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{{main|Legal assessments of the Gaza flotilla raid}}
{{main|Legal assessments of the Gaza flotilla raid}}

Many legal assessments of the operation were published subsequent to the event. International law experts (and non-lawyers) differed over the legality of the Israeli action. Both sides generally agreed that Israel was required to respond with only a proportional use of force in the face of violent resistance. No legal assessment have been tested yet in courts.
Many legal assessments of the operation were published subsequent to the event. International law experts (and non-lawyers) differed over the legality of the Israeli action. Most, but not all, scholars surveyed by ''[[The San Francisco Chronicle]]'' said the blockade was legal.<ref name="sfgate1">{{cite web|url=http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/06/04/MNCB1DP01I.DTL |title=Israel's Gaza blockade legal, many scholars say |publisher=Sfgate.com |date= |accessdate=June 6, 2010}}</ref> Some, such as Harvard Law School Professor [[Alan Dershowitz]], Chicago Law School Professor [[Eric Posner]], and Johns Hopkins international law Professor [[Ruth Wedgwood]], said that the naval [[blockade]], the boarding in international waters, and the use of force were in accord with long-standing [[international law]].<ref name="nydailynews1">{{cite web|last=Dershowitz |first=Alan |url=http://www.nydailynews.com/opinions/2010/06/02/2010-06-02_israel_obeyed_international_law_legally_the_gaza_flotilla_conflict_is_an_openand.html |title=Israel obeyed international law: Legally, the Gaza flotilla conflict is an open-and-shut case |publisher=[[New York Daily News]]|date= |accessdate=June 4, 2010}}</ref><ref name="autogenerated1">{{cite web|last=Posner |first=Eric |url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704025304575284210429984110.html|title= The Gaza Blockade and International Law: Israel's position is reasonable and backed by precedent|work=Opinion|publisher=The Wall Street Journal|format=Subscription only |date= |accessdate=June 4, 2010}}</ref><ref name="autogenerated2">{{cite web|url=http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/middle_east/jan-june10/gaza2_06-02.html |title=As Flotilla Inquiry Calls Grow Louder, Legality of Gaza Blockade Examined |publisher=[[PBS NewsHour]]|date=June 2, 2010 |accessdate=June 3, 2010}}</ref> They also said that they were in accord with other prior blockades, such as the U.S. blockade of Cuba during the [[Cuban Missile Crisis]] and the Coalition blockade of Iraq during the first Gulf War.<ref name="nydailynews1"/><ref name="autogenerated1"/><ref name="autogenerated2"/> Others, in contrast, such as İstanbul Bilgi University Law Department Dean Turgut Tarhanlı said that the blockade was illegal, or agreed with University of Dundee international law professor Robin Churchill that the boarding on the high seas was illegal, or agreed with international law professor Said Mahmoudi that the use of force was not proportional and was therefore illegal.<ref name="adrcenter1">{{cite web|url=http://www.adrcenter.com/international/Conference_Program-EN.pdf |title=Conference Program |format=PDF |date= |accessdate=June 4, 2010}}</ref><ref name="teibel1">{{cite news
|title=Israeli police say 16 Gaza activists sent to jail
|first=Amy|last=Teibel|coauthor=Tia Goldenberg|agency=[[Associated Press]]
|date=May 31, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=Karoline Hoppe |url=http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/folkrattsprofessorn-israel-har-brutit-mot-internationell-ratt-1.1115594 |title= Folkrättsprofessorn: Israel har brutit mot internationell rätt |language=Swedish|publisher=DN |date=May 31, 2010 |accessdate=June 4, 2010}}</ref> Both sides generally agreed that Israel was required to respond with only a proportional use of force in the face of violent resistance; whether the force used was proportional was disputed by some.<ref name="washingtonpost1">{{cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/01/AR2010060102934.html?hpid=topnews |title=Israel's flotilla raid revives questions of international law|author=Colum Lynch|publisher=The Washington Post |date=June 1, 2010 |accessdate=June 2, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/law/afua-hirsch-law-blog/2010/jun/01/gaza-freedom-flotilla-international-law |title=Was the Gaza Flotilla Raid Illegal? |newspaper=[[The Guardian]] |publisher=Guardian News and Media |accessdate=June 2, 2010}}</ref> The issue of a possible violation of international law was discussed at the [[UN Security Council]]. The United States blocked criticism of Israel for violating international law, as proposed by Turkey, the Palestinians, and Arab nations.<ref>{{Cite news |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/01/israel-investigation-attack-gaza-flotilla-us |title=Israel should lead investigation into attack on Gaza flotilla, says US |newspaper=[[The Guardian]] |publisher=Guardian News and Media |accessdate=June 2, 2010}}</ref>

== Aftermath ==
== Aftermath ==

Revision as of 02:27, 6 June 2010

Gaza flotilla raid
Israeli commandos aboard the MV Mavi Marmara. On the lower-right the Flag of Turkey is visible.
LocationInternational waters of the Mediterranean Sea
Date31 May 2010 (2010-05-31)
4:30 a.m.[1] (UTC+3)
Deaths9 people[2][3][4][5]
InjuredSeveral dozen passengers and 10 Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers[3]

The Gaza flotilla raid was an operation by Israeli naval forces on six ships of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" in May 2010.[6] The flotilla, carrying activists from the international Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Islamic group IHH (İnsani Yardım Vakfı), was attempting to breach the Gaza blockade and deliver supplies to the Gaza Strip.[6][7][8] After ignoring Israeli calls to turn back or dock in Ashdod, the ships were boarded in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The boarding of five of the ships took place without serious incident.[9][10]

The boarding of the MV Mavi Marmara, the main ship of the convoy,[3][11][12][13] turned deadly when IHH activists violently clashed with the Israeli landing party.[14][15][16] Nine activists were killed, while several dozen passengers and ten Israeli soldiers were injured.[14] Videos released by the Israeli military and Turkish TV show that soldiers rappelled onto the deck from helicopters and were immediately ambushed by activists, beaten with metal clubs and stabbed. Activists then dragged one soldier below deck and took his gun, according to Israeli and activist accounts.[17][18] A firefight ensued. Israeli authorities and interviewed soldiers said activists opened fire first, possibly using guns stolen from soldiers, while activists said the soldiers fired warning shots before landing on the ship.[19][20][21][22][18][23]

The attack prompted widespread international reactions from national authorities, supranational bodies and NGOs, as well as civilian demonstrations around the world. The United Nations Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council condemned "those acts resulting in civilian deaths."[24][25][24][26] The incident was followed by a deterioration in the relations between Turkey and Israel.[27]

The supplies seized by the Israelis were unloaded at the Ashdod port, inspected, and items approved by Israel were sent toward Gaza by land.[28] Hamas refused to allow this shipment into Gaza unless Israel released all individuals detained from the flotilla and agreed to deliver all aid, including construction materials, currently being withheld.[29][30] Other reports state that Hamas refused the aid until the Gaza blockade is lifted. Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).


Hamas won the Palestinian legislative election in 2006. Israel imposed in years 2006–2007 economic sanctions against the Palestinian National Authority . After the June 2007 Hamas take to govern the Gaza Strip in from the Palestinian national unity government. Israel and the Quartet countries eased some of the sanctions on the West Bank, in order to support the outvoted Fatah government, while at the same time tightening the blockade of the Gaza Strip, in order to put pressure on election winner the Hamas goverment.[31] Israel considers Hamas to be a terrorist organization, and declared itself to be in a state of war with Hamas-run Gaza. Likewise, Egypt refused to recognize Hamas's government and the ousting of the Palestinian Authority officials from Gaza.[32] In September 2007, after Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel fields and cities, Israel declared Gaza strip a "hostile territory" and tightened its blockade.[33][32] Later in January 2009, after its invasion of Gaza, Israel declared a formal naval blockade of Gaza.[34][32] These, along with the control of Gaza's airspace by Israel, resulted in a complete blockade of Gaza.

The United Nations and human rights groups have repeatedly criticized the blockade by Israel, calling it collective punishment of the Palestinian people, saying it restricts the flow of materials for basic needs and for reconstruction of infrastructure and homes that were either destroyed, or severely damaged by Israel, in the Gaza War.[35][36] Israel responded that the blockade is pursuant to Article 23 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, saying it indicates that if goods entering enemy territory contribute to the enemy's war effort, they can be blocked.[32] By requiring all goods entering Gaza to cross Gaza-Israel land borders, Israel can inspect the goods, to ensure there are no war material in them before sending them through.[32] In 2009, 738,000 tons of goods entered Gaza through Israel; more than 2,000 tons a day.[32] Amnesty International and human rights groups reject Israel's account of the effect of the blockade saying that "mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages have left four in five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid."[37]

Free Gaza Movement

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla, comprised of eight ships, was organized to break Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.[38] The ships were to carry what the organizers identified as 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid, with a value of $20 million, including food and medicine, and building materials such as cement which make up 4/5 of the cargo's gross weight and are banned by the blockade,[39] to the Gaza Strip.[40][32] Israel prevents cement and other building materials from reaching Gaza, saying that although they have legitimate uses, it might be used to make smuggling tunnels for explosives and arms.[41] Organizers say that building materials are necessary to rebuild the infrastructure of Gaza that was seriously damaged in the 2008–2009 war.[42]

This was the ninth time that the Free Gaza Movement had tried to ship aid to Gaza. Five aid shipments had been allowed through prior to the Gaza War of 2008–09, but all shipments following the war were blocked by Israeli forces.[43] Unlike previous attempts, this flotilla, the largest sent by far, was dominated not by the Free Gaza Movement, which sent only one small passenger boat, but by three ships sent by an Islamic aid group from Turkey, the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedom and Humanitarian Relief (IHH).[44] Israel has accused IHH of having close ties to Hamas, and being "sympathetic to al-Qaeda."[45][46] Likewise, Israel linked some of the activists with Hamas, whom Israel designates as a terrorist organization.[citation needed] Before the raid occurred, the movement released a statement announcing: "A violent response from Israel will breathe new life into the Palestine solidarity movement, drawing attention to the blockade.”[47][48]

Ships in flotilla

Ships involved in flotilla

The flotilla consisted of six ships owned or chartered by a number of non-governmental organizations, including the Free Gaza Movement (FGM), the Turkish IHH, and the Greek Ship to Gaza.[49] The lead ship was the Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara, carrying more than 500 activists on board.[50][51]

Mavi Marmara leaving Antalya for Gaza on 22 May 2010 Source: Free Gaza Movement
United States Challenger 1

The US-flagged Challenger 1 is operated by the Free Gaza Movement.[52]

Greece MS Sofia

Greek-flagged cargo vessel operated by the Swedish-Greek organisation Ship to Gaza.[53] Also called the Eleftheri Mesogeios (Eλεύθερη Mεσόγειος, Free Mediterranean).[54]

Greece Sfendoni

The Sfendoni (Σφενδόνη, Slingshot)[54] is a Greek-flagged passenger vessel operated by the Greek Ship to Gaza and the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza. Left the port of Piraeus together with the Sofia on 25 May to rendezvous with the rest of the flotilla off Cyprus.[55][56]

Comoros MV Mavi Marmara

The Mavi Marmara ("Blue Marmara") is a Comoros-flagged passenger ship,[57][58] which was formerly owned and operated by Istanbul Fast Ferries Co. Inc., in the Sea of Marmara.[59] It was purchased especially for the trip to Gaza by the İHH.

It left the Anatolian port of Antalya on 22 May 2010 to rendezvous with the flotilla heading to Gaza, along with the Gazze and Defne Y.[60] It carried 581 activists, around 400 of whom were Turkish.[61]

Turkey Gazze

The Gazze ("Gaza") is a Turkish-flagged cargo vessel owned and operated by the Turkish Islamic charity IHH.[62] Its cargo consisted of 2,104 tons of cement, 600 tons of construction steel, and 50 tons of tiles. [40] It also carried 13 Turkish crew members and 5 activists.[62] It left Antalya on 22 May to rendezvous with the flotilla, along with the Mavi Marmara and Defne Y.[60]

Kiribati Defne Y

The Kiribati-flagged Defne Y ("Laurel Y") is a cargo ship owned and operated by the Turkish Islamic charity IHH.[63] It carried a mixed cargo of goods including 150 tons of iron, 98 power units, 50 precast homes, 16 units of children's playground equipment and various items of specialist medical equipment.[63] There were 23 crew and 7 activists on board.[62] It left Antalya on 22 May to rendezvous with the flotilla, along with the Mavi Marmara and Gazze.[60]

Other ships

Cambodia MV Rachel Corrie

The Cambodian-flagged Irish[64][65][66] Rachel Corrie, named after Rachel Corrie, an American college student crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer while protesting house demolitions in Gaza,[65] was unable to join the rest of the flotilla because of mechanical problems that forced it to undergo repairs in Malta. The aid-carrying vessel got underway on 31 May 2010 after the interception of the flotilla, with its crew insisting that they would go to Gaza.[67] The vessel is a former merchant ship owned and operated by the Free Gaza Movement.[68] The ship was checked for weapons in Ireland by customs officials and a senator from the Irish Green Party. No weapons were found.[69] Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen called on Israel to allow its passage.[70] Ireland later reached an agreement with Israel and made a proposal to the ship that it divert to Ashdod, where Israel offered to transfer its cargo to the Gaza Strip, under the supervision of passengers and Irish diplomats. The passengers of the ship rejected the offer.[71] Israel reported its troops have taken control of the ship on June 5 about 16 nautical miles (30km) off the coast. IDF spokeswoman said there "was full compliance from the crew and passengers on board". [72]

United States Challenger II

The US-flagged Challenger II, a Free Gaza Movement ship, was also unable to join the rest of the flotilla due to mechanical problems.[52] It is currently undergoing repairs in northern Cyprus.[73][74] The Free Gaza Movement suspects sabotage by Israeli agents to be the cause of the malfunctions in the Challenger I and Challenger II. [75]

People on board the flotilla

There were in total 663 participants from 37 nations on board the flotilla.[9] Notable people aboard the flotilla included Israeli-Arab member of Knesset Haneen Zoubi, leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel Raed Salah, Swedish novelist Henning Mankell, and a number of parliamentarians from European and Arab national legislatures and the European Parliament.[76]

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan and former UN Assistant Secretary-General Denis Halliday,[70] were aboard the MV Rachel Corrie.

Events during the preliminary stages

Route of the flotilla

The incoming fleet was known to Israel government, military intelligence and press.[77][78] Israel declared that the flotilla was "about to break international law";[citation needed] with one of the flotilla's organizers, Greta Berlin, saying "[w]e have the right to sail from international waters into the waters of Gaza,".[citation needed] An Israeli spokesman countered, announcing that the convoy would not be permitted to reach Gaza but would be redirected by force to the port of Ashdod, where "large tents and other facilities had been set up at the port to receive the activists, so that either Israel or humanitarian agencies could deliver them to Gaza overland."[79] Israeli officials also said that all non-banned cargo would be transferred to Gaza after undergoing a security inspection, which would mean not allowing some of the activist's supplies, such as concrete and cement through.[80] Foreigners would be deported or, if they did not willingly agree to be deported, detained.[3] The flotilla organisers rejected Israel's offer, saying that Israelis would not let the reconstruction aid into Gaza,[35] and further "This mission is not about delivering humanitarian supplies, it's about breaking Israel's siege on 1.5 million Palestinians...[81][82][38] We want to raise international awareness about the prison-like closure of Gaza and pressure the international community to review its sanctions policy and end its support for continued Israeli occupation."[35] Some supporters of the flotilla announced on 28 March: "A violent response from Israel will breathe new life into the Palestine solidarity movement, drawing attention to the blockade."[83][84] On 29 May, Aljazeera broadcast footage of some activists on the MV Mavi Marmara participating in a chant invoking battle against Jews.[85][86]

Prior to the flotilla's launch, some of the activists who would later die during the MV Mavi Marmara clash spoke of dreams of martyrdom. Ali Khaider Benginin told his family before leaving, "I am going to be a shahid; I dreamt I will become a shahid – I saw in a dream that I will be killed."[87] His wife also said that he "constantly prayed to become a martyr."[85] On 3 June, the IDF released footage from a Press TV interview before the raid in which a flotilla passenger says, "With the help of God, I will be a shahid."[88]

Six of the eight ships in the flotilla set out on 30 May 2010 from international waters off the coast of Cyprus;[3] the remaining two were delayed by mechanical problems and did not join the rest of the flotilla.[74] During a briefing to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee of the Knesset, Israel's legislature, Israeli colonel Itzik Turgeman hinted that the Israeli Defense Forces had sabotaged the engines of five ships belonging to the flotilla, saying that "they took care of them."[89]

The government of Cyprus refused to cooperate with the Free Gaza Movement, or allow activists to sail from its harbors, with the Cyprus Police stating that "anything related to the trip to Gaza is not permitted", and as a result remaining MPs and activists embarked instead from Famagusta in Turkish-controlled Northern Cyprus.[90][91] Cypriot and Greek MPs and activists refused to embark via ports in Northern Cyprus.[92]

Having been delayed by two days, the flotilla aimed to reach Gaza on the afternoon of 31 May.[3]

Initial contact

The Israeli Navy made initial contact with the flotilla at 11 p.m. (23:00) on 30 May, 200 kilometres (120 mi) northwest of Gaza, 64 kilometres (40 mi) off the Gaza coast in international waters, ordering the ships to follow them to port or otherwise be boarded.[93][94]

According to Israel radio the following message was sent by the Israeli navy to the captain of the Mavi Marmara: "You are approaching an area of hostilities, which is under a naval blockade. Gaza coastal area and Gaza Harbour are closed to maritime traffic. The Israeli government supports delivery of humanitarian supplies to the civilian population in Gaza Strip and invites you to enter Ashdod port. Delivery of supplies will be in accordance with the authorities' regulations and through the formal land crossing to Gaza and under your observation, after which you can return to your home ports." The reply was: "Negative, negative. Our destination is Gaza."[95]

On 4 June 2010, Israeli media published an audio reproduction[96] of the purported radio exchange between the Israeli navy and the Defne Y. The audio clip starts with the message "Defne Y, this the Israeli Navy, you're approaching an area which is under naval blockade." A man then says, "Shut up! Go back to Auschwitz!" Afterward, a woman says, "We have permission from the Gaza port authority to enter," and a man says, "We're helping Arabs go against the US. Don't forget 9/11, guys." [97][98] Another ship reportedly replied "Jihad, Jihad, Jihad."[99]

Huwaida Arraf, who was on the Challenger 1, has confirmed that her voice is featured in the recordings. Arraf claims that the presence of her voice in the transmissions proves that the audio has been edited by the IDF. [100] It is not possible to independently authenticate the radio exchange that the Israeli military said it had pieced together.[101]

Shortly after, two Israeli naval vessels flanked the flotilla on either side, but at a distance, and an Israeli aircraft flew overhead.[102]


The flotilla had planned to break through the Gaza blockade, ignoring Israel's proposal for the activists to dock in Ashdod port and transfer the cargo through there.[3] After the flotilla activists ignored orders to change course, Israeli soldiers from the Shayetet 13 unit boarded the ships at around 04:00 IST[103] with sidearms and paintball guns [3][102] while in international waters 64 kilometres (40 mi) out to sea.[93]

Mavi Marmara boarding

The MV Mavi Marmara
Source: Free Gaza Movement

The boarding of the Mavi Marmara resulted in violent clashes between activists and Israeli soldiers. Each side claims that the other started the violence, and the parties disagree on who acted in self-defense against illegitimate actions of the other side.

The operation started in the early morning at 4:30. Speedboats and three Black Hawk helicopters, each with a team of 15 soldiers equipped with paint ball guns and pistols, approached the flotilla. The Mavi Marmara's passengers later reported gunfire, blue flares and deafening noise from the first helicopter at this time.[104] During the raid, a number of passengers were killed by iisraeli soldiers.

Activists and flotilla organizers' account

Organizers of the convoy have denied the account of Israeli military. The wife of the Mavi Marmara captain, Nilüfer Ören, stated that IDF began tracking them after 90 miles (140 km), there were 40 ships surrounding the convoy and the announcement was made while the commandos were boarding from helicopters at 04:45 am. She also said that sound bomb and smoke bombs were used. Therefore activists and crewmembers used gas masks.[105] Arafat Shoukri, of the Free Gaza Movement (FGM), one the co-organizers of the flotilla convoy, said those on board one ship had called them by telephone to say that Israeli helicopters had arrived.[106] He said that from that moment on, he had witnessed shootings, and afterwards people on board shouted 'We are raising the white flag, stop shooting at us'.[106] He called Israeli accounts of activists having pistols and other weapons "cheap propaganda".[106]

According to Mavi Marmara activists and personnel, Israel initially opened fire with warning shots but when the ship didn't stop the attack began. Activists said that sound and smoke bombs were used and then IDF commandos surrounded the ship and boarded from helicopters and from the sea. In contrast with the Israeli account, activists say that Israelis did fire on the boat before boarding.[107]

Robert Mackey of The New York Times suggested that the passengers on the ship may have mistaken the flash grenades and paintball guns for deadly weapons, and fought back.[108] Espen Goffen, a 38-year-old activist from Norway who sailed aboard the Mavi Marmara, said the Israeli commando "started off with some kind of paintball bullets with glass in them that left terrible soft tissue wounds. And then rubber bullets. And then live ammunition afterwards."[15]

Activists on board agree that there was resistance but say it was not organized; rather the Israeli helicopters, ships and gunfire "created the atmosphere that people wanted to defend themselves."[107]

Bülent Yıldırım, president of the Humanitarian Aid Foundation (İHH), reported that photographer Cevdet Kılıçlar was shot in the head by a soldier one meter away. British activist Kevin Ovenden confirmed that a man was shot by soldiers after pointing his camera towards them.[109] Forensic investigation found that Kılıçlar was shot in the head at close range.[110]

Norman Paech, a former member of the German parliament Left Party who was aboard the Marmara said he only saw three activists resisting. "They had no knives, no axes, only sticks that they used to defend themselves," he told reporters. But he said he could "not rule out" that others used weapons somewhere else on the boat.[111] Another eyewitness Huwaida Arraf says that the Israelis smashed her face against the ground and stepped on it; later they cuffed her and put a bag over her head.[112]

Writer Edda Manga said five of the activists died directly while the rest died because they were denied medical treatment.[113] Egyptian MP Hazem Farouq,[114] British activist Sarah Colborne,[115] Turkish activist Nilüfer Ören,[116] Al-Jazeera cameraman Issam Zaatar,[114] and Turkish author Sinan Albayrak[117] were also among those who confirmed in their statements that the Israeli soldiers did not allow the critically wounded to receive medical assistance.

Kutlu Tiryaki, a captain of another vessel in the flotilla, said that the passengers did not have weapons at all, but only came to bring humanitarian help in a peaceful manner. [118]

Flotilla proponents and Turkish charity group leaders said that since the ships were on international waters, "even if we had used guns", abandoning the non-violence principle would still be legal as self-defense from Israeli "kidnapping" and "piracy".[119][120] Prof. Mattias Gardell who was on-board stated that the soldiers came on-board with sharp loaded weapons with laser sights and at least four persons were killed execution style.[121]

Due to a communications blackout after the attack, it was initially difficult to get accounts from activists on board. Newly released activists are beginning to make statements to the press.[106][122][123] Activist Huwaida Arraf reported that once onboard the Challenger One, Israeli troops seized all communication equipment, cameras and memory cards from activists.[124]

IHH president Bulent Yildrim stated that "passengers on the ship showed civil resistance, the press was there, and that the İHH (had) called on the passengers not to allow Israeli soldiers in".[125]

Haneen Zoubi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset, said that IDF soldiers refused to offer medical aid to several wounded activists at her request, which subsequently led to their deaths. She also said that soldiers opened fire before abseiling onto the deck. With her fluent Hebrew she acted as translator between IDF soldiers and the activists, also relaying requests for medical aid, water and the chance to pray. [126]

According to Espen Goffeng, a 38-year-old activist from Norway who sailed aboard the Mavi Marmara, "[t]hey [IDF commandos] started off with some kind of paintball bullets with glass in them that left terrible soft tissue wounds. And then rubber bullets. And then live ammunition afterwards. And that's when things started to get really dangerous."[15]

According to Kevin Neish, an activist from Canada aboard Mavi Marmara, "soldiers began firing from helicopters above the ship as the raid began."[127]

Israel's account

According to the Israeli military, Israeli commandos prepared to encounter political activists seeking to hold a protest, were armed with paintball guns, with a glass type ammunition[15] and handguns as sidearms.[128][129] The soldiers had orders to peacefully convince the activists to give up, and if not successful, use non-lethal force to commandeer the ship. The commandos were instructed to use the sidearms in an emergency, when their lives were at risk.[130]

The Israeli military reported that the commandos were immediately attacked after descending from helicopters onto the deck of the ship. Soldiers were beaten badly, including stabbings, and one was thrown to a lower deck 30 feet (9.1 m) below.[131] Two Israeli commandos had their guns wrested away. An Israeli commando said that there was live fire at some point against them from below deck.[132] Some of the commandos suffered gunshot wounds.[132][133] According to Major Avital Leibovich of the IDF Spokesperson's Unit, the activists attacked the soldiers with knives,slingshots, spikes, and clubs, and with pistols that were seized from Israeli commandos.[134][135][136]

Stun grenades and tear gas were used in an attempt to disperse activists. After this proved ineffective, the commandos requested and received permission to use live ammunition. The commandos then shot activists in the legs, which forced them to disperse. The commandos reached the bridge and took over the ship after 30 minutes.[137][138][139]

File:Peace activists throwing an Israeli soldier over board.jpg
Snapshot from IDF footage, showing an Israeli soldier being thrown onto a lower deck.
Source: IDF

The Israeli military released 20 videos of the incident.[140] One video shows how the first commandos to rappel down to the deck were attacked by a mob, and includes a soldier being thrown 30 feet (9.1 m) overboard as well as another being thrown to the lower deck.[141] Other videos show at least one incident in which a stun grenade and fire bomb was thrown at the soldiers, as well activists beating one of the soldiers and trying to kidnap him.[142] Another video, edited from the ship's surveillance footage, is described by the IDF as showing activists preparing for a clash hours before the Israeli Navy made contact with the ship.[142] Another video shows the first four commandos to rappel onto the deck were attacked by activists with bars, axes and knives. The fourth commando saw his team leader on the deck, with a Turkish activist holding the pistol he had grabbed from him and pointing it to his head. He jumped from the rope and managed to shoot the gun wielding activist, 20 seconds after the first soldier landed on the deck.[143]

According to a preliminary navy investigation, some passengers attempted to take hostage three unconscious commandos by dragging them into one of the passenger halls below . They were held in passenger halls for several minutes until they regained consciousness and managed to join the other soldiers.[143]

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, echoing other Israeli accounts, said that the events represent a clear case of self-defense of the IDF soldiers.[144][51][130]

Journalists' accounts

Ron Ben-Yishai, a veteran war correspondent for Yedioth Ahronoth aboard the Victory, an Israeli missile ship, witnessed the events. He says the army planned to land a team on the top deck and rush the bridge and take control. He reports that that the assessment was that the passengers would show "light resistance and possibly minor violence". He says the soldiers were told to confront protesters verbally, use crowd control tactics and use firearms only to save their own lives. Yet as the first troops rappelled down, one by one, "the unexpected occurred. The passengers... pulled out bats, clubs and slingshots with glass marbles, assaulting each soldier as he disembarked." He corroborates the army accounts: soldiers landing on deck are outnumbered and set upon. One protester using a club is wearing a gas mask. Videos released by the Israeli military show the catapults, marbles, metal rods and a knife they recovered.

Ben-Yishai mentions the unusual use by the soldiers of paintball guns, probably filled with irritants, which he says were not effective. The commandos were not able to rush the bridge as planned and another helicopter sent a second troop. At this point about 30 activists were confronting about 30 troops on deck. The reporter states that the protesters "attempted to wrest away [the soldiers'] weapons". They got hold of one handgun, he says, when one soldier (seen on video) was thrown from the upper deck on to the lower. Of this, the BBC reports an update: "This soldier has now identifed himself as the second man onto the deck and the unit commander. Speaking from a hospital bed, he said he had fired his gun at an activist who came at him with a knife but was subsequently stabbed in the stomach anyway. After being thrown onto a lower deck he and another soldier jumped into the sea to escape. He did not mention his pistol being taken from him. He also said the troops expected only passive and verbal resistance." The soldiers, who had started to use stun grenades, then asked for permission to use their firearms, and they received it.[145][146]

Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Elshayyal, aboard the Mavi Marmara, said "the first shots that were fired were either some sort of sound grenades...there was tear gas that was fired, as well as rubber-coated steel bullets...the live fire came roughly five minutes after that." He continues that "one of the passengers who was on the side of the deck holding a water hose, trying to hose off, if you will, the advancing Israeli Navy, was shot in his arm..." He says, "There is no doubt from what I saw that live ammunition was fired before any Israeli soldier was on deck." According to Elshayyal, three persons died while passengers including a Knesset member, tried in vain to make the soldiers help the wounded.

Elshayyal says passengers took apart some of the railing bars of the ship as they saw the Israeli ship approaching from a distance, and says he saw "a number of Israeli soldiers being beaten with them" as soon as they tried to come aboard. He says he himself did not see any knives. He said he "heard accounts of three, in fact, Israeli soldiers being taken captive during the battle, and those accounts that once they had been taken captive, the intensity of the fighting increased, so the organizers of the ship ordered that these soldiers be released lest the passengers be inflicted more harm."[147]

Al Jazeera cameraman Andre Abu Khalil, also aboard the Mavi Marmara, concurs that the initial wave of Israeli soldiers were overpowered but that there were four captured rather than three, who were "brought to the lowest deck (with) fracture wounds".[148]

Other boardings

Israeli sources say that the other five ships were boarded and taken over peacefully, [149] and that the only incidents took place in the Mavi Marmara. Israeli minister Avigdor Lieberman has said, on the other five ships, "the people got off without a scratch."[150] An opinion piece in a Spanish language periodical claimed that several people from the other ships were also wounded.[text 1] Activists from the Sfendoni and the Free Mediterranean reported that Israeli troops used tear gas, glass filled paintball ammunition, rubber bullets,[15] and/or Tasers against activists on board.[151]


Retired diplomat Edward Peck, who was on board the Sfendoni, said that the commandos were well-trained, and behaved reasonably well.[152] The soldiers scuffled with a few activists trying to bar their access to the wheelhouse, but there were no major injuries, Peck said.[152][153] Paul Larudee, a 64-year-old former linguistics professor from El Cerrito, California onboard the Sfendoni, was beaten and tased according to to his family who said that Israeli consular officials informed them that Larudee, a pacifist, was beaten after refusing to follow the orders of troops.[154][155]

MS Sofia

Swedish author Henning Mankell reports that Israeli troops rappelled onto the MS Sofia (also known as the Free Mediterranean) about an hour after the raid on the Mavi Marmara.[156] Michalis Grigoropoulos, who was at the wheel of the ship according to the Guardian Newspaper, said that the Israeli commandos used electric shocks on those who tried to form a human ring on the bridge.[122] In an eyewitness account, a reporter for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote that Israeli soldiers approached unarmed civilians with guns drawn and shot a 65 year old person with an electroshock weapon from a distance of ten centimeters.[text 2] Mankell said soldiers shot "an older man in the crew, he was perhaps a little slow" with an electric gun, and another man with rubber bullets.[156]

Challenger One

The Challenger One accelerated its course in an attempt to allow journalists onboard to broadcast their photos of the ongoing raid.[157] Huwaida Arraf, an American activist who was on the Challenger One reported that Israeli soldiers attacked those who tried to block them from taking over the vessel with kicks, tasers, and concussion grenades.[152] First mate Shane Dillon reported that Israeli troops used stun guns and paintball guns to subdue activists on board, broke the nose of a Belgian woman among them, and beat another passenger.[157] Australian photojournalist Kate Geraghty was attacked and tasered by Israeli troops aboard the Challenger One, while attempting to photograph the raid.[157]

Investigation for on-board weapons

File:Weapons on Marmaris.jpg
The Israeli Defense Forces says it has recovered these items from the Mavi Marmara; IDF says that these items, which include knives, sticks, metal bars and other diverse tools, have been used as weapons[158] against the IDF by activists on board. Source: IDF

A statement released by the Foreign Affairs Minister of Israel said that violence against the soldiers was pre-planned, and that "light weaponry" was found on the ships, including pistols that would have been seized from IDF commandos. Israel stated that the naval forces "found weapons prepared in advance and used against our forces."[159][160] IDF photos displayed daggers, kitchen and pocket knives, metal and wooden poles, flares, wrenches and slingshots with marble projectiles said to have been used against the soldiers.[text 3][161] The activists were said to have also lobbed stun grenades at IDF soldiers, and the IDF furnished video reflecting this.[162] The IDF later reported that its searches of the ship uncovered a cache of bulletproof vests, night-vision goggles, and gas masks.[163]

An activist denied the Israeli allegations about firearms, saying that it would have been impossible to have them on board because "all the boats were carefully inspected by the government before they left the port of departure."[164] Turkish officials supported the activists' denials, stating that every passenger that had left Turkey had been searched with X-ray machines and metal detectors before boarding. Senior officials in the Customs Undersecretariat called the Israeli statements tantamount to "complete nonsense".[165] A close-up picture of the same IDF setup of kitchen and other knives (compare pictures) the Jerusalem Post a leading Israeli newspaper presented as array of weapons:[166] "The array of equipment found on board the ships that made up the Gaza aid flotilla was as divergent as the flotilla’s stated aims."[167] A senior military Norwegian officer Palle Ydstebø said that the pictures show no military weapons and many common items found on any boat, but that some of the items are effective battlefield weapons, including types of weapons used in the intifada, and indicate that some activists may have premeditated violence.[168]

On 4 June Walla! reported that a senior, but anonymous, IDF officer, interviewed to Kol Israel radio, said that activists threw weapons and firearms into the sea, and that rifle sight and bullets' casings that do not match IDF firearms were found on the ship. IDF officer added that "all those killed were terrorist". [169] Haaretz [170] This was also reported by Israel Hayom[171] Bulent Yildirim, the head of the IHH which participated in the organization of the flotilla, said activists had rushed some of the soldiers and snatched their weapons, but had thrown them overboard without using them.[172] The Israeli ambassador to Spain, Raphael Schutz, said that Israel had "never said that this flotilla was transporting arms for the Hamas terrorists."[173]

Fate of participants

Following the boardings, Israeli naval forces towed the flotilla's vessels to Ashdod, from where the activists are to be deported.[93] Israel said humanitarian aid confiscated from the ships would be transferred to Gaza, but that it would not transfer banned items such as cement.[3]

At least 32 activists who had been aboard the ships were arrested and incarcerated by the Israel Prisons Service, after they refused to sign deportation orders, including two who were wounded but refused hospital treatment.[174] According to several passengers including Swedish author Henning Mankell, Israel confiscated all their belongings such as money, credit cards, mobile phones, laptops, cameras, and their personal belongings including clothes. They were only allowed to keep papers.[122][175] Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin described the arrests as "kidnapping" and questioned the logic of bringing the detainees to Israel only to deport them there, instead of giving them "unconditional release".[176]

As of 1 June, Israel was detaining 480 activists captured in the raid at a prison in Ashdod.[177] Reacting to intensifying international criticism of the raid, Israeli officials announced that all 680 activists held would be released, including two dozen Israel had threatened earlier to prosecute charging they had assaulted its troops.[178]

On 1 June, witnesses to the Israeli raid on the flotilla returned to Greece and Turkey, where they provided the first eyewitness accounts.[122] One of them, a Turkish mother whose one-year-old child was on board with her, had agreed to extradition from Israel after she was warned that the prison was "too harsh" for her baby. In the prison – another activist described – they were not allowed to contact lawyers, nor were they allowed to "go to the toilet, eat or drink water" and were videotaped throughout.[122]

As of 1 June 2010, Israel planned to deport all of the foreign detained flotilla passengers within 48 hours of their arrival into Israel.[26] Knesset Member Hanin Zoabi was released on June 1. She has however been subjected to threats within the Knesset such as "[g]o to Gaza, traitor" before being verbally abused and pushed out of the chamber. She has since recieved multiple death threats by phone and mail and is now under armed protection after nearly 500 people signed up to a Facebook page calling for her execution. She has since replied that "I am not scared," and that "[t]his is inherent here, it is not something that started yesterday. It is just harder and harsher now." [126]

Four other Arab Israelis remained detained: Muhammed Zeidan, Chairman of the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel; Sheikh Raed Salah, Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel (northern branch); Sheikh Hamad Abu Daabes, the Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel (southern branch); and Lubna Masarwa of the Free Gaza Movement and Al Quds University. On June 3, the Ashkelon Magistrates' Court accepted an appeal for their release with bail, and the conditions that they remain under house arrest until June 8, and do not leave the country for 45 days.[179]

There have been accusations of the use of violence against detained activists while in Israeli conducted interrogations. One activist said that "[d]uring their interrogation, many of them [activists] were badly beaten in front of us," and that "[t]here was great mistreatment after our arrest." [180] Mattias Gardell also said there was sleep deprivation[181] and that he was beaten several times.[182] They have also said that the treatment they received was different depending on their skin colour, ethnicity and if they had a Muslim sounding name.[181][183]

Yalcin Buyuk said that 48 others suffered gunshot wounds. He, Ismail Patel and Sarah Colman have also claimed that six activists are not accounted for, suggesting that the number of casualties may rise.[184] [185] Reccep Tayyip Erdogan, the Prime Minister of Turkey, said that there were not missing people from the convoy.[186]

Fate of aid cargo

The IDF has said the aid was all equipment that has been regularly allowed into Gaza and was not in shortage.[187] Accordingly, on 2 June 2010, some of the aid was loaded onto eight trucks and delivered to Gaza.[188] According to Israeli and Palestinian sources, as of 2 June 2010 Hamas refused to allow the humanitarian aid into Gaza until Israeli authorities released all flotilla detainees and allowed building materials, which are thought to make up 8,000 of the 10,000 tons of goods, to reach them. [39][189][30] Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said, " “We are not seeking to fill our (bellies), we are looking to break the Israeli siege on Gaza."[190]



The SS Exodus was a ship that carried Jewish emigrants to the Palestine Mandate, which was seized by the British Navy. There has been made comparisions with the Gaza flotilla raid.[191][192]
Lethal cases

Eight Turkish and one Turkish-American activists were shot and killed in the raid.[193] The nine victims and their ages were Cengiz Alquyz (42), İbrahim Bilgen (60), Cegdet Kiliclar (38), Furkan Dogan (19), Sahri Yaldiz, Aliheyder Bengi (39), Cetin Topcuoglu (54), Cengiz Songur (47), and Necdet Yildirim (32).[194] Among the dead is İbrahim Bilgen, a Turkish politician from the Felicity Party. The Anatolia news agency and Al Jazeera reported at least one American, Furkan Doğan, among the dead.[195] Doğan had one bullet wound to the chest, and four to the head, and was shot at close range according to forensic reports.[196][197]

Turkish autopsy results showed that all of the 9 activists shot died of gunshot wounds, 5 of them from gunshot wounds to the head.[15] The British newspaper The Guardian reported that the activists were shot 30 times in total, with many of them fired at close range, according to Yalcin Buyuk, vice-chairman of the Turkish council of forensic medicine which carried out the autopsies.[198] Buyuk said that five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back.[199] "From the analysis of the bullet distance on one of the bodies," Dr. Haluk Ince, the director of Istanbul's Medical Examination Institute, said, "the gun was fired between 2 and 14 centimeters' distance from the victim's head."[15] Yalcin Buyuk said that 48 others suffered gunshot wounds and six activists were still missing.[198]

Non-lethal cases

The Star-Telegram reported the raid also left "dozens wounded, with Israel resisting calls for an independent inquiry."[200] As of 1600h on 31 May, thirty-four activists were hospitalized, nine of them in serious condition.[201] Among the wounded was American activist Paul Larudee, who was beaten and tased according to information provided to his family by the US Consul General and his lawyers.[154][155] Seven activists remained under treatment in Israeli hospitals on 3 June.[13]

There were reports of scuffles at Ben Gurion International Airport. Ó Luain was injured when a row broke out with Israeli authorities but it is understood he was not seriously hurt.[citation needed] According to the flotilla activist Fintan Lan Ken an Irish-American passenger, was beaten by security officials at Tel Aviv airport before boarding, he had to be hospitalised. [202] Sarah Colborne, a British person who was on the flotilla and has returned home, has disputed Israel's figure of nine dead, and said more are missing.[203]

Follow up

Members of the Turkish Red Crescent, the largest humanitarian organization in Turkey, traveled to Tel Aviv to assist in the return of the dead and wounded.[204]

On 3 June eight of the activists killed in the raid had a funeral in Istanbul, Turkey.[205]

Israeli military

Israeli reports say that 10 soldiers were injured in the clash.[3][10] As of 4 PM on 31 May, eight soldiers were hospitalized, two of them in serious condition, according to Israeli sources.[201] The Israeli military stated that two soldiers had sustained gunshot wounds, and one soldier sustained a serious head wound and lost consciousness after being tossed from an upper deck by the activists.[206] Channel 2 (Israel) has aired footage of an Israeli Navy sailor being stabbed by one of the Free Gaza activists.[207]


Demonstration in Stockholm, Sweden[208]

There were widespread strong international reactions, issued by national authorities, supranational bodies, and non-governmental organizations.Official responses varied from deep concern over the killings to strong condemnations of the Israeli action. The UN Security Council formally condemned "those acts which resulted in the loss of lives" and called for a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards.[209][210][211][212][213] Unofficial responses included widespread civilian protests of the Israeli action, following reports of the deaths.[214][215][216] Turkish-Israeli relations have reached a low point after the incident, with Turkey pulling its Ambassador and vowing to review all ties with Israel. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey, accused Israel of "state terrorism", while distancing himself from anti-semitism.[217]


Israel has rejected calls for an international investigation of the raid, though it has left the door open to foreign involvement. Israel argued that the country is able to conduct a credible review.[218] Internal Israel police investigation was halted by Israel attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein.[219] Both US President Obama and Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni recommended an independent domestic commission of inquiry to investigate the events with an American observer.[220][221][222]

The Foreign Press Association, which represents hundreds of journalists in Israel and the Palestinian territories, has complained that Israel is validating its own account by selectively using the seized video and equipment from reporters on board. FPA also criticized Israel's use of captured material without permission.[218] Journalist Paul McGeough told his consul-general "we were robbed of any electronic equipment that we had" and that ""Fairfax will fight this .. I could be back in Israel within two weeks to contest this."[223]

Israeli public radio reported that authorities had banned the media from providing any information about the dead and wounded, and who was taken to hospital in Israel. The censorship order was later lifted.[224]

Many legal assessments of the operation were published subsequent to the event. International law experts (and non-lawyers) differed over the legality of the Israeli action. Both sides generally agreed that Israel was required to respond with only a proportional use of force in the face of violent resistance. No legal assessment have been tested yet in courts.


On 31 May Israeli P.M. Netanyahu asked US President Barack Obama to veto any UN Security Council condemnation of Israel, but the president refused.[225] At the UN security council, the US did however block demands for an international inquiry into the raid (similar to Richard Goldstone's inquiry into the Gaza war) and the criticism of Israel for violating international law.[226]

Egypt opened its Rafah Border Crossing with the Gaza Strip to allow humanitarian and medical aid to enter following international criticism of the raid and a call for the border to be opened by Hamas's leader Khaled Meshaal.[227] It is not clear how long it will remain open.[227] According to an Egyptian security source, construction materials such as concrete and steel are still required to be transported via Israel's border crossings.[227]

On 2 June Israel decided to release over 600 of the detained activists.[228]

Activists also said they were organizing a new flotilla to try to breach the blockade the next Autumn.[229]

On 3 June in response to US pressure, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he was considering allowing international involvement in supervising the naval blockade.[230] US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated the US government position that "we expect the Israeli government to conduct a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation that conforms to international standards and gets to all the facts surrounding this tragic event."[230] The Israeli high court rejected the petition to overrule the decision of attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein, to halt the police investigation of this attack.[219]

On 4 June, a Turkish state-run news agency announced that in the next two months a possible court case against Israel will begin, and that the official Turkish autopsy report will serve as an evidence against Israel there.[193]

The Lebanese newspaper al-Mustaqbal reported that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was considering a trip to Gaza in order to break the blockade imposed by Israel. [231] He would have informed the United States of his intention to ask the Turkish Navy to accompany another aid flotilla to Gaza. The United States had asked Erdogan to delay his plans, according to the report.[232] CNN-IBN India states that Prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan say this[233] addressing Grand National Assembly of Turkey[234].

Boarding of MV Rachel Corrie

On 3 June activists said they had another Gaza-bound aid ship, the MV Rachel Corrie, that was expected to arrive in the region early the next week.[229] The ship is Irish-owned, and has the former Assistant UN Secretary-General Denis Halliday and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire on board. Halliday said that the ship will stop only when Israelis force the ship to do so. The Free Gaza Movement activists say they have equipped the ship with video and satellite devices to record what is happening on the vessel.

The ship was carrying humanitarian supplies,[235] including 550 tons of cement intended to rebuild schools, homes and other building destroyed in Gaza,[236] as well as, according to Maguire, writing materials, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment such as wheelchairs.[237]

After trailing it for several hours, Israeli commandos boarded the ship from speed boats at around noon on 5 June, 2010, and forced it to sail to the Israeli port of Ashdod. The ship was taken over by Israel in a few minutes and without meeting resistance. The operation took place in international waters, about 30 kilometers from Gaza.[238] Greta Berlin, a spokeswoman for the Free Gaza group, said the takeover was "another outrage to add to the nine murdered" and denied Israeli's statement that troops had been invited aboard.[193] Israeli navy officers addressed the ship as "Linda" — the former name of the vessel-, as Rachel Corrie was the name of American college student crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer, during a 2003 Gaza protest.[238]

Northern Ireland's deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness criticized what he called "Israeli aggression" in the take over. The Swedish dockworkers' union in Stockholm said it would persuade members not to service Israeli ships from June 15 – June 22.[239]


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References with quoted text or translations
  1. ^ "Israel asalta la legalidad internacional". El País (in Spanish). Retrieved June 1, 2010. Al menos una parte de la versión del Ministerio de Defensa israelí resulta poco creíble: en las otras naves, donde supuestamente nadie opuso resistencia, también hubo heridos, como pudo comprobar este periódico hablando brevemente con algunos de ellos mientras eran ingresados en camilla en un hospital de Ashkelon. (At least one piece of the account from the Israeli Ministry of Defence is scarcely believable: in the other ships, where nobody apparently offer any resistance, there were also some wounded people, as this newspaper was able to verify by briefly talking to some of the passengers when they were being admitted on stretchers to a hospital in Ashkelon.)
  2. ^ Damolin, Mario (June 5, 2010). "Wer nicht weicht, wird aus dem Weg geräumt". Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Retrieved June 6, 2010. Mit gezogenen Waffen gehen sie auf unbewaffnete Zivilisten zu. Wer nicht weicht, wie etwa der große, gemütliche Michalis, ein 65 Jahre alter Kleinunternehmer, wird auf kürzeste Distanz aus dem Weg geräumt. Michalis fällt wie vom Blitz getroffen neben mir um, als ihn Soldat Nr. 14 – alle haben Nummern – aus zehn Zentimetern Entfernung mit der Elektroschock-Pistole anschießt.
  3. ^ Rößler, Hans-Christian (June 5, 2010). "Holzstöcke zu Eisenstangen". Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Retrieved June 5, 2010. Als Anschauungsmaterial für die Gewaltbereitschaft der Aktivisten verbreitete die Armee später Bilder von Holz- und Eisenstangen, Steinschleudern, Murmeln, aber auch Schraubenschlüsseln und einer Reihe von Messern, wie sie in jedem größeren Haushalt zu finden sind.
International response
Israeli response