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Third Blair ministry

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Third Blair ministry

Cabinet of the United Kingdom
Date formed6 May 2005 (2005-05-06)
Date dissolved27 June 2007 (2007-06-27)
People and organisations
MonarchElizabeth II
Prime MinisterTony Blair
Prime Minister's history1997–2007
Deputy Prime MinisterJohn Prescott
Member party
  •   Labour Party
Status in legislatureMajority
356 / 647 (55%)
Opposition cabinet
Opposition party
Opposition leader
Election2005 general election
Legislature terms54th UK Parliament
PredecessorSecond Blair ministry
SuccessorBrown ministry

The third Blair ministry lasted from May 2005 to June 2007. The election on 5 May 2005 saw Labour win a historic third successive term in power, though their majority now stood at 66 seats – compared to 167 four years earlier – and they failed to gain any new seats. Blair had already declared that the new term in parliament would be his last.

The War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War continued during his last ministry, and the 7/7 bombings also took place. Blair's government responded by introducing a range of anti-terror legislation including the passing of the contentious Identity Cards Act 2006 legislation (repealed).[1][2] Blair announced in 2006 that he would resign as prime minister and Labour leader within a year. He resigned on 27 June 2007 and was succeeded by Gordon Brown, who had been his chancellor of the Exchequer since 1997.


Portfolio Minister Term
Cabinet ministers
Prime Minister
First Lord of the Treasury
Minister for the Civil Service
Tony Blair MP 1997–2007
Deputy Prime Minister
First Secretary of State
John Prescott MP 1997–2007
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Second Lord of the Treasury
Gordon Brown MP 1997–2007
Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs 2003–May 2007
Secretary of State for Justice May–June 2007
The Lord Falconer of Thoroton PC QC 2003–2007
Secretary of State for the Home Department Charles Clarke MP 2004–2006
John Reid MP 2006–2007
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Jack Straw MP 2001–2006
Margaret Beckett MP 2006–2007
Leader of the House of Commons
Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal
Geoff Hoon MP 2005–2006
Jack Straw MP 2006–2007
Leader of the House of Lords
Lord President of the Council
The Baroness Amos PC 2003–2007
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Minister for the Olympics
Tessa Jowell MP 2001–2007
Secretary of State for Defence John Reid MP 2005–2006
Des Browne MP 2006–2008
Secretary of State for Education and Skills Ruth Kelly MP 2004–2006
Alan Johnson MP 2006–2007
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Margaret Beckett MP 2001–2006
David Miliband MP 2006–2007
Secretary of State for Health Patricia Hewitt MP 2005–2007
Secretary of State for International Development Hilary Benn MP 2003–2007
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter Hain MP 2002–2008
Secretary of State for Wales Peter Hain MP 2005–2007
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
President of the Board of Trade
Alan Johnson MP 2005–2006
Alistair Darling MP 2006–2007
Secretary of State for Transport
Secretary of State for Scotland
Alistair Darling MP 2003–2006
Douglas Alexander MP 2006–2007
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions David Blunkett MP 2005
John Hutton MP 2005–2007
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government David Miliband MP (Minister of State) 2005–2006
Ruth Kelly MP 2006–2007
Minister for the Cabinet Office
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
John Hutton MP 2005
Jim Murphy MP (Acting) 2005–2006
Hilary Armstrong MP 2006–2007
Chief Secretary to the Treasury Des Browne MP 2005–2006
Stephen Timms MP 2006–2007
Minister Without Portfolio
Chairman of the Labour Party
Ian McCartney MP 2003–2006
Hazel Blears MP 2006–2007
Also attending cabinet meetings
Chief Whip
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury
Hilary Armstrong MP 2001–2006
Jacqui Smith MP 2006–2007



List of ministers


Members of the Cabinet are in bold face.

Prime Minister, the Cabinet Office and non-Departmental ministers

Cabinet Office
Tony Blair May 2005 – June 2007
John Prescott May 2005 – June 2007
John Hutton May 2005 – November 2005
Jim Murphy (acting) November 2005 – May 2006
Hilary Armstrong May 2006 – June 2007
Ian McCartney May 2005 - May 2006
Hazel Blears May 2006 - June 2007
The Lord Falconer of Thoroton May 2005 – June 2007
Jim Murphy May 2005 - May 2006
Pat McFadden May 2006 - June 2007
Ed Miliband May 2006 - June 2007

Departments of state

Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown May 2005 – June 2007
Chief Secretary to the Treasury Des Browne May 2005 – May 2006
Stephen Timms May 2006 – June 2007
Paymaster General Dawn Primarolo May 2005 – June 2007
Financial Secretary to the Treasury John Healey May 2005 – June 2007
Economic Secretary to the Treasury Ivan Lewis May 2005 – May 2006
Ed Balls May 2006 – June 2007
Foreign Office
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Jack Straw May 2005 – May 2006
Margaret Beckett May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for the Middle East Kim Howells May 2005 – June 2007
Minister of State for Europe Douglas Alexander May 2005 – May 2006
Geoff Hoon May 2006 – June 2007
Minister for Trade Ian Pearson (jointly with Trade & Industry) May 2005 - May 2006
Ian McCartney (jointly with Trade & Industry) May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary Lord Triesman May 2005 - June 2007
Home Office
Home Secretary Charles Clarke May 2005 – May 2006
John Reid May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Security, Policing and Community Safety Hazel Blears May 2005 – May 2006
Tony McNulty May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Immigration Tony McNulty May 2005 – May 2006
Liam Byrne May 2006 – June 2007
Minister for Criminal Justice & Offender Management Baroness Scotland of Asthal May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Correctional Services and Reducing Re-offending Paul Goggins May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Race Equality, Community Policy and Civil Renewal Fiona MacTaggart May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Anti-Drugs Co-ordination and Organised and International Crime Andy Burnham May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Nationality, Citizenship and Immigration Joan Ryan May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Drugs and Crime Reduction) Vernon Coaker May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prisons and Probation Services Gerry Sutcliffe May 2006 - June 2007
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Margaret Beckett May 2005 – May 2006
David Miliband May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Climate Change and Environment Elliot Morley May 2005 – May 2006
Ian Pearson June 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Local Environment, Marine and Animal Welfare Ben Bradshaw November 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Local Environment, Marine and Animal Welfare Ben Bradshaw May 2005 - November 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Rural Affairs, Landscape and Biodiversity Jim Knight May 2005 - May 2006
Barry Gardiner May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Sustainable Farming and Food Lord Bach May 2005 - May 2006
Lord Rooker May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (jointly with Constitutional Affairs) Baroness Ashton of Upholland May 2006 - June 2007
Secretary of State for Defence John Reid May 2005 – May 2006
Des Browne May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for the Armed Forces Adam Ingram May 2005 – June 2007
Minister for Defence Procurement The Lord Drayson May 2005 – June 2007
Minister for Veterans Don Touhig May 2005 - May 2006
Tom Watson May 2006 - September 2006
Derek Twigg September 2006 - June 2007
Education and Skills
Secretary of State for Education and Skills Ruth Kelly May 2005 – May 2006
Alan Johnson May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Schools and Learners Jacqui Smith May 2005 – May 2006
Jim Knight May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Higher Education Bill Rammell May 2005 – June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families Maria Eagle May 2005 – May 2006
Parmjit Dhanda May 2006 - June 2007
Minister for Children (United Kingdom) Beverley Hughes May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Skills Phil Hope May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools Lord Adonis May 2005 - June 2007
Secretary of State for Health Patricia Hewitt May 2005 – June 2007
Minister of State for Health Jane Kennedy May 2005 – May 2006
Andy Burnham May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Health Services Rosie Winterton May 2005- June 2007
Minister for Public Health Caroline Flint May 2005 – June 2007
Minister of State for NHS Delivery Lord Warner May 2005 - January 2007
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath January 2007 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Care Services Liam Byrne May 2005 - May 2006
Ivan Lewis May 2006 - June 2007
Work and Pensions
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions David Blunkett May 2005 – November 2005
John Hutton November 2005 – June 2007
Minister of State for Pensions Stephen Timms May 2005 – May 2006
James Purnell May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Employment & Welfare Reform Margaret Hodge May 2005 - May 2006
Jim Murphy May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Disabled People Anne McGuire May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State James Plaskitt May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Lord Hunt of Kings Heath May 2005 - January 2007
Lord McKenzie of Luton January 2007 - June 2007
Culture, Media and Sport
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Tessa Jowell (also Minister for Women May 2005 -May 2006) May 2005 – 28 June 2007
Minister of State for Culture (Arts & Heritage) David Lammy May 2005 – June 2007
Minister for Sport and Olympics Richard Caborn May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Creative Industries & Tourism James Purnell May 2005 - May 2006
Shaun Woodward May 2006 - June 2007
Secretary of State for Transport Alistair Darling May 2005 – May 2006
Douglas Alexander May 2006 – June 2007
Minister of State for Transport Stephen Ladyman May 2005 – June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Karen Buck May 2005 - March 2006
Gillian Merron May 2006 - June 2007
Derek Twigg May 2005 - September 2006
Tom Harris September 2006 - June 2007
International Development
Secretary of State for International Development Hilary Benn May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Gareth Thomas May 2005 - June 2007
Communities and Local Government (from May 2006)
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Ruth Kelly (also Minister for Women) May 2006 - June 2007
Minister of State for Housing and Planning Yvette Cooper May 2006 - June 2007
Minister of State Phil Woolas May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Fire Services Baroness Smith of Basildon May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Women & Equalities Meg Munn May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Baroness Andrews May 2006 - June 2007
Department for Constitutional Affairs
Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs Lord Falconer of Thoroton May 2005 - May 2007
Minister of State Harriet Harman May 2005 - May 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Bridget Prentice May 2005 - May 2007
Baroness Ashton of Upholland (jointly with DEFRA from May 2006) May 2005 - May 2007
Vera Baird May 2006 - May 2007
Secretary of State for Justice Lord Falconer of Thoroton May 2007 - June 2007
Minister of State Harriet Harman May 2007 - June 2007
David Hanson May 2007 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Baroness Ashton of Upholland May 2007 - June 2007
Gerry Sutcliffe May 2007 - June 2007
Bridget Prentice May 2007 - June 2007
Vera Baird May 2007 - June 2007
Department for Trade and Industry
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry President of the Board of Trade Alan Johnson May 2005 - May 2006
Alistair Darling May 2006 - June 2007
Minister of State for Energy Malcolm Wicks May 2005 - November 2006
Minister of State for Science & Innovation Malcolm Wicks November 2006 - June 2007
Minister of State for Industry & the Regions Alun Michael May 2005 - May 2006
Margaret Hodge May 2006 - June 2007
Minister of State for Trade Ian Pearson (jointly with FCO) May 2005 - May 2006
Ian McCartney (jointly with FCO) May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Science & Innovation Lord Sainsbury of Turville May 2005 - November 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Energy Lord Truscott November 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Employment Relations & Consumer Affairs Gerry Sutcliffe May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Competitiveness Barry Gardiner May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Women & Equality Meg Munn May 2005 - May 2006
Minister for London Jim Fitzpatrick May 2006 - June 2007
Northern Ireland Office
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter Hain May 2005 - June 2007
Minister of State David Hanson May 2005 - May 2007
Paul Goggins May 2007 - June 2007
Lord Rooker May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Shaun Woodward May 2005 - May 2006
Baroness Smith of Basildon May 2005 - May 2006
Maria Eagle May 2006 - June 2007
Paul Goggins May 2006 - May 2007
David Cairns (jointly with Scotland Office) May 2006 - May 2007
Scotland Office
Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Darling May 2005 - May 2006
Douglas Alexander May 2006 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State David Cairns (jointly with Northern Ireland Office May 2006 - May 2007) May 2005 - June 2007
Wales Office
Secretary of State for Wales Peter Hain May 2005 - June 2007
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Nick Ainger May 2005 - June 2007
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of State for Local Government and the Regions, First Secretary of State John Prescott May 2005 - May 2006
Minister for Housing and Planning Yvette Cooper May 2005 - May 2006
Minister of State for Local Government Phil Woolas May 2005 - May 2006
Minister of State for Communities and Local Government David Miliband May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Baroness Andrews May 2005 - May 2006
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Minister for London Jim Fitzpatrick May 2005 - May 2006

Law officers

Law Officers
Attorney General for England and Wales The Lord Goldsmith May 2005 – June 2007
Solicitor General for England and Wales Mike O'Brien May 2005 – June 2007
Advocate General for Scotland Baroness Clark of Calton May 2005 - January 2006
Lord Davidson of Glen Cova March 2006 - June 2007


Geoff Hoon May 2005 – May 2006
Jack Straw May 2006 – June 2007
Deputy Leader of the House of Commons Nigel Griffiths May 2005 - March 2007
Paddy Tipping March 2007 - June 2007
The Baroness Amos May 2005 – June 2007
Deputy Leader of the House of Lords Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean May 2005 - June 2005
Lord Rooker June 2005 - June 2007


Hilary Armstrong May 2005 – May 2006
Jacqui Smith May 2006 – June 2007
Treasurer of HM Household
Deputy chief Whip
Bob Ainsworth May 2005 - June 2007
Comptroller of HM Household
Thomas McAvoy May 2005 - June 2007
Vice-Chamberlain of the Household
John Heppell May 2005 - June 2007
Junior Lords of the Treasury
Joan Ryan May 2005 - May 2006
Gillian Merron May 2005 - May 2006
Vernon Coaker May 2005 - May 2006
Tom Watson May 2005 - May 2006
David Watts May 2005 - June 2007
Alan Campbell May 2006 - June 2007
Kevin Brennan May 2006 - June 2007
Claire Ward May 2006 - June 2007
Frank Roy May 2006 - June 2007
Assistant Whips Frank Roy May 2005 - May 2006
Ian Cawsey May 2005 - June 2007
Alan Campbell May 2005 - May 2006
Claire Ward May 2005 - May 2006
Parmjit Dhanda May 2005 - May 2006
Tony Cunningham May 2005 - June 2007
Kevin Brennan May 2005 - May 2006
Steve McCabe May 2006 - June 2007
Liz Blackman May 2006 - June 2007
Huw Irranca-Davies May 2006 - June 2007
Jonathan Shaw May 2006 - June 2007
Michael Foster (Worcester MP) May 2006 - June 2007
Captain of the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms
Chief Whip
Lord Grocott May 2005 - June 2007
Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard
Deputy Chief Whip
Lord Davies of Oldham May 2005 - June 2007
Lords and Baronesses-in-waiting
Baroness Farrington of Ribbleton May 2005 - June 2007
Lord Bassam of Brighton May 2005 - June 2007
Baroness Crawley May 2005 - June 2007
Lord Evans of Temple Guiting May 2005 - June 2007
Lord McKenzie of Luton May 2005 - January 2007
Baroness Morgan of Drefelin January 2007 - June 2007
Baroness Royall of Blaisdon May 2005 - June 2007


  1. ^ "Identity Cards Act 2006 (Repealed in 2011)".
  2. ^ Travis, Alan; editor, home affairs (27 May 2010). "ID cards scheme to be scrapped within 100 days". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 6 December 2023. {{cite news}}: |last2= has generic name (help)


  • Ministers in the Labour Governments: 1997–2010 – Parliamentary Information List, House of Commons Library, 3 July 2012
  • D. Butler and G. Butler (ed.), Twentieth Century British Political Facts 1900–2000[publisher missing][ISBN missing]
Preceded by Government of the United Kingdom
Succeeded by