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Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Will Beback (talk | contribs) at 01:18, 3 July 2009 (restore - see existing sources - this article includes many assertions by and descriptions of LaRouche movement members). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This article is about the views of Lyndon LaRouche. For an overview of his organization, see LaRouche movement, and for the man himself, see Lyndon LaRouche.

The views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement cover a wide variety of topics including history, economics, politics and cultural issues. They are the source of much controversy; there are disputes over how to categorize them, complicated by the fact that they have changed over the years. LaRouche abandoned his Marxist orientation in the 1970s, and some critics said that moved to the right,[1][2] while others said that he remained a leftist or was a supporter of the Soviet Union.[3][4] LaRouche's supporters regard his views as those of a brilliant and original thinker. His critics regard them as being conspiratorial or anti-semitic.[5][6]


According to LaRouche's published writings, he regards government as an expression of the highest aspirations of the citizenry. He believes that the material and cultural progress of humanity is the proper concern of government, and that the state does not serve a merely negative function, e.g., to ward off hostile foreign powers or restrain criminals. LaRouche regards "freedom" as the right to participate in what he sees as the progress of humanity, which requires certain minimum standards of material well-being and universal public education to equip the citizen to play that role. In LaRouche's view, the political system that best enables this is the republic.[7]

The LaRouche network has issued statements on a number of controversial issues:

Theory of history as a conflict between elites

According to LaRouche's published writings, his political views originated in his opinions regarding epistemology and intellectual history. Beginning in the mid-1970s, he wrote numerous essays in which he claimed the history of European civilization is a millennia long war between two groups of societal elites. In 1978 he wrote The Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites, in which he interpreted conflict as a battle between two conflicting images of man, one proposed by Plato and the other proposed by Aristotle. LaRouche favors the Platonists and opposes the Aristoteleans. As LaRouche describes it, Plato and his followers saw the universe as an ongoing process of creation, in which man plays a central role through his powers of cognition. Aristotle and his followers, on the other hand, saw the universe as static and fixed, with humans being just another species of animal.[14]

The political expression of Platonism is the republic, while the rival Aristotelean view is oligarchical. The republicans seek a form of society that cherishes the creative mental powers of the individual, and seeks to cultivate those powers as the key to economic and cultural progress. The oligarchs seek to suppress the mental powers of the individual, because they prefer a fixed, feudal form of society, and consider change to be disruptive and dangerous.[14]

In LaRouche's opinion, the conflict between these two camps is the essence of politics, and all of the contemporary notions about "left vs. right" and "liberal vs. conservative" are nothing more than a red herring.[14]

LaRouche asserted in his Executive Intelligence Review that inner circles of the oligarchy recognize him as "the ancient and feared adversary of their own evil species" and consider him to be their "potential destroyer." LaRouche claimed in this article that when the oligarchy sees the influence of his work:

they tense, growling such phrases as 'potential danger', 'more dangerous than Hitler', 'kill it before it succeeds in getting a real foothold in shaping events.'[15]

Opposing this alien species is what LaRouche calls the "humanist" elite—the force of good in his world view, who are led today by LaRouche himself. LaRouche claims that the struggle of the two elites is reflected in the opposing images of man proposed by Plato and Aristotle, and the camps that follow them.[16] Additionally, he discusses internal battles within each major religion occurring between Platonic and Aristotelean factions. In the case of Judaism, he says that at the time of the Roman Empire, "...Judaism itself was divided between the reactionary 'orthodox' currents and the tendency for a humanistic, Neoplatonic transformation of Judaism." LaRouche writes:

Later, when Philo of Alexandria attempted to develop a Platonic version of Judaism (the roots of the later Sephardic tradition of Maimonides and Avencibrol), Philo avoided, for obvious political reasons, simply throwing out the mess before him. He attempted to circumvent the problem by the rabbinical, Pharasaical ruse of the "commentary," tolerating the text while fundamentally altering the reading to be attributed to it. The Christian Apostles, confronted with the same general problem, rid Christianity of the worst implications of the Old Testament by emphasizing the "Dispensation of Christ," and warning against the dangers of the "concision." Christ had freed man from such barbarisms as the Old Testament.[17]

LaRouche emphasizes the importance of the Renaissance as a point in the history of Europe when there was a major resurgence of Platonic thinking. European culture gradually embraced the idea of progress, a radical shift from feudalism, which was characterized by the Aristotelean view of the universe as fixed and unchanging.[14]

He believes that the American Revolution and the adoption of the U.S. Constitution mark a watershed in history, as the most successful attempt to put the republican theory of politics into practice. He also places great importance on the Monroe Doctrine, believing that it is the mission of the United States to oppose colonialism and imperialism.[18]


Despite his lack of academic qualifications, LaRouche has written extensively on economic subjects. He regards economics as the "mother of the sciences", and often combines discussion of economics with a discussion of science, philosophy and culture.

Although LaRouche espoused Marxism in the 1960s, he abandoned it in favor of what he calls the "American System" in the 1970s. The term "American System" was originally associated with Henry Clay. LaRouche also says that this school of thought is based on the economic policies of Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's advisor Henry Carey, as well as those of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In practice this means massive state investment in infrastructure projects and protectionist measures such as protective tariffs.[19][20]

LaRouche believes that capitalism is not, as Marxists argue, the principal enemy of progress. He argues that an oligarchical faction within the financial community is in fact the principal enemy of progress. This elite conspiracy, he says, predates and transcends both capitalism and socialism.[14]

He has argued that a fundamental question of economics is the problem of diminishing resources. He believes that this can be overcome through the creative power of the human mind, which makes it possible to harness elements of nature that were once considered useless, such as oil, and then find new resources before the old ones have been depleted. Thus, in LaRouche's view, the principal subject of economics is the ability of the cognitive powers of the individual human mind to make new "discoveries of universal principles." These discoveries, LaRouche says, lead to revolutions in technology, which re-define man's relationship to nature in a non-linear way (LaRouche's most recent book on economics, entitled The Economics of the Noösphere, praises the ideas of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky). Such revolutions, he says, are contingent on the viability of the culture, on its capacity to absorb and transmit new ideas. He believes that the most historically successful culture is what he calls the classical culture of Ancient Greece during the time of Plato, or the culture of Europe in the centuries following the Renaissance.[21]

LaRouche supports extensive government intervention, both in terms of regulating sectors of the economy that are essential to the well-being of the nation (infrastructure), and in terms of providing credits for investment in infrastructure projects and science projects such as NASA that are too large and long-term for any private firm to pursue. LaRouche points to policies such as Abraham Lincoln's transcontinental railroad and Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Tennessee Valley Authority as examples of successful economic policy. LaRouche also supports the selective use of government's power both to tax and to issue credits (see national bank) as a means of encouraging productive investment, while discouraging speculation. He calls for greater federal investment in science and technology, particularly the space program and nuclear energy, with an emphasis on nuclear fusion.[22][23][24]

He believes that if governments do not play a strong role in directing national economies, the gap will be filled by several kinds of monopolies and cartels. It is because of this that LaRouche opposes Free Trade and globalism and supports protectionism.[25]

LaRouche maintains that supranational financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund are committed to a policy of looting the living standards of the world's populations through austerity and speculation, while contracting the actual productive base of these economies– a policy that he claims is a revival of the economic approach of the German central banker Hjalmar Schacht, who held office both before and during the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler. To remedy this, LaRouche proposes a new international conference, modeled on the Bretton Woods conference, for the purpose of reorganizing a bankrupt monetary system, and eliminating most of the presently unpayable debt. For example, he advocates the retroactive cancellation of all financial derivatives contracts. He proposes that new credits be created for very large infrastructure projects all over the world; LaRouche has published specific proposals for such projects in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North and South America, and Australia. LaRouche considers it to be the unfinished mission of the United States of America to end any form of colonialism, which he associates in particular with the austerity policies of the International Monetary Fund in the post-1972 period.[26][27][28]

LaRouche–Riemann Method

According to LaRouche, the LaRouche–Riemann Method was built on the application of LaRouche's concepts to the theories of Bernhard Riemann.

LaRouche posits axiomatically non-linear notions of individual human cognition to the science of physical economy, established in the late 17th century by Gottfried Leibniz. LaRouche claims to have located the determining, non-linear factor in increase of society's potential relative population-density in the relation to the development of advanced productive designs. In his subsequent search for a measurable standard for this treatment of the role of human cognition, LaRouche adopted the Leibniz-Gauss-Riemann standpoint, as represented by Riemann's 1852 habilitation dissertation to form the LaRouche-Riemann Method.[29][30]

With the formulation of this method, LaRouche claims success as a long-range forecaster. LaRouche says that he predicted that if the policies of the Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower presidencies persisted, the second half of the 1960s would experience a series of international financial-monetary crises, leading toward a breakdown in the existing Bretton Woods system. The LaRouche-Riemann Method predictions for the future included a systemic crisis, and a general breakdown crisis of the global system if monetarist forms of austerity measures were continued.[31] On July 25, 2007, LaRouche stated in a webcast that "There is no possibility of a non-collapse of the present financial system—none! It's finished, now!."[32]

Triple Curve

The "Triple Curve", or "typical collapse function", is an economic model developed by LaRouche which purports to illustrate the growth of financial aggregates at the expense of the physical economy and how this leads to an inevitably collapsing bubble economy.

According to this model, speculative gains in financial markets are sustained by diverting monetary flows out of the real economy, into financial markets. This is sustained, increasingly, by looting the economic basis through large-scale attrition in basic economic infrastructure, and by driving down the net after-inflation prices paid for wages and production of operatives. Thus, the charting economic data should show a "Triple Curve":

  • A hyperbolic curve, upward, of financial aggregates;
  • A slower, but also hyperbolic curve, upward, of monetary aggregate needed to sustain the financial bubble;
  • An accelerating, downward, curve in net per-capita real output. This reflects the accelerated looting of the physical economy's base to sustain the financial bubble.

LaRouche developed this concept, which was an outgrowth of his theories of physical principle, dating from a project he conducted during the late 1940s and early 1950s. These theories arose out of his opposition to Bertrand Russell devotee Norbert Wiener's efforts, as in the latter's 1948 "Cybernetics", to apply information theory to communication of ideas. As part of that same project, he also opposed what he calls Russell devotee John von Neumann's efforts to degrade real economic processes to solutions for systems of simultaneous linear inequalities.[33]

Physical science

LaRouche associates himself with what he characterizes as the Platonic current in physical science.[14] He writes of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa's work, De Docta Ignorantia, that it "became the keystone of a series of scientific papers on which the principal line of progress of modern, and also viable European science depended: that best typified by the work of Cusa himself, Luca Pacioli, Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, Pierre de Fermat, Gottfried Leibniz, Carl F. Gauss, and Bernhard Riemann."[34] According to an official biographical sketch, LaRouche "rejects the empiricist, cartesian, and positivist notions of both 'objective science,' and the separation of science from art."[35] He has made attacks on Sir Isaac Newton, alleging that he and his associates plagiarized Kepler's discovery of universal gravitation and arrived at an inferior version, as is illustrated by the Three Body Problem, although neither version gives a general solution.[36] He also asserts that Newton's version of the Calculus is inferior to that of Leibniz.[37] (see also Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy.) LaRouche has called Newton a "half-witted hoaxster and specialist in witchcraft."[38] (see Isaac Newton's occult studies.)

Notable proposals

"Operación Juárez"

In 1982, LaRouche prepared a proposal, named for Mexican President Benito Juárez, for an alliance among Ibero-American nations to defend themselves against predatory policies by the private banks, the IMF, and the World Bank. The plan also called for "reorganizing the pooled debts of South and Central America as a source of long-term, low-interest credit, for great infrastructure and other high-technology projects."[39][40][41][42]

New Bretton Woods

Beginning in the late 1990s, LaRouche began to call for a "New Bretton Woods" conference, which would be a treaty conference, modeled on the original Bretton Woods Conference, "to replace the present bankrupt monetary system with a new one. A global debt reorganization, the establishment of fixed-parity exchange rates and a new set of trade and tariff agreements, are the absolute precondition for stability in world economic and financial relations, which is required for a return to economic growth." A letter endorsing the proposal was circulated in 1997 by LaRouche's wife, Helga Zepp LaRouche, and by Ukrainian parliamentarian Nataliya Vitrenko.[43]

In August 2001, a very different proposal, with the same name, was issued by investment banker Felix Rohatyn, who LaRouche considers to be one of his major opponents. LaRouche issued a press release challenging Rohatyn to defend his proposal.[44]

In October 2008, an article appeared in the Italian daily Corriere della Sera which was entitled "Bretton Woods #2 of LaRouche and Tremonti." Italian Economics Minister Giulio Tremonti, who has defined financial speculation as the "plague of the century," said that he had encountered "U.S. political guru Lyndon LaRouche, the historic enemy of financial speculation and deregulation" at a debate held in 2007 in Rome, and that he appreciates LaRouche's writings. According to the article, a group of Italian Senators led by Oskar Paterlini have asked the Berlesconi government to tackle the financial crisis using legislation developed by LaRouche in 2007. In this approach, public money should save only the commercial infrastructure required for the financing of productive enterprises.[45]

Eurasian Landbridge

Also in the late 1990s, LaRouche proposed a global infrastructure plan called the Eurasian Landbridge. It would be a network "infrastructure corridors", comprising high-speed rail (preferably Maglev trains,) combined with other infrastructure such as oil and gas pipelines and fiber-optic cables. Initially the priority would be to link Europe with the Pacific coast of Asia, but the proposal envisions a network that would eventually extend through the Middle East into Africa, and would also link up to North and South America through a tunnel under the Bering Straits.[46][47]

"Three Steps to Survival"

On March 17, 2008, LaRouche issued a statement called "Three Steps to Survival,"[48] comprising proposals he had made during the previous years in an effort to forestall the Financial crisis of 2007–2008. The three steps are:

  • Pass the "Homeowners and Banks Protection Act of 2007," a bill proposed by LaRouche which would freeze mortgage rates, ban foreclosures and put the banking system through a bankruptcy reorganization[49]
  • Initiate a two-tier credit system, with low-interest, government issued credit for physical-economic recovery programs, and a higher rate for other types of credit
  • Found a Four Powers Agreement between the U.S., Russia, China, and India, for the purposes of launching the New Bretton Woods and related proposals to replace the collapsed system of globalization.

LaRouche also reiterated his demand that the present financial system, dominated by derivatives, be recognized as bankrupt and be replaced with a new system.

LaRouche vs. the media

There are a number of characterizations of LaRouche's views that, during the late 1980s and early 1990s, routinely appeared in many American and British news media, and are regarded by LaRouche and his organization as malicious distortions, or black propaganda. Referring to what it terms the "John Train Salon," a grouping which included Chip Berlet and Dennis King, the LaRouche organization writes: ";Train's documented function was to establish the common guidelines for the 'black propaganda' lies to be used jointly by the U.S. news media. During 1984–1988, virtually all of the often massive coverage of LaRouche in the U.S. major news media was lies based on the 1983–1984 formulas adopted by the Train salon."[50]

One example that has appeared in many press accounts is the claim that LaRouche said "The Queen of England is a drug dealer." According to EIR, this "bit of black propaganda is a reference to the book Dope, Inc., first published in 1979, which laid bare the role of the London-centered offshore financial institutions and allied intelligence services, in running the global drug trade, from the time of Britain's nineteenth-century Opium Wars against China."[51]

Marxist roots

Lyndon LaRouche began his political career as a Marxist but he and his National Caucus of Labor Committees abandoned this outlook in the 1970s. LaRouche no longer opposes capitalism as an economic system, and his analysis of political events is no longer phrased in terms of class. To LaRouche, the main enemy is now the conspiracy of financiers he calls the Synarchist International.

According to Tim Wohlforth, during and after the period of his break with orthodox Trotskyism, LaRouche's theory was influenced by what he called his "Theory of Hegemony" which was derived from Lenin's view of the role of intellectuals in being a vanguard helping workers develop their consciousness and realise their leading role in society. He was also influenced by Gramsci's concept of a hegemon as an intellectual and cultural elite which directs social thought. LaRouche's theory saw himself and his followers as being able to become such a hegemonic force. He rejected, however, Gramsci's notion of "organic intellectuals" being developed by the working class itself. Rather, the working class would be led by elite intellectuals such as himself.[52]

LaRouche was also influenced by his readings of Rosa Luxemburg's The Accumulation of Capital and Karl Marx's Capital developing his own "theory of reindustralization", arguing that the west would attempt to industrialize the Third World, particularly India, and attempt to solve the economic crisis both by developing new markets in the Third World and using its cheap and surplus labor to increase profits and minimise costs (see neocolonialism.) This attempt would be unsuccessful, however, and would lead to catastrophic economic collapse.[citation needed] To oppose this, LaRouche argued for a "reindustrialization" of the United States with himself at the vanguard of the effort allowing him to personally resolve the crisis of capitalism. Though his arguments have since been stripped of their quasi-Marxist language and citations, his core theories have remained essentially the same since the late 1960s.[52]

Wohlforth writes:

This scheme, which shaped LaRouche writings and agitation in the late '60s and early '70s, was presented in an increasingly frenetic manner, bolstered by predictions of economic doom. LaRouche was a crisis-monger of the highest order. LaRouche and his followers became increasingly convinced that the fate of the world rested with their group and their great leader. The problem lay with the stupidity of the nation's leaders and the boorishness of the masses. If only LaRouche were in power, all the world's troubles– perhaps even the rats problem in New York City– would be resolved swiftly.[52]


According to LaRouche, the first fascist state was France under Napoleon Bonaparte. European oligarchical forces, he says, intervened in the French Revolution to prevent it from becoming a republican, American-style revolution, and steered it instead toward becoming a bloodbath followed by a dictatorship. LaRouche calls this the beginning of modern synarchism, a revival of feudal-Venetian methods.[53]

LaRouche, points to a specific economic policy as the foundation of fascism: it is a situation where the financial system has become insolvent, and rather than put it through a bankruptcy reorganization, the ruling powers attempt to prop it up by cannibalizing the workforce through radical austerity and forced-labor policies. LaRouche identifies these policies particularly with German finance minister Hjalmar Schacht, whom LaRouche considers to be instrumental in bringing Adolf Hitler to power.[54] With the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1972, LaRouche warned that key financial institutions of the world were committed to a revival of Schacht's policies, first in the form of intensified exploitation of the Third World, and increasingly with respect to the economic policies of the more wealthy nations toward their own populations.[55] He also accuses the Neo-conservatives of being modern-day fascists:

Today, the systemic principle of modern fascism, as traced from Tomas de Torquemada and Napoleon Bonaparte's Martinist political tailor, Count Joseph de Maistre, is also costumed in such cloaks as those worn by the neo-conservatives of the Mont Pelerin Society and American Enterprise Institute.[56]

LaRouche himself frequently describes his enemies as fascists or proto-fascists. On the other hand, LaRouche himself is frequently described by some critics as a fascist. Journalist Dennis King used this thesis in the title of his book Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism.

Operation Mop-Up, which is said to have consisted of violent physical attacks on left-wing meetings, is the genesis of most accusations of LaRouche being a fascist.[57]

Since the 1980s, a new set of theories about fascism has gained attention in academia. These include the work of Roger Griffin (fascism as a right-wing populist movement calling for heroic rebirth– palingenesis) and Emilio Gentile (the sacralization of politics). According to Griffin:

[F]ascism is best defined as a revolutionary form of nationalism, one that sets out to be a political, social and ethical revolution, welding the ‘people’ into a dynamic national community under new elites infused with heroic values. The core myth that inspires this project is that only a populist, trans-class movement of purifying, cathartic national rebirth (palingenesis) can stem the tide of decadence”[58]

Using these and related theories, critics such as Chip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons have described LaRouche as a neofascist. According to Berlet and Lyons:

Though often dismissed as a bizarre political cult, the LaRouche organization and its various front groups are a fascist movement whose pronouncements echo elements of Nazi ideology....Beginning in the 1970s, the LaRouchites combined populist antielitism with attacks on leftists, environmentalists, feminists, gay men and lesbians, and organized labor. They advocated a dictatorship in which a 'humanist' elite would rule on behalf of industrial capitalists. They developed an idiosyncratic, coded variation on the Illuminati Freemason and Jewish banker conspiracy theories. Their views, though exotic, were internally consistent and rooted in right-wing populist traditions."[59]

According to research conducted by journalist Dennis King, LaRouche developed an intense interest in fascism in the 1970s, and began to adopt some of its slogans and practices, while maintaining an outward stance of anti-fascism. King generally claims that LaRouche's public statements do not reflect his actual views.[60]

As for moving from the left to the right, historically a number of fascists started out as socialists, and critics argue this is the case with LaRouche.[61][62][63][64][65][66][67]

Conspiracy theories

LaRouche steered the NCLC away from the Marxist left while retaining some of the slogans and attitudes of the left. LaRouche's critics, particularly Dennis King and Chip Berlet, characterize his new orientation as being a conspiracy theory worldview, or conspiracism. They say the Marxist concept of the ruling class was converted by LaRouche into a conspiracy theory, in which world capitalism was controlled by a cabal including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, and the Council on Foreign Relations.[68][69][70]

LaRouche writes, "to conspire is human", and while dismissing what he calls the "populist forms of 'conspiracy theories,'" such as those of the John Birch Society,[71] he also criticizes the critics of "conspiracy theorizing", as typified by Daniel Pipes:

The pervasive fraud in Pipes' dogma, is that he evades the fact, that the primary issue is whether a certain type of, or particular report of a conspiracy is truthful, or not. On this account, he perpetrates the widely practiced fraud of petitio principii: asserting that the mere evidence that a conspiracy is implied in an argument of a case, is presumptive proof that that argument is therefore axiomatically false, without further consideration,[72]

In the 1960s and 1970s, LaRouche was particularly focused on the supposed danger posed by globalists such as Nelson Rockefeller believing that they were attempting to rescue a debt-strapped international financial system by imposing austerity and forced-labor programs on impoverished populations in order to facilitate debt collection. LaRouche called this "Fascism with a Democratic Face", and charged that it was similar to the tactics of German Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht.[73]

LaRouche has also argued that Adolf Hitler was brought to power by the British; Menachem Begin's "policies are indistinguishable... from Nazi policies";[74] The Beatles were "a product shaped according to British Psychological Warfare Division specifications;[75][76] and that rogue elements within the American military took part in, or planned, the September 11, 2001 attacks as part of a coup d'état.[77][78]

In "An Open Letter to President Brezhnev" (June 2, 1981) LaRouche identified those pushing the world toward war as "the forces behind the World Wildlife Fund, the Club of Rome, and the heritage of H. G. Wells and the evil Bertrand Russell."

LaRouche claims there is also a conspiracy by the "Establishment" and the press it allegedly controls to deny him coverage and prevent his views becoming known.[79]

The "British" conspiracy

LaRouche has asserted that the Queen of England is not merely a figurehead, but it is the absolute, authoritative, functional head of state for the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, meaning that in effect she personally runs the military and intelligence services of those countries. He said in an interview to the Peruvian magazine Gente that she seeks to "liquidate the sovereignty" of every nation state in the Americas.[80]

According to Chip Berlet and Dennis King, LaRouche has always been stridently anti-British and has included Queen Elizabeth II, the British Royal Family, and others, in his list of conspirators who are said to control the world's political economy and the international drug trade.[81][82].[83] In addition, "The Sexual Congress for Cultural Fascism" (2004) names the British Fabian Society as a potential source of international conspiratorial authority, citing the membership of prominent British democratic socialists and social democrats, especially within the Labour Party and the British government.[84]

LaRouche is known for alleging conspiracies by the British. This is based primarily on three books authored by members of his organization:

  • Dope, Inc. by David Goldman, Konstandinos Kalimtgis and Jeffrey Steinberg, 1978 (ISBN 0918388082): this book discusses the history of narcotics trafficking, beginning with the Opium War, and alleges that British interests continued to dominate the field up to the modern era, for example through money laundering in British offshore banking colonies. The heart of the conspiracy, according to LaRouche, is the financial elite of the City of London. In an interview, LaRouche asserted that of the Queen, "Of course she's pushing drugs...that is in the sense of a responsibility: the head of a gang that is pushing drugs; she knows it is happening and she isn't stopping it."
  • The Civil War and the American System by Allen Salibury, 1979 (ISBN : 0918388023): alleges that British interests encouraged and financed the secession movement and supported the Confederacy against the Union in the American Civil War, because they preferred North America to be a primitive agrarian economy that they could dominate through policies of free trade.
  • The New Dark Ages Conspiracy by Carol White, 1980 (ISBN 093348805X): alleges that a group of British intellectuals led by Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells attempted to control scientific progress in order to keep the world backward and more easily managed by Imperialism. In this conspiracy theory, Wells wished Science to be controlled by some kind of priesthood and kept from the common man, while Russell wished to stifle it altogether by restricting it to a closed system of formal logic, that would prohibit the introduction of new ideas. This conspiracy also involved the promotion of the counterculture.

LaRouche publications have also frequently referred to a speech by Henry Kissinger made at Chatham House in 1982, as evidence for a theory that Kissinger was a British agent. In this speech, Kissinger said that he preferred the post-war policy of Churchill over that of FDR, and stated that "In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department."[85]

An article published in 1998 by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard claimed that LaRouche had said the Queen was involved in the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales.[86] The LaRouche publication EIR responded that Evans-Pritchard's article was "pure fiction", written in response to author Jeff Steinberg's appearance on the British ITV television program about the Diana controversy. Steinberg, however, "refused to rule out" the possibility that Prince Philip had ordered an assassination of Diana.[87]

In 1999, an article in the LaRouche-controlled Executive Intelligence Review accused senior advisers to the Royal family and MI6 of threatening to assassinate him, after a British women's magazine called Take a Break published an article about him entitled "Shut This Man's Mouth."[88] On August 2, 1999, Debra Hanania-Freeman, national spokeswoman for LaRouche, issued the following statement about the alleged threat: "After consulting with security experts familiar with the modus operandi of British intelligence networks, we are treating the piece as a cover for an MI6 order, probably with direct backing from someone in the royal household, to assassinate Lyndon LaRouche.... The inflammatory article ... reflects a growing hysteria around Buckingham Palace, over the growing global influence of LaRouche's ideas and his continuing exposé of the British oligarchy...

"We are also passing the information on to the White House so they can assess whether the article also constitutes a threat to the security of President Clinton."[88]

Children of Satan

Beginning in 2003, LaRouche's presidential campaign committee distributed a series of pamphlets entitled "Children of Satan", which were later consolidated into a book by the same name. The pamphlets charged that there was a conspiracy dominated by what are called Straussians (followers of Leo Strauss) within the Bush administration, and that the dominant personality in this conspiracy was Dick Cheney (whose photo appears on the cover of the book.) LaRouche claimed that these conspirators deliberately misled the American public and the US Congress in order to initiate the US invasion of Iraq. They claimed that the Straussians created the Office of Special Plans in order to fabricate intelligence and bypass traditional intelligence channels.[89]

An important part of this theory was the LaRouchian analysis of the ideas of Leo Strauss, which borrowed heavily from the writings of Shadia Drury.[90] Neoconservative commentators, led by Robert Bartley of the Wall Street Journal, have condemned LaRouche's views on this subject, and worry that it may have influenced other commentators who subsequently published a similar analysis, such as Seymour Hersch and James Atlas of the New York Times. Bartley quotes the pamphlet's assertion that a "cabal of [Leo] Strauss disciples, along with an equally small circle of allied neo-conservative and Likudnik fellow-travelers" have plotted a "not-so-silent coup." Alleging that "Mr. LaRouche has chosen an Aryan-nation phrase for Jews (descendants of Cain, who was the result of Satan seducing Eve, in this perfervid theology)," Bartley terms the "Children of Satan" title "overt anti-Semitism." He also suggests that the use of the terms "Straussian" and "Neo-conservative" may be coded anti-Semitism when used by LaRouche and other writers.[91]

The Encyclopedia Judaica interprets the title "Children of Satan" to be a form of "masked anti-Semitism." An entry in the encyclopedia includes this passage: "A series of LaRouchite pamphlets calls the neoconservative movement the "Children of Satan," which links Jewish neo-conservatives to the historic rhetoric of the blood libel. In a twisted irony, the pamphlets imply the neoconservatives are the real neo-Nazis."[92]

Social engineering

LaRouche has charged that various projects were initiated in the post-World War II era to change the culture of the United States and Europe, in order to eradicate the vestiges of policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Among the key agencies of this social engineering project, according to LaRouche, were the Frankfurt School and the Congress for Cultural Freedom.[93][94] LaRouche has also claimed that the British Tavistock Institute is a "psychological warfare organization" which launched the "practice of mass-indoctrination" in use of cannabis and LSD.[95]

Conspiracies directed at himself

LaRouche has asserted that he is a target for assassination. He sued the City of New York in 1974, saying that CIA and British spies had brainwashed his associates into killing him.[96] In leaflets supporting his application of concealed weapons permits for his bodyguards in Leesburg, Virginia, he wrote:

I have a major personal security problem...[Without the permits] the assassination teams of professional mercenaries now being trained in Canada and along the Mexico border may be expected to start arriving on the streets of Leesburg...If they come, there will be many people dead or mutilated within as short an interval as 60 seconds of fire."[97]

According to the Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, LaRouche says he has been "threatened by Communists, Zionists, narcotics gangsters, the Rockefellers and international terrorists."[98] LaRouche made a speech in 1983, stating that,

Since late 1973, I have been repeatedly the target of serious assassination threats and my wife has been three times the target of attempted assassination...My enemies are the circles of McGeorge Bundy, Henry Kissinger, Soviet President Yuri Andropov, W. Averell Harriman, certain powerful bankers, and the Socialist and Nazi Internationals, as well as international drug traffickers, Colonel Gadaffi, Ayatollah Khomaini and the Malthusian lobby."[99]

Regarding LaRouche's paramilitary security force, armed with semi-automatic weapons,[100] a spokesperson said that they were necessary because LaRouche was the subject of "assassination conspiracies".[101] LaRouche testified 1986 that "I have been 'safe-housed' by friends and associates in many different places because of threats to my physical security".[102] Later that same year his "heavily fortified"[103] estate was surrounded by law enforcement officers during a search of his offices. While surrounded, LaRouche sent a telegraph to President Ronald Reagan saying that an attempt to arrest him "would be an attempt to kill me. I will not submit passively to such an arrest, but ... I will defend myself."[104] During the subsequent federal trial he was driven to court in an armored limousine, and a bodyguard accompanied him into the courtroom, while another guard stood outside the door. When convicted he predicted that he would be assassinated in prison. A cellmate, televangelist Jim Bakker, later wrote, "To say that Lyndon was slightly paranoid would be like saying the Titanic had a bit of a leak."[105]

In his 1988 autobiography, LaRouche says the raid on his operation was the work of Raisa Gorbachev, whom he describes as outranking her husband Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev in the nomenklatura due to her leadership of the Soviet Cultural Fund.[106] LaRouche asserted in 2004 that the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was "used, and therefore probably intended, to set into motion an environment for what would later pass as a 'justified, retaliatory'" killing of LaRouche."[107] In an interview the same year, he said that the Soviet Union opposed him because he invented the Strategic Defense Initiative. "The Soviet government hated me for it. Gorbachev also hated my guts and called for my assassination and imprisonment and so forth." LaRouche asserted that he has survived these threats because of protection by unnamed U.S. government officials. "Even when they don't like me, they consider me a national asset, and they don't like to have their national assets killed."[108]

LaRouche has charged that much negative press coverage during the 1980s, as well as aspects of his trial, was orchestrated by powerful persons from outside the journalistic community. In particular he names John Train, who he says "took charge of key aspects of the propaganda and witness tampering."[109] He also names Richard Mellon Scaife as a financier of the efforts against him.[110] More recently, he has claimed that negative coverage in the British press was orchestrated by Baroness Elizabeth Symons.[111]

Culture and identity

LaRouche wrote a series of articles while imprisoned for conspiracy to commit mail fraud and tax evasion in the 1990s, in which he discussed the relationship of artistic creativity to scientific creativity, and how an original discovery may be communicated to others; these articles were entitled "On the Subject of Metaphor."

LaRouche frequently recounts an incident which took place during his wartime service:

Later, as a young man, shortly after the close of World War II, I first heard a recorded performance by conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, while I was stationed temporarily at an army camp outside Calcutta, India. My recognition of the qualitative superiority of Furtwängler's conducting, an effect which I later identified with his use of the phrase "playing between the notes", had a profound impact, in its contribution to shaping my view of Classical artistic composition in general.[112]

Central to LaRouche's theory of economics (see above) is the idea that there are certain higher mental capacities, associated with hypothesis formation, that are the essential topic of study in economics, and LaRouche came to believe that classical art, and in particular classical music, provided the most useful domain in which to investigate these capacities. Consequently, classical music has played a central role in the history of LaRouche and his network, and brought LaRouche into a collaborative relationship with artists such as Norbert Brainin and William Warfield.[113][114]

LaRouche's views about several other areas of culture have been controversial; especially comments about Jews and the Holocaust, women and feminism, and AIDS and homosexuals.

Zionism, Jews, and the Holocaust

LaRouche condemns anti-Semitism in his published writings. He writes, "Religious and racial hatred, such as anti-Semitism, or hatred against Islam, or hatred of Christians, is, on record of known history, the most evil expression of criminality to be seen on the planet today."[115] However, he has been accused of anti-Semitism and also Holocaust denial.

From the early 1970s he regularly criticized Zionism. In NCLC publications during the 1970s, some Jewish individuals were accused of running the slave trade, controlling organized crime, and the drug trade. LaRouche also claimed that the "Zionist lobby" significantly influenced the U.S. government. Any American professing "Zionist loyalties" was, he said, a "national security risk." However, during this period LaRouche publications such as Campaigner magazine often promoted Philo of Alexandria and Maimonides as positive examples of the "Platonic humanist current in Judaism", and most of the leadership of the NCLC was Jewish. In 1979 the LaRouche publication Campaigner published an issue entitled "Zionism is not Judaism."

Dennis King has described LaRouche as expressing anti-Semitic ideas in both open and coded form. As an example of the open form, King cites LaRouche's statement (under the pen name L. Marcus[116] ) in The Case of Ludwig Feuerbach (1973), where he said that "Jewish culture ... is merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim." As an example of the coded form, King alleges that when LaRouche and his followers use the term "British" in certain contexts which King characterizes as "conspiracist" or "racialist", they actually mean "Jewish."[117] One example is an unsigned editorial in the official LaRouche newspaper New Solidarity in 1978 which states: "America must be cleansed for its righteous war by the immediate elimination of the Nazi Jewish Lobby and other British agents from the councils of government, industry, and labor." King also writes that a photograph from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory of a fusion experiment, published in various LaRouche publications, was "reminiscent of the swastika."

LaRouche has also been accused of Holocaust denial. In 1978, LaRouche wrote (in "New Pamphlet to Document Cult Origins of Zionism", New Solidarity, December 8, 1978) that only 1.5 million Jews died during World War II:

It is argued that the culmination of the persecution of the Jews in the Nazi holocaust proves that Zionism is so essential to 'Jewish survival' that any anti-Zionist is therefore not only an anti-Semite, but that any sort of criminal action is excusable against anti-Zionists in memory of the mythical 'six million Jewish victims' of the Nazi "holocaust."
This is worse than sophistry. It is a lie. True, about a million and a half Jews did die as a result of the Nazi policy of labor-intensive "appropriate technology" for the employment of "inferior races", a small fraction of the tens of million of others– especially Slavs– who were murdered in the same way Jewish refugee Felix Rohatyn proposes today. Even on a relative scale, what the Nazis did to Jewish victims was mild compared with the virtual extermination of Gypsies and the butchery of Communists.

LaRouche places the word "holocaust" in quotation marks (British: inverted commas), or scare quotes.

LaRouche's critics claim he is a "disguised anti-Semite", in that he takes the classical anti-Semitic conspiracy theory and substitutes the word "Zionist" for the word "Jew", and ascribes the classical anti-Semitic caricature of the "scheming Jew" to particular Jewish individuals and groups of Jews, rather than to the Jews as a whole.[118][119][120][121] According to LaRouche:

The Czarist Okhrana's Protocols of Zion include a hard kernel of truth which no mere Swiss court decision could legislate out of existence. The fallacy of the Protocols of Zion is that it attributes the alleged conspiracy to Jews generally, to Judaism. A corrected version of The Protocols would stipulate that the evil oaths cited were actually the practices of variously a Paris branch of B'nai B'rith and the evidence the Okhrana turned up in tracing the penetration of the Romanian branch of B'nai B'rith (Zion) into such Russian centres of relevance as Odessa...

LaRouche's stated principal target in his article is "Zionism." Zionism is a Jewish political movement supporting the creation and, since 1948, defense of Israel as a Jewish state. LaRouche believes that Zionism is an underground conspiracy existing since the 16th century.[citation needed] "Modern Zionism was not created by Jews, but was a project developed chiefly by Oxford University", LaRouche says. LaRouche denies equating "Zionism" with Judaism.[122]

In 1978, the same year LaRouche's article cited The Protocols, the LaRouche group published Dope, Inc.: Britain’s Opium War against the U.S., which cited the Protocols and defended its authenticity, likening the "Elders of Zion" to the Rothschild banking family, the British Royal family, and the Italian Mafia, and the Israeli Mossad, General Pike, and the B'nai B'rith. (Dope, Inc.) Later editions left out cites to The Protocols. This is the genesis of the claim that LaRouche has said the Queen of England runs drugs. When asked by an NBC reporter in 1984 about the Queen of England and drug running, LaRouche replied, "Of course she's pushing drugs...that is in a sense of responsibility: the head of a gang that is pushing drugs; she knows it's happening and she isn't stopping it."[123] Also in 1978, LaRouche wrote the essay entitled "The Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites," in which he refers to "the myth of the 'international Jewish conspiracy'" while discussing the "role of the Jewish financial houses in the horrors which have beset civilization since the eight century BC."[14]

LaRouche has said, Zionism is controlled by the financiers of London: "Zionism is the state of collective psychosis through which London manipulates most of the international Jewry", and "Zionist cultism is among the most important of the levers through which British criminality and miscalculation is plunging the world towards [war]." "You cannot be a Zionist and also a Jew", he writes.[124]

LaRouche has never explicitly repudiated the views expressed in the 1978 article. In 1980, New York state Judge Michael Dontzin ruled that: "Upon consideration of the voluminous evidence presented to the court, it is clear that ADL's characterization of plaintiffs as anti-Semitic constitutes fair comment. Plaintiffs have continuously expressed highly critical views about prominent Jewish figures, families and organizations, such as ADL and B'nai Brith and have connected them with plaintiffs' critical views on Zionism, Zionists, Mid-East foreign policy and international monetary policies."[125]

In recent years, however, LaRouche may have modified his views on these subjects. In 1999, he published an article called "A Personal Statement from Lyndon LaRouche on Music, Judaism, and Hitler." [126] In the course of a discussion on Moses Mendelssohn, he says: "Germany can never be truly freed from the legacy of Hitler's crimes, until the contributions of German Jews, in particular, are celebrated as an integral part of the honorable history of Germany." The article contains several other statements in similar vein, including praise for Walther Rathenau, the liberal Jewish foreign minister of the Weimar Republic, assassinated by a right-wing hit squad on June 24, 1922.

In the same article, he acknowledges that the Holocaust is neither "mythological" nor "Zionist": "We cannot allow 2,000 years of Jewish survival in Europe to be buried under the faceless stone epitaph which speaks only of a bare 13-odd years of Hitler's Holocaust." He explicitly states that "Yes, Hitler killed millions of Jews", a seeming contradiction of his 1978 statement that only 1.5 million died. This article has been perceived as a welcome modification of his controversial views of the Holocaust. In recent years, LaRouche publications have begun to feature articles praising the Yiddish Renaissance, such as "I.L. Peretz, Father of the Yiddish Renaissance". LaRouche and his organization have also maintained a public dialogue with Israeli and Jewish leaders, such as Maxim Ghilan, who advocates peaceful reconciliation with the Palestinians. LaRouche supporters cite these and other recent statements in asserting that LaRouche is not an anti-Semite.[citation needed]

The charge of anti-Semitism in the LaRouche network resurfaced in the media in 2004 in accounts of the death of a young Jewish student, Jeremiah Duggan, who had been attending a Schiller Institute event in Germany; and in criticism of how the LaRouche group framed the issue of the U.S.-led war in Iraq in ways that recalled anti-Semitic stereotypes. [citation needed]

LaRouche delivered a speech which was highly critical of Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ. This speech, and related articles from the LaRouche movement, attacked Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites.[127]

Chip Berlet argues that LaRouche indirectly expresses anti-Semitism through the use of "coded language" and by attacking neoconservatives.[128]. According to Berlet:

Antisemitic conspiracism is aggressively peddled to progressives by several rightwing groups including the international network run by Lyndon LaRouche, a frequently unsuccessful US presidential candidate. While LaRouche rhetoric can seem bonkers, his followers are successful in recruiting students on college campuses and in networking with some Black Nationalist groups. Sometimes Arab publications circulate articles from LaRouche group analysts. When LaRouche publications condemn the neoconservative policy advisers to President Bush as the ‘Children of Satan’, it echoes historic antisemitic rhetoric about evil Jewish conspiracies tracing back to medieval Europe.[129]

Daniel Levitas writes:

For almost three decades, Lyndon LaRouche has engaged in political activities that have been chameleonlike in their shifts from left to right; however, he has been consistent in creating and elaborating conspiracy theories that contain a strong dose of antisemitism.[130]

Psycho-sexuality and political organizing

In the early 1970s, LaRouche published controversial comments about psycho-sexuality and political leadership.

In 1973, LaRouche authored an article called "Beyond Psychoanalysis". In the article, he uses the ideas of Sigmund Freud and also Lawrence S. Kubie (author of The Neurotic Distortion of the Creative Process) as a springboard for a theory that the understanding of difficult concepts, and the realization of a political sense of identity, were often "blocked" by neurotic habits of thinking that were cultural in origin. He theorized that each culture had characteristic flaws that resulted in blocks to effective political organizing. LaRouche and his colleagues conducted studies of different "national ideologies," including Germen, French, Italian, English, Latin American, Greek, and Swedish.[131]

In an article, "The Sexual Impotency of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party", LaRouche produced a harsh criticism of Machismo. He wrote that "the classical case is the sexually athletic Macho who regards himself as a successful performer in bed, the Macho who has much to say and think respecting his capacities for various modes of penetration and frequency and cubic centimeters of ejaculations. The ugly secret of the matter is that he is almost totally sexually impotent." Regarding the role of women, he adds, "The task of real women's liberation is to generally strengthen women's self-consciousness and their power and opportunities to act upon self-consciousness. ...Since the woman has a special, doubly-hard struggle to realize a socially potent intellectual life, it is necessary to go beyond mere self-consciousness of adult individual roles, to self-consciousness of the process of struggling against the special kinds of problems which confront women in their efforts to play a positive role in the socialist movement."[132]

LaRouche's critics cite anonymous disaffected ex-members, who claim that LaRouche held theories of sexual dynamics and female domination of men which resulted in a breakdown of relations between the sexes and the break up of dozens of relationships as women were attacked for being "sadistic bitches" and "witches", and for "mother-dominating" men. [133][134][135]

Several sources refer to an unpublished internal memo, dated August 16, 1973 and entitled "The Politics of Male Impotence." In this memo, LaRouche told his followers that the mother is the principal source of impotence. He wrote:

I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU ORGANIZERS– by taking your bedrooms away from you ... What I shall do is expose to you the cruel act of your sexual impotence ... I will take away from you all hope that you can flee the terrors of politics to the safety of 'personal life.' I shall do this by showing to you that your frightened personal sexual life contains for you such terrors as the outside world could never offer you. I will thus destroy your rabbit-holes, mental as well as physical. I shall destroy your sense of safety in the place to which you ordinarily imagine you can flee...Can we imagine anything much more viciously sadistic than the Black Ghetto mother?"[136][137]

A September 1973 editorial in the NCLC's Campaigner charged that "[c]oncretely, all across the U.S.A., there are workers who are prepared to fight. They are held back, most immediately, by pressure from their wives."

Gays and AIDS

In the 1970s and 1980s, LaRouche and his supporters frequently wrote articles containing animosity toward gay people. In 1986, an editorial in the LaRouche publication Illinois Tribunal wrote that "... as a category, gays and lesbians do not represent a valid voting constituency, and neither do prostitutes, drug pushers, child molesters, warlocks, witches, pornographers, or others who are morally equivalent."[138]

LaRouche has often written that governments must actively "isolate" AIDS patients from the general population. In 1986 he speculated that, if governments do not take "credible action," lynch mobs of violence-prone teenagers might begin to attack suspected AIDS carriers, beginning in Britain and then spreading to other countries. "Short of medical means, not in sight until a time too late to save many nations, the only solution is either public health measures including isolation as necessary, or 'accelerated deaths' of carriers." [139]

LaRouche activists formed the "Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Committee" (PANIC) in 1986, and in 1988 the "Prevent AIDS Now In California" (also PANIC) committee, each of which placed initiatives on the state ballot. While proponents argued that the measures would merely return AIDS to the list of communicable diseases under the public health laws, opponents characterized it as an effort to force HIV-positive individuals out of their jobs and into quarantine. According to Helen Miramontes, R. N.. President California Nurses Association, "Health professionals believe that Proposition 64 would seriously hurt their ability to treat and find a cure for AIDS. Current medical efforts based on years of research will be undermined by the fear generated by this irrational proposition."

LaRouche defended the efforts in a 1986 speech:

We have another purpose in fighting AIDS, for our fighting AIDS — for our inducing people to do what they should have done anyway without our speaking a word. Government agencies should have done this. There should be no issue! But government agencies didn't! That's the issue. Why didn't they? Because of a cultural paradigm shift. They did not want, on the one hand, to estrange the votes of a bunch of faggots and cocaine sniffers, the organized gay lobby, as it's called in the United States. (I don't know why they're "gay," they're the most miserable creatures I ever saw! The so-called gay lobby, 8% of the population, the adult electorate; the drug users ..."[140]

Both messages were defeated at the polls and LaRouche subsequently appeared to modify his views. In a meeting webcast on December 11, 1999, he said:

Look, take the case of AIDS, which I've been attacked for by all kinds of crazy people. I proposed that we mobilize $40 billion from the Federal government — that's back in the middle of the 1980s — to combat a danger, an epidemic disease of a new type, which implicitly threatens all mankind, which has — it's also in the United States, and it's in Africa: In Africa, because of environmental conditions and other tropical-disease conditions, the rate of spread of AIDS is now that most of the population of black Africa is threatened by virtual extinction — not total extinction, but near-extinction ... Who cares about whether the guy's a homosexual? It's irrelevant! It's a human being who is suffering from a disease, who needs help and protection ... Who wants to make a category of "homosexuals"? I don't believe in it; it's not a legitimate category. It's just people, people who are suffering and dying.[141]

Cultural outlook

LaRouche often disparages the counterculture. In 1978, he wrote that "The Beatles had no genuine musical talent, but were a product shaped according to British Psychological Warfare Division (Tavistock) specifications, and promoted in Britain by agencies which are controlled by British intelligence."[142][143] LaRouche publications have also criticized China's ten year Cultural Revolution, characterizing it as a British-directed project to weaken China by countering the movement of Sun Yat-Sen and reducing China to a "primativist hell."[144] LaRouche wrote in 1975 that:

The paranoid state is characteristic of the 'village commune' culture. Objectively, the model 'oriental village commune' is characterized by the fixing of the mode of production with a rigidity paralleling the behavioral stagnation of lower animal life....All the cognitive and related cultural achievements of capitalist development in music, philosophy, and so forth, are symptomatically denounced as 'in favor of the philosophical and cultural ideological relics of pre-1949 China's long barbarian past. Out of this hideous muck comes first a reactionary, actually counterrevolutionary rejection of the working class..."[145]

LaRouche and his publications have routinely praised the tradition of Confucius, which has been marginalized by the Communist government.[146][147]

What LaRouche supporters see as praising classic culture, LaRouche critics see as a bias against non-white, non-European, non-patriarchal, non-heterosexual cultures and identities.[148][149][150][151][152]

Another target of LaRouche was New Age writer Marilyn Ferguson. The movement organized protests against her book, The Aquarian Conspiracy, which LaRouche called "a challenge to the nation's grasp on reality."[153]

Video games

Lyndon LaRouche and associates have connected violent video games with campus shootings. In 2007, the LaRouche PAC and the LaRouche Youth Movement issued statements to the effect that Seung Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech massacre shooter, was addicted to point-and-shoot video games including "Counter-Strike".[154][155][156] LPAC representative Donald Phau testified before the Virginia inquiry that these video games are based on "killing simulators" developed by the army and should be banned.[157] These assertions brought forth responses in video game forums and blogs. Writers pointed to the official Commonwealth of Virginia report on the massacre, which found that Cho played only non-violent video games growing up and did not play at all in college.[158][159][160]


  • ^1 Berlet & Bellman 1989.
  • ^2 Berlet & Lyons 2000.
  • ^3 Berlet 2005.
  • ^4 Fraser nd.
  • ^5 Gilbert 2003.
  • ^6 King 1989.
  • ^4 LaRouche 2004.
  • ^7 Mintz 1985.
  • ^8 Wohlforth nd.


  • Berlet, Chip & Joel Bellman. (1989) Lyndon LaRouche: Fascism Wrapped in an American Flag. Print report, Political Research Associates. Also online at:[161]
  • Berlet, Chip; Lyons, Matthew N. (2000), Right-wing populism in America: Too Close for Comfort, New York: Guilford Press, ISBN 978-1572305625, OCLC 185635579
  • Berlet, Chip. (2005). "Protocols to the Left, Protocols to the Right: Conspiracism in American Political Discourse at the Turn of the Second Millennium", (dedicated to Jeremiah Duggan), paper presented at the conference: Reconsidering "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion": 100 Years After the Forgery, The Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies, Boston University, October 30–31, 2005.
  • Beyes-corleis, Aglaja; Küenzlen, mit Einem Vorwort von Gottfried (1994), Verirrt, Freiburg: Herder, ISBN 3-451-04278-9, OCLC 33502596
  • Fraser, Clara. LaRouche: Sex Maniac & Demagogue..
  • Gilbert, Helen (2003), Lyndon LaRouche: Fascism restyled for the new Millennium, Seattle, WA: Red Letter Press, ISBN 0-932323-21-9, OCLC 52554264
  • King, Dennis (1989), Lyndon LaRouche and the new American fascism, New York: Doubleday, ISBN 0-385-23880-0, OCLC 18684318
  • Kalimtgis, Konstandinos; Goldman, David; Steinberg, Jeffrey (1978), Dope, inc, New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co., ISBN 0918388082, OCLC 4492671 On the Protocols, see pp. 31–33; on the Rothschilds, see the chart on pp. 154–55, consult index for more than 20 page entries on the Rothschilds.
  • Wohlforth, Tim. (n.d.) A '60's Socialist Takes a Hard Right

Direct citations

  1. ^ Ideological Odyssey: From Old Left to Far Right John Mintz Washington Post January 14, 1985
  2. ^ Matthew Feldman; Griffin, Roger (2004). Fascism: critical concepts in political science. New York: Routledge. pp. 144–147. ISBN 0-415-29020-1.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/cult/larouche/main.htm
  4. ^ http://www.heritage.org/Research/PoliticalPhilosophy/IA28.cfm
  5. ^ ¤ Berlet, Chip. "Protocols to the Left, Protocols to the Right: Conspiracism in American Political Discourse at the Turn of the Second Millennium." Reconsidering "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion": 100 Years After the Forgery, October 30–31, 2005, Boston
    ¤ Berlet, Chip & Bellman Joe. "Lyndon LaRouche: Fascism Wrapped in an American Flag", Political Research Associates, March 10, 1989
    ¤ Berlet, Chip & Lyons, Matthew. Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort, Guilford, 2000. ISBN 1-57230-562-2
    ¤ Fraser, Clara. Revolution, She Wrote, Red Letter, 1998. ISBN 0-932323-04-9. See chapter called "LaRouche: Sex Maniac and Demagogue"
    ¤ Gilbert, Helen. Lyndon LaRouche: Fascism Restyled for the New Millennium, Red Letter, 2003. ISBN 0-932323-21-9
  6. ^ King, Dennis. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism, New York: Doubleday, 1989. ISBN 0-385-23880-0 Online text at here
    ¤ Mintz, John. "Ideological Odyssey: From Old Left to Far Right", The Washington Post, January 14, 1985
    ¤ Wohlforth, Tim. "A '60's Socialist Takes a Hard Right", Political Research Associates, March16, 2006.
  7. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "On the subject of Education," Executive Intelligence Review, December 11, 1999
  8. ^ Transcript of LaRouche webcast [1], published in EIR, October 18, 2002
  9. ^ Support Conyers' Health-Care Reform! Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. April 21, 2006
  10. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon. "The Great Luddite Hoax of 2007", Executive Intelligence Review, March 9, 2007.
  11. ^ Lyndon LaRouche to La Sapienza University: "What Is Creativity?" June 18-19, 2008 PDF
  12. ^ [2]
  13. ^ "Emergency World Reorganization: What Each Among All Nations Must Do Now" Lyndon LaRouche, September 27, 1998
  14. ^ a b c d e f g LaRouche, Lyndon, "The Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites," Campaigner, December 11, 1999
  15. ^ LaRouche, "The Elite That Can't Think Straight," Executive Intelligence Review, October 17, 1978
  16. ^ King, Chaps 28, 30
  17. ^ LaRouche, "Inner Elites," p. 12
  18. ^ Chaitkin, Anton, "John Quincy Adams and Universal America," Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1998
  19. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "LaRouche Advises Democrats On What They Must Do," Executive Intelligence Review, July 19, 2002
  20. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "The New Politics," Executive Intelligence Review, December 8, 2006
  21. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Visualizing the Complex Domain," Executive Intelligence Review, July 11, 2008
  22. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Deficits As Capital Gains: How To Capitalize A Recovery," LaRouche PAC statement, January 30, 2006
  23. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "LaRouche Calls for Launching of `Super-TVA': Candidate Pushes Emergency Infrastructure Jobs," LaRouche PAC statement, November 9, 2002
  24. ^ LaRouche PAC statement, "Chronology of Bering Strait Project"
  25. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Shaping Campaign Policy: Sedate that Accountant!" Executive Intelligence Review, July 18, 2003
  26. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Time To Reverse Shultz's Destruction of Exchange Controls" (webcast transcript,) Executive Intelligence Review, July 18, 2003
  27. ^ Steinberg, Jeffrie, "LaRouche: The Enemy Is Oligarchism," LaRouche PAC fact sheet, undated
  28. ^ Freeman, Richard, "How LaRouche Fought New York's Fascist Financial Dictatorship, 1975-82," Executive Intelligence Review, July 27, 2001
  29. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Non-Newtonian Mathematics for Economists," Fidelio, Winter 1995
  30. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "ECONOMY DESPITE ALAN GREENSPAN: What Connects the Dots?" Executive Intelligence Review, February 17, 2006
  31. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "The Economics 'I.Q.' Test" Executive Intelligence Review, May 14, 1999
  32. ^ [3]
  33. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, Information Society: A Doomed Empire of Evil" Executive Intelligence Review, April 13, 2000
  34. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "The State Of Our Union: The End of Our Delusion!" LaRouche PAC website, August 3, 2007
  35. ^ Biography of Lyndon LaRouche, Schiller Institute website.
  36. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Science is not statistics," EIR, September 15, 1997
  37. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Music and Statecraft: How Space is Organized," LaRouche PAC website, August 29, 2007
  38. ^ Lyndon LaRouche, "Actually Relive History!" September 29, 2006 [4]
  39. ^ Small, Dennis, "Mexico: The Return of Operation Juárez,", EIR, July 28, 2006
  40. ^ Press release: "LaRouche and López Portillo Address Meeting in Guadalajara To Define Way Out of International Financial Crisis", August 24, 2002
  41. ^ [5]
  42. ^ [6]
  43. ^ Schiller Institute statement, "A New Bretton Woods," Schiller Institute website
  44. ^ Press release, "LaRouche Issues Challenge To Banker Felix Rohatyn," August 24, 2004
  45. ^ Caizzi, Ivo, "Bretton Woods #2 of LaRouche and Tremonti,"[archiviostorico.corriere.it/2008/ottobre/20/Bretton_Woods_LaRouche_ Tremonti_ce_0_081020029.shtml], Corriere della Sera, October 20, 2008 – Google translation: [7]
  46. ^ Tennenbaum, Jonathan, "The New Eurasian Land-Bridge: Building Our Way Out of The Depression," Executive Intelligence Review, November 2, 2001
  47. ^ Small, Dennis, "Ibero-America and The World Land-Bridge," Executive Intelligence Review, March 1, 2002
  48. ^ DOOM HAS STRUCK!: Three Steps to Survival
  49. ^ [8]
  50. ^ "A Brief Biography of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.," EIR website
  51. ^ Editorial, "LaRouche's enemies are Clinton's enemies," Executive Intelligence Review, June 12, 1998
  52. ^ a b c Tim Wohlforth, "A '60's Socialist Takes a Hard Right.
  53. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "THE DLC WANES: Sewers Are Often Suburban" (Campaign Statement,) Executive Intelligence Review, August 8, 2003
  54. ^ Fact sheet, "LaRouche's Fateful Debate With Abba Lerner" Executive Intelligence Review, March 12, 2004
  55. ^ Fact sheet, "LaRouche's Fateful Debate With Abba Lerner" Executive Intelligence Review, March 12, 2004
  56. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, [http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2007/3402art_capital_bdgt.html The Lost Art of The Capital Budget] EIR January 12, 2007
  57. ^ "Chronology of Labor Committee Attacks, issued by New York Committee to Stop Terrorist Attacks, 1973; contemporary articles and photographs in the Daily World, the Militant, Workers Power, the Fifth Estate, the Boston Phoenix, and the Drummer; "An Introduction to NCLC: "The Word is Beware", Liberation New Service, #599, 23 March 1974; Charles M. Young, "Mind Control, Political Violence & Sexual Warfare: Inside the NCLC", Crawdaddy, June 1976, p. 48–56; TIP, 1976, NCLC: Brownshirts of the Seventies, Arlington, VA: Terrorist Information Project (TIP)
  58. ^ Roger Griffin, Nature of Fascism, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991, p. xi
  59. ^ Berlet, Chip & Lyons, Matthew N. Right-Wing Populism in America, p. 273.
  60. ^ CriticsKing-1
  61. ^ CriticsBerletBellman
  62. ^ CriticsBerletLyons
  63. ^ CriticsBerlet-1
  64. ^ CriticsFraser1
  65. ^ CriticsGilbert
  66. ^ CriticsKing-1
  67. ^ CriticsWohlforth
  68. ^ CriticsBerletBellman
  69. ^ CriticsBerletLyons
  70. ^ CriticsKing-1
  71. ^ [9] LaRouche, Lyndon, "The tale of the Hippopotamous", Executive Intelligence Review, February 20, 1998
  72. ^ [10] LaRouche, Lyndon, "The tale of the Hippopotamous", Executive Intelligence Review, February 20, 1998
  73. ^ Fact sheet, "LaRouche's Fateful Debate With Abba Lerner" Executive Intelligence Review, March 12, 2004
  74. ^ "Dialogue With LaRouche: You Must Be Willing To Tell the Truth!" Schiller Institute, May 1, 2002
  75. ^ Franklin, Will (2004-09-22). "LaRouche supporters tout message at U. Houston". University Wire. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  76. ^ "Cult of Lyn LaRouche: Confessions of a Failed Genius" The Bruin Standard: A journal of politics and culture at UCLA by Garin Hovannisian, October 1, 2006
  77. ^ Witt, April (2004-10-24). "No Joke; Eight-time presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche may be a punchline on 'The Simpsons,' but his organization – and the effect it has on young recruits – is dead serious". The Washington Post. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); |section= ignored (help)
  78. ^ "Zbigniew Brzezinski and September 11th" by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. December 23, 2001
  79. ^ "The Washington Post's and KKK-Katie Graham's 25-Year War Against LaRouche" by Jeffrey Steinberg
  80. ^ cite web |url=http://larouchepub.com/lar/2000/2727_gente_interview.html |title=LaRouche Warns: `A World Conflagration Is Coming'
  81. ^ CriticsBerletBellman
  82. ^ CriticsKing-1
  83. ^ "The outer limits of American politics: Lyndon LaRouche And the New American Fascism by Dennis King", reviewed by David J. Garrow, The Washington Post, July 30, 1989
  84. ^ Sexualcongress
  85. ^ "Kissinger's Public Confession as an Agent of British Influence," Executive Intelligence Review, January 11, 2002
  86. ^ Pritchard-Evans, Ambrose. "US cult is source of theories", The Daily Telegraph, June 4, 1998.
  87. ^ Steinberg, Jeffrey, "New `Diana Wars' in Britain Put Focus on LaRouche", Executive Intelligence Review, June 19, 1998
  88. ^ a b "British Magazine Publishes Death Threat vs. LaRouche", Mark Burdman, Executive Intelligence Review, August 13, 1999
  89. ^ [11] Steinberg, Jeffrey, "LaRouche Exposé of Straussian `Children of Satan' Draws Blood", Executive Intelligence Review, May 16, 2003
  90. ^ Papert, Tony, "The Secret Kingdom of Leo Strauss," Executive Intelligence Review, April 18, 2003
  91. ^ [12] Robert L. Bartley, The Wall Street Journal, June 9, 2003
  92. ^ Hearst, Ernest, Chip Berlet, and Jack Porter. "Neo-Nazism." Encyclopaedia Judaica. Eds. Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik. Vol. 15. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. 74-82. 22 vols. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Thomson Gale.
  93. ^ Minnicino, Michael, "The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness," Fidelio, Winter 1992
  94. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "How `The Sexual Congress of Cultural Fascism' Ruined the U.S.A. and Gave Us `Beast-Man' Cheney," EIR, May 27, 2004
  95. ^ Transcript of LaRouche webcast [13], published in EIR, October 18, 2002
  96. ^ "LaRouche Filings: Plots, Spies; Judges Tomorrow to Sift Myriad Motions Filed by Corps of Lawyers", John Mintz, Washington Post, May 17, 1987
  97. ^ "Man who calls Queen a pusher worries town", Matthew Wald. Gazette. Montreal, Quebec April 14, 1986
  98. ^ "Federal Probe Pins Top Aides of LaRouche", Philip Shenon, Patriot– News, October 7, 1986
  99. ^ "Oddball tycoon wins some battles", John King, Globe and Mail, January 26, 1984
  100. ^ "1986 Authorities See Pattern of Threats, Plots Dark Side of LaRouche Empire Surfaces", Kevin Roderick, , Los Angeles Times, October 14, 1986
  101. ^ "CBS Sells Time To Fringe Candidate For Talk", Petter Kerr, New York Times January 22, 1984
  102. ^ "LaRouche Likens Himself To a Penniless Uncle", San Francisco Chronicle, September 10, 1986
  103. ^ "LaRouche Group, Long on the Political Fringe Gets Mainstream Scrutiny After Illinois Primary", Ellen Hume, Wall Street Journal, March 28, 1986
  104. ^ "Prosecutor Moves to Disarm LaRouche Guards; Lawyer for Security Men Tells Judge They Would Not Resist Law Enforcement Officers", John Mintz, Washington Post, January 31, 1987
  105. ^ www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ articles/A46883-2004Oct20_2.html
  106. ^ The Power of Reason: 1988, an autobiography by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., 1987, Executive Intelligence Review, Designed by World Composition Services, ISBN 0-943235-00-6, p. 309
  107. ^ "'Convict Him Or Kill Him': The Night They Came To Kill Me" by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. March 2, 2004 [14]
  108. ^ "Outsider making his 8th White House bid / LaRouche says he'd fix economy", Rachel Gravges, Houston Chronicle, March 6, 2004
  109. ^ "The John Train Salon Delivered Perjured Testimony in the 'Get LaRouche' Trials," EIR website
  110. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "He's a Bad Guy, But We Can't Say Why," EIR, March 10, 2000
  111. ^ Steinberg, Jeffrey, "The Bizarre Case of Baroness Symons," EIR, June 25, 2004
  112. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, On the Subject of Education, EIR December 17, 1999
  113. ^ Interview with Norbert Brainin, "Communicating Real Musical Ideas: A Life-Long Mission" Schiller Institute website
  114. ^ William Warfield obituary, "Weep not; he's not dead; he's resting in the bosom of Jesus" Schiller Institute website
  115. ^ http://larouchepub.com/lar/2006/3339_pope_press_hoax.html
  116. ^ Dillin, John (1986-03-27). "Lyndon LaRouche has got America's attention now!". Christian Science Monitor (Boston, MA). The Christian Science Publishing Society. p. 1. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)"Born to Quaker parents, LaRouche got his political start in the 1940s, when he was a member of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party. At the time he took the name Lyn Marcus, after Lenin and Marx." LaRouche writes in his autobiography that the pen name came from "Marco Polo", a childhood nickname of LaRouche, and suggests that the "Lenin-Marx" theory is a "bit of nonsense" that the media "copied from... Dennis King."
  117. ^ CriticsKing-1
  118. ^ CriticsBerletBellman
  119. ^ CriticsBerletLyons
  120. ^ CriticsBerlet-1
  121. ^ CriticsKing-1
  122. ^ Special issue, "Zionism is not Judaism," Campaigner, December 1978
  123. ^ (NBC News, First Camera, March 4, 1984, transcript from NBC News, excerpt used with permission).
  124. ^ Special issue, "Zionism is not Judaism," Campaigner, December 1978
  125. ^ http://justiceforjeremiah.com/larouche_network_canada.html
  126. ^ http://www.schillerinstitute.org/fid_97-01/fid_993_LaR_edit.html
  127. ^ "Film Review: Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of the Christ' - Laeouche on Mel Gibson"
  128. ^ CriticsBerlet-1
  129. ^ "Zog ate my brains", News International
  130. ^ Daniel Levitas, "Antisemitism and the Far Right: "Hate" Groups, White Supremacy, and the Neo-Nazi Movement", in ed. Jerome A. Chanes, Antisemitism in America Today: Outspoken Experts Explode the Myths, (New York: Birch Lane Press/Carol Publishing, 1995), pp. 191-192.
  131. ^ LaRouche, Lyndon, "Marat, De Sade, And `Greenspin'", EIR, June 29, 2001
  133. ^ CriticsBerletBellman
  134. ^ CriticsFraser1
  135. ^ CriticsKing-1
  136. ^ Mintz, John. "Ideological Odyssey: From Old Left to Far Right", The Washington Post, January 14, 1985. Copy of original available at Political Research Associates library; portions also cited in the High Times Reader, pp. 265-266.
  137. ^ Witt, April. "No Joke", The Washington Post, October 24, 2004.
  138. ^ ("End Harold Washington's Consistently Disgusting Career," Illinois Tribunal, July 7, 1986, editorial page).
  139. ^ ("Teenage Gangs' Lynching of Gays is Foreseen Soon" - Lyndon LaRouche, (1986))http://www.publiceye.org/larouche/Scans/lynchgays/usebats1.jpg] [15].
  140. ^ "The End of the Age of Aquarius?". Executive Intelligence Review, January 10, 1986)[16]
  141. ^ http://www.larouchespeaks.net/webcastpages/webcasttranscript121199.html
  142. ^ "Why Your Child Became A Drug Addict", Campaigner Special Report, 1978).
  143. ^ "A LaRouche Sampler", Public Eye
  144. ^ Billington, Michael, "The British role in creating Maoism", EIR, November 17, 1995
  145. ^ (Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., "What Happened to Integration?" The Campaigner, (Journal of the National Caucus of Labor Committees), Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1975, pp. 5-40; quote from section: "The Maoism Parallel", pages 26-27)."
  146. ^ "Will the U.S.A. keep its sovereignty?, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., October 30, 1999
  147. ^ Billington, Michael, "The British role in creating Maoism", EIR, November 17, 1995
  148. ^ CriticsBerletBellman
  149. ^ CriticsBerletLyons
  150. ^ CriticsFraser1
  151. ^ CriticsGilbert
  152. ^ CriticsKing-1
  153. ^ Woo, Elaine (2008-11-02). "MARILYN FERGUSON, 1938 - 2008; Writer was pivotal figure in New Age movement". Los Angeles Times. pp. B.10. ISSN 0458-3035. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  154. ^ VT Shooter WAS trained on Video Games
  155. ^ VA Tech Probe Not Over; Families May Sue State
  156. ^ Halo 3: The ‘Third Wave’ of Destroying the U.S.
  157. ^ MP3 file of Phau's testimony
  158. ^ Lyndon LaRouche Continues Anti-Video Game Crusade Despite Report Findings
  159. ^ Lyndon LaRouche: Halo 3 Dehumanizing America
  160. ^ Report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel: Mental Health History of Seung Hui Cho, p.32, 24.
  161. ^ http://www.publiceye.org/larouche/nclc1.html



LaRouche responses to critics