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List of Presidents of the United States
President of the United States
Historical rankings of presidents of the United States
List of presidents of the United States by age
List of Presidents of the United States by previous experience
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Rutherford B. Hayes
James A. Garfield
Chester A. Arthur
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Warren G. Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Federalism in the United States
Federal government of the United States
United States Congress
United States House of Representatives
United States Senate
Federal judiciary of the United States
Chief Justice of the United States
Supreme Court of the United States
United States district court
Miller Center of Public Affairs
White House
American Civil War
Reconstruction Era
Calendar (New Style) Act 1750
Elections in the United States
Republican Party (United States)
Democratic Party (United States)
Libertarian Party (United States)
Whig Party (United States)
Third party (United States)
The New York Times
The Washington Post
Inquiry (magazine)
Accuracy in Academia
Acton Institute
Advocates for Self-Government
AEI Legal Center for the Public Interest
Afghanistan Study Group
Alabama Policy Institute
Alaska Policy Forum
Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
Allegheny Institute for Public Policy
Alliance for Democracy (USA)
American Committee for Peace in Chechnya
American Enterprise Institute
American Institute for Economic Research
Americans Standing for the Simplification of the Estate Tax
The Arab Gulf States Institute
The Arlington Institute
Aspen Institute
Aspen Strategy Group
Atlas Network
The Atlas Society
Ayn Rand Institute
Beacon Hill Institute
Berkeley APEC Study Center
Bertelsmann Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center
Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
Boston Municipal Research Bureau
Brookings Institution
Buckeye Institute
Caesar Rodney Institute
California Policy Center
Capital Research Center
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Cascade Policy Institute
Cato Institute
Center for American Progress
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Center for European Policy Analysis
Center for Family and Human Rights
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Center for Global Development
Center for Governmental Studies
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Libertarian Studies
Center for Medicine in the Public Interest
Center for Public Policy Priorities
Center for Science and Culture
Center for Security Policy
Center for Social Development
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Center for U.S.–Mexico Immigration Analysis
Center of Concern
Center of the American Experiment
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Center on International Cooperation
The Century Foundation
Citizens for Tax Justice
Citizens League
Civitas Institute
Claremont Institute
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Committee for Economic Development
Committee on the Present Danger
Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Conflict Solutions International
Cordell Hull Institute
Cornerstone Policy Research
Corporation for Enterprise Development
Demos (U.S. think tank)
Discovery Institute
Employee Benefit Research Institute
Economic Opportunity Institute
Economic Policy Institute
Eisenhower Institute
Empire Center for Public Policy
Employment Policies Institute
Eno Center for Transportation
Ethan Allen Institute
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Filene Research Institute
Foreign Exchange Committee
The Foreign Policy Institute
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Foundation for Economic Education
Foundation for Government Accountability
Foundation for Rational Economics and Education
Free Africa Foundation
Free Congress Foundation
Freedom Foundation (Washington)
Freedom House
Future of American Democracy Foundation
Galen Institute
Gatestone Institute
Generation Progress
George C. Marshall Institute
Georgia Public Policy Foundation
Global Financial Integrity
Goldwater Institute
Grassroot Institute
Group of Thirty
The Hampton Institute
The Heartland Institute
The Heritage Foundation
Hispanic American Center for Economic Research
Hoover Institution
Hudson Institute
Illinois Policy Institute
Independence Institute
Independent Institute
Independent Women's Forum
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Initiative for Policy Dialogue
Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
Institute for America's Future
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Institute for Policy Studies
Institute for State Effectiveness
Institute of Modern Russia
Institute of Pacific Relations
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
Institute on the Constitution
Intelligent Community Forum
International Assessment and Strategy Center
Liberty International (organization)
Islands Society
James Madison Institute
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
John Locke Foundation
Kansas Policy Institute
Let Freedom Ring, Inc.
Levy Economics Institute
Lexington Institute
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Maine Heritage Policy Center
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Mathematica Policy Research
Mercatus Center
Middle East Forum
Middlebury Institute
Milken Institute
Minaret of Freedom Institute
Minnesota 2020
Mississippi Center for Public Policy
National Bureau of Asian Research
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Center for Policy Analysis
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Policy Institute
Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability
Nevada Policy Research Institute
New America (organization)
New Economy Coalition
New Jersey Policy Research Organization
Niskanen Center
NOVA-MBA Association
Ocean State Policy Research Institute
Oregon Center for Public Policy
Pacific Institute
Pacific Research Institute
Palmetto Promise Institute
The Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Philadelphia Society
Pioneer Institute
Platte Institute for Economic Research
Prison Policy Initiative
Progress and Freedom Foundation
Progressive Policy Institute
Project for the New American Century
Property and Environment Research Center
Public Policy Institute of California
R Street Institute
RAND Corporation
Reason Foundation
The Reform Institute
Resources for the Future
Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Ripon Society
Rockford Institute
Roosevelt Institute
Roosevelt Institute Campus Network
Rose Institute of State and Local Government
Schiller Institute
Schumacher Center for a New Economics
Science and Public Policy Institute
Show-Me Institute
South Asian Center for Reintegration and Independent Research
State Policy Network
The Stimson Center
Streit Council
Sutherland Institute
Tax Foundation
Tax Policy Center
Taxpayers League of Minnesota
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Third Way (think tank)
Tomás Rivera Policy Institute
U.S. China Policy Foundation
United American Committee
Urban Institute
Wall Street Ren
Wisconsin Policy Research Institute
Witherspoon Institute
World Business Academy
World Policy Council
World Policy Institute
Wyoming Liberty Group
People for the American Way