User:LKreissig/Structure-based chemical numbering scheme
A structure-based chemical numbering scheme provides ordering of chemical substances closer to natural properties than the most established chemical numbering schemes. One of the most popular of such schemes, the CAS Registry Numbers, solely order by the time when the addressed substance firstly becomes anyhow closer inspected academically. Unlike more natural properties such a time information of a substance both does not have significant educational potential and cannot decrease at all the effort of duplication prevention whenever planned additions to the scheme have to be validated. The following example of a more structure-based scheme firstly bases on its Secundar Duplicated Proton number SDP = number of all participating hydrogen protons + 2 × the other participating protons. For further differentiation the amount r is added that counts how many positional changes of ring defining numbers in the SMILES notation along one bond are needed for changing into an isomer without rings regardless of which theoretical valences then arise. E.g. for prismane r=6:
C12C3C1C4C3C24 ← prismane 1. C12C3C1C4C23C4 2. C12C23C1C4C3C4 3. C12C23C1C4C34C 4. C12C23C1C34C4C 5. C12C23C13C4C4C 6. C12C123C3C4C4C C≡ C = C C=C C
(↗ if ring start and ring end are neighbors it means a multiple bond)
Till 52 the final n is SDP + r. Then
and for calculating back (in the by far most cases when r does not exceed 2a+1):
This simply means that from SDP = 52 on 12 positions are inserted alteratingly into the list of the n values till SDP = 63, where n is 52 + (22 or 23), for separating triangular rings. Then 12 further position blocks are inserted behind every next 12 list positions (for SDP = 64 till 75) containing 3 positions each. Then the next 12 inserted blocks contain 5 positions each, etc. with linearly increasing odd block sizes (the above mentioned 2a+1) for distinguishing ring containing substances. A vastly minimized amount of substances per position can be seen in the result list:
This in German
Ein strukturbasiertes chemisches Nummerierungsschema ordnet Substanzen eher nach deren grundlegenden Eigenschaften als die meisten derzeit etablierten Nummerierungssysteme. Eines der verbreitetsten unter jenen, die CAS-Nummern, ordnen nur nach der Zeit wann eine Substanz zum ersten Mal akademisch inspiziert wird. Anders als grundlegendere Eigenschaften bietet eine solche Zeitinformation weder ein fachlich grundlegendes Lehrpotential, noch kann sie den Suchmaschinenaufwand zur Vermeidung von Doppeleinträgen verringern, wenn der Liste eine weitere Substanz hinzugefügt werden soll. Das folgende Beispiel eines strukturbasierteren Schemas basiert auf der SekundärDuplizierten Protonenzahl SDP = Anzahl der teilnehmenden Wasserstoffprotonen + 2 × die anderen teilnehmenden Protonen. Für weitere Differenzierung wird die Anzahl r hinzugefügt, die angibt wie oft Positionsänderungen der ring-definierenden Zahlen in der SMILES-Notierung über jeweils eine Bindung für die Änderung der Struktur in eine ringfreie notwendig wären, ungeachtet welche theoretischen Valenzen dann entstünden. Z.B. ist für Prisman r=6: s.o. Bis SDP=52 gilt: letztendlich listenpositionsbestimmendes n = SDP + r. Für SDP > 52 gilt: n = ... s.o., und für Rückbestimmung von SDP und r aus n (in den bei Weitem meisten Fällen in denen r < 2a+2): a = ..., b = ..., SDP = ..., r = ... s.o. Dies bedeutet einfach dass ab SDP=52 jeweils 12 Mal hinter jeden Listeneintrag ein Listenplatz für Dreieckringe eingefügt ist, bis SDP=63 wo n dann 52 + (22 oder 23) ist. Dann sind bei SDP = 64 bis 75 (dort ist n = 52 + 2·12 bis 51 + 6·12) jeweils 12 Mal jeweils 3 Listenplätze (für 3-, 4- und 5-eckringe, wobei sowohl bei 3eck und 4eck zusammen als auch bei einzelnem 5eck r=3 ist) eingefügt. Dann sind 12 Mal jeweils 5 Listenplätze eingefügt, usw. mit jeweils 12 Mal eingefügten ungeraden Listenplätzeblockgrößen (die o.g. 2a+1), die linear ansteigen, zur Differenzierung unterschiedlicher Ringsysteme in den Substanzen. Dies ergibt eine Liste mit stark minimierter Anzahl an Substanzen pro Positionsnummer: |
- H +0.008 (element's molar mass - its SDP number), Hydrogen plasma
- H2 Hydrogen gas
- Helium 3, Tritium (only here and in 11 isotope-specific substances are placed separately, here: all isotopes with 3 nucleons apart from their elements)
- He +0.0026
- HeH+ Helium hydride ion
- Li +0.94
- LiH Lithium hydride
- Be +1.0122
- He2H+
- B +0.81, BeH2 Beryllium hydride
- BeHD Beryllium monodeuteride hydride
- C +0.011
- BH3 Borane
- N +0.007, Nitrogen plasma
- -CH3 Methyl group
- O -0.001, CH4 Methane
- NH3 Ammon
- F +0.998, H2O Water
- HF Hydrofluoric acid, H3O+ Hydronium ion
- Ne +0.180
- LiCH3
- Na +0.990, BeCH2 Methylene beryllium → ½ Be2C + ½ CH4
- LiOH, NaH
- Mg +0.305, BeO, LiF
- He6H+, (BeOH+)
- Al +0.982, Ethyne
- Si +0.085, Be2C Beryllium carbide, Ethene, BNH4, N2, Li2O, CO
- AlH3 Aluminium hydride
- P +0.974, C2H6 Ethane, Formaldehyde, NO
- CH5N Methylamine
- S +0.06, Li3N, LiCN, Hydrazine, Methanol, O2, SiH4
- CH3F, PH3
- Cl +1.45, HOOH, H2S
- HOF, E507 HCl
- Ar +3.95, Li2C2, NH4F, F2, LiAlH4
- LiOC
- K +1.098, C2H6Be Dimethylberyllium → ½ Be2C + 1½ CH4
- LiOOH, E524 NaOH
- Ca +0.078, Propyne, NaF, (HeF2), E530 MgO, LiCl
- Methylcyanide, Ethynamine, (SDP=40, r=1) Cyclopropene
- Sc +2.956, Propene, Be(OH)2, Azirine N1=CC1
- C2HF Fluorethyne, HOCN, HONC, Cyclopropane, C1=CO1 Oxirene
- Ti +3.867, C3H8 E944 Propane, Acetaldehyde, E942 N2O, E290 CO2, BeF2, C2H5N Aziridine C1CN1, C1=NO1
- HN(CH3)2, ON=C Formaldoxime, C1CO1 Ethylene oxide (Oxirane), Vinyl fluoride
- V +4.942, Dimethylether, Ethanol, E236 Formic acid, NO2, CSiH6, C1NO1
- Aminomethanol, HNO2, F-C=O, C1OO1
- Cr +3.996, Methylperoxide, O3, NaCN, CH4S Mercaptane
- CH3OF Fluoromethanol, SiH3F, CH3Cl
- Mn +4.938, CH2F2
- C2H5OLi Lithium ethanolate, HCOOLi Lithium formiate, HClO Hypochlorous acid
- (SDP=52, r=0) Fe +3.845, C4H4 Butenyne, (CN)2, OF2, NH4Cl E510 Ammonium chloride
- (SDP=52, r=1) Methylenecyclopropene C1=CC1=C
- (SDP=53, r=0) LiOOCH3 Lithiummethylperoxide, (SDP=52, r=2) [4]Annulene (Cyclobutadiene)
- (SDP=53, r=1) C1=CC1=N, (SDP=52, r=3) Tetrahedrane (Tricyclo[,4]butane)
- (SDP=54, r=0) Co +4.933, Butyne, (SDP=53, r=2) C1=CC=N1 Azete (Aza[4]annulene)
- Methylcyclopropene, C1=NC1=N
- Cyclobutene, Dicyclobutane, C1=NC=N1, C1O[Be]O1, Propanenitrile, E525 KOH
- Cyclopropenamine
- Ni +2.693, Butene, C1CC=N1, NaCl, KF, E529 CaO
- Methylcyclopropane, C1=NC1N, C1=CC1O
- Cyclobutane, C1=CCO1 Oxete
- Cyclopropanamine
- Cu +5.546, C4H10 Butane, C2H2O2 Glyoxal, Azetidine C1CCN1
- C2H6Si Silirane (Silacyclopropane)
- (SDP=59) N(CH3)3, NC(N)=N Guanidine, C=CP Ethenylphosphane, (SDP=58, r=2) C3H6O Oxetane C1CCO1, O1C2C1O2
- C3H5F, C2H5P Phosphirane
- Zn +5.38, CCCO, C1NCO1 Oxazetidine, CH4N2O Urea, C2H4O2 Acetic acid, Glycolaldehyde, Methyl formate, MgF2, C2H8Si, E551 SiO2, CClN Cyanogen chloride
- C2H4S Thiirane
- BH3O3 E284 Boric acid, CH3NO2 Carbamic acid, C1OCO1 Dioxetane
- C1OC1F Fluorethylene oxide
- (SDP=62) Ga +7.723, Ethylenglycol C2H6O2, H2CO3, Si2H6, C2H6S
- C1=NC1O[Li] Lithiumazirinolate
- HNO3 Nitric acid
- [Li]OC1CC1
- (SDP=64) Ge +8.63, COF2, BF3, SO2, KCN
- (SDP=64, r=1) Cyclopropenylethyne, (SDP=62, r=5) C5H2 Ditetrahedrane (Pentacyclo[,3.02,4.03,5]pentane)
- C1=CC12C=C2 Spiropentadiene
- Methylen[4]annulene
- (SDP=65, r=0) [Li]OCCC, FCOO, FCS, (SDP=64, r=4) C5H4 Methylene tetrahedrane (Tetracyclo[,3.03,5]pentane)
- C1=CC1[CN]
- Azaspiropentadiene
- Methylenazete
- As +8.922, SiH2F2
- Cyclopropylethyne
- Methyl[4]annulene
- Cyclopentadiene
- CHF3 Fluoroform, NaOCC, NaOC=O, HClO2
- C4H5N Cyclopropenylidenemethanamine
- [4]Annulenamine
- Pyrrole
- Se +10.97, Isopren C=C(C)C=C, BeCO3, LiNO3, NF3, Cl2, GeH4
- Ethylcyclopropene
- Methylcyclobutene
- C3H4N2 Diazacyclopentadiene (NN=C Pyrazole, NC=N Imidazole), C4H4O Furan, C3H4Si Silatetrahedrane
- Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane
- Aminomethylcyclopropene
- Phosphete P1=CC=C1
- Dihydropyrrole
- Br +9.904, Pentene, H2Se
1. | C1=CC1[SiH3] |
2. | C1=CC[SiH2]1 |
3. | Cyclopentane |
4. | C3H5NO Acrylamide, C3H9Al Trimethylaluminium |
-5. | Methylcyclopropanamine |
7. | Pyrrolidine C4H9N |
8. | Kr +11.798, C5H12 Pentane, Li2CO3, E508 KCl |
110. | Cyclobutanole, C3H8Si Siletane (Silacyclobutane) |
1. | C3H8N2 Pyrazolidine, C4H8O Tetrahydrofuran |
2. | Butanamine, Propenylphosphane |
4. | Phosphetane P1CCC1 |
-5. | C3H7NO Oxazolidine C1CNCO1 |
6. | Rb +11.468, Butanol, Diethylether, E280 Propionic acid, Formic anhydride |
7. | C3H6O2 Glycidol |
8. | Thietane S1CCC1 |
120. | C2H5NO2 🅖 E640 Glycine NCC(O)=O |
1. | OC1NC1O, C3H5Cl Chlorocyclopropane |
4. | (SDP=76) Sr +11.62, Glycolic acid, BeCl2, CaF2, E171 TiO2, LiBr |
-5. | C1=C-C1=C-C≡C, C3H4F2 |
9. | C1=C-c2cc1c2 |
130. | (SDP=77) FCCCO, FCOC=O, [Cl]CCC, C2H7NS Cysteamine |
6. | (SDP=78) Y +10.906, C6H6 Hexadienyne |
7. | Cyclopropenylpropyne |
8. | [4]Annulenylethene |
9. | C1=CC=CC1=C |
140. | (SDP=78, r=4) Benzene |
1. | Bicyclo[2.1.1]hex-2-yne |
2. | Prismane (Tetracyclo[,6.03,5]hexane) |
3. | (SDP=79, r=1) Cyclopropenylacetonitrile |
6. | Pyridine/Azabenzene |
8. | Zr +11.224(2), SO3 |
152. | Diazine (Pyridazine, Pyrimidine, Pyrazine) |
3. | Tricyclo[,6]hexane |
4. | Tricyclo[,5]hexane |
8. | Triazine |
160. | Nb +10.906, C6H10 Hexyne, H2SO3, CH2Cl2, CGeH6 Methylgermane |
4. | C5H6O Pyran |
6. | SiHF3, HClO3, KOCC |
9. | C4H5P Phosphole |
170. | Tetrahydropyridine |
2. | Mo +11.95, CF4, MgCO3, NaNO3 |
-5. | 3-AT NC1=NNC=N1, Thiophene S1C=CC=C1 |
182. | C5H11N Piperidine |
4. | Tc, C6H14 Hexane, C4H6O2 Methacrylic acid, Succinaldehyde, Vinyl acetate |
7. | Silolane (Silacyclopentane) |
8. | C4H10N2 Piperazine |
190. | Hexahydrotriazine, HBrO Hypobromous acid |
3. | Phospholane P1CCCC1 |
4. | Morpholine N1CCOCC1 |
6. | (SDP=88) Ru +13.07(2), C4H8O2 Butyric acid, C4H12N2 Putrescin, C3H4O3 Ethylene carbonate, Methyl glyoxylate, Pyruvic acid, Glucic acid, C4H12Si Silylbutane, NH4Br |
7. | C1CC1CS, C1C[SiH]1[SiH3] |
9. | Thiolane S1CCCC1 |
200. | C1COCCO1, C123C4C1C24S3 |
1. | C1C≡CC=CC≡C1 |
2. | C12C≡CC(C≡C1)C2 |
3. | Homoprismandiene |
4. | (SDP=89) DMAE, C3H7NO2 🅐 Alanine CC(N)C(O)=O, Sarcosine CNCC(O)=O, Urethane CCOC(N)=O |
212. | Rh +12.91, C3H6O3 E270 Lactic acid CC(O)C(O)=O, (COOH)2, C3H10OSi Silylpropanol, C2H6Zn Dimethylzinc |
3. | Si3H6 Cyclotrisilane |
220. | (SDP=91, r=0) C6H5N, Chloropropenole, (SDP=90, r=8) Pentacyclo[,4.02,7.03,6]heptane |
1. | C3H5ClO Epichlorohydrin |
8. | Pd +14.42, C3H8O3 E422 Glycerol, Si3H8, E511 MgCl2, NaBr, RbF |
232. | C7H8 Toluene |
6. | C3H7OCl Chloropropanol, C2H3O2Cl Methyl chloroformate |
240. | Aniline/Aminobenzen |
4. | Ag +13.87 |
8. | C5H6Si Silabenzene |
252. | E281 Sodium propionate |
260. | Cd +16.41, C7H12 Heptyne, Orthosilicic acid, COCl2 Phosgene, C2GeH8 Dimethylgermane |
2. | Di(cyclopropyl)methane |
4. | Spiro(3.3)heptane |
6. | Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan, Bicyclo[3.1.1]heptane |
7. | Oxatricyclo[,6]heptane |
8. | E338 H3PO4 |
276. | In +16.82, E513 H2SO4, SiGeH6 |
9. | C4H2O3 Maleic anhydride |
284. | HClO4 |
292. | (SDP=100) Sn +18.71, C7H16 Heptane, SiF4, KNO3, CaCO3 |
5. | Succinic anhydride |
6. | C5H12Si Silinane |
302. | (SDP=101) Hexanamine, Pentenylphosphane |
06. | C5H11P Phosphinane P1CCCCC1 |
12. | Sb +19.76, Cadaverine (Pentandiamine), Acetic anhydride |
16. | Thiane S1CCCCC1 |
22. | C3H8NCOOH, Biuret C2H5N3O2, HBrO2 |
32. | Te +23.6, C3H4O4 Malonic acid, Na2CO3, BeSO4, SnH4 Stannane |
38. | [8]Annulene (Cyclooctantetraene) |
41. | Cuneane |
42. | C3H7NO3 🅢 Serine, Cubane |
52. | I +20.90, Fluoralanine |
57. | C7H6O Tropone |
61. | C8H10 Tetracyclo[,5.04,8]octane |
62. | Chlorobutanol, Ethyl chloroformate, Tetracyclo[,4.02,7]octane |
66. | Methylaniline |
72. | Xe +23.29, Li2SO4, E509 CaCl2, KBr, RbCl |
76. | C7H8O Anisol/Methylphenylether |
80. | C8H12 Tricyclo[,7]octane, Tricyclo[,7]octane |
82. | C3H7O2Cl Chloropropanediol |
92. | Cs +22.91 |
400. | Bicyclo[2.2.2]octane |
02. | C3H5NaO3 E325 Sodium lactate, E283 Potassium propanoate |
05. | Histamine |
06. | C4H5N3O Cytosin N1C=CC(N)=NC1=O |
12. | (SDP=112) Ba +25.33, C8H16 Octene, C6H12Si Silylhexyne, Li3PO4, BCl3, E505 FeCO3, SrF2, ZrO2, LiI |
16. | Dimethylcyclohexan, C4H4N2O2 Uracil N1C=CC(=O)NC1=O |
20. | C7H12O Oxabicyclo[2.2.2]octane, C5H4O3 3,5,8-Trioxatetracyclo[,4.02,7]octane O1C2C3OC24C1OC34 |
1. | C6H8O2 Dioxatricyclo[,7]octane |
2. | C9H4 Propylenprismatriene |
3. | Homocubatriene |
4. | (SDP=113) Heptenamine |
9. | Caprolactam O=C1NCCCCC1 |
36. | La +24.91, C8H18 Octane |
48. | CHCl3 |
51. | 🅟 Proline |
60. | Ce +24.12, Ethylbutyrate CCOC(=O)CCC, C4H4O4 Maleic acid, E297 Fumaric acid |
72. | C5H11NO2 🅥 Valine, Trimethylglycine |
79. | C8H7N Indole c12ccccc1C=CN2 |
84. | Pr +22.91, C4H6O4 E363 Succinic acid, E339(i) Sodium dihydrogen phosphate, Manganese(II) chloride |
91. | C7H6N2 Benzimidazole |
96. | C4H9NO3 🅣 Threonin, Homoserine, HBrO3 |
500. | Ethenylaniline |
08. | Nd +24.24, C3H4O5 Tartronic acid, E518 MgSO4 |
15. | C5H4N4 Purine c12ncncc1N=CN2 |
20. | CH3I, C3H7NO2S 🅒 E920 Cystein |
32. | Pm, C4H10O4 E968 Erythrite, Si4H10, C4H10O2S Thiodiglycol, Chloralanine |
36. | C7H6O2 E210 Benzoic acid, 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde |
39. | C9H14 Cyclononadiene |
40. | Bicyclo[3.3.1]nonene |
41. | Tricyclo[,8]nonane = Octahydro-1,5-methanopentalene, Bicyclo[3.2.2]nonene |
42. | Tricyclo[,8]nonane |
48. | C5H4NCOOH E375 Niacin (Nicotinic acid) |
56. | (SDP=124) Sm +26.36 |
70. | (SDP=125) C2H7NO3S Taurine NCC[SO2]O |
84. | Eu +25.96, Dimethyldichlorosilane |
88. | C3H6N6 Melamin, C5H6N2O2 Thymin N1C=C(C)C(=O)NC1=O, C6H6O3 E636 Maltol |
612. | Gd +29.25, C9H20 Nonane, Si2GeH8 Disilylgermane, CsF, NaI |
16. | C4H4N2O3 Barbituric acid |
20. | C10H8 Naphthalene (Bicyclo[4.4.0]decapentaene), Azulene (Bicyclo[5.3.0]decapentaene) |
25. | Pentaprismene |
26. | n-Octanamine |
40. | Tb +28.93, C8H6N2 Quinazoline, C5H14N4 Agmatine / (4-Aminobutyl)guanidine, Propionic anhydride |
51. | C10H10 Bullvalene C1=CC2C3C=CC1C=CC23 |
53. | Pentaprismane (5-prismane, for n-prismane: r = 3n-2, when n>3) |
54. | C6H13NO2 (Iso)Leucin, C4H9N3O2 Creatin |
57. | Silaproline |
68. | Dy +30.50, C4H8N2O3 🅝 Asparagine O=C(N)CC(N)C(O)=O, Glycylglycine, Glutaric acid, BeN2O6, E517 Ammonium sulfate, SO2Cl2 Sulfuryl chloride |
76. | C6H4N4 Pteridine |
82. | C4H7NO4 🅓 Aspartic acid, C4H11NO2Si Silavaline |
89. | C8H7NO Oxindole |
96. | Ho +30.93, E296 Malic acid, E340(i) Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Ge2H6 |
700. | C9H10O Chavicol |
10. | C4H9NO2S Homocysteine, CaHPO4 E341(ii) Dicalcium phosphate |
14. | C9H13N Amphetamin |
17. | C5H5N5 Adenine c12ncnc(N)c1N=CN2 |
24. | (SDP=136) Er +31.26, K2CO3, E516 CaSO4, RbNO3, SrCO3 |
28. | C10H16 Limonene, Sabinene, Thujene, C8H8O2 Anisaldehyde |
30. | Pinene/2,6,6-Trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]heptene, Camphene |
36. | Adamantane |
40. | (SDP=137) Silacysteine |
41. | C3H7O4P Fosfomycin |
44. | C8H11NO Tyramine |
56. | Tm +30.93, C4H10O2FP Sarin, C5H10Se |
60. | C7H6O3 Salicylic acid, 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid |
62. | C10H18 Bornane CC1(C)C2CCC1(C)CC2 |
88. | Yb +33.05, SF6, Na2SO4, Br2 |
800. | C6H12N4 Urotropine |
20. | Lu +32.97, C10H22 Decane |
21. | C7H10O3 GMA |
23. | C6H10N2O2 Piracetam O=C1CCCN1CC(N)=O |
36. | C2HCl3O Chloral |
40. | C8H17NO Conhydrine |
52. | Hf +34.49, RbBr, SrCl2, KI, CsCl |
84. | Ta +34.95, C6H14N2O2 🅚 Lysine, C5H10N2O3 🅠 Glutamin, Glycylalanine NCC(=O)NC(C)C(O)=O, E355 Adipic acid (Hexanedioic acid) |
900. | E620 🅔 Glutamic acid |
07. | C8H5NO2 Isatin |
16. | (SDP=148) W +35.84, MgN2O6, CCl4, BeBr2, BaF2 |
20. | C10H12O Butyrophenone, C9H8O2 Cinnamic acid |
34. | (SDP=149) C5H11NO2S 🅜 Methionine |
52. | Re +36.21, C4H6O6 E334 Tartaric acid O=C(O)C(O)C(O)C(O)=O |
74. | C8H9NO2 Acetaminophen c1cc(O)ccc1NC(C)=O |
77. | C5H5N5O Guanin N1=C(N)NC(=O)C2=C1NC=N2 |
88. | Os +38.23, E560 Potassium silicate, KMnO4, Fe2O3 |
92. | C10H16O Thujone |
95. | C5H4N4O2 Xanthine (Tetrahydropurindione) |
98. | C12H8 | Indacene C1=CC=C2C1=CC3=CC=CC3=C2 |
99. | 4,8-(Metheno)cyclopenta[8]annulene C1=CC=C2C1=CC3=CC=CC2=C3 | |
1000. | Tricyclo[,6]dodecahexaene | |
01. | Tricyclo[,5]dodecahexaene | |
02. | Tricyclo[,5]dodecahexaene |
10. | C8H11NO2 Dopamin c1c(O)c(O)ccc1CCN, C7H7NO3 Mesalazine |
24. | Ir +38.22, E282 Calcium propanoate, E519 Copper(II) sulfate, CH2Br2 |
32. | C12H10 | Biphenyl |
34. | Heptalene | |
36. | Biprismane |
45. | C6H9N3O2 🅗 Histidine |
60. | Pt +39.08, C11H24 Undecane, E539 Sodium thiosulfate |
64. | C10H20O Menthol |
76. | Heptacyclo[,5.03,12.04,7.06,9.08,11]dodecane (Hexaprismane) |
77. | Heptacyclo[,8.03,12.04,7.05,11.06,9]dodecane |
78. | 🅤 Selenocysteine |
96. | Au +38.97 |
1114. | C8H17NO2 Pregabalin |
32. | (SDP=160) Hg +40.59, E339(III) Na3PO4, CCl3NO2 Chloropicrin |
39. | C10H12N2 Tryptamine c12ccccc1NC=C2CCN |
52. | (SDP=161) C5H11N2O2P Tabun (nerve agent), C9H19Cl Chlorononane, C4H7I Iodobutene |
72. | Tl +42.38 |
79. | C10H14N2 Nicotin c1ncccc1C2CCCN2C, C10H10O2 Safrole |
80. | C9H6O3 Umbelliferone |
1212. | Pb +43.2, CaN2O6, MgBr2 |
16. | C10H12O2 Eugenol, C9H8O3 o/m/p-coumaric acid |
36. | C10H15NO Ephedrine, C9H11NO2 🅕 Phenylalanine |
52. | Bi +42.98 |
56. | C6H10N6 Cyromazine, C8H6O4 Phthalic acid |
63. | C13H10 | Fluorene |
64. | Phenalene |
76. | C8H9NO3 Pyridoxal, C7H5NO4 Quinolinic acid, Dipicolinic acid |
92. | Po, E349 Ammonium malate, E512 Stannous chloride |
96. | C8H8O4 Vanillic acid |
1316. | C8H11NO3 Pyridoxine |
20. | Phenylaniline |
32. | At, C12H26 Dodecane |
36. | C7H6O5 Gallic acid |
52. | E340(ii) Dipotassium phosphate |
56. | C9H17NO2 Gabapentin |
59. | C12H13N Rasagiline |
72. | (SDP=172) Rn, K2SO4, SrSO4, CsNO3, BaCO3 |
94. | (SDP=173) C5H7I Iodopentyne |
1416. | Fr, C6H14N4O2 🅡 Arginin |
60. | Ra, E350i Sodium malate |
63. | C6H8O6 E300 Ascorbic acid, E315 Erythorbic acid |
67. | C10H12N2O Serotonin |
68. | C10H8O3 Hymecromone |
1504. | Ac, C3H2ClF5O Enflurane, E650 Zinc acetate |
08. | C12H18O Propofol |
16. | C14H10 Anthracene |
30. | C9H9NO3 Hippuric acid, C6H13NO3S E952 Cyclamic acid |
48. | Th +52.04, E359 Ammonium adipate, C6H12O6 Glucose, TiCl4, CaBr2, CsBr, BaCl2, RbI |
52. | C9H8O4 Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) O=C(C)Oc1ccccc1C(O)=O |
55. | C7H8N4O2 Theobromine, Theophylline |
74. | C9H11NO3 🅨 Tyrosine |
92. | Pa +49.04, C14H14 Tetradecatetrayne, C6H14O6 E420 Sorbitol, E421 Mannit, Vanadium tetrachloride |
96. | C10H14O3 Mephenesin |
98. | C10H10Fe Ferrocene |
1600. | C12H22O Geosmin |
11. | Heptaprismane (r=19) |
13. | C12C3C4C5C1C1C6C7C1C2C3C7C4C56 (r=21) |
14. | C2HBrClF3 Halothane |
21. | C7H5NO3S E954 Saccharin |
36. | (SDP=184) U +54.03, C13H28 Tridecane |
60. | (SDP=185) Dodecanamine |
67. | C9H15NO3 Ecgonine |
84. | Np |
95. | C11H6O3 Psoralen |
1732. | Pu, E356 Sodium adipate |
52. | C14H20 Diadamantane |
80. | Am, C3H6BrNO4 Bronopol |
84. | C13H18O Ibuprofen |
1828. | Cm, C6H8O7 E330 Citric acid, ClCO2CCl3 Diphosgene, Molybdenum hexafluoride |
35. | C11H12O3 Myristicin |
76. | Bk, C2H2AsCl3 Lewisite |
80. | C10H10O4 Ferulic acid, C7H14O6 Bornesitol |
83. | C8H10N4O2 Caffeine |
1924. | (SDP=196) Cf, C6H12O7 E574 Gluconic acid |
50. | (SDP=197) Tridecenamine |
53. | E301 C6H7NaO6 Sodium ascorbate, E316 Sodium erythorbate |
54. | C9H11NO4 L-DOPA |
76. | Es, C14H30 Tetradecane |
80. | E313 Ethyl gallate |
98. | C15H18 C12CC3C4CC15CC6C7CC5C4C7C3C26 |
99. | C11H10N4 N12C3C4C5C3C16C7C8C2N4C9N8C7C6N59 |
2000. | N12C3C4C1C5C6N7C5C28-O-C46C9C3C8C79 (C12H10N2O) |
01. | O1-C23C4C5C16C7C89-O-C55C7C8C25-O-C46C39 (C12H6O3) |
02. | Trichloroheptane |
14. | C12H9NS Phenothiazine |
28. | Fm, SrN2O6 |
32. | E950 Acesulfame K |
80. | Md |
96. | C16H10 Pyrene |
2132. | No |
39. | C11H12N2O2 🅦 Tryptophan |
84. | Lr |
2204. | C16H14 Bicubane |
36. | (SDP=208) Rf, E351 Potassium malate, E340(iii) K3PO4, BaSO4 |
40. | C12H16O3 Elemicin, C10H12N2O3 Kynurenine, Picamilon, C8H16O6 Pinpollitol, Viscumitol |
58. | Octaprismane |
64. | (SDP=209) Tetradecynamine, Pentachloropropane |
92. | Db |
2324. | C11H17NO3 Mescalin (Trimethyldopaminol) |
48. | Sg, C15H32 Pentadecane, Be3P2O8 Beryllium phosphate, I2 |
52. | E310 Propyl gallate, C10H12ClNO2 Baclofen |
79. | E303 Potassium ascorbate, Potassium erythorbate |
2404. | Bh, C6H6MgO7 E345 Magnesium citrate |
60. | Hs, SrBr2, CsI |
78. | C17H12 Hexacyclo[,10.11,7.04,17.010,17]heptadecahexaene C1=CC23C=CC45C=CC16C=CC(C=C2)(C=C4)C356 |
88. | E576 Sodium gluconate |
2516. | Mt |
23. | Phenylpiracetam |
72. | (SDP=220) Ds, E357 Potassium adipate, Fe3O4, BBr3, BeI2 |
2602. | (SDP=221) C2H3O2Tl Thallium acetate |
32. | Rg |
62. | C4H5Cl5, CHBr3 |
92. | Cn |
2729. | C8H11N5O3 Aciclovir |
52. | Nh, C16H34 Hexadecane, CH2I2 |
82. | C3H5N3O9 Nitroglycerin |
89. | C9H9N3Cl2 Clonidine |
2812. | Fl |
20. | C15H16O2 Bisphenol A, C14H12O3 Resveratrol |
28. | C18H12 Tetracene |
54. | C12H7NO4 Resazurin |
72. | Mc |
2909. | C8H5F3N2OS Riluzole |
32. | (SDP=232) Lv, CaH4P2O8 E341(i) Monocalcium phosphate |
39. | C13H16N2O2 Melatonin |
64. | (SDP=233) E577 Potassium gluconate, C5H3Cl5 Pentachloropentyne |
72. | C14H19NO2 Methylphenidate |
96. | Ts, C7H10Br2 Dibromoheptyne |
3000. | Dibromomethylcyclohexene |
Category:Chemical numbering schemes | Category:Chemistry-related lists |