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List of fictional presidents of the United States (K–M)

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List of fictional
United States Presidents
A – F
G – M
N – T
U – Z
Vice Presidents

The following is a list of fictional United States presidents, G through M.


President Gamberelli

  • President in: We Who Survived(1959) by Sterling Noel
  • President in 2203-04
  • Disbelieves prediction of world catastrophe.
  • Presumed dead.

President Jules Gardiner

  • President in The Squadron Supreme, a Marvel Comics mini-series.
  • Former U.S. Postmaster General.
  • Served as President after the alien Overmind forced former President Kyle Richmond to conquer the World.

President Frederick Randolph Garner

  • President in: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman episodes "Meet John Doe", "I Now Pronounce You..." and "Lois and Clarks"
  • His first and middle names can be seen on a paper he is signing in "I Now Pronounce you . . .", and his last name is used in "Meet John Doe."
  • Played by: Fred Willard

President Thomas Edison (Shy) Garland

  • President in: Father's Day, novel by John Calvin Batchelor
  • Former astronaut, former senator from Texas, nicknamed Shy and a nephew of LBJ.
  • Elected vice president under Theodore G. Jay in 2000, assumes the reins of power as acting president, as per the 25th Amendment, after Jay goes on a leave of absence due to a deep depression. Garland was much more popular than President Jay and attempted to have Jay ruled unfit by Congress and the Cabinet when Jay tries to reassume the presidency. He also orchestrated a military coup to assassinate Jay if the attempt to have Jay declared unfit fails. Codenamed "Father's Day"?
  • Party: Democratic

President Johnny Gentle

  • President in: Infinite Jest, novel by David Foster Wallace
  • Has an obsessive-compulsive phobia of contamination; founder of the "Clean U.S. Party"
  • A former "famous crooner", he wins the presidency on a promise to make America a cleaner place. As part of his solution he makes a large portion of New England (the "Concavity") into a toxic waste dump and forcibly gives this territory to Canada.

President Joseph Galbrain

  • President in: XIII (comic)
  • Comes after William B. Sheridan
  • Comes before Walter "Wally" Sheridan

President Mays Gilliam

  • President in: Head of State
  • An alderman from Washington D.C., Gilliam was chosen by his party to replace the deceased presidential nominee. Gilliam narrowly defeats a sitting vice-president becoming America's first Black President.
  • Played by: Chris Rock

President Lancelot R. Gilligrass

President Harold Goosie

President Leona Crawford Gordon

  • President in "Hitler's Daughter" (1984) by Timothy Benford.
  • Vice President to President Virgil Rutledge until his untimely death.
  • Mother was a woman impregnated by Hitler, brought to the United States in 1945 by U-Boat, and was killed shortly after giving birth to her.

President Al Gore

President Graham

  • President in: Resident Evil 4
  • Daughter, Ashley Graham, kidnapped by the European Cult Los Illuminados in 2004.
  • Never shown during the course of the game, though he was the one to send Leon S. Kennedy to rescue his daughter.
  • Unknown political orientation, though in-game references to terrorism suggest that he might be similar to President George W. Bush in regards to foreign affairs.
  • Given name not mentioned. Surname inferred.

President Paul Green

  • President in: Fire, a novel by Alan Rodgers
  • His wife, Ada, was killed after a plan crash and a series of medical mishaps while visiting the Soviet Union.
  • Belongs to a church called the Armageddonists, which believes man is destined to user in the end of the world.
  • During a virus-caused crisis, is killed by an Air Force serviceman before he can make good his threats.

President Paul L. Greene

  • President in "The Last Debate" by Jim Lehrer.
  • A former Governor of Nebraska, won the 2000 election after his opponent was question about unethical behavior during the last presidential debate.
  • It was revealed after the election that President Greene leaked the information to the journalist before the debate through a third party.
  • Party: Democrat.

President Stewie Griffin

  • President in Family Guy episode Lois Kills Stewie.
  • Caricature of George Washington
  • Takes over the United States after he Infiltrates the CIA and is confronted with Stan Smith from American Dad!.
  • Declares the law that you must throw apples at Peter Griffin.
  • Outlaws the making of strait-to-video sequels to animated Disney films.
  • Declares the law that all milk for human consumption must come from Hilary Swank's breasts.
  • He is then assassinated by Peter Griffin.
  • Political Party: Unknown


President Dewey Haik

  • President in the Fascist Corps running the United States in Sinclair Lewis's novel It Can't Happen Here.
  • Served as Commissioner of the Northeastern Province under President Buzz Windrip, then Secretary of War and High Marshal of the Minute Men.
  • Collaborated in the coup d'état that removed Windrip and installed Lee Sarason as President. Shortly afterwards, Haik lead the assassination of Sarason and his own installation as President.
  • Particularly brutal and repressive, Haik's rule made citizens "long for the liberal days of President Windrip".
  • Later in Haik's administration, a major revolt developed against his rule, with significant defection of military forces. The final fate of this revolt and President Haik remain unknown as of the novel's end.

President Jeremy Haines

President Emerson Hale

  • President in the play "The White House Murder Case" by Jules Feiffer
  • During his administration there is a chemical attack on U.S. troops fighting in South America.
  • The U.S. has recently ended a war in Africa that cost a quarter of a million lives.
  • The First Lady is killed by the Postmaster General with a golf club, but the President bows to political blackmail and appoints him Secretary of State.

President Charles Halsey

  • President in: The Outer Limits episode "Trial by Fire"
  • Shortly after being sworn in, President Halsey is faced with first contact with an armada of alien ships. As the planet arms nuclear weapons, Halsey attempts to communicate with the ships but is unsuccessful.
  • Halsey is married to Elizabeth Halsey, has children and is considered a peace-loving liberal surrounded by hawkish military leaders; President Halsey and advisors are later killed by the aliens.
  • Played by: Robert Foxworth

President Wesley Hamlin

  • President in: Moonfall by Jack McDevitt
  • Was governor of Illinois who won the presidential election of 2000.
  • Is a distant relative of former Vice President Hannibal Hamlin.
  • Narrowly survived an assassination attempt in 2003 by the father of a victim of a convicted killer he pardoned as governor. President Hamlin was left paralyzed from the waist down after his assassination attempt. Vice President Dan Sullivan and Secretary of State Bernie Phillips convince him not to resign.
  • Re-elected in 2004.
  • Opened his presidential library in 2011.
  • Moved back to his home town in Illinois after leaving office.
  • Party: Republican

President Judson C. "Judd" ("Major") Hammond

President William "Bill" Haney

  • President in: My Fellow Americans
  • Haney served as vice president under President Russell P. Kramer before defeating incumbent President Matt Douglas. Later forced to resign.
  • Played by: Dan Aykroyd
  • Republican

President Benjamin Bow Hannaford

  • President in Drew Pearson's 1970 novel The President.
  • Was a former U.S. Senator who was forced to resign after allegations of corruption.
  • Staged a political comeback and won a four way Presidential race.
  • Survived Impeachment brought on by his handling of a chemical warfare incident.

President Andrew Jackson Harper

  • President in "The Agent from UNLESS" by Cassandra Harbinger.
  • Former U.S. Senator from Tennessee and Vice President of the United States.
  • Sworn into office after President Dirk Morganthal "Duke" Cassidy was assassinated in by a supervillain in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Ordered an escalation in the Southeast Asian War, but restricted the use of superhumans in the conflict.
  • Gave the United Nations Law Enforcement & Security Service (UNLESS) free reign to deal with supervillains in the United States.
  • Did not run for a second term claiming health reasons, but in reality he was threatened with being exposed as the pawn of a criminal mastermind unless he step down.
  • Party: Liberty Party

President Baxter Harris

President John Henry Harris

  • President in Allan Folsom's novel The Machiavelli Covenant
  • Back cover copy says Harris is "on the run ... from his murderous Cabinet."

President Andrew Harrison

President William Harrison

  • President in: The President by Parker Hudson
  • Harrison is an extreme liberal president, who becomes a Christian while in office.

President Spencer Harvey

President Charles Haskell

  • President in: Moonfall by Jack McDevitt
  • Becomes the youngest vice president in history in the presidential election of 2020 at the age of 35.
  • Becomes the nation's youngest president at 39 after President Kolladner is killed in a Marine One crash.
  • Wins re-election in 2024.
  • Relocates the nation's capital back to Philadelphia after Washington, D.C. is destroyed by a tsunami.
  • Party: Democratic

President Arne Eino Haugen

  • President in: "The General's President" by John Dalmas
  • Born April 23, 1924
  • Under emergency powers, he is appointed Vice-President by the sitting President, who then resigns.
  • After Soviet energy weapon attacks that triggered huge quakes in California and Seattle, Haugen orders a retaliatory assassination of the Soviet Premier and Politburo via the same sort of weapon
  • Resigns soon after being shot.

President John Harker

  • President in the novelization of Escape from New York.
  • Nicknamed "Straddler" because of his moderate views, actually was a cunning politician who plotted his enemies downfall from behind a facade of moderation.
  • During World War Three being fought against Russia and China, President Harker was going to reveal at the Hartford Summit of a new clean superbomb and threaten to use it unless they surrendered.
  • Air Force One, under the code name David 14, was highjacked on route and President Harker was forced to eject in an escape pod the the New York Federal Prison in Mahattan, and was taken hostage by the Duke.

President Henry Hayes

President Jonathan Hayes

President Robert Hayes

  • President in Transfer of Power and subsequent novels by Vince Flynn
  • Party: Democratic
  • Develops Parkinson's Disease, so is unable to seek re-election
  • Once held in secure bunker for many days during a terrorist attack on the White House causing his unpopular VP Sherman Baxter to take control. Hayes resumed control some days after.

President Helman

President Stephen Decatur Henderson

  • President in Mr. President, 1962 Broadway musical by Irving Berlin
  • Henderson loses his bid for re-election.
  • Played by Robert Ryan

President Dave Hepler

  • President in The Dave Hepler Saga, a series of alternative history novels.
  • Dave Hepler becomes the 44th President of the United States after the Bush Administration's embarrassing debacle in "The War on Terror", tips the political scale back in the favor of the Democrats. Dave promises the American people a new Golden Age in his campaign and leads his country bravely during the numerous wars it becomes involved in, including the Canadian War and World War III.

President David Herman

  • President in Mad TV sketch in 1995.
  • President Herman entered politics after his girlfriend broke up with him. He got drunk, ran for President and won.
  • A former Bagal butterer, he has on opinions until drunk, when he becomes extremely opinionated.
  • Campaign theme of "Hey America, Last Call," proved more effective then "Four more with Clinton and Gore."
  • By the beginning of his second term he had put men on Mars and gained three new states, Cuba, Saskatchewan, and Germany.
  • Cuba was gained after President Herman went to the U.N. and said "Cuba is part of the United States, anyone have a problem with that?" The French ambassador's objections ended when President Herman asked him to "step outside."
  • Saskatchewan was a straight up trade with Canada for the band Aerosmith.
  • Germany was won in World War Three which ended when President Herman smashed a bottle over the Chancellor's head.
  • President Herman found a cure for cancer by giving it to the heads to the seven largest corporations. Within six months there were four different cures.
  • Alcoholism has become a major problem during the Herman administration.
  • Married to Wyonna Ryder.

President Zach Herney

President Carmen Hiero

  • President in The Stone Dogs by S.M. Stirling.
  • Was Vice President to President Liedermann who died in 1991.
  • Second Hispanic and first woman President of the United States.
  • President Hiero was killed in the Final War with the South African based Dominion of the Draka in 1998.
  • Party: Republican.
  • From Sonora in an alternate timeline where Mexico is part of the United States.

President Art Hockstader

President Mark Hollenbck

  • President in Fletcher Knebel's novel Night at Camp David (1965).
  • Becomes mentally unstable and is forced to resign.
  • Party: Democratic.

President Paul Hollister

President Wendell Holmes

President David Hoope

  • President in the manga and anime series Death Note
  • Elected in 2008 (whether it is his first or second term is unstated)
  • Is blackmailed by the rogue detective Mello with the threat of using the Death Note to force him to launch a nuclear strike, dies of an apparent suicide in the Oval Office in 2009.
  • Authorizes the creation of the SPK (Special Provisions for Kira) task force to pursue the international mass-murderer Kira and secure the Death Note.

President Courtney Hoover

President J. Edgar Hoover

  • President in: Red Dwarf episode Tikka To Ride
  • In the alternate timeline created by the Red Dwarf crew (caused by knocking Lee Harvey Oswald out the window of the Texas Book Depository, Hoover succeeded JFK as president after Kennedy was impeached.
  • Hoover was forced to run by the mob, who blackmailed him with photos of him at a transvestite orgy.

President Jonathan Vincent Horne

President Robert Hovelmann

President Eve Hubbard

  • One of the many presidents in Robert Anton Wilson's Schrödinger's Cat trilogy
  • Star of the movie "Gentleman Prefer Clones", President Hubbard reformed criminal code, ending victimless crimes. She encouraged space migration, life extension, extensive automation of industry and other scientific research projects (see also SMI²LE).
  • Party: Libertarian Immortalist ("No more death and taxes!")

President Hudson

  • President in: Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams
  • Ordered the bombing of Damascus
  • According to rumours very influenced by astrology in his decisions, especially advices given by astrologer Gail Andrews
  • Has "recently passed away" in the beginning of the novel

President Harley M. Hudson

  • President in: Advise and Consent by Allen Drury
  • Former governor of Michigan (Delaware in the movie) who is elected Vice-President.
  • Succeeds to presidency upon death of unnamed predecessor
  • In the book's sequel, A Shade of Difference, Hudson becomes a national hero for standing up to threats by the Soviets at a conference in Geneva, and is dubbed "Fearless Peerless" by the press.
  • Possibly modeled on President Harry Truman
  • Assassinated via sabotage to Air Force One in a later volume of the Advise and Consent series
  • Played in the movie version by: Lew Ayres

President Huffman

President Mark Hunt

  • Elected president in Larry Burkett's The Illuminati
  • Assassinated by "The Society" for not being a puppet, succeeded by Kathy Alton
  • Party: Democratic

President Clay Huntington

  • President in "The Summit", a 1970s novel.

President Matt Hutton

  • Party: Republican
  • President in "The First Lady" by Edward Gorman (as E.J. Gorman)


President Ingstrom

  • President on Freedom, a 1998 UPN Television Series.
  • During his term a war broke out in the Middle East.
  • President Ingstrom disappeared after the crash of Air Force One, leading to a Military Government in the United States.

President Itchy


President Robby Jackson

  • Was President just prior to The Teeth of the Tiger by Tom Clancy
  • Was Vice President under Jack Ryan, and became the first black President when Jack resigned for the purpose of allowing him to be the first black President. Jackson was later assassinated by a man dubbed "the last of the Klan" by the media.

President Edward Montoya Jason

  • President in: Come Nineveh, Come Tyre, by Allen Drury
  • Early in his administration, the United States government is overthrown by a Soviet conspiracy, due in large part to President Jason's naivete and incompetence.
  • Commits suicide when the consequences of his actions become clear.

President James Johnson

  • President in: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
  • The 44th President, preceded by President George Sears (Solidus Snake). After Sears "resigned" following the events of the original Metal Gear Solid, James Johnson, the son of a former senator, was nominated for election and won; Johnson claims the election was a farce and that he is a figurehead for The Patriots, a secret group that controls the United States, and which decides the elections. During the events of Plant chapter, Johnson is assassinated by Revolver Ocelot as part his unwilling involvement in the S3 Plan.

President Maria Juarez


President Charles Foster Kane

  • President in: Back in the USSA by Eugene Byrne and Kim Newman.
  • In this alternate history novel, Kane is Theodore Roosevelt's running mate in 1912. They are elected but Roosevelt is assassinated before the inauguration and Kane becomes President. Kane's policies cause great unrest and he is overthrown by a left-wing revolution.
  • Party: Republican

President Florentyna Kane

  • President in: The Prodigal Daughter and Shall We Tell the President? by Jeffrey Archer
  • Shall We Tell the President was first written before Archer devised the Florentyna Kane character, and the president was originally Ted Kennedy. In a later revision of this work, Archer replaced Kennedy with his presidential candidate from The Prodigal Daughter.
  • Kane (née Rosnovski) becomes the first woman President at the end of the book, after the former incumbent dies of a heart attack while jogging.
  • Party: Democratic

President Kang

President Ed Kealty

  • President in: The Teeth of the Tiger by Tom Clancy
  • Ed Kealty took over the presidency after President Robby Jackson was assassinated. Kealty previously failed to secure the president when he tried to say he never officially resigned after the events of Debt of Honor's final pages.
  • Party: Probably Democrat

President John Keeler

  • President in: 24 (2005-2006)
  • Played by: Geoffrey Pierson
  • Keeler was elected after President David Palmer withdrew from the race. As part of a day of unprecedented terrorist strikes, Air Force One is shot down, critically injuring Keeler and killing dozens of others including the President's son, Kevin; Vice President Charles Logan assumes the presidency. His fate was never revealed, though Logan was still the president 18 months later, likely indicating that Keeler either was killed, or still remained physically unable to hold the office.
  • Party: Republican.

President Tim Kegan

  • President in: Winter Kills, both book by Richard Condon and movie
  • Assassinated president that is never fully seen during one flashback scene in movie. No credit was given to the arm.

President Keith

President Kellogg

  • President in Man of the Year
  • Incumbent Democratic candidate up for re-election
  • Won second term in re-election after Tom Dobbs declined the presidency

President Joshua Francis Kellogg

  • President in: Joshua Son of None, by Nancy Freedman
  • Cloned from tissue taken from an unnamed President (strongly implied to be John F. Kennedy) shortly after his 1963 assassination, and deliberately raised so as to mimic President Kennedy's early life, in hopes of "re-creating" the original through similar formative experiences.
  • Assassinated immediately after being sworn in as president.

President Kendrick

President Francis Xavier Kennedy

  • President in: Mario Puzo's The Fourth K
  • Nephew of John F. Kennedy, served one term in the Senate. His first act as President is to donate his $40 million fortune to relieve the national debt.
  • During his administration, the Pope is executed, his daughter kidnapped, and a bomb detonated in Manhattan. In retaliation, President Kennedy destroys the capital city of Dach in the fictional Arabian country of Sherbin. Kennedy is later re-elected due to an assassination attempt on his life.

President Clark Kent

  • President in: Action Comics Annual #3 (1991)
  • In a possible future, Pete Ross is running for President with Kent as his campaign manager. When an assassination attempt results in Ross being injured and Kent's secret identity being revealed, Ross insists Superman take his place as the Democratic nominee.
  • President Kent is responsible for a series of satellites broadcasting solar power to Earth. He also worked towards multilateral disarmament, and the coalition of all superhero teams into the World Peace League.
  • This future was observed by the time traveller Waverider, but negated soon afterwards.
  • Party: Democratic

President Donald Kilbourne

  • President in: Larry Burkett's The Illuminati
  • Discredited for mishandling of west-coast earthquake/tsunami disaster and withdrew from election (replaced as candidate by Mark Hunt, who won)
  • Party: Democratic

President Kerry Francis Kilcannon

  • President in: Richard North Patterson's novels Protect and Defend and Balance of Power, candidate in No Safe Place.
  • Kilcannon is a Democrat from New Jersey and was elected in 2000 at age 42 after defeating incumbent Vice-President Dick Mason for Democratic nomination. President Kilcannon appointed Caroline Masters as the first female Chief Justice of the United States.
  • Kilcannon was a two term Senator and succeeded his older brother James, who was assassinated while running for President in 1988. Kilcannon's vice President was Ellen Penn, formerly Senator from California and is married in second marriage to Lara (née Costello) a former television news reporter.
  • Party: Democratic

President Tom Kimball

President Zachary King

  • President in Kingdom Come by Elliot S. Magin
  • Two Term President of the United States.

President Robert Kinsey

  • President in: Stargate SG-1 TV-series
  • A senator from Indiana, Kinsey was vice president under President Henry Hayes. Kinsey became president in two separate alternate timelines. He is tied to a group called the Trust, a cabal of international businessmen who are trying to obtain alien technologies for commercial purposes, largely by using Kinsey's power and influence in the U.S. government. At the end of Season 7, President Hayes forces him into retirement.
  • Played by: Ronny Cox
  • Party: Unknown. The character incorporates elements stereotypically attributed to both the Democrats (opposition to Defense spending, distrust of the military) and Republicans (religious fundamentalism, isolationism). The ambiguity is probably deliberate, in order not to alienate viewers of either political belief.

President Benjamin Knight

  • President in: The Lucky Ones by Doris Mortman
  • Party: Democratic

President Orrin Knox

President Henry Kolladner

  • President in: Moonfall by Jack McDevitt
  • The nation's second African-American president.
  • Elected president in 2020.
  • Succeeded by Vice President Charles Haskell.
  • Party: Democratic

President Russell P. Kramer

  • President in: My Fellow Americans
  • Born in Ohio, Kramer was a congressman and a senator and attempted to run for re-election as president but failed; according to Kramer, eighty million people voted against him. Famous for line "Our dreams are like our children." Later ran again for office as an independent with former President Matt Douglas.
  • Played by: Jack Lemmon
  • Independent, formerly Republican

President Hayward Kretz

  • President in Drew Pearson's novels The Senator (1968) and The President (1970).


President Aaron Lake

President Hank Landry

Booker T. Langford

  • President in: Down to a Sunless Sea by David Graham.
  • First African-American President, has to consider whether or not to let five Southern majority African-American states secede from the United States.
  • Presides over USA devastated by collapse of the dollar, near end of American domestic oil production, and the severe curtailment of oil imports to the United States
  • Calls for peace and time to prove that the United States did not produce the nuclear weapons Israel used to attack Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, after Tel Aviv's water supply was contaminated with BW agents.
  • Either killed or out of contact during the surprise Sino-Soviet nuclear attack on America and replaced by James McCracken, acting President, who, from an undisclosed location (probably a bunker, Raven's Rock, Mount Weather, or the like) launches the retaliatory strikes against the USSR and mainland China.

President Langley

  • President in: "Bookworm, Run" (short story, Vernor Vinge, 1965; anthologized in The Complete Stories of Vernor Vinge, 2001)

President Eve Carol Larsen

  • President in: Quantico by Greg Bear
  • Served as Governor of Wisconsin before being elected President of the United States.
  • Her administration had to deal with a series of planned bio-terrorist attacks on Rome, Jerusalem, and Mecca, orchestrated by rogue FBI agent Lawrence Winter.
  • Party: Democratic

President (Helen) Lasker

  • President in: Contact (novel, Carl Sagan, 1985)
  • A two-term (1993-2001) female President who deals with the ramifications of alien contact. In the film adaptation (Contact, 1997, dir: Robert Zemeckis), she was replaced by real-life President Bill Clinton, from authentic and slightly "doctored" archive footage of press conferences, meetings and TV appearances edited in such a way as to present fictional events. (Name "Helen" appears only in a Beta Version of the screenplay).

President Owen Lassiter

  • President in: The West Wing (television)
  • Mentioned only in one episode, Lassiter is a native of California, has a presidential library, was married and is presently deceased. Possibly resembles Ronald Reagan.
  • In his Oval Office, President Lassiter had jars of sand and soil from land wherever American soldiers died. In the twilight of his life, he wrote an essay titled "The Need for an American Empire" to President Bartlet calling for opposition of Islamic fundamentalism.
  • Toby Ziegler blames Lassiter for "anointing the regimes that haunt us today"
  • Party: Republican

President Jason Law

  • President in the novel Rubicon One, a 1980s novel by Dennis Jones.
  • Orders U.S. Naval Aircraft to intercept an Israeli Air Force strike to prevent World War Three.

President Lenny Leonard

President Liedermann

  • President in The Stone Dogs by S.M. Stirling.
  • Died in office in 1991.
  • Party: Republican.

President Limbaugh

  • President in: the novel Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace
  • Presumably right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh.
  • Wallace's novel is set in the near future (relative to its 1996 publication); Limbaugh is referred to as "recently assassinated."

President Lindberg

  • President in: The Fifth Element
  • President of the United Federated Territories.
  • In the year 2263, Earth was threatened with destruction by the Ultimate Evil. After foolishly ordering a battleship to fire on the Evil (which destroyed the ship with all hands on board), Lindberg ordered Major Korben Dallas to find the five elements that would destroy the Evil (which he was able to do seconds before Earth would have been destroyed).
  • Played by: Tom 'Tiny' Lister Jr.

President Manfred Link

  • President in: First Family
  • His wife was considered to be a drunk.
  • The First Daughter was alleged to be a nymphomaniac.
  • His administration consisted of Vice President Shockley, Presidential Assistant Feebleman, and Press Secretary Bunthorne.
  • Played by: Bob Newhart

President Abraham Linkidd

President Walter Nathaniel Livingston

  • President in the book Arc Light by Eric L. Harry (1994)
  • From New York
  • President during the Russian invasion of China. When Russia plans to use tactical nuclear weapons to end the war, the Russians inform the U.S. to prevent an accident nuclear exchange.
  • Is impeached for warning the Chinese which caused the strike against the U.S., and not gaining a commitment from the Russian for the removal of their nuclear weapons.
  • Removed from office, and replaced with Vice President Paul Steven Constanzo.
  • Party: Democratic

President Bradford Gregory Lockridge

  • President in the novel Corridors of Power.
  • Was President in the mid-1960s, served one term and failed to get re-elected.

President Bedford Forrest Lockwood

  • President in the novels The Better Angels (1979) and Shelley's Heart (1995) by Charles McCarry
  • Was from Kentucky, and served from 1993-1997 (The Better Angels) or 2001-2005 (Shelley's Heart).
  • Defeated President Franklin Douglass Mallory, and ran against him four years later.
  • Impeached for his ordering the assassination of King Ibn Awad, an Arab Monarch who was about to hand over two nuclear weapons to the terrorist group Eye of Gaza.
  • Resigned after learning his chief of staff Julian Hubbard had his intelligence agent half brother Horace manipulate the computer returns giving Lockwood the election.
  • Party: Democrat

President John Lockwood

  • President in: Wrong Is Right
  • Played by: George Grizzard
  • His Vice President is Mrs. Ford (Rosalind Cash), an African-American woman.
  • Sarcastically nicknamed "Honest John" by his rival, Franklin Mallory (Leslie Nielsen)

President Charles Logan

  • President in: 24 (2006-2007)
  • Played by: Gregory Itzin
  • Cabinet unanimously invoked the 25th Amendment after President Keeler is hospitalized following an attack on Air Force One. This is the second time the amendment has been invoked in the series, but the previous vote was strongly divided and was not executed legally.
  • Eighteen months after being sworn in, he is still President (Keeler's fate is unknown) and signs a strategic defense treaty with the Russian President. Logan views this as the crowning achievement of his time in office, though the day is marred by the assassination of former President David Palmer and the threat of European terrorists releasing nerve gas on U.S. soil. He reinstates former CTU agent Jack Bauer to active duty after Bauer exposes Logan's chief of staff Walt Cummings' involvement in both. It is later revealed that Logan was one of the principal instigators of the day's events.
  • He was later stabbed by his wife, Martha Logan (played by Jean Smart), rupturing one of his main arteries. His fate is unknown.
  • Party: Republican

President Eugene Lorio

  • President in: Jack & Bobby
  • Played by: Paul Sorvino
  • His son died while serving in the War of the Americas.
  • Elected as a Democrat in 2036, he says in a 2049 interview (as part of a documentary in the series' flash-forward) that he knew, going into the final debate of the 2040 campaign, that he would lose to either Republican candidate Dennis Morganthal or independent candidate Robert McCallister. This indicates he was an unpopular President, but the show never revealed why.
  • Party: Democratic

President Furbish Lousewart

President Alexander Joseph Luthor

  • President in the DC Universe
  • Impeached for the use of the illegal supersteroid Venom, the theft and use of an Apokyliptian Battle Suit, and the attempted murder of Superman and Batman. Succeeded by Vice-President Pete Ross
  • Party: Tomorrow Party

President Jordan Lyman

  • President in: Seven Days in May
  • President Lyman was unpopular and controversial due to Republican opposition to a controversial arms control treaty with the Soviet Union, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff go as far as making a meticulously-planned attempt at a coup d'etat. Lyman, in the beginning depicted as rather mediocre and uncertain of himself, grows in the course of the book to exhibit the leadership needed for such an unprecedented crisis, and manages not only to foil the coup but also neatly defuse the crisis without leaving a traumatic imprint. Lyman is mentioned as being from Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Played by: Fredric March
  • Party: Democratic


President Timothy Garde Macauley

  • President in: From the Files of the Time Rangers, a mosaic novel by Richard Bowes
  • Called "The Once and Future President", Macauley is a central character in the novel.
  • The scion of an immensely wealthy mother and an Irish politician father, Macauley is the favorite of various of the gods who twice manage to get him elected president.

President John Mackenzie

President Henry Talbot MacNeil

  • President in: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
  • Voyage ran for four seasons, from 1964-1968, but was set in the then-future years between 1973-1980. President MacNeil was elected in 1972 and evidently won re-election in 1976. His character appeared in at least a half-dozen episodes of the series, all in its first and second seasons. By all accounts he was extremely popular president domestically, and was extremely effective internationally. In one episode, it is stated that "Only MacNeil was able to prevent World War III when the peace talks broke down in 1973, and again last year." In addition to being president, he was on a first name basis with Admiral Harriman Nelson (Richard Basehart) and the two of them regularly played poker.
  • President MacNeil has a rather inexplicable cameo appearance in the first episode of Lost In Space, which was set in the then-future year of 1997, despite the fact that there was no way he could still have been eligible for office at that time.
  • Played by: Ford Rainey

President James MacPherson

President Malone

President Man

  • President in the 2001-2002 TV series Invader Zim.
  • The leader of the USA who hails from President Land, President Man deals with important issues such as Moofy the girly ranger getting stuck in Zim's lawn and the return of Santa. His decisions have been known to be influenced by offerings of chocolate covered ninja star cookies. He was quick to give up all of his power to Santa upon his return.
  • He is voiced by Jeffrey Jones

President Manheim

  • President in The Pet Shop of Horror Manga story "Dual"
  • Was President during the Second World War.
  • Died in Office.

President Adair T. Manning

President Richard Manning

  • President in the 1985 movie The Imagemaker.
  • A fake recording of his corruption is used by a political insider to advance his career.

President Manning

  • President in The Book of Fate
  • Someone attempted to assassinate him, however one of his aides was killed and another had his face disfigured.

President Julia Mansfield

President Bradford March

  • President in: The Power, a novel by Colin Forbes
  • Former Senator of a southern state

President Vincent Margolin

  • President in: Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt novels Deep Six, Cyclops, Treasure, Dragon, and Sahara
  • Originally the Vice President, Margolin became President in August 1989 by succession the end of Deep Six following the abduction and brainwashing of his predecessor by a Korean criminal organization drawing pay from (but not loyal to) the Soviet Union, and remained in office until 1996.
  • Former Senator from Montana.

President James Marshall

  • President in: Air Force One
  • Qualities/attributes: A family man who loves his wife Grace and daughter Alice. He is also a decorated Vietnam veteran and a Medal of Honor winner.
  • Promotes an interventionist line on foreign policy and a strong stance against terrorism.
  • Personally responsible for retaking Air Force One after the plane was hijacked by Russian nationalists.
  • Party or other political beliefs unspecified.
  • First-term President, up for re-election later on in the year that the film is set in
  • Home State: Iowa. The novel of the film states he was the Former Governor of Iowa. The film also states he served a Congressman.
  • Graduated from Notre Dame University
  • Played by: Harrison Ford
  • Republican (according to the novel by Max Alan Collins)

President Kevin Martindale

  • President in Shadows Of Steele by Dale Brown
  • Continues as president for several other Brown novels
  • Former two term vice president
  • Former Secretary of Defense
  • Former US Senator from Texas
  • Defeated for reelection by Thomas Thorne of Virginia
  • Reelected four years later (during the novel Plan Of Attack). Becomes the only president since Grover Cleveland to hold two nonconsecutive terms.
  • During both elections, Martindale had female running mates
  • Party Affiliation: Republican

President Richard Martinez

President Ted Matthews

  • President in: My Fellow Americans
  • Matthews became President after President William Haney resigned. Later went to prison.
  • Played by: John Heard
  • Party: Republican

President William "Bill" Matthews

President Max

  • President in: Sam & Max Season One, Sam & Max: Season Two
  • A hyperkinetic rabbity thing that becomes President by defeating the animated statue of Abe Lincoln.
  • Manages to keep the presidency despite many allegations of war crimes, and selling the United States to Canada
  • This happens in the fourth episode of the season, and becomes an in-joke for the rest of the season, and keeping it at least through the first episode of season two.

President Robert Maxwell

President Robert "Bobby" McCallister

  • President in: Jack & Bobby
  • Born in Hart, Missouri, McCallister was a minister and later a congressman and governor of Missouri before being elected the 51st president in 2040.
  • During his administration much of Chicago is destroyed by a nuclear bomb.
  • Independent, having lost the Republican nomination

President Leslie Harrison McCloud

President John William McCormack

President Thomas Kyle McKenna

President George McKenna

President McNeil

  • President in: Futurama
  • Killed by Lrr of the Planet Omicron Persei 8

President Philip Riley Mead

  • President in: Deus Ex
  • Extremely unpopular president, said in a newspaper article to have a 35% approval rating

President William Menen

  • President in Dagger by William Mason
  • Target of a complex assassination plot, developed by the Soviets and led by his chief of staff and Vice-President.

President Hunnis Millbank

  • President in Virtual Light by William Gibson
  • African-American female president, elected for two terms. Her Public Relations campaign was managed by Harwood Levine

President Richard Mills

  • President in: Prison Break
  • A progressive President described as being well into his second term. He apparently chose Caroline Reynolds as his Vice-President because she was a woman. However he later tells her he will not support her in her own bid to seek nomination because he feels her ambition outweighs her integrity. She arranges his assassination soon after by having him poisoned, and is immediately sworn in as President.
  • Played by: Daniel J. Travanti

President Mimeo

President William Harrison "Bill" Mitchell/Dave Kovic

  • President and Presidential decoy in: Dave
  • Party: Mitchell is possibly a Republican while Kovic is possibly a Democrat
  • Notorious philanderer, First Lady Ellen Mitchell can barely stand the sight of him.
  • Suffers a massive stroke during a sexual liaison with his secretary, his Chief of Staff Bob Alexander engineers a plot to seize power, using Kovic to masquerade as Mitchell, discrediting Vice-President Gary Nance and replacing him with Alexander.
  • Kovic fires Alexander, who reveals the First Liberty scandal which he masterminded, naming Mitchell and Nance as the ringleaders. Kovic confesses Mitchell's involvement in the scandal to a joint session of Congress, then presents evidence that disgraces Alexander and proves Nance's innocence, then feigns a second stroke to escape the public eye.
  • Mitchell dies months after his stroke(never regaining consciousness), is buried in Arlington National Cemetery(his reputation repaired by Kovic's actions), and is succeeded by Nance.
  • Both played by: Kevin Kline

President Horace C. Mitchell

Acting President Henry Moncas

  • Very briefly the acting president in: Frederik Pohl's Jem (1979).
  • Speaker of the House when president and vice president are killed in 21st century nuclear war.

President Richard Monckton

  • President in: Washington: Behind Closed Doors, a novel and miniseries written by John Ehrlichman.
  • Played by: Jason Robards
  • Thinly-disguised characterization of Richard Nixon, based on Ehrlchman's time working in Nixon's administration. He's portrayed as devious, a grasper of power and a bit paranoid.

President Maxwell Monroe

President Judson Moon

  • President in the The Kid Who Became President by Dan Gutman
  • Prevented aggressive South American nation of Cantania from invading neighboring Boruguay, one of the world's biggest oil producers.
  • Youngest president in U.S. history at age thirteen.
  • Served 2001-2002, then resigned in favor of Vice President June Syers, who became the first African-American and female president.
  • Party Affiliation: Lemonade (fictional party)

President Mordecai

  • President in 2010: Odyssey Two
  • Only mentioned in passing by character Heywood Floyd
  • In the movie of 2010, the President is drawn as the likeness of Arthur C. Clarke on a magazine cover.

President Morgan the Fifth (no first name given)

  • President in: The Scarlet Plague by Jack London
  • Appointed President of the United States by the Board of Magnates in 2012, democracy having long before been replaced by an oligarchy of the most rich. In 2013 The Scarlet Plague of the title caused the total breakdown of civilization including the end of his presidency.

President Arthur Morgan

  • President in: the John Grisham book The Broker.
  • He is said to be the most unpopular president in American history, having almost ignited World War Three. In his reelection campaign, Morgan lost every state and D.C. except Alaska for a count of 535-3. He was from Delaware, but at the start of the book plans to retire in Alaska and on his way out pardons D.C. lobbyist Joel Backman, leading to the events of the book.

President Arthur Morose

  • President in: By Dawn's Early Light
  • Was elected in the 1996 election.
  • Miraculously survives the destruction of Washington, D.C. after domestic terrorists impersonating Russian radicals detonate a small nuclear device.
  • Is thought to be dead along with most of his cabinet and the vice president. The Secretary of State, (played by Darren McGavin) on his way back from a summit in France, declares himself as the acting president. The president attempts to contact the Secretary of State after the S.O.S. approves the launch of a nuclear missile to Moscow.
  • President Morose is found hours later by a military convoy and cancels the attack on Russia, narrowly avoiding a nuclear war.
  • Played by Martin Landau in movie.
  • Party: Democratic

President William Brent Morrow

  • President in V: The East Coast, a novel based on the mini-series.
  • Former B-17 Pilot during World War Two.
  • Welcomes Alien Visitors, but eventually taken "into protective custody" by them when Martial Law is declared in response to stated terrorist attacks.
  • Resists brainwashing and is rescued by the Resistance.

President Elbridge Mosely

  • President in "Winter Kills" by Richard Condon
  • Was Vice President when President Tim Kegan was assassinated

President Thomas D. Moss

President Merkin Muffley

  • President in: Dr. Strangelove
  • Qualities/attributes: A balding middle-aged man with glasses, President Muffley is perhaps the only character in the movie who seems to have a 'down to earth' attitude towards an escalating nuclear crisis. However, his indecisiveness and desire to hear all sides and options ad nauseam renders him largely ineffective. Modeled after Adlai Stevenson.
  • During his administration the Soviet Doomsday Device detonates, destroying most life on planet.
  • See Merkin
  • Quote: "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room!"
  • Party: (most possibly) Democratic
  • Played by: Peter Sellers (One of three roles he plays in the film.