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'''Human trafficking''' is the recruitment, transportation, harbouring, or receipt of people for the purpose of exploitation. It is estimated to be a $5 to $9 billion-a-year industry.<ref>[http://www.unece.org/press/pr2004/04gen_n03e.htm Economic Roots of Trafficking in the UNECE Region - Regional Prep. Meeting for Beijing+10 - pr2004/04gen_n03e.htm<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>The Council Of Europe states "People trafficking has reached epidemic proportions over the past decade, with a global annual market of about $42.5 billion".<ref>http://www.channel4.com/more4/drama/g/ghosts_traffik_campaign.html</ref><ref>http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/12/05/europe/EU_GEN_Greece_Trafficking.php</ref> Trafficking victims typically are recruited using [[coercion]], [[deception]], [[fraud]], the abuse of power, or outright [[abduction]]. Threats, violence, and economic leverage can often make a victim consent to exploitation.
Malik iz da best.malik iz da best melique iz da best

[[Exploitation]] includes forcing people into [[prostitution]] or other forms of sexual exploitation, [[forced labour]] or services, [[slavery]] or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the [[Organ theft|removal of organs]]. For children, exploitation may also include forced prostitution, illicit [[international adoption]], trafficking for early marriage, or recruitment as [[Military use of children|child soldiers]], [[begging|beggars]], for sports (such as [[child camel jockey]]s or football players), or for religious cults.<ref>[http://www.uefa.com/uefa/keytopics/kind=2048/newsid=462974.html uefa.com<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

Human trafficking differs from [[people smuggling]]. In the latter, people voluntarily request smuggler's service for fees and there may be no deception involved in the (illegal) agreement. On arrival at their destination, the smuggled person is usually free. On the other hand, the trafficking victim is enslaved, or the terms of their [[debt bondage]] are highly exploitative. The trafficker takes away the basic human rights of the victim. <ref>http://www.unodc.un.or.th/material/document/Distinguishing.pdf UN Office on Drugs and Crime - Distinguishing between Human Trafficking and People Smuggling</ref> <ref>http://action.amnesty.org.au/refugees/comments/people_smuggling/ Amnesty International - People smuggling</ref>

Victims are sometimes tricked and [[Temptation|lured]] by false promises or physically forced.<ref>[http://vn.vladnews.ru/Arch/2000/ISS228/text/upd28-1.html Local women fall prey to sex slavery abroad<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Some traffickers use coercive and manipulative tactics including [[deception]], [[intimidation]], feigned love, isolation, threat and use of physical force, [[debt bondage]], other abuse, or even force-feeding with drugs to control their victims.<ref>[http://rechten.uvt.nl/victimology/national/NL-NRMEngels4.pdf - Trafficking in Human Beings]</ref>
People who are seeking entry to other countries may be picked up by traffickers, and misled into thinking that they will be free after being smuggled across the border. In some cases, they are captured through [[slave raiding]], although this is increasingly rare.

Trafficking is a fairly lucrative industry. In some areas, like [[Russia]], [[Eastern Europe]], [[Hong Kong]], [[Japan]], and [[Colombia]], trafficking is controlled by large criminal organizations.
<ref>http://www.iom.int/jahia/page748.html International Organization for Migration - Counter-Trafficking</ref>
However, the majority of trafficking is done by networks of smaller groups that each specialize in a certain area, like recruitment, transportation, advertising, or retail. This is very profitable because little startup capital is needed, and prosecution is relatively rare.<ref>[http://www.humantrafficking.com/humantrafficking/trafficking_ht3/who_traffickers.htm HumanTrafficking.com ~ The Online Research and Training Center<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

Trafficked people are usually the most vulnerable and powerless minorities in a region. They often come from the poorer areas where opportunities are limited, they often are ethnic minorities, and they often are [[displaced person]]s such as [[Runaway youth|runaways]] or [[refugee]]s (though they may come from any social background, class or race).

[[Trafficking of children]] often involves exploitation of the parents' extreme poverty. The latter may sell children to traffickers in order to pay off debts or gain income or they may be deceived concerning the prospects of training and a better life for their children. In West Africa, trafficked children have often lost one or both parents to the African AIDS crisis.<ref>http://hrw.org/english/docs/2003/04/01/togo5489.htm] [http://hrw.org/reports/2003/togo0403/</ref>

The adoption process, legal and illegal, results in cases of trafficking of babies and pregnant women between the West and the developing world. In [[David M. Smolin]]’s papers on child trafficking and adoption scandals between India and the United States,<ref>[http://law.shu.edu/journals/lawreview/library/vol_35/35-2/Smolin.pdf "The Two Faces of Intercountry Adoption: The Significance of the Indian Adoption Scandals"] by David M. Smolin, ''Seton Hall Law Review'', 35:403–493, 2005.</ref><ref>[http://law.bepress.com/expresso/eps/749/ "Child Laundering: How the Intercountry Adoption System Legitimizes and Incentivizes the Practices of Buying, Trafficking, Kidnapping, and Stealing Children"] by David M. Smolin, ''bepress Legal Series'', Working Paper 749, August 29, 2005.</ref> he cites there are systemic vulnerabilities in the intercountry adoption system that makes adoption scandals predictable.

Women, who form over 80% of trafficking victims, are particularly at risk to become involved in sex trafficking. Potential kidnappers exploit lack of opportunities, promise good jobs or opportunities for study, and then force the victims to become prostitutes, participate in pornography{{Fact|date=September 2007}} or escort services. Through agents and brokers who arrange the travel and job placements, women are escorted to their destinations and delivered to the employers. Upon reaching their destinations, some women learn that they have been deceived about the nature of the work they will do; most have been lied to about the financial arrangements and conditions of their employment; and all find themselves in coercive and abusive situations from which escape is both difficult and dangerous.

The main motive of a woman (in some cases an underage girl) to accept an offer from a trafficker is better financial opportunities for herself or her family. In many cases traffickers initially offer ‘legitimate’ work or the promise of an opportunity to study. The main types of work offered are in the catering and hotel industry, in bars and clubs, modeling contracts, or au pair work. Traffickers sometimes use offers of marriage, threats, intimidation and kidnapping as means of obtaining victims. In the majority of cases, the women end up in prostitution. Also some (migrating) prostitutes become victims of human trafficking. Some women know they will be working as prostitutes, but they have an inaccurate view of the circumstances and the conditions of the work in their country of destination.<ref>http://www.prostitutie.nl/studie/documenten/mensenhandel/researchcasestraffick.pdf</ref> <ref>http://www.solidaritycenter.org/files/IndoTraffickingFactSheetCauses.pdf Causes of Human Trafficking</ref>

Men are also at risk of being trafficked for unskilled work predominantly involving hard labor. Other forms of trafficking include bonded and sweatshop labor, forced marriage, and domestic servitude. Children are also trafficked for both labor exploitation and sexual exploitation. On a related issue, children are forced to be child soldiers.

Many women are forced into the sex trade after answering false advertisements, and others are simply kidnapped. Thousands of children from Asia, Africa, and South America are sold into the global sex trade every year. Often they are kidnapped or orphaned, and sometimes they are actually sold by their own families.<ref>[http://www.unicef.org/protection/index_exploitation.html UNICEF - Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse - Trafficking and sexual exploitation<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

According to [[United States State Department]] data, an "estimated 600,000 to 820,000 men, women, and children [are] trafficked across international borders each year, approximately 70 percent are women and girls and up to 50 percent are minors. The data also illustrates that the majority of transnational victims are trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation."<ref>[http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2005/46606.htm I. Introduction<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Due to the illegal nature of trafficking and differences in methodology, the exact extent is unknown.

Since the fall of the [[Iron Curtain]], the impoverished former Eastern bloc countries such as [[Albania]], [[Moldova]], [[Romania]], [[Bulgaria]], [[Russia]], [[Belarus]] and [[Ukraine]] have been identified as major trafficking source countries for women and children.<ref>[http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/hughes/ukraine/eeeu.htm Eastern Europe Exports Flesh to the EU]</ref><ref>[http://vn.vladnews.ru/Arch/2000/ISS228/text/upd28-1.html Local women fall prey to sex slavery abroad]</ref> Young women and girls are often lured to wealthier countries by the promises of money and work and then reduced to sexual slavery.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article2547626.ece Crime gangs 'expand sex slavery into shires']</ref> It is estimated that 2/3 of women trafficked for prostitution worldwide annually come from [[Eastern Europe]], three-quarters have never worked as prostitutes before.<ref>[http://www.catwinternational.org/factbook/EUeast.php Eastern Europe - Coalition Against Trafficking of Women]</ref><ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3979725.stm A modern slave's brutal odyssey]</ref> The major destinations are Western Europe (Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, Greece), the Middle East (Turkey, Israel, the United Arab Emirates), Asia, Russia and the United States.<ref>[http://www.tiraspoltimes.com/node/653 Moldova: Lower prices behind sex slavery boom and child prostitution]</ref><ref>[http://www.asiapacificms.com/articles/russian_mafia/ The Russian Mafia in Asia]</ref> An estimated 500,000 women from Central and Eastern Europe are working in prostitution in the [[EU]] alone.<ref>[http://www.unesco.org/courier/2000_02/uk/ethique/intro.htm For East Europe’s Women, a Rude Awakening]</ref>

An estimated 14,000 people are trafficked into the United States each year, although again because trafficking is illegal, accurate statistics are difficult.<ref>[http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/annualreports/tr2005/agreporthumantrafficing2005.pdf Attorney General's Annual Report to Congress on U.S. Government Activities to Combat Trafficking in Persons Fiscal Year 2005<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> According to the [[Massachusetts]] based [http://www.eyeoftheday.org/ Trafficking Victims Outreach and Services Network] (project of the nonprofit [[MataHari: Eye of the Day]]) in Massachusetts alone, there were 55 documented cases of human trafficking in 2005 and the first half of 2006 in Massachusetts.<ref>http://www.patriotledger.com/articles/2006/03/27/news/news04.txt</ref> In 2004, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) estimated that 600-800 persons are trafficked into Canada annually and that additional 1,500-2,200 persons are trafficked through Canada into the United States.<ref>[http://gvnet.com/humantrafficking/Canada.htm Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Canada<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
In Canada, foreign trafficking for prostitution is estimated to be worth $400 million annually.<ref>http://www.unpac.ca/economy/g_migration.html</ref>

In the [[United Kingdom]], 71 women were known to have been trafficked into prostitution in 1998 and the [[Home Office]] recognized that the scale is likely greater as the problem is hidden and research estimates that the actual figure could be up to 1,420 women trafficked into the UK during the same period.<ref>[http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/prgpdfs/fprs125.pdf Stopping Traffic: Exploring the extent of, and responses to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Trafficking in people is increasing in Africa, [[South Asia]] and into North America.

[[Russia]] is a major source of women trafficked globally for the purpose of sexual exploitation, Russian women are in prostitution in over 50 countries.<ref>[http://www.rferl.org/features/2001/05/23052001122001.asp Russia: With No Jobs At Home, Women Fall Victim To Trafficking]</ref><ref>[http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/07/01/30/10100559.html Court acquits brothers in assault and detention case]</ref> Annually, thousands of Russian women end up as prostitutes in [[Israel]], [[China]], [[Japan]] or [[South Korea]].<ref>[http://vn.vladnews.ru/Arch/2000/iss239/text/news1.html Police bring home 3 sex slaves from China]</ref> Russia is also a significant destination and transit country for persons trafficked for sexual and labor exploitation from regional and neighboring countries into Russia, and on to the [[Gulf states]]<ref>[http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/07/06/07/10130942.html Sex worker on trial for abortion]</ref>, Europe, Asia, and North America.

In [[poverty]]-stricken [[Moldova]], where the [[unemployment]] rate for women ranges as high as 68% and one-third of the workforce live and work abroad, experts estimate that since the collapse of the Soviet Union between 200,000 and 400,000 women have been sold into prostitution abroad — perhaps up to 10% of the female population.<ref>[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3071965/ Sold as a sex slave in Europe]</ref><ref>[http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itgic/0603/ijge/gj07.htm Jana Costachi, "Preventing Victimization in Moldova" Global Issues, June 2003]</ref> In [[Ukraine]], a survey conducted by the NGO [[La Strada International Association|La Strada]] Ukraine in 2001-2003, based on a sample of 106 women being trafficked out of Ukraine found that 3% were under 18, and the US [[State Department]] reported in 2004 that incidents of minors being trafficked was increasing. It is estimated that half million Ukrainian women were trafficked abroad since 1991 (80% of all unemployed in [[Ukraine]] are women).<ref>[http://www.owl.ru/eng/research/thenatasha.htm The "Natasha" Trade - The Transnational Shadow Market of Trafficking in Women]</ref><ref>[http://www.citymayors.com/society/easteurope_cities.html Poverty, crime and migration are acute issues as Eastern European cities continue to grow]</ref>

The ILO estimates that 20 percent of the five million illegal immigrants in Russia are victims of forced labor, which is a form of trafficking. However even citizens of Russian Federation have become victims of human trafficking. They are typically kidnapped and sold by police to be used for hard labor, being regularly drugged and chained like dogs to prevent them from escaping. <ref>[http://www.svobodanews.ru/Transcript/2007/09/22/20070922100024633.html Correspondent's hour] by [[RFE/RL]] </ref> There were reports of trafficking of children and of child sex tourism in Russia. The Government of Russia has made some effort to combat trafficking but has also been criticized for not complying with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.<ref>[http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/fromthefield/wvmeero/738456c77d801ec74eddb40555109d00.htm]{{Dead link|date=March 2008}}</ref> <ref>[http://gvnet.com/humantrafficking/Russia.htm Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Russia<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

The majority of child trafficking cases are in Asia, although it is a global problem.

In [[Asia]], Japan is the major destination country for trafficked women, especially from the [[Philippines]] and [[Thailand]]. The US State Department has rated [[Japan]] as either a ‘Tier 2’ or a ‘Tier 2 Watchlist’ country every year since 2001 in its annual ''Trafficking in Persons'' reports. Both these ratings implied that Japan was (to a greater or lesser extent) not fully compliant with minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking trade. There are currently an estimated 300,000 women and children involved in the sex trade throughout [[Southeast Asia]].<ref>[http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26296 Sex-slave trade flourishes in Thailand]</ref> It is common that [[Thai]] women are lured to [[Japan]] and sold to [[Yakuza]]-controlled brothels where they are forced to work off their price.<ref>[http://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/page.arcview.php?clid=3&id=126551&date=2006-01-23 "Woman's Dying Wish: to punish traffickers who ruined her life"] ''The Nation'', [[January 23]] [[2006]]</ref><ref>[http://www.hrw.org/reports/1993/thailand/ A modern form of slavery: Trafficking of Burmese Women and Girls into Brothels in Thailand]</ref>
Many of the [[Iraqi]] women fleeing the [[Iraq War]] are turning to prostitution, while others are trafficked abroad, to countries like Syria, Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Iran.<ref>[http://www.metimes.com/storyview.php?StoryID=20070702-050738-5557r Iraqi sex slaves recount ordeals]</ref> In [[Syria]] alone, an estimated 50,000 [[Refugees of Iraq|Iraqi refugee]] girls and women, many of them widows, are forced into [[prostitution]].<ref>[http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article2701324.ece '50,000 Iraqi refugees' forced into prostitution]</ref> Cheap Iraqi prostitutes have helped to make Syria a popular destination for sex tourists. The clients come from wealthier countries in the [[Middle East]] - many are [[Saudi Arabia|Saudi]] men.<ref>[http://www.radionetherlands.nl/currentaffairs/iraq070824 Iraqi refugees forced into prostitution]</ref> High prices are offered for virgins.<ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/29/world/middleeast/29syria.html?ex=1338177600&en=8caf56b484d2ebb9&ei=5124&partner=digg&exprod=digg Desperate Iraqi Refugees Turn to Sex Trade in Syria]</ref>

As many as 200,000 [[Nepal]]i girls, many under 14, have been sold into the [[sex slavery]] in India. Nepalese women and girls, especially virgins, are favored in India because of their light skin.<ref>[http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2001/4/23/184354.shtml Millions Suffer in Sex Slavery]</ref><ref>[http://www.thefullmonte.com/traffic.htm Fair skin and young looks: Nepalese victims of human trafficking languish in Indian brothels]</ref>

In parts of [[Ghana]], a family may be punished for an offense by having to turn over a virgin female to serve as a sex slave within the offended family.<ref>[http://www.sos-sexisme.org/English/slavery.htm Slavery in Ghana. The Trokosi Tradition]</ref> In this instance, the woman does not gain the title of "wife". In parts of Ghana, [[Togo]], and [[Benin]], shrine slavery persists, despite being illegal in Ghana since 1998. In this system of slavery of [[ritual servitude]], sometimes called ''trokosi'' (in Ghana) or ''voodoosi'' in Togo and Benin, young virgin girls are given as slaves in traditional shrines and are used sexually by the priests in addition to providing free labor for the shrine.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/1158115.stm Ghana's trapped slaves], By Humphrey Hawksley in eastern Ghana, [[8 February]], [[2001]]. BBC News</ref>

Reporters have witnessed a rapid increase in prostitution in [[Cambodia]], [[Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia]], and [[Kosovo]] after [[United Nations|UN]] and, in the case of the latter two, [[NATO]] [[peacekeeping]] forces moved in. Peacekeeping forces have been linked to trafficking and forced prostitution. Proponents of peacekeeping argue that the actions of a few should not incriminate the many participants in the mission, yet NATO and the UN have come under criticism for not taking the issue of forced prostitution linked to peacekeeping missions seriously enough. <ref>http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1211214,00.html Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade'</ref> <ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3686173.stm Kosovo UN troops 'fuel sex trade'
</ref><ref>http://www.refugeesinternational.org/content/article/detail/4146?PHPSESSID=8cd9d5b0df1ae0bbae8d3ddf647ec715 Conflict, Sexual Trafficking, and Peacekeeping </ref> <ref>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4313617.stm UN troops cautioned on sex abuse</ref>

In the [[western world]], [[Canada]] in particular has a major problem with modern-day [[sexual slavery]]. In a [[2006]] report the [[Future Group]], a Canadian [[Humanitarianism|humanitarian]] organization dedicated to ending human trafficking, ranked eight industrialized nations and gave Canada an F for its "abysmal" record treating victims. The report, titled "Falling Short of the Mark: An International Study on the Treatment of Human Trafficking Victims", concluded that Canada "is an international embarrassment" when it comes to combating this form of slavery.<ref>[http://ottsun.canoe.ca/News/National/2006/03/02/1468900-sun.html ottawasun.com - National/World - Canada's sex-slave shame<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

The report's principal author Benjamin Perrin wrote, "Canada has ignored calls for reform and continues to re-traumatize trafficking victims, with few exceptions, by subjecting them to routine deportation and fails to provide even basic support services."

In the report, the only other country to flunk was the United Kingdom, which received a D, while the [[United States]] received a B+ and [[Australia]], [[Norway]], [[Sweden]], [[Germany]] and [[Italy]] all received grades of B or B-. The report criticizes former [[Liberal Party of Canada]] cabinet ministers Irwin Cotler, Joe Volpe and Pierre Pettigrew for "passing the buck" on the issue.

Commenting on the report, the then [[Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Canada)|Minister of Citizenship and Immigration]], [[Monte Solberg]] told [[Sun Media Corporation]], "It's very damning, and if there are obvious legislative or regulatory fixes that need to be done, those have to become priorities, given especially that we're talking about very vulnerable people."<ref>[http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2006/mar/06030209.html Canada an “International Embarrassment” on Sex Trafficking<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

==Causes of trafficking==
Some causes of trafficking include:

* lack of employment opportunities
* organized crime and presence of organized criminal gangs
* regional imbalances
* economic disparities
* social discrimination
* corruption in government
* political instability
* armed conflict
* uprooting of communities because of mega projects without proper Resttlement and Rehabilitation packages.
* Profitability
* Growing deprivation and marginalization of the poor
* Insufficient penalties against traffickers
* According to the UN a major factor that has allowed the growth of sexual trafficking is "Governments and human rights organizations alike have simply judged the woman guilty of prostitution and minimized the trafficker's role."<ref>[http://www.un.org/events/10thcongress/2098.htm Treaty to Combat "Sex Slavery"<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
* Driven by demand; demand is high for prostitutes and other forms of labor in host countries; therefore there is a very profitable market available to those who wish to become handlers.{{lopsided}}

Trafficking in people has been facilitated by porous borders and advanced communication technologies, it has become increasingly transnational in scope and highly lucrative. Unlike drugs or arms, people can be "sold" many times. The opening up of Asian markets, porous borders, the end of the [[Soviet Union]] and the collapse of the [[former Yugoslavia]] have contributed to this globalization.

==Human trafficking and other vulnerability issues==

Human trafficking is not a stand alone issue. It is closely related other issues that threaten security well being of the victims. Victims are exposed to continuous threats of physical violence by traffickers to ensure compliance. Many are held in bondage and beaten to suppress resistance. Other threats include absolute poverty due to wage deprivation. They are unprotected by labor laws,long working hours and lack of holiday is common. For example, 15 is the standard working hours per day among Chinese victims in France. In Japan, Thai trafficking victims also complained of breach of work contracts, non-payment of wages, mandatory night work and poor accommodation [65].
===Human trafficking and Sexual exploitation===
There is no universally accepted definition of trafficking for sexual exploitation. The term encompasses the organized movement of people, usually women, between countries and within countries for sex work. Such trafficking also includes coercing a migrant into a sexual act as a condition of allowing or arranging the migration. Sexual trafficking uses physical coercion, deception and bondage incurred through forced debt. Trafficked women and children, for instance, are often promised work in the domestic or service industry, but instead are usually taken to brothels where their passports and other identification papers are confiscated. They may be beaten or locked up and promised their freedom only after earning – through prostitution – their purchase price, as well as their travel and visa costs <ref>Migration Information Programme. Trafficking and prostitution: the growing exploitation of migrant women from central and eastern Europe. Geneva, International Organization for Migration, 1995.</ref><ref>Chauzy JP. Kyrgyz Republic: trafficking. Geneva, International Organization for Migration, 20 January 2001 (Press briefing notes).</ref>

In Japan the prosperous entertainment market had created huge demand for commercial sexual workers, and such demand is being met by trafficking women and children from the Philippines, Colombia and Thailand. Women are forced into street prostitution, based stripping and live sex acts.<ref>Dinan K. Owed justice: Thai women trafficked into
debt bondage in Japan. New York, NY, Human Rights Watch, 2000</ref> Victims of human trafficking are exposed to sexually transmittable diseases including HIV/AIDS. It is believed that human trafficking and forced sex work is one of the causes for prevalence of HIV/AIDS in some countries. On one hand HIV/AIDS increases the number of children trafficked because that they are perceived to be HIV negative, and on the other hand trafficking increases HIV/AIDS transmission because of victims inability to negotiate the use and access of condoms. Multiple sexual partners and injury received during sex increase their chances of infection (MAPODE in its Research Report on Children in Prostitution, Pornography, and Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Labour and Crime in Zambia). In Bangladesh, there is a correlation between ages of those infected with HIV/AIDS ( 15-24 years) with the victims of trafficking [66] , suggesting the linkage between human trafficking and HIV/AIDS.

Trafficking victims are also exposed to different psychological problems. They suffer social alienation in the host and home countries. Stigmatization, social exclusion and intolerance make reintegration into local communities difficult. The governments offer little assistance and social services to trafficked victims upon their return. As the victims are also pushed into drug trafficking, many of them face criminal sanctions.

==Efforts to reduce human trafficking==
Governments, international associations, and nongovernmental organizations have all tried to end human trafficking with various degrees of success.

===Government actions===
[[Image:Untitledg.JPG|thumb|300px|right|A human trafficking awareness poster from the Canadian Department of Justice.]]

Actions taken to combat human trafficking vary from government to government. Some have introduced legislation specifically aimed at making human trafficking illegal. Governments can also develop systems of co-operation between different nation’s law enforcement agencies and with non-government organisations (NGOs).

Other actions governments could take is raise awareness. This can take on three forms. Firstly in raising awareness amongst potential victims, in particular in countries where human traffickers are active. Secondly, raising awareness amongst police, social welfare workers and immigration officers. And in countries where prostitution is legal or semi-legal, raising awareness amongst the clients of prostitution, to look out for signs of a human trafficking victim.

Laws against trafficking in the United States are prosecuted at the federal level. The overwhelming majority of states do not have laws against human trafficking. For example, in Maryland it is a felony to have sex with a minor, but only a misdemeanour for making it available to those who wish to have sex with a minor.

Raising awareness can take on different forms. One method is through the use of awareness films <ref>http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/trafficking_tv_campaign_2002.html</ref> or through posters <ref>[http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/fs/ht/pub/poster/english/index.html Trafficking in Persons - Poster (English version)<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>.

===International law===
In 2000 the United Nations adopted the [[Convention against Transnational Organized Crime]], also called the Palermo Convention, and two [[Palermo protocols]] there to:
*[[Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children]]; and
*[[Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air]].

All of these instruments contain elements of the current international law on trafficking in human beings.

===Council of Europe===
The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings <ref>http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/Treaties/Html/197.htm</ref> was adopted by the [[Council of Europe]] on [[16 May]] [[2005]]. The aim of the convention is to prevent and combat the trafficking in human beings. The Convention entered into force on 1 February 2008. Of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe, so far 21 have signed the convention and 17 have ratified it.<ref>http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/Commun/ChercheSig.asp?NT=197&CM=1&DF=4/24/2008&CL=ENG</ref>

===United States law===
The [[Federal government of the United States|United States federal government]] has taken a firm stance against human trafficking both within its borders and beyond. Domestically, human trafficking a [[federal crime]] under [[Title 18 of the United States Code]]. Section 1584 makes it a crime to force a person to work against his will, whether the compulsion is effected by use of force, threat of force, threat of legal coercion or by "a climate of fear" (an environment wherein individuals believe they may be harmed by leaving or refusing to work); Section 1581 similarly makes it illegal to force a person to work through "[[Debt bondage|debt servitude]]." Human trafficking as it relates to [[involuntary servitude]] and [[slavery]] is prohibited by the [[Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution|13th Amendment]]. Federal laws on human trafficking are enforced by the [[United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division]], Criminal Section.
The [[Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act]] of 2000 allowed for greater statutory maximum sentences for traffickers, provided resources for protection of and assistance for victims of trafficking and created avenues for interagency cooperation. It also allows many trafficking victims to remain in the United States and apply for permanent residency under a [[T visa|T-1 Visa]].<ref>http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2002/January/02_crt_038.htm</ref>. The act also attempted to encourage efforts to prevent human trafficking internationally, by creating annual [[country reports]] on trafficking and tying [[Foreign aid|financial non-humanitarian assistance]] to foreign countries to real efforts in addressing human trafficking.

The [[United States Department of State]] has a high-level official charged with combating human trafficking, the Director of the [[Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons]] ("anti-trafficking [[Tsar (disambiguation)|czar]]"). The current director is [[Mark P. Lagon]]. [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/biog/84924.htm]

International [[Non-governmental organization|NGOs]] such as [[Human Rights Watch]] and [[Amnesty International]] have called on the United States to improve its measures aimed at reducing trafficking.They recommend that the United States more fully implement the [[United Nations]] [[Convention against Transnational Organized Crime]] [[Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children]] and for immigration officers to improve their awareness of trafficking and support the victims of trafficking. <ref>[http://hrw.org/english/docs/2004/07/15/usdom9075.htm U.S.: Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery (Human Rights Watch, 7-7-2004)<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[http://www.amnestyusa.org/stopviolence/trafficking/index.html Stop Trafficking<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

Several [[State governments of the United States|state governments]] have took action to address human trafficking in their borders.

[[Florida]] [[state law]] prohibits forced labor, [[sex trafficking]], and [[document servitude]], and provides for mandatory law enforcement trainings and victim services. A 2006 [[Connecticut]] law prohibits coerced work and makes trafficking a violation of the Connecticut [[Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act|RICO]] Act.

===Non-Governmental Organizations===
Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been formed to combat human trafficking:
* [http://www.iabolish.org/ The American Anti-Slavery Group]
* [http://www.embracedignity.org/ Resist Exploitation, Embrace Dignity]
* [http://www.transitionscambodia.org Transitions Cambodia]
* [http://www.ansarburney.org/ Ansar Burney Trust]
* [http://www.antislavery.org/ Anti-Slavery International]
* [http://www.endhumantrafficking.org/ Project to End Human Trafficking]
* [http://www.freetheslaves.net/ Free the Slaves]
* [http://www.ijm.org/ The International Justice Mission]
* [http://www.facelessinternational.com/ Faceless International]
* [http://www.humantrafficking.org/ HumanTrafficking.org]
* [http://www.sharedhope.org/ Shared Hope International]
* [http://www.notforsalecampaign.org/ Not For Sale]
* [[Stop the Traffik]]
* [http://www.love146.org/ Love 146]
* [http://www.redlightchildren.org/ The Redlight Children Campaign]
* [http://www.redlightmovement.org/ The Red Light Movement]
* [http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/trafficking The Salvation Army] - Human Trafficking
* [http://www.projectrescue.com/ Project Rescue]
* [http://www.protectionproject.org/ The Protection Project]

In a 2003 report the [[Thailand|Thai]] [[sex work]]er support organization [[EMPOWER]] stated that many anti-trafficking groups fail to see the difference between migrant sex workers and women forced to prostitute themselves against their will. They documented a May 2003 "raid and rescue" operation on a brothel in [[Chiang Mai]] that was carried out without the consent of the workers, resulting in numerous human rights violations.<ref>[http://www.nswp.org/mobility/mpower-0306.html A report by Empower Chiang Mai on the human rights violations women are subjected to when "rescued" by anti-trafficking groups who employ methods using deception, force and coercion], June 2003</ref>

In her 2007 book ''Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry'', sociologist [[Laura María Agustín]] has likewise criticized what she calls the "rescue industry" for viewing all migrant sex workers as victims of trafficking that need to be saved, with the effect of severely restricting international freedom of movement. Agustín does not deny human trafficking or forced prostitution takes place, but rather that the ‘rescue industry’ overestimates figures. Critics of Agustín have claimed that Agustín is as guilty of statistical manipulation for her ideological perspective.{{who}}

==Human trafficking in popular culture==

''River of Innocents'' follows the 17-year-old Majlinda into the world of modern-day slavery, where she struggles to hold on to her humanity and to help the stolen children around her survive. [http://www.riverofinnocents.com/]

''[[Lilya 4-ever]]'', a film based loosely on the real life of [[Dangoule Rasalaite]], portrays a young woman from the former Soviet Union who is deceived into being trafficked for exploitation in Sweden. Human trafficking has also been portrayed in the Canadian/UK TV drama ''[[Sex Traffic]]''.

Based on [http://www.facetoface.bg/facetoface/home.nsf/vPagesLookup/projects-stollen-light~en?OpenDocument true events], ''[http://www.svetlanasjourney.com/ Svetlana's Journey]'' by Michael Cory Davis depicts the trials of a 13-year-old who loses her family and is sold to human traffickers by her adoptive family. Drugged, raped, and forced to endure continuous abuse by her 'clients' and traffickers, she attempts to commit suicide, but survives.

[http://www.dimanasusprophecy.com A Movie by Dzmitry Vasilyeu, about Human-trafficking in Eastern Europe]

Season Two (2003) of the HBO series, The Wire, opens with the discovery of thirteen suffocated young women, locked in a cargo container on the docks of Baltimore. An investigation ensues, which reveals that the women, from Russia and Eastern Europe, were being smuggled into the country as part of a prostitution operation run by an international crime organization, that is also involved with corruption of the local dockworkers' union, as well as the distribution of narcotics in Baltimore.

Holly (2006) is a movie about a little girl, sold by her poor family and smuggled across the border to Cambodia to work as a prostitute in a red light village. The Virgin Harvest is a feature length documentary that was filmed at the same time.[http://www.priorityfilms.com/k11/holly.html]

The 2007 film ''[[Trade (film)|Trade]]'' deals with human trafficking out of Mexico and a brother's attempt to rescue his kidnapped and trafficked young sister. It is based on Peter Landesman's article about sex slaves, which was featured as the cover story in the [[January 24]], [[2004]] issue of New York Times Magazine.

The film ''[[The Transporter]]'' deals with the hero, Frank Martin, played by [[Jason Statham]], trying to stop a container full of men and women being illegally transported.

''[[Human Trafficking (TV miniseries)|Human Trafficking]]'' (2005) (TV) by Christian Duguay stars Mira Sorvino, Donald Sutherland, and Robert Carlyle. A sixteen-year-old girl from the Ukraine, a single mother from Russia, an orphaned seventeen-year-old girl from Romania, and a twelve-year-old American tourist become the victims of international sex slave traffickers. Sorvino and Sutherland are the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents who struggle to save them.

''[[Ghosts (2006 film)]]'' a documentary by independent film maker [[Nick Broomfield]], follows the story of the victims of the [[2004 Morecambe Bay cockling disaster]], in which smuggled immigrants are forced in to hard labour.

''The Jammed'', an Australian film about human trafficking in Australia. [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0791178/]

The new film ''[[The Sugar Babies]]'' (2007) by [[Amy Serrano]] is a documentary that highlights the plight of Haitian victims of human trafficking in the Dominican Republic. It was produced by [[Thor Halvorssen]] and funded by the [[Human Rights Foundation]].

The song ''Kill The Pimps''. On [[December 10]], [[2006]], (International Human Rights Day) [[The Blood]] produced their first major work of the 21st century. Their song, criticizes governments that turn a blind eye to human trafficking.

The European series [[Matroesjka's]] deals with girls from ex-soviet countries, who have been deceived into sex slavery in Belgium.

The video game [[Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]] features a mission in which the main character helps free refugees trafficked onboard a [[container ship]] travelling from [[Vietnam]] to the [[United States]].

In the Tom Clancy novel Debt of Honor there is an American woman who has been kidnapped and used as a sex slave by a wealthy Japanese businessman. She is murdered before two CIA operatives sent to rescue her can perform an extraction.

The 2007 film ''[[Eastern Promises]]'' by [[David Cronenberg]] deals with a British midwife who unravels a gang of Russian slavers when she seeks relatives to a baby of a sex slave named Tatiana.

In the [[Punisher]] story arc "The Slavers" by [[Garth Ennis]] and [[Leandro Fernandez]], the punisher saves a fugitive sex slave from [[Moldavia]] from thugs who were after her and decides to bring down the slavers who trafficked her to the U.S.

The episode "Cargo" of the TV series ''[[Cold Case]]'' deals with a [[longshoreman]] who stumbles upon a cargo containers filled with young women from Eastern Europe brought to the United States by a human trafficking ring. The episode deals with his efforts to rescue one of the girls from a life of forced prostitution.

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==See also==
* [[Child camel jockey]]
* [[Coalition Against Trafficking in Women]]
* [[Comfort woman]]
* [[Commercial sexual exploitation of children]]
* [[Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women]]
* [[John Bowe (author)]]
* [[La Strada Program]]
* [[Rape]]
* [[Prostitution]]
* [[Prostitution of children]]
* [[Slavery]]
* [[Visayan Forum]]

==External links==
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*{{dmoz|Society/People/Women/Women%27s_Rights/Anti_Trafficking/|Trafficking of women}}
* [http://maps.maplecroft.com/hrtraffic Global Map of Human Trafficking]

===Articles and Resources===
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/world/slavery/default.stm 'Slavery in the 21st century - BBC]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/2783655.stm 'Asia's sex trade is 'slavery' - BBC]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/926853.stm Asia's child sex victims ignored – BBC]
*[http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=1134012002 'Race to break camel slavery - Scotland on Sunday]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4532617.stm 'Sex trade's reliance on forced labour - BBC]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3979725.stm 'A modern slave's brutal odyssey - BBC]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3715445.stm 'Child traffic victims 'failed'- BBC]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/5297944.stm Europe warned over trafficking - BBC]
*[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4397497.stm 'Balkans urged to curb trafficking - BBC]
*[http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/article2303019.ece 5,000 child sex slaves in UK - The Independent]
*[http://www.fmreview.org/FMRpdfs/FMR25/FMR25full.pdf People trafficking: upholding rights and understanding vulnerabilities], [[Forced Migration Review]], [[University of Oxford]].
*[http://www.fmreview.org/FMRpdfs/FMR25/FMR25full.pdf People trafficking: upholding rights & understanding vulnerabilities - special issue of Forced Migration Review]
*[http://www.catwinternational.org/factbook/index.php 'Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Factbook]
*[http://www.iom.int//DOCUMENTS/PUBLICATION/EN/Data_and_Research_on_Human_Trafficking.pdf International Organization for Migration Data and Research on Human Trafficking 2005]
*[http://www.humantrafficking.com/humantrafficking/ HumanTrafficking.com is a program of the Polaris Project. The website is a sizable web-based resource of news articles, journal articles, books and country-specific resources]
*[http://action.web.ca/home/catw/readingroom.shtml?x=16939 'Sex Trafficking of Women in the United States: International and Domestic Trends - Coalition Against Trafficking in Women]
*[http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,1346594,00.html Fears of rising child sex trade – The Guardian]
*[http://www.lipmagazine.org/articles/featlydersen_170.shtml Women and Children First: The Economics of Sex Trafficking.] Lydersen, Kari. [[LiP Magazine|LiP Magazine, April 2002]]
*[http://www.victimology.nl/onlpub/national/NL-NRMEngels4.pdf Human Trafficking, Fourth report of the Dutch National Rapporteur]
*[http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,500568,00.html#article_continue 'Kidnapped children sold into slavery as camel racers' - Guardian]
* [http://www.amnesty.org.uk/content.asp?CategoryID=10314 Amnesty International UK trafficking/forced prostitution]
* [http://www.amnestyusa.org/stopviolence/trafficking/index.html Amnesty International USA - Human Trafficking]
* [http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGIOR300032005 Amnesty International - Council of Europe: Protect victims of people trafficking]
* Gergana Danailova-Trainor, Patrick Belser, [http://www.ilo.org/sapfl/Informationresources/ILOPublications/lang--en/docName--WCMS_081931/index.htm ''Globalization and the illicit market for human trafficking: an empirical analysis of supply and demand''] , ILO, 2006.
===Government and international governmental organizations===
*[http://www.ungift.org UN.GIFT] - Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking
*[http://www.coe.int/T/E/Com/Files/Themes/trafficking/ Council of Europe - Slaves at the heart of Europe]
*[http://europa.eu.int/comm/justice_home/doc_centre/crime/trafficking/wai/doc_crime_human_trafficking_en.htm European Union: European Commission - Documentation Centre]
*[http://boudewijndejonge.googlepages.com/EurojustHumanTrafficking.pdf European Union: Eurojust and Human Trafficking]
*[http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2005 U.S. Department of State. Trafficking in Persons Report, 2005]
*[http://www.state.gov/g/tip/ US State Department - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons]
*[http://www.usdoj.gov/whatwedo/whatwedo_ctip.html US Department of Justice Human Trafficking Website]
*[http://www.dol.gov/ilab/programs/iclp/main.htm US Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs]
*[http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/annualreports/tr2005/assessmentofustipactivities.pdf Report on US government activities combatting trafficking in 2005]
*[http://www.ice.gov/pi/news/factsheets/humantraffic_011607.htm United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement]
*[http://www.fbi.gov/page2/june05/humantraffic061005.htm United States Federal Bureau of Investigation]
*[http://www.iom.int/en/who/main_service_areas_counter.shtml International Organization for Migration - Counter-Trafficking Programme]
*[http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/trafficking_human_beings.html United Nations - Trafficking in Human Beings (This site is an excellent source for international legislation and multi-media video files)]
*[http://www.unicri.it/wwd/trafficking/minors/countries.php Trafficking in Minors - United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute]
*[http://www.osce.org/cthb/ OSCE Special Representative on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings]
*[http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/child/trafficking/index.htm International Labour Organization - Human Trafficking in Asia reports]
*[http://diplomacymonitor.com/stu/dm.nsf/issued?openform&cat=Human_Trafficking Diplomacy Monitor - Human Trafficking]
* [http://www.ilo.org/sapfl/lang--en/index.htm The ILO Special Action Programme to combat Forced Labour (SAP-FL)]


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[[ar:الاتجار بالبشر]]
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[[fr:Trafic d'êtres humains]]
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[[pl:Handel ludźmi]]
[[ru:Торговля людьми]]
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[[sk:Obchodovanie s ľuďmi]]
[[sr:Трговина људима]]
[[tr:İnsan ticareti]]

Revision as of 20:59, 13 June 2008

Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, harbouring, or receipt of people for the purpose of exploitation. It is estimated to be a $5 to $9 billion-a-year industry.[1]The Council Of Europe states "People trafficking has reached epidemic proportions over the past decade, with a global annual market of about $42.5 billion".[2][3] Trafficking victims typically are recruited using coercion, deception, fraud, the abuse of power, or outright abduction. Threats, violence, and economic leverage can often make a victim consent to exploitation.

Exploitation includes forcing people into prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. For children, exploitation may also include forced prostitution, illicit international adoption, trafficking for early marriage, or recruitment as child soldiers, beggars, for sports (such as child camel jockeys or football players), or for religious cults.[4]


Human trafficking differs from people smuggling. In the latter, people voluntarily request smuggler's service for fees and there may be no deception involved in the (illegal) agreement. On arrival at their destination, the smuggled person is usually free. On the other hand, the trafficking victim is enslaved, or the terms of their debt bondage are highly exploitative. The trafficker takes away the basic human rights of the victim. [5] [6]

Victims are sometimes tricked and lured by false promises or physically forced.[7] Some traffickers use coercive and manipulative tactics including deception, intimidation, feigned love, isolation, threat and use of physical force, debt bondage, other abuse, or even force-feeding with drugs to control their victims.[8] People who are seeking entry to other countries may be picked up by traffickers, and misled into thinking that they will be free after being smuggled across the border. In some cases, they are captured through slave raiding, although this is increasingly rare.

Trafficking is a fairly lucrative industry. In some areas, like Russia, Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and Colombia, trafficking is controlled by large criminal organizations. [9] However, the majority of trafficking is done by networks of smaller groups that each specialize in a certain area, like recruitment, transportation, advertising, or retail. This is very profitable because little startup capital is needed, and prosecution is relatively rare.[10]

Trafficked people are usually the most vulnerable and powerless minorities in a region. They often come from the poorer areas where opportunities are limited, they often are ethnic minorities, and they often are displaced persons such as runaways or refugees (though they may come from any social background, class or race).

Trafficking of children often involves exploitation of the parents' extreme poverty. The latter may sell children to traffickers in order to pay off debts or gain income or they may be deceived concerning the prospects of training and a better life for their children. In West Africa, trafficked children have often lost one or both parents to the African AIDS crisis.[11]

The adoption process, legal and illegal, results in cases of trafficking of babies and pregnant women between the West and the developing world. In David M. Smolin’s papers on child trafficking and adoption scandals between India and the United States,[12][13] he cites there are systemic vulnerabilities in the intercountry adoption system that makes adoption scandals predictable.

Women, who form over 80% of trafficking victims, are particularly at risk to become involved in sex trafficking. Potential kidnappers exploit lack of opportunities, promise good jobs or opportunities for study, and then force the victims to become prostitutes, participate in pornography[citation needed] or escort services. Through agents and brokers who arrange the travel and job placements, women are escorted to their destinations and delivered to the employers. Upon reaching their destinations, some women learn that they have been deceived about the nature of the work they will do; most have been lied to about the financial arrangements and conditions of their employment; and all find themselves in coercive and abusive situations from which escape is both difficult and dangerous.

The main motive of a woman (in some cases an underage girl) to accept an offer from a trafficker is better financial opportunities for herself or her family. In many cases traffickers initially offer ‘legitimate’ work or the promise of an opportunity to study. The main types of work offered are in the catering and hotel industry, in bars and clubs, modeling contracts, or au pair work. Traffickers sometimes use offers of marriage, threats, intimidation and kidnapping as means of obtaining victims. In the majority of cases, the women end up in prostitution. Also some (migrating) prostitutes become victims of human trafficking. Some women know they will be working as prostitutes, but they have an inaccurate view of the circumstances and the conditions of the work in their country of destination.[14] [15]

Men are also at risk of being trafficked for unskilled work predominantly involving hard labor. Other forms of trafficking include bonded and sweatshop labor, forced marriage, and domestic servitude. Children are also trafficked for both labor exploitation and sexual exploitation. On a related issue, children are forced to be child soldiers.

Many women are forced into the sex trade after answering false advertisements, and others are simply kidnapped. Thousands of children from Asia, Africa, and South America are sold into the global sex trade every year. Often they are kidnapped or orphaned, and sometimes they are actually sold by their own families.[16]


According to United States State Department data, an "estimated 600,000 to 820,000 men, women, and children [are] trafficked across international borders each year, approximately 70 percent are women and girls and up to 50 percent are minors. The data also illustrates that the majority of transnational victims are trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation."[17] Due to the illegal nature of trafficking and differences in methodology, the exact extent is unknown.

Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, the impoverished former Eastern bloc countries such as Albania, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine have been identified as major trafficking source countries for women and children.[18][19] Young women and girls are often lured to wealthier countries by the promises of money and work and then reduced to sexual slavery.[20] It is estimated that 2/3 of women trafficked for prostitution worldwide annually come from Eastern Europe, three-quarters have never worked as prostitutes before.[21][22] The major destinations are Western Europe (Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, Greece), the Middle East (Turkey, Israel, the United Arab Emirates), Asia, Russia and the United States.[23][24] An estimated 500,000 women from Central and Eastern Europe are working in prostitution in the EU alone.[25]

An estimated 14,000 people are trafficked into the United States each year, although again because trafficking is illegal, accurate statistics are difficult.[26] According to the Massachusetts based Trafficking Victims Outreach and Services Network (project of the nonprofit MataHari: Eye of the Day) in Massachusetts alone, there were 55 documented cases of human trafficking in 2005 and the first half of 2006 in Massachusetts.[27] In 2004, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) estimated that 600-800 persons are trafficked into Canada annually and that additional 1,500-2,200 persons are trafficked through Canada into the United States.[28] In Canada, foreign trafficking for prostitution is estimated to be worth $400 million annually.[29]

In the United Kingdom, 71 women were known to have been trafficked into prostitution in 1998 and the Home Office recognized that the scale is likely greater as the problem is hidden and research estimates that the actual figure could be up to 1,420 women trafficked into the UK during the same period.[30] Trafficking in people is increasing in Africa, South Asia and into North America.

Russia is a major source of women trafficked globally for the purpose of sexual exploitation, Russian women are in prostitution in over 50 countries.[31][32] Annually, thousands of Russian women end up as prostitutes in Israel, China, Japan or South Korea.[33] Russia is also a significant destination and transit country for persons trafficked for sexual and labor exploitation from regional and neighboring countries into Russia, and on to the Gulf states[34], Europe, Asia, and North America.

In poverty-stricken Moldova, where the unemployment rate for women ranges as high as 68% and one-third of the workforce live and work abroad, experts estimate that since the collapse of the Soviet Union between 200,000 and 400,000 women have been sold into prostitution abroad — perhaps up to 10% of the female population.[35][36] In Ukraine, a survey conducted by the NGO La Strada Ukraine in 2001-2003, based on a sample of 106 women being trafficked out of Ukraine found that 3% were under 18, and the US State Department reported in 2004 that incidents of minors being trafficked was increasing. It is estimated that half million Ukrainian women were trafficked abroad since 1991 (80% of all unemployed in Ukraine are women).[37][38]

The ILO estimates that 20 percent of the five million illegal immigrants in Russia are victims of forced labor, which is a form of trafficking. However even citizens of Russian Federation have become victims of human trafficking. They are typically kidnapped and sold by police to be used for hard labor, being regularly drugged and chained like dogs to prevent them from escaping. [39] There were reports of trafficking of children and of child sex tourism in Russia. The Government of Russia has made some effort to combat trafficking but has also been criticized for not complying with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.[40] [41]

The majority of child trafficking cases are in Asia, although it is a global problem.

In Asia, Japan is the major destination country for trafficked women, especially from the Philippines and Thailand. The US State Department has rated Japan as either a ‘Tier 2’ or a ‘Tier 2 Watchlist’ country every year since 2001 in its annual Trafficking in Persons reports. Both these ratings implied that Japan was (to a greater or lesser extent) not fully compliant with minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking trade. There are currently an estimated 300,000 women and children involved in the sex trade throughout Southeast Asia.[42] It is common that Thai women are lured to Japan and sold to Yakuza-controlled brothels where they are forced to work off their price.[43][44]

Many of the Iraqi women fleeing the Iraq War are turning to prostitution, while others are trafficked abroad, to countries like Syria, Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Iran.[45] In Syria alone, an estimated 50,000 Iraqi refugee girls and women, many of them widows, are forced into prostitution.[46] Cheap Iraqi prostitutes have helped to make Syria a popular destination for sex tourists. The clients come from wealthier countries in the Middle East - many are Saudi men.[47] High prices are offered for virgins.[48]

As many as 200,000 Nepali girls, many under 14, have been sold into the sex slavery in India. Nepalese women and girls, especially virgins, are favored in India because of their light skin.[49][50]

In parts of Ghana, a family may be punished for an offense by having to turn over a virgin female to serve as a sex slave within the offended family.[51] In this instance, the woman does not gain the title of "wife". In parts of Ghana, Togo, and Benin, shrine slavery persists, despite being illegal in Ghana since 1998. In this system of slavery of ritual servitude, sometimes called trokosi (in Ghana) or voodoosi in Togo and Benin, young virgin girls are given as slaves in traditional shrines and are used sexually by the priests in addition to providing free labor for the shrine.[52]

Reporters have witnessed a rapid increase in prostitution in Cambodia, Bosnia, and Kosovo after UN and, in the case of the latter two, NATO peacekeeping forces moved in. Peacekeeping forces have been linked to trafficking and forced prostitution. Proponents of peacekeeping argue that the actions of a few should not incriminate the many participants in the mission, yet NATO and the UN have come under criticism for not taking the issue of forced prostitution linked to peacekeeping missions seriously enough. [53] [54][55] [56]

In the western world, Canada in particular has a major problem with modern-day sexual slavery. In a 2006 report the Future Group, a Canadian humanitarian organization dedicated to ending human trafficking, ranked eight industrialized nations and gave Canada an F for its "abysmal" record treating victims. The report, titled "Falling Short of the Mark: An International Study on the Treatment of Human Trafficking Victims", concluded that Canada "is an international embarrassment" when it comes to combating this form of slavery.[57]

The report's principal author Benjamin Perrin wrote, "Canada has ignored calls for reform and continues to re-traumatize trafficking victims, with few exceptions, by subjecting them to routine deportation and fails to provide even basic support services."

In the report, the only other country to flunk was the United Kingdom, which received a D, while the United States received a B+ and Australia, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Italy all received grades of B or B-. The report criticizes former Liberal Party of Canada cabinet ministers Irwin Cotler, Joe Volpe and Pierre Pettigrew for "passing the buck" on the issue.

Commenting on the report, the then Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Monte Solberg told Sun Media Corporation, "It's very damning, and if there are obvious legislative or regulatory fixes that need to be done, those have to become priorities, given especially that we're talking about very vulnerable people."[58]

Causes of trafficking

Some causes of trafficking include:

  • lack of employment opportunities
  • organized crime and presence of organized criminal gangs
  • regional imbalances
  • economic disparities
  • social discrimination
  • corruption in government
  • political instability
  • armed conflict
  • uprooting of communities because of mega projects without proper Resttlement and Rehabilitation packages.
  • Profitability
  • Growing deprivation and marginalization of the poor
  • Insufficient penalties against traffickers
  • According to the UN a major factor that has allowed the growth of sexual trafficking is "Governments and human rights organizations alike have simply judged the woman guilty of prostitution and minimized the trafficker's role."[59]
  • Driven by demand; demand is high for prostitutes and other forms of labor in host countries; therefore there is a very profitable market available to those who wish to become handlers.[unbalanced opinion?]

Trafficking in people has been facilitated by porous borders and advanced communication technologies, it has become increasingly transnational in scope and highly lucrative. Unlike drugs or arms, people can be "sold" many times. The opening up of Asian markets, porous borders, the end of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the former Yugoslavia have contributed to this globalization.

Human trafficking and other vulnerability issues

Human trafficking is not a stand alone issue. It is closely related other issues that threaten security well being of the victims. Victims are exposed to continuous threats of physical violence by traffickers to ensure compliance. Many are held in bondage and beaten to suppress resistance. Other threats include absolute poverty due to wage deprivation. They are unprotected by labor laws,long working hours and lack of holiday is common. For example, 15 is the standard working hours per day among Chinese victims in France. In Japan, Thai trafficking victims also complained of breach of work contracts, non-payment of wages, mandatory night work and poor accommodation [65].

Human trafficking and Sexual exploitation

There is no universally accepted definition of trafficking for sexual exploitation. The term encompasses the organized movement of people, usually women, between countries and within countries for sex work. Such trafficking also includes coercing a migrant into a sexual act as a condition of allowing or arranging the migration. Sexual trafficking uses physical coercion, deception and bondage incurred through forced debt. Trafficked women and children, for instance, are often promised work in the domestic or service industry, but instead are usually taken to brothels where their passports and other identification papers are confiscated. They may be beaten or locked up and promised their freedom only after earning – through prostitution – their purchase price, as well as their travel and visa costs [60][61]

In Japan the prosperous entertainment market had created huge demand for commercial sexual workers, and such demand is being met by trafficking women and children from the Philippines, Colombia and Thailand. Women are forced into street prostitution, based stripping and live sex acts.[62] Victims of human trafficking are exposed to sexually transmittable diseases including HIV/AIDS. It is believed that human trafficking and forced sex work is one of the causes for prevalence of HIV/AIDS in some countries. On one hand HIV/AIDS increases the number of children trafficked because that they are perceived to be HIV negative, and on the other hand trafficking increases HIV/AIDS transmission because of victims inability to negotiate the use and access of condoms. Multiple sexual partners and injury received during sex increase their chances of infection (MAPODE in its Research Report on Children in Prostitution, Pornography, and Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Labour and Crime in Zambia). In Bangladesh, there is a correlation between ages of those infected with HIV/AIDS ( 15-24 years) with the victims of trafficking [66] , suggesting the linkage between human trafficking and HIV/AIDS.

Trafficking victims are also exposed to different psychological problems. They suffer social alienation in the host and home countries. Stigmatization, social exclusion and intolerance make reintegration into local communities difficult. The governments offer little assistance and social services to trafficked victims upon their return. As the victims are also pushed into drug trafficking, many of them face criminal sanctions.

Efforts to reduce human trafficking

Governments, international associations, and nongovernmental organizations have all tried to end human trafficking with various degrees of success.

Government actions

A human trafficking awareness poster from the Canadian Department of Justice.

Actions taken to combat human trafficking vary from government to government. Some have introduced legislation specifically aimed at making human trafficking illegal. Governments can also develop systems of co-operation between different nation’s law enforcement agencies and with non-government organisations (NGOs).

Other actions governments could take is raise awareness. This can take on three forms. Firstly in raising awareness amongst potential victims, in particular in countries where human traffickers are active. Secondly, raising awareness amongst police, social welfare workers and immigration officers. And in countries where prostitution is legal or semi-legal, raising awareness amongst the clients of prostitution, to look out for signs of a human trafficking victim.

Laws against trafficking in the United States are prosecuted at the federal level. The overwhelming majority of states do not have laws against human trafficking. For example, in Maryland it is a felony to have sex with a minor, but only a misdemeanour for making it available to those who wish to have sex with a minor.

Raising awareness can take on different forms. One method is through the use of awareness films [63] or through posters [64].

International law

In 2000 the United Nations adopted the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, also called the Palermo Convention, and two Palermo protocols there to:

All of these instruments contain elements of the current international law on trafficking in human beings.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings [65] was adopted by the Council of Europe on 16 May 2005. The aim of the convention is to prevent and combat the trafficking in human beings. The Convention entered into force on 1 February 2008. Of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe, so far 21 have signed the convention and 17 have ratified it.[66]

United States law

The United States federal government has taken a firm stance against human trafficking both within its borders and beyond. Domestically, human trafficking a federal crime under Title 18 of the United States Code. Section 1584 makes it a crime to force a person to work against his will, whether the compulsion is effected by use of force, threat of force, threat of legal coercion or by "a climate of fear" (an environment wherein individuals believe they may be harmed by leaving or refusing to work); Section 1581 similarly makes it illegal to force a person to work through "debt servitude." Human trafficking as it relates to involuntary servitude and slavery is prohibited by the 13th Amendment. Federal laws on human trafficking are enforced by the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Criminal Section.

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 allowed for greater statutory maximum sentences for traffickers, provided resources for protection of and assistance for victims of trafficking and created avenues for interagency cooperation. It also allows many trafficking victims to remain in the United States and apply for permanent residency under a T-1 Visa.[67]. The act also attempted to encourage efforts to prevent human trafficking internationally, by creating annual country reports on trafficking and tying financial non-humanitarian assistance to foreign countries to real efforts in addressing human trafficking.

The United States Department of State has a high-level official charged with combating human trafficking, the Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons ("anti-trafficking czar"). The current director is Mark P. Lagon. [2]

International NGOs such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called on the United States to improve its measures aimed at reducing trafficking.They recommend that the United States more fully implement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children and for immigration officers to improve their awareness of trafficking and support the victims of trafficking. [68][69]

Several state governments have took action to address human trafficking in their borders.

Florida state law prohibits forced labor, sex trafficking, and document servitude, and provides for mandatory law enforcement trainings and victim services. A 2006 Connecticut law prohibits coerced work and makes trafficking a violation of the Connecticut RICO Act.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been formed to combat human trafficking:


In a 2003 report the Thai sex worker support organization EMPOWER stated that many anti-trafficking groups fail to see the difference between migrant sex workers and women forced to prostitute themselves against their will. They documented a May 2003 "raid and rescue" operation on a brothel in Chiang Mai that was carried out without the consent of the workers, resulting in numerous human rights violations.[70]

In her 2007 book Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry, sociologist Laura María Agustín has likewise criticized what she calls the "rescue industry" for viewing all migrant sex workers as victims of trafficking that need to be saved, with the effect of severely restricting international freedom of movement. Agustín does not deny human trafficking or forced prostitution takes place, but rather that the ‘rescue industry’ overestimates figures. Critics of Agustín have claimed that Agustín is as guilty of statistical manipulation for her ideological perspective.[who?]

River of Innocents follows the 17-year-old Majlinda into the world of modern-day slavery, where she struggles to hold on to her humanity and to help the stolen children around her survive. [3]

Lilya 4-ever, a film based loosely on the real life of Dangoule Rasalaite, portrays a young woman from the former Soviet Union who is deceived into being trafficked for exploitation in Sweden. Human trafficking has also been portrayed in the Canadian/UK TV drama Sex Traffic.

Based on true events, Svetlana's Journey by Michael Cory Davis depicts the trials of a 13-year-old who loses her family and is sold to human traffickers by her adoptive family. Drugged, raped, and forced to endure continuous abuse by her 'clients' and traffickers, she attempts to commit suicide, but survives.

A Movie by Dzmitry Vasilyeu, about Human-trafficking in Eastern Europe

Season Two (2003) of the HBO series, The Wire, opens with the discovery of thirteen suffocated young women, locked in a cargo container on the docks of Baltimore. An investigation ensues, which reveals that the women, from Russia and Eastern Europe, were being smuggled into the country as part of a prostitution operation run by an international crime organization, that is also involved with corruption of the local dockworkers' union, as well as the distribution of narcotics in Baltimore.

Holly (2006) is a movie about a little girl, sold by her poor family and smuggled across the border to Cambodia to work as a prostitute in a red light village. The Virgin Harvest is a feature length documentary that was filmed at the same time.[4]

The 2007 film Trade deals with human trafficking out of Mexico and a brother's attempt to rescue his kidnapped and trafficked young sister. It is based on Peter Landesman's article about sex slaves, which was featured as the cover story in the January 24, 2004 issue of New York Times Magazine.

The film The Transporter deals with the hero, Frank Martin, played by Jason Statham, trying to stop a container full of men and women being illegally transported.

Human Trafficking (2005) (TV) by Christian Duguay stars Mira Sorvino, Donald Sutherland, and Robert Carlyle. A sixteen-year-old girl from the Ukraine, a single mother from Russia, an orphaned seventeen-year-old girl from Romania, and a twelve-year-old American tourist become the victims of international sex slave traffickers. Sorvino and Sutherland are the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents who struggle to save them.

Ghosts (2006 film) a documentary by independent film maker Nick Broomfield, follows the story of the victims of the 2004 Morecambe Bay cockling disaster, in which smuggled immigrants are forced in to hard labour.

The Jammed, an Australian film about human trafficking in Australia. [5]

The new film The Sugar Babies (2007) by Amy Serrano is a documentary that highlights the plight of Haitian victims of human trafficking in the Dominican Republic. It was produced by Thor Halvorssen and funded by the Human Rights Foundation.

The song Kill The Pimps. On December 10, 2006, (International Human Rights Day) The Blood produced their first major work of the 21st century. Their song, criticizes governments that turn a blind eye to human trafficking.

The European series Matroesjka's deals with girls from ex-soviet countries, who have been deceived into sex slavery in Belgium.

The video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas features a mission in which the main character helps free refugees trafficked onboard a container ship travelling from Vietnam to the United States.

In the Tom Clancy novel Debt of Honor there is an American woman who has been kidnapped and used as a sex slave by a wealthy Japanese businessman. She is murdered before two CIA operatives sent to rescue her can perform an extraction.

The 2007 film Eastern Promises by David Cronenberg deals with a British midwife who unravels a gang of Russian slavers when she seeks relatives to a baby of a sex slave named Tatiana.

In the Punisher story arc "The Slavers" by Garth Ennis and Leandro Fernandez, the punisher saves a fugitive sex slave from Moldavia from thugs who were after her and decides to bring down the slavers who trafficked her to the U.S.

The episode "Cargo" of the TV series Cold Case deals with a longshoreman who stumbles upon a cargo containers filled with young women from Eastern Europe brought to the United States by a human trafficking ring. The episode deals with his efforts to rescue one of the girls from a life of forced prostitution.


  1. ^ Economic Roots of Trafficking in the UNECE Region - Regional Prep. Meeting for Beijing+10 - pr2004/04gen_n03e.htm
  2. ^ http://www.channel4.com/more4/drama/g/ghosts_traffik_campaign.html
  3. ^ http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/12/05/europe/EU_GEN_Greece_Trafficking.php
  4. ^ uefa.com
  5. ^ http://www.unodc.un.or.th/material/document/Distinguishing.pdf UN Office on Drugs and Crime - Distinguishing between Human Trafficking and People Smuggling
  6. ^ http://action.amnesty.org.au/refugees/comments/people_smuggling/ Amnesty International - People smuggling
  7. ^ Local women fall prey to sex slavery abroad
  8. ^ - Trafficking in Human Beings
  9. ^ http://www.iom.int/jahia/page748.html International Organization for Migration - Counter-Trafficking
  10. ^ HumanTrafficking.com ~ The Online Research and Training Center
  11. ^ http://hrw.org/english/docs/2003/04/01/togo5489.htm] [http://hrw.org/reports/2003/togo0403/
  12. ^ "The Two Faces of Intercountry Adoption: The Significance of the Indian Adoption Scandals" by David M. Smolin, Seton Hall Law Review, 35:403–493, 2005.
  13. ^ "Child Laundering: How the Intercountry Adoption System Legitimizes and Incentivizes the Practices of Buying, Trafficking, Kidnapping, and Stealing Children" by David M. Smolin, bepress Legal Series, Working Paper 749, August 29, 2005.
  14. ^ http://www.prostitutie.nl/studie/documenten/mensenhandel/researchcasestraffick.pdf
  15. ^ http://www.solidaritycenter.org/files/IndoTraffickingFactSheetCauses.pdf Causes of Human Trafficking
  16. ^ UNICEF - Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse - Trafficking and sexual exploitation
  17. ^ I. Introduction
  18. ^ Eastern Europe Exports Flesh to the EU
  19. ^ Local women fall prey to sex slavery abroad
  20. ^ Crime gangs 'expand sex slavery into shires'
  21. ^ Eastern Europe - Coalition Against Trafficking of Women
  22. ^ A modern slave's brutal odyssey
  23. ^ Moldova: Lower prices behind sex slavery boom and child prostitution
  24. ^ The Russian Mafia in Asia
  25. ^ For East Europe’s Women, a Rude Awakening
  26. ^ Attorney General's Annual Report to Congress on U.S. Government Activities to Combat Trafficking in Persons Fiscal Year 2005
  27. ^ http://www.patriotledger.com/articles/2006/03/27/news/news04.txt
  28. ^ Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Canada
  29. ^ http://www.unpac.ca/economy/g_migration.html
  30. ^ Stopping Traffic: Exploring the extent of, and responses to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK
  31. ^ Russia: With No Jobs At Home, Women Fall Victim To Trafficking
  32. ^ Court acquits brothers in assault and detention case
  33. ^ Police bring home 3 sex slaves from China
  34. ^ Sex worker on trial for abortion
  35. ^ Sold as a sex slave in Europe
  36. ^ Jana Costachi, "Preventing Victimization in Moldova" Global Issues, June 2003
  37. ^ The "Natasha" Trade - The Transnational Shadow Market of Trafficking in Women
  38. ^ Poverty, crime and migration are acute issues as Eastern European cities continue to grow
  39. ^ Correspondent's hour by RFE/RL
  40. ^ [1][dead link]
  41. ^ Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Russia
  42. ^ Sex-slave trade flourishes in Thailand
  43. ^ "Woman's Dying Wish: to punish traffickers who ruined her life" The Nation, January 23 2006
  44. ^ A modern form of slavery: Trafficking of Burmese Women and Girls into Brothels in Thailand
  45. ^ Iraqi sex slaves recount ordeals
  46. ^ '50,000 Iraqi refugees' forced into prostitution
  47. ^ Iraqi refugees forced into prostitution
  48. ^ Desperate Iraqi Refugees Turn to Sex Trade in Syria
  49. ^ Millions Suffer in Sex Slavery
  50. ^ Fair skin and young looks: Nepalese victims of human trafficking languish in Indian brothels
  51. ^ Slavery in Ghana. The Trokosi Tradition
  52. ^ Ghana's trapped slaves, By Humphrey Hawksley in eastern Ghana, 8 February, 2001. BBC News
  53. ^ http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1211214,00.html Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade'
  54. ^ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3686173.stm Kosovo UN troops 'fuel sex trade'
  55. ^ http://www.refugeesinternational.org/content/article/detail/4146?PHPSESSID=8cd9d5b0df1ae0bbae8d3ddf647ec715 Conflict, Sexual Trafficking, and Peacekeeping
  56. ^ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/4313617.stm UN troops cautioned on sex abuse
  57. ^ ottawasun.com - National/World - Canada's sex-slave shame
  58. ^ Canada an “International Embarrassment” on Sex Trafficking
  59. ^ Treaty to Combat "Sex Slavery"
  60. ^ Migration Information Programme. Trafficking and prostitution: the growing exploitation of migrant women from central and eastern Europe. Geneva, International Organization for Migration, 1995.
  61. ^ Chauzy JP. Kyrgyz Republic: trafficking. Geneva, International Organization for Migration, 20 January 2001 (Press briefing notes).
  62. ^ Dinan K. Owed justice: Thai women trafficked into debt bondage in Japan. New York, NY, Human Rights Watch, 2000
  63. ^ http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/trafficking_tv_campaign_2002.html
  64. ^ Trafficking in Persons - Poster (English version)
  65. ^ http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/Treaties/Html/197.htm
  66. ^ http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/Commun/ChercheSig.asp?NT=197&CM=1&DF=4/24/2008&CL=ENG
  67. ^ http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2002/January/02_crt_038.htm
  68. ^ U.S.: Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery (Human Rights Watch, 7-7-2004)
  69. ^ Stop Trafficking
  70. ^ A report by Empower Chiang Mai on the human rights violations women are subjected to when "rescued" by anti-trafficking groups who employ methods using deception, force and coercion, June 2003

See also

Articles and Resources

Government and international governmental organizations