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! [http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly/205 Episode 205]
|March 28th 2012
|[[Randal Schwartz]], [[Aaron Newcomb]]
|[[Francesco Vollero]], [[Tomas Sedovic]]


Revision as of 19:45, 15 May 2012

FLOSS Weekly
File:FLOSS Weekly logo.jpg
Tux and the FreeBSD logo.
Hosted byRandal L. Schwartz & formerly Leo Laporte, Jono Bacon, and Chris DiBona
Length60 minutes +/-
Audio formatMP3
Original releaseApril 7, 2006

FLOSS Weekly is a free software / open source (FLOSS) themed podcast from the TWiT Network.[1] The show premiered on April 7, 2006, and features prominent guests from the free software/open source community. It was originally hosted by Leo Laporte; his cohost for the first seventeen episodes was Chris DiBona and subsequently Randal Schwartz. In May 2010, Randal Schwartz took over the lead host position, freeing up Leo Laporte for other opportunities.

Many influential people from the free and open source community have appeared on the show, including Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, Miguel de Icaza, Rasmus Lerdorf, Tim O'Reilly,[2] Guido van Rossum, Linus Torvalds, and Jimmy Wales. Show topics are wide in variety, and have for example included ZFS,[3] Mifos,[4] Asterisk,[5] and the OSU Open Source Lab.[6]


FLOSS Weekly was started by Leo Laporte, who runs the TWiT podcast network, and Chris DiBona, now the open source program manager at Google. FLOSS is an acronym for Free/Libre Open Source Software. The show was intended to be a weekly interview with the biggest names and influences in open source software. Episode one of FLOSS Weekly appeared on April 7, 2006.

Towards the end of 2006, episodes began to appear less frequently, dropping to a monthly basis. DiBona's newborn baby and commitments at Google were cited as reasons for the show's stagnation, and on the seventeenth episode, Laporte appealed for other co-hosts to share the burden.[7] This was DiBona's final appearance on the show as the host. He returned as a guest for the show's 100th episode [8]

The show went on an unannounced three-month hiatus, re-appearing on July 21, 2007, with a new co-host, Randal Schwartz,[9] who had previously appeared on the show as a guest. Schwartz has since taken over organizing guests for the show, and has restored the show to a predominantly weekly schedule (with occasional gaps from scheduling conflicts or last minute cancellations). Starting with episode 69, Jono Bacon has been a somewhat regular co-host, even filling in for Randal when Randal wasn't available.

The show was nominated for the 2009 Podcast Awards in the Technology/Science category.[10]


Most episodes feature the primary developer or developers of a particular open source software project. The show is an open discussion, with Laporte and Schwartz asking questions about the nature of the project. Typically, the interviewers will ask the guests about the history of the project, and its development model (such as which language it is written in, which version control system is used, and what development environment the author uses). Some shows, such as the interviews with Jon "maddog" Hall and Simon Phipps, are not specific to an open source project, and feature more general topics, such as the philosophy of free and open source software. Shows begin and end with a brief discussion between Schwartz and his co-host, before and after calling the guest. Often the guests are interviewed via Skype, with Laporte's staff at TWiT being responsible for the audio recording and production. FLOSS Weekly has been supported by advertising and donations. In October 2006, FLOSS Weekly had 31,661 downloads of episode 14.[11]


The following lists all the shows that have been produced. There is a public list of potential future guests, although the show is only scheduled two months out.[12]


  1. ^ "FLOSS Weekly". Retrieved 2009-01-18.
  2. ^ "CNET reporting on Tim O'Reilly Interview" news.cent.com, Last verified 2010-01-22
  3. ^ “ZFS on FLOSS Weekly”. Jim Grisanzio, blogs.sun.com, Last verified 2010-01-18.
  4. ^ “Mifos on FLOSS Weekly Open Source Podcast”. mifos.org, Last verified 2010-01-18.
  5. ^ “FLOSS Weekly Interview”. Jeff Sheltren, sheltren.com, Last verified 2010-01-18.
  6. ^ Leo Laporte (2007-03-24). "FLOSS Weekly Episode 17". FLOSS Weekly. TWiT.tv. Retrieved 2009-01-18.
  7. ^ Leo Laporte (2009-12-17). "FLOSS Weekly Episode 100". FLOSS Weekly. TWiT.tv. Retrieved 2010-01-26.
  8. ^ Leo Laporte (2007-06-21). "FLOSS Weekly Episode 18". FLOSS Weekly. TWiT.tv. Retrieved 2009-01-18.
  9. ^ Podcast Awards. "2009 Podcast Awards". Retrieved 2009-11-21.
  10. ^ Leo Laporte (2006-11-21). "October Numbers". Leo Laporte's blog. TWiT.tv. Retrieved 2007-07-12. FLOSS Weekly 14 31,661
  11. ^ Randal L. Schwartz. "FLOSS Weekly future schedule". Retrieved 2009-01-18.