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Religious affiliations of presidents of the United States

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This is a list of the religious affiliations of Presidents of the United States. The particular religious affiliations of U.S. Presidents can affect their electability, shape their visions of society and how they want to lead it, and shape their stances on policy matters. For example, a contributing factor to Alfred E. Smith's defeat in the presidential election of 1928 was his Roman Catholic faith. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln,[1] [2] and several other presidents were accused of being infidels during election campaigns—and at other times.

Throughout much of American history, the religion of past American presidents has been the subject of contentious debate. Some devout Americans have been disinclined to believe that there may have been agnostic or even non-Christian presidents, especially amongst the Founding Fathers of the United States. As a result, apocryphal stories of a religious nature have appeared over the years about particularly beloved presidents such as Washington and Lincoln. On the other hand, secular-minded Americans have sometimes downplayed the prominence that religion played in the private and political lives of the Founding Fathers.

Episcopalians are extraordinarily well represented among the presidents. This is in part because the Episcopal Church was the American branch of the Church of England prior to the American Revolution, and was the state religion in some states (such as New York and Virginia[3]). The first seven presidents listed below with Episcopalian affiliation were also the first seven from Virginia. Five of those were among the six presidents most closely identified with Deism. Since there have seldom been any churches of Deism, strictly speaking Deist is not an affiliation in the same way Episcopalian is; it is included in the list below, however, to give a more complete view of the religious views of the presidents.

The church closest to the White House is also Episcopal, and has been attended at least once by nearly every president since James Madison. St. John's Episcopal Church, just across Lafayette Square north of the White House, and built after the War of 1812, is one of about five sometimes referred to as "the Church of the Presidents".

Many people are interested not only in the religious affiliations of the presidents, but also in their inner beliefs. Some presidents, such as Madison and Monroe, were extremely reluctant to discuss their own religious views at all. In general, it is difficult to define with any certainty the faiths of presidents, because no one can truly be sure what relationship (if any) exists between another person and his deity, and because presidents, as public officials, have generally tried to remain outwardly within the mainstream of American religious trends.

With regard to Christianity, distinguishing affiliation from belief can be somewhat complicated. At issue, to a certain extent, is "What counts as belonging to a church?" Must one be a communicant to belong, or is baptism or even simple attendance sufficient? Are Unitarians, Jehovah's Witnesses, and independents who generally hold Jesus in high regard, but do not believe that he is or was divine, to be counted as Christians or not? Numerous presidents changed their affiliations and/or their beliefs during their lives.

List of Presidential religious affiliations/beliefs (by President)

The affiliations presented are those attributed to each president by various scholars. When details are given, they are not meant as definitive evidence for any conclusion.

  1. George WashingtonEpiscopal. [4] May have converted to Catholicism on his deathbed.[citation needed] (VA) See: George Washington and religion
  2. John AdamsUnitarian[4] (MA)
    • The Adamses were originally members of Congregational churches in New England. By 1800, all but one Congregationalist church in Boston had Unitarian preachers teaching the strict unity of God, the subordinate nature of Christ, and salvation by character. Adams himself preferred Unitarian preachers, but did attend other churches where there was no satisfactory Congregational one.[5]
  3. Thomas JeffersonEpiscopal, Deist[4] (VA)
    • Jefferson's views are considered very close to Unitarian. The Famous UUs website[6] says:
      "Like many others of his time (he died just one year after the founding of institutional Unitarianism in America), Jefferson was a Unitarian in theology, though not in church membership. He never joined a Unitarian congregation: there were none near his home in Virginia during his lifetime. He regularly attended Joseph Priestley's Pennsylvania church when he was nearby, and said that Priestley's theology was his own, and there is no doubt Priestley should be identified as Unitarian. Jefferson remained a member of the Episcopal congregation near his home, but removed himself from those available to become godparents, because he was not sufficiently in agreement with the Trinitarian theology. His work, the Jefferson Bible, was Unitarian in theology..."
    • See Wikiquote for many relevant quotes.
  4. James MadisonDeist[7]/Episcopal[4] (VA)
    • Although Madison tried to keep a low profile in regards to religion, he seemed to hold religious opinions, like many of his contemporaries, that were closer to deism or Unitarianism in theology than conventional Christianity. He was raised in the Church of England and attended Episcopal services, despite his personal disputes with the theology.[7]
  5. James MonroeDeist[8]/Episcopal[4] (VA)
    • Monroe was raised in a family that belonged to the Church of England when it was the state church in Virginia, and as an adult frequently attended Episcopal churches.
    • "When it comes to Monroe's ...thoughts on religion", Bliss Isely comments in his The Presidents: Men of Faith, "less is known than that of any other President." Monroe burned much of his correspondence with his wife, and no letters survive in which he discusses his religious beliefs; nor did his friends, family or associates write about his beliefs. Letters that do survive, such as ones written on the occasion of the death of his son, contain no discussion of religion.
    • Some sources classify Monroe as a deist.[8] Franklin Steiner categorized Monroe among "Presidents Whose Religious Views Are Doubtful".[9]
  6. John Quincy AdamsUnitarian[4][10] (MA)
  7. Andrew JacksonPresbyterian[4](NC/SC/TN)
    • He became a member of the Presbyterian Church about a year after retiring the presidency
  8. Martin Van BurenDutch Reformed [4] (NY)
    • Van Buren did not join any church in Washington, nor in his home town of Kinderhook (village), New York. The sole original source to claim that he did join a church – in Hudson, New York – is Vernon B. Hampton, in Religious Background of the White House (Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1932). The basis for this claim has not been found.
    • When Van Buren became governor of NY, his wife joined the local Presbyterian Church in Albany.[11]
    • His funeral was held at the Reformed Dutch Church in Kinderhook with burial in a family plot at the nearby church cemetery[12]
    • Franklin Steiner lists Van Buren among those "presidents whose religious views are doubtful".[9]
  9. William Henry HarrisonEpiscopal[4](VA)
    • Harrison died just one month after his inauguration. After Harrison's funeral, the rector at St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. said Harrison had bought a Bible one day after his inauguration and had planned to become a communicant.
  10. John TylerEpiscopal[4](VA)
    • Franklin Steiner categorized Tyler among "Presidents Whose Religious Views Are Doubtful".[9] Although affiliated with the Episcopal church, he did not take "a denominational approach to God," according to his biographer (Robert Seager II, and Tyler too: A Biography of John and Julia Gardiner Tyler, 1963, p. 109). Tyler was a strong supporter of religious tolerance and separation of church and state. Some sources[13] classify him as a deist in belief and practice.
  11. James K. PolkPresbyterian[4] ; later Methodist[4](NC/TN)
    • Raised Presbyterian, Polk had never been baptized due to an early family argument with the local Presbyterian minister in rural North Carolina. Polk's father and grandfather were Deists, and the minister refused to baptize James unless his father affirmed Christianity, which he would not do. At age 38, Polk had a religious conversion to Methodism at a camp meeting, and thereafter he thought of himself as a Methodist. Out of respect for his mother and wife Sarah Childress Polk, however, he continued to attend Presbyterian services. Whenever his wife was out of town, or too ill to attend church, however, Polk worshipped at the local Methodist chapel. On his deathbed less than 4 months after leaving the Presidency, he summoned the man who had converted him years before, the Rev. John B. McFerrin, who then baptized Polk as a Methodist.
  12. Zachary TaylorEpiscopal[4] (VA)
    • Although raised an Episcopalian and married to a devout Episcopalian, he never became a full communicant member in the church.[4]
  13. Millard FillmoreUnitarian[14] (NY)
  14. Franklin PierceEpiscopalian[4][9] (NH)
    • 1861: 4 years after retiring the presidency, he was baptized, confirmed, and became a regular communicant in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, in Concord, NH.
  15. James BuchananPresbyterian[4] (PA)
  16. Abraham Lincoln – no affiliation[4] (KY/IN/IL) See: Abraham Lincoln and religion
    • Life before the presidency
      • For much of his life, Lincoln was undoubtedly Deist (see [1], [2]). In his younger days he openly challenged orthodox religions, but as he matured and became a candidate for public office, he kept his Deist views more to himself, and would sometimes attend Presbyterian services with his wife Mary Todd Lincoln. He loved to read the Bible, and even quoted from it, but he almost never made reference to Jesus, and is not known to have ever indicated a belief in the divinity of Jesus.
      • Evidence against Lincoln's ever being Christian includes offerings from two of Lincoln's most intimate friends, Ward Hill Lamon and William H. Herndon. Both Herndon and Lamon published biographies of their former colleague after his assassination relating their personal recollections of him. Each denied Lincoln's adherence to Christianity and characterized his religious beliefs as deist or atheist.
    • Lincoln's religion at the time of his death is a matter about which there is more disagreement. A number of Christian pastors, writing months and even years after Lincoln's assassination, claimed to have witnessed a late-life conversion by Lincoln to Protestant Christianity. Some pastors date a conversion following the death of his son Eddie in 1850, and some following the death of his son Willie in 1862, and some later than that. These accounts are hard to substantiate and historians consider most of them to be apocryphal.
      • One such account is an entry in the memory book The Lincoln Memorial Album—Immortelles (edited by Osborn H. Oldroyd, 1882, New York: G.W. Carleton & Co., p. 366) attributed to An Illinois clergyman (unnamed) which reads "When I left Springfield I asked the people to pray for me. I was not a Christian. When I buried my son, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ. Yes, I do love Jesus." Other entries in the memory book are attributed by name. See a discussion of this story in They Never Said It, by Paul F. Boller & John George, (Oxford Univ. Press, 1989, p. 91).
      • Rev. Dr. Phineas D. Gurley, pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian church in Washington D.C., which Lincoln attended with his wife when he attended any church, never claimed a conversion. According to D. James Kennedy in his booklet, "What They Believed: The Faith of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln", "Dr. Gurley said that Lincoln had wanted to make a public profession of his faith on Easter Sunday morning. But then came Ford's Theater." (p. 59, Published by Coral Ridge Ministries, 2003) Though this is possible, we have no way of verifying the truth of the report. The chief evidence against it is that Dr. Gurley, so far as we know, never mentioned it publicly. The determination to join, if accurate, would have been extremely newsworthy. It would have been reasonable for Dr. Gurley to have mentioned it at the funeral in the White House, in which he delivered the sermon which has been preserved [3]. The only evidence we have is an affidavit signed more than sixty years later by Mrs. Sidney I. Lauck, then a very old woman. In her affidavit signed under oath in Essex County, New Jersey, February 15, 1928, she said, "After Mr. Lincoln's death, Dr. Gurley told me that Mr. Lincoln had made all the necessary arrangements with him and the Session of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church to be received into the membership of the said church, by confession of his faith in Christ, on the Easter Sunday following the Friday night when Mr. Lincoln was assassinated." Mrs. Lauck was, she said, about thirty years of age at the time of the assassination.
      • John Remsburg, President of the American Secular Union, argued against claims of Lincoln's conversion in his book Six Historic Americans (1906). He cites several of Lincoln's close associates:
        • The man who stood nearest to President Lincoln at Washington -- nearer than any clergyman or newspaper correspondent -- was his private secretary, Col. John G. Nicolay. In a letter dated May 27, 1865, Colonel Nicolay says: "Mr. Lincoln did not, to my knowledge, in any way change his religious ideas, opinions, or beliefs from the time he left Springfield to the day of his death."
        • After his assassination Mrs. Lincoln said: "Mr. Lincoln had no hope and no faith in the usual acceptance of these words." His lifelong friend and executor, Judge David Davis, affirmed the same: "He had no faith in the Christian sense of the term." His biographer, Colonel Lamon, intimately acquainted with him in Illinois, and with him during all the years that he lived in Washington, says: "Never in all that time did he let fall from his lips or his pen an expression which remotely implied the slightest faith in Jesus as the son of God and the Savior of men." [4]
  17. Andrew Johnsonno affiliation [5] (NC/TN)
    • Some sources refer to Johnson having Baptist parents. He accompanied his wife Eliza McCardle Johnson to Methodist services sometimes, belonged to no church himself, and sometimes attended Catholic services—remarking favorably that there was no reserved seating. Accused of being an infidel, he replied: "As for my religion, it is the doctrine of the Bible, as taught and practiced by Jesus Christ."[15]
  18. Ulysses S. GrantPresbyterian, Methodist[4] (OH)
    • Grant was never baptized into any church, though he accompanied his wife Julia Grant to Methodist services. Many sources list his religious affiliation as Methodist based on a Methodist minister's account of a deathbed conversion. He did leave a note for his wife in which he hoped to meet her again in a better world.
  19. Rutherford B. HayesPresbyterian, Methodist?[4] ((OH)
    • In his 1890 May 17 diary entry, he states: "Writing a few words for Mohonk Negro Conference, I find myself using the word Christian. I am not a subscriber to any creed. I belong to no church. But in a sense, satisfactory to myself and believed by me to be important, I try to be a Christian, or rather I want to be a Christian and to help do Christian work."[16]
    • Hayes' wife, Lucy, was a Methodist, a temperance advocate, and deeply opposed to slavery. Their children were baptized in the Methodist Church.
  20. James GarfieldDisciples of Christ[4]((OH)
    • In his early adulthood, Garfield sometimes preached and held revival meetings.
  21. Chester A. ArthurEpiscopalian[4] (VT/NY)
  22. Grover ClevelandPresbyterian[4](NJ/NY)
  23. Benjamin HarrisonPresbyterian[4](OH/IN)
    • Harrison became a church elder, and taught Sunday school.
    • Franklin Steiner categorized Harrison as the first President who was unquestionably a communicant in an orthodox Church at the time he was elected.[9]
  24. Grover ClevelandPresbyterian[4] (NJ/NY)
  25. William McKinleyMethodist[4] (OH)
    • McKinley is the only president to include specifically Christian language in his Thanksgiving Day proclamation.[17]
    • McKinley stated that Christianizing the Philippines was an acceptable role for the U.S. to undertake.[18][19]
  26. Theodore RooseveltDutch Reformed[citation needed]; Episcopalian[4]; Presbyterian[20] (NY)
    • Teddy Roosevelt's father was raised in a Dutch Reformed family. His mother was raised in a Presbyterian family and as a youth TR attended Presbyterian Sunday school.[20] While at Harvard, he attended Christ Church, Episcopal, where he also taught Sunday school until he was asked to leave, then teaching at a Congregational Sunday school.[21] In Albany TR attended a Dutch Reformed church while Edith went to an Episcopal church. While at the White House he attended an Episcopal church with his wife, and also a German Reformed Church[22]. While living in Oyster Bay, Long Island, he and his family attended the Episcopal church there.[23]
  27. William Howard TaftUnitarian[24] (OH)
    • Before becoming president, Taft was offered the presidency of Yale University, at that time affiliated with the Congregationalist Church; Taft turned the post down, saying that he could not in good conscience accept it because he "did not believe in the divinity of Christ." (See 1912, James Chace, page 24.)
  28. Woodrow WilsonPresbyterian[4] (VA/GA/NJ)
    • Wilson's father was a Presbyterian minister and professor of theology
    • Prior to being Governor of New Jersey and President of the United States, Wilson served as President of Princeton University, which was at the time, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church.
  29. Warren G. HardingBaptist[4] (OH)
  30. Calvin CoolidgeCongregationalist[4] (VT/MA)
  31. Herbert HooverQuaker[4] (IA/OR/CA)
    • one of only two presidents (the other being Pierce) to "affirm" rather than swear the oath of office[25]
  32. Franklin D. RooseveltEpiscopal[4] (NY)
  33. Harry S. TrumanBaptist[4] (MO)
  34. Dwight D. Eisenhower – raised Jehovah's Witnesses, later Presbyterian[4](TX/KS/PA)
    • Eisenhower's pacifist mother, previously a member of the River Brethren, joined the Jehovah's Witnesses (then known as Bible Students, the Watchtower Society being a corporation used as their legal instrument) in 1895, when Eisenhower was 5 years old. The Eisenhower home served as the local WatchTower meeting hall from 1896 to 1915. Witnesses are generally opposed to militarism and saluting the flag, and most are pacifists; Eisenhower's ties to the group were weakened when he joined the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York in 1911. By 1915, the home no longer served as the meeting hall. All the men in the household abandoned the Witnesses as adults, and some even hid their previous affiliation.[26][27]
    • Eisenhower was baptized, confirmed, and became a communicant in the Presbyterian church in a single ceremony February 1, 1953, just 12 days after his first inauguration. He is the only president known to be baptized, or to be confirmed, or to become a communicant while in office.[28]
    • Eisenhower was instrumental in the addition of the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 (an act highly promoted by the Knights of Columbus), and the 1956 adoption of "In God We Trust" as the motto of the USA, and its 1957 introduction on paper currency.
    • The chapel at his presidential library is intentionally inter-denominational.
  35. John F. KennedyRoman Catholic[4] (MA)
    • The only Roman Catholic to serve as president (as of 2007).
  36. Lyndon JohnsonDisciples of Christ[4] had connections with Pentecostal[citation needed] churches as well (TX)
  37. Richard NixonQuaker[4] had connections with Methodists[citation needed] and Seventh-day Adventists[citation needed] (CA)
  38. Gerald R. FordEpiscopal[citation needed] (NE/MI)
  39. Jimmy CarterBaptist[29], born again (GA)
    • In 2000, Carter left the Southern Baptist Convention, disagreeing over the role of women in society. He continued to teach Sunday School and serve as a deacon in his local Baptist Church.
  40. Ronald ReaganDisciples of Christ, Presbyterian[4] (IL/CA)
    • Reagan, like his father John (Jack) was baptized as an infant in the Roman Catholic Church, but he was raised in his mother's Disciples of Christ denomination. Nancy and Ronald Reagan were married in the Disciples of Christ "Little Brown Church" in Studio City, California on March 4, 1952. Beginning in 1963 Reagan generally attended Presbyterian church services at Bel-Air Presbyterian Church, Bel-Air, California. During his presidency he rarely attended church services. He became an official member of Bel-Air Presbyterian after leaving the Presidency. Reagan stated that he considered himself a "born-again Christian".
  41. George H. W. BushEpiscopal[4] (MA/CT/TX)
  42. Bill ClintonBaptist[4] (AR)
    • Clinton, during his presidency, attended a Methodist church in Washington along with his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was baptized and raised Methodist.
  43. George W. Bush – raised Episcopal, at age 40 born again Methodist[4] (CT/TX)
    • Since the events of 9/11, Bush has occasionally attended an Episcopal Church in Washington D.C.[citation needed]

List of Presidential religious affiliations (by religion)

Disciples of Christ
Dutch Reformed
The first seven presidents listed below were all from Virginia. Until 1786, the Episcopal Church was the "state church" of Virginia. See above for more detail on each.
Jehovah's Witnesses
No denominational affiliation
Unitarian Universalism is the religion generally associated today with those whose ideology developed from deism.


  1. ^ Richard N. Ostling. "Book lays out story of Lincoln' complex beliefs". Associated Press. Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  2. ^ Lincoln never denied the accusation, see "Abraham Lincoln's Humanistic Religious Beliefs". Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  3. ^ Colonial Williamsburg website has 4 articles on religion in colonial Virginia
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an "Religious Affiliation of U.S. Presidents". adherents.com. Retrieved 2007-05-26. Cite error: The named reference "adherents" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  5. ^ "John Adams". Unitarian Universalist Association. Retrieved 2007-04-22.
  6. ^ "Thomas Jefferson". Unitarian Universalist Association. Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  7. ^ a b James Hutson. "James Madison and the Social Utility of Religion: Risks vs. Rewards". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  8. ^ a b David Holmes (Autumn 2003). "The Religion of James Monroe". Virginia Quarterly Review. Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  9. ^ a b c d e "The Religious Beliefs Of Our Presidents". Retrieved 2007-12-11. Steiner, Franklin (July 1995) [1936]. The Religious Beliefs Of Our Presidents: From Washington to F. D. R. Freethought Library. NY: Prometheus Books. ISBN 0879759755. {{cite book}}: |format= requires |url= (help); Check date values in: |year= (help); Unknown parameter |isbn-13= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |length= ignored (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link) CS1 maint: year (link)
  10. ^ "John Quincy Adams". Unitarian Universalist Association. Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  11. ^ First Ladies site http://www.firstladies.org/biographies/firstladies.aspx?biography=8
  12. ^ FindAGrave site http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=1054
  13. ^ http://www.adherents.com/people/pt/John_Tyler.html
  14. ^ Unitarian site http://www.uuquincy.org/projects/stamps/6millardfillmore.htm
  15. ^ G.F. Milton (2004). The Age of Hate: Andrew Johnson And The Radicals. Kessinger Publishing. p. 80. ISBN 1417916583. {{cite book}}: line feed character in |title= at position 17 (help)
  16. ^ Charles Richard Williams, ed., ed. (1922). "May 17, 1890". The Diary and Letters of Rutherford B. Hayes, Nineteenth President of the United States. Vol. IV. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State Archeological and Historical Society. {{cite book}}: |editor= has generic name (help); External link in |chapterurl= (help); Unknown parameter |chapterurl= ignored (|chapter-url= suggested) (help)
  17. ^ http://www.pilgrimhall.org/ThanxProc1900.htm "...the sentiments of sympathy and Christian charity by virtue of which we are one united people."
  18. ^ http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5575/ General James Rusling, “Interview with President William McKinley,” The Christian Advocate 22 January 1903, 17. Reprinted in Daniel Schirmer and Stephen Rosskamm Shalom, eds., The Philippines Reader (Boston: South End Press, 1987), 22–23
  19. ^ The Philippines had been Catholic for 200 years before the U.S. was born. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,821878-3,00.html
  20. ^ a b Theodore Roosevelt (1913). "Boyhood and Youth". An Autobiography. ISBN 1406506060. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapterurl= (help); Unknown parameter |chapterurl= ignored (|chapter-url= suggested) (help)
  21. ^ William Roscoe Thayer (1919). "Origins and Youth". Theodore Roosevelt, An Intimate Biography. Houghton Mifflin Company. {{cite book}}: External link in |chapterurl= (help); Unknown parameter |chapterurl= ignored (|chapter-url= suggested) (help)
  22. ^ Grace Reformed Church today is United Church of Christ. See The Religion of Theodore Roosevelt from the Theodore Roosevelt Association
  23. ^ "The Funeral of Theodore Roosevelt". Theodore Roosevelt Association. Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  24. ^ "William Howard Taft". Unitarian Universalist Association. Retrieved 2007-05-26.
  25. ^ U.S. Senate site http://inaugural.senate.gov/history/factsandfirsts/index.htm
  26. ^ http://www.premier1.net/~raines/eisenhower.html
  27. ^ Eisenhower archives - [PDF] - http://www.eisenhower.archives.gov/listofholdingshtml/listofholdingsJ/jehovahwitnessesabilenecongregation.pdf
  28. ^ Eisenhower archives http://www.eisenhower.archives.gov/page1.htm
  29. ^ "Jimmy Carter splits with Baptists". BBC. 2000-10-21. Retrieved 2007-05-26.

Further reading

  • Steiner, Franklin, The Religious Beliefs of Our Presidents: From Washington to F.D.R., Prometheus Books/The Freethought Library, July 1995. ISBN 0-87975-975-5
  • David L. Holmes, The Faiths of the Founding Fathers, Oxford University Press, May 2006. ISBN 0-19-530092-0

Presidential trivia lists