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Political status of Crimea: Difference between revisions

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→‎Ukraine: Out-of-place here, but only 11 of 193 members, 6%, did recognize it. The rest did not.
Undid revision 801135767 by Mzajac (talk) you can't count those who abstained as being against
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The Government of Ukraine, along with 94% of the sovereign states in the world,<ref name="general-assembly-vote-record">https://www.scribd.com/doc/214871831/GA-Voting-Record-on-Ukraine</ref> did not recognize the Republic of Crimea's claim to sovereignty, nor the unification of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with Sevastopol, nor the referendum that paved the way for Crimean secession.
The Government of Ukraine, along with 52% of the sovereign states in the world,<ref name="general-assembly-vote-record">https://www.scribd.com/doc/214871831/GA-Voting-Record-on-Ukraine</ref> did not recognize the Republic of Crimea's claim to sovereignty, nor the unification of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with Sevastopol, nor the referendum that paved the way for Crimean secession.

The [[Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs|Ministry]] of [[Temporarily occupied and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine (2014-present)|Temporarily Occupied Territories]] and [[Internally displaced person]]s ({{lang-uk|Міністерство з питань тимчасово окупованих територій та внутрішньо переміщених осіб України}}) is a [[government ministry]] in [[Ukraine]] that was officially established on 20 April 2016 <ref name=NMC20416/> to manage occupied parts of [[Temporarily occupied and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine (2014-present)|Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea]] regions affected by Russian military intervention of 2014.
The [[Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs|Ministry]] of [[Temporarily occupied and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine (2014-present)|Temporarily Occupied Territories]] and [[Internally displaced person]]s ({{lang-uk|Міністерство з питань тимчасово окупованих територій та внутрішньо переміщених осіб України}}) is a [[government ministry]] in [[Ukraine]] that was officially established on 20 April 2016 <ref name=NMC20416/> to manage occupied parts of [[Temporarily occupied and uncontrolled territories of Ukraine (2014-present)|Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea]] regions affected by Russian military intervention of 2014.

Revision as of 22:33, 17 September 2017

The status of Crimea is the subject of a political and territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia. While Russia took control of the territory in 2014, administering it as two federal subjects of Russia, and claimed to have 'fully integrated' it by July 2015,[1] Ukraine and the majority of international governments continue to regard Crimea as an integral part of Ukraine.

The dispute came into being after the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol CIty contrary to Ukrainian law merged as a single united state under the name of Republic of Crimea and then, following a referendum on joining Russia (that official results showed backed the proposal), unilaterally declared their independence from Ukraine. These two entities (Crimea and Sevastopol) were then annexed by Russia, where the Crimean Autonomous Republic became the "Republic of Crimea" as a Russian republic and Sevastopol became a Russian federal city. However, Ukraine and the majority of the international community do not consider the merge, the independence, the referendum, nor the annexation legitimate and still consider both entities as parts of Ukraine. Despite international opinion however, the currency, tax and legal system are all operational under Russian jurisdiction. Ukraine has applied for multiple litigations through international crime, water resources, European Union and other courts.

In 1920, immediately after the RSFSR recognized the independence of the Ukrainian SSR (The "Workers' and Peasants Union Treaty between the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic" signed 28 December 1920),[2] the responsibility for all Crimean administration was reassigned directly to the Kremlin.[by whom?] In 1994 Russia signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which states that it would "Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence, sovereignty, and the existing borders". A detailed status of Crimea at that time was not described nor mentioned in the Budapest Memorandum, nor was a map of the existing borders of Ukraine included in the Memorandum.[citation needed]


Evolution of status of the Crimean Peninsula within independent Ukraine

Crimean ASSR and Republic of Crimea

After the Crimean referendum of 1991, which asked whether Crimea should be elevated to a signatory of the New Union Treaty (that is, became a union republic on its own), Ukraine restored Crimea's autonomous status (Crimean Autonomous SSR), but confirmed that autonomy restored as a part of the Ukrainian SSR. The Crimean Oblast council became Supreme Council of Crimea and, on 4 September 1991, passed the Declaration of state sovereignty of Crimea.[3]

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the autonomy renamed itself the Republic of Crimea.[4] The Ukrainian government initially accepted its name, but not its claims to be a state. According to Ukrainian law "On status of the autonomous Republic of Crimea", passed on 29 April 1992, "Republic of Crimea is an autonomous part of Ukraine and independently decides on matters, which are delegated to it by the Constitution and laws of the Ukraine" (art. 1).[5] The Regional Supreme Council, on the contrary, insisted that "Republic of Crimea is a legal democratic state", which "has supremacy in respect to natural, material, cultural and spiritual heritage" and "exercises its sovereign rights and full power" on its territory (art. 1 of the May 1992 Constitution), but also a "part of the Ukraine and establishes relations in it on a basis of the treaty and agreements" (art. 9).[6] Both Ukrainian law on autonomy status[7] and the 1992 Constitution of Crimea[8] were amended later that year, putting the Republic's status in between what was proposed in the initial revision of the 1992 Constitution and what was proposed in April 1992 Ukrainian law on the status of the Republic.

On 21 May 1992 the Supreme Soviet of Russia declared 1954 transfer of Crimea as having "no legal force", because it was adopted "in violation of the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Russian SFSR and legislative process", but because subsequent legislation and the 1990 Russo-Ukrainian treaty constituted that fact, parliament considered it necessary to resolve the Crimean question in negotiations between Ukraine and Russia and on the basis of the popular will of the inhabitants of Crimea.[9] A similar resolution was adopted for Sevastopol a year later. Both moves were condemned by Ukraine[10][11][12] and resulted in no changes to the Russian Constitution (neither 1978 nor 1993 documents enumerated Crimea and Sevastopol as federal subjects).

In 1994, after parliamentary and presidential elections in the Republic, the Supreme Council and the executive became dominated by the Russian Bloc (which had won 57 seats in the Supreme Council of Crimea and Presidency for its member, Yuri Meshkov).[13] Following a referendum, held in same year, the Supreme Council of Crimea restored the 1992 Constitution to its original revision,.[14]

Autonomous Republic of Crimea

A year later this 1992 Crimean constitution, along with the presidency and regional citizenship, was declared null and void by the Ukrainian Parliament, which by that time, had renamed the autonomy from "Republic of Crimea" to Autonomous Republic of Crimea.[15] Another Constitution was passed by Crimean parliament in 1995,[16] but many parts of it were rejected by the Ukrainian parliament; among them were Republic's name (which was to remain "Republic of Crimea") and citizenship.[17] Meanwhile, during drafting of the new Ukrainian Constitution, the question of autonomy was much debated: some legislators proposed abolishing it altogether (downgrading back to oblast status or to autonomy but not autonomous republic),[18][19] while other legislators proposed legalising the 1992 Constitution of Crimea provisions (original May revision) in the new Ukrainian Constitution.[18] Ultimately, the new Constitution of Ukraine adopted neither extreme and reiterated the autonomous status of the republic, while downgrading some of its powers (such as the regional Supreme Council's powers to enact legislation in form of laws ("zakoni")). The Republic was declared to be the "Autonomous Republic of Crimea", but also an "inseparable constituent part of Ukraine".[20] A new Crimean constitution, complying with provisions of the Ukrainian one, was adopted in 1998.

Status of Sevastopol

Before the 1954 transfer of Crimea, Sevastopol was elevated into a "city of republican subordination" of the Russian SFSR (a predecessor[21] of modern status of "city of federal importance"). Nevertheless, in practice it was still governed as a part of Crimean Oblast (for example, inhabitants of Sevastopol elected deputies into Crimean Oblast Council,[22][23] all its structures, such as local militsiya departments, etc., were subordinated to oblast structures[24]) and therefore was practically transferred too. The Ukrainian Constitution of 1978 listed Sevastopol as one of its "cities of republican subordination" (along with Kyiv),[25] whilst the Russian constitution of the same year didn't list Sevastopol as such.[26] In 1993, the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation issued a resolution, which "confirms Russian federal status of Sevastopol" and requested a parliamentary commission to prepare and present to Congress of People's Deputies of Russia corresponding constitutional amendments, but 1993 Russian constitutional crisis prevented that from happening and initial revisions of the Constitution of Russia, adopted on 12 December 1993, did not list Sevastopol as a federal subject. Three years later, the State Duma declared that Russia has a right to exercise sovereignty over Sevastopol,[27] but this resolution went without any actual effect. An agreement was concluded in 1997 by the Russian and Ukrainian governments, allowing the Black Sea Fleet to stay in Sevastopol until 2017 (later extended by another 25 years until 2042, with possible option to extend this period until 2047).

Crimean crisis and subsequent developments

Amidst rising tension in the region as part of the Crimean crisis, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol held an unconstitutional referendum to join the Russian Federation. The referendum took place on 16 March 2014 with 97% of voters choosing to leave Ukraine and join Russia, according to Crimean government results. For this purpose, the Autonomous Republic and Sevastopol joined together as a single united nation under the name of Republic of Crimea. This nation then was annexed by Russia where it was converted into a federal district under the name of Crimean Federal District. However, the annexation divided the Autonomous Republic and the city of Sevastopol once again into two separate entities: the Autonomous Republic became the Republic of Crimea as a Russian republic while Sevastopol became a Russian federal city.

Regardless of all this, Ukraine and the vast majority of the international community has not recognized the validity of the referendum, and has not recognized the accession of this country into Russia.

Only Russia and a few other nations have recognized all these events. The lack of recognition from Ukraine and the international community is based primarily on the fact that the referendum included an option to join Russia while the region was considered to be under military occupation by Russia itself. The European Union, United States, Canada and several other nations condemned the decision to hold a referendum. In addition, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People—the unofficial political association of the Crimean Tatars—called for a boycott of the referendum.[28][29]

The UN General Assembly eventually adopted a non-binding resolution considering the referendum as invalid and reaffirming Ukraine’s territorial integrity by a vote of 100 to 11 with 58 abstentions and 24 absent.[30][31]

The Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally displaced persons (Ukrainian: Міністерство з питань тимчасово окупованих територій та внутрішньо переміщених осіб України) is a government ministry in Ukraine that was officially established on 20 April 2016 [32] to manage occupied parts of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea regions affected by Russian military intervention of 2014.


Results of the United Nations General Assembly vote about the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
  In favor   Against   Abstentions   Absent


Russia recognized the short-lived Republic of Crimea as a country shortly before concluding the aforementioned treaty of accession, which was approved by the Constitutional Court of Russia.

Russia claimed the Republic of Crimea (country) as a federal district, the Crimean Federal District, on the grounds of historical control of the area and the local population's right to self-determination reflected in the annexation vote.[33]. On 28 July 2016 the Crimean Federal District was abolished and Crimea was included in the Southern Federal District.


The Government of Ukraine, along with 52% of the sovereign states in the world,[34] did not recognize the Republic of Crimea's claim to sovereignty, nor the unification of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with Sevastopol, nor the referendum that paved the way for Crimean secession.

The Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally displaced persons (Ukrainian: Міністерство з питань тимчасово окупованих територій та внутрішньо переміщених осіб України) is a government ministry in Ukraine that was officially established on 20 April 2016 [32] to manage occupied parts of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea regions affected by Russian military intervention of 2014.


The following members of the United Nations have made statements about their recognition of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as federal subjects of Russia[35][36][37][38]:


 Belarus: The position of Belarus is vague. It includes comments by Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko, who on the one hand said "Ukraine should remain an integral, indivisible, non-aligned state" and "As for Crimea, I do not like it when the integrity and independence of a country are broken", and on the other hand said "Whether Crimea will be recognized as a region of the Russian Federation de-jure does not really matter" and "Today Crimea is part of the Russian Federation. No matter whether you recognize it or not, the fact remains."[43]

9 of those countries (Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe) also joined Russia in voting against United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262. Armenia was the only other country to vote against the resolution. Afghanistan abstained, and Kyrgyzstan was absent during the vote on the resolution.

The following non-members of the United Nations have made statements about their recognition of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as federal subjects of Russia:

The majority of the international community, however, have not recognized the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as part of Russia. Most nations located in North America, Europe, Oceania, and Central America, as well as some in Southeast Asia and Africa, have openly rejected the referendum and the accession, and instead consider Crimea and Sevastopol to be administrative divisions of Ukraine. The remainder have largely remained neutral. The vote on United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 (supporting the position that Crimea and Sevastopol remain part of Ukraine) was 100 to 11 in favor, with 58 states abstaining. The remaining 24 of the 193 member states were absent when the vote took place. The 100 states voting in favor represented about 34% of the world's population, the 11 against represented about 4.5%, the 58 abstentions represented about 58%, and the 24 absents represented about 3.5%.

In December 2014, a leader from Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, accompanied the Russian trade delegation on a trip to India. India, which observes a policy of non-intervention, refrained from criticizing Russia's takeover of Crimea.[48]

  •  Sri Lanka - The Sri Lankan government described Yanukovych's removal as unconstitutional and expressed regret. Sri Lanka considered Russia's concerns as justified but welcomed any attempts to de-escalate the tension.[49]
  •  Eritrea and  Laos sent official representatives to the peninsula.[50]

In 2016, a UN vote was held calling Russia an occupying power, only 70 out of 193 voted in favor and the 26 following nations voted against calling Russia an occupying power. Among those voting against were the same 11 that voted against United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262.[51]


Neutral positions

 Argentina had abstained from the United Nations General Assembly vote about the territorial integrity of Ukraine referring to some governments' lack of coherence on similar questions.[52] President Cristina Fernández criticized what she called a double standard allowing the Falklands residents to hold a vote on their future, while condemning the Crimean referendum on union with Russia.[53][54]

 Israel, on April 13, 2014, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz suggested in an unconfirmed report that unnamed officials in Washington were not satisfied with Israel's position regarding Crimea's accession by Russia. A senior Israeli official said that Israel's absence from the United Nations General Assembly vote about the territorial integrity of Ukraine was viewed around the world as an extremely irregular measure, a departure from a long-standing Israeli policy of voting with the United States in the UN.[55]

 South Africa abstained from the United Nations General Assembly vote about the territorial integrity of Ukraine because it believes the crisis did not start with the Crimean referendum. Spokesperson Clayson Monyela told SABC News that the initiative fails to encourage dialogue and therefore viewed the UN vote as counterproductive.[56][57]

See also



  1. ^ Jess McHugh (15 July 2015). "Putin Eliminates Ministry Of Crimea, Region Fully Integrated Into Russia, Russian Leaders Say". International Business Times. Retrieved 28 May 2016.
  2. ^ https://web.archive.org/web/20160604220806/http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2014/03/10/141801/
  3. ^ Parliament of Ukraine (17 November 1994). Декларация о государственном суверенитете Крыма (in Russian). Government of Ukraine. Retrieved 24 April 2014.
  4. ^ Parliament of Ukraine (20 October 1999). О Республике Крым как официальном названии демократического государства Крым (in Russian). Government of Ukraine. Retrieved 24 April 2014.
  5. ^ Про статус автономної Республіки Крим. Закон від 29.04.1992 № 2299-XII Template:Uk icon
  6. ^ Конституция Республики Крым Template:Ru icon
  7. ^ Про внесення змін і доповнень до Закону України "Про статус автономної Республіки Крим" Верховна Рада України; Закон від 30.06.1992 № 2523-XII Template:Uk icon
  8. ^ О внесении изменений и дополнений в Конституцию Республики Крым. Верховная Рада АРК; Закон от 25.09.1992 № 155-1 Template:Ru icon
  9. ^ Постановление ВС России "О правовой оценке решений высших органов государственной власти РСФСР по изменению статуса Крыма, принятых в 1954 году" (in Russian). May 1992.
  10. ^ "Letter dated 25 May 1992 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, addressed to the Secretary-General". un.org. 25 May 1992.
  11. ^ "Letter dated 13 July 1993 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, addressed to the President of the Security Council".
  12. ^ "Letter dated 16 July 1993 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the Security Council".
  13. ^ Полунов, Александр Юрьевич. Общественные организации русского Крыма: политическая деятельность, стратегии взаимоотношений с властью. Государственное управление. Выпуск № 21. Декабрь 2009 года. Template:Ru icon
  14. ^ О восстановлении конституционных основ государственности Республики Крым. Верховная Рада АРК; Закон от 20.05.1994 № 32-1 Template:Ru icon
  15. ^ Про внесення змін і доповнень до Конституції (Основного Закону) України. Верховна Рада України; Закон від 21.09.1994 № 171/94-ВР Template:Uk icon
  16. ^ Конституция Автономной Республики Крым. Верховная Рада АРК; Закон, Конституция от 01.11.1995 № 611k-1 Template:Ru icon
  17. ^ Про Конституцію Автономної Республіки Крим. Верховна Рада України; Закон від 04.04.1996 № 117/96-ВР Template:Uk icon
  18. ^ a b Table of amendments to the 11 March 1996 draft Ukrainian Constitution Template:Uk icon
  19. ^ Table of amendments to the second-reading draft Ukrainian constitution Template:Uk icon
  20. ^ Constitution of Ukraine, 1996  – via Wikisource.
  21. ^ Закон РФ от 9 декабря 1992 г. N 4061-I "Об изменениях и дополнениях Конституции (Основного Закона) Российской Федерации - России" (принят седьмым Съездом народных депутатов РФ): "В статье 71<...>в части второй слова "республиканского подчинения" заменить словами "федерального значения"" Template:Ru icon
  22. ^ "Анализ документов: Севастополь — украинский город". Sd.net.ua. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
  23. ^ Город республиканского подчинения - Власть - gazeta.zn.ua
  24. ^ "Сверхнаглость" сработает ? Севастополь: псевдоюридические аргументы Ю. М. Лужкова (in Russian). Day.kiev.ua. 7 October 2011. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
  25. ^ Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Template:Uk icon
  26. ^ Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Template:Ru icon
  27. ^ "Постановление Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания РФ от 24 октября 1996 г. N 747-II ГД "Об обращении Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации "К …". Bazazakonov.ru. Retrieved 10 April 2014.
  28. ^ "Mejlis to boycott Crimean referendum&". Ukrinform.ua. 6 March 2014. Retrieved 15 March 2014.
  29. ^ "Tatar leader: referendum's results 'predetermined'". DW.DE. 16 March 2014. Retrieved 17 March 2014.
  30. ^ United Nations News Centre - Backing Ukraine’s territorial integrity, UN Assembly declares Crimea referendum invalid. Un.org (1 March 2014). Retrieved on 28 March 2014.
  31. ^ U.N. General Assembly declares Crimea secession vote invalid. Reuters. 27 March 2014.
  32. ^ a b Template:Uk icon The Cabinet decided to create the Ministry of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons, Ukrayinska Pravda (20 April 2016)
  33. ^ Juan Valdes; Rosemary Wardley (5 March 2014). "300 Years of Embattled Crimea History in 6 Maps". National Geographic. Retrieved 30 March 2014.
  34. ^ https://www.scribd.com/doc/214871831/GA-Voting-Record-on-Ukraine
  35. ^ Russian Federation Council ratifies treaty on Crimea’s entry to Russia. itar-tass.com. 21 March 2014
  36. ^ a b c d Rosenberg, Matthew (23 March 2014) Breaking With the West, Afghan Leader Supports Russia’s Annexation of Crimea. New York Times
  37. ^ http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/visiting-russia-fidel-castro-s-son-scoffs-at-u-s-sanctions-over-crimea/497144.html
  38. ^ http://lenta.ru/news/2014/12/30/crimea/
  39. ^ "Visiting Russia, Fidel Castro's Son Scoffs at U.S. Sanctions Over Crimea". The Moscow Times. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
  40. ^ "Kyrgyzstan Says Crimea Referendum 'Legitimate'". Radio Liberty. Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty. Retrieved 2 June 2016.
  41. ^ "Nicaragua recognizes Crimea as part of Russia". Kyiv Post. 27 March 2014.
  42. ^ КНДР одобрила присоединение Крыма к России. Lenta.ru. 2014-12-30.
  43. ^ President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko answers questions of mass media representatives on 23 March 2014. president.gov.by. 23 March 2014.
  44. ^ "Abkhazian president hails Russia-Crimea reunion". Voice of Russia. 15 April 2014. Retrieved 20 May 2014.
  45. ^ "Karabakh Foreign Ministry Issues Statement on Crimea". Asbarez Armenian News. 17 March 2014.
  46. ^ 'The Russian world is uniting': Model minister of breakaway region urges Putin to make her country his next conquest in wake of Crimea takeover to alarm of Nato. dailymail.co.uk. 24 March 2014.
  47. ^ Leonid Tibilov: South Ossetia fully supports the decision of the Russian leadership on the Crimea and Sevastopol. cominf.org. 20 March 2014.
  48. ^ https://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/12/us-india-russia-crimea-idUSKBN0JP1AM20141212
  49. ^ "Sri Lanka regrets removal of Ukrainian president". Business Standard. 13 March 2014. Retrieved 18 May 2014.
  50. ^ http://euromaidanpress.com/2017/03/18/three-years-later-crimea-abandoned-by-both-ukraine-and-russia/#arvlbdata
  51. ^ http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2016/12/20/un-officially-recognized-russia-as-an-occupying-power-in-crimea
  52. ^ "General Assembly Adopts Resolution Calling upon States Not". 27 March 2014. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
  53. ^ "Malvinas/Crimea: Cristina Fernandez blasts UK on "double standard" — MercoPress". MercoPress. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
  54. ^ "Crimea referendum worthless as Falklands poll, says Argentina". the Guardian. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
  55. ^ "U.S. officials angry: Israel doesn't back stance on Russia". Haaretz.com. 13 April 2014. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
  56. ^ "SABC News.com - SA abstains in UN vote on Crimea:Friday 28 March 2014". Retrieved 4 October 2014.
  57. ^ "South Africa abstains in UN vote of Crimea". YouTube. Retrieved 4 October 2014.