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World map showing the Americas
CIA political map of the Americas

The Americas are the lands of the Western hemisphere or New World, consisting of the continents of North America[1] and South America with their associated islands and regions. The Americas cover 8.3% of the Earth's total surface area (28.4% of its land area) and contain about 14% of the human population (about 900 million people). The Americas may alternatively be referred to as America; however, America may be ambiguous, as it can refer to either this entire landmass or just the United States of America.



South America broke off from the west of the supercontinent Gondwanaland around 135 million years ago (mya), forming its own continent.[2] Starting around 15 mya, the collision of the Caribbean Plate and the Pacific Plate resulted in a series of volcanoes along the border that created a number of islands. The gaps in the archipelago of Central America filled in with material eroded off North America and South America, plus new land created by continued volcanism. By 3 mya, the continents of North America and South America were linked by the Isthmus of Panama, thereby forming the single landmass of the Americas.[3]


Archaeological finds establish the widespread presence of the Clovis culture in North America and South America around 10000 BCE.[4] Whether this is the first migration of humans into North America and South America is disputed, with alternative theories holding that humans arrived in North America and South America as early as 40000 BCE.

The Inuit migrated into the Arctic section of North America in another wave of migration, arriving around 1000 CE.[5] Around the same time as the Inuit migrated into North America, Viking settlers began arriving in Greenland in 982 and Vinland shortly thereafter.[6] The Viking settlers quickly abandoned Vinland, and disappeared from Greenland by 1500.[7]

Large scale European colonization of the Americas began shortly after the voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The spread of new diseases brought by Europeans and Africans killed most of the inhabitants of North America and South America,[8][9] with a general population crash of Native Americans occurring in the mid sixteenth century, often well ahead of European contact.[10] Native peoples and European colonizers came into widespread conflict, resulting in what David Stannard has called a genocide of the indigenous populations.[11] Early European immigrants were often part of state-sponsored attempts to found colonies in the Americas. Migration continued as people moved to the Americas fleeing religious persecution or seeking economic opportunities. Many individuals were forcibly transported to the Americas as slaves, prisoners or indentured servants.


World Map of Waldseemüller which first named America (in the map over Paraguay). Germany, 1507

The earliest known use of the name America for this particular landmass dates from April 25, 1507. It appears on a globe and a large map created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. An accompanying book, Cosmographiae Introductio, explains that the name was derived from the Latinized version of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci's name, Americus Vespucius, in its feminine form, America, as the other continents all have Latin feminine names.[12]

Vespucci's role in the naming issue, like his exploratory activity, is unclear. Some sources say that he was unaware of the widespread use of his name to refer to the new landmass. Christopher Columbus, who had first brought the region's existence to the attention of Renaissance era voyagers, had died in 1506 (believing, to the end, that he'd discovered and colonized part of India) and could not protest Waldseemüller's decision.

Map of America by Jonghe, c. 1770.

A few alternative theories regarding the landmass' naming have been proposed, but none of them has achieved any widespread acceptance.

One alternative, first advanced by Jules Marcou in 1875 and later recounted by novelist Jan Carew, is that the name America derives from the district of Amerrique in Nicaragua.[13] The gold-rich district of Amerrique was purportedly visited by both Vespucci and Columbus, for whom the name became synonymous with gold. According to Marcou, Vespucci later applied the name to the New World, and even changed the spelling of his own name from Alberigo to Amerigo to reflect the importance of the discovery.

Another theory, first proposed by a Bristol antiquary and naturalist, Alfred Hudd, in 1908 was that America is derived from Richard Amerike (Richard ap Meryke), a merchant from Bristol, who is believed to have financed John Cabot's voyage of discovery from England to Newfoundland in 1497 as found in some documents from Westminster Abbey a few decades ago. Supposedly, Bristol fishermen had been visiting the coast of North America for at least a century before Columbus' voyage and Waldseemüller's maps are alleged to incorporate information from the early English journeys to North America. The theory holds that a variant of Amerike's name appeared on an early English map (of which however no copies survive) and that this was the true inspiration for Waldseemüller.



The northernmost point of the Americas is Kaffeklubben Island, which is the northernmost point of land on Earth.[14] The southernmost point is the islands of Southern Thule, although they are sometimes considered part of Antarctica.[15] The easternmost point is Nordostrundingen. The westernmost point is Attu Island.


File:Aconcagua - Argentina - January 2005 - by Sergio Schmiegelow.jpg
Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas

The western geography of the Americas is dominated by the American cordillera, with the Andes running along the west coast of South America[16] and the Rocky Mountains and other Pacific Coast Ranges running the western side of North America.[17] The 2300 km long Appalachian Mountains run along the east coast of North America from Alabama to Newfoundland.[18] North of the Appalachians, the Arctic Cordillera runs along the eastern coast of Canada.[19]

Between its coastal mountain ranges North America has vast flat areas. The Interior Plains spread over much of the continent with low relief.[20] The Canadian Shield covers almost 5 million km² of North America and is generally quite flat.[21] Similarly, the north-east of South America is covered by the flat Amazon Basin.[22] The Brazilian Highlands on the east coast are fairly smooth but show some variations in landform, while further south the Gran Chaco and Pampas are broad lowlands.[23]


With coastal mountains and interior plains, the Americas have several large river basins that drain the continents. The largest river basin in South America is that of the Amazon, which has the highest volume flow of any river on Earth.[24] The largest river basin in North America is that of the Mississippi, covering the second largest watershed on earth.[25] The second largest watershed of South America is that of the Paraná River, which covers about 2.5 million km².[26]



The population of the Americas is made up of the descendants of eight large ethnic groups and their combinations.

The majority of the people live in Latin America, named for its dominant languages, Spanish and Portuguese, both of which are descended from Latin. Latin America is typically contrasted with Anglo-America where English, a Germanic language, prevails: namely, Canada and the United States (in Northern America) have predominantly British roots and are quite different in terms of linguistic, cultural, and economic situation from other countries in the Americas.


The most prevalent faiths in the Americas are as follows:

  • 1. Christianity (North America: 85 percent; South America: 93 percent)[1]
    • Roman Catholicism (practiced mostly in Latin America, approximately 24 percent of Americans[2], and more than 40 percent of all Canadians)[3]
    • Protestantism (practiced mostly in United States where they comprise half of all Americans, and slightly more than a quarter of all Canadians; there is a growing contingent of Evangelical and Pentecostal movements in predominantly Latin America.[4]
    • Eastern Orthodoxy (found mostly in the United States and Canada (0.5 percent of Americans; this Christian group is growing faster than many other Christian groups and now represent roughly 3 percent of Canadians))
    • Other Christians and non-denominational Christians (some 1,000 different Christian denominations and sects practiced in the Americas)
  • 2. Atheism (mostly found in North America; atheists make up 16 percent of Canadians, 12 percent of Americans, and less than 5 percent of Mexicans; only than 4 percent of South Americans have no belief in a God)
  • 3. Judaism (practiced by 2 percent of North Americans (approximately 2.5 percent of Americans, and 1.2 percent of Canadians[5]; the second largest religion practiced by North Americans and represent 0.23 percent of Latin Americans (Argentina has the largest Jewish communities in Latin America with 200,000 members[6]))
  • 4. Islam (practiced by 1.9 percent of North Americans; approximately 0.5 – 1% percent of Americans, and 2 percent of Canadians; 0.3 percent of all Latin Americans)

Other faiths include Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Bahai in small numbers, plus some native animists.


Various languages are spoken in the Americas. Some are of European origin, others are spoken by indigenous peoples or are the mixture of various idioms like the different creoles.

The dominant language of Latin America is Spanish, though the largest nation in Latin America, Brazil, speaks Portuguese. Small enclaves of French- and English-speaking regions also exist in Latin America, notably in French Guiana and Nicaragua's Mosquito Coast, respectively, and Haitian Creole, of French origin, is dominant in the nation of Haiti. Native languages are more prominent in Latin America than in Anglo-America, with Nahuatl, Quechua, Aymara and Guaraní as the most common. Various other native languages are spoken with lesser frequency across both Anglo-America and Latin America. Creole languages other than Haitian Creole are also spoken in parts of Latin America.

The dominant language of Anglo-America, as the name suggests, is English. French is also official in Canada where it is the predominant language in Québec and an official language in New Brunswick along with English. It is also an important language in the U.S. state of Louisiana. Spanish has become widely spoken in parts of the United States due to heavy immigration from Latin America. High levels of immigration in general have brought great linguistic diversity to Anglo-America, with over 300 languages known to be spoken in the United States alone, but most languages are spoken only in small enclaves and by relatively small immigrant groups.

The nations of Guyana, Suriname and Belize are generally considered not to fall into either Anglo-America or Latin America due to lingual differences with Latin America and geographic and cultural differences with Anglo-America; English is the primary language of Guyana and Belize, and Dutch is the primary language of Suriname.

Most of the non-native languages have, to different degrees, evolved differently from the mother country, but are usually still mutually intelligible. Some have combined though, which has even resulted in completely new languages, such as Papiamentu, which is a combination of Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch (representing the respective colonizers), native Arawak, various African languages and, more recently, English. Because of immigration, there are many communities where other languages are spoken from all parts of the world, especially in the United States, Brazil, Argentina and Canada, four very important destinations for immigrants.


The Spanish American colonies.


In many parts of the world, America in the singular is commonly used as a name for the United States of America; however, (the) Americas (plural with s and generally with the definite article) is not and is invariably used to refer to the lands and regions of the Western hemisphere. Usage of America to also refer to this collectivity remains fairly common.

While many in the United States of America generally refer to the country as America and themselves as Americans,[32] many people elsewhere in the Americas resent what they perceive as appropriation[33] of the term in this context and, thus, this usage is frequently avoided.[34][35][36] In Canada, their southern neighbour is seldom referred to as "America" with "the United States", "the U.S.", or (informally) "the States" used instead.[35] English dictionaries and compendiums differ regarding usage and rendition.[7][8]


English usage

Whether usage of America or the Americas is preferred, American is a self-referential term for many people living in the Americas. However, much of the English-speaking world uses the word to refer solely to a citizen, resident, or national of the United States of America. Instead, the word pan-American is used as an unambiguous adjective to refer to the Americas.

In addition, some Canadians resent being referred to as Americans because of mistaken assumptions that they are U.S. citizens or an inability—particularly of people overseas—to distinguish Canadian English and American English accents.[35]

Spanish usage

In Spanish, América is the name of a region considered a single continent composed of the subcontinents of Sudamérica and Norteamérica, the land bridge of Centroamérica, and the islands of the Antillas. Americano/a in Spanish refers to a person from América in a similar way that europeo or europea refers to a person from Europe. The terms sudamericano/a, centroamericano/a, antillano/a and norteamericano/a can be used to more specifically refer to the location where a person may live.

Citizens of the United States of America are normally referred to by the term estadounidense instead of americano or americana. Also, the term norteamericano may refer to a citizen of the United States. This term is primarily used to refer to citizens of the United States, rarely those of other North American countries.[37]

Portuguese usage

In Portuguese, the word americano refers to the whole of the Americas. But, in Brazil and Portugal, it is widely used to refer to the citizens of the United States. Sometimes "norte-americano" is also used, but "americano" is the most common term employed by people and media at large, while "norte-americano" (North American) is more common in books. The least ambiguous term, "estadunidense" (used more frequently in Brazil) or "estado-unidense" (used more frequently in Portugal), something like "United Statian" or "estadounidense" in Spanish language), and "ianque" - the Portuguese version of "Yankee" - are rarely used.

"América", however, is not that frequently used as synonym to the country, and almost exclusively in current speech, while in print and in more formal environments the US is usually called either "Estados Unidos da América" (i.e. United States of America) or only "Estados Unidos" (i.e. United States). There is some difference between the usage of these words in Portugal and in Brazil, being the Brazilians less prone than the Portuguese to apply the term América to the country. A well-known example of such use is the translation of the title of Alain Resnais' movie "Mon Oncle d'Amérique": "O Meu Tio da América".

French usage

In French, as in English, the word Américain can be confusing as it can be used to refer either to the United States, or to the American continents. The noun Amérique sometimes refers to the whole as one continent, and sometimes two continents, southern and northern; the United States is generally referred to as les États-Unis d'Amérique, les États-Unis, or les USA. However, the usage of Amérique to refer to the United States, while technically not correct, does still have some currency in France. The adjective américain is most often used for things relating to the United States; however, it may also be used for things relating to the American continents. Things relating to the United States can be referred to without ambiguity by the words états-unien, étasunien or étatsunien, although their usage is rare.


Map showing date of independence of country in the Americas. Black shows areas not independent.


Multinational organizations in the Americas

See also


  1. ^ "United Nations Statistics Division- Standard Country and Area Codes Classifications (M49)". United Nations Statistics Division.
  2. ^ Brian C. Story (28 September 1995). "The role of mantle plumes in continental breakup: case histories from Gondwanaland". Nature. 377: 301–309. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ "Land bridge: How did the formation of a sliver of land result in major changes in biodiversity". Public Broadcasting Corporation.
  4. ^ David S. Whitley and Ronald I. Dorn (1993). "New Perspectives on the Clovis versus Pre-Clovis Controversy". American Antiquity: 626–647.
  5. ^ "Canadian Inuit History". Canadian Museum of Civilization.
  6. ^ "Vinland". Canadian Museum of Civilization.
  7. ^ "The Norse settlers in Greenland - A short history". Greenland Guide - The Official Travel Index.
  8. ^ Russell Thornton. "Aboriginal North American Population and Rates of Decline, c.a. A.D. 1500 - 1900". Current Anthropology. 38 (2): 310–315.
  9. ^ Alfred W. Crosby (April 1976). "Virgin Soil Epidemics as a Factor in the Aboriginal Depopulation in America". David and Mary Quarterly. 33: 289–299. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |Number= ignored (|number= suggested) (help)
  10. ^ Henry F. Dobyns (1993). "Disease Transfer at Contact". Annual Review of Anthropology. 22: 273–291.
  11. ^ Staff. A review of American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World (by David Stannard), on the website of the Oxford University Press (the publishers)
  12. ^ http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-04-24-america-turns-500_N.htm?csp=34
  13. ^ George C. Hurlbut (1888). "The Origin of the Name "America"". Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York. 20: 183–196.
  14. ^ Charles Burress (June 17 2004). "Romancing the north Berkeley explorer may have stepped on ancient Thule". San Francisco Chronicle. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  15. ^ "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctica - Travel".
  16. ^ "Andes Mountain Range".
  17. ^ "Rocky Mountains".
  18. ^ "Appalachian Mountains". Ohio History Central.
  19. ^ "Arctic Cordillera".
  20. ^ "Interior Plains Region".
  21. ^ "Natural History of Quebec".
  22. ^ "Strategy". Amazon COnservation Association.
  24. ^ "Greastest Places: Notes: Amazonia".
  25. ^ "Mississippi River".
  26. ^ "Great Rivers Partnership - Paraguay-Parana".
  27. ^ "Portuguese Facts".
  28. ^ "Now Bolivia Can Do Windows".
  29. ^ Bambi B. Schieffelin; Rachelle Charlier Doucet (February 1994). "The "Real" Haitian Creole: Ideology, Metalinguistics, and Orthographic Choice". American Ethnologist. 21 (1): 176–200.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  30. ^ Mike Gasser. "A3 Languages cited in this book".
  31. ^ "American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month: November 2003". United States' Census Bureau.
  32. ^ Burchfield, R. W. 2004. Fowler's Modern English Usage. (ISBN 0-19-861021-1) Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; p. 48.
  33. ^ "Uso abusivo", numeral 4 http://buscon.rae.es/dpdI/SrvltGUIBusDPD?lema=Estados%20Unidos
  34. ^ "American." The Oxford Companion to the English Language (ISBN 0-19-214183-X); McArthur, Tom, ed., 1992. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 35.
  35. ^ a b c "America." Oxford Guide to Canadian English Usage. (ISBN 0-19-541619-8) Fee, Margery and McAlpine, J., ed., 1997. Toronto: Oxford University Press; p. 36.
  36. ^ "America." Microsoft Encarta Dictionary. 2007. Microsoft.
  37. ^ Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas:Norteamérica

