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[[Islam in Burma|Muslim settlements]] have existed in Arakan since the arrival of [[Arab]]s there in the 8th century AD, though there is no clear connection between these early Arabs and the Rohingya, especially since the Rohingya are in many ways more [[Bengali people|Bengali]]. The direct descendants of Arab settlers are believed to live in central Arakan near [[Mrauk-U]] and [[Kyauktaw]] townships, rather than the [[Mayu Frontier Area]], the present day Rohingya populated area.<ref>{{harv|Aye Chan|2005|p=397}}</ref>
[[Islam in Burma|Muslim settlements]] have existed in Arakan since the arrival of [[Arab]]s there in the 8th century AD, though there is no clear connection between these early Arabs and the Rohingya, who are more closely related to [[Bengali people]]. The direct descendants of Arab settlers are believed to live in central Arakan near [[Mrauk-U]] and [[Kyauktaw]] townships, rather than the Mayu Frontier Area, the present day Rohingya populated area near the border of [[Chittagong Division]], [[Bangladesh]].<ref>{{harv|Aye Chan|2005|p=397}}</ref>

===Kingdom of Mrauk U===
The British census of 1891 reported 58,255 Muslims in Arakan. By 1911, the Muslim population had increased to 178,647.<ref>{{harv|Aye Chan|2005|p=401}}</ref> The waves of immigration were primary due to the requirement of cheap labor from [[British India]] to work in the paddy fields.
Early evidence of Bengali Muslim settlements in Arakan date back to the time of King Narameikhla (1404-1434), or Min Saw Mon, ruler of the [[Kingdom of Mrauk U]] in the early 15th century. After 24 years of exile in [[Bengal]], he regained control of the Arakanese throne in 1430 with military assistance from the [[Sultanate of Bengal]]. The Bengalis who came with him formed their own settlements in the region.<ref name="chan398">{{harv|Aye Chan|2005|p=398}}</ref><ref name="yegar23">{{cite book|last=Yegar|first=Moshe|title=Between integration and secession: The Muslim communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma / Myanmar|year=2002|publisher=[[Rowman & Littlefield{{!}}Lexington Books]]|location=Lanham, MD|isbn=0739103563|url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=S5q7qxi5LBgC&pg=PA23|accessdate=8 July 2012|page=23}}</ref> Narameikhla ceded some territory to the Sultan of Bengal and recognized his sovoreignity over the areas. In recognition of his kingdom's [[vassal state|vassal]] status, the kings of Arakan received [[Islam]]ic titles, despite being Buddhists, and legalized the use of Bengali [[Islamic gold dinar|Islamic coinage]] within the kingdom. Narameikhla minted his own coins with Burmese characters on one side and Persian characters on the other. Arakan remained subordinate to Bengal up until 1531.<ref name="yegar23"/>

Even after gaining independence from the Sultans of Bengal, the Arakanese kings continued the custom of maintaining Muslim titles.<ref>{{cite book|last=Yegar|first=Moshe|title=Between integration and secession: The Muslim communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma / Myanmar|year=2002|publisher=[[Rowman & Littlefield{{!}}Lexington Books]]|location=Lanham, MD|isbn=0739103563|url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=S5q7qxi5LBgC&pg=PA23|accessdate=8 July 2012|pages=23-4}}</ref> The kings compared themselves to [[Sultan]]s and fashioned themselves after [[Mughal Empire|Mughal]] rulers, despite remaining Buddhist. They also continued to employ Muslims in prestigious positions within the royal administration.<ref>{{cite book|last=Yegar|first=Moshe|title=Between integration and secession: The Muslim communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma / Myanmar|year=2002|publisher=[[Rowman & Littlefield{{!}}Lexington Books]]|location=Lanham, MD|isbn=0739103563|url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=S5q7qxi5LBgC&pg=PA24|accessdate=8 July 2012|page=24}}</ref> The Bengali Muslim population increased in the 17th century, as they were employed in a variety of workforces in Arakan. Some of them worked as [[Bengali language|Bengali]], [[Persian language|Persian]] and [[Arabic language|Arabic]] [[scribe]]s in the Arakanese courts, which, despite remaining mostly Buddhist, adopted Islamic fashions from the neighbouring Sultanate of Bengal.<ref name="chan398"/>
In 1939, The British authorities, who were wary of the long term animosity between the [[Rakhine people|Rakhine]] Buddhists and the Rohingya Muslims, formed a special Investigation Commission led by [[James Ester]] and U [[Tin Htut]] to study the issue of Muslim immigration into the Rakhine state. The commission recommended securing the border, however, with the onset of World War II, the British retreated from Arakan.<ref name=kzt/>

===Burmese conquest===
===World War 2 Japanese Occupation===
Following the [[Burmese people|Burmese]] conquest of Arakan in the 18th century, as many as 35,000 [[Arakanese people]] fled to the neighbouring [[Chittagong Division|Chittagong region]] of Bengal to avoid Burmese persecution and seek protection from [[British India]].<ref>{{harv|Aye Chan|2005|pp=398-9}}</ref> The Burmese rulers also deported a considerable portion of the Arakanese population to central Burma, leaving Arakan as a scarcely populated area by the time the British occupied it.<ref name="chan399">{{harv|Aye Chan|2005|p=399}}</ref>

===British colonial rule===
Due to Arakan being scarcely populated by the time they occupied it, British policy encouraged Bengali inhabitants from adjacent regions to migrate into fertile valleys of Arakan as [[agriculturalist]]s. The [[East India Company]] extended the [[Bengal Presidency|Bengal administration]] to Arakan, thus there was no international boundary between Bengal and Arakan, and no restrictions on migration between the regions. In the early 19th century, thousands of Bengalis from the Chittagong region settled in Arakan seeking work opportunities.<ref name="chan399"/>

The British census of 1891 reported 58,255 Muslims in Arakan. By 1911, the Muslim population had increased to 178,647.<ref>{{harv|Aye Chan|2005|p=401}}</ref> The waves of migration were primarily due to the requirement of cheap labor from [[British India]] to work in the paddy fields.

In 1939, the British authorities, who were wary of the long term animosity between the [[Rakhine people|Rakhine]] Buddhists and the Rohingya Muslims, formed a special Investigation Commission led by James Ester and U Tin Htut to study the issue of Muslim immigration into the Rakhine state. The commission recommended securing the border, however, with the onset of [[World War II]], the British retreated from Arakan.<ref name=kzt/>

===World War II Japanese occupation===
{{main|Rohingya massacre}}
{{main|Rohingya massacre}}
On 28 March 1942, some thousands of Muslims (about 5,000) in [[Minbya Township|Minbya]] and [[Mrauk-U Township|Mrohaung Township]]s were killed by Rakhine nationalists and Karenni. On the other side, the Muslims from Northern Rakhine State massacred around 20,000 Arakanese including the Deputy Commissioner U Oo Kyaw Khaing who was killed while trying to settle the dispute.<ref name=kzt>{{cite journal | title=Background of Rohingya Problem | author=Kyaw Zan Tha, MA | year=2008 | month=July | pages=1}}</ref>
On 28 March 1942, some thousands of Muslims (about 5,000) in [[Minbya Township|Minbya]] and [[Mrauk-U Township|Mrohaung Township]]s were killed by Rakhine nationalists and Karenni. On the other side, the Muslims from Northern Rakhine State massacred around 20,000 Arakanese including the Deputy Commissioner U Oo Kyaw Khaing who was killed while trying to settle the dispute.<ref name=kzt>{{cite journal | title=Background of Rohingya Problem | author=Kyaw Zan Tha, MA | year=2008 | month=July | pages=1}}</ref>
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40,000 Rohingya eventually fled to Chittagong after repeated massacres by the Burmese and Japanese forces.<ref>{{cite book|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=tdMtAQAAIAAJ&q=The+Burmans,+in+collaboration+with+the+Japanese,+massacred+many+Rohingyas+and+kicked+out+40000+refugees+to+Chittagong.11+In+the+post-colonial+period,+in+between+l959+and+l978,+there+were+multiple+major+Burmese+military+operations&dq=The+Burmans,+in+collaboration+with+the+Japanese,+massacred+many+Rohingyas+and+kicked+out+40000+refugees+to+Chittagong.11+In+the+post-colonial+period,+in+between+l959+and+l978,+there+were+multiple+major+Burmese+military+operations&hl=en&ei=wASlTYSFE4630QG25PWGCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA|title=Asian profile, Volume 21|author=|year=1993|publisher=Asian Research Service|location=|page=312|isbn=|pages=|accessdate=12 April 2011}}</ref>
40,000 Rohingya eventually fled to Chittagong after repeated massacres by the Burmese and Japanese forces.<ref>{{cite book|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=tdMtAQAAIAAJ&q=The+Burmans,+in+collaboration+with+the+Japanese,+massacred+many+Rohingyas+and+kicked+out+40000+refugees+to+Chittagong.11+In+the+post-colonial+period,+in+between+l959+and+l978,+there+were+multiple+major+Burmese+military+operations&dq=The+Burmans,+in+collaboration+with+the+Japanese,+massacred+many+Rohingyas+and+kicked+out+40000+refugees+to+Chittagong.11+In+the+post-colonial+period,+in+between+l959+and+l978,+there+were+multiple+major+Burmese+military+operations&hl=en&ei=wASlTYSFE4630QG25PWGCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA|title=Asian profile, Volume 21|author=|year=1993|publisher=Asian Research Service|location=|page=312|isbn=|pages=|accessdate=12 April 2011}}</ref>

===Burmese Junta===
===Burmese junta===
The military Junta which ruled Burma for half a century, relied heavily on Burmese nationalism and Theravada Buddhism to bolster its rule, and, in opinion of US government experts, heavily discriminated against minorities like the Rohingya, [[Chinese people in Burma|Chinese]] people like the [[Kokang people]], and [[Panthay]] (Chinese Muslims). But even some pro-democracy dissidents from Burma's ethnic Burman majority refuse to acknowledge the Rohingyas as compatriots.<ref>[http://www.rfa.org/english/east-asia-beat/rohingya-06122012225150.html Violence Throws Spotlight on Rohingya]</ref>
The military Junta which ruled Burma for half a century, relied heavily on Burmese nationalism and Theravada Buddhism to bolster its rule, and, in opinion of US government experts, heavily discriminated against minorities like the Rohingya, [[Chinese people in Burma|Chinese]] people like the [[Kokang people]], and [[Panthay]] (Chinese Muslims). But even some pro-democracy dissidents from Burma's ethnic Burman majority refuse to acknowledge the Rohingyas as compatriots.<ref>[http://www.rfa.org/english/east-asia-beat/rohingya-06122012225150.html Violence Throws Spotlight on Rohingya]</ref>

Revision as of 02:21, 8 July 2012

Rohingya people
Flag of the Rohingya Nation
Regions with significant populations
Burma (Arakan), Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,Thailand, Malaysia
Rohingya language

The Rohingya (Burmese: ရိုဟင်ဂျာ) are a Muslim people who live in the Arakan region. As of 2012, 800,000 Rohingya live in Myanmar. According to the UN, they are one of the most persecuted minorities in the world.[1]


The origin of the term "Rohingya" is disputed. Some Rohingya historians like Khalilur Rahman contended that the term Rohingya is derived from Arabic word 'Raham' meaning sympathy.[2] They trace the term back to a ship wreck in the 8th century AD. According to them, after the Arab ship wrecked near Ramree Island, Arab traders were ordered to be executed by the Arakanese king. Then, they shouted in their language, 'Raham'. Hence, these people were called 'Raham'. Gradually it changed from Raham to Rhohang and finally to Rohingyas.[2][3] However, the claim was disputed by Jahiruddin Ahmed and Nazir Ahmed, former president and Secretary of Arakan Muslim Conference respectively.[2] They argued that ship wrecked Muslims are currently called 'Thambu Kya' Muslims and currently residing along the Arakan sea shore. Should the term Rohingya derive from these Muslims, "Thambu Kyas" would have been the first group to be known as Ruhaingyas. According to them, Rohingyas were descendants of inhabitants of Ruha in Afghanistan.[2] Another historian, MA Chowdhury argued that among the Muslim populations, the term 'Mrohaung' (Old Arakanese Kingdom) is corrupted to Rohang. And thus inhabitants of the region are called Rohingya.[2] These claims are categorically rejected by Burmese historians.

Burmese historians like Khin Maung Saw asserted that the term Rohingya has never appeared in history before 1950s.[4] According to another historian, Dr. Maung Maung, there is no such word as Rohingya in 1824 census survey conducted by the British.[5] Historian Aye Chan from Kanda University of International Studies noted that the term Rohingya was created by descendants of Bengalis in 1950s who migrated into Arakan during colonial area. He further argued that the term cannot be found in any historical source in any language before 1950s. However, he stated that it does not mean Muslim communities have not existed in Arakan before 1824.[6]


A coin from Arakan used in Great Bengal minted 1554/5

The Rohingya language is the modern written language of the Rohingya people of Arakan (Rakhine) State of Burma (Myanmar). It is linguistically related to the Chittagonian language spoken in the southernmost part of Bangladesh bordering Burma. Rohingya scholars have successfully written the Rohingya language in different scripts such as Arabic, Hanafi, Urdu, Roman, and Burmese, where Hanifi is a newly developed alphabet derived from Arabic with the addition of four characters from Latin and Burmese.

More recently, a Latin alphabet has been developed, using all 26 English letters A to Z and two additional Latin letters Ç (for retroflex R) and Ñ (for nasal sound). To accurately represent Rohingya phonology, it also uses five accented vowels (áéíóú). It has been recognized by ISO with ISO 639-3 "rhg" code.[7]


Muslim settlements have existed in Arakan since the arrival of Arabs there in the 8th century AD, though there is no clear connection between these early Arabs and the Rohingya, who are more closely related to Bengali people. The direct descendants of Arab settlers are believed to live in central Arakan near Mrauk-U and Kyauktaw townships, rather than the Mayu Frontier Area, the present day Rohingya populated area near the border of Chittagong Division, Bangladesh.[8]

Kingdom of Mrauk U

Early evidence of Bengali Muslim settlements in Arakan date back to the time of King Narameikhla (1404-1434), or Min Saw Mon, ruler of the Kingdom of Mrauk U in the early 15th century. After 24 years of exile in Bengal, he regained control of the Arakanese throne in 1430 with military assistance from the Sultanate of Bengal. The Bengalis who came with him formed their own settlements in the region.[9][10] Narameikhla ceded some territory to the Sultan of Bengal and recognized his sovoreignity over the areas. In recognition of his kingdom's vassal status, the kings of Arakan received Islamic titles, despite being Buddhists, and legalized the use of Bengali Islamic coinage within the kingdom. Narameikhla minted his own coins with Burmese characters on one side and Persian characters on the other. Arakan remained subordinate to Bengal up until 1531.[10]

Even after gaining independence from the Sultans of Bengal, the Arakanese kings continued the custom of maintaining Muslim titles.[11] The kings compared themselves to Sultans and fashioned themselves after Mughal rulers, despite remaining Buddhist. They also continued to employ Muslims in prestigious positions within the royal administration.[12] The Bengali Muslim population increased in the 17th century, as they were employed in a variety of workforces in Arakan. Some of them worked as Bengali, Persian and Arabic scribes in the Arakanese courts, which, despite remaining mostly Buddhist, adopted Islamic fashions from the neighbouring Sultanate of Bengal.[9]

Burmese conquest

Following the Burmese conquest of Arakan in the 18th century, as many as 35,000 Arakanese people fled to the neighbouring Chittagong region of Bengal to avoid Burmese persecution and seek protection from British India.[13] The Burmese rulers also deported a considerable portion of the Arakanese population to central Burma, leaving Arakan as a scarcely populated area by the time the British occupied it.[14]

British colonial rule

Due to Arakan being scarcely populated by the time they occupied it, British policy encouraged Bengali inhabitants from adjacent regions to migrate into fertile valleys of Arakan as agriculturalists. The East India Company extended the Bengal administration to Arakan, thus there was no international boundary between Bengal and Arakan, and no restrictions on migration between the regions. In the early 19th century, thousands of Bengalis from the Chittagong region settled in Arakan seeking work opportunities.[14]

The British census of 1891 reported 58,255 Muslims in Arakan. By 1911, the Muslim population had increased to 178,647.[15] The waves of migration were primarily due to the requirement of cheap labor from British India to work in the paddy fields.

In 1939, the British authorities, who were wary of the long term animosity between the Rakhine Buddhists and the Rohingya Muslims, formed a special Investigation Commission led by James Ester and U Tin Htut to study the issue of Muslim immigration into the Rakhine state. The commission recommended securing the border, however, with the onset of World War II, the British retreated from Arakan.[16]

World War II Japanese occupation

On 28 March 1942, some thousands of Muslims (about 5,000) in Minbya and Mrohaung Townships were killed by Rakhine nationalists and Karenni. On the other side, the Muslims from Northern Rakhine State massacred around 20,000 Arakanese including the Deputy Commissioner U Oo Kyaw Khaing who was killed while trying to settle the dispute.[16]

During World War II, Japanese forces invaded Burma, then under British colonial rule. The British forces retreated and in the power vacuum left behind, considerable violence erupted. This included communal violence between Buddhist Rakhine and Muslim Rohingya villagers. The period also witnessed violence between groups loyal to the British and Burmese nationalists. The Rohingya supported the Allies during the war and oppose the Japanese forces, assisting the Allies in reconnaissance.

The Japanese committed atrocities against thousands of Rohingya. They engaged in an orgy of rape, murder and torture.[17] In this period, some 22,000 Rohingya are believed to have crossed the border into Bengal, then part of British India, to escape the violence.[18][19]

40,000 Rohingya eventually fled to Chittagong after repeated massacres by the Burmese and Japanese forces.[20]

Burmese junta

The military Junta which ruled Burma for half a century, relied heavily on Burmese nationalism and Theravada Buddhism to bolster its rule, and, in opinion of US government experts, heavily discriminated against minorities like the Rohingya, Chinese people like the Kokang people, and Panthay (Chinese Muslims). But even some pro-democracy dissidents from Burma's ethnic Burman majority refuse to acknowledge the Rohingyas as compatriots.[21]

Successive Burmese governments have been accused of provoking riots against ethnic minorities like the Rohingya and Chinese.[22]

2012 Rohingya riots

2012 Rakhine State riots are a series of ongoing conflicts between Rohingya Muslims and ethnic Rakhine in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar. The riots came after weeks of sectarian disputes and have been condemned by most people on both sides of the conflict.[23] The immediate cause of the riots is unclear, with many commentators citing the killing of ten Burmese Muslims by ethnic Rakhine after the rape and murder of a Rakhine woman as the main cause. Over three hundred houses and a number of public buildings have been razed. As of June 13, officially there have been 21 casualties,[24] although some reports put the actual number as high as 30.[25] The government has responded by imposing curfews and by deploying troops in the regions. On June 10, state of emergency was declared in Rakhine, allowing military to participate in administration of the region.[26][27]


Religion is particularly important to the Rohingya people, who are predominantly Muslims. Mosques and religious schools occupy most villages. Traditionally, men pray in congregation and women pray at home.

Human rights violations & refugees

According to Amnesty International, the Muslim Rohingya people have continued to suffer from human rights violations under the Burmese junta since 1978, and many have fled to neighboring Bangladesh as a result:.[28]

"The Rohingyas’ freedom of movement is severely restricted and the vast majority of them have effectively been denied Burma citizenship. They are also subjected to various forms of extortion and arbitrary taxation; land confiscation; forced eviction and house destruction; and financial restrictions on marriage. Rohingyas continue to be used as forced labourers on roads and at military camps, although the amount of forced labour in northern Rakhine State has decreased over the last decade."

"In 1978 over 200,000 Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh, following the ‘Nagamin’ (‘Dragon King’) operation of the Myanmar army. Officially this campaign aimed at "scrutinising each individual living in the state, designating citizens and foreigners in accordance with the law and taking actions against foreigners who have filtered into the country illegally." This military campaign directly targeted civilians, and resulted in widespread killings, rape and destruction of mosques and further religious persecution."

"During 1991-92 a new wave of over a quarter of a million Rohingyas fled to Bangladesh. They reported widespread forced labour, as well as summary executions, torture, and rape. Rohingyas were forced to work without pay by the Burmese army on infrastructure and economic projects, often under harsh conditions. Many other human rights violations occurred in the context of forced labour of Rohingya civilians by the security forces."

As of 2005, the UNHCR had been assisting with the repatriation of Rohingya from Bangladesh, but allegations of human rights abuses in the refugee camps have threatened this effort.[29]

Despite earlier efforts by the UN, the vast majority of Rohingya refugees have remained in Bangladesh, unable to return because of the negative attitude of the ruling regime in Myanmar. Now they are facing problems in Bangladesh as well where they do not receive support from the government any longer.[30] In February 2009, many Rohingya refugees were rescued by Acehnese sailors in the Strait of Malacca, after 21 days at sea.[31]

Over the years thousands of Rohingya also have fled to Thailand. There are roughly 111,000 refugees housed in 9 camps along the Thai-Myanmar border. There have been charges that groups of them have been shipped and towed out to open sea from Thailand, and left there. In February 2009 there was evidence of the Thai army towing a boatload of 190 Rohingya refugees out to sea. A group of refugees rescued by Indonesian authorities also in February 2009 told harrowing stories of being captured and beaten by the Thai military, and then abandoned at open sea. By the end of February there were reports that of a group of 5 boats were towed out to open sea, of which 4 boats sank in a storm, and 1 boat washed up on the shore. February 12, 2009 Thailand's prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said there were "some instances" in which Rohingya people were pushed out to sea.

"There are attempts, I think, to let these people drift to other shores. [...] when these practices do occur, it is done on the understanding that there is enough food and water supplied. [...] It's not clear whose work it is [...] but if I have the evidence who exactly did this I will bring them to account." [32]

The prime minister said he regretted "any losses", and was working on rectifying the problem.

Bangladesh has since announced it will repatriate around 9,000 Rohingya living in refugee camps in the country back to Burma, after a meeting with Burmese diplomats.[33][34] Steps to repatriate Rohingya began in 2005.

In October 16, 2011, the new government of Burma agreed to take back registered Rohingya refugees.[35][36]

See also


  1. ^ "Myanmar, Bangladesh leaders 'to discuss Rohingya'". AFP. 2012-06-29.
  2. ^ a b c d e (MA Chowdhury 1995, pp. 7–8)
  3. ^ (Khin Maung Saw 1993, pp. 93)
  4. ^ (Khin Maung Saw 1993, p. 90)
  5. ^ Dr. Aye Kyaw. "A Historian Looks at Rohingya". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved November 1, 2011.
  6. ^ (Aye Chan 2005, p. 396)
  7. ^ ISO 639 Code Tables - SIL International
  8. ^ (Aye Chan 2005, p. 397)
  9. ^ a b (Aye Chan 2005, p. 398)
  10. ^ a b Yegar, Moshe (2002). Between integration and secession: The Muslim communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma / Myanmar. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. p. 23. ISBN 0739103563. Retrieved 8 July 2012.
  11. ^ Yegar, Moshe (2002). Between integration and secession: The Muslim communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma / Myanmar. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. pp. 23–4. ISBN 0739103563. Retrieved 8 July 2012.
  12. ^ Yegar, Moshe (2002). Between integration and secession: The Muslim communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma / Myanmar. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. p. 24. ISBN 0739103563. Retrieved 8 July 2012.
  13. ^ (Aye Chan 2005, pp. 398–9)
  14. ^ a b (Aye Chan 2005, p. 399)
  15. ^ (Aye Chan 2005, p. 401)
  16. ^ a b Kyaw Zan Tha, MA (2008). "Background of Rohingya Problem": 1. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  17. ^ Kurt Jonassohn (1999). Genocide and gross human rights violations: in comparative perspective. Transaction Publishers. p. 263. ISBN 0765804174. Retrieved 12 April 2011.
  18. ^ Howard Adelman (2008). Protracted displacement in Asia: no place to call home. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 86. ISBN 0754672387. Retrieved 12 April 2011.
  19. ^ Human Rights Watch (Organization) (2000). Burma/Bangladesh: Burmese refugees in Bangladesh: still no durable solution. Human Rights Watch. p. 6. Retrieved 12 April 2011.
  20. ^ Asian profile, Volume 21. Asian Research Service. 1993. p. 312. Retrieved 12 April 2011.
  21. ^ Violence Throws Spotlight on Rohingya
  22. ^ Karl R. DeRouen, Uk Heo (2007). Civil wars of the world: major conflicts since World War II. ABC-CLIO. p. 530. ISBN 1851099190. Retrieved 12 April 2011.
  23. ^ "Four killed as Rohingya Muslims riot in Myanmar: government". Reuters. June 8, 2012. Retrieved June 9, 2012.
  24. ^ "Burma unrest: UN envoy visits Rakhine state". BBC News. June 13, 2012. Retrieved June 13, 2012.
  25. ^ "Dozens killed, hundreds of buildings burnt down by Bengali Rohingya mobs in border town of Maungdaw". Eleven Media Group. June 9, 2012. Retrieved June 9, 2012.
  26. ^ Linn Htet (June 11, 2012). "အေရးေပၚအေျခအေန ေၾကညာခ်က္ ႏုိင္ငံေရးသမားမ်ား ေထာက္ခံ". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved June 11, 2012.
  27. ^ Keane, Fergal (June 11, 2012). "Old tensions bubble in Burma". BBC News Online. Retrieved 2012-06-11.
  28. ^ Myanmar - The Rohingya Minority: Fundamental Rights Denied, Amnesty International, 2004.
  29. ^ "UNHCR threatens to wind up Bangladesh operations". New Age BDNEWS, Dhaka. 2005-05-21. Retrieved 2007-04-25.
  30. ^ Burmese exiles in desperate conditions
  31. ^ Kompas.
  32. ^ Rivers, Dan (February 12, 2009). Thai PM admits boat people pushed out to sea. CNN.
  33. ^ Press Trust of India (December 29, 2009). "Myanmar to repatriate 9,000 Muslim refugees from B'desh". Zee News.
  34. ^ Staff Correspondent (December 30, 2009). "Myanmar to take back 9,000 Rohingyas soon". The Daily Star (Bangladesh). {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  35. ^ "Myanmar to 'take back' Rohingya refugees". The Daily Star. October 16, 2011.
  36. ^ Manchester Guardian: Little help for the persecuted Rohingya of Burma http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2011/dec/01/rohingya-burma?INTCMP=SRCH


External links