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McCain voted in support of the [[USA PATRIOT Act]].<ref>[http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=107&session=1&vote=00313 U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> In a speech in [[Westport, Connecticut]], he said that "sometimes democracies overreact" during times of national security crises, and pledged to periodically review the Patriot Act in order to safeguard civil liberties.<ref>[http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/04/09/on_the_stump_mccain_outlines_d.html?hpid=artslot On the Stump, McCain Outlines Differences with Bush (Washington Post)]</ref>
McCain voted in support of the [[USA PATRIOT Act]].<ref>[http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=107&session=1&vote=00313 U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> In a speech in [[Westport, Connecticut]], he said that "sometimes democracies overreact" during times of national security crises, and pledged to periodically review the Patriot Act in order to safeguard civil liberties.<ref>[http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/04/09/on_the_stump_mccain_outlines_d.html?hpid=artslot On the Stump, McCain Outlines Differences with Bush (Washington Post)]</ref>

Voted Yes on reauthorizing the Patriot Act. Voting for this bill would extend the Patriot Act but with some amendments. Such amendments would clarify the rights of an individual who has received [[Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act|FISA]] orders to challenge nondisclosure requirements and to refuse disclosure of the name of their attorney. Voting against this bill would terminate the Patriot Act.
McCain voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act, extending the measure with some amendments clarifying the rights of an individual who has received [[Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act|FISA]] orders to challenge nondisclosure requirements and to refuse disclosure of the name of their attorney. Voting against this bill would have terminated the Patriot Act. McCain also voted to extend the Patriot Act’s Wiretap Provision. <ref>[http://www.ontheissues.org/VoteMatch/q19_2006.asp VoteMatch: The Patriot Act harms civil liberties<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

Voted Yes on extending the Patriot Act’s Wiretap Provision. This piece of legislation would allow the FBI to use roaming wiretaps on U.S. residents and would concede to the Federal Agents entry and access to corporate accounts. Voting for this bill would extend the Patriot Act to December 31, 2009, thereby making its provisions permanent whereas voting against this bill would keep the Patriot Act provisional.<ref>[http://www.ontheissues.org/VoteMatch/q19_2006.asp VoteMatch: The Patriot Act harms civil liberties<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>


Revision as of 02:59, 10 August 2008

Template:JohnMcCainSegmentsU.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), a candidate and the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party in the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, has taken positions on many political issues through his public comments and his senatorial voting record.

Online, McCain uses his Senate web site[1] and his 2008 campaign web site[2] to describe his political positions.

Regarding the general notion of consistency of political positions over time, McCain said in June 2008: "My principles and my practice and my voting record are very clear. Not only from 2000 but 1998 and 1992 and 1986. And you know, it's kind of a favorite tactical ploy now that opponents use, of saying the person has changed. Look, none of my principles or values have changed. Have I changed position on some specific issues because of changed circumstances? I would hope so! I would hope so!"[3]

Foreign policy

McCain delivers keynote address at the Pentagon on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, Sept. 19, 1997

McCain has been perceived to be relatively hawkish on foreign policy[who?][citation needed], despite his advocacy of the withdrawal of US troops from Lebanon in 1982 (prior to the attack on the Marine barracks),[4] Somalia in 1993, and Haiti in 1994.

In February 2000, during a Republican debate, McCain and other candidates were asked what foreign policy they would change immediately if they became President. "I'd institute a policy that I call 'rogue state rollback,'" McCain said. "I would arm, train, equip, both from without and from within, forces that would eventually overthrow the governments and install free and democratically- elected governments."[5]

McCain's 2006 foreign policy rating, compiled by the Almanac of American Politics (2008) , was 58% conservative, 40% liberal. 2005 figures were similar: 54% conservative, 45% liberal.[6] In March 2008, McCain said that the United States should "strengthen our global alliances as the core of a new global compact -- a League of Democracies -- that can harness the vast influence of the more than one hundred democratic nations around the world to advance our values and defend our shared interests." He said that the United States did not single-handedly win the Cold War, but rather the NATO alliance did so, "in concert with partners around the world." [7]

Among McCain's advisers are Robert Kagan and William Kristol, the co-founders of PNAC and neo-conservatives who were influential in implementing the Iraq War. McCain has also allied himself with President George W. Bush, who brought into his administration a large number of PNAC members and neo-conservatives. Many even argue that McCain's statements, such as "100 years in Iraq," "there will be other wars," and "I would arm, train, equip, both from without and from within, forces that would eventually overthrow the governments and install free and democratically- elected governments.", approach imperialistic over-tones like that reflected in the PNAC.[8]

Arab-Israeli conflict

In a speech to AIPAC on April 23, 2002, McCain said that "no American leader should be expected to sell a false peace to our ally, consider Israel's right to self-defense less legitimate than ours, or insist that Israel negotiate a political settlement while terrorism remains the Palestinians' preferred bargaining tool."[9] During the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, McCain said, regarding Israel's role in the conflict with Lebanon and Hezbollah, "What would we do if somebody came across our borders and killed our soldiers and captured our soldiers? Do you think we would be exercising total restraint?"[10]

Detention and torture of extrajudicial prisoners

For further details on this topic, see McCain Detainee Amendment and Military Commissions Act of 2006

In October 2005, McCain, a former POW, introduced an amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill for 2005. That month, the U.S. Senate voted 90-9 to support the amendment.[11] The amendment was commonly referred to as the Amendment on (1) the Army Field Manual and (2) Cruel, Inhumane, Degrading Treatment, amendment #1977 and also known as the McCain Amendment 1977. It became the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 as Title X of the Department of Defense Authorization bill. The amendment prohibits inhumane treatment of prisoners, including prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, by confining interrogations to the techniques in Army Field Manual 34-52, "Intelligence Interrogation".

On December 15, 2005, Bush announced that he accepted McCain's terms and will "make it clear to the world that this government does not torture and that we adhere to the international convention of torture, whether it be here at home or abroad."[12] Bush made clear his interpretation of this legislation on December 30, 2005, in a signing statement, reserving what he interpreted to be his Presidential constitutional authority in order to avoid further terrorist attacks.[13]

McCain argues that American military and intelligence personnel in future wars will suffer for abuses committed in 2006 by the US in the name of fighting terrorism. He fears the administration's policy will put American prisoners at risk of torture, summary executions and other atrocities by chipping away at Geneva Conventions. He argues that his rival bill to Bush’s plan gives defendants access to classified evidence being used to convict them and will set tight limits on use of testimony obtained by coercion. Furthermore it offers CIA interrogators some legal protections from charges of abuse, but rejects the administration’s plan to more narrowly define the Geneva Conventions’ standards for humane treatment of prisoners. McCain insists this issue overrides politics.[citation needed]

McCain, whose six years of captivity and torture in Vietnam made him a national celebrity, negotiated (in September 2006) a compromise in the Senate for the Military Commissions Act of 2006, suspending habeas corpus provisions for anyone deemed by the Executive Branch an "unlawful enemy combatant" and barring them from challenging their detentions in court. Coming on the heels of a Supreme Court decision adverse to the White House, McCain's compromise gave a retroactive, nine-year immunity to U.S. officials who authorized, ordered, or committed acts of torture and abuse, and permitted the use of statements obtained through torture to be used in military tribunals so long as the abuse took place by December 30, 2005.[14] McCain's compromise permitted the President to establish permissible interrogation techniques and to "interpret the meaning and application" of international Geneva Convention standards, so long as the coercion fell short of "serious" bodily or psychological injury.[15] Widely dubbed McCain's "torture compromise", the bill was signed into law by George W. Bush on October 17, 2006, shortly before the 2006 midterm elections.

McCain said in March 2007 that he would "immediately close Guantanamo Bay, move all the prisoners to Fort Leavenworth and truly expedite the judicial proceedings in their cases".[16] On September 19, 2007, he voted against restoring habeas corpus to detainees.[17]

In October 2007, McCain said of waterboarding that, "They [other presidential candidates] should know what it is. It is not a complicated procedure. It is torture."[18] In February 2008 he voted against HR 2082, the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, which included provisions that would have prevented the CIA from waterboarding prisoners.[19][20] The bill in question contained other provisions to which McCain objected, and his spokesman stated: "This wasn't a vote on waterboarding. This was a vote on applying the standards of the [Army] field manual to CIA personnel."[21]


John McCain has called the crisis with Iran "the most serious crisis we have faced - outside of the entire war on terror - since the end of the Cold War." "Nuclear capability in Iran is unacceptable," said McCain. McCain has criticized Russia and China for causing "gridlock" in the UN Security Council and preventing the sanctioning of Iran as well as other areas of conflict such as Darfur and Burma. If elected, McCain pledges to create a "league of democracies" with the purpose of addressing those conflicts without the approval of China and Russia. [22][23]

McCain has cited Iran's stance towards Israel as justification for his aggressive policy towards Iran, saying, "Iran is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That alone should concern us but now they are trying for nuclear capabilities. I totally support the president when he says we will not allow Iran to destroy Israel."[24]

Regarding military action against Iran, McCain has said, "I pray every night that we will avoid a conflict with Iran." He has also said, "There's a whole lot of things we can do before we seriously consider the military option," but clarifying, "I still say there's only one thing worse than military action against Iran and that is a nuclear-armed Iran."

McCain tried to persuade FIFA to ban Iran from the 2006 World Cup, referring to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denials as the reason since such denials in Germany, where the competition was held, are illegal.[25]

In June 2008, a group of congressional Democrats criticized McCain for voting against 2005 legislation that would have toughened sanctions against Iran. "McCain tries to give the impression that he's tough on Iran, but when it came time to stand up to party leaders and Big Oil, John McCain stood down," said senator Frank Lautenberg.[26]

Iraq War

In February 2000, McCain said "As long as Saddam Hussein is in power, I am convinced that he will pose a threat to our security."[5]

McCain supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the U.S. decision to overthrow Saddam Hussein.[27]

In April 2004, McCain was asked by Peter G. Peterson what the United States should do if the "Iraqi government asks us to leave, even if we are unhappy about the security situation there?" McCain responded, "I think it's obvious that we would have to leave because— if it was an elected government of Iraq...."[28]

Following the invasion he criticized the Bush Administration's conduct of the occupation, and he later pushed for "significant policy changes" in the Iraq War.[29] He criticized The Pentagon on a number of occasions, most notably in December 2004, concerning low troop strength in Iraq,[30] and has called for a diversification of Iraqi national forces to better represent the multiple ethnic groups contained within the country.

In January 2005, McCain said that "one of our big problems has been the fact that many Iraqis resent American military presence. ... as soon as we can reduce our visibility as much as possible, the better I think it is going to be."[31]

In November 2005 McCain said in a speech that the U.S. government must do more to keep public support high for the war, and that more troops were needed, as well as a number of other changes in the U.S. approach to the war. He concluded his speech by saying that "America, Iraq and the world are better off with Saddam Hussein in prison rather than in power…and we must honor their sacrifice by seeing this mission through to victory."[32]

In October 2006, McCain said that he had "no confidence" in then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, but was not calling for his resignation at that time, saying that "the president picks his team, and the president has the right to stay with that team if he wants to."[33]

On January 10, 2007, Bush announced the commitment of more than 20,000 additional troops as a part of the Iraqi troop surge of 2007. McCain was a leading advocate for the move, leading some Democrats to call the policy the "McCain Doctrine". Days after the announcement, McCain appeared on CBS' Face the Nation and said, "This is a chance under the new leadership of General Petraeus and Admiral Fallon to have a chance to succeed. Do I believe it can succeed? Yes, I do."[34] On February 4, he criticised a bipartisan non-binding resolution opposing the troop buildup, calling it a "vote of no confidence" in the US military.[35] The next day, McCain said, "I don't think it's appropriate to say that you disapprove of a mission and you don't want to fund it and you don't want it to go, but yet you don't take the action necessary to prevent it".[36]

On September 19, 2007, McCain voted against requiring minimum periods between deployments.[37]

In November 2007, on the Charlie Rose show on PBS, Rose asked if South Korea might be an analogy of where Iraq might be, in terms of an American presence, over the next 20 to 25 years. McCain replied that he didn't think so - even if there were no (ongoing) casualties, saying "I can see an American presence for a while. But eventually I think because of the nature of the society in Iraq and the religious aspects of it that America eventually withdraws.[38]

On January 3, 2008 at a campaign stop in Derry, New Hampshire, when a questioner said, "President Bush has talked about our staying in Iraq for 50 years," McCain responded:

"Make it a hundred. We've been in Japan for 60 years, we've been in South Korea for 50 years or so. That'd be fine with me as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. That's fine with me. I hope it will be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where Al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping, and motivating people every single day."[39]

In March 2008, McCain said of Iraq and terrorism that "Gen. Petraeus is correct when he says that the central battleground in the struggle against al Qaeda is Iraq and Osama bin Laden just confirmed that again with his comments last week."[40] In April 2008 he said, "There are tough decisions ahead and America deserves leaders that are up to the challenge. As president, I will ensure that our troops come home victorious in this war that is part of the larger struggle against radical Islamic extremism and will continue to make keeping our nation secure my highest priority." [41]

In a May 15, 2008 speech in Columbus, Ohio, McCain said:

By January 2013, America has welcomed home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrificed terribly so that America might be secure in her freedom. The Iraq War has been won….Iraq is a functioning democracy, although still suffering from the lingering effects of decades of tyranny and centuries of sectarian tension. Violence still occurs, but it is spasmodic and much reduced….The United States maintains a military presence there, but a much smaller one, and it does not play a direct combat role.[42] [43]

In a June 11, 2008 interview on NBC's Today Show, McCain was asked whether, in light of recent progress from the troop surge in Iraq, he had a clearer idea of when U.S. troops could begin withdrawing. He replied:[44]

No, but that's not too important. What's important is casualties in Iraq. Americans are in South Korea. Americans are in Japan. American troops are in Germany. That's all fine. American casualties, and the ability to withdraw. We will be able to withdraw. ... But the key to it is we don't want any more Americans in harm's way.


McCain was an advocate for strong military measures against those responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks and supported the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.[45] In a late October 2001 Wall Street Journal op-ed piece he wrote, "America is under attack by a depraved, malevolent force that opposes our every interest and hates every value we hold dear." He advocated an overwhelming, not incremental, approach against the Taliban in Afghanistan, including the use of ground forces, saying, "War is a miserable business. Let's get on with it."[46]

In October 2005, McCain said “Afghanistan, we don’t read about anymore, because it’s succeeded. And by the way, there’s several reasons, including NATO participation and other reasons, why Afghanistan is doing as well as it is.”[47]

In December 2006, asked if the U.S. would send more troops to Afghanistan, McCain said, "The British have said that they will be sending additional troops, taking troops out of Iraq and into Afghanistan. If it's necessary, we will, and I'm sure we would be agreeable, but the focus here is more on training the Afghan National Army and the police, as opposed to the increased U.S. troop presence."[48]

In July 2008, McCain said that reducing U.S. forces in Iraq would free up troops for Afghanistan, where "at least" three additional brigades, or about 15,000 troops, must be sent. A campaign aide said later that McCain's proposal included a combination of both U.S. and NATO forces.[49]


"It is time to bring Kosovo - and the Balkans with it - out of the 1990s and into the 21st century by recognizing Kosovo's independence. Eleven years ago, that region was in flames, characterized by ethnic cleansing and widespread violence. For the first time the region is today poised to move forward, with final status for Kosovo and transitioning continuing responsibilities there to increasing European control - at long last closing the door on the region's painful past," stated McCain at the Munich Security Conference in February 2008.[50] When Serbia invaded the breakaway province of Kosovo in 1999, McCain urged President Clinton to use all necessary force.[51]

South Ossetia

"Russia should immediately and unconditionally cease its military operations and withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory. What is most critical now is to avoid further confrontation between Russian and Georgian military forces," McCain said on August 8, 2008.[52] Moscow sent tanks into the pro-Russian separatist region of South Ossetia when Georgia, a staunch U.S. ally,[53] launched a major military offensive to retake the breakaway province.[54][55]

North Korea

In October 2006, McCain said the he believed the former President Bill Clinton and his administration were to blame for the North Korea's weapons of mass destruction. He said that the U.S. had "concluded an unenforceable and untransparent agreement", allowing North Korea to keep plutonium rods in a reactor. [56] In an article he wrote for the November/December 2007 issue of Foreign Affairs, he referred to North Korea as a "totalitarian regime," and said that it was necessary for North Korea be committed to "verifiable denuclearization" and "full accounting of all its nuclear materials and facilities" before any "lasting diplomatic agreement can be reached."[57]

Nuclear weapons

McCain voted in favor of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction in 1991.[58] He voted to ratify the START II strategic arms limitation treaty in 1996.[59]

McCain voted against the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in 1999.[60]

In March 2008, McCain said that United States should reduce its nuclear arsenal to encourage other nations to reduce their arsenals:

"Forty years ago, the five declared nuclear powers came together in support of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and pledged to end the arms race and move toward nuclear disarmament. The time has come to renew that commitment. We do not need all the weapons currently in our arsenal. The United States should lead a global effort at nuclear disarmament consistent with our vital interests and the cause of peace." [61]


McCain maintains a relatively moderate stance concerning Pakistan, although he has recognized the South Asian nation as an important part of US Foreign Policy. In the aftermath of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's assassination (in December 2007) McCain appeared to rule out the option of US forces entering Pakistan, saying that it was not an appropriate time to "threaten" Pakistan.[62]


McCain has been one of the foremost Senate critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin: "I looked into his eyes and saw three letters: a K, a G and a B". He has said that Putin is "going to cause a lot of difficulties" and that he is "trying to reassert the Russian empire."[63] In January 2007, McCain said that he thought Putin was using Russia's energy sources as a political weapon.[64]

He bullies his neighbors and he wants to get a control of the energy supply of Western Europe. This is a dangerous person. And he has to understand that there's a cost to some of his actions. And the first thing I would do is make sure that we have a missile defense system in place in Czechoslovakia and Poland, and I don't care what his objections are to it."[65]

In 2005 McCain and Connecticut senator Joseph Lieberman brought a draft resolution with the requirement to suspend membership of Russia in the G8, an international forum. The same year he initiated Senate acceptance of a resolution charging the Russian government with "political motivations" in litigation concerning Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev. [citation needed] In October 2007, McCain again called for removal of Russia from the G8:

Today, we see in Russia diminishing political freedoms, a leadership dominated by a clique of former intelligence officers, efforts to bully democratic neighbors, such as Georgia, and attempts to manipulate Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas. We need a new Western approach to this revanchist Russia. The G8 should again become a club of leading market democracies: it should include Brazil and India but exclude Russia.[66]

McCain is a strong supporter of ballistic national missile defenses.[67][68] Russia threatened to place short-range nuclear missiles on the Russia’s border with NATO if the United States refuses to abandon plans to deploy 10 interceptor missiles and a radar in Poland and the Czech Republic.[69][70] In April 2007, Putin warned of a new Cold War if the Americans deployed the shield in the former Eastern Bloc.[71] Putin also said that Russia is prepared to abandon its obligations under a Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987 with the United States.[72]

However, in May 2008, McCain said that he would support friendly talks with Russia on nuclear armaments, distancing himself from the Bush administration.[citation needed]

Czech Republic

On July 14, 2008, McCain expressed concern about Russia's reducing the energy supplies to Czech Republic: "I was concerned about a couple of steps that the Russian government took in the last several days. One was reducing the energy supplies to Czechoslovakia. Apparently that is in reaction to the Czech’s agreement with us concerning missile defense, and again some of the Russian now announcement they are now retargeting new targets, something they abandoned at the end of the Cold War, is also a concern."[73]


When McCain was running for president in 2000, he supported the normalizing of relations with Cuba, even if Fidel Castro remained in power, provided that the Cuban government did certain things to democratize Cuba. McCain compared the situation to normalizing relations with Vietnam.[74]

Economic policy

McCain's 2006 rating by the Almanac of American Politics (2008) on Economic Policy is 64% conservative, 35% liberal (52% conservative, 47% liberal in 2005).[6] McCain fleshed out the main points of his economic plan in an April 15, 2008 speech at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania.[75][76] In summary, McCain would make the Bush tax cuts permanent instead of letting them expire, he would eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax in order to assist the middle-class, he would double the personal exemption for dependents, reduce the corporate tax rate, and offer a new research and development tax credit.[76] At the same time, he pledges to eliminate pork-barrel spending, freeze nondefense discretionary spending for a year or more, and reduce Medicare growth.[76] He is also opposed to extravagant salaries and severance deals of corporate CEOs.[76][77]

Budget, taxes, and deficits

While McCain has historically opposed tax cuts in favor of deficit reduction,[78][79] he now favors tax cuts.[80] He says that he would reduce government spending to make up for the tax cuts.

McCain has declined to sign the pledge of the group Americans for Tax Reform to not add any new taxes or increase existing taxes.[81] In 2002, Sen. McCain was one of only two Republicans to twice vote against the permanent repeal of the Estate Tax,[82] and has recently stated opposition to a permanent repeal of the Estate Tax.[83] McCain was one of two Republicans who voted against Bush's tax cuts in 2001. He opposed accelerating the cuts in 2003, saying that he was not in favor of cutting taxes during a time of war.[84][81] In 2004 McCain appeared on Meet The Press with Tim Russert where he was asked about his opposition to the Bush tax cuts. McCain explained himself by saying, "I voted against the tax cuts because of the disproportional amount that went to the wealthiest Americans. I would clearly support not extending those tax cuts in order to help address the deficit"[85] However, McCain supported the Bush tax cut extension in May 2006, [86] and January 2008 he told Russert that he favors making those tax cuts permanent to prevent an increase in taxes while the economy was "shaky". He also said that his tax proposal would focus more on middle-income Americans than on the wealthy.[87]

McCain has stated that he believes in keeping marginal tax rates low, but that lower taxes work best "when accompanied by lower spending." [88]

In a major economic speech on April 15, 2008, McCain proposed a number of tax reductions and backed away from his pledge to balance the budget by the end of his first term, saying it would take him eight years. His speech focused on cuts to corporate tax rates and the extension of the Bush tax cuts, and also called for eliminating the alternative-minimum tax and doubling the value of exemptions for dependents to $7,000, This is in contrast to McCain's historical emphasis on deficit reduction over tax cuts. [80] McCain's proposal for decreasing the federal budget deficit includes reforming the "self-serving largesse that defines the current budget process." In the speech, McCain said that the savings from eliminating earmarks, reviewing federal programs and other budget reforms would be “on the order of $100 billion annually.”[89]

On July 8, 2008, in an interview, McCain said that "historically when you raise people's taxes, revenue goes down. Every time we cut capital gains taxes, there has been an increase in revenues."[90]

Pork barrel spending (earmarks)

McCain has been called one of the Senate's most outspoken critics of pork barrel spending.[91] In March 2008, Gannett News Service reported that McCain's home state of Arizona ranked last in federal earmarks, because three of the state's ten lawmakers in Washington — McCain and House Republicans Jeff Flake and John Shadegg — refuse to ask for any federal money for local projects.[92] In March 2008, he was one of twenty-nine U.S. Senators, including Obama and Clinton, to vote in favor of a one-year moratorium on earmarks.[93]

McCain says he hopes to stop special interests from lobbying for special projects. His 2008 campaign website includes the statement that "The federal government spends too much money, squanders precious resources on questionable projects pushed by special interests, and ignores the priorities of the American taxpayer."[94] Earmarks total about $18 billion a year, according to independent estimates.[95]

Free trade

McCain is a strong proponent of free trade.[96] He supports the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the existing General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreements, and U.S. participation in the World Trade Organization[96], and opposes renegotiation of trade agreements,[97] saying, "...the U.S. should engage in multilateral, regional and bilateral efforts to reduce barriers to trade, level the global playing field and build effective enforcement of global trading rules."[98] In 2004, when McCain was asked, "Should trade agreements include provisions to address environmental concerns and to protect workers' rights?", he answered, "No."[99]

Regarding protectionism, in 2007 McCain said, "I'm a student of history. Every time the United States has become protectionist ... we've paid a very heavy price. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Acts in the 1930s were direct contributors to World War II. It sounds like a lot of fun to bash China and others, but free trade has been the engine of our economy. Free trade should be the continuing principle that guides this nation's economy."[96]

Social Security and Medicare

In June 1999, McCain said "The only way to increase the yield on Social Security dollars is by allowing workers to make investment decisions for themselves; by empowering American families to invest, in most robust portfolios, a portion of their earnings for Social Security that they would otherwise pay in taxes to Social Security."[100] In January 2000, he repeated his strong support for creating partially private Social Security accounts.[101] In 2004, he said, "Without privatization, I don't see how you can possibly, over time, make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits."[102][103]

In April 2008, McCain proposed that seniors with higher incomes should pay higher premiums for government-provided prescription drug benefits (Medicare Part D) as a way to reduce federal spending on health care.[104]

As of May 2008, McCain's web site says:

John McCain will fight to save the future of Social Security and believes that we may meet our obligations to the retirees of today and the future without raising taxes. John McCain supports supplementing the current Social Security system with personal accounts -- but not as a substitute for addressing benefit promises that cannot be kept.[105]

On June 12, 2008, McCain fielded a question in a town hall meeting, saying, "But I'm not for quote privatizing Social Security, I never have been, I never will be."[106]

On July 7, 2008, McCain criticized the traditional pay-as-you-go financing of Social Security, saying: "Americans have got to understand that we are paying present-day retirees with the taxes paid by young workers in America today. And that's a disgrace."[107][108] The next day, he reiterated that Social Security uses current workers' tax payments to fund current retirees' benefits, and he said, "That’s why it’s broken, that’s why we can fix it."[109]

McCain has not offered a specific plan to address the possible Social Security shortfall, but has stated that although he prefers not to raise taxes, all options, including payroll tax increases, are "on the table".[110]

Subprime mortgage crisis

Regarding the subprime mortgage crisis, McCain said its root cause was loose credit and greed. On January 31, 2008, he said, "I think there are some greedy people on Wall Street that perhaps need to be punished." He also praised the George W. Bush administration's handling of the crisis.[111] McCain later addressed the situation in a speech:

"I will not play election year politics with the housing crisis. I will evaluate everything in terms of whether it might be harmful or helpful to our effort to deal with the crisis we face now. I have always been committed to the principle that it is not the duty of government to bail out and reward those who act irresponsibly, whether they are big banks or small borrowers. Government assistance to the banking system should be based solely on preventing systemic risk that would endanger the entire financial system and the economy."

McCain went on to say he would entertain the thought to only give temporary assistance to homeowners for their primary homes, but not to others who owned homes to rent out nor to speculators. He also proposed that mortgage lenders do more to help the economy by helping their customers. He suggested an approach that General Motors did after the attacks of September 11, 2001 when they reduced interest rates for their customers. "We need a similar response by the mortgage lenders. They've been asking the government to help them out. I'm now calling upon them to help their customers, and their nation out. It's time to help American families. " [112]

Health care

[In an ownership society], the key to health care reform is to restore control to the patients themselves.

McCain is against publicly funded health care, universal health care, or health coverage mandates.[113] Instead, he favors tax credits of up to $5,000 for families to get health insurance.[114] His plan focuses on enhancing competition in the health care industry as a way to lower costs.[115] To that end, McCain would allow citizens to purchase health insurance nationwide instead of limiting them to in-state companies, and to buy insurance through any organization or association they choose as well as through their employers or buying direct from an insurance company. In an October 2007 statement, McCain said: "In health care, we believe in enhancing the freedom of individuals to receive necessary and desired care. We do not believe in coercion and the use of state power to mandate care, coverage or costs."[114]

On April 29, 2008, McCain detailed his health care plan in the context of his campaign for President. His plan focused on open-market competition rather than government funding or control. At the heart of his plan are tax credits - $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families who do not subscribe to or do not have access to health care through their employer. He says the money could be used to purchase insurance and force insurance companies to be competitive with their costs in order to attract consumers.[116] McCain would pay for the tax credits by eliminating the tax break currently offered to employers for providing health insurance to employees.[117] To help people who are denied coverage by insurance companies due to pre-existing conditions, McCain would work with states to create what he calls a "Guaranteed Access Plan". He did not provide details, but pointed to states such as Florida and North Carolina where such systems are in place.[118] His health care plan has an estimated annual cost of $7 billion, according to McCain's health-policy experts.[119] On April 30, his campaign acknowledged that the health plan he had outlined would have the effect of increasing tax payments for some workers, primarily those with high incomes and expensive health plans.[120]


McCain is opposed to federal funding of Amtrak. He considers it to be a "pork barrel project", particularly as far as longer distance trains are concerned.[121][122] He has also argued for more stringent safety standards with respect to cars.[123]

Indian affairs

As a member of the House, McCain sponsored a number of Indian Affairs bills, dealing mainly with giving distribution of lands to reservations and tribal tax status; most of these bills were unsuccessful.[124] He then got the Indian Economic Development Act of 1985 signed into law.[125]

As a senator, McCain often supported the Native American agenda, advocating self-governance and sovereignty and tribe control of adoptions. Along with Senator Daniel Inouye and Representative Mo Udall, McCain was one of the main writers of the 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act,[126][127] which codified rules regarding Native American gambling enterprises and established the balance between Indian tribal sovereignty and regulatory oversight by the states of such activity.[128] The Act enabled the growth of what would become, two decades later, the $23 billion Indian gaming industry.[127]

In late 2004, McCain helped pass the Arizona Water Settlements Act, the most extensive Indian water settlement in the country's history.[6] In response to the Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal and other developments regarding Indian gaming, by 2005 and 2006 McCain was pushing for amendments to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act that would limit creation of off-reservation casinos by Indian tribes[127] as well as tribes moving across state borders.[129] During 2007, he continued to introduce a number of Indian affairs-related legislation.[130]

Veterans benefits

McCain initially opposed the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act, introduced by Senator Jim Webb, which provides college-tuition benefits for veterans in a manner similar to that of the original G.I. Bill for veterans of World War II.[131] McCain supported the contention of some in the Defense Department that the original bill's provision of offering four years of full college tuition after only three years of active duty service would entice service members to leave the military sooner than they otherwise might.[131] McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham instead introduced a competing bill, that sought to improve current Montgomery G.I. Bill benefits, but provided a lower total amount of benefits than what Webb proposed.[132] McCain's proposal emphasized benefits for service members who were still active.[133] McCain said:

"I want to make sure that we have incentives for people to remain in the military, as well as for people to join the military. I've talked a lot about veterans' health care, so we'll continue to talk about those issues and how to care for vets. I know I can do that, having been one."[134][131]

McCain's alternative would have had a sliding scale of benefits to encourage retention by only offering the top level of benefits to those who stay for six years.[132] McCain also argued that his version would involve less new bureaucracy than Webb's bill.[132] A late May vote on the Webb bill passed 75–22, with McCain missing the vote due to being away from Washington.[135]

In early June of 2008, the White House signaled the president might be willing to sign a modified version of the Webb bill, along with the war funding bill, if transferability between spouses and dependents was added onto the new GI Bill. This would make the benefits more valuable to career military personal that would like to pay for their spouse or child's education.[136] On June 19, this provision was added to the war funding bill. With the added transferability provisions for continued military service, McCain said he now supported the bill, because it encouraged additional service beyond three years, mitigating his earlier concerns.[137] McCain, who had not voted in the Senate since April 8, was campaigning in Ohio on June 26 and was not present for the final senate vote on the bill, which passed 92–6. (The only other senator not voting was Ted Kennedy, who was recovering after surgery to remove a brain tumor.)[138] Bush signed the war funding bill, along with the veterans education benefits, into law on June 30, 2008.[139]

Telecommunications and network neutrality

McCain voted against the Telecommunications Act of 1996, on the grounds that it would not ensure competition enough in practice.[6]

In 2002, McCain introduced the Consumer Broadband Deregulation Act of 2002, a deregulation measure aimed at preventing the government from requiring broadband providers to offer access to competing ISPs in the residential broadband market.[140][141]

In 2006, McCain advocated easing of regulations to allow cable television companies to offer programming on an à la carte, per channel basis, along the lines of the Family and Consumer Choice Act of 2007.[6]

McCain is against government regulation of network neutrality unless evidence of abuse exists[142]. He is quoted as saying "let's see how this thing all turns out, rather than anticipate a problem that so far has not arisen in any significant way." Until such a time, he supports allowing network owners to control what sites consumers view, saying, in May 2007, "When you control the pipe you should be able to get profit from your investment".[143][144]

Federal minimum wage

McCain opposes the federal minimum wage; instead he believes that each state should decide its own minimum wage. On January 24, 2007 he voted Yea on legislation that would allow employers to pay less than the federal minimum wage if the state set a lower minimum.[145][146] He also voted in favor of maintaining the filibuster against a bill to increase the federal minimum wage from $5.15 an hour to $7.25.[147]

Equal pay

McCain has said that he favors the concept of equal pay (the abolition of wage differences based on gender).[148] He has, however, opposed specific legislation that would have given workers more time to discover sex discrimination before bringing suit under the Equal Pay Act of 1963. In 2007, the House of Representatives passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which, according to the National Federation of Independent Business, would have allowed "employees to file charges of pay discrimination within 180 days of the last received paycheck affected by the alleged discriminatory decision."[149] The bill would have overturned the Supreme Court decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear. There the Court dismissed a woman's discrimination claim because she had filed it more than 180 days after the first affected paycheck. McCain, who said he opposed the bill, was campaigning in New Orleans, Louisiana at the time of the Senate vote in 2008, when the bill died because Democrats could not break a Republican filibuster. (The vote in favor of the bill was 56-42, with 60 needed for cloture.)[150]

Structure of government

Judicial appointments

McCain is a believer in judges who would, as he sees it, "strictly interpret the Constitution,"[151] and is against what he sees as “the systemic abuse of our federal courts" by judges who “preemptively" decide American social policy.[152] Over the years he has supported the failed confirmation of Robert Bork.[151] He then supported and voted for the appointments of conservative judges such as Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito.[151] On the other hand, he has also voted for the confirmations of judges David Souter (who appeared to be conservative at the time but turned out different), Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer.[153][154] He also stated some of his favorite past judges include Sandra Day O'Connor, William Rhenquist, and John Harlan.[citation needed] He has described Alito and, especially, John Roberts as currently sitting judges he likes.[151] For lower courts, he stated he would appoint a mix of moderates and conservatives.[citation needed] While McCain is opposed to abortion, he stated that he would not use abortion as the litmus test.[citation needed]

Gang of 14 and Senate filibuster

On May 23, 2005, McCain led fourteen Senators to forge a compromise on the Democrats' use of the judicial filibuster, thus eliminating the need for the Republican leadership's attempt to implement the so-called "nuclear option" (also known as the "constitutional option"). Under the agreement, Senators would retain the power to filibuster a judicial nominee, the Democrats would agree to use this power against Bush nominees only in an "extraordinary circumstance", the Republicans involved would agree to vote against the nuclear option if implemented, and three of the most contested Bush appellate court nominees (Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen and William Pryor) would receive a vote by the full Senate. The agreement may have affected the likelihood that a Senate minority would defeat subsequent nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court (e.g. the nominations of John Roberts and Samuel Alito). Such a defeat by a filibustering Senate minority could have become less likely if the so-called "nuclear option" had been successful, but such a defeat could have become more likely if the nuclear option had been voted down.[155]

Religion and the nation

When interviewed by Beliefnet, a website that covers religious affairs, McCain was asked if he thought a non-Christian should be president of the United States. He answered, "I just have to say in all candor that since this nation was founded primarily on Christian principles, personally, I prefer someone who has a grounding in my faith." McCain also stated his agreement with the belief that the U.S. is a "Christian nation." On September 30, 2007, he clarified his remarks by saying "What I do mean to say is the United States of America was founded on the values of Judeo-Christian values, which were translated by our founding fathers which is basically the rights of human dignity and human rights."[156]

Campaign finance regulation

An advocate of government restrictions on campaign spending and contributions, McCain made campaign finance reform a central issue in his 2000 presidential bid. With Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin he pushed the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 which banned unlimited donations to national political parties (soft money) and curtailed issue-advocacy ads.[157] Because of McCain and Feingold's involvement, the law is commonly referred to as the "McCain-Feingold Act."

President's Question Time

In May 2008, McCain stated his intention, if elected, to create a Presidential equivalent of the British conditional convention of Prime Minister's Questions.[158] In a policy speech on May 15 which outlined a number of ideas, McCain said, "I will ask Congress to grant me the privilege of coming before both houses to take questions, and address criticism, much the same as the Prime Minister of Great Britain appears regularly before the House of Commons."[159]

George F. Will of the The Washington Post criticized the proposal in an Op-Ed piece, saying that a Presidential Question Time would endanger separation of powers as the President of the United States, unlike the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is not a member of the legislature. Will ended the piece by saying, "Congress should remind a President McCain that the 16 blocks separating the Capitol from the White House nicely express the nation's constitutional geography."[160]

Energy and environmental policy

McCain has a lifetime pro-environment rating of 24 on a scale of 100 on the League of Conservation Voters's National Environmental Scorecard, which reflects the consensus of experts from about 20 leading environmental organizations.[161] According to the League of Conservation Voters' 2006 National Environmental Scorecard, McCain took an "anti-environment" stance on four of seven environmental resolutions during the second session of the 109th congress. The four resolutions dealt with issues such as offshore drilling, an Arctic national wildlife refuge, low-income energy assistance, and environmental funding. [162]

McCain is a member of the Honorary Board of the Republicans for Environmental Protection organization.[163]


In a June 2008 analysis of McCain's positions, the Los Angeles Times said that "the Arizona senator has swerved from one position to another over the years, taking often contradictory stances on the federal government's role in energy policy."[164]

Energy dependence

In April 2007, McCain gave a major speech on his energy policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He said that U.S. dependence on foreign oil is "a major strategic vulnerability, a serious threat to our security, our economy and the well-being of our planet." [165][166] In 2008, he said that this dependence "has been thirty years in the making, and was caused by the failure of politicians in Washington to think long term about the future of the country."[167]

McCain generally supports increased energy efficiency, but has not announced specific targets. He has called for raising gas mileage standards to 35 m.p.g.[168]

Oil price increases

"I believe there needs to be a thorough and complete investigation of speculators to find out whether speculation has been going on and, if so, how much it has affected the price of a barrel of oil" "I am very angry, frankly, at the oil companies. Not only because of the obscene profits they've made, but their failure to invest in alternative energy to help us eliminate our dependence on foreign oil," McCain said on June 13, 2008.[169]

Offshore drilling

In McCain's campaign for the presidency in 2000, he supported the federal ban on offshore drilling for oil.[170] In June 2008, McCain reversed his longstanding objection to offshore drilling. Stating that he had changed his views because of high gas prices and dependence on imports, he endorsed legislation that would give each coastal state the power to determine whether to allow offshore drilling.[171]


McCain has generally opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but did vote in favor of preserving the budget for ANWR oil drilling.[172][168]

Alternative energy sources

McCain has voted to reduce federal funds for renewable and solar energy.[173] He opposed tax credits in 2001 and 2006 for companies that generate power from solar, wind, geothermal and ocean wave energy.[164]

Ethanol for energy

In 2000, McCain skipped most of the Iowa caucuses during his presidential bid, in large part because his opposition to ethanol subsidies was a nonstarter in a state where making corn into fuel was a large and profitable business.[174]

While campaigning in 2006 in the Midwest, McCain called ethanol a "vital, vital alternative energy source."[164]

In May 2008, in response to rising food prices linked to an increased production of ethanol, McCain along with 23 other Republican Senators asked the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce requirements established by Congress in 2007 that more ethanol and other renewable fuels be blended into the U.S. gasoline supply. [175] The group wrote:

Although many factors may contribute to high food costs, food-to-fuel mandates are the only factors that can be reconsidered in light of current circumstances.[176]

Nuclear power

McCain voted five times in the 1990s against taxpayer aid for research on new-generation nuclear reactors. Through 2003, he opposed federal loan guarantees to help the nuclear industry finance new plants.[164]

In 2005, McCain began supporting more taxpayer assistance for nuclear energy, as part of his proposed legislation to cap greenhouse gas emissions.[164] McCain is now calling for 45 new nuclear reactors to be built in the United States by 2030. [177] In 2008, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group and Public Citizen estimated that one version of McCain's bill would authorize more than $3.7 billion in subsidies for new nuclear plants.[164]

McCain has long been a supporter of the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. In 2008, however, on the eve of a campaign appearance in Nevada, he called for the establishment of "an international repository for spent nuclear fuel", which, he said, might make it unnecessary to open Yucca Mountain.[178]

Global warming

The McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act of 2003 was defeated in October 2004 by a margin of 43-55.[179] The Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007[180] was introduced by Senator Joseph Lieberman, McCain and other co-sponsors in January 2007, with McCain commenting "we continue to learn more about the science of climate change and the dangerous precedence of not addressing this environmental problem. The science tells us that urgent and significant action is needed."[181]

In April 2007, McCain called global warming "a serious and urgent economic, environmental and national security challenge" and said that the problem "isn't a Hollywood invention."[182]

In September 2007, McCain said that he supported a 65% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.[183]

In a campaign video in January 2008, McCain said "I believe that America did the right thing by not joining the Kyoto treaty, but I believe that if we could get China and India into it, then the United States should seriously consider on our terms joining with every other nation in the world to try and reduce greenhouse gases. It's got to be a global effort."[184][185]

Cap and trade

McCain's position on greenhouse gas emissions calls for a timetable mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency that gradually reduces greenhouse ceilings. McCain's stance also includes an emission credit system that regulates each metric ton of greenhouse a company produces. This plan is to be put in to effect by 2012.[186]

McCain is co-sponsor of a Senate cap-and-trade bill designed to limit greenhouse gas emissions,[187] and is seen as a bipartisan leader on the issue.[168]

Automobile standards

In February 2007, McCain and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called for a nationwide roll-out of California's new low carbon fuel standard.[188]

In late June 2008, McCain said he favored nationwide limits on carbon emissions from cars, saying "my goal would be to see a federal standard that every state could embrace".[189] In mid-July, McCain, regarding whether states such as California should be permitted to set tough greenhouse gas limits on vehicles, that "It's hard for me to tell states that they can't impose ... whatever standards that would apply within their own states", [190] He said "I guess at the end of the day, I support the states being able to do that."[191]


In 2007, McCain sided with Bush against Florida Republicans in opposing a Congressional override of Bush's veto of a water projects bill that would have approved $2 billion for restoration of the Everglades, despite $7.8 billion that had been earmarked for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) in 2000. The State of Florida has, since the passing of CERP, spent $2 billion on CERP initiatives, though the federal government has declined to fund initiatives written in CERP.[192] In 2004, a group of real estate developers, led by a major fundraiser to McCain's campaign, Al Hoffman, worked to block state efforts to follow through on restoration works.[193] McCain said on June 4, 2008 while touring the Everglades, that he supported "adequate funding" for restoration but that it had to be achieved "without sacrificing fiscal responsibility", though he declined to state which CERP programs were irresponsible.[193]

Social policy

McCain's 2006 rating by the Almanac of American Politics (2008) on Social Policy is 46% conservative, 53% liberal. (2005: 64% conservative, 23% liberal.)[6] McCain also has an 83% rating from the Christian Coalition, which indicates many socially conservative views such as voting yes on $75M for abstinence education, yes on recommending a Constitutional ban on flag desecration, and voting yes on memorial prayers and religious symbols at school.


In June 1984, McCain voted for H.AMDT.942, the Siljander amendment, to H.R.5490, "An amendment to define "person" as including unborn children from the moment of conception".[194]

In 1999, McCain said of Roe v. Wade, "I'd love to see a point where it is irrelevant, and could be repealed because abortion is no longer necessary. But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations."[195][196] On February 18, 2007, however, McCain stated, "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned."[197]

McCain has said he supports amending the U.S. Constitution to ban abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or risk to the mother's life.[198] In a debate in February 2000, McCain said that the Republican Party's official position on abortion should be changed to explicitly recognize exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. McCain said in April 2007 that he continued to support such a change.[199]

McCain is against federal funding of birth control and sex education; his opposition included a vote against spending $100 million to reduce teen pregnancy by education and contraceptives.[200] He has a consistent 0 percent rating from the Pro-Choice group, NARAL, and a 75% rating from the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC).[201]

Affirmative action

In 1998 McCain opposed an Arizona ballot proposal to end affirmative action. He stated, "Rather than engage in divisive ballot initiatives, we must have a dialogue and cooperation and mutual efforts together to provide for every child in America to fulfill their expectations."[202] That same year, McCain voted to keep a program which directed ten percent of federal surface transportation funds to firms owned by women and racial minorities.[203] In 1999 McCain pushed legislation which would give companies tax breaks for selling media properties to minorities.[204] In 2003 McCain reintroduced the legislation.[205]

In July 2008, McCain endorsed an Arizona referendum to ban affirmative action, one similar to the one he had opposed in 1998. He also said that he had always been against quotas.[206][207]


McCain's family has close ties to Anheuser-Busch through its Hensley & Co. distributor.[208] McCain has recused himself from voting on bills before Congress dealing with alcohol-related matters.[208]


McCain voted Yes on a 2004 crime bill which mandated prison terms for crimes involving firearms and stricter penalties for other gun and drug law violations.[209]

McCain has indicated that he supports the use of the death penalty, mandatory prison terms for selling illegal drugs, and stronger restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.[210][211][212] McCain is a proponent of mandatory sentencing in general.[213]

Domestic security

McCain voted in support of the USA PATRIOT Act.[214] In a speech in Westport, Connecticut, he said that "sometimes democracies overreact" during times of national security crises, and pledged to periodically review the Patriot Act in order to safeguard civil liberties.[215]

McCain voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act, extending the measure with some amendments clarifying the rights of an individual who has received FISA orders to challenge nondisclosure requirements and to refuse disclosure of the name of their attorney. Voting against this bill would have terminated the Patriot Act. McCain also voted to extend the Patriot Act’s Wiretap Provision. [216]


McCain supports the use of school vouchers.[217] Some of McCain's votes include voting yes on school vouchers in DC, yes on education savings accounts, yes on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules, and voting no on $5 billion for grants to local educational agencies.[217] He supports merit pay for teachers, along with firing them if they don't meet certain standards. He sponsored the Education A-Plus bill in 1997 and again in 1999, which would have allowed parents to open tax-free savings accounts for their children's school expenses, such as tutoring, computers and books. McCain co-sponsored the Child Nutrition Act, which would provide federal funding for at-risk children. He said when running for President in 2000 that he would take $5.4 billion away from sugar, gas and ethanol subsidies and pour that money into a test voucher program for every poor school district in America. He voted against diverting $51.9 million away from the Department of Labor and putting it towards after-school community learning centers, and he voted against an amendment which would fund smaller class sizes rather than providing funds for private tutors.

In 2005, McCain announced that he supported the inclusion of intelligent design teaching in schools.[218] He told the Arizona Daily Star that, "I think that there has to be all points of view presented. But they've got to be thoroughly presented. So to say that you can only teach one line of thinking … or one belief on how people and the world was created I think there's nothing wrong with teaching different schools of thought."[219][218] In 2006 he seemed to back off the position a bit, saying, "Should [intelligent design] be taught as a science class? Probably not."[219] McCain's 2005 book Character Is Destiny had included a highly complimentary chapter on Charles Darwin, in which McCain wrote, "Darwin helped explain nature's laws. He did not speculate, in his published theories at least, on the origin of life. The only undeniable challenge the theory of evolution poses to Christian beliefs is its obvious contradiction of the idea that God created the world as it is in less than a week."[219]

In 2006, McCain voted to increase the Pell Grant scholarship to a maximum of $4,500, increases future math and science teacher student loan forgiveness to $23,000, and restore education program cuts slated for vocational education, adult education, GEAR UP, and TRIO.[220][221] On July 29, 2007, McCain voted against a bill increasing federal student loans and Pell Grants and expanding eligibility for financial aid.[222][223] In 2008, he expressed support for increasing the funding of Pell Grants, saying, "We should not burden our young men and women after college with debt."[224]

Gun control

In a speech before the National Rifle Association in September 2007, McCain said "For more than two decades, I've opposed the efforts of the anti-gun crowd to ban guns, ban ammunition, ban magazines, and paint gun owners as some kind of fringe group; dangerous in 'modern' America. Some even call you 'extremists.' My friends, gun owners are not extremists, you are the core of modern America."[225] McCain was a signatory of an amicus brief (friend of the court) filed on behalf of 55 U.S. Senators, 250 Representatives and Vice-President Dick Cheney, advising that the Supreme Court case District of Columbia v. Heller be affirmed, overturning the ban on handguns not otherwise restricted by Congress.

McCain has received fair to poor ratings on gun issues from the National Rifle Association, garnering a C+.[226] According to a review by Gun Owners of America (GOA), "in 2001, McCain went from being a supporter of anti-gun bills to being a lead sponsor".[227] McCain's GOA rating went from a "C-" in 2000 to an "F-" in 2006.[228]

Illegal drugs

McCain has said that as president he would push for more money and military help to drug-supplying nations such as Colombia. He supports expanding the use of federally funded drug treatment and prevention programs and forging public/private partnerships. McCain supported the Drug Free Borders Act of 1999, which provided $1 billion to increase detection of illegal drugs entering the country and also supported the authorization of $53 million in international development funds to stop illegal narcotics.[229]

In 1999, in a Republican presidential debate at Dartmouth College, McCain opposed the legalization of marijuana. He said, "We’re losing the war on drugs. We ought to say, 'It’s not a war anymore,' or we really ought to go after it. And there was a time in our history when we weren’t always losing the war on drugs. It was when Nancy Reagan had a very simple program called 'Just Say No.' And young Americans were reducing the usage of drugs in America." At the debate, McCain called marijuana a "gateway drug".[229]


McCain has promoted the legislation and eventually the granting of citizenship to the estimated 12–20 million illegal aliens in the United States and the creation of an additional guest worker program with an option for permanent immigration. His prominent role in promoting the Senate's 2006 immigration legislation, including an initial cosponsorhip role with Ted Kennedy, made him a focus of the debate in 2006, and his support for S.1348 did so again in 2007. The immigration issue caused intense friction within his own party, such as when The Washington Times reported that McCain and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham "first checked with Mr. Kennedy before deciding to vote with the Massachusetts Democrat on an amendment to the Senate bill."[230] McCain's immigration stance was widely cited as a major reason for his presidential campaign's difficulty during most of 2007.

In his bid for the 2000 Presidential nomination, McCain supported expansion of the H-1B visa program, a temporary visa for skilled workers.[231] In 2005, he co-sponsored a bill with Ted Kennedy that would expand use of guest worker visas.[232]

McCain campaigned against Proposition 200, a 2004 Arizona state initiative intended to prevent illegal immigrants from voting, receiving welfare benefits, and mandated state agencies to report illegals to the federal government. McCain argued Prop 200 would be overly expensive to execute, that it would be ineffectual, and that immigration regulation falls only under the purview of the federal government.[233]

McCain has repeatedly argued that low-skilled immigrant labor is necessary to supply service roles that native-born Americans refuse. In one widely remarked-upon incident, he insisted to a union group that none of them would be willing to pick lettuce for fifty dollars an hour. The audience interrupted with offers and several weeks later demonstrators showed up at his Phoenix office to apply for lettuce picking work.[234]

In May 2007, McCain conceded to Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly that passage of amnesty will permanently change the ethnic makeup of the country. He supports a path to citizenship for an estimated twelve to twenty million immigrants, on the condition of a thirteen year waiting period.[235]

In June of 2007, McCain voted in favor of declaring English as the official language of the US government. [236]

McCain has subsequently stated that the nation's first priority must be to emphasize border security, and that debate over immigration is a secondary issue.[237]

LGBT rights and issues

In 2004, McCain voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment, arguing that each state should be able to choose whether to recognize same-sex marriage.[238][239] He supported the failed 2006 Arizona initiative to ban gay marriage, [240] and supports a similar initiative in California that will be on that state's November 2008 ballot.[241] He also voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 which barred the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.[242]

In December 2007, McCain said he supported the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, citing reports from military leaders that "this policy ought to be continued because it's working."[243]

When asked if he supported civil unions of homosexuals, McCain said: "I do not."[244] Still, on the Ellen Degeneres Show on May 22, 2008, McCain said that people ought to be able to enter "legal agreements ... particularly in the case of insurance and other areas", but that the "unique status of marriage" should be retained between a man and a woman."[245]

In July 2008, McCain told The New York Times that "I think that we’ve proven that both parents are important in the success of a family so, no I don’t believe in gay adoption."[246] Two days later, McCain's Director of Commications said "McCain could have been clearer in the interview in stating that his position on gay adoption is that it is a state issue, just as he made it clear in the interview that marriage is a state issue."[247]

Martin Luther King Holiday

In 1983, McCain opposed creating a federal holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. The House vote was 338-90 and President Reagan signed the bill into law later that year,[248] creating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

McCain continued his opposition to a holiday for King by supporting Governor of Arizona Evan Mecham's rescinding of the Arizona state holiday for King in 1987.[249] By 1989, McCain reiterated his opposition to the federal holiday,[249] but reversed position on the state holiday, due to the economic boycotts and image problems Arizona was receiving as a result of it not having one.[249]

In 1990, McCain persuaded Ronald Reagan to support an Arizona holiday for King; Reagan issued his statement of support through McCain’s office, asking Arizonans to "join me in supporting a holiday to commemorate these ideals to which Dr. King dedicated his life."[250][251][252] The 1990 referendum failed, and in 1992 McCain supported another referendum for a state holiday, which passed.[253][252]

In April 2008, McCain said

We can be slow as well to give greatness its due, a mistake I made myself long ago when I voted against a federal holiday in memory of Dr. King. I was wrong and eventually realized that, in time to give full support for a state holiday in Arizona. We can all be a little late sometimes in doing the right thing, and Dr. King understood this about his fellow Americans.[254]

Public Service

McCain believes that more Americans should get involved in public service. "If you find fault with our country, make it a better one...When healthy skepticism sours into corrosive cynicism, our expectations of our government become reduced to the delivery of services. For too many Americans, the idea of good citizenship does not extend beyond walking into a voting booth every two or four years and pulling a lever — and too few Americans demand of themselves even that first obligation of self-government." [255]

Space program

McCain has expressed his strong support for NASA and the space program.[256]

Stem cell research

McCain is a member of The Republican Main Street Partnership and supports embryonic stem cell research despite his earlier opposition.[257] He states that he believes that stem cell research, and indeed embryonic stem cell research, will continue whether or not the U.S. sanctions it, and so it would be the wisest course of action to support it to the extent that the United States will be able to regulate and monitor the use.[citation needed] In July 2008 he said “At the moment I support stem cell research [because of] the potential it has for curing some of the most terrible diseases that afflict mankind.”[258]

Taxes on cigarettes

In 1998, McCain supported an unsuccessful bill that would have imposed a federal tax of $1.10 per pack on cigarettes to fund programs to cut underage smoking. "I still regret we did not succeed", he said in October 2007. In 2007, McCain voted against legislation that would have used a 61-cents-per-pack tax to expand a children's health program, saying that he disagreed with the concept: "We are trying to get people not to smoke, and yet we are depending on tobacco to fund a program that's designed for children's health?"[259] In February 2008 he said that he would have a "no new taxes" policy as president.[260]


On February 28, 2008 McCain told ABC News' Bret Hovell, "It's indisputable that (autism) is on the rise amongst children, the question is what's causing it. And we go back and forth and there's strong evidence that indicates that it's got to do with a preservative in vaccines."[261]

Organizational ratings

Several organizations have attempted to scientifically measure McCain's place on the political spectrum:

  • National Journal's studies of roll-call votes through 2006 assigned McCain a lifetime rating of 72 in the political spectrum, relative to the then-current Senate, with a rating of 1 being most liberal and 100 being most conservative.[262] (McCain did not receive a National Journal ranking in 2007 due to missing too many votes because of campaigning.[263])
  • The Almanac of American Politics, edited by Michael Barone and Richard E. Cohen, rates votes as liberal or conservative, with 100 as the highest rating, in three policy areas: Economic, Social, and Foreign. For 2006, McCain's ratings are: Economic = 64 percent conservative, 35 percent liberal (2005: 52 percent conservative, 47 percent liberal);[6] Social = 46 percent conservative, 53 percent liberal (2005: 64 percent conservative, 23 percent liberal);[6] Foreign = 58 percent conservative, 40 percent liberal (2005: 54 percent conservative, 45 percent liberal)[6]
  • McCain's voting record during the 107th Congress, during 2001 and 2002, placed him as the sixth most liberal Republican senator, according to Voteview.com.[265] His voting record in the 109th Congress, during 2005 and 2006, was the second most conservative among senators, according to the same analysis.[266]

Assessments by political groups

John McCain's congressional voting scores, 1983–2006, from the American Conservative Union (pink line; 100 is most conservative) and from Americans for Democratic Action (dark blue line; 100 is most liberal).[267]

Various interest groups have given Senator McCain scores or grades as to how well his votes align with the positions of the group:

Ratings of McCain's votes from a number of other interest groups are tracked by Project Vote Smart (PVS), which also provides details about McCain's voting record on particular issues.[277] From the late 1990s until 2008, McCain was a board member of PVS which was set up by Richard Kimball, his 1986 Senate opponent.[278]

The organization OntheIssues is another group that provides details about McCain's positions on specific issues.[279] OnTheIssues provides details about McCain's support for pro-life[280] and free trade policies,[281] his support for supplementing the current Social Security system with personal accounts,[282] his opposition to expanding government health care mandates, and his support for giving tax credits to people who buy health insurance.[283] OnTheIssues also describes McCain's support for school vouchers,[284] capital punishment,[285] welfare reform,[286] gun rights,[287] border security,[288] don't ask don't tell,[289] and nuclear power as a means to stem greenhouse gas emissions.[290]


  1. ^ "Issues". John McCain official Senate website. Retrieved 2008-06-14. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  2. ^ "Issues". JohnMcCain.com. Retrieved 2008-06-14. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  3. ^ David Whitford (2008-06-23). "The evolution of John McCain". Fortune. Retrieved 2008-06-23. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  4. ^ David Brooks (March 28, 2008). "Tested Over Time". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-04-03.
  5. ^ a b "McCain Rewrites History on 'Rogue-State Rollback'", ABC News (blog), April 15, 2008
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i Barone, Michael (2007). The Almanac of American Politics (2008 ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Journal. ISBN 0-8923-4117-3. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help) pp. 95–100. Cite error: The named reference "aap-08" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  7. ^ John McCain (25 March 2008). "McCain Remarks on Foreign Policy". Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  8. ^ Reynolds, Paul (2008-04-29). "Not the end of history after all". BBC News. Retrieved 2008-04-29. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  9. ^ John McCain, "United in Freedom: America must stand with Israel against Arab tyranny and terror", The Wall Street Journal, April 26, 2002
  10. ^ "McCain: Israel's response is appropriate", Associated Press, July 16, 2006
  11. ^ "Roll Call Votes 109th Congress - 1st Session on the Amendment (McCain Amdt. No. 1977)". United States Senate. 2005-10-05. Retrieved 2006-08-15. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  12. ^ "McCain, Bush agree on torture ban". CNN. 2005-12-15. Retrieved 2006-08-16. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  13. ^ "President's Statement on Signing of H.R. 2863, the 'Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006'" (Press release). White House. 2005-12-30. Retrieved 2006-08-16. {{cite press release}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  14. ^ William Neikirk, Andrew Zajac, Mark Silva (2006-09-29). "Tribunal bill OKd by Senate". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2006-09-29. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. ^ "Senate Passes Broad New Detainee Rules". The New York Times. 2006-09-28. Retrieved 2006-09-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  16. ^ Sherwell, Philip (2007-03-19). "Straight-talking McCain vows to fix world's view of the 'ugly American'". Sunday Telegraph. Retrieved 2008-02-07.
  17. ^ U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote
  18. ^ "McCain Rebukes Giuliani on Waterboarding Remark". New York Times. October 26, 2007. Retrieved 2008-03-08. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  19. ^ "On the Conference Report (HR 2082 Conference Report)". United States Senate. February 13, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-08. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  20. ^ "Senate Passes Interrogation Ban". New York Times. February 13, 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-08. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  21. ^ Eggen, Dan (2008-02-16). "Vote Against Waterboarding Bill Called Consistent". Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-06-09. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help) "[T]he aide said, there are noncoercive interrogation techniques not used by the Army that could be useful to the CIA."
  22. ^ John McCain: Iran Crisis Most Serious Since Cold War
  23. ^ Senator McCain Addresses The Hoover Institution on U.S. Foreign Policy
  24. ^ McCain Revives Song Parody to Make Point on Iran
  25. ^ McCain Introduces Resolution Calling on FIFA to Ban Iran from World Cup
  26. ^ US elections: Congressional Democrats attack John McCain on Iran sanctions, guardian.co.uk
  27. ^ York, Byron (2005-12-08). "America's (second) most important hawk". The Hill. Retrieved 2006-08-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  28. ^ "Iraq: The Test of a Generation". Council on Foreign Relations. April 22, 2004. Retrieved 2008-07-18. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  29. ^ U.S. Senator John McCain - Winning the War in Iraq, Nov. 10, 2005
  30. ^ "McCain criticizes Pentagon on Iraq war". CNN. 2004-12-05. Retrieved 2006-08-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  31. ^ "'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for Jan. 31", transcript, MSNBC.com, February 1, 2005
  32. ^ McCain, John (speech) (November 10, 2005). "Winning the War in Iraq". Retrieved 2006-08-15.
  33. ^ "Hardball's College Tour with John McCain". Hardball with Chris Matthews. 2006-10-19. Retrieved 2006-10-24. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  34. ^ "Obama And McCain Debate The Troop Surge", CBSNews, January 14, 2007
  35. ^ "McCain blasts 'vote of no confidence'", Associated Press, February 5, 2007
  36. ^ "McCain: War Detractors Offer No Ideas", Associated Press, February 5, 2007.
  37. ^ U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote
  38. ^ McCain on the Charlie Rose show (video clip), November 27, 2007, with partial transcript at thinkprogress.org, retrieved April 30, 2008
  39. ^ Hendrik Hertzberg (January 4, 2008). "A Hundred Years' War?". The New Yorker. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); video at "McCain's Hundred Years War". Dallas Morning News Opinion Blog. 3 January 2008. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  40. ^ Tasha Diakides and Martina Stewart (25 March 2008). "McCain touts success in Iraq, pays tribute to 4000 Americans lost". CNN. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  41. ^ John McCain (09 April 2008). "Support Our Troops and Their Mission". John McCain Presidential Campaign. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  42. ^ Shushannah Walshe (15 May 2008). "McCain Sets Goals for His Presidency". Fox News. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  43. ^ "McCain on His Hopes for His First Term". New York Times. 15 May 2008. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help) (Full text of speech.)
  44. ^ http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-06-11-troopwithdraw_N.htm
  45. ^ Nowicki, Dan and Muller, Bill (2007-03-01). "John McCain Report: The 'maverick' and President Bush". The Arizona Republic. Retrieved 2007-12-27. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  46. ^ McCain, John (2001-10-26). "No Substitute for Victory: War is hell. Let's get on with it". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2008-01-17. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  47. ^ The Charlie Rose Show, PBS, October 31, 2005 (transcript)
  48. ^ "U.S. Sen. John McCain says more U.S. troops will be sent to Afghanistan, if needed", Associated Press, December 16, 2006
  49. ^ Paul West,"Emphasis shifts to Afghanistan: McCain follows Obama by day, proposes an increase of as many as 15,000 allied forces", Baltimore Sun, July 16, 2008
  50. ^ McCain calls for Kosovo independence at Munich Conference
  51. ^ McCain: Life shaped judgment on use of force, USATODAY.com, March 3, 2008
  52. ^ McCain Calls for Russia to Pull Out of Georgia, The Washington Post
  53. ^ Russia, Georgia Risk Larger War as Attacks Continue Into Morning, FOXNews.com, August 8, 2008
  54. ^ Georgia denies war plans in South Ossetia, August 5, 2008
  55. ^ Georgia begins war to retake South Ossetia, August 8, 2008
  56. ^ "John McCain Criticizes Clintons on North Korea: Senator Says Diplomacy Should Be Used As First Resort", ABC News, October 11, 2006
  57. ^ "An Enduring Peace Built on Freedom", Foreign Affairs magazine, November/December 2007
  58. ^ http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=102&session=1&vote=00274
  59. ^ http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_member.php?cs_id=V788
  60. ^ http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=106&session=1&vote=00325
  61. ^ "McCain Calls for Smaller U.S. Nuclear Arsenal". Nuclear Threat Initiative. 28 March 2008. Retrieved 2008-03-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  62. ^ McCain Points to His Experience The Hawkeye.com, Dec. 29, 2007
  63. ^ Michael Goldfarb, McCain: Man of the Year Should Have Been Petraeus Weekly Standard.com, Dec. 19, 2007
  64. ^ Marc Champion, Gazprom Goes on the Offensive Wall Street Journal, Jan. 29, 2007
  65. ^ Republican Debate Offers Internal Jabs, Pack Attack on Hillary Clinton, FOXNews.com
  66. ^ Steve Holland, "McCain would exclude Russia from G8 nations", Reuters, October 15, 2007
  67. ^ John McCain 2008 - Effective Missile Defense
  68. ^ McCain and the Missiles (Foreign Policy)
  69. ^ Russia piles pressure on EU over missile shield, Telegraph
  70. ^ China, Russia sign nuclear deal, condemn US missile defense plans, International Herald Tribune
  71. ^ Russia threatening new cold war over missile defence, The Guardian
  72. ^ U.S., Russia no closer on missile defense, USATODAY.com
  73. ^ Transcript of McCain’s Remarks to the Press in Phoenix, TIME
  74. ^ Michael Luo, "Cuba Is Topic as McCain Continues Attack on Obama", New York Times, May 21, 2008
  75. ^ "McCain on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University". New York Times. 2008-04-15. Retrieved 2008-05-17. (Full text of speech.)
  76. ^ a b c d Peter Grier (2008-04-28). "McCain fleshes out his economic plan". Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 2008-05-17.
  77. ^ Salzman, Avi. “McCain Seeks Shareholders' Say on Pay”, Business Week (2008-06-10): “He said that under his proposed reforms, ‘all aspects of a CEO's pay, including any severance agreements, must be approved by shareholders.’” Retrieved 2008-06-17.
  78. ^ S. 1731, CQ Vote #28: Adopted 56-42: R 45-2; D 11-39; I 0-1, 2/13/02, McCain Voted Nay, H.R. 8, CQ Vote #151: Motion Rejected 54-44: R 45-2; D 9-41; I 0-1, 6/12/02, McCain Voted Nay
  79. ^ McCain is the GOP's best choice for president Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Feb. 16, 2008
  80. ^ a b Cooper, Michael (2008-04-16). "McCain addresses economy". San Jose Mercury News. Retrieved 2008-04-17.
  81. ^ a b Donald Limbro, "GOP 'darlings' slow to sign tax-cut pledge", Washington Times, February 22, 2007.
  82. ^ S. 1731, CQ Vote #28: Adopted 56-42: R 45-2; D 11-39; I 0-1, 2/13/02, McCain Voted Nay, H.R. 8, CQ Vote #151: Motion Rejected 54-44: R 45-2; D 9-41; I 0-1, 6/12/02, McCain Voted Nay
  83. ^ Stephen Dinan, "McCain Embraces Tax Cut Turnaround," The Washington Times, 12/19/07
  84. ^ McCain is the GOP's best choice for president Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Feb. 16, 2008
  85. ^ NBC's "Meet The Press," 4/11/04
  86. ^ Holan, Angie Drobnic. "McCain switched on tax cuts". PolitiFact. St. Petersburg Times. Retrieved 2007-12-27. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  87. ^ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22867407/page/2/ Meet The Press Transcript: Jan. 27, 2008], NBC.com
  88. ^ "One the Issues (Path to Lower Taxes)". johnmccain.com.
  89. ^ Tax Cuts at Center of McCain's Economic Plan Wall Street Journal, April 16, 2008
  90. ^ Transcript, "American Morning" show, July 8, 2008, CNN, retrieved July 9, 2008
  91. ^ Howard Kurtz, "McCain, Rising Up Against 'Spartacus'", Washington Post, May 13, 2002.
  92. ^ Diana Marrero, "Alaska 1st, Ariz. last in pork spending", Gannett News Service, March 22, 2008
  93. ^ Senate rejects earmark moratorium", CNN.com, March 14, 2008
  94. ^ John McCain. "Government Spending, Lower Taxes and Economic Prosperity". johnmccain.com.
  95. ^ Laura Meckler, "McCain Tax Cuts Would Bloat Deficit Or Take Huge Spending Curbs", Wall Street Journal, April 22, 2008
  96. ^ a b c "John McCain on Free Trade". On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  97. ^ 2004 National Political Awareness Test
  98. ^ http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/4dbd2cc7-890e-47f1-882f-b8fc4cfecc78.htm
  99. ^ 2004 National Political Awareness Test
  100. ^ "Excerpts from a speech by Senator John McCain, presidential candidate, on Social Security", June 7, 1999
  101. ^ McCain to Propose Middle-Class Tax Cuts and Private Accounts Within Social Security NY Times, January 11, 2000
  102. ^ Scher, Bill (June 12, 2008). "McCain Lies About Social Security Privatization". Yahoo! News. Retrieved 2008-07-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
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  104. ^ Michael D. Shear and Jonathan Weisman, "McCain: Affluent Seniors Should Pay More for Drug Benefit", Washington Post, April 15, 2008
  105. ^ "Reforming Entitlement Programs For The 21st Century: Reform Social Security", JohnMcCain.com. Retrieved 2008-05-18.
  106. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/13/john-mccain-denies-social_n_106935.html
  107. ^ Baker, Dean (July 9, 2008). "Senator McCain Calls Social Security a "Disgrace:" Media Don't Notice". The American Prospect. Retrieved 2008-07-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  108. ^ Marshall, Josh (July 9, 2008). "Quite a Statement". Talking Points Memo. Retrieved 2008-07-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
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  111. ^ McCain, Romney Clash Anew in Last Debate Before Feb. 5 Votes Bloomberg.com, Jan. 31, 2008
  112. ^ John McCain (March 25, 2008). "John McCain Addresses the Housing Crisis".
  113. ^ Hamby, Peter (July 17, 2008). "McCain calls Obama health care plan 'HillaryCare'". CNN. Retrieved 2008-07-22. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  114. ^ a b McCain's Health Care Proposal WashingtonPost.com, Oct. 10, 2007
  115. ^ McCain health plan aims to give options MSNBC.com, Oct. 11, 2007
  116. ^ McCain's Health Care Proposal BusinessWeek.com, April 29, 2008
  117. ^ Tax credits at heart of McCain's health care proposal, CNN.com, April 29, 2008
  118. ^ McCain health plan eyes 'uninsurables' USA Today, April 29, 2008
  119. ^ Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin, "McCain moves to middle on health care", Politico, April 29, 2008
  120. ^ Kevin Sack and Michael Cooper, "McCain Health Plan Could Mean Higher Tax", New York Times, May 1, 2008
  121. ^ Amtrak Melodrama, Washington Post, June 30, 2002
  122. ^ John McCain- Technology OnTheIssues.org
  123. ^ Steven A. Holmes, Transportation Spending Bill Is Approved NY Times, Oct. 7, 2000
  124. ^ Alexander, Paul (2002). Man of the People: The Life of John McCain. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-22829-X. pp. 98–99.
  125. ^ Alexander, Man of the People, p. 104.
  126. ^ Johnson, Tadd (September 1998). "Regulatory Issues and Impacts of Gaming in Indian Country" (PDF). Increasing Understanding of Public Problems and Policies: Proceedings of the 1998 National Public Policy Education Conference: 140–144. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  127. ^ a b c James B. Sweeney (2006-09-11). "New rules on Indian gaming face longer odds". The San Diego Union-Tribune. Retrieved 2008-07-01. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help) Cite error: The named reference "Sweeney" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  128. ^ Mason, W. Dale (2000). Indian Gaming: Tribal Sovereignty and American Politics. University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0-806-13260-4. 60–64.
  129. ^ Fox Butterfield (2005-04-08). "Indians' Wish List: Big-City Sites for Casinos". The New York Times. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  130. ^ "McCain Pledge Puts Candidate on Indian Radar".
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  132. ^ a b c David Rogers (2008-04-30). "GI bill sparks Senate war". The Politico. Retrieved 2008-05-09. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  133. ^ Neil H. Simon (2008-04-30). "Webb GI Bill Moving Forward". Media General News Service for WRBL. Retrieved 2008-05-09.
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  139. ^ http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/06/20080630.html HR 2642 signed into law.
  140. ^ Juan Otero, McCain broadband bill would hurt local governments. (Sen. John McCain's Consumer Broadband Deregulation Act of 2002), Nation's Cities Weekly, August 12, 2002
  141. ^ "", Converge! Network Digest, August 5, 2002
  142. ^ Roy Mark, "John McCain, A Republican Tech Record", eweek.com, November 21, 2007
  143. ^ John Paczkowski, "Sen. John McCain", Wall Street Journal, May 29, 2007
  144. ^ McCain Opposes Net Neutrality, newsmax.com, June 3, 2007
  145. ^ Text of Allard amendment (SA116)
  146. ^ Roll call vote on Allard amendment
  147. ^ U.S. Senate Roll Call Vote on Motion to Invoke Cloture on H.R.2
  148. ^ "McCain, Ignoring Own Record, Claims Commitment to Equal Pay" (Press release). People For the American Way. July 11, 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-18. {{cite press release}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  149. ^ Voter Information Services (July 31, 2007). "DETAIL FOR 2007 House ROLL CALL VOTE 768". Retrieved 2008-07-18. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  150. ^ Quaid, Libby (April 24, 2008), "McCain opposes equal pay bill in Senate", Tucson Citizen {{citation}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  151. ^ a b c d Curry, Tom (2007-04-26). "McCain takes grim message to South Carolina". MSNBC.com. Retrieved 2007-12-27. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  152. ^ Elisabeth Bumiller (2008-05-06). "McCain Criticizes Democratic Rivals on 'Activist' Judges". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-06-09.
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  154. ^ http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=103&session=2&vote=00242
  155. ^ Charles Willis Pickering, Supreme Chaos: The Politics of Judicial Confirmation & the Culture War, page 164 (2006). Retrieved 2008-01-28 via Google Books.
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  161. ^ "2007 First Session 110th Congress National Environmental Scorecard" (PDF). League of Conservation Voters. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
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  163. ^ History: Republicans for Environmental Protection (REP America)
  164. ^ a b c d e f Noam N. Levey, "McCain's energy record is on/off", Los Angeles Times, July 1, 2008
  165. ^ Speech on Energy Policy, April 23, 2007, JohnMcCain.com, retrieved July 1, 2008
  166. ^ "McCain: Energy, warming are key threats", MSNBC.com, April 23, 2007
  167. ^ "Text of McCain's speech", Rocky Mountain News, July 7, 2008 {{citation}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  168. ^ a b c Kluger, Jeffrey; "The Eco Vote"; Time magazine; November 2, 2007.
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  170. ^ Dana Milbank, "Put Your Right Wing In, Take Your Left Wing Out", Washington Post, June 17, 2008
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  172. ^ "John McCain: Iran Crisis Most Serious Since Cold War". Newsmax. 2006-01-22. Retrieved 2007-06-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  173. ^ John McCain on the Issues
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  177. ^ http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/48898/story.htm
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  179. ^ "Senate Casts Historic Vote on McCain-Lieberman Global Warming Bill",McCain Senate website, October 31, 2003
  180. ^ The Library of Congress, S.280 (introduced 1/12/2007)
  181. ^ "Senator McCain Remarks on Climate Stewardship Act of 2007", McCain Senate website, January 12, 2007
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  186. ^ "Green Report: Where the candidates stand on environmental issues" Accessed May 6, 2008
  187. ^ S.139: Summary Library of Congress
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  189. ^ Gordon Trowbridge, "McCain: Set U.S. limit for car CO2; He moves away from state-set emissions limits, rejects federal bailout of Big 3", Detroit News, June 28, 2008
  190. ^ "McCain's GM visit highlights break with industry", Associated Press, July 18, 2008
  191. ^ Gordon Trowbridge and J.J. McCorvey, "McCain changes auto emissions stance", Detroit News, July 18, 2008
  192. ^ Goodnough, Abbie (November 2, 2007). "Effort to Save Everglades Falters as Funds Drop", The New York Times.
  193. ^ a b Reinhard, Beth (June 5, 2008), "McCain, who opposed Everglades funding, to visit park", The Miami Herald {{citation}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  194. ^ House Ammendment 942
  195. ^ Terry M. Neal. "McCain Softens Abortion Stand", Washington Post (1999-08-24).
  196. ^ D'Agostino, Joseph A. “McCain flips, flops and flips on abortion”, Human Events (1999-09-03).
  197. ^ McCain says Roe v. Wade should be overturned "The Associated Press" February 18, 2007
  198. ^ John McCain on Abortion "VoteGopher.com"
  199. ^ Teddy Davis, ["McCain Still Wants GOP's Abortion Platform Changed"], ABC News, April 16, 2007
  200. ^ John McCain on the Issues
  201. ^ John McCain on the Issues
  202. ^ "McCain condemns initiatives aimed at rolling back affirmative action". The Associated Press. February 25, 1998. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  203. ^ Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Amendment to S.B. S. 1173, March 4, 1998, Project Vote Smart, retrieved April 20, 2008
  204. ^ "McCain Plans Tax Certificates - Senator McCain seeks improved opportunities for minority broadcast ownership", Television Digest with Consumer Electronics, April 26, 1999
  205. ^ Editorial: Where credit is due: Sen. John McCain reintroduced minority-tax-credit bill",|Broadcasting & Cable, February 2003
  206. ^ Jackson, David (July 27, 2008), "McCain sides with ban on affirmative action", USA Today {{citation}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  207. ^ "Candidates oppose quotas, but offer no fix for affirmative action". CNN. July 28, 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-29. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  208. ^ a b Kranish, Michael (2008-03-09). "Alcohol industry ties may test McCain: Concerns on taxes, drinking age raised". The Boston Globe.
  209. ^ H.R. 3355 Library of Congress
  210. ^ 2004 National Political Awareness Test VoteSmart.org
  211. ^ 2004 National Political Awareness Test VoteSmart.org
  212. ^ 2004 National Political Awareness Test VoteSmart.org
  213. ^ "Mandatory Sentencing". Political Base. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  214. ^ U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote
  215. ^ On the Stump, McCain Outlines Differences with Bush (Washington Post)
  216. ^ VoteMatch: The Patriot Act harms civil liberties
  217. ^ a b "John McCain on Education". On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  218. ^ a b Karamargin, C.J. (2005-08-24). "McCain sounds like presidential hopeful". Arizona Daily Star. Retrieved 2006-08-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  219. ^ a b c Jake Tapper (2007-02-22). "McCain Speech Tied to Intelligent Design Group Draws Fire". ABC News. Retrieved 2008-04-18.
  220. ^ http://www.ontheissues.org/Social/John_McCain_Education.htm
  221. ^ http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:SP177:
  222. ^ Roll call vote on H.R. 2669
  223. ^ "Initial Summary Of The College Cost Reduction Act"
  224. ^ http://media.www.dailynebraskan.com/media/storage/paper857/news/2008/04/24/News/Students.Look.To.Candidates.For.Loan.Reform-3346435.shtml
  225. ^ "Presidential Candidates Address NRA Celebration Of American Values", National Rifle Association, September 28, 2007, retrieved April 16, 2008
  226. ^ Project Vote Smart
  227. ^ John Velleco. "Presidential Candidates and The Second Amendment: John McCain" "John McCain's Gun Control Problem". Gun Owners of America (GOA). {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help)
  228. ^ "GOA Ratings For John McCain". Gun Owners of America. Retrieved 2008-02-26.
  229. ^ a b "John McCain on Drugs", OnTheIssues.org, retrieved April 21, 2008
  230. ^ Hallow, Ralph Z. "Kennedy alliance costly to GOP senators". The Washington Times, 2008-06-08. Retrieved on 2008-03-04.
  231. ^ Excerpts from Speech by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to the Commonwealth Club of California August 19, 1999
  232. ^ Patterson, Crystal (2005-03-15). "Quick Guide to Kennedy-McCain Immigration Bill". Daily Kos. Retrieved 2006-08-15. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  233. ^ McCain tapped for homestretch campaign help, Phoenix Business Journal, October 15, 2004
  234. ^ McCain's lettuce-picking remarks yield unwanted green Arizona Daily Star, April 15, 2006
  235. ^ GOP Presidential Hopeful John McCain Sits Down With Bill O'Reilly FoxNews.com, May 31, 2007
  236. ^ http://waternoice.com/2008/08/03/obama-vs-mcain-%E2%80%93-immigration/
  237. ^ McCain adjusts immigration stance to emphasize border security first, Associated Press, November 3, 2007
  238. ^ "Statement on the Federal Marriage Amendment", McCain Senate website, July 13, 2004, accessed November 18, 2006]
  239. ^ McCain's Senate website, Statement on the Marriage Protection Amendment, June 6, 2006, accessed November 18, 2006
  240. ^ Díaz, Elvia (2005-08-26). "Gay-marriage ban initiative wins support from McCain". Arizona Republic. Retrieved 2006-11-18. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  241. ^ Matthew E. Berger, "A Tightrope on Gay Marriage", MSNBC, July 1, 2008
  242. ^ Defense of Marriage Act Senate Role Call
  243. ^ "`Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Poses Clintonian Catch-22 for GOP Hopefuls", Iowa Independent, December 10, 2007
  244. ^ McCain Not Sure on "LGBT" Issues", "The Trail", washingtonpost.com, September 4, 2007
  245. ^ Ellen DeGeneres To Sen. McCain: "There is an Old Way of Thinking That We Are Not All Alike", NewsBusters.org, May 22, 2008
  246. ^ ],"The Times Interviews John McCain", New York Times, July 13, 2008
  247. ^ Andrew Sullivan, "McCain Clarifies On Gay Adoption", "The Daily Dish", Atlantic Monthly, July 15, 2008
  248. ^ Laura Meckler and Nick Timiraos, "McCain, Clinton Head to Memphis for MLK Anniversary", "Washington Wire", Wall Street Journal, April 3, 2008
  249. ^ a b c "McCain Gives Mea Culpa in Memphis Over Vote Against King Holiday". Fox News. 2008-04-04. Retrieved 2008-04-12.
  250. ^ Tapper, Jake. "The Complicated History of John McCain and MLK Day", ABC News (2008-04-03).
  251. ^ Dirk Johnson (1990-08-09). "Ex-Gov. Mecham Raises Hackles Again in Arizona". The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-04-12. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  252. ^ a b "The 1992 Elections: State by State: West". The New York Times. 1992-11-05. Retrieved 2008-04-12. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  253. ^ Laura Meckler, Nick Timiraos (2008-04-03). "McCain, Clinton Head to Memphis for MLK Anniversary". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2008-04-18. {{cite news}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  254. ^ Paul Schmelzer, "McCain: 1983 vote against MLK holiday a 'mistake'", Minnesota Monitor, April 4, 2008
  255. ^ David Jackson. "McCain campaigns, urges public service". USA Today.
  256. ^ [1]
  257. ^ Allen, Jonathan (2005-10-25). "GOP hopefuls getting more time to weigh stem-cell vote". The Hill. Retrieved 2006-08-15. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  258. ^ Laura Meckler, "McCain Speaks Out Against Abortions", Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2008
  259. ^ Michael Kranish, "McCain's stand on tobacco is put to test: Senator steps back on oversight measure", Boston Globe, March 26, 2008
  260. ^ "McCain says no new taxes if he's elected: Republican candidate's statement marks turnabout", Associated Press, February 17, 2008
  261. ^ Tapper, Jake (2008-02-29). "John McCain enters the autism wars". ABC News. Retrieved 2008-03-03.
  262. ^ "2008 Republican Presidential Wannabes" (PDF). National Journal. Retrieved 2008-02-27. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  263. ^ Friel, Brian; et al. (2008-01-31). "Obama: Most Liberal Senator In 2007". National Journal. Retrieved 2008-02-27. {{cite news}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  264. ^ Clinton, Joshua D.; Jackman, Simon; Rivers, Doug (October 2004). ""The Most Liberal Senator"? Analyzing and Interpreting Congressional Roll Calls" (PDF). Political Science & Politics: 805–811.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  265. ^ 107th "Rank Ordering", Voteview. Retrieved 2007-12-29.
  266. ^ Lewis, Jeff and Poole, Keith. “109th Senate Rank Ordering”, Voteview, (2006-12-31). Retrieved 2007-12-29.
  267. ^ Chart is built from current year and archive ratings found within "Ratings of Congress". American Conservative Union. Retrieved 2008-05-10., "Voting Records". Americans for Democratic Action. Retrieved 2008-05-10.
  268. ^ "2007 U.S. Senate votes". American Conservative Union. Retrieved 2008-05-10. Lifetime rating is given.
  269. ^ "Voting Records". Americans for Democratic Action. Retrieved 2008-05-10. Average includes all years beginning with 1983 in House, collected from various parts of ADA website and calculated on spreadsheet.
  270. ^ "Senator John McCain (R-AZ)". National Right to Life Committee. Retrieved 2008-02-26. NRLC does not factor non-votes, so McCain's percentage calculated on 31 lifetime votes for their positions, 12 against.
  271. ^ "Senator John McCain (R-AZ)". NARAL Pro-Choice America. Retrieved 2008-02-26. Zeroes are assigned for the years marked as "no score" since McCain voted against NARAL's positions each of those years.
  272. ^ "Immigration Voting Report Card for Sen. John McCain". Americans for Better Immigration. 2008-01-28. Retrieved 2008-02-26. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  273. ^ Kopel, Dave (2004-11-02). "Voting On Target". National Review Online. Retrieved 2008-02-26.
  274. ^ "GOA Ratings For John McCain". Gun Owners of America. Retrieved 2008-02-26.
  275. ^ "ACLU Congressional Scorecard: Senator John McCain III". American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved 2008-02-26.
  276. ^ "2007 First Session 110th Congress National Environmental Scorecard" (PDF). League of Conservation Voters. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
  277. ^ "Senator John Sidney McCain III (AZ)". Project Vote Smart. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
  278. ^ Kimball, Richard. "Program History", Project Vote Smart. Retrieved 2008-05-20. Also see Nintzel, Jim. "Test Study: Why are politicians like John McCain suddenly so afraid of Project Vote Smart?", Tucson Weekly (2008-04-17). Retrieved 2008-05-21. Also see Stein, Jonathan. “Senator Straight Talk Won't Go on the Record with Project Vote Smart”, Mother Jones (2008-04-07). Retrieved 2008-05-21.
  279. ^ "John McCain on the Issues", OnTheIssues. Retrieved 2008-05-18.
  280. ^ “John McCain on Abortion”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-01-04.
  281. ^ “John McCain on Free Trade”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  282. ^ “John McCain on Social Security”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  283. ^ “John McCain on Health Care”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  284. ^ “John McCain on Education”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  285. ^ “John McCain on Crime”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19.
  286. ^ “John McCain on Welfare & Poverty”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-04-19,
  287. ^ “John McCain on Gun Control”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-05-18.
  288. ^ “John McCain on Immigration”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-05-18.
  289. ^ “John McCain on Civil Rights”, On the Issues. Retrieved 2008-05-18.
  290. ^ “John McCain on Energy & Oil”, “On the Issues”. Retrieved 2008-05-18.

Legislation sponsored by John McCain

The following table provides external links regarding bills and amendments that John McCain has either sponsored or cosponsored during his years in Congress, courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Years covered All bills sponsored All amendments sponsored All bills cosponsored All amendments cosponsored Bills originally cosponsored Amendments originally cosponsored
2007-08 22 16 133 74 101 57
2005-06 75 68 152 42 113 36
2003-04 77 112 181 47 116 39
2001-02 54 178 121 55 97 53
1999-00 102 65 175 37 110 33
1997-98 74 150 147 59 79 50
1995-96 80 137 118 61 66 56
1993-94 53 91 201 89 98 82
1991-92 159 52 353 66 175 63
1989-90 39 24 247 86 150 81
1987-88 24 15 342 79 171 76
1985-86 12 10 335 0 117 0
1983-84 6 1 286 0 107 0