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→‎Background: that is not a remotely neutral summary, and similar articles don't try to summarize the entire israel-palestinian conflict at the beginning. removing section.
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Proposed benefits to the Palestinians from the plan are contingent on a list of conditions which have been denounced by opponents of the plan as "impossible" or "fantastic".<ref name=AP>{{cite news|url=https://apnews.com/f7d36b9023309ce4b1e423b02abf52c6|title=Trump peace plan delights Israelis, enrages Palestinians|last1=Lee|first1=Matthew|last2=Heller|first2=Aron|date=29 January 2020|publisher=[[Associated Press]]|quote=It sides with Israel on key contentious issues that have bedeviled past peace efforts, including borders and the status of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements, and attaches nearly impossible conditions for granting the Palestinians their hoped-for state}}</ref><ref name=WP/> An editorial of the ''[[Los Angeles Times]]'' stated that the plan had arrived 'dead in the water'.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-01-28/trumps-long-awaited-middle-east-peace-plan-dead-in-the-water|title=Editorial: Trump's long-awaited Middle East peace plan is finally here. And it's dead in the water|work=[[Los Angeles Times]]|date=28 January 2020}}</ref>
Proposed benefits to the Palestinians from the plan are contingent on a list of conditions which have been denounced by opponents of the plan as "impossible" or "fantastic".<ref name=AP>{{cite news|url=https://apnews.com/f7d36b9023309ce4b1e423b02abf52c6|title=Trump peace plan delights Israelis, enrages Palestinians|last1=Lee|first1=Matthew|last2=Heller|first2=Aron|date=29 January 2020|publisher=[[Associated Press]]|quote=It sides with Israel on key contentious issues that have bedeviled past peace efforts, including borders and the status of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements, and attaches nearly impossible conditions for granting the Palestinians their hoped-for state}}</ref><ref name=WP/> An editorial of the ''[[Los Angeles Times]]'' stated that the plan had arrived 'dead in the water'.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-01-28/trumps-long-awaited-middle-east-peace-plan-dead-in-the-water|title=Editorial: Trump's long-awaited Middle East peace plan is finally here. And it's dead in the water|work=[[Los Angeles Times]]|date=28 January 2020}}</ref>

In 1917, with the [[Balfour Declaration]], the British government endorsed a [[ Zionism| Zionist proposal]] to open up Palestine to Jewish immigration in order to establish a national home for Jews there, where they constituted less than 8% of the population. By 1947, over two-thirds of the population consisted of Palestinians while Jews owned less than 7% of the land. In that year, Arab countries rejected the [[United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine|United Nations Partition Plan]], which allotted the majority of the land to the Jewish 30% of the population, and in [[1947–1949 Palestine war|the ensuing war]], [[Israeli Declaration of Independence|Israel]] conquered half of the portion assigned in the plan to Arabs, assuming control over 78% of the land, with 80% of the [[1948 Palestinian exodus|Palestinians who had fled]] no longer permitted to return to their homes in Israel. The remaining 22% was conquered in the [[Six Day War]] in 1967, and Israel thereafter began to colonize that new land with [[Israeli settlements|settlements]] in [[International law and Israeli settlements|violation of international law]]. In the [[Oslo Accords]] of 1993, the Palestinians gained a restricted autonomy in a scattered mosaic of small areas in the [[West Bank]]. <ref name="Thrall" >[[Nathan Thrall]] , [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/29/opinion/trump-peace-plan.html Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan Exposes the Ugly Truth,’ ] [[The New York Times]] 29 January 2020.</ref>

The first American attempt to settle the contentions began with [[Bill Clinton]]’s [[The Clinton Parameters|parameters]], set forth in 2000 in the [[2000 Camp David Summit|Camp David Summit]], which foresaw Israeli annexation of its settlements, while allowing a degree of autonomy to a demilitarized [[State of Palestine|Palestinian state]]. Though constituting the majority of the population in the area Israel now controls, both Clinton’s and the subsequent Trump plan confine that majority to an area less than a quarter of the land.<ref name="Thrall" />

== Development of the plan ==
== Development of the plan ==

Revision as of 19:34, 30 January 2020

The proposed Israeli-Palestinian borders
The yellow circles on the outskirts of Jerusalem highlight the areas proposed as Palestinian "East Jerusalem":The sovereign capital of the State of Palestine should be in the section of East Jerusalem located in all areas east and north of the existing security barrier, including Kafr Aqab, the eastern part of Shuafat and Abu Dis, and could be named Al Quds or another name as determined by the State of Palestine
The creation of a Palestinian state is contingent on a number of conditions, for which compliance is to be assessed by Israel and the United States.
President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu unveiling Peace Plan, Map of proposed Israeli-Palestinian borders, Proposed areas for a Palestinian capital (yellow circles), Conditions to a Palestinian state, President Trump's opening remarks

Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People, commonly known as the Trump peace plan, is a proposal by the Trump administration bearing the stated intention of resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Donald Trump formally unveiled the plan in a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 28 January 2020; Palestinian representatives were not invited.[1]

The plan was authored by a team led by Trump's son-in-law, Senior Advisor to the President of the United States Jared Kushner.[2] Both the West Bank settlers' Yesha Council[3] and the Palestinian leadership rejected the plan: the former because it envisaged a Palestinian state,[3] the latter arguing it is too biased in favor of Israel.[1] The plan is divided into two parts, an economic portion and a political portion. On 22 June 2019, the Trump administration released the economic portion of the plan, titled "Peace to Prosperity". The political portion was released in late January 2020.[1]

During the press conference announcing the plan, Netanyahu announced that the Israeli government would immediately annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements while freezing settlement activity for at least four years in areas allotted by the plan to the Palestinians, and US Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman confirmed that the Trump administration had given permission for an immediate annexation, stating that "Israel does not have to wait at all" and "we will recognize it." Opponents of the Trump Peace Plan – including all the leading Democratic presidential candidates[4] – have denounced it as a "smokescreen" for this annexation.[5][6]

Proposed benefits to the Palestinians from the plan are contingent on a list of conditions which have been denounced by opponents of the plan as "impossible" or "fantastic".[7][8] An editorial of the Los Angeles Times stated that the plan had arrived 'dead in the water'.[9]

Development of the plan

Development of the plan began in November 2017, led by Kushner, chief negotiator Jason Greenblatt, deputy national security adviser Dina Powell, and ambassador David Friedman.[10] Kushner, a property developer married to Trump's daughter Ivanka, had no prior experience of diplomacy,[11] asked the parties not to talk about history, and never really discussed his plan with the Palestinians.[12] Friedman had close ties to the Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, compared Jewish American critics of Israel to collaborators with Nazism and was skeptical about the idea that Palestinians should have a state.[12] On Greenblatt's resignation, he was replaced by Avi Berkowitz, a young lawyer who worked for Kushner's companies, who like Kushner, was raised as an orthodox Jew with deep ties to Israel.[13]

In December 2017, Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital .A key member of Trump's team, the Arabist Dina Powell, left the team "on good terms" two days after the announcement.[14] The move was condemned by Arab countries, and Palestinians broke off contacts with the Trump administration.[2] Jason Greenblatt, who played an important role in the decision, and also in Trump's acceptance of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, was thereafter shunned by the Palestinian authority until his resignation two years later in September 2019. In their view, he acted as Israel's spokesman, a country he would never criticize, while, in the following two years, he would frequently lambast the Palestinian side on his Twitter account.[15] Trump reacted by ending both bilateral aid for Palestinians and contributions for UNRWA,[2][16] citing the PA's refusal to take part in the administration's peace initiative.[17] The United States also shut down the Palestinian diplomatic office in Washington.[18]

At the U.S.-led "Peace to Prosperity" conference in Manama, Bahrain, held in late June 2019, at which the economic plan was to be unveiled, Palestinian leaders boycotted and condemned the conference. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) accused the US of trying to sell a "mirage of economic prosperity" that would in reality "only perpetuate the Palestinians' captivity." Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh criticized the Arab leaders attending the conference, saying "The (Palestinian) people, who have been fighting for one hundred years, did not commission anyone to concede or to bargain. Jerusalem is ours, the land is ours, and everything is ours."[19]In December 2017, Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

In November 2019, the US abandoned its four-decades-old position that Jewish settlements in the West Bank were inconsistent with international law.[2]

Kushner said that the peace proposal will not include the phrase "two-state solution", saying "If you say 'two-state', it means one thing to the Israelis, it means one thing to the Palestinians. We said, 'You know, let's just not say it. Let's just say, let's work on the details of what this means.'"[20] A top-ranking Saudi diplomat stated that the plan includes a "clear path leading to complete Palestinian independence".[21] Greenblatt said that the plan "will include a resolution to all of the core issues, including the refugee issue, and will also focus on Israel's security concerns", and that the plan does not call for a confederation model[22] or for a transfer of land from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula to the Palestinians.[23]

Kushner has likened the plan to the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western European economies after World War II.[24]

Stated goal of the plan

The Trump peace plan is designed to function as a blue print for a "Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement" whose purpose is stated as putting an end to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and clearing all claims made by both parties to the conflict.[25] The success of the proposal is defined as securing in its finalized form a future UN Security Council resolution that would endorse an emerging negotiated agreement between the parties based on the initiative, one that would then pass a new United Nations General Assembly resolution that would cancel all prior resolutions regarding the two entities.[citation needed]

The authors of the proposal envisage that the achievement of such a solution would endow Palestinians with the right of self-governance while denying them any powers that might constitute a threat to Israel.[26] The successful solution will direct flights between the State of Israel and its neighbors.[27]


Conditions required for Israel

The plan itself places no conditions on Israel with regard to proposals to annex parts of the West Bank.[8] However, on 29 January, the US ambassador to Israel did state that before any annexation of the West Bank or the Jordan Valley took place the Trump administration "wants to form a joint committee with Israel to discuss the issue." and that "it is impossible to know how long this process will take…we need to ensure the annexation matches the map in our plan."[28] And on 30 January, Kushner said Washington wants Israel to wait until after its March 2 election before making any moves towards settlement annexation in the West Bank [29]

Conditions required for a Palestinian state

In order for the Palestinians to benefit from any part of the plan, Israel and the United States asserted that the following conditions "must be determined to have occurred by the State of Israel and the United States, jointly".[30] The PLO and the Palestinian Authority shall, during the course of negotiations:[31]

  1. Refrain from any attempt to join any international organization without the consent of the State of Israel;[31]
  2. Take no action, and shall dismiss all pending actions, against the State of Israel, the United States and any of their citizens before the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, and all other tribunals;[31]
  3. Take no action against any Israeli or United States citizen before Interpol or any non-Israeli or United States (asapplicable) legal system;[31]
  4. Take all necessary actions to immediately terminate the paying of salaries to terrorists serving sentences in Israeli prisons, as well as to the families of deceased terrorists and to develop humanitarian and welfare programs to provide essential services and support to Palestinians in need that are not based upon the commission of terrorist acts. The goal is to change the applicable laws, in a manner that is consistent with the laws of the United States, and completely cease making Prisoner and Martyr Payments by the time of signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement; and #Further the development of institutions necessary for self-governance.[31]

Outline (key concepts)

The economic portion of the plan, consisting of two pamphlets of 40 and 96 pages each that are filled with financial tables and economic projections, was published by the Trump administration on June 22, 2019. It was presented by Kushner during the workshop in Manama, Bahrain on 25–26 June.[24] The political portion of the plan was rolled out on January 28, 2020.[32]


The plan proposes a $50 billion investment fund for 179 infrastructure and business projects,[33] to be administered by a "multilateral development bank", with investments protected by "accountability, transparency, anti-corruption, and conditionality safeguards".[24] The administration envisions the plan being funded mostly by Arab states and wealthy private investors.[34] Spending is divided into $26 billion in loans, $13.5 billion in grants, and $11 billion in private investment.[34]

The majority of the $50 billion would be spent in the West Bank and Gaza, with $9 billion to be spent in Egypt, $7 billion in Jordan, and $6.3 billion in Lebanon.[35] The proposal includes a number of specific projects, including construction of a travel corridor that would cross Israel to link the West Bank and Gaza with a highway and possibly a rail line,[24] vast expansion of border crossings,[35] power plant upgrades, infrastructure improvements to boost tourism, career counseling and job placement service, re-building and modernizing Palestinian hospitals and health clinics,[34] upgrading cargo terminals and building special access roads to reduce the time and costs of cross-border trade and travel,[36] creating of a modern database to register land ownership,[36] improving the potable water supply and waste water treatment,[36] and establishing a new Palestinian university in the global top 150.[37]

The plan advocates a free market including greater protection of property rights and a "pro-growth tax structure."[36]

The plan's stated goals include creating more than a million jobs, more than doubling the Palestinian GDP, and cutting the poverty rate by 50%.[37] It also aims to bring down the unemployment from 31% down to single digits, and to increase Palestinian exports as a percentage of GDP from 17% to 40%.[34] The plan also aims to increase female labor force participation rate from 20% to 35%, reduce infant mortality from 18 to 9 per 1000 births, and increase average life expectancy from 74 to 80 years.[37]

Status of State of Palestine

Trump plan declared "support" for an independent, sovereign State of Palestine with a capital on the outskirts of East Jerusalem. The plan would involve the creation of a Palestinian state with a capital in East Jerusalem, dependent on Palestinians taking steps to become self-governing.[38] Trump plan is offering the Palestinians a state, a future State of Palestine, which will be not established up to four years into the execution of the plan.[39]

The State of Palestine shall be fully demilitarized and remain as so.[40]

Recognition criteria

The following criteria are a predicate to the formation of a Palestinian State and must be determined to have occurred by the State of Israel and the United States, jointly, acting in good faith, after consultation with the Palestinian Authority:

  • The Palestinians shall have implemented a governing system with a constitution or another system for establishing the rule of law that provides for freedom of press, free and fair elections, respect for human rights for its citizens, protections for religious freedom and for religious minorities to observe their faith, uniform and fair enforcement of law and contractual rights, due process under law, and an independent judiciary with appropriate legal consequences and punishment established for violations of the law.
  • The Palestinians shall have established transparent, independent, and credit-worthy financial institutions capable of engaging in international market transactions in the same manner as financial institutions of western democracies with appropriate governance to prevent corruption and ensure the proper use of such funds, and a legal system to protect investments and to address market-based commercial expectations. The State of Palestine should meet the independent objective criteria to join the International Monetary Fund.
  • The Palestinians shall have ended all programs, including school curricula and textbooks, that serve to incite or promote hatred or antagonism towards its neighbors, or which compensate or incentivize criminal or violent activity.
  • The Palestinians shall have achieved civilian and law enforcement control over all of its territory and demilitarized its population.
  • The Palestinians shall have complied with all the other terms and conditions of this Vision.

Anti-Terrorism Apparatus

The State of Palestine's security criteria has to be acceptable to the State of Israel; not (less) stringent than the metrics used by either Jordan or Egypt (whichever is stricter) with respect shall be obeyed.[41] The State of Palestine's counterterrorism system must encompass all elements of counterterrorism.[41]

Border Regime

The State of Israel will be responsible for security at all international crossings into the State of Palestine.[42] The State of Israel will continue to maintain control over the airspace and the electromagnetic spectrum, the Israeli Navy will have the right to block prohibited weapons and weapon-making materials from entering the State of Palestine.

The State of Palestine will not have the right to forge intelligence or security agreements with any state or organization that adversely affect the State of Israel's security, as determined by the State of Israel.[42]

Status of Jerusalem and holy sites

The plan recognizes Israel's right to the entirety of "undivided Jerusalem", recognizing it as Israel's capital.[43] The Palestinians would get neighborhoods in the outer portions of eastern Jerusalem beyond the Israeli West Bank barrier, including Kafr 'Aqab, Shu'fat camp (described as "the eastern part of Shuafat") and Abu Dis.[18][44] Martin Indyk described the Palestinian portion as "only a sliver of East Jerusalem".[45]

The plan puts the Temple Mount, including Al-Aqsa mosque,[45] under Israeli sovereignty. It calls for the status quo to be maintained.[18] The plan rejects Palestinian claims to Haram al-Sharif, instead keeping it under Jordanian custodianship.[46] The plans gives Israel the task of safeguarding the Holy Sites and guaranteeing freedom of worship.[47]

Borders and territory

The plan recognizes Palestinian rights to roughly 70% of the West Bank.[39] The plan called for land swaps, but dismissed the idea of "1-to-1 land swaps", arguing Palestinians would not receive 100 percent of pre-1967 territory, but provided for territory that would be "reasonably comparable" to pre-1967 territory.[48] In exchange for Israel annexing parts of the West Bank, the Palestinians would parts of the Negev Desert;[44] these parts in the Negev would be disconnected from much of the Palestinian state.[45] The Trump plan gives Palestinians less territory than previous proposals.[49]

The plan recognizes an Israeli right to the entire Jordan Valley.[44] Israel regards the valley as militarily strategic. Palestinians regard the valley as important for agriculture.[50] The valley also allows Palestinians access to the River Jordan, which irrigates 80,000 hectares of agricultural land in the West Bank; giving Israel the valley would allow it to divert that water for its own use.[51]

Within the West Bank, approximately 97% of Palestinians would be incorporated into contiguous Palestinian territory and 97% of Israelis into contiguous Israeli territory.[48]

Gaza to be part of State of Palestine only after achievement of the "Gaza Criteria." The State of Israel will implement its obligations only:[52] Hamas, PIJ, and all other militias and terror organizations in Gaza are disarmed.[53] Gaza is fully demilitarized.[53] Hamas, at large (not only Gaza), must commit to the path of peace with the State of Israel by adopting the Quartet principles, which include unambiguously and explicitly recognizing the State of Israel, committing to nonviolence, and accepting previous agreements and obligations between the parties, including the disarming of all terrorist groups.[53]

Status of refugees

Status of prisoners

Israel would undertake to release Palestinian prisoners and detainees held under administrative detention in Israeli prisons. The proposal states that all released prisoners would assume citizenship in a future State of Palestine.[54] At the same time, Israel states that it would not release prisoners falling in any one of the following categories:[54]

  1. Those convicted of murder or attempted murder in Israeli courts.
  2. Those convicted of conspiracy to commit murder ("terrorists"), according to Israeli courts.
  3. Anyone classified under 1 and 2, who may happen to hold Israeli citizenship.


Controversies about the plan

Controversies over poverty levels of the Palestinian people: Trump peace plan began with a "not well" kickoff conference in Bahrain and Palestinian leadership boycotted the entire event.[55] The Economic Vision's empowerment by “doing tourism" was perceived as challenged by the Israel and Egypt’s 12-year blockade of the Hamas-controlled territory, and 52-year-long occupation of the West Bank.[55]

Controversies over cultural heritage of Palestinian people: Kushner said that critics of the Trump peace plan must “divorce [themselves] from all of the history.”[55]

Controversies over the future of Palestinian people: Regarding possible future developments the Trump plan was presented as the best option by Kushner who stated "The Palestinian leadership have to ask themselves a question: Do they want to have a state? Do they want to have a better life? If they do, we have created a framework for them to have it, and we’re going to treat them in a very respectful manner. If they don’t, then they’re going to screw up another opportunity like they’ve screwed up every other opportunity that they’ve ever had in their existence."[56]

Controversies over the timing of Mideast peace plan: The timing of roll-out showed a contrast with the Trump impeachment trial and Netanyahu faces an election in five weeks.[57] Government insist that revealing the plan now was not designed to distract from impeachment, but was rather a reaction to political realities in Israel.[57] Running to 2020 Israeli legislative election Israel had April 2019 Israeli legislative election, which Netanyahu part in what is known as forming the Union of the Right-Wing Parties by uniting the Jewish Home party with the far-right Otzma Yehudit party. [58] Otzma widely characterized as racist and traces its origins to the extremist Kahanist movement.[59] On 10 September 2019, Netanyahu pledged to annex part of the occupied West Bank on the border with Jordan and promised to apply "Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and northern Dead Sea" if re-elected.[60]

Status of Jerusalem

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Jerusalem was "not for sale; All our rights are not for sale and are not for bargain."[61]

Borders and territory

Hamas rejected the deal on the grounds that it aspired to "liquidate the Palestinian national project".[62]

State of Palestine

A number of conditions (see: § Recognition Criteria) these have been denounced as unachievable.[7][8]


  • On Jan 29 2020, thousands of Palestinian protesters held a "day of rage" in the Gaza Strip.[61]
  • On Jan 29 2020, President Netanyahu said planning to move with annexing 30% of the West Bank at the vote due on Sunday (on February 1 2020).[61]

International reactions

  •  United Nations reaffirmed its commitment to a two-state solution based on the boundaries pre-existing the 1967 Six Day War, before Israel seized the Palestinian territories.[62]
  •  Bahrain's foreign ministry said in a statement "Bahrain supports all efforts toward achieving a just and comprehensive solution on the Palestinian issue", and thanked the United States for its work.[63]
  •  Brazil's foreign ministry said in a statement "the proposal aims a peaceful and viable coexistence of Israel and Palestine, constituting a realistic and ambitious document".[64]
  •  China's Foreign ministry said that United Nations resolutions, the two-state solution, the principle of land for peace and other internationally backed measures form the basis for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[65]
  •  Egypt's Foreign Ministry issued a statement that Egypt recognizes the importance of considering the U.S. administration’s initiative from the perspective of the importance of achieving the resolution of the Palestinian issue, thus restoring to the Palestinian people their full legitimate rights through the establishment of a sovereign independent state in the Palestinian occupied territories in accordance with international legitimacy and resolutions[66][67] and that "Egypt calls on the two relevant parties to undertake a careful and thorough consideration of the U.S. vision to achieve peace and open channels of dialogue, under U.S. auspices, for the resumption of negotiations".[68]
  •  France's Foreign Ministry said in a statement "France welcomes President Trump's efforts and will study closely the peace programme he has presented."[69]
  •  Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said that the "so-called 'Vision for Peace' is simply the dream project of a bankruptcy-ridden real estate developer", and referred to it as a "nightmare for the region and the world".[70]
  •  Jordan expressed open opposition to the plan:[71] its Foreign Ministry said that the only path to a comprehensive and lasting Middle East peace was the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on land captured by Israel in a 1967 war, and with East Jerusalem as its capital.[72]
  •  Kuwait's parliament had decided to boycott the Bahrain conference, the only Gulf state to do so. In response, Kuwait's Foreign Minister stated that “...we accept what our Palestinian brothers accept.”[73]. The Kuwaiti government appointed its first ambassador to Palestine shortly after[74]. After the announcement of the complete plan, foreign ministry showed appreciation towards US efforts for peace, but added that a complete and fair solution is only possible if it follows international community terms and decisions, mainly "...an independent and sovereign state on the June 4, 1967 border with its capital in East Jerusalem."[75]
  •  Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement, "The Kingdom appreciate the efforts of President Trump's Administration to develop a comprehensive peace plan between the Palestinian and Israeli sides; and encourages the start of direct peace negotiation between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, under the auspices of the United States."[70]
  •  Turkey's Foreign Ministry criticized the plan and said it was aimed at "stealing Palestinian lands".[76]
  •  United Arab Emirates ambassador issued a statement that the plan offers an important starting point for a return to negotiations within a US-led international framework.[77]
  •  United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab issued a statement welcoming US proposals for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.[78]


  • Staff, White House (2020). Peace to Prosperity (PDF) (Report). Washington: White House. The content of the website is in the public domain or licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license.[79]


  1. ^ a b c "Trump reveals Israeli-Palestinian peace plan". Deutsche Welle. January 28, 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d "Trump releases long-awaited Middle-East peace plan". BBC News. January 28, 2020.
  3. ^ a b Magid, Jacob (January 28, 2020). "'Settler leaders call on PM to oppose Trump plan, even at the cost of annexation". The Times of Israel.
  4. ^ "Democratic candidates censure Trump peace plan, warn against annexation". The Times of Israel. January 28, 2020. Biden: "This is a political stunt that could spark unilateral moves to annex territory; Warren: "Trump's 'peace plan' is a rubber stamp for annexation"; Buttigieg: "Peace requires both parties at the table. Not a political green light to the leader of one for unilateral annexation.
  5. ^ "Opinion: Trump's Israel-Palestine 'deal' has always been a fraud". Financial Times. January 28, 2020. It always looked like a smokescreen to mask the burial of the two-state solution — an independent Palestinian state on the occupied West Bank, and Gaza with Arab East Jerusalem as its capital living in peace alongside Israel — and greenlight the Israeli annexation of most of the West Bank.
  6. ^ J Street, IT'S NOT A PEACE PLAN, IT'S AN ANNEXATION SMOKESCREEN, "If there was ever any doubt that the Trump-Netanyahu "peace plan" was anything other than a smokescreen for annexation, it was disabused just moments after the plan's glitzy White House announcement."
  7. ^ a b Lee, Matthew; Heller, Aron (January 29, 2020). "Trump peace plan delights Israelis, enrages Palestinians". Associated Press. It sides with Israel on key contentious issues that have bedeviled past peace efforts, including borders and the status of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements, and attaches nearly impossible conditions for granting the Palestinians their hoped-for state
  8. ^ a b c What Trump and Netanyahu just unveiled was a PR campaign, not a peace plan: "But while the promise of Palestinian statehood is contingent on fantastic conditions, the plan sets no conditions for allowing Israel to annex the Jordan Valley and all Israeli settlements in the West Bank."
  9. ^ "Editorial: Trump's long-awaited Middle East peace plan is finally here. And it's dead in the water". Los Angeles Times. January 28, 2020.
  10. ^ Baker, Peter (November 11, 2017). "Trump Team Begins Drafting Middle East Peace Plan". The New York Times. Retrieved June 23, 2019.
  11. ^ 'Deal of the century/Steal of the century: Donald Trump gives Israel the green light to annex occupied lands,' The Economist 28 January 2020.
  12. ^ a b McGreal, Chris (January 28, 2020). "'Don't talk about history': how Jared Kushner crafted his Middle East 'peace' plan". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
  13. ^ Relman, Eliza (April 5, 2017). "Jared Kushner's 28-year-old protégé is his right-hand man in the White House". Business Insider.
  14. ^ Amir Tibon,'Amid Jerusalem Crisis, Top Middle East Advisor Dina Powell Quits White House,' Haaretz 9 December 2017
  15. ^ Raphael Ahren, Trump peace plan architect Jason Greenblatt to quit administration The Times of Israel 5 December 2019
  16. ^ "U.S. ends aid to United Nations agency supporting Palestinian refugees". The Washington Post. August 31, 2018. Retrieved September 2, 2018.
  17. ^ "At UN, Abbas threatens to nix agreements with Israel if West Bank land annexed". The Times of Israel. September 26, 2019.
  18. ^ a b c "Trump Outlines Mideast Peace Plan That Strongly Favors Israel". New York Times.
  19. ^ "US opens debate on Mideast economic plan shunned by Palestinians". Reuters. June 26, 2019.
  20. ^ Steinbuch, Yaron (May 3, 2019). "Jared Kushner says Mideast peace plan won't say 'two states'". New York Post. Retrieved June 23, 2019.
  21. ^ "Saudi official says 'Deal of Century' leads to full Palestinian statehood - Israel News - Jerusalem Post". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved June 23, 2019.
  22. ^ Ahren, Raphael. "Greenblatt tells ToI: US won't propose Israel-Jordan-Palestinian confederation". The Times of Israel. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  23. ^ "U.S. Mideast plan will not include land transfer from Egypt's Sinai: envoy". Reuters. April 19, 2019. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  24. ^ a b c d "Exclusive: White House's Kushner unveils economic portion of Middle..." Reuters. June 23, 2019. Retrieved June 23, 2019.
  25. ^ WhiteHouse 2020, p. 42
  26. ^ WhiteHouse 2020, p. 7
  27. ^ WhiteHouse 2020, p. 8
  28. ^ "US Ambassador to Israel: Before Israel annex, a committee is in order". Jerusalem Post. January 29, 2020. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
  29. ^ "Kushner says he hopes Israel waits on sovereignty steps in West Bank". Reuters. January 30, 2020. Retrieved January 30, 2020.
  30. ^ Peace plan, page 34
  31. ^ a b c d e WhiteHouse 2020, p. 43
  32. ^ "Trump releases long-awaited Mid-East peace plan". BBC News. January 28, 2020. Retrieved January 28, 2020.
  33. ^ "Jared Kushner Unveils Economic Portion Of Middle East Peace Plan". HuffPost. June 22, 2019. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  34. ^ a b c d Cortellessa, Eric. "White House finally unveils 'Peace to Prosperity' economic plan for Palestinians". The Times of Israel. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  35. ^ a b "White House unveils economic portion of Middle East peace plan". Jewish Telegraphic Agency. June 22, 2019. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  36. ^ a b c d AFP and TOI staff. "A look at some of the details of the economic aspect of the Trump peace plan". The Times of Israel. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  37. ^ a b c Nahmias, Omri (June 23, 2019). "White House releases detailed economic plan for Palestinian people". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved June 24, 2019.
  38. ^ "Trump proposes Palestinian state with capital in East Jerusalem". Reuters. January 28, 2020. Retrieved January 28, 2020.
  39. ^ a b "How Trump's Peace Plan Will Change the Middle East". Time.
  40. ^ WhiteHouse 2020, p. 22
  41. ^ a b WhiteHouse 2020, p. 51
  42. ^ a b WhiteHouse 2020, p. 53
  43. ^ "Trump peace plan: Palestinian state, Israeli control of settlements". The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com. Retrieved January 28, 2020.
  44. ^ a b c "Trump's Israel-Palestine peace plan, explained". Vox (website).
  46. ^ "How Trump's Peace Plan Will Change the Middle East". Time.
  47. ^ "President Donald J. Trump's Vision for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future for Israel and the Palestinian People". The White House.
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