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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Arts and entertainment/Literature

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Authors (poets, dramatists and fiction writers)


  • Elise Allen An American writer of children's books, including the Barbie series and Enid Blyton's Enchanted World series.
Her website - http://eliseallen.com/
Goodreads site about her - http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/124365.Elise_Allen
Author of "Christmas is Cancelled" See RomanceWiki
Author of "One bee too many", "274:, "The infinite window [11]
  • Gabdrakhman Ăpsălămov, Tatar novelist active c. 1950–1970.
  • Andy Orr. Writer, based in Auburn, Washington, author of "Jett Smith and The Alien Grave," a middle grade science fiction novel set on Mars featuring illustrations by Jarod Lenz Erwin.


His website - http://tjbarnes.weebly.com
Her blog - http://rebbloomer.wordpress.com
  • Martha Blum WW2 prisoner of war and Canadian author
  • Belle Boggs American author of Mattaponi Queen, winner of Bakeless Prize and Library of Virginia award.
Her website - http://belleboggs.wordpress.com/mattaponi-queen/
Article about her - http://www.southernliving.com/travel/south-east/best-new-author-belle-boggs-00417000070764/
Another article about her - http://www.lva.virginia.gov/news/newsletter/stories/2011_11-november.asp]
Her website - http://BarbaraDale.com



American Novelist. Author of Our Burden's Light, 2010. Casey grew up in Washington, D.C. and now lives in New Orleans. Interview with Patrick Thomas Casey: http://therumpus.net/2010/04/super-hot-prof-on-student-word-sex-2-the-rumpus-interview-with-patrick-thomas-casey/ http://us.macmillan.com/ourburdenslight/PatrickCasey




  • Faheem Judah-EL, Born September 15, 1962 in Decatur Illinois. Faheem Judah-EL is an innovative thinker and teacher; he is a world traveler, spiritual teacher, Metaphysician, writer, publisher, researcher, and meditation guide. Faheem has studied many spiritual disciplines such as The Egyptian Mysteries, The Greater Mysteries, Christianity, The Lesser Mysteries, The Ethiopian Mysteries, Metaphysics, Arabic, Hebrew, Sumerian Theology, Natural Health, The Dogon Mystery Tradition, Sufi Traditions, The Medu Neter, Kundilini Chakra System, Life of Christ Heru. He has written and published many books on spiritual concepts. Mr. Judah-EL has traveled to many parts of the world such as: Ethiopia, Egipt, Mecca, Mexico, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda and many Native American Mound Centers of North America. As a meditation Guide he has helped many people learn how to reduce stress and develop the spirit man within. https://www.facebook.com/faheem.judahel
  • Aaron Fagan, American poet, author of Garage and Echo Train both published by Salt Publishing — see his website at http://www.aaronfagan.com
  • Jennie Feldman
  • Felicia Luna Lemus
  • Allison J. Filkins - fiction writer, author of "The Amazings" (2007)
  • Vivienne Finch - poet and translator, author of "The Owl Master" and "Possible Dark" (among other works) and translator of the works Of Pierre Reverdy from French to English. While a teen aged student at Tiffins School in Kingston-on-Thames, Vivienne Finch was the victim of a diving accident which confined her to a wheelchair. She was a prolific contributor to the various UK small press poetry publications, and performed many poetry readings around the South of England, as well as doing some radio work for the BBC. She died in the south of France in early 2000.
  • B. I. Flight, American fiction author
  • Jamie Ford -- NYT Bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
  • Frances de Pontes Peebles -- Brazilian-born American novelist, author of The Seamstress (2008)
  • Francesca Marciano
  • Oliver Franklin -- science fiction writer
  • Froese Patty American romance novelist.
  • Froeydis Arnesen
  • Frank Cammuso
  • Frank Oliver Call (b. 1878) Poet who wrote "Blue Homespun" & "The Raconteur". Educated at Stanstead College, Bishop's and McGill Universities. Taught in Westmount High School on his return from Europe and afterward in Bishop's College School. His area of expertise in writing is Acadians and French Canadians literature.
  • Frank Possemato- Modern American Poet
  • Jill Frayne (Essayist and Daughter of Canadian Writer June Callwood)
  • Bernard Frechtman translator of the avant garde writers
  • Freeman Roxy-Non-fiction writer, Irish, author of "Little Gypsy A Life of Freedom a Time of Secrets" Number 1 bestseller august 2011 in Ireland, number 7 bestseller in UK. Born 5-April-1979. www.roxyfreeman.com, represented by AP Watt in London, published by Simon and Schuster UK branch.
  • Fallon Jones (b. May 8 1994) Teen novelist of "Bite Me." and "The Jaws of Life". "Bite Me." was written at the age of 13, and the book has placed in Lulu’s top 100 best-selling science-fiction/fantasy books of all time. Her works are available for purchase through iPads, Kindles, Barnes & Noble (online), Amazon (US, UK, France, Spain, and Germany), Lulu, Hastings, and various other eReaders, as well as boutique stores across the west coast. She has given lectures as a Pro-Author at the Spokane Comic Convention in Washington, been a spokeswoman for PhatWare the MacWorld Expo in California, and taught various writing seminars at conventions with other authors. Website: www.fallonjones.com









  • Richard C. Morais Forbes magazine's longest serving foreign correspondent who went on to become a novelist
  • Myron J. Smith Prolific bibliographer. Warfare, Sports, and Spy Fiction seem to be his topic areas. 102 results on Amazon, but some are duplicates. Maybe 40-50 unique bibliographies? One or two pictorial histories as well.
  • Marshall Logan author of World War, The: History Of The Nations And Empires Involved And A Study Of The Events Culminating in The Great Conflict
  • Moira Lovell
  • Israel Metter (1909-1996) Russian novelist, author of The Fifth Corner of the Room
  • Sophie Mckenzie British author, Blood Ties (novel), The Medusa Project, A British books series about four teenagers with psychic powers, http://www.themedusaproject.co.uk/
  • Brian Martinez (1979- ) American writer, author of A Chemical Fire and The Mountain and The City



  • Megan Oates is a Canadian author. Her first publication, 'Would You Like Your Cancer? A Memoir', released in December 2011 by Baico Publishing Consultants Incorporated, recounts her battle with cancer at the age of seventeen. She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in August of 2005, shortly after graduating high school. Her memoir is available at Chapters and online through Amazon's website in several countries. The book has received many reviews & has also been featured in newspapers across Canada. She was born on September 1st, 1987 & currently resides in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.[109][110][111][112][113][114]
  • Kathryn O'Driscoll, modern English poet.20:36, 10 March 2013 (UTC)Georgecorona (talk)
  • George Oppenheimer, early 20th c american screenwriter and lyricist, referenced numerous times on WP.
  • Alix Ohlin Literary author of note.
  • Peter Frisch is an American television and theatre director and producer. He has as directed over 100 productions at the amateur, academic and professional level and has held faculty posts at the Juilliard School, Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard University, Boston University, Georgetown University and UCLA. He served as the artistic director of the New Playwrights Theater in Washington, D.C.. In 2002, Frisch was hired by CBS Daytime to be a producer on The Young And The Restless. He is a member of the Dramatists Guild, Producers Guild of America, Directors Guild of America, and the Writers Guild of America
  • Petra Mathers, children's book illustrator
  • Obed Dela Cruz is a poet. He likes to make poems based on what he observed and concluded and apply it in the everyday life so that he can relate to others. Some of his poems are not good if you will look it into the rhyming words applied and the pattern he uses but he always make sure that there will be no vile word found and that his poem can help. You can see his poems in http://www.poemhunter.com/obed-dela-cruz
  • Omi Salavea (poet)
  • Omid Shams (poet,writer,critic, translator)he is a persian radical and post medernist poet. he published poem in M-A-G (Muse Apprentice Guild) magazine edithed by charles bernstein.his works on language,literature, politics and sexuality characterize radical thought in iran. he also tarnslated works from american Beat Generation into the persian.like "Howl" by Allen ginsberg.
  • Oni Faida Lampley award winning playwright and actress, 1959-2008
  • Orland Outland
  • Oscar Krahnvohl wrote a satricial poem entitled 'My Country' about polution, overt capitalism, and loss of Australian culture in favour of American culture.
  • Out el-Kouloub

Out of my Mind




[10] [11]

  • Rosemary Kingsland
  • Russ Schneider
  • R. W. Ridley Author of The Oz Chronicles
  • Jeb Rosebrook screenwriter, already linked, cowboy expert
  • Rick Raphael Author of several Hugo nominated stories.
  • Cornelia Read Mystery author of "A Field of Darkness," "The Crazy School," and "Invisible Boy." American author. Her books are an autobiography mixed with mystery fiction. Grew up in an aristocratic family that was out of money.
  • Sarah Ruden US poet, sometimes based in South Africa; translator and scholar of Ancient Greek and Biblical writing and history.
  • S. J. RussellDeist, Lyricist and American Authoress of "20 Years of Screaming to No One"and other books.
  • Rudra Kapalin Author from India, who made his debut with 'The Horned God Chronicles: Skull Bearer' [12]



Trisha Ashley is a member of the Society of Authors and the Welsh Academi.

Natalie Buske Thomas, author of Angels Mark and other mystery novels.








Here is a list of people (mainly novelists) who currently have stub entries in http://www.nndb.com (NNDB). The NNDB is of questionable reliability and should not be quoted as a source in Wikipedia and independent assessments will have to be made regarding notability:

Authors (other than poets, dramatists and fiction writers)


Literary movements and styles

Literary terms

Theatre and stage

[154]; [155]; [156]; [157] - Winner of 2009 NYIT Award for Best New Short Play; [158]; [159]; [160]; [161]


Works and publications (poetry, drama and fiction)


by Peter Abrahams


Daffodils by [Ted Hughes]: deserving of a subheading on his own page (as Tulips on Plath's already does).

http://sites.google.com/site/megacivilisation/ (the site with the story) http://archive.org/details/BlazeMasterMysteriumOfTheUniverseByStanisawGiers

Text to display



mytrey of blackbead's cove




Born in 1991 in a small city in southeast of China,she is one of the main representatives of the Chinese young writers born after the 90s. After arising the critics and the public's attention in 2005 by publishing the short fiction collection My Stunt And I, she has been around the focus of the media and juvenile literature circle. May, 2009, her second and third book was published by the Shanghai Children's Literature Publisher. view her blog at http://blog.sina.com.cn/liarstory

Notes and References