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Royal Malaysia Police

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Royal Malaysian Police
Polis Di-Raja Malaysia
Logo of the Royal Malaysian Police
Logo of the Royal Malaysian Police
Flag of the Royal Malaysian Police
Flag of the Royal Malaysian Police
AbbreviationRMP / PDRM
MottoTegas, Adil dan Berhemah
Firm, Fair and Curteous
Agency overview
FormedMarch 25, 1807
Preceding agencies
Jurisdictional structure
National agency
(Operations jurisdiction)
Operations jurisdictionMalaysia
Size329, 847 km
127, 355 sq mi
Population27, 544, 000
Legal jurisdictionNational
Governing bodyGovernment of Malaysia
General nature
Operational structure
HeadquartersKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sworn members93,348
Elected officer responsible
Agency executive
Parent agencyMinistry of Home Affairs
Child agencies
  • Special Branch
  • Criminal Investigation Department
  • Commercial Crimes Investigation Department
  • Narcotics Crimes Investigation Department
  • Internal Security & Public Order
  • Internal Security Department and Public Order
Police stations1, 000
Police carsProton Waja
Police boatsMarine Alutech Watercat M14
HelicoptersAS 355 Twin Squirrel
Air planesCessna 208
PlanesPilatus Porter PC-6
The Royal Malaysian Police Kuala Lumpur Contingent Headquarters.
The Royal Malaysian Police headquarters at Bukit Aman in Kuala Lumpur.

The Royal Malaysian Police (Abbreviation: RMP; Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia, PDRM;) is a part of the security forces structure in Malaysia. The force is a centralized organization with responsibilities ranging from traffic control to intelligence gathering. Its headquarters is located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. The police force is led by an Inspector-General of Police (IGP). The post is currently held by Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

In carrying out its responsibilities, the regular RMP is also assisted by a support group comprising of Extra Police Constables, Police Volunteer Reserves, Auxiliary Police, Police Cadets and a civilian service element.

Rakan Cop is a community outreach programme launched in 9 August 2005.

The RMP constantly co-operates closely with police forces worldwide, which include those from the four neighbouring countries Malaysia shares border with: Indonesian National Police, Royal Brunei Police Force, Royal Thai Police and Singapore Police Force.

The RMP, in 2006, surpassed the Interpol crime solving standards. [citation needed]


The police force has been in existence since the days of the Malacca Sultanate. Malacca's canonical law created the earliest police force in Malaysia through the institution of the Temenggong and Hulubalang or royal warriors. Undeniably, policing institutions have had indeed existed since the Hindu Majapahit and Buddhist Sri Vijaya Empires. During the Sultan absence, Malacca was ruled in the interim by the Bendahara (or Prime Minister) who had absolute power in handing out sentences but it was the Temenggung who acted as the Police Chief or Inspector General of Police. His tasks were to arrest criminals, build jails and sentences implementations. Apart from the Temenggung, there were a number of Penghulu or village chief who incharged with policing their respective villages. Their main tasks included tax collection, law enforcement and preserving village security. Malacca police systems ended when on August 10, 1511, the Portuguese fleet led by Afonso de Albuquerque successfully conquered Malacca.

Police duties were then performed by the Portuguese soldiers. Around 1511, Malacca became a cosmopolitan society. The Portuguese government introduced the "Kapitan" administration. On 14 January 1641, the Portuguese Empire in Malacca ended when Dutch invaded Malacca with the help of several naval soldiers from Johore state, where the Portuguese were at war with Acheh at the same time. The Dutch ruled Malacca using the "Kapitan" system which was first introduced by the Portuguese. A police force, known as "Burgher Guard" was established when inhabitants from Europe increased and it was necessary to set up a police force. Burgher Guard was headed by the Dutch and their subordinates were made up of the local citizens. The Head Villagers also conducted duties of policemen under Dutch rule.

The modern police organisation in Malaysia started in 25 March 1807 after the Charter of Justice in Penang was granted. Most of the officers were of British origin. Later this organisation was developed in the Straits Settlements and other Malay states, particularly the Federated Malay States. At that time, police organisation was limited to their respective states. Only after World War II, a single police organization with maiden administration of the centre was established and it was known as the Civil Affairs Police Force. This organization was formed in Malaya and led by H.B. Longworthy. The British colonial had to stabilize the police organisation after an nationwide anarchy took place during Japanese state time. One of the problems faced by the police then was the rebellion of the communist party. During the confrontations of Malaysia and Indonesia from 1963 to 1965, the police force along with military forces fought against the infiltrations of Indonesian forces in the states of Johore and Sabah.

Almost a year after Independence Day, on July 24 1958, the King of Malaysia, Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Muhamad (late) bestowed the Royal title to the Malayan Federations Police Force. In 1963, the Royal Federation Of Malayan Police (RFMP), the North Borneo Armed Constabulary and Sarawak Constabulary was merged and formed the Royal Malaysian Police.


A Special Constable police force before disbanded.

The flag and insignia of the Royal Malaysian Police has a blue coloured background which symbolizes the Malaysian masses. In the centre of the flag is the PDRM symbol within silver or white colored. The police symbol is made up of an intersected Kris and Ilang / Klewang machete. Above of the PDRM symbol, there is a tiger head garlaned by "Paddy Garland" and under it, is "Polis Diraja Malaysia" scroll with the word. An Arabic letterings in the Crown includes the word of Allah on the right and Muhammad on the left.

Moon and star

The Moon and Star symbolize Islam as the official religion of Malaysia.


The crown, depicted on the Royal Malaysian Police insignia, is a panegyric reference to the King of Malaysia, bestowing the "Royal" title to its name. The words Allah and Muhammad in Arabic, which respectively symbolize God The Al-Mighty and Muhammad as the follower, signifies Islam as the official religion and faith of RMP personnel, who are willing to uphold justice and the security of the people of Malaysia.

Kris and the Ilang Sword

The Kris is an important symbol of the Malay Peninsular. This particular weapon was used by Malay warriors in the past. According to Frey (2003), who concluded from Sir Stamford Raffles' (1817) study of the Candi Sukuh, the kris came into existence around AD 1361. Others believe that early forms were inspired by the daggers of the Dong-Son in Vietnam (circa 300 BC). In the temples of Borobudur (825 CE) and Prambanan (850CE), renderings of the Kris have been found.

The traditional machete, Ilang or Klewang is a symbolizes to the states of Sarawak and Sabah in the East Malaysia and it represents the spirit of heroism of a multitude of ethnic tribes such as the Dayak, the Dusun, the Bajau, and the Kadazan.

Tiger head

The tiger head symbolizes courage, strength and spirits of RMP. Previously, RMP used a lion head as the symbol of courage from September 16 1963, after the formation of Malaysia, until May 15 1994,it is replaced with the tiger head as the official order of Malaysian government.

Paddy flower

Paddy flower is a reference to paddy and rice, the staple food for Malaysians and it signifies national prosperity.


The RMP motto represents team spirit and determination.

Sang Saka Biru

PDRM flag is called the Blue Perennial or (Sang Saka Biru); each colour has its own distinctive meaning and the flag symbolizes the force pride and integrity.

Police Pledge

Section 3 (3) Police Act 1967 stipluates that the duties of the Royal Malaysian Police personnels are as follows:

  1. Apprehending all persons whom he is by law authorized to apprehend;
  2. Processing security intelligence;
  3. Conducting prosecutions;
  4. Giving assistance in the carrying out of any law relating to revenue, excise, sanitation, quarantine, immigration and registration;
  5. Giving assistance in the preservation of order in the ports, harbours and airports of Malaysia, and in enforcing maritime and port regulations;
  6. Executing summonses, subpoenas, warrants, commitments and other process lawfully issued by any competent authority;
  7. Exhibiting information;
  8. Protecting unclaimed and lost property and finding the owners thereof;
  9. Seizing stray animals and placing them in a public pound;
  10. Giving assistance in the protection of life and property;
  11. Protecting public property from loss or injury;
  12. Attending the criminal courts and, if specially ordered, the civil courts, and keeping order therein; and
  13. Escorting and guarding prisoners and other persons in the custody of the police.

RMP Organizations

The Royal Malaysian Police officers with MP5.

Apart from the 2 departments involved in the administration viz Management Department and Logistics Department, RMP have 5 departments involved in crime prevention viz Criminal Investigation Division, Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division, Internal Security Department and Public Order (KDN / KA), Special Branch and Investigation Department Commercial Crime. All departments are led by the directors with the rank of Commissioner of Police (Army Equivalent rank of Three Stars General or Lieutenant-General)

Management Department

The Management Department is tasked with the routine of management and administration affairs of the RMP. This department is also the nerve centre of the RMP and acts as the support services platform for the rest of the force.

  1. Service / Designation - Includes: Recruitment, Service Records Administration, Confirmations, Promotions, Transfers, Salaries & Allowances Administration and Retirements.
  2. General Administration And Policy - Includes: General Administration , Research & Development, Civil Affairs , Welfare, Sports And PERKEP (Persatuan Keluarga Polis or Police's Family Association, generally social activities for the families of the policemen)
  3. Training - Includes: Basic Course, Development Courses, Further Studies and Rehabilitation Courses.
  4. Discipline - Includes: Monitoring of Terms Of Reference / Filtering, Investigations / Action / Counseling.
  1. Administration
  2. Welfare
  3. Training
  4. Research & Development
  5. Services / Designation
  6. Public Affairs
  7. Public Relations
  8. Intake
  9. Ceremonies
  10. Camp Commandant
  11. RMP Sports Council

Logistics Department

The Royal Malaysian Police Proton Waja police car.

Logistics Department has the role to provide several equipments needed in RMP.

  1. Operate operating budget and RMP's development
  2. Plan, manage, operate and maintain communication,information technology, transport and weaponry
  3. Manage projects and maintain buildings and properties
  4. Manage turnover and supplies of general equipments/ RMP's tech
  5. Manage RMP's assets
  1. Naziran's Branch / Administration
  2. Communications Branch
  3. Information Technology Branch
  4. Transport Branch
  5. Finance Branch
  6. Technical Turnover
  7. Weaponry Branch
  8. General Turnover
  9. Part Of The Building
  10. Disposal / Stock / Verification / Write-off

Criminal Investigation Division

The Royal Malaysian Police Mercedes police trucks.

This department deals with the investigation, arrest and prosecution of hard crimes (murder, robbery, rape etc) and petty crimes (theft, house-breaking etc). This department also specializes in gambling, vice and secret societies (triads).

  1. Investigations and Detective Duties
  2. Arrests and Prosecutions
  3. Enforcement of laws related to gambling, vice and secret societies
  • D1 - Administrative Division
  • D2 - Criminal Record Registration
  • D3 - Internal Affairs
  • D4 - Statistics
  • D5 - Prosecution and Law Divisions
  • D6 - Technical Assistance Division
  • D7 - Gambling / Vice / Secret Societies
  • D8 - Investigation Division / Planning
  • D9 - Special Investigation Division
  • D10 - Forensic Laboratory Division
  • D11 - Sexual Investigation Division
  • D12 - National Centre Bureau-Interpol Division

The Criminal Investigation Division is headed by a Commissioner of Police (CP).

Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division

Recruits of Royal Malaysian Police with senior police officers in a shooting course, armed with MP5 submachineguns at PULAPOL Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

This department's function is to fight against dangerous drugs by enforcing the law to stop and reduce the demand and supply of dangerous drugs.

  1. Enforce drug abuse and drug trafficking laws
  2. Collect, study, assess and spread drug-related information
  3. Investigate distributors activities and drug trafficking syndicates
  4. Fight drug smuggling activities including chemicals used to process drugs
  5. Implement prevention of drug abuse programmes
  6. Exchange data/information with domestic and international agencies
  7. Keep records and statistics related to drug distribution and other drug-related matters
  8. Surveillance activity for former drug offenders or members formerly associated with drug trafficking syndicates
  9. Provide training locally/overseas for officers / members of narcotics department
  10. Attend the meetings, seminars related to drugs, locally/oveseas
  1. Special Investigation Divisions
  2. Coordinator Part / International-relations
  3. Administrative Divisions
  4. Detention Divisions
  5. Estate Stripping
  6. Interrogate
  7. Expert / Technical Assistance
  8. Record / Statistics
  9. Registration
  10. Logistics Divisions
  11. Airport Staff

Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division lead by Police Commissioner (CP).

Internal Security and Public Order Department (KDN / KA)

Female traffic police officers during Independence Day.

This department is tasked with the maintenance of public security and order. It is responsible for traffic control and search & rescue (SAR) operations. In this role, this department cooperates with other agencies, such as the Malaysian Armed Forces and Army / Navy Maritime Patrol to prevent piracy and to secure the national borders. In addition, it assists the Transport Ministry and the Public Enterprises Ministry in the enforcement of the Traffic Act.

The main branches under this department are:

The Police Field Force (PFF) organized in battalions, was once the para-military units of the Royal Malaysian Police. The force, which was also known as the Jungle Squad (Pasukan Polis Hutan (PPH) in Malay) was tasked to operate in the jungle fringes in counter-insurgency roles during the Malayan Emergency, Indonesia–Malaysia confrontations and later Communist guerrilla insurgencies along the Malaysian-Thai border and in the jungles of Sabah and Sarawak. When the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) and Clandestine Communist Organisation (CCO) finally gave up their armed struggle in 1989 and 1990, PFF lost its role. It was reorganized as the General Operations Force (GOF). The GOF has 19 battalions and the 19th Special Battalion is tasked to provide VIP security.

When established in the year 1948, the PFF had 19 battalions of which two battalions were made up of indigenous people. These battalions were known as Senoi Praaq Battalions. One battalion was a Special Security Battalion.

A Chinese police officer of Jungle Squad holding the Sterling SMG during the 50th Independence Day Parade.

The 19 battalions are organized into 5 brigades, each headed by a Superintendent of Police. The North Brigade and Sabah Brigade have 4 battalions each, Central Brigade: 5 battalions and South-East Brigade, and Sarawak Brigade: 3 battalions each.

It all began in the year 1948, when Malayan Communist Party murdered 3 European farmers at Sungai Siput, Perak and also murdered the 3 leaders of Kuomintang (the right-wing of China Communist Party).Sir Edward Gent declared an emergency on 7 July 1948 in all Malaya Federations,starting with Perak on 16 June, 1948 and Johore on 19 June, 1948. To deal with rebellion and to hunt down the Communist terrorists in the jungle, a military based team was formed in 1948 and it was named the Flying Squad and later renamed as Jungle Squad,with their main mission to fight against the Communists. The first Jungle Squad unit was established at Sik, Kedah in 1949. Training centres were opened in Sungai Buluh, Selangor and in Dusun Tua, Hulu Langat, Selangor which was known as Field Force Special Training Centre (SLPPH). In 1964, SLPPH was transferred to Kroh, Perak then changed to Kentonmen, Ulu Kinta, Perak. After being renamed the General Operations Force or Pasukan Gerakan Am in 1997, SLPPH is now known as Sekolah Latihan Pasukan Gerakan Am (General Operations Force Training Centre, SLPGA).

So far, there are two Senoi Praaq battalions specializing in search and rescue operations. After VAT 69 was absorbed into Pasukan Gerakan Khas, along with anti-terrorist police force and Special Action Unit (UTK - Unit Tindakan Khas), a special platoon of PGA, Tiger Platoon was established.

Police Counter-Terrorism Unit

When the seeming threat of global terrorism started to increase after the incident of September 11th in United States, followed up by several series of bombings in Bali and Jakarta, Indonesia and in Malaysia, the RMP has formed 2 anti-terrorism corps. These two elite forces are known as Pasukan Gerakan Khas (PGK) and Unit Gempur Marin (UNGERIN).

Pasukan Gerakan Khas
Police counter-terrorist force Pasukan Gerakan Khas during the patrol vessel drill.

Pasukan Gerakan Khas is a major elite force in the Royal Malaysian Police, which is composed of VAT 69 and Special Actions Unit (UTK). This team was first merged in 1997 and became known as the Maroon Berets. However, this integration did not last and in 2003 it was separated. The VAT 69 changed to the Sandy Brown Berets, honored by British 22nd Special Air Service (SAS). However, both units serve under the Pasukan Gerakan Khas and is under the command of a Senior Assistant Commissioner II.

This special counter-terrorism police team is also involved in some operations within Malaysia, including military operations with Malaysian Army 22nd Commando Regiment Grup Gerak Khas against the Al-Ma'unah organization formed in Bukit Jenalik, Sauk, Perak. This team also served under the United Nations in Timor Leste and in the search and rescue operation of 700 officers and members of Indonesian National Police BRIMOB (Brigade Mobil) that were lost and trapped during the tsunami incident in Aceh, Indonesia at the end of 2005. This team also cooperated with Criminal Investigation Division to fight against dangerous crimes, among where the PGK successfully tracked down the notorious 'Gang M16' which comprised several ethnic Chinese criminals, including the group leader who was an ex-serviceman of Singapore, and the leader Gang 13 (Mat Komando), as well as other operations. The slogan for VAT 69 is WARISAN DARAH PERWIRA (In English: BLOOD OF HEROES), while for the UTK it is TANGKAS BANTERAS GANAS (meaning: PROFESSIONALISM KILLS TERORRISM).

Unit Gempur Marin (UNGERIN) (In English: Marine Combat Unit) was established in 2006 and it was fully operational by the end of 2007 with the first name as the Unit Selam Tempur due to the pressing need to suppress the pirate attacks alongside the coastal area of Malacca Straits and open sea area of South China Sea which were continuously widespread from time to time despite various efforts done to overcome the problem. The members received special training from the United States after realizing the need to form a special unit to secure the national waters and riverine fronts from any untoward incidents. This unit is placed under formation Marine Police Branch which is based in the Marine Police Base at Kampung Aceh, Sitiawan, Perak and Lahad Datu, Sabah. It has a big role in handling threats from pirates, robbery, kidnapping and hijacking of ships and terrorist attacks in national waters. The 30 members of UNGERIN are trained by instructors from US Navy SEALs and US Coast Guard in Langkawi and Kota Kinabalu and are armed with special weaponry, such as Glock 19, MP5-Navy and Colt M4A1 (possibly supported by the United States) and utilize maritime anti-terrorist tactics employed by the units of United States Navy commandos. For the unit's restructing, the name of UST was changed to Unit Gempur Marin or UNGERIN in the year 2008.[1] Its eventual goal is to have 200 operators on standby with UNGERIN.[2]

In the first phase, the 30-personnels strong special force is to undergo training in Langkawi and Kota Kinabalu, by instructors from Navy SEALs. Besides the basic diving training, they will be trained with other basic training, including tactical warfares, marksmanship, sniping, bomb disposal, direct action, sabotage, counter-terrorism, and intelligence gathering and paramedic training, along with special missions which are normally handled by special forces.[3]

FRU officers with their Chilli Red Berets walking during the Bukit Antarabangsa tragedy.

Federal Reserve Unit (Malay: Pasukan Simpanan Persekutuan) or better known with abbreviation FRU is a team which they are in charge in dispersing riots or illegal gatherings in Malaysia. Established in 5 December 1955, there were 3 troops in the early establishment. The FRU was also involved in some high profile riots, including the racial riot happened on 13th of May 1969 and in the integrated operation to catch Ibrahim Libya in Memali Incident in Baling, Kedah which ended with 16 deaths including Ibrahim and 3 police officers.

FRU is a part of RMP permanent members from various ranks, is Inspector-General Of Police Public Order Reserve Unit. This team complete independent, can move quickly and being coached special as “destroy and shock squad". It its being coached and is equipped to suppressing a rioters, dismiss the illegal assembly, control public, task of rescue during a disaster, and specific delegation help police special operation.

As a RMP public order reserve team, PSP designed, equipped and specially trained for duties suppress and dismiss riot and illegal assembly. Beside the, with equipped capacity and training to him; PSP can be mobilized to following duties :-

  1. Public Control – during mass public assembly, such as VIPs visitors, sports event, mass rally and procession; where is possible sparked public order state,
  2. To deal and facing a situation threats and challenge “Chemical, Biological, Radiological And Nuclear",
  3. Current to rescue disaster operations, like flood, campaign fire, train derailment, landslide, aircraft crashed, etc; to life rescue, prevent theft, and area inclusion involved,
  4. Crime prevention to helping a District Police Chief in the area which particular experience sharp rise frequent a crime rate or crime happened, to certain term,
  5. Massive operation, such as encircle and find, heat and arrested on extremist groups or gangster elements, intensive patrol and Curfew enforcement.

FRU structure in lead by one Commander, and assisted by a Deputy Commander. They care to Director of Public Order. They aided by a few Staff Officer and membership people of necessity; and known as Comanding Headquarter. FRU each in lead by one Commanding Officer. Every FRU troops in lead by one Troop Officer. FRU training centre presided by a Commandant. Per unit and FRU training centre has a membership to aid the administration and known as group headquarters unit.

FRU was awarded a pennant flags in year 1971 and further replaced in year 1997. These pennants are given by King of Malaysia as an appreciate charity service and FRU service during a unit establishment for maintain a national public order. During official ceremonies where the FRU affect as a parent body or detachment; such as Guard of Honour, Mess Night of FRU or Parade in conjunction with Police Anniversaries and FRU Anniversaries, FRU banner may be issued and am being marched by directing and IGP approval, KDN's Director or FRU Commander.

C4-i Implementations System

The Police Patrol personnel monitoring on the residence of VIP property. The police patrol mobile unit is a part of the C4-i Implementation System.

C4-i Implementation System (abbreviation for Command, Control, Communications, Computer-Integrated) unit is based at Police Control Centre in all police contingents in Malaysia. This unit is assigned to patrol the city and the suburbs. This unit was first established in Bukit Aman and Kuala Lumpur is the first contingent to implement this system. This unit is equipped with the CCTV system which is installed in different parts of the city and monitored by the Contingent Control Centre and each patrol car is also equipped with C4-i's system connected to a laptop. The C-4i also plays a role in forming Rakan Cops in 2006 to foster closer ties with the civillian community. Since then, the crime rates in major towns have decreased and brought about good reviews on the C4-i's and Rakan Cops implementation.

Mounted Police Unit

Traffic Branch

Malaysian Control Centre

The Internal Security and Public Order Department is led by a Commissioner of Police (CP).

Special Branch

This department is responsible for collecting intelligence for national security. Its role is to collect security intelligence related to both domestic and external threats, intercept subversive activities by extremist groups and individuals which could threaten the nation's stability. Also, it is in charge of obtaining, processing, evaluating and disseminating information to other departments and organizations. This department is divided into several branches: Technical Intelligence, Social Intelligence, External Intelligence, Political Intelligence, Economic Intelligence And Security Intelligence.

The Special Branch is headed by a Commissioner of Police (CP).

Commercial Crimes Investigation Department

This department's main function is to investigate, arrest, and prosecute offenders committing white collar crimes such as fraud, breach of trust, cyber-crimes, forgery, counterfeiting etc.

The Commercial Crimes Investigation Department is headed by a Commissioner of Police (CP).

List of Department's Directors

Template:Standard table |- bgcolor=#aacccc | Directors of Departments |} Template:Standard table| Dato' Abd Razak Bukhari |---- | Logistics Department | Commissioner of Police | Dato' Mashuri Zainal |---- | Criminal Investigation Department | Commissioner of Police | Dato' Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin |---- | Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department | Commissioner of Police | Dato' Zul Hasnan Najib Baharuddin |---- | Internal Security and Public Order Department | Commissioner of Police | Dato' Hussin Haji Ismail |---- | Special Branch | Commissioner of Police | Dato' Seri Ramli Shaari |---- | Commercial Crimes Investigation Department | Commissioner of Police | Dato' Koh Hung Sun |}

Police ranks

Senior Officers
Gazetted Officers Commissioners Inspector-General of Police (IGP)
Deputy Inspector-General of Police (DIGP)
Commissioner of Police (CP)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP)
Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police I (SAC I)
Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police II (SAC II)
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
Superintendents Superintendent of Police (SP)
Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP)
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP)
Non-gazetted Officers Inspectors Chief Inspector (C/Insp)
Inspector (Insp)
Probationary Inspector (P/Insp)
Rank In File Officers
Subordinate Officers Sub-Inspector (SI)
Sergeant Major (SM)
Sergeant (Sgt)
Corporal (Cpl)
Lance Corporal (L/Cpl)
Constable (PC)

Low rank of police officers apart from sub-inspectors wear their rank insignia on the right sleeve of their uniforms. Sub-inspectors and higher ranks wear their rank insignia on epaulettes on both shoulders.

Police fleet

Firearms (Current Service)

 Model   Service Details   Origin 
Beretta 92 Standard pistols  Italy
Browning Hi Power Service pistol of RMP  Belgium
Glock 19 Standard pistols  Austria
Heckler & Koch USP Standard pistols (Compact 9mm), PGK (Tactical 9mm)  Germany
Sig Sauer P226 Standard issue of RMP   Switzerland
Smith & Wesson Model 15 Service revolver of RMP  United States
Walther P99 New standard issue pistol of RMP  Germany
MP5A2/A3/A4/A5/Navy/K-A4/SD6 Standard SMG (A2/A3/A4), PGK/UNGERIN (A5/Navy/K-A4/SD6)  Germany
Remington 870 Standard Shotgun  United States
Benelli M3 Super 90 PGK  Italy
Colt M4A11 PGK/UNGERIN  United States
Colt M16A1 Standard issue rifle of RMP  United States
Heckler & Koch HK416 PGK  Germany
Heckler & Koch G36C VAT 69 PGK  Germany
Heckler & Koch PSG-1 PGK/UNGERIN  Germany
Accuracy International L96A1 PGK/UNGERIN  United Kingdom
Remington 700 PGK  United States
FN MAG Standard machine guns  Belgium
Heckler & Koch HK11 Standard machine guns  Germany
Heckler & Koch HK69 Standard grenade launcher  Germany
M203 Standard grenade launcher  United States

1M4 Carbine; replacing M16 rifles, the future standard issue rifles supplied by SME Ordnance[4]

Major Cases and Incidents

Al-Mau'nah Arms Heist

In the early morning on 2 July 2000, 21 members of the militant group visited the outpost and camp of Bn 304 Rejimen Askar Wataniah under the guise of a surprise inspection and relieved the soldiers' weapons and carted away weapons from the armoury. They took away a huge cache of firearms and ammunition, including 97 M16 assault rifles, four GPMGs, five grenade launchers, 9,095 rounds of 5.56 mm and 60 rounds of 40 mm ammunition. The group was later cornered in the village of Sauk, Perak and involved in a stand-off the Malaysian Army and Royal Malaysian Police forces. The Malaysian Special Forces threw a containment cordon of Bukit Jenalik Tpr Matthew anak Medan from 21 Commando was murdered by this militant group and was awarded Pahlawan Gagah Berani.[5] The leader and militant group surrendered to the Malaysian Special Forces and later they were handed over to the police.[6]

The Al-Mau'nah group later surrendered, and the leaders were brought to trial for "waging war upon the King". Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali and his group were brought to trial for charges of "waging war against the King", and became the first group of people convicted of such charges in Malaysia. Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali and his two lieutenants, Zahit Muslim and Jamaluddin Darus, were sentenced to death. Sixteen others were given life sentences. A police personnel, Detective Korporal Sanghadevan was murdered during the incident.[7][8] Asisten Superintendan Polis Abdul Razak Mohd. Yusof was awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa for his role in resolving the stand-off.

Memali Incident

The Memali Incident occurred in the remote village of Memali, Baling in the Malaysian state of Kedah on 19 November 1985. A task force of 200 policemen under orders from the Acting Prime Minister and Home Minister Musa Hitam, laid siege to kampung (village) houses in Memali. The houses were occupied by an Islamic sect of about 400 people led by Ibrahim Mahmud a.k.a. Ibrahim Libya.[9].

Bukit Kepong Incident

The Bukit Kepong Incident was an armed encounter which took place on 23 February 1950 between the police and the Malayan Communists during pre-independence Malaya. This conflict took place in an area surrounding the Bukit Kepong police station in Bukit Kepong, a wooden station located on the banks of the Muar River, about 59km from Muar town, Johor.


The Royal Malaysian Police has been accused of misuse of power and exercising excessive power. See:

Police brutality

Peaceful Protests Against Fuel Prices

There were continued reports of excessive use of force by police officers during peaceful demonstrations. In March and May 2007 police armed with shields violently dispersed a series of peaceful protests in Kuala Lumpur against fuel prices, with batons and water cannon. Several people were reported seriously injured and dozens arrested. All were subsequently released. In early 2009, seven policemen pleaded not guilty in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court to injuring a car park attendant and a teenager at the Brickfields police station in 2008. They were charged with voluntarily causing hurt to the two, at a detective’s office to make them confess to a criminal intimidation case [10].

Ananthan Kugan Death Case

There are still concerns over the effectiveness of safeguards to ensure the safety and the well being of detainees in police custody. At least five people, including one woman, died in custody during 2007. More recently, a 22 year-old Indian youth, A. Kugan, died on January 20, 2009 while in police custody after he was detained for interrogation at the Subang USJ Taipan police station for allegedly being involved in a car theft syndicate. Statements made by the police on the cause of death (which they claim was due to an asthma attack from the findings of a post-mortem, however, this has been refuted by the family of the deceased) were inconsistent with the physical injuries visible on the body of the deceased[11]. The Attorney-General’s Chambers have classified the case as murder and 11 policemen from the Subang USJ Taipan police station have been reassigned to desk duty pending investigations. A second post-mortem was conducted revealed that the 22-year-old suffered a cardiac arrest following the injuries on his body that was caused by blunt force trauma[12].

Wanted Lists & Rewards

Although the Wanted Lists are already in existence, there is a public feeling that they could be used more extensively to both solve and deter crimes. Apart from being placed more prominently both inside and outside of the police stations, they could be placed in all post offices, local and long-distance bus terminuses, taxi terminuses, airport waiting lounges, outside public lavatories, government and private hospitals and clinics, government and private schools, public park entrances, shopping malls, public phone kiosks, etc. These should be updated at least on a quarterly basis. Special Wanted Lists with greater details than those on posters could be given to bus drivers and conductors, bus ticket sales counter staff, retail travel agents, toll booth staff, domestic airline cabin crew, supermarket checkout staff, petrol station staff, hotel and restaurant staff, canteen drinks stall staff, shopping mall reception and security staff, public attraction staff, private security firm staff, etc who could act as additional eyes and ears for the police. Larger financial incentives should be advertised as being offered to those helping police with their investigations.

Police Headquarters/Facilities

Land Division

  1. Bukit Aman Police Headquarter, Kuala Lumpur 3°08′55″N 101°41′30″E / 3.148725°N 101.691584°E / 3.148725; 101.691584
  2. Kuala Lumpur Contingent Police Headquarter, Kuala Lumpur 3°08′32″N 101°42′26″E / 3.142093°N 101.707142°E / 3.142093; 101.707142
  3. PULAPOL, Semarak Road, Kuala Lumpur 3°10′34″N 101°43′00″E / 3.176025°N 101.716576°E / 3.176025; 101.716576
  4. Johor Contingent Police Headquarter, Johor 1°28′38″N 103°45′53″E / 1.477227°N 103.764673°E / 1.477227; 103.764673
  5. Kedah Contingent Police Headquarter, Kedah
  6. Kelantan Contingent Police Headquarter, Kelantan
  7. Malacca Contingent Police Headquarter, Malacca
  8. Negeri Sembilan Contingent Police Headquarter, Negeri Sembilan
  9. Pahang Contingent Police Headquarter, Pahang
  10. Perak Contingent Police Headquarter, Perak
  11. Perlis Contingent Police Headquarter, Perlis
  12. Pulau Pinang Contingent Police Headquarter, Pulau Pinang
  13. Sabah Contingent Police Headquarter, Sabah
  14. Sarawak Contingent Police Headquarter, Sarawak
  15. Selangor Contingent Police Headquarter, Selangor
  16. Terengganu Contingent Police Headquarter , Terengganu

Marine Operations Force

  1. Northern Region Marine Police Base, Gelugor, Penang
  2. East Region Marine Police Base, Kemaman, Terengganu
  3. Southern Region Marine Police Base, Johor Bahru, Johore
  4. Sabah Region Marine Police Base, Sandakan, Sabah
  5. Sarawak Region Marine Police Base, Kuching, Sarawak
  6. Putrajaya Marine Police Base, Putrajaya




Daily Life

  • Highway patrol
  • Private propeties — Uniformed police officers on duty are likely to hint property owner to "obey the law" in order to receive "protection" by police.

Historical secret police organizations

Complaints Commission

Non-governmental organizations continued to press the government to create an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). In 2005 a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the police had recommended a wide range of reforms, including the establishment of an IPCMC by May 2006.[13]. Draft legislation to establish an IPCMC remained under consideration by the Attorney General at the end of the year. A range of other reform recommendations, including repeal or review of laws allowing for detention without trial or requiring police permits for public assemblies, were not implemented.

Proposed decentralisation and Federal Police Bureau

Due to heavy public criticism of lack of police professionalism including incidents of high profile murder cases and in the inability to deter crime, there have been some proposals for reform and restructuring of the Royal Malaysian Police. Some have suggested restructuring along U.S. lines with State police forces and a Federal Police Bureau similar to the FBI. In Johor for example there could be a Johor State Police set up and in Pahang there could be a Pahang State Police. The police force in the Federal Territory of Labuan could simply be "Labuan Police", whilst the police force in the capital could be "KL City Police". Since there would be the need for cross-state pursuit, this could be handled by the "Highway Police" who would cross state lines although there could also be provisions for State Police to cross state lines in hot pursuit. There should still remain a degree of integration and co-operation between each State police force. Another suggestion is the word "Royal" be dropped not only because members of Malaysian royal families are not keen to be associated with the incompetence or lack of professionalism of some members of the police force but because the adjective detracts or is non-descriptive of the role, duties and responsibilities of the police in Malaysia. The police in any case are answerable to the public rather than to any of the royal families. The most important issue might be who polices the police and efforts to hold errant members of the police force to account. Each force could have a Police Complaints Bureau and an Accountability Committee with lay members, which might include lawyers, ex-lawyers and ex-judges.


  1. ^ "Marine bases to serve as coastal police stations". Daily Express. 2008-11-25. Retrieved 2009-03-03.
  2. ^ "擴展服務範圍水警兼管查案" (in Traditional Chinese). China Press. 2009-01-21. Retrieved 2009-03-03.
  3. ^ "Unit Selam Tempur - miliki kemahiran ala komando" (in Bahasa Malaysia). Utusan Malaysia. 2008-07-27. Retrieved 2008-08-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  4. ^ "M4 carbine also used by Royal Malaysian Police, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and others". SME Ordnance Sdn Bhd. Retrieved 2008-09-13.
  5. ^ "Malaysian arms gang took hostages". bbc.co.uk. BBC. 4 July 2000. Retrieved 2008-06-08. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  6. ^ "Malaysian gunmen surrender". bbc.co.uk. BBC. 6 July 2000. Retrieved 2008-08-18. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  7. ^ "Sauk incident". Utusan Malaysia. 2001-01-15. Retrieved 2008-02-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. ^ "Malaysian arms raid cult charged". bbc.co.uk. BBC. 8 August 2000. Retrieved 2008-06-08. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  9. ^ "Islamic Radicalism in Malaysia: the Middle East connection)". YUSOFF KAMARUZAMAN. Retrieved 14 August. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  10. ^ "Seven cops plead not guilty to hurting two youths". thestar.com.my. The Star (Malaysia). 15 January 2009. Retrieved 2009-01-21. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  11. ^ "Cops vow no cover-up in probe into detainee death (updated)". thestar.com.my. The Star (Malaysia). 20 January 2009. Retrieved 2009-01-21. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  12. ^ "Autopsy No. 2 finds external injuries ". themalaysianinsider.com. The Malaysian Insider. 27 January 2009. Retrieved 2009-01-27. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  13. ^ "No more foot-dragging". Aliran Monthly. Retrieved 01 December. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)

See also