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1755 in Canada

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Years in Canada: 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758
Centuries: 17th century · 18th century · 19th century
Decades: 1720s 1730s 1740s 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s
Years: 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758

Events from the year 1755 in Canada.




  • 1755-75 - William Johnson, British superintendent of Indian affairs in the northern colonies, persuades the Iroquois League to break its neutrality and side with England against France.
  • Monday June 16 - Fort Beausejour, garrisoned by 400 Frenchmen, is surrendered to Col. Winslow, of Massachusetts, commanding 2,300, of whom 300 are regulars.
  • July: Seven British Colonial Governors form a Treaty with the Iroquois, and project a federal union for carrying on war, under a president to be named by the King.
  • Tuesday July 15 - Announcement, in England, of the capture of French troops on their way to Canada.
  • Monday September 8 - Baron Dieskay, with 1,500 French and Indian troops, overcomes Col. Williams, with 1,400 English and Indians, near Fort George. Immediately afterwards, the French attack Col. Johnson's force, barricaded at Fort George, but are repelled, with heavy loss. The two commanders are wounded, and the two opposing Indian chiefs are killed. Baron Dieskay is captured by the English, who dress his wounds and earn his lifelong gratitude by their kindness.
  • For his success at Fort George, Col. Johnson is made a baronet, with a grant of 5,000 pounds.
  • The Great Expulsion begins. English Expulsion of the French Acadians—who lived and intermarried with Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Mi'kmaqs (many of whom were also taken). Forcibly loaded into ships and deposited randomly along the southern (now American) coasts, many (probably 1/3 to 1/2) died. Some are ancestors of the Cajuns of Louisiana, and a few made their ways back home. Acadians were idealists, hostile to King and Church authority, who lived in peace with the Mi'kmaqs. Neither the French rulers nor the English wanted them.


Historical documents

Losing Nova Scotia, with its population and harbours, to French would allow them "to reduce all the English Colonies"[1]

"The limits of Acadia and Canada[...]have served England as a pretence for commencing hostilities," while France has sought peace[2]

Map: lands and waters from Rainy Lake (?) to Grand Banks[3]

In last pre-war negotiations, British insist lower Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River are Anglo-French boundaries, and Six Nations lands are British[4]

Eliminating £1 million fishery (1755) off Cape Breton Island as one source of France's naval power will diminish it as threat to Britain and Europe[5]

Map: French and British colonies and (in pink) territory occupied by British allies "& disputés parles François"[6]

Superintendent of Indian Affairs William Johnson and Kanien’kéhà:ka agree to mutual support despite doubts about each other[7]

With settlement of their land claims, William Johnson expects Six Nations support as war with France begins in North America[8]

Lt. Gov. James De Lancey outlines how troops assembled in New York could attack French in region from Montreal to Fort Duquesne[9]

Priest relates Mi'kmaw practices in feasting, praise, war, and courtship and marriage (Note: "savages" used and cruelty described)[10]

Robert Monckton orders all on Chignecto and Saint John River "not yet submitted" to do so with their arms or "be treated as Rebels"[11]

Charles Lawrence offers £20 rewards for French "deserters" recruiting in Minas and for couriers carrying letters to Father La Loutre[12]

Monckton takes Fort Beauséjour and other Chignecto forts in June, and is ordered to drive surrendering Acadians "out of the country"[13]

Map: Fort Beauséjour and Fort Gaspareaux[14]

Minas Acadians want former rights and neutrality, which Nova Scotia Council finds "arrogant" and condemns point by point (Note: "savages" used)[15]

When Deputies refuse oath before consulting their people, Council arrests them and decides "all such Recusants" should be removed[16]

After further refusal by Acadians to take oath, Council decides to consider "what measures should be taken to send them away"[17]

Instructions sent to local commanders list destinations ranging from Boston and Connecticut to Virginia and North Carolina for expelled Acadians[18]

"Very Disagreable to my natural make & Temper" - At Grand-Pré church, John Winslow orders dispossession and expulsion of Acadians[19]

"[Scene] of Sorrow" - Soldiers march many "Praying, Singing & Crying" Acadian men past women and children to transport ships at Grand-Pré[20]

"[Scene] of woe & Distres" - After weeks of delay, first eighty Acadian families are put aboard transports at Grand-Pré[21]

"Putting a Finishing Stroke to the Removal of our Friends the French" - From Halifax, Winslow orders last Minas Acadians expelled[22]

Lawrence considers proposed legislature impracticable and, given "foolish Squabbles" and "impertin't Opinions," dangerously obstructive[23]

John Rous relates attacking French in their Newfoundland "Encroachments" and sending them to Louisbourg and their ships and cargo to Halifax[24]

"Prudence, spirit, and resolution" - William Johnson made baronet for his leadership in September battle near Lake George[25]

While strengthening Oswego defences, William Shirley looks for support from Six Nations, Mississauga, Ojibwe and Odawa[26]

Sachem Canaghquayeson tells William Johnson ("Brother Warraghiyagey") that Oneida have opened their eyes to French threat[27]

Author describes origin stories (hare, carp, bear) and manitous of Odawa (Note: racial stereotypes used)[28]

Strong French military character ("manners") and "enterprizing manners" of Canada do not measure up to politically advanced British soldier[29]

Geographical difference between Great Lakes and Mississippi River lands and Atlantic seaboard lands gives French advantage over British[30]


  1. ^ William Clarke, "One great and indeed main Security" Observations On the Late and Present Conduct of the French With Regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colonies (1755), pgs. 27-9. Accessed 14 January 2022 (See also Clarke's assertion (in pg. 6 footnote) that French encourage Indigenous abduction of British by paying them for abducted, then selling abducted back to British)
  2. ^ "The limits of Acadia and Canada" An Historical Memorial of the Negotiation of France and England[...;] Translated from the French Original (1761), pgs. 4-5. Accessed 6 January 2022
  3. ^ Robert de Vaugondy, Partie de L'Amerique Septent qui comprend La Nouvelle France ou le Canada (1755), McCord Museum. Accessed 13 January 2022
  4. ^ "Copy of the Reply of the English Ministry to the Memoir Communicated by M. le Due de Mirepoix..." (translation; June 7, 1755), in Anglo-French Boundary Disputes in the West, 1749-1763, French Series, Volume II, Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, Volume XXVII (1936), pgs. 234-40. (See also July order to British diplomats to leave France immediately) Accessed 4 January 2022
  5. ^ "But there is another object" A Letter to a Great M------r, on the Prospect of Peace (1761), pgs. 69-70. Accessed 6 January 2022
  6. ^ Thomas Kitchin, (Map of the English and French possessions on the North American continent) (text in French; London, 1755), W.K. Morrison Special Collection, Nova Scotia Community College. Accessed 21 November 2021
  7. ^ William Johnson's speech to Kanien’kéhà:ka with replies (May 1755), A Memorial Containing a summary View of Facts[...;] Translated from the French (1757), pgs. 146-51. (See reasons Six Nations distrust New York) Accessed 4 January 2022
  8. ^ Letter of Major-General Johnson to the Lords of Trade (July 21, 1755), Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York[...;] Vol. VI (1855), pgs. 962-3. Accessed 14 December 2020
  9. ^ Letter of Lieutenant-Governor De Lancey to Secretary Robinson (August 7, 1755), Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York[...;] Vol. VI (1855), pgs. 991-2. Accessed 14 December 2020
  10. ^ "It is neither gaming nor debauchery", "A Letter, &c." (March 27, 1755), An Account of the Customs and Manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets[....] (1758), pgs. 4-33, 53-60. Accessed 6 January 2022
  11. ^ "A Proclamation" (May 13, 1755), A Memorial Containing a summary View of Facts[...;] Translated from the French (1757), pg. 155. Accessed 4 January 2022
  12. ^ "Governor Lawrence to Captain Murray" (Letter Book; May 27, 1755), Nova Scotia Archives; Acadian French, pgs. 241-2. Accessed 10 January 2022
  13. ^ "Extracts from Letter of Gov. Lawrence to(...)Secretary of State" (June 28, 1755), Nova Scotia Archives; Acadian French, pg. 243. (See capitulation terms by which "no Harm shall be done" to Acadians forced into service and Lawrence's explanation of the Pardonné; also see John Winslow's siege journal) Accessed 10 January 2022
  14. ^ "Plan of the Chignecto Isthmus showing Forts Beauséjour and Gaspareau" (ca. 1750), McCord Museum. Accessed 13 January 2022
  15. ^ "Memorials Signed by the Deputies and a number of the French Inhabitants" (translated; June 10 and 24, 1755), read and discussed at July 3, 1755 Council meeting, Nova Scotia Archives; Acadian French, pgs. 247-55. (See similar Memorial from Annapolis River]) Accessed 10 January 2022
  16. ^ Council meeting (July 4, 1755), Nova Scotia Archives; Acadian French, pgs. 255-6. (See Lawrence's letter to Board of Trade stating intention to "bring the Inhabitants to a compliance, or rid the province of such perfidious subjects") Accessed 10 January 2022
  17. ^ Council meeting (July 28, 1755), Nova Scotia Archives; Acadian French, pgs. 263-7. (See Lawrence's expulsion instructions to Monckton here and here) Accessed 10 January 2022
  18. ^ Letters of Charles Lawrence (August 11, 1755), Nova Scotia Archives; Acadian French, pgs. 271-6. Accessed 11 January 2022
  19. ^ "Att Three in the afternoon" (September 5, 1755), Nova Scotia Historical Society; Journal of Colonel John Winslow, pgs. 94-6. (See also news that troops burning Acadian village were driven off by "French and Indians") Accessed 11 January 2022
  20. ^ John Winslow, "Septr 10" (September 10, 1755), Nova Scotia Historical Society; Journal of Colonel John Winslow, pgs. 108-10. Accessed 11 January 2022
  21. ^ John Winslow, "October 8th" (October 8, 1755), Nova Scotia Historical Society; Journal of Colonel John Winslow, pg. 166. (See Winslow's accounting of 2,600 people aboard nine vessels by October 23, and his record of 698 buildings burned) Accessed 11 January 2022
  22. ^ "Halifax, Novemr. 29th" (November 29, 1755), Nova Scotia Historical Society; Journal of Colonel John Winslow, pgs. 185-6. (See reports of 350 and 232 transported from Minas, and report of 1,664 Annapolis Acadians expelled and 300 "Gone into the Woods") Accessed 12 January 2022
  23. ^ "There is nothing I find myself so perplex'd about" Letter of Charles Lawrence (December 9, 1755), Military Affairs in North America; 1748-1765 (1936), pgs. 156-7. Accessed 13 January 2022
  24. ^ Letter of John Rous (September 22, 1755), Nova Scotia Historical Society; Journal of Colonel John Winslow, pgs. 147-8. Accessed 11 January 2022
  25. ^ "Secretary Robinson to Sir William Johnson" (November 11, 1755), Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York[...;] Vol. VI (1855), pg. 1020. (See lengthy narrative of Johnson's victory) Accessed 4 January 2022
  26. ^ "1755; The general labours to establish the Indians" (Fall 1755), A Review of the Military Operation in North America (1757), pg. 113. (See also analysis and plans of "Grand council of war convened at New-York", and more detailed timeline of Shirley's military affairs in 1755; also see lengthy description of "How Oswego had been neglected" and "Information of Captain John Vicars" on terrible conditions at Oswego) Accessed 5 January 2022
  27. ^ "At a meeting of the Mohawks, Oneidas, and Tuscaroras" (December 26, 1755), An Account of Conferences held, and Treaties made, Between Major-general Sir William Johnson [and] Indian Nations in North America, pg. 6. Accessed 20 January 2022 https://digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/342324/an-account-of-conferences-held-and-treaties-made-between-m (turn to PDF frame 18)
  28. ^ "The Misilimakinaks" Travels, through Asia, Africa, and America; Vol. I (1755), pgs. 280-3. Accessed 14 January 2022
  29. ^ "The military manners of the Noblesse" "To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Jackson" (June 17, 1755), U.S. National Archives. Accessed 14 January 2022
  30. ^ Thomas Pownall, "In considering First the main Continent" "Considerations upon the Scite, Interests, and Service of North America" (1755), Military Affairs in North America; 1748-1765 (1936), pgs. 159-61. (See rest of Pownall's thesis in sections on "Manner" of settlement and "State of the Service(...)arising") Accessed 13 January 2022