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Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5/People/Religious figures

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Level 5 Sublists

Vital articles is a list of subjects for which Wikipedia should have corresponding high-quality articles. It serves as a centralized watchlist to track the status of Wikipedia's most essential articles. This is one of the sub-lists of the fifty thousand article Vital articles/Level 5 and is currently under construction.

Articles in the Vital list have their assessments labelled as:

  • Featured articles
  • Former featured articles
  • A-class articles
  • Good articles
  • Delisted good articles
  • Failed good article nominees
  • B-class articles
  • C-class articles
  • Start-class articles
  • Stub-class articles
  • List-class articles
  • Unassessed articles

The progress bar is auto-updated via category count, and the symbols and article counts are updated daily by User:cewbot. Please read the FAQ before modifying the article list.

Quota 500 articles.

Total 494 articles.

Class #Articles
FA 10
GA 30
B 2
C 2
DGA 14
Start 1



This section contains 36 articles.



This section contains 59 articles.

Buddhism: General


This section contains 8 articles.

  1. The Buddha
    1. Śuddhodana
  2. Nagarjuna
  3. Padmasambhava
  4. Saraha
  5. Sokei-an
  6. Thích Nhất Hạnh
  7. Mahapajapati Gotami

Chinese Buddhism


This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Bodhidharma
  2. Budai
  3. Dongshan Liangjie
  4. Lushan Huiyuan
  5. Huineng
  6. Kumārajīva
  7. Yunmen Wenyan
  8. Zhiyi

Indian Buddhism


This section contains 11 articles.

  1. Ānanda (Level 4)
  2. Asanga
  3. Atiśa
  4. Buddhaghosa
  5. Dignāga
  6. Khema
  7. Maudgalyayana (Level 4)
  8. Śāntarakṣita
  9. Śāriputra (Level 4)
  10. Uppalavanna
  11. Vasubandhu

Japanese Buddhism


This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Dōgen
  2. Eisai
  3. Hakuin Ekaku
  4. Kūkai
  5. D. T. Suzuki
  6. Shunryū Suzuki

Korean Buddhism


This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Ch'oe Ch'i-wŏn
  2. Jinul
  3. Wonhyo

Thai Buddhism


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Buddhadasa
  2. Somdej Toh

Tibetan Buddhism


This section contains 21 articles.

  1. Gampopa
  2. Garab Dorje
  3. Longchenpa
  4. Mandāravā
  5. Marpa Lotsawa
  6. Milarepa
  7. Naropa
  8. Tilopa
  9. Chögyam Trungpa
  10. Je Tsongkhapa
  11. Yeshe Tsogyal

Dalai Lamas


This section contains 10 articles.

  1. 1st Dalai Lama
  2. 2nd Dalai Lama
  3. 3rd Dalai Lama
  4. 4th Dalai Lama
  5. 5th Dalai Lama
  6. 6th Dalai Lama
  7. 7th Dalai Lama
  8. 8th Dalai Lama
  9. 13th Dalai Lama
  10. 14th Dalai Lama



This section contains 29 articles.

Note: Abraham, Moses, and other figures from Abrahamic mythology are listed on the philosophy and religion subpage.



This section contains 235 articles.

Note: Popes from 1054 to 1815 are listed under Politicians and leaders.

New Testament figures


This section contains 32 articles.

  1. Jesus (Level 3)
    1. Saint Joseph
    2. Mary, mother of Jesus
    3. James, brother of Jesus
  2. Apostles in the New Testament
    1. Andrew the Apostle
    2. Bartholomew the Apostle
    3. James, son of Alphaeus
    4. James the Great
    5. John the Apostle
    6. Judas Iscariot
    7. Jude the Apostle
    8. Matthew the Apostle
    9. Saint Peter
    10. Philip the Apostle
    11. Simon the Zealot
    12. Thomas the Apostle
  3. Barnabas
  4. Biblical Magi
  5. John the Baptist
  6. Lazarus of Bethany
  7. Luke the Evangelist
  8. Mark the Evangelist
  9. Martha
  10. Mary Magdalene (Level 4)
  11. Simon Magus
  12. Matthias the Apostle
  13. Paul the Apostle
  14. Pontius Pilate
  15. Silas
  16. Saint Stephen
  17. Saint Timothy



This section contains 57 articles.

  1. Ambrose
  2. Anthony the Great
  3. Arius
  4. Athanasius of Alexandria
  5. Augustine of Canterbury
  6. Basil of Caesarea
  7. Benedict of Nursia
  8. Saint Christopher
  9. Clement of Alexandria (Level 4)
  10. Clotilde
  11. Columba
  12. Cyril and Methodius
  13. Cyril of Alexandria
  14. Cyril of Jerusalem
  15. Denis of Paris
  16. Dionysius Exiguus
  17. Ephrem the Syrian
  18. Saint George
  19. Gregory of Narek
  20. Gregory of Nazianzus (Level 4)
  21. Gregory of Nyssa (Level 4)
  22. Hilary of Poitiers
  23. Hosius of Corduba
  24. Ignatius of Antioch
  25. Irenaeus
  26. Isidore of Seville
  27. Jerome
  28. John Chrysostom (Level 4)
  29. John of Damascus
  30. Marcion of Sinope
  31. Saint Marinus
  32. Martin of Tours
  33. Nestorius
  34. Saint Nicholas
  35. Origen (Level 4)
  36. Papias of Hierapolis
  37. Saint Patrick
  38. Peter Chrysologus
  39. Peter Damian
  40. Polycarp
  41. Tertullian
  42. Theodoret



This section contains 15 articles.

  1. Pope Linus
  2. Clement of Rome
  3. Pope Alexander I
  4. Pope Zephyrinus
  5. Pope Sylvester I
  6. Pope Damasus I
  7. Pope Leo I
  8. Pope Gregory I
  9. Pope Honorius I
  10. Pope Agatho
  11. Pope Gregory II
  12. Pope Leo III
  13. Pope John X
  14. Pope Sylvester II
  15. Pope Leo IX

Catholic Church


This section contains 69 articles.

Pre-modern, -1800


This section contains 40 articles.

  1. Albertus Magnus
  2. Anselm of Canterbury
  3. Anthony of Padua
  4. Thomas Becket
  5. Robert Bellarmine
  6. Bernard of Clairvaux
  7. Bonaventure
  8. Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
  9. Edmund Campion
  10. Peter Canisius
  11. Catherine of Siena
  12. Saint Dominic
  13. Johann Eck
  14. Meister Eckhart
  15. Peter Faber
  16. Francis of Assisi
  17. Blessed Gerard
  18. Aloysius Gonzaga
  19. Jan Hus
  20. Ignatius of Loyola
  21. Cornelius Jansen
  22. Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros
  23. John of Ávila
  24. John of the Cross
  25. Heinrich Kramer
  26. Lanfranc
  27. Alphonsus Liguori
  28. Peter the Hermit
  29. Charles Reynolds (cleric)
  30. Matteo Ricci
  31. Francis de Sales
  32. Junípero Serra
  33. Teresa of Ávila
  34. Johann Tetzel
  35. Thomas à Kempis
  36. Tomás de Torquemada
  37. Jacobus de Voragine
  38. Thomas Wolsey
  39. John Wycliffe
  40. Francis Xavier

Modern, 1800-present


This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo
  2. Frances Xavier Cabrini
  3. John Carroll (archbishop)
  4. Charles Coughlin
  5. Father Damien
  6. Dorothy Day
  7. Pierre-Jean De Smet
  8. Faustina Kowalska
  9. Mary MacKillop
  10. Thomas Merton
  11. John Henry Newman
  12. George Pell
  13. Padre Pio
  14. Óscar Romero
  15. Elizabeth Ann Seton
  16. Fulton J. Sheen
  17. Mother Teresa (Level 4)
  18. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
  19. Thérèse of Lisieux



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Pope Pius IX
  2. Pope Leo XIII
  3. Pope Pius X
  4. Pope Benedict XV
  5. Pope Pius XII
  6. Pope John XXIII
  7. Pope Paul VI
  8. Pope John Paul II (Level 4)
  9. Pope Benedict XVI
  10. Pope Francis

Orthodox Church


This section contains 18 articles.

  1. Alexius, Metropolitan of Kiev
  2. Patriarch Alexy I of Moscow
  3. Vladimir Bogoyavlensky
  4. Cyprian, Metropolitan of Kiev
  5. Philaret Drozdov
  6. Patriarch Hermogenes of Moscow
  7. Innocent of Alaska
  8. Isidore of Kiev
  9. Patriarch Job of Moscow
  10. Patriarch Joseph of Moscow
  11. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow
  12. Michael I Cerularius
  13. Patriarch Nikon of Moscow
  14. Philip II, Metropolitan of Moscow
  15. Patriarch Pimen I of Moscow
  16. Grigori Rasputin
  17. Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow
  18. Stefan Yavorsky



This section contains 49 articles.

Early modern, 1519-1800


This section contains 22 articles.

  1. Richard Allen (bishop)
  2. Jakob Ammann
  3. Jacobus Arminius
  4. Francis Asbury
  5. Martin Bucer
  6. John Calvin (Level 4)
  7. Thomas Cranmer (Level 4)
  8. Jonathan Edwards (theologian)
  9. George Fox
  10. John Knox (Level 4)
  11. Martin Luther (Level 3)
  12. Alexander Mack
  13. Cotton Mather
  14. Philip Melanchthon
  15. Menno Simons
  16. John Smyth (English theologian)
  17. William Tyndale
  18. Charles Wesley
  19. John Wesley
  20. George Whitefield
  21. Roger Williams
  22. Huldrych Zwingli (Level 4)

Modern, 1800-present


This section contains 27 articles.

  1. Jim Bakker
  2. Karl Barth
  3. Henry Ward Beecher
  4. Antoinette Brown Blackwell
  5. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  6. William M. Branham
  7. Jerry Falwell
  8. Charles Grandison Finney
  9. John Flynn (minister)
  10. Billy Graham
  11. John G. Lake
  12. Hal Lindsey
  13. Aimee Semple McPherson
  14. William Miller (preacher)
  15. John Mott
  16. Martin Niemöller
  17. Joel Osteen
  18. Phoebe Palmer
  19. Charles Fox Parham
  20. Oral Roberts
  21. Pat Robertson
  22. William J. Seymour
  23. Charles Spurgeon
  24. John Stott
  25. Desmond Tutu (Level 4)
  26. Ellen G. White
  27. James S. White



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Sidney Rigdon
  2. Joseph Smith (Level 4)
  3. Hyrum Smith
  4. Brigham Young



This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Ahn Sahng-hong
  2. William Ellery Channing
  3. Mary Baker Eddy
  4. Charles Taze Russell
  5. Joseph Franklin Rutherford
  6. Emanuel Swedenborg



This section contains 94 articles.

Islam: General


This section contains 21 articles.

  1. Muhammad (Level 3)
    1. Wives of Muhammad
      1. Khadija bint Khuwaylid
      2. Aisha
    2. Zayd ibn Haritha al-Kalbi
    3. Fatima
    4. Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib
    5. Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib
    6. Ibn Abbas
    7. Companions of the Prophet
  2. Abd Allah ibn Mas'ud
  3. Abd Allah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab
  4. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
  5. Abu al-Darda
  6. Abu Hurayra
  7. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari
  8. Abu Sufyan ibn Harb
  9. Bilal ibn Rabah
  10. Salman the Persian
  11. Ubayy ibn Ka'b
  12. Zayd ibn Thabit

Sunni Islam


This section contains 31 articles.

  1. Abdallah ibn Yasin
  2. Muhammad Abduh
  3. Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi
  4. Abu Hanifa
  5. Abu Hasan al-Ash'ari
  6. Abu Mansur al-Maturidi
  7. Ahmad ibn Hanbal
  8. Al-Dhahabi
  9. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi
  10. Fethullah Gülen
  11. Ibn Abidin
  12. Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
  13. Ibn Hazm
  14. Ibn Kathir
  15. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
  16. Ibn Taymiyya
  17. Al-Juwayni
  18. Malik ibn Anas
  19. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab
  20. Muhammad al-Bukhari
  21. Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj
  22. Al-Nawawi
  23. Al-Qurtubi
  24. Tariq Ramadan
  25. Al-Shafi'i
  26. Al-Suyuti
  27. Al-Tabari
  28. The ten to whom Paradise was promised
    1. Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf
    2. Sa'id ibn Zayd
    3. Talha ibn Ubayd Allah



This section contains 11 articles.

  1. Abdul Qadir Gilani
  2. Ahmad Sirhindi
  3. Baha' al-Din Naqshband
  4. Al-Ghazali
  5. Hasan al-Basri
  6. Ibn Arabi
  7. Junayd of Baghdad
  8. Al-Qushayri
  9. Rabia Basri
  10. Mulla Sadra
  11. Muhammad ibn Ali al-Sanusi

Shia Islam


This section contains 20 articles.

  1. Aga Khan III
  2. Ahl al-Bayt
    1. Ali
    2. Hasan ibn Ali
    3. Husayn ibn Ali
  3. Ali al-Hadi
  4. Ali al-Sajjad
  5. Ali al-Rida
  6. Mir Damad
  7. Fatima bint Musa
  8. Hasan al-Askari
  9. Ibn Babawayh
  10. Ja'far al-Sadiq
  11. Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi
  12. Muhammad al-Baqir
  13. Muhammad al-Jawad
  14. Muhammad al-Mahdi
  15. Musa al-Kazim
  16. Shaykh Tusi
  17. Zayd ibn Ali

Nation of Islam


This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Louis Farrakhan
  2. Wallace Fard Muhammad
  3. Elijah Muhammad



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Clarence 13X
  2. Abdul Basit 'Abd us-Samad
  3. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
  4. Ibn Tumart
  5. Jabir ibn Zayd
  6. Jahm bin Safwan
  7. Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
  8. Al-Zamakhshari

New religious movements


This section contains 28 articles.

Other religions


This section contains 13 articles.

Bahá'í Faith


This section contains 5 articles.

  1. ʻAbdu'l-Bahá
  2. Báb
  3. Baháʼu'lláh (Level 4)
  4. Shoghi Effendi
  5. Subh-i-Azal



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Mahavira (Level 4)
  2. Parshvanatha



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Mani (prophet)



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Guru Arjan
  2. Guru Gobind Singh
  3. Guru Nanak



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Kartir
  2. Zoroaster (Level 4)