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Demographics of South Korea

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This article is about the demographic features of the population of South Korea, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.


noun: South Korean(s)
adjective: South Korean


Although a variety of different Asian peoples had migrated to the Korean Peninsula in past centuries, very few have remained permanently, so by 1990 both South Korea and North Korea were among the world's most ethnically homogeneous nations. The number of indigenous minorities was negligible. In South Korea, people of foreign origin, including Chinese, Japanese, Westerners, Southeast Asians, South Asians and others were a small percentage of the population whose residence was generally temporary.

Koreans tend to equate nationality or citizenship with membership in a single, homogeneous ethnic group or "race" (minjok, in Korean). A common language and culture also are viewed as important elements in Korean identity. Until recently, the idea of multiracial or multiethnic nations, like the United States or India, struck many Koreans as odd or even contradictory.

Regional differences

Against the background of ethnic homogeneity, however, significant regional differences exist.

Within South Korea, the most important regional difference is between the Gyeongsang region, embracing Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do provinces in the southeast, and the Jeolla region, embracing Jeollabuk-do and Jeollanam-do provinces in the southwest. The two regions, separated by the Jirisan Massif, nurture a rivalry said to reach back to the Three Kingdoms of Korea Period, which lasted from the fourth century to the seventh century A.D., when the kingdoms of Baekje and Silla struggled for control of the peninsula.

Observers noted that interregional marriages are rare, and that as of 1990 a new four lane highway completed in 1984 between Gwangju and Daegu, the capitals of Jeollanam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do provinces, had not been successful in promoting travel between the two areas.

South Korea's political elite starting from the 70s, including presidents Park Chung Hee, Chun Doo Hwan, and Roh Tae Woo, have come largely from the Gyeongsang region. As a result, Gyeongsang has been a special beneficiary of government development assistance. By contrast, the Jeolla region has remained comparatively rural, undeveloped, and poor, and has often been a hotbed of political unrest.

Regional bitterness was intensified by the May 1980 Gwangju massacre, in which about 200 and perhaps many more inhabitants of the capital of Jeollanam-do were killed by government troops sent to quell an insurrection. Many of the troops reportedly were from the Gyeongsang region.


Regional stereotypes, like regional dialects, have been breaking down under the influence of centralized education, nationwide media, and the several decades of population movement since the Korean War. Stereotypes remain important, however, in the eyes of many South Koreans. For example, the people of Gyeonggi-do, surrounding Seoul, are often described as being cultured, and Chungcheong people, inhabiting the region embracing Chungcheongbuk-do and Chungcheongnam-do provinces, are thought to be mild-mannered, manifesting true yangban virtues. The people of Gangwon-do in the northeast were viewed as poor and stolid, while Koreans from the northern provinces (now in North Korea) of Pyongan, Hwanghae, and Hamgyong are perceived as being diligent and aggressive. Jeju Island is famous for its strong-minded and independent women.

The population of South Korea showed robust growth since the republic's establishment in 1948, and then dramatically slowed down with the effects of its economic growth. In the first official census, taken in 1949, the total population of South Korea was calculated at 20,188,641 people. The 1985 census total was 40,466,577. Population growth was slow, averaging about 1.1% annually during the period from 1949 to 1955, when the population registered at 21.5 million. Growth accelerated between 1955 and 1966 to 29.2 million or an annual average of 2.8%, but declined significantly during the period 1966 to 1985 to an annual average of 1.7%. Thereafter, the annual average growth rate was estimated to be less than 1%, similar to the low growth rates of most industrialized countries and to the target figure set by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs for the 1990s. As of January 1, 1989, the population of South Korea was estimated to be approximately 42.2 million.

The proportion of the total population under fifteen years of age has risen and fallen with the growth rate. In 1955 approximately 41.2% of the population was under fifteen years of age, a percentage that rose to 43.5% in 1966 before falling to 38.3% in 1975, 34.2% in 1980, and 29.9% in 1985. In the past, the large proportion of children relative to the total population put great strains on the country's economy, particularly because substantial resources were invested in education facilities. With the slowdown in the population growth rate and a rise in the median age (from 18.7 years to 21.8 years between 1960 and 1980), the age structure of the population has begun to resemble the columnar pattern typical of developed countries, rather than the pyramidal pattern found in most parts of the Third World.

The decline in the population growth rate and in the proportion of people under fifteen years of age after 1966 reflected the success of official and unofficial birth control programs. The government of President Syngman Rhee (1948–60) was conservative in such matters. Although Christian churches initiated a family planning campaign in 1957, it was not until 1962 that the government of Park Chung Hee, alarmed at the way in which the rapidly increasing population was undermining economic growth, began a nationwide family planning program. Other factors that contributed to a slowdown in population growth included urbanization, later marriage ages for both men and women, higher education levels, a greater number of women in the labor force, and better health standards.

Public and private agencies involved in family planning included the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea, and the Korea Institute of Family Planning. In the late 1980s, their activities included distribution of free birth control devices and information, classes for women on family planning methods, and the granting of special subsidies and privileges (such as low-interest housing loans) to parents who agreed to undergo sterilization. There were 502,000 South Koreans sterilized in 1984, as compared with 426,000 in the previous year.

The 1973 Maternal and Child Health Law legalized abortion. In 1983 the government began suspending medical insurance benefits for maternal care for pregnant women with three or more children. It also denied tax deductions for education expenses to parents with two or more children.

As in China, cultural attitudes posed problems for family planning programs. A strong preference for sons—who in Korea's traditional Confucian value system are expected to care for their parents in old age and carry on the family name—means that parents with only daughters usually continued to have children until a son is born. The government encouraged married couples to have only one child. This has been a prominent theme in public service advertising, which stresses "have a single child and raise it well."

Total fertility rates (the average number of births a woman will have during her lifetime) fell from 6.1 births per female in 1960 to 4.2 in 1970, 2.8 in 1980, and 2.4 in 1984. The number of live births, recorded as 711,810 in 1978, grew to a high of 917,860 in 1982. This development stirred apprehensions among family planning experts of a new "baby boom." By 1986, however, the number of live births had declined to 806,041.

Decline in population growth continued, and between 2005 to 2010 total fertility rate for South Korean women was 1.21, one of the world's lowest according to the United Nations.[1] Fertility rate well below the replacement level of 2.1 births per female has triggered a national alarm, with dire predictions of an aging society unable to grow or support its elderly. Recent Korean governments have prioritized the issue on its agenda, promising to enact social reforms that will encourage women to have children.

The country's population increased to 46 million by the end of the twentieth century, with growth rates ranging between 0.9% and 1.2%. The population is expected to stabilize (that is, cease to grow) in the year 2023 at around 52.6 million people. In the words of Asiaweek magazine, the "stabilized tally will approximate the number of Filipinos in 1983, but squeezed into less than a third of their [the Philippines'] space."

Population settlement patterns

South Korea is one of the world's most densely populated countries, with an estimated 425 people per square kilometer in 1989—over sixteen times the average population density of the United States in the late 1980s. By comparison, China had an estimated 114 people, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) 246 people, and Japan 323 people per square kilometer in the late 1980s. Because about 70% of South Korea's land area is mountainous and the population is concentrated in the lowland areas, actual population densities were in general greater than the average. As early as 1975, it was estimated that the density of South Korea's thirty-five cities, each of which had a population of 50,000 or more inhabitants, was 3,700 people per square kilometer. Because of continued migration to urban areas, the figure was doubtless higher in the late 1980s.

In 1988 Seoul had a population density of 17,030 people per square kilometer as compared with 13,816 people per square kilometer in 1980. The second largest city, Pusan, had a density of 8,504 people per square kilometer in 1988 as compared with 7,272 people in 1980. Kyonggi Province, which surrounds the capital and contains Inch'on, the country's fourth largest city, was the most densely populated province; Kangwon Province in the northeast was the least densely populated province.

According to the government's Economic Planning Board, the population density will be 530 people per square kilometer by 2023, the year the population is expected to stabilize.

Aging Population

South Korea faces the problem of a rapidly ageing population. In fact, the speed of ageing in Korea is unprecedented in human history,[2] 18years to double ageing population from 7 – 14% (least number of years),[3] overtaking even Japan. Statistics support this observation, the percentage of elderly aged 65 and above, has sharply risen from 3.3% in 1955 to 10.7% in 2009.[4] The shape of its population has changed from a pyramid in the 1990s, with more young people and fewer old people, to a diamond shape in 2010, with lesser young people and a large proportion of middle-age individuals.[2]

There are several implications and issues associated with an ageing population. A rapidly ageing population is likely to have several negative implications on the labour force. In particular, experts predict that this might lead to a shrinking of the labour force. As an increasing proportion of people enter their 50s and 60s, they either choose to retire or are forced to retire by their companies. As such, there would be a decrease in the percentage of economically active people in the population. Also, with rapid ageing, it is highly likely that there would be an imbalance in the young-old percentage of the workforce. This might lead to a lack of vibrancy and innovation in the labour force, since it is helmed mainly by the middle-age workers. Data shows that while there is lesser young people in society, the percentage of economically active population, made up of people ages 15 – 64, has also gone up by 20% from 55.5% to 72.5%.[4] This shows that the labour force is indeed largely made up of middle-aged workers.

A possible consequence might be that South Korea would be a less attractive candidate for investment. Investors might decide to relocate to countries like Vietnam and China, where there is an abundance of cheaper, younger labour. If employers were to choose to maintain operations in South Korea, there is a possibility that they might incur higher costs in retraining or upgrading the skills of this group of middle-age workers. On top of that, higher healthcare costs might also be incurred [5] and the government would need to set aside more money to maintain a good healthcare system to cater to the elderly.

NGO dealing with Ageing Population

HelpAge Korea A member of the HelpAge International, HelpAge Korea was founded in 1982. Its objective is to improve the quality of life of older persons and its subject areas of aging-related activities include income security and employment, social welfare, community-based services and volunteering.[6]

In 1987, it introduced its first volunteer home help project to support poor and needy older people in their communities, especially those who are housebound and have low incomes. Just over ten years later, the national government is running a program of 5,600 volunteer home-helpers and 380 paid home-helpers, supporting a total of 7,300 older people. In addition, nearly 40,000 volunteer home-helpers now deliver services for older people, working through a network of over 300 community welfare centers. HelpAge Korea itself is one of the training centers, and employs 90 volunteers and four paid home-helpers.

Services include helping with housework, personal care, offering companionship and running errands. Emergency contact with home-helpers is easy; thanks to an enlightened government policy that provides older people with free telephones and rental.[7]

ROK-ASEAN Cooperation Project

HelpAge Korea in collaboration with HelpAge International and ASEAN member countries has conducted the project activities under the objectives set by ROK-ASEAN

Cooperation Project as followings;

1. Home care model development

(1) The partner organizations in 10 ASEAN member countries were selected at the Regional Advisory Committee Meeting of which members included representatives from HelpAge Korea, ASEAN Secretariat and HelpAge International. Each partner organization made a partnership agreement with HelpAge Korea for the implementation of the pilot project of Home Care in each country.

(2) HelpAge Korea provided partner organizations with Training Workshop in Korea to share the Korean experience of “Volunteer-based Home Care Program Model” and visited each country to assist the design of the pilot project suitable to their socio-economic context and provided some grants for the implementation of the pilot project.

(3) The partner organizations in ASEAN countries have conducted the home care pilot project through which develops their own models, manuals, and Government policies.

2. Strengthening GO-NGO collaboration to influence Government Policy

(1) The Project Advisory Committees (PACs), consisting of representatives from Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and other NGOs, were established in 10 ASEAN member countries.

(2) The PAC in each country has participated in carrying out home care pilot project from the beginning, coordinated the roles of Government and non-government partner organizations, guided developing its own suitable model and produced policy recommendations.

(3) Members of PAC can share experience and information with other countries at the various events such as Exchange Visit and Regional Workshops, which encourage and stimulate each other in developing their own home care model.

3. Public awareness

(1) The home care project has been promoted on TV, radio and in newspapers in many ASEAN member countries.

(2) HelpAge Korea promoted the project at the international conferences such as the UN ESCAP Expert Group Meeting on 30 June-1 July 2006 in Shanghai China.

4. Networking among ASEAN member countries

(1) Exchange visits are being organized to learn about other models among ASEAN member countries. Regional workshops on home care were held in Vietnam in 2004 and in Philippines in 2006.

(2) A semi-annual e-newsletter will be published to exchange experience and provide information and knowledge between partner organizations, starting from July 2007 to 10 ASEAN member countries.[8]


Like other newly industrializing economies, South Korea experienced rapid growth of urban areas caused by the migration of large numbers of people from the countryside. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Seoul, by far the largest urban settlement, had a population of about 190,000 people. There was a striking contrast with Japan, where Edo (Tokyo) had as many as 1 million inhabitants and the urban population comprised as much as 10% to 15% of the total during the Tokugawa Period (1600–1868). During the closing years of the Choson Dynasty and the first years of Japanese colonial rule, the urban population of Korea was no more than 3% of the total. After 1930, when the Japanese began industrial development on the Korean Peninsula, particularly in the northern provinces adjacent to Manchuria, the urban portion of the population began to grow, reaching 11.6% for all of Korea in 1940.

Between 1945 and 1985, the urban population of South Korea grew from 14.5% to 65.4% of the total population. In 1988 the Economic Planning Board estimated that the urban portion of the population will reach 78.3% by the end of the twentieth century. Most of this urban increase was attributable to migration rather than to natural growth of the urban population. Urban birth rates have generally been lower than the national average. The extent of urbanization in South Korea, however, is not fully revealed in these statistics. Urban population was defined in the national census as being restricted to those municipalities with 50,000 or more inhabitants. Although many settlements with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants were satellite towns of Seoul or other large cities or mining communities in northeastern Kangwon Province, which would be considered urban in terms of the living conditions and occupations of the inhabitants, they still were officially classified as rural.

The dislocation caused by the Korean War accounted for the rapid increase in urban population during the early 1950s. Hundreds of thousands of refugees, many of them from North Korea, streamed into the cities. During the post-Korean War period, rural people left their ancestral villages in search of greater economic and educational opportunities in the cities. By the late 1960s, migration had become a serious problem, not only because cities were terribly overcrowded, but also because the rural areas were losing the most youthful and productive members of their labor force.

In 1970, the Park Chung Hee government launched the Saemaul undong (New Community Movement) as a rural reconstruction and self-help movement to improve economic conditions in the villages, close the wide gap in income between rural and urban areas, and stem urban migration—as well as to build a political base. Despite a huge amount of government sponsored publicity, especially during the Park era, it was not clear by the late 1980s that the Saemaul undong had achieved its objectives. By that time many, if not most, farming and fishing villages consisted of older persons; relatively few able-bodied men and women remained to work in the fields or to fish. This trend was apparent in government statistics for the 1986-87 period: the proportion of people fifty years old or older living in farming communities grew from 28.7% in 1986 to 30.6% in 1987, while the number of people in their twenties living in farming communities declined from 11.3% to 10.8%. The nationwide percentages for people fifty years old or older and in their twenties were, in 1986, 14.9% and 20.2%, respectively (see Agriculture , ch. 3).

In 1985 the largest cities were Seoul (9,645,932 inhabitants), Busan (3,516,807), Daegu (2,030,672), Incheon (1,387,491), Gwangju (906,129), and Daejeon (866,695). According to government statistics, the population of Seoul, one of the world's largest cities, surpassed 10 million people in late 1988. Seoul's average annual population growth rate during the late 1980s was more than 3%. Two-thirds of this growth was attributable to migration rather than to natural increase. Surveys revealed that "new employment or seeking a new job," "job transfer," and "business" were major reasons given by new immigrants for coming to the capital. Other factors cited by immigrants included "education" and "a more convenient area to live."

To alleviate overcrowding in Seoul's downtown area, the city government drew up a master plan in the mid-1980s that envisioned the development of four "core zones" by 2000: the original downtown area, Yongdongpo-Yeouido, Yongdong, and Jamsil. Satellite towns also would be established or expanded. In the late 1980s, statistics revealed that the daytime or commuter population of downtown Seoul was as much as six times the officially registered population. If the master plan is successful, many commuters will travel to work in a core area nearer their homes, and the downtown area's daytime population will decrease. Many government ministries have been moved out of Seoul, and the army, navy, and air force headquarters have been relocated to Daejeon.

In 1985 the population of Seoul constituted 23.8% of the national total. Provincial cities, however, experienced equal and, in many cases, greater expansion than the capital. Growth was particularly spectacular in the southeastern coastal region, which encompasses the port cities of Pusan, Masan, Yosu, Chinhae, Ulsan, and Pohang. Census figures show that Ulsan's population increased eighteenfold, growing from 30,000 to 551,300 inhabitants between 1960 and 1985. With the exception of Yosu, all of these cities are in South Kyongsang Province, a region that has been an especially favored recipient of government development projects. By comparison, the population of Kwangju, capital of South Cholla Province, increased less than threefold between 1960 and 1985, growing from 315,000 to 906,129 inhabitants.

Rapid urban growth has brought familiar problems to developed and developing countries alike. The construction of large numbers of high-rise apartment complexes in Seoul and other large cities alleviated housing shortages to some extent. But it also imposed hardship on the tens of thousands of people who were obliged to relocate from their old neighborhoods because they could not afford the rents in the new buildings. In the late 1980s, squatter areas consisting of one-story shacks still existed in some parts of Seoul. Housing for all but the wealthiest was generally cramped. The concentration of factories in urban areas, the rapid growth of motorized traffic, and the widespread use of coal for heating during the severe winter months caused dangerous levels of air and water pollution, issues that still persist today even after years of environmentally friendly policies.

Koreans living overseas

Large-scale emigration from Korea began around 1904 and continued until the end of World War II. During the Korea under Japanese rule period, many Koreans emigrated to Manchuria (present-day China's northeastern provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang), other parts of China, the Soviet Union, Hawaii, and the continental United States.

Most emigrated for economic reasons; employment opportunities were scarce, and many Korean farmers lost their land after the Japanese introduced a system of land registration and private land tenure, imposed higher land taxes, and promoted the growth of an absentee landlord class charging exorbitant rents. Koreans from the northern provinces of Korea went mainly to Manchuria, China, and Siberia. Many people from the southern provinces went to Japan. Koreans were conscripted into Japanese labor battalions or the Japanese army, especially during World War II. In the 1940-44 period, nearly 2 million Koreans lived in Japan, 1.4 million in Manchuria, 600,000 in Siberia, and 130,000 in China. An estimated 40,000 Koreans were scattered among other countries. At the end of World War II, approximately 2 million Koreans were repatriated from Japan and Manchuria.

More than 4 million ethnic Koreans lived outside the peninsula during the early 1980s. The largest group, about 1.7 million people, lived in China, the descendants of the Korean farmers who had left the country during the Japanese occupation. Most had assumed Chinese citizenship. The Soviet Union had about 430,000 ethnic Koreans. One observer noted that Koreans had been so successful in running collective farms in Soviet Central Asia that being Korean was often associated by other Soviets with being rich[citation needed].

By contrast, many of Japan's approximately 700,000 Koreans had below-average standards of living. This situation occurred partly because of discrimination by the Japanese majority and partly because a large number of resident Koreans, loyal to the North Korean regime of Kim Il Sung, preferred to remain separate from and hostile to the Japanese mainstream. The pro-North Korea Chongryon (General Association of Korean Residents in Japan) initially was more successful than the pro-South Korea Mindan (Association for Korean Residents in Japan) in attracting adherents among residents in Japan. Since diplomatic relations were established between Seoul and Tokyo in 1965, however, the South Korean government has taken an active role in promoting the interests of their residents in Japan in negotiations with the Japanese government. It also has provided subsidies to Korean schools in Japan and other community activities.

By the end of 1988 there were over 2 million South Korean overseas residents. North America was the preferred destination, as the choice of over 1.2 million. Korean immigrants in the United States and Canada gained a reputation for hard work and economic success. South Koreans also were overseas residents of Central and South America (785,000), the Middle East (62,000), Western Europe (40,000), New Zealand (30,000), other Asian countries (27,000), and Africa (25,000). A limited number of South Korean government-sponsored migrants settled in Chile, Argentina, and other Latin American countries.

Because of South Korea's rapid economic expansion, an increasing number of its citizens reside abroad on a temporary basis as business executives, technical personnel, foreign students, and construction workers. A large number of overseas South Koreans had migrated back to South Korea primarily because of the much improved economic conditions and the difficulties in adjusting to living abroad.

Ethnic groups

South Korea is a relatively homogeneous society with absolute majority of the population of Korean ethnicity. However, with its emergence as an economic powerhouse, opportunities for foreign immigrants increased and in 2007 the number of foreign citizens resident in South Korea passed the million mark for the first time in history.[9] 440,000 of them came from China, with more than half of them being ethnic Koreans of Chinese citizenship. The next largest group was from the United States with 117,000 residents or 12%, excluding the American troops stationed in the country. Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand and other countries followed.

Chinese immigration to Korea has had a long history, with an estimated 120,000 ethnic Chinese residents in South Korea around 1970. However, due to economic restrictions by Park Jung-hee's military dictatorship, the number fell to around 21,000. In a 10-year period starting in the late 1990s, the number of Chinese in Korea recovered and far surpassed its previous figure. Estimates vary, with some counting more than 1,000,000 Chinese citizens living in South Korea as permanent residents or illegal immigrants, including Joseonjok (조선족/朝鮮族, Chinese citizens of Korean descent) and Han Chinese.[10] There is a large Chinese community in Seoul's southwestern area (Daerim/Namguro) and a smaller but established community in Seongnam. This community, known as Hwakyo (화교, 華僑) by the Koreans, distrusts ordinary Koreans and tend to avoid those unfamiliar to them.

There are migrant workers from Southeast Asia and increasingly from Central Asia (notably Uzbekistan, many of them ethnic Koreans from there, and Mongolia), and in the main cities, particularly Seoul, there is a growing number of foreigners related to business and education. The number of marriages between Koreans and foreigners has risen steadily in the past few years. In 2005, 14% of all marriages in South Korea were marriages to foreigners (about 26,000 marriages); most were Korean men marrying other Asians. Korean men in age brackets up to their 40s outnumber slightly younger Korean women by usually about 10-15%, both due to a high sex ratio and the drop in the birth rate since the 1960s, leading to a huge demand for foreign wives. Many Korean agencies encourage 'international' marriages to Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Thai women, adding a new degree of complexity to the issue of ethnicity.[11]

The number of expatriate English teachers hailing from English-speaking nations has increased from less than 1,000 in 1988 to over 20,000 since 2002. [1]

There are also some 30,000+ United States military personnel and civilian employees throughout the country, an increasing number of whom (as of 2010) are also accompanied by family members.


The Korean language is spoken by the vast majority of the population. English is widely taught in primary school, middle school and high school, and continues to be taught in higher education. The Japanese language, a legacy of the Japanese colonial rule of Korea and an official language until 1945, is not used but has given some loan-words to the Korean language, especially for the older generation.

Middle school and High school students also begin to study a second foreign language beginning in their second year. Most schools offer Japanese, Chinese, French, German and Spanish, in which students can learn basic proficiency. Private academies and private classes teach various languages including Mandarin, Japanese, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. Still, a great emphasis is placed on English for examination purposes.

CIA World Factbook demographic statistics

The following demographic statistics are from the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated.[12]

Year Population Growth rate Age structure
2007 49,044,790 0.578%
  • 0–14 years: 18.3% (male 4,714,103/female 4,262,873)
  • 15–64 years: 72.1% (male 18,004,719/female 17,346,594)
  • 65 years and over: 9.6% (male 1,921,803/female 2,794,698)
2006 48,846,823 0.58%
  • 0–14 years: 18.9% (male 4,844,083/female 4,368,139)
  • 15–64 years: 71.8% (male 17,886,148/female 17,250,862)
  • 65 years and over: 9.2% (male 1,818,677/female 2,678,914)

Age structure

  • 0–14 years: 16.8% (male 4,278,581/female 3,887,516)
  • 15–64 years: 72.3% (male 17,897,053/female 17,196,840)
  • 65 years and over: 10.8% (male 2,104,589/female 3,144,393) (2010 est.)


  • Birth rate: 9.8 births/1,000 population (2011 est.)
  • Total fertility rate: 1.28 children born/woman (2011 est.)
  • Death rate: 5.4 deaths/1,000 population (2011 est.)
  • Infant mortality rate: 4.24 deaths/1,000 live births (2010 est.)
  • Net migration rate: 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2010 est.)

Sex ratio

  • at birth: 1.07 male(s)/female
  • under 15 years: 1.075 male(s)/female
  • 15–64 years: 1.038 male(s)/female
  • 65 years and over: 0.69 male(s)/female
  • total population: 0.99 male(s)/female (2011 est.)

Life expectancy

  • total population: 81 years
  • male: 75.56 years
  • female: 82.28 years (2010 est.)



  • Definition: age 15 and over can read and write
  • total population: 97.9%
  • male: 99.2%
  • female: 96.6% (2002)

See also


  1. ^ United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2007). "United Nations World Population Prospects: 2006 revision, Table A.15" (PDF). New York: UN. Retrieved 7 December 2009.
  2. ^ a b Thomas Klassen "South Korean: Ageing Tiger", Global Brief, January 12, 2010, accessed February 13, 2011.
  3. ^ Neil Howe, Richard Jackson, Keisuke Nakashima. The Ageing of Korea: Demographics and retirement policy in the land of the morning calm. Center for Strategic and International Studies , 2007, p. 7.
  4. ^ a b Jung Ha-won "Statistics highlight scale of the aging population", Korea JoongAng Daily, November 21, 2009, accessed February 14, 2011.
  5. ^ Spectre of ageing population worries economists. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, Volume 88, Number 3, March 2010, p. 161-240.
  6. ^ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Profiles of National Coordinating Bodies on Ageing and Non-governmental Organizations for Older Persons in Asia and the Pacific 2002. United Nation , 2002, p. 63.
  7. ^ Ageing and Development. HelpAge International , Issue 7, December 2000, p. 8.
  8. ^ United Nations ESCAP. Home Care for Older People in the ASEAN member countries - ROK-ASEAN Cooperation Project. HelpAge Korea , 2007, p. 1-7.
  9. ^ Yonhap News. "South Korea's foreign population passes the million mark for the first time in history". Hankyoreh.
  10. ^ Yonhap News recently used the smaller number in an article " No 'real' Chinatown in S. Korea, the result of xenophobic attitudes" by Kim Hyung Jin (August 29, 2006) http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/Engnews/20060829/480100000020060829091233E3.html but a story on the Korean Hwakyo community by Tsinghua University reports the higher figure (“화교자본 끌어들이려면 화교사회 키워라”; in Korean) http://www.tsinghua.co.kr/introduce/board_view_form.html?cpage=4&uid=193&board_id=2&keyfield=&search_text=
  11. ^ Onishi, Norimitsu. "Marriage brokers in Vietnam cater to S. Korean bachelors." February 21, 2007. International Herald Tribune. http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/02/21/news/brides.php
  12. ^ CIA Factbook South Korea
  13. ^ "South Korea". Adherents.com. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  14. ^ Baker, Don. "Islam Struggles for a Toehold in Korea". Harvard Asia Quarterly. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  15. ^ "Dynamic Korea: Muslims, a minority among minorities". The Jakarta Post. 2008-07-30. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  • Public Domain This article incorporates public domain material from The World Factbook. CIA.