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Political party strength in New Hampshire

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 02:42, 30 November 2016 (Edited information concerning the membership of the House after the elections; with final results in after recounts, the House composition is 226-174 GOP: http://www.unionleader.com/voters-first/NH-recounts-are-over-no-challenges-are-filed-11282016.). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

The following table indicates the party of elected officials in the U.S. state of New Hampshire:

The table also indicates the historical party composition in the:

For years in which a presidential election was held, the table indicates which party's nominees received the state's electoral votes.

The parties are as follows:   American (A),   Democratic (D),   Democratic-Republican (DR),   Federalist (F),   Independent (I),   no party (N),   National Republican (NR),   Republican (R),   Whig (W), and   a tie or coalition within a group of elected officials.

Year Executive office General Court United States Congress Electoral College votes
Governor State Senate State House U.S. Senator (Class II) U.S. Senator (Class III) U.S. House At-large District
1631 Thomas Wiggin[1]
1637 George Burdett[1]
1641 ...
1776 Meshech Weare (N)
1785 John Langdon (N)
1786 John Sullivan (F)
1788 John Langdon (DR)
1789 John Sullivan (F)[2] Paine Wingate (AA) John Langdon (PA) 3PA George Washington and John Adams (PA)
1790 Josiah Bartlett (DR)
1793 Samuel Livermore (PA/F) John Langdon (AA/DR) 3PA, 1AA
1794 John Taylor Gilman (F)
1795 3F, 1DR
1796 John Adams and Oliver Ellsworth (F)
1797 4F
1800 John Adams and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (F)
1801 Simeon Olcott (F) James Sheafe (F)
1802 William Plumer (F)
1803 5F
1804 Thomas Jefferson and George Clinton (DR)
1805 John Langdon (DR) Nicholas Gilman (DR)
1807 Nahum Parker (DR) 5DR
1808 Charles Cotesworth Pinckney and Rufus King (F)
1809 Jeremiah Smith (F) 5F
1810 John Langdon (DR) Charles Cutts (DR)
1811 4DR, 1F
1812 William Plumer (DR) DeWitt Clinton and Jared Ingersoll (F)
1813 John Taylor Gilman (F) Jeremiah Mason (F) 6F
1814 Thomas W. Thompson (F)
1816 William Plumer (DR) James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins (DR)
1817 David L. Morril (DR) Clement Storer (DR) 6DR
1819 Samuel Bell (DR) John Fabyan Parrott (DR)
1823 Levi Woodbury (DR) Samuel Bell (NR) 6Adams-Clay DR
1824 David L. Morril (DR) John Quincy Adams and John C. Calhoun (A)
1825 Levi Woodbury (J) 5A, 1J
1827 Benjamin Pierce (DR)
1828 John Bell (NR) John Quincy Adams and Richard Rush (NR)
1829 Benjamin Pierce (D) 6J
1830 Matthew Harvey (D)[3]
1831 Joseph M. Harper (D)[4] Isaac Hill (J)
Samuel Dinsmoor (D)
1832 Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren (D)
1833 5J
1834 William Badger (D)
1835 Henry Hubbard (D)
1836 Isaac Hill (D) John Page (J) Martin Van Buren and Richard Mentor Johnson (D)
1837 Franklin Pierce (D) 5D
1839 John Page (D)
1841 Levi Woodbury (D)
1842 Henry Hubbard (D) Leonard Wilcox (D)
1843 Charles G. Atherton (D) 4D
1844 John Hardy Steele (D) James K. Polk and George M. Dallas (D)
1845 3D, 1 Vacant
1846 Anthony Colby (W) Benning W. Jenness (D)
Joseph Cilley (D)
1847 Jared W. Williams (D) John P. Hale (FS) U.S. House District 1 U.S. House District 2 U.S. House District 3 U.S. House District 4
Amos Tuck (I) Charles H. Peaslee (D) James Wilson II (W) James Hutchins Johnson (D)
1848 Lewis Cass and William Orlando Butler (D)
1849 Samuel Dinsmoor, Jr. (D) Moses Norris, Jr. (D) Amos Tuck (FS) Harry Hibbard (D)
1850 George W. Morrison (D)
1851 Amos Tuck (W) Jared Perkins (W)
1852 Noah Martin (D) Franklin Pierce and William R. King (D)
1853 Charles G. Atherton (D) U.S. House District 1 U.S. House District 2 U.S. House District 3
George W. Kittredge (D) George W. Morrison (D) Harry Hibbard (D)
1854 Nathaniel B. Baker (D) Jared W. Williams (D)
1855 Ralph Metcalf (A) vacant John S. Wells (D) James Pike (A) Mason Tappan (A) Aaron H. Cragin (A)
John P. Hale (R) James Bell (R)
1856 John C. Frémont and William L. Dayton (R)
1857 William Haile (R) Daniel Clark (R) James Pike (R) Mason Tappan (R) Aaron H. Cragin (R)
1859 Ichabod Goodwin (R) Gilman Marston (R) Thomas M. Edwards (R)
1860 Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin (R)
1861 Nathaniel S. Berry (R) Edward H. Rollins (R)
1863 Joseph A. Gilmore (R) Daniel Marcy (D) James W. Patterson (R)
1864 Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson (NU)
1865 Frederick Smyth (R) Aaron H. Cragin (R) Gilman Marston (R)
1866 George G. Fogg (R)
1867 Walter Harriman (R) James W. Patterson (R) Jacob Hart Ela (R) Aaron Fletcher Stevens (R) Jacob Benton (R)
1868 Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax (R)
1869 Onslow Stearns (R)
1871 James A. Weston (D) Ellery Albee Hibbard (D) Samuel Newell Bell (D) Hosea Washington Parker (D)
1872 Ezekiel A. Straw (R) Ulysses S. Grant and Henry Wilson (R)
1873 Bainbridge Wadleigh (R) William B. Small (R) Austin F. Pike (R)
1874 James A. Weston (D)
1875 Person Colby Cheney (R) Frank Jones (D) Samuel Newell Bell (D) Henry W. Blair (R)
1876 Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler (R)
1877 Benjamin F. Prescott (R) Edward H. Rollins (R) James Frankland Briggs (R)
1879 Nathaniel Head (R) 20R, 4D 168R, 100D, 11G Charles H. Bell (R) Joshua G. Hall (R) Evarts Worcester Farr (R)
1880 Henry W. Blair (R) James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur (R)
1881 Charles H. Bell (R) 16R, 8D 179R, 114D Ossian Ray (R)
1883 Samuel W. Hale (R) 17R, 7D 188R, 121D, 1I Austin F. Pike (R) U.S. House District 1 U.S. House District 2
Martin Alonzo Haynes (R) Ossian Ray (R)
1884 James G. Blaine and John A. Logan (R)
1885 Moody Currier (R) 16R, 8D 183R, 122D Jacob Harold Gallinger (R)
1887 Charles H. Sawyer (R) 15R, 9D 169R, 138D Person Colby Cheney (R) Luther F. McKinney (D)
1888 William E. Chandler (R) Benjamin Harrison and Levi P. Morton (R)
1889 David H. Goodell (R) 18R, 6D 169R, 144D Gilman Marston (R) Alonzo Nute (R) Orren C. Moore (R)
1890 William E. Chandler (R)
1891 Hiram A. Tuttle (R) 14R, 10D 185R, 170D Jacob Harold Gallinger (R) Luther F. McKinney (D) Warren F. Daniell (D)
1892 Benjamin Harrison and Whitelaw Reid (R)
1893 John Butler Smith (R) 15R, 9D 209R, 149D Henry W. Blair (R) Henry Moore Baker (R)
1895 Charles A. Busiel (R) 21R, 3D 264R, 99D Cyrus A. Sulloway (R)
1896 William McKinley and Garret Hobart (R)
1897 George A. Ramsdell (R) 22R, 2D 291R, 66D Frank Gay Clarke (R)
1899 Frank W. Rollins (R) 250R, 109D, 1ID
1900 William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt (R)
1901 Chester B. Jordan (R) 23R, 1D 300R, 97D Henry E. Burnham (R) Frank Dunklee Currier (R)
1903 Nahum J. Bachelder (R) 20R, 4D 257R, 136D
1904 Theodore Roosevelt and Charles W. Fairbanks (R)
1905 John McLane (R) 21R, 3D 286R, 105D
1907 Charles M. Floyd (R) 18R, 6D 262R, 128D, 1I
1908 William Howard Taft and James S. Sherman (R)
1909 Henry B. Quinby (R) 20R, 4D 269R, 117D, 1I
1911 Robert P. Bass (R) 16R, 8D 220R, 173D
1912 Woodrow Wilson and Thomas R. Marshall (D)
1913 Samuel D. Felker (D) 14D, 10R 207R, 195D Henry F. Hollis (D) Eugene Elliott Reed (D) Raymond Bartlett Stevens (D)
1915 Rolland H. Spaulding (R) 19R, 4D, 1 Prog. 250R, 153D, 5 Prog. Cyrus A. Sulloway (R) Edward Hills Wason (R)
1917 Henry W. Keyes (R) 16R, 8D 246R, 157D, 1I Sherman Everett Burroughs (R)
1918 Irving W. Drew (R)
1919 John H. Bartlett (R) 19R, 5D 244R, 160D, 1ID, 1I Henry W. Keyes (R) George H. Moses (R)
1920 Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge (R)
1921 Albert O. Brown (R) 21R, 3D 294R, 109D, 1I
1923 Fred H. Brown (D) 16R, 8D 220D, 196R, 2I William Nathaniel Rogers (D)
1924 Calvin Coolidge and Charles G. Dawes (R)
1925 John Gilbert Winant (R) 19R, 5D 273R, 147D, 1I Fletcher Hale (R)
1927 Huntley N. Spaulding (R) 20R, 4D 286R, 131D, 1I
1928 Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis (R)
1929 Charles W. Tobey (R) 19R, 5D 273R, 148D
1931 John Gilbert Winant (R) 254R, 163D
1932 William Nathaniel Rogers (D)
1933 16R, 8D 225R, 193D Fred H. Brown (D) Charles W. Tobey (R)
1935 Styles Bridges (R) 15R, 9D 213R, 208D, 1I, 2 vac.
1936 Franklin D. Roosevelt and John Nance Garner (D) Green tickY
1937 Francis P. Murphy (R) 16R, 8D 230R, 187D, 1I Styles Bridges (R) Arthur B. Jenks (R)
1938 Alphonse Roy (D)
1939 18R, 6D 269R, 158D Charles W. Tobey (R) Arthur B. Jenks (R) Foster Waterman Stearns (R)
1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry A. Wallace (D) Green tickY
1941 Robert O. Blood (R) 16R, 8D 229R, 194D
1943 17R, 7D 276R, 167D Chester Earl Merrow (R)
1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (D) Green tickY
1945 Charles M. Dale (R) 15R, 9D 266R, 163D, 1I Sherman Adams (R)
1947 19R, 5D 273R, 126D, 1I Norris Cotton (R)
1948 Thomas E. Dewey and Earl Warren (R) Red XN
1949 Sherman Adams (R) 18R, 6D 254R, 145D
1951 263R, 133D, 3I
1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon (R) Green tickY
1953 Hugh Gregg (R) 276R, 122D, 1I
1954 Robert W. Upton (R)
1955 Lane Dwinell (R) 264R, 135D Norris Cotton (R) Perkins Bass (R)
1957 276R, 118D, 3I
1959 Wesley Powell (R) 264R, 136D
1960 Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. (R) Red XN
1961 259R, 139D, 1I
1962 Maurice J. Murphy, Jr. (R)
1963 John W. King (D) 19R, 5D 253R, 146D Thomas J. McIntyre (D) Louis C. Wyman (R) James Colgate Cleveland (R)
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey (D) Green tickY
1965 14R, 10D 216R, 183D Joseph Oliva Huot (D)
1967 245R, 155D Louis C. Wyman (R)
1968 Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew (R) Green tickY
1969 Walter R. Peterson, Jr. (R) 15R, 9D 255R, 145D
1971 253R, 147D
1973 Meldrim Thomson, Jr. (R) 14R, 10D 263R, 137D
1975 13R, 11D 234R, 166D Louis C. Wyman (R)[5] Norman D'Amours (D)
vacant [5]
Norris Cotton (R) [5]
1976 John A. Durkin (D) Gerald Ford and Bob Dole (R) Red XN
1977 12R, 12D 220R, 180D
1979 Hugh Gallen (D)[6] 225R, 175D Gordon J. Humphrey (R)
1980 Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush (R) Green tickY
1981 14R, 10D 240R, 160D Warren Rudman (R) Judd Gregg (R)
1982 Vesta M. Roy (R)[4]
1983 John H. Sununu (R) 15R, 9D 242R, 158D
1985 18R, 6D 298R, 102D Bob Smith (R)
1987 16R, 8D 267R, 133D
1988 George H. W. Bush and Dan Quayle (R) Green tickY
1989 Judd Gregg (R) 282R, 118D Charles Douglas III (R)
1991 13R, 11D 271R, 129D Bob Smith (R) Bill Zeliff (R) Richard Swett (D)
1992 Bill Clinton and Al Gore (D) Green tickY
1993 Steve Merrill (R) 260R, 140D Judd Gregg (R)
1995 18R, 6D 290R, 110D Charles Bass (R)
1997 Jeanne Shaheen (D) 15R, 9D 254R, 146D John E. Sununu (R)
1999 13D, 11R 245R, 155D
2000 12D, 12R[7] George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (R) Green tickY
2001 13R, 11D 256R, 144D
2003 Craig Benson (R) 18R, 6D 278R, 122D John E. Sununu (R) Jeb Bradley (R)
2004 John Kerry and John Edwards (D) Red XN
2005 John Lynch (D) 16R, 8D 249R, 151D
2007 14D, 10R 239D, 160R, 1I Carol Shea-Porter (D) Paul Hodes (D)
2008 Barack Obama and Joe Biden (D) Green tickY
2009 225D, 175R Jeanne Shaheen (D)
2010 224D, 176R
2011 19R, 5D 298R, 102D Kelly Ayotte (R) Frank Guinta (R) Charles Bass (R)
2013 Maggie Hassan (D) 13R, 11D 221D, 179R Carol Shea-Porter (D) Ann McLane Kuster (D)
2014 213D, 174R, 13 VC
2015 14R, 10D 239R, 160D, 1I Frank Guinta (R)
2016 Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine (D) Red XN
2017 Chris Sununu (R) 226R, 174D Maggie Hassan (D) Carol Shea-Porter (D)
Year Governor State Senate State House U.S. Senator (Class II) U.S. Senator (Class III) U.S. House District 1 U.S. House District 2 Electoral College votes
Executive office General Court United States Congress


  1. ^ a b Governor of the Upper Plantation of New Hampshire.
  2. ^ Resigned to take a seat in a federal court.
  3. ^ Resigned to take a seat on the United States District Court for New Hampshire.
  4. ^ a b As president of the state senate, acted as governor for unexpired term.
  5. ^ a b c After having apparently won election to the Senate, Wyman was appointed to serve out the last 4 days of retiring Senator Norris Cotton's term. However, Durkin contested the election results in the Senate, which resulted in the seat being vacant for seven months until an agreement to hold a new special election between Wyman and Durkin. Cotton was reappointed to his old seat in the mean time (from August 8 to September 18), and Durkin, having emerged victorious in the special election was finally seated on September 18.
  6. ^ Fell ill and yielded his powers to the president of the state Senate; died on December 29, 1982.
  7. ^ In summer 1999 a Democratic senator died and was succeeded by a Republican elected in a special election.

See also