Gankino horo
Gankino horo (Ганкино хоро), “Ganka’s dance”, is a Bulgarian folk dance written in 11 (undecuple) = 2+2+3+2+2 time (typically 11
16 or 11
8) similar to kopanitsa or krivo horo. The name gankino seems to be used mostly in northern Bulgaria (N.W. and north central). The basic gankino horo is a three-measure dance using the step structure also common in the dances: Dunavsko (Danubian Pravo), Povarnoto (also known as Devetorka in Macedonia) and Eleno Mome.
The three measures comprise a seven-step grapevine[clarification needed], starting right foot to the right, L cross in front - two measures. The third measure is a three-step grapevine to the left: left steps left, R cross in back. L to the L.