Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (M)
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M — Ma
M-theory -- Mac Lane's planarity criterion -- Machin-like formula -- Mackey topology -- Maclaurin's series -- MacTutor archive -- MacTutor History of Mathematics archive -- Magic constant -- Magic cube -- Magic Cube 5x5x5 -- Magic cube classes -- Magic hexagon -- Magic hypercube -- Magic series -- Magic square -- Magic star -- Magic tesseract -- Magma (algebra) -- Magma category -- Magma object -- Magnetic monopole -- Magnetic quantum number -- Magnetism -- Magnetogravitic tensor -- Magnitude -- Magnitude (mathematics) -- Mahalanobis distance -- Mahler measure -- Mahler's compactness theorem -- Mahler's theorem -- Mahlo cardinal -- Main diagonal -- Majority function -- Majorization -- Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix -- Malfatti circles -- Malliavin calculus -- Malnormal subgroup -- Malthusian growth model -- Management science -- Mandel notation -- Mandelbrot Competition -- Mandelbrot set -- Manhattan distance -- MANIAC II -- Manifold -- Manifold decomposition -- Manifold learning -- Mann-Whitney U -- MANOVA -- Mantel test -- Mantissa -- Many-one reduction -- Map-coloring games -- Map (mathematics) -- Map projection -- Mapping -- Mapping class group -- Mapping cone -- Mapping cylinder -- Mapping torus -- Marcinkiewicz theorem -- Margin of error -- Marginal distribution -- Marginal likelihood -- Marginal stability -- Marginal value theorem -- Margulis -- Mark and recapture -- Markov algorithm -- Markov blanket -- Markov chain -- Markov chain example -- Markov chain geostatistics -- Markov chain Monte Carlo -- Markov decision process -- Markov logic network -- Markov network -- Markov number -- Markov process -- Markov property -- Markovian -- Markov's inequality -- Marriage theorem -- Martingale -- Martingale central limit theorem -- Martingale representation theorem -- Martingale (roulette system) -- Martin's axiom -- Maschke theorem -- Maschke's theorem -- Massey product -- Master equation -- Master theorem -- Matched filter -- Matching -- Material equivalence -- Material implication -- Math A -- Math A/B -- Math B -- Math League -- Math rock -- Mathcore -- MathCounts -- Mathematica -- Mathematical abilities and gender issues -- Mathematical alphanumeric symbols -- Mathematical analysis -- Mathematical Association -- Mathematical Association of America -- Mathematical beauty -- Mathematical biology -- Mathematical Challenges -- Mathematical chemistry -- Mathematical coincidence -- Mathematical constant -- Mathematical constants (sorted by continued fraction representation) -- Mathematical economics -- Mathematical expression -- Mathematical finance -- Mathematical formalization of the statistical regression problem -- Mathematical formula -- Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics -- Mathematical game -- Mathematical HTML -- Mathematical induction -- Mathematical Intelligencer -- Mathematical jargon -- Mathematical joke -- Mathematical journal -- Mathematical Kangaroo -- Mathematical logic -- Mathematical logic glossary -- Mathematical model -- Mathematical morphology -- Mathematical notation -- Mathematical Olympiad Program -- Mathematical physics -- Mathematical practice -- Mathematical problem -- Mathematical proof -- Mathematical relation -- Mathematical relationship -- Mathematical Reviews -- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute -- Mathematical singularity -- Mathematical software -- Mathematical statistics -- Mathematical structure -- Mathematical table -- Mathematical Tables Project -- Mathematical variety -- Mathematician -- Mathematician manqué -- Mathematics -- Mathematics and architecture -- Mathematics and art -- Mathematics and God -- Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly -- Mathematics as a language -- Mathematics Competitions -- Mathematics education -- Mathematics Genealogy Project -- Mathematics of general relativity -- Mathematics of musical scales -- Mathematics of origami -- Mathematics of paper folding -- Mathematics of Sudoku -- Mathematics of the Western music scale -- Mathematics Subject Classification -- Mathematische Annalen -- Mathematische Arbeitstagung -- Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach -- Mathie -- Mathieu function -- Mathieu group -- MathML -- MathWorld -- Matiyasevich's theorem -- Matrix addition -- Matrix calculus -- Matrix chain multiplication -- Matrix congruence -- Matrix decomposition -- Matrix exponential -- Matrix group -- Matrix inversion -- Matrix (mathematics) -- Matrix method -- Matrix multiplication -- Matrix norm -- Matrix normal distribution -- Matrix population models -- Matrix representation -- Matrix representation of conic sections -- Matrix ring -- Matrix subtraction -- Matrix theory -- Matrix unit -- Matroid -- Matroid embedding -- Maurer-Cartan form -- Mautner's lemma -- Max cut -- Max-flow min-cut theorem -- Max Noether's theorem -- Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik -- Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences -- Maxima and minima -- Maximal compact subgroup -- Maximal consistent set -- Maximal element -- Maximal ideal -- Maximal independent set -- Maximal subgroup -- Maximal torus -- Maximally divisible number -- Maximum a posteriori -- Maximum entropy probability distribution -- Maximum flow problem -- Maximum likelihood -- Maximum likelihood estimation -- Maximum-margin hyperplane -- Maximum modulus principle -- Maximum power theorem -- Maximum principle -- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution -- Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics -- Maxwell stress tensor -- Maxwell's equations -- Maxwell's theorem -- Maya numerals -- Mayan numerals -- Mayer f-function -- Mayer-Vietoris sequence -- Mazur-Ulam theorem -- Mazur's torsion theorem
Mc — Me
McCarthy 91 function -- McCullagh's parametrization of the Cauchy distributions -- McNemar's test -- McNugget number -- MCS algorithm -- MD5 -- Mean -- Mean Absolute Percentage Error -- Mean curvature -- Mean lifetime -- Mean squared error -- Mean squared prediction error -- Mean value theorem -- Meander (mathematics) -- Measurable cardinal -- Measurable function -- Measurable space -- Measure (mathematics) -- Measure of non-compactness -- Measure polytope -- Measure-preserving dynamical system -- Measure-preserving transformation -- Measure theory -- Measure zero -- MECE principle -- Mechanical equilibrium -- Mechanical wave -- Medial -- Medial category -- Medial triangle -- Median -- Median filter -- Median (geometry) -- Median test -- Mediant (mathematics) -- Mediator variable -- Mehrotra predictor-corrector method -- Meissel-Mertens constant -- Mel frequency cepstral coefficient -- Mellin inversion theorem -- Mellin transform -- Membership function (mathematics) -- Memorylessness -- Men of Mathematics -- Menelaus' theorem -- Menger sponge -- Menger's theorem -- Mercator projection -- Mercator series -- Mercer's condition -- Mercer's theorem -- Mereotopology -- Mergelyan's theorem -- Meromorphic function -- Mersenne prime -- Mersenne twister -- Mertens conjecture -- Mertens function -- Mertens' theorems -- Meta-analysis -- Metabelian group -- Metabiaugmented dodecahedron -- Metabiaugmented hexagonal prism -- Metabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron -- Metabidiminished icosahedron -- Metabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Metabigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron -- Metacentric height -- Metagrobology -- Metagyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Metaheuristic -- Metalanguage -- Metalogic -- Metamathematics -- Metaplectic group -- Metaplectomorphism -- Metastability -- Method of analytic tableaux -- Method of characteristics -- Method of differences -- Method of distinguished element -- Method of exhaustion -- Method of Fluxions -- Method of least squares -- Method of moments -- Method of steepest descent -- Method of successive substitution -- Method of undetermined coefficients -- Method of variation of parameters -- Method ringing -- Methoden der mathematischen Physik -- Methods of computing square roots -- Methods of contour integration -- Metric -- Metric dimension (graph theory) -- Metric (mathematics) -- Metric signature -- Metric space -- Metric tensor -- Metric tensor (general relativity) -- Metric topology -- Metric unit of weight -- Metrication in Jamacia -- Metrization theorem -- Metropolis-Hastings algorithm -- Metropolis light transport -- Mex (mathematics) -- Mexican hat wavelet -- Meyer's theorem
Michelson-Morley experiment -- Middle-square method -- Midpoint -- Midpoint method -- Midrange -- Mihăilescu's theorem -- Millennium Prize Problems -- Miller index -- Miller-Rabin primality test -- Milliard -- Million million -- Millionth -- Mills' constant -- Milnor conjecture -- Milnor map -- Mimetic -- Min conflicts algorithm -- Min-entropy -- Min-max theorem -- Minimal convex decomposition -- Minimal counterexample -- Minimal model -- Minimal polynomial -- Minimal realization -- Minimal surface -- Minimax -- Minimax theorem -- Minimum degree algorithm -- Minimum mean-square error -- Minimum phase -- Minimum spanning tree -- Minimum-variance unbiased estimator -- Minimum Viable Population -- Minitab -- Minkowski addition -- Minkowski-Bouligand dimension -- Minkowski diagram -- Minkowski functional -- Minkowski-Hlawka theorem -- Minkowski inequality -- Minkowski space -- Minkowski's theorem -- Minor (graph theory) -- Minor (linear algebra) -- Minque -- Minute of arc -- Mirimanoff's congruence -- Mirror image -- Mirror symmetry -- MISER algorithm -- Misère game -- Missing square puzzle -- Missionaries and cannibals problem -- Misuse of statistics -- Mitchell's embedding theorem -- Mittag-Leffler function -- Mittag-Leffler's theorem -- Mix -- Mixed boundary condition -- Mixed integer programming -- Mixed radix -- Mixed tensor -- Mixing (mathematics) -- Mixing (physics) -- Mixture density -- Mixture model -- Mixture (probability) -- Mizar system
Mn — Mo
MNS matrix -- Möbius function -- Möbius inversion formula -- Möbius strip -- Möbius transform -- Möbius transformation -- Mod-arg form -- Modal operator -- Mode (statistics) -- Model (abstract) -- Model category -- Model checking -- Model predictive control -- Model structure -- Model theory -- Models of Non-Euclidean geometry -- Modified discrete cosine transform -- Modular arithmetic -- Modular curve -- Modular equation -- Modular exponentiation -- Modular form -- Modular function -- Modular group -- Modular group Gamma -- Modular group Gamma0 -- Modular group Lambda -- Modular representation theory -- Modular subgroup -- Module (mathematics) -- Moduli -- Moduli problem -- Moduli scheme -- Moduli space -- Modulo -- Modulo (jargon) -- Modulus -- Modulus and modulo -- Modulus of continuity -- Modus ponens -- Modus tollens -- Mohism -- Mohr-Coulomb theory -- Mohr–Mascheroni theorem -- Moiré effect -- Moiré pattern -- Molien series -- Mollifier -- Moment about the mean -- Moment-generating function -- Moment map -- Moment (mathematics) -- Moment of inertia -- Moment (physics) -- Moment problem -- Moments of a function of a random variable -- Momentum -- Monad (category theory) -- Monadic -- Monadic Boolean algebra -- Monadic logic -- Monads in functional programming -- Moneyline odds -- Monge array -- Monkey saddle -- Monochromatic triangle -- Monodromy -- Monoid -- Monoid (category theory) -- Monoid ring -- Monoidal category -- Monomial -- Monomial basis -- Monomial order -- Monomial representation -- Monomorphism -- Monopole (mathematics) -- Monotone convergence theorem -- Monotonic function -- Monster group -- Monster Lie algebra -- Monstrous moonshine -- Monte Carlo method -- Monte Carlo methods in finance -- Montel space -- Montel's theorem -- Montgomery reduction -- Montonen-Olive duality -- Monty Hall problem -- Monty Hell problem -- Moore method -- Moore space -- Morava K-theory -- Mordell conjecture -- Mordell curve -- Mordell–Weil theorem -- Moreau's necklace-counting function -- Morera's theorem -- Morin surface -- Morita equivalence -- Morlet wavelet -- Morley rank -- Morley's categoricity theorem -- Morley's problem -- Morley's theorem -- Morley's trisector theorem -- Morphism -- Morse homology -- Morse–Kelley set theory -- Morse theory -- Morton's theorem -- Moscow and Rhind Mathematical Papyri -- Moser polygon notation -- Most-perfect magic square -- Most significant bit -- Mostow rigidity theorem -- Mostowski collapse -- Motion control -- Motive (algebraic geometry) -- Motive (mathematics) -- Motivic cohomology -- Motor variable -- Motzkin number -- Motzkin prime -- Moufang loop -- Mouse (set theory) -- Move-to-front transform -- Moving frame -- Moyal product
Mp — Mu
MPS (format) -- Mrs. Miniver's problem -- MTD-f -- Mu Alpha Theta -- Mu Alpha Theta National Log 1 Contest -- Mu operator -- Muirhead's inequality -- Müller's method -- Multi-adjoint logic programming -- Multi-index notation -- Multi-valued logic -- Multicollinearity -- Multidimensional analysis -- Multidimensional scaling -- Multidisciplinary design optimization -- Multifractal analysis -- Multigraph -- Multigrid -- Multigrid method -- Multilateration -- Multilevel models -- Multilinear algebra -- Multilinear form -- Multilinear map -- Multimagic cube -- Multimagic square -- Multinomial -- Multinomial distribution -- Multinomial theorem -- Multiperfect number -- Multiphysics -- Multiple comparisons -- Multiple-conclusion logic -- Multiple correlation -- Multiple cross products -- Multiple integral -- Multiple (mathematics) -- Multiple regression -- Multiple testing -- Multiplication -- Multiplication algorithm -- Multiplication operator -- Multiplication table -- Multiplicative function -- Multiplicative group -- Multiplicative group of integers modulo n -- Multiplicative inverse -- Multiplicative order -- Multiplicative set -- Multiplicity -- Multiplier -- Multiplier (Fourier analysis) -- Multiply-accumulate -- Multiply perfect number -- Multipole expansion -- Multipole moments -- Multiresolution analysis -- Multiset -- Multistage sampling -- Multistep method -- Multivalued function -- Multivariable calculus -- Multivariate -- Multivariate division algorithm -- Multivariate gamma function -- Multivariate normal distribution -- Multivariate random variable -- Multivariate statistics -- Multivector -- Mumford conjecture -- Munkres' assignment algorithm -- Müntz–Szász theorem -- Murderous Maths -- Musical acoustics -- Musical isomorphism -- Mutation (knot theory) -- Mutual information -- Mutually exclusive
Mv — Mz
MV-algebra -- My Philosophical Development -- Myers theorem -- Myhill isomorphism theorem -- Myhill–Nerode theorem -- Myriad -- Myriagon -- Myriagonal number -- Myrillion -- Mysterious duality -- Mythical number --