive marker; "on top of, above" ke sāmne postessive case "facing, opposite, infront", etc.[22]
ke nīce subessive marker; "beneath, below" ke pīche pertingent marker; "behind"
ke binā/baġair abessive marker; "without" ke dvārā/zariye perlative marker; "via, through"

Some compound postpositions do not have the genitive marker as their primary postposition, such as:



tak mẽ limitative marker "within"

Tertiary Postpositions

Some other compound postpositions with two secondary postpositions (called tertiary postposition) can be constructed by adding primary postpositions to some of the compound postpositions shown above.



Marker Explanation
ke bāre mẽ "about" "regarding/concerning/about something"
ke bād mẽ antessive marker; "after (emphatic)" "(in a sequence) something is after something"
ke sāth mẽ sociative marker; "with (emphatic)" "something is along/together with something else"
ke nīce mẽ subessive marker; "beneath, below (emphatic)" "location of something is below something else"
kī vajah se causal marker, "because of" "something happens/ed beacause of (fault of) something else"
ke pīche se postelative marker; "from behind" "motion/movement from behind something"
ke andar se inessive marker; "inside", "motion/movement from inside something"
ke āge se "from infront" "motion/movement from infront of something"
ke pās se adelative marker; "from near (something)" "motion/movement near something"
ke nīce se subessive marker; "beneath, below" "motion/movement from below something"
ke ūpar se delative marker; "from above" "motion/movement from above something"
ke ūpar ko sublative marker; "motion/movement onto a surface"
kī taraf ko "towards [a direction] (emphatic)" "motion/movement towards a direction"

Postpositions from English Prepositions

Some compound postpositions in Hindustani are formed by borrowing prepositions of English and using them as secondary postpositions of the compound postpositions. Some of the following are optional to use in certain contexts, but some do not have any equivalent in Hindustani and they are the default way to express the ideas they express. The meaning expressed by the compound postpositions formed using the English prepositions stay the same as their original meaning in English.

Compound Postposition = Primary Postposition (genitive) + English Preposition


ke infront' "infront" (equivalent to "ke ūpar" or "ke ūpar mẽ")
ke behind "behind" (equivalent to "ke ūpar" or "ke ūpar mẽ")
ke above "above" (equivalent to "ke ūpar" or "ke ūpar mẽ")
ke below "below" (equivalent to "ke nīce")
ke through "through" (in certain contexts, equivalent to "ke andar se" or "zariye se")
ke against "against" (equivalent to "ke k͟hilāf" in certain contexts)
ke about "above" (usually used as "about a reference location" and as not equivalent to "ke bāre mẽ")
ke around "around" (equivalent to "ki carõ taraf" in certain contexts)
ke regarding "regarding" (equivalent to "ke mutalliq" in certain contexts)
ke according "according" (equivalent to "ke hisāb se" or "ke mutabiq" in certain contexts)


Personal Pronouns

Hindustani has personal pronouns for the first and second persons, while for the third person demonstratives are used, which can be categorised deictically as proximate and non-proximate.[23] Pronouns distinguish cases of direct, oblique, and dative/accusative. The latter-most, often called a set of "contracted" forms, is in free variation with the oblique case plus dative postposition. Pronouns do not distinguish gender.

Also displayed in the below table are the genitive pronominal forms to show that the 1st and 2nd pronouns have their own distinctive forms of merā, hamārā, terā, tumhārā apart from the regular formula of OBL. + ; as well as the ergative pronominal forms to show that the postposition ne does not straightforwardly suffix the oblique bases: rather than *mujh-ne and *tujh-ne, direct bases are used giving mãĩ-ne and tū-ne, and for the 3rd person, along with in-ne and un-ne (dialectal) special ergative oblique forms inhõ-ne and unhõ-ne (standard forms) are used. Compound postpositions must be used with the genitive oblique cases. So, *mujh-ke andar and mujh andar are wrong and instead it should be mere andar. The compound postpositions that have the primary postposition - in place of -kā must have the genitive oblique case declined to the feminine gender. So, when using the postposition kī taraf – "towards", it should be merī taraf and not merā taraf or mere taraf.

, tum, and āp are the three second person pronouns ("you"), constituting a threefold scale of sociolinguistic formality: respectively "intimate", "familiar", and "polite". The "intimate" conjugations are grammatically singular while the "familiar" and "polite" conjugations are grammatically plural.[18] When being referred to in the third person however, only those of the "polite" level of formality are grammatically plural.[24] The following table is partly adapted from Shapiro (2003:265).

Case Personal Demonstrative Relative Interrogative
1st person 2nd person 3rd person
Singular Plural Singular Plural Proximal Non-proximal Singular Plural Singular Plural
Intimate Familiar Polite Singular Plural Singular Plural
Direct 'I' 'we/us' 'thou' 'you' 'you' yah ye vah ve '[those] who/[those] that' 'who(?), what(?)'
'he/she/it/that/they/those' 'he/she/it/that/they/those'
Oblique Regular 'me' 'thee' 'this/it/he/she' 'them/these' 'him/her/it/that' un '[he/she] whom/[that] which' '[those] whom/[those] which' 'whom(?)/what(?)' 'whom(?)/which ones(?)'
Ergative 'Ergative Oblique Case' 'thou' 'Ergative Oblique Case' 'Ergative Oblique Case' 'Ergative Oblique Case' 'Ergative Oblique Case'
Genitive mere hamāre tere tumhāre āpke iske inke uske unke jiske jinke kiske kinke
Ergative 'I (have/had done something to an object)' 'we (have/had done something to an object)' 'thou (hast/hadst done something to an object)' 'you (have/had done something to an object)' 'you (have/had done something to an object)' 'he/she/it/this (has/had done something to an object)' 'they/these (have/had done something to an object)'

'they/these (have/had done something to an object)'

'he/she/it/that (has/had done something to an object)' 'they/those (have/had done something to an object)'

'they/those (have/had done something to an object)'

'[he/she] who/[that] which (has/had done something to an object)' '[those] who/[those] that (have/had done something to an object)'

'[those] who/[those] that (have/had done something to an object)'

'who/what (has/had done something to an object?)' 'who/which ones (has/have/had done something to an object?)'

'[those] who/[those] that (have/had done something to an object)'

Dative &


Regular 'to me' 'to us' 'to thee' 'to you' 'to him/to her/to it/to this' 'to them/to these' 'to him/to her/to it/to that' 'to them/to those' '[he/she] to whom/[that] to which' '[those] to whom/[those] to which' 'to whom(?)/to what(?)' 'to whom(?)/to which ones(?)'
Oblique mujh-ko ham-ko tujh-ko tum-ko to you is-ko in-ko us-ko un-ko jis-ko jin-ko kis-ko kin-ko
Genitive mere-ko hamāre-ko tere-ko tumhāre-ko āpke-ko iske-ko inke-ko uske-ko unke-ko jiske-ko jinke-ko kiske-ko kinke-ko
Genitive Masc. Sing. 'My/Mine (masculine object)' 'our(s) [masculine object]' 'thy/thine [masculine object]' 'your(s) [masculine object]' 'your/s [masculine object]' 'of his/her/this - its/his/hers [masculine object]' 'their(s)/of these [masculine object]' 'his/her(s)/its/of that (masculine posession)' 'their(s)/of those [masculine posession]' '[he/she] whose (masculine posession)' '[those] whose (masculine posession)' 'whose(?)/which one's(?) (masculine posession)' 'whose(?)/which ones'(?) (masculine posession)'
Masc. Plu. 'My/Mine (masculine objects)' 'our(s) [masculine objects]' 'thy/thine [masculine object(s)]' 'your(s) [masculine objects]' 'your/s [masculine objects]' 'of his/her/this - its/his/hers [masculine objects]' 'their(s)/of these [masculine objects]' 'his/her(s)/its/of that (masculine posessions)' 'their(s)/of those [masculine posessions]' '[he/she] whose (masculine posessions)' '[those] whose (masculine posessions)' 'whose(?)/which one's(?) (masculine posessions)' 'whose(?)/which ones'(?) (masculine posessions)'
Fem. Sing. 'My/Mine (feminine object(s))' 'our(s) [feminine object(s)]' 'thy/thine [feminine object(s)]' 'your(s) [feminine object(s)]' 'your/s [feminine object(s)]' 'of his/her/this - its/his/hers [feminine object(s)]' 'their(s)/of these [feminine object(s)]' 'his/her(s)/its/of that [feminine posession(s)]' 'their(s)/of those [feminine posession(s)]' '(he/she) whose [feminine posession(s)]' '[those] whose (feminine posession(s))' 'whose(?)/which one's(?) (feminine posession(s))' 'whose(?)/which ones'(?) (feminine posession(s))'
Fem. Plu.
Ablative &


Regular mujh-se ham-se tujh-se tum-se āp-se is-se in-se us-se un-se jis-se jis-se kis-se kin-se
Genitive mere-se hamāre-se tere-se tumhāre-se āpke-se iske-se inke-se uske-se unke-se jiske-se jinke-se kiske-se kinke-se
Limitative Regular mujh-tak ham-tak tujh-tak tum-tak āp-tak is-tak in-tak us-tak un-tak jis-tak jis-tak kis-tak kin-tak
Genitive mere-tak hamāre-tak tere-tak tumhāre-tak āpke-tak iske-tak inke-tak uske-tak unke-tak jiske-tak jinke-tak kiske-tak kinke-tak
Locative 1 Oblique mujh-pe ham-pe tujh-pe tum-pe āp-pe is-pe in-pe us-pe un-pe jis-pe jis-pe kis-pe kin-pe
Genitive mere-pe hamāre-pe tere-pe tumhāre-pe āpke-pe iske-pe inke-pe uske-pe unke-pe jiske-pe jinke-pe kiske-pe kinke-pe
Locative 2 Oblique mujh-mẽ ham-mẽ tujh-mẽ tum-mẽ āp-mẽ is-mẽ in-mẽ us-mẽ un-mẽ jis-mẽ jis-mẽ kis-mẽ kin-mẽ
Genitive mere-mẽ hamāre-mẽ tere-mẽ tumhāre-mẽ āpke-mẽ iske-mẽ inke-mẽ uske-mẽ unke-mẽ jiske-mẽ jinke-mẽ kiske-mẽ kinke-mẽ

Notes for pronouns:

  • Postpositions are treated as bound morphemes after pronouns in Hindi, but as separate words in Urdu.[25]
  • The varying forms for the 3rd person. dir. constitute one of the small number of grammatical differences between Hindi and Urdu. yah "this" / ye "these" / vah "that" / ve "those" is the literary set for Hindi while ye "this, these" / vo "that, those" is the set for Urdu and spoken and colloquially written Hindi.
  • The above section on postpositions noted that ko (the dative/accusative case) marks direct objects if definite. As "the most specific thing of all is an individual", persons (or their pronouns) nearly always take the dative case or postposition.[26]
  • It is very common practice to use plural pronouns (and their accompanying conjugation) in polite situations, thus tum can be used in the second person when referring to one person. Similarly, some speakers prefer plural ham over singular mãĩ. This is usually not quite the same as the "royal we"; it is rather colloquial.[27]

Emphatic Pronouns

Emphatic pronouns of Hindustani are formed by combing the exclusive emphatic particle or the inclusive emphatic particle bhī (with the interrogatory and relative pronouns) and the pronoun in their regular oblique and direct case. Combing the emphatic particles and the pronouns with end with the consonant -h form a new set of emphatic direct case and emphatic oblique case pronouns. The rest of the pronouns can also be combined with the exclusive emphatic particle but they do not form true pronouns, but simply add the emphatic particle as an adposition after them. The Relative and Interrogatory pronouns can only take the inclusive emphatic particle bhī as an adposition and never the exclusive emphatic particle hī.

Personal Demonstrative
1st person 2nd person 3rd person
Singular Plural Singular Plural Proximal Non-proximal
Intimate Familiar Polite Singular Plural Singular Plural
Direct - 'we/us' - 'you' - yahī - vahī -
Oblique Regular 'me' 'thee' 'this/it/he/she' 'them/these' 'him/her/it/that' unhī̃
  • Some pronouns are not mentioned above but that doesn't mean that those pronouns cannot be turned emphatic but only that since those pronouns do not end in the consonant -h and hence they cannot cannot assimilate the h of the emphatic pronoun to form a true pronoun. For the unlisted pronouns, just add the or bhī particle after the pronoun. However, the pronoun ham is an exception to the rule just mentioned.

Reflexive Pronouns

apnā is a (genitive) reflexive pronoun: "my/your/etc. (own)".[28] Using non-reflexive and reflexive together gives emphasis; e.g. merā apnā "my (very) own".[29] xud, āp, and svayam are some (direct; non-genitive) others: "my/your/etc.-self".[30] Bases for oblique usage are usually apne (self) or apne āp (automatically). The latter alone can also mean "of one's own accord"; āpas mẽ means "among/between themselves".[31]

Indefinite Pronouns or Quantifiers

koī and kuch are indefinite pronouns/quantifiers. As pronouns, koī is used for animate singular ("someone") and kuch for animate plural and inanimates ("something").[32] As quantifiers/adjectives koī is used for singular count nouns and kuch for mass nouns and plural count nouns. koī takes the form kisī in the oblique. The form kaī "several" is partially a plural equivalent to koī.[33] kuch can also act as an adverb, qualifying an adjective, meaning "rather". koī preceding a number takes the meaning of "about, approximately". In this usage it does not oblique to kisī.[34]

Indefinite Pronouns/Quantifiers animate inanimate animate inanimate
direct oblique
singular koi kuch kisī
plural (some) kuch kuchõ
plural (several) kaī kaiyõ

Adverbial Pronouns

Interrogative Relative Demonstrative
Proximal Non-proximal
Time when? when now then
Place Direct whither? whither hither thither
Oblique where? where here there
Quantity Masc. Sing. how much/many? as much/many this much/many that much/many
Masc. Sing. kitne jitne itne utne
Fem. Sing. kitnī jitnī itnī utnī
Fem. Plu. kitnī̃ jitnī̃ itnī̃ utnī̃
Quality Masc. Sing. kaisā jaisā aisā vaisā
Masc. Sing. kaise jaise aise vaise
Fem. Sing. kaisī jaisī aisī vaisī
Fem. Plu. kaisī̃ jaisī̃ aisī̃ vaisī̃
Manner kaise jaise aise vaise

Note: The feminine plural forms are commonly used as singular respect forms and the feminine singular forms often are used interchangeably with the feminine plural forms.


Hindustani has few underived forms.[35] Adverbs may be derived in ways such as the following —

  • Simply obliquing some nouns and adjectives: nīcā "low" → nīce "down", sīdhā "straight" → sīdhe "straight", dhīrā "slow" → dhīre "slowly", saverā "morning" → savere "in the morning", ye taraf "this direction" → is taraf "in this direction", kalkattā "Calcutta" → kalkatte "to Calcutta".
  • Nouns using a postposition such as se "by, with, -ly": zor "force" → zor se "forcefully" (lit. "with force"), dhyān "attention" → dhyān se "attentively" (lit. "with attention").
  • Adjectives using post-positional phrases involving "way, manner": acchā "good" → acchī tarah se "well" (lit. "by/in a good way"), xās "special" → xās taur par "especially" (lit. "on a special way").
  • Verbs in conjunctive form: hãs "laugh" → hãs kar "laughingly" (lit. "having laughed"), meherbānī kar "do kindness" → meherbānī kar ke "kindly, please" (lit. "having done kindness").[36]
  • Formative suffixes from Sanskrit or Perso-Arabic in higher registers of Hindi or Urdu. Skt. sambhava "possible" + -taḥsambhavataḥ "possibly; Ar. ittifāq "chance" + -anittifāqan "by chance".[19]



The Hindustani verbal system is largely structured around a combination of aspect and tense/mood. Like the nominal system, the Hindustani verb involves successive layers of (inflectional) elements to the right of the lexical base.[37]

Hindustani has 3 aspects: perfective, habitual, and continuous, each having overt morphological correlates.[19] These are participle forms, inflecting for gender and number by way of a vowel termination, like adjectives.[38] The perfective, though displaying a "number of irregularities and morphophonemic adjustments", is the simplest, being just the verb stem followed by the agreement vowel. The habitual forms from the imperfective participle; verb stem, plus -t-, then vowel. The continuous forms periphrastically through compounding (see below) with the perfective of rahnā "to stay".

Derived from honā "to be" are five copula forms: present, past, subjunctive, presumptive, contrafactual (aka "past conditional"). Used both in basic predicative/existential sentences and as verbal auxiliaries to aspectual forms, these constitute the basis of tense and mood.

Non-aspectual forms include the infinitive, the imperative, and the conjunctive. Mentioned morphological conditions such the subjunctive, "presumptive", etc. are applicable to both copula roots for auxiliary usage with aspectual forms and to non-copula roots directly for often unspecified (non-aspectual) finite forms.

Finite verbal agreement is with the nominative subject, except in the transitive perfective, where it is with the direct object, with the erstwhile subject taking the ergative construction -ne (see postpositions above). The perfective aspect thus displays split ergativity.

Tabled below on the left are the paradigms for adjectival concord (A), here only slightly different from that introduced previously: the f. pl. can nasalise under certain conditions. To the right are the paradigms for personal concord (P), used by the subjunctive.

(A) Sg. Pl.
Masc. -ā -e
Fem. -ī -ī / ī̃
(P) 1st.


2nd. Person 3rd. Person
Intimate Familiar Formal Proximal Distal Proximal Formal Distal Formal
Singular -ū̃ -e -o -ẽ -e -
Plural - doesn't exist -

Verb Inflection

The inflection of standard Hindustani verbs includes:

Copula in Hindustani

Modern Hindustani has the present indicative forms of the verb honā and it is the only verb in Hindi to have the present simple indicative form.

  • The Imperfect Past forms also do not exist for any other verb except honā. Hindustani uses Present Habitual forms which roughly compensates for the loss of Present Simple Indicative forms, in the contexts where the habitual aspect cannot compensate for the present simple tense, the future simple is used. For example, "the train leaves at 11 am" will be translated as "tren gyārah baje niklegī". The present simple tense of English when it doesn't refer to a habitual action translates to the future tense of Hindustani.
  • For all the verbs except honā, there are no separate forms for the present and the future subjunctive and instead they both have a common subjunctive form for all other verbs.

The verb honā can be translated as «to be», «to exist», «to happen» and «to have». The verbs in Hindi are gendered and numbered in general they agree with either the object or the subject of the sentence depending on the whether the sentence uses dative construction (quirky subject) or not. So, there are four possible forms of all verbs in Hindi, «honā», «hone», «honī» and «honī̃», the masculine singular form being the default dictionary form.

«honā» (to be, to have, to exist, to happen)
Person Indicative Mood Subjunctive Mood Contrafactual Mood Imperative Mood Presumptive Mood
sing. plu. sing. plu. sing. plu. sing. plu. sing. plu.
masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. / fem. masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. / fem. masc. fem. masc. fem.
1st Present hū̃ hè̃ Present


hū̃ Conditional &

Past Subjunctive

hotā hotī hote hotī̃ Present


- Presumptive hū̃gā hū̃gī hõge hõgī
2nd intimate - ho - - ho - hogā hogī -
familiar ho ho hote hotī hote hotī ho hoge hoge hogī
formal hè̃ hotī̃ hotī̃ hoiye; hoẽ hõge hõgī hõge hõgī
3rd proximal hè̃ ho hotā hotī ho hogā hogī
1st Perfective


huā huī hue huī̃ Future


hoū̃ hoẽ Future



- -
2nd intimate - hoe - hoiyo -
familiar hue huī hue huī ho'o honā
formal huī̃ huī̃ hoẽ hoiyegā
3rd proximal huā huī hoe hoẽ hoe hoẽ
1st Imperfective


thā thī the thī̃
2nd intimate -
familiar the thī the thī
formal thī̃ thī̃
3rd proximal thā thī
1st Future hoū̃gā hoū̃gī hoẽge hoẽgī
2nd intimate hoegā hoegī -
familiar ho'oge ho'ogī ho'oge ho'ogī
formal hoẽge hoẽgī hoẽge hoẽgī
3rd proximal hoegā hoegī


  • All conjugations in the indicative mood except the future tense can be used as a copula.
  • The conditional mood also duals as the habitual participle.
  • There are two types of imperatives in Hindustani, the present imperative and the future imperative (also called the deferred imperative)[39]. The present imperative is used to give immediate commands and the deferred imperative is used to give deferred commands.

Compound Tenses

Periphrastic Hindustani verb forms consist of two elements. The first of these two elements is the aspect marker. The second element is the tense-mood marker.[9]


Hindustani has three aspects, Habitual aspect, Perfective Aspect and the Progressive Aspect.[9] Like English and many other Indo-European languages, Hindustani also doesn't differentiate between Continuous and the Progressive aspects.[9] To construct the continuous aspect and forms, Hindustani makes use of the progressive participle rahā which is derived from the verb rahnā ("to stay" or "to remain").

Person Mood Habitual Aspect Perfective Aspect Progressive Aspect
singular plural singular plural singular plural
masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem.
1st Present


hotā hū̃ hotī hè hote hè̃ hotī̃ hè̃ huā hū̃ huī hè hue hè̃ huī̃ hè̃ ho rahā hū̃ ho rahī hè ho rahe hè̃ ho rahī̃ hè̃
2nd intimate hotā hè hotī hè - huā hè huī hè - ho rahā hè ho rahī hè -
familiar hote hè̃ hotī hè̃ hote hè̃ hotī hè̃ hue hè̃ huī hè hue hè̃ huī hè ho rahe ho ho rahī ho ho rahe ho ho rahī ho
formal hote hè̃ hotī̃ hè̃ hote hè̃ hotī̃ hè̃ hue hè̃ huī̃ hè̃ hue hè̃ huī̃ hè̃ ho rahe hè̃ ho rahī̃ hè̃ ho rahe hè̃ ho rahī̃ hè̃
3rd proximal hotā hè hotī hè huā hè huī hè ho rahā hè ho rahī hè
1st Past


hotā thā hotī thī hote the hotī̃ thī̃ huā thā huī thī hue the huī̃ thī̃ ho rahā thā ho rahī thī ho rahe the ho rahī̃ thī̃
2nd intimate - - -
familiar hote the hote the hotī thī hue the hue the huī thī ho rahe the ho rahe the ho rahī thī
formal hotī̃ thī̃ hotī̃ thī̃ huī̃ thī̃ huī̃ thī̃ ho rahī̃ thī̃ ho rahī̃ thī̃
3rd proximal hotā thā hotī thī huā thā huī thī ho rahā thā ho rahī thī
1st Future


- - - - huā hoū̃gā huī hoū̃gī hue hoẽge huī̃ hoẽgī̃ ho rahā hū̃gā ho rahī hū̃gī ho rahe hõge ho rahī̃ hõgī
2nd intimate - - - huā hoegā huī hoegī - ho rahā hogā ho rahī̃ hõgī -
familiar - - - - hue ho'oge huī ho'ogī hue ho'oge huī ho'ogī̃ ho rahe hoge ho rahī hogī ho rahe hoge ho rahī hogī
formal - - - - hue hoẽge huī̃ hoẽgī hue hoẽge huī̃ hoẽgī̃ ho rahe hõge ho rahī̃ hõgī ho rahe hõge ho rahī̃ hõgī
3rd proximal - - huā hoegā huī hoegī ho rahā hogā ho rahī hogī
1st Presumptive hotā hū̃gā hotī hū̃gī hote hõge hotī̃ hõgī huā hū̃gā huī hū̃gī hue hõge huī̃ hõgī ho rahā hū̃gā ho rahī hū̃gī ho rahe hõge ho rahī̃ hõgī
2nd intimate hotā hogā hotī hogī - huā hogā huī hogī - ho rahā hogā ho rahī hogī -
familiar hote hoge hotī hogī hote hoge hotī hogī hue hoge huī hogī hue hoge huī hogī ho rahe hoge ho rahī hogī ho rahe hoge ho rahī hogī
formal hote hõge hotī̃ hõgī hote hõge hotī̃ hõgī hue hõge huī̃ hõgī hue hõge huī̃ hõgī ho rahe hõge ho rahī̃ hõgī ho rahe hõge ho rahī̃ hõgī
3rd proximal hotā hogā hotī hogī huā hogā huī hogī ho rahā hogā ho rahī hogī
1st Present


hotā hū̃ hotī hū̃ hote hõ hotī̃ hõ huā hū̃ huī ho hue hõ huī̃ hõ ho rahā hū̃ ho rahī hū̃ ho rahe hõ ho rahī̃ hõ
2nd intimate hotā ho hotī ho - huā ho huī ho - ho rahā ho ho rahī ho -
familiar hote ho hotī hõ hote hõ hotī hõ hue ho huī ho hue hõ huī ho ho rahe ho ho rahī ho ho rahe ho ho rahī ho
formal hote hõ hotī̃ hõ hote hõ hotī̃ hõ hue hõ huī̃ hõ hue hõ huī̃ hõ ho rahe hõ ho rahī̃ hõ ho rahe hõ ho rahī̃ hõ
3rd proximal hotā ho hotī ho huā ho huī ho ho rahā ho ho rahā ho
1st Future


- - - - huā hoū̃ huī hoū̃ hue hoẽ huī̃ hoẽ ho rahā hoū̃ ho rahī hoū̃ ho rahe hoẽ ho rahī̃ hoẽ
2nd intimate - - - huā hoe huī hoe - ho rahā hoe ho rahī hoe -
familiar - - - - hue ho'o huī ho'o hue ho'o huī ho'o ho rahe ho'o ho rahī ho'o ho rahe ho'o ho rahī ho'o
formal - - - - hue hoẽ huī̃ hoẽ hue hoẽ huī̃ hoẽ ho rahe hoẽ ho rahī̃ hoẽ ho rahe hoẽ ho rahī̃ hoẽ
3rd proximal - - huā hoe huī hoe ho rahā hoe ho rahā hoe
1st Contrafactual hotā hotā hotī hotī hote hote hotī̃ hotī̃ huā hotā huī hotī hue hote huī̃ hotī̃ ho rahā hotā ho rahī hotī ho rahe hote ho rahī̃ hotī̃
2nd intimate - - -
familiar hote hote hote hote hotī hotī hue hote hue hote huī hotī ho rahe hote ho rahe hote ho rahī hotī
formal hotī̃ hotī̃ hotī̃ hotī̃ huī̃ hotī̃ huī̃ hotī̃ ho rahī̃ hotī̃ ho rahī̃ hotī̃
3rd proximal hotā hotā hotī hotī huā hotā huī hotī ho rahā hotā ho rahī hotī


  • Habitual Aspect in Hindustani cannot be put into any future moods. However, imperfect progressive forms can be used to form the future forms for habitual aspect do exist as they refer to the future with reference to the present as a progressing state.
  • The progressive aspect refers to an action that either is happening at the moment or a general action that continues happening. For example, "vo ye kitāb paṛh rahā hè (abhī)" "He is reading a book (right now)." and "vo ye kitāb paṛh rahā hè (āj-kal)" "He is reading a book (these days)". However, there is also a continuous aspect in Hindustani which unlike the progressive aspect, conveys only a continuous action instead of a progressive action.
Imperfective Aspect Compound Forms

Along with the progressive aspect, the imperfect aspect can also have progressive forms, namely, the habitual progressive, habitual continuous and the perfective progressive.[40]

Imperfective Progressive Forms
Person Mood Imperfect Aspect
Habitual Progressive Perfective Progressive Habitual Continuous
sing. plu. sing. plu. sing. plu.
masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem. masc. fem.
1st Present


hotā rahā hū̃ hotī rahī hè hote rahe hè̃ hotī̃ rahī̃ hè̃ huā rahā hū̃ huī rahī hū̃ hue rahe hè̃ huī̃ rahī̃ hè̃ hotā rehtā hū̃ hotī rehtī hè hote rehte hè̃ hotī̃ rehtī̃ hè̃
2nd intimate hotā rahā hè hotī rahī hè - huā rahā hè huī rahī hè - hotā rehtā hè hotī rehtī hè -
familiar hote rahe ho hotī rahī ho hote rahe ho hotī rahī ho hue rahe ho huī rahī ho hue rahe ho huī rahī ho hote rehte ho hotī rehtī ho hote rehte ho hotī rehtī ho
formal hote rahe hè̃ hotī̃ rahī̃ hè̃ hote rahe hè̃ hotī̃ rahī̃ hè̃ hue rahe hè̃ huī̃ rahī̃ hè̃ hue rahe hè̃ huī̃ rahī̃ hè̃ hote rehte hè̃ hotī̃ rehtī̃ hè̃ hote rehte hè̃ hotī̃ rehtī̃ hè̃
3rd proximal hotā rahā hè hotī rahī hè huā rahā hè huī rahī hè hotā rehtā hè hotī rehtī hè
1st Past


hotā rahā thā hotī rahī thī hote rahe the hotī̃ rahī̃ thī̃ huā rahā thā huī rahī thī hue rahe the huī̃ rahī̃ thī̃ hotā rehtā thā hotī rehtī thī hote rehte the hotī̃ rehtī̃ thī̃
2nd intimate hotā rahā thā hotī rahī thī - huā rahā thā huī rahī thī - hotā rehtā thā hotī rehtī thī -
familiar hote rahe the hotī rahī thī hote rahe the hotī rahī thī hue rahe the huī rahī thī hue rahe the huī rahī thī hote rehte the hotī rehtī thī hote rehte the hotī rehtī thī
formal hote rahe the hotī̃ rahī̃ thī̃ hotī̃ rahī̃ thī̃ hue rahe the huī̃ rahī̃ thī̃ huī̃ rahī̃ thī̃ hote rehte the hotī̃ rehtī̃ thī̃ hotī̃ rehtī̃ thī̃
3rd proximal hotā rahā thā hotī rahī thī huā rahā thā huī rahī thī hotā rehtā thā hotī rehtī thī
1st Future


hotā rahū̃gā hotī rahū̃gī hote rahẽge hotī̃ rahẽgī huā rahā hū̃gā huī rahī hū̃gī hue rahe hõge huī̃ rahī̃ hõgī hotā rahū̃gā hotī rahū̃gī hote rahẽge hotī̃ rahẽgī
2nd intimate hotā rahegā hotī rahegī - huā rahā hogā huī rahī hogī - hotā rahegā hotī rahegī -
familiar hote rahoge hote rahoge hotī rahogī hotī rahogī hue rahe hoge huī rahī hogī hue rahe hoge huī rahī hogī hote rahoge hote rahoge hotī rahogī hotī rahogī
formal hote rahẽge hotī̃ rahẽgī hote rahẽge hotī̃ rahẽgī hue rahe hõge huī̃ rahī̃ hõgī hue rahe hõge huī̃ rahī̃ hõgī hote rahẽge hotī̃ rahẽgī hote rahẽge hotī̃ rahẽgī
3rd proximal hotā rahegā hotī rahegī huā rahā hogā huī rahī hogī hotā rahegā hotī rahegī
1st Presumptive hotā rahā hū̃gā hotī rahī hū̃gī hote rahe hõge hotī̃ rahī̃ hõgī huā rahū̃gā huī rahū̃gī hue rahẽge huī̃ rahẽgī hotā rehtā hū̃gā hotī rehtī hū̃gī hote rehte hõge hotī̃ rehtī̃ hõgī
2nd intimate hotā rahā hogā hotī rahī hogī - huā rahegā huī rahegī - hotā rehtā hogā hotī rehtī hogī -
familiar hote rahe hoge hotī rahī hogī hote rahe hoge hotī rahī hogī hue rahoge huī rahogī hue rahoge huī rahogī hote rehte hoge hotī rehtī hogī hote rehte hoge hotī rehtī hogī
formal hote rahe hõge hotī̃ rahī̃ hõgī hote rahe hõge hotī̃ rahī̃ hõgī hue rahẽge huī̃ rahẽgī hue rahẽge huī̃ rahẽgī hote rehte hõge hotī̃ rehtī̃ hõgī hote rehte hõge hotī̃ rehtī̃ hõgī
3rd proximal hotā rahā hogā hotī rahī hogī huā rahegā huī rahegī hotā rehtā hogā hotī rehtī hogī
1st Present


hotā rahā hū̃ hotī rahī hū̃ hote rahe hõ hotī̃ hõ huā rahā hū̃ huī rahī hū̃ hue rahe hõ huī̃ hõ hotā rehtā hū̃ hotī rehtī hū̃ hote rehte hõ hotī̃ hõ
2nd intimate hotā rahā ho hotī rahī ho - huā rahā ho huī rahī ho - hotā rehtā ho hotī rehtī ho -
familiar hote rahe hõ hotī rahī ho hote rahe hõ hotī rahī ho hue rahe hõ huī rahī ho hue rahe hõ huī rahī ho hote rehte hõ hotī rehtī ho hote rehte hõ hotī rehtī ho
formal hote rahe hõ hotī̃ rahī̃ hõ hotī̃ rahī̃ hõ hue rahe hõ huī̃ rahī̃ hõ huī̃ rahī̃ hõ hote rehte hõ hotī̃ rehtī̃ hõ hotī̃ rehtī̃ hõ
3rd proximal hotā rahā ho hotī ho huā rahā ho huī rahī ho hotā rehtā ho hotī ho
1st Future


hotā rahū̃ hotī rahū̃ hote rahẽ hotī̃ rahẽ huā rahū̃ huī rahū̃ hue rahẽ huī̃ rahẽ hotā rahū̃ hotī rahū̃ hote rahẽ hotī̃ rahẽ
2nd intimate hotā rahe hotī rahe - huā rahe huī rahe - hotā rehte hotī rehte -
familiar hote raho hotī raho hote raho hotī raho hue raho huī raho hue raho huī raho hote raho hotī raho hote raho hotī raho
formal hote rahẽ hotī̃ rahẽ hote rahẽ hotī̃ rahẽ hue rahẽ huī̃ rahẽ hue rahẽ huī̃ rahẽ hote rahẽ hotī̃ rahẽ hote rahẽ hotī̃ rahẽ
3rd proximal hotā rahe hotī rahe huā rahe huī rahe hotā rehte hotī rehte
1st Contrafactual hotā rahā hotā hotī rahī hotī hote rahe hote hotī̃ rahī̃ hotī̃ huā rahā hotā huī rahī hotī hue rahe hote huī̃ rahī̃ hotī̃ hotā rehtā hotā hotī rehtī hotī hote rehte hote hotī̃ rehtī̃ hotī̃
2nd intimate - - -
familiar hote rahe hote hote rahe hote hotī rahī hotī hue rahe hote hue rahe hote huī rahī hotī hote rehte hote hote rehte hote hotī rehtī hotī
formal hotī̃ rahī̃ hotī̃ hotī̃ rahī̃ hotī̃ huī̃ rahī̃ hotī̃ huī̃ rahī̃ hotī̃ hotī̃ rehtī̃ hotī̃ hotī̃ rehtī̃ hotī̃
3rd proximal hotā rahā hotā hotī rahī hotī huā rahā hotā huī rahī hotī hotā rehtā hotā hotī rehtī hotī


  • The perfective progressive refers to an already ongoing continued action. For example, "khaṛā huā rahā" (he has stayed standing) [lit. he has stayed stood (up)], "baiṭhā rahā hè" (he has stayed sitting) [lit. he has stayed sat (down)]. Not all verbs can be put into a preterite continuous aspect.
  • The progressive habitual refers to a state that has started some time in the past and continues to some point at the past, the present or some point in the future (definite or indefinite). "bādal garajte rahe the us din" (the clouds had kept thundering that day.)
  • The continuous habitual refers to an action that happens habitually and continuously. "vo girtā rehtā" (he keeps on falling. (regularly, habitually))

Unlike the Habitual, Perfective and the Progressive Aspects, the Imperfective Progressive Forms can also be put into the imperative mood.

Person Imperative Mood (Imperfective Progressive)
Mood Habitual Progressive Perfective Progressive
sing. plu. sing. plu. sing. plu. sing. plu.
masc. fem. masc. fem.
1st Present


- - - -
2nd intimate hote reh - hotī reh - hue reh - huī reh -
familiar hote raho hotī raho hue raho huī raho
formal hote rahiye; hote rahẽ hotī̃ rahiye; hotī̃ rahẽ hue rahiye; hue rahẽ huī̃ rahiye; huī̃ rahẽ
3rd proximal hote rahe hote rahẽ hotī rahe hotī rahẽ hue rahe hue rahẽ huī rahe huī rahẽ
1st Future



- - - - - - - -
2nd intimate hote rahiyo - hotī rahiyo - hue rahiyo - huī rahiyo -
familiar hote rehnā hotī rehnā hue rehnā huī rehnā
formal hote rahiyegā hotī̃ rahiyegā hue rahiyegā huī̃ rahiyegā
3rd proximal hote rahe hote rahẽ hotī rahe hotī rahẽ hue rahe hue rahẽ huī rahe huī̃ rahẽ
Continuous Action Form of Verbs

Although there is no continuous aspect in Hindustani, however such forms which convey solely continuity (and not progressivity) of an action or a state can be constructed by converting the verbs (which are not already compound verbs) into compound verbs which express continued state.[7][9] The process is shown below:

  1. baiṭhnā (to sit) → baiṭhā honā (to be sitting) → baiṭhā huā (adjectival form) → baiṭhā huā honā (to be sitting) [continuous action form of verb]
  2. khaṛā honā (to be standing) → khaṛā huā (adjectival form) → khaṛā huā honā (to be standing) [continuous action form of verb]
  3. marnā (to die) → marā honā (to be dead) → marā huā (adjectival form) → marā huā honā (to be dead) [continuous action form of verb]
  4. honā (to happen) → huā honā (to have happened) → huā huā (adjectival form) → huā huā honā (to have happened) [continuous action form of verb]
  5. karnā (to do) → kiyā honā (to have done) → kiyā huā (adjectival form) → kiyā huā honā (to have done) [continuous action form of verb]

The adjectival forms, for example, "kiyā huā" means "done", "chalā huā" means "walked", "marā huā" means "dead". Using them with nouns such as "kiyā huā kām" translates as "the done work" (lit. the work which is done), "chalā huā baccā" translates as "the walked boy" (lit. the boy who has walked), "marā huā phūl" translates as "the dead flower" (lit. the flower which is dead). Adding the copula after the adjectival forms would convert the adjectival to its continued action form verb.

When this adjective construction is used used with the copula following it, the whole structure together conveys the continuity of the adjectival state. For example, "marā huā hè" would convey that "he is dead", "khaṛā huā hè" translates as "he is standing", "(shirt) pehnā huā hè" would convey "he is wearing (a shirt)" ("wearing" here is used as in not putting on but has already worn it and the action of being worn is continued.), "ṭãgā huā hè" would translate as "it is hanging."


  • The verbs above which translate to English using the copula "to be" shows that the state of action is continued to the present while when the verbs which translate with the copula "to have" in English convey that the action is done and the continued state of having being done the action is conveyed.
  • The verbs above which translate to English using the copula "to be" in their non-continued action form, convey the same meaning as their continued action form of verbs, however, the verbs which translate with the copula "to have" in English do not convey a continued action in their non-continued action form. So, khaṛā hè and khaṛā huā hè both translate to "he/it is standing" and baiṭhā hè and baiṭhā huā hè both translate to "he/it is sitting". And, huā hè translates to "it has happened" but the closest translation to huā huā hè is "it has already happened" (which conveys the state of being happened continues.)
Conjugations for the Continuous Action Form of Verbs
Person Continuous Tense
singular plural
masc. fem. masc. fem.
1st Present huā huā hū̃ huī huī hū̃ hue hue hè̃ huī̃ huī̃ hè̃
2nd intimate huā huā hè huī huī hè -
familiar hue hue ho huī huī ho hue hue ho huī huī ho
formal hue hue hè̃ huī̃ huī̃ hè̃ hue hue hè̃ huī̃ huī̃ hè̃
3rd proximal huā huā hè huī huī hè
1st Past huā huā thā huī huī thī hue hue the huī̃ huī̃ thī̃
2nd intimate -
familiar hue hue the huī huī thī hue hue the huī huī thī
formal huī̃ huī̃ thī̃ huī̃ huī̃ thī̃
3rd proximal huā huā thā huī huī thī
1st Future huā huā rahū̃gā huī huī rahū̃gī hue hue rahẽge huī̃ huī̃ rahẽgī
2nd intimate huā huā rahegā huī huī rahegī -
familiar hue hue rahoge huī huī rahogī hue hue rahoge huī huī rahogī
formal hue hue rahẽge huī̃ huī̃ rahẽgī hue hue rahẽge huī̃ huī̃ rahẽgī
3rd proximal huā huā rahegā huī huī rahegī
1st Presumptive huā huā hū̃gā huī rahī hū̃gī hue rahe hõge huī̃ rahī̃ hõgī
2nd intimate huā huā hogā huī huī hogī -
familiar hue hue hoge hue rahe hoge huī rahī hogī
formal hue hue hõge huī̃ huī̃ hõgī hue hue hõge huī̃ huī̃ hõgī
3rd proximal huā huā hogā huī huī hogī
1st Present


huā huā hū̃ huī huī hū̃ hue hue hõ huī̃ huī̃ hõ
2nd intimate huā huā ho huī huī ho -
familiar hue hue ho hue hue ho huī huī ho
formal hue hue hõ huī̃ huī̃ hõ hue hue hõ huī̃ huī̃ hõ
3rd proximal huā huā ho huī huī ho
1st Future


huā huā hoū̃ huī huī hoū̃ hue hue hõ huī̃ huī̃ hõ
2nd intimate huā huā hoe huī huī hoe -
familiar hue hue ho'o huī huī ho'o hue hue ho'o huī huī ho'o
formal hue hue hoẽ huī̃ huī̃ hoẽ hue hue hoẽ huī̃ huī̃ hoẽ
3rd proximal huā huā hoe huī huī hoe
1st Contrafactual huā huā hotā huī huī hotī hue hue hote huī̃ huī̃ hotī̃
2nd intimate -
familiar hue hue hote huī huī hotī hue hue hote huī huī hotī
formal huī̃ huī̃ hotī̃ huī̃ huī̃ hotī̃
3rd proximal huā huā hotā huī huī hotī

Verb Forms

A summary of all verb forms is given in the tables below. The sample verb is intransitive dauṛnā "to run", and the sample inflection is 3rd. masc. sg. (P = e, A = ā) where applicable.

Non-aspectual Aspectual
Root * run




to run / running,

to run / running,

to run / running,

to run / running

Oblique Infinitive *-ne dauṛne
Conjunctive *-kar, *-ke having run
Progressive Participle *-te-*-te while running
Agentive *-ne vāl-A, *-nevāl-A runner / about to run
Prospective Participle
Perfective *-A (hu-A) run
Imperfective *-t-A (hu-A) running
Adverbial. Obl. of adjectival.
Imperfective *-t-e (hu-e) dauṛte hue
Contingent Future *-P (if ...) were to run / (then ...) will run
Definite Future *-P-g-A will run
Intimate * dauṛ
Familiar *-o dauṛo
Polite *-iye dauṛiye
Initimate Deferred *-iyo dauṛiyo
Familiar Deferred *-nā dauṛ
Polite Deferred *-iyegā dauṛiyegā
Aspectuals plotted against copulas.
Perfective Habitual Continuous
*-A *-t-A * rah-A
Present h-? has run runs is running
Past Perfect was; were had run used to run was running
Subjunctive ho-P (if ...) has run (if ...) runs (regularly) (if ...) is running
Presumptive must be has presumably run presumably runs is presumably running
Contrafactual ho-t-A (if ...) had run / (then ...) would have run (if ...) used to run / (then ...) would have run (regularly) (if ...) had been running / (then ...) would have been running
Unspecified ran dauṛtā


  • Much of the above chart information derives from Masica (1991:292–294, 323–325).
  • The future tense is formed by adding the suffix (~ ge ~ ) to the subjunctive, which is a contraction of gaā (= gayā, perfective participle of jānā "to go").[38] The future suffix, conjunctive participle, and suffix vālā are treated as bound morphemes in written Hindi, but as separate words in written Urdu.[25]
  • ^ The present copula (h-?) seems not to follow along the lines of the regular P system of terminations; while the subjunctive copula (ho-P) is thoroughly irregular. So here are all of their forms.
Indicative and Subjunctive moods for the verb honā [42]
Singular Plural
1st. 2nd. 3rd. 1st. 2nd. 3rd.
Pronoun mãĩ ye/vo ham tum āp ye/vo
Indicative Mood am are, is are are are
Subjunctive Mood Present hū̃ ho ho
Future hoū̃ hoe hoẽ ho'o hoẽ
  • For the 1. subj. sg. copula Schmidt (2003:324) and Snell & Weightman (1989:113, 125) list hū̃ while Shapiro (2003:267) lists hoū̃.
  • Shapiro (2003:268) lists the polite imperative ending as -iye, while Schmidt (2003:330) lists it as -ie but -iye after ā, o, ū.
  • The euphonic glide y is inserted in perfective participles between prohibited vowel clusters. It is historically the remnant of the old perfective marker.[43] The clusters are a + ā, ā + ā, o + ā, and ī + ā, resulting in āyā, ayā, oyā, iyā.[44] e.g. khāyā/khāye/khāī/khāī̃ (khā- "eat").
  • In addition, the combinations ī + ī and i + ī give ī.[44] e.g. piyā/piye/pī/pī̃ (pī- "drink").
  • As stated, agreement in the transitive perfective is with the direct object, with the erstwhile subject taking the ergative postposition ne. If however the direct object takes the postposition ko (marking definiteness), or if no direct object is expressed, then agreement neutralises to default m. sg. .[45]
  • Is this regard, there are a small number of verbs that while perhaps logically transitive still do not take ne and continue to agree with the subject, in the perfective. e.g. lānā "to bring", bhūlnā "to forget", milnā "to meet", etc.
  • Besides supplying the copulas, honā "to be" can be used aspectually: huā "happened, became"; hotā "happens, becomes, is"; ho rahā "happening, being".
  • -ke can be used as a colloquial alternative to -kar for the conjunctive participle of any verb.
  • Hindustani displays a very small number of irregular forms, spelled out in the cells below.
Verb Root Perfective


Imperative[46] Subjunctive.


Familar Polite








Singular Plural
1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 1st
mãĩ ye/vo tum āp ye/vo ham
honā "to happen" ho- hu- huā hue huī̃ huī̃ ho present subjunctive h- hū̃ ho ho
future subjunctive ho- hoū̃ hoe ho'o hoẽ
jānā "to go" jā- ga-[1] gayā gaye gayī gayī̃ jāū̃ jāe jāo jāē̃
karnā "to do" kar- ki- kiyā kiye kī̃ kar kījie kar karū̃ kare karo karē̃
denā "to give" de- di- diyā diye dī̃ do dījie d- dū̃ de do dē̃
lenā "to take" le- li- liyā liye lī̃ lo lījie l- lū̃ le lo lē̃
pīnā "to drink" pī- pi- piyā piye pī̃ piyo pījie pi- piyū̃ piye piyo piyē̃
  • The irregular forms are underlined. in the above table.
  • There are two subjunctive stems for the verb honā, one being regular and the other being irregular. The regular set is the future subjunctive forms and the regular ones are the as the present subjunctive forms. honā is the only verb in Hindi to have distinct forms for the future and the present subjunctive, for all other forms there is one common subjunctive form which is used as both the present and the future subjunctive.
  • ^ However, it is - that is used as the perfective stem in the rare instance of an intransitive verb like jānā being expressed passively, such as in a passivized imperative/subjunctive construction: ghar jāyā jāe? "Shall [we] go home?" (lit. "Shall home be gone to [by us]?").[48]

Set of Related Verbs

Transitives are morphologically contrastive in Hindustani, leading to the existence of related verb sets divisible along such lines. While the derivation of such forms shows patterns, they do reach a level of variegation so as to make it somewhat difficult to outline all-encompassing rules. Furthermore, some sets may have as many as four to five distinct members; also, the meaning of certain members of given sets may be idiosyncratic.[49] There are five verb forms that a verb in Hindustani can have —

  1. Self Action Form - conveys that the action by the verb was unintentional or happened automatically. It is always intransitive.
  2. Direct Action Form - conveys that the action of the verb was done by the subject of the sentence.
  3. Indirect Action Form - conveys that the subject of the verb made the direct object of the sentence do the action of the verb.
  4. Reflexive Action Form - conveys that the subject of the sentence was the receiver of the action of the verb done by the direct object of the sentence.
  5. Causative Form - conveys that the subject of the sentence is the cause for the end result of the action of the verb.

The Indirect Action form and the Reflexive Action Form are always the same. Also, for many verbs the Direct Transitive is same as the Indirect & Reflexive Action form. Hence, there are either three or four unique verb action forms forms in total depending on the verb.

Starting from self-action or the direct transitive verb stems further transitive/causative stems are produced according to these following assorted rules —

1 Root Vowel Change:
  • aā
  • u / ūo
  • i / īe.

Sometimes accompanied by root final consonant change:

  • kc
  • lØ.
2 Suffixation of . Often accompanied by:
  • Root vowel change: ū/ou, e/ai/ā/īi.
  • Insertion of semivowel l between such vowel-terminating stems.
3 Suffixation of - (in place of if and where it would occur) for a "causative".

The majority of the following are sets culled from Shapiro (2003:270) and Snell & Weightman (1989:243–244). The lack of self action forms for the verb sets for khānā and kehnā implies that there is no such single-word form for such verbs, however, the equivalent self action forms can be constructed making use of double stemmed compound verbs. Self Action form for khānā (to eat) is xā liyā jānā, and for kehnā (to speak/talk) is either keh liyā jānā or keh diyā jānā, for sīkhnā (to learn) is sīkh liyā jānā. The word liyā (from the verb lenā "to take") means the action was done for the benefit of the subject of the sentence, while the word diyā (from the verb denā "to give") signifies that the action was done for the benefit of the object of the sentence.

  • In the causative model of "to cause to be Xed", the agent takes the postposition se. Thus Y se Z banvānā "to cause Z to be made by Y" = "to cause Y to make Z" = "to have Z made by Y" = "to have Y make Z", etc.
Verb Forms for Different Transitivities
Self Action
Translation Direct Action
Translation Indirect Action &
Reflexive Form
Translation Causative
0. honā to happen karnā to do karānā 1. to get oneself (be) done
2. to make someone/thing do (something)
karvānā to cause to be done
1. girnā to fall girānā to make someone fall girānā 1. to make oneself (be) fallen
2. to make someone make (someone/something) fall
girvānā to cause to be fallen
2. bannā to be prepared
to become
banānā to prepare (something) banānā 1. to get oneself (be) made something
2. to make someone make (something)
banvānā to cause to be made
3. khulnā to be opened kholnā to open (something) khulanā 1. to get oneself (be) opened
2. to make someone open (something)
khulvānā to cause to be opened
4. - - sīkhnā to learn (something) sikhānā 1. to get oneself (be) taught
2. to make someone learn (something)
sikhvānā to cause to be taught
5. - - khānā to eat (something) khilānā 1. to get oneself (be) eaten
2. to make someone eat (something) / to feed
khilvānā to cause to be eaten
6. biknā to be sold becnā/beknā to sell (something) becānā/bekānā 1. to get oneself (be) sold
2. to make someone sell (something)
bikvānā/bekvānā to cause to be sold
7. dikhnā to be seen dekhnā to see (something) dikhānā 1. to show oneself
2. to show someone (something)
dikhvānā to cause to be shown
8. - - kehnā to say/tell (something) kahānā/kehlānā 1. to be called (some name)
2. to make someone tell (something)
kehvānā/kehelvānā to cause to be told/called (a name)
15. - - bolnā to speak (something) bulānā 1. to get oneself called (for your presence by somenone)
2. to call for someone's presence
bulvānā to cause to be called for someone's presence
9. ghumnā to be spun around ghūmnā to spin around ghumānā 1. to get oneself (be) spun around
2. to make something (be) spin (something)
ghumvānā to cause to be spun around
10. liṭnā to be laid down leṭnā to lie (down) leṭānā 1. to get oneself (be) laid down
2. to make someone lie (something) down
leṭvānā to cause to be laid down
11. biṭhnā to be sitten down baiṭhānā to make someone sit baiṭhānā 1. to get onself sat down
2. to make someone sit down
baiṭhvānā to cause to be made to sit
12. sulnā to be made slept sonā to sleep sulānā 1. to get oneself (be) slept
2. to make someone sleep
sulvānā to cause to be made to sleep
13. dhulnā to be washed dhonā to wash (something) dhulānā 1. to get oneself (be) washed
2. to make someone wash (something)
dhulvānā to cause to be washed
14. ṭūṭnā to be broken ṭornā to break (something) ṭurānā 1. to get oneself (be) broken
2. to make someone break (something)
ṭurvānā to cause to be made broken

Compound Verbs and Verbal Aspects

Compound verbs, a highly visible feature of Hindi–Urdu grammar, consist of a verbal stem plus an auxiliary verb. The auxiliary (also called "subsidiary", "explicator verb", and "vector"[50]) loses its own independent meaning and instead "lends a certain shade of meaning"[51] to the main or stem verb, which "comprises the lexical core of the compound".[50] While almost any verb can act as a main verb, there is a limited set of productive auxiliaries.[52] Shown below are prominent such auxiliaries, with their independent meaning first outlined, followed by their semantic contribution as auxiliaries. Finally, having to do with the manner of an occurrence, compounds verbs are mostly used with completed actions and imperatives, and much less with negatives, conjunctives, and contexts continuous or speculative. This is because non-occurrences cannot be described to have occurred in a particular manner.[53] The auxiliaries when combined with the main verb changes the aspect of the main verb it modifies. Auxiliary verbs such as jānā "to go", ānā "to come", cuknā when combined with the main verb give the formed compound verb a perfective aspect, while retaining the original meaning of the main verb.

Perfective Aspect Compound Verbs
Auxiliary Verb Explanation Main Verb Compound Verbs
jānā "to go" Shows perfective aspect of the main verb which means gives

a sense of completeness of the action, finality, or change of state.[54]

1. ānā "to come"

2. khānā "to eat"

3. marnā "to die"

4. pīnā "to drink"

5. baiṭhnā "to sit"

6. honā "to happen"

1. ā jānā "to arrive" " to have come"

2. khā jānā "to eat up (all/everything/completely)"

3. mar jānā "to be dead"

4. pī jānā "to drink up (all/everything/completely)" "to gulp"

5. baiṭh jānā "to sit down" "to have sit down"

6. honā jānā "to have happened (completely)" "to have finished happening"

lenā "to take" suggests that the action is completed and the benefit of the action flows

towards the doer.[53] This auxiliary verb can also to used to soften down

the tone of imperatives (commands) and usually is used to give sugesstions.

1. paṛhnā

2. karnā

3. calnā

4. mārnā

1. paṛh lenā "to read (for oneself/for own's desire)"

2. kar lenā "to do (something fully for oneself)" "to have finished doing something"

3. cal lenā "to have walked"

4. mār lenā "to (try to) kill (oneself)"

denā "to give" suggests that the action was completde and the benefit of the action flows

away from the doer.[53]

1. paṛhnā

2. mārnā

3. karnā

1. paṛh denā "to read (for someone)" "to read out"

2. mār denā "to kill", "to kill off", "to murder"

3. kār denā "to do (something completely for someone else and not oneself)"

ānā "to come" Shows perfective aspect of the main verb which means gives

a sense of completeness of the action, finality, or change of state.

The meaning conveyed is the doer went somewhere to do something

and came back after completing the action.

1. karnā 1. kar ānā "to finish (and come back)", "to do (and return)";
cuknā "to have completed somthing" Shows sense of completness of an action in the past, that the action

was already done/finished/completed by the doer sometime in the past.

Note: this verb cuknā doesn't have any translatable meaning when used

by itself. It just adds meaning to other verbs.

1. marnā

2. jītnā

1. mar cuknā "to have already died"

2. jīt cuknā "to have already won"

The first three auxiliaries in the above table are the most common of auxiliaries, and the "least marked", or "lexically nearly colourless".[55] The nuance conveyed by an auxiliary can often be very subtle, and need not always be expressed with different words in English translation. lenā and denā, transitive verbs, occur with transitives, while intransitive jānā occurs mostly with intransitives; a compound of a transitive and jānā will be grammatically intransitive as jānā is.

ḍālnā "to throw, pour" Indicates an action done vigorously, decisively, violently or recklessly;[56]

it is an intensifier, showing intensity, urgency, completeness, or violence.[57]

1. mārnā "to hit/ kill" → mār ḍālnā "to kill (violently)"

2. pīnā "to drink" → pī ḍālnā "to drink (hastily)".

baiṭhnā "to sit" Implies an action done foolishly or stubbornly;[58] shows speaker disapproval

or an impulsive or involuntary action.[57]

1. kehnā "to say" → keh baiṭhnā "to say something (involuntarily or by mistake)"

2. karnā "to do" → kar baiṭhnā "to do (something as a blunder)"

3. laṛnā "to fight" → laṛ baiṭhnā "to quarrel (foolishly, or without giving it second thought)".

paṛnā "to sudenly fall" "to lie flat" Connotes involuntary, sudden, or unavoidable occurrence;[55] 1. uṭhnā "to get up"uṭh paṛnā "to suddenly get up"
uṭhnā "to rise" Functions like an intensifier;[59] suggests inception of action or feeling,

with its independent/literal meaning sometimes showing through

in a sense of upward movement.

1. jalnā "to burn" → jal uṭhnā "to burst into flames"

2. nacnā "to dance" → nac uṭhnā "to break into dance".[58]

saknā "to be able to" A modal verb that indicates the capability of performing an action. 1. karnā "to do" → kar saknā "to be able to do"

2. dekhnā "to see" → dekh sakhnā "to be able to see"

rakhnā "to keep, maintain" Implies a firmness of action, or one with possibly long-lasting results or implications;[60]

occurs with lenā and denā, meaning "to give/take (as a loan)",

and with other appropriate verbs, showing an action performed beforehand.[57]

It usually works almost the same as cuknā the main difference being the nuance conveyed

by rakhnā is that the action has either "continued effect till the present time" or "is more

recent than the same action conveyed using the cuknā.". cuknā signifies distant past.

1. dekhnā "to see" → dekh rakhnā "to have already seen."
rahnā "to remain/stay" The continuous aspect marker rahā apparently originated as a compound verb with rahnā ("remain"):

thus mãĩ bol rahā hū̃ = "I have remained speaking" → "I have continued speaking" → "I am speaking".

However, it has lost the ability to take any form other than the imperfective, and is thus considered

to have become grammaticalized.[61]

Finally, having to do with the manner of an occurrence, compounds verbs are mostly used with completed actions and imperatives, and much less with negatives, conjunctives, and contexts continuous or speculative. This is because non-occurrences cannot be described to have occurred in a particular manner.[53]


Another notable aspect of Hindi–Urdu grammar is that of "conjunct verbs", composed of a noun or adjective paired up with a general verbaliser, most commonly transitive karnā "to do" or intransitive honā "to be", "to happen", functioning in the place of what in English would be single unified verb. All conjunct verbs formed using karnā are transitive verbs and all conjunct verbs formed using the verb honā are intransitive verbs.

In the case of an adjective as the non-verbal element, it is often helps to think of karnā "to do" as supplementarily having the senses of "to cause to be", "to make", "to render", etc.

Adjective Conjunct Literal Meaning
sāf "clean" sāf karnā to do clean to clean
niyukt/muqarrar "appointed" niyukt/muqarrar karnā to do appointed to appoint
band "closed" band honā to be closed to close (intransitive)
xatam "finished" xatam honā to be finished to finish (intransitive)

In the case of a noun as the non-verbal element, it is treated syntactically as the verb's (direct) object (never taking the ko marker; governing agreement in perfective and infinitival constructions), and the semantic patient (or agent: see gālī khānā below) of the conjunct verbal expression is often expressed/marked syntactically as a genitive adjunct (-kā ~ ke ~ ) of the noun.[62]

Noun Conjunct Conjunct + patient Literal Meaning
intezār "wait" intezār karnā kisī kā intezār karnā to do somebody's wait to wait for somebody
istemāl "use" istemāl karnā fon kā istemāl karnā to do a phone's use to use a phone
bāt "talk" bāt karnā samīr kī bāt karnā to do Sameer's talk to talk about Sameer
gālī "cuss/bad word" gālī khānā sanam kī gālī khānā to eat a lover's curse to be cursed out by one's lover
tasvīr "picture" tasvīr khīñcnā/khicvānā Ibrāhīm kī tasvīr khīñcnā/khicvānā to pull Ibrahim's picture to take Ibrahim's picture

With English it is the verb stems themselves that are used. All English loan words are used by forming compound verbs in Hindi by using either honā (intransitive) or karnā (transitive).

English Verb Hindi Verb Stem Conjuncts Meaning
check cêk cêk honā to be/get checked
cêk karnā to check (someone/something)
bore bor bor honā to be/get bored
bor karnā to bore (someone)
apply aplāi aplāi honā to be/get applied
aplāi karnā to apply (for something)


The passive construction is periphrastic. It is formed from the perfective participle by addition of the auxiliary jānā "to go"; i.e. likhnā "to write" → likhā jānā "to be written". The agent is marked by the postposition se. Furthermore, both intransitive and transitive verbs may be grammatically passivized to show physical/psychological incapacity, usually in negative sentences. Lastly, intransitives often have a passive sense, or convey unintentional action.[63]


Word Order

Hindustani is an SOV language. It is neither purely left-branching nor right-branching, and phenomena of both types can be found. The order of constituents in sentences as a whole lacks governing "hard and fast rules", and frequent deviations can be found from normative word position, describable in terms of a small number of rules, accounting for facts beyond the pale of the label of "SOV".[64]

  • Subject precedes the direct object of the sentence if both the dative and the accusative case marks the objects of a sentence. Prescriptively, the relative position is fixed in order to make it unambiguous which is the direct object and which is the in-direct object in the sentence as both the dative case and the accusative case is the same in Hindustani and are marked by the same postposition -ko.
  • Attributive adjectives precede the noun they qualify by default, but can also be placed after the noun, doing that usually makes the sentence sound either more poetic or gives as stronger emphasises on the attribute that the adjective describes.
  • Adverbs precede the adjectives they qualify.
  • Negative markers (nahī̃, na, mat) and interrogatives precede the verb by default but can appear after it too, however the position for negation can be more flexible and the negation can occur before or after the auxiliary verbs too if the sentence has an auxiliary verb. Whenever the negation comes after the verbs instead of before the verb, it always emphasises the negation. The negation can never come before a noun.
  • kyā ("what?") as the yes-no question marker occurs at the beginning or the end of a clause as its default position but it usually can be put anywhere in the sentence where it cannot be interpreted as the its original meaning "what".

Hindustani is a free word order language, in the sense that word order does not usually signal grammatical functions in the language.[65] In the example below, it is shown that all word orders make sense for simple sentences. As a general rule, whatever information comes first in the sentence gets emphasised and the information which appears at the end of a sentence gets emphasised the least. [66][67]

Sentence Literal Translation Sentence Literal Translation
1. mãĩ baccā hū̃ [I] [kid] [am] I am a kid. 2. mujhe karnā hai [to me] [to do] [is] I have/want to do [it].
mãĩ hū̃ baccā [I] [am] [kid] mujhe hai karnā [to me] [is] [to do]
baccā mãĩ hū̃ [kid] [I] [am] karnā mujhe hai [to do] [to me] [is]
baccā hū̃ mãĩ [kid] [am] [I] karnā hai mujhe [to do] [is] [to do]
hū̃ mãĩ baccā [am] [I] [kid] hai mujhe karnā [is] [to me] [to do]
hū̃ baccā mãĩ [am] [kid] [I] hai karnā mujhe [is] [to do] [to me]

As long as both dative and the accusative case are not used in the sentence, the word order flexibility remains. For example, in the table below the locative and the accusative case is used in the same sentence, the word order is flexible because the markers for the locative and the accusative cases are different but in Hindustani, the marker for the accusative and the dative case are the same, which is ko for nouns and the oblique case pronouns or they have their own unique pronoun forms which are the same for dative and the accusative case. [67]

Translation: He/She wants/have to go [up] on that.
use = he/she [3P.ACC] | uspe = on that [3P.LOC] | jān̄ā = to go [INF] | hai = is [be.3P.SG]
use uspe jānā hai uspe use jān̄ā hai jān̄ā use uspe hai hai use uspe jān̄ā
use uspe hai jānā uspe use hai jān̄ā jān̄ā use hai uspe hai use jān̄ā uspe
use jānā hai uspe uspe hai use jān̄ā jān̄ā hai use uspe hai jān̄ā use uspe
use jānā uspe hai uspe hai jān̄ā use jān̄ā hai uspe use hai jān̄ā uspe use
use hai uspe jān̄ā uspe jān̄ā hai use jān̄ā uspe use hai hai uspe use jān̄ā
use hai jān̄ā uspe uspe jān̄ā use hai jān̄ā uspe hai use hai uspe jān̄ā use
Note: All word orders make sense but each one has its own nuance and specific context of usage.

Usage of Dative/Accusative Noun + Accusative/Dative Pronoun

When noun and pronoun are used together in a sentence and one is in accusative case while the other is in the dative case, there is no way to differentiate which one is which just by looking at the sentence. Usually in such cases, owing to the default word order of Hindi (which is SOV) which noun/pronoun comes earlier in the sentence becomes the subject of the sentence and what comes later becomes the object of the sentence.

1. use[3P.ACC] kutte-ko[dog.DAT] do[give.IMP.2P]
2. use[3P.DAT] kutte-ko[dog.ACC] do[give.IMP.2P]
use kutte-ko do Either "Give it/him/her to the dog."

or "Give the dog to it/him/her."

(Prescriptively, what comes

first becomes the subject of the sentence)

use do kutte-ko
kutte-ko use do
kutte-ko do use
do kutte-ko use
do use kutte-ko

Usage of Dative Noun + Accusative Noun [68][65]

Nouns in Hindi are put in the dative or accusative case first having the noun in the oblique case and then by adding the postposition ko after it. However, when two nouns are used in a sentence in which one of them is in the accusative case and the other in the dative case, the sentence becomes ambiguous and stops making sense, so, to make sense of the sentence, one of the noun (which is assumed to be in the accusative case) is put into the nominative case and the other one is left as it is (in the dative case). The noun which is put into the nominative case becomes the direct object of the sentence and the other one (which is now in the Accusative case) becomes the indirect object of the sentence.

When both the nouns use the ko marker, generally, all permutations in which the nouns with the same case marker are adjacent to one another become ambiguous and convey no sense [68].

Sentence Note Translation
**sā̃p-ko sapere-ko do with proper intonation it makes sense [66] give the snake to the snake-charmer.
sā̃p-ko do sapere-ko give the snake to the snake-charmer.
*sãpere-ko sā̃p-ko do doesn't make sense -
sãpere-ko do sā̃p-ko give the snake-charmer to the snake.
**do sãpere-ko sā̃p-ko doesn't make sense -
**do sā̃p-ko sapere-ko with proper intonation it makes sense give the snake to the snake-charmer

The ko marker in front of the word sā̃p has been removed, leaving it in the nominative case. Now, it acts as the indirect object of the sentence and sãpera becomes the direct object of the sentence. The English translation becomes "Give the snake-charmer a snake." and when the opposite is done, the English translation of the sentence becomes "Give the snake a snake-charmer."

Sentence Translation Sentence Translation
sā̃p sãpere-ko do Give the snake-charmer a snake sā̃p-ko sãpere do Give the snake a snake-charmer
sā̃p do sãpere-ko sā̃p-ko do sãpere
sãpere-ko sā̃p do sãpere sā̃p-ko do
sãpere-ko do sā̃p sãpere do sā̃p-ko
do sãpere-ko sā̃p do sãpere sā̃p-ko
do sā̃p sãpere-ko do sā̃p-ko sãpere

Usage of Dative Pronoun + Accusative Pronoun

When two pronouns are used in a sentence, all the sentences remain grammatically valid but the ambiguity of precisely telling the subject and the object of the sentence remains. [68] However, just as we did above, converting one the pronoun into nominative case does not work for all pronouns but only for the 3rd person pronouns and doing that for any other pronoun will leave the sentence ungrammatical and without sense. The reason that this works only for the 3rd person pronoun because these are not really the "regular" 3rd person pronouns but are instead the demonstrative pronouns. Hindustani lacks the regular 3rd person pronouns and hence compensates for them by using the demonstrative pronouns.

So, the ambiguity cannot completely be removed in this case here, unless of course it is interpreted that what comes first becomes the subject of the sentence. The English translation becomes either "Give me to that/him/her/it." or "Give me that/him/her/it." depending on which pronoun appears first in the sentence.

Sentence Translation Sentence Translation
mujhe use do Give me to that/him/her/it.


Give me that/him/her/it.

mujhe vo do Give me that.
mujhe do use mujhe do vo
do mujhe use do mujhe vo
do use mujhe do vo mujhe
use mujhe do vo mujhe do
use do mujhe vo do mujhe


Unlike English and many other Indo-European languages, Hindustani doesn't have a verb which directly transate to "to have" of English. Possession is reflected in Hindustani by the genitive marker (inflected appropriately) or the postposition ke pās ("near") and the verb honā. Possible objects of possession fall into the following three main categories in Hindustani,

  1. Fundamental possessions: These are possessions that are of permanent nature, which one has not obtained but got naturally and cannot be owned. These include, family relations, body parts, etc.
  2. Non-Fundamental possessions: These are possessions that one has obtained or can be owned. These include possession of any object, living beings (including humans), etc.
  3. Proximal possessions: These are possessions that show that someone or something has something near themselves.
  • For indicating fundamental possessions, appears after the subject of the possession. With personal pronouns, this requires the use of the possessive pronoun (inflected appropriately).
  • For indicating non-fundamental possessions, the compound postposition ke pās (literally, "of near") is used. However, this postposition cannot ever be translated as "near", showing proximity.
  • For indicating proximity of the object to the subject, the double compound postposition ke pās mẽ (literally, "of near in") is used. It translates as "nearby".
Fundamental Possessions
Sentence Literal Translation Explanation
1 merī mā̃ hai [my] [mother] [exists] I have a mother. means that your mother is still alive, and hence in a fundamental way you still possess her, as in, the relationship "she is your mother" is true.
2 uskī do ā̃khẽ haĩ [his] [two] [eyes] [exist] He/She has two eyes. means that a person fundamentally/naturally has two eyes. The person was born like that.
3 mere do bacce haĩ [mine] [two] [children] [exist] I have two children. means you are the parent of two kids. The relationship is permenant.
4 merī nazar acchī nahī̃ hai [mine] [vision] [good] [not] [is] My vision is not good. as vision is a fundamental property of a person and hence it cannot be owned and so the fundamental possesion is used.

Note: The verb honā can be translated as "to be", "to have/possess", "to exist" or "to happen" depending on the context. The third person singular and plural conjugations can be translated as "there is" and "there are" respectively.

Non-Fundamental Possessions
Sentence Literal Translation Explanation
1. mere pās mā̃ hai [mine] [near] [mother] [there is] I have a mother. means the same as the non-fundamental possesion, but with the nuance that you and your mother are physically together or close.
2. uske pās do ā̃khẽ haĩ [his] [near] [two] [eyes] [there are] He/She has two eyes. means the same as the non-fundamental possesion, but also has an additional meaning of possession of someone else's eye. [yes, creepy.]
3. mere pās do bacce haĩ [mine] [near] [two] [kids] [there are] I have two kids. means that you have kids of some other person, usually used in situations of school (teacher-student), kidnapping, etc.
4. mere pās ek idea hai [mine] [near] [one] [idea] [there is] I have an idea. means that you possess an idea. An idea occurred to you.

Note: Sometimes when talking about physical objects (including animals) both the fundamental and non-fundamental possessions are used interchangeably when the meaning conveyed in both cases doesn't lead to confusion. For example, mere do kutte haĩ and mere pās do kutte haĩ (both translating as, "I have two dogs.") are often used interchangeably when referring to pet dogs, with the sentence with the fundamental possession showing or having more emotional attachment. The reason these both are used interchangeably because it is a priori understood that the dogs in the context must be pet dogs. Same happens with the second example above on both the tables conveying the possession of eyes; it is understood that the eyes in the context are one's own. In the contexts where such a priori information is not immediately understood, these two types of possessions cannot be used interchangeably.

Proximal Possessions
Sentence Literal Translation
1. mere pās mẽ mā̃ hai [mine] [nearby] [mother] [there is] "Mother is near me." or, "I have mother near me."
2. uske pās mẽ do kutte haĩ [his] [nearby] [two] [dogs] [there are] "There are two dogs near him/her." or, "He/She/It has two dogs near him/her/it."
3. mere pās mẽ do bacce haĩ [mine] [nearby] [two] [kids] [there are] "I have two kids near me."
4. mere pās mẽ ek ghar hai [mine] [nearby] [one] [idea] [there is] "I have a house near me."


Rather than using relative clauses after nouns, as in English, Hindustani uses correlative clauses. In Hindustani, a correlative clause can go before or after the entire clause, the adjective, the noun, the pronoun or the verb it relativises.[69]

Relative Pronouns
Sentence Sentence Structure Translation Note
1. jo laṛkī khaṛī hai vo lambī hai. [who].REL [girl].F.SG [stand].PTCP.F.SG [be].PRS.3P.SG. [that/she].DEM [tall].F.SG [be].PRS.3P.SG. The girl who is standing, she is tall. pre-noun relative clause [70]
2. bacca jo cillātā hai bura hai. [kid].MASC.SG. [who].REL [shout].PTCP.M.SG [be].PRS.3P.SG [bad].ADJ.MASC.SING [be].PRS.3P.SG [The] kid who shouts is bad. post-noun relative clause [71]
3. vo khātā hai jo vo khātā hai. [he].DEM [eat].PTCP.M.SG [be].PRS.3P.SG [what].REL [he].DEM [eat].PTCP.M.SG [be].PRS.3P.SG He eats what he eats. post-verb relative clause [69]
4. [tum] karo jo karnā hai [tumko]. [you].DIR [do].IMP.2P.SG [what].REL [do].INF [be].PRS.3P.SG [you].DAT Do what [you] want/have to do. pre-verb relative clause [72]
5. jo karo sahī karo. [what].REL [do].IMP.2P.SG [correct].ADJ [do].IMP.2P.SG Do correctly what(ever) you do. pre-verb relative clause [69]
6. acchī̃ nahī̃ haī̃ vo jo gātī̃ haī̃. [good].ADJ.FEM.PLU [not].IND [be].PRS.3P.PLU [they].DIR.FEM. [who].REL [sing].PTCP.FEM.PLU [be].PRS.3P.PLU Those [females] who sing are not good. post-pronoun relative clause [73]
7. jo tum karoge sahī karoge. [what].REL [you].DIR [do].FUT.MASC.SG [correct].ADJ [do].FUT.MASC.SG What(ever) you'll do, you'll do correct(ly). pre-pronoun relative clause [72]
8. acchī jo haī vo vo laṛkī haī. [good].ADJ.FEM.SG [who].REL [be].PRS.3P.SG [that].REL [that].DEM [girl].DIR.SG. [be].PRS.3P.SG. [The] girl who is good is her. post-adjective relative clause [69]
9. jo acchī haī vo vo laṛkī haī. [who].REL [good].ADJ.FEM.SG [be].PRS.3P.SG [that].REL [that].DEM [girl].DIR.SG. [be].PRS.3P.SG. pre-adjective relative clause [74]


  1. The relative pronoun jo can be used as both relative "what" and relative "who".

Pre-adjective relative clauses often have two relative pronouns whenever the adjective is used relative to a noun, the first relative pronoun is the actual relative pronoun jo and the second is the demonstrative pronoun vo which doubles as the secondary relative pronoun. The sentence jo acchī haī vo laṛkī haī. also is grammatically correct but means "[the (girl)] who is good is (a) girl." (which is a redundant sentence in Hindustani) [73] and "jo acchī haī vo vo laṛkī haī." means "the girl who is good is that girl."

Case-marking and verb agreement

Hindustani has tripartite case-marking, which means that the subject in intransitive clauses, and the agent and the object in transitive clauses each can be marked by a distinct case form. The full set of case distinctions is however only realized in certain clause types.[75][76]

In intransitive clauses, the subject is in direct case. The verb displays agreement with the subject: depending on aspect and mood, the verb agrees in gender and number, and/or person and number.[75]







laṛkā kal āyā

boy:DIR yesterday come:PRF:MASC:SG

'The boy came yesterday.'

In transitive clauses, there are three patterns:[77]

1. Perfective clauses with animate/definite object

Fully distinctive case marking is found in perfective clauses with animate and/or definite objects. Here, the agent takes the ergative case marker ne, while the object takes the accusative case marker ko. The verb does not agree with either of the core arguments (agent and object), but is marked per default as third person masculine singular (calāyā hai).[a]









laṛke=ne gāṛī=ko calāyā hai

boy:OBL=ERG car=ACC drive:PRF:MASC:SG be:PRES:3.SG

'The boy has driven the car.'

2. Perfective clauses with inanimate/indefinite object

In perfective clauses with an indefinite object, the agent keeps the ergative case marker, but the object is in direct case. The verb agrees with the object: the perfective form calāyī hai is marked for feminine gender, agreeing with the gender of the object gāṛī.









laṛke=ne gāṛī calāyī hai

boy:OBL=ERG car drive:PRF:FEM:SG be:PRES:3.SG

'The boy has driven the car.'

3. Non-perfective clauses

In all other clause types, the agent is in direct case and triggers agreement on the verb. The object is either in direct case or accusative case, depending on animacy/definiteness









laṛkā gāṛī calātā hai

boy:DIR car:DIR drive:IMPF:MASC:SG be:PRES:3.SG

'The boy drives a car.'

The following table summarises the three case-marking and agreement types.

Case marking Verb agreement
S* A O intransitive transitive
Perfective clauses definite object direct ergative accusative with S none
indefinite object direct ergative direct with S with O
Non-perfective clauses direct direct direct/accusative with S with A
*S is the subject in intransitive clauses. A and O are the agent and the object in transitive clauses, respectively.


  1. ^ In the sample clause, the agent happens to be masculine singular, but the verb would not change even if the agent were plural or feminine.

See Also


  1. ^ Shapiro (2003:258)
  2. ^ Shapiro (2003:260)
  3. ^ Janet Pierrehumbert, Rami Nair (1996), Implications of Hindi Prosodic Structure (Current Trends in Phonology: Models and Methods), European Studies Research Institute, University of Salford Press, 1996, ISBN 978-1-901471-02-1, ... showed extremely regular patterns. As is not uncommon in a study of subphonemic detail, the objective data patterned much more cleanly than intuitive judgments ... [w] occurs when / و/ is in onglide position ... [v] occurs otherwise ...
  4. ^ Masica (1991:110)
  5. ^ Masica (1991:117–118)
  6. ^ Masica (1991:110)
  7. ^ a b Kachru, Yamuna (2006). Hindi (12th ed.). John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027238122.
  8. ^ Shapiro (2003:262–263)
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h VAN OLPHEN, HERMAN (1975). "ASPECT, TENSE, AND MOOD IN THE HINDI VERB". Indo-Iranian Journal. 16 (4): 284–301. ISSN 0019-7246.
  10. ^ Shapiro (2003:262)
  11. ^ a b c Snell & Weightman (1989:24)
  12. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:43)
  13. ^ Shapiro (2003:263)
  14. ^ Schmidt (2003:313)
  15. ^ a b c Shapiro (2003:264)
  16. ^ Kachru, Yamuna (2006). Hindi. Philadelphia PA 19118-0519: John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 65. ISBN 90 272 3812 X.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  17. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:117)
  18. ^ a b Shapiro (2003:265)
  19. ^ a b c Shapiro (2003:266)
  20. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:67)
  21. ^ K. Bhatia, Tej (1987). A History of the Hindi Grammatical Tradiations. Hindi - Hindustani Grammar, Grmmarians, History and Problems. New York: Leiden: Brill. p. 36. ISBN 90 04 07924 6.
  22. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:80–81)
  23. ^ Shapiro (2003:264–265)
  24. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:21)
  25. ^ a b Schmidt (2003:293)
  26. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:68)
  27. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:106)
  28. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:79)
  29. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:80)
  30. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:198)
  31. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:199)
  32. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:88)
  33. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:89)
  34. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:90)
  35. ^ Schmidt (2003:322)
  36. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:150)
  37. ^ Masica (1991:257)
  38. ^ a b Schmidt (2003:323)
  39. ^ Bhatia, Tej. K. (1996). Colloquial Hindi. Great Britain: Routledge. p. 276. ISBN 0-415-11087-4.
  40. ^ Shapiro, Michael C. (1989). A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi. New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 216–246. ISBN 81-208-0475-9.
  41. ^ Shapiro (2003:268)
  42. ^ "होना". Wiktionary.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  43. ^ Schmidt (2003:324)
  44. ^ a b c Schmidt (2003:328)
  45. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:140)
  46. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:64)
  47. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:113, 125)
  48. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:179)
  49. ^ Shapiro (2003:270)
  50. ^ a b Shapiro (2003:269)
  51. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:154)
  52. ^ Shapiro (2003:269–270)
  53. ^ a b c d Snell & Weightman (1989:156)
  54. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:155)
  55. ^ a b Schmidt (2003:337)
  56. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:220)
  57. ^ a b c Schmidt (2003:338)
  58. ^ a b Snell & Weightman (1989:221)
  59. ^ Schmidt (2003:337–338)
  60. ^ Snell & Weightman (1989:222)
  61. ^ Masica (1991:329)
  62. ^ (Masica 1991, p. 368)
  63. ^ Schmidt (2003:331)
  64. ^ Shapiro (2003:271)
  65. ^ a b Butt, Miriam; Holloway King, Tracy; Ramchand, Gillian (1994). Theoretical Perspectives on Word Order in South Asian Languages. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications. pp. 185–199. ISBN 1-881526-49-6.
  66. ^ a b Patil, Umesh; Kentner, Gerrit; Gollrad, Anja; Kügler, Frank; Fery, Caroline; Vasishth, Shravan (1 January 2008), Focus, Word Order and Intonation in Hindi, retrieved 1 July 2020
  67. ^ a b Vasishth, Shravan (1 January 2004), Discourse context and word order preferences in Hindi, retrieved 1 July 2020
  68. ^ a b c Spencer, Andrew (2005). "Case in Hindi". CSLI Publications: 5.
  69. ^ a b c d Dayal, Veneeta (1996), Dayal, Veneeta (ed.), "Relativization Structures in Hindi", Locality in WH Quantification: Questions and Relative Clauses in Hindi, Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, p. 153, doi:10.1007/978-94-011-4808-5_5, ISBN 978-94-011-4808-5, retrieved 1 July 2020
  70. ^ https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/jsal/index.php/fasal/article/view/109/67
  71. ^ Dayal, Veneeta (1996). "Locality in WH Quantification: Questions and Relative Clauses in Hindi". Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. 62: 165.
  72. ^ a b Dayal, Veneeta (1996). "Locality in WH Quantification: Questions and Relative Clauses in Hindi". Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. 62: 153 & 171.
  73. ^ a b Dayal, Veneeta (1996). "Locality in WH Quantification: Questions and Relative Clauses in Hindi". Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. 62: 161.
  74. ^ Dayal, Veneeta (1996). "Locality in WH Quantification: Questions and Relative Clauses in Hindi". Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. 62: 152.
  75. ^ a b Comrie, Bernard (2013). "Alignment of Case Marking of Full Noun Phrases". In Dryer, Matthew S.; Haspelmath, Martin (eds.). The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Retrieved 26 June 2020.
  76. ^ Verbeke, Saartje (2013). Alignment and Ergativity in New Indo-Aryan Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  77. ^ Butt, Miriam (2017). "Hindi/Urdu and Related Languages". In Coon, Jessica; Massam, Diane; Travis, Lisa Demena (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Ergativity. Oxford University Press. pp. 807–831.


Further reading