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[[Image:1912 Lawrence Textile Strike 1.jpg|right|300px|thumb|Soldiers surround peaceful demonstrators during the [[Lawrence textile strike]] in 1912.]]

A '''trade union''' or '''labour union''' is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals in key areas such as wages, hours, and working conditions, forming a [[cartel]] of labor. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members ([[wikt:rank and file|rank and file]] members) and negotiates labor contracts with employers. This may include the negotiation of wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, benefits, workplace safety and policies. The agreements negotiated by the union leaders are binding on the rank and file members and the employer and in some cases on other non-member workers.

These organizations may comprise individual [[workers]], [[professionals]], [[retiree|past workers]], or the [[unemployed]]. The most common, but by no means only, purpose of these organizations is "maintaining or improving the conditions of their [[employment]]"<ref name="webb">{{cite book |last=Webb |first=Sidney |coauthors=Webb, Beatrice |title=History of Trade Unionism |publisher=Longmans and Co. London |year=1920 }} ch. I</ref>

Over the last three hundred years, many trade unions have developed into a number of forms, influenced by differing political and economic regimes. The immediate objectives and activities of trade unions vary, but may include:
* '''Provision of benefits to members:''' Early trade unions, like [[Friendly Societies]], often provided a range of benefits to insure members against [[unemployment]], ill health, old age and funeral expenses. In many developed countries, these functions have been assumed by the state; however, the provision of professional training, legal advice and representation for members is still an important benefit of trade union membership.
* '''[[Collective bargaining]]:''' Where trade unions are able to operate openly and are recognized by employers, they may negotiate with employers over [[wage]]s and working conditions.
* '''[[Industrial action]]:''' Trade unions may enforce [[Strike action|strikes]] or resistance to [[Lockout (industry)|lockouts]] in furtherance of particular goals.
* '''Political activity:''' Trade unions may promote legislation favorable to the interests of their members or workers as a whole. To this end they may pursue campaigns, undertake lobbying, or financially support individual candidates or parties (such as the [[Labour Party (UK)|Labour Party]] in Britain) for public office.


The traces of trade unions' existence could be traced from the eighteenth century,
The rapid expansion of industrial society was to draw women, children, rural workers, and immigrants to the work force in larger numbers and in new roles. This pool of unskilled and semi-skilled labor spontaneously organized in fits and starts throughout its beginnings,<ref name="webb" /> and would later be an important arena for the development of trade unions.

===Origins and early history===
Trade unions have sometimes been seen as successors to the [[guild]]s of medieval Europe, though the relationship between the two is disputed.<ref>[http://www.marxists.org/archive/kautsky/1901/04/unions.htm Trade Unions and Socialism] International Socialist Review, Vol.1 No.10, April 1901.</ref> Medieval guilds existed to protect and enhance their members' livelihoods through controlling the [[instructional capital]] of [[trade (profession)|artisanship]] and the progression of members from [[apprenticeship|apprentice]] to [[artisan|craftsman]], [[journeyman]], and eventually to master and [[Master craftsman|grandmaster]] of their craft. A labor union might include workers from only one trade or craft, or might combine several or all the workers in one company or industry.
Since the publication of the ''[[History of Trade Unionism]]'' (1894) by [[Sidney Webb|Sidney]] and [[Beatrice Webb]], the predominant historical view is that a trade union "is a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment."<ref name="webb" /> A modern definition by the Australian Bureau of Statistics states that a trade union is "an organization consisting predominantly of employees, the principal activities of which include the negotiation of rates of pay and conditions of employment for its members."<ref>{{cite web
|title=Trade Union Census
|work=Australian Bureau of Statistics

Yet historian R.A. Leeson, in ''United we Stand'' (1971), said:

{{quote|Two conflicting views of the trade-union movement strove for ascendancy in the nineteenth century: one the defensive-restrictive guild-craft tradition passed down through journeymen's clubs and friendly societies, ... the other the aggressive-expansionist drive to unite all 'labouring men and women' for a 'different order of things'.}}

Recent historical research by [[Bob James]] in ''Craft, Trade or Mystery'' (2001) puts forward the view that trade unions are part of a broader movement of [[benefit society|benefit societies]], which includes medieval [[guilds]], [[Freemasonry|Freemasons]], [[independent Order of Odd Fellows|Oddfellows]], [[Friendly Society|friendly societies]], and other [[Fraternal organisation|fraternal organization]]s.

The 18th century [[economist]] [[Adam Smith]] noted the imbalance in the rights of workers in regards to owners (or "masters"). In ''[[The Wealth of Nations]]'', [[Wikisource:Chapter 8: Of the Wages of Labour|Book I, chapter 8]], Smith wrote:

{{quote|We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of workmen. But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject. Masters are always and everywhere in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform combination, not to raise the wages of labour above their actual rate[.]

When workers combine, masters ... never cease to call aloud for the assistance of the civil magistrate, and the rigorous execution of those laws which have been enacted with so much severity against the combinations of servants, labourers, and journeymen.}}

As Smith noted, unions were illegal for many years in most countries (and Smith argued that schemes to fix wages or prices, by employees or employers, should be). There were severe penalties for attempting to organize unions, up to and including execution. Despite this, unions were formed and began to acquire political power, eventually resulting in a body of labor law that not only legalized organizing efforts, but codified the relationship between employers and those employees organized into unions. Even after the legitimization of trade unions there was opposition, as the case of the [[Tolpuddle Martyrs]] shows.

The right to join a trade union is mentioned in article 23, subsection 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ([[Universal Declaration of Human Rights|UDHR]]), which also states in article 20, subsection 2 that "No one may be compelled to belong to an association". Prohibiting a person from joining or forming a union, as well as forcing a person to do the same (e.g. "closed shops" or "union shops", see below), whether by a government or by a business, is generally considered a [[human rights abuse]]. Similar allegations can be leveled if an employer [[discrimination|discriminates]] based on trade union membership. Attempts by an employer, often with the help of outside agencies, to prevent union membership amongst their staff is known as [[union busting]].

===19th century unionism===
The [[National Labor Union]] was the first national union in the United States. It was created in 1866 and included many types of workers.<ref name="AmericanPassages">{{cite book
|first=Edward L. et al.
|authorlink=Edward L. Ayers
|title=American Passages: A History of the United States
|volume=Vol. 1
|pages=p. 288}}</ref> This union did not accomplish anything significant. After this union crumbled, the [[Knights of Labor]] became the leading countrywide union in the 1860s. This union did not include Chinese, and partially included blacks and women.<ref name="AmericanPageant">{{cite book
|last=[[David M. Kennedy (historian)|Kennedy]]
|first=[[David M. Kennedy (historian)|David]]
|coauthors=[[Lizabeth Cohen]], [[Thomas A. Bailey|Thomas Bailey]]
|title=[[The American Pageant]]
|edition=Thirteenth Edition
|publisher=Houghton Mifflin Company
|location=New York

The Knights of Labor was founded in the United States in 1869. They opposed [[child labor]] and demanded the [[eight-hour day]]. They hoped their union would give workers “a proper share of the wealth they create,” more free time, and generally more benefits. They also tried to set up companies owned by the workers themselves. Although the Knights were against [[strike]]s, some radical members went on [[strike]] anyway when the railroads cut wages in 1884. After they won the fight, membership in the Knights boomed to 700,000, but then, at the time of the [[Haymarket Massacre]], a fearful public opinion grouped them with anarchists and Communists, and membership then rapidly declined.

The [[American Federation of Labor]] (AFL) was founded by [[Samuel Gompers]]. By 1904, AFL-affiliated unions had a membership of over 1.4 million nationwide. Under Gompers's leadership, the AFL advocated an approach known as "business" or "pure and simple" unionism, which emphasized collective bargaining to reach its goals. Demands were centered around improvements to the immediate work environment, like better wages, hours and working conditions.

In [[France]], [[Germany]], and other European countries, socialist parties and democrats played a prominent role in forming and building up trade unions, especially from the 1870s onwards. This stood in contrast to the British experience, where moderate [[New Model Union]]s dominated the union movement from the mid-nineteenth century and where trade unionism was stronger than the political labor movement until the formation and growth of the [[Labour Party (UK)|Labour Party]] in the early years of the twentieth century.

===Impact of unions===
[[Image:Striker assembly.jpg|right|thumb|A 1919 strike leader addressing a crowd in [[Gary, Indiana]].]]
Proponents often credit trade unions with leading the labor movement in the early 20th century, which generally sought to end [[child labor]] practices, improve [[worker safety]], increase wages for both union workers, raise the entire society's [[standard of living]],{{Fact|date=March 2007}} reduce the hours in a work week, provide public education for children,{{Fact|date=March 2007}} and bring of other benefits to working class families. {{Fact|date=February 2007}} However, according to [[Ludwig von Mises]] belief that unions are responsible for higher standard of living is a misconception. As the height of wages depend on the marginal productivity of labor, other things being equal, the more capital is invested the higher wages climb. The increase in the amount of capital invested is achieved by removing obstacles in the way of saving and capital accumulation and by letting market to set wage rates. If wages are affected by union pressure and set above market clearing rate, lasting unemployment is created.<ref>[http://www.mises.org/story/2989 Wages, Unemployment, and Inflation] by [[Ludwig von Mises]]</ref>

Advocates of unions claim that the higher wages that unions bring come at the expense of profits. However, as Milton Friedman pointed out, profits aren't high enough. 80% of national income is wages, and only about 6% is profits after tax, providing very little room for higher wages, even if profits could be totally used up. Moreover, profits are invested leading to an increase in capital: which raises the value of labor, increasing wages. If profits were totally removed, this source of wage increase would be removed.<ref>{{cite book|last=Friedman|first=[[Milton Friedman|Milton]] and [[Rose Friedman|Rose]]|title=Free to Choose|year=1980|publisher=Harcourt|location= |isbn=978-0-15-633460-0}}</ref>

The effect of union activities to influence pricing is potentially very harmful, making the market system ineffective by distorting the price mechanism (see [[allocative efficiency).<ref> F. A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, 1960 Routledge Classics</ref> By raising the price of labor, above the market rate [[deadweight loss]] is created. Additional non-monetary benefits exacerbate the problem.

{{cquote|There can be little doubt that union activities lead to continuous and progressive [[inflation]].}}
::F. A. Hayek, the ''Constitution of Liberty''

[[Austrian School|Austrian economists]] such as [[Robert P. Murphy]], however, dispute this, arguing that the increase in the cost of labor simply means that less of other goods can be bought. He writes:

If unions succeed in wage hikes, and employers raise the prices they charge consumers to maintain their own profit margins, and the supply of money remains the same, then something else has to "give." Either the prices of goods and services in nonunion sectors have to fall and offset the union sector hikes, or people's cash balances need to fall, in terms of their purchasing power.<ref>[http://www.mises.org/story/2839 Can Unions Cause Price Inflation? - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute<!--Bot-generated title-->]</ref>

==Unions today==
===Structure and politics===
: ''Union structures, politics, and legal status vary greatly from country to country. For specific country details [[#Trade unions by region and country|see below]].''

[[Image:UnisonStrikeRallyOxford20060328 KaihsuTai.jpg|thumb|right|A rally of the trade union [[UNISON]] in [[Oxford]] during a strike on [[2006-03-28]].]]

Unions may organize a particular section of skilled workers ([[craft unionism]]), a cross-section of workers from various trades ([[general union]]ism), or attempt to organize all workers within a particular industry ([[industrial unionism]]). These unions are often divided into "[[Local union|locals]]", and united in national [[List of federations of trade unions|federations]]. These federations themselves will affiliate with [[International]]s, such as the [[International Trade Union Confederation]].

In many countries, a union may acquire the status of a "[[juristic person]]" (an artificial legal entity), with a mandate to negotiate with employers for the workers it represents. In such cases, unions have certain legal rights, most importantly the right to engage in [[collective bargaining]] with the employer (or employers) over wages, working hours, and other [[employment contract|terms and conditions of employment]]. The inability of the parties to reach an agreement may lead to [[industrial action]], culminating in either [[strike action]] or management [[Lockout (industry)|lockout]], or binding arbitration. In extreme cases, violent or illegal activities may develop around these events.

In other circumstances, unions may not have the legal right to represent workers, or the right may be in question. This lack of status can range from non-recognition of a union to political or criminal prosecution of union activists and members, with many cases of violence and deaths having been recorded both historically and contemporarily.<ref>[http://www.icftu.org/displaydocument.asp?Index=991223285&Language=EN ICFTU press release] - regarding Cambodia.</ref><ref>[http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR230312005?open&of=ENG-394 Amnesty International report [[23 September]] [[2005]]] - fear for safety of '''[[SINALTRAINAL]]''' member José Onofre Esquivel Luna</ref>

Unions may also engage in broader political or social struggle. [[Social Movement Unionism|Social Unionism]] encompasses many unions that use their organizational strength to advocate for social policies and legislation favorable to their members or to workers in general. As well, unions in some countries are closely aligned with [[political party|political parties]].

Unions are also delineated by the [[service model]] and the [[organising model|organizing model]]. The service model union focuses more on maintaining worker rights, providing services, and resolving disputes. Alternately, the organizing model typically involves full-time [[union organizer]]s, who work by building up confidence, strong networks, and leaders within the workforce; and confrontational campaigns involving large numbers of union members. Many unions are a blend of these two philosophies, and the definitions of the models themselves are still debated.

Although their political structure and autonomy varies widely, union leaderships are usually formed through democratic [[election]]s.

Some research, such as that conducted by the [[Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training|ACIRRT]],<ref>[http://www.acirrt.com/pubs/Trainingwagesupdate.pdf Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training report.]</ref> argues that unionized workers enjoy better conditions and wages than those who are not unionized.

In Britain, the perceived left-leaning nature of trade unions has resulted in the formation of a reactionary right-wing trade union called [[Solidarity – The Union for British Workers|Solidarity]] which is supported by the far-right [[British National Party|BNP]].

===Shop types===
Companies that employ workers with a union generally operate on one of several models:
* A '''[[closed shop]]''' (US or a "pre-entry closed shop" (UK)) employs only people who are already union members. The compulsory [[hiring hall]] is an example of a closed shop &mdash; in this case the employer must recruit directly from the union.
* A '''[[union shop]]''' (US) or a " post-entry closed shop''' (UK) employs non-union workers as well, but sets a time limit within which new employees must join a union.
* An '''[[agency shop]]''' requires non-union workers to pay a fee to the union for its services in negotiating their contract. This is sometimes called the [[Rand formula]]. In certain situations involving state public employees in the United States, such as [[California]], "fair share laws" make it easy to require these sorts of payments.
* An '''[[open shop]]''' does not discriminate based on union membership in employing or keeping workers. Where a union is active, the open shop allows workers to be employed who do not contribute to a union or the collective bargaining process. In the United States, state level [[right-to-work]] laws mandate the open shop in some states.

===Diversity of international unions===
As labor law varies from country to country, so is the function of unions. For example, in Germany only open shops are legal; that is, all discrimination based on union membership is forbidden. This affects the function and services of the union. In addition, German unions have played a greater role in management decisions through participation in corporate boards and [[co-determination]] than have unions in the United States. ([http://hesa.etui-rehs.org/uk/ newsletter/files/BTS012EN_12-15.pdf]}.

In Britain a series of laws introduced during the 1980s by [[Margaret Thatcher]]'s government restricted closed and union shops. All agreements requiring a worker to join a union are now illegal. In the United States, the [[Taft-Hartley Act]] of 1947 outlawed the closed shop, but permitted the union shop unless the [[U.S. state|state]] government chose to prohibit it.

In addition, unions' relations with political parties vary. In many countries unions are tightly bonded, or even share leadership, with a political party intended to represent the interests of working people. Typically this is a [[left-wing]], [[socialist]], or [[social democrat]]ic party, but many exceptions exist. In the United States, by contrast, although it is historically aligned with the [[Democratic Party (United States)|Democratic Party]], the labor movement is by no means monolithic on that point; this is especially true among the individual "rank and file" members. For example, the [[International Brotherhood of Teamsters]] has supported [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican Party]] candidates on a number of occasions and the [[Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (1968)|Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization]] (PATCO) endorsed [[Ronald Reagan]] in 1980. (However, when PATCO went on strike in violation of their "no strike" contract, President Reagan ordered them back to work. Those who didn't return to the job were fired and replaced, effectively destroying PATCO.) The [[AFL-CIO]] has been against liberalizing abortion, consistent with a Republican position, so as not to alienate its large [[Roman Catholic|Catholic]] constituency. In Britain the labor movement's relationship with the [[Labour Party (UK)|Labour Party]] is fraying as party leadership embarks on [[privatization]] plans at odds with what unions see as the worker's interests. On top of this in the past there as been a group known as the [[Conservative Trade Unionists]] or CTU. A group formed of people who sympathized with right wing Tory policy but were Trade Unionists.

In Western Europe, professional associations often carry out the functions of a trade union. In these cases, they may be negotiating for [[white-collar worker]]s, such as physicians, engineers, or teachers. Typically such trade unions refrain from politics or pursue a more [[Ordoliberalism|ordoliberal politics]] than their [[Blue-collar worker|blue-collar]] counterparts {{Fact|date=February 2007}}.

In Germany the relation between individual employees and employers is considered to be asymmetrical. In consequence, many working conditions are not negotiable due to a strong legal protection of individuals. However, the German flavor or works legislation has as its main objective to create a balance of power between employees organized in unions and employers organized in employers associations. This allows much wider legal boundaries for collective bargaining, compared to the narrow boundaries for individual negotiations. As a condition to obtain the legal status of a trade union, employee associations need to prove that their leverage is strong enough to serve as a counterforce in negotiations with employers. If such an employees association is competing against another union, its leverage may be questioned by unions and then evaluated in a court trial. In Germany only very few professional associations obtained the right to negotiate salaries and working conditions for their members, notably the medical doctors association [[Marburger Bund]] and the pilots association [[Vereinigung Cockpit]]. The engineers association [[Verein Deutscher Ingenieure]] does not strive to act as a union, as it also represents the interests of engineering businesses.

Finally, the structure of employment laws affects unions' roles and how they carry out their business. In many western European countries wages and benefits are largely set by governmental action. The United States takes a more [[laissez-faire]] approach, setting some minimum standards but leaving most workers' wages and benefits to collective bargaining and market forces. Historically, the [[Republic of Korea]] has regulated collective bargaining by requiring employers to participate but collective bargaining has been legal only if held in sessions before the [[lunar new year]]. In totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany, Trade Unions were outlawed. In the Soviet Union and China, unions have typically been ''de facto'' government agencies devoted to smooth and efficient operation of government enterprises.

{{main|Opposition to trade unions}}

Dr. [[Charles Baird (economics)|Charles Baird]] of [[California State University East Bay]] argues that as labor is a [[commodity]], and unions essentially operate by centralizing labor, forming a [[monopoly]] on the commodity. This monopoly on labor has the same negative effects as any other monopoly.<ref>Charles Baird, "Unions and Antitrust: Governmental Hypocrisy." The Freeman, Vol. 50 No. 2. Foundation for Economic Education, New York.</ref>, of reducing the amount sold (in this case, this means increasing unemployment) raising the price in the short term and decreasing efficiency.

Trade unions have been accused of benefiting the insider workers, those having secure jobs, at the cost of the outsider workers, consumers of the goods or services produced, and the shareholders of the unionized business. Those who are likely to be disadvantaged most from unionization are the unemployed, those at risk of unemployment or workers who are unable to get the job they want in a particular line of work.<ref>Card David, Krueger Alan. (1995). Myth and measurement: The new economics of the minimum wage. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press.</ref>

In the United States, the outsourcing of labor to Asia, Latin America, and Africa has been partially driven by increasing costs of union partnership, which gives other countries a [[comparative advantage]] in labor, making it more efficient to perform labor-intensive work there.<ref>
{{cite web |last=Kramarz |first=Francis |title=Outsourcing, Unions, and Wages: Evidence from data matching imports, firms, and workers |date=2006-10-19 |url=http://www.eco.uc3m.es/temp/agenda/wage102006.pdf |accessdate=2007-01-22 }}

[[Milton Friedman]], [[Nobel Prize in Economics|Nobel]] [[economist]] and advocate of [[laissez-faire]] [[capitalism]] showed that unionization produces higher wages (for the union members) at the expense of fewer jobs, and that, if some industries are unionized while others are not, wages will tend to decline in non-unionized industries.

In some cases, unions are regarded as a form of legalized [[Conspiracy (civil)|conspiracy]] and [[extortion]]. American [[racketeering]] statutes still include an exemption for union activity. {{Fact|date=August 2008}}

Unions are sometimes accused of holding society to ransom by taking strike actions that result in the disruption of public services.<ref>http://journals.sfu.ca/archivar/index.php/archivaria/article/viewFile/10489/11328</ref><ref>http://www.indiatogether.org/combatlaw/vol2/issue6/strike.htm</ref>

==Trade unions worldwide and by region and country==
===Worldwide and international cooperation===
[[Image:Unionization in the world.svg|thumb|right|Unionization in the world{{Fact|date=August 2007}}]]

The largest organization of trade union members in the world is the [[Brussels]]-based [[International Trade Union Confederation]], which today has approximately 309 affiliated organizations in 156 countries and territories, with a combined membership of 166 million. Other global trade union organizations include the [[World Federation of Trade Unions]].

National and regional trade unions organizing in specific industry sectors or occupational groups also form [[global union federation]]s, such as [[Union Network International]] and the [[International Federation of Journalists]].

{{Africa topic|Trade unions in}}
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{{Trade unions in Europe}}
{{North America topic|Trade unions in}}
{{Oceania topic|Trade unions in}}
{{South America topic|Trade unions in}}

==Union publications==
Several sources of current news exist about the trade union movement in the world. These include [[LabourStart]] and the official website of the international trade union movement [[Global Unions]].

Another source of labor news is the [[Workers Independent News]], a news organization providing radio articles to independent and syndicated radio shows.

''[[Labor Notes]]'' is the largest circulation cross-union publication remaining in the United States. It reports news and analysis about labor activity or problems facing the labor movement.

==See also==
{{Social democracy sidebar |expanded=Precursors}}
{{Organized labour portal}}

* [[List of labor unions]]

* [[Eight hour day]]
* [[Anarcho-syndicalism]]
* [[Labor aristocracy]]
* [[New Unionism]]
* [[Solidarity]]
* [[Strike action]]
* [[Salting]]
* [[Landrum-Griffin Act]]
* [[Syndicalism]]
* [[Workers Memorial Day]]
* [[Labour Day]]
* [[Hazards Campaign]]
* [[Opposition to trade unions]]
* [[Union busting]] and [[The Burke Group]]

;Types of unions
* [[Craft union]]
* [[Directly Affiliated Local Union (DALU)]]
* [[General union]]
* [[Industrial union]]
* [[Rank-and-File Union]]
* [[Trades council]]
* [[Trades Hall]]
* [[Union federation]]

;Union federation
* [[AFL-CIO]]
* [[Change to Win Federation]]
* [[Labor federation competition in the U.S.]]
* [[International Trade Union Confederation]]
* [[International Labor Rights Fund]]


==Further materials==
* ''The Government of British Trade Unions: A study of Apathy and the Democratic Process in the Transport and General Worker Union by Joseph Goldstein"<ref> First published by George Allen and Unwin Ltd (London) in 1952, and subject of reprints - Foreword by Arthur Deakin </ref>
* ''The Early English Trade Unions: Documents from Home Office Papers in the Public Record Office by A Aspinall<ref> Published by Batchworth Press ([[London]]) in 1949 </ref>
* ''Magnificent Journey: The Rise of the Trade Unions, by Francis Williams''<ref> First published by Odhams Press (London) in 1954 </ref>
* ''Trade Unions by Allan Flanders''<ref> First published by Hutchinson (London) in 1952 and reprinted several times </ref>
* ''Trade Union Government and Administration in Great Britain by B C Roberts''<ref> First published by The School of Economics/Bell and Sons (London) in 1956 and reprinted </ref>
* ''Union Power: The Growth and Challenge in Perspective by Claud Cockburn''<ref> First published by William Kimber in 1976 (London) ISBN 0718301137 </ref>
* ''Directory of Employer's Associations, Trade Unions, Joint Organisations & c - No author and produced in paperback''<ref> published by HMSO ([[Her Majesty's Stationery Office]]) on 1986 ISBN 11 361250 8 </ref>
* ''The History of the TUC ([[Trades Union Congress]]) 1868-1968: A pictorial Survey of a Social Revolution - Illustrated with Contemporary Prints, Documents and Photographs edited by Lionel Birch''<ref> Published in large paperback by Hamlyn/General Council of Trade Union Congress in 1968 with a foreword by George Woodcock </ref>
* {{cite book |last=Clarke|first=T. |coauthors=Clements, L. |year=1978 |title=Trade Unions under Capitalism |location=Atlantic Highlands, NJ |publisher=Humanities Press |id=ISBN 0-391-00728-9 }}

* The 2000 film [[Bread and Roses (film)|''Bread and Roses'']] by British director [[Ken Loach]] depicted the struggle of [[cleaner]]s in Los Angeles to fight for better pay, and working conditions, and the right to join a union.
* The 1985 documentary film [[Final Offer (film)|''Final Offer'']] by Sturla Gunnarsson and Robert Collision shows the 1984 union contract negotiations with [[General Motors]].
* The 1979 film ''[[Norma Rae]]'', directed by [[Martin Ritt]], is based on the true story of Crystal Lee Jordan's successful attempt to unionize her textile factory.
* Other documentaries: ''Made in L.A.'' (2007); ''American Standoff'' (2002); ''The Fight in the Fields'' (1997); [http://www.newday.com/films/With_Babies_and_Banners.html ''With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade''] (1979); ''Harlan County USA'' (1976); ''The Inheritance'' (1964)
* Other dramatizations: ''10,000 Black Men Named George'' (2002); ''Matewan'' (1987); ''American Playhouse''--"The Killing Floor"(1985); ''Salt of the Earth'' (1954); ''The Grapes of Wrath'' (1940); ''Black Fury'' (1935)

==External links==
{{commons|Trade unions}}
* [http://www.labourstart.org/ LabourStart international trade union news service]
* [http://www.newunionism.net/ New Unionism Network]
* [http://www.younionize.info/ Younionize Global Union Directory]

* Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)- [http://www.actu.asn.au Australian Council of Trade Unions]

* [http://www.eiro.eurofound.eu.int/2004/03/update/tn0403105u.html Trade union membership 1993-2003] - European Industrial Relations Observatory report on membership trends in 26 European countries
* [http://www.unionancestors.co.uk Trade Union Ancestors] - Listing of 5,000 UK trade unions with histories of main organizations, trade union "family trees" and details of union membership and strikes since 1900.
* [http://www.unionhistory.info/index.php TUC History online] - History of the British union movement
* [http://www.trade-eu.org Trade EU] - European Trade Directory

;United States
* [http://www.workplacefairness.org/index.php?page=retaliationunion Labor rights in the USA]
* [http://www.labornotes.org ''Labor Notes'' magazine]

* [http://www3.sympatico.ca/n.rieck/docs/unions.html New analysis of economic data shows that unionization could maximize productivity]

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Revision as of 20:46, 14 October 2008

Soldiers surround peaceful demonstrators during the Lawrence textile strike in 1912.

A trade union or labour union is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals in key areas such as wages, hours, and working conditions, forming a cartel of labor. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members (rank and file members) and negotiates labor contracts with employers. This may include the negotiation of wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, benefits, workplace safety and policies. The agreements negotiated by the union leaders are binding on the rank and file members and the employer and in some cases on other non-member workers.

These organizations may comprise individual workers, professionals, past workers, or the unemployed. The most common, but by no means only, purpose of these organizations is "maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment"[1]

Over the last three hundred years, many trade unions have developed into a number of forms, influenced by differing political and economic regimes. The immediate objectives and activities of trade unions vary, but may include:

  • Provision of benefits to members: Early trade unions, like Friendly Societies, often provided a range of benefits to insure members against unemployment, ill health, old age and funeral expenses. In many developed countries, these functions have been assumed by the state; however, the provision of professional training, legal advice and representation for members is still an important benefit of trade union membership.
  • Collective bargaining: Where trade unions are able to operate openly and are recognized by employers, they may negotiate with employers over wages and working conditions.
  • Industrial action: Trade unions may enforce strikes or resistance to lockouts in furtherance of particular goals.
  • Political activity: Trade unions may promote legislation favorable to the interests of their members or workers as a whole. To this end they may pursue campaigns, undertake lobbying, or financially support individual candidates or parties (such as the Labour Party in Britain) for public office.


The traces of trade unions' existence could be traced from the eighteenth century, The rapid expansion of industrial society was to draw women, children, rural workers, and immigrants to the work force in larger numbers and in new roles. This pool of unskilled and semi-skilled labor spontaneously organized in fits and starts throughout its beginnings,[1] and would later be an important arena for the development of trade unions.

Origins and early history

Trade unions have sometimes been seen as successors to the guilds of medieval Europe, though the relationship between the two is disputed.[2] Medieval guilds existed to protect and enhance their members' livelihoods through controlling the instructional capital of artisanship and the progression of members from apprentice to craftsman, journeyman, and eventually to master and grandmaster of their craft. A labor union might include workers from only one trade or craft, or might combine several or all the workers in one company or industry. Since the publication of the History of Trade Unionism (1894) by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the predominant historical view is that a trade union "is a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment."[1] A modern definition by the Australian Bureau of Statistics states that a trade union is "an organization consisting predominantly of employees, the principal activities of which include the negotiation of rates of pay and conditions of employment for its members."[3]

Yet historian R.A. Leeson, in United we Stand (1971), said:

Two conflicting views of the trade-union movement strove for ascendancy in the nineteenth century: one the defensive-restrictive guild-craft tradition passed down through journeymen's clubs and friendly societies, ... the other the aggressive-expansionist drive to unite all 'labouring men and women' for a 'different order of things'.

Recent historical research by Bob James in Craft, Trade or Mystery (2001) puts forward the view that trade unions are part of a broader movement of benefit societies, which includes medieval guilds, Freemasons, Oddfellows, friendly societies, and other fraternal organizations.

The 18th century economist Adam Smith noted the imbalance in the rights of workers in regards to owners (or "masters"). In The Wealth of Nations, Book I, chapter 8, Smith wrote:

We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of workmen. But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject. Masters are always and everywhere in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform combination, not to raise the wages of labour above their actual rate[.] When workers combine, masters ... never cease to call aloud for the assistance of the civil magistrate, and the rigorous execution of those laws which have been enacted with so much severity against the combinations of servants, labourers, and journeymen.

As Smith noted, unions were illegal for many years in most countries (and Smith argued that schemes to fix wages or prices, by employees or employers, should be). There were severe penalties for attempting to organize unions, up to and including execution. Despite this, unions were formed and began to acquire political power, eventually resulting in a body of labor law that not only legalized organizing efforts, but codified the relationship between employers and those employees organized into unions. Even after the legitimization of trade unions there was opposition, as the case of the Tolpuddle Martyrs shows.

The right to join a trade union is mentioned in article 23, subsection 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which also states in article 20, subsection 2 that "No one may be compelled to belong to an association". Prohibiting a person from joining or forming a union, as well as forcing a person to do the same (e.g. "closed shops" or "union shops", see below), whether by a government or by a business, is generally considered a human rights abuse. Similar allegations can be leveled if an employer discriminates based on trade union membership. Attempts by an employer, often with the help of outside agencies, to prevent union membership amongst their staff is known as union busting.

19th century unionism

Template:Globalize/USA The National Labor Union was the first national union in the United States. It was created in 1866 and included many types of workers.[4] This union did not accomplish anything significant. After this union crumbled, the Knights of Labor became the leading countrywide union in the 1860s. This union did not include Chinese, and partially included blacks and women.[5]

The Knights of Labor was founded in the United States in 1869. They opposed child labor and demanded the eight-hour day. They hoped their union would give workers “a proper share of the wealth they create,” more free time, and generally more benefits. They also tried to set up companies owned by the workers themselves. Although the Knights were against strikes, some radical members went on strike anyway when the railroads cut wages in 1884. After they won the fight, membership in the Knights boomed to 700,000, but then, at the time of the Haymarket Massacre, a fearful public opinion grouped them with anarchists and Communists, and membership then rapidly declined.

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was founded by Samuel Gompers. By 1904, AFL-affiliated unions had a membership of over 1.4 million nationwide. Under Gompers's leadership, the AFL advocated an approach known as "business" or "pure and simple" unionism, which emphasized collective bargaining to reach its goals. Demands were centered around improvements to the immediate work environment, like better wages, hours and working conditions.

In France, Germany, and other European countries, socialist parties and democrats played a prominent role in forming and building up trade unions, especially from the 1870s onwards. This stood in contrast to the British experience, where moderate New Model Unions dominated the union movement from the mid-nineteenth century and where trade unionism was stronger than the political labor movement until the formation and growth of the Labour Party in the early years of the twentieth century.

Impact of unions

A 1919 strike leader addressing a crowd in Gary, Indiana.

Proponents often credit trade unions with leading the labor movement in the early 20th century, which generally sought to end child labor practices, improve worker safety, increase wages for both union workers, raise the entire society's standard of living,[citation needed] reduce the hours in a work week, provide public education for children,[citation needed] and bring of other benefits to working class families. [citation needed] However, according to Ludwig von Mises belief that unions are responsible for higher standard of living is a misconception. As the height of wages depend on the marginal productivity of labor, other things being equal, the more capital is invested the higher wages climb. The increase in the amount of capital invested is achieved by removing obstacles in the way of saving and capital accumulation and by letting market to set wage rates. If wages are affected by union pressure and set above market clearing rate, lasting unemployment is created.[6]

Advocates of unions claim that the higher wages that unions bring come at the expense of profits. However, as Milton Friedman pointed out, profits aren't high enough. 80% of national income is wages, and only about 6% is profits after tax, providing very little room for higher wages, even if profits could be totally used up. Moreover, profits are invested leading to an increase in capital: which raises the value of labor, increasing wages. If profits were totally removed, this source of wage increase would be removed.[7]

The effect of union activities to influence pricing is potentially very harmful, making the market system ineffective by distorting the price mechanism (see [[allocative efficiency).[8] By raising the price of labor, above the market rate deadweight loss is created. Additional non-monetary benefits exacerbate the problem.

There can be little doubt that union activities lead to continuous and progressive inflation.

F. A. Hayek, the Constitution of Liberty

Austrian economists such as Robert P. Murphy, however, dispute this, arguing that the increase in the cost of labor simply means that less of other goods can be bought. He writes:

If unions succeed in wage hikes, and employers raise the prices they charge consumers to maintain their own profit margins, and the supply of money remains the same, then something else has to "give." Either the prices of goods and services in nonunion sectors have to fall and offset the union sector hikes, or people's cash balances need to fall, in terms of their purchasing power.[9]

Unions today

Structure and politics

Union structures, politics, and legal status vary greatly from country to country. For specific country details see below.
A rally of the trade union UNISON in Oxford during a strike on 2006-03-28.

Unions may organize a particular section of skilled workers (craft unionism), a cross-section of workers from various trades (general unionism), or attempt to organize all workers within a particular industry (industrial unionism). These unions are often divided into "locals", and united in national federations. These federations themselves will affiliate with Internationals, such as the International Trade Union Confederation.

In many countries, a union may acquire the status of a "juristic person" (an artificial legal entity), with a mandate to negotiate with employers for the workers it represents. In such cases, unions have certain legal rights, most importantly the right to engage in collective bargaining with the employer (or employers) over wages, working hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. The inability of the parties to reach an agreement may lead to industrial action, culminating in either strike action or management lockout, or binding arbitration. In extreme cases, violent or illegal activities may develop around these events.

In other circumstances, unions may not have the legal right to represent workers, or the right may be in question. This lack of status can range from non-recognition of a union to political or criminal prosecution of union activists and members, with many cases of violence and deaths having been recorded both historically and contemporarily.[10][11]

Unions may also engage in broader political or social struggle. Social Unionism encompasses many unions that use their organizational strength to advocate for social policies and legislation favorable to their members or to workers in general. As well, unions in some countries are closely aligned with political parties.

Unions are also delineated by the service model and the organizing model. The service model union focuses more on maintaining worker rights, providing services, and resolving disputes. Alternately, the organizing model typically involves full-time union organizers, who work by building up confidence, strong networks, and leaders within the workforce; and confrontational campaigns involving large numbers of union members. Many unions are a blend of these two philosophies, and the definitions of the models themselves are still debated.

Although their political structure and autonomy varies widely, union leaderships are usually formed through democratic elections.

Some research, such as that conducted by the ACIRRT,[12] argues that unionized workers enjoy better conditions and wages than those who are not unionized.

In Britain, the perceived left-leaning nature of trade unions has resulted in the formation of a reactionary right-wing trade union called Solidarity which is supported by the far-right BNP.

Shop types

Companies that employ workers with a union generally operate on one of several models:

  • A closed shop (US or a "pre-entry closed shop" (UK)) employs only people who are already union members. The compulsory hiring hall is an example of a closed shop — in this case the employer must recruit directly from the union.
  • A union shop (US) or a " post-entry closed shop (UK) employs non-union workers as well, but sets a time limit within which new employees must join a union.
  • An agency shop requires non-union workers to pay a fee to the union for its services in negotiating their contract. This is sometimes called the Rand formula. In certain situations involving state public employees in the United States, such as California, "fair share laws" make it easy to require these sorts of payments.
  • An open shop does not discriminate based on union membership in employing or keeping workers. Where a union is active, the open shop allows workers to be employed who do not contribute to a union or the collective bargaining process. In the United States, state level right-to-work laws mandate the open shop in some states.

Diversity of international unions

As labor law varies from country to country, so is the function of unions. For example, in Germany only open shops are legal; that is, all discrimination based on union membership is forbidden. This affects the function and services of the union. In addition, German unions have played a greater role in management decisions through participation in corporate boards and co-determination than have unions in the United States. (newsletter/files/BTS012EN_12-15.pdf}.

In Britain a series of laws introduced during the 1980s by Margaret Thatcher's government restricted closed and union shops. All agreements requiring a worker to join a union are now illegal. In the United States, the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 outlawed the closed shop, but permitted the union shop unless the state government chose to prohibit it.

In addition, unions' relations with political parties vary. In many countries unions are tightly bonded, or even share leadership, with a political party intended to represent the interests of working people. Typically this is a left-wing, socialist, or social democratic party, but many exceptions exist. In the United States, by contrast, although it is historically aligned with the Democratic Party, the labor movement is by no means monolithic on that point; this is especially true among the individual "rank and file" members. For example, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has supported Republican Party candidates on a number of occasions and the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) endorsed Ronald Reagan in 1980. (However, when PATCO went on strike in violation of their "no strike" contract, President Reagan ordered them back to work. Those who didn't return to the job were fired and replaced, effectively destroying PATCO.) The AFL-CIO has been against liberalizing abortion, consistent with a Republican position, so as not to alienate its large Catholic constituency. In Britain the labor movement's relationship with the Labour Party is fraying as party leadership embarks on privatization plans at odds with what unions see as the worker's interests. On top of this in the past there as been a group known as the Conservative Trade Unionists or CTU. A group formed of people who sympathized with right wing Tory policy but were Trade Unionists.

In Western Europe, professional associations often carry out the functions of a trade union. In these cases, they may be negotiating for white-collar workers, such as physicians, engineers, or teachers. Typically such trade unions refrain from politics or pursue a more ordoliberal politics than their blue-collar counterparts [citation needed].

In Germany the relation between individual employees and employers is considered to be asymmetrical. In consequence, many working conditions are not negotiable due to a strong legal protection of individuals. However, the German flavor or works legislation has as its main objective to create a balance of power between employees organized in unions and employers organized in employers associations. This allows much wider legal boundaries for collective bargaining, compared to the narrow boundaries for individual negotiations. As a condition to obtain the legal status of a trade union, employee associations need to prove that their leverage is strong enough to serve as a counterforce in negotiations with employers. If such an employees association is competing against another union, its leverage may be questioned by unions and then evaluated in a court trial. In Germany only very few professional associations obtained the right to negotiate salaries and working conditions for their members, notably the medical doctors association Marburger Bund and the pilots association Vereinigung Cockpit. The engineers association Verein Deutscher Ingenieure does not strive to act as a union, as it also represents the interests of engineering businesses.

Finally, the structure of employment laws affects unions' roles and how they carry out their business. In many western European countries wages and benefits are largely set by governmental action. The United States takes a more laissez-faire approach, setting some minimum standards but leaving most workers' wages and benefits to collective bargaining and market forces. Historically, the Republic of Korea has regulated collective bargaining by requiring employers to participate but collective bargaining has been legal only if held in sessions before the lunar new year. In totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany, Trade Unions were outlawed. In the Soviet Union and China, unions have typically been de facto government agencies devoted to smooth and efficient operation of government enterprises.


Dr. Charles Baird of California State University East Bay argues that as labor is a commodity, and unions essentially operate by centralizing labor, forming a monopoly on the commodity. This monopoly on labor has the same negative effects as any other monopoly.[13], of reducing the amount sold (in this case, this means increasing unemployment) raising the price in the short term and decreasing efficiency.

Trade unions have been accused of benefiting the insider workers, those having secure jobs, at the cost of the outsider workers, consumers of the goods or services produced, and the shareholders of the unionized business. Those who are likely to be disadvantaged most from unionization are the unemployed, those at risk of unemployment or workers who are unable to get the job they want in a particular line of work.[14]

In the United States, the outsourcing of labor to Asia, Latin America, and Africa has been partially driven by increasing costs of union partnership, which gives other countries a comparative advantage in labor, making it more efficient to perform labor-intensive work there.[15]

Milton Friedman, Nobel economist and advocate of laissez-faire capitalism showed that unionization produces higher wages (for the union members) at the expense of fewer jobs, and that, if some industries are unionized while others are not, wages will tend to decline in non-unionized industries.

In some cases, unions are regarded as a form of legalized conspiracy and extortion. American racketeering statutes still include an exemption for union activity. [citation needed]

Unions are sometimes accused of holding society to ransom by taking strike actions that result in the disruption of public services.[16][17]

Trade unions worldwide and by region and country

Worldwide and international cooperation

Unionization in the world[citation needed]

The largest organization of trade union members in the world is the Brussels-based International Trade Union Confederation, which today has approximately 309 affiliated organizations in 156 countries and territories, with a combined membership of 166 million. Other global trade union organizations include the World Federation of Trade Unions.

National and regional trade unions organizing in specific industry sectors or occupational groups also form global union federations, such as Union Network International and the International Federation of Journalists.

Union publications

Several sources of current news exist about the trade union movement in the world. These include LabourStart and the official website of the international trade union movement Global Unions.

Another source of labor news is the Workers Independent News, a news organization providing radio articles to independent and syndicated radio shows.

Labor Notes is the largest circulation cross-union publication remaining in the United States. It reports news and analysis about labor activity or problems facing the labor movement.

See also

Template:Organized labour portal

Types of unions
Union federation


  1. ^ a b c Webb, Sidney (1920). History of Trade Unionism. Longmans and Co. London. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help) ch. I
  2. ^ Trade Unions and Socialism International Socialist Review, Vol.1 No.10, April 1901.
  3. ^ "Trade Union Census". Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved 2006-08-05.
  4. ^ Ayers, Edward L.; et al. American Passages: A History of the United States. Vol. Vol. 1. Harcourt. pp. p. 288. ISBN 978-0-4950-5015-5. {{cite book}}: |pages= has extra text (help); |volume= has extra text (help); Explicit use of et al. in: |first= (help)
  5. ^ Kennedy, David (2006). The American Pageant (Thirteenth Edition ed.). New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help); Check |first= value (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  6. ^ Wages, Unemployment, and Inflation by Ludwig von Mises
  7. ^ Friedman, Milton and Rose (1980). Free to Choose. Harcourt. ISBN 978-0-15-633460-0.
  8. ^ F. A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, 1960 Routledge Classics
  9. ^ Can Unions Cause Price Inflation? - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute
  10. ^ ICFTU press release - regarding Cambodia.
  11. ^ Amnesty International report 23 September 2005 - fear for safety of SINALTRAINAL member José Onofre Esquivel Luna
  12. ^ Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training report.
  13. ^ Charles Baird, "Unions and Antitrust: Governmental Hypocrisy." The Freeman, Vol. 50 No. 2. Foundation for Economic Education, New York.
  14. ^ Card David, Krueger Alan. (1995). Myth and measurement: The new economics of the minimum wage. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press.
  15. ^ Kramarz, Francis (2006-10-19). "Outsourcing, Unions, and Wages: Evidence from data matching imports, firms, and workers" (PDF). Retrieved 2007-01-22.
  16. ^ http://journals.sfu.ca/archivar/index.php/archivaria/article/viewFile/10489/11328
  17. ^ http://www.indiatogether.org/combatlaw/vol2/issue6/strike.htm

Further materials


  • The Government of British Trade Unions: A study of Apathy and the Democratic Process in the Transport and General Worker Union by Joseph Goldstein"[1]
  • The Early English Trade Unions: Documents from Home Office Papers in the Public Record Office by A Aspinall[2]
  • Magnificent Journey: The Rise of the Trade Unions, by Francis Williams[3]
  • Trade Unions by Allan Flanders[4]
  • Trade Union Government and Administration in Great Britain by B C Roberts[5]
  • Union Power: The Growth and Challenge in Perspective by Claud Cockburn[6]
  • Directory of Employer's Associations, Trade Unions, Joint Organisations & c - No author and produced in paperback[7]
  • The History of the TUC (Trades Union Congress) 1868-1968: A pictorial Survey of a Social Revolution - Illustrated with Contemporary Prints, Documents and Photographs edited by Lionel Birch[8]
  • Clarke, T. (1978). Trade Unions under Capitalism. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press. ISBN 0-391-00728-9. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)


  • The 2000 film Bread and Roses by British director Ken Loach depicted the struggle of cleaners in Los Angeles to fight for better pay, and working conditions, and the right to join a union.
  • The 1985 documentary film Final Offer by Sturla Gunnarsson and Robert Collision shows the 1984 union contract negotiations with General Motors.
  • The 1979 film Norma Rae, directed by Martin Ritt, is based on the true story of Crystal Lee Jordan's successful attempt to unionize her textile factory.
  • Other documentaries: Made in L.A. (2007); American Standoff (2002); The Fight in the Fields (1997); With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade (1979); Harlan County USA (1976); The Inheritance (1964)
  • Other dramatizations: 10,000 Black Men Named George (2002); Matewan (1987); American Playhouse--"The Killing Floor"(1985); Salt of the Earth (1954); The Grapes of Wrath (1940); Black Fury (1935)
  • Trade union membership 1993-2003 - European Industrial Relations Observatory report on membership trends in 26 European countries
  • Trade Union Ancestors - Listing of 5,000 UK trade unions with histories of main organizations, trade union "family trees" and details of union membership and strikes since 1900.
  • TUC History online - History of the British union movement
  • Trade EU - European Trade Directory
United States
  1. ^ First published by George Allen and Unwin Ltd (London) in 1952, and subject of reprints - Foreword by Arthur Deakin
  2. ^ Published by Batchworth Press (London) in 1949
  3. ^ First published by Odhams Press (London) in 1954
  4. ^ First published by Hutchinson (London) in 1952 and reprinted several times
  5. ^ First published by The School of Economics/Bell and Sons (London) in 1956 and reprinted
  6. ^ First published by William Kimber in 1976 (London) ISBN 0718301137
  7. ^ published by HMSO (Her Majesty's Stationery Office) on 1986 ISBN 11 361250 8
  8. ^ Published in large paperback by Hamlyn/General Council of Trade Union Congress in 1968 with a foreword by George Woodcock