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Education in Japan

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Education in Japan
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and TechnologyKeiko Nagaoka
National education budget
Budget¥5.4 trillion (4.1% of GDP)[2][3]
Per student¥2.2 million[1]
General details
Primary languagesJapanese
System typeNational, prefectural, local
Primary10.9 million[5]
Secondary3.98 million[5]
Post secondary3.97 million[5]
Secondary diploma95.97%[7]
Post-secondary diploma61.95%[6]

Education in Japan is managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. Education is compulsory at the elementary and lower secondary levels.[8] Throughout all levels, the academic year starts in April and ends in March, with two long holidays: summer and winter.

Japanese students consistently rank highly among OECD students in terms of quality and performance in reading, mathematics, and sciences. Japan is one of the top-performing OECD countries in reading literacy, mathematics, and sciences on Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests with the average student scoring 520, compared with the OECD average of 488, placing it eighth in the world in the 2018 ranking.[9][10][11] The contemporary Japanese population is highly educated, steeped in a traditional cultural ethos influenced by Confucian values dating back over two millennia being part of a civilization whose national strength was dependent on an educated populace coupled with a deeply ingrained societal quintessence that has long acknowledged the fundamental importance of education as a central means to propel scientific advancement and cultural progress. Japanese culture and society have traditionally placed an enormously important emphasis on education as a means of advancing in both socioeconomic standing and securing promising employment prospects within the nation's advanced technologically-driven economy, both historically and in modern times. The nation's fulsome pool of highly educated and skilled individuals has played a pivotal role in facilitating the economic transformation of the island archipelago in the aftermath of the Second World War. Tertiary-educated adults in Japan, particularly graduates in sciences and engineering, benefit socioeconomically from their extensive breadth and depth of scientific knowledge and technical skillsets when navigating the country's high technology-oriented economy.[12]

Spending on education as a proportion of GDP is 4.1 percent, below the OECD average of 5 percent.[2] Although expenditure per student is comparatively high in Japan, total expenditure relative to GDP remains small.[12] In 2020, the country ranked third for the percentage of 25-to-64-year-olds that have attained tertiary education with 52.7 percent.[6] In 2023, approximately 65% of Japanese aged 25 to 34 have achieved some form of tertiary educational qualification, with bachelor's degrees held by 34.2% of the Japanese populace aged 25 to 64, the second most in the OECD after South Korea.[6] Japanese females are more highly educated compared to their male counterparts as 59 percent of Japanese women possess a university degree, compared to 52 percent of Japanese men.[13] As the Japanese economy is largely scientifically and technologically based, its labor market demands people who have achieved some form of higher education, particularly related to science and engineering to gain a competitive edge when searching for employment opportunities. According to MEXT, 80.6% of 18-year-olds pursue higher education, with 52.6% attending a university, 4.7% a junior college, 0.9% a college of technology, and 22.4% enrolling in a correspondence school, the Open University of Japan, or a specialized training college.[14]


Terakoya, a private school in the Edo period

Formal education in Japan began with the adoption of Chinese culture, in the 6th century AD. Buddhist and Confucian teachings as well as sciences, calligraphy, divination and literature were taught at the courts of Asuka, Nara and Heian. Scholar officials were chosen through an Imperial examination system. But contrary to China, the system never fully took hold, and titles and posts at the court remained hereditary family possessions. The rise of the bushi, the military class, during the Kamakura period ended the influence of scholar officials, but Buddhist monasteries remained influential centers of learning.

In the Edo period, the Yushima Seidō in Edo was the chief educational institution of the state; and at its head was the Daigaku-no-kami, a title which identified the leader of the Tokugawa training school for shogunate bureaucrats.[15]

Under the Tokugawa shogunate, the daimyō vied for power in the largely pacified country. Since their influence could not be raised through war, they competition the economic field. Their warrior-turned-bureaucrat Samurai elite had to be educated not only in military strategy and the martial arts but also in agriculture and accounting. Likewise, the wealthy merchant class needed education for their daily business, and their wealth allowed them to be patrons of arts and science. But temple schools (terakoya) educated peasants too, and it is estimated that at the end of the Edo period, 50% of the male and 20% of the female population possessed some degree of literacy. Even though contact with foreign countries was restricted, books from China and Europe were eagerly imported and Rangaku ("Dutch studies") became a popular area of scholarly interest.

Some facilities were created to specifically educate samurai and their children to perpetuate the morality and mindfulness of their class. These schools, Hanko schools, were where scholars would bring together samurai to listen to lectures on Confucianism, military arts, and other subjects. Samurai would then attempt to teach villagers what they had learned, "proper guidance to the common people's spirit and manners", by posting flyers and creating handbooks,[16] Some Shōgun and Daimyō were also interested in spreading education throughout their protected land with the target audience as adult commoners and children. Elementary education was imparted as well as writing and morality lessons. The Shirakawa Village School's town bulletin explains the point of education for the commoners, "If not only the important people of the village but also the lesser people have continuous teaching from the appointed village schools, they will gain understanding".[16] There were also private academies, such as a school of Dutch studies founded by Fukuzawa Yukichi, which is now known as Keio University.

'Commoners' would also form communal gatherings to try to educate themselves with the help of a scholar. One such, Baigan Ishida, was a great orator and writer who reached the merchant class. There were wakashu-gumi, or youth groups, that consisted of young men ages fourteen to seventeen, who at these groups learned about ceremonies, cooperative living, language, manners, marriage, straw weaving, and world information, not to mention talking and singing. Japan was thriving with the want for enlightenment.

Meiji Restoration

After the Meiji Restoration of 1868, the methods and structures of Western learning were adopted as a means to make Japan a strong, modern nation. Students and even high-ranking government officials were sent abroad to study, such as the Iwakura mission. Compulsory education was introduced, mainly after the Prussian model. In 1877, the nation's first university, the University of Tokyo was established by merging Edo-era institutions and schools.[17] Foreign scholars, the so-called o-yatoi gaikokujin, were invited to teach at this newly founded university and military academies. These scholars were gradually replaced by Japanese scholars who had been educated at this university or abroad. In 1897, Kyoto Imperial University was established as the country's second university, which was followed by other imperial universities and private universities such as Keio and Waseda.

In the 1890s, Japan saw a rise in reformers, child experts, magazine editors, and educated mothers who embraced new ideas about childhood and education. They introduced the upper middle class to a concept of childhood that involved children having their own space, reading children's books, playing with educational toys, and spending significant time on school homework. These concepts quickly spread across all social classes.[18][19] The Meiji government established the nation's first modern public library in 1872, which is regarded as the origin of today's National Diet Library.[20]


After the defeat in World War II, the Allied occupation government set education reform as one of its primary goals, to eradicate militarist teachings and convert Japan into a pacifist democracy. Nine years of education was made mandatory, with six years in elementary education and three in junior high as an emulation of the American educational system. Several reforms were carried out in the post-war period that aimed at easing the burden of entrance examinations, promoting internationalization and information technologies, diversifying education, and supporting lifelong learning.[21][22]

To ease Japanese postwar sentiments, the Allied Occupation Forces ordered any nationalistic, militaristic, authoritarian, or anti-American content to be blackened from learning materials that were printed before or during the war. This practice was known as suminuri, and was used as the primary method of educational reform until newly fashioned texts, Kuni no ayumi (Footsteps of the Nation), Nihon rekishi (Japanese History), and Minshushugi (Democracy) were written by the Ministry of Education and Civil Information and Education Section.[23] The Ministry of Education is now known as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) and is responsible for educational administration.[24]

In successive international assessment tests, Japan's fourth- and eighth-grade students have consistently ranked in the top five globally in both mathematics and science (see TIMSS).[25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34]

Despite concerns that academic skills for Japanese students may have declined since the mid-1990s,[35] Japan's students showed a significant improvement in math and science scores in the 2011 TIMSS survey, compared to the 2007 scores.[36]

Organization of the school system

School levels

The school year in Japan begins in April and classes are held from Monday to either Friday or Saturday, depending on the school. The school year consists of two or three terms, which are separated by short holidays in spring and winter, and a six-week-long summer break.[37]

The year structure is summarized below:

Age Grade Educational establishments
6+ 1 Elementary school
(小学校 shōgakkō)
Compulsory Education
Special school
(特別支援学校 Tokubetsu-shien gakkō)
7+ 2
8+ 3
9+ 4
10+ 5
11+ 6
12+ 1 (7th) Junior high school/Lower secondary school
(中学校 chūgakkō)
Compulsory Education
13+ 2 (8th)
14+ 3 (9th)
15+ 1 (10th) Senior high school/Upper secondary school
(高等学校 kōtōgakkō, abbr. 高校 kōkō)
The upper-secondary course of special training school College of technology
(高等専門学校 kōtō senmongakkō, abbr. 高専 kōsen)
16+ 2 (11th)
17+ 3 (12th)
18+ Associate's./|\.Foundation's University: Undergraduate
(大学 daigaku; 学士課程 gakushi katei)
National Academy
(大学校 daigakkō)
Medical School
(医学部 Igaku-bu)
Veterinary school
(獣医学部 Jūigaku-bu)
Dentistry School
(歯学部 Shigaku-bu)
Pharmaceutical School
(薬学部 Yakugaku-bu)
National Defense Medical College
(防衛医科大学校, Bōei Ika Daigakkō)
Junior College[38]
(短期大学 Tanki-daigaku, abbr. 短大 tandai)
Vocational School[39]
(専門学校 Senmon-gakkō)
20+ Bachelor's

(学士 Gakushi)

22+ Master's

(修士 Shūshi)

Graduate School: Master
(大学院博士課程前期 Daigaku-in Hakushi Katei Zenki)
National Academy: Master
(大学校修士課程 Daigakkō Shūshi katei)
24+ Ph.D.

(博士 Hakushi)

Graduate School: Ph.D.
(大学院博士課程後期 Daigaku-in Hakushi Katei Kōki)
National Defense Academy: Ph.D.
(防衛大学校博士課程 Bōei Daigakkō Hakushi katei)
Medical School: Ph.D.
(医学博士 Igaku Hakushi)
Veterinary School: Ph.D.
(獣医学博士 Jūigaku Hakushi)
Dentistry School: Ph.D.
(歯学博士 Shigaku Hakushi)
Pharmaceutical School: Ph.D.
(薬学博士 Yakugaku Hakushi)

Secondary school

Lower secondary school

A typical classroom in a Japanese junior high school

The lower secondary school covers grades seven through nine, with children typically aged twelve through fifteen. There are 3.5 million primary school students in Japan as of 2012, down from over 5.3 million in 1991.[40] However, the number of junior high schools has remained relatively static, falling from 11,275 in 1993 to 10,699 in 2012. The number of junior high school teachers has also changed little, with 257,605 junior high school teachers in 1996, and 253,753 in 2012). Approximately 8% of junior high students attend a private junior high school (accounting for 7% of all junior high schools). Private schools are considerably more expensive: as of 2013, the average annual cost of private primary school attendance was ¥1,295,156 per student, roughly thrice the ¥450,340 cost for a public school.[41] Japan's compulsory education ends at grade nine, but less than 2% drop out; 60% of students advanced to senior education as of 1960, increasing rapidly to over 90% by 1980, rising further each year until reaching 98.3% as of 2012.[42]

Teachers often major in their respective subjects and more than 79% graduate from a four-year college. Classes are large, with an average of thirty-eight students per class, and each class is assigned a homeroom teacher, doubling as a counselor. Unlike kindergarten students, primary school students have different teachers for different subjects. However, the teacher changes rooms for each period, rather than the students.[citation needed]

Instruction in primary schools is often in the form of lectures. Teachers also use other Media, such as television and Radio, and there is some laboratory work. By 1989 about 45% of all public primary schools had computers, including schools that used them only for administrative purposes. All course contents are specified in the Course of Study for Lower-Secondary Schools. Some subjects, such as Japanese language and mathematics, are coordinated with the elementary curriculum. Others, such as foreign-language study, begin at this level, though from April 2011, English became a compulsory part of the elementary school curriculum.[43] The junior school curriculum covers Japanese language, social studies, mathematics, science, music, fine arts, health, and physical education. All students are also exposed to industrial arts and homemaking. Moral education and special activities continue to receive attention. Most students also participate in one of a range of school clubs that occupy them until around 6 p.m. most weekdays (including weekends and often before school as well), as part of an effort to address juvenile delinquency.[citation needed].[44]

A growing number of primary school students also attend juku, private extracurricular study schools, in the evenings and on weekends. A focus by students on these other studies and the increasingly structured demands upon students' time has been criticized by teachers and in the media for contributing to a decline in classroom standards and student performance in recent years.[citation needed]

The ministry recognizes a need to improve the teaching of all foreign languages, especially English. To improve instruction in spoken English, the government invites many young native speakers of English to Japan to serve as assistants to school boards and prefectures under its Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET). Beginning with 848 participants in 1987, the program grew to a high of 6,273 participants in 2002.[45] The program was in a decline in recent years due to several factors, including repeated sex scandals, shrinking local school budgets funding the program, as well as an increasing number of school boards hiring their foreign native speakers directly or through lower-paying, private agencies. Today, the program is again growing due to English becoming a compulsory part of the elementary school curriculum in 2011/21**.[46]

Upper secondary school

A typical Japanese high school classroom

Though upper-secondary school is not compulsory in Japan, 94% of all junior high school graduates enrolled as of 2005. Upper secondary consists of three years.[47] Private upper-secondary schools account for about 55% of all upper-secondary schools, and neither public nor private schools are free.[citation needed] The Ministry of Education estimated that annual family expenses for the education of a child in a public upper-secondary school were about ¥300,000 in the 1980s and that private upper-secondary schools were about twice as expensive.

The most common type of upper-secondary school has a full-time, general program that offers academic courses for students preparing for higher education as well as technical and vocational courses for students expecting to find employment after graduation. More than 70% of upper-secondary school students were enrolled in the general academic program in the late 1980s. A small number of schools offer part-time programs, evening courses, or correspondence education.

The first-year programs for students in both academic and commercial courses are similar. They include basic academic courses, such as Japanese language, English, mathematics, and science. In upper-secondary school, differences in ability are first publicly acknowledged, and course content and course selection are far more individualized in the second year. However, there is a core of academic material throughout all programs.

Vocational-technical programs include several hundred specialized courses, such as information processing, navigation, fish farming, business, English, and ceramics. Business and industrial courses are the most popular, accounting for 72% of all students in full-time vocational programs in 1989.

Most upper-secondary teachers are university graduates. Upper-secondary schools are organized into departments, and teachers specialize in their major fields although they teach a variety of courses within their disciplines. Teaching depends largely on the lecture system, with the main goal of covering the very demanding curriculum in the time allotted. Approach and subject coverage tend to be uniform, at least in public schools.

Training of disabled students, particularly at the upper-secondary level, emphasizes vocational education to enable students to be as independent as possible within society. Vocational training varies considerably depending on the student's disability, but the options are limited for some. The government is aware of the necessity of broadening the range of possibilities for these students. Advancement to higher education is also a goal of the government, and it struggles to have institutions of higher learning accept more students with disabilities.

Higher and tertiary education

Higher and tertiareducationns in Japan is provided in universities (daigaku), junior colleges (tanki daigaku), colleges of technology (koto senmon gakko), and special training colleges (senmon gakko). Of these four types of institutions, only universities and junior colleges are strictly considered as higher education.

As of 2017, more than 2.89 million students were enrolled in 780 universities.[48] At the top of the higher education structure, these institutions provide a four-year training leading to a bachelor's degree, and some offer six-year programs leading to a professional degree. There are two types of public four-year universities: the 86 national universities (including the Open University of Japan) and the 95 local public universities, founded by prefectures and municipalities. The 597 remaining four-year colleges in 2010 were private. With a wealth of opportunities for students wishing to pursue tertiary education, the nation's prestigious schools are the most appealing for students seeking top employment prospects.[49] The University of Tokyo and Kyoto University, the nation's oldest universities, are the most prestigious and selective. In terms of international recognition, there are 51 Japanese universities listed on the QS World University Rankings 2024, with the University of Tokyo ranked 28th and Kyoto University 46th.[50]

Most university and college students attend full-time day programs. In 1990 the most popular courses, enrolling almost 40 percent of all undergraduate students, were in the social sciences, including business, law, and accounting. Other popular fields were engineering (19 percent), the humanities (15 percent), and education (7 percent).

The average costs (tuition, fees, and living expenses) for a year of higher education in 1986 were ¥1.4 million. Some students work part-time or take out loans through the government-supported Japan Scholarship Association, local governments, non-profit corporations, and other institutions.

School subjects at the secondary level

The following is the set of compulsory subjects currently taught in the Japanese education system from the primary to secondary levels:

In Japanese elementary, junior, and senior secondary schools, textbooks that have passed the certification process from the Ministry of Education (MEXT) must be used.[51]

Academic grading

Japanese schools tend to follow different academic grading principles. Many universities use the following for assessment scores and marks:

Grade in Japanese (Kanji) English translation Corresponding percentage 4-scale university
shū (秀) Exemplary, excellent S (90–100%), rarely given
(優) Very good A (80–89%) A (80–100%)
ryō (良) Good B (70–79%) B (70–79%)
ka (可) Average, pass C (60–69%) C (60–69%)
' 'nin (認)[a] Approved, acceptable D/F (50–59%), uncommon D/F (50–59%), uncommon
fuka (不可) Unacceptable, failed F (0–59% or 0–49%) F (0–59% or 0–49%)

Primary school levels

Elementary school students (years 1 through 6) are expected to complete their compulsory primary school education (義務教育, gimu kyoiku) as well as pass the admissions examinations for junior high schools.

Secondary school levels

For students to enter the secondary school level, students are required to sit for and pass the admissions examinations set by the schools. Failure indicates that students cannot proceed to secondary school.

Secondary education in Japan is difficult because it rigorously prepares students for university entrance. Many parents often send children to private cram schools known as juku (塾) to help prepare them for university entrance examinations such as the National University Entrance Qualification Examination (大学入試共通テスト). Classes for juku are typically held in the evenings after students have completed their regular day courses.

Most secondary schools in Japan have a numerical grading system from 5 to 1 with 5 being the highest score.[52]

Government intervention

Under the Basic Act on Education (2007) Japan has signed to provide equal opportunity in education including individuals with disabilities. Along with the Basic Act on Education, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was passed in 200 and was ratified in 2014 as part of welfare.[53] These two acts promised that the national and local governments would provide special needs education programs with adequate accommodation according to their level of disability.[54] The purpose of the Special Needs Education is to help individuals develop their potential under their capabilities to gain independence and to gain vocational training in special fields. Some schools accommodate students with a disability under traditional school settings, but in certain cases, students are placed in independent schools specialized in the special needs education program.[55] This program supports students with visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical disability, emotional behavioral disorder, learning disabilities, speech-language impairment (communication disorder), health impairment and development delay. [56]


Children with disabilities, along with their parents, did not have a voice until the 1990s when special needs education started to receive public attention. Before then, children with disability were recognized as "slow learners" or "difficult to blend in".[57] The education department of the Japanese government slowly started to focus on giving equal rights to children with disability, and the first major reform began as an introduction of a "Resource Room System", which served as a supplemental special need program for students with disabilities attending traditional school settings. Furth, er in 2006, a greater educational reform took place to promote the notion of "inclusive education". The inclusion education program came into action due to the influence of three political factors; the international movement for school inclusion, the reform of welfare for people with disabilities, and a general reform of the education system in Japan.[58][59] The purpose of this act was to avoid isolation of students with disability with the rest of the mainstream society and integrate special need education with traditional education system by providing a more universal and diverse classroom setting.[60] In recent years, the Japanese government continues to pass equal rights to children with disability under special need education and inclusive education as public welfare.

Extracurricular activities

The Japanese educational system is supplemented by a heavy emphasis on extracurricular activities, also known as shadow education, which are any educational activities that do not take place during formal schooling.[61] This is largely motivated by the extreme weight that is placed upon formal examinations as a prerequisite to attend university, something that is seen as integral to their future career and social statusToto gain a competitive edge, Japanese families are willing to expend money and have their child put in time and effort into a supplementary education.[62] Forms of shadow education include mogi shiken, which are practice exams given by private companies that determine the child's chances of getting into a university. Juku are private after-school classes that aim to develop abilities for students to excel in formal school curricula or to prepare for university examinations. Ronin are students who undergo full-time preparation for university exams following high school due to their inability to get into their school of choice.[63]

Over 86% of students with college plans participate in at least one form of shadow education, with 60% participating in two or more.[63]


Suicide rate of Japanese students since 1988.[2]

Japanese students are faced with immense pressure to succeed academically from their parents, teachers, peers, and society. This is largely a result of a society that has long placed a great amount of importance on education, and a system that places all of its weight upon a single examination that has significant life-long consequences. This pressure has led to behaviors such as school violence, cheating, suicide, and significant psychological harm.[64] In some cases, students have experienced nervous breakdowns that have required hospitalization as young as twelve. In 1991, it was reported that 1,333 people in the age group of 15–24 had killed themselves, much of which was due to academic pressure.[65] In an international perspective, teenage suicide rates are close to the OECD average and below those of the United States.[66] A survey by the Education Ministry showed that students at public schools were involved in a record number of violent incidents in 2007: 52,756 cases, an increase of some 8,000 on the previous year. In almost 7,000 of these incidents, teachers were the target of assault.[67]

The Japanese educational system has also been criticized for failure to foster independent thinkers with cultural and artistic sensibility. Japanese students who attend schools overseas often face difficulty adapting and competing in that environment due to a lack of international viewpoints.[68]

There is also criticism about the amount of free time students are given and/or are allowed within their middle school and high school careers. As Japanese students grow, their time to assert what they have learned in class to real life is cut dramatically, starting with the elevation from elementary to lower secondary school.[69] A large part of this has to do with cram schooling, or Juku, which can start as early as elementary and takes full effect toward the end of junior high school, with roughly 60% of all students participating.[70] This number has increased drastically over the past couple decades,[70] as well as the view of Juku within the Japanese academic system. While initially seen as a problem, cram schools have become synonymous with Japan's schooling and are even seen as a support to the structure of said schooling.[71] With Juku costing between 600,000 and 1.5 million yen, depending on how old the student is and how much the guardian can pay, cram school is a very profitable part of the economy, with over 48,000 Juku schools active today.[72] With these extra school sessions ranging between 1 and 6 days a week on top of normal classes,[73] there is a fear that students will be unable to incorporate what they have learned into their lives, and thus could foreseeably lose the retained knowledge once the Entrance Exams are over.


There is criticism about insufficient efforts to reduce bullying in schools. In fiscal 2019, there were a record 612,496 bullying cases in schools across Japan. This includes public and, private elementary, junior high, high school, ls, and special schools for children with disabilities. Serious incidents with severe physical or psychological damage were 723 (a 20% increase from 2018). Bullying happens mostly in elementary schools (484,545 cases in 2019) followed by junior high schools (106,524 cases in 2019) and high schools (18,352 cases in 2019). In fiscal 2019, 317 students died from suicide of which 10 suffered from bullying. 61.9 percent of cases were verbal bullying and online bullying accounted for 18.9 percent in high schools. In 2019 there were 78,787 cases of violent acts by students in elementary, junior high, and high schools.[74]

International education

As of 2016, Japan has 30 to 40 international schools.[75] Many kindergarten-type schools use the word "international" in their names, but this is not an indicator that they are Japanese schools in the traditional sense. The United Nations University is located in Japan and Temple University has a branch campus in Japan. The International Christian University is an internationally top-ranked, partially English-taught university in Japan. Akita International University is also a partially English-taught university. Sophia University's Faculty of Liberal Arts and the Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures are fully taught in English. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies is a highly selective, specialist institution for International Studies and offers some languages that are rarely taught elsewhere in the world. Waseda University's Faculty of International Liberal Studies, Political Science & Economics, and Science & Engineering provide English-taught programs. Keio University's Faculty of Policy Management and Faculty of Economics also provide English-taught programs.

Top Global University Project

In 2018, the Ministry of Education implemented the Top Global University Project (TGU) to provide prioritized support to universities leading Japan in the process of internationalization and collaborative research. The project aims to reform existing personnel and education systems, deepen interactions with other leading universities and research institutions around the globe, and accelerate other education globalization initiatives. 13 universities were selected as Type A (Top Type) to lead Japan in world-leading research and education. 24 universities were selected as Top B (Global Traction Type) to help Japan become a more internationalized society.[76]

TGU selected universities

TGU Selected Universities
Type A (Top Type) Type B (Global Traction Type)
Hokkaido University Chiba University University of Aizu
Tohoku University Sophia University Shibaura Institute of Technology
University of Tsukuba Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Toyo University
University of Tokyo International Christian University Hosei University
Tokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo University of the Arts Meiji University
Tokyo Institute of Technology Nagaoka University of Technology Rikkyo University
Nagoya University Kanazawa University Soka University
Hiroshima University Toyohashi University of Technology International University of Japan
Osaka University Kyoto Institute of Technology Ritsumeikan University
Kyoto University Nara Institute of Science and Technology Kwansei Gakuin University
Kyushu University Okayama University Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Keio University Kumamoto University
Waseda University Akita International University

See also

By city


  1. ^ ' 'Nin or (合) is sometimes used in the event of passing without grading, such as through credit transfer.


  1. ^ "Education spending". OECD.
  2. ^ a b "Japan" (PDF). OECD. Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 June 2019. Retrieved 15 August 2019.
  3. ^ "Education and science expenditures of the government's general account in Japan from fiscal year 2012 to 2021". Statista Research Department.
  4. ^ a b c "Literacy and Language Classes in Community Centers". UNESCO. July 2016. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  5. ^ a b c "Education In Japan". World Education News and Reviews. 1 May 2005. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  6. ^ a b c "Japan". OECD. Retrieved 27 December 2023.
  7. ^ "High school graduation rates, by OECD country: 2014" (PDF). National Science Foundation. Retrieved 1 September 2022.
  8. ^ "Foreign Press Club of Japan Fact Book". Fpcj.jp. Archived from the original on 16 June 2013. Retrieved 19 January 2013.
  9. ^ "Key Features of OECD Programme for International Student Assessment 2018 (PISA 2018)" (PDF). National Institute for Educational Policy Research. p. 2. Retrieved 1 September 2022.
  10. ^ "Japan – Student performance (PISA 2015)". OECD. Retrieved 6 December 2020.
  11. ^ "PISA – Results in Focus - Japan" (PDF). OECD. 2018. p. 1. Retrieved 6 December 2020.
  12. ^ a b "Japan" (PDF). OECD. Retrieved 28 October 2016.
  13. ^ "Womenomics, Will women help solve Japan's economic problems?" (PDF). Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. 2019. p. 4. Retrieved 1 September 2022.
  14. ^ "Overview of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology" (PDF). MEXT. p. 29. Retrieved 7 September 2019.
  15. ^ Kelly, Boyd. (1999). Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, Vol. 1, p. 522; De Bary, William et al. (2005). Sources of Japanese Tradition, Vol. 2, p. 69.
  16. ^ a b Toyosawa, Noboru (1961). "Adult Education in Japan in the Edo Period". Adult Education. 12: 8–18. doi:10.1177/074171366101200102. S2CID 144238512.
  17. ^ "The University of Tokyo". The University of Tokyo. Retrieved 11 April 2024.
  18. ^ Kathleen S. Uno, Passages to Modernity: Motherhood, Childhood, and Social Reform in Early Twentieth Century Japan (1999)
  19. ^ Mark Jones, Children as Treasures: Childhood and the Middle Class in Early Twentieth Century Japan (2010)
  20. ^ 帝国図書館の歴史 History of the Imperial Library
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  67. ^ Getting children to get along. (2 December 2008). The Japan Times, Tokyo.
  68. ^ Bracey, Gerald (December 1997). "The Japanese Education System is a Failure, Say Some Japanese". Phi Delta Kappan. 79 (4): 328–330. ProQuest 218538321.
  69. ^ Hays, Jeffrey. "JAPANESE SALARYMEN | Facts and Details". factsanddetails.com. Retrieved 14 December 2020.
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  72. ^ Hays, Jeffrey. "SCHOOLS IN JAPAN: THE CULTURE, PEER GROUPS AND JUKU | Facts and Details". factsanddetails.com. Retrieved 14 December 2020.
  73. ^ "Japan's "Cram Schools" - Educational Leadership". www.ascd.org. Archived from the original on 10 April 2021. Retrieved 14 December 2020.
  74. ^ "Japan had record 610,000 school bullying cases in FY2019". Japan Today. 23 October 2020. Archived from the original on 25 October 2020.
  75. ^ "Member Schools – Japan Council of International Schools".
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Further reading